gingerbeardmansim · 3 months
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Since We saw the boys last, a lot has transpired. Ace's photography studio has taken off and he is the head photographer for two large magazines. Beck has become a real estate mogul of sorts, buying properties, flipping them and re-selling them or making rental properties. They even bought their first actual home, in Del Sol Valley
(House from Gallery ORIGIN ID - dghmac)
Beck's 30th birthday is right around the corner, and Ace is planning a surprise party for him, even though Beck has insisted he doesn't want to make a big deal about it.
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Ace on the phone to his longtime friend, Rachel.
"Yes, he seems a little out of sorts. He said he can't believe he is 30 already. I told him, yeah, me either, and that seemed to upset him, so he is in the other living room watching Sports and sulking..."
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"I mean he is only thirty! It's not like he is old, like fifty or something. Anyway, I am having this party, hopefully to cheer him up. OH... I forgot to tell you and do not say ANYTHING to ANYONE. He had some work done to his face. He said the bags under his eyes, were horrible. Do not say anything, he'd kill me if he knew I told anyone."
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gingerbeardmansim · 6 months
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Who am I kidding there was ALL KINDS of stirring in that house!!
Poses by simmireen
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gingerbeardmansim · 9 months
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Nothing better than a little make-up sex!
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gingerbeardmansim · 10 months
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BECK - "Ace, you need to wake up! We have that appointment to look at the wedding venue in just 30 minutes! Hurry up!!"
ACE - "I'm coming, sheesh, let me wake up before you start giving commands."
BECK - "I'm not commanding you, babe, it's just you know how I am about being on time."
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BECK - "Are you okay, what's wrong?"
ACE - "That flight from Tartosa was brutal. My head is pounding."
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ACE - "Okay, can you get me some Tylenol from the dresser. I really think I am going to need it.."
BECK - "Of course, then will you get into the shower?"
Ace falls back onto the bed.
ACE - "LORD!! Why are we even having a wedding!!?
BECK - "What? What did you say? Don't you want to get married, Ace?"
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ACE - (Under his breath) "Damn, did I really just say that out loud?..."
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gingerbeardmansim · 7 months
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Only two days after their honeymoon, Ace receives a call from his mom's brother, Uncle Oscar who lives in Tomarang. All he said was, "uh.. "oh, well Okay. I will talk to Beck" and then hung up.
BECK - "Who was that. Ace"
ACE - "Who was what?"
BECK - "On the phone, you said you would ask me."
ACE - "Well it was Uncle Oscar and I just told him that because... well I'm not interested."
BECK - "Interested in what?"
ACE - "He is selling his property in Tomarang, and wanted to know if we were interested in buying it. He has several properties there."
BECK - "Why wouldn't you be interested? I mean property there is pretty reasonable and it is a great scenic area, lots of tourists. It could be a good investment"
ACE - "They are rental properties, and I am sure they need some work. He has not been able to take care of them the last few years. Here he sent over some pictures..."
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gingerbeardmansim · 9 months
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ACE- "Beck? Can we talk?"
BECK - "Sure, if you are ready."
ACE - "I am."
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They sit down on the sofa, and Ace starts in right away about the events in Tartosa the week prior...
ACE - "After the shoot I went down to the pool to relax and Blayne was there. In the pool. He came up and sat down next to me and we were talking, and I took some selfies of us. Just having fun."
BECK - "Yeah, I saw the pics that you sent."
ACE - "What?! You saw them?"
BECK - "Sure, Ace you sent them to me. They were cute."
ACE - "Well he didn't kiss me, nor did I kiss him! I swear. I jumped up and told him off, then that's when you called, and I got that Red Eye flight back home as soon as I could. Beck, I am so sorry. I would never cheat on you..."
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BECK- "Ace, it's okay. I know you love me, and you came home to me. Blayne is young and you are very hot. I understand his attraction to you. Guys are going to come on to you. I am glad he didn't get to kiss you and you stood up for yourself, and for us. But it is all okay. I love you! Is that what the whole thing was yesterday about the wedding?"
ACE - "Yeah. I felt I betrayed you."
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BECK - "Babe, not at all. You have no reason to feel that way. You did the right thing, he was the one who stepped over the line. And if you want to wait on the wedding. We can. It doesn't matter if we are married. I love you, regardless."
ACE - "Beck, I want to be your husband, more than anything in the world. I just really don't want a big lavish event. Just us, family and a few friends."
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gingerbeardmansim · 7 months
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BECK- "Seriously these do not look that bad. You should call him back. We have a couple weeks free before Christmas, we could fly out there see them firsthand and then decide."
ACE - "You are serious, aren't you?"
BECK - Yeah, I mean, a change of pace would do us good, and after the first of the year, my job is kind of iffy, so maybe this could bring in some income we are going to need."
