#Adrian Feint
moradadabeleza · 7 months
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Harold Cazneaux, Doris Zinkeisen: New Idea portrait with leaf background, 1929, The leaf background was painted by the Australian artist Adrian Feint, Art Gallery of New South Wales.
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oldsardens · 11 months
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Adrian Feint - Summer At Pittwater. 1951
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optikes · 1 month
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Adrian Feint (1894-1971) Australian
Happy Landing (1944) oil on canvas
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sardens · 2 years
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Adrian Feint - Summer At Pittwater. 1951
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simena · 5 months
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Adrian Feint (detail)
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As the Sun Sets // Quidditch 101 // Part Ten
TW: Name calling?
Part Eleven
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Scarlets POV:
“Scar. Scar?” I can barely make out the quiet voice of Pansy while I slowly awaken from my first dreamless sleep in a week. I must have been the potion I took before falling asleep. 
“Come on. We promised Draco that we would meet him in the common room to walk to the pitch with him.” Groaning, I turned around in bed and hid under my covers. 
I have been held up in my room most days, Pansy has made many attempts to get me out of bed. So has Draco. But they only last long enough to go to class or to the Room of Requirement. It's not that I am some heartbroken girl crying her eyes all night. No. I no longer care about Adrian. It's the fact that I’m embarrassed. 
Lying here, I have been thinking more and more about my relationship with Adrian. All of the things he has said and done to me. Always treating me as if I was not good enough for him. The constant pressure to have sex. The inexcusable fact that he cheated on me. More than once, might I add.
The blankets are ripped from the bed, and I am quick to draw my wand at the raven haired girl responsible. 
“I'm not going. It's not like Theo wants me there anyways. He can't even look at me.” I mumble tucking my wand away and reaching for the blankets again. 
“Scar, you have to go. You promised and I cannot stand to see you spend another night here. You need fresh air… And some sunlight.” The girl sasses while pulling the blanket back farther so that it is out of reach. 
Feeling sorry for me, the girl comes and sits next to me in bed. “I know you're sad about your break up. But look at it this way. You are now a hot single woman. Free to date Th-” She hesitates. “--date anyone you want.” 
I huff out a little laugh sitting up on my elbows, so that I can look at her more clearly. “Pans. I am so embarrassed. How could I let him treat me like that for so long?” 
Pansy carefully sits next to me on the bed placing a kind hand on my leg. “Scar, I don't want to pretend that I know everything you've been through. Hell, I am pretty sure the only one who truly knows everything, is Draco.” 
I fiddle with my wand nervously. I hate keeping secrets from my friends.. But what would they think if they knew the truth? If they knew who my parents were? Yes their parents are Death Eaters. The Dark Lord followers. But mine. Bellatrix and Roudluphus… They are different. They are the deranged Death Eaters that Theo shouted about all those days ago. They are the worst of the worst and I am terrified for them to know the truth. 
“But what I do know. Is that us, your family? Your chosen family. Will always be here for you, because we know you will always be here for us.” My heart warms with Pansys sentiments. The ice around her heart cracking just slightly. Just enough to show me love. 
I smile at her words as I watch her get up out of bed and grab my hands pulling me out of bed. “We have a match to get to.” She smiles back just as warmly.
The sun hung low on the horizon, casting long shadows across the Quidditch pitch. The air buzzed with anticipation as the Slytherin and Ravenclaw teams took their positions. Draco points out Blaise and Theo above us in the air. I spend the entire game keeping a close eye on Theo, knowing that Adrian is up there as well sends a sense of urgency throughout my body. 
The Quaffle soared into the air, and the Chasers from both teams darted after it. Their robes billowed, and their brooms cut through the wind like knives. Ravenclaws Rodger Davies executed a perfect Wronski Feint, diving toward the ground before pulling up at the last second, narrowly avoiding a collision with the goalposts. The crowd gasped, torn between awe and fear.
Meanwhile, the Beaters were locked in a fierce battle. Bradley andChambers swung their bats, sending Bludgers hurtling toward Slytherin’s Seeker, Blaise. But Blaise was agile, twisting and turning on his nimbus, narrowly avoiding disaster. The Bludgers ricocheted off the stands, causing students to duck and scream.
In the commentator’s box, Lee Jordan’s voice crackled over the magical megaphone. “Ladies and gentlemen, this is Quidditch at its finest! Slytherin leads by ten points, but Ravenclaw won’t give up without a fight!”
“Thatta boy Blaise!!” Pansy yells excitedly from beside me. Pansy has been cheering constantly since the match started. 
As the game continues, I spot Theo. I have tried my hardest not to focus on him. But watching him fly on his broom. He flies with such freedom. Such east. He turley seems at peace when he's in the air.. The way that he flies so elegantly, through the air has always amazed me. 
Something catches my eye, a flash of green. But what causes me great distress is the fact that they are going after another player on Slytherin. Why would they be chasing their own teammate?
“Is that--” I cut Draco off once the two players flew by the stands. Giving us a clear view on the two. “Adrian..” I whisper. 
Before I know it, both boys are fighting in the air. Lee Jordans’ voice booms through the field, “There seems to be a scuffle among teammates! Pause. An official pause has been called. All players to the ground immediately” 
As the rest of the players head down to the ground and dismantle. But, Theo and Adrian are still in the air. 
