#Adam Badowski
gamemories · 1 year
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0utrenoir · 1 year
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im throwing up what is this. i take back everything i said
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mourky · 1 year
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Zygmunt Badowski (Poland, Warszawa, 1875-1959) - „Wyśniony Sen” (The Dream about Poland) - 1918, oil on canvas
Obraz ten jest niezwykle detaliczny, nie udało mi się zrobić ładnego zdjęcia więc kradnę z FB. Na pierwszym planie widzimy młodego emigranta, który śni o odradzającej się ojczyźnie. Biała postać spętana w samym centrum obrazu, Polska, jest rozbierana przez czerwoną śmierć. Unosi ona głowę spoglądając na stojącą nad nią Maryję z Jezusem wzrokiem wyrażającym błaganie i nadzieję na ratunek. Wokół patrzy na nią tłum osobistości: po lewej stronie widzimy generałów państw zaborczych, po środku rząd polskich władców w kolejności chronologicznej, a po prawej stoją polscy uczeni, intelektualiści i artyści (tacy jak Jan Matejko, Adam Mickiewicz, Juliusz Słowacki, Fryderyk Chopin).
This painting is extremely detailed, I couldn't take a good photo so I stole it from FB. In the foreground we can see a young emigrant who's dreaming about Poland, his homeland. White figure shackled in the very center, Poland, is being undressed by red figure - death. She's raising her head looking at Mary with Jesus who stand over her, her gaze seems to be hopefull, begging for the rescue. Behind this scene we see a crowd of people observing what's happening: on the left are the generals of the partitioning countries, in the middle a row of Polish rulers in chronological order, and on the right Polish scientists, intellectuals and artists (such as Jan Matejko, Adam Mickiewicz, Juliusz Słowacki, Fryderyk Chopin).
Bardzo ciekawie czyta się o Zbigniewie Badowskim tutaj w Przewodniku Wystawy Jubileuszowej jego prac z roku 1931, gdyż są to jego własne słowa (jest to pdf więc w zależności od przeglądarki może wam się zacząć pobierać zamiast włączyć w nowej karcie nwm):
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demifiendrsa · 2 years
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CD PROJEKT RED in collaboration with Fool's Theory announces The Witcher remake is in development using Unreal Engine 5.
We are thrilled to announce that The Witcher Remake is being worked on! That's right, the game that started it all is being rebuilt from the ground up in Unreal Engine 5.
The game is currently in the early stages of development at the Polish studio Fool’s Theory, where veteran Witcher series staff are involved. We, as CD PROJEKT RED, are providing full creative supervision.
The Witcher Remake is what you might know by the codename “Canis Majoris”. It’s still early and we want to ensure that the game is created with the utmost care and attention to detail, therefore, while we’re excited to share the news with you, we want to ask you for patience as it will be a while until we start talking about this project in detail.
“The Witcher is where it all started for us, for CD PROJEKT RED. It was the first game we made, ever, and it was a big moment for us then. Going back to this place and remaking the game for the next generation of gamers to experience it feels just as big, if not bigger,” said Adam Badowski, Head of Studio, CD PROJEKT RED. “Collaborating with Fool’s Theory on the project is just as exciting, as some of the people there have been previously involved in The Witcher games. They know the source material well, they know how much gamers have been looking forward to seeing the remake happen, and they know how to make incredible and ambitious games. And although it will take some time before we’re ready to share more about and from the game, I know it’ll be worth the wait.”
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theclubhero-blog · 2 months
Novo The Witcher vai “entrar em produção” em breve
Por Vinicius Torres Oliveira
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Pawel Sasko explicou que Polaris, projeto do novo The Witcher, é o mais avançado da CDPR no momento
O próximo grande jogo da CD Projekt RED vai mesmo ser um novo The Witcher. Em entrevista ao Flow Games (via VG 247), o diretor Pawel Sasko admitiu que a empresa está envolvida com vários projetos, mas comentou que o “Polaris” vai entrar, de fato, em produção em breve.
