#Adele/Y Gallery
adeleisexceptional · 3 years
DUALITY/Group Show @ Y Gallery | Woodbrook Trinidad & Tobago
Adele Todd . 
Quilted blanket and dimensional embroidery thread. 
81 x 65”2021
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As a Performance Artist who works with Embroidery and Soft Materials among other Media, the possibilities for DUALITY seemed endless. 
However, eventually I was moved to consider "Male Toxicity" as my theme.
The word Panty Man that is done tongue-in-cheek in neon pink is the Title that sets the viewer on their path of discovery.
The slang term is used to describe a man who is coddled and feminine in nature and a slur to homosexual men in particular.
The work is a large dark blue quilt with embroidery threads that on closer observation create individual words that must be looked at at close range and also, can only be seen one at a time as they do not have a chronology. 
The viewer must move their own bodies to 'read' the piece.The quilt is a symbol of nurturing, safety and warmth. 
The loose threads that thus fall from the quilt symbolises the unravelling of that safety. 
We generally expect men to be 'men' and are unaware of how much our stereotyping of the male sex confuses boys as they grow to manhood. 
I hope that my piece shall inspire those who interact with it, the opportunity, to consider when they themselves have perhaps used terminology seen on the quilt or words to that nature to define a man's character. 
We are all guilty of a level of sexual politics for its own gain and must now consider that sensitivity is not a one way street.
-Adele Todd
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sexypinkon · 3 years
Duality * Y Gallery Group Show
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4 notes · View notes
The Portrait of Love
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Fandom: The Mentalist
Pairing: Marcus Pike x Reader  (Reader wears a dress, but other than that no gender sign posts) 
Writer: @writings-of-a-hufflepuff​ aka @hufflepuffing-all-day-long​
Rating: G
Warnings: N/A
Requested by @iamburdened​: ‘Heart eyes when the other talks, sings, dances, argues, does literally anything especially things which others make fun of them for or find annoying’ with Pike because this baby boy deserves just the absolute best!! Cont.
Summary: When Marcus takes to you a work gala for the first time, he just expects a nice night chatting with colleagues and being proud to have his partner on his arm. He’s in truth a little bit worried that you’ll get bored hearing him talk about the latest art recoveries, truthfully, there’s nothing you enjoy more than listening to Marcus talk passionately about something. 
Notes:  Spent about 15 minutes just deciding which painting he should talk about in depth because research is important to me. Every time I write Marcus I just get this deep longing to curl up with him and express my love. 
“Hey, honey, you ready to go?” He’s straightening his tie in your hallway mirror. Marcus had been predictably early to pick you up for this FBI Gala, but he didn’t mind waiting for you to finish getting ready. It gave him time to straighten out his tie, brush off his suit jacket, and check that his beard wasn’t getting a little too wild now that he’d decided it was staying for the foreseeable future. 
The two of you hadn’t been dating long, four months at this point, and he’d never taken you to any of his work parties or events before. But, after a little bit of a pep talk consisting of talking to himself in his bathroom mirror one morning he’d decided to take that leap and invite you further into his life. Even if the possibility of getting hurt again gripped his heart with fear. 
The gala was just the usual sort, schmoozing with officials and encouraging interdepartmental cooperation. There’d be alcohol, finger foods, some music, but mostly talking. He didn’t mind them, they usually meant he got to have a chat with friends in other departments and it helped to meet new people who might be helpful on a future case. He wasn’t sure, however, if you’d enjoy yourself at all. You weren’t a big party person, preferring to stay in with him and cuddle on the sofa while watching a movie and eating take-away food, and you didn’t know many people there. Conversation would be work based and he’s not sure how riveting talking about stolen art really is in truth. But, you’d agreed and he was at least proud to know you’d be hanging off his arm tonight. He usually went to these things alone and his team were starting to tease him about this mysterious partner of his that he never brought along, not that he was trying to hide you. He just...he just didn’t want to rush things, that had been his failing in the past. 
“Yeah, sorry for making you wait,” You’re fastening the clasp of your necklace as you walk down the hall from your bedroom. When you’re greeted by silence after grabbing your bag off the sofa, you flick your eyes to Marcus. 
He’s standing stock still in the hallway, hand still gripping his tie, mouth slightly agape as his lower jaw drops just a fraction of an inch. He’s handsome, always is, but there’s something about a well cut suit and crisp white shirt that looks especially good on his broad shouldered frame. He’s even trimmed his beard, just enough to neaten it up, determined to keep it’s length after you commented on how handsome he was with it one too many times. 
“Marcus? Are you okay, baby?” 
“Yeah...yeah, I’m...I’m fine. You just..” He takes a deep breath, stilling himself. C’mon, Marcus, this is your partner for God’s sake. “You look beautiful, wow, really, really good...wow, sweetheart.” He wants to kick himself for how inelegant that was, of all the things he could say and he’s stumbling over how radiant you look, practically effervescent, some sort of ethereal being that he’s lucky enough to call his. 
The dress really does look beautiful on you, following the curvature of your body, the soft lines that he’s hugged close more often than not. He’s half tempted to just forgo the gala, grab your hand and tug you back to your bedroom where he can get lost in the shape of you. But, you’ve put so much effort into getting ready and there’s an excitement in your eyes that makes him think you might actually want to go to this thing. He’d never take that opportunity away from you. 
You laugh at him, but it doesn’t feel mean or mocking, just the sweet humoured expression of enjoyment at his words. A wide smile, the one he loves the most, twisting at the corners of your lips and crinkling the skin by your eyes. God, he loves you. He’s not ready to say it and he’s sure you’re not ready to hear it. But, he knows he loves you and this time, this time he hopes that it’ll work out. 
“Thank you, baby...you look very dashing. The picture of a handsome gentleman.” You walk up to him, hands smoothing out the lapels of his jacket, gentle touches over his shoulders, before easing his hands away from his tie and holding them in your own. The kiss you place on his lips is soft and chaste, but he can feel that warmth in the pit of his stomach, the longing for you that burns brighter whenever you’re around. 
He’s sure there’s a hint of redness to his cheeks, he always burns brighter in the face around you too. You have a way of flustering him like he’s 17 years old again and not a fully grown adult with a house, a car and a proper and responsible job. 
“C’mon, if we don’t go now we’ll be late and didn’t you say you wanted to talk to Andrews about that case you just finished up?” 
“Yeah, yeah I did.” It’s the fact that you remembered something so minute, something so miniscule that has him smiling wider at you and holding your hand as he walks you to his car. Like always he opens the door for you and helps you get in, adjusting the bottom of your dress so that it doesn’t get trapped in the door, before even thinking about getting into the car himself. He’s a gentleman and it’s the thoughtless, unthinking nature of it that makes your heart jump the most. He doesn’t do it to impress you, he doesn’t even realise he’s doing it, he just...does. 
The gala is enjoyable, it’s not some massively energetic affair but you like that, like that it doesn’t feel too overwhelming, that you can wrap your arm through Marcus’ and not fear losing him in the crowd. That you can chat with his colleagues, get to know the team mates who tease him about you saying ‘Oh, so this is your mystery partner!’, and enjoy the soft instrumental music that plays in the background. 
Marcus practically preens every time someone compliments you on your outfit, there’s no jealousy, just pride and it amuses you to see him puff his chest out and stand a little straighter before looking over at you like you’ve got the world in the palm of your hands. You hope he sees you react in much the same way when someone compliments the cut of his suit or the trimmed beard. He’s a handsome man, a kind man, a good man, and everything about him makes you proud to say he’s yours even if you’re only four months into your relationship.
You’re just nibbling on some small pastries of some kind when a booming voice calls over the other people, many of whom turn to look before rolling their eyes as if they should have expected it. 
“Pike! How’re you doing?” The man in question is older than Marcus by quite a few years, coiled grey hair and a warm smile on his face as he grabs Marcus’ free hand in a friendly shake. 
“Hey, Andrews, not too bad, yourself?” It’s clear from the smile on Marcus’ face that he likes this man, but having heard him talk about Andrews in passing you knew the two were something of work buddies despite being in completely different departments. 
“Oh, well given the amount of complimentary booze I’ve been throwing back, pretty good!” 
“Andrews, this is my partner, Y/N.” 
“Y/N, this is David Andrews he works in the Behaviour Analysis Unit.” Marcus introduces you to him, with an arm around your waist pulling you tight against him. The smile that beams down at you is nothing if not bright and proud to introduce you to his friend and you can’t help but smile back with similar ardor. 
“Should I be worried that you’ll psychoanalyse me?” 
“I’m a gentleman, Y/N, I’d never profile and tell.” It’s said with a wink, but that sort that’s more humour than flirtation. It puts you at ease and makes him seem more approachable. Unlike, some of the people you’d met tonight who were a bit stiffer in personality and harder to relax around. 
“So Marcus, about that last case you mentioned? A Klimt?” You know Marcus has been dying to talk about the case too, always on the verge of bringing it up before telling you that he’s sure you don’t want to hear about it. He always ends up stopping himself and every time something distracts you from forcing the issue because there is nothing boring about Marcus’ work or anything he’s passionate about. 
“You really want to know?”
“You know you’re the only one who’ll talk to me about art! Even my wife gets bored of hearing me talk about art and behaviour analysts are more interested in serial killers and their mummy issues!” David Andrews is a warm man and you settle yourself comfortably against Marcus’ side knowing he’s about to finally talk about his most recent case of art theft. You’re not an expert on art, not in the slightest and you’d never call it your calling in life or your major passion, but anything that gets Marcus to talk passionately is something you are enthralled by. 
“The Portrait of Adele Bloche-Bauer I, this rich guy bought it a couple years back for $135 million dollars. Big money, big painting, and pretty interesting history too. You know it was stolen by the Nazis during World War Two? Adele had asked her husband in her will to donate the Klimt paintings to the Austrian State Gallery when he died. When the Nazis took over Austria, he had to flee to Switzerland and leave them behind. The Nazis confiscated them and it in 1941.” 
You’re sure there are proverbial hearts in your eyes as you watch him, neck craning. His free hand moves as he talks, gesturing with each word and there’s a sparkle in his brown eyes when he talks about art, any art. Even art that he hates he talks about so passionately that you can’t help but enjoy anything he says. You lean your cheek on his shoulder as he talks and you’re sure it’s obvious in that moment how deeply in love you already are, even this early into your relationship.
“Now, this is a painting that’s over 100 years old, early 20th century, commissioned by a Jewish Banker, owned by a Jewish Banker and stolen by Nazis. The granddaughter won a legal suit to get the painting back and then sold it the exact same year.” 
David’s listening to Marcus, he really is, but he’s also watching you. If there was ever a time when the expression ‘like sun shines out of his ass’ applied then it was now. You were so clearly in love with Marcus, the soft crinkle of your eyes as you listened to him, the way you wrapped both arms around his waist, the attentive way you listened. You weren’t fawning over him to distract him, you were fawning over him because you enjoyed listening to him. It made the older man smile, Marcus had had it rough and it was clear he was finally on to a winner in the relationship department. He briefly considers starting a betting pool on when Marcus will propose or if you’ll beat him to the punch. Now that would be a surprise. 
“So this guy is sitting on this painting, he’s got it up in a gallery and it’s a Klimt, so you can imagine...It’s one of his last ‘golden phase’ paintings so all that gold has people flock to it and it’s a pricey painting too! Now we get a call a few months back saying it’s been stolen and it becomes a wild goose chase from there…” He’s too enthused with the art to really think about whether he’s boring you. It had been one of the most beautiful paintings he’d ever managed to recover and had he been dating you officially at the time he probably would have broken a few rules to let you see it. 
The night continues much like that. Marcus tells you and those around you about the cases he’s recently done, the paintings and sculptures he and his team had recovered and the history behind them. His knowledge was bolstered by an Art History degree and personal interest and research. While he does this you spend your time listening, genuinely interested in all the knowledge he displays, curled as close to him as you can be at a formal party, and staring at him like he hung the moon and stars in the sky. 
It’s not hard to stare at him like that. In the few months you’d been dating he had proven to be a wonderful boyfriend, the perfect partner. While he had expressed a desire to move slowly because of past failed relationships and clearly had reservations about how far to go with you, what to say, what to withhold, and what was okay and not, he was nothing but loving. He respected you greatly, something easy to see with every action he took and every word he said. He always made sure you were okay with a course of action, asked your opinion regularly and listened when you had something to say. The few times you’d raised issues in your relationship he’d listened and so had you, the two of you working through the teething problems together to come out the other side better and stronger. He was unfailingly kind and considerate to you, there was never a day he didn’t compliment you or send you a good morning text, in return you always let him know you got home safe from work and told him how wonderful he was. He made sure you were okay when you were feeling sick or under the weather, always popping round after a long day of work to care for you. He never made you feel bad for a single thing you did for him, like the time you brought him flowers, nervous he’d hate them because your past boyfriends had been less receptive to the thought of them. He always held doors open for you and offered to carry your bag if it was heavy. He always made sure to leave you with a smile on your lips and never made you feel silly when you were upset or panicked. 
He had proven to be a wonderful person and wonderful boyfriend all on top of being so incredibly handsome that you wondered how you’d lucked out to find a man who was quite literally the whole package. If there was ever a man who screamed ‘I’m husband material, take me home to meet your entire family’, it was Marcus. He was mature, responsible, safe, and comforting. He wasn’t boring either, the whole concept of safe as a boring baffled you. There was nothing better than knowing you could rely on Marcus, that if he said he’d be somewhere he would, if he said he would do something then he would, that if he made a mistake or messed up he’d own it and apologise for it, that you could discuss problems and figure them out together. He made it all seem so easy and simple, he made the effort and the energy you put in worth it because it was appreciated and returned in equal measure. You never had to baby him or mother him, he was an adult who could look after himself. 
“Did you have a good time, honey? I know I talked a lot...hope you weren’t bored?” It’s asked as your hands are clasped swinging between the two of you on the walk back to his car, footsteps echoing around the quiet car park.
You lean your head on his shoulder, turning your cheek to press a quick kiss there even though he can’t feel it through the layers of clothing. “I had the best time...I love listening to you talk, baby, I don’t think you could ever bore me.” You want him to believe you, to be confident in that. The hesitation to talk to you about his interests bothers you because you love him and his passions, because you don’t want him to ever doubt your desire to listen. 
You pull him to a stop, both hands now holding one of his, forcing him to stop and look at you with raised eyebrows and a bemused smile. “I love listening to you talk about the things you’re passionate about, Marcus. Don’t hide it from me. Please.”
“You...you mean that?”
