itsapmseymour · 1 year
So I’ve been finally introduced to the guy who wants me to voice the Cowboy SynthV for Dreamtonics.
Holy shit what a rabbit hole to fall into.
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synthvnews · 3 months
White Day Messages from ANDI, JUN and mysterious new vocal from AUDIOLOGIE!
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dailyenglishvoca · 2 months
Today's song is June Runner by ippo.tsk featuring the Synthesizer V voicebank Jun
Happy first anniversary, Jun!
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vocanomaly · 5 months
Way Back Home (Hylics) cover feat. ANRI Arcane!
First cover of the year!
Also available on NND: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm43311107
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vocalsynthsource · 1 year
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JUN and ANRI merch from AX 2023 is now available online.
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vocalsynthbdays · 1 year
happy birthday to ANRI(synthv studio) !! [jun 13]
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anri (aka Airi Lin) is an english synth developed by AUDIOLOGIE Co., Ltd.. she was originally released on 11 dec 2021, but her character birthday is today. she recieved a lite vb on 18 dec 2021. she is 21yo and 162cm tall. she is voiced by kurapichu, and illustrated by Hieihirai. she has a pet guiene pig called Chachamaru. she is eleanor forte's best friend
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takoyakidonuts · 6 months
ANRI Arcade Launches onto SynthV!
After many demos, ANRI Arcane is now available for new and existing ANRI users! Boasting 11 vocal modes (“Vivid”, “Edge”, “Dark”, “Smokey”, “Power”, “Flow”, “Whisper”, “Sumire”, “Serious”, “Mellow”, and “Princess”) and Japanese XLS. SynthV ANRI Arcane Official Demo “Another Ride” by ippo.tsk While ANRI’s original bank is now discontinued, anyone who purchased her original bank between December…
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mjw-creature · 11 months
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slashhearts · 2 years
kissin' u till dawn / Huro Nomoe feat. ANRI AI
composition: Huro Nomoe
arrangement: slashhearts
lyrics: slashhearts & Huro Nomoe
​Art: Rampie
software used: Synthesizer V Studio Basic, Bandlab
sweetie honey, cutie baby all these nicknames that you call me darling princess, little sweetness take each one and hold on tightly every night we spend apart oh so far that in my heart I pray and wish on all the stars up above we take a chance and we start i’m on my way, stop playin’ games cops and robbers, round and round we go into the night, i'm feelin’ light i'm feelin’ like, kissin’ you until dawn (kissin’ you until dawn kissin’ me until dawn) Kissin’ you ‘til dawn 目がめまい、起きてない 片思いが面倒くさい 唇の味わい、気になるよ舐めたい (all the names i want to call you) fantasy landに住んでいて そろそ��に進んで (won’t you be mine) 現実 進出 集中 xx love you (maybe one day it’ll come true) every single day's so hard feel the pounding of my heart I'm goin’ crazy 'cuz of our “will we won't we” please let me feel your warmth get out my way, stop playin’ games cat chasin' mouse, i can't take much more i'll be right there, walkin’ on air won't you play fair, come and get what you want (come and get what you want) come and get what you want (kissin’ you, kissin’ me) kissin’ you ‘til dawn (kissin’ me until dawn) kissin’ me ‘til dawn do my best, keepin’ calm can't hold on, Give my all get out my way, stop playin’ games cat chasin' mouse, i can't take no more i'll be right there, walkin’ on air tell me you care, come and get what you want i'm on my way, stop playin’ games cops and robbers, round and round we go into the night, i'm feelin’ right i'm feelin’ high, kissin’ you until dawn
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deinheilpraktiker · 1 year
Forscher erhalten 9 Millionen US-Dollar Zuschuss, um zu untersuchen, wie „springende Gene“ die Alzheimer-Krankheit beeinflussen Wissenschaftler haben eine Handvoll Genmutationen identifiziert, die den Ausbruch der Alzheimer-Krankheit verursachen oder dazu beitragen. Viele Wissenschaftler vermuten jedoch, dass andere DNA-Veränderungen dazu beitragen könnten, Alzheimer-bedingte Schäden an Gehirnzellen voranzutreiben und bei Patienten zu Symptomen von Verwirrtheit und Gedächtnisverlust zu führen. Insbesondere wollen die Forscher verstehen, welchen Einfluss DNA-Abschnitte, die im Genom herumhüpfen ... #Altern #Alzheimer_Erkrankung #Audiologie #Bakterien #Beschäftigungstherapie #CRISPR #DNA #Duchenne_Muskeldystrophie #Entwicklungsbiologie #Forschung #Frucht #Gehirn #Gen #gene #Genetik #Genetisch #Genom #Gesundheitspflege #Hämophilie #Haut #Hautzellen #Kinder #Krebs #Medizin #Mikroglia #Muskeldystrophie #Neuronen #Pathologie #Physiotherapie #Psychiatrie #Stammzellen #Studenten
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ecoleesk · 1 year
Formation en audiologie audioprothèse à l'ESK
L'audiologie audioprothèse est une discipline médicale qui vise à aider les personnes souffrant de troubles de l'audition et de la communication. Les professionnels de l'audiologie audioprothèse sont spécialisés dans le diagnostic et le traitement des troubles de l'audition, ainsi que dans la prescription et l'ajustement des prothèses auditives.
