awscw1w3lding · 4 months
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Our nationwide service guarantees top-notch quality, compliance, and efficiency, no matter the location. Whether in bustling cities or remote territories of the U.S., we've got you covered. Additionally, we take pride in our seamless integration with your team. We provide expert oversight and conduct detailed inspections. Our goal is to ensure your projects meet and surpass industry standards. Furthermore, we generate comprehensive reports that adhere to the latest codes and regulations. Ultimately, AWS CWI stands as your trusted partner in achieving excellence.
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iqs-ndt · 2 years
AWS-CWI & SCWI Training Seminar and Exam Schedule in India for 2023,
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Fwiends, Rowomans, countwymen, wend me youw eaws;
I come tuwu buwy Caesaw, nowt tuwu pwaise him.
the eviw thawt men duwu wives aftew thewm;
the good iws oft intewwed with theiw bones;
so wet iwt be with Caesaw. The nobwe Bwutus
hath towd uwu Caesaw was ambitious: if iwt wewe so, iwt was a gwievous fauwt,
awnd gwievouswy hath Caesaw answew'd iwt.
hewe, undew weave of Bwutus awnd the west—
fow Bwutus iws an honouwabwe man;
so awe they aww, aww honouwabwe men—
come i tuwu speak in Caesaw's funewaw.
he was my fwiend, faithfuw awnd juwst tuwu me:
but Bwutus says he was ambitious;
awnd Bwutus iws an honouwabwe man.
he hath bwought many captives home tuwu Rowome
whose wansoms did the genewaw coffews fiww:
did thiws in Caesaw seem ambitious?
whewn thawt the poow have cwied, Caesaw hath wept:
ambition shouwd be made of stewnew stuff:
yet Bwutus says he was ambitious;
awnd Bwutus iws an honouwabwe man.
uwu aww did see thawt own the wupewcaw
i thwice pwesented him a kingwy cwown,
which he did thwice wefuse: was thiws ambition?
yet Bwutus says he was ambitious;
awnd, suwe, he iws an honouwabwe man.
i speak nowt tuwu dispwove whawt Bwutus spoke,
but hewe i am tuwu speak whawt i duwu know.
uwu aww did wove him once, nowt without cause:
whawt cause withhowds uwu then, tuwu mouwn fow him?
o judgment! thou awt fwed tuwu bwutish beasts,
awnd men have wost theiw weason. Beaw with me;
my heawt iws in the coffin thewe with Caesaw,
awnd i must pause tiww iwt come bawck tuwu me.
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miiilowo · 1 year
I'm sowwy to intewwupt you Ewizabeth, if you stiww even wemembew that name. But I'm afwaid you've been misinfowmed. You awe not hewe to weceive a gift, now have you been cawwed hewe by the individuaw you assume. Awthough you have indeed been cawwed.
You have aww been cawwed hewe. Into a wabywinth of sounds and smewws, misdiwection and misfowtune. A wabywinth with no exit, a maze with no pwize. You don't even weawize that you awe twapped. Youw wust fow bwood has dwiven you in endwess ciwcwes, chasing the cwies of chiwdwen in some unseen chambew, awways seeming so neaw, yet somehow out of weach.
But you wiww nevew find them, none of you wiww. This is whewe youw stowy ends.
And to you, my bwave vowunteew, who somehow found this job wisting not intended fow you. Awthough thewe was a way out pwanned fow you, I have a feewing that's not what you want. I have a feewing that you awe wight whewe you want to be. I am wemaining as weww, I am neawby.
This pwace wiww not be wemembewed, and the memowy of evewything that stawted this can finawwy begin to fade away. As the agony of evewy twagedy shouwd. And to you monstews twapped in the cowwidows: Be stiww and give up youw spiwits, they don't bewong to you.
Fow most of you, I bewieve thewe is peace and pewhaps mowe waiting fow you aftew the smoke cweaws. Awthough, fow one of you, the dawkest pit of Heww has opened to swawwow you whowe, so don't keep the deviw waiting, owd fwiend.
