#Aerojet rocketdyne
aldocerandaz · 1 year
Actualizaciones para Todos los motores agregados a la etapa central del cohete lunar Artemis II de la NASA
El cohete más poderoso del mundo El 25 de septiembre de 2023, ingenieros y técnicos de la NASA, Aerojet Rocketdyne y Boeing completaron la instalación de los cuatro motores RS-25 en el escenario central del cohete del Sistema de Lanzamiento Espacial (SLS) de la NASA. Esta es una etapa importante en el desarrollo del SLS, que es el cohete más poderoso del mundo. Los motores RS-25 son motores de…
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spaceflight-insider · 2 years
The European Service Module: A conversation with NASA's Jim Withrow
The European Service Module: A conversation with NASA’s Jim Withrow
The Artemis 1 Space Launch System rolls to Launch Pad 39B on March 17, 2022. Credit: Scott Johnson / Spaceflight Insider KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, Fla. — In the lead-up to the Aug. 29, 2022, Artemis 1 Space Launch System (SLS) launch attempt, Spaceflight Insider had the opportunity to speak with a number of people involved in its design, construction, assembly, and flight. One of those people is Jim…
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nasa · 3 months
ALT: This video shows blades of grass moving in the wind on a beautiful day at NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans. In the background, we see the 212-foot-core stage for the powerful SLS (Space Launch System) rocket used for Artemis I. The camera ascends, revealing the core stage next to a shimmering body of water as technicians lead it towards NASA’s Pegasus barge. Credit: NASA
The SLS (Space Launch System) Core Stage by Numbers
Technicians with NASA and SLS core stage lead contractor Boeing, along with RS-25 engines lead contractor Aerojet Rocketdyne, an L3Harris Technologies company, are nearing a major milestone for the Artemis II mission. The SLS (Space Launch System) rocket’s core stage for Artemis II is fully assembled and will soon be shipped via barge from NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans to the agency’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Once there, it will be prepped for stacking and launch activities.
Get to know the core stage – by the numbers.
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Standing 212 feet tall and measuring 27.6 feet in diameter, the SLS core stage is the largest rocket stage NASA has ever built. Due to its size, the hardware must be shipped aboard NASA’s Pegasus barge.
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900 miles
Once loaded, the barge – which was updated to accommodate the giant core stage -- will travel 900 miles to Florida across inland and ocean waterways. Once at Kennedy, teams with our Exploration Ground Systems team will complete checkouts for the core stage prior to stacking preparations.
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18 Miles + 500 Sensors
As impressive as the core stage is on the outside, it’s also incredible on the inside. The “brains” of the rocket consist of three flight computers and special avionics systems that tell the rocket what to do. This is linked to 18 miles of cabling and more than 500 sensors and systems to help feed fuel and steer the four RS-25 engines.
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8.8 million
Speaking of engines… Our SLS Moon rocket generates approximately 8.8 million pounds of thrust at launch. Two million pounds come from the four powerful RS-25 engines at the base of the core stage, while each of the two solid rocket boosters produces a maximum thrust of 3.6 million pounds. Together, the engines and boosters will help launch a crew of four Artemis astronauts inside NASA’s Orion spacecraft beyond Earth orbit to venture around the Moon.
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733,000 Gallons
Achieving the powerful thrust required at launch calls for a large amount of fuel - 733,000 gallons, to be precise. The stage has two huge propellant tanks that hold the super-cooled liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen that make the rocket “go.” A new liquid hydrogen storage sphere has recently been built at Kennedy, which can store 1.25 million gallons of liquid hydrogen.
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The number four doesn’t just apply to the RS-25 engines. It’s also the number of astronauts who will fly inside our Orion spacecraft atop our SLS rocket for the first crewed Artemis mission. When NASA astronauts Reid Wiseman, Christina Koch, and Victor Glover along with CSA astronaut Jeremy Hansen launch, they will be the first astronauts returning to the Moon in more than 50 years.
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ciobulletin1 · 2 years
Defense contractor L3Harris to procure Aerojet Rocketdyne for $4.7B
L3Harris Technologies Inc. announced an agreement to acquire Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings Inc. in a $4.7 billion transaction that would cement L3Harris' position as one of the Pentagon's six primary defense contractors.
