#Adam Dyle
mametupa · 7 months
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reginadeinisseni · 1 year
Sciarada - Trailer originale
Sciarada (Charade) è un film del 1963 diretto da Stanley Donen. È ispirato al racconto The Unsuspecting Wife scritto nel 1961 da Peter Stone e Marc Behm.
Trama In vacanza sulle Alpi, l'americana Regina "Reggie" Lampert confida all'amica Sylvie di aver intenzione di divorziare dal proprio marito Charles, uno svizzero dal passato oscuro e dal presente alquanto misterioso. Ritornata a Parigi, Reggie trova il lussuoso appartamento coniugale completamente vuoto; ad attenderla e a condurla in commissariato c'è l'ispettore Grandpierre, che le rivela che Charles è appena stato assassinato e gettato dal treno su cui viaggiava, sulla tratta Parigi-Bordeaux. Charles, che in realtà era un incallito avventuriero, in possesso di ben quattro passaporti falsi, stava fuggendo con l'equivalente di 250000 $ ricavati dalla vendita di quanto contenuto nell'appartamento e la polizia sospetta che anche la donna sia coinvolta.
Di nuovo nell'appartamento, Reggie si trova davanti Peter Joshua, un uomo conosciuto in vacanza che si offre di aiutarla. Il giorno dopo Reggie viene convocata all'ambasciata americana dal funzionario della CIA Hamilton Bartholomew, che la informa dei retroscena relativi al denaro sparito: durante l'ultima guerra Charles e tre complici, Tex, Scobie e Gideon, tutti appartenenti all'Office of Strategic Services, il servizio segreto americano durante la seconda guerra mondiale, avevano sottratto 250.000 dollari destinati alla Resistenza francese, nascondendo la somma in attesa di recuperarla alla fine del conflitto; Charles aveva però ingannato i compagni tornando a prendere il denaro in anticipo a loro insaputa. Bartholomew invita Reggie a collaborare con la CIA, ma la mette in guardia sulla pericolosità dei tre ex complici del marito, i quali sono infatti a caccia del bottino e l'avvicinano minacciosamente durante il funerale di Charles, facendole capire di essere convinti che lei abbia il denaro. Reggie confida tutto a Peter, ignorando che lui sia in contatto con i tre.
Dopo una zuffa fra Joshua e Scobie nella camera di Reggie, Scobie le telefona avvertendola di non fidarsi di Peter e rivelandole che l'uomo in realtà si chiama Dyle. Su consiglio di Bartholomew, Reggie pedina Peter fino alla sede parigina dell'American Express e gli telefona da una cabina chiedendogli spiegazioni. Peter, che ammette di chiamarsi Alexander Dyle e di essere fratello di Carson Dyle, già compagno di Charles, Tex, Scobie e Gideon, dichiara a Reggie di essere alla ricerca delle prove dell'assassinio del fratello a opera dei complici, avvenuto all'epoca del furto del denaro. Tex, Scobie e Gideon, i quali alloggiano presso l'Hotel Saint Jacques (lo stesso di Reggie e Dyle) propongono una reciproca perquisizione delle stanze alla ricerca dei soldi, ma durante le ricerche Scobie viene trovato annegato nella vasca da bagno di Dyle. Bartholomew informa Reggie che Carson Dyle non aveva fratelli perciò, durante una gita serale sulla Senna in bateau-mouche, la donna interroga nuovamente Dyle, che modifica la sua versione e le rivela di essere Adam Canfield, un ladro di professione. Nella notte, anche Gideon viene ucciso nell'ascensore dell'albergo.
Reggie riprende a lavorare all'UNESCO come interprete, e là viene raggiunta da Adam, il quale si è accorto che dalla borsa di Charles manca un oggetto personale: un'agenda su cui aveva annotato il suo ultimo appuntamento. La donna ricorda che si trattava di un incontro fissato per le 17,30 del giovedì precedente, ai Jardins des Champs-Élyseés. I due, giunti sul posto, scorgono Tex. Mentre Adam lo sorveglia, Reggie incontra l'amica Sylvie, che ha accompagnato il figlioletto Jean-Louis al mercatino dei francobolli che si tiene ogni giovedì pomeriggio. Tex, Adam e Reggie hanno contemporaneamente un'intuizione: il denaro è stato speso per l'acquisto di tre francobolli rari, poi apposti sulla busta di una lettera nella borsa di Charles. I due uomini corrono all'hotel mentre Reggie, che aveva regalato quei francobolli a Jean-Louis, si fa indicare dal bimbo il commerciante a cui il piccolo li ha appena venduti, ma la bancarella nel frattempo è stata chiusa in tutta fretta. La donna riesce comunque a rintracciare lo studio di filatelia di monsieur Felix, che la accoglie con la consapevolezza che lo scambio è stato di certo un errore e le restituisce i preziosi francobolli.
