galionne-speeding · 2 years
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I made my own character opinion bingo so please send me some Sonic characters!
(Also you can use/repost the bingo if you want)
EDIT: Just so you know if you are doing this bingo and are accepting Sonic characters you are legally required to do Zavok. Thank you and have a good day :)
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wetwaluigi · 9 months
How do you think Zavok sleep with the shoulders spikes on him?
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-ive always just assumed he sleeps sitting up its impossible to tell if he's meditating, asleep, or just chilling because he looks the exact same in all cases alternatively he could sleep on his back/front with a very big pillow to cushion the spikes or sleeping on a hammock, but most of the time this is simpler 😭
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sapphanimates · 2 months
Espio says that Zayne's mom was an oni, yet his horns are striped.
Did Espio get freaky with a zeti.
Ya see, Espio was gone for a long time. Not a lot of people are sure what happened to him during his space adventures, and he doesn't exactly like to talk about it
All they know is that he brought home an egg, and that the mother was an alien. What kind of alien? They don't know. Only Espio does.
( @sonic-fankid-showdown )
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egg-emperor · 17 days
Goodness Gracious, first vector, then Bowser, then zavok and now Big. It seems the egg really has a thing for big stronk Bois 👀
Yesss hehe his heart simply starts racing so fast with joy and excitement when he thinks about how they can benefit him in his plans with their big, fat and/or buff and very strong bodies! But then he realizes they have that effect on him in general, in any other situation too... Unexpectedly dreaming of all the big and strong boys he's met along the years, feeling a desire to keep in touch with as many as possible... Must be how many of them tend to resemble his gay ass statues in Hot Shelter, where his tastes really started to become clear. He sure does have a type!
Chaos after summoning and growing him bigger and stronger for his plans, Big after encountering him and it definitely influencing his decision in his base's location at the time, Vector after he fails to make a deal with him and offers a very different way of repaying him, Bowser after partnering to win the Olympics but realizing he likes to use his power in other ways too, and Zavok when he enslaves him to help him defeat Sonic and take over the world but also finds he has curiosities about the race of Zeti and has to experience them with Zavok
Hell, maybe even Gamma after the appeal in his power and use to him for his plans and then built copies after his destruction, and Omega for being the extremely powerful one who got away- if he had the chance to.explore all of their capabilities and compatibility. The former towered over him and the latter is immensely powerful and has an obsession with destroying everything he's ever created and that ass of his if he had the chance as a part of that "revenge" he seeks. So there's definitely appeal and potential in them running into him at the right place and time too
I can only imagine how he'd be if all were present and surrounding him at once, backing him into a corner and all having their different feelings and relationships with him but all having one thing in common, wanting that Eggy booty. And him being like "uhhh haha, one at a time please, boys!" as they all back him into a corner as he recalls memories of messing with them all that way and realizes they now all want a piece of that plump voluptuous butt, to the point they all simply can't wait their turn for one at a time! But it's okay because he can take it >:) 💜
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No Company Is Good Company
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But when he gets to have a respite away from some negative nancies, who is Mighty to deny a breath of fresh air?
I wonder who the visitor(s) is?
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reinafish · 2 months
the dude kinda needs one,HAVE YOU SEEN EM?? He needs a lil joy-
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Actually yeahh
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nintendoni-art · 11 months
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So the Night Terrors.
Since by the time of this circulating around there's gonna be at least 2 of these guys in tournaments, with one of them being in one already, it felt about the time a post should be made about each of them with a bit of info attached. As a group, the lot of them are from a Sonic Chronicles AU-ish timeline where the Nocturnes didn't get pulled into the Cage, and the Knuckles Clan successfully got the Master and Chaos Emeralds, causing both groups to eventually fizzle out into a centuries long cold war, and causing untold damage to the environment as they gathered up resources. [And then it rolls into the OTHER AU I've been working on...] Fair warning, this is gonna be long under the cut, so heads up! [Also, a quick thank you to @galactirabbit for all the art I'm using!]
Tabi - Currently in @sonic-oc-showdown 2!
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The leader of this motley crew of ragamuffins, Tabi is a fearsome little critter who's brain is just as terrifying as their brawn. Though most of their deeds are more legend than fact, their ability to keep those under their watch safe out of the hands of those who may want to exploit the abilities of their species [or worse, used to recharge and power devices with the chaos energy they're made out of] is second to none. Originally a healer to a group of mercenaries who got dumped in a forest after a terrible injury, their views on Mobians are dim at best, to outright despising them on their worst days. Still, they refuse to confront them directly, instead robbing them blind and using said resources to keep their actions hidden as much as possible from prying eyes, keeping anything they find "interesting" to themselves. Also after another incident, they have a bit of a complex when it comes to "helping" other species they come across by bullying them until they lash out, mostly to make sure they're tough enough to survive if something bigger attacks them. They'll also swear up and down they're in the right about it, which has caused some...issues. Serious, driven, is just ...so very, very tired.
