#Admin: sxng
pocket-scenarios · 4 years
12 & 13 with Wang Zhuocheng please~
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(Admin: Sxng, thank you for the request really want to start writing for some things other than kpop/Korean actors. Also sorry I got kinda rambly at the end I’ll probably edit this sometime.)
Word Count: 437
12: They give you a piggyback ride when you’re hurt/drunk.
13: Your friends tease the two of you.
“Zhuo Ge,” your friend quietly whines in a mocking tone.
You press your tongue into your cheek, your memory from the previous night still quite fuzzy. Jiongmin clings onto Hongyi’s arm repeating things that you can only guess you said drunk last night.
“Zhuo Ge, I can’t walk, Zhuo Ge,” Jiongmin leans closer to Hongyi, whose shoulders shake while he laughs silently.
“Do you want me to carry you?”
A pfft finally pushes out through your lips, you press your head into your hands. Jiongmin lets go of Hongyi, resting his hand on the table.
“Did I really do something like that?” You say meekly, your fingers pushing through your hair.
Hongyi takes a drink from his coffee.
“Your Zhuo Ge is here.” 
Jiongmin nods his head in the direction of the door, a smirk pulling at the corners of his lips. Zhuocheng pulls out the seat next to yours, looking between the three of you already seated.
“Did I miss something?”
Zhuocheng speaks close to your ear, you shake your head, fixing your hair, resting your hands in your lap.
“I thought Y’N might have scared you away.” Hongyi laughs.
Zhuocheng rests his hand on your leg silently: “is there something more between the two of you than you are telling us?”
Jiongmin is quicker to pick up on things than Hongyi, so you are not surprised at all that he noticed something being off. Zhuocheng gives a slight squeeze to your leg, waiting for you to speak first.
“Yeah,” you pause, “we’re dating.”
You admit, quirking an eyebrow when Jiongmin cocks his head to the side.
“Y’N, you really are something,” he clicks his tongue, shaking his head, “chasing after a new actor.”
Zhuocheng laughs, you let out a heavy sigh.
“Should we go drinking again to celebrate your relationship?”
“Come on, Zhuo Gege,” Jiongmin teases, “Y’N, you convince him.”
You roll your eyes but decide to play along anyway: “Zhuo Ge, let’s go drinking again tonight.”
You wrap both of your arms around his arm, pulling him closer to you. Zhuocheng stiffens slightly, your friends attempting to hold back their laughter across the table.
“We’re both going to be busy again soon; let’s go out tonight.”
You speak closer to his ear he hums: “how about we go out for dinner instead?”
Hongyi and Jiongmin nod in agreement with Zhuocheng’s suggestion.
“You just don’t want to put up with drunk Y’N again.” Hongyi laughs.
You start to protest, but Zhuocheng nods you slap his leg. He laughs softly, the four of you decide on the time and place before leaving the cafe.
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pocket-scenarios · 4 years
Can’t Right Now - Yeonjun
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(Admin: Sxng & Xunyi I started this as a Soobin scenario but ended it as a Yeonjun one omf)
Falling in love with your best friend is hard. Adding him falling in love with someone that you can never match up to; it began to be too much. You have been distancing yourself from him. It is hard, but it is all you can do. You want to stay around him; your heart cannot take it.
"Our friend group is falling apart without you," Yeonjun sighs, falling into the seat, next to your own, "correction, Soobin is falling apart without you, what happened between the two of you?"
You press your lips together, taking in a sharp breath. Yeonjun waits for you to respond to his question, holding his drink tightly in his hand. He can always see through you, so lying to him is not an option. Telling him will probably help ease your mind as well.
"I don't want to watch him fall in love," the words flow from your lips with ease.
Yeonjun understands you and says nothing else on the topic. You figure that it will end there until the bell over the door dings. You turn towards the door only to see Soobin walk in. Yeonjun, across from you, widens his eyes, turning back to you.
"Did you know he was coming?" You ask softly, looking towards the table.
Yeonjun shakes his head: "I just told him I was going to get a coffee."
You look behind Yeonjun towards Soobin. He turns his head, his eyes meeting your own briefly. You quickly avert your eyes, facing the table instead. You pray silently to every god in existence to not let him join your table. Of course, you cannot be that lucky; he gets his drink and sits in one of the other three chairs.
"What are the two of you doing together?" Soobin mutters, his eyes locking onto you, "did the two of you start dating without telling me?"
"The two of you had coffee alone together all the time," Yeonjun drones, "were you dating?"
