#Actress Saree Stills
ramboss · 9 months
Actress Malavika Mohanan Sizzling like a Devakanya near a river
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craftlands · 3 months
oop sorry! i did come across one of your mor pankh posts regarding the designs and such about the characters and i do have some points to lay out on their accuracies and inaccuracies, as an indian myself, though i cannot say my word for it will be wholly accurate since again, india as a subcontinent is VERY chaotic and the cultures within different states and a lot of times, certain villages and territories vary drastically. a lot of my points could be disagreed with by another indian and if some of my points ARE incorrect, i'm open to being corrected.
i know it's also pretty late, considering this was one of your older posts but i did give it some chew time. sorry if i'm bothering you.
1) first up is kaalaa baunaa. she IS wearing a saree but the draping and style is pretty reminiscent of modernized styles of saree draping. we do have the traditional drape but the generations right now have gotten to mixing and matching western clothing and experimenting with saree drapes. her outfit, while not culturally inaccurate ( because we HAVE the short/pant combo with the saree ) is grossly inaccurate to the time and setting.
there's also the fact that her outfit screams 'bollywood' in a sense. the blouse in particular is something you'd see on actresses during burner movie shoots ( and even those were a little less provocative...but again the blouse does hold a lot of callbacks to colonial oppression and wearing sleeveless blouses back then was considered 'rebellious' ). in my opinion, if i were to change up her design, i would just omit the saree and put her in a salwaar, since that is the usual go to in northern indian states ( unless in formal events ).
but for the stuff i loved about the design? is the design itself XD. it's just grossly inaccurate to the timeline, but in a modern context, it does have a very stylish flair to it. i just wish she reserved those for festivals rather than everyday living ( because from experience, sarees are HARD to walk in depending on how you drape it which is why my college uniform is a salwaar ). unless they were trying to hammer home how alien she is perceived to be, as an arcanist, which in this case? it works thematically. just tone down the sexualization.
her second outfit is a little more accurate though and i have a preference to that. mostly because of the jewellery she uses. mh. the bollywood style outfit? the embroided saree? the baithale bottu? MH. y e s.
tldr ; the design is pretty good but contextually, for the timeline and for her occupation? it's not the most accurate. but i wouldn't call it a travesty and completely inaccurate either. in a modern setting, her outfit would have passed well in a get together or a friend's party.
2) shamane. okay so the imagery and his outfit WAS something i needed to do my research on. but the 'connection to nature' thing is pretty common here too in tribal societies. my own community, while centuries far removed from it's initial tribal roots, still worships familial sprits and natural objects alonsgside the usual practice of hinduism. i kind of liked that aspect about him tbh because it did reflect of the few vestiges that were left over in my community XD. hell a good chunk of his design was very steeped in tribal influence, though differentiating it is a little difficult ( which again is my critique, but that could also be me not being as well versed in indian tribal culture. it's probably in part because of ignorance. ).
the closes i can get to the influence of his outfit would be naga tribes in nagaland with a mix in of a few others. i'll try to do more research and get back to you on that. i'm just wondering how he got all the way to nagaland???? that's like in the far east...though if were to narrow down the locations, it would be in the few locations where it snows...HMMMM. but yeah the feather motif? tribes here seem to tout it too, depending on what tribe it is.
he does wear your typical sherwani with a large coat on top, something that is, in fact accurate to men's fashion at the time. most middle class or well to do families ( the ones who were not a part of the 60% - 70% below the poverty line ) did hold that similar style of traditional wear with western influence, or straight up turn to western clothing as a whole. its a very small nod to the fact that he was from a well to do family at least. then the eye imagery on the prosthetic arm could be a reference to the nazar, though it's not blue.
tldr; his outfit holds heavy tribal influence but i really need to do my research on which ones in particular.
