#but he taps kisses the doorframe as a habit when he comes into or leaves the house
lucradiss · 1 month
I know I’m the only one ever and thisll be an unpopular opinion but I hc Adam Stanheight as Jewish. He just is to me. I don’t need to explain myself
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harlowhockeystick · 4 months
hi!!!!! i was wondering if i could request the reader forgetting date night w rafe because she was jus so busy?? maybe like angst to fluff :))
february prompts | rafe cameron x reader | reader is kind of a ditz, please send more rafe i am down so bad
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the tick tock of the clock makes your mind go crazy. watching as time goes by, picking at your nails while you anxiously listen for the hum of his truck and the scratching of his tires against the gravel road outside of your house. anxiously waiting.
it wouldn't be the first time he was late, though. he'd been late a few times before, you got used to his bad habit. very rarely was he twenty-five minutes late. by now, you're sure that they already gave your table away to someone else. maybe if he shows up in the next ten minutes you can still make your movie, but you have doubts.
five more minutes, then i'll call.
four went by. you heard a familiar sound outside, but you turn around to see it's a truck pulling into your neighbors driveway.
three went by. you felt your phone buzz, but it was just an update from instagram.
two went by. one went by.
"hey rafey, what're you up to?" you ask nervously, staring at the clock that keeps mocking you with it's tick tock, tick tock, tick tock.
he sighs on the other end of the line, "i'm still up here at work, why?" you bit your lip at a silly attempt to keep from crying. as soon as one tear fell more and more continued to fall.
"well, um, remember how we had reservations tonight? at that new place downtown?" you mention through tears and he hears it loud and clear. he almost drops his phone in anger and disappointment at himself. you hear him sigh and knock his fist against something a couple times.
"baby, i am so sorry," he whispers. you hear on the other side of the phone rafe shuffling a few things around, the jingling of keys and heavy footsteps.
"if you leave now i can meet you at the movie theater," you interrupted.
"what? no, no i'll pick you up. no need for you to drive all the way over there. i'll be at your place shortly," rafe quickly shut your idea down. he ended the phone call and you remained sat on the couch until he walked through your front door with the key you gave him.
he did just a few minutes later. rafe didn't greet you with a hug or a hello but instead he pressed his lips against your own and he placed his hands on your hips.
"i'm sorry sweetie, i got too distracted at work," he pulled away and tucked some hair behind your ear. it was always work that took him away from you. honestly you weren't even sure what rafe did for work. you knew that it had something to do with his dad, but he never told you what his exact job or title was. rafe just explained he works so that he can buy you all the things you want, take you to anywhere you want, and then some.
"c'mon lets go to the movies," he took your hand and walked with you out of the house. he reached up to tap the top doorframe of your front door and when he did his shirt rose up and you saw a gun tucked in the back of his pants, you gasped a little. what did he do for work that caused him to carry a gun with him?
rafe was a tough, almost scary man to some people. he was never scary to you, though. throughout the night he made up for him being late, getting a little handsy during the movie and going out for ice cream after, getting you as many scoops as you wanted.
"rafey," you asked while changing into your pajamas for the night, "what do you do for work again?" the question had been lingering all night in your head, you couldn't even focus on the movie because you kept wracking you brain. had he told you, and you just forgot? were you not paying attention when he told you?
"i told you sweetie, i just do boring stuff, stuff you wouldn't understand. i just make enough money so i can spoil you silly," he answered you coming up behind you and giving you a kiss in the curve of your neck.
"well, i saw your gun tucked in your pants. it kinda scared me, what do you do for work that makes you carry a gun?" rafes heart rate began to go up a little bit as he felt his cheeks get red.
"that's just precaution, lots of freaks out there." rafe kisses your cheek and pulls you back to the bedroom. he always keeps an extra pair of pajamas in your closet for the nights he stays over, which is often. "c'mon, let's go to bed."
he lets the hum of some documentary lull you to sleep in his arms. he takes a breath of relief, he doesn't know how much longer he can keep you oblivious.
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casspurrjoybell-17 · 1 year
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*Warning: Adult Content*
Martin Hunter wakes with a jolt, gasping for air while Skylar West leans across him , his hair falling in a loose cascade over bare, muscled shoulders and his brows pinched with concern. 
Skylar grips Martin’s upper arms so hard it hurts but releases his hold when he sees he’s conscious.
"Are you alright? You'd stopped breathing."
Sitting up, I rub my hands over my face and catch my breath before answering. 
My shirt is soaked with sweat and my heart still races in high gear, sending tingles of adrenaline through my veins and making my hands shake.
Sky touches my shoulder. 
"It was just a bad dream," I say at last. "I'm fine"
Pushing the covers aside, I move off the bed and stand, heading towards the bathroom on unsteady feet. 
I catch myself against the doorframe and hear the sheets rustle as Sky gets up as well.
"Martin? Are you sure..."
"I said I'm fine," I snap more sharply than I intend. 
In the silence, I scrunch my eyes shut and take a breath before speaking again. 
"Sorry. I just need to rinse off and change my shirt. Go back to bed."
I enter the bathroom, shut the door and briefly consider locking it. 
I leave it open and run the taps in the sink, splashing water over my face and studying myself in the mirror.
I look awful. 
It's been three days since our visit to the bookstore. 
Miguel remains the only one of us to have found anything of use and even that was a reach.
Noah had promised to visit this coming afternoon to help him translate his strange book and Julian offered to have a look as well, in case this 'Shadow World' had any connection to the Shadowlands he'd visited. 
Dane had delved into the Wolf lore in search of anything that might explain Miguel's 'missing' Wolf and Noah had contacted Shanti by whatever strange method he used, though she'd yet to answer or appear.
In the meantime, I'd fallen into old, bad habits. 
I barely ate or slept and nightmares plagued what little sleep I got. 
It felt like time was slipping through my fingers like sand and panic edged every breath.
A small, unkind voice in my head had started to whisper things like 'You made another mistake.' and 'This is what you get for thinking you deserve something good.' 
Elena's voice.
I shudder and shut my eyes, leaning heavily against the sink. 
The dream had seemed so real.
I'd been standing with Sky on the beach, in the little cove where we'd first made love, and I was happy. 
The children were there as well, playing on the rocks.
Then the waves grew larger and I worried the kids would be swept away. 
I was trying to reach them when a wave took me and pulled under, deeper and deeper into the hopeless depths. 
I struggled, I had to help the kids and Sky but it was no use. 
Something had me and wouldn't let me go and when I finally looked, I saw that it was her in the form of a monstrous creature of the deep, dragging me to my death.
I shouldn't have let the kids watch The Little Mermaid before bed. 
Who knew Disney movies could cause nightmares?
The door opens and Sky comes to stand at my back, looping his arms around my waist.
"Talk to me," he murmurs, kissing my temple. "Don't shut me out. What's bothering you?"
Lifting my head, I meet his eyes in the mirror. 
"You have to ask?"
He frowns a little. 
"We've still got the better half a month to find answers. Things aren't so dire yet."
My heart constricts, its tempo rising again as a sense of frustration mingles with the panic pushing in from every side.
"Elena's presence... changes things," I say, forcing myself to speak slowly. "When she sent the letter and even when she threatened Dr. Howard, it felt like she was still a distant threat. Seeing her person?" 
I shake my head. 
"I can't leave the kids knowing she's here. She's planning something or she wants something. I can't even think about leaving now."
Skylar's frown deepens slightly and his hold on me tightens. 
"Surely, your family can protect..."
With my pulse ratcheting in speed again, I squirm from his grasp and spin to face him.
"I'm their father," I rasp, barely containing a shout. 
"Keeping them safe is my job. You're my heart's true mate, Sky. There's no denying that. And I love you. But my kids..." 
I shake my head. 
"My heart belongs to them first. I'm sorry."
Pushing past him and out the door, I stalk across my bedroom and out into the hall, heading for the stairs. 
I don't know where I'm going, really; I just need to walk. 
Maybe the pressure in my chest, mounting heartbeat by heartbeat towards pain, is my Wolf wanting to come out, clawing at the cage of my ribs for release.
By the time I realize it's not, that there's something actually wrong with me, I'm halfway down the stairs. 
Then the pain hits me like a brick, my vision goes black and I fall.
The last thing I remember before I'm pulled down into darkness, just like in my dream, is Skylar's face, slightly out of focus and the oddly muffled sound of him shouting my name.
"A heart attack?"
"No, I don't think so. His heart's fine."
"What, then?"
"Damned if I know. You're the Wolf... you tell me."
“You're the doctor.”
"My medical knowledge is nearly a century out of date. I've done my best to keep up, but... well, usually I rely on my gift, to be quite honest."
"Can you heal him, then?"
"No. As I explained last time, there's nothing to heal physically. If this is an illness, it is not of the body. Not of the human body, leastways."
"You're saying it's his Wolf?"
"I'm saying I don't know, Love. A wise man admits as much."
As consciousness gradually returns, I identify the speakers as Ambrose and Noah and gather that they're talking about me.
Lifting crusty, leaded lids with a pure effort of will, I blink as the world spins and gradually comes into focus.
I'm in the spare room in Noah and Ambrose's house, the one with the blue, beachy theme.
 An intravenous line, probably one meant for veterinary applications, trails from my arm to a drip bag hanging from a stand.
"Ah, the patient awakens," Ambrose exclaims and makes a quick examination with his stethoscope and flashlight that burns my retinas with its searing beam. 
"How do you feel?"
Summoning a breath, I whisper the first words that enter my brain.
"Kids... Sky..."
"The children are fine and safe," Ambrose says reassuringly. "They're downstairs with Julian and Dane. I'll call them in, if you're up for it."
I nod and speak even as my eyes fall shut again. 
He turns and says something to Noah that I don't catch.
I hear the door open and shut and then a slim, cool hand closes around mine.
"Martin? Can you hear me?" Noah asks, his voice barely above a whisper.
I draw a breath. 
"I'd hear you better if you spoke up," I say.
He makes a noise somewhere between a laugh and a sob.
"You should know... there's someone else here," he says. "Someone in the same condition, apparently."
Driven by concern, I blink my eyes open and focus on his face with an effort. 
He shakes his head.
"No. Elena."
And with that, I am wide awake.
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haik-choo · 4 years
hot things tsukishima does
here are the creators and their posts that inspired this!
@0ik6lut - hot things oikawa does (OG)
@ahtsumu - hot things suna does
when you’re at your desk and ask him for help on something he places his hand on one side of the desk and leans down, basically encasing you in his arms
additionally, he’ll talk in your ear and when you look up at him he’ll look down at you and just...smirk before pulling away and telling you to figure the problem out yourself
leans on the doorframe; sometimes you’ll be leaning on wall next to the doorframe and he’ll come up and lean on it next to you, his body warmth making your heart beat 11x faster
when he wakes up one hand is stretching upwards towards the air while the other scratched his stomach and.... :) iz just nice
grabs your chin to look at him and uses his pointer finger to caress your chin before kissing you
has worn the maid costume once. you have a picture of it. on your phone. confidential. you look at it sometimes.... <3
Comfortable in his sexuality and lets you dress him up however as long as he can watch movies while you do it
when you watch movies together he’ll nonchalantly feed you a piece of popcorn but his fingers brush past your lips really slowly and when you both are looking at each other in anticipation he’ll lean back against the couch’s arm rest and pop a piece of popcorn in his mouth
you're on your laptop and ask him for help with something and instead of wait until you move you arm out of the way he puts his hand on the mouse pad next to yours and his pinky links with one of your fingers....
says "oh? and you're gonna stop me?"
when he’s stressed with his work on the computer he’ll sigh lightly and slip off his glasses and place his hand on his chin to look at you across the room, his tongue darts out to wet his lips, his gaze is dark and half-lidded
he’ll be doing something that takes his focus and you think he can’t see you staring at him, but then he’ll suddenly glance at you with thoe electric honey eyes of his and quirk his brow. no smile on his face. just intense stare
taps his pencils and pens against his pretty soft lips out of habit. sometimes looks at you while doing it
wears an plain silver chain anklet
has a prominent adam’s apple and when he drinks water after a game and there’s sweat dripping down his chin it’s. just. yeah.
has pretty hands with long fingers; sometimes he just mindlessly rubs the edge of his desk with his fingers and you can’t help but watch. 
actually takes care of his nails -- like the cuticles are pushed back and they are filed in a pretty shape. occasionally uses nail oil 
his style. either it’s a lazy loose sweatpants (not grey ones, sorry, he knows that trend) and a long sleeve t-shirt or when he goes out and feels like trying it’s khaki pants with white socks and vans with a white button up and a vest pullover on top of it. just. preppy tsukishima. please god. 
when he's sitting on a bed he has one leg outstretched and one leg bent with his arm resting on it, his head in that hand, his other hand scrolling through his phone until you walk in and his eyes flit to you and trail after you until you leave the room
the hottest thing about tsukishima is his stare. the power his eyes hold over you, with or without glasses, is shocking. his eyes are just such a pretty shade of amber with a dark ring around them...the type of guy to forget his glasses one day and everyone has a picture of him from that day because. damn. 
bonus: is the progressive kid in class who you think hates everyone equally but when someone says some Fucked Up discriminatory shit he goes Off on their ass and absolutely schools them 
bonus bonus: tsukishima’s legs. nuff said
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toosicktoocare · 3 years
Okay, I’m very much obsessed with the web comic “Batman: Wayne Family Adventures,” and I want to write little one-shots for it. 
If you’d like to see something written, drop a prompt in my inbox! 
Also found on AO3!
1: Better Than Dick Grayson
Jason’s beat by the time he guides his bike through an underground entrance to the Bat Cave. Patrol wasn’t hard – more annoying than anything else. There’s been an increase in copy-cat villains lurking the shadows of Crime Alley, all who can’t even follow through with a napkin-scribbled plan properly.
“Nice work tonight, Hood.”
Jason slips off his bike, boots heavy against the steel floor below him. He taps the comm nestled in his ear. “Thanks, O. Time to sign off? I’m sure you have an absolutely riveting day at the library tomorrow.” A cheeky smile plays at his lips as he slips his helmet off, huffing around a laugh at Barbara’s drawn-out sigh in his ear.
“I honestly don’t know why I help you every night.”
“Come on, O. You know you look forward to our quick-witted banter every day. That’s our thing – our trademark, if you will.” His smile widens when Barbara chuckles in his ear.
“You’re ridiculous, Hood.”
Jason slips into a changing room, grimacing as he cards his fingers through his sweat-soaked hair. “Please, O. You know you love me.” His suit is damp against him, an uncomfortable testament to just how much he’s done on patrol in the few hours he was out.
“Maybe a little.”  
Smirking, he shrugs his jacket off and reaches to the back of his neck, working his damp suit off until it’s hanging low at his waist. “You flirting with me, Babs? I’ll tattle to Dick.” He barks out a laugh at the low, impressive string of curse words that echo from his comm.
“I retract my previous statement. My tolerable feelings toward you stem from obligation alone.”
“Babs,” Jason whines, slamming a hand to his chest, “you wound me! Now I’m really going to tell Dick!”
“Well, you’re out of luck. He left for Bludhaven an hour ago.”
Jason pushes down on his suit until he’s stepping out of it, kicking it to the corner of the changing room with the notion that he’ll deal with it later. Tomorrow. He sighs – eventually.
“Detective Grayson summoned for an assignment?” He turns on his heel, snagging a towel that he drapes over his shoulders, using one corner to mop the sweat dripping from his hair.
“Something like that.”
Barbara’s voice goes soft on the other line, and Jason stops, frowning smally. “What’s up, Babs?”
“Damian and Bruce are still out, so I need to get back to them. Can you check in on Tim for me? Steph said he’s been quieter than usual all day.”
“Pump the kid up with coffee, then? I can do that.”
Jason holds his hand’s up in mock defense out of habit, sighing between his teeth. “Fine, yes. I’ll follow in golden child Dick’s footsteps and take my role as the dutiful big brother.”
“Good. Also, I have that on recording now for the next time you try to sarcastically remove yourself from a family affair.”
“Later, Jason!”
There’s a crackle in Jason’s ear, and then the line goes dead. Rolling his eyes, he pulls the comm free, dropping it beside a large monitor in the cave before padding upstairs, eager to shower Crime Alley’s discount villains away.
He swings by Tim’s room first, finding him at his desk, eyes soft and cast toward the window. His expression is somber albeit a tad thoughtful, and Jason promptly pulls him out of whatever muted stupor he’s currently lost in.
“Well,” he starts, nudging the door open wider, eyes flicking to the textbook open at the desk. “You’re doing better than I did. Studying wasn’t really my forte.”
Tim twists around and cocks his head to the side. “You were a straight-A student.”
Scoffing, Jason drops against the doorframe, arms crossed. “Hey. I didn’t say I wasn’t smart.” He nods to the book. “And you’re essentially a boy genius, so do you really need to do that?”
“It’s a good distraction,” Tim sighs, turning back to the window and dropping his cheek against his fist.
“A distraction from what?” Jason’s eyes narrow into sharp slits, watching a small line of tension take to Tim’s shoulders.
“Dick left.”
Jason’s taken aback. Dick comes and goes all the time – they all do. He can’t imagine Tim will be here long, and he, himself, is only staying the night before he heads back to the safe house he’s been frequenting by himself in the morning. Now that he thinks of it, he’s sure he overheard Steph mentioning packing for a trip with Barbara in a few days.
“He’ll come back,” Jason responds, and Tim spins around in his desk chair with a sigh that’s far too long and heavy for a kid his age.
“I know that. It’s just,” Tim pauses, waving one hand around, “too quiet without him here.”
“That’s a bad thing?” Jason cocks a brow, and Tim huffs.
“You know what I mean – Dick’s all energy and smiles, and everything just feels better when he’s here. When we’re all here together.”
This, Jason thinks, is edging a delicate territory he’s not adept to handle. His vocabulary rivals Alfred’s, and yet, piecing together words into a sentence that’s both optimistic and comforting is not something he feels he’s capable of. Instead, he steps into the room, dropping his palm to Tim’s head, and the silence that follows is sharper than Bruce’s best batarang.
“Jason,” Tim finally mutters, voice flat.
“Is this comforting?”
“No, it’s weird.”
Jason rips his hand away, a sigh of relief slipping past his lips. “Well, that’s one thing we can agree on.” He turns toward the door, muscles faintly aching, his reminder that he really wants to shower and sleep. “Night, Timmy. Dick will come back soon.”
He opts not to look behind him lest he wants to feel a big-brother spark of guilt he’s just too exhausted to handle. Instead, he slips out of the room without so much of an over-the-shoulder glance.
Jason’s alarm starts softly from his phone, and he slams his hand against it with a low groan, trained to wake at the quietest of sounds. Outside, the sun’s not quite made it up and over the horizon, still casting the manor in a soft glow – a view that Dick swears by. Jason shuffles over to his window and takes in the view for roughly four seconds before he decides he’d rather see it through the visor of his bike’s helmet.
Still, before he can leave, he’s got one more thing he needs to do at the manor – a rather brilliant idea, if you ask him, he came up with in a sleep-ridden mind right before he conked out for the night.
He’s not Dick. He’s better than Dick.
He changes and perks an ear to the sounds down the hall, hearing the others waking. Once he hears Tim’s bedroom Keurig stop running, he acts, plastering a triple-watt smile to his face and storming out of his room.
“Ugh, Jason,” Cass mutters, rubbing her eyes. “What are you doing?”
Jason doesn’t respond, waiting, instead, for Tim to open his bedroom door, and the moment he does, Jason sucks in a long, swelling breath.
“Good morning!” He shouts, dragging out each word, making his voice as loud as possible, a bright bellow that sinks into every crevice of the manor.
Beside him, Cass cups both hands over her ears, and Damian merely turns back into his room, slamming the door behind him. Duke can’t get to his phone fast enough, and Tim promptly jumps out of his skin, his coffee splashing from his mug to burn against his hand and stain the floor. There are footsteps pounding up the stairs, and Jason smiles even wider, his cheeks stretched and tight, and he sucks in another large breath.
“Jason, what the hell—”
Jason cartwheels down the hall, narrowly avoiding a puddle of coffee to stop upright before Tim. He ruffles Tim’s hair, his forced smile fading to something softer, more genuine. “Morning, Timmers!”
“What in the world is going on?”
Bruce is breathless at the end of the hall, and Alfred’s trying, and horribly failing, to hide a laugh behind a cough.
“I’m telling my family good morning,” Jason shouts, arms outstretched. He offers Tim a wink and leans in close. “Grayson’s got nothing on me,” he whispers, tone devious, before he presses a kiss to Tim’s cheek and claps a hand to Tim’s shoulder.
When he pulls away, he slips past Bruce and Alfred, maneuvering around them with a practiced grace that could rival Dick Grayson. “Something smells incredible down here!” He adds from the stairs.
“Oh, Dick’s going to love this,” Duke mutters, ending the video recording on his phone.
“Should I call Leslie?” Bruce asks, worried, his attention torn between the startled and amused faces before him, and the echoing sound of Jason singing Broadway showtunes from the kitchen downstairs.
Tim looks down to his coffee mug, his hand faintly burning and sticky, and he smiles warmly. “Nah, Jason’s fine.”