The bell rings once more, your eyes turning towards it. It is her, the girl Soobin likes. Yeonjun sinks into his seat, wordlessly asking you if you are alright with his eyes. You feel trapped in your situation. If you stay: you have to see Soobin and her; if you leave, it looks like you are avoiding him.
"I'm heading out," you say affably.
"Where are you going?" Yeonjun inquires, leaning against the back of his seat.
"The library, I need to finish my report," you sigh.
"I'll go with you," Yeonjun rushes, pulling himself from his seat.
You nod, glimpsing at Soobin briefly before turning away. Yeonjun lets out a heavy sigh once the two of you are out of the cafe. A huff passes your lips. The two of you walk silently down the street in the direction of the library.
"Are you okay?" Yeonjun asks, attempting to fill the silence.
"Is that why you left with me?" You laugh, "I'm okay I'll get over him eventually,"
"That isn't why I came with you," Yeonjun murmurs.
Yeonjun stops walking, turning towards you. You follow his movements facing him, swaying slightly, while you stand.
"I like you," Yeonjun says swiftly, "I'm not asking you to like me back, I just wanted to tell you."
"You know that I like Soobin," you whisper.
"That's why I said you don't have to like me back," Yeonjun quips, "don't even think about trying to get away from me. Like you did with Soobin."
"Just because I can't like you right now, why would I run away from you?" You tease him.
Yeonjun begins to walk again, attempting to hide a smile forming on his face. You follow alongside him.
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pocket-scenarios · 4 years
2 & 32 with ATEEZ Yeosang & Yunho
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(Admin: Sxng, I’m back! Please check out the August update post)
2: They confess their feelings for you.
32: Love notes.
You blink your eyes open, rubbing the sleep from them, the lecture is over, so is your nap. You could have kept sleeping if not for your friend San running up and shaking you.
"Who wrote you a love letter?" He teases.
You shrug, stretching your arms out in front of yourself. You pull the sticky note from the canned coffee, holding it up to read it.
"I don't know who left it," you trail off, "did you see anyone sit back here with me?"
San shakes his head, hand holding the strap of his bag while he things.
"Kang Yeosang?"
"Yeosang," you parrot, "he doesn't seem like the type to do something like this."
San snatches the note from your hand reading it aloud: "You always fall asleep in class, how will you pass the exam? If you figure out who I am, I'll give you my notes."
"You're lucky if it is him, he's the top of this class," San laughs.
You let out a heavy sigh, allowing your friend to drag you to the library, which is where Yeosang spends his time between lectures, according to San, at least. Yeosang waves at the two of you once you get near to his table. San is quick to split off from you, absentmindedly wandering the aisles of the university library.
"Were you the one who left this?" You rush out, holding the sticky note towards him, he hums.
"How did you know?"
You sigh, lowering the note to your side: "San."
"How did he know?"
You shrug sitting in the chair across from his: "it's San."
"Did you drink the coffee I left?" Yeosang asks, leaning his head on the back of his hand.
"Not yet."
"It's my favorite," he trails off, "I don't give it away to just anyone, only someone I like."
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(Admin: Mitzy)
Same Numbers
"You got another one?" Yunho whines, "who is it?"
You shrug handing the unopened letter to him: "read it if you want."
"Doesn't it bother you?"
"Not really, it happens a lot," you sigh, "they're not from the person I like so it doesn't matter."
Yunho nods, your words not properly registering in his head while he is reading the note. He leans against the lockers, his lips pressed together, in a thin line, eyebrows furrowed.
"Wait," he turns towards you, "who do you want one from?"
You step closer to him, taking the note from his hand: "that's not going to happen though, is it?"
"It can."
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pocket-scenarios · 4 years
Dorm - Chan (m)
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(Admin: Sxng, idk why I never finished this, anyway I rewrote the whole thing and it's posted now, sorry this probably was sent like over a year ago ik, they didn’t actually get caught in this)
This contains mature content
Not a full smut btw
"They'll be out for a while," Yuchan mutters against your skin.
His chest presses against your back his lips just millimeters from touching your neck. Yuchan's hand dances along your thigh gradually moving higher up your leg.  His hand stops moving, resting on your hip dipping slightly between your legs. While his lips continue to dance across your neck. You tilt your head further away allowing him more access to your neck.
"Can we," Yuchan ghosts his fingers over your clothes covered core, "keep going?"
You want to say yes instantly, but the fear of the four men he lives with coming back creeps up your spine: "You're sure they aren't going to be back soon?"