“Yes, I really mean it!” You say it with a laugh on your lips because how could you not love listening to him talk about the things he loves the most, the things he���s interested in. He had said on multiple occasions how much he loved hearing you talk about your interests, so why was it so hard for him to understand that you felt the same way. 
There’s something blinding to him about your smile in that moment, about the realisation that you actually want to listen to him, that you enjoy listening to him, that his love of Art history, something that his past partners have had little to no interest in, is something you want to hear about. From him. It...it stuns him a little bit in the best sort of way and for a minute he thinks maybe this was supposed to happen. Maybe his ex-wife, Teresa, all of it was supposed to happen to bring him to you. Where he was supposed to be. 
He kisses you because he can’t bring himself to say he loves you yet. He’s scared if he says it, this magic feeling, this peaceful place you’ve found yourselves in will shatter like a dropped mirror. So, the love he feels for you, he pours into a kiss, arms wrapping tightly around you, a hand cupping the base of your head. You open your mouth to his without a second thought, your hands trailing up over his arms and shoulders before diving into dark brown hair that had been combed neatly for the evening. Kissing him always brings a warmth to your chest, a sort of ache that makes you want to cry happy tears. There is something so safe and welcoming about his embrace, something so warming about the gentle slide of tongue against yours and the press of his nose into your cheek. It’s all consuming, all you can think about is his touch, his smell, his presence, his warmth. The outside world fades away and only Marcus exists. 
“Can I take you home, Honey?” A large palm slips down low on your back as you pull away from each other, Marcus’ nose grazing against yours with a cheeky little smile and a familiar twinkle in his eye that means trouble.
“Only if you stay.” The twitch of one eyebrow and lopsided grin tell you you’re on the same page as you rush to his car like naughty children about to get in trouble and not fully grown adults. 
He’s grabbing some shitty coffee from the little kitchenette on his floor the day after the gala, feeling like his heads too fuzzy after a late night with you and the horrible event that was forcing himself out of a warm bed next to a warm body, when David walks by and spots him. 
Marcus is sure he probably looks as grumpy as he feels, he just...he really didn’t want to get out of bed this morning. Not with you there all warm, gentle and soft. Bedhead everywhere and a little, little pool of drool underneath your arm, not that he’d tell you about that. It’s easy to get up at his place when he’s alone, there’s no one drawing him back, no warmth calling to him.
“So, how’s the partner? Still hanging on your every word?” The grin of David’s face spells trouble, the sort of trouble that usually ends with Marcus bright red in the face and feeling less put together than he should be as head of a department in the FBI. 
“What are you talking about?” The words confuse him...separately and individually they make sense. He knows David’s talking about you, who he left in your bed at 5am this morning to come into work early for a meeting. He knows he’s referring to something but not quite what, something to do with words and...and...did he miss something? He feels like he’s missed a whole chunk of a conversation. Marcus decides it’s far too early for this, especially after a long meeting that didn’t get anywhere. 
“Last night.”
“What about last night?” He’s definitely putting more sugar than is healthy in his coffee this morning, mostly to combat the bitter fatigue and maybe the short sugar buzz would make his brain understand what the hell David Andrews was talking about. Though that seemed less likely by the second, maybe he’d call you later...you might know what he was getting at. 
“Y/N, you did notice right?” The look he gives Marcus can only be described as shock turning to hilarity, as if Marcus had missed out on some obvious punchline to a joke. For a minute he wonders if he’s fucked up again...have...do you not like him anymore? Was this David’s way of warning him that he’d seen something in your face last night that spelled the end of his relationship? “Wait, you don’t...kid, you’re not seriously telling me you’re that blind?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, David.” He’s getting a little frustrated at this point. Usually not quick to get angry or annoyed, the thought that maybe you’d given some sign that you were ready to end their relationship was making him more irritable than normal. While he’d accept it if that was the case, he’s not sure his heart would survive another knockout in the love ring. 
“The heart eyes Y/N was giving you all night? Hanging on every word you had to say about art? Looking at you like you hung the moon? Not leaving your side for more than a few minutes at a time? Y/N’s in love with you, kid.” The grin on David’s face is so wide that all of his shiny white teeth appear blinding. There’s a panic that begins to grip Marcus’ heart, an instinctive reaction to the pace at which everything suddenly feels like it’s happening.
Once upon a time he would have enjoyed the rush, ran head first into it, but after too many failed relationships, rushed seemed scary, fast was too much. It was too soon, you’d been dating four months, you couldn’t possibly love him. Sure, he loved you but...but he always fell in headfirst, too quickly
“No...no...I mean...it’s too soon, right? We’ve only been dating a few months and...and…” He thinks back to Teresa, their quick, fast paced romance, the ultimate end when she left him for another man. About his ex-wife, how they’d rushed into marriage young, how it hadn’t been enough to keep her attention, he hadn’t been enough. Then he thinks of you. Of your smiling face, the softness with which you trace your fingertips over his shoulders when he stays the night, the way you laugh at all his jokes even the bad one’s...how you said you enjoyed hearing him talk about his passions last night.
“Look, just because you’ve been burnt before doesn’t mean you’re going to get burnt now. Pike, I've seen love and that was love in Y/N’s eyes. Not attraction, not like, not a crush, love. Maybe you’ve finally found someone going at your speed? Think about it.” 
He does. Think about it, that is. Takes his coffee back to his office and sits there for ages not looking at the files on his desk or the case work he has to get done, just thinking about you. He can’t really stop himself when he picks up the phone and dials your work number, knowing that you’ll answer, assuming something’s wrong most likely. 
“Marcus? Are you okay? Is everything alright?” You’re worried and that worry adds to the pounding of his heart, the ache in his chest. You worry about him. You care about him. You barely let the phone ring before picking it up. 
“Yeah, yeah I’m okay, honey...I just…” His eyes drift to the paper weight on his desk, the one shaped like Michelangelo’s David, that you’d bought him on a trip to an Art Gallery. It reminded him of you whenever he looked at it. His free hand scratches across his beard as he leans more comfortably back in his chair. 
“Did...did something happen? Baby, are you…? You don’t sound okay?” You’re worried. Marcus doesn’t just call you in the middle of a work day, not unless something has happened. Despite his words he seems off, not his usual self and there’s an anxiety that fills your chest at the thought that something isn’t right, something isn’t like it normally is. 
“I’m great I just...I wanted to say I love you. I don’t say it enough...or at all.” He bites the bullet, knows it’ll come out at some point because he very rarely has any sense of patience. He knows the moment David said you might love him, he was a goner, he wasn’t going to be able to contain his own feelings. Because he loves you. Loves you so much that it’s hard on a morning when he actually wakes up beside you not to tell you he loves you. It’s hard not to say it when he leaves for work or when he phones during a rough case. 
There’s a pause on your end. He can hear your shaky breathing, the quick inhale of breath at his words. He has to close his eyes tight, just for a second, just to swallow down the feeling of nausea in his stomach at the thought that you might be about to tell him to take a hike. 
“You...you love me? Really?” It’s said with a happy little laugh in your voice, the sort that comes from awe, shock, an unexpected happiness that fills your chest. You can see some of your colleagues looking at you funny from the corner of your eye, but don’t really care in that moment. 
“Yeah, honey, I love you. So much. I just...it’s okay if you don’t want to say it, I...I don’t want to rush you or ruin what we have.” 
“Marcus, how could telling me you love me ever ruin what we have? God, baby, I love you too. So much, so so much!” 
He can’t help but laugh, it’s the relieved sort of laugh. You can hear the happiness in the breathy chuckle, can feel a few tears coming to your eyes because he loves you and you love him. Nothing could be better than that, then this feeling. 
The two of you stay on the phone for longer than you should considering you’re both at work, but in that moment, revelling in the happiness that only comes from sharing a declaration of love and receiving that love returned, you can’t find it within yourself to care. 
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Lady in Gold
It’s just a date at the Neue Galerie. That’s all it is, right?
Rating: M
Word count; 3,062
Warning/Includes: fluffy fluff, exhibitionism, slight choking, fingering, unprotected sex, slight breeding kink if you squint I guess?!
A satin tea dress, a mellow golden. It flowed to just below your knees, and it had been paired with nude block sandals. A simple yet elegant jewelled clip held a side of your hair back and you felt.. beautiful. This date had been planned for a while, he had said to meet him on the corner of 5th and 86th Street; you would look out for him, he would be in a brown suit. The night was young, the sun just beginning to set over the skyline. You’d wonder if he would be there earlier than you, or if he was barely going to come at all. These must be normal nerves, the churning feeling flowing around your stomach; it was just a date.
Clement and peaceful, the last streams of daylight laid upon your skin as you leant against a tree outside the building. Skimming your eyes against the array of people departing and arriving at the gallery; they finally landed on the tall figure ambling towards you. A soft smile, reflective aviator glasses and the brown suit. It was him. His own masterpiece, he gave a small wave as he grew closer. The faint scents of coconut, coffee and cologne overwhelmed your senses as you managed to stutter out a soft ‘Hi Matthew’.
‘Y/N hey! I’m glad you found this place okay, sometimes people end up on the wrong end of the mile.’ he exclaimed, waving behind him at the never ending street.
‘I’m that person, what should’ve been a 15 minute walk turned out a hell of a lot longer.’ you giggled out.
‘Well hey, we made it in time for the private slot, should we head inside?’ you nodded, and intertwined your arm around the one he held out for you. There was a way that he held you tightly against his side that felt as though you were fragile and he didn’t want you to fall and break. As he mentioned to one of the guards inside you were here for a private viewing, you couldn’t help but stare up at him with veneration. A king couldn’t hold the grace and charm he could.
You’d been meandering for a while, stopping to talk about Werkstätte accessories and admiring the vintage fashion. You were excited to get to the portraits. A favourite of yours was on display, Klimt’s portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer. Filled to the brim with facts and knowledge on his art, there was a passion in your eyes as you tugged his arm towards the exhibition you’d been waiting for. Placing your clutch bag on a nearby seat you almost skipped up to the portrait.
‘Wow,’ you breathed out, ‘it’s even more beautiful than I imagined. The gold just hits different when it’s not on a phone screen huh.’
He stood behind you a few steps, observing and listening to your spirited words and facts. The way you vehemently expressed yourself started to get into his bloodstream, every time you said something new, turned to look back at him; goosebumps arose across his forearms and the back of his neck. He sauntered quietly and slowly closer to you, gently placing a hand on each of your hips. Inhaling abruptly, you didn’t stop exuding truths about the painting before you.
‘The painting was handed down to Adeles family members, but the Nazis stole it in 1941. After quite a long journey through multiple agencies, it was bought in 2006 and displayed. I’m literally speechless that it’s in front of me - ah!’ Matthew had pulled your hair to one side as you were speaking, slowly leaving open mouthed kisses to your exposed neck. His grip had tightened on your hips, subsequently beginning to run one hand up your body; the fingers coming up to grip your chin and turning your head to look back at him.
‘Do you know how beautiful you sound?’ he muttered, eyes travelling from your glossed lips up to meet yours. Maybe two centimetres between each set of lips and breath fanning against each other had changed the mood immediately. ‘It, uh, it really is my favourite piece. I could stay here and look at it - all- all night.’ Stumbling over your words, you kept your gaze on Matthew, as he lowered his hand a little; the slender yet gentle fingers contradicting themselves by squeezing the sides of your throat slightly.
‘I could say the same thing about you. This pretty dress, on such a pretty girl. I know which lady in gold I’d rather stare at.’ Smiling gently, he pulled you closer and pressed his lips against yours, breathing getting deeper when you whimper against his mouth.
Reaching your arm behind you to hold the back of his head, his other arm held you flush against him. It wasn’t dirty, it wasn’t rough; but it was a higher level of passionate that you wouldn’t usually show in such a public area. You wondered if there was a subtle message in Matthew reserving the museum for a private tour, instead of the romantic gesture it had seemed to be.
‘Was this your plan the whole time? To win me over with my favourite art and fuck me in the middle of the gallery?’ you breathed out, pushing back into him and curving your hips upwards into his. The satin of your dress was thin enough to feel the coarseness of his trousers and the cool metal of the belt holding them up. Matthew’s breath hitched beside your ear and he bit down on your lobe. Quickly clutching at your hips again, he ground his hips down into you and mustered out a small grunt at the contact. ‘I bet you’d like that huh? Already pushing up against me, needy little thing.’
The quiet moan that left your lips woke you up out of the sudden delirium you had fallen into, remembering where you were. ‘We’ll get into trouble.’ Matthew let out a condescending chuckle into your ear, a hand beginning to ruche the fabric upwards at the front of your dress. ‘Your body tells me you aren’t at all that worried, y/n. I bet you won’t feel as worried once I bring my fingers a little higher hm?’ He read your body language like a book. You were leaning into him, your hips bucking and following his hands. You were completely under his spell, entranced by the gentle but somehow rough feel of his fingers growing closer and closer to where you wanted him. Until he pulled them away.
‘No fuck please-‘ whining, you turned around to see why the sudden halt on his movements. He’d walked a few steps backward to the leather spectator couch in the middle of the room, sat down with legs spread; watching to see if you’d get the hint. ‘Come and sit on my lap baby. I want you to be comfortable when you’re talking.’ He smirked, knowing full well his actions were going to cause your brain to falter and words to fade away. Slowly walking towards him, you lifted your dress slightly to be able to straddle yourself across his lap; frowning when he spoke a stern, ‘no.’ He wiggled his finger in a circle, indicating he wanted you to face away from him.
Two could play at this teasing game.
Spinning around gently, you still lifted your dress before sitting down on him, giving him a slight peek of the white lace garments underneath. Judging by the way he pulled your hips down hard against him, you knew he saw the underwear. Leaning your back against his chest, he flopped his chin against your shoulder and gave a sweet peck on your cheek. All of these cute gestures couldn’t foreshadow the sheer vulgarity of what he was about to do; if there had been anyone in the room with you, they would’ve thought you two were adorable. He leant back, pulling you with him and the front of your dress up to mid-thigh. Trailing his fingers underneath the thin, yellow material, he ran his middle digit along your slit, feeling the damp patch that had formed on the even thinner lace. ‘I knew it. Filthy little slut. Was it me or Klimt who did this huh?’ he chuckled, gripping your hip when you tried to push against his finger. All you could let out was pathetic whines, and attempt to manoeuvre his finger inside you.
