vamprisms · 11 months
if i were working for disney i would inexplicably put a mobster in every live action remake
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hyakunana · 2 years
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Just some lighting testing and practice...
— I say as an excuse to work again on some sketches I made before
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springusdingus · 1 month
I've been 30 for half an hour and it's already bullshit
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seosracha · 2 years
how to get a boyfriend in a week niki ver??? 😨😨
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I love cummunism
I think capitalism is a disease, thoughts?
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charmedbystars · 11 months
besitos (e-42 miles morales)
pairing: e-42 miles x reader
summary: just a night alone with you and miles.
content: kissing, making out, use of mami, and sassy men.
you and miles were just chilling since it was one of those nights that miles didn’t have to do anything or ‘work’ at night. you were glad you guys got together this time together since he’s been super busy lately. 
earlier you were watching movies and forced him to binge-watch three disney princess movies in one sitting. of course, you heard grumbling from him, but nothing else since he can’t resist you. anything you say will have him saying yes even if he rolls his eyes or pretends to be annoyed. 
later on, you guys moved to his room to just lay on his bed to cuddle. he was laying on his back while you were on his chest with your head looking off to the side watching tiktoks. scrolling for a couple minutes, you felt a burning gaze on the top on your head. looking up, who else would it be other than miles? 
“miles, i can literally feel your eyes burning my brain. i know i’m smarter than you but please don’t try to laser my brain cells from my brain jeez,” you squinted your eyes at him. he gave you nothing but an eye roll back. “oh my gosh, please save me from this sassy man apocalypse.”
“what? i can’t stare at my girl?” 
“i never said that miles but what are you even looking at? are you trying to count each strand of my hair?” saying that earned you another eye roll. he grabbed your phone from your hand and shut it off. 
now you got it. he just wanted your attention, but he has too much pride to ask. adjusting yourself from his chest to sitting up on his lap, you stare down at him. “ayy papito, if you wanted my attention, why not just ask?” and before he could retort, you grabbed his face with both hands and squished it making him look like a fish. he tried to talk while his face was squished but it came out undetectable. 
“milesssss, you look so cute like this. i like you this way too so i can’t hear your sassy mouth too,” his brows furrowed making him look like a pouty baby. he can look as mad as he wants, but he is making no moves to move your hands from his face. 
giggling, you lean down to kiss his fish (still smushed up) lips. one peck, two pecks, and three pecks later, you continue kissing him with very short pecks. abruptly, you feel hands come up to the back of your neck and press your lips into his for a while. because he caught you off guard, you let go of his face allowing him to kiss you for a while. seconds turn into minutes and that kiss turns into making out. sliding a tongue in your mouth, you let out a sigh and relaxed even more into the makeout if possible. you forgot all about the giggling and the sassy man in front of you and focused on the sensation that is miles. hands slip up and squeezed your thighs while your hands cupped his jaw. pulling back to catch your breath, you look down at your pretty boyfriend. licking your lips and breaking the string of saliva that connected you both, you broke into a smile.
“you’re so cute, i can’t believe you’re mine.” 
“first of all, i am not cute. second of all, you best believe it because you’re all mine and i’m not letting go mami.”
“good because i’m not letting you go to any other ratty girl, you’re allllllll mine.” 
“i know mami, i know.”
his hand made it to the back of your head pulling it down to his chest. looking up at him, you see him close his eyes and feel his breath slow down. doing the same, you get comfortable on his chest and close your eyes. while drifting off, all you can hear is his heartbeat. you thank anyone out there in the universe that allowed you to be with miles. sassiness and all. 
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ellena-asg · 20 days
Can we talk about Jack and his opponents and about him treating James in a special (and very gentle) way? 🥹
Jack, to Barbossa: The worst friend ever! You're not my friend anymore! You left me to die on that island! You always steal my Pearl! You are such a scumbag! And you threatened my new friends! *pulls a pistol* DIE *bang! bang!*
Jack, to Davy Jones: Hey you, you fish face. You say Pearl isn't mine? You say Kraken will eat me? You wanna fight? Let's fight! You are annoying. I can kill you... You hurt my Willy, you hurt my bestie?!?! I WILL KILL YOU!!! *stabs Jones' heart* Bye bye, fish.