3) kanjira.
okay. i'm a little upset with her. the fortune teller aspect is rooted in how astrology played a huge part in indian culture. the coffee readings could have been an aspect carried over by cultural mixing through islamic trade and invasions as well. kanjira is another aspect that is a little more of unsure territory. there are parts of her outfit that i can recognize. but together it does feel a little disjointed. and confusing. her jewelry is recognizable. her kamarbandh for one and her skirt.
the blouse though? that confuses me. for one it's more in line with 1910s fashion. the blouse was initially not a part of a lot of traditional indian dresses and were introduced by the british due to extreme discomfort ( aka they didn't like that indian women didn't cover up their chest ). the earlier blouses strongly resembles victorian blouses, with puffed sleeves and ruffles. but then there is that older the shoulder thingie and i'm like ??? HOW DOES THAT WORK-
the snake motif could be a reference to the irula tribe from south india. even her name is a reference to an instrument in south india ( which resembles a tambourine ). i don't think her base outfit is based on accuracy due to the mismatched nature of it. it seems like she just took what clothes she could and made do with that, which given her economic status, makes sense. her alt outfit does glean into what influences she took after, perhaps the banjara tribe. i will need to look into it some more. but it is admittedly, facing a similar problem to kaalaa in how it's so heavy stylized. it's not accurate save for the motifs and yes, it could do with some better work in both versions.
now for the stereotype. i'm very on the fence in this sense with how i could understand that the 'thief' stereotype is referenced. but kanjira is however, a product of some very real stuff that happened ( and still goes on even now ). the unfortunate reality is that people who are considered beneath the lower caste and obc umbrella face their share of discrimination as hooligans and thieves amongst the indian majority as well, even today. it's harmful, but she's the reflection of the struggles of a lot of communities who lived in poverty post colonial india. the british left a lot of scars and the governments after did very little to help and kanjira, as a child with no parents did what a lot of kids back then turned to. it's circumstances deeply rooted in systemic oppression, casteism and so many other issues. i've had family members in similar situations ( my mother's side in particular ).
so i do wince at the fact that she's labelled as a 'stereotype' even though i do see WHY she's a stereotype when the context is removed. her spoken english is also another wince. i know you didn't mean to be offensive and i'm sure to a lot of indians you might not be but kanjira's english is the way it is simply because she was never formally educated in it. she does refer to asking for help to read english words and it's fairly obvious she picked up on the language by listening to others speak it. matilda however, did have to learn it from a pretty young age in the foundation. she was educated in it, whether she likes it or not ( a lot like my case ).
a bit of a breakdown here. english is mostly learned in india for the sake of convenience. it's used in our parliament because it's culturally neutral and doesn't show favor to certain state languages ( and native language in itself is a very culturally sensitive topic in india ). you learn it in case you need to study in foreign firms or if you travel abroad. it also means that if you and a good chunk of other indians speak in english, it allows some leeway to communicate in other states. because again, different languages and dialects are spoken in different parts of india. i myself have a better chance of communicating with a different people from different states in english, no matter how broken it is than having to learn a separate language every time.
i know a lot of people in my college who didn't start learning english till grade 11 and speak pretty similarly to kanjira. so alluding to her imperfect english as a 'not great thing' kind of rubs me the wrong way due to personal gripes of mine, mostly in part due to how eletist it tends to be at times. the mindset of janjira not being good at english being considered 'really not great' kind of fuels into a still ongoing problem of insecurity and a lot of other issues i'd rather not clog the post with.
she's fluent in hindi and it's obviously her preferred language and she can certainly write and read hindi as well. it's kind of similar to making fun of an american for not knowing fluent french they picked up from a few classes, while they're still in america. again, i doubt you meant any harm saying that but my gripe with how learning english is so desperately seeded in some families just to appease how the west views us ( that stereotype you mentioned? yeah ) and the constant perpetuation of the stereotype, has a lot of ramifications.
i don't know how to explain it but it's kind of like this : you call broken english a stereotype, we're afraid of being stereotyped, we try to avoid being stereotyped. but there are people here who can't. maybe their medium of education wasn't english for a good few years, even if their family is well off. that leads to further discrimination from us to them and from you to them.
yes english is a neutral language, but it's also horrifically overrated due to the imbued belief that it also alludes to being educated. i lost chunks of my own mother tongue trying to learn english, simply because it was given more priorities at my home and at my school because of us moving and the imbued fear of seeming uneducated.
