#Abigail borin fluff
chestnutninny · 5 months
Fluff ♡, Smut ◇, Angst ○, □, ☆
Law & Order: SVU
Casey Novak
Tender, Loving Care ♡
SFW Alphabet ♡
NSFW Alphabet ◇
Three Way Love (with Alex) ◇
Going Down ◇
Wounded ♡◇○
I'm Yours ◇
Olivia Benson
NSFW Alphabet ◇
Alex Cabot
Second Chances ♡
NSFW Alphabet ◇
Three Way Love (with Casey) ◇
My Sunshine ♡
Elizabeth Donnelly
Secrets ♡
5th Times The Charm ♡◇
Rita Calhoun
Sonya Paxton
SFW Alphabet ♡
Drunken Love ♡
Kim Greylek
SFW Alphabet ♡
Criminal Minds
Emily Prentiss
Dinner Date ♡
Jennifer Jareau
Elle Greenaway
Penelope Garcia
Aaron Hotchner
Femininomenon ♡◇
Spencer Reid
Abigail Borin
I Thought I Hated You ◇
Ziva David
Orange Is The New Black
Piper Chapman
Alex Vause
Nicky Nichols
The Rise &Fall Of A Midwest Princess ♡◇
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storiesofsvu · 4 months
You probably already answered this recently and im probably just blind as a bat here but:
What you got in that WIP/To-be-written pile?
Cant wait to know what i have to look forward to!
hahha it's all good! i tried to find it to link but i couldn't s... here's what we've got (for one shots. series i'm not including lol)
Elana Barth x reader-> mommy kink smut
Byran Kneef-> where yn's been teasing him all day and now he's going to tease her relentlessly back and be a little mean
Casey Novak x Rita Calhoun -> fluffy morning after (established relationship)
Sonny Carisi --> relationship angst where they come to a realization that while they thought they wanted the same thing, opinions change.
CM ladies mega smut -> yn friends w JJ, briefly and casually dated Em before Paris, briefly and casually dated Alex when she was on the team and now has just met Tara and is trying not to drool. Makes a joke to Em about how she doesn't know who to go home with and Em takes matters into her own hand.
Derek Morgan --> soft reassuring smut ending with some squirting
DiNozzo -> One first morning after fluff -> One first date fluff
Emily -> secret marriage fluff where the team finally finds out who she's married to
Hotch -> fluffy semi established relationship, fools in love kinda thing with a twist -> sneaky courtroom bathroom quickie ->developing relationship, protective hotch, stay the night fluff -> fluffy, developing relationship morning at work fluff
Poly Barhoun -> meeting somewhat shy/inexperienced yn at a sex club where they take her home and show her the ropes
-> pegging smut
Sonya Paxton -> comforting fluff. yn and her met outside of work post rehab stint. sonya hesitant about coming clean about her past.
Rita Calhoun -> sub rita smut. she's had a long, stressful week and yn takes it upon herself to make sure her weekend starts off in higher spirits
Addison Montgomery -> super fluffy, first kiss/first admittance of feelings.
Joe Velasco -> idiots in love trope, involving the whole squad
-> yn, bruno and joe find themselves sharing a hotel room while at an out of town conference with some rather loud and rambunctious neighbours. they figure if you can't beat 'em, join them... and have some fun of their own.
Abigail Borin -> daddy smut. pwp
Amelia Sheherd -> developing relationship super fluffy cuteness ->blooming flirtation fluff
As for series:
Alex Blake has one: fluffy, hurt/comfort
Rafael Barba: one spicy, fluffy one -> one mainly fluffy, sorta poly!barhoun harvard au style mini series
Heather Dunbar: -> three, all spicy fluffy, one with a bit of h/c -> one political thriller that's poly heather x jackie x reader
Hotch: -> 2 fluffy, semi spicy ones
Rita Calhoun -> 4. 2 AU's that are mainly spicy with a hint of drama. 1 mega fluffy. 1 fluff, hurt/comfort
Emily Prentiss -> one mainly fluff with a hint of thriller
One that's a CM and SVU crossover but i haven't figured out details and pairings yet!
I've also been going through prompt lists recently like i did when i first started writing to find ones that stand out to me and then assign them to character/see if anything sparks a good idea in my head. I either haven't been getting requests recently, or they're ones that have ONLY been the prompt and it hasn't sparked anything. I also deleted a bunch of stuff that was in my WIP folder cause it had been sitting too long without any work being done on it cause again, no ideas on how to flesh things out.
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baubeautyandthegeek · 2 years
Do you think I have a case?//Let me ask you to your face… - Abi Borin/Gail Walsh
A/N: Last fluff for day 3 of @fluffbruary​ .
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Abigail ‘Abi’ Borin tends to be very intense and focused on her work as a coast guard, all the same she can’t help sometimes getting a little distracted. She likes her work but when she meets Gail Walsh during their mutual downtime, it’s hard to ignore the attraction, where her hair is copper, Gail is richly ruby red, her bite and snark bring a smile from Abi and the two walk the coast she guards, discussing life and work. “Why exactly do you put up with me anyway?” There’s an edge to Gail’s voice and Abi turns to face her where she’d walked a couple extra steps, her eyes flickering over Gail’s face, seeking a sign of why she asks before she speaks. “I might think the coastline is beautiful… but it’s nowhere near as beautiful as you.” Her answer is soft and she half smiles as she adds. “Besides, you put up with me too…. And that ain’t easy.” “It is to me… when it’s you.” Abi smiles then, moving to tuck hair from Gail’s eyes, leaning to kiss her. “Well then…. I think I love you… do you think I have case?” “Mmm, maybe you do… maybe we both do.” Gail teases, smiling even as she pulls Abi closer, her lips brushing Abi’s again before she murmurs. “So… take me home?”
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Secret Santa
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Christmas, winter, the whole holiday season had never been your thing once you were an adult. Sure, it was all fun and games as a kid, you loved treats and presents. Once you’d graduated it became an onslaught of when you were going to bring a nice boy home, as if marriage was your number one priority, as if you couldn’t move forward in life without a ring on your finger and a baby on your hip.
You’d very eagerly moved away to Washington once you were done with school, diving head into being a marine, and thus, moving into being part of CGIS. You hadn’t expected it, but one of your fellow marines had managed to convince you into the smaller division, and honestly, she was someone you trusted more than anyone else, she had been in charge of your unit after all.
The only person you kept in contact with was your Grandmother, she’d always loved and accepted you no matter what and you always made sure to fly back home to see her a few times a year. She really was the only part of your family that mattered. To say you were devastated when she passed was a complete understatement, you hated it even more that it was right before Christmas, right before you were supposed to see her again. You threw yourself into work, putting in way too many hours at the office and nowhere near enough at home. You were exhausted, but you were doing good work, until Agent Borin privately came into your office and assured you it was okay to take some time off. She understood, she knew how easily it was to bury tragedy with overworking yourself, but she wanted to make sure you were okay. You rolled your eyes, but agreed, taking the rest of the week off. You were incredibly thankful that she seemed to have such a watchful eye over her team.
It was a few years later, Christmas had rolled around and you had been convinced into a ridiculous Secret Santa exchange, and this year, you really weren’t feeling the holiday spirit. You made sure to drop your gift in the office pile before you managed to sneak out early. You figured you could order some take out and indulge in too much wine as you normally, did, making sure your phone was in a different room, completely ignoring any relatives that were trying to contact you.
You jumped at the sound of a knock on your apartment door, who the fuck could possibly be there, more so, who even knew where you lived? Your hand flicked at your phone on the kitchen island, noticing no notifications before you pulled the door open.
“Agent Borin?” You were certainly taken aback, “I-uh….is this a work thing? Cause I’ve had a few glasses of wine…” She laughed softly,
“No…you left early, and you know you can call me Abi…can I come in?”
“‘Course.” You widened the door as she moved into the apartment, closing it behind her. “Can I get you a glass of wine?”
“Sure.” She smiled, you missed the small bag she placed on the island as you moved through the kitchen, grabbing a fresh glass, filling it and passing it to her. “You left before the exchange tonight.” She stated.
“Yeah..” you murmured, “I’m not exactly the most enthusiastic around the holidays..brings up some not so great memories.”
“I know.” She softly smiled, her hand sliding the small bag toward you, “I needed to make sure you got this tonight, even if you bailed on the staff party.”
“Ohh…Kay.?” You smiled softly, not knowing what exactly the other woman was getting at.
“I was your secret Santa…I guess I could’ve waited until after the break but I didn’t want to.” She admitted, and you could swear you saw her cheeks flush at her admission.
You glanced up at Abigail before your hands reached the bag, slipping the tape away from the seal. You reached a hand in, your brows furrowing as you pulled out what seemed like a necklace box. You cocked a brow at Abi as you flicked the lid open, not expecting your hand to shoot to your mouth as you saw the necklace.
“This…” your head tilted as you lifted the necklace up infront of you, “this looks kinda like the one I lost during the Morain case..”
Abigail felt her heart jump into her throat, she knew this moment was coming, and that gifting you something like this could make it a million times worse, but part of her didn’t care whatsoever. The necklace was an heirloom from your Grandma, and after your family recklessly tossed or sold the rest of her belongings after she died, it was all you had left. You’d lost it somewhere on sight while chasing a perp, not even noticing it was gone until you got home that night. Abi found you back at the office way past closing time in an attempt to find if it was somewhere there and she could barely stand how distraught you were over it, it was the one and only time she’d seen you cry and it made her heart goddamn break.
“Uhm….it is…”
“What?” Your eyes shot to hers.
“I-fuck I shouldn’t have.” She instantly started to panic, “Fuck. Forget this ever happened.” She turned toward the door, making her way to leave as your hand closed around her wrist.
“I don’t want to forget. Abi…this is..the sweetest fucking thing.” Your eyes were full of tears, “where’d you get the ruby for this?” She laughed nervously,
“The Morain crime scene…”
“What?” You honestly didn’t know what she was talking about, maybe it was the wine, or the sudden rush of emotion but your brain felt full of fog.
“While I was doing my final sweep after you’d all left I noticed something…sparkling..it was right where you took him down so I figured it was the necklace. By the time I got back to the office you’d gone home so I figured I’d save the pieces for the morning. But…when I saw how upset you were over it I was worried that seeing it broken would be like rubbing dirt in the wound.”
“That case was nearly a year ago…”
“I know…fuck, this was a terrible idea.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard you swear this much.” You teased and Abi felt her cheeks flush,
“The longer I kept them the more I started to worry that too much time had passed, that it would be weird? I guess? I started to try and make up some stupid story of finding them more recently, but just…always got nervous about it. When I picked your name for Secret Santa it just made sense. I…hope it’s okay I had it melted down and reformed?”
“Oh Abi…” She was genuinely shocked as you launched towards her, a soft kiss landing on her cheek as you pulled her into a tight hug, “it’s fucking perfect. Thank you.” You pulled away gently, giving her hand a squeeze, “help me put it on?” Turning you pulled your hair off your neck as you handed her the necklace, letting out a sigh at the feeling of the gem’s weight against your collarbone again. “Best Christmas ever.” You smiled gleefully, popping up onto your toes to kiss her cheek again.
“You deserve it.” Abi felt her cheeks burning again, “Sorry it took so long..I..just..” You tilted your head, your lips pursed at the woman in front of you.
“You know, for someone who always knows what to say you’re pretty flustered tonight…” she attempted to awkwardly laugh that off, “Borin…are you blushing?!”
“No!” She did her best to avoid your gaze but your teasing only increased, your fingers jabbing into her ribs as she attempted to shield herself from you a small laugh echoing from her lips as her hands grabbed your wrists, stilling your hands, “I care about you…I want you to be happy, especially at Christmas. Even if your family’s full of assholes who think otherwise. It’s the least I could do…I just hate that it took me so long to get the balls to do something about it.”
