gingerbeardmansim · 6 months
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AI Ace!
Not bad!!
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gingerbeardmansim · 6 months
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Since We saw the boys last, a lot has transpired. Ace's photography studio has taken off and he is the head photographer for two large magazines. Beck has become a real estate mogul of sorts, buying properties, flipping them and re-selling them or making rental properties. They even bought their first actual home, in Del Sol Valley
(House from Gallery ORIGIN ID - dghmac)
Beck's 30th birthday is right around the corner, and Ace is planning a surprise party for him, even though Beck has insisted he doesn't want to make a big deal about it.
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Ace on the phone to his longtime friend, Rachel.
"Yes, he seems a little out of sorts. He said he can't believe he is 30 already. I told him, yeah, me either, and that seemed to upset him, so he is in the other living room watching Sports and sulking..."
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"I mean he is only thirty! It's not like he is old, like fifty or something. Anyway, I am having this party, hopefully to cheer him up. OH... I forgot to tell you and do not say ANYTHING to ANYONE. He had some work done to his face. He said the bags under his eyes, were horrible. Do not say anything, he'd kill me if he knew I told anyone."
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gingerbeardmansim · 9 months
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Who am I kidding there was ALL KINDS of stirring in that house!!
Poses by simmireen
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gingerbeardmansim · 14 days
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ACE - (talking to himself) "He still isn't home. And now he isn't answering his phone. His mom hasn't heard from him, Conner hasn't spoken to him. I knew I shouldn't have agreed for him to go. I'm calling the police. This isn't like Beck at all!"
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ACE - Hi, yes, this is Ace Tierney. I need to make a missing persons report, Please.
Voice - "One moment let me forward you to Lt. Perez, his department would be able to help you."
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Male Voice - Lt. Perez, how can I help you?
ACE - "Yes, I need to report my husband missing. He left for work early this morning to look at some investment property in Strangerville. He should have been home four hours ago. He is not answering his phone, his mother, nor his brother has heard from him, or his business partner. I'm really worried."
LT. Perez - Okay and I am talking to? Where are you, and who is missing?
ACE - "Ace Tierney. My husband is Beck, Beckham Hightower. We live in Nuevo Corazón, the Penthouse at 24 Corazón Way."
LT. Perez- I'll will be there in just a bit, Mr. Tierney.
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gingerbeardmansim · 9 months
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The stockings weren't the only thing hung which wasn't that rare,
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 I was hoping that St. Nicholas soon wouldn't be there! Because it wasn't visions of sugarplums dancing in my head!
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gingerbeardmansim · 10 days
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Lt. Perez - "A few things I need to ask you. Missing adults are something we only do if there has been no contact in 48 hours, unless we feel there is foul play involved, or if there are extenuating circumstances, such as a medical condition for instance. As an adult, one is allowed to go and do whatever they want. You said he went to Strangerville to look at some property to purchase there, correct?"
ACE- "Yes, he left last night, as he wanted to get there first early this morning. He said he would be back home around 5 or 6, and it is midnight now. I am worried something has happened. He isn't returning calls or texts."
Lt. Perez - "I need to ask this, Mr. Tierney, have you and Mr. Hightower been having any issues with your relationship, like arguments, or heated discussions that got out of control..."
ACE - "NO! Beck and I always get along. Honestly, we rarely disagree on anything. Mainly because he is always right, once I think about it, whatever it may be. Beck has the common sense in this relationship. I on the other hand am the creative one, and the entertaining one."
LT.Perez- Okay, we will have to ask these questions, and if we do not find him, God forbid, if something has already happened, then we may have to revisit these issues. Just to let you know beforehand, I hope you understand. Ms. Hightower is there anything you can give me as to why your son may not be back yet.
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TREVA - "Lord no! Beck has always been responsible, even as a child. When he says something, I guarantee it will happen. If he told Ace he'd be back tonight, he would be back, or would have called him, or myself. I understand you need to get understand Beckham and maybe even he and Ace's relationship, but you are wasting valuable time. I want my son found NOW. If my husband were still alive and still Police Chief of San Myshuno, he would have been found by now!!"
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gingerbeardmansim · 1 year
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ACE- "Just one more selfie..."
BLAYNE - "How about a kiss first?"
Blayne puts his hand on Ace's chin and pulls him towards his face, their lips almost touching and...
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Ace stands up quickly.
ACE - "Blayne, I am sorry, but I told you I was engaged. "
BLAYNE - "It was just going to be a thank you kiss."
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gingerbeardmansim · 1 year
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BLAYNE - "I am really sorry, Ace. You are just so hot, it's hard not to..."
ACE - "Regardless, when someone tells you that they are with someone else you don't continue to act upon your urges. That is disrespectful.
BLAYNE - "Sorry thought maybe you two had an open thing going on."
