lostinmirkwood · 1 year
I think I dozed for less than an hour on my flight. I’ve been awake for almost 22 hours now.
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nerdierholler · 2 years
Work for a bit today and then I get to cross my fingers that the travel gods smile on me tonight so I can fly home for Christmas. It will be my first Christmas at home in about 6 years and I am ready!
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bellshazes · 2 years
I love my local airport the line was long (more than 2 turns in the queue) so they didn't make anyone take out their electronics and it still took less than 5 minutes from entry to my shoes being on again. and there's what 3 terminals? once you're in it's a one/two min walk to your gate. unfortunately it does feel packed rn
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thefakerachelray · 2 years
John Mulaney was right about Delta Airlines though. The Delta Help Desk is an oxymoron and they do make life a nightmare.
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bornafter1993 · 29 days
so i live in florida right.. why tf is it that my only option to get to arkansas by plane was a 9 hour layover in DENVER
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megarabane · 5 months
ajdfkslfjdslk i leave for japan in two daaaaays
and i feel like i'm going to throw up and whether that's from panic or excitement or stress or anxiety or some terrible cocktail of all of the above is unclear
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purble-gaymer · 9 months
trying to figure out just how far the knights are traveling in the origins fic has gotten me very distracted calculating train vs walking time and comparing flights from new york to chicago
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pandabara · 1 year
Arrived in Dallas at 6 and wouldn't you know another layover thanks to Greyhound in Atlanta and too many stops picking up passengers. Time to leave the bus station at 4AM. Next time we are so flying on the airplane.
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dolfin · 2 years
I'm going to georgia tomorrow
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pickingupmymercedes · 3 months
R for Roscoe, C for Coco - Lewis Hamilton
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Quick Dog Dad Special
request: "All those posts about Lewis on "happy fathers day daddy" are sending me crazy, please do them justice" - anon 1 & "Bestie, Lewis deserves a special fluff for father's day with Roscoe" - anon 2
pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Reader!
wordcount: +1K
a/n: Late for the Father's day special because I was with my dad celebrating yesterday (thanks dad for the f1 love). But happy father's day to our favorite dog dad!
As always, I'm open for feedback, come say hi!
The key felt ridiculously heavy in her hand, the exhaustion after the travel nightmare finally catching up. She fumbled with the lock, cursing silently when she fumbled the key twice. Finally, the door swung open, revealing a dimly lit living room and the sound of a sleepy snore from the general direction of the couch.
"Roscoe?" she called out cautiously, her voice barely a hoarse whisper. A flurry of dark fur erupted from the shadows, tail wagging furiously. Roscoe launched himself at her, showering her ankles with grateful licks.
"Hey boy," she managed, patting his head as a wave of relief washed over her. She had finally made it. Forty-eight hours of travel hell, a cancelled flight, a twelve-hour layover in rain-drenched Atlanta, and here she was, in the middle of Lewis' LA home, greeted by the overly enthusiastic bulldog.
Suddenly, a sleepy voice came from the corridor. "Y/n? Is that…?" The voice trailed off, and a rumpled Lewis emerged into the dim light, eyes squinting in surprise. "What the hell…"
Before he could finish his question, Roscoe, oblivious to the tense atmosphere, decided to greet Lewis as well, leaping onto his leg and nearly knocking him out of balance.
"Roscoe, down!" Lewis managed to say, pushing the dog gently aside. He looked at her, his face a mixture of confusion and barely contained amusement as he took her in. She was a mess, clothes rumpled, hair a tangled disaster, and a tiredness etched on her face that spoke volumes.
"Hey," she managed, mustering a weak smile. "Sorry, I… uh…"
The flood of apologies died in her throat as Lewis saw it. It was the exhaustion in her eyes, the way her shoulders slumped with defeat, that stopped him from unleashing the barrage of questions he had been building up over the past two days.
"Hey," he said, his voice softer than expected, offering his hand. "What happened?"
She didn't resist, burying her face in his chest, feeling the tears of frustration and exhaustion welling up. "It's been a nightmare, Lew. I booked the wrong flight, then had a layover in Atlanta that got delayed for hours because of the rain. I've been traveling for nearly two days."
Lewis guided her to the sofa, his hand soothingly rubbing her back. Roscoe curled up at their feet, still wagging his tail, happy to have them together.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Lewis asked softly, pressing a kiss to her temple.
"I wanted to surprise you," she mumbled; her voice muffled by his shirt. "I thought I'd get here Friday afternoon, and we could have a whole weekend together before the races are back."
Lewis pulled back slightly to look at her, his eyes filled with a mixture of frustration and tenderness. "You should have told me, babe. I would never have left you stranded in Atlanta for 12 hours."
She sighed. "I'm sorry. I just... didn't want to ask for help and ruin the surprise."
Lewis shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips. "You're here now, that's what matters. Let's get you cleaned up and into bed."
She nodded, allowing him to help her to her feet. She felt the weight of the past 48 hours lifting slightly as she made her way upstairs with Roscoe attached to her feet. After a long, hot shower, she finally felt somewhat human again, slipping into one of Lewis's oversized shirts and crawling into bed with Roscoe.
As Lewis got into bed with a tray of food in hand and his little family finally under one roof, the clock chimed midnight. She let out a small, defeated laugh. "All that, and I lost the cute balloon I had for you."
Lewis raised an eyebrow, clearly confused. "Balloon?"
"For Father's Day," she explained, her voice barely above a whisper. "It had 'Dad Dog' written on it. I wanted to surprise you."
Lewis stared at her for a moment before bursting into laughter. "You went through all this trouble just for Father's Day with Roscoe?"
She nodded, feeling a mix of amusement and love. "Not just for that. I also wanted to spend time with you. Just us before we get swarmed by F1."
Lewis's laughter softened into a warm smile, his eyes glinting with his love for her. "You're unbelievable, you know that?"
She smiled back, feeling the last of her tension melt away. "In a good way, I hope."
"A bit, well, a lot, chaotic, but definitely the best kind" he assured her, pulling her close. "Now get some sleep. We still got a whole day of just us. You, me and Roscoe."
The morning sunlight filtering through the curtains woke her gently. Lewis was still asleep, his chest rising and falling rhythmically. Roscoe, sensing her awake, nudged her hand with his wet nose, his tail thumping a happy beat against the mattress.
She stretched, the soreness from her travels slowly fading. She glanced at Lewis, a wave of tenderness washing over her as she saw him relaxed and peaceful, free from the pressures of carrying the weight of the world.
A memory jolted her awake. The gift. The "Dad Dog" charm was still tucked away in her purse, lost in the chaos of the previous night. Carefully, she slipped out of bed and retrieved it, tiptoeing downstairs with Roscoe right behind her.
She poured herself a cup of the freshly brewed coffee, the aroma filling the air with a familiar comfort. Pulling out the small velvet box, she placed it on the kitchen counter, right where Lewis would see it when he came downstairs.
A few minutes later, Lewis appeared, a sleepy smile on his face as he appeared in his boxers. He stretched, his eyes landing on the box on the counter. He walked over, a curious expression on his face.
"What's this?" he asked, picking up the box.
"A little something extra," she said, a teasing smile on her lips. "I know it's not really the best balloon ever made, but…"
Lewis didn't let her finish. He opened the box, revealing the silver charm nestled inside. A glint lit up his eyes as he inspected the detailed charm with a tiny R and a C for Roscoe and Coco.
"Y/n, this is incredible," he said, his voice filled with excitement. "It's perfect. But really, having you here is the best part. Thank you for coming," he whispered as he enveloped her in his arms, his voice filled with sincerity. "It means the world to me."
She squeezed his hand. "I'll always find you, even if it takes a global nightmare to get me there."
"Next time, though" Lewis said, his voice a low rumble against her ear, "let me know if you're stuck mid surprise trip across the Atlantic. Maybe I can help."
Y/n chuckled. "There wouldn't be much of a surprise then, would there?"
