#Admin Updates
hey yall, im not feeling all too physically well again. the thing i've got has been getting kind of getting me lethargic. :(
i might be slow with replies again. i'm sorry y'all.
i hope you all have a good day
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updatingranboo · 10 months
hello booblers i have another poll. i recently realized i can just. link tweets
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teambadam · 3 months
Hope YouTube peeps are enjoying the new episode (it's a good one) and hope the nebula episode is good, I have sadly been unable to watch it yet. Apparently tags may also be broken, but I will post tomorrow when I have watched the episode
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drowsy-comics · 3 months
Slow schedule
Apologies for the lack of updates lately! I'm currently working on getting all the characters' references finished, which admittedly I should have done before releasing 😅. I promise once they're done I'll be back on track!
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f1tasies · 2 years
Hello lovelies
I lost my virginity, got my heart broken, almost failed a bunch of classes, BUT I think I've got the horny for F1 drivers back....
Wow moving on and convincing yourself you are a girlboss who needs no man is super powerful. Fuck men *finger guns cause you know what I mean*
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wreath-of-stars · 13 days
Being a driver in a narrow and uneven road is one thing,
Almost scraping a car with a Decepticon logo is another thing, and it is probably fear
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jbcatboyedits · 5 months
Admin Update: So I'm Back.
Well I took a break because I thought there would only be Fellow Travelers stuff for months and then the strike broke and a ton more than I expected happened. Sorry .
So it's been a while hasn't it? This account is coming back in the next few days so I thought I'd do an update of sorts covering some main points. But first: here's an update of some actual content that came out.
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(yes. I had to do one with the puppy)
Fellow Travelers; the Press Tour and Backlog.
So I kinda decided after the end of Fellow Travelers (after sitting in silence at the credits) that all press tours/Stills that I post will be counted as a backlog if I haven't done them prior. As in. Between any appearances for when it picks back up (we all know it will because of the award season that I don't understand because as a gamer here. I know those dates not the TV ones outside of BAFTA 😅) in the New Year.
Other than that - normal programming resumes. Press Tour photos and other main events edited.
So Links - Did you see *that* Interview Clip?
I could just post the tweets over those days of "someone said Squadron 42 was mentioned and I guess because it's nearing completion finally"; to "wonder how we got onto Squad 42?"; to someone saying he mentioned "the Crystal Exarch"; to me basically being on cloud 9 - but I'll spare you the details. If you follow me elsewhere you've seen the reaction but all I can say is I wasn't expecting it and still don't believe it's real.
Yeah ..... So that happened. Was not expecting it at all, let alone during the FT Press Tour. For a 30 second mention it contained more than I would ever expect. I also was surprised he is aware of the fact people like the cat? And he finds the fact the game has "lore" interesting? And in general really enjoys the Vo work for games that interviewer was not expecting this; he just wanted information on Mark Hamil lol.
Yes. I am taking this as Dawntrails is when he is back as well until the next /final trailer comes out from Fanfest in Jan and the build up of the release in the summer and proves anything different 😌
(I'll reblog the interview on here as well because I kinda have to don't I?)
TLDR; lol yeah. I'm back to be a pain in the tag again. Enjoy :)
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catsinaspacesuit · 3 months
Quackity is giving some updates about QSMP structural changes:
- He has been on many calls and reading comments, but is still not done.
- People who were in charge some of the financial and administrative wrong doings were fired.
- The QSMP wouldn't last much longer if I had kept going the way I was doing.
- He is basically restarting the administration almost from zero
- There won't be more individual update accounts for each creator or each language at least for a while
- There won't be any eggs or npcs **TEMPORARILY**
-Creators will be in charge of their own lore and the team is not going to intervene in that anymore
- The competitive level is going to slow down
- The server will be in basic terms
- The server might be re opened but that doesn't mean everything is fixed
*feel free to add the things i forgot*
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spnscripthunt · 1 month
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windwardwords · 2 months
Important - QSMP
I saw a post on twitter talking about this just now, and I wanted to say something because it's been bothering me for a long time now. Do not forget about us QSMP update admins.