i know you meant no harm to that.
but on a cooler note, punji literally means 'money'. kanjira named her snake 'money' and with the drip it has? it's strangely cute XD. it's like that one meme.
also kanjira's accent, kind of reminds me of a few annoying girls in my school ( it's a very common accent in north india and my hindi speakers tbh ). she's literally the valley girl's take in india. the drawl, the lilting tones every time i listen to her, i hear that one girl from fourthe grade and i'm like "n o." because it has that condescending edge to it. i love it XD.
tldr ; kanjira is both 'it kind of makes sense' and 'fuck it we ball'. she could do with reworking. i like the thought that her outdated blouse and her clothing was a mix and match, possibly picked up from charities as well but...yeah XD.
these are mostly my takes. overall, i thing r1999 actually has some of the better depictions of indian culture compared to a lot of other stuff out there ( and there is a LOT of bad stuff ). the fact that there was variation in their accents, the casual switch between english and hindi, the story of mor pankh itself and shamane's incessant need to feed us ( which is a thing in our families btw )...i'm pretty happy with it. and yes, even we fuck up aspects of our own culture. aka, adipurush exists and i will shit on that way more.
sorry for bothering you and thanks for reading through it all ( and i hope i didn't come across as rude in that segment about language )!
hiya! sorry for taking so long to get to this ask -- i was out of town for like a week and had absolutely Zero energy on coming back for like another week afterwards. i want to head this off by saying you're not bothering me in the slightest, i'm genuinely delighted to get to be able to talk about things like this in more depth and i really appreciate you taking the time to write this out! (peek behind the curtain: i have gotten up several times and paced around excitedly in the course of writing this. i REALLY love discussion and critique and Learning Context in general.)
i think time's been pretty kind to the Mor Pankh update, all things considered -- having several months to sit on it (and also no longer playing CROB -- good god Centipede and Black Pepper are an absolute mess of racist/Orientalist tropes, and that was pretty recent at the time of Mor Pankh), it's definitely better than i initially gave it credit for. a lot of things you've mentioned here -- especially a good deal of the further context on Kaalaa Baunaa and Shamane's clothing, as well as further context on Kanjira -- is something i truly don't have much to add to other than "i didn't know that, and this makes me a lot more favorable towards them than before".
definitely Kanjira is still someone i find myself heavily split on. i think a lot of what you mentioned about the way i treated her speaking broken English very callously is probably right on the money and thank you for the correction on that end -- given the context of the story that seems to be one of the more thoughtful aspects of her overall characterization and design. the thief/fortuneteller stereotype is something i'm a little more hesitant to dismiss at face value, though; while it may be a coincidence, there's definitely a history of stereotyping Rromani people in particular as like... scantily clad fortunetellers who steal from people, and it's something that feels really prevalent in Kanjira's design for me. from an in-story perspective i think rev19 does a great job of contextualizing and fleshing her out as a character, but from an overview of the character it rings eerily similar to Orientalist tropes about both Indian and Rromani people in a way that i will probably never be fully comfortable with.
i do think it's hilarious that her snake is named Money though. that's beautiful and i can't complain in the slightest.
Kaalaa Baunaa is a delight to read about in terms of where her outfit might be drawn from. i genuinely don't know a good 90% of the fashion/clothing context when it comes to basically anything in rev19, so for a lot of it i'm definitely deferring to you in terms of whether or not her outfit is accurate. i do definitely like her second outfit better as well (it also looks a lot more comfortable. we're under a heat advisory where i am right now and i WISH i had something like that to wear when i eventually have to go out and walk the dog). i don't really have much else to say here, though
finally for Shamane i will fully admit to being woefully out of my depth and being very attuned to looking for First Nations stereotypes owing to that be a particular trope i'm very used to seeing (gods the feather thing happens SO MUCH). that said, i am absolutely kicking myself for not researching things first, i think learning more about the context of his specific design and beliefs makes me come around a lot more positively to some of the aspects of his design -- especially what you mentioned about it being historically accurate, as that's something i did not consider initially and is really cool to hear about wrt what the design process may have been! (also i love his arm design, like, a lot. no idea if connecting it to nazar designs makes sense or not, it does appear that those are almost exclusively blue though maybe in the context of rev19's worldbuilding red eyes would have developed as the "evil eye" instead? idk, but i can probably count on one hand the amount of prosthetic users in gacha games whose missing limbs are actually given thought and treated as aspects of the story rather than just visual flavor.)