Lewis playfully kissed her cheek as he chuckled, reaching for Roscoe by their legs to show the bulldog his new charm.
The travel nightmare, the missed flight, the long layover – it all seemed insignificant now. Sometimes, even the most unexpected detours could lead to the most beautiful destinations. And all that mattered at the end was that she was here, with Lewis and Roscoe, their little clan finally reunited.
TAGLIST - @saturnssunflower @xoscar03 @chocolatediplomatdreamerzonk @happy-golden-hour @vicurious28
@0710khj @thecubanator2 @neilakk @bigratbitchsworld @adriswrld
@fearfam69691 @cmleitora @goldenroutledge @timmychalametsstuff @jpgnsf @priopp123
If you’d like to be added to my taglist you can leave a comment or send me a dm/ask.
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trans-axolotl · 3 months
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ID: Intersex activist Max Beck standing in front of the American Academy of Pediatrics with a sign that says Silence=Death.
On October 26th, 1996, the first ever protest for intersex liberation in America took place when activists from Hermaphrodites With Attitude took to the streets to protest the American Academy of Pediatrics. Later memorialized as intersex awareness day, this important action was a milestone for the American intersex movement. Max Beck, one of the intersex activists from HWA, documented the entire protest and later published their recollection in the Intersex Awakening Issue of the Chrysalis Journal. The full piece is pasted under the cut.  
"But we’re here today to say we’re back, we’re no longer lost, and we’d like to offer some feedback. We’re here to say that the treatment paradigm for “managing” intersexuals is in desperate, urgent need of re-examination. We’re back to say that early surgical intervention leads to more than “just” physical scars and sexual dysfunction. We’re back to say that the lack of education and counseling for intersexuals, our families and the community at large does not lead to a blissful, healthy, well-adjusted ignorance. Rather, it too often leads to a life-threatening shroud of silence, secrecy, and self-hatred. 
I’m here representing over one hundred fifty intersexals throughout North America. One hundred fifty intersexuals are saying: Please! Listen! You doctors, you pediatric endocrinologists and urologists treating intersexuals, you nurses interacting with intersexuals and their families, listen to us! We understand intersexuality, not because we have studied the medical literature — although many of us have — not because we have performed surgeries, but because we have been grappling with intersexuality every day of our lives. We’re here to say that those who would have us believe that intersexuality is rare, cloud the issue by breaking us and separating us into narrow etiological categories which have little meaning in terms of our actual, lived experience. 
We’re here so that other intersexuals can find us — for many of us, finding others like ourselves has been a lifealtering, even life-saving, experience. We’re here to reach parents before their intersex child is born. We’re here to elicit the help of other sympathetic professionals. We can take a stand as openly intersex adults without being crushed by shame! And we did!" 
Hermaphrodites With Attitude Take to the Streets: By Max Beck, 1997
In late October of 1996, Hermaphrodites with Attitude took to the streets, in the first public demonstration by intersexuals in modern history. On a glorious fall day, the like of which you can only find in New England, under a crackling, cloudless sky, twenty-odd protesters joined forces to picket the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Pediatricians in Boston. Deeply aware of the historical and personal significance of the action, and — correctly — surmising that a notebook diary would not be practical on such a whirlwind, windy week-end, I took a small hand-held tape recorder with me. What follows are excerpts from the resulting transcript.
October 24, 1996 2:45 PM, Atlanta’s Hartsfield International Airport
The trip has only just begun and I am already exhausted. Hot. Starving. Fifteen minutes until take-off. Every businessman boarding the plane looks like a pediatric endocrinologist, Boston-bound. Silly thought, testimony to what? My anxiety? My fear? My giddy anticipation? If these bespectacled, suit-and-tie sporting men were pediatricians, would they be flying coach on Continental, with a layover in Newark? I’m headed for Boston, for the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Pediatricians (AAP). Tens of thousands of pediatricians. I’m not a pediatrician, though, nor am I a nurse; in fact, I barely managed to complete my B.A. I’m a manager of a technical laboratory. We don’t work with children, and the AAP certainly didn't invite me, so why am I going?
With the plane taxiing toward take-off, this is a lousy time to reassess. I’m going. I’m going because I am intersexed. I’m going because the doctors and nurses who treated me as an infant and a child and an adolescent, and those who continue to treat intersexed infants and children today, consider me “lost to follow-up.” I was lost— that’s part of the problem. Now, I’m back.
9:02 PM: Boston’s North End
I’m comfortably ensconced in Alice’s warehouse condo in Boston’s North End, a renovated warehouse with a view of the city skyline, ceilings easily twenty feet high, exposed beams and brick, gorgeous tile floor. As I speak, my hostess is preparing an absolutely phenomenal meal. The aroma of roasted peppers permeates the entire space. Tomorrow, the work begins; my project this evening is to unwind and enjoy this wonderful meal. Easier said than done. I’m feeling excited, enervated, I feel very alive, something I don’t feel very often, I feel very present and aware. It could be my exhaustion, it could be the Chardonnay. But I think, rather, that the excitement is anticipation about what we are about to do. Being here, finally being prepared to raise a voice, to be heard, to be seen, a vocal, out, proud hermaphrodite who is standing up to say, “Let’s rethink this, this isn’t working, we’ve been hurt, stop what you’re doing, listen to us!” I’m really looking forward to meeting Morgan at the airport in the morning; it’s always amazing to make eye contact with someone else who has been there.
October 25, 7:38 AM Boston Commons
En route to my encounter with the AAP, walking the approximately two miles from my hostess’ domicile to the Marriott Hotel at Copley Square, I pause in the Boston Commons to enjoy a park bench, to sip my Starbuck’s decaf, and to watch a group of senior citizens performing Japanese swordsmanship on top of the hill beneath a monument to some forgotten general. The city is cool this morning, but clear, and it promises to be a beautiful weekend. That’s good: we won’t be rained out. I’ve got a stack of about ninety ISNA brochures in the bag at my side, crammed in the inside pocket of my leather jacket. If I want these pamphlets to get inside, I’ve got to get to the site of the Nurses’ Panel at the Marriott before they close the doors. Then it’s back out to the airport, to pick up Morgan. My feet are already killing me.
October 26, 9:15 AM: North End
Morgan and I are sitting at our hostess’ breakfast table, pulling our thoughts together. In a few minutes, we’ll have to leave to pick up Riki at the airport. The logistics of pulling together an action are mind-boggling. There’s no describing the thrill, though, of all that work, all those phone calls, all those miles. Riding a clattering subway on a Saturday morning, seated beside another living, breathing, laughing, swearing intersexual, hugging near-strangers at unfamiliar airports, then riding back, together, defiant, determined, organized, to the heart of so much of our pain, so much of our anger, so much of our need. We gathered in front of the huge Hynes Auditorium, pamphlets and leaflets in hand, and met the AAP attendees as they left the convention center for lunch. The next hour-and-a-half was a blur, as we positioned ourselves in strategic locations before the Hynes, held signs and “Hermaphrodites with Attitude” banner aloft, distributed our literature, engaged AAP members and passers-by in conversation and debate, spoke to microphones, to cameras. In all that time, I recorded only one fragment of a breathless sentence. 
Saturday, 12:20 PM Outside the Hynes
We’ve got all the exits covered, and it’s an incredible, incredibly empowering experience. I remember the words I spoke to the TV camera, if only because I had scribbled a rough outline on the airplane, pirating mightily from Cheryl’s press release. And because the moment was so salient, so real. Me, Max, bespectacled, with blisters on my feet and chapped lips, speaking out to untold numbers of invisible viewers (and a few bewildered pediatricians behind me.)
"When an intersex child is born, parents and caregivers are faced with what seems to be a terrible dilemma: here is an infant who does not fit what our society deems normal. Immediate medical intervention seems indicated, in order to spare the parents and the child the inevitable stigmatization associated with being different. Yet the infant is not facing a medical emergency; intersexuality is rarely if ever life-threatening. Rather, the psychosocial crisis of the parents and caregivers is medicalized. 