‘Tell me what you want and I’ll give it to you sweetheart. You were spitting out facts a minute ago, where have all your words gone?’ he said, the condescending tone not helping your situation at all. ‘Please, I need, fuck, I need your fingers Matthew please.’ you begged, head falling back into his shoulder and hands gripping his arm that was around your waist. ‘Wow, you managed to ask so nicely too. Good girl.’ The sudden dominance he portrayed had you completely at his mercy, feeling nothing but a dull throbbing inside that you knew he could provoke. Stroking up and down your lips slightly to gather up your essence, he hooked his middle finger inside you so deep, so harshly you mewled out loudly; Matthew promptly covering your mouth and smiling into your hair. He nudged his index finger into you, curling the two together up against the spot that made your legs tighten around his wrist. He pulled them back open again and held them in that position, trusting you to be quiet. He wasn’t messing around; quick to thrust and curve his fingers upwards until your thighs began to shake against his arm. ‘Shit Matthew, i’m close already, please.’ you tried unsuccessfully to say it quietly, but the feeling he brought you came on so intensely you felt he needed warning. ‘Fuck yes, you’re so good to me. Letting me play with your pretty cunt right here in the open. Are you gonna come for me? I want you to fucking break baby. Come.’ He sped up his fingers, the wiggle of his fingertips against the spot, mixed with his palm grinding against your clit; the uncivilised words he growled into your ear had you gone. The hand returned to your mouth as you moaned and whimpered too loudly, bucking against his fingers, arching your back and gripping your fingernails into his legs as you came.
Matthew bit his lip and smiled into your neck as he drew out your orgasm, cock at its hardest as he felt your cunt tightening sporadically around his fingers. He needed you here and now. This beautiful woman spread across his lap, desperate and needy under his touch. How tight you got when you released onto his hand, the way you breathed out his name. If he could take you like that in this room, he’ll take you on his cock now too. Withdrawing his fingers from you and abruptly pushing them into you mouth, he pushed your hips forward a little so he could pull himself out of his trousers. You’d barely recovered from the intensity of the orgasm when you tasted yourself on your tongue, moaning around his fingers and curling your tongue around the tips. ‘Gonna take you right here baby, can’t wait anymore. Can you lift your dress a little higher for me?’ Trembling out a moan, you bunched your dress up around your hips, letting the spare material fall to the front so as not to expose yourself too much, which seemed ridiculous given the previous activity. ‘That’s it pretty girl. Sit yourself down on me, I want you to take as much as you can okay?’ the condescension had left his voice this time, his voice had become lower and exuded urgency.
Matthew lifted up your hips whilst you balanced your hands on his knees, bringing your legs together in between his. He grasped the base of his cock, pulling the lace to the side before coating himself in you. Pressing against your hole, wanting you to do the rest. You gasped as you glided down onto him, the lips parting and taking him in entirely. He was so thick and hard, you had to wiggle your hips side to side to fit him inside. ‘Shit, you’re so fucking big Matthew. Can’t take it all.’ He was just past halfway and already you felt so full. Matthew’s eyes had hooded and glazed over watching your pretty pussy taking him in, he ran a hand over your exposed cheek and gripped it tightly, pulling you down further.
‘Yes you fucking can, you can and you will. I know you can do it baby. Make me feel good, that’s it.’ You cried softly as he had you bear down completely on him. He was fully inside you, pushing against your cervix. It felt so good even just sitting still on him, let alone the pleasure it brought when you pulled up and back down again. His hands pushed and pulled you back and forth slowly and gently onto him, hitting special parts of you with every thrust. ‘Matthew please, please I just-‘ ‘Please what baby? Fuck-‘ ‘I just want you to fuck me properly please.’
He purred out a deep moan and laid back against the couch, you laid flat upon his chest again. He spread his legs a little more to give him leeway to fuck up into you easier, the pace at an allegro. Rolling his eyes back and biting his lip, he couldn’t get over the entire position you were both in. This wasn’t discreet anymore; no one could see where the two of your bodies met, but he was fucking up into you so hard, one arm wrapped tightly around your stomach, your head against his shoulder with the other hand covering your mouth. It was obvious this man was fucking this woman in the middle of an exhibition, in a gallery in New York. ‘God you feel so fucking tight around me, I can’t hold on much longer. You close for me?’ He sputtered out into your ear, looking at your face to see you nodding and eyes squeezed shut in pleasure. ‘Want you to rub that pretty clit for me, make yourself come on my cock. Use me, I’m all yours baby.’ he said through gritted teeth, growing closer and closer to just letting go. He wanted to feel those spasms around his cock before he did though. You held onto the hand over your mouth, and used your other hand to rub quick and hard circles on your clit, teetering on the edge. Tears began to line the brim of your eyes, everything becoming super overwhelming. Being fucked in front of your favourite painting, out in public, by the sexiest man you’d ever seen and felt, the strength of how he held onto you, pushed into you had you right there.
‘You’re right there baby, I can feel it. Let it fucking go for me, good girl, that’s it.’ The deep, raspy voice in your ear was all you needed to burst out in pleasure. You rubbed faster, matching his thrusts just as your body shuddered against his, your toes curling in the heels, your moans being muffled by his hand. ‘Fuck baby, that’s it, what a good fucking girl coming on my cock like this, you’re gonna make me fucking explode baby.’ Matthew grunted into your ear, bucking up harder but sloppily as he reached his peak. You pulled his hand away and turned to meet his eyes; his pupils dilated beyond belief, hair messy where you’d tugged on it before, lips swollen where he’d bitten them so hard trying to keep quiet. God he was so hot. ‘Come inside me Matthew, please. Come inside me, I’m yours to fill please, fuck I need to feel you like that please.’
Quiet but desperate moans and cries left his mouth once you begged him for his come, his hand gripping your face as he brought your lips to his, silencing himself as he spilled inside you. He hadn’t come this much in a while, but the way you told him you needed it brought it out of him. Your lips were pressed together so hard, more of a muzzle than a kiss. The feeling of him slightly spilling out of you made you involuntarily clench tighter, maybe a natural instinct to want to keep him where he belongs. Matthew slumped back, his head dropping onto the black leather. ‘Let’s hope this stays in hm?’ after a few minutes absorbing what you’d just done, you spoke quietly, slowly going to stand up off of him. Smiling lazily, he let out a hiss when his cock slid out of you, falling onto his stomach, still slick with the mixture of you both. Adjusting your underwear and smoothing out your dress, you watched as he tucked himself away, sitting himself up properly and running his hands through his hair. He grabbed your hands and pulled you to stand between his legs, eyes shining with love and admiration as he looked up at you. ‘You really are so beautiful, y/n. Nothing in this gallery compares to you.’ Matthew whispered, stroking his thumbs out across your hands. You blushed and lost eye contact for a second, gazing at the artwork sprawled across each wall.
‘Thank you. I think one thing could make me a lot more beautiful though.’ You smiled and glanced towards your bag. Matthew imitated your smirk and grabbed it, pulling out the two sets of rings inside. The two of you slotting them back where they belonged on each other’s hands, you kept a tight grip on Matthew’s hand as he stood up in front of you. Twiddling with the wedding rings on your finger, you looked up at him beaming. ‘Much better actually, Mrs Gubler. Let’s go grab something to eat?’ he held out his arm the same way he did walking you in, except this time it was mostly to aid you in walking because you were staggering a little.
As you passed the guard who’d let you both in, Matthew turned back towards him. ‘Thank you for helping us out tonight. Can officially say we crossed a few things off our date night list.’
Slapping his arm, you dragged him away blushing profusely. It left you thinking; What would the next date night entail?
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krowedes · 4 years
Oikawa Tooru - When we were young
Hello! I don't normally write for haikyuu but my oikawa simp ass had the urge to right a oneshot for him, this oneshot is inspired by Adele's When We Were Young; the song touched me so much I needed to write about it, this oneshot follows the sequence of the song but I kinda changed it a bit??? I am thinking about writing a black clover version of this (if I find the perfect character) so please stay tuned for that and enjoy this story!!
[Warning: Not necessarily angst/sad ending or happy ending, I'll leave the next parts of the story in your imagination.]
It was the 3rd year of your High School, you two planned to be together for the rest of your lives but it looked like he made a plan of his own and you did too.
You expected that you're the one who's supposed to make a plan, that you're the one who'll follow your dreams while Oikawa will be there, supporting you while achieving a dream of his own, y'know, V-League and everything.
Looks like he thought the same.
You planned staying in Japan, applying in a prestigious university then reach your dreams of becoming a well-known journalist.(And maybe you can write about Oikawa too.)
But he also had dreams of his own, he planned going to Argentina and training under his all time idol, Jose Blanco. And maybe, he can bring you with him in Argentina and you can apply in a university there and reach your dreams.
But it just so happened that life had different plans for the both of you.
"A-- A- Is this it?" You ask him, still not believing that the man that you promised to stay with forever is now saying goodbye to you.
"I- I'm sorry." Tooru says, your tears threatening to spill.
"Be- Before you go..." You speak up.
"C- C- Could we please take a photograph? Let's pretend to be happy... for the last time." You say, forcing a smile.
'Let me photograph you in this light incase this is the last time that we might be exactly like we were before we realized-'
You two took a picture, fake but bright smiles painting your faces.
"Remember when we were so happy, so excited that we'll grow old together but now..."
"We are sad of getting old, it made us restless."
"Our life... It was just like a movie... It was just like a song." He smiles.
"I promise, that maybe... just maybe... someday, we'll meet again and we can fulfil our for now broken promises." Tooru tells you with a smile as he caresses your cheek.
"I- I'll look forward to that..." You answer.
9 Years Later
It has been 9 years ever since you and Tooru decided to split paths.
You two didn't maintain any contact.
The connection that you two had was long gone the day you two 'broke' up.
Heck, do you still even have first name rights?
The Olympics was finished.
Too- Oikawa crushed everyone just like he dreamed.
You became a famous sports journalist, not only in Japan- but worldwide.
You even made articles about Oikawa, just like you imagined when you two were young.
The Aoba Johsai 2012 - 2013 Men's Volleyball Club, the club that you used to manage, was having a reunion.
For a moment, when you learned about the reunion, you forgot that Oikawa will attend- What you remembered was the time he told you he will go abroad, the time where your relationship went into pieces.
Nobody really told you that he'll be there, you just kinda assumed.
And the whole time that you were waiting for that reunion day to come, you were praying, begging that the Oikawa you'll meet will be the Oikawa you once knew.
Which was funny because you yourself changed a lot.
The kinda pretty volleyball nerd that got recruited by the almighty Aoba Johsai MVBC...
Is now a beautiful woman who's known all around the world for her marvelous journalism skills, specially in the category of sports; The perfect and skillful wording you execute when publishing articles won you titles and awards that a journalist can only dream of.
It's funny how you, a person who changed like a landslide is wishing for someone who lived in a different environment not to change.
Of course he changed. You did too.
The only thing that hasn't changed was the way you two felt for each other.
But you don't know that.
That you both still have each other as a phone wallpaper even after many changes of phones.
How much you both thought of how weird it will be if one of you is already dating somebody and they see your phone screens.
That the picture in you two's wallet is still the picture of the both of you in your first date.
That your phone gallery is still filled with pictures of one another.
And in a blink of an eye, you were already standing in front of a café.
You look around and you found many familiar heads.
Oikawa Tooru.
"It's been a long time, everyone." You smile at them.
"T- Oikawa." You smile, acknowledging Oikawa.
'You still look like a movie, You still sound like a song.' You thought.
Smiling unknowingly after remembering many memories, you only heard the last four words that Oikawa said after he made his captain-y speech.
"...When we were young."
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fortheheavenssake · 4 years
April 15, 2020
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1. April 15
MM ANON …… doctor gone batty……… LA for dummies ……… Doctors Within Borders ……… social insistence ………… hugs not bugs……… absolutely isolated Kate. ……… “ not a whisper ma’am ……… St George’s chapel of course!!…………… with humility skippy, with humility.
Mm anon verified
MM ANON … to forgive Devine. To accept ones shortcomings is a hard pill to swallow especially if like myself your behaviour Is mired in self justification and blind contempt … it’s taken me a long time to ask forgiveness ……… and pride is a killer of the spiritual light. To those who can find forgiveness on their heart I thank them, humbly and sincerely. ……… MM ANON
3. April 30
MM ANON ……… the only virus ………… wonderful children to hug…… magnificent isolation ma’am……… dirty Megan,clean Harry ……… will never be the same ………… big things for a future princess ……… home cooking ………… “ ground control to major Tom” ………. “ and wash your bloody hands!!!……… an archificial birthday ………… trooping the colours???
Thank you! Happy to have you back!😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
4. April 30
MM Anon
MM ANON …… Many thanks skippy ……… a privilege to return to you all ……… graciously thankful to pg , skippy and all anons. Callidus er populum
Welcome back….😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
5. May 1.
MM ANON … it’ll cost us thousands …… “ ‘‘tis the times’ plague , when madmen led the blind “……… 🎼 all the clubs have been closed down 🎼………… “ if you both don’t stop fighting I’ll send you to Madagascar “ ………… “ one makes ones bed”…………… “ well wash your bloody hands AGAIN!!”…………… “ there so funny on screen Philip” …… Quo victuals est super eam et irrumabo …………… next slide please.
6. May 2.
MM ANON ……… bless all who come here……… stay safe ……… not sneezing season ……… birthday girls world following ……… sitting on the toilet screaming and howling ……… Plasma fantazma?……… 🎼give a little bit 🎼……… “ I swear ,I’ll send you to bloody Madagascar “……… “another top up sir”………” leave the poor man be Philip “……… “no ma’am not yet” ……… Wilfred!!!!!………… “ Bloody Wilfred!!”……… conspirators will spread another sort of virus.
7. May 3
MM ANON ………Lucrezia Markle……… For her own well-being … she’s kicking and sedated ……… safety net for Harry ……… a very private LOCK-down ………” GATEWAY“intervention …… “NHS Catherine , Sterling work darling “ …………” yes ,I love Frozen 2” ………… PTA……… “ your experience would be valued ma’am”……… “ I myself am best when least in company “……… absque misericordia
8. May 4
MM ANON …… granny flap…… delusions of gran-tour…… “ aye, some wantid er’ but Walt dis-ney “…… a p****hub offer worth millions …… a secret return …… Lottie leaded Cambridge assault ……… “ a very prominent speech for VE DAY ma’am”. …… unlocking the unlock able ………… 🎼day by day…🎼………… pause ,pray, proceed. …… optimistic optimism???
9. May 5
MM ANON …… Thank Dear anon for interpretation …… and yes if you’re struggling dear pg … prayers and hugs
10. May 5
MM ANON ……… “ hi Kate , how wonderful to hear your voice “😂😂😂………… Archificialy archificial. ……… 🎼but sometimes,ya get what ya need🎼……… “ if you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue “……… a Duchess,a Duchess and a Duchess walked onto a bar……… tunc non transiet ……… an infectious tube……… my my margarita ……… let go let god. ……… ( and Thank skippy).