in conclusion: yeah, i think after learning more about the context behind these character designs i was definitely a bit harder on Mor Pankh than i needed to be -- relative to other games that take a swing at depicting SWANA and/or Indian cultures i think rev19 is doing way better in that category than most of them. i will say part of why i am so frequently critical of rev19 is that i also love the game a lot -- i don't put much time or effort into critiquing things that are just straight up bad, and if i'm hard on something that's usually because i really want to sink my teeth into it and talk about what works and doesn't work within its story and broader cultural contexts.
(and also -- thank you again for taking the time and thought to send me this! i can't express enough how much i appreciate being able to learn more about the context of a lot of these characters and the story and just, like, talk about it openly. it rocks! thank you!!)
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horizon-verizon · 3 months
GRRM literally put Mediterranean, Palestine, Moorish Spain and WALES in a oriental cauldron and created Dorne. On the other hand, ASOIAF fanartists be drawing Dornish women in sarees and ghagra cholis and fancast Golshifteh Farahani, an Iranian actress, as Elia. Be serious y’all.
Penelope Cruz, Nina Dobrev, Mila Kunis are olive-skinned but they’re still unambiguously white.
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"Olive" skin/toned skin is supposed to mean:
moderate or lighter tan or brownish skin, and it is often described as having tan, brown, cream, greenish, yellowish, or golden undertones
Therefore, anyone of any race can have an "olive" tone to their skin, as you see above.
The Dornish who live around/closer to the coasts are described as having "olive" skin. Therefore IF we wanted to, we have a lot of justification to have white Martells AS WELL AS actors of other races play them....bc the Martells have married many different peoples of Dorne and beyond and Dorne is not a brown territory nor a PoC one. It's pretty diverse and there is no real "racism" within the actual territory where they recognize each other as socially different by skin color like in real life except to say maybe that that person comes from the desert/the mountains/the coast or from this-that house. And that' not racism. Maybe.
However, I also don't think all Dornish characters NEED to be PoC and Pedro Pascal is not PoC. There are white Latinx i can't totally fault people for thinking the Martells are PoCs bc many came into this series from GoT where some PoC actors played some Dornish people AND people want to see themselves on screen/fantasy genre and its fans can be and are often racist asf. I mean, look at HotD!
However, if we're talking about Dorne having been always a PoC territory bc of the show, that's just false. And Baelor Breakspear? I said this on Twitter:
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I have a very long and repeatedly edited post for how/why Dorne is Dorne HERE. Proceed at your own cost.
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teluguflashnews · 8 months
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keralalives · 1 year
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actressstill · 2 years
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Actress #anupamaparameshwaran cute in saree stills #Anupamaa #actresses https://www.instagram.com/p/CpnWFN5v11H/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bolllywoodhungama · 1 year
In a floral saree and one-shoulder top, Shilpa Shetty once more shares her passion of sarees.
The pearl-white Chanderi silk saree worn by Shilpa includes scalloped hems and a flower appliqué.
It's impossible to deny how classic Shilpa Shetty's style is. Since then, the actor-turned-entrepreneur has released stunning costumes that showcase her excellent sense of style. Shetty Kundra has worn sensual cuts, bodycon gowns, and shimmering metallic attire. It's intriguing to notice that she also has a variety of ethnic outfits and sarees in her wardrobe. The classic piece, which has long served as a focal point in the world of fashion, is still in vogue. Once more, she served the highest level of elegance while wearing a stunning saree.
