#AUW Wren
secret-engima · 5 years
AUW ask! Any Wren Getting herself in over her head bits of pieces? Just- generally anything Suitably Fairy Tail Dramatic with Wren, and the Guild's PROTECT response with Team Mom please?
hgdghgfd great ask now if I can just get my brain to work and think of some answers....
Imma time-skip a bit and make this when Wren is .... 13. That makes Mest 21, Laxus 20, Bickslow 19, Evergreen and Freed 17, and Cana 15.
-So. Here’s the thing about Fairy Tail.
-Fairy Tail might be known to accept just about anybody, from any walk of life or background, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have STANDARDS.
-That doesn’t mean that breaking those standards don’t have Really Bad Consequences to whatever soul comes in looking to cause trouble.
-Wren is usually good at staying out of trouble (despite major incidents like the AoT arc when she was younger and the other things that have happened since then). She’s also really good at staying out of trouble in the guild hall. But sometimes ...
-Sometimes trouble finds her.
-It starts out a normal enough day. Get up, chat with the Raijinshū, go down to the guild hall with everybody to look for a job or just hang out.
-They get to the guild hall, and it’s fairly busy. Wren spots the new member that joined up about three days ago near the job request board, but doesn’t think anything of it. She doesn’t recognize him from the anime, but he could’ve just been a background character, and while he strikes her as ... arrogant and violent prone, Gajeel in canon was both of those things, and it isn’t like a guild that gets into a brawl almost every day can be considered “non-violent” anyway.
-It’s Wren’s turn to go up to the request board and snag a job for the Raijinshū, and she nods politely to the new member, who smiles a little too sharply at her and nods back. Wren, not wanting to get into conversation with the new guy and waste the morning when she’s probably going to have to travel a ways for whatever job she picks, Wren proceeds to focus on the request board and ignore him.
-She also rolls her eyes and ignores the guild brawl that breaks out behind her as well, only keeping her senses trained behind her enough to track if someone flings a chair her way or something.
-She isn’t watching her flank, where the new member is standing.
-So busy reading a job poster and keeping an ear on the brawl behind her, she doesn’t have time to register and dodge the kick that comes from the side.
-The roundhouse kick slams into her stomach hard enough she hears at least two of her ribs crack, feels the wind get knocked out of her as she is propelled across the room and into the far wall almost as fast as one of her shadow teleports. The world goes bright and sparkly with pain in her stomach and ribs and back and head and even if she’d had a functioning voice, she wouldn’t have had enough air to scream in pain when her body peels free from the dented wall and hits the floor with jarring (agonizing) thud.
-Beyond the ringing in her ears, the guild hall has never sounded so silent.
-She registers someone landing next to her, glimpses a foot cocking back for another kick past the swirling colors in her vision, then feels the entire guild hall erupt around her.
-Thunder shakes her bones (it-hurts-it-hurts-) as Laxus crashes into whoever just landed beside her (the new member, he attacked her, why-why-why) and she can faintly hear Bickslow’s tikis shrieking nearby. Wren struggles to get up (she’s fought through worse, suffered worse, it’s just the unexpectedness of it, the fact it happened in one of her safe spaces, her home that makes it so hard to think and move past), feels too-warm hands grab her shoulders and pull her close. She wheezes a bit at the feeling, glances up and is dizzily confused to see Natsu holding her, the young teenager wrapping his arms protectively around her, his focus more on where the Raijinshū and the rest of the guild are mobbing than on her, his pupils slitted and teeth inhumanly sharp as he snarls deep and bass in a way that Wren can feel prickling her skin with restrained (barely) fire.
-Laxus is shaking the new member, roaring in his face with eyes that glow bright gold while the rest of the guild essentially tries to be the next in line to murder him without getting too close to the lightning Laxus is giving off. Wren thinks Levy has run to get the Master from upstairs because she can’t see the bluenette in the crush of shouting and fists and angry, seething magic.
-Her hearing is back, but it’s hard to tell what anyone is saying when they’re all talking over each other. Erza is there with a sword, standing between Wren in Natsu’s arms and the new member even though there’s no way he’d be able to get past the rest of the guild hall at this point.