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works-of-fanfiction · 3 years
“This is Silly.” - Graham Coxon x Reader
Summary: The reader tries to treat Graham for Valentine’s Day.
Warnings: None, just short & cute.
Word Count: 1.5k.
A/N: For this, I imagined The Magic Whip era. There’s nothing in here to explicitly highlight Graham being older so you can read it however you please! This was originally going to be a smut oneshot but I liked it just like this (sorry if that disappoints) <3
Gif credits go to the creator linked on the gif.
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“How long are you going to be? You’ve been in there ages!” Your increasingly impatient boyfriend calls from the other side of the bathroom door, his head pressed to the wood as his voice reverberates deeply through the room. You sit on the edge of the bathtub in the same spot you’ve been in for the past six minutes or so, fingers tapping on the porcelain and toes digging into the fluffy bath mat below.
“I’m not coming out! This is ridiculous.” You shout back, right hand flying to your mouth to pick at the skin around your fingernails. Graham rattles the door handle again only to find it still locked. He sighs, palm resting against the doorframe, thumb and forefinger absentmindedly picking at the peeling white paint.
“Come on, Y/N. Come out, please.”
“No. I feel silly.”
“But I bet you don’t look silly.” With his head still firmly pressed against the door, Graham listens out for any sign of movement in the bathroom. Through the gap at the bottom of the door, you can see his shadow and his feet shuffling around. Deciding to bite the bullet, you pull yourself to your feet and meet your reflection in the mirror, fluffing up your hair then immediately flattening it again - a nervous habit.
Graham steps back as he hears the lock turn, stopping when the backs of his legs hit the bed frame. The door opens slowly, your left hand clinging onto the handle as your right rests across your stomach in attempt to cover as much skin as possible. Graham leans against the bed frame, hands gripping the metal on either side of him as you fully step into the bedroom, the bathroom door squeaking shut behind you. “Ta-dah!” You chime unenthusiastically, waving your arms in the air only for a brief second before hugging yourself again and tiptoeing towards him. “Told you this is silly.”
“It’s only silly because you’re hiding yourself.” Graham says softly, body straightening as he reaches out to you, his fingers grazing your forearms that tightly clutch onto your stomach. “You look amazing. Now put those arms down.”
“I’m going to go change. This was a bad idea.” You turn to leave but he lunges forward and grabs your shoulder, bringing you back to face him. His hands grab each of your wrists and gently move your arms until they’re back at your sides. You can’t help but fidget as you stand before him, despite him seeing you in much less clothing than this hundreds of times before.
“Look at you.” Graham breathes, his eyes completing a full scan of your body before returning to admire your face, a blush spreading throughout your cheeks. You glance down at yourself and shrug, tugging at the sheer stocking on your leg with your toes to stop it from twisting.
“D - do you like it?” You ask nervously, resisting the urge to fold your arms over your chest.
You didn’t want to admit it, but it had actually been Alex’s idea to surprise Graham with this particular outfit. The thing with Alex was that his ideas had always been either fantastic or horrendous, with absolutely no middle man. This idea had sounded great at the time when you were drunk and rambling about what to do for Graham for your first Valentine’s Day. For some odd reason, your intoxicated brain had penned Alex as the romance expert. You’d gone into town the very next morning, hungover with a mission to accomplish. After trying on various pieces in different colours, all more risqué than you could’ve ever imagined, you’d settled on a blush pink set completed with all the stereotypically “sexy” trimmings. Never in your life did you picture so much lace would be on your body at once. You felt like a mannequin in the middle of a fabric shop.
“I do. Y - “
“This isn’t really me... Is it?” You interject, one foot crossing over the other awkwardly whilst your nails pluck at the sparkly and unbelievably itchy piece of lace on your hip.
“It’s new, yes. But if it’s any consolation…” Graham pulls you in closer, resting back against the bed frame with your body situated between his legs. You stumble a little, cushioning your fall by grabbing onto his shoulders. You bury your face into the crook of his neck, his head turning to the left so his lips can reach your cheek. “I think you look incredible.” He leaves a soft kiss by your ear, the smacking sound loud and his breath tickling your skin. You can’t help but giggle, rubbing your ear against his shoulder.
“Really?” You mumble, voice muffled by Graham’s jumper. He reaches round to take ahold of your face, carefully manoeuvring your bodies until you’re opposite one another again. It’s impossible to avoid his gaze; it’s like his eyes are burning holes into your face, leaving marks wherever they land. Your skin is hot beneath Graham’s touch and the lack of space between your bodies makes the air feel humid and tight.
His reply doesn’t come in words as his right hand slips from your face to wrap around your back. His left thumb remains on your cheek as his fingers hook beneath your ear, slipping into your hair and lightly pulling it at the back. A slight whimper escapes your lips before the sound is consumed by Graham’s mouth meeting yours. What starts as a sweet, slow kiss develops into a bout of desperation and insatiable need, a need to have you as close as possible. Hands explore bodies, unsure of their destinations: clinging onto fabrics, slipping beneath garments, gripping onto clammy skin. The lenses of Graham’s glasses grow foggy, and you pull away to carefully take them from his face and set them down on the ottoman beside you. He squints a little, eyes adjusting to the room around him, carving out your silhouette in the moonlight glaring through the curtains. His hands never leave your body, like they’re fused to your skin, moulded to your shape like a sculpture.
“You really are beautiful.” He whispers, the back of his fingers grazing your cheek lovingly. You hold onto his upper arms, your fingertips stroking his soft woollen jumper as you remind yourself of just how lucky you are. Catching your reflection in the mirror behind him, you stifle a laugh as you spot your beet-red cheeks and messy hair. For Graham to find you beautiful in this moment seems crazy to you, but the look in his eyes is enough to convince you that he’s telling the truth. He’s always telling the truth. In fact, you’re not sure you can recall a single lie coming out of Graham’s mouth, not even a little white one. You’re still convinced that one day you’ll wake up and realise he was just a figment of your imagination.
“Alright!” Graham starts, cutting you out of your silent daydream. He bends, arm hooking under your knees as he lifts you up. You squeal, laughing as you kick your feet around.
“Gra! What are you doing?”
“You’re my Valentine’s gift, right?” He steps around to the side of the bed, placing you down onto the mattress. You scoot back, propping yourself up on your elbows and looking up at him with a devilish smile on your face. “Can I open my gift now?”
“Graham!” You grab the nearest pillow from behind your head and throw it at him, hitting him square in the face. “That’s filthy.”
“I didn’t mean it like that!” He protests, kicking the pillow up from the floor and catching it in his hands, throwing it back at you. You catch it, placing it back down beside you.
“Sure you didn’t.” You tease, crossing one leg over the other and extending your body.
Graham pulls at his right sleeve, sliding his arm out before the rest of the jumper follows. “Okay, maybe I did.” He drops it on the floor and climbs onto the bed, engulfing you in his arms and nuzzling his face into your neck, his hair tickling you. You laugh, wriggling beneath him and clawing at the back of his shirt. He feathers your skin with kisses so light, it’s like a thousand butterflies are walking all over you with barely-there footsteps and wings brushing against you.
You manage to fight him off, rolling the two of you over so you’re straddling him. His fingers rest at the top of your thighs, tracing over the lace trim of your stockings. You toy with the strap on your shoulder, trying your best to put on a sexy show for him. A smile plays on his lips as his grip on your thighs tightens, his large palms squeezing them. “Now I just have to figure out how to get this thing off.” You scoff, reaching behind you. Graham’s hands fly up to grab your wrists, stopping you from going any further.
“Leave it on.”
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santigarcia · 3 years
Floppy Disk 💾
Human Touch Part Six
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five
word count: 1.2k
rating: T for sexual references, some angst
summary: You see something you weren’t supposed to and things get heated. 
a/n: thank you all so much for reading this series! let me know what yall think! thank you to @punkpascal​ and @sergeantkane​​ as always!!
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“So, are you coming with me or not?” You ask Nathan from your bed. He’s in the bathroom brushing his teeth, the door is open so he can hear you. “My mom is dying to know if you’re coming.”
You’re going home for the holidays, and you want to bring Nathan with you. Especially now that you’ve been together for almost a year. You miss your family, and you want to introduce him to them.
“I don’t know,” he spits in the sink and leans against the doorway. “What if they love me more than you? I don’t want to hurt your feelings,” he slowly starts to smile, and you throw a pillow at him, which he catches.
“Are you worried they won’t like you?”
“Oh, I know they won’t like me,” he laughs. “I don’t need their approval, but I know you do.”
“Is that what’s been bothering you?” you reach for him as he sits down on the bed. “Something is bothering you. Makes me nervous.”
“Nothing to worry about, okay? Now you get some sleep,” he presses a kiss to your forehead.
“Where are you going?”
“Burning the midnight oil. Got a new idea, I need to work out the kinks.”
“Don’t stay up too late ok? And please decide. What if I say yes that you can fuck me in my childhood bedroom?”
“Fuck really? Then count me in as a yes!” he throws you a wink. He taps the doorframe with his hand before he leaves for his lab.
Since you can tell you’re going to be alone tonight, you get out of bed and make your way to the kitchen. You grab a snack (some chocolate- you made Nathan get you some when new freight came in) and go into your bedroom. Not the one you share with Nathan, but yours. The one he gave you.
Each room in the house is temperature regulated, some of which are for Nathan’s projects. His bedroom is a few degrees colder. He runs hot and if he’s too warm he gets drowsy. And he’s a little shit and turns it down colder so you’ll curl into him and your nipples poke through your shirt. But your room, your room he has a little warmer. If you’re ever in there it’s because you’re sleeping without him, and most times those are occasions like this when he’s working into the night.
You take your chocolate and curl into your bed, enjoying the warmth already. You’re not quite sleepy yet, so you pick up the TV remote and decide to watch some “Nathan TV” as you call it. His lab is on one of the channels, and you flick it over to watch what he’s doing.
What you see shocks you.
Nathan has another woman pinned up against the wall. He’s naked and so is she. You can hear his groans and you watch as he thrusts hard into her. You turn it off in horror before you can see anything else. Your mind starts racing, your blood runs cold. Surely, he didn’t bring another woman into the house without you knowing. Right?
You sit trying to catch your breath. The chocolate is half eaten and now melting in your hand. You scream and launch the chocolate bar at the TV and swing the bedroom door open. You storm down the hallway towards Nathan’s lab.
The door is closed, but it’s not locked. You shove it open and you find a very naked Nathan writing something down, he’s leaning over the tall tables in the lab. Normally you’d have delighted in seeing his ass, but not right now.
“Who is she? Where is she?” you start crying as soon as you open your mouth.
“Who?” Nathan turns, his expression quizzical and it makes your blood boil.
“You know who. I saw you on the TV.”
“You sure that wasn’t some footage of our greatest hits?” he smirks, “I like to play those sometimes.”
“Nathan, you ass. Her hair is a different color than mine! I thought you were better than this.”
“I hate to break it to you, but I have had other lovers here. Like I said, old footage.” He shrugs and goes back to making notes.
“Ok, then why are you naked?”
“What’s with the interrogation? Fuck. Sometimes I like to work naked. And yeah, okay I fucked a robot. Happy?”
You’ve had arguments before. Every relationship has disagreements. Most of your arguments with Nathan are small, easily resolved. Most revolve around habits he has due to being alone for years. Either you interfere with a train of thought, or he works too much and leaves no time for you. But those are worked around.
But this, this one feels different. You feel betrayed, and he’s acting so cold.
“A robot? So now you have to lie to me?”
“It’s not a lie.” His voice is dry, he very intentionally does not look up from his notes.
“Right, I forgot, you don’t mince words. And I guess that answers that then. I’ll go home alone.” You reach for the door, unable to look at him before he whips around.
“No, it doesn’t, don’t walk away!”
But you do. You don’t want to hear it. Robot or not – it still hurts. He picked them over you. You saw the woman, she had curves in all the right places you didn’t.
Why did she have to look so perfect if this was for science? And why is he so defensive? Are you not good enough?
You hoped this day would never come. But it hurts too much to stay. You call your cousin and it’s not long before she picks you up.
You fly home for the holidays, and you don’t fly back. Nathan texts you and calls you multiple times a day, but you ignore them. It hurts too much to talk to him. And you don’t trust yourself with him. With one word he could have you crawling back and you’re angry.
You’ll grow to regret ignoring him, but after some time the texts and calls stop. The last you hear from him is a few months later when boxes of your stuff arrive at your front door.
Months pass. A year or two goes by and you thought you moved on. You’re engaged now to a man named Jack. He’s kind, but honestly boring. You thought that’s what you needed, but there’s no passion in your life anymore. But he’s safe, and after what happened with Nathan, it’s more your family’s decision than it is your own.
Your life is simple. You live with Jack on his ranch, with little reminders of Nathan out there.
Until one day, you see a news story.
“Bluebook CEO, Nathan Bateman, survives a near fatal AI accident.”
You gasp seeing the story, causing your fiancé to look at you with question. You grab your phone and search all news stories related to him. From what you can gather, one of his AI’s stabbed him. Twice.
Tears well up in your eyes. What if you had been there, you could have stopped it. And you feel bad for him, this wasn’t how he would have wanted to show his AI masterpiece to the world.
“That’s not about your asshole ex is it?” Jack asks with a snort.
“Yes, it is actually,” you shake your head and continue to read. You look for where he’s recovering, you want to see him.
tagging: @pascal-isaac​, @wasicskosgirl​, @velvetmel0n​, @huliabitch​, @shadow-assassin-blix​, @writefightandflightclub​, @aellynera​, @softboywriting​, @veuliee2​, @spider-starry​, @mylifeliterally​, @millllenniawrites​, @ntlmundy​, @foxilayde, @writingletterstothefire​, @mandoplease​, @anetteaneta​, @feelmyroarrrr​, @artsymaddie​, @shakespeareanwannabe​, @poedameronsbeard​, @deanfanatic67​​, @magicsuperheroes​​, @phoenixhalliwell​​, @that-one-weird-one​​, @mariesackler, @yourbucky084​​, @woakiees​
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bush-viper-cutie · 3 years
Messages || Part 1
(Part 4 of The Crystal Ball)
Pairing: Snape x fem!reader
Word count: 9,099
Rating: M for Mature
Plot: Severus experiences a major bump in his relationship that he’s never experienced before. It’s easy to be confident in a working relationship when being together is a daily habit, but when the relationship turns long distance after summer is over, he just doesn’t know how to keep himself afloat.
Warnings: Sex scene :o (mainly at the end), tiny bit angsty
A/N: Hello everyone! :D This is part one of a two part arc within the crystal ball series so I hope I make sense in saying that Messages part 1 and Messages part 2 will both count as part 4 and 5 of the crystal ball XD (this one is long and part 2 might be just as long so I hope that’s ok :D) (also also this is officially the first of the 500 next part request… so 1 down, 499 to go XD) I hope everyone’s holidays went great! 
Posted: 12/31/20
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~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
Severus stood in front of his shelves of books, looking for new titles to introduce into the curriculum but none caught his eye. He ran his finger along the spines, dust coming off each one in a long streak and collected under his nail. They were all worn, their binding fabric once rich in texture now flush and smooth as the hard cover underneath. Their once-golden names rubbed off from excessive obsessive use from years of studies during and after his time as a Hogwarts student. His eyes followed his finger as he tried reading the titles, hoping one would spark a memory of a passage easy enough for his students to grasp.
I should introduce the Odd-Stir Method to the fifth years after winter holidays. I think Rotus explains it best – though I doubt they’d be able to get over his outdated terminology… I’d have to give them translation sheets though… Perhaps E. K Nimgo uses more appropriate language… even the densest of dunderheads should be able to understand her phrasing.
He’d reached the very last shelf and stood, clutching only two books from his collection and sighed, not entirely certain that his efforts to make brewing easier would even be appreciated. He wiped his finger on the rough fabric of his black vest and sighed, realizing he’d just created a very visible grey streak across his chest.
He heard a soft giggle and looked up, blushing at the beautiful woman leaning on the doorframe to the kitchen, watching him intently. Severus smiled and shook his hair to cover his face. He tapped the books in his hand with his finger, trying to draw her attention away from him in embarrassment. “Should I even try this year?”
She pushed herself from the doorframe and walked over to him slowly with a finger tapping her chin as if in thought. She slid her hands under his arms and pushed her face into his shoulder blade. “No – In fact, maybe take a break from teaching and stay here with me this year.” She’d been begging him for several weeks now as their summer fun was coming to an end.
He wanted so badly to say yes… But Dumbledore won’t allow it. It’s still too soon after… He sighed. He ran his hand along her arm and pulled it away, freeing himself to face her. “Help me pack these?” Her smile dropped and he almost winced. “You know I’ll just throw them in,” he whispered.
She nodded and gave a slight smile. “You’re so awful at packing, Sev.” She took the books from his hands and planted a kiss on his unready lips. Her smile widened at his look of joyous surprise and laughed. “You act like a schoolboy receiving his first ever kiss every time I do that.”
He pressed his palm to his mouth until he felt his stupid smile fade and frowned at her, removing his hand. “I do not. Besides… it’s hardly my fault.” He placed his hands on her hips and pulled her in for a proper kiss. He let his lips linger on hers and made sure to speak low, just how she liked. “I can’t control what you do to me.”
She bit her lip and pulled her chin down, looking up at him with innocent eyes that sparkled wickedly at him. Merlin help me. He slid his hands down her sides and played with the hem of her skirt, loving the invisible sparks of lust and tension popping in the air.
The flames of the candles scattered around the room flickered under the influence of their accidental magic, brought on by their subconscious need to dim the lights and set their favorite evening mood. His living room had never held any romance to it until her. It was the one room in the house whose floors were maintained perfectly clean. It was the one room where they constantly found themselves on the floor of.
A soft tapping from the kitchen pulled his eyes away from hers. Merlin, I didn’t mean literally. He sighed. “I have to answer back.”
She dropped her arms that had snaked their way around his neck and folded them over her chest. “I’ll go pack these into your trunk.”
He watched her march out of the room and listened to her footfall on the stairs, heavy with anger. The door to their room slammed and he headed into the kitchen. A large brown owl sat on the rim of the empty potted plants outside and tapped its beak to the window again.
“Silence already!” Severus swung the window open and took the letter from the owl’s beak. “Tell that man if he wishes to be enraging he’s doing a fine job. Next time he hands you a letter, wait for the next one.”
He tore the envelope open and read the fourth letter sent to him that day. ‘I forgot to remind you the lists will be sent out next week, though if you have the required textbooks ready, the sooner the better this year.’ Severus pinched the bridge of his nose and walked back into the living room, scribbled the title of the textbook his students had been using for the last three years and folded it up, not bothering with a new envelope.
He marched back to the owl and held the note out for it to take. “Try not to come back – or better yet, get lost on the way.”
It hooted and took the note, tapping the window once more for the apparent pure satisfaction of seeing Severus scowl and fluttered away. He closed the window with a tight snap and pulled the curtains closed. He headed out of the kitchen and looked around.
Where is she? It was around this time he’d normally sit down to read at his chair, only to be interrupted and asked to join her on the small couch instead so she could lean on him while she entertained herself with her own books – or on busy days, her work.
Severus crossed the room and headed into the foyer, stopping at the bottom of the stairs. He called out her name and listened. Silence.
He looked down at the long rug covering the center of the staircase. She’d found it on sale a couple of weeks ago and bought it for ‘the house’ claiming she was tired of the loud clomping of shoes on the stairs. Looking at the rug – along with the new matching towels and pillows and cushions for the couch – had made his chest feel unpleasantly tight for the first few days… Now he always felt a slight smile coming on when he noticed them. It was her way of moving in, knowing full well he was too scared to ask her to live with him in his grotty hovel of a house.
He headed up the steps and opened the door to their bedroom. She was laying on his side of the bed, face down on his pillow, with his books left out on his cluttered night stand. Her shoulders shook with silent sobs. He closed the door behind him and stood awkwardly at the end of the bed for a few seconds.
This is all my fault. If I’d never… Merlin. I regret everything but you. “I’m sorry,” Severus whispered.
She pushed herself up onto her forearms and turned to him, wiping her tears with the back of her hand. “Oh Sev. Please don’t go… You’ll be gone for so long – ten months! I’m going to miss you so much! It’s going to be so hard not coming home to you every day… Everything’s going to be so much harder without you around.” She closed her eyes and fell back onto his pillow, shaking more violently than before. “Who’s going to make me soup after I finish ranting about how awful my boss is?”
He could barely make out her muffled attempt to lighten the mood and smirked, trying not to feel the growing hurt of seeing her so upset. Severus moved to the side of the bed, holding in tears that mirrored her pain, and kicked the open trunk away. He knelt on the bed and pushed her on to her side, holding her tight the moment she sat up for a hug.
He stroked her hair and bit his lip. “It only seems hard now.” He swallowed thickly. “Trust me, you’ll forget you even want me around.” He forced out a chuckle. “You might even forget I exist.”
Her hands clawed his back, pulling him closer. He let her pull him onto the bed, careful not to crush her with his weight, and allowed her arms to keep him in her sweet embrace. She was still crying into his neck and all he could do was kiss her head and press his hands into her back, pulling himself closer. As much as his heart broke when she cried, a small part of him warmed at the idea of being wanted so bad it hurt.