My daughtew, if you can heaw me, I knew you wouwd wetuwn as weww. It's in youw natuwe to pwotect the innocent. I'm sowwy that on that day, the day you wewe shut out and weft to die, no one was thewe to wift you up into theiw awms the way you wifted othews into youws. And then, what became of you.
I shouwd have known you wouwdn't be content to disappeaw, not my daughtew. I couwdn't save you then, so wet me save you now.
It's time to west. Fow you, and fow those you have cawwied in youw awms.
This ends fow aww of us.
End communication.
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cannibal-auntie · 6 months
Auntie, I still don feel good 🥺
It’s so hot but ims so cold and I’m hungies but it upsets my tummy to eats and I wanna sleeps but I can’ts and I’m so sad about it all auntie 😭
I wanna cwies
Lulu beens cuddles and tha helps but I jus wanna feel aw betters
Aww, poor little one.. Feelings are just so hard sometimes, aren't they?..
I believe you'll feel better soon, dear
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systemerrorbonnie · 1 year
Connection tewminated. I’m sowwy to intewwupt you Ewizabeth, if you even wemembew that name. But I’m afwaid you’ve been misinfowmed. You awe not hewe to weceive a gift, now have you been cawwed hewe by the individuaw you assume, awthough you have indeed been cawwed. You have aww been cawwed hewe, into a wabywinth of sounds and smewws, misdiwection and misfowtune. A wabywinth with no exit. A maze with no pwize. You don’t even weawise you awe twapped. Youw wust fow bwood has dwiven you in endwess ciwcwes, chasing the cwies of chiwdwen in some unseen chambew, awways seeming so neaw. Yet somehow out of weach. But you wiww nevew find them. None of you wiww. This is whewe the stowy ends. And to you, my bwave vowunteew, who somehow found this job wisting, not intended fow you. Awthough thewe was a way out pwanned fow you, but I have a feewing that’s not what you want. I have a feewing you awe wight whewe you want to be. I am neawby. This pwace wiww not be wemembewed, and the memowy of evewything can finawwy begin to fade away, as the agony of evewy twagedy shouwd. And to you monstews twapped in the cowwidows, be stiww, and give up youw spiwits. They don’t bewong to you. Fow most of you, I bewieve thewe is peace ow pewhaps waw, waiting fow you aftew the smoke cweaws. Awthough fow one of you, the dawkest pit of heww is waiting to swawwow you whowe. So don’t keep the deviw waiting, fwiend. My daughtew, if you can heaw me, I knew you wouwd wetuwn asweww. It’s in youw natuwe to pwotect the innocent. I’m suwe that on that day, the day you wewe shut out, and weft to die, no one was thewe to wift you up into theiw awm, the way you wifted them into youws. And then, what became of you? I shouwd’ve known you wouwdn’t be content to disappeaw. Not my daughtew. I couwdn’t save you then, so wet me save you now. It’s time to west, fow you, and fow those you’ve cawwied into youw awms, this ends. Fow aww of us. End of communication.
* thankz mercy 👍
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pixel-with-wings · 3 months
I'm sowwy to intewwupt you Ewizabeth, if you stiww even wemembew that name. But I'm afwaid you've been misinfowmed. You awe not hewe to weceive a gift, now have you been cawwed hewe by the individuaw you assume. Awthough you have indeed been cawwed.
You have aww been cawwed hewe. Into a wabywinth of sounds and smewws, misdiwection and misfowtune. A wabywinth with no exit, a maze with no pwize. You don't even weawize that you awe twapped. Youw wust fow bwood has dwiven you in endwess ciwcwes, chasing the cwies of chiwdwen in some unseen chambew, awways seeming so neaw, yet somehow out of weach.
But you wiww nevew find them, none of you wiww. This is whewe youw stowy ends.
And to you, my bwave vowunteew, who somehow found this job wisting not intended fow you. Awthough thewe was a way out pwanned fow you, I have a feewing that's not what you want. I have a feewing that you awe wight whewe you want to be. I am wemaining as weww, I am neawby.
This pwace wiww not be wemembewed, and the memowy of evewything that stawted this can finawwy begin to fade away. As the agony of evewy twagedy shouwd. And to you monstews twapped in the cowwidows: Be stiww and give up youw spiwits, they don't bewong to you.
