#Abigail borin fanfiction
storiesofsvu · 3 years
The Marine’s Girl Ch 13
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*not my gif*
Abigail Borin x fem!reader Warnings: language, mentions of mental health struggles.
The next morning was rough, more than rough. After a night full of terror and anxiety, it was safe to say neither of you got much sleep. You told Abi to just stay in bed, but in her stubborn nature, she refused, letting you curl up against her, or rubbing your back as the anxiety attacks brought the contents of your dinner back up. You were even more exhausted in the morning, thankful at least that you had the day off and didn’t have to worry about working in this condition. Abi offered you a coffee but you turned it down, you knew the caffeine would just make you even more jittery, you barely made a dent in the toast she’d made for you before you left the apartment to go track down the meds you so desperately needed.
Abi later joined you back at your apartment, hoping that the more familiar scenery would help in grounding you. You made an emergency appointment with your therapist before your next session and curled up on the couch with your girlfriend. With the help of the Ativan you were able to actually relax and ended up dozing every so often in each other’s arms. When you weren’t half asleep, you started to talk things through, both of you wanted to be together, you wanted to be able to make this work. After all, you’d made it through so much already it felt wrong to not give it your best shot. While you discussed that what you’d had all those years ago in Iraq was completely different from what you were able to have now, you knew there were some minor similarities, while you’d both grown and changed as people, the other person hadn’t left your mind over all those years and challenges.
You asked Abi to change her shampoo, she admitted that the moment she’d found the same brand you used to use she had to have it, a little reminder of you on the daily basis, but she was more than okay giving that up. After your session with your therapist you got back on the meds to help you sleep through the night dreamless, you’d tried to keep using the melatonin in the meantime, but it seemed to be amplifying the nightmares, making them even more strange and dramatic. You discussed what your triggers were with Abi so that she was more than aware of what to avoid and when she might need to get you out of a certain situation.
It took more than a little persuading to get Abi to come with you to a therapy appointment, you reassured her constantly that it wasn’t a couples therapy, it was just her attending one of your sessions. She put up a stink about not wanting to pay a quack to tell her how she was feeling and you were absolutely baffled at the discovery that after everything she’d been through she’d never once talked to a professional about it. She grumbled practically the entire way to the office but knew it was important with you, so she dropped the attitude and actually opened up during the session. She found it helpful to have you there, a way to not have to tell the story over and over again, but to still be able to get it out. You couldn’t help the smirk on your cheeks when she asked you for the offices number, sheepishly apologizing for calling it bullshit before she called to book her own appointment.
All in all, it was going to actually take months for things to get as normal as they could, but you fought through it. With Abi now in therapy, she was opening up boxes she’d sealed tight shut for years, it was bringing up a lot of what she thought she’d processed, and was going through it again. Though she was still stubborn as hell, insisting she was fine and not fully opening up to you about what was said during sessions. It was only after a day you were both down at the NCIS office (you were doing a house call so to say, stitching up DiNozzo’s arm) when there was a half panicked yell from Gibbs. Something in interrogation had set Abi off and you were the only thing that would calm her down. After that, (probably mainly out of embarrassment of something happening in front of the team) she started opening up more and more, asking you to come with her to a session every so often.
The night terrors started to dissipate as your brain readjusted to the meds, leaving you with little, barely memorable bad dreams that just meant you were in a bit of a funk the next day. Abi adjusted to a new routine, and was ever thankful for your incredible support as she did so. You helped each other heal, relying on the other when you needed, and soothing them back to health when they needed.
Today, you were sitting at your kitchen island, working on a research paper, waiting for Abi to come over with dinner. You’d hit a minor roadblock you’d both been kind of putting off discussing, you were committed to each other with no qualms or worries at this point, but her lease was up in a couple of months and you weren’t sure where to go from there. You looked up at the sound of the door opening, smiling at the sight of your girlfriend moving into the apartment, take out in hand.
“Hi baby.” You greeted warmly, humming in satisfaction as she kissed you, wrapping her arms around your shoulders.
“Hi.” Abi laid another kiss to the tip of your nose before untangling from your limbs, moving to unpack the take out, “how’s the paper coming?”
“The usual bullshit.” You sighed, closing the laptop and sliding it off to the side, “I’ll send it off to the editor in the morning. Your eyes moved to the food, “you got all my favourites!?”
“Course.” Smiling she kissed your temple, sliding you a seltzer from the fridge as she grabbed her own. “I also come bearing… a thought.”
“A thought?” You raised a brow to her as you dug into your food.
“I got an offer today. It’s a really good one, pay raise, better benefits, a bigger unit to work with that actually has everything we’d need to properly work cases.” She chewed over a piece of food, “and it even comes with a housing benefit.”
“So what’s the catch? House on the far side of town or something?”
“More like out of state…” she slightly winced, surprised when you barely flinched.
“New Orleans.”
“Amazing.” You commented, “I fucking love crawfish.”
“You are…surprisingly calm about this?” Abi stated and you shrugged.
“There’s basically nothing tying me to Washington. Sure there’s a few acquaintances, and I’d miss seeing Tony bomb every pick up line he tries, but as long as I’m with you, and you’re happy, I’m happy.”
“I talked it over with Gibbs, he thinks I should take it. He said he can write a letter of recommendation for you for the NCIS team out there, make sure you’ve got a job.”
“Abs..” you laughed, “not to get cocky on ya, but I’m a double board certified surgeon who worked with borders. It’s not hard to find a job.”
“So you’re really down with this?”
“I mean it’s kinda what we wanted, isn’t it? A fresh start. Together.”
“I guess you’re right.”
“Tell ya what, how about you keep thinking about it, and I’ll start to put some feelers out, see how many connections I’ve got out there. If not, I’ve got more than enough saved up to last a couple of months until I get things sorted.”
“You sure?”
“Abs…I was almost blown to pieces on the job, I got enough compensation from that to last a lifetime.” She noted the casualness in the way you suddenly brought up the bombing, something that months ago absolutely shattered you to even speak about, even to her. Now, it really was something of the past, something that you were slowly moving on from.
“What?” Your head tilted at the expression she was watching you with.
“Nothing.” She smiled, squeezing your hand as she leaned in to kiss you, “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
By the end of the week Abi had decided to take the offer and the two of you started to pack up your little scattered lives, melding them together into one new happy one. New Orleans was everything and more, a way for you to begin on your new journey with the love of your life at your side, you still kept up with everything else, making sure your mental health wasn’t left at the wayside. But most importantly you knew you had each other, forever.
_______ Taglist: @charabs @bisexualcrowley @dereksprentiss @natasha-danvers @ineedafinghug @veteranwerewolf95 @billiedeannovak @stardust-galaxies @laurenhope13 @randomthingssss @vivis-ghost-wife @imlike-so-gaydude @wannabe-fic-reader @gaylorrds @infiniteoddball @thatesqcrush @altsvu @disneyfan624 @svulife-rl @svushots @gay-ass-bitch @lesbianspacecowboy @delphineecormierr @venablemayfairgoode @whimsicallymad @mysticfalls01 @oliviaswifey @thatgaygiraffesquirrelgirl @cloudymd @swimmingstudentchaos891
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phantomstatistician · 5 years
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Fandom: NCIS
Character: Leroy Jethro Gibbs
Sample Size: 730 stories
*See FAQ and/or Guidelines for more details regarding time
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storiesofsvu · 4 years
The Marine’s Girl Ch 8
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Abigail Borin x fem!reader Warnings: Language, mentions of injury, war talk, injury, bombing. A/n: don’t come for me....