He was used to his brain turning on him, trying to convince him she didn’t actually care for him, despite checking to make sure he’d eaten when she got back from work, asking how he’d slept every morning, and every other little show of affection. It often times told him the small frown she wore was because of him, something he’d done wrong, despite her whole face brightening at the sight of him. All summer he’d felt like he was sitting on the edge of his seat, dreading the day she’d wake from her trance and leave him. It was hard to accept his luck when all his life he’d had anything but that.
And now here she was under him, crying over the pain she swears she’ll feel not seeing him every day… and he can’t help but want to cry over just being loved so openly and plainly. He felt guilty.
It won’t last. He closed his eyes and held her closer to him, attempting to focus on her rugged breaths of sorrow and not the cruel words ringing in his ears. We’ve only spent three months together, no one could ever feel this way for me in such a small amount of time… Not me… Not Snivellus… Not ever.
She’ll forget about me after the first month apart – less even. I’ll only cause her pain for a handful of weeks and then… then she’ll be perfectly fine without me. He pulled away as her sobs calmed and kissed her smooth salty lips with the same longing he knew he’d feel the whole almost ten long months without her. “Everything will seem normal in a matter of months. I promise you won’t feel this for long.”
She wiped her eyes and gently pushed him off her, curling up to his side and shook her head. “No. It’ll hurt this bad and worse.” She sniffed and draped her arm over his middle, pulling him closer. “Will you go over the plan again?”
He nodded. “We’ll write letters every day. You’ll visit me every weekend at the Three Broomsticks. And twice on as many weekends as I can.”
She lifted her head and kissed his chin. When she pulled away, she was finally smiling up to her eyes behind her glimmering tears. “Promise me?”
The way she looked at him, with love and hope and need, made him want to melt on the spot. I promise you anything. He swallowed. “Of course.”
She pulled away and she was no longer smiling, instead searching his eyes for something. “I really will miss you, Sev.”
He nodded and sat up, feeling the strange tightness in his chest again. He felt goosebumps on his arm despite feeling no chills, and his shirt seemed oddly restricting again. “I’ll make us dinner. Anything you wish.” He kissed her cheek and turned away, swinging his legs over the bed. He stood and crossed the room to the door, opened it, and left, giving her just enough time to mumble ‘something creamy’ before he closed the door with a snap.
~ * ~ * ~
Severus stood over his trunk and started unpacking his things. The chamber was quiet and cold with new shining webs decorating the corners and connecting rows upon rows of glass jars. The fireplace cracked in the corner, vaguely illuminating the cavity he called his office, filling the air with the scents of cherry firewood, thickly sweet.
I should thank her for the new wood. She’ll surely gloat about being right, though just imagining her smiling is enough to be worth it. Severus grinned to himself and took out a folded piece of parchment where he’d been keeping notes on what to send in his letters since he’d left her at Kings Cross station. He jotted down the ‘thank you for the new fire wood’ she’d snuck into his trunk to help him relax and slipped it back into his vest.
“Ah, Severus. Finally here I see,” McGonagall’s voice echoed in. She stood on the threshold with hands on her hips, looking around at the state of things. “You’re normally on the first train back – You will be dusting won’t you? I’d give you my spell, but as you so kindly pointed out last year, it’s inelegant wording might disorganize your… ‘systemized assortment of components’… or as I call it – clutter.”
Severus rolled his eyes and faced her. “I had business.”
She arched her brow. “I see. Well welcome back, and I suggest you get started with Poppy soon, unfortunately several vials went bad over the summer – something about cheap valerian and the Ministry’s fat pockets – she’s been raging about it since she arrived. Afterwards I think Pomona’s having trouble reviving her oleanders.”
Severus nodded and waited until the crisp clacking of her heels could no longer be heard before gathering what he needed and headed out to his usual pre-term duties as the school’s only Potions Master.
After a long night of replenishing the hospital’s stocks, an early morning brewing Come-’Round serum, and an annoying evening spent with Sprout and her plants, dinner rolled around and he hardly noticed the maddening levels of screaming and laughing and talking coming from the house tables full of old and new students.  
“Severus,” McGonagall drew his sleepy attention to her. “Albus mentioned you expressed an interest in taking over monitoring the corridors at night.” She took a sip from her goblet.
Severus frowned. “I mentioned the need to double down on dawn and dusk hours. Not – ”
“That is a marvelous idea. I’m sure you will keep plenty of nosy students out of trouble this year.” She sipped her goblet again.
Severus blinked several times at her. “D-did you just hand over the entire position to me?”
She continued drinking as if he hadn’t spoken and turned back to her food, glancing over at him every so often to check if he was still glaring at her.
Severus grumbled to himself and turned back to his food. I miss ONE meeting and suddenly every tedious responsibility is handed off to me. Of course.
Soon the Great Hall was emptied of students as their prefects led them to their houses and Severus prepared himself for a short night’s rest. He spent three hours walking between corridors from one house entrance to the next, catching at least five students out after hours walking about the castle in the dead of night, and two in the early hours before the sun rose.
He sat back at the high table with a groan and stretched out his legs. The morning light filtered through the tessellated windows high above the tables and reflected off the maple-glazed sausages and glittering butter that melted over his toast.
A familiar wood owl soared down and landed on the top rail of his chair, hooting happily with an elegantly ribbon-wrapped note clutched tight in his foot. Severus suppressed a grin, keeping his usual scowl plastered over his face, and took the note, quickly unraveling it from its pink satin bindings.
2 September
My dearest Severus,
You have not replied to the letter I sent yesterday. How was the train ride and our first night apart in months? I missed you more than you could ever imagine. You said I’d be glad to have the bed to myself, but for the second night in a row I have missed your warmth and your embrace. I fear to even wash the sheets and erase your all too alluring scent… Although I will. When did we last wash them? A week ago? Please fake your death and come back to me.
Your already forgotten girlfriend.
‘Girlfriend’, his heart skipped as his eyes reread the word. He felt a strange forgotten ache deep in his core, of sleepless nights as a student wondering if he’d ever have someone to call his. It was within these very stone walls that he’d muttered curses under his breath at any student that pointed out the fact he was alone and would forever be alone. He’d been wrong, and it was a pain he wished he could go back and relieve from his younger self. He took out his quill, flipped the note over and smoothed it’s curves on the dark oak table.
2 September
My unforgettable girlfriend,
I’ve officially taken over monitoring the corridors at night. It seems McGonagall is trying to remedy my insomnia with hours of walking the halls like a soul-lost mummy in the deep caverns of Khufu’s temple. I caught seven just last night, and apparently my reprimands were deemed ‘unfair’ and ‘dumb’ by these pests we call students.
He paused.
Also, thank you for the logs. They were nice, but I will switch them out soon for something more menacing.
He folded the note and handed it back to her owl, who had been intently watching his quill feather jitter as he wrote. Her owl took the note in its beak and joined the dozens of other owls leaving through the windows.
Although the letter had suppressed his stress for a few minutes, it soon bubbled back up as the bells rang for the start of lessons. As he’d expected, none of the students had done an ounce of studying over the summer, resulting in the floors being covered in melted stirring rods, the high ceilings dripping with fluorescent watery syrup, and six cracked cauldrons from high-tempered concoctions.
But of course I’M the one writing to the ministry about replacing six cauldrons. If it were up to me, each one of those brats responsible would be writing apology letters begging for new cauldrons themselves. He started writing out the letter towards the Ministry’s Educational Mayhem Funds Committee explaining the need for new ones and how he would supposedly prevent the need for more. Perhaps suggesting teaching dogs instead is not a reasonable approach.
He skipped dinner and by the time it was a quarter to nine, he set out patrolling the corridor and this time checked every broom-closet twice. He slept, and by dawn was up again, pacing floors until the smell of eggs and citrus filled the passageways, wafting in from the kitchen vents.
Breakfast, he sighed. He made his way down and took his usual seat. At some point between his first and second poached egg-topped buttered crumpet the familiar aspen-feathered owl landed on his chair, delivering a newly ribboned note.
3 September
My hardworking boyfriend,
I do not envy those under your authority. I’m sure in the coming week, everyone will remember how strictly you rule the corridors and classrooms and will choose to stop breaking the rules. Perhaps slapping the desk harder while you yell will really make them quiver in their shoes. Speaking of heavy hands… will I see you at the end of this week? I miss visiting Hogsmeade and especially the butterbeer from the Three Broomsticks. This weekend will be a MUCH needed break from work and everything that reminds me of my boss’s red warty face. He’s driving me mad. Come down and hex him for me, won’t you Sev?
Yours always,
A previous pest.
Severus chuckled and replied immediately.
Do not tease, especially since the weekend is two days away – it feels like a lifetime when imprisoned within these walls. I shall see about a room at the Three Broomsticks. Regardless, Saturday for lunch. Noon exactly.
He handed the owl her note and stuffed the new ribbon in his pocket with the other. ‘Heavy hands’. He pressed his elbows to the table and his fists to his growing grin. He was sure Sprout would let him pick a few of her bluebonnets to take with him. It’d be a lovely surprise he was sure she’d more than appreciate.
He pushed away from the table and made his way out of the Great Hall towards the dungeons. His first lesson of the day was in a few hours. The first years are probably running Pomphrey dry on the Dreamless Sleep elixir. She’ll likely ask me about it this weekend… If I get started on it now ­–
The library doors opened and a shrill voice called out to him. “Oh! Professor Snape!” The new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher came marching up to him with a determined look about her. “I was told to seek your advice – Professor if you have the time.”
Severus kept from rubbing at his temples and breathed out in what almost sounded like a groan. “In what are you seeking council?”
The new professor shook her head, her large bun bobbing from side to side, and placed her hands on her hips. “The library does not stock extra copies of the books I have assigned as required textbooks. I was told you’d had this problem when you first began teaching?”
Do not remind me. “Ah… yes. The library will not stock books outside the Ministry’s recommended reading. You could try convincing… Dumbledore,” the word rolled off his tongue distastefully. “But the Headmaster prefers leaving it up to the professors to figure out.” Severus turned to leave.
The woman laughed. “Is that your advice? Figure it out myself?”
Severus turned back and narrowed his eyes. “If the books you are seeking… are not stocked. Then they are not from the list the Ministry has provided you – as I’m sure you know, as we receive updated lists every summer. That means either your book is considered too dangerous – ”
“It’s not! I would hardly call unicorns and counter-clockwise counting clocks dangerous when – ”
“Or,” Severus interrupted, lowering his voice to a dangerous whisper. “They are too expensive. If some students cannot afford the textbooks, then it is your job to provide them or incorporate them into a learning plan.” Severus turned on his heels and started walking briskly down the dungeon stairs.
“And am I supposed to make a learning plan after term has already begun!”
He kept walking without turning back. “That IS the situation you find yourself in. Yes,” he yelled back. How many more of these incompetent teachers will Hogwarts endure before Dumbledore allows me the position? Talk about maddening ‘bosses’.
Severus hadn’t even sat in his chair for more than a few minutes before his fireplace burned with flames alit with minor Floo powder.
“Severus.” McGonagall’s voice drawled from within the flames.
Severus pinched his eyes closed. “Minerva,” he hissed.
“As much as I enjoy watching new teachers flop around from task to task, it is not me that applies for the Defense Against the Dark Arts position every summer. Perhaps showing some initiative would propel Albus to take you more seriously next year.”
He could hear the amused smile in her voice. He seethed in his chair for a minute. “Last time I ‘showed initiative’ I was given the whole bloody task. I am NOT filling my schedule with her poor attempt at education.” He thought for a moment. “Unless.”
McGonagall sighed. “What do you want, Severus.”
“I will be gone this weekend. Saturday and Sunday… And sometimes other weekends as well.”
The bright green flames flickered over the cherry firewood and a log fell, sparking tinier flames for a few seconds before the larger ones engulfed them.
The fire cracked and then died down to the normal short flames that he liked. Well that solves that.
~ * ~ * ~
Severus stared at the densely grown purple wildflowers that filled the smallest planter in the greenhouse. The cool blues and purples of the bonnet-shaped petals made his mouth turn up in a smile, mirroring the very same one he knew he’d receive if he showed up to his date with these in hand. He clipped diagonal cuts into the stems and wrapped them in the two ribbons he’d kept from her letters. The pure pink of the ribbons shined brightly among the mellow blues of the flowers. Perfect.
Severus carefully tucked the bouquet in his inner cloak pocket and headed out towards the gate. Not feet from the door of the greenhouse he heard Madam Pomphrey calling his name from the castle doors.
“Ah! Severus! Glad to catch you before you left.” She waited for Severus to approach her. “The first years have just about drained my supplies of Dreamless Sleep. Minerva suggested having some flown in from that new shop across from Zonkos but I refuse to give the students anything I wouldn’t just make myself.”
Then why have ME make it? Severus sighed. “Of course… I’ll have that for you Monday.”
“No sooner?”
Severus refrained from frowning. “No sooner.” He turned – noticing Pomphrey’s eyes glancing down at the purple pollen smudged on his black cloak – and headed towards the gate.
~ * ~ * ~
Hogsmeade was busier now than it was when Hogsmeade trips started for students. He guessed it was because there was only one month during the year where there were no loud and screaming children bumping into people out on the streets or taking up unnecessary room in shops. If he’d realized just how pact the day would be, he’d have suggested meeting in the room he had gotten instead of out on the street.
He sat on one of the benches near the Three Broomsticks and took out his small journal, hunching over to see his small writing. On Mondays and Wednesdays I can help plan defense lessons in the mornings, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays will have to be in the evenings, so those days will have to be plans for the following day which means this Monday or Wednesday I’ll have to help plan two lessons… Sunday I can get back early… I’ll only be able to brew a fourth of the stock… I can catch up on it next Sunday if my visits with her are just Saturdays… at least for only a week or two. He quickly scribbled down his plans.
Two hands pulled his hair up out of his eyes, and he found himself staring at a pair of shiny heels. He trailed his eyes up her legs and looked up, squinting at her smiling face already diving down for a kiss on his forehead.
“Sorry I’m late.”
Severus quickly stood and took out the flowers he’d picked just for her.
She smiled so bright her eyes glowed with delight. “Sev!” She took them and jumped onto him, clinging onto his neck.
He felt his face go red and cleared his throat, acutely aware of just a few stares pointed their way. She didn’t let go of him, however. She held on tight and all he wanted was to breath her in so desperately. To pick her up and twirl her and never let go, but there were so many people. He forced a simple hug and pulled her away. The room! It should be available already.
“What’s that little smile on your face for?” She arched a brow, hugging her flowers tight.
Severus bent down and pushed her silky hair behind her ear, gently tracing his lips on the soft ridges of her ear. “Room? Now?” Am I a barbarian? I haven’t seen her all week and all I can muster are two single-syllable words? He pulled back and watched as her teeth bit down her plump lower lip.
“Take me away, Severus,” she whispered.
His brain had turned into dense fog and all he could think to do was nod and take her hand, leading her inside. He slinked past groups of people thunderously enjoying their early morning drinks and up the stairs, gripping her hand tight, making sure not to lose out on a single second of feeling her skin on his.
He pulled out his key and slipped it in the lock, turning it until it clicked, and opened the door. The room had a single bed and closed curtains, which was really all they would need tonight. What if she was expecting something better? He couldn’t afford any of the nicer, larger rooms available.
He turned and watched her saunter in, paying no attention to the room and only to him as he closed the door with his heel. Her intense sultry eyes eyed him up and down as she bit her lip, taking him in like a cold sweet treat left out for her to have on a hot summer’s day. His face went red again, and he could remember the feel of her hands all over him, begging him to give himself to her to do with at her whim.
Did she lick her lips? He swallowed.
“My Severus,” she whispered.
Mind blank, he lunged for her lips and they both fell onto the bed. His hands roamed over the fabric of her dress, outlining her figure with a yearning need. She moaned and squirmed under him, making his temperature rise with desire. In one swift move, she had him pinned down, her knees straddling his hips. Her lips teased light bruises onto his neck and a deep moan escaped his mouth.
Before the new hour had even struck, they were already under the covers in an embrace deeper than ever before. Physically, the positions were the same, needy and wild; emotionally, his soul couldn’t get enough. Her scent, her touch, every minute sound that escaped her lips, breathy or fierce, sent a fire down his body. He’d missed her so much.
“Severus!” she moaned in his ear, holding him down with a shaky grip. Her body tensed with pleasure and finally relaxed onto him, limp with euphoria.
He shivered and closed his eyes, keeping the same steady rhythm that had undone her. His hands gripped her hips and pushed her down as his heels dug into the mattress and his own hips pressed up. She was huffing in his ear, moaning, whimpering. And with the same sudden flowing energy, he followed in her pleasure. He wrapped his arms around her as the waves washed over him and hugged her tight as their breaths caught and their rhythmic movements ceased, fully satisfied.
He smiled and chuckled, laughing louder as her giggles bubbled out as well. “The room was a good idea.”
“I see you can form sentences once again.” She laughed and pushed herself up to kiss his face.
He blushed, wishing she hadn’t noticed how utterly speechless her presence had left him in only a single week of not seeing her. “Yes – well – ” Merlin, a sentence! Finish a sentence. He cleared his throat. “Lunch? Er – Would you like to send for some lunch to have in here?”
She bit her lip, poorly hiding a wide grin, and nodded. “You can go order for me. I’ll be right back.” She took her clothes and headed into the bathroom, leaving the door ajar like she always did before a shower.
He dressed quickly, headed down to the bar and ordered two meals and a few drinks. It only took a few minutes to receive his order despite the crowd of wizards and witches sitting at tables talking with friends. He flicked his wand and the meal led the way back up the stairs and into the room.
The rest of the day was spent eating and laughing on the bed, talking about mainly her work or things she’d added to his house – or ‘the’ house as they had been ‘sneakily’ calling it. He liked it, maybe this summer it could be ‘our’ house. After several drinks and hours spent in each other’s arms, they got ready for bed.
Severus wrapped his arms around her, squeezing them between the mattress and her back, and rested his head on her chest. He closed his eyes as she played with his long hair, curled it in her fingers, and smoothed it out with her palm. Within seconds sleep seeped into every corner of his mind.
~ * ~ * ~  
Although breaking the news that he had to leave early that Sunday had soured their last hours together, Severus felt far more relaxed as the week went on. His memories of her warmth and softness were renewed and he could put more focus into his work, knowing what the ends of the weeks would more or less look like now.
Of course he had told her that the following weekend date would have to be canceled if only to ensure that the rest would remain free. He still had potions to restock in the hospital wing that took several days to brew single batches. And that lesson plan, he grumbled to himself.
The full week that followed had felt like one long trek up a mountain, only to reach the peak and see more mountain to climb. The weekend was spent slumped over one of his brewing tables with an elbow dug into the wood and his head glued to his palm. He stirred and stirred for hours, waited for the potion to turn purple, and then stirred for longer.
He ran his hands through his hair, trying to replicate the feel of her fingers brushing through his greasy tendrils, and sighed, wiping his hand on his trousers. The room was quiet except for the slow pop of bubbles and he knew if she’d been in the room he’d have had to demand she leave, unable to brew under the tight squeeze of her hugs. He lifted his head off his palm and wrapped his arm around his middle, hugging himself close as his other hand stirred.
Once the tall jars were filled and stoppered, he walked them down to Madam Pomphrey’s office and headed to dinner. His eyes narrowed on a group of students suspiciously whispering to each other. Hufflepuffs. It was no coincidence dessert tonight was the Hufflepuff favorite, honey-stuffed bear biscuits. Their house door was only a corridor away from the kitchens and there was always left overs of this particular dessert for some reason. Sprout denied having anything to do with it, Of course.
He waited in his office watching the clock and smiled as the hands marked the start of After Hours. He stood and smoothed out his teaching robe, preparing for an eventful night of patrolling. He started with the other houses first, going from top floors to the bottom, and allowing the Hufflepuffs plenty of time.
He finished his dungeon rounds and headed up to the main corridor. He crossed it with a light stroll, and turned the few corners into the Hufflepuff and kitchen passageway. The kitchen door was left ajar, and a creamy warm light seeped into the shadows. Severus stalked through the dark and pushed the heavy kitchen door wider, observing the chaos in secret.
Six Hufflepuffs stuffed the cookies into sheer golden bags and tied them around their hips by the stings like valued coin. Two were reaching for the jars of deep golden syrup placed high above cabinets while the others overloaded the biscuits with slices of grilled pear chunks.
He stepped into the kitchen and held his hands behind his back, glaring at the back of their heads. He could see their shoulders tense one by one until they all stopped their movements and turned around ever so slowly.
Severus licked his lips and lowered his voice to a growl. “Detentions. Scrubbing cauldrons and boiling devilpods.” Severus flicked his wand and every last treat disappeared from their sticky hands. He marched them to their house door and slammed it hard behind them.
He was half way to his office when it suddenly dawned on him. Six detentions? Where in Merlin’s shiny bald head would he fit six hours of detention supervision in his schedule? His hands fisted at his sides and an angry growl roared out of him into the darkness.
“Shhh!” A portrait hushed from up the nearest stairs.
Potions. Severus stalked down the dungeons stairs. Lesson Plans. He threw his office door open. Detentions! He slammed the door shut and glared as a jar threatened to topple off his shelf. “When does it end!” he snarled.
