#ASOIAF stuff
noratilney · 3 months
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Naerissa Velaryon, ASOIAF + a moodboard for every oc (141/?)
tag list: @akabluekat, @arrthurpendragon, @bravelittleflower, @foxesandmagic, @juliaswickcrs, @kendelias, @kingsmakers, @nixdragon, @ocs-supporting-ocs, @starcrossedjedis, @sunlitscribe, @villain-connoisseur, @waterloou, @wordspin-shares
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mneiai · 1 year
Reading a few ASOIAF SIs and thinking it would be kind of hilarious for a fic with two SIs unaware of the other, both making changes and at first thinking the other's changes are ripple effects of theirs, and working against each other without knowing they both have the same end goal.
Like, maybe one goes all in with the Targaryens, while the other tries to use a Baratheon or someone else already around to stabilize the realm/prepare it for the Long Night. Maybe one is a Stark and manipulate what happens early on so they're still aligned with the Baratheons/Lannisters (maybe unintentionally create different factions?). Or reveal Jon's parentage before shit gets too bad and they align with the Targaryens. And the other could be either Dornish, which means their actions would be more hidden at first and also could be seen as reactions, for a time. Actually the Dornish with the Targs is really the only way that would make sense, the kingdom wouldn't accept a Baratheon/Lannister. Though maybe it's a North and Dornish alliance by one and then the central kingdoms by the other?
Which has me thinking of AUs where Doran was an insert all along and that's why his plotting seems so convoluted and weird, as he's been influencing things the whole time and trying to control for inevitabilities haha
There's also always the possibility of one being a show watcher and one being a book reader and the reality of the world they're inserted into is somewhere in between or something, so they're working with slightly skewed, different takes. And the slight differences would be enough to, at first, excuse the workings of the other insert, because they wouldn't know why there were the differences there were or to what extent they went to.
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lordramsaybolton · 2 years
If my irl family was an ASOIAF house it would be some combination of Bolton/Lannister/Targ like what a mess
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agentem · 4 months
i want to be better at revenge.
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bloodybellycomb · 11 months
I genuinely mean it when I say that life becomes at least 30% more manageable whenever you allow yourself to become obsessed with something that is a little bit silly
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drogonstone · 7 months
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vesubia-jugorum · 7 months
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I really like how horrible Cersei is, here's how I imagined her.
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stheresya · 8 months
sansa exists as a representation of traditional femininity in the sense that she has the personality traits that are considered "feminine" and enjoys all activities that are deemed "for women" in westeros, but also in the sense that femininity is a performance. she is a character that has to constantly overthink her appearance, her behavior and her words to see if they conform to people's expectations of a proper lady and a well behaved hostage, she has to endure horrors while forcing herself to smile and please because expressing her honest self would get her in serious trouble. sansa is traditionally feminine because she is first and foremost a performer whose life depends on looking pretty and pleasant to people who have power over her.
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GRRM’s inclusion of Mance Rayder among Jon’s expansive catalogue of father figures is a very clever one, beyond just being a retread of the fantasy protagonist gaining a temporary teacher who imparts wisdom then leaves. It’s the way Mance’s identity as father-figure and king play into Martin’s subversion and deconstruction of the secret prince trope. Because he is Rhaegar’s son, many of us would expect Jon to inherit the Iron Throne once his identity is revealed. After all, that’s the rule of the genre and Jon is as clear cut a fantasy protagonist as you can get in ASOIAF. But we’re five books into a seven-book series, and Jon is nowhere near the Iron Throne. Not only that, but he still doesn’t know who he truly is. Instead, he’s spent three out of the five books interacting with Mance’s kingdom, building their trust and becoming Mance’s spiritual heir. Jon even completes what Mance tried and failed to do when he manages to bring wildings south of the Wall and install some sort of working peace with the Watch. By the end of ADWD, Jon has pretty much become the de facto leader of the wildlings and there’s thousands more left to save. So if GRRM is to subvert the hidden prince trope in any way, it looks like he already has. Jon may not be the one to inherit Rhaegar’s kingdom at the end, but it sure looks like he’ll inherit all of Mance’s. And it’s quite clever to have the fantasy protagonist not take over his father’s kingdom by virtue of his birth, but instead rule a stand in’s by virtue of his actions.
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lannistertwinz · 3 months
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Women of ASOIAF (1/3): Daenerys Targaryen
From here she could see the whole city: the narrow twisty alleys and wide brick streets, the temples and granaries, hovels and palaces, brothels and baths, gardens and fountains, the great red circles of the fighting pits. And beyond the walls was the pewter sea, the winding Skahazadhan, the dry brown hills, burnt orchards, and blackened fields. Up here in her garden Dany sometimes felt like a god, living atop the highest mountain in the world. Do all gods feel so lonely? 
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noratilney · 4 months
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Ercole Celtigar, ASOIAF + a moodboard for every oc (135/?)
tag list: @akabluekat, @arrthurpendragon, @bravelittleflower, @foxesandmagic, @juliaswickcrs, @kendelias, @kingsmakers, @nixdragon, @ocs-supporting-ocs, @starcrossedjedis, @sunlitscribe, @villain-connoisseur, @waterloou, @wordspin-shares
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mneiai · 1 year
I can't get over what a creeper Rhaegar looks like in that new official calendar cover. Like surprised he's not jacking off watching from the shadows as that 14 year old Lyanna is playing.
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thewingedwolf · 1 year
the arryn line has died out so many times they always have a backup line ready to be the next arryn, these bitches are just sooooo bad at living. everyone’s always picking on the starks for getting nearly wiped out but damn ned & cat really hunkered down and repopulated the hell out of the family tree, like the starklings aren’t doing that bad, meanwhile you just like, sneeze too hard in the direction of the eyrie and the whole arryn line is on the brink of extinction, but it’s okay, they follow strict osha guidelines in the vale and they have a protocol for this very common scenario
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zetaaa · 7 months
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Connington laughed. Jaime did not.
(or the last time Red Ronnet laughed with ALL his teeth)
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drogonstone · 2 years
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1.04 King of the Narrow Sea // 1.08 The Lord of the Tides or brotherly love
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vesubia-jugorum · 9 months
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I've always been repulsed by HBO's got, but recently I started reading the novels and found them really enjoyable. So here's a fanart of Sansa and Lady, might post more art if I manage to stay motivated.
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