Jack, to Beckett: You bloody tea drinker. You parody of human. You greedy poodle. You cursed enslaver. You heartless creature. Arrgh! I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. *mocks Beckett* *makes fun of him* Prepare to die. *Will as a captain of the Dutchman pops up* And you will die, Beckett. Come on, Will! Come on, bro! Let's eliminate that rascal! *Beckett is dead*
Jack, to James: Ayy, commodore Norrington, good day! 😁 Yeah, I know. You chase me and I run and we shouldn't like each other. But deep down you're a fine man, I can see. You're such a sad man, commodore and it's so sad 🥺 Can I make you smile? Oh, fight? No, no, no. No fight. Why fight? Let's talk. Let's flirt 😏 Let's entertain each other. Personal space? Ooo, I don't know her. Can I tell you something? I'M ROOTING FOR YOU 😍😍😍 Huh, you are now a pirate and still wanna fight? Oh, okay. *sword fight* You know we don't wanna kill each other, huh? *sword fight* But seriously, I can't kill you. I just need... *sword fight* Okay, I have an idea... *does something silly to have a chance to leave* See you later! And remember: I'M STILL ROOTING FOR YOU 😍😍😍
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itadori-yujiii · 7 months
ayy moots im doing a height comparison chart thing for all of us. reblog your height but if you dont want thats fine :)
tag: @reyna-obsessed @that-multi-fandom-hijabi @iam1withthepeggy @owocontroversy @someonewhogotanaccount @swans-chirping-in-the-distance @fish-ofishial123 @faulty-radio @greenmanwiththesauce @hijabi-desi-bookworm @loife1m @mushroomcarrotstick @mxnkeydo @nerdy-girl3791 @summersblooms
im gonna share it obviously
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tunnelofdusk · 2 months
mdzs fic: wangxian, dark lan zhan, stalking, professor x student
wc: 1978
O how he loves you, darling boy. O how, like always, he invents the monsters underneath the bed to get you to sleep next to him, chest to chest or chest to back, the covers drawn around you in an act of faith against the night.
An air conditioner sputters incoherently as Wei Ying hunches over his laptop and pecks at the faded keyboard. Besides his laptop, a cracked smartphone lights up with a phone call set to speaker mode.
"Is that your air conditioner?" Jiang Yanli says worriedly.
"Yeah," Wei Ying says, "but it's fine. It does that all the time."
"Oh, A-Ying, I really think you should move back home."
Wei Ying laughs. "Jie, I think Yu-ayi has had enough of me! She even gave me a housewarming gift." It's true; an exorbitant metal contraption of a coffee maker takes up most of his kitchen counterspace. It's the nicest gift Yu-ayi has ever gotten him, considering the fact that she usually opts to just gift him money on special occasions. It's hush money, he had always joked even as his siblings would frown.
"Still, we live so close to your college; I don't see why you had to move out," Jiang Yanli frets. Her voice is sweet and Wei Ying smiles down at his laptop.
"It's part of the college experience!"
"Oh, A-Ying, you don't even have a roommate! I just don't think it's very safe for a young boy like you to be alone."
Wei Ying mouths "young boy" to himself and lets out a huff of laughter. "I'm 19, not 12. And jiejie, you're only 22!"
"Hmmm, I thought A-Ying was only 3…"
"A-Ying is only 3 when he wants jiejie's soup!"
Jiang Yanli giggles. "Even if my A-Ying is 3, 19, or 80, he can always have my soup."
Speaking of soup, Wei Ying flicks a glance at his steadily humming refrigerator where frozen containers on Yanli's soup reside. He's not ashamed to admit that that soup has been his primary source of sustenance as he battles past an ever-growing brigade of deadlines, exams, and presentations. He reassures Yanli when he confesses to as much. She continues to fret over him as he finishes off a paper until she finally concludes with an ominous warning that she's going to wrangle a family friend into checking up on him.
"He's a professor of psychology at your college too," she explains.
Apparently Jiang-shushu had connected with him, a professor named Lan Zhan, at a charity gala. And apparently while Wei Ying has been gone out of the house, this Lan Zhan had been visiting the house often enough with Jiang-shushu to even have Yu-ayi charmed by him. Even Jiang Cheng reluctantly admits that he's okay enough when Wei Ying had texted him with a series of question marks ("?????? Who is Lan Zhan????? 囧 Am I being replaced?????").
After collecting all of that data, Wei Ying had immediately formed a mental image of this Lan Zhan: a man as old as Jiang-shushu but with inexplicably white hair and wireframe glasses on a round, wrinkled face. Maybe he had a little scholarly paunch from a life spent inside among books and artificial lights.