It was two weeks into the first term and his patience had already run dry. If he wasn’t going to see her this weekend either, then there was no reason to hold out on punishments for misbehaving brats. There was no more scraping the bottom of the barrel for mercy for any student or coworker.
His words dripped with venom, his actions were sharp, and what little restraint he had shriveled and died. Everywhere he went the whispers followed, ‘Careful, Professor Snape is coming this way.’
~ * ~ * ~
20 September
Of course. Next weekend it is then. I miss you, Sev.
Yours Always
Severus sighed and pinched his eyes closed. The guilt in his gut had clawed its way into his veins and was now circulating his whole body, making him cold with worry. This was the second weekend he canceled on her and after expecting anger, she’d delivered a short but loving message showing how much patience she had for him.
20 September
I’m sorry. I miss you too. I’m sorry, truly.
Yours, Severus
He handed his reply to one of the school owls in the owlry and watched it fly off into the greying sky. The wind was chilly as it brushed passed his nose and hair, sending goosebumps down his arms. He stuck his hands in his pockets and squeezed his eyes shut as more guilt shivered up his core. She hadn’t yet mentioned the fact he wasn’t replying every day to her letters anymore, and that made him all the more scared. Was that her way of telling him she had expected he wouldn’t keep up with his promise?
Merlin, I’m an awful boyfriend. He forced a trembling laugh. Couples were supposed to hug and kiss and lay in each other’s arms and talk often weren’t they? He didn’t know anymore. It had seemed so easy over the summer. He’d felt so proud when she called him her boyfriend, especially when he knew he was doing everything right. Bringing her flowers, helping her with work, complimenting her every morning and night before and after work. He’d felt he earned the title.
But I don’t deserve it now. He barely talked to her, had broken all his promises, kept canceling on her, I keep disappointing her. He began walking down the spiraling stairs down the owlry, hardly taking in his surroundings, mind haunted by his past. Words floated in his head, voices that made him tense with rage. ‘Stop lookin’ Snivellus. You’ll never find a girl who’ll ever want you.’ The walk from the owlry to the dungeons was a tormented blur.
His office glowed green as the fireplace flames waved on an old burnt log, an inch high and ready to fizzle out. He wiped his nose on his sleeve and picked up one of the cherry wood cuts. He wrapped his arms around it and carried it into his room, placed it in the fireplace, and shot red sparks from his wand into it.
It caught fire instantly and soon a thick sweet scent filled the air. He wrapped his cloak around himself, still feeling the cold chill from the outside, and fell onto his mattress, pressing his face into his pillow. He welcomed the summer memories, allowing them to fill every crevice of his mind.
He missed the way she looked at him. Missed the way his heart skipped every time she did. He closed his eyes tighter and started to sob into his pillow. I miss her hugs. I miss her warmth. He couldn’t even explain to himself how much he missed just rambling to her about small unimportant things and blushing when she actually paid attention to him. It was hard to experience the fullness of their relationship over letters and two-day visits alone. And even harder now that he couldn’t even keep up with that.
He wiped his face and huffed roughly, turning onto his back. He felt exhausted and depleted and it didn’t take any effort at all to close his eyes. He gave one final sigh and – Fuck. I have essays to grade.
~ * ~ * ~
28 September
I’ll see you soon! Same room, order dinner, bring it up, and close your eyes! No peeking and no barging in! I’ve got a little surprise…
Severus smiled and put the letter in his pocket. He picked up the bronze key that she’d slipped into the envelope and ran his finger over the smooth edges. She’d picked the same room he had gotten them. Either she was as broke as he, Or that room actually meant something to her now. He leaned back in his office chair and crossed his arms, holding the key close to his heart.
There was a knock at the door and he quickly slipped the key in his pocket and sat forward. “Enter.”
McGonagall pushed the door open. She stepped in and sighed happily, looking around at his dusted shelves and turned, quickly erasing her look of satisfaction. “Well, Severus. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I must. Your requests to hold the meetings for week days next month have been denied. There are too many teachers and everyone is busy most class days.”
Severus gave her no response and stared at his hands as they began to tremble. He squeezed them into fists and pressed them to his knees.
She looked him over from across the room and frowned. “However, like always, Hogsmeade visits will be kept free… The meetings will be held on the weekends between Hogsmeade visits, and there are only two…” She stood for a few seconds, still looking at him, as if having expected some note of frustration from him, or any sort of disgruntled response. “You’ll only be missing two weekends…”
“I’ll have missed four in total by next month,” he whispered.
McGonagall crossed the room and waved her hand over the empty space in front of his desk, summoning one of her office chairs to sit in. “Might I ask what it is you’re missing out on?”
Severus leaned away and kept his eyes down, his hair falling over his face like protective curtains. McGonagall and him had never talked about anything other than lessons, Hogwarts, or the Ministry. She hardly knew anything about him and he had never asked a thing about her.
“Does it have something to do with whoever you gave those flowers to?” She smiled when he scowled at her. “Poppy might have mentioned…”
Severus looked away again, deciding to fix his energy on glaring at his burnt fire log and the bit of charred entrails he’d accidently dropped last time he prepared a potion in here.
McGonagall stood up and waved her hand over her chair. “I’ll see to it that after October, you get the weekends free, as you requested.” She looked around at his unswept floor and tisked. “Let me know if you need that spell I mentioned.” She fixed her emerald green hat and left his office.
Severus stared at the door and nodded. He had no doubt she’d keep her word. Some bad news… but mainly good? Maybe I won’t entirely ruin tonight with this.
~ * ~ * ~
The Three Broomsticks was just as crowded as before, except the wizards all looked like they’d stopped bothering to take any sort of sobering tonics. Severus ordered their dinner, sparing no expense. Cheesy onion rings, three types of dips, a lettuce salad, fruit salad, battered fish with onion gravy and mash, toad in the hole, two drinks, and garlic chips to share. It was a feast of everything she loved and anything she could be in the mood for tonight and anything they wouldn’t eat he was sure she’d be glad to take back with her.
He waved his wand and followed the trays up the stairs, hissing at rowdy wizards that almost bumped into the food as he went, and stood outside the door. He closed his eyes and knocked. He heard it open and a surprised gasp.
“Are we dining with the Queen?”
Severus’ lips pulled up into a coy grin. “I’m dining with a queen.”
She giggled and pulled him in by his cloak and shut the door behind him. She slid her arms around him from behind and pressed her chin into his shoulder, holding him close. Her breath fanned over the ridges of his ear as she spoke low and quiet. “Then you are my king.”
Severus bit his lips and opened his eyes. There were a few candles hovering around the room and red sparkling petals on the floor. He could feel himself shaking with anticipation and before he could tempt himself, he moved forward and placed the trays of food on the table by the closed curtains.
“Turn around, Sev.”
He let out a shaky breath. Whatever the surprise. I don’t deserve this. He swallowed and spun on his heel slowly, dragging his sight along the floor and stopped at her silver heels. His eyes trailed up her legs, her curves, her glowing face, and flowing hair. She wore silver lace that sparkled with her eyes and a sheer flowing green night gown with feathers at the cuffs and hem of the wide trail.
A heat started burning at his core, and his face flushed red with color. She was wearing his house colors again and an immediate rush of greed flowed through his veins. Since he was young it had been instilled in him what those colors meant. Silver and green were a Slytherin’s pride, a Slytherin’s territory, it meant it was Slytherin owned.
He trailed his gaze all over her body. “Mine,” he growled.
She bit her lip and slowly let the sheer gown drop and pool at her feet. He crossed to her and let his hands roam over her soft skin and plump curves, squeezing and gripping with need and want. She pressed herself closer, putting pressure on his hardened member and looked up at him. He met her eyes and whimpered; her eyes sparkled with a wildness that sent shivers down his spine.
“I need you,” he huffed, his voice low. He reached down and squeezed her curves, pressing her closer into him, feeling the pressure on him mount and the tense heat between them rise.
“I need you too, my wonderful boyfriend,” she whispered.
His breath caught in his throat. ‘Wonderful boyfriend.’ He looked at the deep red petals on the bed and pulled away. He squeezed his hands together, trying to stop the shaking but all it did was make it spread down his whole body.
She frowned with concern. “Severus?”
His breath came out in huffs and he squeezed his eyes shut, feeling hot stinging tears run down his icy cheeks, cold with dread. I have to tell her now. I can’t wait ‘till after. I can’t… I can’t –
“Severus?” she repeated more urgently and pressed her palms to his jaw. She ran her thumbs over his cheeks and wiped away the river of tears. “Tell me,” she whispered.
He sniffed and sat on the edge of the bed, bending his head low enough for his hair to fall forward, shielding him from the world. “I’m not a good boyfriend,” he sobbed. “I haven’t been responding to your letters… I’ve been canceling our dates… And – I have to cancel two more. I can only see you during Hogsmeade visits next month and – ”
She sat next to him on the bed and pulled him into her, rubbing her hand up and down his back gently. “I know you’re busy, Sev. That doesn’t make you a bad boyfriend. Your job as a professor keeps you in the castle… and that’s ok…”
“It’s not ok…” He wrapped his arm around her waist and pressed his nose into the crook of her neck. “You were crying all summer and I promised you – ”
“I was just scared, Sev. I’m so sorry. I was so upset and I missed you so much already that I made you promise me something you couldn’t keep, just to make myself feel better…”
He nuzzled closer and ran his hand down her arm.
“You’ve done nothing wrong, Sev. I should have asked you to send me notes and messages only when you had time… I shouldn’t have put you in a position to cancel dates we’d planned before the school year even started… You’re everything I want. I promise… Dates on Hogsmeade visits sound wonderful.”
He sobbed once more, taking in her words. He didn’t feel she had any hate or loathing, only understanding and care for him. He wasn’t used to this. I don’t deserve her. And yet here she was, giving herself to him, accepting him, caring for him, even after he’d broken his promise and disappointed her countless times. He let his nose trail up her neck and pressed his lips to her warm skin. She tilted her head in response, exposing more of her neck for him and all he could think to do was kiss her tender skin harder.
She giggled and pushed him away with a wink. She moved herself up the bed and laid back against the pillows, moving her finger to motion him over. He followed her, kicking off his shoes and kissed her lips, exploring her mouth with his tongue. He crouched over her, cornering her, and moaned when her legs wrapped around his waist. Her hands ran up and down his thighs as his own hands tore at the delicate lace she wore, unwrapping her like a gift.
He leaned down and began marking her with needy kisses, leaving red marks all over her chest and replacing the ones that disappeared with newer ones. She held him close, encouraging more as her hands played with his long hair. He let his tongue slide out and licked over sensitive areas with hunger. With every moan she gave he grew harder, finally needing to undo the buttons of his constricting trousers.
Her hands found him, and released him from his pants. He groaned and pressed himself against her while her fingers got to work on the buttons of his jacket, vest, and shirt. He slid himself between her lips only, rocking himself, groaning as their bodies began to grind with eagerness.
He tore his mouth away from hers and shrugged off his clothes quickly, sliding off his trousers and pants and threw everything out of his way, unable to keep from her any longer. He closed his eyes and moaned as he slid in slowly, enjoying himself fully. He looked down and pulled back out just as slow and made sure he was fully slicked and glistening before pushing back in all the way and cuddling into her open arms.
“I love you Sev,” she moaned.
He moved his hips slow as he held her, savoring every sensation. He was warm and secure in her arms, like he often felt when they cuddled in bed after long days. He hugged her close and closed his eyes, moaning into her neck with every push he gave. He felt close to her, confident in their shared affection for each other and he realized there was never anything to fear. He moaned and trembled in her embrace as he built up their pleasure slow and steady, knowing soon the romantic mood would dissolve into pure lust and need. He needed to show her how much he loved her with every pleasurable push he gave.
She’s getting wetter, he couldn’t help but notice. Nor could he help the sudden throb he gave at that thought. I need her. He pushed his hips harder and whimpered at her moan. Her hands tangled in his hair and pulled, sending a jolt of electricity down his spine. The slow give and take of his movements turned into hard pounds sending more vivid waves of pleasure throughout his body and hers.
Severus pressed into her, holding her tighter, pounding faster, making sure every wave was immediately replaced by the next. He groaned and held her locked in place as every ripple of pleasure was followed by his name moaned in his ear. He breathed out shakily as her legs wrapped around his waist squeezed tighter and her back arched. Her nails raked across his back as he pounded harder, faster, until her breath caught and her muscles stiffened.
He throbbed as she tightened around him and pushed harder as she relaxed under his weight, letting him press his body back into her inviting curves that cushioned him so perfectly. His breathing was rugged, gasping, trying hard to hold out longer, feeling the pleasure begin to boil over. He dug his face into her neck as the final tidal wave crashed over him and the perfect rhythm he had going broke with every throb he gave deep inside her.
“You’re made for me,” he gasped, shuddering as the wave washed over every nerve in his body. He relaxed completely and her arms held him tighter as she rubbed slow circles on his back.
She pushed his chin up with her finger and kissed his nose. “We’re made for each other. Soulmates.” She whispered.
The message from fate couldn’t be any clearer as they caught their breathes and breathed each other in. They had thoroughly enjoyed not only each other’s bodies, but their hearts and souls as well in this blissful evening.
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
(Part 4 of The Crystal Ball)
General taglist:
Thank you to those who requested a fourth part and for all the lovely comments on part three and messages in my ask box (which I will answer in the coming days :D )!
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inkedtae · 4 years
pretty boy ⇾ jjk. [M]
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𝓅𝒶𝒾𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔 ⇾ shy!jungkook x reader (f.)
𝑔𝑒𝓃𝓇𝑒 ⇾ f2secretlovers, smut, fluff
𝓈𝓊𝓂𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓎 ⇾ he’s just a pretty boy, a pretty boy ~ you wanna be his pretty toy
𝓌𝑜𝓇𝒹 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓃𝓉 ⇾ 4k
𝓌𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈 ⇾ trying to stay quiet sex, bathroom sex, playful sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it folks), switch!jungkook, slight degradation kink, vibrator play, oral (m. receiving), cock slapping, spanking, creampie, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, boxer sniffing, also jungkook has a brow piercing (idk it just felt right)
𝒶𝓊𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓇'𝓈 𝓃𝑜𝓉𝑒 ⇾ ain’t he a pretty boy? this is extremely unedited. please do not leave hate towards me or any other readers. please do not copy, repost, or translate any of my work without my permission. here’s some more kookie kontent for you. i’m just here to feed both of our addictions. if you have any requests, please send them my way. enjoy!
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A blush tinted the tips of Jungkook’s ears as he tried his best to stay focused on the conversation before him. He could feel you staring to his right. You’d been keeping your eyes trained on him for a while now, clearly not complying with the rules you had set together. 
Rule number five: no staring. It always turned into eye-fucking the moment your gazes collided. And from there, it was hard not to be obvious, his bulge denting his pants and your thighs pressing together all too excitedly. In your defence, you did try not to stare. You even somehow sparked up a conversation with Yoongi about why cereal disgusted him, doing your best to get lost in the absurd topic.
 But, he was just so pretty. His long wavy hair parted in the middle to expose his forehead. You never really thought the sight of a fucking forehead could be your undoing, yet there you were, biting your lip at the sight. The parting also exposed the new little silver piercing over the arch of his brow he had gotten a few weeks ago. Paired with his doe-like eyes, the image was dangerous. 
He ran a tattooed hand through his hair before curling it behind his ear. It took every ounce of you to not walk up to him and shower his face with kisses, sucking on his lips, maybe even licking at that new piercing again. Images from two nights ago flooded back to you, intoxicating you with want. Two nights is too long away from him and his touch. But, being the competitive guy he was, Jungkook was hell-bent on not letting Jin be right. 
“I bet you’d get together before Namjoon gets his license,” Jin had laughed, nudging Namjoon who always happened to be caught in the cross-fire.
Jungkook, having already asked you out the night before, had fallen silent. He spared you a glance before shyly muttering, “try me.”
Jin raised a brow, looping his arm around Namjoon’s neck. “When you’re getting your license, Joon?” he had asked. When Namjoon refused to answer, adamant on saying out of this (as you were), Jin continued, “right after Jungkook asks out (Y/N), right?”
A sudden jolt of low vibrations pulsed in your pussy and pulled you right out of your thoughts. You jumped a bit in surprise, Yoongi staring at his hands as he spoke, unfazed by your discomfort. Your panicked eyes shot back to Jungkook, who had a smug smile playing on his lips. His hand was in his pocket, fingers subtly moving beneath the dark jean fabric. 
The vibrations intensified slightly, making you shudder in your seat. You sat back and bit your lip to keep from moaning his name. You knew he was going to be playing with you today. He had texted you that morning asking you to insert that baby red vibrator he got you in your pussy before coming over. You were buzzing with excitement the whole day. You sat alone most of the time and waited for the playing to start, your pussy clenching around the toy in need of some friction. And he chose now, when you were in the middle of a conversation with one of his best friends, to set it off.
“And that’s why I stopped eating cereal,” Yoongi finished.
You blinked repeatedly, tearing your needy gaze away from a proud looking Jungkook and onto Yoongi. “Hmm?” you hummed, voice catching back moans. “Oh, yeah, me too.” You hoped that was a good enough reply to whatever the hell he was going on about. 
Yoongi furrowed his brows, muttering, “Hoseok spat soju in your bowl too?” You were about to reassure him that wasn’t the case, hoping to come up with some passabe lie in a steady voice but Yoongi was already getting up from his place on the couch, shouting at Hoseok. 
“Yah, Hoseok! The fuck did we say about the soju, man?” 
Jimin and Taehyung began stifling their laughter, raising their comics up to hide their smiles. In fact, everyone seemed to be trying to contain their amusement. Namjoon and Jin turned away from Jungkook, staring between Yoongi and Hoseok, who was previously enjoying a bowl of cereal himself. All attention was on them, except for Jungkook’s. He met your gaze before his eyes began trailing up and down your curves. 
You were wearing one of his shirts, tightening it just above your waist to fit it to your frame while your tight high-waisted jeans clothed the rest of you. He bit his lip and raised that pierced brow then silently slipped away from Jin and Namjoon. You waited a moment, rolling your hips out of habit from the pleasure the vibrator offered, then followed him. Yoongi’s and Hoseok’s argument got louder, Jin having himself a laugh and Namjoon trying to decide when exactly to cut in as you trembled your way down the hall. 
You peeked into Jungkook’s room, noticing it was dark before looking down the hall to find him leaning his back against the doorframe of the bathroom. He looked back at you, a shy smile playing on his lips. He had his phone out of his pocket now, visibly swiping his thumb up and down the screen. Rule number three: always opt for a room with a lock. The risk was thrilling but winning was better, Jungkook had told you. 
With a quick glance over your shoulder, you made sure no one had followed and hurried over to him. He slipped his phone back into his pockets, the vibrator still buzzing within, and placed his hands on your hips. Yours found their usual place on his shoulders. He pressed your bodies together only to turn you around and back you into the washroom. You smiled up at him, waiting for the door to shut and lock before letting your moans tumble out of your mouth. 
Jungkook chuckled to himself at your needy state, the corners of his eyes crinkling with delight. He then kissed you to muffle the sound of your moans. His lips always tasted vaguely of vanilla and raspberries. You grew familiar with the taste of them very quickly, craving raspberries whenever you were missing him. 
He let his hands fall to your ass to roughly grip your cheeks and pressed your crotch against his hardening length. “You were staring,” he muttered against your lips, pulling back for a quick breath before his lips were on yours again. 
You circled your hips against him, too consumed by the buzz of the vibrator to care about what you did or didn’t do. The shouts from the living room got louder and Jungkook took advantage of it, smacking his hand down on your ass, groping at the round flesh again. 
You gasped into his lips, cupping his face and pulling back only enough to meet his gaze. He looked down at you, imitating your pouty lips and wide eyes. You knew he was teasing you but it only made him look even prettier. You pecked the freckle under his lip as a means of an apology for breaking one of the rules. 
Jungkook melted against you, immediately forgiving your action. You knew acting cute and innocent always got you what you wanted with him. It was the whole reason he agreed to buy you a vibrator to begin with. He was too shy and nervous to enter the sex shop alone, holding your small hand with both of his large ones as you scoured between the aisles. He wore his black bucket hat low and a matching face mask to hide his reddening cheeks. All it took was one little innocent look from you for him to buy what he really wanted as he grabbed the box of the baby red vibrator. 
His hands circled to your front, ready to unbutton and undress you, but you held his wrist. Confusion washed over his pretty features at the unusual contact. You shuddered a bit from the pleasure against your walls, earning a smirk from him, then lowered yourself onto your knees. 
He blushed deeply, brows shooting up at you in surprise.This wasn’t the first time you’ve gotten on your knees for him, nor will it be the last. Jungkook was always just so taken aback by your unwavering willingness to please him. After weeks, he still hadn't understood that you’d do anything for a pretty boy and his big pretty cock. 
You unbuttoned his jeans, and slowly pulled them down as a chorus of shouts from the living room bled into the bathroom. He was already panting heavily, gazing down at you while you nudged his hard cock, still confined in his boxer briefs, with your nose. You inhaled his scent, whimpering softly at how the mere smell of him further dampened your panties. 
Spreading your legs to have that vibrator range and buzz freely in your pussy, you pulled his boxer briefs down to join his jeans around his ankles. His cock sprang out and slapped over your face. Jungkook hissed at the sight. “Sorry,” he rasped, breathless and helpless to your touch. 