You ask voice is laced with concern. Yuchan hums against your neck trailing kisses on your skin attempting to calm you. He pulls away from your neck, you turn facing him. His eyes land on your lips once the two of you are facing each other. He leans forward first resting his hand on the small of your back. You close your eyes heart beating out of your chest.
Yuchan’s lips finally press against your own. Your worries melt away once his lips hit your own. He slides his hand that had been on the small of your back under the fabric of your shirt. He pushes you backward moving his weight on top of yours. You wrap your arms around his shoulders. One of your hands finding its way into his hair, Yuchan deepens the kiss sinking his teeth into your bottom lip pulling on the soft flesh asking for access. You part your lips allowing his tongue to slip into your mouth. He pushes your legs apart settling his weight between them.
Yuchan pulls away from your lips sitting back to pull his shirt off. Once his shirt is off he connects his lips to your own once again, picking up where the two of you left off. His tongue pushes back into your mouth the kiss quickly becoming more intense. The sound of the door opening has the two of you scrambling away from each other quickly and Yuchan reaching for his shirt. A nervous laugh slips through your lips while he pulls his shirt back on.
"I thought you said they were going to be gone for a while," you hiss acting like you are going to hit him, he laughs.
"It's fine," Yuchan says calmly, "it's not like they'll know, you were here when they left, we didn't do anything," he shrugs moving closer to you resting his head on your shoulder.
"Y'N, you're still here?" Junhee speaks politely, you hum, "do you want to stay for dinner, we're going to order soon."
"No, I should probably head home," you say brushing your hair away from your shoulder, "thank you for the offer, though," you stand from Yuchan's bed picking up your phone and bag, "I'll text you later," you say softly to him.
He hums waving to you while you leave his room. You greet the other three who are sitting in the living room waiting on the return of the other two so they can decide what to eat.
"Text me when you get home," Yuchan says softly walking up beside you, "love you," you hum repeating the words back to him while you slip your shoes back on.
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pocket-scenarios · 4 years
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(Admin: Sxng, it is PS’s 4th birthday soon so I’m bringing back one of our most popular formats. Also this one is shorter in comparison to the others I think. It has been awhile since I checked out the older ones)
The cutest dork
He’s bouncy and really energetic most of the time.
He can be hard to keep up with sometimes because of just how energetic he is.
Forehead kisses at random
He is so clumsy
He knows how to laugh at himself though
Kinda embarrassing in public
Probably makes you want to hide in a hole on a regular basis.
Yoonho is, of course, human and does have low days.
He typically keeps his issues to himself, he’ll write them into lyrics in an attempt to get them off of his chest.
Yoonho would rather not get you down when he is, so he tends to go quiet for a few days when something happens.
If he is still having a hard time after a few days he will confide in you, but he apologizes while doing it.
You really just want him to know he doesn’t have to apologize but he still does, no matter how many times you tell him it’s not necessary.
He invites you to the studio when he is working on something new
Despite his busy schedule he always tries to give you an update so you don’t worry about why he is not answering.
He brings you souvenirs from tours.
Yoonho is always so bright while talking about stories from tour
It makes you feel warm, listening to how happy he is.
Mature Part:
He’s clumsy, he struggles a bit to get his clothes off
He gets nervous easily, but it’s cute.
Yoonho wants to make you feel good
He likes to watch your expression while he touches you.
Laughing during sex happens a lot with the two of you
His hands are always somewhere on you
Your thighs and hips are particularly a favorite of his
He likes to leave hickeys, but only in places where he can see them
He loves holding you during sex.
You on his lap with his arms wrapped around you middle, his head pressing against your shoulder.
He is not loud during sex most of the time, but he does whimper and gasp into your shoulder.
He also rambles sweet nothings
He likes having his hair pulled but won’t admit it
Also won’t admit that he loves being praised too, but please keep praising him.
After sex the two of you usually end up just cuddling until you fall asleep, well as long as it is at night.
If it is during the day the two of you usually end up in the shower together.
← Previous Boyfriend!St.Van  //    →
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pocket-scenarios · 4 years
22 + 14 with kino!!!
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(Admin: Sxng Please read the 4th Anniversary/August update post)
14:  “Are you mad at me?”
22: Giving you their jacket.
Hyunggu is late, four hours late, to be exact. If it was someone else, you would have left after the first hour, but this is Hyunggu. Your best friend, someone who has never done something like this before. Of course, you were worried, but then he answered your text, he was caught in a meeting but promised to be there soon, two hours ago. You sigh, deciding to leave, even if he is finally on his way.