When this storied Lan Zhan finally comes to check up on Wei Ying, it is on the day that Wei Ying's air conditioner gives off its last sputter. No amount of "percussive maintenance" had helped repair it and the temperature in Wei Ying's apartment had steadily begun to rise, matching the muggy atmosphere outside. And so on that day, Wei Ying has long since stripped down to a pair of loose shorts. Sprawled across the floor like a salted fish, Wei Ying stares up at the mildewed ceiling of his apartment with a rare quiet of his mind. He counts the cracks in the ceiling like stars in the sky—endless.
Once, Jiang-shushu had tried to rope the whole family into yoga, meditation, and mindfulness, but Wei Ying had ended up falling asleep during the guided meditation. Jiang Cheng had, worryingly enough, looked like he had lost his soul, as if he had come out on the other side of some internal battle all the worse for it. Jiang Yanli had done her best to meditate. And Yu-ayi had somehow ended up angrier as if she had meditated into a pure state of rage.
A crisp double knock on wood resounds through the apartment and knocks Wei Ying out of his musings. With a grumble, Wei Ying shakes off his lethargy to open the door. The bolt chain clinks merrily as his hands fumble. Finally, he swings the door open and pauses in his own doorway, staring at the man before him. The man, who must be Lan Zhan, has sharp features (with only wrinkles near his golden eyes; he must be an eye smiler!) and broad shoulders with a lightly muscled body outlined in a suit. It's so hot that Wei Ying could cook an egg on his floor, and yet this Lan Zhan looks cool and unruffled in his three-piece suit.
"Jiejie didn't say she was sending a handsome laoshi my way," Wei Ying blurts out.
"Nevertheless, your sister sent me to check up on you," Lan Zhan says blandly. The deepness of his voice sends a thrill through Wei Ying; it must be envy.
Wei Ying laughs, short and quivering. He steps back from the doorway and beckons Lan Zhan inside with a fluttering hand. Lan Zhan's eyes flicker down to that hand and a little scoff escapes him. Wei Ying eyes him in return with some indignance. So stiff!
Wei Ying watches as Lan Zhan unbuttons his blazer and settles into Wei Ying's battered sofa (it came with the apartment!). It's a bit ruder than Wei Ying would have expected from a person who consorts with the Jiangs' ilk. Yet, Lan Zhan somehow transforms the sofa into something regal—something worthy of a man like Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan's posture is stiff and the commanding spread of his thighs makes Wei Ying swallow dryly. He looks away.
"Well," he croaks out, "you checked up on me. I'm still alive, haha…"
Lan Zhan stares directly into Wei Ying's eyes, mouth tugging downward as if to say, "You live like this?"
"Where is your shirt?" is all Lan Zhan says. His gaze is heavy, lingering on Wei Ying's torso and transmitting a chill down his spine.
"It's too hot for a shirt," Wei Ying says.
"Indecent," Lan Zhan intones.
Wei Ying rolls his eyes and he watches the way Lan Zhan's fists slightly crumple his suit pants.
"I will tell your sister that you are clearly better off at home," Lan Zhan says stiffly.
Dramatically, Wei Ying drops to his knees in front of Lan Zhan's spread legs. "C'mon, laoshi, there's no need to be so extreme! I'll even put a shirt on if it makes you more comfortable!" he exclaims. He had already endured Jiang Yanli's glossy eyes when he said he would be moving out with no plans of coming back. ("A-Ying wants to be independent," he had concluded babyishly as Jiang Yanli unwillingly snorted an inelegant laugh.)
A darkness eclipses the gold of Lan Zhan's eyes and Wei Ying leans back as Lan Zhan leans down ever so slightly.
"Pathetic," Lan Zhan intones.
囧 囧 囧 囧 囧 flashes in Wei Ying's mind. "Family friend"—well, Wei Ying supposes that he had never truly been considered part of the family, at least not in Yu-ayi's eyes or in society's eyes…
"Lan-laoshi, aren't you being too harsh?" Wei Ying wheedles. "Jiejie just wanted you to check in on me, not bully this poor undergrad! Aren't you a professor too! Hmph, is this how you treat your students?"
"None of my students would behave like this."
"So cruel to A-Ying!"
Wei Ying laughs awkwardly. Jiang Cheng would never let him live this down if he ever found out…
"You—you can just ignore that, haha…It's just how me and jiejie joke…"
"I am not your jiejie."
And Wei Ying looks up, suddenly confronted with the bulge in front of him. Jiang Cheng always did say that his playfulness would likely be the end of him..
"Haha…right, you're definitely not my jiejie, Lan-laoshi," Wei Ying says as he scrambles to rise from the floor. The apartment has somehow got even more hotter; the summer heat coaxes a flush to rise from his bare torso and to crawl up his neck.
