#Abel & Mia Buckley
trumpets0ng · 3 years
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213 - “New Chapter”
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(( Love on Top - Beyonce ))
For easier reading, please see transcript below:
Every time Obie pulled me aside from that point on, I couldn’t help but wonder “is this it?” I was sure he had a plan, but did he have a ring? We’d never discussed rings.
Had he asked Penny? Any of the others? Did he plan to propose on this trip? Suddenly I was as nervous as I was excited. Though the next few days were relatively uneventful, my nerves were shot.
The rest of the trip was full of sun and fun; but all too soon it was coming to the end…
Whit: Carl and I were thinking, maybe next year we stay on Mua Pel’am? We could all rent a nice compound. It would be nice to stay together instead of one house here, another there…
Walker: Pretty sure Vanessa and Mia would beg to differ.
Izzy: Pretty sure the rest of us don’t give a shit. * group laughter* Look, we all know Dev is here to stay, Trent’s clearly obsessed with Emmy and any moment now someone’s going to start stalking Penn.
Obie: *raises eyebrow* Penny?
Matteo: Ignacio, don’t put sim’s business on front street.
Izzy: I’m not! Why do you think dear ‘Nessa is so pissy? She had plans for Trent and Zhi. Ms. Noriega was not in the equation. Everyone deserves another invite just to watch her implode! *group laughter*
Walker: Okay, but who is stalking—
Dirk: Ay yo! Grab a glass and join us for a sec, ‘fore we all get too drunk? I just wanted to take a second and say thank you! It’s been one whirlwind of a year full of new opportunities and lessons, good times, bad times… new friends and a shit-ton of love. *everyone whooping & hollering, Dirk raises his glass* Here’s to a new season of friendly competition, immeasurable success, love and friendship! To the new season! *to the new season*
Speaking of which… I want give a special thanks to my girl, Dev, who’s ushered in a brand-new, amazing season in my life… Even in my wildest dreams, I never thought I could be as happy as I am with you by my side *gets down on knee amidst screams of excitement and cheering* Devon, I know it hasn’t been very long, but I can’t imagine going another day without you by my side. Devon Elizabeth Lane—
Devon: YES!!!
Dirk: Yes?!
Devon: OH MY WATHCER!!! YES!!! *screaming*
Short of my own engagement, I can’t think of a better end to our trip…
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trumpets0ng · 3 years
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193 - “No New Friends”
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(( Mt Everest - Labrinth ))
Thank you @quiddity-jones, @haziesims, @budgie2budgie, @magnoliapromenadegalleria, @storiesbyjes2g, & @honeykiwis​ for allowing me to play with your sims 😉
For easier reading, please see transcript below:
Abel: Didn’t I tell you this was a bad idea?
Dirk: You did. And I still think you’re overreacting.
Trent: I thought we agreed, no new friends—
Dirk: Bullshit. Mia and Daphne bring new friends every year. Even Vanessa does, now and then.
Kareem: *chuckling* That’s different and you know it.
Dirk: Only because you like woohooing with them.
Kareem: It’s funny how you play innocent. Don’t worry. I won’t tell Dev. *Dirk rolls his eyes*
Carl: Yeah, but our little Dirk is grown now! Y’all are still out in these streets, so you don’t get it. But for the rest of us, it’s—
Bryan: Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah…. This is a crew trip. Wives… they’re part of the crew now, fine, whatever. They bring they girls, cool. But now, they girls bringing other dudes. This—
Vance: I hope you’re happy now. *deep sigh*
Whit: Nessie’s still pissed?
Kareem: *sucks teeth* Quit acting like you now met her. Shit ain’t new.
Dirk: I’m sorry she’s pissed, but this whole thing coulda been avoided.
Vance: Yeah, if they weren’t here—
Dirk:  This shit wouldn’t even be issue if Vanessa would quit the woocking gate keeping. We’ve all told her to quit that shit!
Vance: She straight doing y’all a service. You act like you don’t know these females out here can be treacherous. *group laughter*
Dirk: We’re grown ass men, Vance. It’s not her place.
Trent: I, for one, wanna meet the woman brave enough to piss off Nessa and live to tell the tale.
Whit: Not helping, man… Not helping…
Dirk: Look, I’m a tell y’all exactly what I told Reem when he asked. I don’t cock-block. Just know, if you’re gonna step; step correct or not at all. Cause I promise you, you come at them wrong, you’re gonna get your feelings hurt. These ain’t the girls you’re used to and it’s gonna take a hell of lot more than an endorsement deal to impress them.
Bryan: *sucks in air through his teeth* I dunno… might have to take my chances. *group laughs*
Dirk: I’m just saying; they move different. The shit you be spitting, won’t fly. Trust.
Vance:  So, whatchu saying? They think they’re better us? They think they’re better than Vanessa—
Carl: *tense* Be easy. That’s not what he’s saying.