So cute; so pretty, your thought before giggling to yourself at his reaction. You licked a strip up the side of his cock, causing some precum to smear across your cheek. He rested his head back against the door, looking down at you with hooded lids. You maintained eye contact, wrapped a hand around the base of his cock, which was so huge your fingers couldn’t even meet, and smacked his cock repeatedly against your cheek. 
His doe-like eyes widened at your actions and he inhaled a sharp breath through his nose. “Fuck, you’re such a slut,” he whispered like it was his first time realizing this. 
You stuck your tongue out and relocated the cock slapping over it, filling the bathroom with the slick smacks of his cock meeting your wet tongue and his uneven breaths. You then wrapped your mouth over the tip, sucking harshly for every drop of salty pre-cum he would give you. Pouting your lips against the slit of his tip, you muttered, “only for pretty boys.” 
He blushed, biting his lip at your words. A shy chuckle still escaped him however, and he gazed down at you with a gleam of pride in his eyes. You smiled against his tip then licked at his slit making his legs tremble like your pussy was. You decided that sight was enough to stop teasing and let your real work begin. Your mouth engulfed his cock without further warning, and you sucked, swirling your tongue around it. One of your hands pumped whatever you hadn’t shoved in your mouth yet while your other hand cupped his balls. 
His eyes shut tightly, nose scrunching up so cutely at your sudden change of pace. He ran a hand through his hair and let out throaty crosses of groans and whimpers. You continued to work your hand up and down his shaft, bobbing your head to take more and more of his cock. You hollowed out your cheeks to suck harsher and he buckled his hips into your mouth, your hand slamming into your pouty lips. He seemed eager to fuck your mouth so you dropped your hands to his thighs, digging your nails into them to steady yourself. Jungkook gripped your head with both hands and forced you to take him deeper. Your gag reflex began to kick in. The pornographic sounds sent vibrations over his cock.
The vibrator lost in you suddenly jolted into a speed you never experienced before. The violent buzzing was now heard in the bathroom between your gags and Jungkook’s moans. You cunt withered against the harsh stimulation and you never felt your orgasm build up and release that fast. 
Jungkook noticed your sudden stiffening frame and pulled up cock out of your mouth. Your jaw still hung open as you so desperately tried to remain silent while your orgasm shot through you. You gripped onto his thighs tighter and he didn’t do anything to stop you, petting your head and whispering a variety of dirty encouragements. 
“That’s a good slut. Cum for me, baby,” he ordered in a soft voice. He held his cock and used his tip to tilt your chin up to face him. You began to scream, eyes rolling back from the pure pleasure that washed over you, but he quickly shoved his cock into your mouth to silence you. “Shit, shut up!” He hissed, as you quaked in your place on the floor. 
Your jeans darken around your crotch, drenched with your orgasm. You pulled your mouth away from his cock as tears began to prick your eyes from the overstimulation. “Please,” you whimpered. “C-can’t…” you trailed off, swallowing back a loud moan. You couldn’t find the words to tell him you couldn’t take another second of the vibrations.
Jungkook smirked down at you, storking himself gently. “My phone’s beside you, babe,” he mumbled, watching you snap your head down to search for it. 
Your eyes fell on it immediately. It was lying awkwardly against the floor and the baseboards as it must’ve fallen from his pocket in the midst of his rough assault on your throat. You fumbled with the passcode then turned the vibrator off. A little sigh of relief escaped you as your cum further spoiled your jeans, darkening the fabric between your inner thighs now too.
“Did I say to turn it off?” Jungkook questioned, slapping his cock against your cheek. 
You whined, looking up at him with a pout. He shook his head as he guided his tip over your pouty lips like a tube of lipstick. “Place it on the lowest setting, baby, and get back on your feet for me,” he ordered. 
You bitterly complied, turning the vibrator on and showing it to him to prove you did what you were told since he couldn’t hear it’s buzzing anymore. 
When you got back on your feet, Jungkook released his cock and unbuttoned your jeans. “How are you going to cover that up?” He smugly asked, raising that pierced brow up at you. 
You didn’t answer him, biting your lips to suppress your tiny whimpers from the vibrator. He pushed your pants and panties down, watching as a sting of your arousal connected your pussy to the ruined fabric. He bent down and used his tongue to casually break the string like it was something he always did, then waited for you to step out of them so he could kick them off to the side. With your legs slightly spread, he could see the tail of the baby red vibrator sticking out of your cunt, trembling with the vibrations. 
He shyly smiled at you, a faint pink blush creeping up his neck. His duality never failed to amaze you. One second he’s ordering you around, slapping his cock against your face and the next he’s bashfully blushing and unable to fully stare at your pussy without a shy smile upon his lips. 
You turned around, leaning your hands against the counter and staring at his reflection in the mirror. He looked completely confused, catching your gaze and quirking a brow up at you. You arched your back to raise your round ass up for him, and he smacked it out of habit, looking back at you to see if that was okay. 
You giggled a moan as he rubbed the sting away. He had a little smile on his lips too as cute chuckles escaped him. “Is that what you wanted?” He asked before wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing himself against you. He rested his chin on your shoulder, leaning forward to kiss your cheek. “Hmm, baby?”
“I actually wanted your cock in me, but that was fine too,” you smiled at his reflection. 
He blushed at his mistake, burying his face in the crook of your neck. You giggled a bit and pressed your ass back against his cock. His head snapped up at your reflection once more, a curious look in his eyes. He stood up straight again, maintaining eye contact with your reflection as he combed your hair back and away from your face and neck. He grunted a bit as he ran his cock up and down between your folds. “Such a wet little cunt,” he whispered to himself, placing a soft kiss to your shoulder. 
You whined, pushing your ass back against his hips once more. “Kookie,” you whimpered, tired of all the teasing. You wanted so badly to feel the stretch of his cock in you while that vibrator was still going.
Jungkook stepped back instead, making your huff in frustration. “Can you take off your shirt, baby?” he asked in a gentle whisper while he pulled his own off. “I- I just wanna see all of you.” 
You couldn’t really deny him that pleasure, especially when he was gracing your sight with the image of his chest. So, you took off your shirt. 
“Why don’t I get a toy?” He questioned playfully as he helped you with your bra before tossing both your shirt and bra to the side.
You smiled at him through the mirror, pulling his hands on your waist again. “I’m your toy,” you whispered. 
His face flushed red as he tongued his cheek. His hand fell back to his cock once more and he aligned himself with your entrance. “You have a dirty mouth,” he grunted as he pushed into you. His lips pressed a kiss to the shell of your ear before he purred, “my favourite kind of toy.”
You quivered against his hold, leaning your head back upon his shoulder as he stretched out your cunt. His cock was so big, filling you up so well, he stunted the vibrations of the toy in you. 
His brows furrowed in confusion for a second. “Shit, did I break it?”
It buzzed back to life in a second or two and relief watched over his face. You knew he was only concerned because he didn’t have the courage to walk back into the sex shop and by another…  not without you anyways. 
His thrusts began slow and impactful, balls slapping against your pussy. Your tits bounced with his thrust and you noticed he had a hard time splitting his attention between your pleasured face and your bouncing tits. He wanted to reach up and grab them, groping and squeezing that soft flesh, but at this point he knew his hold around your waist was the only thing keeping you up. It was when he jabbed your g-spot with a newfound rigorous force, that all other thrusts needed to match it. 
A cry tore out of your throat and he smacked his hand over your mouth, eyes flashing a dark warning at you through the mirror. “Keep quiet, toy,” he hushed through gritted teeth. 
Tears pooled in your eyes as your orgasm neared. He hadn’t noticed, burying his face in the crook of your neck to shower your skin with kisses and hickies he’d soothe with little licks. Your cunt clenched like a vice tightly around his cock, gripping it as your eyes made their way to the back of your head. Tears ran freely down your face. You had barely felt the knots in your lower abdomen collect, twisting and taunting you with the possibility of a release. Then the cool ball of his brow piercing brushed against your jawline and you came undone, shuddering in his hold as you rode out your high. 
Your body spasmed against his, ears ringing and eyes lost between a weird medium of being neither shut or open. You were thankful for his hand over your mouth, your uncontrollable squeals and screeches effectively muffled. Jungkook stared into your eyes, nonetheless, ramming into you with a little smile. You felt his cock twitch, flicking your g-spot. Your eyes shot open and you caught his needy gaze. You gave him that innocent look he adored so much and he pushed himself deep inside you. His face scrunched up, brows furrowed, lips curled in a scowl and eyes in an intense squint as he released his thick, warm cum in you. You sighed happily against his palm, your tears staining his fingers. 
You rested for a moment like that, his cock still deep in you, softening, as you continued to stare at each other’s reflections. He kept his hand on your mouth until he pulled his cock and the vibrator out of you. He didn’t glance down at his creamed cock like he always did. Instead, he kissed your shoulder and cheeks, muttering how good you took his huge cock. 
“What a good little toy. You always take my cock so well, babygirl. Later, I'm gonna come over and I wanna hear you screaming my name, okay? Do you think you’re able to do that for me, little toy?”” he mumbled. When you nodded eagerly, turning your head to face him, he smiled and whispered, “good. Now, open your mouth, baby.”
You parted your lips, accepting the still vibrating toy in your mouth. “Mmm,” you hummed at the taste of your mixed cum. He smiled at you, flashing those bunny-like teeth.
“Jungkook?” Jin voiced on the other side of the door. You and your boyfriend shared a horrified expression. When had the arguments on the other side of the door cease? How long has he been standing there? Were the others with him too?
Jungkook quickly pulled the vibrator out of your mouth by its tail then turned around looking for his phone. “Yeah?” he answered in the steadiest voice he could muster, finding his phone and switching off the buzzing.
“Do you have someone in there with you?”
Panic shot through your veins as you turned to look at Jungkook. Fear swam in his eyes. You both stood there naked and too scared to move to collect your things with Jin just on the other side of the door. “Of course not,” Jungkook lied, holding your hand to calm his trembling one. You shifted closer to him, hugging his muscular arm. He smiled a bit at the gesture, seeming to find comfort in it.
The door knob began to rattle and, even though it was locked, Jungkook stepped in front of you, a blush creeping up his neck at the mere thought of being caught ass-naked. “Hyung,” he exclaimed, lunging to grip the door knob. 
Jin laughed heartily, triggering the other guys’ to join. “Next time do that shit in your room,” he called, voice becoming distant. “That’s a communal place, you fiends.”
Jungkook rolled his eyes, turning back to you. He leaned his head back against the door, just like he did when you were sucking him off. You couldn’t help but notice he still looked just as pretty. 
“So, shall we go to your room then?” You suggested with an innocent smile. 
Jungkook’s brows bounced a bit at your words. “You’re an eager toy,” he chuckled, pushing himself off the door and wrapping his arms around your waist. 
You grazed your nails up and down his biceps as he rested his forehead against yours. “Only for a pretty boy.”
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nxrthmizu · 4 years
| the four times kei offered cuddles | Tsukishima Kei
prompt | nope 
pairing | Tsukishima Kei x Reader 
words | 1.3k 
author’s note | Yes,,, I know I haven’t finished my requests,,, But have this,,, @whootwhoot my fellow Tsukki simp :))) 
“Oi.” You looked up to meet Tsukishima’s annoyed eyes. “Go to bed.”
Glancing at your alarm clock on your desk, you blinked in shock when you realised it was well past 2am. You had gotten wrapped up in your work that you had lost a grip of time and before you knew it, hours had slipped by. “Oh.” You said blankly. “It’s 2.”
“Yes, you idiot.” He replied dryly, rolling his eyes. “And I thought I went to bed late.” Your roommate had a habit of staying on his phone till midnight even if he already got into bed. His socks squeaked softly across the wooden flooring of the apartment the two of you shared with Yamaguchi and Yachi. “Go to bed.” He said quietly as he turned to leave.
“But I can’t sleep.” You muttered quietly. It was only a week ago you had caught your boyfriend in the arms of another, and the break up had taken a toll on you- But most of all, it took a toll on your sleep schedule. You had gotten used to sleeping surrounded by a warmth, and the empty sheets just felt too cold on some nights.
Tsukishima sighed quietly, his fingers gripping the doorframe of your room. “And why is that.” He asked, his voice warm and soft.
“I... Got used to sleeping with... Him.” You muttered embarrassedly, knowing that he would berate you and snap a snarky remark at you about how that was not his problem.
Two owlish blinks at you later, he made a low rumble in his throat, shutting your bedroom door and walking towards you awkwardly. “Get in bed.” He told you, ignoring your confused expression. “It’s 2am. If you want to be awake for tomorrow’s lectures, you go to sleep now.”
“Tsukishima, what are you-”
His arms tugged around your waist, pulling you onto the single-sized bed you had in your dorm room. “There’s no difference, right?” He grumbled, your back pressed across his chest. “Go to sleep.”
For the first time in six days, you slept soundly, surrounded by a different warmth that soothed you to sleep.
Neither of you spoke of the one night a week after you broke up. Tsukishima never offered to do the same thing after, and you never asked. It was as if it never happened, both of you mutually agreeing to permanently deleting that memory from your mind. But nothing is truly deleted, because you could sometimes imagine his warmth behind you, his lanky arms around your waist and his nose tucked into the crook of your neck, his soft, rhythmic breathing in your ears.
It seemed like he couldn’t forget the feeling, either.
The second time was when thunder rumbled across the skies and rain poured onto the earth, lightning flashing outside your window, making your squeak in terror. You were shaking, diving for your blankets to try and block out the noise and the fear that lingered in the depths of your heart.
A shaky breath escaped your lips as you darted for the only person who was probably still awake and could offer your comfort.
You knocked on his door, your entire body still trembling. He opened his bedroom door to see you, who squeaked as thunder crashed through the night again. You dove for his bed, burying yourself into the sheets, your hands clasped over your ears.
“You’re... Scared of thunderstorms.” He stated in realisation. Glancing out of where you were buried under the blankets, you saw the blonde pulling the curtains close and snapping his laptop shut. “Come here.”
You scrambled into his embrace, his snarky remarks soothing the unsettling feeling inside your chest. The urge to run eventually ebbed away as he continued to comment on your fear of thunderstorms, explaining to you why it was unreasonable.
“What time is it?” Asked you, yawning sleepily. The thunder faded slightly and now it was just the pattering of rain outside Tsukishima’s bedroom window.
“Nearly twelve.” He answered you, leaning against his pillow propped against the wall. You sighed contentedly, snuggling into his warmth. “Do you... Intend to stay here.”
You yawned again, this time quieter. “Shh. Go to sleep, Kei.”
“Since when did you start calling me Kei.” He grumbled, his frown softening as he brushed your hair out of your closed eyes. Sighing, he shifted, pulling you into his arms and the blanket over the two of you, too comfortable to get up to switch off the lights.
“What do you want to eat today?” You asked Kei, who had tucked himself in one corner of the couch. Yamaguchi and Yachi had a field trip for a class they had to attend, leaving you and the blonde in the apartment, alone for a night.
“Whatever’s in the fridge.” He answered, not even looking up from the novel he was reading.
You hummed and tapped your cheek thoughtfully. “How do you feel about watching a movie tonight?”
Raising an eyebrow at you questioningly, Kei spoke. “Don’t you need to study.”
“Taking one day off’s not going to kill me.” You shrugged. “We have instant cup noodles. We could eat those.”
“I’ll pick a movie.”
“... Fine, but choose a good one.”
10 minutes later, the two of you were seated next to each other, steaming cups of instant noodle in your hand, watching ‘The Good Dinosaur’. You had to admit, Kei’s selection had surprised you, but it wasn’t that bad of a movie (The dinosaur was cute).
“That’s so sad!” You cried out near the end, close to bawling your eyes out. You had always been a very emotional person when watching movies. “This is your fault, Kei. You chose this movie!”
He sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “Alright, fine. Come here.” He opened his arms, letting you bawl into his shirt. Rolling his eyes at your emotional state, he wrapped his arms around you, heaving out a breath.
“Oh, shut up! I’m emotional.” You sniffled, adjusting yourself so your entire body fit onto his lap, your arms latched around his neck.
“I can tell.” He shot back wryly. “And I already offered to cuddle you, what more do you want.”
You blinked at him, the movie forgotten. He stared back, having realised his mistake. The two of you had never acknowledged it as ‘cuddling’, but more as... Okay, you acknowledged it as ‘cuddling’, just not outloud.
“Could I get a kiss, too?”
You hummed quietly, absorbed with the book in your hand. “Yes, Kei?”
“The kids are asleep, and so should you.” Kei snatched your book from your hands despite your protests and whines. “Go to bed, love.”
“Says the one who had a sleep schedule as bad as mine during uni.” You grumbled, crossing your arms. “Give me my book back, Kei! I promise I’ll go to sleep after one more chapter.”
Kei gave you his ‘Do-you-take-me-for-an-idiot’ look. “By ‘after one more chapter’ you actually mean ‘after I finish the whole book’, so no.” He groaned at the sour look you threw him. “Love, we’re in our mid-forties and you still act like a child. Even though we have two already.”
You huffed, crossing your arms, not saying anything.
“... If you go to sleep now, I’ll cuddle you.”
You looked up in surprise. Kei rarely used the term ‘cuddle’, because he didn’t want to make it seem like he was a romantic (He is, and he’s an absolute cuddle bug). He cuddled you every night, his arms instinctively reaching around your waist to pull you closer to him and press you against his chest, tuck his nose inside the crook of you neck.
Smiling lovingly, you shuffled into bed, pulling the blanket over the two of you and then letting yourself get drawn into his embrace. His soft lips pressed a kiss on your forehead, your nose, then your lips. A happy sigh left your lips as you curled up into him, both of you clicking like two puzzle pieces.
This is for all my moots and followers, Tsukki’s telling you to go to sleep, so shoo shoo.
I’ll be doing another one like this for Daichi and Kuroo soon, but I’ve got to study and finish another request tomorrow :))
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sopxhiea · 4 years
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Alfie Solomons X Reader
Summary: Alfie hears that his deceased friend’s sister is gone wild so he decides to pay her a visit after years of not seeing the young woman but he has no idea what he’s in for.
“Not all men are annoying. Some are dead.”
The music loudly boomed through the long corridors of the house. It was a three story place with freshly painted window frames. The exterior wooden part that coated the glass inside was blue, something that clearly stood out in the crummy streets of Camden. It almost seemed like an intentional move to make this particular house stand out.
The color had been chosen by you.
Exactly two weeks ago, you found it hard to identify the very house you lived in. It might’ve been because you were slightly drunk every time you came home but either way, you needed something that would make the apartment easier to identify. So you had purchased some paint and did it on your own while the neighbouring residents were reminded of their distaste regarding the group of young women who happen to live right next door.
Although, the distaste mostly concerns you.
Your body moves inside the large room. It has canvases and your paints in it, things that you treasure that reminded you of the young girl you once were, when things were easier and you didn’t carry a lump on your throat.
The long street you live on knows you for mostly being up to no good. Sometimes with a young lad on your arm and other times, you on your own while you dance your way through the night with a bottle of whiskey on one hand. They certainly do not like you.
The music fills the concrete walls, the sound waves apparent on the mug you had placed on the floor while your feet tap against the hard surface. Your body moves, almost a little too seductively and particularly for no one. There is nobody else in the room, just you and your cherished albums while your body gently sways to the music.
You don’t hear him knock.
There’s a little part of you that manages to hold on to the past you so badly wish to forget, so you dance. You don’t want to remember the reassuring touches and the feeling of getting caught in the possibly of something happening with the one person your brother had warned you about.
He was six feet under, anyway.
Your housemates are out to have look at a new dress shop. You had no interest to stare at cheap dresses, only to come home empty handed so you’d stayed home where you knew there was endless comfort.
All he can hear is the sound of loud music filling the tall apartment and the soft thuds of your feet against the floor as you dance your way through the empty evening. 
He knocks once more, almost breaking the metal door.
Your movements halt then, fully stopping once you hear someone’s rather loud shouts. The voice is vaguely familiar but it happens to be in a box you’d pushed to the very back of your mind. From a time where you knew no happiness.
The high bun you had now rests against the soft skin of your neck, a few pieces falling around your small face as they frame your curious eyes. Your face is flushed and it looks like you’d been making out with someone, not dancing around on your own. Your dress swishes around your knees as you walk, ready to show the soft skin of your upper thighs at any moment you wish.
You lick your lips before walking towards the door and opening it in one swift motion, the music track no longer plays.
A fraction taller than you’d last seen him, there Alfie stands.
His hair is in its usual place, little pieces sticking out after he’s taken his hat off. He’s still broad, seemingly a little more built than the last time you’d seen the bloke but his face is the same. His scruff is neater now, he doesn’t seem to have aged if you decide to ignore the little creases around his blue orbs.
A scoff leaves your lips.
Your dead brother’s best friend, the bloke he had gone to war with and the one that came back alone with his captain’s hat on his hand, apologising to you because your beloved brother had been shot one too many times stands on your doorstep.
Your heaving chest is not what he expects to see. You look like you were in the middle of a good fuck when you open the door, dress still in place although your eyes a little more wider than the last time he’d seen you. You were grown now and even prettier than the image of you in his mind, he thinks. You look like a proper young lady, except for the way you greet him.