“This..isn’t just about the necklace anymore is it?” Your voice softened as you read between her words, realizing which ones she was oh so carefully leaving out.
“What’d’you mean?”
“You don’t think I haven’t noticed all the extra coffee’s left on my desk? You always make sure I have the best cases, and I’m the only one you’ll take with you when Gibbs comes calling. And…now you’re showing up at my door at 10 p.m with the greatest Christmas gift I’ve ever gotten?”
“I..” she sighed, meeting your gaze with a small smile on her face, “ya caught me..” you smiled, grabbing her hand.
“C’mon. Bring your wine. We can make fun of the ridiculous Christmas movies on t.v.”
Abi laughed, following you into the living room, happily settling next to you on the couch. It may have taken nearly a year, (and a lot of secretive Secret Santa name swapping in the office) but she officially knew that she’d made the right choice, and that it hadn’t freaked you out in the process. In fact, you seemed more than comfortable as the night progressed, your previous Scrooge attitude dissipating as your head landed on her shoulder halfway through a movie. It truly was the best Christmas ever.
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storiesofsvu · 4 years
It’s Weird
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Abigail Borin x fem!reader Warnings: language, mentions of smut, mentions of death, minor angst, fluff.
When Abigail Borin was called to New Orleans she wasn’t quite sure what to expect, she knew she’d been wanting a change from Washington, but wasn’t quite sure what she was looking for. Her last case with Gibbs’ team had her delving deep into memories of the love she’d lost while she was overseas, she hadn’t just lost a team of marines, she’d lost her marine. Being pretty tight lipped, she only admitted it to Gibbs himself, surprisingly, she somehow didn’t get too emotional over it, (minus the too intense interrogation she gave), maybe enough time had passed that she was finally over it? She’d spent the years coping, dealing with the loss as she processed it. The move to New Orleans wasn’t one that she saw coming, but the job called, and they needed someone with her expertise over there. At first she thought it was going to be temporary, still keeping contact with Gibbs, but after her first case with the NOLA NCIS she realized her fit with the team, her fit with the city, that this would definitely be her new home for them next while.
It took a bit for her to settle in with her new crew, taking command was harder as she was a stranger, but most of them seemed to obey what they could. When she joined up with NCIS things were smoother, they knew how things worked, they respected her, and everyone worked as an equal. She worked through a couple of cases, doing her best to keep to herself as she did her best to explore a new city.
A couple of months later she found her usual spot at the end of a bar, ordering her favourite bourbon, though it was a new bar, one she had yet to get acquainted with in her time in New Orleans. You were quick to shoot over to her, a grin on your face as you took her order, impressed with the redhead’s choice of liquor.
“Not many people ordering straight bourbon over here.” You crossed your arms, leaning against the bar as you drank her in.
“Well I’m not most people.” She smirked back at you, taking a hefty swig. You’d wished you had more time to flirt but you were called away by the other bartender. You kept a good eye on her throughout the night, taking more time than you probably should have to make sure her drink was always full. There was something so enticing about her you couldn’t possibly keep away from her. Abigail smiled friendly at you while she settled her bill, the lust heavy in her voice, assuring you that she would definitely be back before you knew it.
You were ever so happy a few days later when the gorgeous redhead showed up at your bar, happy smirk on her face as she took her usual seat. It was a slow day, a weekday night as she ordered her usual bourbon that you were quick to pour, settling in on the bar across from her.
“So…you know what I do…Ab, what is that you do, aside from frequent this bar?” She gave a laugh, not expecting you to call her out like that.
“I work with CGIS.”
“CGIS? The fuck is that?” You pushed off the bar to pour a couple of beers that came through the printer, your eyes still on Abigail, “Lotsa letters, you some kind of cop?”
“Kind of.” She laughed, taking a swig of her drink, “CGIS is the coast guard.”
“Coast guard?” You nearly laughed, “Isn’t that just some over glorified lifeguard?” You noticed the way her eyes very quickly narrowed, “No offence.” You quickly shot.
“Coast Guard Investigative Service.”
“So you’re a pirate cop.” You quipped, warranting a laugh from her, you shot her a wink.
“Sure, we’ll call it that.” She shot you a sly grin, “What about you? You’ve gotta have some other interests than slingin’ drinks.”
“Netflix?” You shrugged, “I work at another couple of bars too, they kinda ship us around where they need us, keeps me busy.” Pausing to think as you polished a glass, “Call me stereotypical but I love a solid Sunday beignet breakfast.”
“Where’s your favourite?”
“Monty’s for full service, great menu, incredible cinnamon beignets, full service bar is a bonus. And conveniently right across the street is a Café Du Monde. I usually grab from there and take a river walk, but they only have that fuckingchicory coffee so it means two stops.” Abi couldn’t help but laugh at that, agreeing with your distaste for coffee.
“I take it you’re not local then?”
“No, I am. Born and raised, just, never agreed with the whole chicory thing. I think it’s super gross.”
“Agreed.” She smiled across at you, “So…ya busy Sunday?” You stalled suddenly at her brashness, a taken aback expression on your face she nearly smirked at before your face split into a flushed grin.
“I-uh..didn’t have any plans…”
“Sounds like you have time for a breakfast river walk then?”
“I guess I do…” You leant against the bar in front of you, “I’ll make sure to get the non-chicory coffee. Might even be able to snag some secret mimosas.”
“Really?” She cocked a brow
“Yeah. I’ve done a couple shifts at Monty’s, manager loves me.” Abigail had barely opened her mouth to reply when her phone started to wildly go off, she groaned, rolling her eyes.
“Looks like work never sleeps.” She grabbed a business card from her pocket, sliding it your way, “text me info for Sunday. How much do I owe ya?”
“On the house.” You smirked, attempting to protest when she threw down a twenty for a tip but before you could even get a sentence out she was gone.
As she’d asked you’d sent her the address to Monty’s, telling her you’d meet her out front at eleven. You exchanged a series of flirtatious text messages throughout the week, your grin splitting your cheeks every time you saw her name ping up on your phone. You couldn’t help the butterflies in your stomach as Sunday approached, you knew minimal about her, but everything seemed so intriguing and powerful, you weren’t sure what to make of it.
Sunday ended up being far more than you expected, she’d greeted you with a soft hug outside the restaurant, a gleam in her eye as she accepted the coffee from you. You headed down to the river, doing your best to avoid the morning joggers while you munched on the powdery treats. You exchanged stories of your past, laughing over embarrassing memories, favourite jokes and the like. The two of you clicked easily, and much quicker than you’d thought, everything felt easy, simple, a warmth enveloping the two of you.
Your date ended up lasting much longer than you’d originally expected, more than thrilled Abi hadn’t been called away. The river walk took you three times the length you’d planned, completely distracted with each other that you barely noticed your stomach’s growling until well past two thirty. You recommended a restaurant nearby and she was quick to accept, flirting over bowls of gumbo and cold beer for another hour or so.
What did surprise you was when Abi gently grabbed you outside the restaurant, tugging you to her in a gentle kiss that nearly immediately morphed into a fiery one. When she mentioned her place was only a few blocks away, and asked if you wanted to come up, you weren’t about to turn down the offer. The two of you had barely made it through the door before clothes were being thrown every which direction as she lead you to the bedroom. Hands and lips were everywhere, grasping and kissing every inch of skin they could find, moans and whimpers beginning to echo through the room as you discovered each other’s bodies. The better part of the afternoon was spent tangled in the sheets of Abi’s bed, small giggles breaking through as one of you started trailing hands across the other’s bare body for the millionth time.
Very reluctantly, you went home that night, knowing you had a lunch shift you’d need to work tomorrow, and that Abigail would need to go into the office. You were thankful to receive a small handful of texts from her, knowing she wanted to see you again, even more so thankful when she showed up at the bar.
It became a regular thing, she’d show up at the bar, a few times with a few members of her crew that you got to know. She’d fend off offers of rides home or shared cabs and wait til you were cut, the gleam in her eye ever so evident that she could barely wait to get her hands on you. Some nights you spent at each other’s apartments, sometimes she’d get called away, or there’d be a sweet kiss goodnight before one of you left while the apartment was still dark. Everything seemed somewhat casual, and you were more than okay with that, your schedule was jam packed, and the complete opposite of hers. Although she was basically always on call, she mainly worked the standard work week while you made the best money over the weekend nights.
All things considered, you were lucky to spend as much time together as you did. The first time she showed up at your apartment with a bottle of bourbon and a bag of takeout unannounced you had to admit you hadn’t been expecting it, but she was more than welcome. You could tell it hadn’t been an easy day, and being alone in a still somewhat new city wasn’t easy. You welcomed her in, letting her curl around your body in a tight hug for longer than usual before her witty banter picked up again. A movie marathon played on the t.v while she snuggled against you, your hands softly tracing patterns across her body. It was the first night you’d spent together without having sex. You curled your arms around Abi in bed, letting her snuggle into your chest, kissing her forehead softly before you drifted off.
It was after that that you started spending time together in a slightly different manner. Abi opened up to you a little bit more, she even brought you by the office for lunch, completely unashamed of anything. While you still hadn’t really put any labels on it, you spent more soft evenings together, ones curled up on the couch, making each other dinner, small kisses shared, the smiles ever so evident on each other’s lips. She got very used to having you around, and missed you when you weren’t there, she’d been so used to being alone for so long, coming home to an empty apartment, that you were this bright ray of warmth in her new life.
A few months into your new strain of relationship was when she finally told you about her ex, the one she’d lost in an explosion at sea, and everything started to make sense. She’d been so held back emotionally, so focussed on the sexuality of the relationship because she was scared, terrified actually, that things would end the same. Sure, they had been marines, and you were a bartender, your life wasn’t exactly in harms way on a regular basis, but the aching thought still refused to leave her brain. Abigail was terrified of loving you. Of having her heart torn to shreds again, worried that you’d see her baggage and want to walk away, that you were okay with the sex, with the casual relationship you’d been having, but wouldn’t want more. That once you knew how damaged she was, you’d walk away without a second glance.
She couldn’t have been more wrong. You’d paused the movie, focussing your full attention on her, hands grasping hers reassuringly as you encouraged her to talk. She could see the shift in your eyes as she revealed the story, hating the tears burning in her eyes, wishing she wouldn’t still have to cry over it, wishing that you wouldn’t hate her for being so hung up on it, hating that you were probably going to see her cry tonight. Instead you simply let her get it all out, you wiped away the stray tears that managed to escape her eyes, you pulled her into a tight hug, the softest ‘Ab, I’m so sorry’ whispered through the room. You reassured her that everything was perfectly fine, that you weren’t going anywhere, you were here to support her no matter what she brought to the table. It didn’t matter if things were going to take a little longer than usual, if you needed to go slow, you were willing to wait, because it meant you got to be with her.
It was a few months later, the weather warming as April sunk through the city that you noticed she seemed down more than usual. You pecked her cheek as she plated up breakfast, asking if she was okay, the distant look in her eyes almost instantly gave it away.
“I’m sorry..” she murmured, dumping the pan in the sink to be washed, “I..I have you, I shouldn’t feel like this..”
“Hey, Ab.” You grasped at her arm, pulling her attention to you, a hand softly cupping your cheek, “you lost someone, someone you cared about deeply. There is no reason for you to feel guilty about this, it’s a different part of your life. You’re allowed to grieve, for as long as you want. I don’t care how many years have gone by, you went through something horrible, and I’ll always be here for you.”
“Thank you.” She mustered out, pulling you into her arms. You felt her exhale heavily at the feel of your arms wrapping around her, holding her there for a few moments before she let go, settling into the breakfast table.
“‘Course.” You kissed the back of her hand gently, ”I..take it the anniversary’s coming up?”