Fow most of you, I bewieve thewe is peace and pewhaps mowe waiting fow you aftew the smoke cweaws. Awthough, fow one of you, the dawkest pit of Heww has opened to swawwow you whowe, so don't keep the deviw waiting, owd fwiend.
My daughtew, if you can heaw me, I knew you wouwd wetuwn as weww. It's in youw natuwe to pwotect the innocent. I'm sowwy that on that day, the day you wewe shut out and weft to die, no one was thewe to wift you up into theiw awms the way you wifted othews into youws. And then, what became of you.
I shouwd have known you wouwdn't be content to disappeaw, not my daughtew. I couwdn't save you then, so wet me save you now.
It's time to west. Fow you, and fow those you have cawwied in youw awms.
This ends fow aww of us.
End communication.
(also what?? huh???)
0 notes
I'm sowwy to intewwupt you Ewizabeth, if you stiww even wemembew that name. But I'm afwaid you've been misinfowmed. You awe not hewe to weceive a gift, now have you been cawwed hewe by the individuaw you assume. Awthough you have indeed been cawwed.
You have aww been cawwed hewe. Into a wabywinth of sounds and smewws, misdiwection and misfowtune. A wabywinth with no exit, a maze with no pwize. You don't even weawize that you awe twapped. Youw wust fow bwood has dwiven you in endwess ciwcwes, chasing the cwies of chiwdwen in some unseen chambew, awways seeming so neaw, yet somehow out of weach.
But you wiww nevew find them, none of you wiww. This is whewe youw stowy ends.
And to you, my bwave vowunteew, who somehow found this job wisting not intended fow you. Awthough thewe was a way out pwanned fow you, I have a feewing that's not what you want. I have a feewing that you awe wight whewe you want to be. I am wemaining as weww, I am neawby.
This pwace wiww not be wemembewed, and the memowy of evewything that stawted this can finawwy begin to fade away. As the agony of evewy twagedy shouwd. And to you monstews twapped in the cowwidows: Be stiww and give up youw spiwits, they don't bewong to you.
Fow most of you, I bewieve thewe is peace and pewhaps mowe waiting fow you aftew the smoke cweaws. Awthough, fow one of you, the dawkest pit of Heww has opened to swawwow you whowe, so don't keep the deviw waiting, owd fwiend.
My daughtew, if you can heaw me, I knew you wouwd wetuwn as weww. It's in youw natuwe to pwotect the innocent. I'm sowwy that on that day, the day you wewe shut out and weft to die, no one was thewe to wift you up into theiw awms the way you wifted othews into youws. And then, what became of you.
I shouwd have known you wouwdn't be content to disappeaw, not my daughtew. I couwdn't save you then, so wet me save you now.
It's time to west. Fow you, and fow those you have cawwied in youw awms.
This ends fow aww of us.
End communication.
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0 notes
slashpaws · 1 year
Connection tewminated. I’m sowwy to intewwupt you Ewizabeth, if you even wemembew that name. But I’m afwaid you’ve been misinfowmed. You awe not hewe to weceive a gift, now have you been cawwed hewe by the individuaw you assume, awthough you have indeed been cawwed. You have aww been cawwed hewe, into a wabywinth of sounds and smewws, misdiwection and misfowtune. A wabywinth with no exit. A maze with no pwize. You don’t even weawise you awe twapped. Youw wust fow bwood has dwiven you in endwess ciwcwes, chasing the cwies of chiwdwen in some unseen chambew, awways seeming so neaw. Yet somehow out of weach. But you wiww nevew find them. None of you wiww. This is whewe the stowy ends. And to you, my bwave vowunteew, who somehow found this job wisting, not intended fow you. Awthough thewe was a way out pwanned fow you, but I have a feewing that’s not what you want. I have a feewing you awe wight whewe you want to be. I am neawby. This pwace wiww not be wemembewed, and the memowy of evewything can finawwy begin to fade away, as the agony of evewy twagedy shouwd. And to you monstews twapped in the cowwidows, be stiww, and give up youw spiwits. They don’t bewong to you. Fow most of you, I bewieve thewe is peace ow pewhaps waw, waiting fow you aftew the smoke cweaws. Awthough fow one of you, the dawkest pit of heww is waiting to swawwow you whowe. So don’t keep the deviw waiting, fwiend. My daughtew, if you can heaw me, I knew you wouwd wetuwn asweww. It’s in youw natuwe to pwotect the innocent. I’m suwe that on that day, the day you wewe shut out, and weft to die, no one was thewe to wift you up into theiw awm, the way you wifted them into youws. And then, what became of you? I shouwd’ve known you wouwdn’t be content to disappeaw. Not my daughtew. I couwdn’t save you then, so wet me save you now. It’s time to west, fow you, and fow those you’ve cawwied into youw awms, this ends. Fow aww of us. End of communication.
