#Aela the Shepherd
the-sky-queen · 7 months
Here's a ton bc your oc's are cool lmao hope you don't mind :
Nexus : 12, 22, and 23
Aurora : 25 and 30
Shade : 14 and 15
Umbra : 11
Melody : 16 and 17
Aela : 6 and 9
Blake : 9 and 10
I don't mind at all! I very nearly cackled out loud on the bus when I got this. Thank you, Total! You make me happy. Alright, here we go!
Nexus the Unlimited
12. Are they good with Chao, Wisps, or any other sort of creature?
Not really. Nexus thinks that critters are cute, but he isn't really specifically good with them. He has a soft spot for Flickies though. :)
22. How are they with technology?
Nexus is decent at technology, but it's not really his strong suit. If he needs to gather information, he'd much rather talk to people or go through the library manually.
23. What is their preferred method of combat?
Nexus relies heavily on his vast library of Chaos Powers. It's his go-to for fighting. He usually channels his powers through his fists and legs in standard physical combat, but he has also been known to use a sword on occasion.
Aurora Hope
25. What’s the strangest thing about them?
Aurora's powers are pretty strange. But I won't go into them here since that's another question option. :P
30. What is their main goal/motive?
Right now, Aurora's focusing on fixing the future she came from, overthrowing all the gangs and reorganizing society. Not an easy task, but she has faith that she'll be able to do it. After that, she hopes to build her relationship with Shade.
Shade the Shadow Android
14. What makes them the happiest?
Being with his friends. :) A close second is just exploring and learning as much as he can. (Aurora also makes him very happy. He is so in love with her!)
15. What makes them feel angry/upset?
People messing with his friends. Specifically Aurora. Aela attacked Shade and Aurora once and Shade went absolutely crazy.
Umbra the Shepherd
11. Do they have any rivals?
For the longest time, the answer to this question was Nexus. But ever since Nexus got his memory back, he and Umbra have reconciled and are now actually good friends. So Umbra doesn't really have a specific rival right now.
Melody the Hawk/Aela the Shepherd
Gonna clear something up real quick since you listed questions for Melody and Aela. The 'two' are actually just one person. She just has two names. She went by Melody when she was a kid and changed her name to Aela when she became a Shepherd. (Backstory shenanigans! >:D) She responds to both names though and you can call her whichever you want.
16. Biggest strengths?
Melody's biggest strength is her unwavering resolve. She doesn't give up easily.
17. Biggest weaknesses/flaws?
She's a bit too loyal. She always carries out orders, even if she doesn't agree with her superior. It's a flaw Melody has recognized in herself and hates. It's one reason why Melody's so open to people proving her wrong. She knows that what she's been told to do isn't quite right, but she can't bring herself to disagree. So she likes it when other people prove that it was wrong and she gets to smirk to herself that her gut feeling was right.
6. Favorite Food?
Hmm. I'll have to say hot chocolate! Not exactly a food, but she used to make it with her mom all the time.
9. Who are they closest with?
Melody has a really close bond with her pet Cosmic Flicky, Jim! He's a sassy little bird and I love him so much.
Blake the Pyromaniac Porcupine
9. Who are they closest with?
Blake doesn't really have any friends. The members of the cult that raised him took care of him as a collective and he wasn't allowed to make friends outside of the group. All that was important was his destiny.
10. Is there someone they hate/dislike?
Oh, definitely! Blake is always picking fights with the Sonic of his timeline. They have a similar habit of bantering during battles, and Blake despises that. He doesn't like to think about how similar he and Sonic could be if he actually spent the time to look. Blake has a destiny to fulfil! He doesn't need to think about what-ifs! No. There's no way he ever could've been like Sonic. Bleh. Gross.
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correlateswhat · 7 years
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Look at those ears!
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studyingphysics · 7 years
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i told her to stay off the bed and then she fell asleep like this…
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germanshepherddogs · 7 years
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This is Aela. She's half shepherd, half husky, full attitude. Her favorite activities are standing to poop and screaming. She wants to be friends with everybody and lick them in the mouth.
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the-sky-queen · 7 months
I'm actually curious
29 for ALL YOUR OCS >:)
(Except Blake bc I already asked that lol)
29. How would you describe their personality?
Nexus: Before his amnesia, he was cold and calculating. He hardly let any emotion slip past his impenetrable mask except for fiery anger. After Amy broke his heart, Nexus couldn't hold in any of his emotions anymore, leading to them escaping his body and leaving him empty and a bit insane. When he could hold onto his rage, it was intense. Nowadays, he has a much better handle on his temper and his emotions. He's pretty chill and up beat for the most part, but he's hiding a lot. He knows he can still lose his grasp on his emotions, so he keeps the negative ones buried deep inside of him.