Questionado sobre quais seriam os planos da companhia para a sequência de Cyberpunk e dos outros títulos que estariam sendo planejados, Sasko destacou que “eles estão vindo, mas não há nada para mostrar por um tempo”.
“A única diferença é o projeto Polaris, ou seja, a nova saga de Witcher, que entrará em produção. Esse é o mais avançado de todos”, destacou.
Há alguns meses, Sasko comentou que o desenvolvimento corre de forma intensa nos bastidores, mas não entrega informações sobre a trama, janela de lançamento, ou algo do tipo.
O CEO da CD Projekt Red, Adam Badowski, já havia conversado com a Reuters e destacado que a ideia da companhia era “ter cerca de 400 pessoas trabalhando nisso”.
Além disso, Badowski comentou sobre uma polêmica recente da indústria, que é o uso da inteligência artificial. Segundo ele, a tecnologia auxilia em processos, sim, porém não é vista como algo para substituir o talento humano na companhia.
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dolllikelove · 8 months
CD Projekt Red Is Ramping Up For The Witcher 4, Investigating AI
The Witcher 4 hasn’t entered the production stage at CD Projekt Red yet, but the developer is getting ready to start work on the highly anticipated follow-up to 2015’s Witcher 3. By the middle of 2024, the Polish studio hopes to have 400 people working on the game. And according to new co-CEO Adam Badowski, not a… Read more... http://dlvr.it/T1kQRX
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polandgallery · 4 years
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“In the Roman Park”, 1890 by Adam Badowski (1857-1903)
■ Adam Badowski (December 1857 - September 23, 1903) was a Polish painter and illustrator. The most common subject of his work were paintings depicting ancient scenes, resulting from his fascination of Henryk Siemiradzki (1843-1902) and his paintings.
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left-leggus · 4 years
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Cringe optics from a fail CEO
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acicueta · 5 years
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 Adam Badowski - The Witcher
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dr-archeville · 4 years
Polish video game developer CD Projekt Red told employees on Monday [2020-09-28] that six-day work weeks will be mandatory leading up to the November release of the highly anticipated Cyberpunk 2077, reneging on an earlier promise to not force overtime on the project.
Red, a subsidiary of Poland’s biggest gaming company CD Projekt SA, has been criticized previously for engaging in “crunch,” an industry term for excessive overtime in game development.  The practice often lasts for weeks and can stretch out for months or even years.  CD Projekt Red co-chief executive officer Marcin Iwinski last year told gaming website Kotaku that the company would be avoiding mandatory crunch and was “committed” to allowing employees to work without overtime.
But an account from a CD Projekt Red employee recently as well as an email to staff earlier this week indicate that the company hasn’t lived up to its word.  The employee, who asked not to be named discussing private information, said some staff had already been putting in nights and weekends for more than a year.
In the email, CD Projekt Red studio head Adam Badowski wrote that he was optimistic about the state of Cyberpunk 2077, which stars Keanu Reeves, and that they had just sent the game to be certified for release on Sony Corp.’s PlayStation and Microsoft Corp.’s Xbox.  Now, he wrote, it was time to fix the game’s many lingering bugs and glitches. 
“Starting today, the entire (development) studio is in overdrive,” Badowski wrote, elaborating that this meant “your typical amount of work and one day of the weekend.”  The extra work would be paid, as required by Polish labor laws.  Many other video game studios don’t pay for overtime.
“I take it upon myself to receive the full backlash for the decision,” he wrote.  “I know this is in direct opposition to what we’ve said about crunch.  It’s also in direct opposition to what I personally grew to believe a while back -- that crunch should never be the answer.  But we’ve extended all other possible means of navigating the situation.”
In a post on Twitter Wednesday, Badowski said CD Projekt employees can continue to count on bonus payouts amounting to 10% of the company’s annual profit.  This could prove to be a lucrative sum, as analysts estimate the Warsaw-based company’s net income will rise 11-fold to 2 billion zloty ($520 million) in 2020.  CD Projekt had 1,079 employees at the end of June.