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When the village they were raised in was evacuated, and everyone except the old, infirm, and "pets" were left behind in order to slow down an advancing army, Trackball refused to back down when Tabi came to scavenge what they could find for themselves. After a battle that lasted until sunup, they ended up gaining Tabi's respect, friendship, and services in protecting those who were left. After the last of the Mobians who lived in said village passed away peacefully, Trackball pledged the rest of their life to Tabi's service, and to follow them wherever they, or "the demon in their employ" would go. Granted, this action and Trackball's wording slightly weirded Tabi out a bit, but as the Night Terrors grew, Trackball eventually became second in command, and the defacto leader if Tabi isn't around. Always the first one awake, they're usually found double checking heist plans, arranging scouting and salvage teams, and making sure things run like clockwork behind the scenes. Quick thinking, dependable, Is far more adept than what they think they are.
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As the environment was collapsing around them, some factions tried to replicate species that were dying out, to...mixed results.
Shortfuse here is one of those said artificial lifeforms, and the only one out of all in the project that made them that ended up anything close to stable. Alas, the rest of their fellow A-Life constructs proceeded to go feral and tear apart the scientists that made them, so that left Shortfuse alone. All who loved and wanted them, dead. Cast to the Wilds with no defense, or support. You know, besides the warp powers. And the immunity to any and all toxins and poisons. And the sheer amount of explosive devices they could just summon at a moment's notice. Honestly, most of the Night Terrors don't even remember when Shortfuse showed up. When other members pointed that fact out, Tabi just said they are a chao, they think Shortfuse is cool enough to stay and if anyone had an issue with it, they could take it up with them, and that stopped most questions. Shortfuse generally has their trademark smile plastered on their face, and aside for a few giggles with different tones, is pretty much mute, which, crossed with their generally silent movement can badly startle those unused to that. It's also sometimes hard to tell if they're paying attention, and the fact they can use their stomach as extra storage space has left some a bit disquieted at their actions. Still, they're an integral part of the heads of this gang, if not with their explosives expertise, then with their ability to quickly write down and organize records, and making medicines and helpful compounds by breaking down what components something is made out of by....licking it. Ok, so they're a little off. And they're well aware of this. But the Night Terrors, despite their eccentricities, accept Shortfuse as their own, construct or not, and are more than willing to be patient with them. And that's something Shortfuse will absolutely fight for, no matter what.
Eccentric, a lover of the arts, a bit of a sad clown some days.
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Driven by rumors of a treasure guarded by a fearsome monster that lived deep within the aqueducts of a fallen city, when the Night Terrors went to check out these claims, Rime was the only living thing there. Mutated to twice the size of a regular chao, with a cast iron stomach, keen sense of smell, Rime was also more adept to living in more aquatic climates, fresh water be damned. With the rest of their pack not evolving fast enough to survive said toxins, the joy of finding others of their own species was enough to follow the rest of the Night Terrors anywhere, really. Though they may play up their size and ferocity, and they'll keep quiet to seem like a brick wall both physically and mentally, Rime's a tenderhearted creature who gets lonely easily, and can get a bit awkward when they want to interact with others, easily getting flustered and getting self conscious about being a big fish in such a small pond for so long. They're in charge of training regiments, aquatic scout work and underwater salvage. They're also super picky when it comes to food, and uses their sense of smell to help prevent spoilage from overtaking food storages, and knowing the best time to covert fruits into seeds. Stoic, hardworking, really just wants a hug most days.
Slight -
Currently applied to @chao-race-tournament !
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Forced to flee for their life after their more aristocratic family fell out of favor with those more in charge, Slight was basically left to fend for themselves on the street with only their security blanket. Still, their drive to survive, and their ability to talk themselves out of [or into] most situations, Slight managed to rule the streets of the city their owners used to run until one too many lies caught up to them and Tabi decided to see exactly who'd been saying they beat them in a fight. Still, Tabi couldn't help but be intrigued by this upstart who had the sheer audacity, and after securing Slight's territory firmly under their rule, allowed them to stick around, allowing them to work their way up into the organization. Currently, they're team treasurer and keeper of all the warehouse keys. That being said, they aren't the most moral chao, and don't quite have the same qualms the others may have with selling, say, chao eggs they "found." Wicked cultured, mildly neurotic, will sell you for one corn chip.
Zori - Previously in @sonic-oc-showdown, out in round 3!