-She thinks she hears the new member (not for long) protest that he was just joining in the brawl. After all, everyone here fights all the time, it isn’t his fault is Wren is just a wimp who can’t take a hit.
-She watches, dazed for reasons she can’t quite place, as Freed bodily rips the man out of Laxus’s grip, heedless of the lightning that singes his clothes, and punches the man’s teeth in.
-The Master arrives before the murder can really start, has to wade in using his Giant Magic just to get the guild to settle and let him see what has happened. Then he takes one look at Wren and her stuttering (painful) breathing and the new member (not anymore) spitting teeth while Freed stands there with split knuckles and Master Makarov’s magical pressure makes the building physically shake.
-In a very quiet voice, he orders Mest to teleport Wren to Porlyusica. Wren spends three days in Porlyusica’s care, getting her ribs treated and her healing enhanced with herbal remedies that actually don’t taste too horrible while the literal entire guild take turns keeping watch (there’s always at least one Raijinshū member, but Erza, Natsu, Gray, Pauz, and so many others all stop in and linger for minutes on end until Porlyusica throws them out. None of them will tell her what happened to the guy who kicked her, though she knows it’s a given he was kicked out of the guild. The daily brawl was one thing, bruises and a few minor scratches were stupid common in that, but breaking bones? Then chasing her down for another hit? Not acceptable.
-What Wren doesn’t know was that Makarov just about gave the man a heart attack through sheer magical pressure while Laxus paced and snarled for blood like the dragon he usually pretended he wasn’t. That Makarov had ripped the man’s guild mark away and bodily thrown him out of the guild with the warning to never come back to Magnolia. Ever.
-She doesn’t know that the guild essentially chased him to the borders of Magnolia, or that for literal months (probably closer to a year) after that, if any of them saw the man while out on a job, they would they would, at best, radiate killing intent his way. The more violent members of the guild (read: Natsu, Gray, Bickslow) would use their magic to cause trouble (Natsu maybe was too sloppy with his fire roar on purpose, Gray maybe made an “accidental” blizzard down that one street the man was on and Bickslow’s tikis maybe “accidentally” cut through an awning with their lasers that then fell on the man and tangled him up for several minutes.
-Is it petty? Yes. They all know this. They all acknowledge it. Do they stop? .... eventually. When the man, years later and well after their petty revenge has stopped (because angry as they are they aren’t cruel), crops up as a member of Raven Tail, do they immediately and gleefully take the opportunity to kick him around in the way Makarov didn’t let them all those years ago? As well as teach Gajeel, arguably the guild’s most petty and violence-prone member to do the same just through observation?
-A b s o l u t e l y.
-Wren is a capable mage in her own right, strong in her own right, and compared to some of them gets into far less trouble. It’s her self-imposed job to help out the guild, keep the more reckless ones in line, and yes, Team Mom basically everything that breathes and wears Fairy Tail’s mark. But when trouble does come and find her, no matter how capable she might be of handling it herself, the guild will go feral for her.
-The guild will always go crazy for it’s own. Any of it’s own. This is a given, proven fact. But with Wren ... it’s a bit different. She’s basically their self-control and restraint. Even if she isn’t there, the members remember her rules and tend to follow them (most of the time). So if she is the one hurt? The one to go down? Especially in a place where she should have been safe?
-All the attacker has done is single-handedly taken out the guild’s restraint and removed any chance of getting their mercy.
(hope this is what you had in mind, Wolf!)
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secret-engima · 5 years
Any hints you can give us on what’s next for Wren in Amongst Untrodden Ways? It’s quickly become my favourite fan fiction to read when I’m not studying. On a related note, I love how Wren is becoming the de facto mother of the guild :)
*claps hands* so thrilled you like that story! I can give you a hint, but I think you’ll enjoy a snippet more so-
     Eventually, the topic wandered away from strictly the ruined palace around them and to the researchers. From there, it inevitably swung to the mages who had come to answer the job request. Erza weighed every word carefully, but Yuriko-san was oddly easy to get along with. There was something about the woman’s air that reminded her of Rob-jiji and the others from the Tower. As if … as if there was a part of Yuriko-san that would have fit in perfectly in the background of the memories Erza wished she could forget. Like she would understand if Erza ever told her about it —not that she ever would, she could never tell anyone, not ever—. But the feeling was enough that she found herself airing tentative opinions about her new guild and the people inside it. Especially Wren-sama, who baffled her at every turn.