Intersexuality is assumed to be a birth defect which can be corrected, outgrown and forgotten. The experiences of members of the intersex support groups indicate that intersexuality cannot be fixed; an intersex infant grows up to be an intersex adult. This hasn’t been explored, because intersex patients are almost invariably “lost to follow-up.” The abstract of a talk that will be given at this very conference by a doctor who treats intersex infants concedes that “the psychological issues surrounding genital reconstruction are inadequately understood.”
Part of the problem is that we were lost to follow-up, and there were reasons for that. But we’re here today to say we’re back, we’re no longer lost, and we’d like to offer some feedback. We’re here to say that the treatment paradigm for “managing” intersexuals is in desperate, urgent need of re-examination. We’re back to say that early surgical intervention leads to more than “just” physical scars and sexual dysfunction. We’re back to say that the lack of education and counseling for intersexuals, our families and the community at large does not lead to a blissful, healthy, well-adjusted ignorance. Rather, it too often leads to a life-threatening shroud of silence, secrecy, and self-hatred. I’m here representing over one hundred fifty intersexals throughout North America.
One hundred fifty intersexuals are saying: Please! Listen! You doctors, you pediatric endocrinologists and urologists treating intersexuals, you nurses interacting with intersexuals and their families, listen to us! We understand intersexuality, not because we have studied the medical literature — although many of us have — not because we have performed surgeries, but because we have been grappling with intersexuality every day of our lives. We’re here to say that those who would have us believe that intersexuality is rare, cloud the issue by breaking us and separating us into narrow etiological categories which have little meaning in terms of our actual, lived experience. We’re here so that other intersexuals can find us — for many of us, finding others like ourselves has been a lifealtering, even life-saving, experience. We’re here to reach parents before their intersex child is born. We’re here to elicit the help of other sympathetic professionals. We can take a stand as openly intersex adults without being crushed by shame! And we did!
7:20 PM: Boston’s North End
Goddess, this is so sweet, so liberating! I was so reluctant a week ago, having my Jesus-in-Gethsemane experience, reluctant to accept — not an onus or responsibility but — to accept who I am. And here’s where the hard work really begins. I’m exhausted when I think of the road before us. But then, it’s nothing like the road behind us. 
Max Beck, 1997.
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octuscle · 9 months
hi chronivac guys I wonder if it's possible to become the guy in your disclaimer with the cap and the evil grin or is he just a model for your service? I'm a broker and I really need a timeout like spring break for not being serious
Brother, you should know better than anyone that everything on this planet is a question of price. I will gladly organize a premium spring break for you as my stupid, constantly horny twin brother. I'll send the vouchers for the trip by email and the preset for the Chronivac directly to your app. The setting is such that you should activate it as soon as you're on your way to the airport.
The Uber is right on time in front of the apartment building on the Upper Eastside. As you load your Hermès laptop bag and Rimowa suitcase, the doorman asks you why you're not getting into your limousine but into this pathetic car. You don't react at all, sign out for the next week and get into the back of the car. It smells of sweat, cheap deodorant and tobacco. The driver is perhaps in his early 20s and tells you his whole life story without being asked. He studies business administration and earns a little extra money as an Uber driver. The rents in Manhattan are simply murderous. Instead of looking annoyed out of the window, you ask if you can have a cigarette. Only if you give him one too. Sure thing, bro. That's how it is among Uber drivers. You would do the same, otherwise you wouldn't be able to afford your apartment. The driver asks how many hours you drive to afford an apartment in the building. You laugh and say that your parents live there. When you arrive in Newark, you talk like college buddies. You say goodbye with a fist bump and ask if you're from New Jersey too. In the broadest accent imaginable, you reply that he can take his chances.
You take your army duffel bag and sports bag out of the trunk and look for your check-in desk. You look at your boarding pass. Damn, you're flying with Spirit Airlines? With a change in Atlanta? Who booked this shit? There are already dozens of people in the baggage drop-off queue who obviously want to go to Tampa too. Boomboxes are competing for the most annoying music, even if the sun isn't shining, everyone seems to be sticking to the sun's out, guns out rule. And caps are only worn backwards, of course. You turn your cap backwards. And stuff your down vest into your duffel bag. Sun's out, guns out is written on your mesh fabric tank top.
You almost missed your flight in Atlanta. You're already pretty drunk and one of the guys had his travel bong with him. In a two-hour layover, a bit of weed isn't bad. Thank God you're equipped with enough weed. The sale should finance your vacation. After all, your airbnb room right on the beach wasn't cheap.
You can only use the hour and a half flight to Tampa to sleep off your high. But as soon as you leave the airport building, you take part in a beer can drinking contest. Burp! Hehehe, you had plenty of practice last semester, you deserved to win.
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By the time you get to your shared room, it's already 11:00 pm. The party is in full swing at the pool. You quickly take a picture of yourself and post it on Instgram. Caption: "Watch out stallions n mares, jersey stud is in town" Let the party begin!
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missbeautyandherbeast · 2 months
She's a Little Runaway
Raph x Reader (just squint)
Summary: Your life goes to hell in a handbasket so you call your cousin in New York and ask for a place to lay low for a bit. And she says yes... but her new friends might be more than you can handle.
A/n: *emerges from the void* hi guys
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Aggravated, I pulled up my phone. The call went through. 
“Hey, Y/n, everything okay?” April sounded concerned. 
“Yeah,” My voice was clipped. I took a breath. “No,” my confession was defeated. “Can I come visit? For a bit?” 
“Is everything okay?” She asked again. 
“No,” I answered wistfully. “I need a break…a vacay—you still in New York?” 
“Yeah,” I heard her smile. “Book a flight, I’ll be there,” 
“You’re a godsend cuz,” 
“Yeah yeah, see you soon cuz,”
The flight into JFK was six hours with a layover in Atlanta but soon I was there. Away from the hell the south had created for me. April found me outside amongst the other cars waiting for pickup. With a quick hug and throwing my stuff into the trunk we drove off. 
“Whose car?” I asked skeptically, knowing a BMW was in neither of our tax brackets. 
“Casey’s parents. They let me borrow it.” April explained. 
“That’s nice of them,” I said pointedly. April rolled her eyes. 
“Shut up,” she laughed. 
With the traffic it was half an hour to Aprils apartment. My eyes lingered on the city skyscrapers. They still had me in awe. Part of me believed New York didn’t exist. It was a fictional place like Asgard, Wakanda, or Mordor. But here it was. 
Here I was. 
The sun set on the warm summer day around 9pm—something so odd for me but brought a smile to my face. It was the same country but an entirely different world. 
April left to drop the car back off at Casey’s parents and it gave me a couple of hours to myself which was so needed. Her little apartment had a guest room/office where a daybed was made up for me. I sat on the bed and took a deep breath. 
I was safe. 
I was far away. 
I was free. 
I blocked a few numbers just to prove it to myself. 
I wandered to the living room and found a home on the window seat, watching the city light up the nigh. 
April came back into the apartment a pizza in her hands and a smile on her face. 
“Guess who brought the best pizza in the city?” She teased. 
Laughing at her antics and a bit skeptic, I stood, going over. 
But there was a loud thud on the fire escape outside her window. I whipped around at the sound and froze. In the cover of darkness were massive shadows that loomed menacingly. 
“Uh, April!?” My voice wavered. “April!” My eyes adjusted to make the outlines of four anthropomorphic turtles. 
“Oh, shit!” April dashed in front of me. “It’s okay, these are my… friends,” 
“Friends?” I rose my eyebrows, staring wide-eyed at the giant turtles standing on her fire escape. “What the hell?” 
She opened the window and gave me a hesitant smile. “Yeah, this is Donnie, Mikey, Leo, and Raph,” Each of them gave a small wave. 
“April, who is this?” Leo, the one with a blue mask, asked. 
“This is Y/n, my cousin. She’s visiting for a few weeks,” 
“Well, welcome to New York chickadee!” Mikey said. “You gotta try the pizza.” 
I just stared still, trying to input the information to my brain. 