“Yeah..next week..” She glanced up at you and you were at least happy to see a hint of a smile on her face.
“Is there a…memorial? Or anything, if you could get a couple days off I would be more than happy to go with you, give you some time.”
“Really?” Abi felt a warmth flowing through her body as she looked across at you, the sympathy and soft smile you exuded speaking all the unsaid words.
“‘Course. If you wanna go alone I get it. Just remember I’m here for you.”
“It’s..in Washington…” You shrugged at her reply.
“It’s pretty damn easy to get a bar shift or two covered…and you’re more important.”
And that’s how the two of you ended up in a completely different state, away from home, somewhere you’d never been the following week. Truthfully, Abi still felt a little guilty, but she knew you cared, there was no reason you’d be there with her if you didn’t. You managed to meet a few of the NCIS crew from out there on your first day in the city, laughing at just how accurately Abigail had described them. You let her curl up against you each night in the hotel bed, holding her as tightly as you could, your gentle hands helping her fall asleep while she coped with the memories.
On the day of the anniversary you helped her pick out a flower wreath, swinging by a liquor store for a few sneaky small bottles of bourbon on your way to the gravesite. She’d already mentioned the preferred brand months ago, there was one for all three of you, and she couldn’t help that find that incredibly adorable. You were more than ready to give her some space, offering to wait in the car, but she was quick to grab your hand, leading you through the grass. You could see the pain in her eyes as she placed the wreath down, straightening the US flag beside the stone, tucking the small bottle of Bulliet beside it. This may have been her past partner, but it was also someone who was under her command, you knew why she must feel so responsible, and today must be incredibly hard on her. Your hand squeezed hers tightly, knowing she was going through a mental monologue of words towards the deceased. She bowed her head before turning back to you, a signal that she was done.
“Bottoms up.” Her voice wavered as she held up the tiny bottle to yours in a salute before tossing them back. You did your best not to grimace at the burn the liquor gave, it not being anywhere close to your go to drink. Her forehead met yours softly, taking in a few slow breaths, hands linking in yours, “Thank you.” When her face moved up to your gaze, the smile on her face finally reached her eyes, “You have no idea how much this meant to me. You’re incredible.”
“Abs..” You laughed lightly, “You’re the incredible one.”
“No..I mean it.” Her lips softly met yours, “I never thought I could feel like this again…but…you showed up. Now it’s like I don’t wanna go on knowing I might lose the feeling again.”
“Well lucky for you, I don’t plan on going anywhere, you mean too much to me Ab.” You kissed her cheek softly, giving her another few moments of silence before the two of you made you way back to the car.
It was later that night, snuggled in each other’s arms in the hotel bed that you finally admitted it. Abigail had had an incredible impact on your life, and as much as you tried to hold back, you loved her. You loved her more than you could ever imagine, and you knew she still had some baggage, but you didn’t care, and you never would. You knew your declaration might have her running the second you got home, but it didn’t. It had her shooting you the biggest grin, pulling you to her in a passionate kiss, telling you that she loved you just as much, and couldn’t wait to see what the future held for you.
____________ Taglist: @charabs @bisexualcrowley @dereksprentiss @natasha-danvers @ineedafinghug @veteranwerewolf95 @billiedeannovak @stardust-galaxies @laurenhope13 @randomthingssss @vivis-ghost-wife @imlike-so-gaydude @wannabe-fic-reader @gaylorrds @infiniteoddball @thatesqcrush @altsvu @disneyfan624 @svulife-rl @svushots @gay-ass-bitch @lesbianspacecowboy @delphineecormierr @venablemayfairgoode @whimsicallymad @mysticfalls01 @oliviaswifey @thatgaygiraffesquirrelgirl @cloudymd
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storiesofsvu · 4 years
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Abigail Borin x fem!reader
Warnings: Language.
“DiNozzo, McGee, get your heads outta your asses, you’ve got a case you’re supposed to be working on.” Gibbs’s voice rung through the room causing the two to jump, quickly scattering back to their appropriate desks, pretending as if they’d been working the entire time. DiNozzo was naturally the first to see you trailing behind Gibbs, you were in a very well tailored navy pant suit, crisp white button up underneath with a few buttons undone.
“Who you got there with ya Gibbs?” He questioned, a grin on his face.
“This is Agent Levers from FBI, she’ll be working with us on this case, try and behave please.” The older man replied.
“FBI…you must be important..” He smirked, standing from his desk to properly greet you while he drank you in, extending a hand, “Agent Anthony DiNozzo.” You smiled out a huff, accepting the handshake.
“Pleasure…Y/N…” Cocking a brow as you replied, briefly glancing over his shoulder at McGee.
“Oh, that’s just McGee, don’t worry about him, not important.” DiNozzo was fast on his feet, you had to give him that, “So…Agent Levers…how long have you been with the FBI?”
“If I tell you it’s classified will you stop and fill me in on the case?” This certainly wasn’t the first time you’d been in a position like this, and you were sure it wouldn’t be the last.
“Awee c’mon, play nice. If you’re lucky you’ll get dinner and drinks out of it, maybe even something more.” He winked, and you were thankful for the save from Gibbs, who gave him a good whack on the head.
“DiNozzo back off, for a special agent you sure are bad at noticing things, she’s wearing a wedding ring.” You smirked at that, waggling the diamond on your finger, “Now, brief her on the case.”
It took a few long hours of going over everything that NCIS had, rereading case files, evidence and reports, and despite the (technically engagement) ring on your finger, DiNozzo didn’t let up too much on the flirting. You’d dryly turned to McGee asking if he was always like this and McGee noted that it could honestly only get worse. You took joy in the more loose feel of the team, the way they easily joked with each other, sarcastic comments and the feeling of organized chaos flowing through the room. When you worked your team at the FBI things were always so damn professional and uptight, it certainly didn’t help that you were the one in charge, practically having to remain on the books at all times. You got copies of all their findings for your own work, and managed to link up a couple of strings that they’d missed over the last few days. By the time you were wrapping up it was a few hours later than you thought you’d be working, the thought of eating dinner a reasonable time diminished, which was also a problem cause that meant you’d completely accidentally stood up your fiancee.
The elevator dinged from across the room, you were double checking something with McGee on his computer, too occupied to bother looking up, people had been coming and going all day.
“Agent Borin…” You heard DiNozzo call out, the over the top flirty tone filling his voice, “They need the Coast Guard and the FBI for this case?” She smirked,
“No actually, I’m—“ She was cut off by a low whistle from the man instead,
“And if I may say, you do look absolutely stunning today…” McGee groaned beside you, rolling his eyes as you glanced up at Abi, gaining eye contact over DiNozzo’s shoulder, a tell tale look on both of your faces. “You here for a hot date? We’re just wrapping up, I know a place that makes a mean cocktail.”
“I’m sure you do DiNozzo…” You gave McGee’s shoulder a squeeze, muttering a thanks as he passed you the printed paper you’d been waiting on, adding it to your things before you shouldered your bag, moving over to the other two.
“If you’re lucky I’ll even pay, c’mon, I’ve gotta find someone, this one’s married, no fun in that.” He jerked his thumb towards you, turning to you, “What…tall dark and handsome isn’t your type?” You outwardly laughed at that, simply reeling in the embarrassment he was about to feel.
“No…more like tall, blonde, and women. Particularly fond of coast guard agents, not sure why…” You gave Abi a soft Hi as DiNozzo processed the information, taking a minute.
“You got married without me?” She smirked, giving you a gentle kiss, you chuckled,
“Gibbs just saw the ring, made an assumption, think he just didn’t want one of his team members hitting on a federal agent all day.”
“Did it stop him?”
“What’d’you think.” The two of you looked towards him, expectant looks on your faces.
“DiNozzo, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t openly hit on my fiancee anymore.” She half joked, knowing that it wasn’t really an issue, it’s not like you were going anywhere.
“I…I won’t…Borin I didn’t realize you were…” He struggled a bit to find the words, not wanting them to come out wrong and end up offending anyone.
“Do you not remember me telling you I swung both ways?” She smirked back at him, linking her fingers through yours, turning her attention back to you, “I’ve got dinner in the car if you’re done for the day, take out and wine tonight?”
“Yeah.” You replied with a smile, “That sounds like a wonderful idea.” You gently kissed her before making your way to the elevators, giving a sarcastic salute to the men before the doors shut.
“Way to go..” McGee started, “You’ve been hitting on a lesbian for the past four years.”
“Hey! Hey! She said both ways…there’s still a chance.” He didn’t realize Gibbs had returned to the room, and that comment earned a rather swift hit to the head.
“She’s engaged! Find someone else to harass with your ridiculous pick up lines, will you?”
Taglist: @charabs @dereksprentiss @natasha-danvers @billiedeannovak @thatesqcrush @lesbianspacecowboy @gay-ass-bitch @svushots @altsvu @laurenhope13 @veteranwerewolf95
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storiesofsvu · 4 years
The Marine’s Girl Masterlist
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Abigail Borin x fem!reader
Abi & yn meet in Iraq while Abi is working for the Marines & y/n is working with doctors without borders. Yn gets pulled into a hospital that’s short staffed where she meets Sargeant Borin who comes in mildly injured. They bond during Abi’s recovery time, and end up falling for each other, despite not only the no fraternizing policy, but the fact that Iraq finds homosexuality a punishible crime. The question is whether they make it through it, part ways, and what their futures hold years down the road…. Warnings: language, smut, fluff, angst, medical talk/injuries, talk of war/bombings/hostile situations. Is set during Abi’s time in the Marine’s in Iraq, thus, early to mid 2000’s, so remember that as you read it. Modern technology doesnt exist. A/N: bear with me as I am not doing a ton of research for this one so there’s definitely going to be some inaccuracies on the Marine/army/doctors without borders front.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3**
Chapter 4**
Chapter 5
Chapter 6**
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11**
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Series Completed
143 notes · View notes
storiesofsvu · 3 years
The Marine’s Girl Ch 13
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*not my gif*
Abigail Borin x fem!reader Warnings: language, mentions of mental health struggles.
The next morning was rough, more than rough. After a night full of terror and anxiety, it was safe to say neither of you got much sleep. You told Abi to just stay in bed, but in her stubborn nature, she refused, letting you curl up against her, or rubbing your back as the anxiety attacks brought the contents of your dinner back up. You were even more exhausted in the morning, thankful at least that you had the day off and didn’t have to worry about working in this condition. Abi offered you a coffee but you turned it down, you knew the caffeine would just make you even more jittery, you barely made a dent in the toast she’d made for you before you left the apartment to go track down the meds you so desperately needed.
Abi later joined you back at your apartment, hoping that the more familiar scenery would help in grounding you. You made an emergency appointment with your therapist before your next session and curled up on the couch with your girlfriend. With the help of the Ativan you were able to actually relax and ended up dozing every so often in each other’s arms. When you weren’t half asleep, you started to talk things through, both of you wanted to be together, you wanted to be able to make this work. After all, you’d made it through so much already it felt wrong to not give it your best shot. While you discussed that what you’d had all those years ago in Iraq was completely different from what you were able to have now, you knew there were some minor similarities, while you’d both grown and changed as people, the other person hadn’t left your mind over all those years and challenges.
You asked Abi to change her shampoo, she admitted that the moment she’d found the same brand you used to use she had to have it, a little reminder of you on the daily basis, but she was more than okay giving that up. After your session with your therapist you got back on the meds to help you sleep through the night dreamless, you’d tried to keep using the melatonin in the meantime, but it seemed to be amplifying the nightmares, making them even more strange and dramatic. You discussed what your triggers were with Abi so that she was more than aware of what to avoid and when she might need to get you out of a certain situation.