You trudged your way through work over the next few weeks, though you were barely surviving off the extra caffeine. Your nights were sleepless, struggling to come to terms with being alone, having no one to write to, or talk with you struggled to find peace, your brain just wouldn’t shut up. You ended up sleeping as much as you could during the day at the hospital, the steady buzz of people working through the walls around you distracting you just enough to be rested. You’d started to wonder if there really was something keeping you in Iraq at this point, you’d started out this journey in Without Borders, and you hadn’t been doing that kind of work in a long time. The temptation of Abi was what reinvented your love for the city, for hospital work again, but why both staying here any longer if she didn’t want you? You could be working in much better conditions, or in a safer country helping people who needed access to good medical care and vaccines.
On what felt like your eight cup of coffee you surveyed across the E.R, things were relatively calm so far today which was a nice break, but also meant more sitting around, especially since you were the more senior of the staff. Luckily one of the younger ones was having a bit of trouble stomaching it, so you were soon called into one of the curtains. Scooping up their admittance paperwork your eyes darted across it as you moved to the curtain.
“Private Collins, I’m Doctor Summers, What’d’you get yourself into today?”
“Doctor Summers? Y/n Summers?” She questioned and you paused, halfway through pulling on your gloves.
“Is there a problem?”
“No…I uh…reported to Sergeant Borin.”
“Oh…so my dirty laundry is the hot gossip of the Marine Corps. Great.”
“Oh no!” She sat up a little too quickly, her hand extended out to you and winced, “it’s not like that…”
“Okay, okay.” You gently nudged her back down, “you’re gonna need stitches and a”-
“Tetanus shot for good measure, I know.” She huffed out a sigh.
“Take it this isn’t your first trip to the E.R?”
“No. But, it really isn’t gossip, I promise.”
“Tell ya what, you let me go grab what I need and you can tell me all about how my intimate affair isn’t being aired all over base.”
Groaning quietly you slipped out of the curtain, pausing to run a hand over your face. Wasn’t it bad enough to have your heartbroken? Did you really need to be number one of the rumour mill too? At least no one on your end had heard about it, considering you weren’t in any trouble for it. You took a quick pause to gulp back the rest of your coffee before returning to the bay Collins was in. You quickly instructed her you were going to give her the shot, then the local anesthesia before starting the sutures. It was once you’d gotten the first stitch going that she spoke again,
“No one knows aside from our C.O. He knew if it got out and she wasn’t fully disciplined it’d look like special treatment.”
“You know.” You noted, risking a glance up at her.
“I…uh…have trouble sleeping. So does Sergeant Borin, she said her nightmares are back, that they’re worse than before.” You felt your heart crack a little at that, maybe this wasn’t as one sided as it felt. “I ran into her one night on deck when neither of us could sleep and she confessed the entire thing to me. She hates that the only way she’ll get back here is to get hurt.”
“You said you reported to her? They strip her of her rank?”
“No.” Collins shook her head, “that would’ve given away that they were covering something up.”
“Why the special treatment then?”
“Not sure.” She shrugged, “She’s pretty high ranked, the C.O has a bit of a soft spot for her, and she probably could’ve fought it as discrimination. If she got booted she probably could’ve taken it to court and I know they wouldn’t want to deal with that.”
“Is she…okay?”
“I think so? I mean, she’s pretty withdrawn now, I think the nightmares being back are just draining her.”
“Hmm.” You finished the last stitch with ease, tying off the end before you stripped your gloves off, tossing what you needed. “I’m gonna call ortho to have them come take a look at that ankle.”
“Okay.” She nodded and you gave her a tight smile. Right at the edge of the curtain you paused again, turning back to her,
“I know…the chain of command technically goes the other way, but I really don’t want her purposely hurting herself or anything, can you…keep an eye on her?”
“I would…but they deployed her to South Korea two days ago.I think it was the second part of her punishment.”
“Oh.” Your chest tightened, tears pricking into the corners of your eyes, “okay. Never mind then…”
As fast as humanly possible you found your way to the nearest supply closet, it felt like your chest was about to burst open. While you’d been aching and broken already after Abi’s closing words to you, there’d always been this glimmer of hope that you’d get to see her again, that you’d get proper closure, or that she’d change her mind, finish her term. But now….now she really was gone. A country even further away, and despite a new C.O, you were sure your name was still on the no contact list. Not that it mattered, she would have to be the first one to reach out, and you were sure she wasn’t going to do that. You’d always hoped that maybe, just maybe you’d be able to figure this out, to move forward in the relationship, but with her gone, and no way to get in touch, you were left completely hopeless.
As much as she’d hated it when she’d gotten the news of her new deployment, she had settled into the base in South Korea easier than she’d expected. The nightmares were still there, but they weren’t quite as bad, she suspected that was partially because she was no longer in a war stricken country. It took a while for her new troops to adjust to her command, but she slipped right back into work mode, and honestly, it was nice not having her C.O breathing down her neck constantly anymore.
Over the first few weeks she’d debated reaching out to you, she could try and search the name of the hotel up, find the address. But she also knew that being sent out here was part of her punishment, and despite the laws being more slack out here, it was still frowned upon, and the last thing she wanted was to lose her title over a letter than she figured you’d never return anyway. She hadn’t exactly walked out of your life on good terms.
So she worked, she kept her herself in peak physical condition, an attempt to distract herself and exhaust herself. If she was too tired to dream, she’d be to tired to have nightmares. She did her best to make friends where she could, find the little slices of joy in life, remind herself why she was doing this in the first place. Her life wasn’t about you, it couldn’t be, she had to figure that out all over again. Thankfully, she found herself doing a pretty good job of it.
Until she wasn’t.
“Oh God…where is that?” She asked, the t.v in the common room covering footage of what appeared to be a bombing.
“Air strike in Iraq. They went after the downtown core and one of the army basis. Waited until responders had gotten the first couple of rounds out before the dropped another two on the hospital.”
“Hospital?!” Her heart clenched in her chest, a sudden panic racing through her veins as her eyes stayed glued to the t.v. A gasp she barely heard left her lips as the screen cut back to the view of the hospital, your hospital. You could barely see the building through the billowing black of the smoke, flames licking their way around the corners that weren’t smoking. It didn’t look like they’d managed to take out the entire thing, but there was no doubt in her mind that they’d done more than enough damage.
“Oh shit, you were stationed out there weren’t you?”
“Yeah…” she murmured, dropping down into an empty chair, her hands over her mouth as she watched the destruction play on a loop on the screen.
She only realized she had started to cry when her vision blurred. She tried her best to hide it, to not break in front of her fellows but there was only so much she could do. There was a chance, a small chance that you hadn’t been working, but with your proximity to the hospital, and the level of trauma coming in, you probably would’ve been called. Maybe you’d been deep in the O.R? She remembered you once saying something about them being a relatively safe space in the hospital. All she could do for now was pray, pray that for some crazy reason you were nowhere by, that they’d pulled you back to without borders. That you’d gone home, anything but been in that building that day. She started to wonder how much trouble she’d get in if she sent a letter now. All she could do was wait, wait for the names of the deceased to come in, if and whenever they did, there was no doubt in her mind this was going to be a mess that you definitely didn’t deserve to be trapped in the middle of.
