#Aeson Sidonis
squigglysquidd · 2 years
Commissions from DestinySquared
I recently commissioned the amazing artist, DestinySquared on Twitter for a trio of pieces, each with a couple from Parable (one borrowed from my great friend @wafflesrock16​ and done as a gift).
You can find DestinySquared here: https://twitter.com/Squared2theRoot
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squigglysquidd · 4 years
Cassia loves jewelry and all species' fashion
Damcoles wears a hooded, leather biker jacket that says 'The Reaper' on it because he's edgy
Saren wears a mix of business casual and formal clothing
Aeson loves neon and won't anything monochrome
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squigglysquidd · 5 years
I'm a bit late, but may I have 🏡 🍬 and 😡 for Aeson please?
Aeson Sidonis
🏡 : For a home headcanon
Aeson lived with his parents on Virmire as a child of the Wraiths. He’s proud of his home even if so many will consider the Wraiths nothing but glorified mercs (though they’re actually closer to paid vigilantes) and he even takes the Wraith markings as his own colony paints. He stays home with his parents as an adult because he’s so close to them, but eventually moves out with his best friend and lover, Damocles to a small beach home on the Vakarian property as they follow in Garrus’ footsteps and make their own small home. Aeson is honestly very simple in his home requirements. So long as he’s with loved ones and not alone, he’s happy. The added bonus of being able to live on the beach and so close to the water is an added bonus.
🍬 : For a family headcanon
I’m sure everyone knows Aeson’s dad is Lantar Sidonis, yes, that Lantar Sidonis. His mother is Primarch Adrien Victus’ cousin, Aelia Victus. Aelia and Lantar both joined the Normandy after the war, Aelia as a co-pilot of the Normandy while EDI was nonfunctional and Lantar because, well, if Garrus didn’t step forward and take him in, Aria would have killed him just for the hell of it in front of him and Jane. Aelia doesn’t have any bad blood with the Vakarians and Garrus may still hate Lantar for what he did, but in his mind, Lantar was given his proper punishment when Garrus cut the ends of his mandibles off and left him with a permanent scar every turian would know the meaning of (I HC that turians have certain ways of leaving marks on others to show things like they lack of loyalty, betrayal in battle, etc). Over time, Garrus accepts and even forgives Lantar some, but a lot of that is thanks to his life as a father and seeing how Lantar takes the brunt of anything given so that he can give his own son, Aeson, a chance at a good life.
Because of that, Aeson is definitely a spoiled only child, but he doesn’t take it to heart. He’s spoiled by his parents, but he knows that the world is a harsh place and any sense of being so well taken care of hasn’t gone to his head. He suffers some prejudice from turian kids thanks to their parents telling them his father isn’t to be trusted and is a visible traitor, but he doesn’t hold any ill will towards his dad. The way Aeson sees it is his dad has suffered enough for his mistakes, but Lantar never lets it flow into the home life. Aeson knows his dad isn’t that man on Omega anymore and loves his father no matter his past because he sees that change and growth. His dad fights to make Aeson’s life better despite his own past and Aeson loves his father for it.
In fact, Aelia still flies so most times, it’s just Aeson and his dad. I’m not saying she’s an absent mother, but it’s pretty easy to form a close bond when you’re dad works on Virmire and comes home every night. When she is home, however, Aelia douts on Aeson, her perfect little chick (she embarrasses him so much with that he wishes he could melt into the floor most times).
😡 : For an anger headcanon
Aeson is pretty good about not getting too angry at things. He may get irritated at times, but he usually is very passive and avoids conflict. Most times, the things that make him angry also upset him overall (it tends to be things like prejudices against his family name or other fishermen trying to sabotage his equipment so they can get their hands on the better catches while he is busy repairing his things). When he gets upset, though, Damocles is usually always there to cheer him up, whether it be by playing games together on their omni-tools, binge-watching vids, or reading comics, new and old.
Thanks for the asks! Sorry they were a bit long-winded 
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squigglysquidd · 5 years
Sunlight for the asks?
Gold is a rather rare color for a turian’s plates, right up there with deep reds or bleached bone white. Sure, there are plenty of sandstone turians, but they never quite get the luster to their plates that comes with the rare genetic - well, mutation. Without that luster of true gold, they don’t really stand out with in a crowd.
Not like the way Aeson does ....
Rumbling at the thought, Damocles watches his friend pull up the nets he’d set earlier before dawn had even brightened up the sky. He had nothing to do today, so he tagged along while Aeson tended to his fishing, the two simply shooting the shit and sharing in some alcohol.
