#AWG Malec
foodsies4me · 4 months
The trainees protecting Magnus is now immortalised as one of my fav head cannons to ever exist. Mostly cause Magnus deserves to be loved and protected and pampered. He has been doing this for others for centuries and secondly he deserves it cause he is just amazing and beautiful soul.
Secondly I actually got so emotional at all the trainees banding together to give him hugs and bring him snacks. Magnus really went from single bachelor with no soul mark trying his is unloveable to the being loved by a handsome Shadowhunter and his clan of protective lil beans. I can only imagine the scene after when Malec are alone and Magnus just breaks down cause ‘fuck, I really am adored for more than my magic’. Cue protective and soft soulmate Alec and just all the emotional reassurance cuteness ☺️
You’re honestly amazing. Like never miss a beat, always on point in ways I could never imagine ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
As a (waaaaay too late) follow up to the Magnus getting hurt prompt and getting some trainees cuddles. (I am running so far behind on my prompts which I know all meant as prompts but they spark too many bunnies and then I want to write them.😂
Anyway here is the short follow up to that first prompt.💜
Magnus watches as the trainees walk out the door in pairs of two and threes. They’re all stalling, Hideaki “accidentally” forgetting five different pencils while Max forgets his socks, shoes and needs to pee before he runs out of excuses he can use. Clara is clinging to him, pouting and arguing with Alec that Magnus needs another Sad Pancake Day despite his injuries having entirely healed. 
Seeing the displeasure on their faces – the disappointed pouts that not even Aloysius and Ariadne manage to hide has something squeezing painfully in Magnus’ chest. Something warm and tender and painful, tearing and healing old wounds as Magnus struggles to keep his voice light and teasing.
Chairman Meow is pouting as well.
It’s not as visible as the crossed arms and downturned lips the trainees have adopted, but it’s visible in the way he’s swishing his tail and twining himself around the trainees’ legs, trying to stop them from leaving in a way Magnus doesn’t dare to.
“-okay Magnus?” Alexander’s voice pulls him out of his internal stewing. He’s looking at him, waiting for an answer. He has Clara and Steph hiked up on one arm while Leo and Barika are dangling from the other and he doesn’t even seem to notice it and the sight makes Magnus’ heart tighten again.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that darling.”
“I’ll see you tonight?” he repeats, rolling his eyes when the reminder Alexander will be back tonight causes another wave of protests.
“Now, now my darling beans – it’s only until Saturday. I’m sure you’ll all survive a few days without me there.”
“But we don’t want to,” Payton grouches this time around. “Can’t you just come live with us at the institute? And then Chairman Meow can come too and we don’t have to wait.”
“Alright, that’s enough out of all of you,” Alexander interrupts before anyone else manages to fit another word in. “We’re already late so say bye to Magnus so we can go home.”
The chorus of Fine’s that echo through his loft sound somehow even more unhappy and displeased than everything else the trainees have said before this point. They bid him goodbye with quick stolen hugs and promises to see him on Saturday before Magnus is alone again in his too-big and too-empty loft.
“Meow,” Chairman Meow complains when the door shuts behind Alexander, the sound high and whiny.
“I know, Chairman,” Magnus sighs, sitting down on his couch so Chairman Meow can climb onto his lap. His chest is still hurting, his heart overflowing with more emotions than he knows what to do with. “I know. I miss them too.”
If later that night he ends up with tears in his eyes when Alexander hands him the drawings and get-well cards the trainees made him, his heart too full of love and care, then that’s only between him, Alexander’s shirt and the privacy of his wards. 
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buglersholiday · 2 years
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Digital update of the fanart for Flowers mean forget-me-not by Foodsies
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foodsies4me · 11 months
AWG Alec portalling into the Seelie realm when Magnus forgets to make kissy face at him before he goes to work
This ended up getting far more worldbuilding than it was supposed to... Anyway, here is some Alec portals into the Seelie realm because Magnus wasn't there when he woke up which is forbidden, and Magnus (slightly) freaking out over Alec's magic again because it still makes No Sense.
The thing was, even if he had known Magnus' exact location, Alexander shouldn't have been able to portal into the fae realm the way he did. Not when the man couldn't sustain something as simple as a light spell after two months of magic lessons.
And yet somehow he did.