__________ Taglist @charabs @bisexualcrowley @dereksprentiss @natasha-danvers @ineedafinghug @veteranwerewolf95 @billiedeannovak @stardust-galaxies @laurenhope13 @randomthingssss @vivis-ghost-wife @imlike-so-gaydude @wannabe-fic-reader @gaylorrds @infiniteoddball @thatesqcrush @altsvu @disneyfan624 @svulife-rl @svushots @gay-ass-bitch @lesbianspacecowboy @delphineecormierr @venablemayfairgoode @whimsicallymad @mysticfalls01 @oliviaswifey @thatgaygiraffesquirrelgirl @cloudymd
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storiesofsvu · 4 years
The Marine’s Girl Ch 10
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Abigail Borin xfem!reader Warnings: language. V. Minor angst?
The elevator dinged and your stepped into the NCIS main office, moving with ease through the desks to where the team was, now having been there more than a handful of times working through cases with them. It cut into your O.R time, but the work you were doing was at least helping people find closure, and that always brought your mood up a bit.
“Awee, Summers! You know you don’t have to dress up for me, right?” Tony teasingly greeted and you rolled your eyes.
“I’ve been working conferences all week. It feels like I haven’t been in an O.R in a month, I just need to cutsomething.”
He consciously took a step back from you at that and you huffed out a laugh, accepting the coffee from Gibbs as he entered.
“You manage to get what I asked for?”
“Yeah.” You sighed, pulling a Manila envelope out of your bag, “and if anyone asks, you didn’t get it from me. I put my ass on the line for you guys, this better be worth it.”
“It will be.” He assured you, slipping the contents out of the envelope onto his desk. “McGee do we have everything ready? CGIS is on their way up and want a run through.”
“Ohohooo! CGIS is coming?” DiNozzo asked and Gibbs nodded, the younger man turned back to you, “you’re gonna love this, Agent Borin’s a knockout.” You stalled, your heart quickening in your chest, you could have sworn you heard him wrong.
“Agent what?”
“Agent Abigail Borin.” He replied, as if presenting her name through the air, “used to be a marine, she really is something else.” Your heart plummeted into your stomach, even if there was a bizarre chance of someone else sharing her name and being a marine, you could tell by the way he talked about her, it had to be Abi.
“Welp.” You clapped him on the shoulder, “this one’s all on you bud. She dumped me seven years ago.” You turned to try and leave but McGee was faster
“Wasn’t she in Iraq like, seven years ago?” Suddenly multiple sets of eyes were on you, questions written across all of them. Sighing, you turned back, tightening your blazer around you.
“Were…you in Iraq?” Tony asked, his voice suddenly a lot softer than you were used to hearing.
“Yeah. Doctors Without Borders.” You shrugged, “got pulled into a military hospital that was short staffed.”
“That’s badass!” He replied, “why don’t you ever talk about it?”
“Tony…” Ziva warned quietly and you gave her a thanking look, from where she was sitting she could see the nasty looking scar poking out from the hem of your skirt. Another reason you were usually in scrubs or pants, but business work called for skirts and heels.
“It’s Iraq.” You shrugged again, “it’s not exactly sunshine and rainbows.” You picked up your bag, “anyways, I should get outta here.” You turned to Gibbs, “call me if you need anything.”
Unfortunately, that latest discovery had cost you the time you needed to escape down the stairs. You turned around right into Abi, who froze instantly as her brows furrowed. The two of you missed the way your eyes darted down to the other’s left hand quickly before shooting back up.
“Abs….” Your heart was in your throat, you were thankful you’d at least had the warning that she was on her way up. If this had been out of the blue there was no doubt in your mind you would break. DiNozzo was right, she was a complete smoke show, her hair lighter now than you were used to.
“Y/n…..what’re you doing here?”
“Uh,” you glanced over your shoulder in just enough time to see Ziva scooting her chair forward to pull the men back, giving the two of you a little breathing room, “helping on a case.”
Abi couldn’t resist it, stepping forward and pulling you into a hug. While you looked the same, you also looked like a completely different person, you were always covered up, in scrubs. Living in Iraq wasn’t the easiest, not wanting to draw attention to yourself, but now, in a form fitted skirt suit, your hair loose? She couldn’t help herself. You sunk easily into her arms, noting that scent of her shampoo was the same brand you used to use. Suddenly remembering you were in a workplace you both pulled away.
“God…I thought you were dead for like, three years.” She stated, a misting present in her eyes.
“The bombing. It was all over the news.”
“Oh…yeah…wait, why three?”
“Read an article in the Times when you won that award.”
“Yeah I did a brief stint over there before I was offered this fellowship.”
She opened her mouth to reply but your phone blared through the room, you jumped, half forgetting that anything else existed. You glanced down quickly, silencing the alarm.
“Shit. I’m gonna be late.” You quickly turned back, “Gibbs! I was never here!” Giving Abi a quick glance you added on, “I’ll see you…” your phone rang again and you answered it as you darted off to the elevator, heart still pounding in your chest. Abi stood bewildered, watching the doors slide shut, vanishing you from view.
“Why did she say she wasn’t here?” She asked quietly, turning back to the team, Gibbs caught her eye.
“She may or may not have broken a rule or two to get us the information we needed for this case.”
“Some things never change.” She muttered mainly to herself. “What’ve we got?”
The team set to work then, laying things out with the help of the information you’d secured. While there was a little bit of back and fourth calls so you could explain out the things they didn’t understand, you stayed out of it otherwise. When the end of the day wrapped, Abi made her goodbyes, heading to the elevator.
“I swear to god DiNozzo, I do not have the energy for your flirting right now.” She didn’t have to tell him that, he’d already picked up on it. Here usual strength was depleted throughout the entire afternoon, she shrunk back instead of taking charge like she normally did. Even her voice sounded exhausted and defeated as she pressed the elevator button again.
“It’s not, I promise.” She cocked a brow in return, “just…go to Yardhouse tonight, around eight.”
“And what, you’re going to trap me into a date with you?”
“No.” He laughed, “just go. Trust me.”
_____________ Taglist: @charabs @bisexualcrowley @dereksprentiss @natasha-danvers @ineedafinghug @veteranwerewolf95 @billiedeannovak @stardust-galaxies @laurenhope13 @randomthingssss @vivis-ghost-wife @imlike-so-gaydude @wannabe-fic-reader @gaylorrds @infiniteoddball @thatesqcrush @altsvu @disneyfan624 @svulife-rl @svushots @gay-ass-bitch @lesbianspacecowboy @delphineecormierr @venablemayfairgoode @whimsicallymad @mysticfalls01 @oliviaswifey @thatgaygiraffesquirrelgirl @cloudymd
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storiesofsvu · 4 years
The Marine’s Girl Ch 7
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Abigail Borin x fem!reader Warnings: language, angst.