Reggie torna in hotel, dove scopre il cadavere di Tex, assassinato non senza essere riuscito a scrivere sulla moquette il nome "Dyle" prima di morire. Sconvolta dalla convinzione che l'assassino sia Adam, Reggie telefona a Bartholomew, comunicandogli gli ultimi avvenimenti; l'uomo le dà appuntamento al Palais-Royal. Reggie esce inseguita da Adam, sopraggiunto nel frattempo. L'inseguimento, prima sul "metrò" e poi a piedi, si conclude tra le colonne del Palais-Royal, dove avviene l'ennesimo colpo di scena: Bartholomew è Carson Dyle, il quarto complice che Charles, Tex, Scobie e Gideon credevano fosse morto anni prima e che è invece sopravvissuto ed è tornato per vendicarsi dei vecchi compagni e recuperare il denaro. La donna riesce a fuggire e si rifugia nel vicino teatro della Comédie-Française, dove Adam la salva uccidendo Dyle. Il mattino dopo, recandosi all'ambasciata americana per restituire i francobolli, Reggie scopre che Adam, di cui si è ormai innamorata, è in realtà Brian Cruikshank, un funzionario del dipartimento del tesoro degli Stati Uniti d'America, incaricato di recuperare il denaro. L'amore fra i due può ora trionfare, coronato dalla proposta di matrimonio da parte di Brian.
Remake Nel 2002 è stato girato un remake da Jonathan Demme intitolato The Truth About Charlie, interpretato da Mark Wahlberg.
Omaggi Il finale del film, con i due protagonisti che si baciano, si vede in una scena di Pretty Woman di Garry Marshall (1990).
Riconoscimenti 1964 - Premio Oscar Candidatura per la Miglior canzone (Charade) a Henry Mancini 1964 - Golden Globe Candidatura per la Migliore attrice in un film commedia o musicale a Audrey Hepburn Candidatura per il Miglior attore in un film commedia o musicale a Cary Grant 1964 - Premio BAFTA Migliore attrice britannica a Audrey Hepburn Candidatura al Miglior attore straniero a Cary Grant Nel 2022 è stato selezionato per la conservazione nel National Film Registry degli Stati Uniti dalla Biblioteca del Congresso come "culturalmente, storicamente o esteticamente significativo"[1].
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pianotuna · 3 years
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Characters: Peter Joshua / Alexander “Alex” Dyle / Adam Canfield / Brian Cruikshank and Regina “Reggie” Lampert
Media: Charade (1963)
Played by: Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn
Setting: 1960s, Paris
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likelylarks · 2 years
I wanna know about charade, thinking of words is hard, maybe just charade lol, or daniel or max 😂
charade is another max as audrey hepburn au!! so because of that, daniel has an alias for like 99% of it so please enjoy the list of daniel’s aliases
the dyle alias is hamilton bc the carson dyle character is going to be lewis (only partially bc carson dyle’s alias in the film is hamilton bartholomew)
also if you haven’t seen this movie please enjoy the footage i took laying on my couch to send to amy bc i was like!!!!! she is max!!!! he is daniel!!!!! this is the ideal au first meeting!!!!!!!
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Jonathan Brewster, Sister Luke, and Regina Lampert
Jonathan Brewster
Now, I’ve only seen this movie once, so I don’t have a ton of opinions about the character!  So I’m just going to say that my favorite image of him is this:
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Sister Luke
favorite thing about them
Her desire to do good in the world, even if it means going against the rules.
least favorite thing about them
I guess if I had to pick, I’d say her pride…she considers it her worst fault.  And while I don’t think it’s a bad thing to have some pride, I think it does lead to her overworking herself.
favorite line
“ Dear Lord, forgive me, I cannot obey anymore. What I do from now on is between You and me alone.”
Sister Luke and any of the sisters in the Congo.  They all seemed to get along and worked together well.  And maybe her and Dr. Fortunati….he seemed to understand her.
None.  Because, well…nuns.