The fae realms had always been notoriously difficult to portal into. Even Magnus tried to limit himself to the same seven places when portaling to one of the fae's domains, using the realm's twisting and moving magic to guide him to the location he needed to go. And still, Alec somehow created a portal - if one could even call what he did portaling - into the Unseelie realm to join him.
At this rate, Ragnor was going to have another conniption.
Magnus had been picking Yerpite flowers in the valleys of the in-betweens, taking enough to create multiple batches of Moonlight Draught as Catarina's and the Spiral's reserves were running low.
Despite their many attempts throughout the centuries, Yerpite, Millberget, and Engredile flowers refused to grow outside of the fae realms. No matter what they tried, the plants died within a matter of weeks, which wasn't more than an occasional nuisance when it came to the Millberget and Engredile.
The Yerpite was another matter.
Not only did the flowers grow in the so-dubbed valley of in-betweens, named for its location in the no man's land between the Seelie and Unseelie courts as well as its habit of disappearing for years on end, but they also flowered under very specific circumstances that nobody truly understood.
Magnus has no doubts that if Moonlight Draught wasn't the sole potion that could help counter Warlock's Wasting Disease, warlocks worldwide would have given up on using the flower centuries ago.
At least Magnus was close enough friends with the Drows to be notified when the flowers bloomed. Otherwise, with how different the passage of time was between their realms and those of the fae, picking the flowers would be even more difficult than it already was.
Magnus had taken on the habit of portaling instantly whenever Dhuulyn sent him a message that the valley was blooming. Whether he was sleeping, partying, or even partaking in some of the more debauched pleasures of life, Magnus never took longer than a handful of seconds to gather his magic and portal right at the edges of the valley lest it disappear again before he arrived.
Alexander, it seems, took offense to that.
They had both been sleeping in his loft when Magnus received the message. Alexander had been softly snoring, the snuffling sound lulling Magnus deeper and deeper into slumber when his wards had reacted to the burst of magic that always preceded one of Dhuulyn's alerts.
Magnus snapped wide awake within seconds, quickly but gently detangling his and Alexander's fingers and rolling away without waking him up, to grab the coin that landed on his bedside table.
Then, he magicked on some clothes before he snapped a portal into existence and stepped into the Unseelie's dark meadows.
Magnus didn't know how long he'd been gone from their realm, but he had been picking flowers for no more than fifteen minutes when a surge of powerful but familiar magic flashed across his senses seconds before Alexander materialized into thin air.
Which is how he ended up in his current situation
"You weren't in bed when I woke up," Alexander grouches in that particular way he only allows himself to do when he's comfortable and still half-asleep. "Weren't in the loft either," he mumbles as an afterthought.
Magnus muffles a (slightly hysterical) laugh against Alexander's bare shoulder. "I'm sorry, dear heart," he apologizes, pressing a kiss to Alexander's waiting lips while his magic rushes to cover him up. "I'll explain everything when we're back in the loft, but this couldn't wait. But if you're here you can help me pick some more flowers before this valley disappears again with us in it."
Alexander gives him a confused frown, bleary eyes, and tousled hair proving he's not entirely awake yet. He does as Magnus orders him to though and reaches for the flowers closest to him after a request for another kiss. A request Magnus is all too happy to fulfill.
Having Alexander there to help him pick the flowers with two, doesn't win him as much time as Magnus hoped, but it does make the task more enjoyable.
Besides, Alexander's hand is too warm to let go of.
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foodsies4me · 11 months
Okay now I’m fully invested in Magnus realising the trainees are to totally in love in love with him. Imagine the trainees defending Magnus’ honour in front of the whole Institute. Magnus blush in the back whilst Alec look on all proud and kinda smug too :)
Well, this sure sparked the muse back to life!
I am putting a line break because this got slightly long again. But here is a "the trainees take revenge on someone for being mean to Magnus" snippet, featuring a stabby Doris, a feral Clara, an Alec who threatens people off-camera, and Max the prankster, who is as always backed up by his three fellow pranksters.