With a scoff.
Your lips curve into a playful smirk and you let your body lean against the doorframe. Your eyes are challenging him to speak, to let you know why he’s there but he’s too focused on the way you look. He doesn’t remember you being this dreamy.
Three years.
Three years since your brother had died. Three years since the bloke before you had kissed you under the dim light of the vanilla scented candle. Three years since you’d moved from your old apartment and started a life on your own, where no one knew of you or your family. Three years since you’d promised yourself that things would be better.
And they had been, up until now.
Your definition of better didn’t match its commonly used meaning. Better meant safe, calm and the bearer of good things at the time but it was different now. You went out whenever you wanted, slept with whoever you wanted and made your own money, enough to spoil yourself with some goodies every now and then.
But apparently, that didn’t match the definition of a better life for most people.
He had checked up on you, sometimes by using his men and other times, it was him driving past your house in the middle of the night to make sure you’d returned. You received two bouquets from the bloke, one on your brother’s death anniversary and the other on your birthday.
You spoke before you could register your own thoughts, a habit you’d picked up from your time around the local bars. “Solomons.”
The taste of his name was sweet on your lips, he listened to the breathy sound of the woman he often saw in his dreams.
But your reputation had preceded you already.
You were known for the late nights you spent around the pubs in Camden. Most men liked the show, the way you danced with a trusted partner of your own who you’d met just a week ago. You had a fire within you, a fire most men were fascinated with but only a few got to play with. Only the ones you chose.
He had been the one you wanted to choose many moons ago but the time wasn’t right then.
“Y/N.” he said, waiting for you to let him in but you stood there as he towered above you. You were still considerably smaller than him.
“What the hell are you doing on my doorstep?” you asked, your foul mouth getting the best of you while you stared at him with curious eyes. He didn’t like to hear you swear, which was exactly why you had done it.
“Came to check on you, dove.” he speaks, the pet name he had given you when you were fourteen still stung.
“That sounds like a lie.” you speak, eyes stern while they do not shy away from him. He wants to speak, to reassure you of things he’s long forgotten about but you’re fast to cut him off. He had no business being there. “Why are you really here, captain?” you ask, knowing the nickname riles him up in the worst way possible.
Before your brother had died, you had been a dear friend to Alfie. He had seen you grow up as he sprouted into a beautiful young boy himself. He was so fond of the lovely little girl you used to be, before Harry had died in the war. He had played games with you and chased the little boy who had tried to kiss you after the school dance.
But something had changed then, when he’d returned with no Harry on his side.
The anger that you’d spent many years managing was now the only face you wore. It was why you drank, it was why you slept with strangers even though they had been perfectly fine with just dating for a while, it was the fuel that kept you going. The anger you felt for your brother’s absence.
“I heard things, right..” he spoke, catching your eyes once again while you stood right before him, head held up high. “..made me fuckin’ worried about ya’.” he spoke, he hated how easy it was for you to get the truth out of him.
All you had to was to stare up at him and he was already a goner.
You nodded, unimpressed while you walked inside the apartment and he followed you like a lost puppy. This was how things used to be, he thought. You lead him through the long corridor into the living room. It was decorated in a minimal manner, a flower vase here and a frame there.
He still remembered, he thought while looking at your familiar features.
How you’d come back with rosy cheeks and glistening orbs that one summer. You’d grown up then, became a young lady that had just about anyone’s heart if you were to flash your sickening smile. He remembered how shy you were then, finding it hard to act like kids around Alfie even though you were both young in age still.
“Say...” you spoke, almost a soft order while he tried to get the vivid images of you from his clouded mind. “What have you heard?” you smirked at your own words, he was already weak at heart.
“Just a couple kids, yeah, sayin’ something about you and a bloke from Sabini’s men..” he said, tugging at his beard while he watched you. You remembered the Italian, he had been quite pleasant.
“And?” you spoke, walking from the living room to the room you had been previously dancing in. 
He was sure you had been fucking someone earlier and the air was dense inside the room due to the small ritual of dancing you had been doing. He wasted no time and asked what was in his mind. He didn’t beat around the bush.
“Do you have a fuckin’ lad in ‘ere?” he spoke, voice booming through all the stories of the apartment while you clicked your tongue, ears ringing with his loud voice.
“Why do you care?” you ask, eyes searching his while he tries his best to be subtle. A shrug is all he gets while you start speaking again. He had missed this, he thinks.
He cares, you see it in his eyes but a small nod is all you give him before you speak.
“What about the Italian bloke?” you ask, moving around the room to gather a few things in your hand while he watches you. You don’t bother covering up, your reputation as the girl who’ll open her legs is already out there anyway and you’re not the one to shy away from someone who’s known you since you were twelve.
“You can’t see him no more, dove.” he spoke, your eyebrows furrowing in an instant. He was giving you no rational reason.
So the game began.
You swayed your hips while walking towards him, using your natural charisma while he watched you. You were the predator walking to get ahold of its prey, although it was the opposite when it came to most people who dealt with Alfie. He was the predator but no, not with you.
He watched, almost hypnotised while your seductive voice filled his ears. Your soft fingers brushed through his beard, lips ghosting over his while his eyes fluttered slowly. He was lost in your voice, the addictive smell of your scent and the way you caressed his face to realise that you were just toying with him.
“Why, dear?” you spoke into his ear, hands still on his beard while he found it almost impossible to keep his eyes open. “You want me all to yourself?” there was a hint of mockery in your tone but laced with layers of pure filth. He sensed it still.
Yes, he wanted to say.
He had wanted you to himself for a long time now. Long before the war and the damage it had done on the both of you. That summer was the first time he’d seen you look so beautiful, you had become the owner of his heart then, no longer his best mate’s sister. 
He hadn’t done anything in the years that followed. He had a couple opportunities, here and there when he could’ve just kissed you and fuck the consequences but there was too much at risk. Harry was his best mate and even though he knew Harry would be more than willing to have his sister be with someone he trusted than a stranger, Alfie didn’t have the heart to do it.
He wished he had.
He growled quietly which manages to earn a light chuckle from your lips. You retreated from his embrace then, walking to the far end of the room while Alfie looked at you with dark eyes. It was the kind of eyes you were used to seeing in man you toyed around with, but not Alfie.
You had become reckless.
You were careless of what people called you, they called women whatever they wanted anyway so it didn’t bother you in the slightest. You were truly doing whatever it was that you wanted and living your own life with the rules you had set for yourself and if society was to shame you for it, that was just too bad but you couldn’t find it in yourself to give a damn.
“Is he dangerous, then?” you asked, like you weren’t just about to kiss Alfie a second ago. He took a minute to gather himself after you’d seduced him with one move but you were quick on your feet, too used to the game of push and pull.
“He might harm ya’. Can’t have that happening.” he spoke, clearly worried and for a second, he saw something shift between your orbs but it was too fast for anyone to catch on other than Alfie. 
“Shame.” you spoke, still gathering a couple brushes here and there to clean them later and he watched. You had been painting since you were small and it made him feel somewhat comforted that you still stuck to it. “He was kind of annoying anyway.” you spoke with a light hearted chuckle while Alfie looked at you.
There was the little girl he knew, and the captor of his old heart.
He chuckled at your sudden lively state. He knew your anger was always kept at bay so he cherished your happy moments, the kind of moments where he’d see your smile reach your eyes. They were rare but he’d make do. 
His voice was hoarse, thick even when he talked from the doorstep of the room. “Ya’ call every man that, dove.” he spoke, years of memories biting back while he looked at him with a devilish smirk, hands on your hips while you batted your eyelashes at him. Your voice was soft, totally the opposite of what he sounded like as you spoke.
“Not all men are annoying. Some are dead.”
He chuckled at first but saw the hint of sorrow in your eyes long after your words stopped hanging around in the cold air around you. He gulped while you walked past him and made your way into the kitchen through the corridor and the worried bloke he was, he followed.
While you filled some cups with hot water and tried to find some tea bags for your beloved guest to drink, he saw the frantic side of you take over. Your movements were still calculated and you put up a good front but he knew you too well. He still didn’t say anything.
“Any sweet lady you’re seeing?” you asked, knowing damn well he wasn’t seeing anyone.
For one, he was too busy to seek someone out since he didn’t get out of his damn office. He was a charmer for sure and even though there had been many ladies in the past, he always ended up with them curled around his side while he wished they were you.
He shook his head and spoke, his voice was low.
“Nah.” he took the cup and a small sip from the tea not too long after. “Too fuckin’ busy.”
He was keen on asking you, he knew you sometimes saw more than one lad at a time and even though it was unusual, he wasn’t the one to judge you. But the word got around either way, he hated that it did.
He thought that you were trying every bloke in the city but it was a matter of you finding the right one, if that existed.
“You owe me a new bloke.” you spoke after taking a small sip from the cup, lips plump while he watched the pink flesh move with your words. “You took away the Italian.”
He chuckled then, smiled at your adorable state with a warm look thrown your way and you returned the gentle gesture. You let him put his hand on the small of your back while you walked him out. This was the usual interaction anyway, it didn’t get far from this.
He wanted to take you out, to show you a proper time and have you in his arm for as long as you wanted to be wrapped in his embrace. He had wanted that for a long time, since he had become a young man but he knew it came with too much baggage.
He wasn’t that reckless, but he needed to be.
“How ‘bout I take the pretty lil’ lass out?” he asked, in one swift breath while you watched lights flicker against his features. His words earned a chuckle from you.
You gulped once, not out of anxiety but anticipation. He watched you under the late night and all its wonders and saw the wheels in your head turn. He needed you to say yes.
And so you nodded. You smiled and nodded while he returned to his original position, where he was standing on your doorstep and towering above you. Your hand reached to grab the collar of his white shirt and toyed with it while you spoke, the seductive voice coming in handy again.
“Don’t toy with me, Solomons.” you spoke and this time, unlike all the previous times your sweet voice had reached his ears, you were dead serious.
It was a forbidden fruit situation.
It didn’t matter that your brother was dead, this had been the game that you were playing with the jewish bloke. He’d tease and you’d tease harder, your pushes were angry but needy, it was a thin line in which he was walking on right now.
“I ain’t love, it’s about time, innit?” he spoke , finally acknowledging years of built up tension.
You sized him up with your eyes then. You didn’t know if he’d be able to take the teasing you usually did with the other men you went out with, they couldn’t either and they’d be spent up by the end of the night but it was different when it was someone you knew, someone who deeply knew you as well.
“It seems as though you haven’t heard all the things they have been saying about me.” you spoke, voice low as you stared at his blue orbs. You knew all the emotions that swam in there.
He had heard all of it, he just pretended that he hadn’t.
Bitch, whore, careless, grieving little thing, poor kid......They called you many names and some of them were true. Alfie didn’t care. He was a killer, a figure of forced authority in most people’s eyes so he saw you as his equal if anything.
“I have, yeah, don’t make a fuckin’ difference to me, dove.” he said, head shaking at his own words while he watched your eyes shift.
Your shining orbs met his, then. Not as the careless young woman you’d become but as the little girl he once knew. There was still innocence in you but there was too much hurt that laced it so no one was able to reach it. But he saw it, the way your eyes shifted from guarded to light hearted.
“Fine.” you gulped, you’d close the door on him when you were done talking and he’s just stand there for a second. 
“Give me a call.”
Tagging: @clairecrive  @parkbearum @sourirez  @vetseras​ @mollybegger-blog
198 notes · View notes
The Splendor of These Exploding Skies (Yet All I See Is You)
Chuck Grant x Reader
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Warnings: SMUT, drug use to combat PTSD (also y’all’re in California and weed just happens sometimes I’m sorry but it’s very true), light angst, light jealousy, fluff bc I’M FEELING LONELY AND COULD USE SOME CUDDLES, fireworks (both literal and metaphorical).
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Even after knowing and loving you for almost half a decade at this point, Chuck Grant still found himself in awe of how beautiful you were.
Despite the fact that for the first year at Toccoa the two of you hadn’t been able to stand being in each other’s presence for more than five minutes at a time- he still was able to acknowledge how attractive he found you. If anything, that awareness only added to his resentment of you and anything to do with you. 
You were too easy on the eyes to be as annoying as he found you. It just wasn’t fair.
In hindsight, he’d made a complete ass of himself during your first interaction- he’d been too drunk and too confident in his abilities to sweet talk women and too hyped up from his friend’s encouragement when he’d decided to make a move on you. Chuck couldn’t remember exactly what he’d said, but what he did remember was putting his hand on your ass and being slapped so hard his ears were left ringing for the next few days.
And, because he was young and cocky, he’d immediately labeled you as a prude and made it his mission to hate your guts. Even though he knew that he was in the wrong. Because that’s just how he was back then.
Had anyone asked Chuck then if he’d one day willingly share a home with you, let alone a bed, he probably would’ve punched them in the mouth. He imagined your response would’ve been similar.
My, how far the two of you had come.
Chuck leaned against the doorframe at the mouth of your bedroom, crossing his arms across his chest and smiling at the sight before him. As much as he knew that you got embarrassed by his open admiration, he still couldn’t find it within himself to curb this bad habit.
The vision of you at ease was a sight to behold- especially after seeing you on edge for years on end.
Right now, you were sprawled on top of the bed the two of you had bought a month ago, dressed in one of your old stretched-out t-shirts and thick-knit socks and a pair of black underpants that showed the cute divet where your buttcheek met your thigh (a part of you that you also scolded him for paying so much attention to). The window towards the foot of the bed was open and the cool air from the ocean delicately tossed the finer strands of your hair around your head, the lights of the city at night making each hair glow like some radiant halo.
All of the lights in the bedroom were off, the skyline illuminating the room in a warm blue cast that never failed to make him feel at ease. Your head was propped up on your hand as you gracefully brought your joint to your lips and took a deep drag, tapping the train of ash onto the clay plate you’d made at a pottery class sometime before the war. Purple grey smoke slipped through your parted lips attractively, and Cuck felt his chest ache at the knowledge that only he got to see you like this.
“Are you going to stand there like a creep all night, silly boy?”
When Chuck refocuses, he realizes that you can see his silhouette reflected in the window’s glass, and he can hear the teasing smile in your voice. Stubbing out the smoldering joint onto the plate, he watches you press yourself up onto your elbow and turn to look over your shoulder at him.
He bites back a smile of his own as he hits the light switch in the hallway so the room is entirely dark, closing the door softly behind him as he starts to toe off his shoes.
“Sorry, Dollface,” he says in faux seriousness, using the terrible pet name he’d called you the first night he’d met you. “Got distracted by the view…”
You snort a laugh at that, turning back to look out the window and shaking your head.
“Careful, buddy- my boyfriend’s got a mean right hook.”
He rolls his eyes despite the fact that he knows you can’t see it, stripping down to his shirt and boxers and coming to join you.
“I don’t know,” he grumbles. “I’ve heard you’ve got a nasty backhand as well.”
Using his hands to map out where your legs are, he carefully fits himself behind you like a familiar and comforting puzzle piece. While the side effects of his head injury were relatively minor compared to the severity of the wound, he still wasn’t always able to trust his eyes when it came to their depth perception. You didn’t seem to mind his way of accommodating this certain handicap. 
You weren’t shy to admit how much you liked his hands on you.
With the sort of ease that only comes from years of routine, you turn your head at just the right time for him to pluck a kiss from your lips, the taste of chocolate and cannabis on your lips. Chuck lets his legs tangle with yours as he rests on his elbow beside you, bringing his other hand up to cup the back of your head and keep your lips on his for a few moments longer. When you hum happily, he can’t help but smile.
He knows that today is difficult for you- the noise and the bright light and the cool bay breeze bringing back memories of foxholes and biting frost and heartbreaking exhaustion. You didn’t smoke weed often, even less now that you’d been out of the military for a few years, so he knew that when you did that you just wanted to not remember for a little while.
You wanted to forget the bad and go back to the days when these festivities brought you joy and wonder. Chuck got that. The desire to shut it all off and just live was too familiar to him.
And if you were willing to be there for him, he’d be damned if he didn’t do the same for you.
Pulling back, he lightly presses his fingers to the base of your skull, chuckling warmly when you nearly moan in relief.
“Hey there.”
You slowly open your eyes at his greeting, gaze open and slightly lethargic.
“Hey yourself,” you say with a sigh. “I missed you today.”
Chuck knew what you meant. After living together day in and day out for so long, coming home and establishing lives and routines of your own had initially been difficult. He’d felt bad about leaving you this morning, knowing how difficult this day in particular was for you.
“Such a sap.”
Your easy expression twists into a comical scowl, your eyes rolling as you turn back to the window and make a sound of annoyance.
“Of all the idiots who propositioned me, I had to go and pick the most obnoxious—”
Chuck freezes at that, furrowing his brow in surprise and using the hand on the back of your head to gently fist a handful of your hair and turn you back to face him. 
‘I’m sorry, what did you just say?”
Your eyes scan his face before a slow smile breaks across your lips, clicking your tongue admonishingly at whatever it was that you saw.
“Charles Grant, as I live and breathe,” your voice has taken on a wicked quality, one that he both loves and hates at the same time. “Is that jealousy I detect?”
He frowns at that, hating how well you can read him- even in your slightly intoxicated state.
When he doesn’t reply right away, you purposefully lift your backside and press it against his stirring cock. God, you knew how to irritate him- you could be such a brat sometimes.
Luckily, he had learned long ago the most effective way of curbing your obnoxious provocations. 
Tightening his grip on your hair infinitesimally, you let him crane your head back and hiss quietly at the sweet sting of it.
“Y/N, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say that you were trying to make me jealous.”
You smirk, wetting your lips before rolling your hips against him once again.
“Me? I’m just being honest- you can’t truly think you were the only one to make a move….shoot your shot, if you will….”
Chuck feels heat curl in his stomach, shaking his head at your insinuation. When he angles your head to bite at the lobe of your ear, you tremble beneath him with excitement- your antagonizing behavior had become a strange turn on somewhere between Alderborne and Normandy.
You said nothing, your breath hitching in your throat as you feel the press of him against your backside. You knew how much he hated when you did that- knew how frustrated your silence made him. It’d been your silence that had led him to kiss you for the first time- the arrogant way you’d held your tongue to his baiting teases driving him so crazy he was willing to risk your wrath just to get a response from you.
With an angry sigh, he fixes you with a glare.
 “Fine. Don’t tell me. I know how to get what I want out of that pretty mouth.”
Chuck swears he sees a self-satisfied glint in your eye, but before you can revel in your mirth he pulls away from you and makes you whine.
“Chuck, don’t go—oh!”
The feeling of his hands gripping your ass tears a gasp from your throat, your head bowing into the mattress as he grips your hips and pulls them up so he can reach beneath you and squeeze your sex possessively. As expected, you’re wet and warm for him- a confirmation of your desire for more.
His name sounds sweet on your tongue, your voice muffled in the soft down of the comforter as you arch into his touch. Chuck’s mouth waters at the sight of your shirt’s hem sliding up your spine and revealing the bare skin of your back to him, and he doesn’t hesitate to press hot kisses to the newly revealed skin by your hip bones.
“How about this, Sweetheart?” he asks innocently, using the hand not rubbing at your sex to yank your underwear down your thighs. “I’ll give you a name, and you tell me if they were stupid enough to try something with you, hm?”
 Your groan is unintelligible and unclear but when he looks down the slope of your back he sees you nodding vehemently.
God, you were perfect. 
Using his index and ring finger, he holds open the petals of your sex and begins to play with your clit.
Even with your face in the blanket, he can make out your scoff of ‘no’. Good. he hadn’t thought so, but it still made him glad to hear it.
One of your hands swats at his thigh, and you turn your face so you can make your words clear.
“Charles, you were there when Shifty accidentally saw me changing- what do you think?”
Chuck chuckles at the memory of that- the poor kid had been so embarrassed that he’d nearly run into a wall in his attempt to escape the ‘improper sight’.
When you open your mouth to say something else, CHuck smacks your ass and your words are lost in a yelp of surprise.
“No. Obviously no, geez…”
He goes through the roster of Easy Company, getting the obvious ‘no’s out of the way: Buck, Winters, Sink, Strayer, Sobel, Blithe, Lipton, Speirs, Welsh. With each negative response, he lets you roll yourself against his hand- the sight of you so desperate for him working him up so high that he knew he was going to have to get inside of you soon.
The first ‘yes’ you gave was for Talbert, which earned you a bite on the curve of your buttcheek despite the fact that Chuck had already figured as much. Same went for Christenson- which he’d known already because he and Pat had first bonded over the fact that you’d rejected both of their advances.
Then came the first surprise- Nixon.
“What?! Are you serious? Lewis Nixon?”
“Does that piss you off, Silly Boy?”
Your tone is teasing, but there’s a hint of genuine curiosity in your voice that catches him off guard.
It did, actually- piss him off, that is. Chuck didn’t want to think too hard about why.
Not when this little game of yours just started to get interesting.
With another resounding smack to your backside, Chuck grips himself in his fest and coats his cock with the slick from your sex that had soaked his fingers. The idea of you with someone like Nix simultaneously inspired rage and pride in his chest- anger at the concept of a married man, your SO, looking at you in a way that was less than professional and pride at the fact that you’d still chosen him despite Nix’s advances.