Nothing ever goes your way, of course, it is raining when you decide to leave, and of course, you did not bring an umbrella. Before your internal monologue of various swears directed at your friend can begin, the hood of his jacket is resting on your head.
"Y'N," he says breathily as if he as just run here, "I'm so sorry, I forgot about meeting you, and then the meeting got called."
"I should have texted you sooner."
"Are you mad at me?"
"Of course."
Hyunggu laughs: "I'll make it up to you tomorrow since it's late."
"Don't forget this time," you tease.
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pocket-scenarios · 4 years
Compass Rose - E-Tion
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(Admin: Sxng I’m Back!! Also I’m working on getting a Buy Me A Coffee account set up. I’m having issues with getting my paypal connected. Edit: Sorry if this isn’t showing up under the cut, maybe it is just on PC. I’ve been having a lot of issues with the website.)
Word Count: 1415
An outsider looking into your life, the way your high school alumni are now, probably see the situation as picture-perfect. Your high school sweetheart, down on one knee proposing to you. Your heart races while you scan the expressions in the room, your eyes landing on Changyoon. He has a tight grip on the champagne glass in his hand. You finally turn your eyes back towards Hyojin, a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach.
You should be happy; this should be a happy moment. You listlessly accept his proposal to the delight of Hyojin and encouragement of the crowd circling the two of you. Your gaze once more meets Changyoon’s. Two years have passed since you two spoke.
“Hyojin, I’m going to go see Changyoon.”
Hyojin hums, sending a warm smile towards you. He gently brushes your hair, you turn, taking quick steps, over to Changyoon.
Changyoon murmurs, leaning his arm on the cloth-covered table. You press your lips into a line, nodding your head.
“Something wrong between you?”
“I think that Hyojin thinks proposing to me is going to solve all our problems.”
Changyoon turns his chair so that he is facing you. He looks towards you curiously, waiting for you to continue.
“I think I made a mistake, following Hyojin,” you pause, “I don’t want to marry him, Changyoon.”
“Then why did you say yes-”
“-How am I supposed to say no in front of a crowd of people, did you see everyone? Every one of those people knows me.”
“Do you love him?”
You freeze, turning your eyes towards the table. You can feel Changyoon’s gaze on you, waiting for your response.
“Changyoon, please-”
“-Don’t avoid the question, do you still love him?” Changyoon repeats.
“I don’t know,” you admit, “I think moving in with him and going to the same college was a mistake.”
“Even if you didn’t move then. Eventually, the two of you would have ended up living together.”
“Changyoon, I’m trying to say I wished I broke up with him and went to the same school as you.”
You sigh, leaning against the back of your chair. Changyoon knits his eyebrows together, nodding. He and Hyojin were friends, but during the music festival freshman year, their relationship fell apart. Hyojin wanted to show off, looking back, you can understand why Changyoon was upset. The next years of your high school career were spent with you, in the middle, of your best friend and boyfriend’s argument.
“It’s been five years, don’t let the way you feel now ruin how happy you were with him,” Changyoon looks around the room.
“Y’N,” Hyojin rests his hand on your shoulder.
Changyoon’s eyes lock onto his hand on your shoulder.
“Jaeyoung wants me to go meet some of his friends. Can you go back on your own?” Hyojin leans down, closer to your ear.
You hum, nodding your head, sending a gentle smile towards him when he pulls back. You wave to Jaeyoung as well. Jaeyoung was never someone you were close to, but in high school, he always seemed nice enough. Hyojin leans down once more, pressing a chaste kiss to the top of your head. Your eyes linger on  Hyojin and Jaeyoung as they leave.
“Do you want to leave?” Changyoon pushes his seat back, waiting for you to respond.
“Do you?”
“I didn’t want to come in the first place,” Changyoon admits.
“Then, why did you?”
You laugh, Changyoon sighs.
“I was hoping to see you.”
You hum, nodding your head, you would be lying if you said you were not hoping to run into him as well. The two of you lost contact after you went to college with Hyojin.
“Where should we go?”
“The Yangnyeom chicken place we used to go is still open,” Changyoon suggests.
“Let’s go then.”
Both you and Changyoon stand from your seats, heading to the doors. Changyoon holds the door open for you; you mutter a soft thank you, he hums in response, following behind you. A comfortable silence falls between the two of you while you walk towards his car. Music plays softly from his stereo once he turns his car on.