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Shilpa is wearing a pearl-white Chanderi silk saree with scalloped hems, red and yellow flower appliqué embroidery on the borders, and red and green thread embroidery on the pallu. She draped it around her tiny frame as usual, the front pleats and pallu falling softly from her shoulder. Shilpa wore the saree with a white silk shirt that featured a plunging one-shoulder neckline, a tight silhouette, and a tied bow accent on the back. She complemented the saree's embroidery with red bangles and oxidized silver jhumkis, as well as white kitten heels, delicate bracelets, statement rings, and white bangles.
Lastly, Shilpa chose shimmering eye shadow, winged eyeliner, kohl-lined eyes, mascara on the lashes, on-fleek brows, mauve lip shade, rouged cheekbones, glowing skin, and beaming highlighter for the glam picks. Centre-parted open wavy locks gave the finishing touch to her traditional outfit.
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ACTRESS: Shilpa Shetty
OUTFIT: Mohammed Mazhar
STYLIST: Sukriti Grover
MAKE-UP: Ajay Shehlar
HAIR: Sheetal F Khan
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stackumbrellayamini · 2 years
These 5 Bollywood Divas Are Bringing us the Best Fashionable Wedding Outfits
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Credit: Google
Indian wedding is all about ethnic outfits and delicious buffet. But what to wear is still a big question for every girl. But Bollywood divas have always guided us with the best of fashion.
This year you can flaunt your breathtaking style of Indian Outfits inspired by your favorite star, and steal the spotlight. From Alia Bhatt to Tara Sutaria, you can steal all their phenomenal stylish looks and can look your best.
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Alia Bhatt
The Gangubai never fails to impress her audience with her hot saree looks. She has recently spotted in a monochromatic look wearing a silver saree and a matching blouse. She looked edgy wearing a silver jhumka and carrying a nude lip gloss.
Janhvi Kapoor
The Roohi actress looked enticing wearing a blue silk saree with tangled embroidery. She graced her look by adding gajra and wearing a black bindi. She completed her Indian avatar with heavy golden jhumkas. You can opt for this simple yet elegant saree look by wearing nude makeup.
Tara Sutaria
Another Bollywood actress Tara Sutaria looked adorable in a pink lehenga. She wore a matching blouse with a plunging neckline. She went for a heavy accessory look and adorned her style with a choker, long earrings, and an artificial gajra in her hair bun. You can steal this bridesmaid look to look super classy for the wedding day.
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Sara Ali Khan
The beige lehenga of Bollywood actress Sara Ali Khan carried the ultimate show-stopping look. As the actress went for a simple yet sassy look with a choker neckpiece, bangles, and nude makeup look. If you are looking for a perfect wedding reception glam look, you can go for this look without any doubt.
Kiara Advani
The recently married diva of Bollywood has given us some of the latest fashion trends to follow in the 2023 wedding season. As she wore a very unique outfit for her haldi function. She went for a white lehenga ditching the yellow for her haldi ceremony. She paired her lehenga with a yellow dupatta which added a color pop. Also, she accessorized her attire with a heavy necklace and very little makeup which gave her a complete bride-to-be look. Her hair was tied very freely justifying her unique style.
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 For site blog-Click here/
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mallikapanuganti12 · 15 days
Actress Sexy Photos, Movie Stills, Image Gallery, Hot Boob Show, Aunty Pics: Aarti Agarwal Whole some in Saree Hot Gallery
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thejaipurloom · 20 days
Tips to Flaunt in a Trendy Cotton Anarkali Suit for Girls Explore Unique Anarkali Suits Loved by Women
In India, cotton anarkali suit for girls are among the most stunning ethnic wear. It is well-known among fashionistas and celebrities because of its latest designs. Movie actresses usually prefer the Anarkali suit types, and celebrities dance and perform in them, giving the whole thing a more modern look.
Everyone wants a piece like this in their closet. The beautiful craftsmanship, stunning artwork, and superb outfits come in various styles and patterns. You don't need to search further to seem like a celebrity, as the Cotton Anarkali suit for girls is fantastic and is adored by divas everywhere.
