thedeathofmabe · 2 years
Gosh I miss Delsin Rowe
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thedeathofmabe · 3 years
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[Alice: Madness Returns - 3.5/???]
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thedeathofmabe · 3 years
Note in Medical Chart
“Client chooses not to understand.”
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thedeathofmabe · 3 years
what happens if cats eat vegan? i'm asking for my parents since they're vegan and my dad wants a cat but im worried for the safety of the cat.
This is a very heated topic in the pet community, and the baseline answer is NO. All caps, bolded, screamed from the rooftops. Cats. Can NOT. Be vegan.
This is in no way directed specifically at you anon - I'm not in any way upset that you asked. Actually, I'm glad you did! Because I'm going to provide you with plenty of research and sources on why cats cannot be vegan, and at the end, I'll offer you some alternatives for your dad.
The main reason cats can't be vegan is because of the amino acid called taurine. Taurine is a protein that is only naturally found in animal products - meat, fish and eggs. Cats can't produce it or Vitamin A on their own, and it must be provided through their food.
From the Wikipedia page on Taurine: Cats lack the enzymatic machinery (sulfinoalanine decarboxylase) to produce taurine and must therefore acquire it from their diet. A taurine deficiency in cats can lead to retinal degeneration and eventually blindness. Other effects of a diet lacking in this essential amino acid are dilated cardiomyopathy and reproductive failure in females. The absence of taurine causes a cat's retina to slowly degenerate, causing eye problems and (eventually) irreversible blindness – a condition known as central retinal degeneration (CRD), as well as hair loss and tooth decay. Decreased plasma taurine concentration has been demonstrated to be associated with feline dilated cardiomyopathy. Unlike CRD, the condition is reversible with supplementation. Taurine is now a requirement of the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) and any dry or wet food product labeled approved by the AAFCO should have a minimum of 0.1% taurine in dry food and 0.2% in wet food. Studies suggest the amino acid should be supplied at 10 mg/kg of bodyweight/day for domestic cats.
There HAS been a study going around that showed some results that cats showed no signs of any visible health differences on an all plant diet, but this website here goes into it a little bit and begins to pick it apart.
Some points they brought up:
Having a closer look at the study, it is important to note that all data was collected using surveys. All information was reported only by the owners of the cats. No official veterinary records were examined so all measures of health were subjective. In some cases, data was collected on cats that had already died.
This means that the cat owners were required to have a really accurate memory of the dietary history of multiple cats living at different times. Additionally, there were only 117 respondents from the survey who could confirm that their cats were consuming only plant-based products. A subset of cats being fed a vegan diet was allowed outside, where they would have been able to supplement their diets by hunting prey.
For the health of the cat, they should never be on a vegan diet. Your cat doesn't understand ethics. It doesn't understand the morality behind whether it should eat meat. It requires it, physically, to survive, and that's all that matters. Even with dogs on a vegan diet - yes, they are surviving, but they are often lacking in the nutritional sense. Dogs CAN survive on vegan diets, as they are omnivores, but it still doesn't offer the same nutrition as a normal dog food.
If your dad wants to add a pet to his home that doesn't eat meat, he should look into getting a herbivore. (Even then, most animals will eat meat given the chance. Rabbits and rodents are known to eat their own young, horses will eat chicks, and most if not all bird species are predatory in some way whether it be mammals, fish or insects.) Your parents need to be able to acknowledge that any animal they get isn't going to be vegan - animals do not care about ethics. And unfortunately, if they can't deal with that truth, they shouldn't be getting a pet.
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thedeathofmabe · 3 years
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Day31: Spooky
Halloween is certainly not my holiday, so we just have a scary Sasuke))
…and we finish snstober here, thank you for watching and support)
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thedeathofmabe · 3 years
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Elijah Miles (Assassin's Creed: Uprising)
Another drawing of my boii. (Pls Ubisoft, give me moments with Eli and his dad)
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thedeathofmabe · 3 years
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Secret Garden  🌼 ☀️ 🌿
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thedeathofmabe · 3 years
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Rosalind Franklin’s efforts need to be recognised. Watson and Crick did her dirty.
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thedeathofmabe · 3 years
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Modern day Akatsuki 🖤❤
I neglected my uni homeworks for 3 days to finish this,,,,
original pic i used for ref
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thedeathofmabe · 3 years
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Throwback Thursday ⏱
🎮 | Tomb Raider: Underworld (2008) 👨🏻‍💻 | Crystal Dynamics • Eidos Interactive
Promotional photos of Alison Carroll, Official Lara Croft Model at the time.
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thedeathofmabe · 3 years
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══ Desmond Miles & ͢Alex Me̸r̶ ͟cer ══
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thedeathofmabe · 3 years
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I feel this in my soul
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thedeathofmabe · 3 years
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thedeathofmabe · 3 years
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thedeathofmabe · 3 years
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A journey into the woods [can] be more than just a literal journey through the forest. It is a metaphorical journey into the mind.
(quote source | inspired by @gayspiderman)
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thedeathofmabe · 3 years
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coraline jones outfit appreciation CORALINE (2009) dir. Henry Selick
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thedeathofmabe · 3 years
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In 1499, after being forcibly recruited by the Papal Captain General Cesare Borgia, Leonardo began to design and create weapons and war machines for the Borgia forces. As such, by 1500, he had relocated his workshop to Rome.  He remained there even after Cesare’s fall from power, and in 1506, Leonardo spent much of his time in his workshop studying Pythagoras and the Pythagorean temple, as well as working on his latest painting, the Mona Lisa.
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