“Do you want to hook your phone to my car?” He asks, pointing towards the Bluetooth option on the screen.
Once your phone is connected, you select a random playlist playing it on shuffle. The two of you, once again, fall into a comfortable silence you turn towards the window watching the lights pass. The drive to the restaurant goes by quickly Changyoon parks in the parking lot for the nearby office building.
“Changyoon, it’s been a while since you’ve dropped by.”
Changyoon laughs nodding his head: “Mrs. Park, do you recognize who I’m with? It’s been even longer since she’s come.”
“Y’N?” She hesitates.
“Yes, Mrs. Park, it is me.”
You laugh, she quickly seats the two of you, Changyoon orders for both of you, the same as you would order in high school. The two of you laugh, pointing towards the polaroids and sticky notes on the wall that belong to the two of you. Mrs. Park sits your order between the two of you, her eyes lingering on you.
“Y’N, you’ve grown into such a beautiful lady,” she coos.
“Thank you.”
“Mrs. Park, can we get two beers and a bottle of soju?” Changyoon asks, leaning on the table.
She hums, heading back to the kitchen of the restaurant. Changyoon nudges your shoulder.
“Do you want to take a new picture to put up?”
“Yeah, sure.”
You agree, shrugging your shoulders. Mrs. Park comes back with the requested drinks. Changyoon brings up taking another photo, she gestures to where the polaroid is. Changyoon stands up, retrieving the camera before coming back to his seat. Mrs. Park takes the photo she shows it to both of you, then goes to hang it on the wall with the others.
Changyoon only takes small sips of his beer throughout the dinner. You being the one doing most of the drinking, even taking the rest of his beer at some point. Changyoon had partially been expecting this, he figured, you would want to drink, after the situation at the reunion. Changyoon watches you in awe while you mumble and slur insults at Hyojin, who is not present. Changyoon checks the time on his phone, sighing.
“Y’N, stay here while I’ll pay, then I’ll drive you home.”
You rest your cheek against the table, lazily shooting him a thumbs up. Changyoon shakes his head, keeping his eyes on you while he heads to the counter.
“Are the two of you dating?” Mrs. Park asks quietly.
“No, she’s seeing the guy she’s been cursing all night,” Changyoon laughs.
“Y’N, let’s go,” Changyoon pats your back.
You hum, pulling yourself from the seat unsteadily. Changyoon grabs onto your arm to help steady you; he guides you towards the door and back to the parking lot where his car is. The ride back is blurry, mostly because you fell asleep shortly after he started driving. You wake up once Changyoon’s hand slides behind your back and under your knees to lift you from the seat.
“Sorry, I can walk,” you mumble, Changyoon sighs.
“Just let me carry you, you’re still stumbling.”
Changyoon mutters, watching you struggle, holding onto the side of the car. You agree, allowing him to carry you on his back.
“Wait, where are we?”
“My apartment, you fell asleep before I could get your address. I was not going to text Hyojin.”
You laugh, shaking your head at his words. Changyoon drops you down onto his couch, you feel much soberer after your nap in his car. He sighs, sitting next to you.
“I’m going to end things with Hyojin.”
“Are you sure that, that, is what you want to-”
You cup Changyoon’s cheek, turning his face towards your own, you press his lips to yours. You are probably going to regret this in the morning when you are not tipsy. Right now, though, at this moment, kissing Changyoon feels right. He rests his hand on your cheek as well, his hand pushing into your hair. You scoot closer to him, wanting to be closer. Changyoon presses his forehead against your own, his breath fanning over your face.
“Are you sure,” Changyoon’s voice shakes, “that you are not going to regret this?”
You tilt your head forward, pressing another chaste kiss to his lips.
“I won’t regret this.”
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pocket-scenarios · 4 years
Feel Special - Ravn
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(Admin: Sxng)
Everything seems to be going wrong. First, you got laid off from work; second, your college reunion was horrible, everyone that went to school with you seems so much better off; thirdly, you have had no one to talk with about everything that went wrong. This week seems to be cursed, for you at least. Youngjo has been busy, which you understand; being an idol is not easy. Just knowing he is your boyfriend is enough, although you do not get to see him often or go on dates like regular couples. You are pulled from your thoughts by your electronic lock chiming, signaling the arrival of someone.
"Youngjo?" You inquire.
"Who else would it be?" He laughs, "Were you expecting someone else?"
You shake your head, patting the seat next to you, gesturing for him to sit. He does, wrapping his arm around your shoulder instinctively. You lean into Youngjo's touch, resting your head on his shoulder. He sighs, resting his head on top of your own a comfortable silence falling between the two of you.