“It seems that most investors take into account that in a highly competitive industry where programmers and graphic designers are the main asset, the company has to offer high bonuses in order not to lose its staff and compensate any crunch,” said Tomasz Rodak, an analyst at BOS Bank.
CD Projekt’s Chief Financial Officier Piotr Nielubowicz responded to Bloomberg questions in an email saying that Cyberpunk’s Nov. 19 launch date won’t be changed, adding that the studio is working to eliminate most bugs at “the last straight,” -- the main reason it asked employees to work an extra day.
Shares in CD Projekt fell 3% to close at 418.4 zloty in Warsaw.  Trigon analyst Kacper Kopron said in a research note that the news about crunch may weaken sentiment to stock, even as the risk of further postponement of Cyberpunk release is minimal.
Last year, Iwinski and Badowski told Kotaku that they were looking to make CD Projekt Red a more “humane” place to work.
“We are known for treating gamers with respect,” Iwinski said.  “I actually would [like] for us to also be known for treating developers with respect.”
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tiny-design · 7 years
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The training paths in The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings are divided between a generalist path, a magic path, a swordsmanship path, and an alchemy path. While each of these definitely provides a distinct focus player’s can follow, the fact that the generalist path is separated from the rest emphasizes it’s importance to all styles of play. Rather than expecting players to generalize at first and build over time, the game can just expect them to find their focus and split their upgrades between general and whatever they choose, at least when starting out.
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 I don't speak Polish, but I'm pretty sure Adam Badowski said "the whole story of V will NOT end well for anyone. it will end in tears and pain. "
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Re: that interview CDPR released recently about diversity in their workplace, I feel like two things should be taken into consideration before people dunk on it and try to make it problematic
1. The interview should be understood in the current political context in Poland and the ongoing dissolution of civil rights and violent attacks on the LGBTQ community spurned by their far right government. It’s not a puff piece meant to impress Western journos but a product of the cultural context they’re based in. Adam Badowski mentions that their company charter disavows “homophobia and xenophobia” which is VERY specific to the cultural context of Poland, as these are the two main bigotries as I understand it that their far right party campaigns on.
2. The interview was originally given in Polish to a Polish newspaper and was translated to English afterwards. A lot of stuff can be mistranslated or entirely lost in translation and if I recall correctly this is not the first time a press release or interview they gave in Polish came off awkward or “problematic” when translated to English.
I’m not Polish and my understanding of all of this is just drawn from from the news and following Polish folks on my socials, but I feel like it’s a little pedantic for people to be nitpicking their statement and judging it from a Western perspective where things like queer acceptance and diversity are considered basic and taken for granted. It’s actually risky for them to be like “yeah LGBT people are cool and we tolerate them in our workplace” and it’s something that’s not taken for granted where they‘re based. Just something to consider.
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theclubhero-blog · 8 months
The Witcher 4: produção começa neste ano e IA não substituirá devs
Por Vinicius Tores Oliveira
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CEO da CD Projeto Red, Adam Badowski, revelou que empresa deve ter 400 pessoas trabalhando no jogo Chamada internamente de “Polaris”, uma nova aventura para Geralt de Rivia deve começar a ser produzida a todo o vapor ainda neste ano. Sim, The Witcher 4 é real.
Não, esse nome não está confirmado, mas o CEO da CD Projekt Red, Adam Badowski, revelou à Reuters que o desenvolvimento do título vai começar, de fato, neste ano. Logo, não vale a pena criar tanta expectativa para um lançamento próximo. É bem possível que isso só aconteça em 2026 ou 2027 – quem, sabe, como um dos jogos que marcarão os momentos de transição entre gerações de consoles.
O executivo explica que a tendência é de que bastante gente seja alocada no projeto até o meio do ano: “Queremos ter cerca de 400 pessoas trabalhando nisso”, comentou.