“Y/n?” April came over to me. “Are you okay?” 
“I… uh, yeah,” I gasped out. “I just need a minute to process,” I scrubbed my face taking deep breaths. 
“We mean you no harm,” Donnie said, raising his hands. “We are friends of April’s,”
I nodded. “Sure, sure,” I sat down on her window seat. 
“Maybe we should split,” Leo said. 
“Y/n?” April left the choice to me. 
“I… I just need a minute,” I repeated again. My eyes darted up and met curious green eyes—one of the brothers, the turtles. He was the only one who wasn’t on edge. He didn’t have a care in the world. “Okay,” I took a deep breath. 
“Okay?” April approached me cautiously. 
I nodded and came a small smile, my gaze darting back to green ones. “Are you sure?”
“I’m okay April,” I assured. “I’m an adult. I can handle this,” 
“Okay, because most people freak out,” 
“Well I am, but it’s cool,” 
“April maybe it’s better if we go,” Donnie said softly. “Why don’t you watch her up?” 
“I don’t want to ruin your night,” I interjected. “Or plans…” 
“It’s nothing. I was usually hang with them on the roof.” April said. “But you’re here,” 
“Go,” i chuckled. “I can handle down here. Ive got pizza and Netflix.” 
“You’re sure?” April asked again. 
“April,” I nearly snapped. “Just go,” I pushed her shoulder softly. 
“You can join us!” Mikey said happily. 
“Mikey!” The other three scolded. 
“Thanks. I’m just gonna stay here,” I said, forcing steady breaths in and out. Green eyes still held mine. He tilted his head in curiosity. 
“Okay,” April eyed me warily. “If you need anything we’ll be on the roof,” 
“Cool,” I gave a tight smile. 
They all disappeared up the fire escape except for Raph—those green eyes that wouldn’t leave me alone. 
“You okay kid?” He asked, leaning against the window frame. Without the pressure of everyone staring at me, I shrugged. 
“This is beyond weird,” I admitted, rubbing my face. “So… so weird.” 
“Yeah we get that a lot,” a sad smile pulled at his lips. “You really freaking out? Cuz I can go,” 
“This is kinda helping,” my gaze met his. He leaned against the fire escape railing and I moved to the bench next to the window. We were closer now than ever. 
“You’re telling me you’ve never met a mutant before?” He seemed genuinely surprised. I shook my head. 
“No, I… well, where I’m from we don’t exactly go looking for things in the woods at night and I’ve never lived in a city so…” 
“Are there a lot of you?” I asked. 
“Well, there’s the four of us brothers, but yeah a lot of mutants have come along now and again. Most of them are actually dangerous so… maybe be careful,” his lips pursed into a tight smile. 
“You are safe Y/n, we look after the city, and April. And if you’re her family it means you too,” his voice was sincere. 
“You just met me,” 
“Family is family,” his tone was bolder. “Aprils like a sister to us. I know she won’t let just anyone stay with her. You’re family. We’ll keep you safe.”
“Thanks Red,” 
“It’s Raph,”
“I know,” I smiled, standing. A smile quirked at his lips. “Go on up. I think I’m gonna turn in for the night,” 
“You sure you don’t want to join us? My brothers aren’t that bad,” 
“Not tonight,” I set the boundary. “But maybe soon,” 
“Soon then,” and with one last smile and wave, he was gone. 
I stared out the window for a good solid five minutes trying to rationalize what the hell had just happened. I knew New York was a different world from my own but this was not what I had in mind. 
Mutant turtles. 
Friends with my cousin?
I might have cursed a little bit. Or a lot. 
Rationalization was an art. 
When I calmed down enough I texted April that I was in fact better and no longer freaking out. I attempted eating a bit of the pizza and I had to admit it was really good—New York style pizza was always the best. My mom (April’s aunt) had raised me on it. 
April came back down an hour later and I was just getting out of the shower. 
“I think I owe you an explanation.” She said. 
“That would be very nice,” I agreed. 
We sat on her couch and she began to talk. The past few years unraveled in her tale. Meeting the brothers—the small family. Fighting the Shredder and the Foot Clan. The other mutants and mutagen lost by the Kraang. The more she spoke the more I realized maybe New York City did belong on that list of magical realms… except it was a bit more real than I’d ever thought. 
“They’re some of my best friends,” She insisted. “They are really cool and nice. Once you get past…”
“The giant turtle part?” I mused with a smile. 
“Yeah,” she sighed. “I’m so sorry about all of this. I know you came up here for a break and this is definitely not easy to cope with.”
“It’s not,” I admitted. “But it’s better than what I left so…” 
“What the hell did you leave?” April was curious. 
Now it was my turn. My story of the past few years and how it all went up in flames the past six months leaving me lost, confused, and without a home for the first time in my life. April sympathized with me but it was hard. It would always be hard because I had walked through the trail by fire alone and the pain my burned heart experienced could never be described. But, perhaps it was enough to have April on my side. 
“You stay as long as you need,” she said firmly. “And if you need to stay a little longer and we turn that guest room into yours…” she offered. 
“I’ll think about it,” I smiled. “Thank you.”
Moving to New York was not on my radar at all… but maybe it could work out. Maybe it would be good for me. Or maybe it would just be running away and I was a coward. 
Or maybe it was both. 
I tucked those thoughts away. 
April took me around the city the next day. We did every touristy thing either of us could think of and fit into the day.  It was great fun and New York was enchanting. 
That night the brothers were back and I was a bit more—okay, I was less baffled this time. Still freaked out but it was better. I actually made it to the roof to hang out, wrapped up in one of Aprils sweaters at the unseasonal chill. 
The turtles tried to make me feel welcome but my brain was fighting shutting down again so it didn’t go the best. The one I had talked to the first night—Raphael realized this and didn’t give me an onslaught of questions. He just leaned against the same outcrop as me. We existed.
Going to grab another drink I heard an unfamiliar voice behind me. 
“Hey Red,” the voice startled me so I turned and swung, punching the intruder square in the nose. He fell to the ground, shocked. 
“What the hell red!?” 
“Casey!?” April ran over. 
Raphael broke out into laughter and I turned pink offering my hand out. The guy was grumbling and holding his nose letting out a few curses. 
“Casey this is Y/n, Y/n, Casey,” April introduced as I helped him up. “She’s my cousin,”
“Do you just randomly walk up on people or…” I mused. 
“I thought you were April. Damn you can throw one,” he touched his nose gingerly. “Geez,”
“Sorry,” I said again, hiding behind my hands. 
“You’re telling me you can’t handle a punch Jones?” Raph walked up, creating a barrier between me and Casey—I was grateful for it. “I know I’ve hit you harder,” 
“Pfft. Whatever man,” Casey stalked off with little dignity. 
“Don’t let him get under your skin,” Raph said in a low voice. “He’s always pissy,”
“Is there something between him and April?” I asked watching the two of them together and thought back to the kindness his parents showed April. 
“He wishes,” Raphael snorted. “No they’re just friends.” 
I nodded. 
“You okay kid?” He kept asking me that question. I had the same response. A small shrug. 
“I feel bad. What if it had been a kid or something?” 
“I’m sure you’re too smart to deck some kid. An unfamiliar male voice coming from behind in New York?” His eyes met mine with a smirk. “You had the perfect reaction,”
A smile played at my lips and I felt better. “Thanks Red,” I nudged his shoulder. 
“Anytime kid,” his smile turned warm, real. “So I heard April took you around the city,” 
“Oh yeah!” My face lit up. “It was so cool. I—I love New York. I’ve always wanted to come, ever since I was little.”
“And now here you are,” he said. 
“Here I am,” I nodded. “Not what I thought it was gonna be,” my eyes scanned the three other brothers joking with Casey and April. 
“Yeah I bet we were a real curve ball.”
I nodded. “Not bad though. You guys are kinda cool and April just adores y’all.”
He gave me an amused you. “You’re totally still freaked out aren’t you?”