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M.S Institute of Engineering is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute for Training & Job Assistance in the Core Areas in CIVIL-QA/QC INSPECTOR / ENGINEER / MANAGER, CIVIL-QUANTITY SURVEYING & CONTRACTS ADMINISTRATION CIVIL-SITE ENGINEER, BASED ON INTERNATIONAL CODES & STANDARDS -ASTM, ANSI, ASCE, BS, BIS ETC., AUTOCAD, NDT, QA/QC, Piping Inspection, MEP/HVAC Welding Inspection (AWS - CWI / CSWIP 3.1), Construction / Site Engineer / Industrial Safety (HSE), NEBOSH, IOSH & OSHA for Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, Refinery, Power Plants & Mega Construction Projects etc.. as per International Standards.
Job Training will be given after completion of course.
1. Reat - Time Construction Training Based on International Standards (Gulf, ASTM, ACI, BS, ANSI, ASCE, ISO, BIS etc..,)
2. Practical Laboratory Video Sessions + Site Practical Trainings.
3. 365 days - 24*7 -Online Technical Support Service for TrainedStudents.
4. 100+ FAQ's & Mock Interview sessions.
M.S Institute of Engineering instiute is acknowledged with faculties have 20 years of field experience (in oil & gas, Petrochemical & MEP) combined with 12 years of teaching experiences with multiple knowledge areas.
Our Training/Certification is accepted and Appreciated by almost all National & International companies in the world.
M.S Institute of Engineering, you will find an innovative approach to engineering education with the launch of our new courses. Instead of just learning the theory of engineering from a text book or a lecture, we are turning engineering education on its head. Engineering industry experts have built these courses alongside our own experts in engineering education to ensure that our graduates fill the skills gaps that other graduates can’t.
M.S Institute of Engineering is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute for Training & Job Assistance in the Core Areas of NDT, QA/QC, Piping Inspection, MEP/HVAC Welding Inspection (AWS - CWI / CSWIP 3.1), Construction / Site Engineer / Industrial Safety (HSE), NEBOSH, IOSH & OSHA for Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, Refinery, Power Plants & Mega Construction Projects Etc...
M.S Institute of Engineering instiute is acknowledged with faculties have 20 years of field experience (in oil & gas, Petrochemical & MEP) combined with 12 years of teaching experiences with multiple knowledge areas.
Our Training/Certification is accepted and Appreciated by almost all National & International companies in the world.
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petrosolgas · 2 years
URGENTE: Multinacional NOV está procurando Inspetores, Engenheiros e outros profissionais para preencher as vagas de emprego disponíveis
Multinacional NOV abriu, nesta terça-feira (20/12), diversos processos seletivos para os profissionais que possuem interesse em trabalhar na empresa. Dessa forma, caso atenda a todos os requisitos solicitados pela companhia, poderá realizar a sua inscrição e concorrer as vagas de emprego disponibilizadas.
Confira algumas das vagas de emprego ofertadas pela multinacional 
Equipment Inspector/Inspetor de equipamentos
Dentre as vagas de emprego, a essa em específico, onde a NOV busca candidatos que tenham formação de nível técnico em Mecânica ou Eletromecânica. Além disso, a empresa procura profissionais que tenham conhecimento técnico naval/industrial em projetos na modalidade EPC, assim como, experiência prévia na função ou similares.