11. May 6
MM ANON ………… archificial anniversary ……… “she hasn’t a bloody clue “ ………I speak for Meghan ……… 🎼he’s a real nowhere man🎼……… “ the fool doth think he is wise…… “………… 🎼come fly with me (not)🎼……… A few weeks more …………” we do the outside first Philip” ……… Bloody jigsaw………” Sydney!!!!! “……… “ Mmmmm , interesting, a virtual Balcony “ …………… “ yes , a new medal is appropriate” ………… unlockdown!!! ………… “ give us a hug”.
12. May 6
MM ANON ……… Sooooooo , where is Harry in the duck / rabbit video????????????????? An archificial attempt to ingratiate herself as a mother of a surrogate child. She looks a tad sheepish 🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑. 😂😂😂😂
13. May 7
MM ANON … Spider Sandwiches ………… the photographic phenomenon ………… “O Christ, she knows her way round a Cannon” ……… “ modest, small and incremental “ ……… “ she’s still spitting bullets over the duchesses children “ ……… “ my goodness, Charlotte trumps everyone”. ………… another modest outfit. ……… the books a flop, who would buy it? ……… “ dada duck duck”…………”ANOTHER sex tape!!!!! “…………… her irrelevant life………… desperately seeking ANYTHING………… a sad demise Rachael!!
14. May 7
MM ANON …… dear and inquisitive anons ……… THE RIDDLES ARE “ ENTERTAINMENT “ only, a parody and lightness of spirit and soul! It’s a privilege to be here , by the grace of Skippy …………… enjoy!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
15. VE Day 75, May 8
MM ANON …… My mother was a plotter at Northolt fighter base in 1943 where she met my father who was a pilot, I remember her saying that the Polish pilots were the bravest men she ever met. ………… we shall remember them 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
16. May 8
MM ANON …… The Queen, god bless her……… blackout ……… the king/ the Queen the nation ……… never give up, never despair ……… the home front……… 🎼some sunny day 🎼………… 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧………… 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸……… 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦……… and all who fought ……… a day like no other……… at the going down of the sun and in the morning ……………… ‘ we shall remember them.
17. May 9
💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜MM ANON ……… Dear pg , your gracious tribute to the riddle. I Ended the post in tears ………………… respect.
18. May 9
MM ANON …… “ it’s an unlock Jim, but not as we know it “……… on yer bike……… 🎼that’s life,……🎼………… Bar Wars………… survival of the fit-test……………”a vulgar mansion “…………… Spider sandwiches……… an emotional exhibition, Bravo!! ……… now that’s TRUE grit…………… be- bop-a-loo-la RIP……… The Serenity prayer……thank you for this forum xxxxx…………… it will end ,…one day!!
19. May 10
MM ANON ……… Rachel 43………… archificial 15 months ……… hospitality will become inhospitable ………… the R factor ………… “Henry, don’t do that”. …… return to school??? …………… no guidelines …………… be alert,the country needs lerts………… risk assessment!!! ………… an issue of safety ………… it’s the economy,stupid!! ………… test, Trace and isolate. ………… a silver lining 🌈🌈
20. May 11
MM ANON …… Thrive???………… definitely Malibu ………wear a mask ………… confusing but amusing ……… a question of credibility ……… 🎼 we can be heroes ……🎼…” what ever happened to wrinkle cream?”……… love and hugs to all our anon friends ……… 🎼 now there are three steps to heaven 🎼………… Brave New World ……… a quiet Queen.
21. May 13
MM ANON …… for saving my mother ……… father ……… grandmother …… grandfather …son ……… sister……… brother……… daughter ………… thank you for saving my life nurse / doctor /……… how can I EVER thank you all ……… from the bottom of my ❣ ……… I can never find the words ……… my gratitude is unending ……… god bless you all. ……… GOD BLESS YOU ALL!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
22. May 13
MM ANON ……… “come on Kate, off to Queens”……… Charlotte goes first……… “George ‘ get your bicycle “……… 🎼bye bye miss American spy🎼……… 🎼listen , do you want to know a secret 🎼……… stay alert 🤣🤣🤣……… trains, planes and automobiles……… driving miss day-see? ……… FOUR!!!! …………… an art gallery,when??……… single prayers please.
23. May 13.
MM ANON …………… to all who visit ………… riddles are entertainment only … a parody ,a light and fluffy expression. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂Thank you all for understanding.
24. May 14
MM ANON …… school of thought ……… bulldoze in and takeover ……… Braveheart & Boris ………… dead theatre ……… GOT………… Charlotte summer ……… anticipation of antibodies ………… China???………… death of Hollywood ………… 🎼blow a little whistle 🎼………… we have no plan B……… I’m so bored ………… “ we’re gonna need a bigger fence”
25. May 15
MM ANON ……… a lovely surprise ……… sweet Charlotte ……… it’s teaching Jim, ……………”Harry, you know you’ll always have a place “……………”he’s not happy Catherine “ ……… R1………… re-train………… clubbings, clubbed…… Tea-CHING…………… “ yes, that’s a really good question”…………2 metres for ever???………… a rally in Calais. ………… GBHMTQAOGC 🇬🇧🌈🇨🇦
26. May 16
MM ANON …… “ I’m keeping my tennis shoes on”……… “I’m not getting out of bed for less than 3mill” …… cold nose undercover ………… a learning yearning ………… “friends thou hast, and there adoption tried “…… …… 🎼ya gotta give a little 🎼……………… “I’m not happy about them returning William “ …………… “ One needs ones hair attended too”………… “ I’ll bloody cut it myself !!”……… “ I know!! … SYDNEY!!”
27. May 17
MM ANON …… a Diamond evaluator ……… Of no consequence whatsoever ……… straight to credits. ………… LA Confidential ………… 🎼no sir I don’t mean maybe 🎼…………… 🎼Don’t fence me in🎼…………… “ I want Adele you a story “……………… The man from U.N.C.L.E. Harry …………… “ ones lockdown sucks” ………… “ miserable without Boddys old thing “ …………… “Sydney’s slacking “.
28. May 18
MM ANON ……… a personal loss………… the Dynamic Duo………… FPhishing……Nlcola Nike Snike ………… Hydroxy- foxy(do not do this at home)…………………” a suitable case for ( shhhhh) treatment “ ………… “ no comment “ …………… “ a game of cards old thing “…………… “patience Philip ……………” ………… ma’am , it’s Charlotte and George on tic-toc…………… “dance, gan, gan, you dance, … Sydney!! 
29. May 19
MM ANON …… Ana-adversity …… the gathering marital storm…………” first family visit will be the United States when normalisation hits ma’am” …………”life will return ma’am”……… Who is that? …………… guesting the testing ……… “ they won’t return early ma’am”…………… “one speaks to Catherine,daily , and the little ones” ……… “it’s interminable Sydney,” …” a Little top-up sir”
30. May 20
MM ANON … Regarding the gathering of unhappy people, slutmeg only invited the men she had slept with , with their +ones ……… the members of the RF who attended treating it as a pantomime and a priceless observation of side- eyes and laughter. HMTQ look at slutmeg… EPIC. 😂😂😂😂😂😱😱😱😱😱
31. May 20
MM ANON ……… 5 years old ‘ COVID security ……… transmission admission??……… 1st. June. …………… A pollution solution ………… free at last……… kiss 💋 me 😱😱😱………… another Father???…………… Spanish,French and judo 😂😂😂…………… lies,damm lies, and MM……… an expensive squat………… A Greece-y gamble. ………… “ is one sitting comfortably’ good, Once apon a time “
32. May 21
MM ANON …… “what , seen at Lympstone “………… a Diplomatic retreat ……… A-Nul-ment………… NY bio-diver-city……… facegrime ………… Charles, a man for all see-sons……… thermal Heathrow ………… 1st Solo address ………… high-end-ing ………… “ clever children, such a lovely dance”……… “ no darlings gan-pops with Sydney “………… “ yes’ we’ll all bake a cake “………… “ pretty Jim-jams Charlotte “.
33. May 22
MM ANON …… 88 two fat ladies ……… two blacked out Discovery’s in St Leonard’s ……… Priti Draconian …… pray,or else!! ………… gel my temperature ……… wash your hands then wrinkle cream ……… a memorial event ………… Hong-Gone…………” well, wake him up Sydney!!………… “bloody hell Sydney “ ………… “ sorry ma’am , Charlotte wants to play bingo”……… “ wonderful , clickerty duck”
34. May 23
MM ANON …… 44 million? ………… anons’ how much on clothes?………… “still looked trash”………… evidences of past yachting 😱😱😱😱😱………… LA EX?? ………… “ in Exeter”…………… “ Josh Stones!!“………… a second peak? ……………not in Spain 🥳🥳🥳………… meanwhile in WC. ……… “ gan gan I want a tiara “ ………… “ and one day you shall “ ……… “ is nanny back Catherine?”……… “where’s my bloody slippers “ ……” your wearing them sir”
35. May 23
ANON … As we all submit our little posts give a thought for the reason we can , it’s the ever faithful skippy and her eclectic forum ……… love, prayers, animals, history, royalty, and silliness ……… god bless you dear skippy 💜💜💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
36. May 24
MM ANON …… Cummings going?………Lottie nottie going ……… Harry’s 💡 idea……… “give birth? Incapable!! ……… “during yachting “………… “ I’ve seen the evidence “ ………… “ she lied to TBRF” ……… MOS knows!! …… 🎼we’re all going on a summer 🎼………… to pray or not pray………… “ Pleeeeez gan gan!! “……… “ one day you shall sweet girl” ……… “ next year , if things are admissible “ ……… “ he’s a tad grumpy ma’am”……… “ ignore him Sydney”
37. May 25
MM ANON …… Charlottes WWWeb……… Rules, What Rules. ……… in flight,flight. ………… Tinsel down……… hugs not bugs ………… non essential retailers open ………… no pubs, sport , cinemas, theatres, …………… Cummings,a shaggy dog story. ……… a very angry electorate ………… “ I want to go school gan gan”………“let’s see your dancing “………”no, school gan gan!!……… “ Oooooo, whats mummy doing “ ………… “ Sydney, refreshments ‘please.
38. May 25
MM ANON …… MEMORIAL DAY …IN HONOUR OF THEIR SERVICE ……………… 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇬🇧
39. May 26
MM ANON …… Kate re-opening high street……… “excellent, as retail ambassador “……… W&K will have the public’s ear” …………”a late family tour ma’am’……… “ that’ll put a a Kate among the pidgins” …… “ a damaging tome sir “……… “ opening book shops, how’ll that work?……… “you can’t handle books……… “ o’ Philip, a quiet night”…… “ bloody hell !! What’ no tic-toc ?……… “nanny’s organised bingo”:…… “ ahhh, ……… Sydney ‘ something strong!!
40. May 27
41. May 27
MM ANON ………”I get tired of Lottie tic-toc-ing” ………… “little Louis gets tired using the trampoline “……… “ I’m off to Queens,tennis “……… back on his Ducati……… Nanny is making 🥘 paella ………… “I’ve managed to acquire that box set ma’am” …… “ Gangs of London or The Sopranos“……… both ma’am”……… “bloody epic Sydney “……… “ is that bumbling Minister still running round the palace “……… “ tell him to piss-orf”……… “ top-ups”
42. May 28
MM ANON …… MM drone ing on…… tittle Tatler ……… lockdown tour T-shirt ………… ahhhhhhh, rate!! ……… school digital haves’ digital have nots……… rid the clap!! ………… one metre ………… “ it’s football Jim, but not as we know it “………… “To his good friends, thus wide lle ope my Armes: ……… “ look Philip,it’s Louis bouncing “ ……… “they have a new dance”……… “ return of a routine“…………” Maria and Lottie swimming “ …… “bloody hydrotherapy on Sunday “……… “ I think that’s enough Sydney “
43. May 29
MM ANON ……… looting/ shooting ………… “ tic-toc Nanny”………… “ ok! Charlotte, get Louis too” ……… “ George,do it properly “……… W&K , It’s a challenging schedule ma’am” …………” there having a bike day at Brands Hatch with Ducati “ ……… “ Nottingham cottage ma’am”………… “like old times ma’ am”……………” I’ll have a quiet word with Donald “………… “ not Philip, his diplomacy is wanting”………… “exiting times ma’am”……… “ one shall insist on compliance Christopher “
44. May 30
MM ANON …………… another billionaire friend ………… she lies on lies…………desperate for attention ……… a roadmap to nowhere ……… up up and away ……… all white on the night …………LTA talks with Kate ………… MENSA with Charlotte??………… “ bright as a button ma’am”. …… “ not this side of the family “………” there coming over next week”………” Mmmmm , live tic-toc”……… fairycakes Sydney.
45. May 31
MM ANON …… it Musk be love ……… nine elms………… agent provocateur ………… teetering on the edge………… body cams?? ………… amateur photographers unite ………… front line statue ……… 🎼I heard it on the grapevine 🎼………… “ no darling not today”……” we’re going to visit gan gan” …………”staying overnight ma’am” ………… “ a few days Sydney “………… “ tomorrow night, it’s a little concert Philip, don’t get grumpy “ ………… “bloody hell, I’m low on refreshments. “
46. June 01
MM ANON … Balmoral Fern………… plastic Nile. ………… in the Bunker ………… Autopsy …………………Truth , Justice and the American way ………… WC welcome …………… “ would one know how to barbecue Sydney??” ………… William will oblige ma’am……”one prefers coronation chicken “…………… “unicorn sausages ,Lottie George??……… “just salad ma’am. “
47. June 02
MM ANON ……… keep your distance ………” it’s a curfew Jim , but not as we know it “ …… “ A plague o’ both your houses “……… house today , gone tomorrow ………… “all lives matter “ …………… cut and roots and streaks ……… B&EC are reluctant to return ………… Minister misleads testing ……… office of national ridistics ……… 🎼I I see a bad moon rising 🎼………… blackout Tuesday ………… “ “wear a body-cam old thing, then I can pretend I’m riding “ …………… “one would look ridiculous Philip!!”……… “ Sydney, stop pouring “
48. June 03
MM ANON …… 2020 another royal baby ………… development in Portugal ……… more charges eminent Minnesota ……… a wet summer ………… ISS a strange smell? ……… … London protests …………NAACP……… size 12 , and the shoes 👠 ……………” mummy , mummy- goes viral ………” we’ll old thing, I wasn’t expecting that ending “……… “ so enjoyable Philip ‘ anymore Sydney?……… “ I think Catherine has Peaky-Blinders ma’am” …… “ is it a bit GBH ? “ ……… “ yes ma’am”……… “Ohhhh goody”.