Abruptly, Lan Zhan stands up and Wei Ying loses his hard-won high ground. The scent of sandalwood engulfs Wei Ying and he cannot help his hitching breath as Lan Zhan draws close.
"Your hospitality and home leave much to be desired," Lan Zhan says archly.
And then he just leaves—shouldering past Wei Ying and swinging open the door with an enviable grace that leaves Wei Ying dry-mouthed. Wei Ying stands shirtless and still in the middle of his living room before he scrambles for his phone, digging into his deep pockets.
He texts Jiang Yanli the following messages in quick succession:
囧 jiejie, ignore whatever lan-laoshi says!!!
he is a liar!!!
he is mean!!! 囧
a-ying is innocent!!!
a-ying was unjustly abused!!! slandered!!! 囧
After a few harrowing minutes, Jiang Yanli texts back:
All he said was that he would look after you.
What's wrong?
"Did he just insult me for no reason then?!" Wei Ying mutters to himself. He sends off a final message:
nvm, a-ying is ok :) <3
A week after Wei Ying meets Lan Zhan, Wei Ying's professor for Introduction to Abnormal Psychology abruptly withdraws from the university for a family emergency. Wei Ying had never thought that he would have to see Lan-laoshi outside the confines of his apartment since typically, Lan-laoshi only teaches grad classes. And yet—
"Sit down, A-Ying," Lan Zhan says as Wei Ying gapes at the crisply suited figure behind the podium. Although Lan Zhan's features remain static, there is something about the curve of his eyes that reminds Wei Ying of a falcon before a dive. Lan-laoshi must really like teaching…
"You know him?" Nie Huaisang whispers as paper flutters with opening notebooks around the hall.
"Family friend," Wei Ying says as he scrawls the date across notebook paper, already tearing at the perforated line.
“Will you tell your brother? Your sister?” Lan Zhan says in a low voice, eyes intent.
Wei Ying shakes his head in a sharp, jerking movement. His hands are unsteady and his fingers desperately grip the balcony railing.
“They have enough to worry about,” Wei Ying eventually says. His eyes skim the view below them—trees reaching into the air, poking through the fog. High up in the mountains, the air is different. It is crisp. He takes a deep breath in and then a deep breath out, banishing his anxiety.
His hands are still unsteady.
“Will you at least report it?” Lan Zhan says.
The warmth of Lan Zhan’s concern heats Wei Ying up. He thinks, I’m not alone. (He never is but he won’t realize this until the end.)
Wei Ying shakes his head again.
“You know the police never do anything about stalkers,” he says bitterly. He thinks about Xiao Xingchen—a short-lived reconnection of Wei Ying and his uncle. Song Lan still looks for Xiao Xingchen, and grief still deadens his face until he can only smile at his daughter.
“Thank you,” Wei Ying says quietly. His breath mists white in the chill air. “For letting me stay with you…”
Lan Zhan’s mouth curves thinly. “Between you and me, there is no need for 'thank you',” he says. His voice is low and even, and Wei Ying leans into his steadiness.
It is frightening to be the victim of a stalker.
Wei Ying is lucky to have such a good friend.
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thenixkat · 5 months
The Deep by clppng
[Intro] Our mothers were pregnant African women thrown overboard while crossing the Atlantic Ocean on slave ships. We were born breathing water as we did in the womb. We built our home on the sea floor, unaware of the two-legged surface dwellers until their world came to destroy ours. With cannons, they searched for oil beneath our cities. Their greed and recklessness forced our uprising. Tonight, we remember.