Aerojet is a major manufacturer of missile engines, including the Javelin used by Ukraine. Its product also helps power NASA rockets and US military hypersonic systems designed to counter China's military expansion.
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Aerojet was relisted for sale after federal regulators filed suit in January 2022 to block Lockheed Martin Corporation's planned $4.4 billion acquisition of the company on antitrust grounds, sparking a bitter internal board battle.
According to individuals involved in the negotiations, L3Harris' all-cash offer of $58 per share trumped competing bids from General Electric Co. and Textron Inc. A transaction is anticipated to face intense regulatory scrutiny at a time when Aerojet is also experiencing production difficulties. Continue reading...
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lonestarflight · 5 months
"NASA achieved a major milestone April 3 for production of new RS-25 engines to help power its Artemis campaign to the Moon and beyond with completion of a critical engine certification test series at NASA’s Stennis Space Center near Bay St. Louis, Mississippi.
The 12-test series represents a key step for lead engines contractor Aerojet Rocketdyne, an L3Harris Technologies company, to build new RS-25 engines, using modern processes and manufacturing techniques, for NASA’s SLS (Space Launch System) rockets that will power future lunar missions, beginning with Artemis V."
Date: April 3, 2024
NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center: link
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mariacallous · 5 months
The U.S. defense industrial base just got a $20 billion shot in the arm from the national security supplemental bills passed by Congress last week. But although officials and experts believe the funding will provide a much-needed jolt to military production and help open up new factory lines, some say it’s still not enough to respond to China, Russia, and terror threats at the same time.
“We have begun—begun—to rebuild the industrial base with the supplementals,” Bill LaPlante, the Pentagon’s acquisition chief, said at an event last week. “Calling it a wartime footing, no.”
The biggest need? Money. Officials and experts say that the United States needs more of it, lots more, to make the real investments. At the peak of World War II, the United States was spending nearly 40 percent of its GDP on defense. It’s down to less than a tenth of those spending levels now. And the need to spend more has gone up with the Chinese spending more—and with Russian factories working around the clock.
“It’s still shy by quite a bit [for] what you would need to get our stockpiles in the right shape, get our industrial base in the right shape, help the Taiwanese, and get the Ukrainians in a position that they can get some leverage in negotiations,” said Jeb Nadaner, a former U.S. deputy assistant secretary of defense for industrial policy. “If the benchmark is against the calendar and the clock, we’re still falling behind every month. And that can’t go unnoticed by China.”
But the jolt will allow the United States to surge artillery production and solve key bottlenecks.
One is the production of solid rocket motors used for everything from Javelin anti-tank weapons that can hit a tank from a little over a mile away to intercontinental ballistic missiles that can propel warheads across the Atlantic and Pacific oceans if a U.S. war with Russia or China ever went nuclear.
Aerojet Rocketdyne, which was recently bought out by L3Harris Technologies for nearly $5 billion, was one of only a few suppliers. But the supplemental gives several billions of dollars for companies, such as Orbital ATK, to expand their solid rocket motor facilities.
And it provides money from the Defense Production Act—the same law that Washington used to force U.S. manufacturers to produce more masks, gloves, and face shields during the coronavirus pandemic—to build out a second tier of rocket motor suppliers, including X-Bow Systems in Texas; Ursa Major in Colorado; and Adranos in Mississippi, which was recently bought out by defense technology company Anduril. The idea is to fast-track work that wasn’t going to be done until at least 2026, if not 2027 or 2028, according to a congressional aide, who spoke on condition of anonymity to talk about military contracts that hadn’t been made public.
There’s also about $100 million to help Williams, one of the only American makers of cruise missile motors, speed up production in Michigan. Those motors are used in the long-range anti-ship missile that might one day help Taiwan fend off Chinese landings; the armor-piercing joint air-to-surface standoff missile; the Tomahawk land attack missile that is the U.S. Navy’s weapon of choice; and the Harpoon missile that the Ukrainians have used in the Black Sea.