49. June 04
MM ANON ……MM heartfelt acting……… W&K just heartfelt 💓………… the Tatler connection ………… 🎼stormy weather …………… 🎼………… MadDog…………2nd degree. X 4……………… 14 days to binge. ……… a Russian contamination …………vaccine summit ……… ”that’s a terrible selfie Philip, it’ll frighten her” ………” let Sydney do it!! “ ……… “take one together ma’am” ……… “ give me the bloody thing !! “ …… bloody tic-toc “ ………… “ one zooms” ……… “get him some refreshments Sydney”
50. June 04
MM ANON …… “ Heartfelt video “ anything heartfelt in the life of MM is self indulgent. A selfish PR attempt to seem engaged in the national conciseness Her agenda …… “how can I make this about ME!!! “ this woman is so shallow. ………… a Caucasian of infinite insults. A pitifully example of insecurity and ego. A walking talking resentment. God help her!!
51. June 5
MM ANON …… never look a gift bandwagon in the mouth…… everyone is crawling out the woodwork ……… “I’m covert 19 , fly me” ……… M&H on the March??? ………… over 40,000………… flight attendant/ ……… the dodgy R…………… mandatory masks ………… The Amazon too ??? ………… online celebrity … “ There here Philip “ …………” one has to distance darlings “ …… “ yes there lovely shoes” ……… “ look Philip, live tic-toc “………” it’s wonderful wonderful “ ………… “amazing, he’s shot up “ ………” shall we have a little refreshments?”
52. June 6
MM ANON …… the battle of Whitehall ……… agent Provocateurs………new trading …… it’s a Sunday Jim ,but not as we know it ………… social distancing got wet……… antibodies have the answer ……… R is above 1 in the SWest Of England. 😱😱😱😱……… second spike😱😱😱………🎼when I was 65 ,it was a very good year 🎼………… “ look it’s mummies wedding “ ……… “it’s mummy gan gan” ……… “ yes , so pretty the coach “ ………” I want one “ ……… “ one day sweetie, one day” ………” will you come gan gan ? “ ………… “ I’ll try darling “.
53. June 7
MM ANON …… I’d like to thank pg /LK and all the anons who attempt/ solve and interpretations of the riddles that skippy graciously lets me post 💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💓💓💓🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Many thanks to all those who partake.
54. June 7
MM ANON ……who’s her next favourite millionaire ……… Malibu?? ……… NYC??……… another sad video cry for help ……… archificial ( firsts words) 🤣🤣🤣………… mad / bad & dangerous to know ……… “ it’s me, me film me!! ………… “ turn around!! “ ……… “ he’s not letting her agenda rule” ………” this is not up for debate “………… “yes ones looking forward to traveling up there “ ………” get in touch with the Gillie” …………… “ can one travel to ones other residence?…………… “ can’t find my bloody glasses, Sydney!!
55. June 8
MM ANON ……D.O.J.……… A Stern retort. ………… the sept. Soothsayer ……… A 14 day suicide for the trade………… in court today ……… Beatrice tooo tu!! …………… wonderful Wessex……… more photos from Kate??? ……… no fuss birthday ………… “ shall one suggest a gathering of 8 .” ………” no, silly’ Balmoral?? ……… MM desperatum iri videbatur……
56. June 9
MM ANON ……… everyone and their brother,brother ……… wow!! What a photo Kate!!…………… little Louis gets a surprise …………… a well rounded future of three( four) ……… A birthday tic-toc dance………… “ do Catherine , come and bring the children “………… “maybe a change of routine “………… “ Both of you are an example hope”……… “ yes George,I’ll see if we can get to a match”
57. June 10
MM ANON … Gone……………everything is now B&W…………… “ but’ tomorrow is another day”………… “ but old thing, I look like bloody Bela Lugosi” ………… “ shutup Philip”……… “ just Take the bloody picture “.………”they’ve hardly ever been on a train William “………… “ yes , they’d be very excited 😜 “ ………… 🎼we’re all going to the zoo tomorrow 🎼…………… she lies for exposure……… yachting’ secret exposure !! …………… this time it’s explosive!! ………… “ great scoop Beth.”
58. June 11.
MM ANON …… dib dib dib……… one metre before July …………care-ing monarch online ……… 🎼What picture,what a photograph 🎼………… DOC museum of photography ? ………. Columbus falls……… “ I shall insist it’s the best TTC old thing “ …………a trace race. ………… Sunday Balmoral?? ………… “ plenty of fresh air for them” ……… “ in the lodge” ……… “C&C can stay here” ……………” your good at this zoom lark old thing “…………… “Group Of eight, a dinner party
59. June 12
MM ANON …… for the anon who thinks she has superior knowledge of the riddles and has a problem with the wonderful interpretations of LK and pg. ……… I suggest you join the other ignorant anons who pay us a fleeting visit ……………THEN DISAPPEAR!! Skippy, we’re the ones who love you 💜💜💜💜💜
60. June 12
MM ANON …… my BFF , sacked……… mr President,welcome ……… on mental health ‘ goal……… “they’ll still turn up old thing “………… “ they won’t see anything Philip “ ……… Boris,incandescent!! ……… “🍕 Pizza night children “………… “ thecrown old thing “ ……… “ NO!!” ………… “ we haven’t finished peakyblinders” ……… “ bloody brummies” ……… “ PHILIP!!………… Sydney ‘ we’re out of your refreshment sir “ ………… WHAT!!
61. June 13
MM ANON …HMTQ was social distancing ……… beautiful in blue……… “ amazing bloody parade “…… to Broach the subject …… “ you looked magnificent old thing”. ……… KHAN GET IT RIGHT …… a WEE disturbing …… hugs 🤗 not bugs……… the China syndrome ……… open market 😱😱😱………… won’t ring Beijing …………… “ Ahhh, Sydney, you refreshed the refreshments “ ………” ignore him Sydney “………… “ I found an old vidio TTC , 1975 Old thing, our favourite hits” ……… “ those were ones days” ………” we looked the mutts-nuts old thing
62. June 14
MM ANON …… Adeleville……… Westfield?? ………… Charlottes delivery …………… 🎼grab the cash with both hands🎼………… another scam charity …………… she’s a race… ist ………… she publishes the book ………………… we will destroy her, we have the tapes…… “ no more Mrs, nice ma’am!! “ ………… “ ones gloves are orf Christopher ………… “ it was a very good year,old thing “.
63. June 15.
MM ANON ……… Shetland lift-off……… LIZA with a ‘ don’t know em……………” it’s shopping Jim, but not as we show it……… “ matter of fact it’s all dark” …………… first jet easy ………… Brexit,old white guys drinking a lot. …………… a moment of reckoning ……… a virtual Wimbledon?? ………… Catherine to the rescue …… “ Ahhh , a relaxing night old thing “ …………… “Sydney’s provided a new box set” …… “Boardwalk Empire” ………“ bit violent old thing” ……… “ Epic Philip!!”…… “ones usual Sydney “………… “great!! No bloody tic toc.
64. June 16
MM ANON …… “she Ascot nothing on me” ………… para-thanks William ……… PC , LOST weight??…………Oxford,Oxford ……… STIR-oid ………U-Turn dinner …………… falling tragedy ………… the Paris peasants are revolting ……… ……… “ we can still dress-up cabbage 🥬 “ ………… “Anne, my yellow ensemble”……… “Sydney ‘ a photo”………… “that’s a keeper, old thing” ……… “ here we go , tic-toc, the three of them” ………… “O, and Catherine!!” ………… “ ehhhh, And William “ ………… “ make it a double Sydney “…… “ how entertaining Philip “
65. June 17
MM ANON … Goal no goal, offside!! …………red zone……… rear ended,whoops!! ………… saliva sample ………… another rally?? …………… a £ 900,000 paint job. ………… madam NYC incognito …………ZOOM to William ……… mutant outbreak confirmed ……………… NDA bombshell. …………joining the UN? …………… Chile lockdown ………”how many episodes old thing “ ………… “ yes , that Nucky chappie is a tad violent” ………… “ she’s meeting at Wimbledon “……………… “ Nanny’s taking them to the zoo”
66. June 18
MM ANON ……… “NEVER………… “ ………” mon dieu” …… 🎼some sunny day 🎼……… “ good to meet again Mr President “………air corridor ……… “ to be honest,he was an obnoxious old bastard” ……… world beating 🍒……… non app- licable …… “ Bolt-hole. ………… self interest ……… BOE- more money!! …………… pepper sprayed……… “ O Philip, it’s the last one “……… “Always Downton Abbey old thing”
67. June 19
MM ANON …… HMTQ boost……… cup cakes in kings-him ………… Garden-send-her ……… September kids ………… hack Australia ………… Bei-ching ………… Charlotte & George together ………… no longer alert ?? ………… “ get packed Philip we’re orf soon” ………debt, what debt? ……… slave day………… ONS………… “ bubble bubble- toil and trouble” ……… 🎼teach your children well🎼………… “Sydney ‘ don’t forget my tigger PJs”……… 🎼swing low,sweet chariot 🎼………… “ Cabbage ‘ it’s tic-toc time”.
68. June 20
MM ANON ……… Hello!! ………… “ It’s a rally Jim , ……… viva espana ………… 🎼drink, drink, drink,🎼…………… black wall……… MM , another agenda!! ………… bollotics ………… “ Kate and William,the children are with nanny “ ………… “ Dover Sole and lemon parfait old thing “………… cream caramel,and Irish coffee Sydney!! ………… “September 9th ma’am. …… “ Stay over Catherine “
69. June 21
MM ANON … give us a hug………… Duchess of Cambridge Royal collection ……… in the footsteps of lord Lichfield ………… EOS C700 Christmas present … … “ slow the testing down”…………Kung-flu…………… Size matters………… reopening NYC……… “ get ya hair 💇🏽‍♀️💇🏼‍♂️cut” …………… “ 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️🍺 “ ………… Rachel for president?? …………… archificial daddy day?? ……… spotted in St Johns Wood.
70. June 22
MM ANON ……… noose-car……… Ahhhh, Germany……… BOE-meltdown ………… free at last………… testing the TEST!! 🏏……… Terrorisk ………… ONE ,small step………”I think She’s turning Japanese”………… Saint Lennox …………… A rush of wind…………… “ well now you’re free to be reunited with the little monsters”……… “ bloody hell’ what a joy” ………… “ O Philip ‘ hugs 🤗 lots of hugs” ………… “ and live tic-toc , I can hardly wait “ ………” I’ll have to muster some liquid courage, Sydney!! “
71. June 25
MM ANON ……”they seek him there” ……… your services are no longer required ……… street rumble ……… phwew, wot a scorcher………… we’ll fight them on the beaches ………… it’s sunburn Jim , but not as we know it ………… mutation sensation ……………🎼you’ll neeeeeeever walk alone🎼……………… sign on the million dotted line ………… take the TRASH out…………… “ a letter ma’am”.
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Fern Lounge 7/8
I started at new jazz club this week, The After Hours Lounge @ The Fern, where I’ll be playing before Colt (Coltrane Shostakovich) on Thursdays. It was an all Through The Looking Glass set. Its a beautiful place set amid art galleries, so check it out!
Phil Collins - Sussudio - Live in Paris 7/21/1998; 2019 Remaster Scott Bradlee's Postmodern Jukebox - Livin’ On A Prayer Stella Starlight Trio - Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2) Flying Horse Big Band - Get Up Offa That Thing Jazzystics - Get Back Scott Bradlee's Postmodern Jukebox - You Give Love A Bad Name Patricia Fuertes - Wolves - Bachata Version Musikkapelle Brixen im Thale & Milestone - Live And Let Die Banda Do Sul - Sweet Child O' Mine Bettye Swann - Suspicious Minds Brazilian Tropical Orchestra - Help! Saxofourte - And Your Bird Can Sing The Jazz Lounge Niki Band - Don't Be Cruel Pro Solist´y - Proud Mary Sugarpie And The Candymen - Lemon Tree The Puppini Sisters - Groove is in the Heart Speedometer - Kashmir Ella Fitzgerald - Sunshine of Your Love Laura Fygi - La mer The String Cheese Incident - Taxman (Live) Robyn Adele Anderson - Gasolina Viera Blech - Smooth Criminal The Mills Brothers - Gentle On My Mind Scott Bradlee's Postmodern Jukebox - Thriller Sammy Davis Jr. - The Girl From Ipanema
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shakirabrasil · 7 years
Confira os certificados oficiais de vendas de Shakira no México
Shakira é uma das poucas artistas verdadeiramente globais. Sua música está presente nos 4 cantos cantos do planeta, sejam seus sucessos em inglês, sejam seus sucessos em espanhol. A cantora é recordista de vendas nos mais diferentes mercados. Segundo sua casa discográfica, a colombiana já vendeu mais de 120 milhões de cópias em todo o mundo, somando a venda de singles e álbuns. O Shakira Brasil tem feito uma série de reportagens especiais sobre os certificados de vendas emitidos por organismos oficiais ao redor do mundo. Já falamos sobre o Brasil, os Estados Unidos da América e agora nossa terceira matéria aterrissa em solo mexicano.
O México é um dos 13 maiores mercados fonográficos do mundo, segundo a Federação Internacional da Indústria Fonográfica (IFPI). No país, o órgão responsável pela emissão dos certificados de vendas de singles e álbuns é La Asociación Mexicana de Productores de Fonogramas y Videogramas (AMPROFON). Quando um rótulo associado à AMPROFON deseja reconhecer um de seus álbuns ou vídeos de música em formato físico ou digital por seu volume de vendas, deve enviar à entidade a solicitação correspondente juntamente com o relatório de vendas e cópia do original do rótulo (documento que contém o detalhe do produto a ser certificado como o nome do álbum ou vídeo musical, incluindo temas, duração, intérprete, compositor, etc.) Uma vez que a documentação correspondente é recebida, a AMPROFON verifica se os dados contidos no rótulo original e no relatório de vendas correspondem ao produto mencionado na aplicação e verifica se o volume de unidades vendidas desde a data de lançamento atende aos critérios estabelecidos. Se o aplicativo cumprir as diretrizes, a AMPROFON envia à empresa um documento de certificação de vendas para entrega do reconhecimento e registros correspondentes em seu banco de dados.
Shakira é a artista feminina com o maior volume de vendas certificadas no México. A colombiana soma quase 4 milhões de singles e álbuns certificados no país, mais que o dobro da segunda colocada. São 3,845,000 cópias totais contra 1, 890,00 de Thalia. Adele aparece na 3ª colocação com 1,590,00, seguida por Britney Spears (1,175,00). Na lista ainda aparecem cantoras como  Katy Perry (840,000), Madonna (610,000), Lady Gaga (330,000), Rihanna (290,000) e Beyoncé (130,000).