I laughed because he saw right through me. I didn’t admit it out loud but we both knew. 
“So, why’d you run away?” He asked, glancing at me. 
“What—how?” My eyes flashed to his. 
“Takes one to know one,” He smiled. “So?” 
“You a runaway?” 
He shrugged. “April lets me hide out too when I need some space.” 
“That’s nice of her,” I mused. “Guess she’s doin’ the same for me,” 
“So, why’d you run?” He asked again. My expression clouded. 
“I don’t wanna talk about it,” I said truthfully. “I—“
Raphael’s demeanor changed entirely. He wasn’t aloof and nonchalant; he was concerned and calm. “Hey don’t worry about it,” he smiled at me. “Enjoy your quiet then,” There was a loud crash and some yelling among the others—Mikey had spilled an entire two liter of soda and marinara sauce. “Well, as quiet as this can be,” He laughed. 
I offered a small smile and inhaled deeply, letting the ashes of my past be blown away with an exhale.
“Hey,” He called me from my sorrows. “If you ever want an escape and some quiet, no questions asked, you’ve got it,” Raphael said. “Just call. April’s got my number.” 
“No questions asked?” I mused. His lips quirked up as he nodded. “Thanks,” 
“Life is shitty sometimes, and an escape is nice,” 
“Yeah,” I agreed. 
My planned week visit turned into two weeks. Into three. Every time I thought about booking a flight back… I just didn’t. April was ready to give me her guest room, and to be honest I was ready to split the rent and call it. 
But could I do it? Could I leave everything behind because I was a coward? Because I couldn’t go back? Because losing this would hurt so much worse than losing what I had? 
I didn’t know and the thoughts were crippling. A thought came to me. I had gotten his number a week ago. And a promise the second night I was here. 
I picked up my phone and pressed call. 
“Y/n?” Raphael’s voice held worry. 
“I need an escape. No questions asked,” I breathed out. “Please,” 
“I’ll be there in five.” He said. 
I paced the floor, waiting for him to show up. His shadow overtook the window. I opened it. 
“Come on,” He grinned. “You ready?” 
“Where are we going?” I climbed out onto the fire escape. 
“No questions princess,” Raph smirked. 
“That’s not what that means,” I protested as we climbed to the roof. 
“Sure it is,” He grinned. “Come on,” 
Raphael got your phone call and nearly fell off the couch. When your strained voiced asked for an escape—what he had offered to you all those nights ago—he couldn’t say anything but yes. 
Here you were, on the roof with him, jittery, like you couldn’t sit still. He knew the rule was no questions asked, but he had so many. Instead, he led you through what he did when he needed an escape. He ran. 
“Keep up princess,” He threw over his shoulder. A predatory smile curled onto your lips and you took off after him. 
He kept pace so you could keep up with him but when he soared over an alley way you stopped, staring at him like he was crazy. 
“Raph there’s no way!” You shouted to him from across the way. “I can’t jump that!” 
“Yes you can! Trust yourself,” 
“Raphael,” You almost scolded. “If I die it’s on your hands,” 
“I can live with that,” He chuckled, fueling your fire. Shaking your head defiantly, you paced back before taking off and launching yourself off the roof, toward him. 
Raphael stood on the ledge and caught you, pulling you to safety. 
“Told ya,” He smirked, letting you go. 
You grinned up at him, panting heavily. There was s shine in your eyes and he loved it. You bounced back and forth on the roof in front of him, your hands coming up in a familiar position he knew well. 
“You ready to fight princess?” He mused, pulling his fists up. 
You shifted, settling into a fighting stance. “Bring it Red,” 
He laughed and the two of yo began to spar. He kept on defense, throwing a pulled punch now and again, letting you duck, dodge, and block. You two went back and forth, laughing and boxing—until he landed a hit and froze shocked. 
“Shit!” You laughed, dabbing your nose with the back of your hand. You didn’t stop though, instead you used his panic to deck him back, landing one on his jaw. 
“Time—time,” He called stepping back, not liking the blood dripping from your nose. You both relaxed. “Are you okay?”
“I can take a hit, Raph,” You said, smiling, cleaning the blood, tilting your head back for a minute until it stopped, completely unfazed. “Thought I definitely should have stretched before we started.” As if muscle memory, you began to stretch out your arms and shoulders. “Coulda let me know,” 
“How was I supposed to know you could fight?” He chuckled, trying to not watch you stretch, and failing now and again.
“I don’t very often,” You admitted. “But it’s a great stress reliever,” Raphael did a double take at your words. 
“Yeah—yeah it is,” He fumbled. 
“Normally I stick to working out,” You said finding a wall to stretch your shins on. “But this was fun,” You threw a smile over your shoulder. 
“You’re not scared?” Raph said, leaning against the wall. You shrugged and joined him. 
“I used to box with a linebacker, so, not really. He was a good friend,” Your eyes were lost in a memory. “I think you two’d get along,” 
Raph stared at you—you were oblivious, watching the city before you. Somehow, you showed up in his world, and you were everything he thought you weren’t. You weren’t soft and delicate—you had a sharp edge to you. You were a fighter—to blow off steam—to run and be free. You were like him.
He went and sat on the edge of the roof and you joined him, still panting softly. 
“It’s so big,” you murmured in awe. “I’ve always dreamed of coming here,” 
“I’m glad you came,” Raph smiled down at you. 
“Ya know. Despite all the shit that brought me here—I am too,” you leaned against him, your head on his shoulder. 
Raphael noticed you flexing your hands. They were raw from fighting. He called himself twenty types of stupid—his hands were always wrapped; he should have made sure yours were too before sparing. 
“You okay?” He nodded to your hands. 
“Didn’t break skin,” you assured. “Probably just bruised.”
“Don can fix you up in his lab,” Raphael said. 
“Oh yes,” a smile curled on your lips. “His lab in the completely not evil lair,” 
Raphael laughed. “It’s not that kinda lair—it’s home,” 
“Okay,” you shot him through the heart with your smile. 
“Okay?” He stammered. 
“Yeah,” you got up, stretching. “Why not?” 
As he came to the roof edge, going to cross you paused. 
“I can’t,” you said, stepping back. Raphael frowned and looked at you. You had done it before. “I’m too tired—my senses are off. Adrenaline is gone.” Admitting defeat sounded painful to you. 
“C’mere,”Raphael held his hand out. “I’ll carry you.”
You studied him, and he could see the energy leave your body. You took his hand, not having it in you to fight him. Raphael was grateful. He didn’t want you to purposefully fight him. 
He jumped from rooftop to rooftop with you in his arms, carrying you down to the lair. He set you on your feet and led you to Donnie’s lab. 
“Y/n! Oh my gosh,” Donnie nearly fell out of his chair and you managed a giggle. “Are you okay?” Judging the dried blood and bruised knuckles, Donnie didn’t miss a thing. 
“I’m okay,” your lips quirked up. “Just sparred with Raph, no big,” 
“Raph!” Donnie scolded. “Dude!”
“Oy!” You interjected. “It’s okay—I’m fine. It was…“ your eyes met his. “It was a lot of fun,” 
“Oh god, you’re just as crazy as he is,” Donnie muttered, examining your knuckles. “They’re just bruised, nothing broken. I can get you some advil and some ice,” 
“I’ll take the Advil—skip in the ice,” you said. “Thanks,” you took the meds and looked back at him. “I need a shower… take me home?” The way you asked him Mande Raphael lose his train of thought. He recovered, but not quick enough without your knowing look. 
“Uh. Yeah. Of course,” he fumbled. You said your goodbyes to his brothers and he led you back to the rooftops. You both walked this time. 
There was a nervous energy in my chest as we walked back to Aprils apartment. It was so easy to be with Raphael but right now it was so hard to form a coherent sentence. 
“You’re a good fighter,” he finally said breaking the silence. I exhaled and managed a smile. 
“Thanks. I… I don’t do it often—only when I’m really stressed.” I worried my lip, my mind wandering back to why I came to New York in the first place. “You’re fun to spar with,” I dared to look at him, begging to be brought back into reality. 