ACE - "No, and if we had, that still doesn't mean you can do what you just did. There is something called asking??"
Ace's phone rings...
ACE - "It's Beck, my fiancé... I need to take this in private."
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ACE - "Hey Babe."
"Everything okay, you sound weird."
ACE - "No, No I am fine, seriously, I am good. I think I am going to see if I can get a plane back home tonight though we finished up early and I miss you."
"You sure you are, okay?"
ACE - "Yes, all fine here. I will call you if I can get a red eye flight home tonight."
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ACE - (to himself) "He knows. I sent those pictures! He is going to think... Now what am I going to do?? I feel terrible, like I cheated or something..."
Oh Ace, you are really naive. You did nothing wrong. Actually, you stood up for yourself and your relationship.
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gingerbeardmansim · 2 months
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These two and the new pack have brought me back from the abyss. Look for some posts in the next few days, as everyone's favorite Lovestruck Couple have moved to CIUDAD ENAMORADA!
But they have some houseguests that aren't going away anytime soon!
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gingerbeardmansim · 1 year
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Nothing better than a little make-up sex!
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gingerbeardmansim · 1 year
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As Ace headed back upstairs, and to his room from his morning run; Blayne met him at the door.
BLAYNE - "Good Morning, I was just coming to wake you, but it seems you are an early riser.
ACE- "Yeah I run early every morning. helps get my day going."
BLAYNE- "Good, we have an early day so, you get your shower, as will I and we will meet downstairs, There is an area that has all been set up for you."
ACE - "Sounds great. I will bring all my equipment."
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BLAYNE - "Good, I've been looking forward to seeing that."
ACE - "Seeing what?"
BLAYNE - "Oh nothing. Just a play on words. Go ahead get your shower. I will see you and your equipment in a little bit."
Ace turned and opened the door to the bedroom and thought to himself... "he is kind of strange."
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gingerbeardmansim · 2 months
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After Brandon came home from work the next day, His uncle Ace asked to talk to him...
BRANDON - "Everything okay? Is this about Carson losing his job?"
BECK - "Carson did what?"
BRANDON - "Oh, shit I thought he was going to talk to you. Yeah, he told me yesterday that he lost his job."
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ACE - "No he hasn't talked to us. I suppose the conversation I was going to have with you is moot now."
BRANDON - "What does Carson losing his job have to do with the conversation you wanted to have with me."
ACE - "Well... Beck and I bought a Condo's over in the Vista Hermosa district, and we were hoping the two of you would want to rent one of those out. But with Carson not working, that's probably out of the question now."
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BRANDON - "I'm sure Carson won't be out of work long, I could cover his portion of rent, if you really want us to do that we can. He could even manage the place in return for rent. Let me talk with him, see his feelings about it."
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gingerbeardmansim · 1 year
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BECK - "Ace, you need to wake up! We have that appointment to look at the wedding venue in just 30 minutes! Hurry up!!"
ACE - "I'm coming, sheesh, let me wake up before you start giving commands."
BECK - "I'm not commanding you, babe, it's just you know how I am about being on time."
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BECK - "Are you okay, what's wrong?"
ACE - "That flight from Tartosa was brutal. My head is pounding."
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ACE - "Okay, can you get me some Tylenol from the dresser. I really think I am going to need it.."
BECK - "Of course, then will you get into the shower?"
Ace falls back onto the bed.
ACE - "LORD!! Why are we even having a wedding!!?
BECK - "What? What did you say? Don't you want to get married, Ace?"
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ACE - (Under his breath) "Damn, did I really just say that out loud?..."
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gingerbeardmansim · 1 year
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After the photo shoot, Ace decided to go down to the pool and relax.
He was unaware that Blayne was there as well. He came up out of the pool slowly, and then came over right next to Ace and sat down. Ace was trying to be polite, but he was a little uncomfortable.
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gingerbeardmansim · 2 months
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BECK- "Ace, we really need to talk."
ACE - "What have I done now?"
BECK - "You haven't done anything, except get sexier. It's our houseguests."
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ACE - You are really stressed about this, let me massage while you talk."
BECK - "I am happy we moved here, and bought the house, but my mother..."
ACE - "Yes, your mother. She is certainly something. I am glad your brother didn't take after her. And he has a job."
BECK - "Well, we still need to try and motivate him to get his own place."
ACE - "And take my nephew with him."
BECK - "I'm glad we agree on this."
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gingerbeardmansim · 9 months
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Ace's mother, Linda had been gone now more than ten years, but he still talked to her when he was making a big decision in his life. This was no exception...
ACE - "Ma, I know Uncle Oscar has an ulterior motive about these rental properties, but Beck says we should think about it. What should I do???
Of course, his mom didn't answer, but he called his uncle back and let him know he and Beck would be there on Monday to take a look at the properties.
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