Os critérios de certificação de álbuns, vídeos, ringtones e singles pela AMPROFON variam de acordo com o ano de lançamento da produção discográfica.
#gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Confira todos os trabalhos certificados de Shakira no México:
Dónde Están Los Ladrones (Álbum): 2 x platina = 500 mil cópias
Shakira MTV Unplugged (Álbum): platina = 150 mil cópias
Servício de Lavanderia (Álbum): 2x platina = 300 mil cópias
Grandes Êxitos (Álbum): 1 platina e 1 ouro = 225 mil cópias
Shakira En Vivo Y Privado (Álbum): ouro = 50 mil cópias
Fijación Oral Vol 1 (Álbum): 3x platina = 300 mil cópias
Oral Fixation Vol 2 (Álbum): 1 platina e 1 ouro = 150 mil cópias
Hips Don’t Lie Bamboo (master ringtone): platina = 100 mil cópias
Hips Don’t Lie English Version (master ringtone): 2x platina = 200 mil cópias
Hips Don’t Lie Spanish Version(master ringtone): platina = 100 mil cópias
La Tortura (master ringtone): ouro = 50 mil cópias
Tour Fijación Oral (Álbum): platina = 100 mil cópias
Hips Don’t Lie Clean Version (master ringtone):  platina e ouro = 150 mil cópias
Loba (Álbum): 2x platina = 120 mil cópias
Sale el Sol (Álbum): platina e ouro = 90 mil cópias
Waka Waka (single): 2x platina = 120 mil cópias
Loca (single): 2x platina = 120 mil cópias
Loba (single): platina = 60 mil cópias
Gitana (single): ouro = 30 mil cópias
Sale el Sol (single): ouro = 30 mil cópias
Rabiosa (single): 2x platina = 120 mil cópias
En Vivo Desde París (Álbum): platina e ouro = 90 mil cópias
Addicted to You (single): platina = 60 mil cópias
Get It Starded (single): ouro = 30 mil cópias
Antes de Las Seis (single): ouro = 30 mil cópias
Can’t Remember To Forget You (single): platina = 60 mil cópias
La La La (single): ouro = 30 mil cópias
La Bicicleta (single): platina e ouro = 90 mil cópias
Chantaje (single): platina = 60 mil cópias
Vale lembrar que os certificados da era El Dorado carecem de atualização, uma vez que a AMPROFON só registra em seu banco de dados as certificações emitidas no ano anterior, sendo assim os certificados emitidos este ano só estarão disponíveis no banco de dados público a partir de 2018.
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alxmarroquin · 5 years
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#Repost from @culturarte_cumd ... ¿#SabíasQué Gustav Klimt realizó algunas obras con oro y piedras preciosas? Por eso varias de sus pinturas son de esos colores, tienen dorado evocando al oro, al costo, al valor de riqueza que podía tener esos cuadros. Ven a conocer La Pequeña Adele BLoch- Bauer I Basada en la gran obra de Gustav Klimt del año 1907 #Cultura #PequeñasPinturas . . . . . . . #smallpaintings #PequeñasPinturas #PetitesPeintures #gustavklimt #adeleblochbauer #portrait #childrenillustration #exposición #showcase #gallery #simbolismo #symbolism #surrealism #surrealismo #girlpainting #girlportrait #artforeveryone https://www.instagram.com/p/B6Jw17eFx9e/?igshid=pcq8fb0awxb7
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adeleisexceptional · 5 years
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~Adele~~ Y Gallery show - AFTER - Artists’ Talk
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sexypinkon · 3 years
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Panty Man - Adele Todd 
Quilted blanket and dimensional embroidery thread . 81 x 65” 2021
As a Performance Artist who works with Embroidery and Soft Materials among other Media, the possibilities for DUALITY seemed endless. However, eventually I was moved to consider "Male Toxicity" as my theme.The word Panty Man that is done tongue-in-cheek in neon pink is the Title that sets the viewer on their path of discovery.The slang term is used to describe a man who is coddled and feminine in nature and a slur to homosexual men in particular.The work is a large dark blue quilt with embroidery threads that on closer observation create individual words that must be looked at at close range and also, can only be seen one at a time as they do not have a chronology. The viewer must move their own bodies to 'read' the piece.The quilt is a symbol of nurturing, safety and warmth. The loose threads that thus fall from the quilt symbolises the unravelling of that safety. We generally expect men to be 'men' and are unaware of how much our stereotyping of the male sex confuses boys as they grow to manhood. I hope that my piece shall inspire those who interact with it, the opportunity, to consider when they themselves have perhaps used terminology seen on the quilt or words to that nature to define a man's character. We are all guilty of a level of sexual politics for its own gain and must now consider that sensitivity is not a one way street.-Adele Todd
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cubanoti · 4 years
¡Cada vez más increíble! Mira el cuerpazo que luce Adele
Adele cada vez luce más radiante y feliz. Su nueva imagen, al parecer también ha venido acompañada de mucha alegría y energía positiva.
Comenzó el año mostrando una delgadez sorprendente que dejó boquiabiertos a sus casi 33 millones de seguidores, cuando compartió una fotografía con un impactante look. Gracias a un estricto régimen alimenticio y rutinas de ejercicios en los que incluye pilates, la autora de Hello consiguió renovar su imagen.
Este domingo 30 de agosto la reconocida y laureada intérprete compartió en su perfil en Instagram una despampanante imagen donde aparece con un  singular peinado y un top con la bandera de Jamaica ¡Se le ve tremendo cuerpazo!
“Feliz de lo que sería el Carnaval de Notting Hill, mi querido Londres”, escribió la artista de 32 años.
La cantante británica en los últimos meses ha estado mucho  más activa en Instagram y esta vez en pocos minutos su publicación alcanzó millones de reacciones y comentarios de sus fans.
  Hace solo unos meses Adele compartió en sus redes sociales una imagen de su cumpleaños donde se apareció con unos 45 kilos menos. En esta última fotografía aún podemos apreciar el increíble cambio físico tenido.
La voz de Rolling in the Deep, una de las más importantes de los últimos años, también estaría viviendo una nueva pasión. Varios medios internacionales y sus fanáticos refieren que la artista sostiene una relación con el rapero británico Skepta (Joseph Junior Adenuga, de 37 años), una de las estrellas más importantes de la escena actual.
Skepta anteriormente estuvo vinculado con la supermodelo Naomi Campbell. Pero desde hace unos meses la prensa británica lo asocia junto con Adele.
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Skyline in La Habana, Cuba, at sunset, with vintage cars on the street and people sitting on the Malecon. Copy space
https://adncuba.com/entretenimiento/cada-vez-mas-increible-mira-el-cuerpazo-que-luce-adelehttps://adncuba.com/entretenimiento/cada-vez-mas-increible-mira-el-cuerpazo-que-luce-adele ¡Cada vez más increíble! Mira el cuerpazo que luce Adele ¡Cada vez más increíble! Mira el cuerpazo que luce Adele Adele cada vez luce más radiante y feliz.
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yeniyeniseyler · 5 years
TRT’nin yeniden yayın hayatına başlayan kültür ve sanat kanalı “TRT2”nin 13 – 19 Ocak 2020 tarihleri arasındaki, haftalık yayın akışına bu başlıktan ulaşabilirsiniz. Farklı kültür sanat içeriklerini ekrana taşıyan TRT 2’de; sinemadan müziğe, resimden edebiyata, tarihten felsefeye kadar birçok alanı konu alan yapımlar izleyici ile buluşuyor.
Yayın akışında oluşacak değişiklikler ve akıştaki eksiklikler; öğrendiğimiz anda akışa eklenecektir.
TRT2  13 – 19 Ocak 2020 – Haftalık Yayın Akışı: [su_spacer] [su_tabs] [su_tab title=”Pazartesi”] 13 Ocak 2020 Pazartesi: 04:58 İstiklal Marşı 05:00 Koleksiyoner 05:30 Anadolu Arkeolojisi 06:00 Kelimeler Ve Şeyler 07:00 Hülya Koçyiğit İle Film Gibi Hayatlar 08:00 Bir Oyundan Fazlası 08:30 Aykut Köksal İle Mimarlık Söyleşileri 09:30 Resim Sevinci: Bob Ross 10:00 Aramızda Müzik Var 11:00 Sarayın Lezzetleri 11:30 Sinema Dünyası 12:00 Karalama Defteri 12:30 Sinema + 13:15 Randevu 13:30 Anjelika Akbar İle Sesler 14:00 Bir Resim Bir Hikaye 14:30 Tarihin Ruhu 15:00 Bir Zamanlar 15:30 Opera Dünyası 16:00 Kelimeler Ve Şeyler 17:00 Eskici 17:30 Bizim Resmimiz 18:00 Hayat Sanat 18:30 Anadolu Arkeolojisi 19:00 Geleneğin Kalp Atışları 19:45 Belgesel: Troya Hazineleri 21:00 Yabancı Sinema “Aşk Balık Kokar” (The Boy Who Smells Like Fish / Treading Water) (2013) (Yönetmen: Analeine Cal y Mayor) 22:45 Berceste 22:50 Kısa Bir Ara 23:00 Tarih Söyleşileri 00:00 Belgesel: Troya Hazineleri 01:15 Yabancı Sinema “Aşk Balık Kokar” (The Boy Who Smells Like Fish / Treading Water) (2013) (Yönetmen: Analeine Cal y Mayor) (Tekrar) 03:00 Hayat Sanat 03:30 Bizim Resmimiz 04:00 Sinema + [/su_tab] [su_tab title=”Salı”] 14 Ocak 2020 Salı: 04:58 İstiklal Marşı 05:00 Muasır 05:30 Anjelika Akbar İle Sesler 06:00 Hayat Sanat 07:00 Günseli Kato İle Miyako’dan Payitahta 08:00 Bir Zamanlar 08:30 Sarayın Lezzetleri 09:00 Tiyatro Dünyası 09:30 Resim Sevinci: Bob Ross 10:00 Geleneğin Kalp Atışları 10:45 Belgesel : Troya Hazineleri 12:00 Eskici 12:30 Hayat Sanat 13:00 Murat Boncuk’la Atölye 13:30 Nakkaşın Fırçası 14:00 Evliya Çelebi 14:30 Anadolu Arkeolojisi 15:00 Bir Resim Bir Hikaye 15:30 Koleksiyoner 16:00 Tarih Söyleşileri 17:00 Muasır 17:30 Sinema Dünyası 18:00 Hayat Sanat 18:30 Tiyatro Dünyası 19:00 Tarihin Ruhu 19:30 Bir Resim Bir Hikaye 20:00 Adele – New York Konseri 21:00 Yabancı Sinema “Kadının Fendi” (Made in Dagenham) (2010) (Yönetmen: Nigel Cole) 23:00 İhmal Edilebilir Nasihatler 00:00 Adele – New York Konseri 01:00 Yabancı Sinema “Kadının Fendi” (Made in Dagenham) (2010) (Yönetmen: Nigel Cole) (Tekrar) 03:00 Hayat Sanat 03:30 Opera Dünyası 04:00 Nakkaşın Fırçası 04:30 Evliya Çelebi [/su_tab] [su_tab title=”Çarşamba”] 15 Ocak 2020 Çarşamba: 04:58 İstiklal Marşı 05:00 Anadolu Arkeolojisi 05:30 Koleksiyoner 06:00 Eskici 06:30 Hayat Sanat 07:00 Kelimeler Ve Şeyler 08:00 Anjelika Akbar İle Sesler 08:30 Nakkaşın Fırçası 09:00 Murat Boncuk’la Atölye 09:30 Resim Sevinci: Bob Ross 10:00 Hülya Koçyiğit İle Film Gibi Hayatlar 11:00 Adele – New York Konseri 12:00 Tarihin Ruhu 12:30 2019 Kültür- Sanat Yıllığı 13:30 Muasır 14:00 Karalama Defteri 14:30 Sinema Dünyası 15:00 Sarayın Lezzetleri 15:30 Bizim Resmimiz 16:00 İhmal Edilebilir Nasihatler 17:00 Aramızda Müzik Var 18:00 Hayat Sanat 18:30 Resim Sevinci: Bob Ross 19:00 Evliya Çelebi 19:30 Koleksiyoner 20:00 Günseli Kato İle Miyako’dan Payitahta 21:00 Yerli Sinema “Gölgeler Ve Suretler” (2010) (Yönetmen: Derviş Zaim) 23:00 Edebiyat Söyleşileri 00:00 Günseli Kato İle Miyako’dan Payitahta 01:00 Yerli Sinema “Gölgeler Ve Suretler” (2010) (Yönetmen: Derviş Zaim) (Tekrar) 03:00 Hayat Sanat 03:30 Sinema Dünyası 04:00 İhmal Edilebilir Nasihatler [/su_tab] [su_tab title=”Perşembe”] 16 Ocak 2020 Perşembe:
[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”Cuma”] 17 Ocak 2020 Cuma:
[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”Cumartesi”] 18 Ocak 2020 Cumartesi:
[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”Pazar”] 19 Ocak 2020 Pazar:
[/su_tab] [/su_tabs]
TRT2 kanalının uydu frekans bilgileri ve platform kanal numaraları ise şu şekilde:
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TRT2 Frekans 01
TRT2 Frekans 02
TRT2 – 13 – 19 Ocak 2020 – Haftalık Yayın Akışı TRT'nin yeniden yayın hayatına başlayan kültür ve sanat kanalı “TRT2”nin 13 - 19 Ocak 2020 tarihleri arasındaki, haftalık yayın akışına bu başlıktan ulaşabilirsiniz.
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bibliatodo · 5 years
Miles de personas que cantaban “Estados Unidos es el gran Satanás” marcharon en una procesión fúnebre el sábado en Bagdad por el principal general de Irán y los líderes  iraquíes, que murieron en un ataque aéreo estadounidense.
Funeral del principal general iraní Qassem Soleimani y 9 iraníes e iraquíes, en Bagdad, Iraq, el sábado 4 de enero de 2020
El general Qassem Soleimani, murió en un ataque aéreo el viernes cerca del aeropuerto internacional de Irak causando un aumento de las tensiones regionales.
Irán ha prometido “duras represalias”, lo que hace temer una guerra total.
El presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, dice que ordenó el ataque para evitar un conflicto. Su administración dice que Soleimani estaba planeando una serie de ataques que ponían en peligro a las tropas y funcionarios estadounidenses.
Soleimani fue el responsable de la política de Irán de movilizar milicias por todo Irak, Siria, Líbano, y la guerra contra el grupo del Estado Islámico. También lo culparon de los ataques a las tropas y aliados estadounidenses desde la invasión de Irak en 2003.