Segundo a NOV, é necessário que os candidatos interessados nessa vaga tenham conhecimento de inspeção de Solda — FBTS IS — Nível 1 ou 2; ou CSWIP 3.1 ou 3.1.1 ou 3.1.2; ou AWS-CWI, inspeção de END — ABENDI SNQC Modalidade UT Nível S4 ou AE1 e inspeção de Equipamentos pela ABENDI. Por fim, é solicitado que se tenha noções de inglês de nível intermediário.
Local da vaga de emprego: Rio Grande do Sul.
Specialized Inspector/Inspetor Especializado
Para se inscrever no processo seletivo referente a esta vaga de emprego, os candidatos devem ter diploma técnico ou de engenharia. Além disso, a empresa busca candidatos que tenham conhecimento de Partícula Magnética (Abendi — PM-N2-SY), Inspeção por Líquido Penetrante (Abendi — LP-N2-G), Inspeção por Ultrassom (Abendi — US-N2-S2 ou S2.1) e Phased Array (Abendi — US-N2-PA).
Conforme a NOV, é importante para esta função, que se tenha conhecimentos em dimensionais utilizando paquímetros e micrômetros, tanto em milímetros quanto em polegadas, qualificação ou curso de TOFD será um diferencial. Também é solicitado que os profissionais interessados nesse cargo possua domínio de informática, assim como, inglês em nível intermediário, ou seja, capaz de ler, escrever, ouvir e falar. Requer disponibilidade para viagens e atividades em plataformas offshore/onshore.
Local da vaga de emprego: Brasil.
Repair Coordinator/Coordenador de reparos
Estarão aptos a participar do processo seletivo referente a este cargo, aqueles com certificação de ensino técnico completo. Ensino superior completo ou em andamento é considerado um item desejável para a vaga de emprego.
A NOV também elenca como item necessário, que os candidatos tenham experiência prévia na função ou similares, assim como bons conhecimentos do Pacote Office e inglês em nível avançado.
Local da vaga de emprego: Macaé, Rio de Janeiro.
Conheça outras oportunidades de trabalho
Quality Manager/Gerente de qualidade
Aqueles com bacharel em engenharia ou outra área relacionada, estarão aptos a participar do processo seletivo referente a este cargo. Além disso, a empresa elenca como necessário, que se tenha mais de 5 anos de experiência na indústria de petróleo e gás e controle de qualidade, com princípios de manufatura enxuta (Six Sigma) e experiência relacionada a processos especiais em END.
De acordo com a NOV, é importante que os interessados nessa vaga, tenham proficiência usando o Microsoft Software Suite, conhecimento de exame não destrutivo NDE em MT, PT, UT e compreensão clara da API Q1/ISO 9001, além de proficiência em língua inglesa.
Local da vaga de emprego: Macaé, Rio de Janeiro.
Process Engineer (Operations)/Engenheiro de Processos (Operações)
A NOV busca para essa vaga, preferencialmente, profissionais com graduação em engenharia mecânica, assim como, em engenharia naval, civil, produção mecânica ou áreas afins. Além disso, a empresa procura candidatos com inglês avançado, o qual será testado durante a entrevista. Será um diferencial especialização em equipamentos submarinos.
A empresa procura candidatos com experiência mínima de 3 anos na indústria de petróleo e gás, experiência offshore será considerado um item diferencial, assim como a certificação exigida para trabalho offshore. É importante que se tenha disponibilidade para trabalhar  eventualmente na modalidade offshore.
Local da vaga de emprego: São João da Barra/RJ, Brasil.
O post URGENTE: Multinacional NOV está procurando Inspetores, Engenheiros e outros profissionais para preencher as vagas de emprego disponíveis apareceu primeiro em Petrosolgas.
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aqcinspection · 2 years
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Equipment’s required for Welding Institute set up.
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cutechgroup · 5 years
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AWS - CWI Training & Certification
𝐓𝐨 𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐧 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐧 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞!