There’s also money to build factories for ball bearings, printed circuit boards, and other subcomponents for the $311 billion that the Pentagon wants to spend in the upcoming year to develop new weapons. Processor assemblies, castings, forgings, microelectronics, and seekers for munitions have been major bottlenecks. And there are recruitment and attrition problems almost across the board, from welders at shipyards to rocket engineers, a generational problem that might need vocational-training fixes at the high school level and up.
But with some Democrats pushing back on the Biden administration’s $850 billion Pentagon budget proposal as too costly, there’s also a focus on smaller attritable capabilities that don’t need a whole lot of start-up capital or defense industrial muscle to get moving.
There’s a ton of counter-drone money, about $600 million, that will go toward Coyotes, a small drone capable of intercepting other drones, and Roadrunners, an air defense munition that takes off vertically—just like the F-35 fighter jet variant flown by the U.S. Marines.
Some members, such as House Armed Services Committee ranking member Adam Smith, have advocated for ending production of ground-launched nuclear weapons. Congress is also trying to scrap old weapons, including F-15 fighter jets, the A-10 Warthog aircraft, and littoral combat ships used by the Marines. Smith is even curious about using microwaves as the next generation of air defense instead of directed energy.
The United States is also torn between near-term needs, like 155 mm artillery ammunition, and long-term needs—like a sixth-generation fighter jet that will follow the F-35. “There are going to have to be some trade-offs between preparing for a near-term fight and near-term deterrence and probably making some trade-offs on some next-generation weapons systems,” said Seth Jones, the senior vice president and director of the international security program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is still going to be a major factor in setting requirements for the U.S. military. “We’re going to be selling 155 [mm] like a drunken sailor for a few years,” said Mark Montgomery, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. “The Western alliance needs the U.S. to crank 155 [mm] for a decade.”
Other weapons used in the early days of Ukraine’s defense of Kyiv are likely to hit a plateau in production. Those include Javelin systems; the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System, or HIMARS; and Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, which the Pentagon sent to Ukraine in large numbers early in the war and are also included in the supplemental, but which have taken on a secondary role as the fight has been bogged down in trench warfare for months and months.
Allies can help solve some of the bottleneck problems. The United States is co-developing new glide-phase interceptors with Japan as well as co-producing guided multiple-launch rockets with Australia and guidance-enhanced missiles for Patriot air defenses with the Germans. But after the political fights that took the supplemental more than six months to get through Congress, LaPlante and other officials acknowledged that the United States now has an image problem in showing itself to be a reliable torch-bearer for the global defense industrial base.
There’s another major production plateau that members of Congress are trying to stave off: attack submarines. The Biden administration’s proposed budget for the upcoming year slashed funding for one attack submarine. For years, producing two a year had been the standard, even though U.S. shipyards only produce between 1.2 and 1.4 Virginia-class submarines each year, and new variants are 24 to 36 months behind schedule.
And there are dependencies that are difficult—if not impossible—to cut. The United States still buys a significant amount of its titanium from Russia, which is used for everything from landing gears to tank armor, and is only slowly ramping up production of rare earth minerals, which are dominated by China. But the U.S. military’s weapons are ravenous for rare earths: The F-35 needs 900 pounds of rare earths to run, and the Virginia-class submarines need more than 10 times that amount. The military also needs lithium ions used in advanced battery production that China also dominates.
Where Congress and the Pentagon are having more trouble jolting the defense industrial base to life is for weapons that might be used in the Indo-Pacific. The U.S. Army’s precision strike missile that would be used to hit incoming Chinese ships from more than 600 miles out, for instance, is still being developed—the seeker that would find enemy vessels isn’t finished—so there’s no way to ramp up capacity, at least not yet.
But before the United States ramps up industrial capacity, some members of Congress want the Pentagon to take a good, hard look at what’s already on the books.
“Where can we look within the budget and say, wouldn’t we be better to spend more money on these things that we really do need?” Smith said. “So before I get into a discussion about, ‘Gosh, it’d be great if we had another $50 billion,’ where are we spending the money that we have? I think that’s the first question.”
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Gateway's propulsion system testing throttles up
The powerhouse of Gateway, NASA's orbiting outpost around the moon and a critical piece of infrastructure for Artemis, is in the midst of several electric propulsion system tests.