When he looks back at you, he sees that you’re looking over your shoulder at him with desperation, your face flushed with arousal and subsequent denial.
“I want you, please don’t make me wait anymore…”
Well, he never had been very good at making you wait. 
The sound you make when he slips inside of you almost has him bursting right then and there- the sound so broken and full of want and lewd promise that it almost hurts him to hold himself back. Your hand has reached up and behind your head to grip his hair, pulling him down and over you in a haunting pantomime of how he’d covered you from enemy fire in the hellish woods outside of Foy.
You’re chanting his name like a prayer, babbling as you slip into a state of carnal bliss. When he kisses you it’s desperate and messy but you are still craning your head back at an angle that must be painful in order to continue it.
All jealousy takes a back seat to the feeling of this- your skin under his hands and your breath on his lips and the squeeze of you around him. It doesn’t matter, none of those other men and their understandable attraction to you matters because you are undeniably his. 
You chose him- you chose him when he was the picture of health and when he was nearly dead on an operating table. You’d held his hand as he healed and you’d taken him as your husband in a shelled out Austrian church with a priest and Ron Speirs and God as your witnesses. 
You were his, and that was all because you wanted to be.
His throat feels tight with emotion as he slowly thrusts in and out of you, resting his forehead between your shoulder blades as you cry for more- taking each rough rut of his hips into yours with a beautiful moan and a challenge for another.
Sex with you was more than a physical release, it’s a renewal of unspoken vows of devotion and dedication despite the knowledge that neither of you had escaped your war unscathed. His promise that he’d be yours each and every night when the horrors of memory plagued your dreams, and your reassurance that you saw him for more than his experiences, his trauma.
It was more than he ever could have hoped for in this life. Pre and post war.
Your chest vibrates beneath his, and when he is finally able to refocus he realizes that you’ve been trying to talk to him.
The fireworks show has begun, the bursts of light looking magical and surreal over the glass surface of the bay. It’s beautiful, and he knows that despite your fear of the sound of explosives you cannot help but find yourself entranced by its splendor as well.
Chuck turns his face so he can see the reflection of your face in the mirror, the fireworks making the drawn pleasure on your face clear and coloring you in its brilliance.
When he makes you come apart beneath him, you’re awash in purple light and infinitely more glorious than the celebration outside. The bite of your nails into the meat of his thigh sends him tumbling into pleasure right behind you, and when he squeezes his eyes shut he feels like a firework himself- hot and infinite and sparkling in the cold air coming through the open window.
Your body is quaking beneath him, the electricity of your orgasm still dancing through you and making you clench around him painfully every so often.
Blind from his own pleasure, Chuck moves his hands up your sides to get a feel for where you are, repositioning his weight so he isn’t crushing you with his boneless body. The boom of the next firework shakes through his chest, and as he feels you coming down he smooths your hair from your face clumsily.
“You married me.” his voice sounds far away, his mind just as lost as he reminds himself of the most important part of his life. “You married me and you make me happier than I can say.”
The feeling of your lips kissing his palm has him opening his hazy eyes to take in your state of disarray. You were looking at him with more love than he had ever thought to wish for, and when you nod it brings tears to his eyes.
“Happy Fourth of July, Chuck Grant.”
Lifting his gaze, he looks back out of the window, where the firework show is coming to an end and soon the two of you will be left with the warm blue light once more.
You were right. This was a happy Fourth of July.
~ ~ ~
Taglist: @mrseasycompany​ @itswormtrain​ @mrsalwayswrite​ @happyveday​ @sunsetmando​ @teenmagazines​ @liebgotttme​
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the-ace-with-spades · 3 years
(1/6) the best is yet to be
five times someone realized Ronan and Adam were basically married and one time they actually were
Part 2 │ Part 3 │ Part 4 │ Part 5 │ Part 6
Read it on ao3
Gansey did not expect anything to change in their group dynamic when Ronan and Adam admitted they were in a relationship — not because he thought it wasn't a big deal, but because Adam and Ronan did not seem like the type of a couple who was very affectionate in public, simple due to their exteriorly harsh personalities. He was sure that, with time, they were going to be whispering sweet nothings and devouring any small touches they could give each other behind closed doors, but he never hoped to be a witness to any of it.
 Although Gansey loved them dearly, Ronan and Adam were both heavily experienced by life and for them, expressing emotions was greatly limited to those of negative nature. They were getting better, both of them, and the progress of the last year was evident but Gansey did not expect them to get rid of those habits easily.
Gansey, as he often is, was wrong.
Now that they search for Glendower was forgotten, they all had more time and they all spent it differently. Gansey himself was having a bit of a mid-life crisis — or after second death crisis — and was desperately searching for something else that could provide life-long interest and simultaneously be useful for a future degree in history as his mother expected that he would at least attend some kind of higher education.
Adam was doing things only Adam could do, which consisted of things mundane but exhausting. Working three jobs, interviewing for scholarships, preparing for exams, and helping Ronan with the Barns didn't leave him much freedom and he still managed to somehow fit his friends in between. Apparently, he was even also meeting up with the psychics at the Fox Way, although Blue didn’t know the details — she was also preparing for exams, helping her family with the business and working, so in between the sparse time she didn't spend with Gansey or Gansey and the others, she wasn't present for most of Adam's visits.
Out of all of them, Ronan had the most empty calendar. He hadn't dropped out of school yet but at this point, it was only a formality — his absence was so frequent and his grades so nonexistent that no one was deluding themselves, Ronan wasn't going to graduate. It meant that there would be days Gansey wouldn't see him at all while he stayed in the Barns, repairing anything the time consumed and making the place resemble the warm home it used to be.
It made Gansey feel incredibly lonely, more than usual, especially at night, when he was now the only person pacing around the Monmouth Manufacturing.
But there were days like the one now, and Adam would come for a study session that would slowly track off into a different territory and he would stay until his night shift was about to begin.
Another benefit of having Adam at the Monmouth was that Ronan had an almost abnormal gift of knowing when Adam was going to be there and therefore always showed that day too. He would mostly provide to be a distraction and more often than not he would still leave for the night, either to Adam's or to the Barns, Gansey never asked.
He figured that Ronan being there every time Adam showed up was in itself a public display of affection and the only kind Gansey would ever witness from the two.
He should have known something like that would happen sometime mid-evening but he purposefully ignored it.
Adam was sitting at the coffee table, his body curving on the hard floor, things scattered around him. He'd been sitting like that for an hour and there wasn't anything unusual about it.
Ronan, who had previously been in his room, blasting that awful thing he calls music, materialized behind the sofa an hour into the session when they were already slowly going off-topic. It confirmed Gansey's suspicions, as Ronan indeed had a sixth sense when it came to Parrish-related things. It was kind of funny, kind of heartwarming and kind of weird to observe this unusual sign of love from him.
Ronan did not stay behind the couch long, instead deciding to throw himself onto it, lying on his stomach. For the most part, he didn't say anything, not even a greeting Adam could reply to. Observing that, no one would have said, if they didn't know Ronan and Adam as well as Gansey, that they were a couple.
Adam didn't seem to mind much, still paying attention to his math homework and still giving Gansey glances from time to time, to show that he was still listening.
Ronan provided to be a distraction, but not to Adam — to Gansey. The further from studying they were, the more obvious it became how close Ronan's face was to Adam's neck.
Finally finished with his homework, Adam leaned back.
Gansey tried — really, really tried — not to stare but he was utmostly sure Ronan was nuzzling into Adam's neck. The touches could be easily mistaken for tiny little kisses scattered over Adam's freckled skin. It was a very strange sight, as it was simultaneously looking seductive, almost like tiny little kisses scattering over Adam's freckled skin, and disturbing in a way that made Gansey feel hot all over his body but it also made Ronan, who was slightly curled onto himself and hiding his nose in Adam's nape, look like an overgrown lap dog that was pawing its owner for attention.
Adam didn't react at first, and Gansey would say he didn't notice, but he also leaned further back, allowing Ronan's thumb to brush his shoulder blade.
This wasn't exactly outrageous but it was also enough that Gansey noticed. More wasn't allowed to show, but Adam and Ronan's affection wasn't exactly public in the sense that no stranger would call it affection.
Gansey wasn't a stranger so he could see the way Ronan's breathing calmed down and the way his eyes hovered closed a second or two longer. He almost looked sleepy, or peacefully content.
And then Adam had to get up.
And Gansey could see how Ronan's body sharpened within seconds, lazily turning onto his side and shaking off any easiness off his shoulders.
"You sure you don't want me to drive you?" Ronan asked, voice rough and lazy from not talking for so long.
Gansey's brain, at that moment, was showing him red flags — there was a way too much intimacy within this short period of time and this little question was another example of it. Ronan hadn't said anything for the duration of his stay on the couch. This was a conversation he hadn't been a part of.
The corner of Adam's lips quirked up, almost unnoticeably. He adjusted the strap of his bag, filled up with notebooks, textbooks, and his work uniform and there was something light about his posture.
"No, Lynch," he said. "Not today."
Gansey wished he could, just like that, offer Adam a ride, and not be placed under his questioning gaze and assessed for ulterior motives. Maybe it was a boyfriend privilege, or rather — a Ronan privilege, as this had been happening even when they weren't in a relationship.
"I will see you tomorrow in the library?" Adam asked, snapping Gansey out of the stupor.
"Yeah, and at lunch."
Adam waves at them, turning around.
"Hey, Parrish," Ronan spoke up. He waited for Adam to turn back to them before continuing.
Adam raised an eyebrow, slightly amused. "Huh?"
"Aren't you forgetting something?" Ronan asked. Adam gave him an empty look. "You suck."
And then Ronan turned his face, his jaw slightly up so that his side was directed at Adam. He tapped his cheek with one finger, brows creased, and waited.
Adam rolled his eyes but his expression was unbelievably fond. Gansey stared.
Adam took a step back to the sofa. Gansey stared more.
Before Gansey could even register what was happening, Adam leaned down over Ronan's sprawled body and kisses his cheek, an inch away from his chin, so long and so sweet that Gansey's mouth opened as he gaped. It was casual but looking weirdly domestic — it reminded Gansey of early childhood and the way his parents would often kiss in the doorframe, whenever one of them was leaving for work, or grocery shopping, or dentist appointment, or to pick up the kids from school.
Ronan's hand searched for Adam's and they met in a soft squeeze.
"What, no tongue?" Ronan asked, with a face that could easily be synonymous with the phrase the cat that got the cream.
"Screw you," Adam said, a tiny smile present over his reddened face.
Ronan's hand gave him a barely-there squeeze again.
Gansey couldn't tell if this was something normal for them or something Ronan played up to tease him and Adam simply indulged. It seemed too smooth and too habitual to be something done on the spot, especially with the level of softness they both displayed — it was almost as if Gansey wasn't in the room with them, silently observing everything; he didn't feel teased, he felt absent.
Ronan was usually the one that walked Adam to his car or took Adam home — Gansey hadn't seen them saying goodbye yet and quite frankly, he didn't think they would be saying any kind of goodbye at all. This seemed like something only sappy couples would do and although he could easily call Ronan sentimental, there was a difference. Out of the two of them, he had never thought that Adam would ever allow himself to be this vulnerable — the intimacy felt like something earned too early, something that shouldn't be there for months or years.
(It was. Something normal for them, that is.)
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rhetoricalrogue · 3 years
Zoe/Mason and #21
Thanks for the ask!  This was in regards to my 2020 Spotify Unwrapped.  #20 was Lord Huron’s Fool for Love.
Well I’m not afraid to fight Let’s step outside and I’ll show you why
Mason frowned when he saw that Zoe’s office was empty.  It was well past her time to be off the clock, and the fact that she hadn’t left was troublesome.
Not that he was waiting for her or anything.  
He didn’t bother flicking on her light, his eyes looking at the oversized desk calendar.  Ah.  He remembered her talking about the self-defense class that she and Tina were hosting, but he hadn’t caught what day she was going to be doing the clinic on.  Grabbing her pen, he crossed the date out, seeing that it was Zoe’s habit to do it for all the other previous days of the month and she had missed doing it with that calendar square.
Not like he was concerned it may throw her off in the morning.  It was just his way of being polite.
The police station had a decently sized gym and Mason leaned against the doorframe to watch the last bits of the class.  He had to admit, he didn’t expect Tina to be so capable in breaking holds or throwing her attacker into the mats.  She had good form and was a decent opponent.  You know, for a human.
Then again, it didn’t take much when your opponent was a scrawny string bean of a teenager, constantly blowing his hair out of his eyes.  Mason sneered.  If there had been anyone nearby, he would have bet that Douglas had volunteered for the class purely so he could touch Zoe, even if said touching was her slamming her knee into his solar plexus.
He winced.  Mason could tell that Zoe was pulling her punches, but he’d been on the receiving end of that hit - he’d felt generous their last sparring session and slowed down enough for her to connect her punches.  She hit fast and she hit hard, much to his approval - and he knew that even without her full power that Douglas was going to feel that one in the morning.
He waited until the class had been concluded before approaching.
“Thought I’d find you here,” he drawled, watching as Zoe started snapping folding chairs together and handing them over to Douglas, who stacked them up alongside the wall.
She grinned.  “You remembered.”
He scoffed as he moved to help her pick up chairs, quietly smirking when Douglas turned and jogged over to them, body language all but screaming that he didn’t like the fact that Mason had shown up.  “Of course, sweetheart,” he drawled.
She raised an eyebrow. “Uh huh.  You went into my office and saw my calendar, didn’t you?”
Mason decided not to answer that one.  “Nice class you put on, I caught the last fifteen minutes.  Covered a lot of ground, though I highly doubt that anyone’ll have to put that knowledge to use any time soon in this town.”
She shrugged.  “It’s still good information to have on hand.  You never know when some stranger will show up and crowd you in an alley.”
He sidled up to her, hovering close enough to feel the heat of her body radiate towards him.  She’d put on a plain t-shirt and yoga pants for the demonstration and his hands itched to rove over dips and curves he’d all but memorized.  “That an invitation for something, Sweetheart?”
“Yeah, if you want to get your ass kicked.”
Mason’s head whipped over to where Douglas was sullenly grabbing chairs and hauling them over to the wall.  “What was that, kid?”
“Mason -”
He ignored Zoe’s warning and crossed his arms over his chest.  “Couldn’t quite hear you.”
The tips of Douglas’ ears turned pink.  “It’s just that she’s been showing off her moves all night.  She’d eat you alive if you tried anything in an alley with her.”
“That’s…”  Zoe took a breath to try to gather her composure and try not to laugh out loud while shooting Mason a look that said don’t you dare make an innuendo.  “Thank you, Douglas, for the vote of confidence.”
Douglas smiled and gave her such a look of blind devotion that Mason found his hackles rising.  “You’re an excellent teacher, Zo,” he said dreamily.
There was a thread of irritation in Mason’s voice that he couldn’t quite get out.  “She really is, kid.  And since you’ve been tossed around all evening, I bet you picked everything up right quick.”
Douglas squared his shoulders and puffed his narrow chest out.  “I sure did,” he said, looking Mason in the eye.  Mason had to give him credit for not immediately backing down.  Then again, he hadn’t given him a proper intimidating look backed with a burst of pheremones to make the boy unnerved.  “In fact, I could probably teach you a thing or two.”
The harsh bark of laughter couldn’t be stopped, but then again, he also heard the indelicate snort Zoe gave.  “Kiddo, if you really think you could take me on, you’ve got -”
“It’s Officer Friedman,” he said, coming out of his perpetual slouch in order to stand up to his full height.  Granted, he was still several inches shorter than Mason, but the defiant look in his eye earned him the tiniest of nods of respect.  “And yes, I know I can take you on.”
Zoe stood in between them.  “Okay, I don’t think that’s the best of ideas. It’s late, we should all be getting home.”
“No, no, I want to see how this goes.”
Zoe looked over Mason’s shoulder to glare at Tina.  “Really?”  
Tina grinned.  “Honestly, I want to see just how many seconds it takes for Douglas to hit the dirt.”
Zoe reached out and grabbed Mason’s arm.  “Can I speak with you privately?” she asked, not waiting for a response as she started dragging him towards the other side of the gym.  “What is going on?”
He shrugged.  “Kid’s feeling his boundaries and wanting to pick fights.”
She narrowed her eyes.  “And you’re encouraging him.”
“Sometimes people need to know how far to test things and when the things they’re testing start to bite back.”  He tossed a look over to the teenager, who had gone back to helping Tina clean up the remaining chairs.  “Unless you want him to continue mooning over you.”
Zoe stood up straighter.  “You’re jealous.”
“Can’t get jealous of someone who doesn’t have a chance, now can I?”  The statement was said calmly enough, but he tapped out a cigarette and stuck it in his mouth irritably.
She yanked it from his lips and shook her head.  “No smoking in police buildings.”
“Whatcha gonna do with that then?”
“Maybe I’ll give it back to you if you ask me nicely.”  Her smile faltered.  “Look, he’s a kid that’s thirteen years younger than me. Whatever little crush he has on me is just that, a crush.  We all had them at that age and for the most part, we all got over them.  It isn’t going to do anyone any good if the guy that he sees as some weird competition sends him to the hospital.”
Mason rolled his eyes and let out a long-suffering sigh that would have impressed Nate, had he been there. “Fine, I won’t hurt the kid.” He sneered. “Even if it would get him to stop dressing like a knockoff version of me.”
“Face it, you’re just jealous of his fancy new boots.”
He scoffed at her calling him jealous for a second time that evening. “Whatever. I have boots older and better than his.”  His grin widened as he reached out to palm her hip, his arm pulling her closer to him.  “That’s not the only thing that’s older and better either, Sweetheart.”
Zoe leaned in and pressed a kiss to his chin.  “Careful, Sunshine.  He’s going to wind up landing a lucky hit on that enormous ego of yours.”
Mason rolled his eyes and smirked. “I’m letting him get one good hit in, only so he feels like he’s doing okay.”
Zoe reached up and ran her fingers through his hair, her nails scratching against his scalp in a way that had him letting out what could only be described as a satisfied sigh, his hand sliding down to cup her backside and bring her in until she was all but riding his thigh.  “Be careful with my officer, Mason.  I’m going to need him to be well enough to start doing patrols.”
“You two gonna make out in the corner or is Douglas going to have to go in there and break you up?” Tina teased, cupping her hands around her mouth to be heard across the station’s gym floor.
“I didn’t know that was an option,” Mason retorted, giving Zoe a quick kiss and a parting nip to her bottom lip before moving away, his mouth teased up into a knowing grin as he caught the barely inaudible whine she let out at the lack of contact.  “Don’t worry, Sweetheart.  I’ll deal with this and then maybe we can go back to your place for a little wrestling match of our own.”
“Just…” she sighed.  “Dial it down a notch or a million, will you?”
Mason shrugged out of his jacket and handed it to her.  “Yeah, yeah.  I’ll go puny human level, don’t get your panties bunched up.”  Pushing the sleeves of his henley up his forearms, Mason lazily sized Douglas up, watching as he got into a fighting stance.  “Well?  You gonna throw a punch or are we standing here all night?”
Douglas narrowed his eyes and struck out, the blow easily dodged.  “Not a bad start, let’s see if one of these actually connects.”  
“Five bucks says your boy toy knocks him on his ass in less than five minutes,” Tina whispered.
“Not taking that bet.  We both know how this is going to go.”
“Yeah, with you leaving me to tend to Douglas’s bruised ego while you go and get freaky with that tall drink of oh shit, he got a hit!” Tina bounced on the balls of her feet as Mason reached up to dab at his mouth with the back of his hand, the smallest dab of red streaking across his knuckle.
“Not bad at all.  You’ve got some potential.”  Zoe was positive that there was a tiny spark of respect in Mason’s voice before he struck out with a speedy one-two combination, hitting Douglas in the chest and stomach with enough force to knock him to his knees.
“You know,” Douglas wheezed, slowly getting back to his feet.  “You don’t hit that bad either.”
Mason narrowed his eyes.  “You’re a persistent one, I’ll give you that,” he told him, dodging another punch.  Somewhere along the line, a demonstration of what Douglas had learned had boiled down to what looked like a plain fistfight, a haymaker that would have connected on anyone else going wild as Mason zipped out of the way.  He was still using enough speed and force behind his punches that didn’t raise any eyebrows, and Zoe had to roll her eyes at the fact that he even made sure to pant every now and again so it looked as if he was running out of breath.
She knew better.  He was a shitty actor, even if no one else but her could pick up on it.
Their impromptu fight ended abruptly when Mason’s fist connected with Douglas’s jaw, sending him sprawling onto the mats.  “You okay, kid?” Mason asked, flexing his fingers as Tina and Zoe ran towards them.
Douglas sat up with Tina’s help.  “I think you broke my jaw.”
Mason shook his head.  “Nah.  Trust me, you’d know if it was broken.  Put some ice on it when you get home.”  He turned to look at Zoe.  “We done here, Sweetheart?”
“Everything okay, Douglas?” she asked instead, holding out a hand to help him to his feet.
“Yeah, Zoe.  It’s all good.”  She inwardly winced at the sad expression on his face, but also hoped that it would mean the beginning of the end to his fixation with her.
“Come on, Champ,” Tina said, patting him on his back.  “We’ll make a pit stop to the break room for a bag of ice and then I’ll take you out for some ice cream.”