Sister Luke and the Mother House.
random headcanon
It’s tough since the character was based on a real person….but I’ll just say that after she left the convent, she worked with the Underground and then after the war she went back to the Congo.
unpopular opinion
Don’t have one!
song i associate with them
The drumbeats of the Congo
favorite picture of them
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Regina Lampert
favorite thing about them
Her persistence and assertiveness….I like that she is the one who pursues the relationship with Cary Grant.
least favorite thing about them
I don’t want to say she’s gullible, but she does seem to be easily tricked.  But at the same time, it’s all understandable.  
favorite line
“How would you like a punch in the nose?”
Regina and Sylvie.
Regina and Peter/Alex/Adam/Brian
Regina and Tex/Scobie/Gideon…and Carson Dyle
random headcanon
Regina and Brian married and stayed in Paris for a while before returning to America, because Brian got a job in Washington.  But she still works as a translator even after they’re married.
unpopular opinion
Don’t have one!  Shes great!
song i associate with them
The chase music from the film with that cool percussion.
favorite picture of them
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nsula · 5 years
40th Folk Festival spotlights rich, diverse culture of Louisiana
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By Dr. Shane Rasmussen
Photos by Chris Reich, NSU Photo Services
 NATCHITOCHES – The audience at the 40th annual Natchitoches-Northwestern State University Folk Festival held on July 26-27 was entertained and educated about the rich and diverse cultural offerings of the state. The Festival featured traditional Louisiana foods, Kidfest activities, music, traditional crafts, narrative sessions, musical informances, and cultural exhibits. This year’s Festival theme “Vive la Louisiane!” was a great success, with a very happy audience.
 The Festival opened with a rousing dance, beginning with Cajun dance lessons, followed by Gal Holiday and the Honky Tonk Revue, and the night closed out with Bruce Daigrepont Cajun Band. Side stage performances included Natchitoches gospel group Joyful Sounds, 50 Man Machine, which includes NSU faculty Paul Forsyth, Collier Hyams, and Oliver Molina, and an open jam with Max & Marcy, Ed Huey, and Cane Mutiny.
 Saturday’s events included performances in Prather Coliseum by 50 Man Machine, Creole la la with Goldman Thibodeaux and the Lawtell Playboys, the Louisiane Vintage Dancers, Brandy Roberts, the Rayo Brothers, Tab Benoit, Jamie Berzas & the Cajun Tradition Band, the Stewart Family and Friends Bluegrass Band, line dance lessons by the Cajun French Music Association Dance Troupe, the Canneci N’de Band of Lipan Apache, zydeco dance lessons by Avila Kahey, Wayne & Same Ol’ 2 Step, Hardrick Rivers and the Rivers Revue Band, Celtic Music with the Kitchen Session of Baton Rouge and a jam session with Max and Marcy.
 In addition to stage performances there were narrative sessions and music informances, including conversations about American songwriting, culture & costumes of 19th century Louisiana, Tab Benoit’s The Voice of the Wetlands Fondoution, and the musical journey of Vanessa Niemann (aka Gal Holiday). Also featured was a music informance by Tab Benoit. Outdoor activities included demonstrations by the Central Louisiana Dutch Oven Cookers, the Red River Smiths, the Southern Stock Dog Association, and Wash Day, presented by the West Baton Rouge Museum. This year the Festival continued a series of free workshops for Festival attendees. Festival goers attended a Cajun accordion workshop by Jamie Berzas and Bruce Daigrepont.
 The annual Louisiana State Fiddle Championship was also held on Saturday in the Magale Recital Hall as part of the Festival. Fiddle Championship judges included Steve Birdwell, Steve Harper, Henry Hemple, and Clancey Stewart. The new Louisiana Grand Champion is Ron Yule of DeRidder. Second place winner was Joe Suchanek of Merryville, with Owen Meche of Arnauldville placing third. Meche also took first place in the 21 and under championship division.
Suchanek took first in the 60 and up championship division, with Yule coming in second, Birgit Murphy of Opelousas in third, Mark Young of Balise in fourth, Wilfred Luttrell of DeRidder in fifth, and Ron Pace of Alexandria in sixth. Luttrell and Yule also took first place in the twin fiddles competition.
 As the new Louisiana State Fiddle champion, Yule also performed on the main stage in Prather Coliseum. Dr. Lisa Abney managed the fiddle championship. Dr. Susan Roach from Louisiana Tech University emceed the championship.