“THEO!” I shout. But it is useless. He cannot hear me from there. Draco, Pansy and I are all intensely watching. Suddenly, the two are a blur of green and silver in the sky. They are barreling towards the ground as Blaise so desperately tries to reach them. Draco has both Pansy and I wrapped around him, all of us desperately hoping that our friend makes it down safely. 
The thud can be heard over all of the murmurs and screams of students and teachers. Without giving it a second thought I break from Draco embrace, running down the stairs of the stands. I can't think of anything other than getting to Theo. 
I can vaguely hear my name being called over the ringing. Dust is covering the ground making everything invisible. “Theo!” I shout in response. My heart beats harder in my chest. 
As I make my way to the pitch where the two had fallen, I see Theo laying on his back. Broom next to him, his chest still rising and falling with every breath. I drop to my knees and place both hands on his face. 
“Theo. Theo please. Wake up” Tears form in my eyes as the dust settles. I can sense our friends behind me, as the rest of the med staff check on Adrian. 
“Theo, Teddy… Please.” Still no response. As I hold his face in my hands he looks so peaceful. Almost as if he's sleeping. Slowly. Slower than I have ever moved before I lean my head down. I can feel his labored breaths on my face. One last look. 
Once, in a book I read. One that Hermione let me borrow, I read about a princess. Where an evil witch curses the princesses by having her prick her finger on a spinning wheel and fall into a deep sleep, only to be awakened by true love’s kiss.
So, as I sit here a hair away from Theo, all I can think about is that one story. The story of true love. The first muggle story that I have ever read. The first story that has me believing in true love.  
The word ‘please’ barely makes it out of my mouth before my lips are on his. There is a moment. One moment, that in my head this is wrong. Where I tell myself that he wouldn't want this. That I am unworthy of his love. But before I am able to pull away, a pair of hands are on me.
One gently wraps around the back of my neck, while the other is placed delicately around my waist. Our kiss lasts longer than I intended as he pulls me closer to him. As I slowly pull away, I am met with the clearest blue eyes I have ever seen. 
“Are you my princess charming?” The sultry voice of Theo rings clear within my ears causing the biggest smile to be placed on my face. 
A sobbed mixed with laughter exhales out of my mouth as I mumble “You're an idiot.” I place both of my hands on his face once again kissing Theo, hoping that everything I feel, everything I have is conveyed within that kiss. 
I haven't seen Theo since Draco pulled me away, to let Madam Pomfry and Professor Snape carry Theo and Adrian off to the infirmary. I have been pacing back and forth within Draco and Theos dorm since they dragged me back here. I fought with them at first. Insisting I wait within the infirmary, but that was quickly turned down when Snape yelled at us to return to the dorms.  
“He's fine, Scar. Theo is stronger than he looks.” Draco tries to reassure me as he stops my pacing, grabbing my hands and squeezing them in a show of solidarity. 
“After the show you two started on the pitch, I am surprised he’s not here now. Taking what he has wanted for years.” Blaise mumbles, earning a smack in the head from Pansy. 
“I'm just so worried. He fell from so very far. What if I made a mistake? What if I should have let them tend to him first?” I start pacing again. I am unable to sit still. The adrenaline from watching him fall. I was so nervous that I had thought he was injured. The warmth that I felt from his lips upon mine. My head is filled with too many emotions. 
Too many thoughts. 
Too many doors are open.
I start to panic. My breathing became labored. As if he can tell, Draco stops my movements once more. Leading me to sit on Theos bed. He drapes the throw I had Molly help me knit for Theo a few years back around my shoulders. 
Lime, lavender and tobacco invades my senses, as I find myself slowly calming down. The locks upon my doors are being resecured. A wave of calm washes through me, where I am again able to breathe. 
It isn't until later that I am awakened by a quiet thump of the dormitory door closing. Opening my eyes slowly, letting them adjust to the darkness I see Draco, Blaise and Pansy around the room. 
Pansy on the opposite end of the bed curled in a ball at my feet. Draco leaned up by where I was. Blaise on the other side at the end. I can barely make out him holding Pansies' hand, as I see a shadow passing through the dimly lit room. 
“Theo?” I whisper. Sitting up ever so slightly. Before I can come completely to my senses, I ghost a hand upon my face. A pair of bright blue eyes stare back at me. 
“Scarlet. Mi Tesoro. Come with me.” hearing my nickname again for the first time in weeks, has my heart hammering within my chest. Placing my hand within the outreach palm I slowly and quietly make my way off the bed and out the door, following Theo's every step. 
“Where are we going?” I ask, just above a whisper as he leads me out of the Syltherin common room into the hallway.
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ATSS Masterlist
ATSS Tag List: @helendeath
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denydefeat · 4 months
LONG WISHLIST POST UNDER THE CUT. DM me if you're interested in starting any of these:
ALL POTC Characters: All curses at sea are broken with the destruction of Poseidon’s Trident, but there must always be someone to ferry the souls of those lost at sea to the afterlife, and with Will Turner escaping his fate on the Flying Dutchman, Davy Jones is recalled from the dead, a new curse reclaiming him in order to fulfill this purpose. After escaping it with his death, peace in the afterlife, he’s more livid than he was before. At Will Turner, at Jack Sparrow, at Calypso, the world.