“You don’t think I’m too rough?” 
I shook my head. “You freaked out when you hit me. I think you know how to control your hits,” I chuckled and raised an eyebrow. “Or are you telling me you weren’t pulling your punches?” 
“I was,” he assured quickly. “I’d—I’d never—no,” He was very stressed about the idea of actually hurting me. I reached out and placed my hand on his arm in an effort to calm him. 
“I know Red, it’s okay,” 
His eyes met mine and he smiled. Raphael stopped and gestured to the nearest fire escape—I was home. I climbed down back to Aprils apartment and he followed me. 
“Thanks Red. For everything,” he was standing outside the window, so close but so far.  
“Anytime.” He promised. “Just call.” 
“I—yeah,” a smile touched my lips. “I’ll see you later Red,” 
“Later princess,” he saluted then took off into the night. I watched the window for a while before I meandered to take a shower. When I closed my eyes in bed that night I was still flying through the air with him over those rooftops. 
Raphael headed home, and Leo was waiting for him. Even his snotty brother couldn’t dampen his mood—Raphael was on cloud nine because of you—not only the time he spent with you but also all of the new things he learned about you were valuable. 
“What happened?” Leo asked, rather calmly. “You just took off and you bring her back here after fighting?” 
Raph paused. “I don’t know all of it. But she’s running from something and—I told her any time it was too much, we could escape, no questions asked.” 
“So you two just fought? That’s your idea of an escape?”
Raphael chuckled and shook his head. “It was hers. We were just running rooftops and all of a sudden she’s bouncing on her toes ready to fight—you should have seen her Leo, she’s incredible,” 
“You need to be more careful Raph!” Leo scolded. 
“She can handle herself Leo. And I’m not gonna hurt her. We were sparring—I pulled every punch,” Raph leaned against a wall. “You saw her put Casey on his ass on accident. She’s incredible Leo,” 
Leo was silent a moment but Raph didn’t care. He headed for the dojo—his adrenaline was long from being gone. 
“You like her,” Leo called after him. 
Raphael chuckled to himself, knowing his brother was right. 
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
The Marriage Pact Part 4 (Slight NSFW)
For Richer, For Poorer
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Synopsis: You have to deal with the consequences of Jack keeping secrets from you and having to tell someone else about the pact, all while also confronting Jack about the newest member on the team and how you don't like how much time he's been spending with her.
Pairing: Fiancé!Jack Harlow x Fiancée!Reader
Read Parts One, Two, and Three first
Series Masterlist
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
Ariyana was on her way to meet up with everyone in Prague, since she had to fly to Atlanta for a few days to finish up wedding planner for another couple. She actually finished earlier than expected so decided to hop on a plane to come and keep her best friend company since she knew by now that Jack and Urban were probably getting on your nerves.
She had a short layover and was scrolling through her phone when she came across the story on all of the major gossip pages on instagram and she immediately began fuming and texting you at an intense speed.
Ari- Y/NNNNNNN!!!!!!
Ari- What is going on? Somehow I know Urb is involved and I’m coming to kick his ass too. Don’t even warn him either. Jack got another thing coming if he thinks he can cheat on my best friend and get away with it. Who the fuck does he think he is?
Not getting a response from you, she couldn’t wait until she touched down in Prague and there would still be a few hours before Jack’s show so that would give her an opportunity to give him a piece of her mind and it was going to be anything but pretty.
You had turned your phone off once you told Jack to get out of your shared hotel room and ventured down to the spa in hopes of getting a massage and facial to relax you and take your mind off of the absolute fuckery that had popped off since this morning. You held onto the fact that Ari would be here in a few days and she would be able to keep your mind occupied off of Jack, that was unless she wanted to kill him which you knew that she did as soon as she heard what was going on.
When you finished in the spa, you decided to head back to your room in the hopes of ordering room service when you found Ari in the hallway knocking on Urban’s door with her bags in hand. She turned down the hallway to look at you and she immediately waved you over.
“You get over here now. We have a LOT to talk about since you’ve been ignoring me all day.”
“I didn’t mean to, my phone was off.” You confessed while taking it out of your back pocket and turning it on to see a slew of missed calls and text messages from different people.
The door finally opened and Ari was now face to face with Jack and she was now fuming.
“I am literally this close to kicking your ass so you better start explaining and you better start now. Come on Y/N!”
Ari pushed past Jack and Urban looked at her wide eyed when he finally saw her.
“Oh, um I thought you were coming tomorrow?” Urban asked as he went over to greet her.
“I was, but I finished early and once I saw where someone couldn’t keep his dick in his pants and possibly cheated on my best friend, I decided to make this trip a priority.”
“I…” Jack started to say, but she immediately cut him off.
“If you are about to tell me a whole bunch of lies, you can keep it.”
“But I’m not!”
All you were doing was sitting in the corner with your legs crossed staring at all three of them.
“Y/N, what is going on?” Ari asked you while coming over to sit across from you.
“He didn’t cheat on me, but he might as well had.”
“Oh my fucking goodness.” Jack said as he threw his head back in frustration and Urban immediately shot him a look. 
“Jackman, you’re on thin ice so shut up, now Y/N, sweetie, explain what you mean.”
“Me and Jack made a marriage pact when we were seventeen and it was decided by the time that we were thirty that if we were both single that we would marry each other. He proposed on my birthday and told me that he had had my ring for an entire year but was too scared to say anything. He had been fucking this girl named Gabrielle and the last time he slept with her was right before he proposed to me hence, why the baby could possibly be his even though he claimed to have used protection. She is blasting it all over social media because Jackman Thomas Harlow did not give her an NDA to sign. Now can I go lay down?”
“WHAT? Hold on, there is so much to unpack with all of that. So you two literally just decided to get married?”
“Yes.” Both of you said at the same time.
“Without actually being in a relationship beforehand?”
“I said the same exact thing!” Urban exclaimed while throwing his hands up in the air. 
“I…. okay…. Not what I was expecting. But, okay then.” Ari finally said while nodding her head.
“And Jack didn’t tell her even though I told him to do it before she found out from someone else and now look what happened.” Urban said while looking at Jack who simply sighed.
“Oh, so you knew and didn’t tell her?” Ari said while looking at her boyfriend of two years.
“Ariyana! That is not my place to do that! I told him to tell her as soon as he found out!”
“And you’re obviously still talking to this girl even though you have an entire fiance? Did I get that right?” Ari asked while looking over at Jack who just sighed.
“Right before I proposed, I cut her off. It wasn’t until she found out she was pregnant that she called me.”
“I… and now Y/N is mad and upset because you lied to her, is that right?”
“And brought another so-called manager to the team behind my back and claimed that he was going to tell me.”
“Well aren’t you full of surprises, Jackman?” Ari said while looking at him.
“Now can I go lay down? You’ve interrogated us enough.” You asked while standing up and making your way towards the door. 
“Hmm, well take Jack with you because me and Urb have things to do.” 
“She doesn’t even want to be near me let alone look at me.” Jack muttered while playing with the strings on his sweatshirt. 
“Well, that’s too bad. The two of you are about to be married aren’t you? Married people talk about their problems and work them out so hop to it. We’ll see you when it’s time to leave for the venue.”
You rolled your eyes at your best friend before opening the door and Jack quickly followed you to your suite that was across the hall. Once you opened it, you simply went to sit on the couch and turn on the television without even looking at him.
“Will you please talk to me?”
“And say what? Say what exactly?” You responded while finally turning to him.
“I know I messed up, but you don’t have to flat out ignore me.”
“And you didn’t have to flat out lie to me either.”
“I… know and I should have said something to you from the beginning and I’m sorry about that.”
Just then you looked down to see Jack’s phone ringing and saw that it was Maggie.
“Hmm, I’d answer that if I were you because if you don’t she’ll be calling me next and I will tell her exactly everything that her oldest child did.”
“And what am I supposed to tell her?!”
“You have a brain, figure it out.”