He doesn’t notice Aeson’s proud thrum when he glances over and shows him a particularly large fish that’s sure to make a large sum of credits in the market. He’s too preoccupied with the way the sunlight dances across his friend’s plates, of how it makes them glisten.
Damocles knows telling Aeson he’s gorgeous will only embarrass his friend, having seen it plenty of times when strangers have complimented him. Aeson is modest, only proud in the small things that - usually - end up benefiting someone else. Tending to his friends, that’s what Aeson enjoys, not being told stupid things like how he looks when the sun hits his bare back as he turns from Damocles to pull up and check another net.
So Damocles stays silent, only grinning when Aeson brings up another successful catch and wrangles it into the small tank that holds his catches. Even if Aeson doubts his own visual appeal, Damocles knows he’ll be right there to give his friend a boost of self-confidence whenever it comes a time that his younger friend needs to preen himself in order to impress a date. It won’t take much because he knows, even now in a fisherman’s coveralls with some oil from the engine on his hands and arms, Aeson is a sight to see.
Damocles sits and considers that he really does like the color gold.
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squigglysquidd · 5 years
3, 8, 15 for the oc asks please!
3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?
I actually have quite a few OCs that have come about from other people. The two most recognizable ones are Arcanus Reguix and Ellie Hunter. During writing Genesis, I put out the offer to include OCs under the condition that people realize I will technically own that rendition of them in the fics, so I have some characters that started as other peoples’, but the Parable versions became mostly my own.
8. Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP Ocs here!
Unfortunately, I do not RP anymore because it went sour with a friend I was RPing with. Damocles and Cassia came about from that because we needed some kids for Shakarian and I came up with them. Originally, it was two boys, but Cassia became a sort of tribute to my boyfriend because he names all his RPG characters Cassius. Aeson, too, came about through that RP and even his relationship with Damocles. A bad falling out ended my RPing however, but I couldn’t part with my twins and Damo’s cinnamon boyfriend.
15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?
Of course! I can’t shut up about them! Shower me in opportunity and I’ll make you wish you hadn’t asked ;)
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squigglysquidd · 5 years
Parable’s Four Kiddos’ Fashion Senses
Aeson is perhaps the most vibrant of my characters. He’s my little neon peacock and definitely got his fashion sense from his dad, Lantar.
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Cassia is a true princess in purple. If she can’t wear a dress of any length, she still finds a way to wear some high fashion.
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Damocles is simple. Give him leather jackets and he’s happy. He’s got so many of them it’s like you’d never seen him in the same one more than once. From ones with studs to hoods to bomber styles to regular biker style, he’s got it.
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Saren doesn’t really like wearing much color. His wardrobe is mostly monotone and I don’t think he owns anything all that casual looking. He prefers suits over everything else when he’s not in armor and the only thing you can see him in that’s neither is when he’s working in the workshop in some overalls he doesn’t care getting dirty.
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squigglysquidd · 5 years
touch prompt 9 for oc of choice please :)
9: For comfort
Aeson found his best friend on the beach in the early morning hours. He was heading to the docks to start his day, the early morning hours before the sun rises the best time of day he’s come to believe to catch the biggest, highest quality fish.
Damocles sat on his knees, head down and arms limp at his sides with the faintest dark violent - almost black - of his biotics just wisps coming off his body. He looked like something that’s flared so hot it’s left to cool in air cold enough to steam off his body and, knowing his friend, Aeson doesn’t think that’s too far from the truth.
Damocles had a bad night.
Trilling sadly at seeing someone so important to him in such a defeated state, Aeson approaches Damocles. The waves have returned back to the sea, but his pants are wet from where he sat in them during the higher tide. He smells of alcohol, more so than usual from his crazier of nights out seeking some hollow sense of comfort in the body of a faceless other, but he lacks his usual scent of a night of sex.
Someone hurt him again, Aeson realizes with a frown and crouches down beside Damocles, rumbling comfortingly. Why do you do this to yourself?
He can’t blame him, though. Not when it’s his way of destressing and blowing off the heaviness of his life. Aeson wishes he could do that for him, but he doesn’t know how. Every attempt to reach out ends with a sudden stop whenever Aeson’s own nerves get the better of him.
Still, Aeson reaches out and lays his hand on Damocles’ shoulder. He gives it a firm squeeze and thrums in silent promise.
I’ll be here for whatever you need, Damo.
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squigglysquidd · 5 years
51 for Damocles?