Magnus hadn't paid the insult any mind. William Ashdown, had been the latest Clave envoy in a series of many to be sent to the New York Institute. He'd arrived with slicked-back hair and a sneering frown that Magnus was all too familiar with, looking like every other shadowhunter Magnus had met throughout the years. Magnus had been standing in the Operations Room when Ashdown arrived, checking the wards on Alexander's request after the ward had started to feel "weird". Ashdown's frown turned into a disgusted scowl the moment his eyes landed on Magnus. "Could we discuss this somewhere more private," he sneered, shooting a look at Magnus as he said this, "We wouldn't want to have any unsavory ears listen in." "I trust my shadowhunters," Alexander countered, his eyes turning steely, "-and considering they will be the ones most impacted, I think it's only fair they hear how the Clave has decided to handle Valentine's reappearance." "And the warlock? We can hardly trust one of them with this information," Ashdown sneered and that had been enough for Magnus to turn his focus back to that something his magic had crossed. He wasn't interested in hearing what else the man had to say and that spark of something felt.. drowsy. Tired and old and, dare he say it, strange. Magnus hadn't cared about Ashborne's opinion.
The trainees had been another story. A pained shriek had snapped Magnus out of his trance, eyes darting to the left where Alexander and Ashdown had been standing, only to see Ashborne pull his hand away from a scowling Clara with blood running down her chin. Before Magnus could wonder what had pushed Clara to bite someone, Ashdown raised his hand to try and strike her. Alexander had Ashborne's hand clenched into a death grip before the man was even done raising his hand. "You take back what you said about Magnus!" Doris screamed not a second later, drowning out whatever order Ashborne had given Alexander. She had stomped her way over to Ashborne, hair frizzy and eyes glaring daggers before she'd put herself in front of Clara with her steel practice sword clenched tightly in her hands, "And if you hurt Clara, I will stab you." Clara had only stuck her tongue before biting her teeth together to mimic biting Ashborne a second time. "Head Lightwood, I suggest you get your shadowhunters-in-training under control now," Ashborne hissed as he tried to pull his hand back, only for Alexander to tighten his grip. "And how do you suggest I do that, Mister Ashborne?" Alexander asked, cocking his head to the left and tightening his grip even further. It's when Ashborne's hand started to bend in a decidedly unnatural way that Magnus intervened. "Alexander, I'm sure Mister Ashborne didn't mean any insult," he cut in, placing his hand on Alexander's shoulders to try and calm him down before he snapped Ashborne's wrist, "Right?"
A quick flash of his magic - harmless but enough to make it visible - was all it took to have Ashborne take a stumbling step back and give him a quick affirmative nod. "Then say sorry," Doris had ordered from the same spot she'd been standing earlier, crossing her arms in defiance when Ashborne tried to brush past her. "Say sorry," she repeated, her words being echoed by all of the other trainees present in the room - William, Sarah, two scowling Rebeccas who were busy snapping the staffs in their hands into increasingly small pieces of wood, and a glaring Hideaki that had placed himself between Magnus and Ashborne. Max, who had been sitting closest to them along with Madzie, had been the only one missing from the trainees, though seeing Madzie's absence, Magnus didn't have to wonder where he'd disappeared off to. "Alright, my little beans, let's get calmed down and leave Alec and Mister Ashborne to their discussion, why don't we?" Magnus asked to try and remedy the situation, but the trainees weren't budging. "No," Hideaki whispered, tightening his hand on the straps of his backpack when the others turned their eyes toward him, "he was mean to you and to Madzie. You're our friend. We don't let people be mean to you." "Ki, is right!" Sarah growled. For the first time since Magnus met her, her entire body was still, knees bent and hands balled into fists as she assessed the threat in front of her. Somehow, it was that nearly unnatural stillness that was so unlike Sarah that made the emotions begin to well up in his throat. Ashborne didn't last another five minutes before he muttered an unconvincing apology that Magnus was quick to accept before the trainees decided it wasn't good enough. He then waved Alexander away, telling him to bring Ashborne to his office before Magnus was whisked away by his favorite shadowhunters-in-training. Doris hadn't hesitated before taking his hand in hers to drag him to the table the trainees had been sitting at where Steph had been ready to plop herself down on Magnus' lap. Aloysius, who had been fetched by a still irate Clara, had brought snacks and a cup of - truly terrible - coffee while the other trainees hovered around him in protective fury that threatened to spring tears to his eyes. Madzie came running back not long after Ariadne had joined them, offering Magnus a hug before asking him if he was okay. Max didn't return. The other three members of the fearsome foursome didn't make an appearance either. Not even when Alexander and Ashborne walked back into the Operations Room over an hour later, Ashborne looking far paler than when he'd left, did they show. All four terrors stayed carefully hidden until Ashborne's scheduled portal back to Idriss opened on the institute's doorsteps. Then, all four came running down the institute's pathway, talking among themselves as they tried to balance the different buckets filled with - was it tar? ichor? Magnus couldn't say for sure, but buckets full of something in their hands. All four of them "accidentally" tripped as soon as they were within reach of Ashborne. And all of them "accidentally" spilled the contents onto him right as he fell through the portal. The smile on Max's face when he turned to face him was innocence itself. "Oops?" The smile that followed, was anything but.