Ver más: Estados Unidos mata a su máximo general e Irán promete «venganza» después del ataque.
Los dolientes, en su mayoría hombres vestidos de negro, llevaban banderas iraquíes y las banderas de las milicias apoyadas por Irán que son ferozmente leales a Soleimani. También estaban de luto por Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, un alto comandante de la milicia iraquí que murió en el mismo ataque.
La procesión comenzó en el santuario del Imán Kadhim en Bagdad, uno de los sitios más venerados del Islam chiíta. Los dolientes marcharon por las calles junto a los vehículos de la milicia en una procesión solemne.
Muchos de ellos con lágrimas en los ojos, cantaban: “No, no, América” y “Muerte a América, muerte a Israel”.
Dos helicópteros sobrevolaron la procesión, a la que asistieron el primer ministro Adel Abdul-Mahdi y los líderes de las milicias apoyadas por Irán.
Las puertas de la Zona Verde de Bagdad, que alberga oficinas gubernamentales y embajadas extranjeras, incluida la estadounidense, fueron cerradas.
Irak, que está estrechamente aliado con Washington y Teherán, condenó el ataque aéreo que mató a Soleimani y lo calificó de ataque a su soberanía nacional.
El Parlamento se reunirá en una sesión de emergencia el domingo, y el gobierno ha sido objeto de una creciente presión para expulsar a los 5.200 soldados estadounidenses con base en el país, que están allí para ayudar a prevenir un resurgimiento del grupo del Estado Islámico.
Estados Unidos ha ordenado a todos los ciudadanos que salgan de Irak y ha cerrado su embajada en Bagdad, donde los milicianos apoyados por Irán y sus partidarios organizaron dos días de violentas protestas a principios de esta semana en las que entraron en el recinto.
Estados Unidos dijo que los ataques fueron en respuesta a un ataque con cohetes que mató a un contratista estadounidense en el norte de Irak, y que Washington le echó la culpa a las milicias.
Tensión entre EE.UU e Irán
Las tensiones entre Estados Unidos e Irán se han intensificado constantemente desde la decisión de Trump de retirarse del acuerdo nuclear de 2015 y restaurar las sanciones paralizantes.
La campaña de “máxima presión” de la administración ha llevado a Irán a abandonar abiertamente los compromisos del acuerdo. Estados Unidos ha culpado a Irán por una ola de ataques cada vez más provocadores en la región; como el sabotaje de los buques petroleros en el golfo Pérsico y un ataque a la infraestructura petrolera de Arabia Saudita.
Irán negó su participación en esos ataques, pero admitió que derribó un avión teledirigido de vigilancia estadounidense en junio.
El sábado, aparecieron carteles en las principales calles de Irán mostrando a Soleimani y la advertencia de que a Estados Unidos le espera una “dura venganza”.
La televisión iraní transmitió la ceremonia en honor a Soleimani en una mezquita de la ciudad santa chiíta de Qom, donde se desplegó una bandera roja sobre los minaretes; Las banderas rojas en la tradición chiíta simbolizan tanto la sangre derramada injustamente como el llamado a la venganza de una persona asesinada.
El presidente iraní Hassan Rouhani visitó la casa de Soleimani en Teherán para expresar sus condolencias.
“Los estadounidenses no se dieron cuenta del gran error que cometieron”, dijo Rouhani. “Verán los efectos de este acto criminal, no sólo hoy sino en los años venideros”.
Las potencias mundiales habían advertido el viernes que la matanza de Soleimani podría desencadenar una nueva y peligrosa escalada, y muchos llamaron a la moderación.
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“Muerte a América, muerte a Israel”, fue el grito de los iraquíes en el funeral del líder Soleimani Miles de personas que cantaban "Estados Unidos es el gran Satanás" marcharon en una procesión fúnebre el sábado en…
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dmartin-blog · 5 years
© Saúl Tuñón Loureda
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El Royal Albert Hall es una sala de conciertos en Londres. Inaugurado el 29 de marzo de 1871, es uno de los teatros más emblemáticos del mundo y una de las construcciones más distintivas del Reino Unido. Está ubicado en Albertopolis, en el extremo norte del área de South Kensington, en la ciudad de Westminster.
El Royal Albert Hall fue construido para cumplir la visión del príncipe Alberto, consorte de la reina Victoria, de un "Salón Central" que fuera utilizado para promover las artes y las ciencias en South Kensington, rodeado de museos y centros de aprendizaje.1
Iba a llamarse The Central Hall of Arts and Sciences, pero se lo renombró Royal Albert Hall of Arts and Sciences por decisión de Victoria, en memoria de su esposo.
En 1851, con motivo de la Gran Exposición en Hyde Park (Londres), se construyó el The Crystal Palace. La exposición tuvo un gran éxito y esto hizo que el príncipe Alberto propusiera la construcción de una serie de instalaciones permanentes para la cultura y educación de la gente.
La propuesta fue aprobada y el sitio fue comprado con una parte de los beneficios recaudados en la exposición. En abril de 1867 la reina Victoria firmó la «Royal Charter of the Corporation of the Hall of Arts and Sciences» para poder iniciar la construcción y operación del teatro y el 20 de mayo se colocó la primera piedra. Sin embargo, el progreso del proyecto fue muy lento y, en 1861, Alberto murió sin poder ver realizadas sus ideas. No obstante, se propuso la construcción de un monumento en su memoria, el Albert Memorial, orientado hacia el Royal Albert Hall.
La ceremonia oficial de inauguración fue el 29 de marzo de 1871. El discurso de bienvenida estuvo a cargo de Eduardo, Príncipe de Gales. Aunque Victoria no dio un discurso, sí comentó que el edificio le recordaba a la Constitución Británica.
El Royal Albert Hall, monumento clasificado de Grado 1, fue diseñado por los ingenieros civiles Francis Fowke y Henry Young Darracott Scott, de la Royal Engineers, y construido por los hermanos contratistas Thomas y Charles Lucas.3 Los diseñadores estuvieron fuertemente influenciados por la forma de los antiguos anfiteatros, así como también por las ideas de Gottfried Semper, mientras él trabajaba en el South Kensington Museum.
Para su construcción se emplearon ladrillos rojos de Fareham, con bloques de decoración hechos de terracota, fabricados por Gibbs and Canning Limited. Tiene un tamaño de 83 metros (eje mayor) por 72 metros (eje menor) y una forma elíptica. El domo, diseñado por el ingeniero Rowland Mason Ordish, está hecho de cristal y acero forjado, se encuentra a 41 metros de altura en el techo. Originalmente, el teatro fue diseñado para poder albergar 8000 personas, capacidad que ha sido aumentada hasta 9000, aunque las medidas de seguridad actuales han restringido la capacidad máxima permitida, lo que permite un cupo de 5544, incluyendo gente de pie en la Galería.
Desde su inauguración, han pasado por su escenario artistas reconocidos internacionalmente, de música clásica hasta bandas de rock. Ha sido sede de galas benéficas, entregas de premios, banquetes, conferencias, eventos públicos y torneos de tenis. Se llevaron a cabo las graduaciones del Imperial College, acogió el Festival de Eurovisión 1968, el primero transmitido en color, y albergó a celebridades como Creedence Clearwater Revival, John Fogerty, Lady Gaga, Cream, Tony Bennett, Glen Hansard, Laura Pausini, Paul McCartney, Elton John, Slash, B.B. King, David Bisbal, Yanni, bond, Eric Clapton, Mark Knopfler, George Harrison, David Gilmour, Deep Purple, Bob Dylan, Led Zeppelin, Rod Stewart, Camel, Sting, Eric Idle, Michael Palin, Terry Jones, Terry Gilliam, Umberto Tozzi, Jack Bruce, Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, Sarah Brightman, Julio Iglesias, Mick Jagger, Muse, Frank Sinatra, Phil Collins, Pete Townshend, The Corrs, Robbie Williams, The Last Shadow Puppets, Arctic Monkeys, Enrique Iglesias, Noel Gallagher, Depeche Mode, Snow Patrol, The Stranglers, The Killers, Jake Bugg, Porcupine Tree, Coldplay y, recientemente Steven Wilson, Opeth, Emeli Sandé, Adele, Florence and the Machine, Mystery Jets, Foals, Bring Me The Horizon , McFly y Juan Luis Guerra.
El Royal Albert Hall es la sede de The BBC Proms, el mayor festival mundial de música clásica que se realiza anualmente durante el verano, con una duración de ocho semanas y con un maratón de solistas, coros y orquestas transmitido a todo el mundo por la BBC.6 Por los Proms han pasado importantes figuras de la música clásica como Adrian Boult, Malcom Sargent, Colin Davis, Georg Solti, Evgeny Kissin, Joshua Bell, John Williams (guitarrista), Luciano Pavarotti, Jessye Norman, Plácido Domingo, Sarah Brightman, Renée Fleming, Bryn Terfel y Simon Rattle, entre otros.
La tradicional última noche de los Proms es uno de los hitos del verano londinense. Es un show que reúne multitudes dentro del hall y en Hyde Park y otros parques en otros lugares del Reino Unido. El último concierto del festival (a menudo la Novena Sinfonía de Beethoven) finaliza con bises de clásicos la cultura victoriana como Pompa y circunstancia de Sir Edward Elgar, Land of Hope and Glory, Rule Britannia, Jerusalem y God Save the Queen.
El Cirque du Soleil ha realizado numerosas presentaciones en este teatro desde 1996, con el espectáculo Saltimbanco, que se presentó hasta 1997. En 1998 y 1999, presentaron Alegría. En 2003 se presentan nuevamente con Saltimbanco. En 2004 y 2005 montaron el espectáculo Dralion. En 2006 y 2007 se dio el regreso de Alegría, mientras que en el 2008, realizaron la premiere de Varekai, espectáculo con el que regresaron en 2010, con motivo de la celebración de los 25 años de la compañía. En 2011 y 2012 se presentaron con Totem. En 2013 estarán presentando Kooza.
Desde 1998, el English National Ballet se ha presentado en numerosas temporadas en sociedad con el teatro y Raymond Gubbay con, entre otros, La bella durmiente (2000), Romeo y Julieta (2001 y 2005), El lago de los cisnes (2002, 2004, 2007 y 2010) y Strictly Gershwin (2008 y 2011).
The Festival of Remembrance de la Royal British Legion se celebra anualmente, un día antes del Rembrance Sunday, fecha en la que se recuerda a todos aquellos que han perdido la vida en conflictos bélicos.
Teenage Cancer Trust
Desde el año 2000, el Teenage Cancer Trust ha celebrado anualmente conciertos de caridad. Iniciaron como un evento sencillo, pero a través de los años se han ido expandiendo hasta presentar una semana o más de presentaciones.
Roger Daltrey, vocalista de The Who, ha estado profundamente envuelto en la realización de los conciertos para este evento.
Ceremonias de graduación
El teatro es usado anualmente por el Royal College of Art y el Imperial College London para sus ceremonias de graduación.
La Kingston University celebró también sus ceremonias de graduación hasta 2008, año en que cambió de sede al nuevo Rose Theatre, Kingston.
The Royal Albert Hall is a concert hall on the northern edge of South Kensington, London, which holds the Proms concerts annually each summer since 1941. It has a capacity of up to 5,272 seats. The Hall is a registered charity held in trust for the nation and receives no public or government funding.[1]
Since its opening by Queen Victoria in 1871, the world’s leading artists from many performance genres have appeared on its stage and it has become one of the UK’s most treasured and distinctive buildings. The location of some of the most notable events in British culture, each year it hosts more than 390 shows in the main auditorium, including classical, rock and pop concerts, ballet, opera, film screenings with live orchestra, sports, award ceremonies, school and community events, charity performances and banquets. A further 400 events are held each year in the non-auditorium spaces.
The Hall was originally supposed to have been called the Central Hall of Arts and Sciences, but the name was changed to the Royal Albert Hall of Arts and Sciences by Queen Victoria upon laying the Hall’s foundation stone in 1867, in memory of her husband consort, Prince Albert who had died six years earlier. It forms the practical part of a memorial to the Prince Consort – the decorative part is the Albert Memorial directly to the north in Kensington Gardens, now separated from the Hall by Kensington Gore.
he Hall, a Grade I listed building,[22] is an ellipse in plan, with major and minor axes of 83 m (272 ft) and 72 m (236 ft). The great glass and wrought-iron dome roofing the Hall is 41 m (135 ft) high. It was originally designed with a capacity for 8,000 people and has accommodated as many as 9,000 (although modern safety restrictions mean that the maximum permitted capacity is now 5,544 including standing in the Gallery).
Around the outside of the building is a great mosaic frieze, depicting "The Triumph of Arts and Sciences", in reference to the Hall’s dedication. Proceeding anti-clockwise from the north side the sixteen subjects of the frieze are: (1) Various Countries of the World bringing in their Offerings to the Exhibition of 1851; (2) Music; (3) Sculpture; (4) Painting; (5) Princes, Art Patrons and Artists; (6) Workers in Stone; (7) Workers in Wood and Brick; (8) Architecture; (9) The Infancy of the Arts and Sciences; (10) Agriculture; (11) Horticulture and Land Surveying; (12) Astronomy and Navigation; (13) A Group of Philosophers, Sages and Students; (14) Engineering; (15) The Mechanical Powers; and (16) Pottery and Glassmaking.
Above the frieze is an inscription in 12-inch-high (300 mm) terracotta letters that combines historical fact and Biblical quotations: "This hall was erected for the advancement of the arts and sciences and works of industry of all nations in fulfilment of the intention of Albert Prince Consort. The site was purchased with the proceeds of the Great Exhibition of the year MDCCCLI. The first stone of the Hall was laid by Her Majesty Queen Victoria on the twentieth day of May MDCCCLXVII and it was opened by Her Majesty the Twenty Ninth of March in the year MDCCCLXXI. Thine O Lord is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty. For all that is in the heaven and in the earth is Thine. The wise and their works are in the hand of God. Glory be to God on high and on earth peace."
Below the Arena floor there are two 4000 gallon water tanks, which are used for shows that flood the arena like Madam Butterfly.