It took more than a little persuading to get Abi to come with you to a therapy appointment, you reassured her constantly that it wasn’t a couples therapy, it was just her attending one of your sessions. She put up a stink about not wanting to pay a quack to tell her how she was feeling and you were absolutely baffled at the discovery that after everything she’d been through she’d never once talked to a professional about it. She grumbled practically the entire way to the office but knew it was important with you, so she dropped the attitude and actually opened up during the session. She found it helpful to have you there, a way to not have to tell the story over and over again, but to still be able to get it out. You couldn’t help the smirk on your cheeks when she asked you for the offices number, sheepishly apologizing for calling it bullshit before she called to book her own appointment.
All in all, it was going to actually take months for things to get as normal as they could, but you fought through it. With Abi now in therapy, she was opening up boxes she’d sealed tight shut for years, it was bringing up a lot of what she thought she’d processed, and was going through it again. Though she was still stubborn as hell, insisting she was fine and not fully opening up to you about what was said during sessions. It was only after a day you were both down at the NCIS office (you were doing a house call so to say, stitching up DiNozzo’s arm) when there was a half panicked yell from Gibbs. Something in interrogation had set Abi off and you were the only thing that would calm her down. After that, (probably mainly out of embarrassment of something happening in front of the team) she started opening up more and more, asking you to come with her to a session every so often.
The night terrors started to dissipate as your brain readjusted to the meds, leaving you with little, barely memorable bad dreams that just meant you were in a bit of a funk the next day. Abi adjusted to a new routine, and was ever thankful for your incredible support as she did so. You helped each other heal, relying on the other when you needed, and soothing them back to health when they needed.
Today, you were sitting at your kitchen island, working on a research paper, waiting for Abi to come over with dinner. You’d hit a minor roadblock you’d both been kind of putting off discussing, you were committed to each other with no qualms or worries at this point, but her lease was up in a couple of months and you weren’t sure where to go from there. You looked up at the sound of the door opening, smiling at the sight of your girlfriend moving into the apartment, take out in hand.
“Hi baby.” You greeted warmly, humming in satisfaction as she kissed you, wrapping her arms around your shoulders.
“Hi.” Abi laid another kiss to the tip of your nose before untangling from your limbs, moving to unpack the take out, “how’s the paper coming?”
“The usual bullshit.” You sighed, closing the laptop and sliding it off to the side, “I’ll send it off to the editor in the morning. Your eyes moved to the food, “you got all my favourites!?”
“Course.” Smiling she kissed your temple, sliding you a seltzer from the fridge as she grabbed her own. “I also come bearing… a thought.”
“A thought?” You raised a brow to her as you dug into your food.
“I got an offer today. It’s a really good one, pay raise, better benefits, a bigger unit to work with that actually has everything we’d need to properly work cases.” She chewed over a piece of food, “and it even comes with a housing benefit.”
“So what’s the catch? House on the far side of town or something?”
“More like out of state…” she slightly winced, surprised when you barely flinched.
“New Orleans.”
“Amazing.” You commented, “I fucking love crawfish.”
“You are…surprisingly calm about this?” Abi stated and you shrugged.
“There’s basically nothing tying me to Washington. Sure there’s a few acquaintances, and I’d miss seeing Tony bomb every pick up line he tries, but as long as I’m with you, and you’re happy, I’m happy.”
“I talked it over with Gibbs, he thinks I should take it. He said he can write a letter of recommendation for you for the NCIS team out there, make sure you’ve got a job.”
“Abs..” you laughed, “not to get cocky on ya, but I’m a double board certified surgeon who worked with borders. It’s not hard to find a job.”
“So you’re really down with this?”
“I mean it’s kinda what we wanted, isn’t it? A fresh start. Together.”
“I guess you’re right.”
“Tell ya what, how about you keep thinking about it, and I’ll start to put some feelers out, see how many connections I’ve got out there. If not, I’ve got more than enough saved up to last a couple of months until I get things sorted.”
“You sure?”
“Abs…I was almost blown to pieces on the job, I got enough compensation from that to last a lifetime.” She noted the casualness in the way you suddenly brought up the bombing, something that months ago absolutely shattered you to even speak about, even to her. Now, it really was something of the past, something that you were slowly moving on from.
“What?” Your head tilted at the expression she was watching you with.
“Nothing.” She smiled, squeezing your hand as she leaned in to kiss you, “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
By the end of the week Abi had decided to take the offer and the two of you started to pack up your little scattered lives, melding them together into one new happy one. New Orleans was everything and more, a way for you to begin on your new journey with the love of your life at your side, you still kept up with everything else, making sure your mental health wasn’t left at the wayside. But most importantly you knew you had each other, forever.
_______ Taglist: @charabs @bisexualcrowley @dereksprentiss @natasha-danvers @ineedafinghug @veteranwerewolf95 @billiedeannovak @stardust-galaxies @laurenhope13 @randomthingssss @vivis-ghost-wife @imlike-so-gaydude @wannabe-fic-reader @gaylorrds @infiniteoddball @thatesqcrush @altsvu @disneyfan624 @svulife-rl @svushots @gay-ass-bitch @lesbianspacecowboy @delphineecormierr @venablemayfairgoode @whimsicallymad @mysticfalls01 @oliviaswifey @thatgaygiraffesquirrelgirl @cloudymd @swimmingstudentchaos891
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storiesofsvu · 4 years
The Marine’s Girl Ch 11
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*i think this gif is @1000spices ?*
Abigail Borin x fem!reader Warnings: language, angst, tears/feels, minor ptsd, brief talks of war/bombings/etc. Smidge of smut
Sure enough, as Abi pushed open the door to Yardhouse, you were visible up at the bar. You had a glass of what she could only assume was whiskey in front of you as your eyes were trained on the t.v behind the bar, watching the evening news scroll across the screen. You glanced up as you noticed someone beside you and you looked rather taken aback at the sight of her.
“Mind if I join you?” She asked, a small smile on her cheeks.
“Not at all.” You quickly checked your watch, “you should know Tony’ll be here in like, ten minutes.”
“First name basis, are we?” She half teased, and you laughed over a sip of whiskey.
“Yeah well…sometimes you end up enjoying time with the strangest people.”
“I highly doubt he’s coming tonight.” She paused, quickly ordering a drink. As she took her first sip of it she realized something, swallowing quickly to look back at you, “are you and DiNozzo….?” You burst out a cackle of a laugh at that, practically snorting into your drink.
“Oh God no! We’re just friends. I mean, it started out with me finally agreeing to a drink but I quickly showed him who was better at picking up women. I guess it…kinda fell into a friendship over the years, despite the douchey exterior he’s a pretty nice guy.”
“Sounds fake to me, but…also sounds like you know him better than me.”
“I guess,” you sighed, “we usually hangout every week. I’m guessing he told you where to find me?”
“Yeah.” Her heart jumped in her chest as she gathered the courage to ask, “did…you tell him about me?”
“No….well..yes? I guess…” you chewed on a toothpick trying to unscramble the wires in your brain, “I told him about an ex that things didn’t end so great with. Kinda…embarrassingly broke down in front of him one night about it all. I was genuinely surprised when he abandoned the girl he’d been chasing to take me home. Even bought me pizza and tucked me in, hell he slept on my couch that night…” You laughed at the memory, “that’s when I think we actually became friends.” You swallowed back another gulp of whiskey, “not that I went into detail, the team didn’t even know about Iraq until today.”
“Have you talked about it with anyone?”
“My therapist.” You sucked back the rest of your drink, letting out a sigh, “my sister tried to drag it out of me but she would never understand.” You shifted in your chair, your legs crossing over one another and the movement caught Abi’s eye, the scar standing out against your skin and her heart clenched. You had been there…
“Do…do you hate me? For…what I did?” Her voice was wavering, her confidence completely gone.
“No.” You sighed, dabbing at the corner of your eye, you knew there were tears building up and the last thing you wanted was to break down in this bar for the second time, “I really don’t want to have this conversation in public.”
“I get it.” Abi shifted slightly, “I’ll get out of your hair.” As she moved to stand your hand shot out, wrapping around her wrist as she reached for her wallet.
“That’s not what I meant.” You finally, truly looked up at her, meeting her eyes for the first time in years, “Abs, I’ve got a bottle of whiskey better than this at home. My apartment’s only a couple blocks if you’re willing. I..uh..I’d really like to talk.” Her heart clenched and she had to do her best to control her emotions in front of you, she’d barely even been called Abi (or as her parents annoying insisted, Abigail) since she’d left you, the nickname threw her for a whole loop every time you used it, not that your pleading eyes made it easy. She was a sap for you the moment you’d pulled open that medical curtain all those years ago and not a thing had changed.
“I’d really like that.”
You passed Abi a glass of whiskey, telling her to make herself at home on the couch while you went to change into something comfortable. Opting for a baggy T-shirt and pyjama pants, you returned to the living room, settling into the couch beside her. It fell silent for a minute, awkwardness hung thick in the air while you played with your glass, gulping back a swig.
“I uh…don’t even really know what to say.” You started, “this is way more awkward than I thought.”
“Want me to start?”
“Sure.” You gave her a tight smile, attempting to not hide behind your drink. She sighed out, taking a sip of her own before she started.
“I need to start with an apology. I’m sorry, so incredibly sorry that I hurt you the way I did. I may have chosen my deployment but that certainly doesn’t mean I never loved you.”
“Then why didn’t you ever say it?” When you looked up at her there was a ghosting of tears in both of your eyes.
“I guess I thought I was saving you from more pain. Maybe I was trying to save myself. If I didn’t say it, it wasn’t real.”
“I was scared of losing my job, losing my rank, I didn’t know how I would explain it when I got home.”
“You don’t need to justify your choices to me now. It was a long time ago. And you had a duty to your country to fulfil or…whatever.” You sighed heavily, “it was a shitty situation that was doomed to implode from the start. I just wish I hadn’t gotten in so deep….but there was just something so….unbelievably entrancing about you I couldn’t let go.”
“Why do you think I kept coming back?” She asked and you let out a breath, busying yourself with your drink while a silence fell over the room once again. This one slightly less awkward than the first.
“Are..you seeing anyone?” Half of you didn’t even want to ask. Even with the absence of a ring there was still a chance that she was very unavailable.
“No.” She shook her head, “are you?”
“No.” You felt a tear in the corner of your eye sneak its way out and you quickly swiped it away, “I was…destroyed after I came back. Nobody wants a broken girl.”
“You’re not broken.” She whispered out, her free hand coming to squeeze yours.
“You sure about that?”
“Yes.” Abi shifted on the couch, placing her whiskey down so her other hand could cup under your chin, bringing your gaze back up to hers, “you went through something incredibly traumatic that you didn’t deserve to be anywhere near. You went over there to help, to save lives and instead you got hurt, and that’s not fair. You’re allowed to be angry about it, you’re allowed to be upset, and it’s more than okay if it’s not easy to work through.”
“I really don’t wanna talk about it.” Your voice shook, your eyes trying to avoid hers as your hand swiped away another tear, attempting to hold back a cry.
“C’mere.” She gently tugged you into her arms and you fully accepted it, wrapping your arms around her, burying into the crook of her neck. Her hands soothingly rubbed at your back and you breathed out a heavy sigh, relaxing against her. “It’ll be okay. I promise.” She murmured, laying a soft kiss against your hair. You raised off her shoulder, your eyes finding hers, silent questions written through both of them, her gaze darting down to your lips and back up was all the prompting you needed, moving the inch to kiss her. The kiss was hesitant, cautious and soft, her hand stroked at your cheek gently and you leant into the touch. It only lasted a moment before you pulled away, keeping your forehead against hers.
“Will you stay?”
“I’d love to.” She softly kissed you again, letting you link your hand in hers, leading her down the hall to the darkened bedroom.