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foodsies4me · 1 year
Imagine Magnus getting badly injured and the trainees finding out through the grapevine. Suddenly the infirmary is full of a whole clan of smol shadowhunters scheming on how to help him get better (and of course Madzie). Magnus wakes up to mountains of pancakes, a loft of blanket forts, a blushing boyfriend and a plushie shark toy. Magnus has never felt so at home.
I am blaming you for the way my hand just slipped because of course I had to write this. Sorry if I missed any typos/etc. I wrote this on my phone in the span of two hours while I should have been working. We can only conclude that I am far too susceptible to cute writing ideas thrown my way.
Magnus wakes up to muted lights and the familiar smells of sandalwood and melting butter hanging in the air. There’s a dull pain in his shoulder that spreads all the way down to his pelvic region, bursts of pain flaring with every beat of his heart as he tries to remember what had happened.
He’d been helping out a young warlock at the Labyrinth, teaching the younger man how to better control his magic, and then- Magnus doesn’t remember what happened after that. There had been heat and smoke and a terrified scream that Magnus couldn’t place as agony ripped him from his shoulder down to his lower back.
Magnus remembers Catarina being there. He remembers white hair looming over him as dark skin turned ocean blue and familiar magic danced with his. They’re just snippets, however, small fragments that paint a disjointed picture with no outline that Magnus can’t begin to understand no matter how hard he tries. And he does try. He tries until the sharp sting of his headache starts to overshadow the dull pain in his arm and Magnus is forced to close his eyes again.
It doesn't help.
The muted lights pierce through his eyelids, drawing shapes and painting colors that make him more nauseous with each passing second, and Magnus should be more worried than he is. There's an unfamiliar weight pressing on his chest, another wrapped around his uninjured arm as soft waves of magic wash over him.
He's in his loft, he realizes. The familiar buzz of his wards is caressing over his skin, mingling with the soft traces of magic - young and soft and worried - that is coming from next to him.
Magnus unconsciously tries to shift closer, tries to sink into that soft pool of warmth and magic, when a small voice speaks up, "Magnus, are you awake?"
Magnus groans in confusion. He tries to remember who that voice belongs to, tries to pull through the fog clouding his mind, when that voice speaks up again, sounding far more excited this time around. "Alec! Magnus is awake! He's awake, come look!"
The excited shriek is followed by a series of high-pitched squeals and stomping feet that push him to open his eyes again only to be met with too-bright lights and even more dazzling smiles.
"See? See? I told you he was awake," an excited little Sarah cheers as she pushes herself upright to give him a wide dazzling smile. She lets go of his arm to do so and it’s only then that Magnus realizes where the weight has come from.
Sarah is not the only one crowding around him.
What looks like all of the trainees are gathered around him, staring at him as if he’d just hung the sun. Clara is giving him a sunshiny smile from where she’s still draped over Magnus’ legs. Keith and Colton are sitting with their legs crossed on what has become Alec’s unofficial side of the bed while Max and Madzie are looking up at him in delight, their unfinished puzzle forgotten on the floor.
"Alright, give him some space," Alexander orders as he makes his way through the gaggle of children taking up space in Magnus’ bedroom, "I told you not to crowd him."
"Not crowd," little Steph denies, shaking her head left and right for emphasis as she too refuses to move from where she's plastered herself over Magnus' legs. "Hug."
"Alright, hug then," Alexander acquiesces with a fond shake of his head. "You're still going to have to move so Magnus can eat."
"But Magnus needs get-better hugs," Clara protests, throwing worried glances Magnus' way, "Catie said so."
"Catarina also said he needs rest and something to replenish his magic with. And that means food." Alexander says, lifting the two plates in his hands for emphasis. "But if you want to help, you can go choose a movie we can watch, okay?"
“Get-better hugs after?” Clara asks, throwing Alexander a look that makes it clear she’ll know if he’s lying.