[Verse 1: Daveed Diggs] Y'all remember how deep it go Started from the bottom Y'all remember how deep it go 'Fore y'all had to come back, deep Y'all remember when it used to be deep So deep, so, so deep, ayy When y'all swim up out yo' mama while y'all mama was asleep So deep, so, so deep, ayy And y'all remember when y'all had the dance floor lit, dark No two-step, deep, y'all don't even sweat, deep As deep as it gets Dreaming dead asleep and keeping time Y'all heartbeat, deep, y'all heartbeat, deep And all the fishes had they eyes bugged out Cause y'all dancing underwater and y'all don't get wet And the dark smelled sweet and y'all tails touch reef Y'all feed off the bottom, but now y'all remember
[Chorus: Daveed Diggs] Y'all remember Y'all remember
[Interlude 1] Pressure outside the vehicle: 832.2 bars
[Verse 2: Daveed Diggs] Y'all remember when the deep got hot when y'all move on up How y'all used to argue 'bout the water getting warmer Still y'all loved a little bit of light up in the deep So deep, so, so deep, ayy Y'all remember saying how it couldn't be them two legs Cause y'all came from two legs And y'all mamas would've loved y'all if they could've breathed But they wasn't ready for the deep So deep, so, so deep, ayy Y'all remember when the first blast came And the beat fell off and the dreams got woke And the light bent bad and the fishes belly up And them coral castles crumbled 'cause they wasn't quite enough And conversation used to break like the floor quake Like the bleached bones and the fin friends fled from they home But the blasts wouldn't stop 'cause they wanted black gold And them no-gills had to feel it 'cause they couldn't be told
[Chorus: Daveed Diggs] Y'all remember Y'all remember
[Interlude 2] Ocean salinity: 35 PSU. Water pH: 7.91
[Verse 3: Daveed Diggs] Y'all remember when the regime changed That no pleas, no calm seas, let the water rise So deep, so, so deep Oil slick upon the sleeper was an awful thing to realize If the two legs wanna wake the dead They gon' have to bring more fire, y'all is closer to the earth So deep and y'all was talking how to get up in they heads And got to bein' real inspired circumstances of the birth Has got y'all feeling like an army, better yet a navy And they gone gave y'all the blessing now y'all going crazy They live with green up on the surface but they ain't deep That pistol shrimp could knock a two-leg off his feet Y'all perfecting the steam void to rip up they ships They using sonar as second language, y'all fluent with it And all the dreamers is woke now, but nightmares swim But everybody hear that "bloop" know y'all coming for them
[Chorus: Daveed Diggs] Y'all remember Y'all remember
[Interlude 3] Surface water temperature: 308 Kelvin
[Verse 4: Daveed Diggs] Y'all remember when the call went out, ayy No deep, no more deep, sunshine Y'all remember when the call went out, ayy No deep, no more deep, sunshine Y'all remember feeling wind up on your skin No deep, no more deep, sunshine Y'all remember how it burned in the beginning No deep, ride on 'em, ride on 'em, ride on 'em Y'all remember seeing sun across the surface On the day that y'all first came up out the water, so, so deep How the breaking of the surface showed the sky without a border And the air was so much hotter, so, so deep How the woke dreamer screamed and it rose tides And the waves stretched up like a mountain high And the no-gills gasped and they closed eyes And they prayed to they gods and they asked why And then y'all cried too 'cause y'all recognized Mama In the faces of the ones that y'all would terrorize They were sisters and brothers They were the babies born up out the water Not connected to each other Not in knowledge of the one drop But they had to learn today Y'all had one shot, let the sun burn today Let them feel the dark even deeper today Make a two-leg a believer today Let them know that they done woke a sleeper from a sleep So deep That y'all been dancin' without any feet, so, so deep Here's the nerve that they struck with a blast That they broke with a drill, that they burnt with the gas Y'all remember, so deep, sunshine, ride on 'em Y'all remember, so deep, sunshine, ride on 'em Y'all remember, so deep, sunshine, ride on 'em Y'all remember when y'all had to let 'em breathe Ride on 'em, ayy
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vampzzi · 2 years
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you're vaild ✧﹒﹒ Dylan lenivy x trans male reader
cw; emetophobia, gender dysphoria, not beta read I'm tired
author's note; there's not enough fics for my trans male lovers who love dylan lenivy and I just wanted to make something for you guys. Dylan gets you a binder :)
Sunk into your extremely uncomfortable bed you laid there, scrolling through your phone looking for a decent movie to watch on netflix since Mr.H gave us our phones back while he takes the kids home on a trip around the camp. Your chest was uncomfortably in the way as you wanted to look down at your feet, the cozy socks complimented your feet, a gift from Dylan since you get so cold at night you begin to shiver and tremble all over. Getting up out of your bed you look at yourself in the mirror, everything feels wrong about your body.  You don’t be as masculine as you want to be and no matter how much testosterone you take, it just doesn’t feel right.
The blank feeling sits in your gut as you don’t even wanna leave the room, climbing right back into the uncomfortable bed and snuggling into your sheets. Your mouth is dry through, you need some kind of refreshment as you get back up and open your door and walk through the door as  you walk down the halls. Why is the place so cold?? You shiver as you continue your journey to the kitchen, everyone is already in the kitchen. Ryan and Nick are making cookies together, what an usual sight to see Nick and Ryan bonding together but you can’t judge they seem to be enjoying their time. Emma is posing for Abi so she can draw her, they’ve been dating for a while now and they fit each other like puzzle pieces. It’s super crazy. 