Abi’s hands cupped at your cheeks, her lips meeting yours again, letting you take the lead as your arms wrapped around her, pulling her close. You slowly slid your tongue across her lips and she sighed into the kiss, letting your tongue slip into her mouth. It didn’t take long for the two of you to fall back into the graceful dance that was your kiss. Her hands snuck under the hem of your shirt, starting to move it upward and you jolted away.
“Sorry.” She hastily apologized, “did I…read the room wrong?”
“No, no.” You hand squeezed hers softly, “just…leave it on, please? I..don’t want you to see.”
“Oh sweetheart….” Her hand stroked at your cheek, kissing the tip of your nose, “I’ll always think you’re beautiful, no matter what.”
“Thanks…” you sheepishly murmured, welcoming her lips against your skin again.
Abi, determined to show you just how beautiful she thought you were, and in a sense, to show you just how sorry she was for all the pain she’d caused, set to work on worshipping your body. Obeying your wishes to keep your shirt covering whatever scars you were self conscious over, her lip trailed across every inch of skin you were okay with. Sucking and kissing at your neck, her fingers tingling their way across your body, playing with your chest through your shirt. She waited for your nod of consent before pulling your pants off, laying feather light kisses around the scar on your knee.
Softly and slowly, she pulled as many orgasms from you as she could, gently bringing you to your peak each time. You whimpered at the feeling of her mouth on you again, the feel of her fingers inside you, simply the warmth of her body against yours was the safest you’d felt in years. Wrapping you in her arms, she wiped a few stray tears from your cheeks, kissing the stained paths they’d left before tenderly kissing you. You settled against her chest, letting her hand sooth against your back, your hand came to rub up her other arm, stalling slightly at the scar your stitches had left. Your brow furrowed at the glint of something above it, having to shift her arm so the moonlight hit it just right to see that it was a set of 5 numbers scrawled into her skin in a pastel shade.
“Is…is that your admittance day?” You asked, referring to the day she arrived in the hospital.
“Uh…yeah.” Her cheeks flushed, happy that your eyes were still trained on her arm and not her face. “I got it done after I discharged. In…memory….” Your head shifted up at that, dropping her arm back down.
“When did you discharge?”
“A few weeks after the bombing.” She sighed, “we had an accident during an op, explosion went off…lost half my platoon. Between that and thinking you were dead…I just couldn’t do it anymore.”
“I’m sorry.” Your hand came up, cupping at her cheek gently. Her head twisted, laying a kiss in your palm.
“At least I know you’re safe now. That’s all that matters.”
“Hmm…” you shifted up, kissing her softly, “I uh…I know I shouldn’t really say this, but…I still love you.”
“I stupidly never got to say it. But I love you too.” You gave her a small smile at that, your nose scrunching when she kissed it, “did you want to do this?”
“I want to try.” You settled back against her chest, “after everything…I’m unsure of a lot. I know that I love you, but there’s so much more to it than just that.”
“I understand.” She kissed your head, “we can take it one step at a time. But I promise you I’m not going anywhere this time. I made that mistake before, and I’m certainly not making it again.”
________ Taglist: @charabs @bisexualcrowley @dereksprentiss @natasha-danvers @ineedafinghug @veteranwerewolf95 @billiedeannovak @stardust-galaxies @laurenhope13 @randomthingssss @vivis-ghost-wife @imlike-so-gaydude @wannabe-fic-reader @gaylorrds @infiniteoddball @thatesqcrush @altsvu @disneyfan624 @svulife-rl @svushots @gay-ass-bitch @lesbianspacecowboy @delphineecormierr @venablemayfairgoode @whimsicallymad @mysticfalls01 @oliviaswifey @thatgaygiraffesquirrelgirl @cloudymd @swimmingstudentchaos891
72 notes · View notes
storiesofsvu · 4 years
The Marine’s Girl Ch 10
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Abigail Borin xfem!reader Warnings: language. V. Minor angst?
The elevator dinged and your stepped into the NCIS main office, moving with ease through the desks to where the team was, now having been there more than a handful of times working through cases with them. It cut into your O.R time, but the work you were doing was at least helping people find closure, and that always brought your mood up a bit.
“Awee, Summers! You know you don’t have to dress up for me, right?” Tony teasingly greeted and you rolled your eyes.
“I’ve been working conferences all week. It feels like I haven’t been in an O.R in a month, I just need to cutsomething.”
He consciously took a step back from you at that and you huffed out a laugh, accepting the coffee from Gibbs as he entered.
“You manage to get what I asked for?”
“Yeah.” You sighed, pulling a Manila envelope out of your bag, “and if anyone asks, you didn’t get it from me. I put my ass on the line for you guys, this better be worth it.”
“It will be.” He assured you, slipping the contents out of the envelope onto his desk. “McGee do we have everything ready? CGIS is on their way up and want a run through.”
“Ohohooo! CGIS is coming?” DiNozzo asked and Gibbs nodded, the younger man turned back to you, “you’re gonna love this, Agent Borin’s a knockout.” You stalled, your heart quickening in your chest, you could have sworn you heard him wrong.
“Agent what?”
“Agent Abigail Borin.” He replied, as if presenting her name through the air, “used to be a marine, she really is something else.” Your heart plummeted into your stomach, even if there was a bizarre chance of someone else sharing her name and being a marine, you could tell by the way he talked about her, it had to be Abi.
“Welp.” You clapped him on the shoulder, “this one’s all on you bud. She dumped me seven years ago.” You turned to try and leave but McGee was faster
“Wasn’t she in Iraq like, seven years ago?” Suddenly multiple sets of eyes were on you, questions written across all of them. Sighing, you turned back, tightening your blazer around you.
“Were…you in Iraq?” Tony asked, his voice suddenly a lot softer than you were used to hearing.
“Yeah. Doctors Without Borders.” You shrugged, “got pulled into a military hospital that was short staffed.”
“That’s badass!” He replied, “why don’t you ever talk about it?”
“Tony…” Ziva warned quietly and you gave her a thanking look, from where she was sitting she could see the nasty looking scar poking out from the hem of your skirt. Another reason you were usually in scrubs or pants, but business work called for skirts and heels.
“It’s Iraq.” You shrugged again, “it’s not exactly sunshine and rainbows.” You picked up your bag, “anyways, I should get outta here.” You turned to Gibbs, “call me if you need anything.”
Unfortunately, that latest discovery had cost you the time you needed to escape down the stairs. You turned around right into Abi, who froze instantly as her brows furrowed. The two of you missed the way your eyes darted down to the other’s left hand quickly before shooting back up.
“Abs….” Your heart was in your throat, you were thankful you’d at least had the warning that she was on her way up. If this had been out of the blue there was no doubt in your mind you would break. DiNozzo was right, she was a complete smoke show, her hair lighter now than you were used to.
“Y/n…..what’re you doing here?”
“Uh,” you glanced over your shoulder in just enough time to see Ziva scooting her chair forward to pull the men back, giving the two of you a little breathing room, “helping on a case.”
Abi couldn’t resist it, stepping forward and pulling you into a hug. While you looked the same, you also looked like a completely different person, you were always covered up, in scrubs. Living in Iraq wasn’t the easiest, not wanting to draw attention to yourself, but now, in a form fitted skirt suit, your hair loose? She couldn’t help herself. You sunk easily into her arms, noting that scent of her shampoo was the same brand you used to use. Suddenly remembering you were in a workplace you both pulled away.
“God…I thought you were dead for like, three years.” She stated, a misting present in her eyes.
“The bombing. It was all over the news.”
“Oh…yeah…wait, why three?”
“Read an article in the Times when you won that award.”
“Yeah I did a brief stint over there before I was offered this fellowship.”
She opened her mouth to reply but your phone blared through the room, you jumped, half forgetting that anything else existed. You glanced down quickly, silencing the alarm.
“Shit. I’m gonna be late.” You quickly turned back, “Gibbs! I was never here!” Giving Abi a quick glance you added on, “I’ll see you…” your phone rang again and you answered it as you darted off to the elevator, heart still pounding in your chest. Abi stood bewildered, watching the doors slide shut, vanishing you from view.
“Why did she say she wasn’t here?” She asked quietly, turning back to the team, Gibbs caught her eye.
“She may or may not have broken a rule or two to get us the information we needed for this case.”
“Some things never change.” She muttered mainly to herself. “What’ve we got?”
The team set to work then, laying things out with the help of the information you’d secured. While there was a little bit of back and fourth calls so you could explain out the things they didn’t understand, you stayed out of it otherwise. When the end of the day wrapped, Abi made her goodbyes, heading to the elevator.
“I swear to god DiNozzo, I do not have the energy for your flirting right now.” She didn’t have to tell him that, he’d already picked up on it. Here usual strength was depleted throughout the entire afternoon, she shrunk back instead of taking charge like she normally did. Even her voice sounded exhausted and defeated as she pressed the elevator button again.
“It’s not, I promise.” She cocked a brow in return, “just…go to Yardhouse tonight, around eight.”
“And what, you’re going to trap me into a date with you?”
“No.” He laughed, “just go. Trust me.”
_____________ Taglist: @charabs @bisexualcrowley @dereksprentiss @natasha-danvers @ineedafinghug @veteranwerewolf95 @billiedeannovak @stardust-galaxies @laurenhope13 @randomthingssss @vivis-ghost-wife @imlike-so-gaydude @wannabe-fic-reader @gaylorrds @infiniteoddball @thatesqcrush @altsvu @disneyfan624 @svulife-rl @svushots @gay-ass-bitch @lesbianspacecowboy @delphineecormierr @venablemayfairgoode @whimsicallymad @mysticfalls01 @oliviaswifey @thatgaygiraffesquirrelgirl @cloudymd
72 notes · View notes
storiesofsvu · 3 years
The Marine‘s Girl Ch 12
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Abigail Borin xFem!reader Warnings; language, ptsd, nightmares, triggers, anxiety/panic attacks, minor angst
It had been roughly over a month since you and Abi had come into each other’s lives. You were back to the regular schedule of spending time at each other’s apartments and weekly dates, though this time you didn’t have to hide away. You were able to share your love out in public, and not have to worry about either of your work lives cutting into your relationship. You had started taking less OR time to work more cases with NCIS, happily discovering that little found family. While Abi’s work life only crossed into NCIS every once in a while, you did work a few cases together, and the team knew about your relationship. Abi also found herself shooting off a quick call or text to you whenever she had a medical question rather than wait for a response from someone working with CGIS.
What seemed like the only disadvantage was that adding in a couple of other things into your daily schedule seemed to be draining you. Gibbs had left you in a conference room working through some files to put together a report for the team, it was only minutes after he left that your eyelids started to feel even heavier than before. You were completely out, head in your arms by the time he got back.
He sighed lightly, he couldn’t exactly reprimand you, he wasn’t your superior, and he’d noticed the bags under your eyes earlier, offering to pick this up later. He placed the coffees down on the table and you twitched slightly.
“Hey..Summers.” He nudged at your chair, gently shaking you, “Summers.” His voice raised at the second mention of your name and you jumped, a gasp escaping your lips as you woke. Your heart started to race and he could see the sudden panic in your eyes as they darted around the room, your chest heaving. “Hey!” He quickly crouched in front of your chair, his hands grasping your shoulders, grounding you, pulling you back to reality, “hey…y/n…it’s okay. You’re in Washington, you’re safe. It’s just me…it’s Gibbs.”
Slowly, you blinked, your body sinking in on itself as you focussed on regaining your breath. Once he was sure you were back in the real world, he backed into a chair beside you, remaining facing you.
“Fuck…” you muttered, glancing up at him, wariness in your eyes, “thanks.”
“No worries.” He sipped at his coffee, “I know the feeling all too well.”
“Sorry…” you grimaced at the thought of having fallen asleep while at work, “I just haven’t been getting a lot of sleep recently. It seems it’s always worse at night, doesn’t help that the nightmares are back in full force.” With shaking hands you picked up the coffee cup, fiddling with the lid to try to avoid his gaze.