Alexander sighs, throwing her an exasperated look that only eggs her on, “After Magnus has eaten you can give him more get-better hugs if Magnus wants them,” he relents, throwing an apologetic look his way that makes Magnus smile despite the pain he’s in.
“I could do with a movie and a get-better hug,” he offers. He doubts he’ll stay awake long enough to enjoy either of these things, but the twin smiles that bloom on Clara and Sarah’s faces are well worth the effort of trying.
“Be right back!” They both yell out in unison before they’re sprinting out the door to parse through the video library Magnus had summoned specially for the trainees. Aloysius and Doris follow behind them at a more sedate pace to make sure they don’t pick a movie that is too scary for them and Magnus feels his heart swell with joy.
A soft kiss on his cheek brings his focus back to Alexander. "Hey," he greets with that heartbreaking smile of his, "how are you feeling?”
"Like I ended up on the wrong side of a slicing curse," Magnus admits through a wide yawn, sinking into Alexander's embrace with a content sigh when he slides his arm around Magnus' waist to help him sit up.
"Catarina warned that might last a day or two."
"Hmm", Magnus hums absentmindedly, his mind slowly drifting off again, "did she now?"
"Yeah, and she also said you had to eat," Alexander says, gently prodding him back to wakefulness until Magnus opens his eyes to glare at him. Alexander has the nerve to laugh at him. "Don't give me that look, I'm just following Catarina’s orders.”
"If you must," Magnus sighs perhaps a bit more theatrically than necessary. “Don’t think I will forget this the next time you get injured, sayang,” he warns before his eyes land on the two plates on the bedside table.
"The trainees insisted you also get pancakes," Alexander shrugs when he notices Magnus’ expression. "I tried to explain you needed steak to-"
"It's Sad-Pancakes-Day, not Sad-Steak-Day," Max interrupts as he and Madzie wiggle themselves onto the bed to sit next to Magnus. “Sad-Steak-Day just sounds sad.” He finishes with a disgusted look at the Steak Alec had prepared before he plops Bubbles, who had somehow fallen behind Magnus, onto Magnus' lap.
The realization that Bubbles had been that little source of joy and magic - that Max and Madzie had given Bubbles to him while he was asleep, banishes whatever sly innuendo he had been planning to make. "I could do with a Sad-Pancake-Day,” he concedes, sinking further into Alec’s warm embrace.
The next few minutes pass in a haze off small, offered bites of steak and pancakes and sips of martini as Magnus struggles to keep his eyes open. His two plates are half-empty when Clara and Steph come running back into the room, small feet pattering on the wooden floor as they proudly show the movie they had picked along with Aloysius and Doris: Lilo & Stitch. Keith pops it in the dvd-player for them while Colton, Barika and Leo run off to grab some more pancakes for everyone. Clara and Sarah are quick to wiggle back into their earlier spots, and Magnus can’t remember ever feeling more loved than this.
His eyes are dropping shut, pain flaring with every exhausted beat of his heart, and yet Magnus feels warm. Happy. His past self would have scoffed at the mere idea. Even the Magnus from six months ago would have laughed in derision, but in this moment, surrounded by his small patchwork family of shadowhunters in training, his little sweet pea, Chairman Meow and Alexander, Magnus feels like the luckiest man alive.
The last thought that crosses his mind before the warm feeling of love and soft purrs lull him to sleep is that, while his past self might scoff all he wants, Magnus wouldn't change a thing.
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foodsies4me · 1 year
So basically: Alec is super magically powerful and was able to keep a tendril of the unacknowlesged soul bond alive as a kid that was making him sick and corrupting the newly formed soul bond?
and now Magnus healed it and the bond is complete and Malec are currently cuddling in bonded bliss?
Wowwwwwwwwwwww 🙈🥹 I get more invested in AWG every single chapter. So excited to see Malbec exploring all the new layers of both of their magic + soul bond.
I wouldn’t say super magically powerful, but he is powerful yes! And it was maintaining that tendril that was a king him so ill, so yes for that part as well!
I apologize for the incoming ramble, it’s going to be a lot.
Alec’s magic is pretty unique in the sense that it reacts both in the way a normal shadowhunter’s magic works as well as the way a warlock’s would that is to say:
Shadowhunter magic - no intent, only runes. The magic reacts to the runes so even if you were to think about using a rune that would make you weaker (for whatever reason) if you use a strength rune, you will get stronger.