Jack simply let the phone ring and all you did was roll your eyes and sigh knowing what was about to happen.
“From this point forward, no secrets and I mean it.”
“So, you forgive me?!”
“I didn’t say that. I just said there needs to not be any secrets between us.”
“We can make this work, babe. I know we can and I know the baby isn’t mine.”
“You better pray hard that it isn't.” 
Another two months or so had passed since Jack had been on tour and even though you were still mad at him, you tried not to let it show in front of other people in the hopes of not tarnishing his image. You wouldn’t say that you had completely forgiven him, but the two of you were better than you had been before finding out about the potential baby being his. There was about another month or so to go until he was able to take the DNA test, but for now you put it in the back of your mind. Jack eventually did talk to his mother and the only thing that he told her was that she was probably trying to get money out of him and left it at that. 
However, you had another problem and her name was Neelam.
She was nice… enough.
But for some reason, she rubbed you the wrong way and you didn’t like how close and comfortable she was around Jack who, being a man, thought nothing of it. Urban also saw how she interacted with him and would shoot you looks of confusion knowing that Jack knew that he was about to be a married man and that the single life was behind him. 
It had been bothering you for a while and you decided to bring it up to Jack as the two of you were now laying down in the back of the tour bus headed to the next city.
It had become harder and harder to get him alone since it seemed like she was always everywhere. You shouldn’t have to fight for a few moments alone with your fiance. 
“Bubs, can I ask you something?” You said to Jack who simply looked down at you while nodding his head.
“Of course you can, baby. What’s wrong?”
“I… it’s Neelam.”
“Isn’t she great? She’s been really helpful since Chris brought her on.” Jack answered while smiling at you and all you did was look at him with a straight face. 
“Why does it seem like I always have to fight for your attention since she’s been here?”
“Huh? What are you talking about? Fight for my attention since when? You’ve had my attention since I was eight days old. Literally no one can compete with that.”
“She is always next to you every single time I turn around and I don’t like that.”
“Babe, you’re making a big deal out of nothing and it sounds like you’re jealous. You have nothing to be jealous of because you know that I’m yours.”
“Well tell her that because it seems like she acts like the two of you are in a relationship when you know good and damn well you’re about to be married to me, so what is up with that?”
“Where is this even coming from because no she doesn’t. She knows that we’re together and has been nothing but professional and respectful this entire time.”
“I beg to differ, but whatever. Just brush me off I guess.” You said while shrugging your shoulders and it was clear to Jack that you were now pissed off. 
“Y/N, no one is brushing you off, baby. I just don’t get those vibes coming from her. You have nothing to worry about because you are literally the only person that I want and I’ve told you that time and time again. That is never going to change.”
“I don’t like her and I want her gone.”
“It’s not that simple and you know it.”
“It is that simple when she’s on your team. What are you not getting? I told you from the beginning that if I didn’t like her, I wanted her gone.”
“But I do like her and you’re coming to me with this imaginary bullshit you made up in your head about her wanting me when I know that she doesn’t.”
“Because you’re a fucking man. Girls recognize when someone is after what’s theirs.”
“She’s not going anywhere, end of discussion. So drop it.”
You had been laying on Jack’s chest and promptly turned around to face the other way so that you wouldn’t have to look at him and all you then heard was him sucking his teeth.
“Seriously, Y/N? Now you turn away from me?”
“You told me, end of discussion so there isn’t anything further that needs to be said since obviously how I feel doesn’t matter so I’ll be over here.” 
“No one said how you feel doesn’t matter so stop putting words in my mouth.”
“You agreed with me when she got here that if I didn’t like her then she would be gone, but now what changed?”
“She is literally here to help you not to have to do so much so I would think that you would be a little more appreciative towards her.”
“You know what? It doesn’t even matter anymore. Do what you want.”
“Why are you always picking fights?” Jack asked while sighing. 
“How am I picking a fight when I simply told you how I felt? You turned it back on me and said that I was jealous and delusional.”
“Because that’s what it sounds like! How are you jealous of her being around me so much when it’s her actual job when you literally have me? I am literally yours and not going anywhere. At the end of the day, you’re the one that I’m coming home to.”
“Never mind. It doesn’t even matter anymore, goodnight.”
“Y/N, come on.”
“I wish you could see how much I love and care about you. You’re my priority and no one else, I promise you that. Let’s just see how it goes and if you still aren’t happy we’ll let her go.”
You turned back around to look at him and simply nodded before turning back around.
“That wasn’t meant for you to turn back around, I want to look at my girl. Let me see that pretty face.”
“Well you can look at the back of my head because I’m still mad at you.”
Jack sighed before he laid you on your back before climbing on top of you and leaning down to kiss you.
“Compromising is a part of marriage, baby. Is it not?”
“We’re not married.”
“Yet, so why do you have to be such a smartass?” Jack asked while starting to tickle you and you were trying to push him off of you.
“NO! Jackman! DO NOT!”
“Say you love me and I’ll stop.”
“Now you want me to lie?” You asked between you laughing.
“I… stink, stop playing!”
“Okay! Fine, fine. I love you now, get off of me.”
“Give me kisses first.”
You reached up to kiss him and he eagerly kissed back with his hand reaching underneath the shirt that you were wearing as he slowly massaged your left breast with you letting out a small moan. 
Jack then tugged on your shirt meaning that he wanted for you to take it off so that he could have better access to you. 
“How are you so perfect?” Jack whispered while leaning down to kiss you.
Once you did, his mouth quickly attached the one that he had been massaging previously while his hand reached down to rub small circles along your clit knowing that the his shirt had been the only item of clothing that you were actually wearing and was thankful for that. 
Jack heard you let out a small whimper and began to suck harder as he then inserted two fingers into you and were pumping them slowly in and out as he switched to your other breast.
“Mmm. baby.”
“Shh, we have to be quiet. Can you be a good girl and be quiet for me?” Jack whispered in your ear and you eagerly nodded before he went back to his previous task.
You wrapped your arms around Jack’s neck in order to bring him closer to you if that was even possible as he added another finger.
Since he knew that you hadn’t had sex before him, he would periodically introduce you to new things to see if you liked it or not, but also made sure not to overwhelm you. The two of you quickly came up with a safe word right after the first time.
“So wet for me, baby. I want to taste you, is that okay?” He asked while looking up at you and a slow nod was given in approval.
“I’m about to make you feel so good, spread those legs for me.”
Jack made his way down your body while placing small kisses all over it along the way and once he got to your most prized possession, he slowly looked back up at you.
“You ready?”
You said a small yes in response and Jack took one long lick across your folds without breaking eye contact with you and instant pleasure took over your body.
“Keep your eyes on me and you better not disobey me.” Was all he said before he fully dove in.
He went at a slow pace at first wanting for you to get comfortable, but as soon as you least expected it, he sped up his pace making you moan out in pleasure. You quickly put your hand over your mouth in order to muffle the moans as best as you could, but knew that some were bound to slip out. However, previously everyone had been asleep except you and Jack.
His face was covered in your juices before he slowly began to suck on your clit and that was when you lost it.
“Fuck, oh shiiiiit.” You said as you closed your eyes for one second, and Jack immediately halted his movements making you look at him in confusion.
“What did I tell you?”
“I need to keep my eyes on you.”
“So do it and don’t let it happen again.”
Jack held onto your thighs tighter since he noticed that you had been starting to move away from him and you did your best to not wake up everyone in the bus.
“Come on pretty baby, you gonna cum for me? Be a good girl and cum all over my face.”
It took less than two minutes for you to hit your peak as Jack kissed your thighs as you rode it out.
As he made his way back up your body, he left a trail of kisses and finally ended at your lips and you eagerly kissed him.
“I didn’t want to do too much at one time, you okay?”
“More than okay.” You responded while laughing and Jack simply smiled.
“Now I need to return the favor.” You said while reaching for Jack’s shorts, but he pushed your hand away.