 Four musicians and a renowned filé maker were inducted into the Louisiana Folklife Center’s Hall of Master Folk Artists. Inductees included Louisiana Music Hall of Famer Tab Benoit, who also served as honorary Festival Chair, Cajun musicians Jamie Berzas and Bruce Daigrepont, filé maker John Oswald Colson, and country singer Vanessa Niemann.
Dr. Shane Rasmussen, director of the Louisiana Folklife Center, led the induction ceremony, assisted by State Representative Kenny Cox and Dustin Fuqua, Chief of Resource Management at Cane River Creole National Historical Park. In addition, the honorary award of Folklife Angel was given to long-time Festival crew chief James Christopher Callahan, an NSU alumnus.
In addition to 4 book signings and 8 exhibits by such groups as state parks and archives, over 70 craftspeople displayed their traditional work on Saturday. These craftspeople demonstrated and discussed their work with the Festival patrons. Craftspeople displayed accordion making, beadwork, baskets, Czech Pysanky eggs, filé making, flintknapping, folk art, knives, music instruments, quilting, pottery, spinning & weaving, tatting, walking sticks, whittling and needlework, wood carving, and more. 8 food vendors provided a cornucopia of traditional Louisiana foods to the Festival audience.
 Support for the Louisiana State Fiddle Championship and the Natchitoches-NSU Folk Festival was provided by grants from the Cane River National Heritage Area, Inc., the Louisiana Division of the Arts Decentralized Arts Fund Program, the Louisiana Office of Tourism, the Natchitoches Historic District Development Commission, the National Endowment for the Arts, the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Foundation, and the Shreveport Regional Arts Council.
Much needed support also came from generous sponsorships from Acme Refrigeration of Baton Rouge, C&H Precision Machining, Chili’s, City Bank & Trust, the City of Natchitoches, Cleco, John Clifton Conine, Atty; CP-Tel, Domino’s Pizza, the Donut Hole, El Patron, Family Medical Clinic, Grayson’s Barbecue, Hardee’s, the Harrington Law Firm, D. Michael Hayes, Atty; JB & M Enterprises, Jeanne’s Country Garden, La Capitol Federal Credit Union, McCain Auto Supply, Jason O. Methvin, Atty; Morning Star Donuts, the Natchitoches Area Convention & Visitors Bureau, Natchitoches Regional Medical Center, NSU Men’s Basketball, the Pioneer Pub, Pizza Hut, Raising Cane’s, Ronnie’s Auto Glass, Save A Lot, Sonny’s Donuts, Southern Classic Chicken, Natchitoches Super 1 Foods 604 and 613, TOTO, Inc; Trailboss, UniFirst, Walmart, Waste Connections, and Weaver Brothers Land & Timber. In addition, numerous newspapers, online venues, and radio and TV stations assisted the Festival by generously printing articles, airing interviews, free promotional PSAs, and/or participating in on-air ticket giveaways.
 The success of the Festival was made possible due to the many volunteers from NSU’s faculty and staff, who gave generously of their time and talents. The Louisiana Folklife Center is grateful to Phyllis Allison, David Antilley, Kay Cavanaugh, Corieana Ceasar, Jason Church, Sherrie Davis, Matt DeFord, Christine Dorribo, Michael Doty, Bruce Dyjack, Alexis Finnie, Ashlee Grayson, Charlotte Grayson, Dr. Hiram F. “Pete” Gregory, Dr. Greg Handel, Wesley Harrell, Jackie Hawkins, Diana Hill, Kristie Hilton, Carla Howell, Leah Jackson, Dr. J. Ereck Jarvis, Melissa Kelly, Suzanne Kucera, Dr. Chris Maggio, Barbara Marr, Terri Marshall, Coach Mike McConathy, Byron McKinney, Valerie Meadows, Gwendolyn Meshell, Dr. Jim Mischler, Melinda Parnell, Julie Powell, Kathy Pylant, Charles Rachal, Chris Reich, Stephanie Stanton, Bethany Straub, Anna Vaughn, Randi Washington, Mary Linn Wernet, David West, Taylor Whitehead, Emily Windham, Dale Wohletz, and Sharon Wolff. NSU students included Francisco Ballestas-Sayas, Caleb Callender, Makayla Fisher, Valentina Herazo-Alvarez, and Ina Sthapit. NSU alumni included Michael Cain, Michael Taylor Dick, Hammond Lake, Greg Lloid, De’Andrea Sanders, and Daniel Thiels. Many thanks are due to the Louisiana Folklife Center staff, including administrative coordinator Shelia Thompson, student workers Macey Boyd, Jalima Diaz, Heather Jones, Caitlin Martin, and Taylor Nichols, and graduate assistants James Harrison and Erica McGeisey.