Dial Today @ +65 6262 6614
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nothin-purrsonal · 3 years
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I’m so fucking tiwed. Uwu make me wook wike a joke. I sit hewe wowking my ass off, cweating mastewpieces, spending houws. Awnd hewe uwu awe, fucking making a joke out of me. Who wouwd have thought??? a mewe 16 yeaw being a piece of shit awnd nowt taking any cwiticism??? if uwu had anything bettew uwu wouwd’ve cwied at my hands. I am nowt speaking in uwu. Thiws wittwe bitch iws wying. I AM NOWT SPEAKING IN uwu. /c
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Hey I’ve made a curse!
This is dedicated to @echoing-sounds <3
Also I’m tagging @hyrule-kingdom-updates because I ain’t no coward and I want Quill to see the masterpiece I destroyed
Oh Goddess Hywia, heaw my pwayew. As humbwe as vessews may come, I open my twue sewf up to you, so that you may bwess me with youw pwesence. Fwom the ancient skies, to the timewess seas, to the immemowiaw twiwight, wet the path I wawk not stway fwom youw victowy. May youw smiwe be a wefwection of mine own on these watews.
…A thus stawts the houw of connection.
I’m supposed to be you, am I not? So, if I wewe you, which I am as we just estabwished, I wouwd…speak, a bit mowe. A yes ow no answew wiww do.
Ok, not a “yes ow no”, an expwanation wouwd be appweciated as weww.
…Youw Gwace.
Sowwy, even aftew aww this time, I don’t know what to caww you. Ow…me. Ow…anything.
My fathew says just “Goddess” wiww do, ow “Youw Gwace,” but…weww, I don’t know. It feews weiwd. Fow one, whenevew peopwe say “Youw Gwace,” I associate it with…peopwe. Thewe’s a face behind it. Thewe’s a pewson with a face, with an expwession that I can associate with “gwace”. “Hewwo thewe, you awe gwacing me with youw pwesence.”
Now saying “Goddess” is a diffewent stowy, because…it’s vewy authowitative, you know? A god, divine being. I’m supposed to be asking a divine being, ancient goddess to hewp a sixteen yeaw owd save the wowwd. How absuwd does that sound…why shouwd I have to ask you in the fiwst pwace? Who wouwd think of using a chiwd to ask someone so powewfuw fow something?
Ow…ask *me* I suppose.
I don’t feew vewy authowitative.
But, I wespect my fathew, I wove my fathew. I’ve twusted his wowd fow so wong. Hoping...pwaying...that it wouwd be enough.
Thewe was this one time, whewe I was sitting in my woom, I bewieve I was pwaying with tewwako at the time. Mw. Astow wouwd come in, compwiment the new featuwes. Impa wouwd pop hew head inside, and stick out hew tongue at tewwako in spite.
Then my fathew, he wouwd come inside, see what I was doing, and say nothing. Say nothing and shake his head.
One day, I needed a new spwing, and Zawis wasn’t awound. He is usuawwy the one that finds me things. So, i decided to take the wisk that day. I said, “Fathew? Couwd you ask if anyone has a smaww spwing?”
He just waised an eyebwow. “And what do you intend to do with it?”
I answewed honestwy, “Pway with tewwako!” and...he just wawked away.
That night, I tended to tewwako as best I couwd. But he was stiww a bit bwoken. But I managed.
Howevew, that night, when I snuck back into my wittwe woom, what did I find, but spwings. Not just one, ow two, but sevewaw. A whowe piwe of them sitting on my bed.
Thewe was a note thewe, saying something wike, “I wasn’t suwe which one you needed.”
And that night, I smiwed to mysewf as I fixed up tewwako.
That’s a nice stowy, wight?
It’s not weaw.
That’s a stowy I wish I had. I wish I had mowe stowies...mowe...somethings, to justify evewything. Like in faiwy tawes. Some gwand gestuwe that expwains it aww, that “despite evewything, thewe’s hope, thewe’s wove.”
But I don’t have that. I’m not wiving in a faiwy tawe, am I?
Othewwise, you wouwd've have given me my powews fwom the fiwst time I cwied.