And dylan..dylan, is sitting down doing something stupid as per usual, Jacob dared Dylan to eat one of those super carolina reaper chips mixed with mustard. The chip is red in color covered in disgustedly rancid smelling mustard as Dylan takes a bite and immediately dashes for the trashcan. He grips onto the trash can as he groans out and empties his stomach contents as everyone looks at him and then at Jacob with sour faces. 
“Whattt, nothing but a little plus it can't be that bad” he takes the chip and the eats the whole thing as everyone looks at him in disgust before he coughs and almosts gaps out, swallowing it with a smile “mmm delicious’ he rubs his stomach to emphasize his point, you laugh at point at him as you cover your mouth to silence it as he looks at you “Ayy, what’s up (name)?” you clear your throat and look at everyone and then your eyes lay on Jacob to answer his question “I’m doing fine, I can see you guys are up to no good again” “as always” he says back with a smirk.
Dylan slowly brings his head up as Ryan is offering him a water bottle as he takes it gratefully and downs it in one go, gulping it as I’m pretty everyone can hear his deep gulps. “That’s better - Oh! Hey (name)!” “Hey Dylan” you smile at him as he flashes you a smile back making your way over to the fridge you open to the many juices, sodas and flavored waters and plain water. You pick a nice cold sprite from the back as those are usually the best ones to drink, they are always cold and hit differently when you’re extremely thirsty.  
Dylan arms wraps around you as you open your soda and he looks down at you “I forgot to mention, I got you a gift and since summer camp si coming to an end thought I’d give it to you” you nod as he drags you away from the others, their voicing of curiosity soon disappears as we’re soon in the other cabin room, Dylan closes the door behind him slowly making the less noise with the loud creaky door. “Stay there” he gets on the floor and gets under the bed to reach for something fishing out a package as he hands you it “Had to hide it from the others but
it was hard since jacob loves teasing and being nosy” you chuckle “almost sounds like someone else I know”.
You rip out the package to a package the tag reads “gc2b” and you already know what it is. It’s a binder, something you’ve been trying to get forever but never having the pocket money for it as you smile brightly at Dylan giving him a hug as he hugs you back, squeezing you tightly.
“Thank you so much Dy” “You’re welcome name” He then looks at you again and steps back heading to the door “You should try it on, I’II give you your privacy” nodding as he opens the door and closes it waiting out, pulling off the shirt you wear and taking the bra off that you no longer need as you take the binder out and slip it on, placing the shirt back on. You place your hands on your chest, it's completely flat, your worlds feel so much better you could almost cry. No,  you wanted to cry. 
You opened the door and Dylan whispered “Looking handsome dude” you shook your head as you hugged him again and laid your head on his shoulder “...Thank you so much, I just can't thank you enough” “No need name, just helping out my best friend"
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more details on the supposed attack of ayy lmao, which might be some sort of Scooby Doo shit or social hysteria supposing I haven’t run into the Peruvian version of the Onion or something. Keep in mind the language barrier here, and that I kinda lack context for this
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Anon says (because of course someone decided to post about it on 4chan. Realistically it’s some South American /x/phile or something who saw it on the news and decided to roleplay, but I like the idea that some dude saw the Pelecaras flying at people with its sharp, many-bladed form and decided his first action would be to post about in on a Cantonese fly-fishing board)
anyway, anon says the name means “face-ripper” or similar, a name also used to describe scary cartel people, but that could be nonsense for all I know
Title translates roughly as: “Illegal mining mafias behind terrifying events”
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dkniade · 8 months
Klee board game event thing early spoiler? Chatting about code switching and Traveler & Klee’s Chinese speech pattern (and maybe cultural differences…?)
I like how the Traveler plays along with Klee’s… uh what’s the word…
Roleplay? Kid speech? I like how the Traveler code-switches (THAT’S THE WORD) when talking to Klee. The Traveler sure knows how to talk to kids huh. Did they learn it from Kaeya
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(First image first dialogue option) “We came here after hearing Klee’s earnest call!” (no that’s not right- I don’t even know how to word this)(how is it officially translated)
Traveler: 是可莉的心意召来了我们!
(official translation)
Traveler: Klee’s wishes summoned us here!
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Official translation
Lisa: Luckily, Klee noticed some fish she’d never seen before while she snuck out to play. She caught a few and showed them to Kaeya.
My translation
Lisa: Luckily, when little Klee snuck out to play, she noticed some fish she’d never seen before and… caught a few and asked Kaeya about them.