 Thanks also go out to Andy Adkins, Myranda Adkins, Alexandria Arens, Robert D. Bennett, Jennae Biddiscombe, Rebecca Blankenbaker, Derek Boyt, Erin Boyt, Melanie Braquet, Sherry Byers, the Central Louisiana Dutch Oven Cookers, Don Choate, Jr., Catherine Cooper, Hailie Coutee, Helen Dalme, Cameron Davis, Eli Dyjack, Sheila Dyle, Adam Edwards, Justin French, Jennifer Gallien, Reagan Guillory, Grace Hardy, Dr. Don Hatley, Sue Hatley, Lani Hilton, Ed Huey, Peter Jones, Leonard King, Michael King, Abagael Kinney, Dan Martin, Deron McDaniel, Ivan McDaniel, Charity McKinney, Sheila Ogle, Sara Parnell, Kimberly Perry, Audrey Rasmussen, Gidget Rasmussen, Susan Rasmussen, Wyatt Rasmussen, the Red River Sanitors, Sukrit San, Rick Seale, Lorie Speer, Lori Tate, Margaret Thompson, Sara Vaughn, Emily Ware, Briton Welch, Justice Welch, Shirley Winslow, and the Natchitoches Parish Detention Center trustees and officers Derek Booker and Larry Willis.
 Natchitoches Area Convention and Visitors Bureau staff members included Arlene Gould, Kelli West, NSU students Anne Cummins and Megan Palmer, and NSU alumna Heather Dougan.
Special thanks go to Craig Routh for his generous permission to use his painting, Dixieland Jazz Fleur-de-Lis, for the Festival t-shirt.
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joeldritch · 7 years
Anonymous said: Dyle prompt: First meeting :)
thank you for the prompt! this is the shortest, dumbest ficlet ever, that i kind of wrote while feeling really shitty, so sorry if it’s not what you wanted! 
warnings: drinking, swearing ~1 400 words
This has to be the best party ever.
That’s the only thing repeatedly going through Dan’s mind as he leans against the living room wall of a London apartment belonging to someone he doesn’t know the name of. The bass from the surround-sound speakers spread all around the room is pounding loud in his ears, making him feel strangely more light-headed than he already is.
The apartment is tiny, and Dan would never imagine himself arranging a party for this much people in a space this small. The atmosphere remains light and positive, however, despite that it’s equally hot and sweaty, and Dan is sure he ended up with about fifteen different people’s hair in his mouth while on the dance floor earlier. He’s happy to have a break from the dancing, but at the same time, he kind of wonders where his friends took off to.
He clutches the almost empty plastic cup of beer in his hand, eyes scanning the room to find a familiar face. When he doesn’t, he finishes the last of his drink and heads towards what he vaguely remembers to be the kitchen. At least he’s pretty sure he got his first few refills from here.
Much to Dan’s pleasure, he does find a table of drinks in the cramped kitchen, next to a couple who’s busy shoving their tongues down each other’s throats. “Sorry, I’m just gonna–” he mumbles apologetically as he pretty much reaches between the couple and grabs the first bottle he can get his hands on.
Dan makes a quick escape for the living room again, examining the bottle he’d managed to snatch. It’s not beer, but he opens the bottle nevertheless, giving it a tentative sniff before pouring some of it into his plastic cup.
“Hey, mate– Care to share?”
He looks up, and is met by the deepest brown eyes he’s ever seen. Which is a strange thing to think, but Dan finds himself staring and not really registering what the mouth belonging to the face with the deep brown eyes just said.
“Hello? Anybody home?”
Dan blinks, clearing his throat a bit. The brown eyes belong to a guy. With a real impressive moustache and beard thing going on, the kind Dan sometimes wishes that he could pull off. He’s a little shorter than Dan, but the height difference is barely there and– why the fuck is he thinking about kissing this guy?
“You’re not going to finish that whole bottle all by yourself, are you?”
“No– uh, no, of course not.” Dan chokes out, pouring a generous amount of the beverage into the cup that the other man expectantly holds up. He then places the bottle down on the nearest bookshelf to their left.