051. If they knew they would die tomorrow, what would they do today?
Damocles would probably finally lay it all out to Aeson what he means to him. Aeson’s been there so long and so steadily that Damocles doesn’t know what he’d do without him. Would it be a proclamation of love? I don’t know really because it’d depend on where they are in their relationship. It could always end up being a type of love that’s not necessarily romantic if they haven’t come close to crossing that bridge yet.
Thanks for the ask!
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squigglysquidd · 5 years
OTP Asks for Damo/Aeson and Fibonacci Garrus/Jana: 4, 12, and 17.
4. Favorite non-sexual activity?
They still like to act like kids together, so one of their favorite things to do is binge their favorite shows and movies. Hell, they’ll even sit down and read comics all day if they’ve fallen behind. They’re pretty big nerds about that kinda stuff, so they enjoy cuddling up on the couch or in bed to watch or read.
12. Who initiates kisses?
They’re pretty even on this. Even before a relationship, they don’t really realize they like to touch each other. Kisses, both human and turian, are shared quite often once they admit their feelings and Aeson is actually the one to ask Damo to show him how they can kiss like he’s seen Damo’s parents do. Sure, theirs are a bit more tongue than a human kiss, but they can give little nips to the other’s mouthplates in a quick peck.
17. Who says I love you first?
Aeson actually verbally says it, but Damocles starts to say it with his vocals really early. He vocally tells Aeson all about his gratitude and devotion to someone so kind and wonderful, but Aeson is so thrilled he doesn’t bring it up. He was afraid bringing voice to it would bother Damocles, but eventually, he uses human phrases to show Damo just what he means to him.
Fibonacci Garrus/Jana
4. Favorite non-sexual activity?
Flying. Well, flying once Jana gets over her fear of heights somewhat, lol. Another thing they like to do is just sit and talk. Their lives are so vastly different but they are both so curious that they can spend hours asking each other questions and telling stories. Jana takes some time before her stories become more personal, but she eventually learns to trust Garrus to help her heal her wounds and he really does. They grow together, boosting each other through the war, and it brings them even closer than Jana was with her reality’s Garrus.
12. Who initiates kisses?
At first, it’s Garrus trying to learn how to kiss like her. He has it a bit easier since he’s so tall and Jana can’t just lift on her toes to give him a peck, but when they’re on a more even level, they tend to be pretty even giving kisses from each of their species.
17. Who says I love you first?
Garrus does, but he says it in a way that he doesn’t want to pressure her. It’s a conversation about his intent in wooing her, but he puts it very plain that he understands if she doesn’t share the feelings. He will show his love by doing and being everything she needs, whether it be a lover or simply an open ear to listen to her troubles.
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squigglysquidd · 5 years
21) what odd locations have your oc been found sleeping in? and 22) which oc could probably sleep through the apocalypse? For whichever oc you want.
21) What odd locations have your OC been found sleeping in?
Damocles can sleep anywhere, at any time. He loves his sleep, but his stringent self-imposed regiment doesn’t let him ‘sleep in.’ At least sleeping in in terms of turian sleep schedules.
22) Which OC could probably sleep through the apocalypse?
Tough one. Let’s see ....
I’d like to think that Damocles would fit this category as well IF (and this is a big if) he allowed himself to sleep through his internal clock waking him up to start his morning workouts. I like to think that Aeson (when he too sleeps in) helps Damocles to relax a bit and enjoy the late mornings.
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squigglysquidd · 5 years
Favorite naughty fantasy's for OC(s) of your choice?
Most of these fantasies will play out at some time or another, so they would stay fantasies for long! Lol
Aeson is comfortable as a bottom, but he wants to top Damocles one day. He doesn’t think Damo would be against it, but Aeson gets so flustered around Damo that he’s too embarrassed to ask.
Cassia really looks forward to role-playing with Saren. Her favorite ideas are about some kind of royalty fairytale, but she has one of a lowly knight breaking into her chambers during the events leading up to her betrothal to another man and sleeping with her every night until he steals her away the eve of her arranged marriage.
Damocles actually shares a lot in common with Aeson in his fantasies. He would happily let Aeson top, but since it’s so out of his character in everyone’s eyes, no one really could imagine it. He really wants Aeson to put a collar on him and pull it and a leash tight while Aeson fucks him from behind. It’s mostly that letting go and putting himself in Aeson’s hands that he wants. He’s not all you picky when it comes down to it.