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Zori is the most....unique, of the Night Terrors, and possibly the second oldest member of it all. They don't really deal much with the day to day minutia of running a crime syndicate, generally preferring to patrol any gardens under the groups protection, testing out defense systems, or digging up neat ore or rocks Tabi might like. More of a mascot, despite their attempts to seem more ferocious, they also take care and do upkeep of any bases the Night Terrors are operating from unless their expertise in umbrakinesis or electromagnetic manipulation is needed. Deeply curious, loyal to a fault, great with younger team members.
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An unofficial leader of the Night Terrors, Jika was a wanderer and a scholar, and did their best to keep ancient traditions and rituals alive, using their travels in gather and write down stories and histories before they were gone forever. Seeing how the world was slowly but surely driving itself to entropy, however, they started working on plans in order to try and save the rest of their species, working with Tabi, who'd by that point, they'd known for ages, and who Tabi saw as their closest confidant. Yet... Before they could see their plan to save the rest of their species to it's completion, the actions taken drew the ire of a raptor hawk using falconer. Frankly, they had to choose between fleeing with the chao that were starting to scatter despite everyone's best efforts, or drawing it away from keeping Tabi cornered, and hoping that what they wrote down was enough for the rest of them to keep going. ... It was, but you know how it is with choices. Sometimes even with the best of intentions, ones sacrifice can cause such consequences. Trickster, academic, The most doomed by the narrative
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sonicasura · 1 month
The IDW comics and Ian Flynn really breathed new life into too Zavok and expand on his character. In the comics Zavok says he values power, loyalty, and great fighters. That makes me wonder how he react too Trainer and the Pokemon?
What do you think?
Zavok definitely respects Trainer and their team. At first he didn't expect much during the Metal Virus arc. They are a child after all. Kingambit's strength, Trainer's skills, and the loyalty the group shared between each other changed his mind pretty quickly.
It is a shame that they're aligned with Sonic since such skills would be useful for the Deadly Six. Zavok can settle for a rivalry especially if it means a potential one on on match with Kingambit.
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totaleclipse573 · 11 months
Eclipse if he was in the IDW “Bad Guys” spinoff
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Then they became best friends
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ask--eggman · 4 months
How do you feel about that zavok fella,? He's quite he brute I've been told.
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He's err, very useful. Being muscular, strong, fierce, handso- ahem. Hilariously short, though I like how he acts big and mighty but has to look up to his master. He shares a hatred and desire to destroy Sonic almost as strong as mine, though I'll make sure he doesn't steal my glory.
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It's always fun to successfully conquer and leash a monstrous beast like him and use him to my advantage. Not gonna lie, I enjoyed ordering him around and taming him by using the Conch so much, I'd come up with the smallest reasons to punish him just to do it again, heh heh.
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Sometimes he really pisses me off, thinking he's so great with an over inflated sense of ego and self worth, constantly stealing my lines! Because when I say them and brag and praise myself, it's actually true! When he says it, he sounds like a big-headed fool.
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He is quite the brute and he can be a real pain in the ass but like I said, he mostly serves my needs well and ultimately I know how to keep him under my control. Plus, it can be very amusing and entertaining to put him in place when he acts out, so it's not so bad in the end.
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badlydrawnmanic · 1 year
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does anyone remember that seventh zeti? no one seems to talk about him...
full art under the cut!
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wetwaluigi · 4 months
Hello Whisker. What in your opinion is craziest thing that Zomom ate?
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fallenzangel · 8 months
‘Chest Stare’ ~ Rouge
♡ Send ‘Chest Stare’ For the receiving muse to catch the sending muse staring at their chest ♡
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"You're staring again, Ms. Rouge~"
It didn't escape the zeti's notice that the bat was staring very intensely at her chest in the moment. She was going to chalk that one up to the new swimsuit she was wearing — a soft pink suit with little golden metal hearts that keep it together at the breasts and on either hips. Seems she made the right choice if she could make Rouge of all people stare with such interest. Drawing a soft giggle from Zangel's lips in the moment.
"I take it you like my new swim wear than?"
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seagull-scribbles · 1 year
Liminal art palette for Zor the Zeti pls
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You did it, you got me to acknowledge the Zeti
[Ask meme here]
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Whoa What's Going On?
What is Mighty doing near the catalysts for the worst events in Mobius' history? Surely he's lost his mind, or worse, tricked!
...though who's to say as it's hard to tell when they're watching some drama on TV
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reinafish · 2 months
suprisingly,they’re like sisters! Zeena sometimes braids zel’s hair while she’s yapping about how annoying sonic is and her hidden crush (it’s zazz) it still suprises zeena how anyone could like zazz due to his craziness
Zeena: girl,what do you seen in that guy?
*zazz just wrecking stuff*
Zelda: he makes me laugh.
Zeena: ..rright.
NIHOERGGIOGUGREORGIUN I CAN IMAGINE THAT i love sibling dynamics did yk that oinjrgevunoeitgtgrnoergtnoit
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