Isso indica que um número crescente de funcionários está se despedindo de Cyberpunk 2077 e migrando para o novo The Witcher 4. Isso está alinhado tanto com os relatórios de investidores da CDPR quanto com o fato de que a expansão Phantom Liberty, no final do ano passado, encerrou o conturbado ciclo de Cyberpunk.
The Witcher 4 não terá inteligência artificial no lugar de pessoas , além disso, Badowski comentou sobre uma polêmica recente da indústria, que é o uso da inteligência artificial. Segundo ele, a tecnologia auxilia em processos, sim, mas não é vista como algo para substituir o talento humano na companhia.
“Acreditamos que a IA pode ajudar bastante a melhorar alguns processos na produção de jogos, mas não substituir pessoas”, destacou.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Every Cyberpunk 2077 Controversy So Far
Cyberpunk 2077 may be the most anticipated game of 2020 but its long road to release can be measured by numerous controversies that have often attracted the wrong kind of attention.
From delays to questionable tweets, Cyberpunk 2077 can easily be considered one of the most controversial games in recent memory, and it hasn’t even been released yet. While time will tell if Cyberpunk 2077 can “usurp” The Last of Us Part 2 and become 2020’s most divisive game, the project is already at the center of several heated debates that are causing fans to take sides.
If you’re wondering where you stand on the game’s most contested topics, here’s a rundown of every notable Cyberpunk 2077 controversy (so far):
The Numerous Delays and Long Development Time
Believe it or not, there have only been three official Cyberpunk 2077 delays so far and all of them have happened in 2020.
Cyberpunk 2077‘s first official release date was April 16, 2020. While developer CD Projekt Red noted early in the year that the game was “complete and playable,” the studio delayed the game to September 17 as part of an effort to better optimize its performance.
On June 18, the Cyberpunk 2077 team announced via Twitter that the game’s release had been delayed again and was now (at least at that time) scheduled to be released on November 19. Again, CD Projekt Red cited a “huge number of things to iron out” as the reason for the delay.
Finally, on October 27, CD Projekt Red announced that Cyberpunk 2077‘s final release date had been rescheduled for December 10. This time, the team cited not just bug fixes and optimization as the reason for the delay but the challenges presented by their desire to release the game across so many platforms.
Before we dive into some of the other delay related controversies, we should point out that much of the fan frustration regarding Cyberpunk 2077‘s delays are closely related to the fact the game was revealed via a teaser trailer released in 2013. While we don’t know what the status of the game was at that time, the popular perception is that Cyberpunk 2077 has been in development for seven years. That means that each one of the game’s 2020 delays has stung some fans harder than they otherwise may have.
The Crunch Schedule
You can’t talk about Cyberpunk 2077‘s delays without talking about the game’s controversial crunch development schedule.
We’ve covered this topic before in greater detail (you can read our full report on this subject here), but the gist of the situation is that developer CD Projekt Red had previously stated that they would not force the Cyberpunk 2077 team to work through a crunch schedule. In September, though, CD Projekt Red boss Adam Badowski confirmed reports that the studio asked employees to begin working additional hours. In exchange for the extra work, they would be compensated with overtime pay and additional funds offered by the company’s profit-sharing program.
That information triggered two additional debates. The first saw those who opposed the company’s crunch schedule battle those who claimed the company’s employees were being fairly compensated for their extra work. While it was generally agreed the company was compensating its employees for overtime more than other game developers have done in the past (and that some employees anonymously stated they were fine with the schedule), many argued that crunch development is an industry problem which needs to be addressed whenever it appears.
Finally, there’s the matter of the game’s delays. The latest Cyberpunk 2077 delay was confirmed after the report of the company’s crunch schedule had broke. If the insinuation was that the crunch schedule was implemented as a desperate measure intended to ensure the game was released on time, then could CD Projekt Red have skipped the crunch schedule and just delayed the game a little longer?
The PS4/Xbox One Controversy
When news broke that the most recent Cyberpunk 2077 delay was partially attributed to the struggles of launching the game across so many platforms, it didn’t take long for some fans to worry about the PS4 and Xbox One editions of the game.