Honestly, Abi was surprised when she wasn’t reamed out in the middle of the waiting room, she supposed she had the grieving widow to thank for that. She apologized profusely, to both of them, once the wife was otherwise taken care of, she explained the (pretend) situation to her Captain as you had suggested. The glare on his face was more than enough for her to not try to push it, with a simple ‘yes sir’ she bowed her head and accepted her punishment.
It wasn’t as bad as she was worried about, she was simply put on modified duty for the next three weeks. There was a sense of understanding, of knowing just how overworked she could get, and the expected length of a surgery being suddenly cut short. While she was still chastised for not being worried enough to stay awake, she made it through pretty unscathed.
That was until two weeks into her suspension that she was called into her Captain’s office. She was already a little nervous, but hoped this didn’t have anything to do with the incident.
“Captain.” She greeted, “what can I do for you?”
“Take a seat Sergeant Borin.” He replied, gesturing to the chairs in front of his desk. She did as he said, her hands wringing in her lap as she did so. “Tell me, you are aware of our no fraternizing policy, correct?”
“Uh..yes sir. I don’t know what you’ve heard but I swear to you I’m not involved with anyone on deck.”
“On deck no.” He frowned, “what I’m concerned about is whatever it is you have going on with that Doctor.”
“Excuse me?” The best she could do at this point was to deny.
“While we were trying to locate you that day a nurse mentioned you spent a lot of time with a y/n. It’s been brought to my attention that you’ve been writing each other back and fourth for a few months now, starting after you were sidelined with that broken rib. It was her name on your discharge papers.”
“I was stuck in the hospital alone for weeks. I made a friend sir, you’re reading too deep into this.”
“It’s bad enough you’ve lied to me once already Sergeant, I don’t need you continuing the habit now. Disobedience isn’t welcomed here and you know that.”
“I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You met Dr. Summers, you were put up in the same hotel that she currently is and your hotel room was never touched. Once your returned to active duty you suddenly started taking any chance you could to go off base, specifically if it involved her hospital. You started disappearing from the waiting room whenever you were there, we’ve looked into this Sergeant Borin, there’s more than enough to back up our suspicions, I highly suggest you come clean right now.”
“She’s a friend, this isn’t an issue.”
“It became an issue the second you were in an on call room with her instead of in the waiting room while a man from your troop lay dying on the operating table! You knew it was your responsibility to contact the next of kin and you were nowhere to be seen. You were completely reckless in your behaviour and I cannot have that reflected back on me.”
“I thought we had already resolved this issue sir? Is that not why I’m currently under suspension?”
“You’re lucky you weren’t immediately discharged Borin. You know the rules, the moment a Marine breaks a law, they’re done for.”
“That law is erroneous and ridiculous! If we were Stateside, or at open waters it wouldn’t even be a law! Someone shouldn’t be persecuted simply because of who they have relationships with! Sir.” She stopped herself the moment she realized she’d proven herself guilty, despite the fury burning through her, wishing she could tear a strip of the man on the other side of the desk.
“Prior to all of these shenanigans you were one of my best Sergeants. I don’t want to see you sent home over something like this.”
“So, what? Another week of suspension? You plan on stripping me of my rank?”
“No.” He sighed, “I’m sending you back into the city Friday…you have a choice to make Sergeant Borin.”
The past two weeks had been absolute garbage, there had been an influx of patients with more than traumatic injuries, the loss numbers jumping higher than you’d expected. You hadn’t gotten a letter from Abi yet and all you wanted when you returned home for the night was to be able to bury yourself in her arms yet all you had were a pile of old papers, strewn with her words to try and make you feel better.
You were at least lucky enough to be off the next day, knowing this, you’d made sure to have adequate food and whiskey in your room, the ice bucket refilled as you lost yourself in mindless t.v. An attempt to drown the frustration with brain rot and booze. You were confused when there was a knock at your door, but again, a number of the other doctors were cooped up at the hotel and you knew that grouping together was generally a good idea after a bad week. Padding to the door you pulled it open, your brow furrowing at the sight of Abi standing in your doorway, though you had to admit, your heart did jump in your chest at the surprise visit.
“Abs…what’re you doing here?” Your head glanced over to your pager, wondering if you’d missed a message from a fellow doctor, but you knew there was nothing, you’d been on alert all night. As your eyes drank her in you noticed the anguish written in her own eyes, “did…you lose someone?”
“I’m about to.” It was barely over a whisper and her words only confused you more, backing further into the room so whatever admission she was about to make didn’t happen in the hallway.
“I’m confused. After…last time…shouldn’t you have stayed at the hospital?”
“There isn’t anyone from my team at the hospital.”
“What are you talking about? Abs…I don’t understand.”
“We got caught.” She knew she couldn’t hold off the truth much longer, unable to meet your eye as she spoke the words.
“Fuck…” you muttered, running a hand over your face, “okay…so…we be more careful? We keep it platonic in person? In public?”
“It’s over…” you could tell she was trying to remain strong but her voice shook, you could see the slight glistening in her eyes already.
“But….I love you.” You choked it out before you even really realized what you were saying. Yes, your relationship had been anything but traditional, you hadn’t even discussed exclusivity but you knew it in your heart that you loved Abi. You loved her more than anyone you ever had, despite the complications you’d subconsciously been thinking that she was the one, that this would all wrap up happily and you’d get to go back Stateside and be together.
“I can’t…” she struggled with her words, but was still doing one hell of a lot better at keeping it together than you were, “if a Marine gets caught breaking a law they get dishonourably discharged instantly. I’m lucky my Captain even gave me a choice.”
“You…you’re saying your job’s more important than me?”
“Oh please, as if you would give up your work for me! It’s too important.”
“Stop. Please.” She begged, barely holding it together as she watched you start to crumble in front of her. All she wanted was to repeat those three little words back to you, bury herself in your arms and never leave, but she had a duty to do, one that she owed her country to complete. “We can’t keep doing this, the letters need to stop. I’ve been taken off the hospital rotation for the foreseeable future. If I’m caught even talking to you outside of a very professional setting, I’m done for. There’s video surveillance that could incriminate you too, and I really don’t want that to happen.”
“I’m sorry.” Her heart shattered in her chest at the admission, unable to watch you completely disintegrate before her, she turned, swiftly leaving the hotel room.
“Abs…” the door didn’t block your choked cry, the sob that left your lips as your hand hit the door. As if you would be able to feel her one last time through its thickness. Your palm pressed against the wood as the tears began to drip down your cheeks, your chest beginning to heave. You let your pain and grief take over, slowly dropping down to your knees as you sobbed. As if the week hadn’t been bad enough you’d now lost your love, someone you hadn’t even been able to admit that to before the night she ripped your heart apart. Within the short time that you’d gotten to know Abigail Borin she’d become the love of your life, and despite what she apparently thought, you would’ve given up everything for her.
Outside, Abi could hear your cries, her own tears burning heavily in her eyes as she tore herself away from your door. The only thing she wanted was to take it back, for you to open the door so you could welcome her back into your room, into your life. But she knew she couldn’t do that, she had to will herself to walk away. To walk away from someone that she’d fallen completely in love with over the past few weeks, even if she’d never really admitted it to herself. She barely managed to make it back to the car before the tears started to slip down her cheeks. Thankfully for her, she managed to keep them silent, attempting to wipe them away before her driver noticed.