ACE - "Okay, if you think it is worth our while. So maybe mid-December?"
BECK - "Sounds good to me."
Ace & Beck will be back soon!!!
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gingerbeardmansim · 9 months
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gingerbeardmansim · 9 months
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ACE - "Damn, Blayne this place is incredible."
BLAYNE - "I take no credit for the beautiful style and arrangement of the interiors, that goes to my interior designer. But I do thank you. This will be your room for the next two nights. Now, I have to get to bed, we have an early shoot tomorrow."
ACE - "I will soon do the same, but I have to talk to Beck and let him know I am here. "
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Blayne left, Ace got comfortable and sent Beck an email to let him know he arrived.
"Hi, Babe I arrived here just about 30 minutes ago. This place is something! He has really done well for himself since we first met him. Anyway, I miss you already, we will talk tomorrow."
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gingerbeardmansim · 9 months
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BECK- "About the wedding. I too have had a change of heart."
ACE - "WHAT!??"
BECK - "Oh we ARE getting married. You said yes, remember? But, I agree. All this work planning, not to mention all the money that goes into all of this. And why. I cancelled everything but the cake and music. I say we get married here in San Sequoia at a park or along the pier. Just me and you and family and friends."
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ACE - "Are you serious!?"
BECK - "Yes, very serious."
ACE - "You are the best husband to be EVER!"
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BECK - "Ace Tierney, I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
ACE - "My ADHD and All?"
BECK - "All of you, from head to toe!"
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gingerbeardmansim · 8 months
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TREVA - "Looks like your brother may have met a friend. By the way, why don't you have a wedding cake, son?"
BECK - "That is Ace's nephew Brandon. I do believe he and Grant go to Foxbury. And let's not talk about the wedding cake, again, mother."
TREVA - "Very well, no more talk of cake. So that's the son of the cop?"
BECK - "Yes, Brandon is Ace's brother Stuart's son."
TREVA- "He is the guy over there with the lady friend at least 15 years his junior? How many times has he been married?"
BECK- "He has only been married once, that is his girlfriend. He and his wife separated a while back. And mother, you ever heard the phrase, people is glass houses, shouldn't throw stones?"
TREVA- "What do you mean by that?"
BECK - "It means you have been married five times, so you have no right to judge someone else regarding their love life."
TREVA - "Umph, whatever. I am going to go get a piece of wedding cake now. Oh, that's right, you have no wedding cake at your wedding."
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gingerbeardmansim · 8 months
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Looks like Ace's nephew and Beck's little brother are more than just college friends!
Hopefully Treva didn't see that!!
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gingerbeardmansim · 9 months
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ACE - "You know what today is, right?"
BECK - "October 9th."
ACE - "Yes, and..."
BECK - "And what?"
BECK- "Of course I do, it's finally our Wedding Day!!
thanks Simmireen for your poses!
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gingerbeardmansim · 9 months
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Ace arrived at the home of Blayne Dickerson, in Tartosa. If you recall Ace did a photo shoot for him a few years back.
Ace did such a great job back then, Blayne's assistant called him to do the photo shoot for his second album.
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BLAYNE - "Ace, the amazing photographer that makes me look spectacular. How have you been? You haven't changed a bit."
ACE - "You certainly have changed, Blayne. I barely recognized you."
BLAYNE - "You and your boyfriend, what was his name? Brick? You guys still together?"
ACE - "It's Beck, short for Beckham and yes, we are still together. Getting ready to tie the knot soon!"
BLAYNE - "Wow, married huh? Well hope that works out for you guys! Congrats. Well, you are all mine for the weekend! Let's go show you where your room is for the next couple nights"
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gingerbeardmansim · 10 months
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ACE - "No, no no! I mean YES!! Yes, I want to get married. I'm just tired from the flight and all this planning and seeing venues, ordering a cake, getting our tuxes, hiring a photographer and videographer, musicians..."
BECK - "I understand, but You are flying around with work and I'm taking care of almost everything for the wedding. You should at least decide on where we are getting married."
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ACE - "I'm sorry, but we do have to PAY for this wedding."
BECK - "I work too Ace."
ACE - I didn't mean it like that. You said you were doing almost everything for the wedding, I get that and thank you, but I HAVE to work, Beck."
BECK - "Never mind, just go get your shower so we can go, Please"
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gingerbeardmansim · 9 months
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BECK - "Isn't it beautiful Ace?"
ACE - "Yes, quite the place."
BECK - "Plenty of room for all the guests, and it's so romantic."
ACE - "It is kind of overwhelming."
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BECK - "Ace, what's wrong with you today. Something is bothering you; I can tell. Before you left to go to Tartosa for that picture shoot you were excited as I was about this wedding."
ACE - "I'm just not sure if this is the right time to be getting married."
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