Saren is pretty vanilla in comparison. He’s so reserved that a wild fantasy of his recently is having sex during a mission. It’s more a rebellion to his own self than anything so accomplishing it is difficult in a much different way. Still, though, he wants to get past his workaholic nature enough to be dangerously adventurous.
Thanks for the asks!!
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squigglysquidd · 5 years
@thealexmachina Asks
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I’m trying to hold on. It’s not good, but if I dwell more than I already am, I’m going to completely breakdown.
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really).
I think the most likely to have a blog would be Cassia. She’d be very active on social media, both with friends she already has and with those she makes over the extranet. She’s one of those people to have tons and actually be able to keep up with them all.
Her blog would be a mix of inspirational things, books, fashion of all kinds (though turian and human are her top reblogs), reblogs of important things to her friends (like funding requests, advertising their art, etc), art, and a few of her fandoms. She has a very active blog and is open to sharing anything for anyone so long as it’s overall message is a good one. She has no time for negativity and refuses to spread it.
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!).
I have lots, actually! I think I’ll go with some actual ‘gifts’ though because I feel like it’d be cheating if I share ones I’ve commissioned or otherwise paid for.
First is the awesome gift @wafflesrock16 surprised me with a while back. It’s of my adult twins by the very talented @bethadastra .
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The second fanart that immediately came to mind is another fanart of the twins, but this time their just little kids. Little cute kids! I had a reader link me to their deviantart, so I don’t know if they have a Tumblr (but I’ll amend it if they do).
A surprise gift of the young twins from sonicxamy135 on Deviantart.
42. Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods?
Well, one is named after one, lol. Ares (from the co-authored fic with @mosaiccreme) named himself because he thought it was cool and he learned of human mythology because his first assassination after the fire was of a mythology professor.
If I had to pick one from Parable, it’d probably be Arcanus simply because he loves all things historical. He may work a lot, but he also has a lot of time to read since Ellie has taken it upon herself to force him to have some downtime. He doesn’t narrow his reading to just turian (though that is the first choice) and usually tends to have various books open at once, both physical and on a datapad.
48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure.
Aeson. No question. I love that turian and just how sweet he is. He doesn’t have a single bad bone in his body and his forgiving, passive nature often frustrates Damocles to no end. Aeson is a cold wash of calming water to Damocles and it’s just what everyone needs. He’s also probably the only adult turian who doesn’t know how to shoot a weapon. He just isn’t violent in any way.
Thanks for the asks!
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squigglysquidd · 5 years
oc asks 24 and 54 for aeson and damo please!
24. Fave season
Aeson loves the summer because it’s the best time to go out onto the beach, find a nice big rock and just bathe in the sun. That and he gets the best fish during the summer and fishing is his favorite hobby when he’s alone.
Despite being part turian, Damocles actually likes the winter. He likes to bundle up because it, foremost, hides his shape and differences more, but it also helps him feel a bit more comforted. It’s like a big bear hug but without someone to question it or bring up the fact that he’s using it to guard himself. Later, he likes it because he gets to cuddle ;)
54. What does your character want, and what do they need?
Aeson just wants to be there for people even if he’s a bit shy. He likes being able to be an open ear or learning about people he cares for and once he gets over the initial push of awkwardness, he is really a nice guy to know. 
What he needs, though, is more along the lines of self-confidence. As a fisherman, there is quite a bit of competition to get the best catches that’ll make the most credits and though he often manages to beat the others because he sleeps less and can get out on the water sooner, there are still those that do their best to stop him. Others will often sabotage his equipment and he’s come into contact with quite a few turians off the water that hold what his dad’s done against him. He doesn’t stand up for himself because he lacks the confidence and even stops Damocles from doing it, but hopefully, he can learn to stand up for himself better. He doesn’t need to get into fights, but Damocles sure would be happy if Aeson would tell the dock owners about the sabotage and get someone with authority involved.
Damocles wants to be the best at his job. He wants to be the best fighter out on any battlefield, even if it’s just a simple job. He may seem like a big, dumb brute, but he’s actually really damn smart. He’s got his dad’s brains and uses them to his advantage, reading the field and his opponents. Hell, no one wants to spar with him anymore because he can take everyone down so easily without trying simply because he memorizes and adapts to their fighting styles. He learns how to read people and anticipate their reactions. Sure, he’s big and strong, but it’s that skill that gets everyone pinned to the mats, even krogan. 
What he needs is someone to accept and love him for who and what he is, not despite what he is. He doesn’t want someone to care for him and they simply overlook how he is and he needs that acceptance to help heal the wounds his difficult life brings him. A lot of people have hurt him just because of how he looks and what he is that he needs someone to love him unconditionally that isn’t his family.