Never in her life did she think that something so trivial as a broken rib and a row of stitches would result in this. Part of her was almost happy for the tiny scar, the little white raised bump where you’d healed her, even if she was never going to see you again, at least she had some small reminder of you that would live on her skin forever. A part of you was a part of her, and even with everything going on, she was sure she would never forget you, no matter what happened.
_______ Taglist: @charabs @bisexualcrowley @dereksprentiss @natasha-danvers @ineedafinghug @veteranwerewolf95 @billiedeannovak @stardust-galaxies @laurenhope13 @randomthingssss @vivis-ghost-wife @imlike-so-gaydude @wannabe-fic-reader @gaylorrds @infiniteoddball @gay-ass-bitch @lesbianspacecowboy @delphineecormierr @venablemayfairgoode @whimsicallymad @mysticfalls01 @oliviaswifey @thatgaygiraffesquirrelgirl @cloudymd
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storiesofsvu · 3 years
New Year’s Kiss
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Abigail Borin x fem!reader Warnings: language, heavy flirtation, sass, semi-public smut.
happy New Years friends….
It was December twenty eighth, and while the office was technically closed over the holiday season- with the exception for major emergencies - you were still at your desk, flitting through paperwork in an excuse to avoid the chaos of your family. There were a few other agents in and out throughout the day, mostly ones darting in to grab something they’d forgotten, or to leave notes on someone’s desk for a case to start in the new year. You’d taken to twirling your chair back and fourth mindlessly scrolling through your phone when a voice interrupted your procrastinating.
“Hey, I need a favour.”
“Agent Borin!” Your phone dropped with a clatter onto your desk as you hastily grabbed a pen, straightening yourself behind your desk, “what can I help with?”
“Okay, first of all you don’t need to do that.”
“Do what?”
“Pretend to be working. It’s like, two days after Christmas why are you even here?”
“It’s a reasonable excuse to get out of family gatherings?”
“Makes sense.”
“What d’you need? Urgent case?” Abi let out a small chuckle of that,
“You could call it that. Are you free Thursday night?”
“New Year’s Eve?” Your brow scrunched, the other woman nodded, “my sister asked me to chaperone her teenager’s party with her. So…if you have something to get me out of that, I’m completely free.”
“Perfect. Buy a dress, you’re coming with me to the NCIS party.”
“The thirty first is in three days…your date cancel on your last minute?”
“No,” she sighed, “wasn’t planning on going but now Gibbs is pulling rank and insisting that I be there. And in the span of the five minutes I was in their office DiNozzo made at least eight cracks about being my new year’s kiss and we cannot have that happening.” You laughed. You hadn’t met the NCIS team but you’d heard enough about them from Borin that you knew she meant what she said.
“What do I get out of it?” You quirked a brow, “cause right now it looks like I’m the only person in the office so your hands are tied in finding someone.”
“It’s an open bar?” She offered up, “and I’ll pay for the two a.m pizza post party?”
“Hmm…” you pondered over it for a moment, it was already getting you out of the obligation to your sister, and you certainly didn’t want to ring in the new year surrounded by slightly intoxicated teenagers. “Deal.”
“Thank you! You’re a blessing.” Abi turned to start to leave before your voice stopped her, pausing before she hit the doorway.
“Hold up! Am I going as your plus one or as your date?”
“What’d’you mean?”
“A plus one is just someone to come with you so you’re not surrounded by people you don’t know, a like…barrier. My go to plus one is my gay best friend Andrew, looks traditional enough for the older more conservative parents and grandparents while we’re wingmaning for each other the entire time. If I’m coming as your date, that means I’m there with you, ready to ward of DiNozzo all means possible.”
“You’re good at undercover stuff, let’s go date. DiNozzo might not take no for an answer otherwise.”
To be completely honest, you were a little nervous when the thirty first rolled around. You hadn’t been out to celebrate in years, opting to stay home away from the crowds or picking up extra hours at work. Though those extra hours certainly had paid off this year, you liked Borin, you liked working under her and you’d be lying if you said you’d never thought about being under her in a different circumstance.
And Jesus fucking Christ did she ever look incredible tonight.
Slipping your arm through hers after handing your coats off to the coat check you entered the reception hall. The bar was at the far end of the room, a buffet set up running perpendicular to be unveiled later on, round tables filled the room around the edges of the dance floor. A few cocktail servers moved through the crowd with small plates of appitizers or drinks, a happy buzz of conversation and music echoing off the walls. The two of you made your way up to the bar, placing an order in with the bartender as you turned to Abi.
“Which one am I protecting you from?” You asked, barely finishing the sentence before a voice rang out.
“Agent Borin! Wow! You clean up niiice!”
“Never mind…” you muttered, nodding a thanks to the bartender as you took a sip of your drink.
“Thanks DiNozzo…” Abi greeted, “this is Y/N.” You gave him a soft smile,
“You brought a friend.”
“I brought a date…” she countered. The smile barely faltered from the man’s face, nearly morphing into a grin, a gleam shooting through his eyes.
“That doesn’t means midnight can’t be fun.”
“Stop thinking about a threesome.” You deadpanned.
“I-no…” he chuckled, attempting to back pedal.
“I can see it in your eyes. And I’ll tell you right now I don’t do dick, so…she’s all mine.” You solidified your words with a soft kiss on Abi’s cheek.
“Well you’re missing out.” He laughed, grabbing a beer from the bar.
“I doubt it.” You replied, “there are plenty more things you can do with a tongue than you can with a dick.” Abi laughed outwardly, even more so at the way DinNozzo held up his hands in defeat.
“Okay, okay, I surrender.” He still shot the two of you a wink before sauntering off as Abi turned to you.
“Nicely done.”
“Thank you.” You sipped at your drink, “now do I get the next UC op we get?”
“It’s all yours.” She laughed softly.
The two of you said some quick hello’s to other people, pausing briefly here and there for a few conversations before settling at a table with some appitizers and a fresh round of drinks.
“Do you really not do dick?” The statement had piqued Abi’s interest, but she wanted to wait for an at least semi-private moment to ask. You laughed softly, swallowing the bite of scallop.
“I’ve dabbled a few times here and there but it’s really just never worth it.”
“I feel you there.” She agreed.
Despite having worked together for years the two of you were realizing you’d never breached the topic of partners. True, most of the office kept professional and personal lives separate, but you knew who was married, wedding pictures or family pictures littering their desks. The occasional partner stopping by the office once in a while to drop off lunch or the like, but never either of you.
“You don’t have some mysterious girlfriend no one at work knows about, do you?” She asked, pulling a laugh from you.
“Yeah…I’m in a totally committed relationship. That’s why my only plans for New Year’s Eve were avoiding my sister and why I ended up at a party posing as your date.” You teased in return, “the only thing waiting for me at home is my vibrator in my otherwise veryempty bed.”
“Note taken.” She smirked, her attention immediately pulled to Gibbs who’d stopped by to say hi and get to escape his team for a bit, settling in with the two of you for the rest of the meal.