Azriel - finding his mate please & thank (i have no stake in the ship wars like I’m down for either of the popular theories or also someone new thanks) Stannis - taking King’s Landing at the battle of the Blackwater. :)! Daisy - meeting with other former members of the band (sans Billy obviously) after the break up of the band because she was friendly with them Karen - running into other members of the band (especially Graham) years later Baron - Escaping prison and going after the Strongholds for revenge and finding out his own son is friends with Will Frank - Exploring other relationships within members of the Victory Project, besides his one with Alice (which I love) or Shelley (ditto) Loki - Tricking Thanos and not actually dying at the beginning of Infinity War and surviving the Snap (or dying in the Snap and coming back for the final battle but I prefer the former because Thor needs a goddamn break) Carolyn - surviving on the dark planet, somehow, healing after the stab and eating the creatures, repairing a ship and getting the hell out of there, running into other characters from the initial mission, or Riddick himself Madge - ending up in 13, having spent more time with Katniss’ family and Gale during the QQ, though her parents did not make it out 12. Being there for Katniss when she can be during her time in 13. Clemensia - Post the snake bite and into University, while still healing and reeling from the side effects of the snakes’ venom
Morrigan / Eris - Honestly, their marriage going through. I’m curious what would have happened. I’m also very interested to explore theories of what we THINK happened because context clues give us enough to know that Eris isn’t the guilty party. Tywin - Knowing or realizing that Arya was not who she claimed and taking her back with him to King’s Landing, but keeping her out of sight until after the wedding. Lily - More in any au where she apparates away with Harry to a safe house (Remus, Sirius, Dumbledore, Minerva, Molly, anyone in the Order). Harry Osborn - ANYTHING IN ANY VERSE HE’S MY BOY (he’s been neglected on my solo muse) Loki - His trick with Thanos being another feint: he’s duplicated himself once more, and reveals himself to Thor just after Thanos disappears and the ship explodes, both are saved by the Guardians. ETC. Ben / Adrian - Am I the only person who genuinely thought they were the best ship? That they absolutely loved each other in the end, until Mercy passed? Anyways, Mercy lives. And so thus do Ben and Adrian. Together. I can also see them moving past it if the show was so focused on having Ben be a pick me for Amy. Matt the Radar Tech - Running into SW people for laughs, them thinking he’s Ben. He’s not. They just look alike. A lot. Lily Page - Meeting her father (I still HC that as being Zorro) or repairing her friendship/relationship with Emma. Katniss - Instead of her tracker being cut out, it’s Peeta’s that is, and he is saved by 13, and she is taken to the Capitol to be tortured for information and to try and turn the tides against the Rebels. Bonnie - Someone love her please and don’t DIE IN THE MEANTIME. I’m a big fan of well done Bamon, Bonkai, Benzo, Bonora….But also could be convinced of anything. Rosalie - An idea being what if she was already married to Royce when he and his friends did what they did? The revenge plot takes an entirely different meaning when it’s a husband, particularly if she’s already been hoping for a child, which is further dashed by her survival and change into a vampire.
Nesta - accepting eris’ offer :)! Robb - making it to king’s landing and winning the war, liberating the North, and getting Sansa back to safety, then having to head out and find Arya. Violet - anything in her marvel or ouat verses tbh I spent a lot of time on those Shelley - taking over the Victory Project after killing Frank. Max - coming back after that summer for the start of college, much to everyone’s surprise and keeping his escapades close to the chest (idk the timeline of that show it was a fucking mess lmao) Mark, Lawrence - I want to write more about their dynamics with each other as apprentices to John. We only briefly get Mark and Amanda interacting - gimme more. Bruce - let’s throw out the entire mcu because it’s fucking trash for him thanks. Brunnhilde - More of her relationship with Carol :( Kamala - Building of the young avengers lets GOOO Loki - anything :( Sid - I am fuLLY CONVINCED SID IS THE FATHER AND JESSE IS A RED HERRING (I already have this going I just wish more people cared about HIMYF) Brian - Going to NY and seeing Justin again. :)! Snow White - anything :( Charming - I have about 90420934902 aus for him honestly. I have so many ideas for this stupid idiot. Neal - surviVING AND COPARENTING WITH EMMA AND REGINA SHIPS DON’T FUCKING MEAN YOU HAVE TO KILL A GOOD CHARACTER WHO LITERALLY WAS THE REASON RUMPLESTILTSKIN MANIPULATED REGINA INTO CASTING THE FUCKING CURSE MY GOD THIS SHOW PISSES ME OFF anyways Davy Jones - returning after the ‘curse’ is lifted from Will Turner, because someone must always be there to ferry the souls to the other side Ben Solo - ANYTHING :( Jyn - her and Cassian getting evacuated just before the explosion and surviving, assisting the Rebellion. Finn - training as a jedi (either trilogy re-write or post trilogy) Jar Jar - i s2g if someone doesn’t write with Sith Jar Jar… Anakin and Padme - either an au where she convinces him to run away with her and leave everything behind and raise their children on Naboo before Obi Wan shows up and he believes her when she says she didn’t know he was there and they enlist his help in staging their deaths OR an au where he convinces her to join him on his path to the dark side. (i write both so I’ll write either) Carolyn - escaping the dark planet after surviving the stabbing, living off of the creatures that would be her demise, fixing a ship in the darkness, built by lights she manages to fix throughout the rubble, and fires made along the way. finding other riddick characters / riddick himself Coriolanus Snow - Exploring more of his additions to the games and how he helped to curate them to be the spectacle they became. Annie - Not having anyone to volunteer for her so having to go through the Quarter Quell with Finnick (Hi I love PAIN). Not escaping the Arena and being taken back to the Capitol. Madge - Watching the Games with Katniss’ family and thus being there when the blackouts happen and escaping District 12 with Gale and everyone else to District 13. Kili - surviving PLS Renesmee Carlie - more of her dynamic growing up in a town that’s definitely got an attraction for the supernatural. Bella - not taking Edward back immediately, actually being pissed that he lied like what a dick Sam - imprinting on LEAH jfC WHAT A WASTE (or better yet, Leah being the first wolf to change and imprinting on HIM thanks) Garrett - torn between natural instincts, love for Kate, and never letting himself be tested by a challenge, learning how to survive and satiate on animal blood vs. human blood
Wishlist based solely on songs from TTPD. Please do not steal. Message me if interested. These are VAGUE IDEAS based on the song lyrics, not based on the history behind the songs or their literal meanings. Muses listed are just ideas, but they’re all open to all muses. Mentions of drug use, alcohol abuse, mental illness, abuse, etc. are involved in many so if those trigger you, I would not read more. This is part 1. I will put more at a later date:
Fortnight: A manic episode turned into full psychosis, muse A ends up in a psych ward. Muse B (either another patient or the treating doctor) and Muse A fall for each other, creating a scenario either in the minds or in the midst of Muse A being released. I love you, it’s ruining my life.