Why? Well, some people expressed their concern that the previous-gen versions of Cyberpunk 2077 may hinder the day one quality of the next-gen editions. CD Projekt Red has stated that the PS5 and Xbox Series X versions of Cyberpunk 2077 will benefit from day one upgrades, but the “full” next-gen versions of each title will not be available until a later date.
Others had the opposite concern and worried that the next-gen editions of Cyberpunk 2077 would be the “real” versions of the game and that the PS4 and Xbox One versions would suffer from serious performance downgrades. There’s currently no evidence which strongly supports that claim, but it does ring loud at a time when it’s nearly impossible to find a PS5 or Xbox Series X/S.
The Gender Tweet
One of the earlier Cyberpunk 2077 controversies involved this now-deleted tweet from the Cyberpunk 2077 Twitter account:
The tweet itself was sent in the midst of a greater debate over the use of that term and whether or not it had become a way to mock transgender people or those who sympathize with the struggles of transgender people. Basically, there was some concern that the Cyberpunk 2077 team’s use of that term was meant as an insult
CD Projekt Red deleted the tweet and issued the following statement regarding it:
“Sorry to all those offended by one of the responses sent out from our account earlier. Harming anyone was never our intention.”
As some noted at the time, this controversy was amplified by another incident in which GOG (a digital store owned by CD Projekt Red) tweeted a GIF of a Postal character urinating on a tombstone that read “Games Journalism” and “August 28th, 2014.” That date is believed to be a reference to GamerGate.
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The Transgender Poster
Arguably the most infamous Cyberpunk 2077 controversy involved this in-game poster:
The poster showcases a transgender model advertising a soda with slogans could be interpreted as references to transgender people. Given that this poster was circulated shortly after the aforementioned tweets, some felt that this was another example of CD Projekt Red using transgender people as a punchline.
In an interview with Polygon, the CD Projekt Red artist who designed this poster, Kasia Redesiuk, explained her thought process behind it.
“Personally, for me, this person is sexy,” Redesiuk said. “I like how this person looks. However, this model is used — their beautiful body is used — for corporate reasons. They are displayed there just as a thing, and that’s the terrible part of it.”
Redesiuk also stated that she had no intentions of directly offending people but did note that she was aware the image was inherently provocative.
“I would say it was never the intention to offend anyone,” Redesiuk said. “However, with this image of an oversexualized person, we did want to show how over-sexualization of people is bad. And that’s it.
The Gender Choice Character Creator
Cyberpunk 2077 would once again find itself at the center of a gender-related controversy, but this one was a bit different than the others.
In an interview with Metro, Cyberpunk 2077 artist Marthe Jonkers explained that the game would not offer simple male and female gender options during the character creation process.
“You don’t choose, ‘I want to be a female or male character’ you now choose a body type,” Jonkers explained. “So you choose your body type and we have two voices, one that’s male sounding, one is female sounding. You can mix and match. You can just connect them any way you want. And then we have a lot of extra skin tones and tattoos and hairstyles. So we really want to give people the freedom to make their own character and play the way they want to play.”
While some felt that this was the company’s attempt to cover up for their previous actions, much of the blowback in this instance came from fans who saw this as an example of the Cyberpunk 2077 team “pandering” to critics. There is currently no information available that suggests the game’s character creation process was drastically altered in response to any such criticisms.
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The Animals and Voodoo Boys
The reveal of Cyberpunk 2077‘s gangs caused some to question whether or not the game was relying on racial stereotypes.
This debate focused on two gangs: The Animals and Voodoo Boys. Some fans felt that the “Animals” name was intended as an insult directed towards a gang that appeared to largely be comprised of people of color. As for the Voodoo Boys, there were concerns that the gang’s name, design, and background were designed to exploit racial and cultural stereotypes.