The hours passed nearly as easily as the champagne went down, you were standing by the bar when a fellow agent managed to steal Abi for a dance, you nodded that you were more than fine to stay chatting with Ziva. The mood in the room had shifted as the night went on, the open bar more than helping with that, neither of you were drunk per say, but definitely not sober. Inhibitions were getting to a point they had yet to reach prior, the fake affection increasing with each glass of champagne you drank. You watched Abi move gracefully across the dance floor, your eyes trained to her form, murmuring into your glass,
“She’s so fucking pretty…”
“She is.” Ziva replied, “and she’s genuinely a great person, you’ve got yourself a good one there. How long have you been together?”
“Oh…” you laughed it off, suddenly realizing what you’d said, hoping your cheeks weren’t as burning as it felt like they were as you tore your gaze away from the blonde to Ziva, “we’re not…she just needed a fake date to fend off DiNozzo…we just work together.” The night was almost over and you knew you could trust her to not blow the secret before you managed to get out of there. The brunette let out a laugh,
“You sure about that?” She shot you a wink before disappearing over to say something to McGee as Abi returned to your side. She laid it on, her wrists linking behind your neck as she nuzzled against your cheek. You felt your breath catch in your throat at how intimately close she was to you, Ziva’s words echoing in your head as Abi raised her gaze to yours.
“You okay?” She asked softly, voice only loud enough for you to hear.
“Just curious about something.” Abi cocked a brow in response, prompting you to continue, “if DiNozzo’s not getting that kiss at midnight, am I getting it?”
A grin broke out on Abi’s face, a gleam in her eyes similar to the one in Tony’s earlier. You felt one of her arms shift, her gaze moving to her watch quickly. Then you were genuinely shocked at the brazen move of her lips suddenly meeting yours. It was quick, but soft, and so goddamn heavenly you nearly whined as she pulled away, chasing her lips as she chuckled.
“C’mon.” Her hand linked with yours and she tugged you from the banquet hall. You were nearly at the entrance when she glanced around quickly before twisting open the door to the no longer supervised coat check, swinging the door shut behind you.
It was in an instant that her lips were back on yours, tongue easily delving into your mouth, groaning at the bite left from the champagne you’d been drinking. One of her hands found home on your hip, backing you into a wall while the other began to toy with the hem of your dress. Your back hit the wall right as her lips broke free of yours, beginning a messy trail down your neck, her teeth scraping at your skin.
“Abs…” your hand grasped at her chin, moving her eye line back to yours as she paused briefly
“I’m gonna give you a hell of a lot more than a midnight kiss.” She murmured, her lower hand exploring beneath your dress. Your mouth fell open in a gasp, head dropping back against the wall as her fingers traced the pattern of your underwear, pausing to press slightly against your clit, “if you’re okay with that?”
Abi chuckled at the sudden whining tone in your voice, knowing she had the clear go ahead. She met your lips in a kiss, fiery, full of passion and with no hesitancy that she was about to ease up, this was gonna be hard and fast, and she was on a time limit.
Her hands slipped your panties to the side, slowly dragging back and fourth as her thumb toyed with your clit, drawing your wetness out. You buried a hand into her hair, the other one settling just above her ass, pulling her as tightly to you as you could while still leaving her access to your cunt. You moaned heavily into her mouth as she plunged a finger into you, your hips bucking up against her, you could feel the smirk of her lips against yours, knowing she was enjoying this as much as you were. Her finger pumped a few times before she slipped a second one in, the tips of them curling within you as they explored, searching for that oh so sensitive spot. She knew she’d found it when you broke free of her lips, a gasping groan echoing through the room, the hand in her hair tightening against the roots, pulling roughly.
“Mmm…” she murmured, lips meeting the skin of your neck again, “you like it when I touch you there? Her hand repeated the action,
“Oh God Abi..”
“Quiet baby, you wouldn’t want anyone to hear us, would you? Because then you wouldn’t get to come…and that would be a shame.” You nodded hastily, your eyes widening at the sudden change of behaviour. You’d always know Abigail to be a dominant person, obviously, she was your superior after all, but never in your life did you think you’d get to experience her dominance in a situation quite like this. “Good girl…”
Abi smirked, nipping at your lip as her hand began to move again, pulling little whimpers from you and sopping sounds from your pussy. Your hands tightened around her body, your breath quickly beginning to come out in pants, you chased her lips with yours, eager to feel them against you again. You yearned to feel nothing but her lips against you for the rest of the year, and for as much time afterwards as possible. She could feel your pussy beginning to flutter against her fingers, clenching down as her thumb began to toy with your clit, your hips rolled in time with her hands, your eyes screwed shut as your puffed breathing increased. You felt the coil building heavier and heavier within you, about to burst, when suddenly Abi pulled her hand out. Letting out an annoyed huff your eyes shot open, a near pout on your face as she grinned at you. Her fingers met your lips and you greedily sucked your juices off them, groaning out a slurp.
“Always so obedient…” She teased, the familiar smirk on her lips as she pulled her hand from your mouth with a pop. She kissed you with surprising softness before dropping to her knees, shucking your dress up to your waist.
“What’re you-“
“Showing you just how much better my tongue is than a dick.”
Abi barely had time to shoot you a wink before tossing one of your legs over her shoulder, burying her face into your cunt. You couldn’t help the strangled cry at the feeling of her pillowy lips around your lower ones, the way her tongue dragged through your folds, flicking at your clit lightning fast before beginning to fuck you with it. The hand that had been buried in her hair returned to her locks, your hips beginning to roll against her face with eagerness, doing your best to stay quiet as the fire shot through your body much faster than you’d expected. Fuck was she ever good at this. Abi moved her lips to your clit, sucking it into her mouth as her fingers returned to your pussy, now dripping with heavy desire. She groaned at the taste of you, the vibration causing your hips to rocket against her face, your fingers digging even deeper into her hair.
You could hear the noise from the ballroom getting increasingly louder, cheers and yells covering your vocalization as Abi increased the pressure and speed against your pulsating pussy. It was like some fucking kind of goddamn incredible miracle that her fingers hit your gspot just as the countdown began, curling and twisting as her tongue flicked right against your clit over and over again, your body shook with a deep orgasm right as the clock struck twelve. Your yelp completely covered by the cheering and yells of ‘Happy New Year’ from down the short hallway. Abi used her free hand to brace you against the wall, feeling how shaky your legs were, how your body began to nearly collapse against her.
“Holy fuck..” you muttered as she returned to standing, her hands holding your waist gently as your breathing began to regulate. You registered her hand stroking your mussed hair out of your face, softly stroking at your cheek as your eyes met hers, “definitely better than an New Year’s kiss.” She giggled softly, meeting your lips in an impossibly soft kiss.
The two of you barely had time to tear apart from each other as the door swung open. You were ever the thankful that Abi’d already fixed your dress, you only prayed that your cheeks weren’t as hot as they felt as Gibbs entered the room. Of fucking course, if anyone was about to try to duck out early, it would be him.
“You two enjoying yourselves?” He half smirked. Abi was suddenly very thankful for the purple peacoat you’d worn tonight, her eyes quickly able to find it amongst the others, meaning hers was next to it on the rack.
“Just grabbing our coats Gibbs.” She shot back, tossing yours to you before grabbing your hand, practically dragging you from the room.