“They didn’t give you meds for that?”
“I uh..” you looked up at him, wary of talking about the subject. But you could tell just by the softness of his eyes that this was off the record, and completely confidential. “My doctor took me off them last year. Said he’d seen enough improvement. I dunno why they’ve started up again.”
“Maybe we should rethink you working so closely on some of these cases.” He offered and you shook your head,
“No. Trust me, being in the hospital gives me more anxiety most days.”
“Something’s triggering you, or they’d be just a one off, not all the time.” He sighed heavily, leaning back in his chair. “I couldn’t even use the same aftershave when I came home.”
“Trust me…I’ve swapped out all toiletries. Don’t even use the same toothpaste. Hell, I barely eat McDonald’s anymore. Guess that’s an upside.” You shrugged and Gibbs raised a brow.
“Yeah.” You huffed out a laugh, “there was one beside the hospital, cheeseburgers became this weird comfort for me and Abs.”
“You know…” he started cautiously, “you’ve been spending a lot of time with Borin…” your head shot up, an instant blurring of tears in your eyes at the thought, your heart rate quickening for an entirely different reason. Your voice shook as you quietly spoke into the room,
“Gibbs…don’t say that…”
“Triggers come in all shapes and sizes.” He frowned as he spoke.
“I just got her back…I can’t lose her now.”
“I don’t know what went on between the two of you over there,” he noticed the way you nearly immediately clammed up, “and I don’t need to.” He quickly assured, “but I can assume it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. Having her pop back up in your life so suddenly might have a negative effect on you.”
“I know…” you admitted, letting out a weary sigh, “I just didn’t want to believe it.”
“Does she know what happened to you over there?”
“Bare minimum.”
“You should talk to her you know. It’ll help. And if you don’t want to be that open because she’s your partner, talk to one of us about it. Ziva served too, we understand what you’re going through. Maybe think about going back on whatever meds they had you on, can’t have you fallin’ asleep on the job again.” He teased, earning a watery laugh from you.
“Hey boss”- DiNozzo suddenly cut in as he barrelled through the door, he stopped suddenly at the sight of your watery eyes, “woah, what’s going on? Did Borin fuck up? Cause as terrified of her as I am, and as much as I know she’d win I can still try and kick her ass.” Gibbs rolled his eyes and you barked out a laugh,
“Tony she’d have you on your ass in less than a second.” You laughed, “I’m fine, Abi’s fine, I’m just…tired…” Gibbs clapped you on the shoulder,
“Why don’t you get outta here, try and get some rest. I’ll call if we need anything.”
You gave the two men a small smile as you packed up your things, teasing Tony on your way out, but quietly thanking him for the knowledge that he had your back. Once outside of the NCIS building, you begrudgingly headed back to the hospital, having to swap out bags and pick up a couple of things from your locker there. You texted Abi while doing so, and she told you to let yourself into her apartment, and to definitely not worry about dinner, she’d pick something up on the way.
The sound of Abi’s keys in the door shook you from your nap, you’d been thankful to have a couple of hours of peace on her couch. Pushing up, you looked over the back of it, giving her a sleepy smile as she kicked off her shoes and came into the apartment.
“Hey baby.” She greeted softly, “how was your day?”
“Fine.” You smiled, “better now.” You noticed the bag in her hand, “what’cha get for dinner?”
“Thought I’d throw it back a little, got some cheeseburgers.” Smiling, she passed you the bag, dropping a kiss to your head. “I’m gonna go change, feel free to dig in.”
You then realized the bag in your hand was from McDonald’s and you couldn’t possibly believe the irony in your talk with Gibbs earlier. But you figured you’d try, pulling everything out of the bag as you waited for Abi to come back to the living room.
She returned less than a moment later, softly kissing you, smiling against your lips before she dropped into the couch. You easily curled into each other’s arms as you caught up on t.v and started to eat, you picked at the fries, only taking a bite or two of the burger before she commented on it. You simply mumbled that you weren’t really hungry, that you were tired more than anything. Abi could tell you weren’t feeling great, whether that was emotional or physical she wasn’t sure, but she wanted you to feel better.
So she helped you get ready for bed, kissing your back softly as you brushed your teeth, her hands rubbing at your arms. As you got into bed, she popped her usual sleeping pill as your hands dug through your bag, becoming more frantic as they went, she grabbed at your wrist, pausing your movements. She asked if you were okay and you sighed out heavily, mentioning that you’d swapped your bags out at the hospital. Accidentally, you’d left the one with the meds you were still on (Ativan to start, among a couple of others) in your locker. She asked if you wanted one of hers and you said that sounded like a horrible, and very illegal idea, you’d be fine. Abi cupped your cheek softly, searching your eyes for any amount of hesitation before she agreed, kissing you gently. You did accept the melatonin, letting it dissolve under your tongue as you curled against her body, humming at the way she began to play with her hair.
Abi’s bedroom window was barely cracked, the sudden blaring of a siren rousing into your subconscious, your heart rate started to pick up before you even woke up. A jolt shooting through you as your eyes wrenched open, your chest was heaving, your eyes blurry with sleep and your skin absolutely burning. You felt like you couldn’t breathe, coughing a few times before you threw the blankets off you, the back of your mind thankful that Abi had taken a sleeping pill and thus dead asleep. You stumbled through the bedroom, still coughing heavily, even out of the bed you body was absolutely on fire, you felt immense pain in your side, your knee, among other places, practically sobbing when you tugged the bedroom door shut behind you as you entered the hallway. You felt like you were about to pass out, ever single wail of a siren echoing through your brain pulled you back into that panic moment, you choked back your cries, your eyes still blurring, your entire body vibrating. Your coughing became even more insistent, feeling like you couldn’t breathe, you were suffocating on smoke that didn’t exist, even if you didn’t realize it in the moment. Everything was about to go black when a cold rush of air hit your face and you slowly, slowly, started to come to.
Despite the sleeping pill, Abi was aware of the absence of warmth at her side, she rolled over, trying to catch your body to pull it against her. She frowned in her sleep, hand patting around the bed, an eye cracked open, looking towards the en suite but there was no sign of you in there. She grumbled, pushing herself up as she glanced around the room, it wasn’t strange for either of you to wake up in the middle of the night, so this was nothing new. Padding through the room, she pulled on a sweatshirt to combat the chilly air coursing through the apartment.
“Babe?” She called out to no answer as she moved through her home.
There wasn’t a single light on, and she started to think that you’d left. It was only when a heavy gust of wind came through the window in the living room, the one leading to the fire escape that she realized she hadn’t left it open. Her eyes glanced down to the doormat, your shoes were still there, your coat still on the hanger. She immediately started to worry, quickly scrambling through the window and making her way up the stairs until she was on the roof. Abi let out an incredibly heavy breath at the sight of you curled up on a cushion, your knees pulled up to your chest, clad only in your pyjamas. Your eyes were heavily trained on the horizon, as if you weren’t really in your own head right now.
“Y/n?” She asked softly, not wanting to spook you as she approached. Thankful when your head turned to face her.
“Abs?” Your voice shook, “fuck, I’m sorry….I didn’t mean to wake you up. I…I tried to be quiet…”
“It’s freezing up here. How are you not cold?”
“Hard to feel cold when you wake up in the middle of a fire.” You muttered and her heart clenched, slowly moving towards you.
“Is…it okay if I sit?”
“Yeah…” you nodded, wiping away a tear. “I really didn’t mean to freak you out, I just…the cold helps the panic…especially after…”
“The bombing?”
“Yeah…” you choked back a cry, “I’m sorry.”
“You don’t need to apologize.” Abi spoke softly, slowly dropping beside you, a hand very gently coming to your shoulder, letting you adjust to the feel of it against your skin before she started to rub circles against you. “You’re still having nightmares?”
“I wasn’t…” you sniffled, “I was totally okay, but I got off my meds last year….they didn’t start up again until a month or so ago.”
“You know why?” She asked and you paused, unable to meet her eye, knowing exactly what the answer was.
“I wish I didn’t….” you managed to look up to her, your hand circling into hers, “Gibbs…Gibbs thinks its you…” Abi stared in disbelief, and you could see the absolute pain in her eyes, “I..trust me..I don’t want to agree with that. Abs, I love you. I really do, and I want nothing more than to be with you. But…it all falls into place.” You choked back another sob, “I was off the meds and totally fine until we crossed paths again.”
“I love you too baby.” She softly kissed at your temple, “lets talk about this…what actually happened over there…stop avoiding the subject with me, you know I’ll understand it more than anyone, right?”
“I know…I just..I don’t want to lose you.”
“You wont sweetheart.” She slowly leant in, kissing your cheek, “the only thing that’ll make me walk away is you wanting me to. Understood?”
“But..what if it is you being back in my life that’s triggering this?” You looked up at her with teary eyes, “as much as I love you with my whole heart…I can’t be reliving these memories every night.”
“I know…” her voice cracked as her arm tentatively wrapped around you, “so…can we start by talking?”
“I guess…” you sniffled, wiping away a stray tear as you took a heavy breath, “fuck….”
Your voice shuddered as you brought yourself back to that day, but tried to stay calm about it,
“no one saw it coming, no one knew it was coming…” tears started to streak down your cheeks and Abi securely wrapped her arm around you, the other one squeezing at your arm, “we just knew shit was going down, that we had to try and save them. I…was on the way back up from the O.R, we’d spent something like eleven hours saving a soldier, fighting the entire time to make sure they lived.” You choked out a cry, the panic shooting through you again, the only grounding being the cool air on your face and the arm Abi had against you, you dared a glance up at her, thankful that the look she had was supportive, and not one painting you as a victim. “We were up a floor..just out of the elevator when the first blast hit. It..killed the patient immediately…..like….what was the point? We spent so long trying to save him just for him to die anyways?” You looked up at Abi, tears streaking down your face.
Her hand cupped your cheek, wiping away the tears as you cried against her.
“The first blast….it shot us all apart…knocked the wind out of me. It was when I went to check on the patient the second blast hit.” You took a shuddering breath, avoiding Abi’s gaze as your breath caught in your throat. Abi’s arm tightened around you, reminding you that she was there, “it shot me back again….that’s when the shrapnel hit. Pieces of the bed, the walls, I’m not even sure…I….I just remember being in immense pain, and the fire..being so hot, and smoke. I couldn’t breathe. We needed to save the patients but we couldn’t.” Your words choked into a sob, collapsing over yourself and Abi’s heart shattered. “Part of my scrubs melted into my side, the burns are still there. I tried to help as many people as I could, I wanted to, I needed to but my leg…I could barely walk.”
“None of that is your fault.” Abi murmured, pressing a very gently kiss to your head.
“I was there to help people.” You cried, turning to face her.
“But you needed help yourself.” She replied ever so softly, her hand stroking your cheek, “I know you hate it, but you were a patient in that point.”
“I know…” you mumbled, “but how many lives were lost cause I couldn’t help? How many people could’ve been saved?” You sobbed into her chest, letting her hand soothingly stroke against your hair.
“Hey….hey…stop thinking like that okay?” She kissed your head gently. “You did everything you could. Doctor or not, you should never have been in that position. You wanted to save lives.” Her lips met you head again, “I am so, so sorry that you had to live through that. All of me wishes you had left before the bombing.”
“Me too.” You whimpered. Silence took over the rooftop as you silently cried out the rest of your pain into Abi’s chest. She held you close, tears brimming in her own eyes as her hands rubbed against your back, wishing and praying that this would never happen again. She loved you, she wanted a future with you, but she also understood the other side of things. It felt like she had been trapped in her own thoughts for hours by the time you spoke again, voice quietly shaking into the night air. “What now?” Your head twisted, looking up at Abi.