The Tortured Poets Department: Muse A and Muse B are in a situationship, but Muse A wants more, while Muse B is happy with their situation, considering the benefit of their freedom to explore other options, while both muses are using the relationship to advance their own perspective lives (either in writing, music, etc.). Muse A is desperate to keep Muse B, but Muse B is not committed. Who’s gonna hold you like me? Nobody. Nofuckingbody.
My boy only breaks his favorite toys: Muse A falls in love with Muse B, and is madly in love, until time has wasted away their relationship, and Muse A realizes they are not in love, but they also don’t want to be the one to end things. Endlessly breaking them down, emotionally, until Muse B ends it themselves. There was a litany of reasons why we could’ve played for keeps this time. — cause you should’ve seen him when he first saw me.
Down Bad: Falling for someone quickly and suddenly only to have them ghost, disappear, almost like they weren’t really there in the first place.
So Long, London: Muse A uproots their entire life to be with Muse B, moving far away from their home, friends, family, and essentially pours everything into the relationship. It’s great, for a while, and Muse A even falls in love with the place they live, but the messy breakup does cause it to be hard to leave. Eventually, Muse A does leave when the relationship shows no future, but moving on is harder than expected. And I’m just getting color back into my face. And I’m just mad as hell ‘cause I loved this place.
But Daddy I love Him: Muse A and Muse B are in a controversial relationship. Muse A is constantly warned by family and friends that Muse B is bad news. Everyone is constantly trying to get Muse A to leave Muse B, but they are far too deep into it now. I’ll tell you something right now, I’d rather burn my whole life down, then listen to one more second of all this bitching and moaning. I’ll tell you something about my good name, it’s mine alone to disgrace.
Fresh out the Slammer: Muse A has been in a long time relationship, but it’s ending quickly, and tumultuously, and as soon it’s over, they call Muse B, their ex (either relationship or situationship or hookup), because they want someone familiar, who they know they can love and who loves them in return. Fresh out the slammer I know who my first call will be to.
Florida!!!!: Muse A has had a messy breakup, and wants to escape. Muse B lives in a far off place, and invites Muse A to escape there, where they can be fun, and messy, and forget the past. Bury their ex’s in the swamp (figuratively) and move on. So I did my best to lay to rest all of the bodies that have ever been on my body.
Guilty as Sin?: Muse A and Muse B are dancing around each other, for several reasons. Fantasies aside, what is stopping them from taking the next step? What if he’s written 'Mine’ on my upper thigh only in my mind?
Guilty as sin Elriel plots when? OR Feysand? Fresh out the Slammer Neris plots when? Who’s afraid of little old me Nesta embracing Lady Death plots when? So long london Feyre about the Spring Court plots when? The Albatross being Nesta plots when? I hate it here Nesta plots when? The Prophecy Lucien plots when?
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chaseadrian · 1 year
it was actually these hcs! best believe i will reread the fic you linked tho!
(also it was just a few lines but the smutty hcs had me on my knees...adrian being possessive n shit in bed? girl i need me a victorian feinting couch)
omg hehe i forgot about those ones!!
also yesss like i always have adrian grabbing reader by the back of her neck during smut scenes bc it’s like my subtle nod to possessive adrian. i really think he’d keep a hand there just to remind you, even during the softest, most saccharine sex ever, that you’re his and only his and you’d better always remember that.