Occasionally, you can feel comfortable opting for an ethnic look rather than usually dressing in Western clothing. A typical Indian woman's wardrobe consists of two main parts, and along with her trendy Western clothing, she gathers some unique traditional pieces. Suppose you intensely love a specific kurta style, such as Anarkali. In that case, you have a lot of possibilities to test with your freshly acquired fashionable cotton anarkali suit for girls and Anarkali kurtas with various dupattas and bottoms.
Cotton Anarkali Suit for Girls - The Timeless Beauty
One of the most famous traditional outfits is the everlasting beauty of the Mughal emperor's cotton anarkali suit for girls. Anarkali salwar suits, known as kameez, consist of three pieces: a dupatta and a flared Kurti churidar. Regardless of the situation, Anarkali outfits always make Indian ladies seem gorgeous and attractive.
Following the release of Madhubala, Indian ethnic fashion has become increasingly trendy. In Mughal e Azam, the actress was shown gracefully dancing to "Jab Pyar Kiya to Darna kya," performed by Rekha and others. The versatile administration has made a solid place for itself in every woman's closet.
Being Indian, we like being desi these days and probably must follow the customs and trends throughout the holiday season. The timeless beauty of the latest and most stylish Anarkali gown style will make you stand out. These are the best cotton Anarkali suit for girls designed for every occasion you need to show off because the trend for Anarkali dresses was and will continue to be evergreen.
Tips to Flaunt Your Trendy Cotton Anarkali Suit for Girls
Put on as a formal outfit
Since Anarkali suits are heavy and have a gown-like appearance, women often buy anarkali outfits with heavy embroidery of actual zari motifs on the upper body and cuffs. You can still wear a basic cotton anarkali dress with a sanganeri design for workplace attire. To give your traditional dress a distinctive style, wear a more oversized belt and boots that complement the belt's color. Go through the exclusive collection of women's ethnic wear and buy designer suit set online only on The Jaipur Loom.
Cotton Anarkali Suit for Girls to Attend a Party
Choose a stylish Anarkali heels dress if you're uncomfortable attending a party in your shorts or mini dress. Wear an ethnic dupatta and add some unique decorations to it. To give your nude makeup, Go for highlighting your lips with an extra coat of color.
Dress in a Comfortable Cotton Anarkali Suit to Attend a Wedding
Aside from sarees, lehengas, and salwar kameez, you can wear a trendy kaftan kurti with palazzos. However, a wonderfully made Anarkali dress can also help you look great at an Indian wedding. Choose an Anarkali dress in metallic gold, rose gold, or silver if you like metallic colors. If not, dress in your favorite black silk anarkali kurta and add a hefty gold necklace to complete the look. Wear heels to gain height. If you like, wear a golden dupatta or scarf.
Festivals Designer Cotton Anarkali Suit for Women
Despite Anarkali suits, many women wear dress-shaped anarkalis with bottoms, especially for festivals. Wear a dupatta as a turban or on one side for a more traditional look. When attending a religious celebration, such as Diwali or Eid, prioritize decorated works.
Unique Anarkali Suits Loved by Womens
Net Anarkali Dress
The Anarkali is a timeless tradition, with only the gorgeous designs or fashions changing over time. The Bollywood actress also likes walking the ramp in stunning Anarkali outfits since net Anarkali gowns are uniquely vibrant and fabulous. The salwar suits are creatively fashioned in net fabric with a touch of embroidery above the neck, giving a fantastic look to the weather. Something like the beach net Anarkali dress will transform you into a stunning diva and make you the focus of attention in no time.
Straight Anarkali
Full flare Anarkali is probably the most popular style among Indian women, but the easiest way to wear a cotton anarkali suit for girls is without flare. If you're wondering what it'll look like, the Anarkali design is worth trying.
Among the similar types of Anarkali, the Straight Anarkali suit will allow you to stand out from the crowd rather than blend in. Buy cotton straight kurti online at the best prices at The Jaipur Loom Kids.