The Power and Propulsion Element (PPE), being manufactured by Maxar Technologies, provides Gateway with power, high-rate communications, and propulsion for maneuvers around the moon and to transit between different orbits.
The PPE will be combined with the Habitation and Logistic Outpost (HALO) before the integrated spacecraft's launch, targeted for late 2024 aboard a SpaceX Falcon Heavy. Together, these elements will serve as the hub for early Gateway crewed operations and various science and technology demonstrations as the full Gateway station is assembled around it in the coming years.
In this image, PPE engineers successfully tested the integration of Aerojet Rocketdyne's thruster with Maxar's power procession unit and Xenon Flow Controller.
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heysawbones · 2 years
anon question I accidentally deleted:
“what is the most uncool thing you will admit to doing”
I had to think about this because I do so many uncool things. Ultimately:
I shout “AERO! JET! ROCKET! DYNE!” at the Aerojet Rocketdyne sign every time I pass it
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sunaleisocial · 14 days
Gateway’s Propulsion System Testing Throttles Up - NASA
New Post has been published on https://sunalei.org/news/gateways-propulsion-system-testing-throttles-up-nasa/
Gateway’s Propulsion System Testing Throttles Up - NASA
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The powerhouse of Gateway, NASA’s orbiting outpost around the Moon and a critical piece of infrastructure for Artemis, is in the midst of several electric propulsion system tests.
The Power and Propulsion Element (PPE), being manufactured by Maxar Technologies, provides Gateway with power, high-rate communications, and propulsion for maneuvers around the Moon and to transit between different orbits. The PPE will be combined with the Habitation and Logistic Outpost (HALO) before the integrated spacecraft’s launch. Together, these elements will serve as the hub for early Gateway crewed operations and various science and technology demonstrations as the full Gateway station is assembled around it in the coming years.
In this image, PPE engineers successfully tested the integration of Aerojet Rocketdyne’s thruster with Maxar’s power procession unit and Xenon Flow Controller.
Image Credit: NASA
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talkoftitusville · 27 days
Starliner Set To Start Uncrewed Return On September 6
Starliner ‘Calypso’ on its way to the launch pad earlier this year.Photo: Charles Boyer / Talk of Titusville NASA announced today that Starliner will undock from the International Space Station September 6th and return to Earth September 7th. Starliner launched on June 5th for what was originally planned to be an eight day mission. Since that time, Boeing, NASA and Aerojet Rocketdyne have been…
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spacenutspod · 3 months
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aldocerandaz · 1 year
NASA, Aerojet Rocketdyne Test Gateway Thruster System
NASA, Aerojet Rocketdyne ponen a prueba el sistema Gateway Thruster El propulsor de calificación del Sistema de Propulsión Eléctrica Avanzada dentro de una de las cámaras de vacío en el Laboratorio de Energía y Propulsión Eléctrica Glenn de la NASA.  12 de julio de 2023 Los ingenieros de la NASA y Aerojet Rocketdyne están comenzando las pruebas de calificación en los propulsores de propulsión…
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nawapon17 · 3 months
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militaryleak · 4 months
Orange County Expansion Helps Aerojet Rocketdyne Boost Solid Rocket Motor Production
Aerojet Rocketdyne, an L3Harris Technologies company, is expanding its Orange County, Virginia, location so it can begin building solid rocket motors (SRMs) used to power Javelin and Stinger missiles at the site. The new production facilities in Orange County are part of a larger effort underway at Aerojet Rocketdyne as the company invests internal capital and executes the $215.6M cooperative agreement signed last year with the Department of Defense to expand and modernize facilities to support increased production of SRMs. Orange County, which serves as Aerojet Rocketdyne’s center of excellence for propellant research and development, features the Orange Altitude Test Facility (OATS). OATS is a fully equipped propellant lab and a state-of-the-art air-breathing test facility located on a campus that encompasses 2,100 acres with 256,000 square feet of manufacturing space. #military #defense #defence #militaryleak
Aerojet Rocketdyne, an L3Harris Technologies company, is expanding its Orange County, Virginia, location so it can begin building solid rocket motors (SRMs) used to power Javelin and Stinger missiles at the site. The new production facilities in Orange County are part of a larger effort underway at Aerojet Rocketdyne as the company invests internal capital and executes the $215.6M cooperative…
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ujjinatd · 4 months
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Aerojet Rocketdyne acelera motores de cohetes sólidos en misiles ... https://ujjina.com/aerojet-rocketdyne-acelera-motores-de-cohetes-solidos-en-misiles/?feed_id=631941&_unique_id=664b5c50084b7
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vipinmishra · 4 months
Aerospace 3D Printing Market Surges with Rise in Lightweight Component Demand
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Rapid prototyping in the aerospace sector and the increase in the utilization of light weight components is driving the Global Aerospace 3D Printing Market.