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chrancecriber · 2 years
Radio NET Bulgaria (December 31, 2022)
23:56 J. WHITE - Believe 23:51 KEITH SLATTERY - The Last Minute 23:46 LOUIE FITZGERALD - My Heart Beats for You 23:41 ROCCO VENTRELLA - Feel Like Making Love 23:38 JAZZ FUNK SOUL - Count Me In 23:34 PAUL BROWN - Sugar Fish 23:30 PIECES OF A DREAM - Watch Your Step 23:26 PETER WHITE - Coast Road Drive 23:22 BRIAN SIMPSON - Paradise Island 23:17 DAVID PETROSYAN - Feeling of Breath 23:13 PEET PROJECT - Wanna Have a Party 23:09 CAROL ALBERT - Mas Que Nada 23:05 NILS - Mind Games 23:00 JOHN E. LAWRENCE - Step into a Dream 22:59 DJ ANTOINE - This Time (Acoustic Mix) 22:52 KITARO - A Passage Of Life 22:48 JOHN O'CALLAGHAN, AUDREY GALLAGHER - Big Sky (Acoustic Mix) 22:42 LA CAINA - I Gotta Know Now 22:38 BLANK & JONES - Counting Clouds 22:33 351 LAKE SHORE DRIVE - Rising Stars 22:28 SEBA - Painted Sky (Imagine Chill Out Remix) 22:24 ANDAIN - You Once Told Me 22:20 ATB, AMURAI - Love & Light (Downtempo Mix) 22:16 KENNY G - My Heart Will Go On 22:11 RIHANNA - We Found Love (DJ Fernandez Chillout Remix) 22:03 DELIRIUM, SARAH MCLACHLAN - Silence (Michael Woods Mix) 22:00 MAZELONOSTRA - Twilight Room (Spanish Edit) 21:55 DASH BERLIN, SECEDE, SARAH HOWELLS - Believe In You 21:52 SAMANTHA JADE - Everytime 21:47 ORKIDEA - Beautiful (Ambient Mix) 21:43 NUERA - Breathing (Chillout Mix) 21:39 INNA - On & On (Chillout Remix) 21:35 CHRISTIAN BURNS, MARCO V - Frozen Heart (Acoustic Version) 21:29 WAY OUT WEST - One Bright Night (Original Mix) 21:24 SARAH BRIGHTMAN - Beautiful 21:20 ROBERT NICKSON, RELOCATE, NEEV KENNEDY - Not Made To Break (Chill Out Mix) 21:16 YANNI - Can't Wait 21:10 LUDOVICO EINAUDI - Nuvole Bianche 21:06 SUSANA, DARK MATTERS - Sleepless Ocean (Extended Mix) 21:00 SUNLONGER, KYLER ENGLAND - Change Your Mind (Chill Version) 20:55 CONJURE ONE - Sleep 20:44 ENVIO - Touched By The Sun (Rusch & Elusive's Chillout Mix) 20:39 JEROME ISMA-AE - Underwater Love 20:34 SCHILLER, KATE HAVNEVIK - Don't Go 20:29 MARTINIQUE LE SOUFFLEUR - El Guapo 20:25 POCHILL - Constanta 78 20:21 LOUNGE GROOVE AVENUE - By My Side 20:17 DIMA ZIMAKOV - Right Back (Original Mix) 20:12 KITARO - Itonami 20:07 GLOBAL TRAFFIC, CQ PLAM - World Hold On (Acoustic Cover) 20:03 BOYCHILD, SOUNDMOUSE - Counting What Ifs (Original Mix) 19:58 DEEP MOTIONS - Memories 19:55 SIRENS OF LESBOS - I Got New Feelings (Pablo Nouvelle Remix) 19:49 ANTURAGE - Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough (Original Mix) 19:45 BENYA, PENNY NIXON - Serendipity (After Meridian & Dave Costa Remix) 19:42 GUSHI, RAFFUNK - Travel (Lemongrass Couch Remix) 19:38 JES - Stronger 19:30 VINTAGE, MORELLI - Tree Of Life (Magnetik Remix) 19:26 WILLIAM FITZSIMMONS - Psychasthenia 19:21 MARC PUIG, MARIA COLLADO - To Forget Me 19:16 SMOMA - Secret 19:13 JULIAN VINCENT, SHANNON HURLEY - Lost In Space (Lovers & Poets Remix) 19:09 AMYCANBE - Rose Is A Rose 19:05 ERICK MORILLO, EDDIE THONEICK, SHAWNEE TAYLOR - Live Your Life (Eddie Thoneick Chill Out Mix) 19:00 HEIKO - Miles Away 18:56 MORGAN PAGE - In The Dark 18:52 MASHTI, JEAN VON BADEN - Waiting 18:48 COASTLINE, MADELIN ZERO - Alone With You (Chillout Mix) 18:44 BLANK & JONES - Pura Vida (Radio Mix) 18:39 NAOKI KENJI - Maripri 18:34 MIGUEL LARA - Oblivion 18:31 LINKIN PARK - New Divide (Lukas Termena Chillout Mix) 18:25 PROJECT BLUE SUN - Angels 18:21 SYLVERING - Just An Illusion 18:18 CLAES ROSEN, NATALIE PERIS - Stay (Original Mix) 18:15 LE VITA, FAB - Apologize 18:10 LANA DEL REY - Born To Die 18:06 MAX MILLION - Do You Believe (Original Mix) 18:01 REUNITED - Sing It Back (Shazz Man Chill Mix) 17:58 FENNA DAY - Skin & Bone (Original Mix) 17:53 BRIAN MAGIX, CYNTHIA HALL - Carved In Stone (Chill Out Mix) 17:46 SALTWATER - Chicane (Thrillseekers Ambient Mix) 17:40 