Warlock magic - mostly intent when untrained, when trained it’s intent + spell to focus. Intent will however always take the upper hand so if a warlock were to use a spell that should summon fire, but decides they really want it to create a jet stream of water instead, they would be summoning water.
Alec is using his magic the way a shadowhunter would (largely because he didn’t know he had magic the way warlocks do) except the intent is leaking through which is how the familias rune he drew on Bubbles by example ended up being a permanent bond that lets him track Bubbles (and more dangerously would let someone track him though Bubbles, which Magnus and Ragnor are going to have a conniption about).
In a similar vein, the philia rune which is just meant to be a decorative rune that shows familial love, was affected by his desire to draw this rune to show Max he loves him and that he’s safe/cared for when he’s scared. As a result, it now reacts to Max (or currently Madzie’s emotions), which in return makes it so other runes can activate if the magic in the rune feels it necessary to do so. Examples: the enlighten rune activating for Max when he’s scared of the dark, the familias rune activating and forcing Alec run over, the philia rune activating and spreading love and warmth to soothe etc.
Another thing with Alec’s magic is that it has never been restrained.
I already mentioned this, I think, but warlocks are used to containing their magic (even when they flare it in greeting it’s still not unleashing their full strength) because it’s considered impolite. The other reason is that it could be dangerous for untrained magic - a child could have a nightmare about monsters and, depending on how powerful they are, accidentally bring those monsters to life through their magic. (This is an extreme example, but that’s the main logic.)
Alec’s magic has however been given free reign to do what it wants because:
There were no warlocks around to notice;
Even if there were his magic mostly feels like that of a regular Nephilim at first glance;
His magic is perpetually exhausted because of the bond he had been unconsciously maintaining, so that would have made it even harder for a warlock to catch;
Alec didn’t realize he was doing anything in the first place so he wouldn’t have thought of putting a stop to it and trying to better control his magic.
All to say that Alec has the magical power of an adult (a young one, but an adult nonetheless) warlock with the finesse of that of a newborn. And just like how having a baby with the strength of a bodybuilder would be slightly disastrous, so is this. Ergo, the first time Alec tries to summon fire when Ragnor and Magnus are training him, he nearly destroys a full wing in the Spiral Labyrinth and burns off Ragnor’s eyebrows.😂
Sorry again for the long ramble, I have so much worldbuilding and nowhere to put it so you became the ramble victim. 😁
But yes, the idea is to wrap up the first part of this series in the next two chapters (with some more Malec being cute) and to finish with Alec’s official appointing ceremony before we start with the sequel that will focus on Alec’s magic, as well as some other plot lines that have already been set in place.😊
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foodsies4me · 1 year
Not six sentences on not a sunday
So, I was tagged by @echo-bleu twice in the last two weeks but I went from a very busy bean to a sick bean (still am sick tbh), so I decided to give two different snippets from two different fics (next snippet to follow later). As always, thank you Echo! We’re ignoring that this wasn’t posted on a Sunday...
I am currently writing the next chapter of AWG (the last real chapter for this part of the series), so here's a bit of soft parabatai feels.
“Going to have to ask Magnus and Ragnor that one,” Jace shrugs from where he’s seated himself on the back of the couch Alec is sitting on, “But food first. Cat’s orders.” Jace turns to Magnus, “Can you do your magic hand twirl thing?” he asks, waving his fingers in a haphazard way for emphasis.
His subsequent loss of balance might not be suspicious to anyone who doesn't know him, but the warmth that spreads through Alec as Jace grabs his shoulder to ‘regain’ his balance, leaning into him as he rights himself soothes in a way Alec didn't expect. Jace doesn't take his hand back either, not even after he’s ‘regained’ his balance, leaving it there on Alec's shoulder in a subtle show of support. “Iz was on kitchen duty,” he picks back up again, “and she managed to switch up the sugar and the salt...among other things.”
Tagging without any pressure whatsoever (no I did not forget to do this before hitting post) @miss-mouse, @moonlight-breeze-44, and @faejilly (sorry for spam tagging you, Jilly😂)
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foodsies4me · 1 year
So proud of myself cause I def called Malec’s soul mark word’s changing and Max + Madzie being soul mates 😬
Also losing it at Ragnor just being so done with Alec’s magic already 😭 Part 2 is gonna be so interesting. Esp the part where Malec’s magic constantly make moon eyes at each other.