Pakistani Abaya Style Anarkali
The most excellent thing about Pakistani Anarkali suits is that they have one motivating factor: the floor length, which is longer than any other Anarkali. Indian women of this generation enjoy wearing designer Anarkali dresses. From tiny Motifs to large ones, these embroidered outfits add a fresh touch to the festive style.
Embroidered Anarkali Suit
Try a fantastic style with a lovely embroidered Anarkali suit when you think simplicity is dull. The floor-length Anarkali suit of the Anarkali gown, with its entire thread embroidered work in floral designs, will enhance your beauty. You can also wear an Anarkali suit with stunning zardozi work sequins or polkis to make you stand apart in a crowd.
Buy ethnic suit for women at renowned online stores like The Jaipur Loom, which features the best collections of individually designed products. Only by purchasing these special dresses online can you see many new styles and select comfy fabrics at the most affordable costs. Keep an eye on the latest trends in ethnic dresses and shop accordingly.
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atomxmedia · 3 months
Kangana Ranaut Candid Moment with Ex-Co-Star Chirag Paswan from Parliament Goes Viral
A sweet video of Chirag Paswan and Kangana Ranaut giving each other a lighthearted “low five” at Parliament this morning has gone viral on social media. At a legislative occasion, Kangana, wearing a bright yellow cotton saree, greets Chirag with warmth in a spontaneous scene captured on camera.
A Cinematic Reunion
Fans were thrilled to see Kangana Ranaut and Chirag Paswan together again, as they had a similar chemistry on screen in the 2014 movie “Mile Na Mile Hum.” In the video, Chirag’s polished outfit of blue jeans and a white kurta contrasts nicely with Kangana’s upbeat attitude.
The Viral Encounter
The video, which went viral on the internet right away, shows off Kangana and Chirag’s real friendship as they struck up a conversation. Fans of their previous cinematic cooperation were filled with nostalgia for their brief encounter at Parliament.
Past and Present Connections
Prior to their filming together, Chirag Paswan had mentioned how excited he was to see Kangana Ranaut again and emphasised their shared past. Their recent meeting was made more poignant by their on-screen collaboration in “Mile Na Mile Hum,” in which Chirag played a tennis player who develops feelings for Kangana’s character.
Kangana’s Upcoming Film ‘Emergency’
With its official release date set for September 6, Kangana Ranaut’s upcoming film “Emergency” has garnered attention among the hype surrounding her viral video. The actress is still in demand both on and off film because of her adaptable roles and outspoken personality.
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ramboss · 10 months
Bollywood evergreen ageless beauty Kajol Devgan is scorching in black saree
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paulsonsindia · 4 months
The Elegance of Sarees: A Timeless Fashion Statement for Women
Sarees for women, have been a symbol of grace, elegance, and cultural heritage for centuries. From simple cotton sarees worn daily to opulent designer sarees for special occasions, this versatile garment has transcended time and fashion trends. In this blog, we'll delve into the world of sarees, exploring their history, the allure of designer sarees, and why every woman should consider adding a few to her wardrobe.
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A Brief History of Sarees
The saree is one of the oldest forms of clothing, with a history that dates back over 5,000 years. Originating in the Indian subcontinent, the saree is a long piece of cloth, typically ranging from five to nine yards, draped elegantly around the body. This garment is not just a piece of clothing; it’s a symbol of Indian tradition and culture.
Throughout history, the ladies saree has evolved in terms of fabrics, patterns, and draping styles. Ancient sculptures and paintings depict women adorned in sarees, highlighting its historical significance. Over the years, the saree has seen various transformations, adapting to modern styles while still retaining its traditional essence.
The Allure of Designer Sarees
Designer sarees have taken the fashion world by storm. These sarees are not just about tradition; they represent the pinnacle of fashion and creativity. A designer saree for women often features intricate embroidery, luxurious fabrics, and contemporary designs that make it stand out.
Fabrics and Embellishments: Designer sarees are crafted from a variety of fabrics such as silk, chiffon, georgette, and velvet. The choice of fabric plays a significant role in the overall look and feel of the saree. Additionally, embellishments like zari work, sequins, beads, and embroidery add a touch of opulence, making these sarees perfect for weddings, parties, and festive occasions.