VIV DE LA ROSA - Agua Caliente 17:34 DON GORDA PROJECT - Attractive Qualities 17:27 TWENTYEIGHT - Monday Night 17:22 FEINT - Clockwork Hearts (Fetch Remix) 17:18 ROMAN MESSER, ROBIN VANE - Someday (Paul Echo Chillout Remix) 17:14 ADRIAN & RAZ, ELLIE LAWSON - A Hundred Ways (Original Mix) 17:10 DJ GROOVE - So Late 17:04 JES - Like A Waterfall (Flipside Ambient Remix) 17:00 ABBA - Happy New Year 16:56 THE SAX PACK - Back In Style 16:52 JULIAN VAUGHN - Breeze 16:47 BOB BALDWIN - Stand Tall 16:42 DEE LUCAS - Love Saw It 16:37 NATE HARASIM - Different Kind Of Love (feat. Maxine Hardcastle) 16:33 DAVE KOZ - I'll Be There 16:28 KIM WATERS - Love Story 16:24 RICHARD ELLIOT - Like Butter 16:19 THE SMOOTH JAZZ ALLEY - C-Funk 16:15 AL DEGREGORIS - Hey You 16:12 DEE LUCAS - All In (feat. George Freeman) 16:08 U-NAM - Spice of Life 16:04 NATE WHITE - Sweet Summer Nights 16:00 PAUL BROWN - Hello Again 15:56 FOURPLAY - Aniversario 15:51 OLI SILK - Tokyo 15:46 ANDRE CAVOR - Say Somethin' 15:42 NICK COLIONNE - Morning Call 15:37 EUGE GROOVE - A Summer's Nights Dream 15:33 DAVID PETROSYAN - Midnight Groove 15:29 BONEY JAMES - Powerhouse 15:25 JOHN E. LAWRENCE - Slow Jam 15:21 DARREN MOTAMEDY - I'll Give You What You Want 15:17 BOB COATE - Super Smooth 15:13 PIECES OF A DREAM - It's A Vibe 15:08 JULIAN VAUGHN - Reflection 15:04 KIM SCOTT - Best Part 15:00 STIX BONES - The Beginning 14:56 NILS - Windsurfer 14:53 GORDON JAMES - Rainy Afternoon 14:48 BRIAN SIMPSON - One More Time 14:44 CHRIS STANDRING - The Gist of You 14:40 CAROL ALBERT - On My Way 14:36 ERIC DARIUS, NORMAN BROWN - Just For The Moment 14:31 DARRYL WILLIAMS - My Story (feat. Jeff Lorber) 14:26 DWIGHT SIRLS - Time 14:23 PATRICK YANDALL - Just My Luck 14:17 LUKAS LEUTHOLD - His Love For You 14:12 KEITH MASON - Ah Hallelujah 14:08 MARION MEADOWS - Last Ticket To Somewhere 14:04 PAUL TAYLOR - Pleasure Seeker 14:00 FUNKTASTIC PLAYERS - Free Your Soul 13:56 3RD FORCE - We Should Be Together 13:51 JUSTIN KLUNK - Thunder 13:47 RICHARD ELLIOT - Deep Touch 13:42 JEFF KASHIWA - Back In The Day 13:38 GREGG KARUKAS - Riverside Drive 13:34 DARRIUS JAMAR - My Everything 13:29 MARQUEAL JORDAN - Elevation 13:25 ADRIAN CRUTCHFIELD - Can't Let You Go 13:21 JESSY J - Daylight (feat. Gregg Karukas) 13:17 WAYNE GUTSHALL - Spanish Love (feat. Steve Oliver) 13:13 BRIAN SIMPSON - Castaway 13:09 QUINTIN GERARD W. - Cleared for Takeoff 13:04 BONA FIDE - Funk Box 13:00 ISAAC BYRD JR. - Rebirth 12:56 DEE LUCAS - Tried and True (feat. David P. Stevens) 12:53 DANCING FANTASY - Bon Voyage 12:48 JOHN E. LAWRENCE - Step into the Night 12:43 EUGE GROOVE - Mr. Groove 12:38 NAJEE - Hurricane 12:34 K'JON - Live, Love & Laughter 12:30 JULIAN VAUGHN - Always in My Heart 12:26 KIM SCOTT - Sizzle 12:22 NORMAN BROWN - Ocean Breeze 12:18 NILS - Malibu 12:14 DANNY LERMAN - No Ordinary Love 12:09 BRIAN SIMPSON - Saturday Cool 12:04 REZA KHAN - Seven Mile Road 12:00 LISA ADDEO - Listen To This 11:56 ART RUPRECHT - Coast to Coast 11:52 AL GOMEZ - Who's Right, Who's Wrong 11:49 JOHNNY JAMES DR. J - Foolish Heart 11:45 PATRICK YANDALL - Sailing 11:41 AL DEGREGORIS - Time Sensitive 11:36 AMANDUS - Enjoy 11:32 JAREZ - Mr. Sexy Saxy 11:27 RICK HABANA - Paradise 11:23 MARCUS ANDERSON - Just Like Me 11:17 ACOUSTIC ALCHEMY - Playing For Time 11:13 RICHARD ELLIOT - Melrose Diner 11:09 KENNY PORE - Siempre del Corazon 11:04 496 WEST - Boo'd Up 11:00 ADAM HAWLEY - Cruisin' (Feat. Brian Culbertson) 10:56 KEN NAVARRO - Out Of The Blue 10:52 GARY PALMER - Land of the Sun 10:47 CAROL ALBERT - Sol Ipanema 10:43 ERIC DARIUS - Forever Yours 10:40 THREESTYLE, MAGDALENA CHOVANCOVA, ROBERT FERTL - Better Days 10:36 PETER WHITE - Lost In Your Eyes 10:32 TOM BRAXTON - What A Friend 10:26 KIM WATERS - 95 North 10:21 EUGE GROOVE - Forever And A Day 10:18 JACOB WEBB - Dancing for You 10:14 