Magnus already got an order in for 10+ bunk beds from IKEA for his new little warriors. I’m so excited for the shenanigans to continue 🙃
Yes, you did call it! I’m kind of glad so many people saw the soul mark change come as well as Madzie and Max being soulmates. It means it didn’t come out of nowhere (even if it shows that I am not sneaky at all when building up to things.😂)
Ragnor is already at the « I need a drink » stage when it comes to Alec’s magic and they haven’t even started training yet. He’s so done and it makes it very funny to write.
Magnus started planning on how to decorate the trainees’ rooms the moment Alec said there weren’t enough. Normal beds? Bunk beds? Beds that have a waterfall coming out of it? He already had a list to show the trainees with a « pick whatever you like » meanwhile Alec is despairing because Magnus refuses to be paid for doing the trainee rooms. (He briefly considers asking another warlock so he doesn’t feel like he’s taking advantage of Magnus, but he’s worried that would hurt Magnus. So he ends up looking for the rarest potion items he can find and gives those as payment an impromptu gift.)
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foodsies4me · 1 year
The Untitled Daemon fic finally has a title! It also has a plot that has grown completely out of control, but wat else is new.
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foodsies4me · 1 year
A lil slice of AWG Malec enjoying a fam night in with Madzie after Alec is put on a week’s leave by the whole Institute (but also cause that soul bond need time to settle)
It take 72hours for Alec to break and go see the recruits after numerous sad face emoji in the group chat aka ‘how dare you, Madzie and Magnus miss pancake day’
That is such an adorable drawing, thank you for sharing ir!
The trainees 💯would spam Alec with sad face emojis because it's been weeks since Alec trained with them and Alec promised. Also, Alec knows them well enough to know they would all sneak out of the institute to come to find him if he stayed away too long. That or they (well mainly Max and the other three musketeers) will start running even more pranks in the institute and Alec does not want a repeat of the Mumbai Incident, thank you very much.
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foodsies4me · 1 year
👀🤲 (i feel like these two go together)
An up-and-coming wip: I hesitated about which one I would choose, but given I know you like AWG I ended up choosing the unicorn fic! This idea sprouted because of @kalalab being evil and giving me more and more plot bunnies as I go. The fic follows up on the promise Alec made to Max about how he would be allowed to try and feed strawberries to any unicorns if he finds them because Magnus told him they generally don't like them.
Of course, Max being Max - he isn't going to wait for a unicorn to just appear. No, he's going to go LOOK for one, and the trainee outing they have planned is the perfect opportunity to do so if you ask him.
"And the backpacks?" he asks with a tired sigh, throwing a look at the brand-new backpacks all of the trainees are sporting. Each one of them is so perfectly thought out, so perfectly tailored to the trainees' interests - a Batman backpack with sharks and cartoon characters for Max, a white backpack with sparkly butterflies and fuzzy, blue sharks for Madzie, a waffle with an alien drawn on it for Keith, and a black dragon holding a medal for Arjun - that they could only have been made through magic. Magnus really has to stop spoiling their trainees so much. "They're for the strawberries!" Rara explains loudly, taking her fuzzy, unicorn backpack off of her back to show the three different boxes of strawberries she's put in it. "We also have apples," she whispers behind her hand as if revealing an important secret, "for if the unicorns really don't like strawberries."
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foodsies4me · 6 months
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
So, the lovely and wonderfully talented @echo-bleu tagged me again to showcase the ridiculousness of my WIP titles, thank you Echo. I won't list them all because there are wayyyyy too many to list at this point, but here are some of the current ones on AO3, as well as some of the ridiculousness saved on my computer.
(Note, many of these have already been mentioned in this game, but I have some snippets that haven't been seen for most of those by now.)