We've worked our asses off too. We've been mistreated by Studios too. We've had our fair share of shitty working conditions too. We're people too.
And yet people constantly leave us out when talking about the admins. We're constantly forgotten by the fandom, left out of the conversation, and we have to scream to be heard. It hurts.
People speak up when Leonarda is left out. People speak up when the French are left out.
People do not speak up when we're left out. I've seen maybe one or two egg admins mention us ever. We the update admins have to remind everyone we were even there, fandom and CC alike.
Please don't forget about us. Please don't leave us out. We're part of the conversation too.
Sincerely, the QSMP English Updates Philza admin.
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school's kickin my butt big timeee
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updatingranboo · 11 months
back for the time being btw! might change depending on how some things go (i just have family in the hospital and for a while things weren't looking good but theres a little hope now) if things change and i have to stop again i will let you all know <3
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royalarchivist · 2 months
I haven't said much about the QSMP Admin situation on Royal Archivist because I don't think every issue needs commentary from the peanut gallery, especially since most comments rarely contribute anything meaningful to the wider conversation.
It's very sad seeing how hostile people are being towards each other right now. I know there are a lot of strong emotions and opinions about this issue (understandably– I've been in this situation many times as a freelancer, I Get It) but that does not excuse the behavior I've seen, nor does it excuse the hate, racism, harassment, and xenophobia.
Regardless of your opinion on how well things are being handled right now, and regardless of whether or not you want to step away from the series or continue engaging with it while trusting things will be resolved — harassing fellow fans, ex-admins or current admins, CCs, the French union, etc. doesn't help anyone.
There is NO excuse for spreading hate on behalf of anyone or anything, be it the server, Quackity, the admins, the other workers, or anyone else. This isn't the Crusades; you aren't fighting a holy war in the name of God, you're on social media fighting about a Minecraft series. Put the pitchforks down and take a break.
I'm not gonna get into my opinion on the matter (on here) further than this because like I said, peanut gallery talk and all that, but I've seen how amazing the QSMP community is, and how amazing we can be, I want our community to improve just like I want the server to improve.
Be kinder to each other, and take a break if you need to! It's important for us to be kind to ourselves too. If things are making you extremely distressed, it's better to take a step away from things.
In the wise words of FitMC: when in doubt, log the fuck out!
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huitandahalf · 3 months
I know that we got plenty of options as to how everything with the Ender King is going to go down, but a thought that has not left my mind was the idea of the Ender King downing qPhil in some way and taking him away. Which means there would be a chat message for all to see :)
For example :)
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#qsmp#qsmp philza#this could be better or worse depending on how many people qPhil tells about the whole mess (itll probably be 0 tbh)#cause if he tells no one#not even his kids#then it will be a gut punch#like pov you are chayanne and tallulah#you just lost your godfather in Tubbo#you may have just lost someone who really cares for you in Bad#and you gotta hold onto your dad right? if something was wrong he would have told you right? he promised to not keep secrets right?#and now hes gone without a word#was the Ender King that much of a threat that he could take your dad without any hint that it could happen? or were there just signs#that you missed. that you could have seen and stopped. you could have saved your dad but you didnt. why didnt you notice him change?#and to a lesser extent there is also the gut punch to fitmc#pov you are fitmc#phil promised to keep you updated on all the hallucination stuff and hasnt said anything to you about it in a long time#thats a good sign right? itd be bad if the Ender King was real and came to help phil anyway#he had some crying obsidian appear in his inventory? clearly the admins are messing with him it couldnt be anything#and now hes gone#and you find out that he was hiding things from you from his children#there were more messages more hallucinations#why didnt he tell you?#did he not trust you? hes right to do it but you thought he trusted you with this at the very least#and now#what do you do?#you dont even know where to start in looking for him#did he really trust you that little?
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missycolorful · 2 months
still crazy to think about how the eggs were supposed to be temporary. just two weeks. and now look at where we are; the server wouldn't be what it is without them. the admins' impacts are ginormous. they deserve so much love and support for all of their hard work and passion <3
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