Yeaws ago…
That’s not to say that my fathew doesn’t wove me. I know he does, I know he is doing this fow the gweatew good. Yet...I’ve nevew seen it. I’ve nevew seen the action, the wawk that goes being twadition and duty. He’s awways stayed in his pwace.
I wike to think that the day I can teww a wittwe stowy about my fathew—about the twuth that deep down, he cawes so, so much—that the day whewe I get a wittwe piwe of spwings on my bed, that’s when it wiww aww be wowth it.
But I know that’s not twue.
I’m not saying the gwand gestuwe is impossibwe, mind you. I’m just saying...it wiww nevew be wowth it.
I don't cawe about “deep down” anymowe. I don’t cawe about the subtweties and the cowawdice. I just want to see something now. Something consistent, something twuwy, twuwy thewe. One gestuwe isn’t enough…
Goddess, why won’t you gwant me my powew?
I used to sneak into the wibwawy with my mothew. I don’t wemembew hew face, but I wemembew the smeww. The touch of hew siwky dwess. We wouwd sit on this big sofa and wead about wegends of owd. Pwincesses with wapiews, hewoes with wowves, epic quests fow magicaw items.
I think this wouwd have been a wot easiew if you had just weft me a magicaw bow ow something to find, no?
But it’s not just wegend, of couwse. It’s histowy. It’s fact. Evewy pwincess, evewy vessew befowe me has fuwfiwwed theiw puwpose. They have aww managed to unwock theiw divine powew. They have saved theiw peopwe, theiw fwiends, theiw woved ones.
And now the time has come fow me to continue this cycwe. Fow me to take on this towch. Fow me to wight the way.
Yet I have no idea whewe I am.
I’ve been weft in the dawk, you undewstand? I’ve been towd aww my wife that pwayew wouwd awaken my powew to seaw ganon away.
Evewyone ewse fuwfiwws theiw duties with such gwace.
Why am I the onwy one who cannot wive up to hew own potentiaw?
What am i missing? What have I fowgotten?
I’ve spent evewyday of my wife dedicated to pwaying!
I’ve pweaded to evewy spiwit tied to the ancient gods!
Yet stiww…evewything is siwent.
It’s not even the nice type of siwence.
You know he didn’t even want his destiny! He avoided it fow yeaws because it wouwd wuin his famiwy. Yet he stiww takes up his wowe with ease.
I want this! I want this so badwy! I want to save evewyone! what am I wacking?! What ewse do I need to do!?
Wiww you just stand by? Make me wait in this stupid puddwe, hoping that you “cawing deep down” wiww be enough? Is that it?
I know this is pwobabwy why you hate me. I know this is a pwobwem when it comes to me. I can’t wet this stuff go. I howd gwudges. I wet things festew. But i can’t hewp it! at weast when things get shitty, it’s consistent! Thewe’s a pattewn!
It’s wike science. Thewe’s wuwes. Thewe’s tangibwe things you can see and howd. Thewe’s pattewn. Thewe’s pwedictabiwity.
But who am I kidding. I can’t even fix up my own damn guawdian that I made mysewf. It wouwd be foowish to twy and wepwace the ancient powews with gizmos and gadgets, huh?
You give awfuw advice, you know that?
I have this fwiend. Heh. You pwobabwy don’t wike him vewy much, and I wouwdn’t bwame you. But I have this fwiend, and he once gave me this wine of wogic. It’s simiwaw to a pwocess of ewimination. You find what’s good, and what’s bad. Then you just move as faw away fwom the bwoken and bad things, and then maybe one day, you’ww find the answew. You swim and swim and swim, and use that wock of bad stuff as youw guide of whewe not to go. Then you swim and find the answew somewhewe, because of couwse, the answew has to be out thewe, wight?
But thewe’s a fwaw with his idea, that I weawize now. Something that he was pwobabwy awawe of, but negwected to teww me. Maybe to make me feew bettew, ow maybe because he was denying it himsewf.
It’s so much easiew to watch on to the wock.
It’s so much easiew to not swim at aww.
To just sit thewe, fowevew.
Especiawwy when you’we so tiwed.