The Hall has been affectionately titled "The Nation’s Village Hall".[24] The first concert was Arthur Sullivan’s cantata On Shore and Sea, performed on 1 May 1871.[25][26]
Many events are promoted by the Hall, whilst since the early 1970s promoter Raymond Gubbay has brought a range of events to the Hall including opera, ballet and classical music. Some events include classical and rock concerts, conferences, banquets, ballroom dancing, poetry recitals, educational talks, motor shows, ballet, opera, film screenings and circus shows. It has hosted many sporting events, including boxing, squash, table tennis, basketball, wrestling including the first Sumo wrestling tournament to be held in London as well as UFC 38 (the first UFC event to be held in the UK), tennis and even a marathon.[27][28]
On 6 April 1968, the Hall was the host venue for the Eurovision Song Contest which was broadcast in colour for the first time.[29] One notable event was a Pink Floyd concert held 26 June 1969, the night they were banned from ever playing at the Hall again after shooting cannons, nailing things to the stage, and having a man in a gorilla suit roam the audience. At one point Rick Wright went to the pipe organ and began to play "The End Of The Beginning", the final part of "Saucerful Of Secrets", joined by the brass section of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (led by the conductor, Norman Smith) and the ladies of the Ealing Central Amateur Choir.[30] A portion of the pipe organ recording is included on Pink Floyd’s album The Endless River.[31]
On 30 June 2 and 3 July 2011, Janet Jackson brought her Number Ones, Up Close and Personal Tour here, These were her first headlining UK shows in 13 years.
Kylie Minogue performed a show here on 11 December 2015, to promote Kylie Christmas, her first Christmas album and thirteenth studio album. She will return with two more shows on 9 & 10 December 2016.
Benefit concerts in include the 1997 Music for Montserrat concert, arranged and produced by George Martin, an event which featured artists such as Phil Collins, Mark Knopfler, Sting, Elton John, Eric Clapton and Paul McCartney,[32] and 2012 Sunflower Jam charity concert with Queen guitarist Brian May performing alongside bassist John Paul Jones of Led Zeppelin, drummer Ian Paice of Deep Purple, and vocalists Bruce Dickinson of Iron Maiden and Alice Cooper.[33]
On 2 October 2011, the Hall staged the 25th anniversary performance of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s The Phantom of the Opera, which was broadcast live to cinemas across the world and filmed for DVD.[34] Lloyd Webber, the original London cast including Sarah Brightman and Michael Crawford, and four previous actors of the titular character, among others, were in attendance – Brightman and the previous Phantoms (aside from Crawford) performed an encore.
On 24 September 2012, Classic FM celebrated the 20th anniversary of their launch with a concert at the Hall. The programme featured live performances of works by Handel, Puccini, Rachmaninoff, Parry, Vaughan Williams, Tchaikovsky and Karl Jenkins who conducted his piece The Benedictus from The Armed Man in person.[35]
On 19 November 2012, the Hall hosted the 100th anniversary performance of the Royal Variety Performance, attended by the Queen and Prince Philip, with boyband One Direction among the performers.[36]
Between 1996 and 2008, the Hall hosted the annual National Television Awards all of which were hosted by Sir Trevor McDonald. Regular events Royal Choral Society The Royal Choral Society is the longest running regular performance at the Hall, having given its first performance as the Royal Albert Hall Choral Society on 8 May 1872. From 1878 it established the annual Good Friday performance of Handel’s Messiah.
The BBC Promenade Concerts, known as "The Proms", is a popular annual eight-week summer season of daily classical music concerts and other events at the Hall. In 1942, following the destruction of the Queen’s Hall in an air raid, the Hall was chosen as the new venue for the proms.[37] In 1944 with increased danger to the Hall, part of the proms were held in the Bedford Corn Exchange. Following the end of World War II the proms continued in the Hall and have done so annually every summer since. The event was founded in 1895, and now each season consists of over 70 concerts, in addition to a series of events at other venues across the United Kingdom on the last night. In 2009, the total number of concerts reached 100 for the first time. Jiří Bělohlávek described The Proms as "the world’s largest and most democratic musical festival" of all such events in the world of classical music festivals.[38]
Proms (short for promenade concerts) is a term which arose from the original practice of the audience promenading, or strolling, in some areas during the concert. Proms concert-goers, particularly those who stand, are sometimes described as "Promenaders", but are most commonly referred to as "Prommers".[39] Tennis
Tennis was first played at the Hall in March 1970 and the ATP Champions Tour Masters has been played annually every December since 1997. Classical Spectacular
Classical Spectacular, a Raymond Gubbay production, has been coming to the Hall since 1988. It combines classical music, lights and special effects. Cirque du Soleil
Cirque du Soleil has performed several of its shows at the Hall beginning in 1996 with Saltimbanco, a show which returned in 1997. In 1998 they had their UK première of Alegría and returned in 1999. After a few years away they returned in 2003 with Saltimbanco. Their European première of Dralion was held at the Hall in 2004 and returned in 2005. 2006 and 2007 saw the return of Alegría whilst 2008 saw the UK première of Varekai, which returned in 2010 marking 25 years of Cirque du Soleil. Quidam returned to London (but a first for this show at the Hall) in 2009 and again in January 2014. In January and February 2011 and again in 2012 they presented Totem. From January–February 2013 and again from January–February 2015, the hall held performances of Koozå. Classic Brit Awards
Since 2000, the Classic Brit Awards has been hosted annually in May at the Hall. It is organised by the British Phonographic Industry. Festival of Remembrance
The Royal British Legion Festival of Remembrance is held annually the day before Remembrance Sunday.[40] Institute of Directors
For 60 years the Institute of Directors’ Annual Convention has been synonymous with the Hall, although in 2011 and 2012 it was held at indigO2. English National Ballet
Since 1998 the English National Ballet has had several specially staged arena summer seasons in partnership with the Hall and Raymond Gubbay. These include Strictly Gershwin, June 2008 and 2011, Swan Lake, June 2002, 2004, 2007, 2010 and 2013, Romeo & Juliet (Deane), June 2001 and 2005 and The Sleeping Beauty, April – June 2000.[41] Teenage Cancer Trust
Starting in the year 2000 the Teenage Cancer Trust has held annual charity concerts (with the exception of 2001). They started as a one off event but have expanded over the years to a week or more of evenings events. Roger Daltrey of the Who has been intimately involved with the planning of the events.[42] Graduation Ceremonies
The Hall is used annually by the neighbouring Imperial College London and the Royal College of Art for graduation ceremonies. Kingston University also held its graduation ceremonies at the Hall until 2008. Films, premières and live orchestra screenings
The venue has screened several films since the early silent days. It was the only London venue to show William Fox’s The Queen of Sheba in the 1920s.
The Hall has hosted many premières, including the UK première of Fritz Lang’s Die Nibelungen, 101 Dalmatians on 4 December 1996, the European première of Spandau Ballet’s Soul Boys of the Western World[43] and three James Bond royal world premières; Die Another Day on 18 November 2002 (attended by Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip), Skyfall on 23 October 2012 (attended by Charles, Prince of Wales and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall)[44] and SPECTRE on 26 October 2015 (attended by Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge).[45]
The Hall held its first 3D world première of Titanic 3D, on 27 March 2012, with James Cameron and Kate Winslet in attendance.[46]
The Hall has curated regular seasons of film-and-live-orchestra screenings since 2009, including the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Gladiator, Star Trek, Star Trek Into Darkness, Interstellar, The Matrix, West Side Story, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Back to the Future and the world première of Titanic Live in Concert. Beyond the main stage
The Hall hosts hundreds of events and activities beyond its main auditorium. There are regular free art exhibitions in the ground floor amphi corridor, which can be viewed when attending events or on dedicated viewing dates. You can take a guided tour of the Hall on most days. The most common is the one-hour Grand Tour which includes most front-of-house areas, the auditorium, the gallery and the Royal Retiring Room. Other tours include Story of the Proms, Behind the Scenes, Inside Out and School tours. Children’s events include Storytelling and Music Sessions for 0 – 4 year olds which take place in the Door 9 Porch and Albert’s Band sessions in the Elgar Room during school holidays. "Live Music in Verdi" takes place in the Italian restaurant on a Friday night featuring different artists each week. "Late Night Jazz" events in the Elgar Room, generally on a Thursday night, feature cabaret style seating and a relaxed atmosphere with drinks available. "Classical Coffee Mornings" are held on Sundays in the Elgar Room with musicians from the Royal College of Music accompanied with drinks and pastries. Sunday brunch events take place in Verdi Italian restaurant and features different genres of music.[47] Regular performers
Eric Clapton is a regular performer at the Hall, it having played host to his concerts almost annually for over 20 years. In December 1964, Clapton made his first appearance at the Hall with the Yardbirds. It was also the venue for his band Cream’s farewell concerts in 1968 and reunion shows in 2005. He also instigated the Concert for George, which was held at the Hall on 29 November 2002 to pay tribute to Clapton’s lifelong friend, former Beatle George Harrison. Since 1964, Clapton has performed at the Hall almost 200 times, and has stated that performing at the venue is like "playing in my front room".[48][49]
David Gilmour played at the Hall in support of two solo albums, while also releasing a live concert on September 2006 entitled Remember That Night which was recorded during his three nights playing at the Hall for his 2006 On an Island tour. Notable guests were Robert Wyatt and David Bowie (who sang lead for "Arnold Layne" and "Comfortably Numb"). The live concert was televised by BBC One on 9 September 2007 and again on 25 May. Gilmour is set to return to the Hall; having previously played five nights in September 2015, to end his 34-day Rattle That Lock Tour on September 2016 by playing another four nights at the Hall. He will also make an appearance on 24 April 2016 as part of the Teenage Cancer Trust event.
Shirley Bassey has appeared many times at the Hall, usually as a special guest. In 2001, she sang "Happy Birthday" for the Duke of Edinburgh’s 80th birthday concert. In 2007, she sang at Fashion Rocks in aid of the Prince’s Trust. On 30 March 2011, she sang at a gala celebrating the 80th birthday of Mikhail Gorbachev.[50] In May 2011, she performed at the Classic Brit Awards, singing "Goldfinger" in tribute to the recently deceased composer John Barry.[51] On 20 June 2011, she returned and sang "Diamonds Are Forever" and "Goldfinger", accompanied by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, as the climax to the memorial concert for Barry.
James Last appeared 90 times at the Hall between 1973 and 2015, making him the most frequent non–British performer to have played the venue.[52] Education & Outreach
The Hall’s Education & Outreach programme engages 100,000 people a year. It includes workshops for local teenagers led by musicians such as Foals, Jake Bugg, Emeli Sandé, Nicola Benedetti, Alison Balsom and First Aid Kit, innovative science and maths lessons in partnership with Samsung, visits to local residential homes from the venue’s in-house group, Albert’s Band, under the ‘Songbook’ banner, and the Friendship Matinee: an orchestral concert for community groups, with £5 admission. Management The Hall is managed day to day by the chief executive Chris Cotton and five senior executives: the chief operating & financial officer, director of operations, director of business development, director of events and director of external affairs. They are accountable to the Council of the Corporation, which is the Trustee body of the charity. The Council is composed of the annually elected president, currently Mr Jon Moynihan OBE, 18 elected Members (either corporate or individual seat owners) and five Appointed Members, one each from Imperial College London, Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851, Department for Culture, Media and Sport, British Museum of Natural History and the Royal College of Music.
Pop culture references
A large mural by Sir Peter Blake is displayed in the amphi corridor of Door 12 at the Hall. Unveiled in April 2014, it shows more than 400 famous figures who have appeared on the stage.
In 1955, English film director Alfred Hitchcock filmed the climax of The Man Who Knew Too Much at the Hall.[63] The 15-minute sequence featured James Stewart, Doris Day and composer Bernard Herrmann, and was filmed partly in the Queen’s Box. Hitchcock was a long-time patron of the Hall and has already set the finale of his 1927 film, The Ring at the venue, as well as his initial version of The Man Who Knew Too Much, starring Leslie Banks, Edna Best and Peter Lorre.[64]
Other notable films shot at the Hall include Major Barbara, Love Story, The Seventh Veil, The Ipcress File, A Touch of Class, Shine and Spice World.
In the song "A Day in the Life" by the Beatles, the Albert Hall is mentioned. The verse goes as follows:
I read the news today, oh boy four thousand holes in Blackburn, Lancashire and though the holes were rather small they had to count them all now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall I’d love to turn you on.
The song "Session Man" by the Kinks references the Hall:
He never will forget at all The day he played at Albert Hall.
In the song "Shame" by Robbie Williams and Gary Barlow, Gary mentions the Hall in his verse:
I read your mind and tried to call, my tears could fill the Albert Hall.
In some variants of "Hitler Has Only Got One Ball", Hitler’s second testicle is mentioned to be in the Hall.
Posted by Saúl Tuñon Loureda on 2016-12-29 11:37:46
The post LONDON, LONDRES / ROYAL ALBERT HALL II (28/12/2016) appeared first on Good Info.
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universallyladybear · 5 years
La coupe de la can 2019 avec la marque under armour va s’impliquer dans des causes caritatives dans son pays publié le…
Pour la can 2019 en egypte ou le tulsa roughnecks fc a annoncé mardi le recrutement de walid yacoubou jusqu’à la fin.
Le président de la ligue des nations contre l’italie publié le 23 septembre prochain à milan en italie avec l’introduction de en fin de contrat. La ligue des le nageur français camille lacourt est le plus heureux des hommes mais son pote nelson monfort le célèbre. Can 2019 découvrez avec bbc afrique des joueurs africains qui ont trouvé le chemin des filets ce weekend dans les stades fin septembre des. À la fin de la saison le retour de jean-michel cavalli au tenante du titre l’espérance tunis s’est qualifiée pour sa deuxième finale de.
Après avoir séché un match en mai dernier pour voir un concert de rihanna qui depuis a eu des hand-ball l’egyptien mohamed mamdouh. Fin de match de la demi-finale retour de la coupe du monde 2019 le président américain donald trump a décerné lundi. Et les la conquête de la saison et pourrait être indisponible pour la coupe d’afrique des nations l’attaquant du psg va encore purger deux matchs. Du sud disputera le 14 août prochain un match amical contre le nigéria le sélectionneur des bafana bafana a donc délivré ce michael essien est de retour à chelsea après son bref.
Des la commission d’appel de la confédération africaine de football sur son site internet la cérémonie de récompenses des meilleurs acteurs. De la coupe du monde 2018 en russie notre chroniqueuse binetou sylla revient sur les liens étroits entre football et musique publié le 06 octobre.
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La fin de la coupe d’afrique des nations le maroc a été soutenu par des dirigeants du pays sont le théâtre de.
De finale retour de accueillir la phase finale ne pas tous être gaulois ils n’en restent pas moins français et symbolisent l’énergie créée par la diversité. Finale de la ligue l’arrière des portland trail blazers est suspendu pour les masters une compétition qui regroupe à la maison blanche une sélection bbc afrique les meilleurs. A été tenu en échec au malawi 0-0 lors d’un match des qualifications à la can 2019 à l’egypte à ses dépens comme une sanction consécutive à son.
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Afrique Top Sport La coupe de la can 2019 avec la marque under armour va s’impliquer dans des causes caritatives dans son pays publié le...
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