     “She has her own team, and she has been at the guild far longer than me, yet she keeps going out of her way to say hello, and introduce me to people, and tell me about what goes on in the guild and what to expect even when I haven’t asked.” I don’t understand why, Erza barely kept from adding. She didn’t trust Yuriko-san enough to admit that.
     In the middle of inspecting another long, tattered piece of fabric hanging from the old walls, Yuriko-san chuckled, “It sounds to me like Wren-san is only trying to be a good senpai.”
     Erza paused, “Senpai?”
     Yuriko-san smiled, “An upperclassman of an institution. In this case, it means someone who has been a member of the guild for a longer period of time and thus has more experience, but isn’t an official title, such as your guild Master. A senpai will sometimes, though not always, take a less experienced member, or kohai, under their wing and teach them the ways of their shared organization. Wren-san is your senpai and you are her kohai, and from what you’ve said, I say she is taking the position most seriously.”
     Senpai… Senpai… Erza rolled the word over in her head a few times, “Then … isn’t everyone in the guild my senpai?”
     “Technically. But as Wren-san is the one making such an effort to teach you, she is the only one you would call that. If you wished to, of course.”
     Erza absorbed the information. So … it was a special title of some kind. Unique from sama or san. Erza glanced up at Yuriko-san, “Do you have a senpai?”
     Yuriko-san faltered and there was pain in the line of her shoulders even as she smiled, “I did once.” Blue eyes looked ahead of them, but Erza didn’t think they were actually seeing the bend in the hall, “That was a long time ago.”
     Erza didn’t have to know what had happened to understand why Yuriko-san was sad just thinking about her senpai. She nodded awkwardly, unsure what to say. She didn’t have to puzzle over it for very long though.
     The explosion kind of changed her priorities.
     Both of them stiffened as the walls around them trembled faintly, and Erza whirled in its direction, already mentally checking where that would be and concluding the worst, “My teammates!”
     “And the manuscripts,” muttered Yuriko-san grimly, “Come, Scarlet-chan, and prepare for battle. I do believe we have unwanted company.”
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secret-engima · 5 years
Snippet of AUW One-Shot
(okay so- this will not be posted for a WHILE as I want AUW to catch up, buuttt I couldn’t resist sharing a little XD)
     It was warm for a late November day, the air was just crisp enough to be refreshing without forcing Wren to find a jacket. Lovely day for doing something … though supervising a sparring match —massacre— between Erza, Natsu, and Gray was definitely not what she’d had in mind. Gray and Natsu made a show of warming up their punching arms as they stalked out of the guild on either side of the icily fuming redhead. Erza eyed the two boys as they stepped out and formed a loose triangle, “So today it’s both of you at the same time?”
     The two boys grinned wildly —clearly they hadn’t learned from the literal months of abuse they had put themselves through this way— and Natsu stamped his feet enthusiastically, “Just me is enough!”
     Gray shook a fist in Natsu’s direction, “You took the words right out of my mouth!”
     Wren whistled sharply to catch their attention before they could start punching each other again and signed, “Focus! It’ll be two on one, the two of you against Erza. That means no punching each other until one of you has defeated Erza, got it?”
     Gray and Natsu nodded emphatically, already shouting about how they were going to be the one to defeat Erza, not the other boy, and Wren almost missed the sound of a strangled whisper from off to the side under all of their noise. She didn’t quite miss it though, and spared a moment to look around in confusion. There seemed to be no one else in the street though… She narrowed her eyes and decided to deal with it after starting the sparring match. Raising a hand to the sky, she counted down with one whistle, two whistles, a trilling three and then dropped her hand down in the signal to start.
     Both boys sprung forward at the same time with identical shouts of, “Today, I’ll beat Erza for sure!”