Unique Designs: What sets a designer saree apart is its unique design. Renowned designers incorporate modern elements like ruffles, fringes, and unconventional draping styles to create sarees that appeal to the contemporary woman. These designs often fuse traditional and modern aesthetics, making the saree a versatile piece suitable for various occasions.
Celebrity Endorsement: The popularity of designer sarees has been bolstered by celebrity endorsements. Bollywood actresses and international celebrities have been spotted donning exquisite designer sarees at red carpet events, further elevating their status in the fashion world. This visibility has made designer sarees a coveted item among fashion enthusiasts.
Why Every Woman Should Own a Saree
Sarees are more than just a traditional garment; they are a celebration of womanhood. Here are a few reasons why every woman should consider adding a saree, or several, to her wardrobe:
Versatility: One of the most compelling reasons to own a saree is its versatility. A single saree can be draped in various styles, allowing you to create different looks with the same piece. Whether it’s a formal event, a festive celebration, or a casual outing, there’s a saree for every occasion.
Elegance and Grace: Wearing a saree imparts an unparalleled sense of elegance and grace. The way a saree drapes around the body enhances the wearer’s femininity and charm. It's a garment that can make any woman feel beautiful and confident.
Cultural Connection: For many women, wearing a saree is a way to stay connected to their cultural roots. It’s a celebration of heritage and tradition. In a globalized world, where Western attire often dominates, donning a saree is a way to honor and preserve one's cultural identity.
Designer Appeal: With the rise of designer sarees, there’s a perfect blend of tradition and modernity available. These sarees cater to the fashion-forward woman who appreciates the richness of Indian attire but also wants a contemporary twist.
Sustainable Fashion: Sarees are also a sustainable fashion choice. A well-made saree can last for years, and its timeless appeal ensures it never goes out of style. Moreover, repurposing old sarees into new outfits is a growing trend, promoting sustainable fashion practices.
Tips for Choosing the Perfect Saree
Choosing the perfect saree can be a daunting task given the plethora of options available. Here are some tips to help you make the right choice:
Consider the Occasion: The occasion plays a crucial role in determining the type of saree you should wear. For weddings and festive events, opt for rich fabrics like silk and heavily embellished sarees. For casual outings or office wear, lightweight fabrics like cotton or linen are ideal.
Body Type: Your body type can influence the style of saree that suits you best. For example, chiffon and georgette sarees are great for women with a petite frame, while silk and heavy embroidered sarees complement those with a fuller figure.
Color and Design: The color and design of the saree should complement your skin tone and personal style. Bright colors and bold patterns are perfect for festive occasions, while pastel shades and subtle designs work well for formal events.
Comfort: Comfort is key when wearing a saree. Make sure the fabric is comfortable and easy to manage, especially if you’re new to wearing sarees. A well-fitted blouse and petticoat also contribute to the overall comfort and look.
Sarees for women are more than just a piece of clothing; they are an embodiment of grace, tradition, and style. Whether it's a simple daily wear saree or an elaborate designer saree, each one tells a unique story and enhances the beauty of the wearer. In a world where fashion trends come and go, the saree remains a timeless classic, deserving a special place in every woman's wardrobe.
From its rich history to its modern-day allure, the saree continues to be a beloved garment that celebrates the essence of femininity. So, embrace the elegance of sarees, explore the myriad designs available, and find the perfect saree that reflects your personal style and heritage.
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unseenphotos4 · 4 months
Rani mukherji bombay talkies sexy backless blouse saree stills hd caps – Kareena Kapoor Photos - Unseen Photos Worldwide
RANI MUKHERJI BOMBAY TALKIES SEXY BACKLESS BLOUSE SAREE STILLS HD CAPS – KAREENA KAPOOR PHOTOS Rani mukerji bollywood film actress bombay talkies hindi movie sexy backless blouse saree stills hd caps hot cleavage low neck choli sari photos. Read the full article
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teluguflashnews · 6 months
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keralalives · 4 months
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