(Judging by her hesitance, caught is likely an euphemism here and Lisa is implying that Klee actually blasted the fish before showing them to Kaeya hahaha)
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(Context: Klee found some invasive fish species at Cider Lake)
Original Chinese
Klee: 嘿嘿,这一次可莉有功!琴团长知道了以后,还特别表扬了可莉哦!
Traveler: 可莉立大功!
Traveler: 琴团长夸夸!
Official Translation
Klee: Hehe, I saved the day! I even got praised by Master Jean!
Traveler: Good job, Klee!
Traveler: Well-deserved praise, indeed!
My Translation (maybe it’s a cultural difference)
Klee: Hehe, Klee saved the day this time! Grandmaster Jean even praised Klee after that!
Traveler: Klee did a great job!
Traveler: Yay, praise from Grandmaster Jean!
(Note: 可莉 = Klee. 琴团长 = Grandmaster Jean. Repeating someone’s name in third person is also a child-like language variation in Chinese. Traveler’s code switching so their tone in the second line is… pretty informal, like if Klee said “Klee was good and finished her salad!” and Traveler repeats “Yay! You finished your salad!” instead of “You finished your salad, indeed!” haha)
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WHAT DO YOU MEAN 乖 (term of endearment, think mother-to-tiny-child or something) does Lisa think Traveler is a kid or something… haha (Traveler keeps the code-switching and also responds to her in a kid-like way since Klee’s in the same scene)
(Context: Lisa asks Traveler to play the board game with Klee outside since Lisa herself will be staying inside for her librarian duties)
Original Chinese
Lisa: 乖,你们安心陪着小可莉去玩就好~
Traveler: 好耶,丽莎姐姐放心!
Traveler: 呜呜,辛苦丽莎姐姐!
Official Translation
Lisa: Run along now, have fun playing with Klee!
Traveler: We’ll take good care of Klee!
Traveler: Thanks, Lisa!
My Translation (more cultural differences)
Lisa: Now now, just relax and have fun with Klee~
Traveler: Yay! We’ll take care of Klee. Don’t worry, big sis Lisa!
Traveler: Ue ue ue, you’re very hard-working, big sis Lisa!
(Second line more literally is “Don’t worry, Lisa-jiejie!” but the implication is of course “We’ll take care of Klee!”)
(Third line means something like, “Ue ue ue Lisa-jiejie works so hard!”)(jiejie as a honorific is equivalent to big sis and is a familiar term used by young people for for women older than them but not old enough or don’t want to be called 阿姨 / ayi / auntie)(in this context since Klee uses jiejie for Lisa, Travler code-switches and does the same)
ALSO THE BOARDGAME USES THE THEME FROM THE SUMMER PARADISE MAP I— I……. really just sat there stunned for a few seconds. I thought I’d never hear it again after the event…😭 Uh— emotional damage
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fae-iii · 8 months
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I tried to do this one faster and more focused than my previous sprites and I think I've been somewhat successful, ~5 instead of ~7 days and 3/5 of those I didn't have (and sometimes had, but didn't take) time to focus on it. Baby steps anyway.
Really happy with how this one turned out. Very cute and I think I managed to nicely capture Jolteon's spirit without relying too heavily on official art as my reference. I really like Jolteon, but it's not usually the first to come to mind when I think of the whole group.
Ayy; also, one more Eeveelution to go! Then I can die happy or smth. Maybe do more art before that, whichever comes first. Very excited to draw the fish. Starting out with this project, I thought they'd be the hardest to draw with all those ridges along it's spine, the tail, and all the frills, but I think I've gotten quite a bit more confident across this project and I'm feeling really optimistic.
("the fish" is Vaporeon, btw)
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bookofjin · 12 days
Accounts of the Man and the Lao people (WS101)
[Not a very flattering portrayal.]
The kinds of Man are perhaps the descendants of Panhu, since then has been a long time. Their practices and customs, rebellions and submissions, are set out in previous histories. They are located between the Jiang and the Huai. Relying on defiles and obstructions, their sections and family groups have multiplied and expanded, and spread out in several provinces. To the east they reach Shouchun, to the west they penetrate to Shangluo, to the north they are in contact with the Ru and the Ying, from time to time they are there.
They were in the time of the Wei clan not much of a worry. Arriving at the end of Jin, they little by little prospered due to the troubles, and gradually became bandits and brutes. Since the chaos of the Liu and Shi, the various Man have had nothing to shun or shrink from, and for that reason their kin groups and kinds have gradually managed to move north, and from Luhun and southward, they fill up the mountains and valleys. Wan and Luo are desolate, and generally have become barren wastelands.