     The sound of metal impacting skulls repeatedly never did seem to get any less brutal. Especially since Erza clearly wasn’t even winded. Not for the first or last time, Wren wondered if it had really been such a good idea to let Laxus help train Erza. It had improved her skills with her chosen magic in leaps and bounds yes, but it also made Natsu’s and Gray’s attempts to defeat her even sadder than in the anime.
     A high pitched “eeeh!” Off to the side distracted her from Erza’s taunting question of whether the boys were done already. She almost would have thought she imagined it … if she hadn’t looked over to the tent and crates Master Makarov had set up to stash their extra supplies while the storage unit was rebuilt and seen a collection of very familiar heads sticking out from behind them, watching the chaos.
     She stared. Those couldn’t be who she thought they were. Right?
     Two indignant, completely unsubtle cries of, “What are you doing to the younger me, Erza?” Confirmed what she hadn’t wanted to be true and she facepalmed. Hard. Why. Just …. why? How did they even get here? Wait, dumb question. She glanced over at the younger trio to see that they were all still completely preoccupied by their spat —well, more like Natsu and Gray were trying to recover from their concussions and Erza was subtly gloating—, and hadn’t even noticed the shouting going on just a few yards away.
     Wren slipped away from the arguing trio and discreetly slipped over behind the boxes to observe the older group from behind. It consisted of Erza, Natsu, Gray, Happy, and Lucy all looking as if they’d just stepped out of the anime. Also in their group, to her faint surprise, was a calm blond with shaggy hair and black-rimmed glasses that could only be a teenage Pauz. Pauz was —not surprisingly— the only one who was staying quiet, but even he was too busy watching the mini-trio to notice Wren watching them from behind.
     Older-Erza’s face had taken on a reverent look as she stared at her younger self, “I still remember this day,” she murmured softly, “Get up … stand up … the younger me will say these things…” Older-Gray and Older-Natsu gasped and turned reverent eyes on the scene in anticipation. Wren just narrowed her eyes in confusion. The scene felt oddly familiar … but also didn’t sound like something the Erza she currently knew would say at all.
     Erza drop-kicked Gray and Natsu into the air, eyes flashing with wrath as she roared, “Get up! Stand up!” Thought so. That’s the Erza I know.
     “It’s not like your memory at all!” And that would be the older Ice and Fire duo, showing off their sparkling skills at subtlety and discretion by screaming their heads off at the abashed Older-Erza. How did they expect to not be noticed again? It was truly a miracle that Erza was too busy chasing Natsu and Gray around trying to achieve justice for her missing cake to notice the yelling. Wren made a note to work on the three’s awareness training later, because that kind of volume really shouldn’t have been ignorable.
     At least Older-Pauz agreed with her, shushing the older duo with a mild little, “Gray-kun, Natsu-kun, they’re going to notice us if you keep screaming like that.”
     Lucy giggled from where she was standing in plain view —obviously stealth was never going to be a part of the Team Natsu skillset no matter what changes to the timeline Wren might make—, “Still, everybody seems so cute at this age.”
     Older-Natsu flinched as he watched his younger counterpart barely avoid a vicious kick to the head, “Erza’s always been ferocious. Even when she was small…”
     Older-Gray cringed as Erza finally caught up with the duo, “What, had you forgotten that already?”
     Happy waved his arms and —in a stunning display of discretion that made Wren facepalm— cheered, “Run away, Natsu!”
     Older-Erza shushed Happy, “Now’s not the time for that. We have to find a way back to our own time.”
     “Why? This looks like fun! We should stay for a while.”
     Older-Gray grinned at Older-Natsu, “Good idea.”
     Older-Erza leveled a glare at the guild building, “Idiots, haven’t you ever heard of a time paradox?”