“We figure it out.” she kissed you softly, “I’ll always support you. I’ll always be your friend. I want you to have the best life you can, I want you to not have nightmares anymore, to move on from that trauma. Even…if it means that future isn’t with me.”
“What if I don’t want that?”
“What if it’s what you need?”
“I don’t want to lose you.” You choked out, the tears increasing over your cheeks. “I know the nightmares are probably back because of you, that your being part of my life again makes my brain think it’s in danger, but I hate it…
“Okay…” Abi sighed, “come back downstairs. We can talk more in the morning.”
“Okay.” You sniffled, swiping away a few tears “…do you still love me?”
“Oh sweetheart…I always will…”
“Even if we can’t work this out?”
“Of course.”
___________ Taglist:@charabs @bisexualcrowley @dereksprentiss @natasha-danvers @ineedafinghug @veteranwerewolf95 @billiedeannovak @stardust-galaxies @laurenhope13 @randomthingssss @vivis-ghost-wife @imlike-so-gaydude @wannabe-fic-reader @gaylorrds @infiniteoddball @thatesqcrush @altsvu @disneyfan624 @svulife-rl @svushots @gay-ass-bitch @lesbianspacecowboy @delphineecormierr @venablemayfairgoode @whimsicallymad @mysticfalls01 @oliviaswifey @thatgaygiraffesquirrelgirl @cloudymd @swimmingstudentchaos891
65 notes · View notes
storiesofsvu · 4 years
The Marine’s Girl -Ch 4
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Abigail Borin x fem!reader Warnings: Language, mentions of smut, smidge of angst/emotion, mention of nightmares/minor ptsd related subjects. A/N: Again, no knowledge of the Marines over here and I’m too lazy to do that much research so remember it’s fiction. Also remember this takes place like..early 2000’s, social media is not a thing, cell phones aren’t widely spread and the fanciest ones are like...Blackberry’s.
It didn’t take very long for you and Abi to fall into a very comfortable routine with her in your hotel room. You’d often wake up together in the mornings, both used to rising before the sun was even a thought in the sky, for the first little bit you’d head down for your usual morning run or quick workout while Abi slept a little longer before starting on a simple breakfast for the two of you. Once you’d deemed her in good enough health after a quick rib check, she’d join you for some form of lower impact activity to help her not go stir crazy. Your showers were often shared and she’d always make sure to give you a warm kiss before you left for the day.
The domestic feeling sunk in faster than either of you had expected, then again, that was to happen when you were all of a sudden, technically, living together. You encouraged Abi to help herself to basically anything you had in your room to help her from going insane all cooped up. While she was weaning off the pain meds you usually found her buried deep into one of your books, or working through Sudoku when you got home. As the days went on, you gave her a list of safe enough places to explore, and she offered to start picking up smaller grocery orders, taking on the role of the stay at home partner, often having dinner ready when you got home. Even if that meant the plate was in the microwave when you trudged in hours later than expected.
Your evenings were spent exchanging stories, playing various rounds of twenty questions or would you rather? You broke out a deck of cards, teaching each other games you’d picked up over the years working in the field where entertainment opportunities were limited, a travel sized backgammon she usually kept on her as a distraction made for a nice learning experience for you. (Meaning, she whipped your ass basically every single time).
As one would imagine, free moments were filled curling in each other’s arms, some nights that was all you did, simply held each other. There were nights Abi would jolt awake, a nearly forgotten memory shoving its way to the forefront of her nightmare. The first time it happened the sudden movement scared the shit out of you, more so yelping as her elbow collided with your cheekbone. The noise brought her fully conscious and she was immediately apologetic but you couldn’t help but notice the way her hands were shaking when she brought you the bag of ice. You assured her your face was fine, that calming her racing heart was where your priority was. But Abi was more stubborn than you’d realized, only relaxing against your body in your arms once your free one was holding the compress to your already reddening skin. After that you tended to stir awake just before a nightmare would take over, able to coax her down without waking her up, a gentle hand playing with her hair or soothing across her back. She admitted she felt bad about waking you, but you assured her most of the time you were still half asleep yourself.
For Abi, moments like this were strange, few and far between before you came into her life. She was used to cold bunk rooms, breaking awake in a sweat and having to shove it back down out of sheer embarrassment. The lucky nights were the ones she was able to escape up to the ship deck, or out into the cool night air, the wind bringing the panic and anxiety coursing through her veins down as the air chilled her. The salty smell of the sea, the sound of the waves crashing against the boat calming her, lulling her back into a state of peace before she could finally return to bed.
Now, she had you. She had your voice softly cooing to her, telling her it was okay, that she was safe. She had your arms securely wrapping around her, the feel of your lips tenderly kissing her forehead. And honestly, she’d never felt more safe or protected in her life. Something stable, something like this, someone like you, was exactly what her subconscious had been begging for for years.
You were surprised that you became so accustomed to sharing your space and time with someone. Especially in such a small space, though, you were adjusted to living in smaller prior to the move into the city. It warmed your chest the days you came “home” to find Abi doing the best she could in the tiny kitchenette to have a good meal ready for you. Hell, it made you smile just seeing her in your space, knowing that she was there for you when you’d had a long day.
It didn’t take her very long before she was instantly able to tell when the day had been less than favourable. You’d sink yourself into her arms, much like that first night you’d spent together and to your extreme relief she would simply hold you, swaying you until you were ready to either talk about it, or shower away the day. She surprised you with just how intimate and tender she could be, either filling the tub with warm water, tucking herself behind you, holding you to her or stepping into the shower with you. Her hands soothed into your scalp, massaging in shampoo and conditioner, the words not even needed to be spoken.
Somehow, your similar yet drastically different paths in life had you able to nearly completely understand each other.
The nights you enjoyed the most, aside from the ones where you’d laugh until your sides ached, were the ones truly buried in each other’s bodies. You were more than eager to explore every inch of exposed skin, eyes, fingers, lips and teeth didn’t leave an inch undiscovered. There were nights you barely slept, the desire to watch the other come undone yet again too powerful to want to give in to slumber. Abi had made you feel things in a few short weeks you didn’t even realize was possible of your body, you ached in the most delicious way and you wouldn’t have it any other way. She’d almost forgotten what life was like outside the three small blocks around the hotel, what it was like waking up and not having your adorable face next to her.
But you both knew something like this was too good to be true. You knew from the moment Abi showed up at your hotel room door that the day would come where she would be cleared back for active duty. You both somehow let the time slip through your fingers, not realizing how long it had been until the day hit.
You shoved open your hotel room door, kicking it shut behind you, your head glancing up to find Abi perched on the edge of the bed. Her chin was in her hands, her gaze landing on the t.v, but you could practically see the emptiness in them from the doorway.
“You okay?” You asked softly as you shed your outer garments, your bag finding home in a spare chair. Abi took a second before tearing her gaze away, looking up at you, her voice almost groggy.
“Yeah.” She sighed, picking up folded paper from the bed, “they’re coming to pick me up in the morning.”
“I know.” You breathed out and she furrowed her brow at you, watching as you pulled out an envelope from your bag, “last task of the day was signing off on your medical report. Your C.O’ll need that.” You handed it to her and she reluctantly took it. Part of her believed that if she was missing it, maybe she could stay, but then again, that thought was ridiculous, wasn’t it?
“Thanks.” Her fingers slipped the documents together, dropping them into the duffle lying on the floor. Hesitantly, you stepped toward her, sitting on the edge of the bed beside her, you relaxed slightly as her hand instinctively curled into yours.
“What now?” Your voice was barely above a whisper, not really even wanting to ask the question.
“I dunno.” Her shoulders slumped, “thought this part would be easier…”
“Would a cheeseburger help?” You asked, a small grin on your cheeks as you turned your head toward her and she laughed softly at the memory of your first day in the hospital.
“Yeah.” Her lips hit the side of your head, “I think it would.”
You were sure to kiss her forehead before you moved from the bed, grabbing the bag of food from your bag. Abi shifted on the bed so she was cross legged facing you, sitting, you mirrored her pose, the food spread out between you as you mulled over your futures.
“This doesn’t have to be goodbye.” She stated blankly and you cocked a brow.
“It’s not exactly like I can come down to the barracks to hang out.”
“No.” She sighed wearily, “I don’t have a phone out there either, but this is still my port city. They do mail pick ups and drop offs weekly, we could try that? And I’m sure there’ll be more than a few hospital transfers I could volunteer to oversee.”
“You don’t have to give up your active duty hours just to see me.” You smiled and she returned it, her hand reaching up to stroke at your cheek.
“It’s not giving up if I want to. Besides…” she shrugged, “it’ll get me some brownie points, look like I’m really watching out for the team.” You laughed,
“But you’re really just sneaking off to see your secret girlfriend?”
“I guess you could say that.” She smirked and you felt your cheeks heat.
“It won’t be the same.” You murmured, the sudden thought of coming home to an empty hotel room crunching at your chest.
“I know…”
“If…this is it…I feel like we shouldn’t waste any time…” your hand interlaced with hers, pulling you to her, only waiting a moment for her to protest before your lips met hers in a tender kiss.
Abi returned it, shifting so you gently fell onto the bed beneath her, her tongue swiped at your mouth, delving in, eager to taste every inch of you before she left. That night was unlike any before, instead of exploring each other, you were memorizing each other’s bodies, the warmth of them against you, the feel of her lips on your heated skin. The way your fingers tickled up her sides while you lay a trail of soft kisses up her spine, burying into the crook of her neck, inhaling the scent of her, begging your mind to never forget it. It was hours later, exhausted and blissed out that you were curled in each other’s arms, soft snores echoing into the room, your bodies pressed as tightly to each other as humanly possible, aching to hold onto the touch for as long as you could.
A quiet shuffling pulled you from your sleep, the sun barely peaked through the curtains, a pinkish glow casting over the room. On your stomach your head rolled toward the offending noise, watching Abi for a moment as she straightened her tie.
“Looking good Sergeant.” You murmured, her eyes meeting yours through the mirror as she smiled.
“Thanks.” She chuckled, crossing over to the bed, sitting on the edge as you propped your head up on your elbow.
“Never realized I had a thing for women in uniform.” You teased as she leant down, kissing you gently, her hand caressing your cheek.
“Sorry I woke you.” She pecked at your lips again, “I wanted to let you sleep as long as I could.”
“Mmm…it’s fine.” Your hand stroked its way down her arm, fingers coming to fiddle with the buttons on her cuff. “I’m gonna miss this.” Your eyes dared to glance up at her, “I’m gonna miss you.”
“I’m gonna miss you too.” Her hand cupped the back of your head, lips hitting your forehead, stilling there as you absorbed the embrace for a moment. “I’ll be back before you know it.” You shifted up so you were sitting next to her, clutching the sheet to your body.
“Do me one favour?”
“Yeah?” Abi’s hand curled under your chin, tipping your face to hers. She was taken aback at the small shimmer of tears in your eyes.
“I know…I know you can’t promise this, but please….I don’t ever want you showing up on my operating table.”
“I’ll do absolutely everything in my power not to.” Her hand squeezed at yours, kissing you softly again.
“Just stay safe out there okay?”
“You too.” Her eyes met yours with complete sincerity, “I’m not the only one taking a risk here.”
“I know.” Your forehead met hers gently, a world of unspoken words, of silent prayers wrapping around the two of you. Abi’s watch started beeping and she sighed heavily, taking the time to kiss you once more before silencing it.
“Stay outta trouble.” She smiled.