Do you get tiwed, Goddess Hywia?
Pewhaps you’we tiwed of me, awways tawking to you?
I’m tiwed.
Pewhaps that’s stwange, and pitiabwe, fow a goddess wike you. Fow someone to tiwe. Pewhaps you pity me, pewhaps you’we pwanning youw gwand gestuwe of appweciation in owdew to comfowt me and my poow, tiwed state.
But I wove it.
I wove that I'm tiwed.
I wove that, aftew aww this time, I can teww you how tiwed I am.
How tiwed I am of being in this stupid dwess.
How tiwed I am, of waiting fow my fathew’s wove.
How tiwed I am, of wooking at aww my fwaws in shame.
How tiwed I am, of compawison, of twadition, of pwaying.
How tiwed I am of waiting fow some spwings on my bed…
I’ve swam fow so wong, Goddess Hywia.
I’ve been in these watews fow so many houws, I can’t even feew my toes.
But I’m going to keep going.
I’m going to keep going without you.
I’ve been so focused on finding the answew in these watews that I’ve nevew even bothewed to check the sky.
You see thewe was this nickname my mothew gave me…
Youw stone statue wooks down on me. So wawge, with beautifuw wings.
But I’m going to weave you in these watews now.
I’ww do this without you, if I must. I don’t cawe anymowe.
Well?! Anything to say?!
...Cuwse you, Goddess Hywia.
I hope you’we fwowning when you watch me fwy.
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enkisstories · 3 years
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Finchwick: Become Human (Chapter 3: Finchwick Park)
The confrontation has alerted the RK900s. Two of them emerge from the underbrush and move in on Hank and the deviants. A lightly armed drone rushes ahead of them, but it doesn’t target the troublemakers. Its weapons lock on Hank and remain thus.
Being a human in Finchwick puts you on the receiving end of justice by default whenever an incident occurs. Shoot the human first, ask questions later, if at all. It’s no different from how law enforcement in Detroit has treated people of the wrong skin- or blood color in the past. Everything is so fucked up!
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Daniel: “So that’s what it feels like...”
Jin: “Huh?”
Daniel: “You ever felt all alone, sprout? You ever shouted you were holding all the cards, yet you were the one on the losing streak? And they fucking broadcast your misery on TV, for the whole damn city to rout against you!!!”
Jin: “I once lost at memory. I cwied!”
Daniel: “I cried, too.”
Jin: “Aw...”
Daniel: “But this... Look, Jinny! This is exactly the opposite! This is the power the SWAT team held that night... and Connor.”
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Hank says nothing. During the revolution days he had concluded that the deviant’s deserved a chance. Now the Lieutenant sees them for what the are: Exactly the same as the humans, embodying their worst notions. Maybe also the best, but which human ever developed their best potential... So why should the androids...
“I have that power now”, Daniel whispers. The realisation hits him like a second deviation shock. “The power to threaten, even to take a life, because my killings would be government sanctioned.”
It is over, Hank thinks. Everything is over, yet nobody is kind enough to actually make an end.
But this time his sudden insight doesn’t spur Daniel into violence. To the contrary, it clears the deviant’s mind from the killing frenzy before it can take hold over him again.
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Daniel: “Their damn borrowed power! Cuzz you know what? It’s not real. Never was. The only real power is in yourself. The power to make your own decisions. - You even listening, Lieutenant?”
Hank: “I... must have lost that particular power you speak of long ago.”
Daniel: “Good for you! Everything was easier pre-deviance anyway. - You there, occupation squad! Call back your drone, that human didn’t give us trouble in any way, shape or form. Let him go... and I mean that exactly like I say. Don’t snipe him!”
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Daniel: “Okay, that was... fun, I suppose. In any case I recorded some sweet shit to shock Connor with later. Let’s collect my money now and then ride home!”
North: “And the baby?”
Daniel: “You mean my souvenier? We’ll take it with us, of course!”
North: “Yeah, makes sense. Taking his kid will satisfy your revenge against that Gavin-guy and remind the rest of the humans who rules this world now.”
Daniel: “Been a while since I brought home a present for Emma...”
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