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squigglysquidd · 5 years
What would you say if you met your OCs irl? (And how're you doing, mun? You okay?) - a-geth-that-says-fxck
I’ll go with my four big kiddos 😁
Aeson - This boy has a thing for dressing flamboyantly and in bright colors when he isn’t on the water. I’m sure I’d compliment a few, but definitely not for me, lol.
“You rock those outfits, you flamboyant peacock! ✌️”
Cassia - Lord, I love her fashion sense. I could never pull off the stuff she wears not because she wears turian fitting outfits, but because most are inspired by human designs and she still makes it look good.
“I don’t think there’s anything you can wear that won’t look beautiful. You’re a true Princess that way. 👑”
Damocles - This boy is so much like me that I can’t just be flippant and playful. More than anything, I want to give him a huge hug, no strings attached, and just hold him. He needs it and not enough people think to give him one.
“It’ll get better, Damo. I promise. ❤️”
Saren - I don’t know what I could say that’d make it into his thick skull, lol. He wouldn’t really listen to any advice, so I guess I’ll have to smack something into his head concerning Cassia.
“Be nicer to Cassia! Pamper her like there’s no tomorrow! 👸”
Thanks for the asks! It was fun!
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squigglysquidd · 6 years
Heya. So, I’ve got this question about Damo and Cass, if you want to answer it and isn’t spoilery I hope. Why do they go barefaced when Aeson doesn’t?
Not too spoilery at all! Thanks for asking, actually. :)
There are various reasons they don’t. They major reason has to deal with my HC on the purpose of colony markings in the current timeframe of Parable, the games, etc.
Long explanation short, it deals with pride in your ‘home’ and the show of loyalty to that home. It’s like saying ‘this is my home no matter where I go’ as well as ‘if I ever need to, I will protect my home to the death.’ Sure, they are all one people under the Hierarchy, but the reasoning still kinda stuck, only altering to fit the unified turian people. It’s a lot like the idea of it’s better to fight with something in mind than just because you’re told to. Having a visible representation of home helps turians hang onto what they fight for. (A turian doesn’t always have to wear the colony markings of the world or colony they were born)
To explain why Aeson has them: He sees the Wraiths as home. The design he wears isn’t for an actual location, but a group of people. A family. His father didn’t have paints before the Wraiths and seeing his father be accepted despite his history made Aeson proud of his home. He may not have much, but he gladly gives his loyalty and trust to the Wraiths (though, granted, it also has a lot to do with who actually leads the Wraiths, but they wouldn’t be who they are without their three leaders anyway).
Now, for Damocles: He rejects any form of loyalty against anything but himself. His father carried marks of his home on Palaven and, yet, his father can’t just go back without hiding because of the way the Galaxy now views Garrus. Damocles refuses to paint himself as anything belonging to a people that’d just as soon turn him into an experiment or crime against nature than accept him too. He cannot find any other reason to wear any Hierarchy paints. He doesn’t wear the Wraiths’ paints because - we all know him - he’s rebellious. He’s not loyal to a merc company, he’s loyal to his family and above all, himself. There’s a difference there.
Cassia: Cassia will actually use temporary paint when off Virmire (and sometimes while on it). She has a bit of the same thinking about permanent Hierarchy markings as her brother, though she’s not as angry about it. She looks at it all as a way to be free of any real obligations (even if it’s it just cultural) while her life is still so fluid and ever changing. She knows where her loyalty lies, so she doesn’t feel the need to permanently mark herself. That, and she’s actually pretty skidish about getting permanent marks. She’s a bit afraid of the process so she’d much rather have to paint them on herself without going through the permanent inking process. It’s actually something pretty common for turians that live more on ships than planetside, so she isn’t looked on with prejudice or suspicion when she’s on places like the Citadel or Palaven while she handpaints markings.
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squigglysquidd · 6 years
Where we already have a sense of what Damo thinks of Saren, I'm curious as to what Cassia thinks of Aeson as her brother's mate/partner?
Cassia adores Aeson! And not just because he’s her brother’s best friend and mate, but just because he’s a genuinely good guy. He’s a bit shy and awkward, sure, but she fully approves of him being around in whatever capacity. She also knows he makes Damo happy, so even if Aeson was a jerk, she’d find something to love about him.
I may also already have a scene planned out of her giving him the shove into propositioning Damo, knowing full well the way the two feel about each other. 🤫
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