“Try not to break another rib.” You half teased, pulling a soft laugh from her as she pulled open the hotel room door. The faintest whispers of ‘bye’ floating through the air as you watched it swing shut behind her. ___________ Taglist: @charabs @bisexualcrowley @dereksprentiss @natasha-danvers @ineedafinghug @veteranwerewolf95 @billiedeannovak @stardust-galaxies @laurenhope13 @vivis-ghost-wife @imlike-so-gaydude @wannabe-fic-reader @gaylorrds @infiniteoddball @thatesqcrush @altsvu @disneyfan624 @svulife-rl @svushots @gay-ass-bitch @lesbianspacecowboy @delphineecormierr @venablemayfairgoode @whimsicallymad @mysticfalls01 @oliviaswifey @thatgaygiraffesquirrelgirl @cloudymd @swimmingstudentchaos891
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storiesofsvu · 3 years
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That’s right!! It’s bingo time again!!
Prompts are all winter/Christmas/holiday related, or songs.
Submissions can be anything, a mood board, a ficlet, headcanons, drabbles, gif sets, one shot, social media au’s, whatever you want!!
Read the rest fo the rules under the cut!!
Song Prompts: pick 2-4 lines of lyrics from the song and use them in your fic (bold them for reference). You can change pronouns to make a song fit a fic better!
Prompts can be any genre, make it super spicy, make it tooth rotting fluff, make it angst as fck, make it an AU, just make sure to include any and all appropriate warnings and tags!! (Preferably at the top of the post, not just in the tags)
Fics can be either a ship, a reader insert, or an OC, mix and match, crossovers from different shows/fandoms, stick with one, try out something new!
Accepted characters:
-Olivia Benson
-Odafin Tutuola
-Trevor Langan
-Melinda Warner
-Amanda Rollins
-Sonny Carisi
-Rafael Barba
-Casey Novak
-Alex Cabot
-Nick Amaro
-Peter Stone
-Kathy Stabler
-Sonya Paxton
-Kat Tamin
-Elizabeth Donnelly
-Mike Dodds
-Rita Calhoun
-Pippa Cox
-Angela Wheatley
-Ayanna Bell
· Outside of SVU
-Bryan Kneef
-Ricardo Diaz
-Nevada Ramirez
-Fredrick Chilton
-Abigail Borin
-Anthony DiNozzo
-Ziva David
-Elizabeth Keane
-Carrie Mathison
-Heather Dunbar
-Jackie Sharp
· Other fandoms you can write from
-Ted Lasso
-The Morning Show
-One Chicago
-Mayans MC
-Criminal Minds
-Grey’s Anatomy
-The L Word
- Fate the winx saga
Ships can be any combination of the above characters, crossovers welcomed as well! If there is someone or a fandom not on the list you’d like to write for, just send me a message and I can probably add them!
· You must tag me
and use the hashtag storiesofsvuholidaybingo on each creation and I’ll put together the masterlist.
· Bingo begins December 1st and runs all the way through to January 10th! (Yes. We be running for more than a month! And that is because Christmas is the INSANELY busy season for me at work and I’ll need more time to get organized and this way we’re not under such a time crunch). You may only submit ONE creation PER DAY. And only one square per creation.
· No underage readers/oc’s.
· Tag all and every warning appropriately at the top of a fic
· Anything over 1000 words must be under a readmore
If you have any questions, feel free to message me!!
_______ tagging some people!!
@lesbianologist @cabensons @teamsladsandgents @thatesqcrush @detective-giggles @tropes-and-tales @itsjustmyfantasyroom @witches-unruly-heart @prurientpuddlejumper @hurricanejjareau @qvid-pro-qvo @wannabe-fic-writer @fighterkimburgess @natasha-danvers @beardsanddetectives @tinyboxxtink @meddisonmilfsupremacy
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storiesofsvu · 3 years
It’s bingo time again!!!
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Prompts are autumn/Halloween related, or songs.
Submissions can be anything, a mood board, a ficlet, headcanons, drabbles, gif sets, one shot, social media au’s, whatever you want!!
Read the rest fo the rules under the cut!!
Song Prompts: pick 2-4 lines of lyrics from the song and use them in your fic (bold them for reference). You can change pronouns to make a song fit a fic better!
Spotify Playlist Here
Prompts can be any genre, make it super spicy, make it tooth rotting fluff, make it angst as fck, make it an AU, just make sure to include any and all appropriate warnings and tags!! (Preferably at the top of the post, not just in the tags)
Fics can be either a ship, a reader insert, or an OC, mix and match, stick with one, try out something new!
Accepted characters:
-Olivia Benson
-Odafin Tutuola
-Trevor Langan
-Melinda Warner
-Amanda Rollins
-Sonny carisi
-Rafael Barba
-Casey Novak
-Alex Cabot
-Nick Amaro
-Peter Stone
-Kathy Stabler
-Sonya Paxton
-Kat Tamin
-Elizabeth Donnelly
-Mike Dodds
-Rita Calhoun
-Pippa Cox
-Angela Wheatley
-Ayanna Bell
Outside of SVU
-Bryan Kneef
-Ricardo Diaz
-Nevada Ramirez
-Fredrick Chilton
-Abigail Borin
-Anthony DiNozzo
-Ziva David
-Elizabeth Keane
-Heather Dunbar
Other fandoms you can write from
-One Chicago
-Mayans MC
-Criminal Minds
-Grey’s Anatomy
-The L Word
- Fate the winx saga
Ships can be any combination of the above characters, crossovers welcomed as well! If there is someone or a fandom not on the list you’d like to write for, just send me a message and I can probably add them!
You must tag me @storiesofsvu and use the hashtag storiesofsvufallbingo on each creation and I’ll put together the masterlist.
Bingo begins September 1st and runs all the way through to October 31st! (Yes. We running for two whole months to give y’all a lot of time and also cause I know there’s a few other bingo’s going on at the same time so it’s a bit more freedom). You may only submit ONE creation PER DAY. And only one square per creation.
No underage readers/oc’s.
Tag all and every warning appropriately at the top of a fic
Anything over 1000 words must be under a readmore
If you have any questions, feel free to message me!!
Tagging someone’s who might be interested!
@lesbianologist @swimmingstudentchaos891 @nocreditinthestraightworld @enduringalexblake @bumblebear30 @ghostwritingcabenson @cabensons @teamsladsandgents @thatesqcrush @detective-giggles @beccabarba @tropes-and-tales @itsjustmyfantasyroom @witches-unruly-heart @prurientpuddlejumper @infiniteoddball @alwaysachorusgirl @1000spices @hurricanejjareau @qvid-pro-qvo @wannabe-fic-reader @fighterkimburgess @natasha-danvers @tbhidkwutimdoing
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storiesofsvu · 3 years
(Without looking at the list) 3, 8, 15, 17, 23
3. Do you have any upcoming WIPs? How far along are you with them?
Lord. *technically* i have none. Cause I’m that person who posts right after I write (unless it’s super late/I’m tipsy, then I’ll wait to edit it when I’m fully sober/awake the next morning lol). BUT, I *can* tell you about what’s on the docket/for sure getting written. Some are for my/Karen’s bingos, and some are series that I’m just super stoked for!
-Rita & her coyote!GF are making a return. But this time they’re off in Vegas and Amanda’s coming to play too 👀 (song fic, Do Not Disturb)
-I’ve got a couple of Calhoun Sister fics for the college & lawyer moodboards that will get written, even if they don’t make it in time for bingo lol
-Sugar Baby Series, but this time Amanda is the baby, and yn is the sugar mommy. She helps Amanda finally break off from her toxic family, and obviously spoils the shit out of the girls and just, helps Amanda realize what real love is, and how she deserves to be cared about and treated/ (this again, inspired by the moodboard bingo but defs won’t be done in time lol)
-Trevor Langan is going to make his (smutty) debut on my blog, so keep an eye out for that 🔥
-Rita x single mom!reader
-Casey & Abigail Borin parent trap AU. Where NCIS teams up with SVU for a case and interesting things come out to play
-Poly!Barhoun series where Rita & Raf have been together for ages and while they truly do love each other and care for each other, and want it to work out, there’s just *something* missing. Rita loves to dote and spoil, and Raf lowkey hates it, but he also feels like he’s always working/not a good enough partner, kinda absent sometimes, and doesn’t like that he’s putting Rita through that. Enter you. Fitting in like a glove and filling the appropriate roles that they were worried about.
8. How do you develop your OC’s?
I’m gonna go with “yn’s” for this since my OC’s are usually just like, yn’s bestie, or sibling or something, cause I HATE using the “y/bff’s/name” type thing in fics. It depends on the story, but each yn has their own personality/background/characteristics. A lot are based off of my own personal preferences, and some of them are more linked to what their role in the story is. Like, when y/n is a detective, she has specific qualities, trained for it, etc. Some of them are more chaotic, some of them are more proper, sometimes they’re a Dom, it depends on who the character they’re sleeping with is, and what their history in the story is (I’ve written Rita as the sub/switch twice, and once was her gf just having the more dominant personality, and once was due to shit happening in Rita’s past that affected that part of her life).
I feel like that doesn’t really answer the question,but that’s the best you’re getting lolololol
15. Which fic that you’ve written relates to you and your personal life the most?
Censured. Hands down. It started out with the piano bar, and the chaos, and then I somehow foreshadowed all the ED stuff without even meaning to, and when I realized that was going to be the hurt/comfort that I would include into the story, I was literally writing yn passing out at the bar, and was all “oh wait…this totally almost happened to me at work….” Whoops.
17. What has been the proudest moment for you so far since you started writing?
Lord…uh…hmm… I’m super proud that my Addison Montgomery lil fluff fic got so much love, it’s the only thing that jumped to 100 notes that fast without being Barba pwp lol 💀 but honestly, it’s how well received Serendipitous Secrets and Surprises was, and a lot of the comments on it being all “canon doesn’t make sense without this story” and “this fits perfectly” because of the way I’d literally analyzed episodes over and over again to make sure that things were accurate. It’s the only time I’ve actually had multiple chapters of shit written and stuck to a twice weekly posting schedule. And I pushed myself to write longer chapters, so that each ch would read like it was an actual episode of SVU (minus the fact that the cases were dragged over multiple ch’s, but like..thats how reality works so 🤷🏼‍♀️). I wanted to make sure everything was perfect, and it was! (Minus the fact that I fucked up and said Gallagher didn’t go to Harvard, watched that ep last week and was all “FUCK” when they said he did, I’d fucked up and thought he was at Fordham with Holmes, but derp…that was Sonny, he knew Holmes from Hudson…but…MINOR DETAIL).
23. What’s one piece of advice you would give to anyone who wants to start writing or posting their writing?
Just fucking DO it!! If you want, create a faceless, nameless blog at first, or have a fake name on there, just post, tag, see what happens. You’ll always get better with practice. I try to write daily, but it definitely doesnt happen now being back at work full time, and being exhausted, but i at least *think* about it daily. Find your process, that could be outlining, it could be daydreaming the ch out, it could be talking to yourself to make sure things flow properly. Find some besties to spit ball with (that’s literally half of our discord, spitballing ideas, titles, etc). Per taglists: at first, I didn’t have one, then I started tagging people who i knew wrote for that character, or read a lot of said character, I’d just be all “welp, worst that can happen is they dm me being all “please take me off” and i’ll be all “cool”. Appreciate feedback, take constructive criticism, but don’t let the bullshit haters get to you. Ask for ideas, ask for prompts, but truly, only write for you, write what you want to write/read, and if no one else is here for it, who cares? Lololol..
Okay that wasn’t one piece, but…I can’t control myself lol
Thanks for asking! 💜
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ao3feed-ncis · 4 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3j0Wq5N
by Kattwyllie
Words: 1014, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: NCIS, NCIS: New Orleans
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Abigail Borin, You, Reader, Jethro Gibbs, Timothy McGee, Anthony DiNozzo
Relationships: Abigail borin x you, Abigail borin x reader
Additional Tags: Fluff, Fluff and Humor
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3j0Wq5N
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