Aurora: She's very much the leader of the Sanctuary Trio. She's organized and gets stuff done. She's pretty no nonsense and tends to jump to conclusions. She can get worked up on occasion, but her temper isn't anywhere near as bad as Nexus. She's got a real soft spot for her friends, so she can be sentimental. She always wants to help people and she will put her all into protecting her friends.
Shade: He so sweet! He's my sweet little cinnamon roll boy. :) He's a book and theater nerd and is in constant awe of the world around him. He loves animals and gardening. Shade is very easy to talk to, so his friends often come to him for advice. He's secretly very protective of people he cares about. He'll always step in to help out. When his combat programs are active, Shade's emotions shoot through the roof and there's no telling what he might do. He tries to avoid using those programs whenever possible.
Umbra: He keeps to himself mostly. He gets jobs done quickly and efficiently, but when he gets an idea in his head, there's no stopping him. He holds quite a grudge, but he's also really empathetic and forgives easily once hearing the other side of the story. He's mostly just a chill dude.
Aela/Melody: Loyal to a fault. She always follows the orders of her superiors, even if she doesn't agree with them. At the end of the day, she just wants to be useful. When she's not working, Aela is pretty playful and fun to be around.
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the-sky-queen · 8 months
It's Halloween!! I wasn't able to draw costumes for my OCs, so I'll just talk about them instead.
Nexus becomes a bit of a trickster after he officially turns good. So I think he might dress up as Loki. Either that or he might take inspiration from Sonic and be a jester.
Aurora would probably dress up as a superhero like Wonder Woman or something. She's all about bringing hope to people.
Shade loves animals, so he'd totally dress up as a flicky or a chao.
Umbra would just wear what he always does and say he's a ghost. The others would think he's not very creative. He's . . . already dead.
Melody/Aela would dress up as a pop star! That's what she wanted to be when she grew up when she was little.
Blake probably wouldn't dress up and just use Halloween as an excuse to terrorize people. But if he did dress up, he'd be the Terminator.
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the-sky-queen · 8 months
Inktober 2022
Whoops, I forgot to post on Saturday. Triple upload then!
Day 14: Empty
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Yeah, something’s definitely up with Nexus . . . Eh, it's probably nothing, right?
Day 15: Armadillo
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Mighty the Armadillo! This is the version of Mighty is Nexus' best friend, the one he grew up with. Mighty was Nexus' right hand man during the war.
Day 16: Fowl
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Gasp! Baby Melody! She used to be a princess before her timeline blew up.
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the-sky-queen · 2 months
Question I've been wanting to ask but keep forgetting : how old are all of your ocs? Unless you've already answered this before XD
Good question! I think I've said what ages my fankids are, but not my main OCs.
Blake is 15 1/2 (Birthday June 21)
Nexus 16 (Birthday November 24)
Aurora is 16
Shade is . . . complicated. Chronologically, he's only existed for about 2 or 3 years. Mentally, he's around 15 or 16. (And his soul has existed for a lot longer than that but we don't talk about it because I haven't quite figured that part out yet XD)
Umbra is another complicated case (He's an alternate Shadow so that's a given) but it doesn't really matter anymore since he's a ghost
Aela/Melody is 20 or 21
Maple is 19
Rain (You guys haven't met her yet but she's gonna be in Tachophobia eventually) is 18
And then there's a couple more that I've never really talked about, so I'll just end it here. :)
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the-sky-queen · 9 months
By the way, I found an old, unfinished picture of Melody! Here you go.
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(Shhh . . . Pay no attention to the really bad Nicky on the page behind . . .)
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the-sky-queen · 9 months
29, 11 and 7 for Melody?
29. How would you describe their personality?
Melody loves to help out in any way she can. Her life experiences have made her a bit cynical, but she loves it when people defy her expectations and surprise her. She's very rigid and likes schedules. She does occasionally joke around with friends though!
11. Do they have any rivals?
In a sense. She's constantly at odds with her superior, Glacio. But they're on the same side.
7. Favorite music genre?
She's probably into old, folk-style music. The kinda stuff you'd hear at a medieval festival. It reminds her of home. :)
Thank you so much for the ask!
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studyingphysics · 7 years
Took me a while to realize Stewart wasn't the german shepherd
it is true, stewart is a boy, and not a german sheperd!
aela is his pup, the sweetest baby who’s asleep on my floor right now.
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