“You know, I expected this from DiNozzo but not you Borin!” He called after you as you raced down the hallway the best you could in your heels, a small fit of giggles breaking between you. When you reached the line of cabs you pulled her to you, meeting her in a deep kiss, a soft moan escaping your lips into hers at the taste of you on her tongue.
“Come home with me?” You asked quietly, “it may be past midnight but I’d very much like to return the favour.”
“Did you seriously think I was going anywhere else?” Abi replied, small smirk on her lips as you giggled, ducking to kiss her again.
“Happy New Year Abi.” You murmured agaisnt her lips.
“Happy New Year.”
@newyorker14 @wistfulfemme @jamiethetrans @natasha-danvers @imlike-so-gaydude @altsvu @mysticfalls01 @bumblebear30 @enduringalexblake @paulson-hargitay @molllss @wosoimagines @solemnnova @imaginaryoperagloves @disn3y7 @hbkpop @cmmndrwidw @multifandomlesbianic @drduckthief @holycrapraewth @1-lindsay83 @alexusonfire
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storiesofsvu · 4 years
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Holiday Bingo 2022
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Secret Santa
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Christmas, winter, the whole holiday season had never been your thing once you were an adult. Sure, it was all fun and games as a kid, you loved treats and presents. Once you’d graduated it became an onslaught of when you were going to bring a nice boy home, as if marriage was your number one priority, as if you couldn’t move forward in life without a ring on your finger and a baby on your hip.
You’d very eagerly moved away to Washington once you were done with school, diving head into being a marine, and thus, moving into being part of CGIS. You hadn’t expected it, but one of your fellow marines had managed to convince you into the smaller division, and honestly, she was someone you trusted more than anyone else, she had been in charge of your unit after all.
The only person you kept in contact with was your Grandmother, she’d always loved and accepted you no matter what and you always made sure to fly back home to see her a few times a year. She really was the only part of your family that mattered. To say you were devastated when she passed was a complete understatement, you hated it even more that it was right before Christmas, right before you were supposed to see her again. You threw yourself into work, putting in way too many hours at the office and nowhere near enough at home. You were exhausted, but you were doing good work, until Agent Borin privately came into your office and assured you it was okay to take some time off. She understood, she knew how easily it was to bury tragedy with overworking yourself, but she wanted to make sure you were okay. You rolled your eyes, but agreed, taking the rest of the week off. You were incredibly thankful that she seemed to have such a watchful eye over her team.
It was a few years later, Christmas had rolled around and you had been convinced into a ridiculous Secret Santa exchange, and this year, you really weren’t feeling the holiday spirit. You made sure to drop your gift in the office pile before you managed to sneak out early. You figured you could order some take out and indulge in too much wine as you normally, did, making sure your phone was in a different room, completely ignoring any relatives that were trying to contact you.
You jumped at the sound of a knock on your apartment door, who the fuck could possibly be there, more so, who even knew where you lived? Your hand flicked at your phone on the kitchen island, noticing no notifications before you pulled the door open.
“Agent Borin?” You were certainly taken aback, “I-uh….is this a work thing? Cause I’ve had a few glasses of wine…” She laughed softly,
“No…you left early, and you know you can call me Abi…can I come in?”
“‘Course.” You widened the door as she moved into the apartment, closing it behind her. “Can I get you a glass of wine?”
“Sure.” She smiled, you missed the small bag she placed on the island as you moved through the kitchen, grabbing a fresh glass, filling it and passing it to her. “You left before the exchange tonight.” She stated.
“Yeah..” you murmured, “I’m not exactly the most enthusiastic around the holidays..brings up some not so great memories.”
“I know.” She softly smiled, her hand sliding the small bag toward you, “I needed to make sure you got this tonight, even if you bailed on the staff party.”
“Ohh…Kay.?” You smiled softly, not knowing what exactly the other woman was getting at.
“I was your secret Santa…I guess I could’ve waited until after the break but I didn’t want to.” She admitted, and you could swear you saw her cheeks flush at her admission.
You glanced up at Abigail before your hands reached the bag, slipping the tape away from the seal. You reached a hand in, your brows furrowing as you pulled out what seemed like a necklace box. You cocked a brow at Abi as you flicked the lid open, not expecting your hand to shoot to your mouth as you saw the necklace.
“This…” your head tilted as you lifted the necklace up infront of you, “this looks kinda like the one I lost during the Morain case..”
Abigail felt her heart jump into her throat, she knew this moment was coming, and that gifting you something like this could make it a million times worse, but part of her didn’t care whatsoever. The necklace was an heirloom from your Grandma, and after your family recklessly tossed or sold the rest of her belongings after she died, it was all you had left. You’d lost it somewhere on sight while chasing a perp, not even noticing it was gone until you got home that night. Abi found you back at the office way past closing time in an attempt to find if it was somewhere there and she could barely stand how distraught you were over it, it was the one and only time she’d seen you cry and it made her heart goddamn break.
“Uhm….it is…”
“What?” Your eyes shot to hers.
“I-fuck I shouldn’t have.” She instantly started to panic, “Fuck. Forget this ever happened.” She turned toward the door, making her way to leave as your hand closed around her wrist.
“I don’t want to forget. Abi…this is..the sweetest fucking thing.” Your eyes were full of tears, “where’d you get the ruby for this?” She laughed nervously,
“The Morain crime scene…”
“What?” You honestly didn’t know what she was talking about, maybe it was the wine, or the sudden rush of emotion but your brain felt full of fog.
“While I was doing my final sweep after you’d all left I noticed something…sparkling..it was right where you took him down so I figured it was the necklace. By the time I got back to the office you’d gone home so I figured I’d save the pieces for the morning. But…when I saw how upset you were over it I was worried that seeing it broken would be like rubbing dirt in the wound.”
“That case was nearly a year ago…”
“I know…fuck, this was a terrible idea.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard you swear this much.” You teased and Abi felt her cheeks flush,
“The longer I kept them the more I started to worry that too much time had passed, that it would be weird? I guess? I started to try and make up some stupid story of finding them more recently, but just…always got nervous about it. When I picked your name for Secret Santa it just made sense. I…hope it’s okay I had it melted down and reformed?”
“Oh Abi…” She was genuinely shocked as you launched towards her, a soft kiss landing on her cheek as you pulled her into a tight hug, “it’s fucking perfect. Thank you.” You pulled away gently, giving her hand a squeeze, “help me put it on?” Turning you pulled your hair off your neck as you handed her the necklace, letting out a sigh at the feeling of the gem’s weight against your collarbone again. “Best Christmas ever.” You smiled gleefully, popping up onto your toes to kiss her cheek again.
“You deserve it.” Abi felt her cheeks burning again, “Sorry it took so long..I..just..” You tilted your head, your lips pursed at the woman in front of you.
“You know, for someone who always knows what to say you’re pretty flustered tonight…” she attempted to awkwardly laugh that off, “Borin…are you blushing?!”
“No!” She did her best to avoid your gaze but your teasing only increased, your fingers jabbing into her ribs as she attempted to shield herself from you a small laugh echoing from her lips as her hands grabbed your wrists, stilling your hands, “I care about you…I want you to be happy, especially at Christmas. Even if your family’s full of assholes who think otherwise. It’s the least I could do…I just hate that it took me so long to get the balls to do something about it.”