     Happy made a confused noise and Lucy, Older-Pauz, and Older-Erza began to explain the theoretical dangers of time paradoxes and accidental alterations of the future … while Happy, Older-Gray, and Older-Natsu up and ran off, muttering to each other about disguises. Wren watched them go —they still hadn’t noticed her, she wasn’t even in Shadow Form for Pantherlily’s sake— and considering stopping them but … nah. For one, she distinctly remembered an episode —or had it been an OVA— in which this happened. It had been one of the most entertaining ones of the entire show, so despite the years Wren actually remembered it fairly well. Well enough to know that Older-Natsu and Older-Gray running off would work out somehow, so long as they were found before the timer ran out on the spell that brought them there.
     For another, Wren had enough trouble corralling their younger counterparts, she really didn’t need to add corralling their hormonal teenage time-traveling versions to her to-do list.
     Older-Erza, Lucy, and Older-Pauz finally noticed the absence of the idiots and Lucy shrieked, “Seriously? They’re already gone? Even Happy?”
     Older-Erza exploded, “Those guys … I never thought they’d do something THAT stupid! Idiots!”
     Older-Pauz frowned, “It would probably be a really bad idea for anyone in the past to see us … I thought even Gray-kun would know that…”
     Older-Erza nodded imperiously, “Exactly. Lucy! Wear this!” Wren blinked and, yep, Older-Erza had somehow just changed everyone’s outfits into animal cosplay. Lucy shrieked over her bunny suit, then over Older-Erza’s catsuit, while Older-Pauz just sighed mournfully at his floppy puppy ears and onesie-style costume. Older-Erza steamrolled over the protests, “It’s a disguise, Lucy. No one will recognize us now! Now, you and Pauz will go search for the others and bring them back while I decode the book. And remember, don’t let anyone from Fairy Tail see you! Even with your disguises. We can’t have them have any memories of what we’ll look like the future. Just in case.”
     …And the stupidity had just become too much to resist. Wren coughed pointedly from where she was still standing in plain sight, then deadpanned at the girlish shriek that came from all three persons there. Really Pauz? And puberty was so kind to you physically. The three time-travelers stared at her with wide, horrified eyes. Wren deadpanned back. Older-Erza twitched guiltily, Wren merely crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow.
     Older-Pauz seemed to be speechless at the moment and Lucy was quite clearly freaking out inside her own mind, so it was Older-Erza who coughed and woodenly said, “Hello there … random person I … do not know … at all … can we … help you somehow?”
     “Hello, kohai.”
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secret-engima · 4 years
Somehow, Erza found herself in front of the chair before she could think better of it, fingers trailing the old armrest in curiosity.
The stone tingled beneath her hand, a whisper of magic-recognition-age before she yanked her hand away and stepped back, hand on her sword in case she'd just set off some kind of trap. Nothing happened. She watched the chair, then scanned the room. Nothing had changed. The wind still blew, soft and lonely, through the gaps in the walls and the old fabric still fluttered. The dig site must have been somewhere nearby, yet no sound of it breached the solemn quiet. Erza eyed the chair, gaze catching on the faded symbols she only now spotted engraved along its edges. Curiosity poked her and she rested a few cautious fingertips on it once again, ready to leap back the moment it turned against her.
The feeling stirred again, old as the stones. It reached for her, and she held fast as it brushed up against her senses as if in search. The stone of the chair seemed to warm just a bit beneath her fingertips, welcoming and knowing, and for a moment she could taste scented candle smoke, hear whispers and muffled laughter, like the chamber itself remembered-.
"My queen."
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secret-engima · 5 years
     Erza Scarlet. For a moment, Wren’s inner fangirl reared up and squealed with joy, but then the more mothering part of her that got plenty of practice around the Raijinshū sat up, looked past the shock and awe of seeing Erza for the first time, and hissed. The red-haired eleven year old was dressed in cheap armor with a very simple white dress underneath, one eye was hidden under a white patch, and her shoulders were hunched in a mix of wariness and sadness. But that was not what caught Wren’s heart and ripped it open.
     The anime had never shown just how thin Erza was back then.
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secret-engima · 4 years
Meet Me (Where Twilight Fades To Black)
Torn on what to do with this one, so many POSSIBILITIES but let’s ... uhhh. Spin-Off AU of my Fairy Tail story Amongst Untrodden ways. Let’s make is a mer AU because why not. I hope you know what fanfic I’m talking about when I say Amongst Untrodden Ways??? Anyway.