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Pour devenir un professionnel de l'audiologie audioprothèse, il est nécessaire de suivre une formation spécialisée. En général, cette formation comprend un diplôme universitaire en audiologie audioprothèse, suivi d'une année de stage clinique.
Le programme de formation en audiologie audioprothèse couvre un large éventail de sujets, notamment l'anatomie et la physiologie de l'oreille, la psychologie de la communication, les techniques de diagnostic et de traitement des troubles de l'audition, ainsi que la prescription et l'ajustement des prothèses auditives.
Les professionnels de l'audiologie audioprothèse travaillent souvent en collaboration avec d'autres professionnels de la santé, tels que des médecins ou des orthophonistes, afin de fournir un traitement holistique aux patients. Ils peuvent travailler dans des centres de santé, des hôpitaux, des cliniques privées ou des centres de réadaptation.
En tant que professionnel de l'audiologie audioprothèse, vous aurez la responsabilité de diagnostiquer et de traiter les troubles de l'audition et de la communication chez les patients de tous âges. Vous serez également chargé de prescrire et d'ajuster les prothèses auditives, ainsi que de fournir des conseils et du soutien aux patients et à leur famille.
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En conclusion, la formation en audiologie audioprothèse est une formation spécialisée qui permet aux professionnels de diagnostiquer et de traiter les troubles de l'audition et de la communication. Si vous souhaitez devenir un professionnel de l'audiologie audioprothèse, vous devrez suivre une formation universitaire en audiologie audioprothèse et effectuer une année de stage clinique. En tant que professionnel de l'audiologie audioprothèse, vous aurez la responsabilité de diagnostiquer et de traiter les troubles de l'audition et de la communication chez les patients de tous âges, ainsi que de prescrire et d'ajuster les prothèses auditives.
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citychicken-prod · 9 months
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Credit to Yorith on Twitter for the template! Decided this was a better pinned than my long ass text post Any posts that aren't about anything in specific will have the tag #chickenscratch!
DNI: weirdo lolicons, if you use AI vocals made from official VBs without the VPs permission, you shit on pjsk for the crime of "the 14 yos who play the game are annoying"
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synthvnews · 5 months
We were here at NAMM 2024!
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dailyenglishvoca · 5 months
Today's song is Persephone's Garden by Elijah Damon featuring the Synthesizer V voicebanks Solaria and ANRI Arcane
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echoaudiology · 1 year
Do you have itchy ears after your hearing aid fitting?
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Do you have itchy ears after your hearing aid fitting? Everyone’s ears are different. They are different in the shape and size, and they are different in their levels of sensitivity. When we first fit a patient with hearing aids, some people don’t notice them at all, while others may feel like there is something foreign in their ear. 
Why do my ears itch and what can I do about it?
The itchiness may be caused by the style of the hearing aid. If your hearing aid has a dome, this little umbrella can tickle your ear canal, which can cause that sensation of itchiness. In these cases, if the patient cannot get used to this, we sometimes change the style of dome entirely, adjust it with a retention cord to stop the hearing aid from moving as much, or completely change the tip of the hearing aid to a custom mould. 
On the other hand, another reason for itchiness could be due to a skin condition like eczema, that the hearing aid is now exacerbating. In these cases, we often recommend for our patients to check in with their family Physician to see if there is a lotion that they can apply on their ear canal. Remember, the ear canal is basically just another area covered with skin. In these cases, whatever lotion is appropriate usually works. If there are no skin conditions that the patient is aware of, they can also try Eargene. It is a product that most Audiology clinics carry, that helps to alleviate this sensation of itchiness. 
Discomfort or Pain with New Hearing Aids
Hearing aids can also cause discomfort. Like the itchiness, we can adjust the tip of the hearing aid to see what works best for our patient. 
If the custom portion of the hearing aid is causing pain, it is usually because it is causing a pressure point. Most Audiology clinics are equipped with grinding and buffing equipment, so they can modify the mold themselves to make it more comfortable. In other cases, we may need to make a new impression entirely and have the Hearing Aid Manufacturer remake a new mold. 
Regardless of the issue, whether your ear itches, has pain or discomfort, there is always something that can be tried to resolve the issue. Your best step is to call your local Audiologist in Orleans and serving Ottawa and find out how they can offer a helping hand. 
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yuraslefttoe · 7 months
before audiologie sent me anri arcane i messed around with the idea of red hour being another stardust song. this is what it probably wouldve sounded like because the stardust version never got past the demo phase
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