“This..isn’t just about the necklace anymore is it?” Your voice softened as you read between her words, realizing which ones she was oh so carefully leaving out.
“What’d’you mean?”
“You don’t think I haven’t noticed all the extra coffee’s left on my desk? You always make sure I have the best cases, and I’m the only one you’ll take with you when Gibbs comes calling. And…now you’re showing up at my door at 10 p.m with the greatest Christmas gift I’ve ever gotten?”
“I..” she sighed, meeting your gaze with a small smile on her face, “ya caught me..” you smiled, grabbing her hand.
“C’mon. Bring your wine. We can make fun of the ridiculous Christmas movies on t.v.”
Abi laughed, following you into the living room, happily settling next to you on the couch. It may have taken nearly a year, (and a lot of secretive Secret Santa name swapping in the office) but she officially knew that she’d made the right choice, and that it hadn’t freaked you out in the process. In fact, you seemed more than comfortable as the night progressed, your previous Scrooge attitude dissipating as your head landed on her shoulder halfway through a movie. It truly was the best Christmas ever.
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storiesofsvu · 4 years
The Marine’s Girl Ch 6
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Abigail Borin x fem!reader Warnings: language, smut.
It was fortunate for Abi’s troop, but very unfortunate for you that things seemed to be very calmed down out there, or they were just minor injuries that were being treated on sight. It was over a month later when you finally got another interaction that wasn’t through a piece of paper. Not surprisingly, you barely made it into the on call room before your hands were all over each other. The lock got flicked and Abi was on you, pinning you to the wall, her thigh between your legs. Her kiss was fiery, full of passion as her tongue delved into your mouth, rolling against yours with fever. You ground your body down against her thigh, moaning into her mouth at the friction on your clit, your hands scrambling to get the buttons on her shirt undone.
Abi broke the kiss, her lips trailing across your jaw, her hands slipping under your scrub top, swiftly pulling it off and tossing it behind her.
“God I missed you.” She murmured between kisses, you practically whimpered at how husked her voice was, your hips grinding down heavier on her thigh as her lips tickled down your neck.
Your hands finally managed to shove her shirt off her shoulders, it dropped to the floor behind her as she stepped back, letting you off the wall. You chased after her for another kiss while her hands tugged at your pants, by the time the back of your knees hit the bed you were both bare, collapsing down against it.
Abi was quick to straddle you, her pussy landing on your bare thigh while her fingers tickled down your skin. You groaned into her kiss as she pinched at your nipples, your hands mimicking her actions on her own chest. Breaking the kiss with a gasp you threw your head back into the pillow as her fingers swiped through you, briefly circling at your clit before sinking into your pussy. Whining out as they scissored and twisted against your walls, your lips found a home on her neck, biting and sucking at the tender skin, fully ready to leave a mark for her. She moaned out when you flexed your thigh, her hips rolling steadily against it, working herself towards her own peak while she fingered you to yours.
Her breath caught in her throat at a particularly heavy drag of her clit while your teeth sunk into her neck. Her hand picking up it’s speed and intensity within you, curling and tapping with each thrust, rolling her hips into you in the same rhythm. Your arms wrapped around her, cupping at her ass, encouraging her to thrust faster, harder. Her head dropped down in a whimper, her lips wrapping around your nipple, sucking it into her mouth, scraping ever so faintly against it with her teeth. The heat raced through you, your pussy fluttering around her fingers. A quiet string of moans escaped your lips, buying yourself into the crook of her neck as your body began to tremble under hers. Your hands clenched at her skin, thighs shaking around Abi. Her hips began to stutter on your thigh, gasping and panting onto your skin. Your peaks hit at roughly the same instant, small cries bouncing off the walls as your bodies stilled against each other.
“God did I ever fucking miss you.” You muttered, sighing at the feel of Abi’s lips trailing across your shoulder. She mumbled out a laugh, nipping at your skin while your hand caressed at her cheek, pulling her in for a lazy kiss.
You knew you had more time today, lazy breathless kisses while you recovered slightly before pulling as many orgasms as you could from the other. Your fingers and mouths memorized the other’s body, relishing in the taste, humming in satisfaction at the sounds you managed to make them make. It didn’t take long for either of you to be completely exhausted, wrapped into each other, hands idly tracing patterns against skin or playing with hair. Your eyes fluttered shut first, Abi’s steadying heart beat lulling you into a peaceful sleep, though she wasn’t long after you.
The sound of a code going off in the hallway jolted you from your sleep, the sound of footsteps racing through the hall worrying you. While you were technically done your shift, everyone was basically always on call. Leaning over the edge of the cot your hand scrambled for your pants, unravelling the fabric to find your pager. The multiple missed pages caught your eye and you instantly panicked, half stumbling from the bed in an attempt to get redressed while you picked up the phone by the door.
“What…” Abi mumbled from the bed as she rubbed at her eyes and you shushed her. She watched the way your face fell while you had a brief conversation with whomever was on the other end. Hanging up, you came back to the bed, scooping up mixed items of clothing on your way before dropping down beside her, your head in your hands briefly. “What?” She repeated.
“They lost your guy on the table.” You lifted your gaze to hers, “I’m so sorry.” She sighed heavily, pushing herself up to sitting, starting to pull on pieces of clothing.
“I knew it didn’t look good.”
“That’s not all.” You grimaced and she froze in her movements, “…your C.O’s here…he’s looking for you.”
“Fuck!” She shot up from the bed, pulling things on as fast as she could to keep them presentable.
“Just…say someone with a soft spot for the army said it was gonna be a long surgery and offered you an on call room to catch some rest in. We’ve done it before with troops who’ve been on duty for too long.”
“That still won’t keep me completely out of trouble.” She muttered and your heart sank at the worry etched across her face. She quickly checked herself in a mirror before turning back to you, stroking your cheek before kissing you gently, “I’ll see you soon.”
“Yeah.” You mustered up a smile, kissing her chastely once more before she darted from the room.
Abi knew she was going to get reprimanded for this, as the superior officer, she was responsible for that marine the moment they left base until they got back. Obviously, she couldn’t control the extent of his injuries, or what happened on the operating table, but she was still supposed to be the one in the waiting room. The one who was to make the phone call to the family, to their C.O, and to make it worse she knew this Marine had a wife that lived over here with him. Her heart pounding in her chest as she rounded into the waiting room, her chest seized up at the sight of her C.O beside a woman who looked completely broken and empty. His head glanced up at the movement and the look in his eyes was enough to make her gulp, her hands shaking slightly as she approached. She could only hope that she wasn’t about to be stripped of her title. __________ Taglist: @charabs @bisexualcrowley @dereksprentiss @natasha-danvers @ineedafinghug @veteranwerewolf95 @billiedeannovak @stardust-galaxies @laurenhope13 @randomthingssss @vivis-ghost-wife @imlike-so-gaydude @wannabe-fic-reader @gaylorrds @infiniteoddball @thatesqcrush @altsvu @disneyfan624 @gay-ass-bitch @lesbianspacecowboy @delphineecormierr @venablemayfairgoode @whimsicallymad @mysticfalls01 @oliviaswifey @thatgaygiraffesquirrelgirl @cloudymd
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