PATRICK BRADLEY - Completely Yours 10:09 JOHN E. LAWRENCE - Just Chillin' 10:04 ART RUPRECHT - A Good Thing 10:00 NAJEE - Stratosphere 09:56 ZACH BRIDGES - Yonder 09:51 RHYTHM LOGIC - There for You 09:46 NORMAN BROWN - Brighter My Light Shines 09:43 EVAN CARYDAKIS - Movin On 09:38 JAZZ FUNK SOUL - Sunset Rock 09:34 BRIAN SIMPSON - Can't Tell You Why 09:30 ANDRE DELANO - Why Not 09:27 PEET PROJECT - Show You My City 09:23 MARK JAIMES - Hear At Last 09:20 PETER HEROLD - Praise The Lord 09:17 SAM BASSMAN JENKINS - Take Me There 09:13 NICK COLIONNE - There It Is 09:08 WARREN HILL - Renewal 09:05 PAUL TAYLOR - Epic Dream 09:00 JONATHAN FRITZEN - Lullaby (feat. Darren Rahn) 08:56 WALTER BEASLEY - Just Hold Me 08:51 BLAKE AARON - Fall For You 08:45 MARCUS ANDERSON - Your Will 08:41 SPONTANEOUS GROOVIN' COMBUSTION - Soul Stirrer 08:37 RICHARD ELLIOT - Summer Madness 08:33 ZOLBERT - Pacific Coast Highway 08:29 STEVE OLIVER - Slingshot 08:25 MARCIA MIGET - Praise Him (Instrumental) 08:21 BRIAN SIMPSON, STEVE OLIVER - What The Wind Knows 08:17 VINCENT INGALA - Free To Groove 08:13 KIM SCOTT - Something Better 08:08 DEMETRIUS NABORS - Sugar Love 08:04 RANDY SCOTT - Heaven Sent 08:00 JOYCE COOLING - Almost Home 07:56 PHIL DENNY - Urban Troubadour 07:53 JAZMIN GHENT - Self Love 07:47 GERALD ALBRIGHT, NORMAN BROWN - Champagne Life 07:42 BLAIR BRYANT - Caramel Dream 07:38 TERENCE YOUNG - Make Me Say It Again 07:34 VANN BURCHFIELD - Friends 07:29 RAGAN WHITESIDE - Call Me (vocal) 07:25 TIM BOWMAN - Travelin' Road 07:21 LES SABLER - Sunrise 07:17 RICK HABANA - Excursion 07:13 RICHARD ELLIOT - Panamera 07:08 GREG MANNING - I Need To Know (Feat. Adam Hawley) 07:04 PETER WHITE - Kinda Sweet 07:00 ROCCO VENTRELLA - Come Morning 06:55 BRIAN SIMPSON - Moonlit Ocean 06:52 DAMIEN ESCOBAR - Night Drive 06:47 PAUL HARDCASTLE - Flight of the Phoenix 06:43 GINO ROSARIA - Ride Along 06:40 SAM BASSMAN JENKINS - On My Way 06:36 DEE LUCAS - Sir Dee 06:33 BK JACKSON - Believe That 06:29 PAUL TAYLOR - Straight to the Point 06:24 JONATHAN FRITZEN - Celebration 06:20 QUINTIN GERARD W. - Times Like These 06:16 ROB TARDIK - East Meets Wes 06:12 PATRICK YANDALL - Gaviotas 06:08 TOM BRAXTON - Lookin' Up 06:04 SPONTANEOUS GROOVIN' COMBUSTION - Tribeca 06:00 RICHARD ELLIOT - Boom Town 05:56 WAKANA - Go for the Sound 05:52 AL GOMEZ - For Sure 05:48 EVERETTE HARP - Old School 05:44 BRIAN SIMPSON, STEVE OLIVER - The Way Home 05:40 VINCENT INGALA - Just Imagine 05:36 KIM SCOTT - J's Groove 05:33 DARREN MOTAMEDY - After the Storm 05:28 GERALD ALBRIGHT - Eddie's Groove 05:24 BRAD ALEXANDER - A Matter of Time 05:20 KENNY PORE - Touching Hearts Today 05:16 JOYCE COOLING - Don't Mind if I Do 05:12 DARRON COOKIE - 32 Days 05:09 JEANETTE HARRIS - Joyful 05:05 NORMAN BROWN - Talk It Out 05:00 UNDER THE LAKE - Another Mothers Day 04:56 MEZZOFORTE - High Season 04:52 BRETTINA - Bop Baiye 04:47 OLI SILK - So Many Ways 04:43 RANDY SCOTT - Daydreams 04:39 JULIAN VAUGHN - Sway 04:33 BRIAN BROMBERG - Mr. Miller 04:29 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Her Touch 04:25 NILS - Good Times Are Better 04:21 BRIAN SIMPSON - Fiona's Song 04:15 EUGE GROOVE - Get Em Goin' 04:11 LAWSON ROLLINS - Bossa Nova California 04:08 ZOLBERT - Above the Clouds 04:03 HIROSHIMA - China Latina 04:00 PAUL TUVMAN - Something 03:56 PAUL TAYLOR - Find a Way 03:52 KONSTANTIN KLASHTORNI - Stand by You 03:48 JAZZ FUNK SOUL - Life And Times 03:43 QUINTIN GERARD W. - Roundtrip LAX - Release. 