"I heard about what happened, at your reunion," Youngjo says softly, "are you okay?"
You nod: "that wasn't even the worst part of this week," you sigh.
"Do you want to talk about it," Youngjo murmurs against your hair, "I'm sorry that I couldn't see you sooner."
"It's fine," you quip, "I feel better now that you're here."
Youngjo laughs, sitting back to lean against the arm of your couch. He shakes his head gently, letting out a content sigh.
"Do you want to order food or cook?" Youngjo asks.
"I don't feel like cooking," you murmur, leaning against the opposite arm of your couch, mirroring his pose.
"That restaurant you like is still open, I'll go pick up the food for you,"  he says softly, you nod thanking him softly. "I'll be back."
He stands up stepping over you, he rests his hand on the top of your head, leaning down to press a chaste kiss to your lips.
"Hurry back," you smile up at him, holding on to his sleeve.
"Of course," his smile mirrors your own.
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pocket-scenarios · 4 years
Starry Eyed - Jangjun
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(Admin: Sxng)
Your eyes are still heavy to open, red, and puffy. The first half of the day was awful, even now that your head is resting against Jangjun’s shoulder his arms around your middle in a comforting embrace. He is silently pleading with you to calm down, silently reminding you that he has you. He is not going anywhere, even if he has not been able to convince your father that he is a good man for you. He is not leaving, he will stay with you.
You want to speak, you want to move. You want to thank Jangjun, but you are afraid, if you move from the spot you are in right now, you might never be able to return.
“Y’N,” Jangjun is the one to speak first, “look at me,” he says softly resting his hand on your cheek turning your head up towards his, “you cried so much,” a sad smile covers his usually happy features, “I’m sorry.”
You shake your head: “you don’t have anything to apologize for.”
Tears pool behind your eyes once more, Jangjun rubs comforting circles on your back. Your eyes land on the hotel window, the city lights shining through them, creating a slight glow within the hotel room as well. He sighs pulling the blanket higher up on you.
“All we can do, is keep trying until he believes in us,” Jangjun clasps one of your hands between both of his, “we need to keep trying,” his words disappear into the room around the two of you silence falling between you again.
You press your cheek further into his chest feeling more relaxed than you previously did. Jangjun lets one of his hands rest back on the middle of your back the other lacing through with the fingers of the hand it had been clasping onto.
“I love you,” you say against the fabric of his shirt.
“I know, I love you too,” Jangjun laughs, “let’s sleep, it’s late.”
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pocket-scenarios · 4 years
Evaluation - Joochan
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(Admin: Sxng)
"Y'N, you're still here?" You smile upon hearing the familiar bright voice.
You hum turning towards the door, laying your phone on your lap. Joochan pulls the chair next to your own out, sitting beside you. He leans over to look at your phone screen.
"Are you getting ready for an evaluation?"
"Yeah," you sigh, "I have to debut this time."
Your body tenses at the thought of a third rejection; Joochan rubs your shoulder gently, sending a soft smile towards you. It had been a surprise to everyone that you did not make the line up for Rocket Punch. You love the girls who debuted. At that moment, in front of them, you wanted to disappear. Everything felt like it was collapsing around you, Joochan helped you to not give up on your dream.
Joochan glances towards the door before he wraps his arm around your shoulder, pushing your head against his chest. You let out a heavy sigh, returning his embrace, shutting your eyes, enjoying the moment. You rarely get to see him, let alone hold him or be held by him. His lips gently press against your forehead before he lays his chin on the top of your head.
"If your evaluation goes well, we can meet in a practice room, or here and I'll buy food to celebrate," he trails off, "do you want to invite the others?"
He is referring to Jibeom, Jaehyun, and Donghyun, which, as much as you do enjoy seeing them you would rather just have time with your boyfriend.
"I'd rather just see you."
"Okay," he says softly, unlacing his arms from around you.
You do the same fixing your hair, sending a small smile towards him. He holds out his pinky gesturing for you to lace your own through his, you laugh complying.
"Don't stay up too late."
You hum nodding your head. He laughs, brushing some of your hair behind your ear before he stands.
"I'm heading back first I love you." He calls. "I love you too," you beam.
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pocket-scenarios · 5 years
3:00AM - Jihoon
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(Admin: Sxng, I hope you meant the soloist and not the treasure boy)
You lean against the wall you are sitting against turning up towards the stars in the sky. Your phone screen lights up reminding you that you are in a call with Jihoon still despite the silence that fell between the two of you. Jihoon is still awake, you assume at least, he usually will not fall asleep during a call. Even the silence between you is comforting, though, you would not have it any other way.