“Cheers.” the guy smiles, nudging Dan’s plastic cup with his own, before having a sip.
Dan watches, and he’s not even sure why watching this guy’s Adam’s apple bob like that when he swallows down the bitter liquid is so fucking fascinating, but he wants to get his lips all over that neck of his. He catches himself staring and clears his throat before busying himself with taking a sip out of his own drink, lowering his gaze.
“I’m Kyle.” the guy finally says, and Dan is barely listening, because he’s too busy staring at the disgustingly adorable kittens on the guy’s black t-shirt. Who wears that to a party? This Kyle guy, apparently.
“Dan.” Dan introduces himself, tearing his eyes off the kittens.
“You a friend of Gavin’s?”
Gavin. Gavin? Who is Gavin? Dan can’t think of anyone named Gavin that he would know. Then again, he’s met a lot of people tonight, so there could’ve been a Gavin in there somewhere. He just doesn’t remember.
“Me neither.” Kyle smiles over the brim of his cup, having another gulp. “My mates know him. Said he has the best parties.”
Ah. Gavin has to be the guy who owns the apartment. Well, it is a great party, that’s for sure. Dan has met so many people, had more drinks than he could wish for, and the music is loud and amazing (and not only popular billboard top hits, which is the best part). He even faintly recalls himself dancing with his friends earlier, but he lost them after they went off to find a toilet (which shouldn’t be that difficult in an apartment as small as this one, but right now, Dan doesn’t mind that they’re not back yet).
“Whoever’s in charge of the music… A-plus work, man.” Kyle comments, looking around the living room in an attempt to find the music player, and the person manning it.
“You into music?” Dan asks, the question leaving his mouth before he even knows it himself, and Kyle turns back to him. Dan hears Sophie’s voice in the back of his mind, telling him to stop bothering people about joining his band.
Sure, Dan knows he’s been more than a little annoying about it lately, but he really, really needs someone who can play the piano right now. Ever since he found out Will can barely tell his right hand apart from his left hand when it comes to playing the keyboard, he’s been dead-set on finding someone who knows what they’re doing. And he might’ve ended up drunkenly asking everyone who happens to play an instrument.
“Yeah, who doesn't–”
“Do you play any instruments?”
Dan can’t help himself. Brown-eyed Kyle with the pretty facial hair and kitten shirt would be the perfect addition to his band. He doesn’t even care if the guy plays any instrument, he could have him there just to look at him.
“Yeah, I play a bit of piano.”
Dan’s eyes widen, mostly in surprise, but also in excitement. What are the odds of this perfect guy playing the piano? He’s everything Dan could ever wish for. Hell, Dan could fucking kiss him right now. It takes every fiber of his being to stop himself from actually doing that. Thank God Kyle’s mouth is busy with him drinking again.
“What?” Kyle pushes with a chuckle, making Dan realize that he’s kind of just been staring at him with the most ridiculously excited smile ever.
“I– You have to join my band.”
It’s not even a question this time. He can’t ask him, out of the fear of him saying no. Because he can’t say no if it’s not a question, right? Kyle has to say yes. He has to join Dan’s band. He plays the piano, for crying out loud! He is everything Dan needs!
Kyle blinks, raising his eyebrows. He seems surprised, and Dan feels a little woozy after staring into his eyes for a little bit too long again. “Uh– come again?”
“I have this band– We need someone who can play keyboards, really, really bad.” Dan explains, slapping a hand onto Kyle’s shoulder. Just to make sure that he doesn’t leave. Hell, he might even be clutching his shirt a little. Just don’t leave.
“Well– I’d like to think that I’m pretty good at it.” Kyle says, breaking into laughter at his own joke. Dan’s stomach flutters a little at the feeling of Kyle’s body vibrating under his hand, and he finds himself wanting to pull Kyle closer.
“You have to join my band.” Dan insists, squeezing Kyle’s shoulder convincingly, but Kyle keeps laughing. “Please.”
Dan’s desperate tone seems to be what cuts Kyle’s laughter off, because he immediately stops, meeting Dan’s pleading gaze. He doesn’t say anything at first, but his face soon breaks into a fresh smile, and he holds his now empty plastic cup up. “Get me a refill first.”
“Is that a yes?” Dan asks, still not budging.
“We’ll see.” Kyle says, shaking the cup a little as if to make his point clear.