When Taizu had settled Zhongshan, his fame and teachings extended to the other side of the He. 8th Year of Taixhang [423 AD], the Man king Mei An led his chieftains, several thousands, came to court at the imperial capital, sought to keep behind a hostage son to display his loyalty and devotion.
Middle of Shiguang [424 – 428], designated An's attendant son Bao as General who Calms the Distant, Inspector of Jiang province, and Duke of Shunyang.
Middle of Xingguang [454 – 455], the Man king Wenwulong requested to surrender. A decree praised and comforted him, and designated him Inspector of Nanyong province and Marquis of Luyang.
The Lao are perhaps a separate kind of Southern Man. From Hanzhong and comprehensively until streams and grottos of Qiongze, they are everywhere. Their kind is very many, they live scattered in the mountains and valleys, generally without distinction between clan or family groups. They also have no personal names. For the sons and daughters born to them, they only consider the oldest child and the number in the sequence when calling for them. Their grown men they call Amo and Aduan, the women Ayi, Adeng, and the sort. Always when speaking to them, they address them by number. They rely on trees and piled up wood to live in their tops, naming them “ganlan”. Ganlan can be large or small, it follows from the number of mouths in the family.
From time to time they push forward someone senior as king, but he is still not able to extend his rule and government far. When the father dies, the son carries on, similar to the prominent families of the Central States. The Lao kings each have one set of drums and horns, and they make their sons and brothers blow and strike them themselves.
They are fond of killing and maiming each other, and many do not dare to travel far. They are able to lie down beneath the water and wield blades to stab fish. They chew food with their mouths but also drink with their noses. The dead they place upright in the coffin and bury them. They are by nature similar to birds and beasts, extending to their furious anger. Father and son do not avoid each other, indeed he who has a weapon or blade in hand is the first to kill. If someone kills his father, he runs away and seeks to obtain a dog with which to apologize to his mother. A mother who gets a dog as apology is not then averse or resentful. If they seek revenge or have a grudge, and attack and strike each other, they will certainly kill and eat them.
They usually plunder and pillage, they buy and acquire pigs and dogs, and that is all. Relatives and neighbours point out [who] will suffer being sold. Those who are sold shout and cry and do not submit, and flee and run away to escape it. Therefore when they are about to buy a person, they seize and chase after. If the ones pointed out abscond or desert, they capture and right then tie them up. Only those who have been bound up promptly submit to become lowly servants, and do not dare to claim respectability.
If they lose a son or daughter, they weep once and right then stop and do not again chase it in their thoughts. They only carry shields and hold spears, they do not know bow and arrow. They make use of bamboo for wind instruments. Crowds assemble to strike them, and use them for rhythm. They are able to make fine cloth, the colours are very vivid and pure. One large dog buys one living mouth.
In their customs, they fear ghosts and spirits, and they particularly put high excessive worship. Of the people they have killed, those who have pretty side-locks and beards, they will certainly peel the skin off their faces, wrap it on bamboo, and when has dried, call it a “ghost”. They drum and dance in worship to them, and in this way seek blessing and profit. It reaches until those who have sold their older and younger brothers, wives and slaves, then sell themselves to provide for sacrifices to them. They cast copper to make vessels, with large openings and spacious innards, which they name copper ovens. They are both thin-walled and light, and easy to cook food in.
Middle of the Jianguo era [338 – 376], when Li Shi [r. 344 – 347] was in Shu, the various Lao first set out from Baxi, Quchuan, Guanghan, Yang'an, an Zhizhong, attacked and routed the commanderies and counties, and became a great worry for Yi province. Shi suffered enemies from inside and outside, which became his destruction. After Huan Wen smashed Shu, strength was not capable of governing, and again the people of Shu flowed east. In the land of mountains and defiles there were many hollows, and the Lao thereupon held close the mountains and nearby valleys. Those who lived together with the Xia people to some extent contributed taxes and duties. Those located deep in the mountains still were not registered in households.
Xiao Yan's Liang# and Yi provinces year after year attacked the Lao to benefit and enrich themselves, and public and private interest rather depended on it to make a profit.
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ge · 16 days
🐌: served cunt so hard he had to go, rip tang bo you would've loved ayesha erotica..... perchance he might have been an aespa girlie.... su-su-su-supernova shaking his ass to 질문은 계속돼 ah, oh, ayy 우린 어디서 왔나 oh, ayy...... or maybe he's into the "ojou sama, it's time to go to bed" songs.... yare FUCK..... baek ah walks across the frozen yellow river... she might catch fish...
YEAH?OKAYi dont know what you just said to me but ill agree off vibes alone
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