The normal titles:
Bridges Over Lakes of Salt
Apollo: Blood Wars
Walk, Fight, Fashion Baby
Of hiding and waiting (yes I am still planning on finishing that fic despite not having updated in nearly two years)
Along Came A Shadowhunter
Meet me in the Future, Love me in the Past
The Past Bleeds Golden
Crow's No Good, Very Bad Day (chapter 3)
The ridiculous ones:
Max's Unfortunate Adventure_Still-needs-t-be-changed-because-he-nearly-DIED
Of spoken words and part two's missing
That Alec birthday fic you SILLLLLL didn't finish
Vaguely beauty and the beast inspired
Vaguely beauty and the beast inspired with Alec this time
Alec saves Raziel and gets a powers boost
That one Omega fic I don’t want to write
That one kind of but not really zombie fic I don’t want to write cuz zombies SCARE me-WTF-brain
Why do these OC-s-have so many backdtory-NOBODY cares Lys
Camille being the worst-thats-ASSAULT-also Malec are both big sad
That Alec dies but doesn’t fic-how do I resurrecting him though
That OTHER AWG inspired fic because of course someone had to feed the bunny- Aec has a soulmatk
The Tumblr prompts you still haven't finished becase you're slowwww and life is bussyyyy
That similar fic to Four seconds and two steps but with Jace and maybe Izzy not being let inside
(Yes the whole things are the working title. This is them in their complete unadulterated glory because a bean has no chill):
I am tagging @miss-mouse, @sandylee007 (with the evil snippets), @lawsofchaos1, @fiyaerrigan, @to-the-stars-writing (because I love to see all of the different folders you have :D) and anyone else that sees this from me and wants to participate that I am too shy to tag because tagging is still scary.
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foodsies4me · 7 months
Please tell me Crow makes a little cameo in IPBG cause I love seeing the trainees unintentionally torment of his life 😭 or even, will we see more of Crow’s adventures on the side? My unofficial fav OC of the AWG world for sure.
We will see Crow cameos in TPBG! And there’s another Crow chapter coming for the Crow’s no good day! Someone asked for me to write a « Crow meets Malec and the trainees after he fled the US while they’re on a vacation » chapter when I asked for prompts and,while I haven’t gotten around to finish it yet, I am working on it. 😁
Crow has become an unofficial fave OC of mine as well (the trainees don’t count cuz they’re the trainees), so I’m delighted that so many other people seem to like him. I hadn’t expected people to be interested in this small disaster OC that can’t keep out of trouble to save his life. Even less for them to want to see more of him, but it’s only a good thing they want more of him because there will be whether they like it or not. 💜😆
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foodsies4me · 5 months
AWG Malec but make it human au
Tumblr media
Don't you dare! Omg that is adorable and noooo now I want a fic where they have matching birth marks as soul marks. Help, I am already drowning in bunnies, I don't need more.😂
This would make such a cute Malec fic, though.
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foodsies4me · 1 year
I was tagged by @echo-bleu, thank you as always Echo!
Make a 24h poll with the names of your wips, let it run its course, and then write a sentence for every vote the winner receives.
These are some of the main Wips I'm struggling to write at the moment (there are a whole lot more, but those plot bunnies are still keeping themselves nicely contained to their cages).
So yeah, tell me what to write!
Tagging @miss-mouse, @abyssal-hellcat, @to-the-stars-writing and @faejilly and @shae-la-hyene (and anyone else that sees this, hasn't participated and yet and wants to join).💜
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foodsies4me · 10 months
I literally accidentally read the last chapter of AWG again thinking I had it in my saved this whole time 😭 I am losing my mind, istg my end of year brain is so chaos.
Anyway, I suppose this is my monthly ask to obsess over Alec’s soulmark changing also being Malec’s first unofficial ILY. Like Alec literally sobbing cause he spent so long repressing himself and finally he can have the love he always craved 🥹
Goodbye. You’re so smart. Even though I called the soul mark change, I’m still in awe.
I also know that Magnus bought Alec a new journal with his new soulmark in it so he can’t write how he feels. and maybe Magnus started one himself that he gives to Alec on their first anniversary and updates regularly to help Alec overcome that little voice inside him that makes him doubt his worth :(
These sappy f*ckers make me so happy.
HOW did you call the new journal for Alec and Magnus journal reveal???!!!! That was supposed to be a surprise for the second installment sjfjnsjfjdf!!!
I am feeling called out and seen because clearly there is not one sneaky bone in my body if I am that predictable.😂
Also Alec is going to get another fun surprise though this one is not from Magnus. I just have to find a way to make it work in the second installment because it was originally meant to be the epilogue chapter of AWG but then it became too long (like always) and now I’m wondering how to make it work with everything else.
I am also trying to stop a new arranged marriage plot bunny with a lot of misunderstandings from taking over my life, please send help.
Also the last chapter was very much a first unofficial I love you because Magnus is going to woe his soulmate to make sure he obliterates every last snide and deprecating voice in Alec’s mind that he unintentionally caused.
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