“Next time, baby. Just wanted to make you feel good. It’s almost three in the morning so I’m going to need you to go to sleep.” Jack said as he placed kisses on your cheeks, your nose, and then your forehead.
“I love you so much and there is no one on this earth that compares to you. Got it?” Jack said as moved from over top of you and simply nodded.
“I got it, I love you too.”
You had been wedding planning with Ariyana all day and left Jack in the hands of Neelam which was the last thing that you wanted to do. But talking with Jack the other night, you felt a little more at ease. I mean it was kind of hard to compete with someone that he had known for his entire life. 
It wasn’t until you came across her instagram story which had you fuming.
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Neelam Thadhani added to their story
You immediately took a screenshot and sent it to him wanting an explanation.
You- Bubs, what the fuck is this?
All you saw was the text bubble appearing and then disappearing.
You- Hmm, so much for me not having anything to worry about.
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sigynpenniman · 2 months
- MCO Orlando. My love my queen. Platonic ideal of airports. All the other airports wanna be her.
- MSY New Orleans - I have only seen your beautiful face once but your vibes were just impeccable. I miss you beautiful
- LHR London Heathrow - you’re so chill and sweet to be such a major airport. Weirdly calming somehow. Sterile, but the big boy of London airports. When you’re here you’re in London. Smells like joy.
- CDG Charles DeGaulle Paris. Dripping in stunning retro futurism and has a Concorde on stands by the runway. We love her
- DCA Ronald Reagan Washington DC. So pretty. So clean. So easy to navigate. Prevented from S tier status by being one long skinny thing with no way to get quickly across it.
- DEN Denver Colorado. Architecture for the gods but somehow the vibes are off. I’d fly through you again happily but I don’t feel especially warm when I think of you.
- FLL Fort Lauderdale - Hollywood. You’re permanently attached to very warm memories for me because of the trip I took from you but you’re just kind of there. Vibes are off. Meh.
- ORD Chicago O’hare. Aesthetic perfection but weirdly stressful. While I had a great time on this trip I do not think warmly of the airport other than the rainbow lighting. Jules got yelled at here. -10 points.
- CLE Cleveland Ohio. Another airport that is home of warm memories due to loved ones but just really not the vibe as an airport.
- LGW London Gatwick. I don’t like you for no reason. Like a disappointment, you’re in London but not at Heathrow for some reason.
- PHL Philadelphia. Again, weird aimless dislike. I cannot justify.
- BNA Nashville. Meh. Fine, which may be the worst insult I can lob at an airport.
- LGA New York LaGaurdia. Fuck you and your tiny spirit terminal in the middle of nowhere and your hard to access rental cars and your poor road signage that sent me round and round on the New York interstate in my rented Corolla. The bigger terminals are pretty though, and anyway. New York City!
JAX Jacksonville. Ew.
BOS Boston Logan International Airport. I loathe you. Less busy numerically than ATL and yet somehow even more spread out. Signage is bad. Directions unclear. Nothing makes sense in this alternate reality. Labyrinthine building designed by the god Hades. Never again would be too soon.
ATL - Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta. The biggest and busiest airport in the world. When you buy a ticket on Delta a box pops up that says “by buying this ticket you agree to see the inside of Hartsfield Jackson Airport.” Not actually a real place, but a floating parallel dimensional space you enter when you walk through the doors. When you get off the Plane Train at terminal D a sign to the left points down a hallway and says “Walk to Terminal E. Time: 45 minutes.” Bigger than many cities and some European principalities. And sometimes you’ll be forced to run clear across it when your gate gets changed. Send every domestic flight that goes near it and many that don’t through it for a completely unnecessary 45 minute layover and sautée until golden brown to birth this unholy god of a space outside all time. They have CPR training machines. They have bathrooms too rarely. They have a whole other airport underneath for international transfers. Don’t die before you see it. Everyone should, at least once. 🎶Welcome Aboard the Plane Train!🎶 next stop: the 4th circle of hell. Walk to purgatory: 45 minutes. Moving sidewalk out of order.
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mister-eames · 9 months
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I Need You So Much Closer by sirona | Arthur x Eames | 11k
It’s Christmas -- family obligations dictate Arthur and Eames push themselves out of their warm, comfortable flat and take the pilgrimage to their respective families. Neither has any idea just how hard it would be to spend the holidays apart; thank god for meddling mothers.
2. Christmas Without You (Is A Christmas Not Worth Having by OneWhoSitsWithTurtles | Arthur x Eames | 32k
"The relationship was over and Arthur resigned himself to a Christmas and New Years alone - his first one alone since Eames had swept him up in a daydream of a life three years ago. Then the phone rings; the airport is completely snowed in and Eames - having just promised to leave Arthur's life forever - is suddenly without a place to stay. And Arthur isn't heartless enough to leave him out in the snow."
3. Best Laid Plans by 4ce_in_Sp4ce | Arthur x Eames | 15k
Eames had, against his better judgment, agreed to head out to Dom's for New Years. Bad weather and a long car ride made for a far different trip than he'd expected though
4. Holiday in Handcuffs by teacuphuman | Arthur x Eames | 24k
A barista (Arthur) kidnaps a customer (Eames) and forces him to pretend to be his boyfriend over Christmas with his parents.
5. Jonquil in December by wldnst | Arthur x Eames | 11k
Arthur and Eames tell stories about how they first met. Eventually, they tell the truth.
6. Pining for You by earlgreytea68 | Arthur x Eames | 18k
Eames has a pine tree that Arthur really wants. And that is not a euphemism. Well, not *entirely.*
7. Caught by oceaxe | Arthur x Eames | 3k
Arthur wakes up on December 14th to find a miniature Hershey's bar inside his shoe. It’s fun-sized. With a note underneath, printed by dot matrix. “we're going to have some fun,” it says.
8. Holiday Pines by nolaespoir | Arthur x Eames | 13k
Alone for the holidays, Arthur takes himself away to Aspen for Christmas, where he stumbles upon a certain forger he's been pining after, who isn't quite so alone.
9. How Eames (almost accidentally) Stole Christmas by sarahyyy | Arthur x Eames | 1k
“He’s clearly interested in it,” Yusuf concedes. “Clearly,” Eames echoes. “But he’s secretive about it,” Yusuf continues. Eames nods. “Maybe he’s got another boyfriend tuck in some remote corner of the world and he was trying to procure it for him?” Yusuf suggests. Eames gives him a look. “Don’t be daft.”
10. make the yuletide gay by rednights | Arthur x Eames | 17k
It is close to Christmas, isn’t it. The 22nd? No, that was yesterday. Or…how many hours was he on that first plane? Felt like about an entire day in itself. And then with the layover, which Eames slept through most of. If he left Buenos Aires on the evening of the 23rd, and then with the delay in Atlanta— And then the door swings open, and Arthur is standing there in a knitted jumper so repulsively festive it makes Eames question his lucidity, looking dour and suspicious and oh, god, it really is Christmas Eve, isn’t it? And Eames is so, so happy to see his angry face. He grins so hard it makes his cheeks hurt.
11. Nested by brookebond | Arthur x Eames | 1k
Christmas with Eames is always full of surprises.
12. Of mulled wine and candlelit baths by adelaide_rain | Arthur x Eames | 3k
Eames and Arthur have just moved in together. It's the holiday season and they head to the Christmas market for mulled wine, before heading home for a candlelit bath and barebacking.
13. stay awake to hear those magic reindeer by scribblscrabble | Arthur x Eames | 1k
For all Arthur's dedication to all things adult, he still has a six-year-old kid in him who comes out once a year and goes looking for trouble.
14. Tell Me Something Good by deinvati | Arthur x Eames | 9k
Eames didn’t kiss Arthur first. Eames would forget some of the details someday, he was sure, but one thing was certain. Arthur kissed him. Or, how Arthur pulling a gun on Eames (with the safety off), a few saved voicemails, a Machete, a tiger, and some VHS tapes all combine to make a perfect Christmas memory.
15. Whatever You Like by larnbean | Arthur x Eames | 2k
“How much rum did you put in this?”
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