-Wren (my OC) would be the mermaid, long, sleek black tail with purple, gold and orange undertones, like the light where twilight fades to night, tail shape based off of beta fish cause they’re pretty. Can’t speak human tongue at all because Mer Vocal Cords. Is captured by humans after an incident separated her from her Pod, caught in fishnet and sold to a merchant by the fishermen that didn’t know what to do with her and were too greedy to let her free. The merchant sails off for richer kingdoms, intending to sell her as an exotic pet to the rich nobles.
-She is purchased by an older gentleman, a servant for a rich household who’s master sent him to the markets to look for something unique for his eldest son’s 20th birthday and what is more unique than a mermaid?
-Lyon, Crown Prince of the Kingdom of the North, is ... not expecting his birthday present to be a wall-sized aquarium added to his suite and a mermaid dumped in it. A small, fierce thing that hides in the fake kelp in a blur of black scales and hisses whenever he tries to lure her out with fish.
-It doesn’t take Lyon very long to see that she is a lot smarter than the books give merfolk credit for. This is no animal with a child’s intelligence at most and an appearance that only happens to look similar to a human woman, the face behind the glass is angry and intelligent as any adult human. She hates him. He can see it. Hates the humans who have trapped her in glass.
-He wants to put her back in the ocean. She looks as miserable in her glass cage as he is in the palace ever since he was found living with his mage teacher Ul and “restored” to his “rightful place” in the castle. He starts making plans discreetly for it, because at least if he cannot have his own freedom, he can give this mermaid hers. Not that he can exactly tell her that, he’s still not sure if she can understand human words.
-So one night when an assassin decides the best way to get rid of the prince is to drown him in his own aquarium, Lyon is not surprised when he and the assassin are pulled into the water by the angry mermaid.
-He is surprised when the mermaid slashes the assassin’s throat and then smacks Lyon right out of the water, sputtering but unharmed for the servants to find.
-He doesn’t know why she spared him.
-To be honest, Wren doesn’t either.
(Anyway to keep this ramble short, Lyon ends up busting Wren out of the aquarium by using his rudimentary magic skills to make her a necklace that gives her human for while wearing it and then running away to get her to the ocean while being pursued by the Royal Snobs who want him as a trophy prince. Shenanigans and tentative romance ensue and they make it to the ocean and he tries to let her go and say goodbye but by this point she’s attached so she grabs him and drags him off into the water, using magic of her own to let him breathe underwater as she takes him to meet her Pod. The oldest and strongest of the Pod, Grandpa Makarov offers to use and enchantment to make Lyon a merperson like he’s done for other humans that fall for members of his pod (including Grey, Lyon’s fellow student he thought had died at sea but apparently go rescued by a mermaid named Juvia and now lives down here). Lyon agrees and gets to be a merman via a magic spell that is basically Wren singing her love for him in her tongue so that their bond fuels his safe transformation as he walks down into the waves at twilight and that extremely cliche scene I am giggling at is the reason in this world why people insist mermaids will lure men into the water to drown them.)
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secret-engima · 4 years
I have a question it's regarding your Fairy tail (Amongst Downtrodden.....) Do you have any snippits or anything that you would be willing to share please 🥺. It's that I love that story and I've been re reading it over and over again. I know it's not abandoned nor anything like that I was just wondering if could share some scenes and if you can't because of spoilers then it's good 👍
Hmmmm, sure! I think I have a snip..... and thank you for your patience on the slow updates *flaps hands*.
... (In Which Wren Spies On Some Thieves And Gets Very Nervous)
     She was so busy back pedaling from her own thoughts, she almost didn’t notice when the letters the genie girls were messing with started blinking red. She did notice when one of them called nervously, “Boss?”
     All eyes swung to the genie girls, then focused on the red flashing letters. Ibis-san scrambled backward in fear of the ominous blinking, the rest of the gang all followed her example barring the wolf-man, who leaned forward with a snarl of, “What did you two do?”
     “We did everything right!” Pouted Girl Two, “It should have worked!”