Dan finally pulls his hand away, reaching for the bottle and refilling Kyle’s cup, as well as his own. “You’ll think about it?” he asks, watching as Kyle has a drink.
“We’ll see.” Kyle replies, and Dan sees the corner of his mouth curling up, knowing that he is at least going to seriously consider it.
Dan just really hopes he says yes.
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greentigergirl · 6 years
The wizard
Chapter two
Laura was finally done with the punishment she had gotten for not paying attention in class. Her wrists hurt from writing and cleaning the chockboard sponge’s. She walked slowly towards the front yard, parking lot, where students and teachers were allowed to park their cars during class.
She took a deep breath before settling down into her car, and dropped her bag on to the back seat. ,, That old rat… it’s not like I’m not paying attention in class…” she grumbled to herself. Laura looked at her clock before grumbling even more. It was 19.00 a'clock. She wasn’t sure if teachers were allowed to keep students this long in school, but she didn’t want to find out either. Professor Rockwill was known to change his mind quickly, and keep students even longer in school if he wanted them to be.
She turned on her engine, and stared into her mirror to check if the road was clear. The rain that fell out of the sky made the sight of the dark forest surrounding the university look more grim then it was. Each time she looked at it, were shivers rolling down her spine.
Laura pulled out, and drove on to the wet road. ,, It’s coming down quite badly.” She mumbled to herself, has she noticed flashes of light. ,, Ah man, no thunderstorm. This is not even like the weather forecast discribed today’s weather.”
The lightning lit up the entire road, creating dark shadows that danced around for the seconds that the light emitted from the sky. The thunder sounded like rocks were smashed together, each time that the lightning struck.
Laura’s eyes widened in shock, has in a fraction of a second a lightning bold hit the street Infront of her. She pulled at the steering wheel out of panic, before feeling like she ran over something. She screamed before her car spun around and hit a tree with full force.
She felt a sharp pain inside of her chest, before daring to open her eyes again. Her view was blurry, has she weakly looked about. Laura blinked a couple of times, in an attempt to clear her vision. ,, Ow~… “ she murmured, has she found her seatbelt and unlocked it.
She stumbled out of her car, and took a couple of short breaths before calming down slightly. Laura covered her head,has she heard the thunder hit above her head. Her eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness, has the thunderstorm slowly went away.
There it was, the objects she had hit…
Laura squeezed her eyelids together, trying to get a more clear look. A person! She hit a person! Laura didn’t dare to breath, has her mouth flew open. The young woman got onto her feet, and walked over to the body, before falling down to her knees, has the pain in her chest got worse. ,, A-are you okay?” she asked with a scruffy voice. The realisation of the man being burned, and bleeding melted into her brain.
,, Oh no… I… I’m so sorry.” She looked about and rubbed her hands over her body, trying to find her phone. After a few minutes of panic found she her phone in her pocket, and dyled the emergency number. Laura stared at the body, and froze has she looked at his hand weakly reaching over to her knee, and him trying to say something before loosing consciousness.
A golden aura emitted from his ring, and the pain in lauras chest disappeared. The voice of the emergency officer on the other side of the phone slowly started fainting.
Laura looked at him, her sight frozen in one position.
,, Miss!” the medic carefully approached her, has she seemed to be physically frozen in one position. ,, Quick! We need two Gurney’s!” the medic yelled, before helping bringing both body’s into the ambulances.
,, She’s not hurt…” the first medic spoke.
,, Besides being in a permanent shock you mean?” the doctor said and shook his head, at the medics ignorance. ,, She needs imidiatly an mental health specialist when we arrive, understood?”
,, Understood madam.” The medic saluted, before calling up the needed professionals.
Laura slowly woke up in her hospital bed. She looked up just to see that neither of her parents had shown up to see if she was alright. She turned her head and saw a bright yellow bouquet of sunflowers with a card saying; we hope you get better soon – mum and Peter.
Laura took a deep breath. 'what happened?' she thought, has she got up, just to be looked at by a nurse. ,, Good you are awake. Now, stay in bed for a bit. The doctor said you had quite an accident, even if you seem like you aren’t hurt, the doctor still wants to have you here for one more day to make sure you are alright.”
'thats right' Laura thought ' an accident. There was a man'. Laura looked up to the nurse. ,, What happened to that guy?” she asked. ,, I hit somebody with my car.”
The nurse looked at Laura and looked through her papers. ,, He has severe burns on his chest. Those did not come from the accident, we believe he may have been held capture by an ill mind.” She covered her mouth, before clearing her voice. ,, You did not hear what I just said, I’m not allowed to give further information about our patients.” The nurse said quickly.