Mason waited until they were alone.  “You’re pissed.”
Zoe turned back to face him.  “What makes you say that?”
“I bruised your officer.”
She shook her head.  “You could have done worse, but you didn’t.”  She pulled out the cigarette from her pant pocket and handed it to him.
“I didn’t even ask nicely.”  Still, Mason shook his head.  “Keep it.”
She watched his eyes darken as she shrugged her arms into his jacket, the garment too big on her.  “Maybe I’m feeling generous,” she said, digging into his jacket pockets until she found his slightly crumpled carton of cigarettes and replaced it inside.  Turning on her heel, she made her way towards the gym’s doors and flicked off the light.  “You coming or am I walking home alone?”
There was a whoosh of air and Zoe let out a grunt as her back gently hit the wall next to the light switch.  “I seem to remember me talking about having our own little wrestling match,” he said, tightening his fingers in her hair, his palm cushioning the back of her head from hitting the wall when he crowded her.
“I don’t remember agreeing,” she purred, sliding her fingers up and under the hem of his shirt, feeling the muscles of his stomach contract at the contact.  “Though maybe if you ask -”
He kissed her then, just like he’d wanted to all damn day, his mouth moving over hers and tongue dipping into her mouth to taste her.  “Please,” he murmured, lips trailing downwards over her throat as he wedged his thigh between her legs.  “Pretty fucking please.”
It took all his willpower not to shove her pants down her hips and have her there against the gym wall as she whimpered a shaky yes when his fangs skated across her skin, but he did muffle a groan into her shoulder as he let her grind against his thigh before grabbing her hips and smothering a pleased cry with his mouth.  “Keep that up, Sweetheart, and we’re not going to make it back to your place any time soon.”
“Promises, promises, Sunshine,” she replied, nipping at his lips until he melted against her, forearm braced against the wall and his other hand wandering to cup her backside and yank her closer to him.  Giving him one last kiss, she ducked under his arm, grabbing her bag and slinging it across her body before heading out of the gym and into the night.
Mason quickly shut the door behind them, letting his long legs catch him up to Zoe, who hadn’t gotten quite to the edge of the parking lot yet.  He shoved the sleeves of his shirt down to his wrists and rubbed his hands down his arms before casually resting an arm over Zoe’s shoulder.
“You want your jacket back?” she asked, wrapping her arm around his waist as they walked.
“Eventually.”  He sighed as the warmth from her body soaked into his side.  “Besides, it’s just going to wind up on your bedroom floor in a few minutes.”  Her scent was also going to linger in the lining for days, making him reluctant to light up a cigarette and have the smoke drown it out.
Not that he’d tell her that or anything.
Zoe grinned at his smile.  “Promises, promises,” she repeated, moving closer to him until she was all but glued to his side.
Mason’s smile widened into a full-blown leer.  “And you should know by now that I’m good with keeping my word.”
“I’m not arguing with you there.”  She stopped them under a streetlight and teasingly nipped at his jawline.  “Just looking forward to when you make good on them.”
Mason quickly looked around the empty streets, ears straining to hear anything over the tempting sound of Zoe’s heart.  Making a calculated move, he reached down and grabbed her, slinging her over his shoulder as he moved away from the light and zipped down the dark parts of the street in a blur until they were close to her apartment.  He would have rushed them into her complex properly, but he knew that there was that nosy neighbor on the second floor who always seemed to be looking out their window when he showed up and he didn’t want to risk anyone witnessing a display of supernatural speed.
“Don’t worry,” he drawled as she unlocked her front door.  “I’ll make damn good on them.”
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otomefoxystar · 4 years
Fandom:  Masquerade Kiss
Pairing:  Kazoumi X MC
Warning: NSFW 
Genre: SMUT 
Word Count: 1,536
Written by: @otomefoxystar
She had a dangerous job and he was okay with that, mostly okay. She traveled a lot and he was okay with that. What he was not okay with was the good-looking boss that his girlfriend had admired for so long taking her away on a mission just the two of them. He couldn’t call her he couldn’t text her. He was going mad not being able to talk to her. What if he was kissing her? Touching her hair, caressing her skin. What if she was enjoying it? Thank god she was coming home in a few hours. Kazoumi waited with impatience as he skimmed over business papers awaiting for _ _ _ arrival. He heard the door close and heels clicking on the marble flooring. “ Kazoumi?” She walked into his office and leaned against the doorframe. He looked up from the paperwork on his desk to the one thing he was yearning for the most, and she was standing right in front of him. “ how long have you been standing there?” She walked towards him slowly “ Long enough to know that you aren’t really focused on work, your mind is somewhere else. You have a bad habit of tapping your pen when you can’t concentrate.” He smirked “ I didn’t know you paid attention to such details.” “ When it comes to you I pay attention to a lot of things.” He stood up and kissed her lips. “ Did you sleep on the plane?” She nodded He went to the living room and took her luggage into the bedroom. She followed him and he turned to her bringing her hands up and kissing her fingertips. “ Did he see you sleeping?” She cocked her head to the side. “ Who? The boss?” Kazoumi kissed up to her wrist making goosebumps rise on her skin. “ I mean yeah we were on the same plane.” Kazoumi frowned He nuzzled his face in her hair and stroked it, forcing her eyes shut. “ Did he touch your silky hair?” “ It was up the whole time” he smiled, and took out her ponytail “ good, what about here? Did he kiss your lips?” He stroked her lips with his thumb.
“ It wasn’t that kind of mission. I would never take a mission where I had to cheat on you Kazoumi.” He swept her hair to the side and kissed her neck. “ Are you attracted to him?” Her eyes widened “ What?! NO! I mean I think I used to be but I think I confused it with admiration. You are the only man I look at. Why are you so jealous of him?” He licked the shell of her ear and she let out a small gasp. “ He has this authority over you that I don’t. It's like you two have this secret relationship.” She put her hands on his shoulders “There are all these women fawning over you, sometimes I worry that I won't be enough. I have to have faith that you love me. He’s just one man how can he have so much power over you? Kazoumi, I’m yours.” He unzipped her dress and carried her to the bed. “ prove it to me, let me pleasure you. Let me mark you as mine.” She shook her head “ You can’t, I need to be professional.” He took her heels off her feet slowly in a seductive way. “ I’ll do it where no one can see, I’ve been going out of my mind thinking about you. I need to make love to you.” She looked into his raging eyes eager to devour her at any moment. He slid her dress off and climbed on top of her taking her lips in a hot kiss. She reached up and cupped his cheeks, kissing him back eagerly. He pushed his tongue in past her teeth entwining it with her own. Searching her mouth, feeling every crevice every corner. She swiped her tongue along with his tongue, and they wrestled for dominance until Kazoumi released her swollen lips to kiss and lick down her neck. She began to unbutton his shirt with impatience, and sat up and slid it off his arms dropping it off the side of the bed. He kissed down her chest and unhooked her strapless bra. He slid it off her body freeing her breasts from their restraints. As he went to lay her down he caught her lips again. He pinched her nipples as she felt down his muscular back. He rolled her nipples between his fingers and she let out a moan and raked her nails up his back eliciting a deep grunt from him. He put his lips to her collarbone and kissed down her chest licking with the tip of his tongue to her nipples. He circled her nipple with his tongue while he rolled the other one with fingers. She started breathing hard, her chest heaving. He drew her nipple into his mouth. She grabbed a fistful of sheets and he let go of her nipple only to repeat the action on the other side. He ghosted his fingertips down her abdomen to under her blue panties. He plunged his fingers into her heat and she clenched onto the sheets tighter. He scissored his fingers inside of her. Kazoumi kissed down her soft abdomen sucking on the side of her hip leaving a large love bite. He dove deep inside of her, as his thumb circled her bundle of nerves. “ Oh god...Kazoumi” Soon, her thighs started trembling uncontrollably, and her toes began to heat up. He pushed his fingers against that rough spot, making her pant. She lifted her back off the bed as her orgasm snapped.   Her chest rose and fell as she caught her breath. He always made sure she was efficiently pleasured, but she wanted to show him that she loved him and only him. She pulled him up on top of her kissing him. She rolled them over so she was straddling him. She undid his belt and noticed the sizeable bulge in his pants. She pulled his pants off and came back licking around his navel, earning a guttural groan from him. She noticed a wet spot on his boxers from his excitement. She removed his boxers slowly, allowing his cock to spring free. He looked at her with anticipation. “ I want to show you that you are the only man I see I want to show you how much I need you.” She kissed the tip of his cock and licked it. She took him inside of her mouth hollowing her mouth as she sucked hard while she glided up the length of his cock and back down. “ Good lord!” He bucked his hips involuntarily as she bobbed her head. He raked his fingers through her hair, grabbing at her scalp. “ I’m getting very very close, unless you want me coming in your mouth you need to stop.” She had no intention of stopping, but she wanted to give him the best orgasm possible, and if she denied him now then he’d have a better orgasm when they were actually making love. She slowly released his cock and stood up stripping her panties off. She climbed on the bed and got on all fours climbing towards Kazoumi like a wild cat. He was so turned on he felt like he would burst and she was being so provocative which was turning him on even more. He tried to sit up but she pushed him against the headboard with a bang. She came over to him and felt the planes of his chest. She straddled him sinking slowly down onto his cock. She wrapped her legs around his back and sighed once he was fully sheathed inside of her. She looked into his passionate eyes and gave him a messy kiss, as she started moving her hips in circular motions. Kazoumi thrust upward and held onto her hips. He grunted as she bounced up and down his on his cock. She leaned backward pulling him on top of her. Her hair rippled off of the end of the bed, and Kazoumi started moving inside of her. Her legs were still wrapped around his back giving him a better angle causing her to moan loudly. He loved it when she moaned like that and he wanted to hear more. He started rubbing her clit as he pounded into her, and she moved her hips with his movements. Her whole body started heating up and her moans became high pitched pants. Her walls started fluttering as her impending orgasm was getting close. “ Are you coming?” he asked with a smirk “ Har...harder” Kazoumi pumped into her harder, and her vision went white and she moaned loudly and her walls clenched around his cock. Her body went limp and his own orgasm released inside of her, but he had never come so hard before. He gently pulled out of her, and she snuggled up to him and drew circles on his chest. “ Kazoumi, I will never look at anyone, but you."  He looked over at her “ Promise?” She smiled “ I promise” He smiled back at her, and he pressed his forehead to hers and kissed her softly.
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ghosttotheparty · 4 years
say my name and say it twice (cotton candy skies)
11. also on AO3 chapter ten
Lucas gives Jens this feeling that doesn’t really make sense.
A feeling that makes every cell in his body feel like it’s been set alight, makes his stomach feel like it’s completely filled with butterflies, and his lungs too, making it difficult to breathe. A feeling that makes his hands shake and still simultaneously, that makes his heartbeat slow and quicken. It makes him feel seen, make him feel real, and alive, and…
It’s inexplicable.
Jens doesn’t know what it is, really. There’s just something about him. Maybe there’s something about the way his eyes shine and sparkle, those blue eyes of his, those eyes that seem like they could look right through Jens but don’t. Those eyes that look right at him so intensely it’s like they’re studying him, like they’re memorising him.
Maybe there’s something about the way his freckles are scattered across his face. It looks like someone flicked a paintbrush at his face, like he’s a work of art himself. It’s like the freckles have been shifted every time Jens looks at them, like they’re brand new. Someday Jens will finally have them memorised.
Maybe there’s something about the way he carries himself, the way he stands, the way he looks around himself like he’s searching for something. (Jens doesn’t know what he’s looking for.) It’s like he’s looking for something that doesn’t exist, constantly searching, scouring everything he lays his eyes on. Sometimes it looks like he’s looking for beautiful, like he’s looking for a muse. He pushes his hands into his pockets, gently tosses his head to the side, and his curls move out of his face. (Though Jens would rather push them out of his face himself.) He twists his ring, sometimes pulling it off and turning it between his fingers, the fingers that also tug on the chains around his neck.
Maybe there’s something about the way that hose fingers curl around Jens’s, how the very tips brush over his skin so lightly it’s like bugs crawling, like wind blowing, tickling softly. The way he feels the coldness of his ring against his skin, the metal becoming warm after a few seconds. The way his nails are always painted carefully, smooth colours all shiny and pretty.
Maybe there’s something in the way he moves his feet while he sits, swinging his foot back and forth by the ankle like he’s tapping it to music. Jens feels his foot thumping against the dumpster while they talk every time they sit there and could hear it under the table of the coffee shop, a steady rhythm that Lucas never seems to even notice. Comforting.
There’s definitely something in the way Lucas’s lips felt pressed to Jens’s, so soft and careful. (Everything Lucas does seems to be soft and careful.) The way his lips caught Jens’s lower lip for just a second, the way his hand came up and touched Jens’s chin gently before he pulled away, too soon for Jens to really react after his brain started working again.
Jens throws himself backwards on his bed, one leg hanging off and swinging as his lips press together and his eyes close like he’s reminiscing.
As Lucas walked away from him, all he wanted to do was twirl him around and pull him in again, to press his mouth to Lucas’s, slide his fingers into his curls. Feel Lucas wrap his arms around Jens’s waist, feel Lucas’s breath as he kisses him over and over.
But he didn’t.
He watched Lucas walk away until he felt like he could finally move, and then he went home, smiling. He’d considered texting Lucas So you’re just gonna kiss me and go, huh? but he didn’t do that either.
They haven’t talked about the kiss at all, like they’re pretending it didn’t even happen. (Except for the kissy emojis they send sometimes, but Jens doesn’t think those count.)
A door shuts outside Jens’s room and he sits up, holding himself up by leaning back on his hands, his eyes squinting sleepily at his door as he expects it to swing open.
“Jens!” his mother’s voice calls from the living room, and he sighs, rolling his eyes as he stands and opens his door. He stays in the door frame, watching as his mother sits on the sofa, putting her shoes on.
“I’m taking Grandpa to some shops for the afternoon.” She finishes tying her shoes and walks over to him, stepping in front of him. “You’ll stay home for Lotte?”
“Yeah, of course.” He shrugs and she reaches up, holding his face softly.
“I don’t know when she’ll come out of her room, she had kind of a rough morning.”
“That’s okay. I’ll check on her when you leave.”
“Thanks, honey.” She get on her tiptoes and stretches up to press a kiss to his forehead.
“We’re going?” Dilan says from the other side of the room. Jens didn’t even see him there, and he startles slightly before looking up. Dilan is standing by the front door.
“Yep.” His mom pats his cheek and steps back, making her way to the door that Dilan is holding open now. “We’ll be back this evening. I love you!” She waves and Jens waves back.
“Bye, Jens!” Dilan calls.
The door is shut and Jens sighs, leaning his head against the door frame before he makes his way to Lotte’s room. He doesn’t knock on the door and instead calls her name softly. He hears a mumbled “Yes.”
“Can I open the door?”
He pushes the door open, leaning on the doorframe and looking at her. She’s laying on her back on the floor, her arms wrapped around a weighted pillow that’s on her chest. She looks at him for a second before looking back at the ceiling. Jens smiles at her long hair fanned around her head.
“You okay?” he asks.
“Is there anything I can do?”
She hums and pauses, her eyes jumping around on the ceiling. The light is off and her curtains are drawn, the room dim.
“Not right now.” Her tone is light and soft, so Jens doesn’t worry.
“Okay. I’m in my room if you need me, okay?”
“Alright. I love you.”
She nods and he steps out, shutting the door softly. There’s a strict, but unspoken, no-slamming rule in the household. Jens has a habit now, of using both hands to shut doors, even at school and restaurants, resulting in his friends teasing. (But he doesn’t mind.)
He goes back to his room and flops on his bed, covering his face with his arms. Maybe he’ll fall asleep, that would be nice. Lotte would wake him up if she has to.
But he uncovers his face and sits up when his phone buzzes on his bedside table, and he reaches over, leaning on his arm, to pick it up without thinking. Addiction? Maybe. Whatever.
It’s a text from Lucas, and Jens’s heart flutters.
I’m so fucking bored, help me
Jens sits up and messages him back.
me too
He hesitates before typing again.
call me?
There’s a second before Lucas responds :) and another before he calls him, and Jens’s eyes widen when he sees that it’s a video call, and he sits up further, quickly running his hands through his hair before answering, his heart beating wildly.
Lucas is grinning at him, his blue eyes sparkling under the soft sunlight of his room.
“Hi.” Jens can hear his smile in his voice.
“Where’s Milan?” Jens leans back on his headboard.
“Shopping with Zoë. And Senne’s out with friends.”
“So you’re all alone?” Jens feigns sadness.
“Yes.” Lucas pouts before snickering and shifting, the camera moving close to his face before pulling back. Jens can see all his freckles. “Where’s the grandpa?”
Jens makes a face.
“Out with my mom. I’m home with Lotte, she’s chilling in her room right now.”
“Lotte sounds sweet.”
“She is, I love her.”
Lucas smiles.
“How old is she?”
“Oh!” Lucas jerks his chin back in surprise, raising his eyebrows. “I thought she was older for some reason.”
“What do you guys do together? I don’t have any siblings, I don’t know how they work.”
Jens snorts.
“Uhm… We watch movies together, homework, sometimes I’ll read to her, or explain my homework to her.” Lucas furrows his brows and Jens shrugs. “She likes it.”
Lucas pushes himself forward onto his stomach and sets his phone against something before resting his chin on his forearms.
“What else?”
“Sometimes we just lay on the floor in silence.” Jens smiles as he says it. “It comforts her and it’s really peaceful.”
“Mm.” Lucas is smiling too.
“And I play guitar for her. We have this kind of… system, I guess? She gives me a colour and I play something that’s that colour.”
Lucas is still smiling and he cocks his head, listening intently.
“I don’t really know how to explain it, it’s like…” He sighs, looking away for a second. “Whatever colour she wants to hear, I’ll play, and sometimes it’s because she needs stimulation or something to focus on, and sometimes it’s because she’s sad or wants to hang out.”
“That’s really cool.”
Jens nods. He’s never explained it to anyone before, never had to put it into words. Their mom isn’t really a big part of the system, but sometimes she stands in the doorway and watches as Jens plays and Lotte rocks back and forth.
“Will you play something for me?”
They stare at each other for a second.
“What colour?”
“Oh, uhm…”
While Lucas thinks, Jens grabs a pillow and sets his phone on it. He gets up and gets his guitar before sitting again, and he fixes the phone when it falls as the mattress moves under his weight.
“Pink…” Jens repeats, smiling to himself. He presses his callused fingertips to the strings and plays a light, sort of playful tune, something that’s somehow between Für Elise and the Adam’s Family. When it’s done, he looks at the screen and sees Lucas smiling widely.
“What song is that?” Lucas asks after a second.
“Oh, I don’t…” Jens shrugs. “Colour songs are all improvised.”
“You just made that up?” Lucas asks, his eyes wide. Jens nods, his cheeks heating. “Damn…”
“It’s fun,” Jens says, placing the guitar to the side, resting it against his bedside table. “I like seeing Lotte smile when I play, it’s the best part.”
“That’s so cute.”
“You know what you could do?” Jens picks the phone up and leans back, holding it in front of him.
“Paint something, with like, a main colour, and then I’ll play it for you.”
Lucas beams excitedly, his eyebrows raising as his jaw drops.
“Oh my God, I love that, we should absolutely do that.”
“You can make it like, abstract or something,” Jens says and his voice trails off as his door opens slowly. He looks up, away from the phone.
“Jens?” Lotte says tentatively as she steps into the room. She looks at his curtains after spotting him on the bed.
“What is it, ladybug?”
“I need help.”
“With what?”
“Math homework.”
“Is that Lotte?” Lucas asks quietly and Jens nods. “Hi, Lotte!” he calls, and Jens smiles. Lotte makes a confused face, her brows pulling together as she frowns. Jens beckons to her.
“Come say hi.”
Lotte steps next to Jens and he moves his arm so they don’t touch.
“Hi,” Lucas says again, waving.
“His name is Lucas,” Jens says before she can ask who he is.
“Hi, Lucas,” she says quickly, and Lucas beams happily. “Will you help me?” she asks, stepping back and looking at Jens.
“Yeah, of course. Where do you want to do it?”
She takes a second before shrugging.
“Do you want to do it in the living room or do you want to bring it in here?”
Her eyes scan the ceiling before she answers.
“Go on and get it.”
She nods and leaves without shutting the door.
“I gotta go,” Jens says, looking at Lucas. Lucas is smiling, his face and eyes soft as he looks at Jens.
“Okay. We’ll call later?”
“Of course.”
They gaze at each other for another second.
“Bye,” Jens says softly and Lucas puckers his lips, blowing a kiss to the camera, saying a low “Bye,” before he hangs up.
Jens takes a deep breath, closing his eyes and tilting his head back.
They’ll call later, he thinks blissfully.
He puts his phone back on his bedside table as Lotte comes back in, carrying several papers, pencils, and a blanket.
“Floor or bed?” he asks.
He tugs a blanket from the bed and wraps it around himself as he plops himself on the floor, and Lotte giggles, dropping the papers and pencils. As Jens picks up the first paper and reads the problem, Lotte copies him, wrapping her blanket around her shoulders before sitting.
“So what do you already know?” Jens asks.
“I start with twelve…”
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