03:40 SAM BASSMAN JENKINS - Can You Feel It 03:35 THE SAX PACK - A Little Bit Closer 03:30 JOY RIDE - Fly By 03:26 MARK ETHEREDGE - Golden Hour 03:22 RICHARD ELLIOT - Q.T. 03:18 JACKIEM JOYNER - Share My Tears 03:14 NAJEE - Luna 03:09 ROBERT HARRIS - Life's Journey 03:05 GREGG KARUKAS - Soul Kisses 03:00 DREAMING IN COLOUR - The Dream Merchant 02:55 KIM SCOTT - Glorious 02:52 STEVE OLIVER - In the Shade of Cool 02:48 DEAN JAMES - To Hold You Again 02:44 REZA KHAN, DAVID MANN - Under the Moon 02:39 JOYCE COOLING - The Wizard 02:35 A Sultry Summers Night (feat. Greg Minnick, Ignacio Nunez & Dean Rickard) 02:31 NORMAN BROWN - The King Is Here 02:27 JAKOB MAGNUSSON - Caption This 02:21 JOHN E. LAWRENCE - Cool Jazz 02:16 KIM WATERS - Dreaming of You 02:12 OLI SILK - Slinky Malinki 02:07 UNDER THE LAKE - Old Friends, New Grooves 02:04 JULIAN VAUGHN - Ride Along 02:00 MARION MEADOWS - Dreamin 01:55 SAM RUCKER - Follow Me 01:51 NICHOLAS COLE - In It to Win It 01:46 NILS - Pacific Coast Highway 01:42 BRIAN SIMPSON - All I Want is You 01:37 EUGE GROOVE - Welcome To The Journey 01:35 CHRIS 'BIG DOG' DAVIS - Silver Street 01:30 CHIELI MINUCCI - Big Sky Country 01:26 BLUEY - Back Here Again 01:22 ROB TARDIK - Always There (feat. Phil Denny) 01:18 NICK COLIONNE - Here's to You 01:14 DREW DAVIDSEN - Don't Delay 01:10 PATRICK YANDALL - Try the Blue One 01:06 KOOL&KLEAN - Amazing 01:00 RAGAN WHITESIDE - 3am 00:55 RICHARD ELIOT - Chill Factor 00:51 SHAWN RAIFORD - In the Moment 00:46 J. WHITE - Listen Up 00:42 DAVE KOZ - All I See Is You 00:37 LISA ADDEO - What Cha' Know About That 00:34 BK JACKSON - Silver Lining 00:30 NEIKA SIMONE - Beautiful Moments 00:27 BEN TANKARD - More Rain 00:22 PAUL TAYLOR - Seize the Day 00:18 ALTHEA RENE - Rock with You 00:14 KAREN DEVROOP - Sunset in Koh Samui 00:09 DANIEL CHIA - In the Moment (feat. Paul Brown) 00:05 PETER WHITE - What Does It Take (To Win Your Love) 00:00 LUKAS LEUTHOLD - Longing For The Bride
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c86 · 2 years
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Hera Roberts and Adrian Feint - Cover artwork for The Home magazine, 1928
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Adrian George Feint - Hugh McRae Number: a collection of short literary pieces Adrian George Feint (1894-1971) was an Australian Artist who worked with several mediums including penwork, bookplates, wood engravings and oil painting. Feint was born in New South Wales. He enjoyed drawing from an early age and would draw pictures all over his exercise books. In 1912, he began studies at Sydney Art School. In 1916 he enlisted in the Australian Imperial Force and served with the 15th Field Ambulance on the Western Front. In 1919, Feint was granted three months leave to study at the Académie Julien, Paris. He was discharged later that year and Feint returned to the Sydney Art School. He was employed as assistant editor of the magazine Art in Australia from 1928 to 1940. He also provided illustrations for magazines and advertising. In 1929 Feint started to exhibit his oil paintings. Within a decade, Feint no longer produced commercial works, putting all his energy into oil-painting. He sought guidance from Margaret Preston.
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Adrian Feint "Flowers" 1949 oil on canvas 59x49.8 cm.
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dialogue-queered · 2 years
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Image: Tribute to Night by Adrian Feint, Australian painter, 1950.
*One artifact on show in the 2022 ‘Queer: Stories from the NGV Collection’ at the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne.
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myfairynuffstuff · 6 years
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Adrian Feint (1894 - 1971) -Summer Afternoon, Pittwater. 1948. Oil on canvas.
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fleurdulys · 7 years
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The Illawarra flame tree - Adrian Feint
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simena · 1 year
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