According to TechSci Research report, “Aerospace 3D Printing Market- Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Competition, Opportunity, and Forecast, 2018-2030”. Global Aerospace 3D Printing market is growing because traditional materials are being replaced with new, lightweight, high-strength materials, which is an efficient way to achieve the goals of lowering emissions, using fewer materials, and improving fuel efficiency. The 3D printed components are highly used for rapid prototyping in the aerospace industry and the companies have started using engine components made from a 3D printed process. In addition to manufacturing expenses, maintenance costs can be decreased as well because 3D-printed parts require less maintenance.
Other than material expenses, the price of printing 10 pieces of the same product versus 10 pieces of ten distinct products is the same. The addictive manufacturing process is helping in making the components cost effective and light weight. All these factors are driving the growth of the global Aerospace 3D Printing Market during the forecast period.
To increase the usage of 3D-printed parts and components in more advanced aircraft and spacecraft, several aerospace OEMs are now funding extensive research programs. Additionally, the adoption of 3D-printed parts is expanding in the aftermarket sector since doing so could ease the strain on conventional supply networks. period. The advantages that 3D printing provides have made it more widely accepted in the aviation industry. With shorter lead times, lower prices, and more digitally flexible design and development techniques, 3D printing generates parts.
Both customers and manufacturers experience significant cost savings because of the adoption of 3D printing. However, the COVID-19 has impacted the industry as because of lockdowns and other curbs all the manufacturing process was hampered, and this has resulted in the decline in the growth of the market. However, in the forecast years the Global Aerospace 3D Printing Market will exhibit higher growth rate.
Browse more than XX market data Figures spread through XX Pages and an in-depth TOC on  " Global Aerospace 3D Printing Market" https://www.techsciresearch.com/report/aerospace-3d-printing-market/4028.html
The Global Aerospace 3D Printing Market is segmented based on application, material type, printer technology type, by region, and by company. Based on application, the market is further divided into aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, & spacecraft. Based on material, the market is bifurcated into alloys & special metals. On the basis of printer technology, the market is further segmented into SLA, FDM, DMLS, SLS, CLIP and others.
Some of the major companies operating in the Global Aerospace 3D Printing Market include:
Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings Inc.
MTU Aero Engines AG
GE Aviation
Stratasys, Ltd.
The Exone Company,
Materialise NV
3D Systems, Inc
Hoganas AB
Envisiontec GmbH
These are the key players developing advanced technologies and launching new products to stay competitive in the market. Other competitive strategies include mergers with the research and development firms, new product developments, and marketing activities to increase customer outreach. These companies are also focusing on meeting the regulations of different regional governments and are also partnering with different defense research bodies to stay competitive in the market.
Download Free Sample Report https://www.techsciresearch.com/sample-report.aspx?cid=4028
Customers can also request for 10% free customization on this report.
“In the next few years, 3D printing is anticipated to develop into a speedy method for producing low-volume parts  that can be used in the mass manufacturing of the components of big metal and the process is also used in the prototyping of the component. The advancements and technological innovations in the industry is expected  drive Global Aerospace 3D Printing Market growth” said Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director with TechSci Research, a research-based global management consulting firm.
“Aerospace 3D Printing Market- Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Competition, Opportunity, and Forecast, 2018-2030” has evaluated the future growth potential of Global Aerospace 3D Printing Market and provides statistics & information on market size, structure, and future market growth. The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment decisions. Besides, the report also identifies and analyzes the emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges, and opportunities in the global Aerospace 3D Printing Market.
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