     “It needs a blood match for the final matrix,” hedged Girl One, “We tried to overwrite it but…”
     “Is it going to explode?” Asked someone in the back nervously, which Wren considered a very valid question considering she was theoretically in the blast range too.
     Both genie girls flapped their hands and chorused, “Nah,” before genie Girl One —or was it two they were identical and it was annoying— continued, “if it was going to explode it would have already.”
     Now Wolf-Man looked nervous, ears flattening against his skull in worry, “Then what is it doing?”
     A double shrug that was not comforting in the slightest, “No idea, Boss. But we need to figure something out before the spell really gets going.”
     Ibis-san’s voice went shrill, “Can’t you just destroy the spell?” Everyone ignored her, probably because everyone else there knew that destroying the spell when it was activating would destroy the items to which it was attached. Wren took the chance of ducking away and fleeing back toward where she’d left the others, because if that spell was going to do … something, then the others needed to know.
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secret-engima · 3 years
I just read your AUW-verse and loved it! I gotta ask though, what's going to happen when Lyon and Wren meet and *eventually* fall in love? Considering how overprotective the Raijinshu are-I'm not even going to *touch* Laxus's draconic instincts here-what's going to happen when Lyon asks Wren out?
*laughs*, well it's not like they start going out immediately? The first time they officially meet, Wren is only 16 and he has 3 years of age on her. So first they're just going to have to learn to be friends, which the Raijinshu won't mind. But after that-
Spoilers sorry-not-sorry :3.
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secret-engima · 3 years
AUW-verse: It seems to me (from what I've seen) that Lyon is a moral man-he's the type of guy that asks permission for dates, and is very chivalrous. With this in mind, the glorious image of Lyon asking Laxus and the rest of the Raijinshu for the permission to date Wren left me in stitches-Laxus's reaction alone is worth its weight in gold. Is this accurate though, to the character? I'll admit I haven't seen much of Fairy Tail.
You're not wrong actually! Once he has some manners pounded back in his skull, he is courteous to like- people who Are Not Gray Fullbuster. XD Also if we yeet how the writers did him dirty in GMG (which we will), then yes, he is absolutely the kind of fellow to ask permission to date someone, though I think he'd probably first ask Wren if she wanted to date? THEN go politely ask the nearest older family member.
And yes the reactions would be glorious.
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secret-engima · 3 years
Inspired by the time I jokingly made a cult with one of our friends as it's religious figure (it exploded way out of proportion help), which person in all of your AUs will the common people revere to the point that they basically worship the ground they walk?
Like, they don't know about it but somehow they have sort of cult based on them??
I’m going to skip over the implication that you thought it would be fun to start a cult even as a joke and answer the ask.
Very possibly Oscar in Team Gremlin gains something of a cult-following in the Underworld without his being aware of it, but for this specific ask the answer is actually-
Wren from AUW. XD
Because while magic is *common* in Earthland, certain magic types are not, and of those certain types, some of them appear to be regarded as ... em. Gimmicky? Not strong. One of those is Shadow Magic (not counting dragon slayer version). We only see non-Slayer Shadow Magic ONCE in the show itself and once in the Phoenix Priestess movie, and while the second of those fellows is dangerous, both of them kinda ... go out like chumps. There is so much potential in Shadow Magic that the show never uses, which is why I picked it for Wren.
So here we have the common folk who likely have never even heard of Shadow Magic because of how underused it is and then we have Wren, who is a very strong, very creative, very unorthodox Shadow Mage running around fighting bad guys and helping save the day with her ability to disappear into shadows and also drag bad guys into it like some kind of eldritch monster playing human mage.
And then some brilliant (read: idiot) mind goes. “What if ... what if she IS?” And somehow that eventually rolls into this very secretive, mostly harmless, borderline cult following that Wren very definitely doesn’t know about because who would do that? She’s just a regular person being creative with her magic. She’s not even anything Impressive and Rare like a Dragon Slayer!
The Hidden Not-Cult, internally: Of course, Empress of Shadows and Destroyer of Evil. Of course. We do not see through your mortal disguise, we assure you!
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