,, Uhm … of course. Though… could I please see him? I-is have to apologize, he probably was already scared enough, if I may believe what you didn’t tell me.” Laura replied with a slight cheeky grin on her face, has she took her chance and got up from the bed.
,, I can’t give you more information about this case young miss.” The nurse tried to convince her. ,, Well it would be ashamed if anyone would find out that you gave fatal information about a client.” Laura said.
,, Fine” the nurse grabbed her notes and led Laura to the room, that the man was in. ,, There, now, don’t tell anyone I beg you.” The nurse whispered with a pleading sound inside her voice. ,,My lips are sealed.” Laura said, has she took a look at the name plate of the nurse. ,, I won’t tell anyone nurse Stacy”.
The nurse glared at the young lady before going back to her position, has night guard.
Laura stepped into the room, and looked at the young man. ,, Who are you?” she mumbled, while sitting down besides her bed. ,, I guess it doesn’t really matter… I want you to know that I didn’t mean for you to get hit by my car. I couldn’t see you … that of course does not excuse anything.” Laura said, has an uneasy feeling grew inside of her chest.
Her eyes fell onto his hands. A golden ring was on each hand, one with a name and date carved into it. ,, You are married ?” she asked nobody in particular, had she was in disbelief. He looked barely older than herself. Laura looked around before taking a closer look. ,, Excuse my noisiness.” She mumbled before taking a closer look by taking his hand into her own and hold it close to her face. 5 April 1910. She blinked. Pharhaps this was his great grandmother’s ring. She looked back to his face, just to look into two big dark blue eyes staring back at her. ,, Julliets? You … have changed?...” he said with pain in his voice. ,, Where is Adam! “
,, Oh … n-no I’m not Julliets” Laura l said dropping his hand just to be pulled into a tight hug. ,, Briljant, het Will never recognise you like this. Your new hair cut, and this… Odd clothing are the perfect distraction.” He said with a slight hint of glee in his voice. ,, Excuse me?! Odd clothing?” She said in panic trying to pull away.
,, Julliets? What has gotten into you?” he said in confusion. ,, My name is not Julliets, I’m Laura and I hit you with my car by accident, but I think you hit your head to hard sir.” She backed away into the corner of the room to create space between them.
,, Don’t be silly… what did he do to you? “ Jeffery asked trying to get out of bed, before breaking down in pain, has his legs were bruised. ,, He must have brainwashed you, my poor love, let me help you.” He bagged.
,, What the truck?!” Laura didn’t dare to move, has she saw golden light come from his hands. Jeffery paused and hid his hands under the fallen blanket, has the nurse came inside. ,, What is going on? What did you do young lady? We just got him to sleep!” she growled and placed Jeffry back into bed with force.
,, He’s mentally ill” Laura said in shock before running out of the room. ' what was that just now? What did he do?' she thought, has she hid in the hallway.’ Maybe I am mentally ill and I start hallucinating.’Laura dropped to the floor and set there for a couple of minutes, before getting back up. She had to get home, and make her homework aswell. She couldn’t imagine how behind she would be.
Laura slowly walked up to the counter. ,, Excuse me , could I please get my bag ?” she asked. ,, Oh … you are Laura. I’m afraid that I can’t the police took your bag for investigation. “
,, For investigation?” she asked in confusion. ,, Yes they have right to believe that this was a set up murder. “
,, Excuse me? I would never willingly hurt another person.” Laura’seyes widened in disbelief, has she stared at the nurse. ,, Well you did just get our confused patient to be more confused and even try to hurt another nurse because he thought we were to take you away. So something is going on!.” The head nurse put her book down. ,, Back to your room.we have already called the police to get a testimony of you.”
,,B-but I didn’t do anything wrong. I just looked at his ring and he started to call me names.”laura tried to make sense of what just happened, but the nurses dragged her off, before cutting her to the bed. ,, Hey! Let go ! You can’t do this! “ she Wiggles around.
,, Yes we can. The chief has told us to keep you here with all the forces needed.” The head nurse said and dusted her hands. ,,Now no more acting out or we have to put you to sleep”.
,, You are going to kill me?!” Laura screamed.
,, No. We will knock you out.” She said and pulled out a vile filled with a sleeping chemical and pressed it with a handkerchief under her nose.
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