CD Projekt Red later stated that The Animals is actually a multi-racial gang and that that the initial portrayal of them as a gang that consisted entirely of people of color was based on the specific scenario of the gameplay demo they were showcased in. Cyberpunk 2020‘s creator also offered this response in regards to these controversies:
“As for the Animals–the WHOLE FREAKING POINT is that they think of themselves as POWERFUL, DANGEROUS, WILD ANIMALS. You’d have thought the Lady named ‘Sasquatch’ would have given them a clue…The original Voodoo Boys were a scathing commentary on cultural appropriation. I LOVE the idea that real practitioners of Voudon moved in and took back their turf. And they even got the Creole right…Who the (bleep) do YOU think you are to tell ME whether or not MY creation was done right or not?”
The Microtransactions
Earlier this year, CD Projekt Red’s Adam Kicinski caused a stir by implying that Cyberpunk 2077 would have microtransactions despite previous implications that the game would not.
“We’re never aggressive towards our fans!” Kicinski said during an earnings call. “We treat them fairly and we’re friendly. So of course not – we won’t be aggressive – but you can expect great things to be bought. The goal is to design monetization in a way that makes people happy to spend money. I’m not trying to be cynical or hide something; it’s about creating a feeling of value.”
The Cyberpunk team later clarified that statement somewhat with the following tweet:
Nothing changed. Cyberpunk 2077 is a single player game with zero microtransactions. One single purchase. No tricks. Don't believe the clickbait. https://t.co/qX0iZwsAf2
— Cyberpunk 2077 (@CyberpunkGame) September 7, 2020
The issue of microtransactions is typically controversial in and of itself, but the debate was amplified in this instance by CD Project Red’s apparent “anti-microtransaction” culture and outward consumer-friendly image. Furthermore, Cyberpunk 2077‘s multiplayer has been its own source of controversy due to the mysterious nature of the concept and concerns its development has further delayed the release of the Cyberpunk 2077 campaign.
The First-Person Controversy
It feels so quaint now, but one of the earlier Cyberpunk 2077 controversies involved the game’s first-person perspective.
In 2019, the Cyberpunk 2077 team confirmed the game would largely take place in first-person with third-person angles being used for certain cutscenes and driving sequences. This upset some fans who were not only led to believe the game would be third-person based on early footage (and The Witcher 3) but were concerned by the implications of a first-person game. Namely, they worried that the game would end up being a first-person shooter and that first-person cutscenes would not be nearly as “immersive” as the third-person storytelling featured in The Witcher 3.
Some fans also felt that a first-person perspective would limit the impact of the game’s character customization options, but CD Projekt Red later clarified that you’ll be able to see your character in mirrors and on the inventory screen.
The post Every Cyberpunk 2077 Controversy So Far appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3oeT0ia
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gamersoficial · 4 years
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Al parecer no van a llegar a tiempo para el 19 de noviembre sin recurrir a las horas extra. Así que Adam Badowski, jefe del estudio, envió un correo el pasado lunes a sus empleados para comunicarles que será obligatorio trabajar seis días a la semana hasta el lanzamiento del juego para intentar solucionar todos los errores que tiene Cyberpunk 2077 en su estado actual. El estudio había prometido con anterioridad que esto no iba a suceder, que no habría más períodos de Crunch para acabar el juego y que sus empleados harían jornadas de ocho horas cinco días a la semana. Sin embargo Adam Badowski se disculpó públicamente por tomar esta difícil decisión y aclaro que toda hora extra será pagada cumpliendo las leyes laborales de Polonia y aseguro que el 10% del beneficio que la compañía genere en el año 2020 se distribuirá equitativamente entre el equipo. El exceso de trabajo por desgracia es una norma entre los programadores, pero se me hace curioso que es la primera vez que leo sobre una empresa que pide disculpa y hace aclaraciones por el crunch de un juego antes de lanzarse... creen que CD Projekt Red actuó de manera correcta? ¿O deberían haber aplazado el lanzamiento del juego un poco más? #lasemanagamer #gamers #gamersoficial #videojuegos #gamer —————————————— Si infrinjo de manera involuntaria sus derechos de autor por favor enviar un mensaje interno para recibir mis disculpas y borrar inmediatamente el contenido
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