“Are you still looking at the sky?” Jihoon asks pulling you from your thoughts, you hum in response moving your phone to your lap.
“The stars are really clear up here,” you mutter softly, glancing down towards your phone screen, “can you see them from your dorm?”
“Not really, the building across blocks my view mostly,” he sighs, you can hear the shifting of his curtains.
A silence falls between the two of you again. There is a creeping feeling climbing up your spine this time, the silence feels different, to you at least. You press yourself closer to the wall behind you attempting to ease your suddenly worried mind.
“Y’N,” Jihoon calls out to you, “I like you,” he says much softer.
“I know,” you murmur rolling your lips together, “but you know-” he cuts you off.
“-I know, I just wanted to say it,” he rushes, “sorry,” he mutters, “I shouldn’t have said it.”
“It’s not that I don’t like you Jihoon, it’s just, I want a normal life,” you sigh, “I can’t be the reason you hold yourself back from your dreams so it’s just best for us, to stay like this.”
He sighs: “Yeah, Y’N, it’s late so I’m just going to end the call, you should get some rest.”
“I’ll talk to you tomorrow, Jihoon.”
“Yeah,” he says softly.
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pocket-scenarios · 4 years
Love Affair - Hongjoong
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(Admin: Sxng & Vector the two of us are back)
You had kept telling yourself that what you feel towards Hongjoong is not love. You just take comfort in his presence. He is the one who is there for you whenever Seonghwa hurts you. He became someone you depended on, a shoulder you could rest your head on. You could tell him anything, even the things that you were afraid to tell Seonghwa. The feelings you have for him are fleeting, they will disappear once you and your boyfriend are through your current rough patch.
Hongjoong shifts brushing some of the strands of your hair away from your face: “What did you fight about this time?”
His voice is gentle soothing nerves that you did not know had risen. Something inside of you is still afraid, a part of your mind lingering on the word love and whether you are in love with him. Seonghwa has seen you through your worst times, but you felt it, you noticed it too, both of you were growing distant, neither of you want to admit it first. That is why you keep fighting.
“Do you think that I still love Seonghwa?” You mutter softly, the word ‘love’ barely above a whisper, Hongjoong shifts.
You lift your head from his shoulder turning to look towards him. He scans your face, you can tell by the way his cheek sinks in that he is biting it.
“That’s something you have to decide for yourself,” Hongjoong says softly, turning away from you, “but I wish you’d decide you don’t.”
You rest your hand against his cheek furthest from you, turning him to face you. Without thinking you press your lips to his. Hongjoong shifts closer to you without thinking, resting one of his hands on your thigh the other mirroring your own cupping your cheek. He is the one that deepens the kiss and he is the one that pulls away first.
“Hongjoong-” you are quickly cut off.
“-Let’s pretend it didn’t happen,” he rushes out quickly, “you’re still dating Seonghwa, let’s just forget that it happened.”
You are not sure you can, but you nod in agreement, afraid that what the two of you have will be lost if you do not.
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pocket-scenarios · 4 years
#16 & 28 with IMFACT’s Jeup💕
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(Admin: Sxng, I promise once I get the number of these down I will start focusing more onto the song requests.)
16: There’s a younger girl who likes them, but they like you.
28: Late night video call
"I'll leave first," you say softly, sending a gentle smile towards the two of them.
You have seen her a few times Jeup told you that she is a trainee, under the same label as him. It does not take long for you to make your way back to your apartment. It is hard to see Jeup with someone else, even if he is not your boyfriend. You still have feelings for him. It does not take long to make it back to your apartment complex, you throw your bag onto the couch before, sitting down on it yourself. You decide to binge a show on Netflix to pass the time.
By the time you finish the show, it is dark out. Your phone rings from the coffee table, you lean forward picking it up and answering before you have the chance to pick another show.
"Why'd you leave so fast, I wanted to spend more time with you?" Jeup pouts, smiling at you, you laugh, returning his smile.
"I don't like Roa," you admit, "she just bothers me," you mumble, Jeup hums understandingly.
"Are you jealous?" He teases, "there's nothing between her and me," he reminds, "I like someone else," he trails off.
"Who?" You rush without thinking.
Jeup laughs: "It's not something I'll say over a call, ask me again in person, I'll tell you."