Dirk: It’s not. I’m saying they move differently. Dev just finished her surgical residency last year. Her best friend Emmy, in the orange, just opened her own consultancy firm after seven years at Maxis Monthly. Penny, in the lace top, runs digital at Metropolitan Sim. Jesminder, in the hat, just completed her administrative license for early education and is seriously considering a doctorate. Walker, in the yellow, was the chief layout editor for a culinary magazine, before leaving to pursue photography. They met in one of the most prestigious schools in the country. So, hear me when I say, red carpet events and showering them in designer labels won’t cut it. It’s more than that… they live outside our circles. How you gonna shame someone into compliance, when they don’t need a woocking thing from you? The girls’ gate keeping won’t track. Like I said, they move different.
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trumpets0ng · 3 years
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194 - “Salty”
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(( Try Jesus - Tobe Nwigwe ))
Special thanks to @servegrilledcheese for creating Zhi! 
For easier reading, please see transcript below:
Devon: They are salty… This can go either way. But totally worth the look on her face. I owe you.
Emmy: Mama, you owe me nothing. She was out of pocket. Now, she knows better.
Jess, Penny, Walker, Emmy: Agreed
Devon: Eh… give it a day. She’s just reassessing her strategy. But I’m really am happy you all came. Maybe with you here—
Penny: Maybe, nothing. You will have a fabulous time, and be your usual carefree self. We, won’t allow it to be any other way. How quickly you forget; “we are too busy for petty things, and too damn big for smallness—”
Walker: And will stomp their well-heeled asses if they so much as look at us wrong. *group laughing*
Penny: Wawa!
Emmy: The Valley’s changed you and I’m here for it!
Devon: *still laughing* More like getting some good “d” on the regular has changed her! *group laughing*
Walker: *blushing* Oh, please! I’m ignoring you all—
Jess: Stop, teasing! I for one am happy to see pre-San Myshuno, pre-graduation, just crossed, Walker, again! *Walker rolls her eyes,
group laughing*
Walker: I didn’t mean that literally of course—
Devon: No backsies! I approve of this course of action! *wink*
Penny: *amused* See what you started. I’m holding you accountable *points at Walker* if we have homecoming repeat!
Walker: Me?! That was so not my fault! That one was totally on Dev and Emmy!
Emmy:  I have no recollection of this event, so, hush.
Devon: Nope. None, whatsoever! *group laughing*
Jess: *taking in the scene* This whole trip is incredible already! I mean, this place, that flight…
Devon: Wait ‘til you see our rental!
Penny: You and your surprises. I don’t see why you couldn’t just send us the link to—
Devon: Because, I wanted to see your faces! Although, I doubt we’ll get the full effect after sunset.
Emmy: I don’t know; it’s still pretty early. And I somehow doubt they want us here much longer.
Devon: Carl and Davida are cool. Abel’s not too bad either, his wife Mia though … I don’t know… she runs hot and cold. I don’t know her friends—
Emmy: Blue hair, over there, is Olivia Parr; a Bella’s Secret model. The one with the bun is Zhi Ruo Jiang. She walked her first Sentate show last fall; real up-and-comers… All of them.
Devon: Makes sense…
Jess: In what way?
Devon: For us, this is a dream vacation. Sun, beach, good food, friends… but for them, for them it’s a networking event. Every sim you see there, has the potential to get them their next big gig or all the media coverage they can handle if they play their cards right. We may be chilling, but they’re on the audition of a lifetime.
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trumpets0ng · 3 years
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199- “Beach Bums”
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(( Talkin - Bluprint ))
( In case you’re curious about Designer extraordinaire Farah Bilel)  
For easier reading, please see transcript below:
Zhi: So… who are these sims again?
Daphne: Friends of Dirk.
Vanessa: Correction, they’re friends of Dirk’s girlfriend.
Olivia: Dirk has a girlfriend?! Since when?!
Vanessa: I think, a year? He wasn’t with her last trip.
Olivia: Damn! He was on my “to-do” list. *group laughter* I should’ve come last year. *Vanessa shrugs*
How did I not know this?!
Mia: He’s pretty low key; tends to be private about his personal life.
Vanessa: I think he’s hiding her.
Davida: No he’s not. He’s just private, like Mia said. It’s probably why things didn’t work out with Kaitlyn.
Vanessa: Kait was better fit—
Davida: Kait is a media whore; she lives for the spotlight.
Mia: Hey! Kait’s still a friend!
Davida: Doesn’t make it any less true.
Vanessa: They would have been a brand. The two of them were—
Davida: *frustrated sigh* Bismillah! You and the damned branding! Not everyone wants to be “a brand”!
Vanessa: *annoyed* You say that like Carl isn’t a brand… Hell, your sister is a brand! We signed up for this!
Zhi: *whispers to Daphne* Her sister?
Daphne: Farah Bilel.
Zhi: *exuberant* Really?! *Mia shakes her head to signal “not now” *
Ok… so, Dirk is off the table. Got it. Who else is off limits?
Daphne: Whit, Vance, Abel and Carl, of course. Not sure about the others.
Olivia: What about mocha locs? Or how about curly mohawk, there? He’s rather pleasing…
Vanessa: Seriously?
Mia: That’s one of Dirk’s little friends. I doubt he could cover your bar tab, let alone—
Olivia: I don’t much care about his wallet, so long as he can put my back out. *a mix of shocked laughter & scoffing* What? You relax your way, I’ll relax mine…
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