#Adam Stanheight is Jewish
lucradiss · 4 months
I know I’m the only one ever and thisll be an unpopular opinion but I hc Adam Stanheight as Jewish. He just is to me. I don’t need to explain myself
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fuck it
adam faulkner-stanheight headcanons bc saw refuses to make him an actual character instead of a pawn in a game☹️
- bisexual trans man (obviously🙄)
- jewish !
- CAT PERSON (semi canon deleted scene)
- dropped out of college
- the most unhealthiest thing you’ve ever seen. he’ll say he hasn’t eaten and slept for like three days and say it in the most normal tone
- likes horror movies but his personal favorites are sci-fi
- running on 30 min of sleep and 16 red bulls
- doesn’t really get along w his parents, was pretty happy to move out
- grew up in a “therapy is for the weak” kind of household
- he’s a very quiet and collected person but can be out going and sociable at times!
- favorite bands: nine inch nails, black sabbath, deftones
- has a piece of shit car
- trashmouth, curses almost every sentence
- probably only owns two pairs of pants
- only owns plain colored and band t shirts
- used to play the base
- desperately needs glasses, he has horrendous eye sight
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adrianicsea · 1 year
kinda bonkers that adam faulkner-stanheight isn’t canonically jewish. easy to forget imo
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