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pocket-scenarios · 5 years
News - Donghae
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(Admin: Sxng)
You roll your lips together in an attempt to clear the smile from your face and give a neutral expression when Donghae comes into your bedroom. His expression brightens upon seeing you, his lips curling upward into a smile his eyes shining in the light like they always do. Your own expression turns brighter as well, your attempts at staying neutral futile against him.
“How did the party go?” You ask Donghae rests his hand on your cheek leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead.
“It was fun, Hyukjae came by, wish you could have come,” he says with a sigh sitting beside you, “what are you doing anyway, were you waiting on me,” he teases laughing at his own words.
“I was,” you say startling him, “I have something I need to tell you,” you keep your voice light-hearted enough to where Donghae does not freak out.
“What is it?” He inquires keeping the same stupid grin on his face.
“You remember how my co-worker called you to say I was at the hospital because I had been sick,” you inquire Donghae hums, shifting in his seat, “well they did a pregnancy test after-” before you can get your words out Donghae cuts in.
“-You’re pregnant,” Donghae exclaims standing from the bed, “I was really worried, you had been getting sick, but it’s because you’re pregnant,” he says in what sounds to be a mixture of relief and excitement.
“I had been beginning to think I might be, but the hospital confirmed it,” you explain, “I was waiting until your birthday to tell you,” you say with a small laugh.
Donghae returns the laugh resting his head on your shoulder pressing his weight into your side.
“I’m so happy.”
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pocket-scenarios · 5 years
In The Rain - Byungchan
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(Admin: Sxng)
You had noticed the storm clouds overhead when you decided to visit your boyfriend. You had been planning to surprise him and possibly stay at his place to leave in the morning. You had not been expecting to see him cheating, you did not expect to be caught in a downpour without an umbrella. Nothing today seems to be on your side, you had expected to be able to relieve your stresses from the day by speaking with your boyfriend; instead, you caught him cheating on you with an employee he claimed to despise.
Suddenly the rain stops beating into your body, you turn up towards the sky only to see a dark-colored umbrella over your head.
“You’re going to get sick,” an unfamiliar voice says, “where are you heading, I’ll at least walk you to where you can get your own,” he concludes.
“I’m going,” you trail off, “I don’t know,” you mumble under your breath.
You are unsure of where to go. After catching your boyfriend cheating your mind is a mess, your apartment does not seem the best place to go. You have nowhere else to go, though.
“Do you want to forget about it?” He asks, he steps closer to you, “you seem like you’re going through a hard time, do you want to forget about it?” He repeats.
You nod, you have never met him before, but you feel that you can trust him. He has a soft look in his eyes, his lips upturned in a small smile that shows no hint of pity. His smile is small but still, reveals the hint of dimples on his cheeks.
“How?” You decide to challenge.
He shrugs and starts walking, you following beside him: “My name’s Byungchan.”
“I’m Y’N,” you say softly, “are you going to ask what happened?” You hesitate.
“If you want me to know you’ll tell me, let’s go here.” Byungchan gestures to a small restaurant, “I’ve been before,” he explains.
(I have to take my links off again, sorry)
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pocket-scenarios · 5 years
Just - Hongseok
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(Admin: Sxng)
“I’m just going to say what I want to, okay?” Hongseok says sightly shakily, you not waiting for him to continue, “I like you, go on a date with me,” he rushes.
Your eyes widen at the suddenness of his confession a smile finding its way onto your features. You hum nodding your head.
“Yes, I would love that,” you expect, “text me, we can find out when’s best,” you laugh.
Hongseok hums nodding his head turning his phone in his hand: “Do you want me to walk you to your apartment?” 
He gestures down the street in the direction of your building. You hum starting to walk him following along beside you. The two of you talk mindlessly amongst yourself about lectures and things that have happened in your lessons.
“Where do you want to go, on a date?” Hongseok mutters softly, you hum pondering the question.
“An at-home movie date could be fun,” you suggest, “I like the idea of just sitting under blankets, watching movies, eating whatever we decide to order,” you laugh, “I don’t want to do anything that’s too much like a drama,” you attempt to explain.
“What do you mean?” He asks stopping to turn towards you.
“You know, dramas always have those fancy extravagant date scenes, my friends always talk about how they want to go on dates like those,” you pause, “some of them are nice though, like I wouldn’t mind just going on a walk through a park and eating lunch, if I’m with you, it’ll be fun,” you trail off your voice getting softer, starting to walk again.
Hongseok lets out a laugh taking quick steps to catch up to you.
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