#Afterlife Ghilley
rinkara · 2 years
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lady gaga poker face.mp3
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rynea94924 · 2 years
Petition to Bring Afterl!fe Back
@ReviveAfterLife on Twitter (Bring AfterL!fe back) has started a petition to at least try and get our voices heard. The link to the petition is below, as is the Twitter account.
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merakiui · 1 year
What's afterl!fe? The characters look so cute and the artstyle is so pleasant to look at! I know you said it shut down, but I have to wonder, what it's about? Something to do with reapers? (I mean, I wouldn't mind if you started posting fic about the game because honestly, I'll read anything you write).
It was an otome game in which you play as the new manager for the 14th branch of Soul Reapers, all of them ranging in backgrounds, ages, and even species (Ell is an angel, and Quincy is a devil for example). There are different dorms, each housing four Soul Reapers. Mane (the Morning Team) consists of Ell, Jamie, Ghilley, and Licht. Die (the Day Team) consists of Theo, June, Louis, and Ethan. Hesperide (the Twilight Team) consists of Sian, Cyrille, Kati, and Noah. Noctu (the Night Team) consists of Nine, Day, Kirr, and Aitachi. Diluculo (the Dawn Team) consists of Youssef, Mori, Quincy, and Verine. As each team name suggests, it is the time at which they work!
Essentially, as the manager you're in charge of training and managing the Soul Reapers as they go about their daily work lives. All of them are dead and have past lives, and if I remember correctly they work to help guide vengeful spirits to the afterlife by sealing and purifying them within a kaleidoscope, hence The Sacred Kaleidoscope part of the game's title! :D I think they were also working towards reincarnation??? Although I might be wrong about that. I do know that when they came to the Reapers Department they all had a certain number of karma points which they had accumulated in their past life from various good and bad deeds.
You could send the Soul Reapers on cleaning shifts, read SNS posts, collect cards in the gacha, participate in limited time events, and read the card stories about various characters. There was also a feature where there were chat rooms for each dormitory and for each individual character, so you could chat with other players about your favorite dorm or characters! And aside from side stories and events, there was a main story!
It was a really fun game with lots of potential and many unique characters!!! Hopefully one day it will return, but until then I will hold the memory close in my heart. (ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ.゚
(And thank you for saying you would be willing to read stories about it!!! I'm honored you would want to read anything I'll write. T_T thank you so much!!! That is a relief to know because lately I have been wanting to write for Hetalia. ^^;;;;; but for now I'm glad others can be interested in Afterl!fe!!!!!)
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2024/07/21 - Update!
Hey :D I was able to get my admin position back (since it expired TT) So I went through all the reported comments and deleted them! Thank you for reporting and keeping the community friendly ^^
I also decided to go through all the character profiles and update them to the tabber format to have them all coherent!
I realized that my ask box was closed so I opened that as well! Please give me any ideas you'd like to see on the wiki and how I can make it better :D
I also started updating the cross stories to the newest dialogue formatting, and have updated Noah's [Path] and Jamie's [The Garden Fairy] card stories and Noah's [Romantic Suite], Ghilley's [Strange Chocolate] and Sian's [Sian's Fortune] card stories (as well as their SNS) thanks to @/haru-s-afterlife's translation hehe
I'm planning on adding Haru's newest translations to the wiki after a week as well! Please check it out and don't forget to reblog! ^0^
Thank you thank you and I hope to keep updating :>
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thesquidismaria · 2 years
It's been a hot minute once again
Kinda busy atm but hey I found drawings of Ghilley and Day when Afterlife was still a thing
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Man I miss this game :')
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Sleeping Mane team!
Watercolour Wednesdays stray into AfterL!fe and yes, I still miss the game.
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dushar · 3 years
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happy birthday Ghilley!
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soileh-edts · 4 years
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• Afterl!fe - Mane/Morning Teams’s icons.
“Soul reapers embracing the morning sunlight."
Likes and reblogs will be really appreciated and reposting isn’t allowed.
 empty. The game was a huge source of comfort and especially Theo. In my opinion, nhn didn’t handle this well and after going quiet for months, they announce that the game is going to end and on the first anniversary? God, I really liked them and reading this letters made me really sad. I fell in love with them to find this out? And they’re deleting the game on the 31st of December. The year will end in a really poor note god, I hate this. I feel bad for nhn but at the same time this could have been handled better because the game had great potential and I mean it. The characters, plot along with their pasts were all amazing. They were relatable and realistic and huge comfort for many so yeah.. But anyway, I’m really upset but I’m glad I downloaded the game during the days it was released and I’m happy i met them all. They-all of them will occupy a special place in my heart but ahhh knowing I’ll have no new story or anything of them again is really...sad. I can’t say anything else but say this is sad. Sorry for the long rant.
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afterlifeimagines · 4 years
Hello. Was wondering if I could request a 'Ghilley getting flustered' situation? I think it might be fun to see him on the reciving end. Thanks for running such a fun blog~
It’s very, very hard to get Ghilley flustered. Even if he is surprised at one point or another he’s good at hiding it, laughing away as he sees you pouting over your failed prank. He thinks it’s cute you want to see his surprised face but he’s been through a lot in his days so he doubts there’s anything you might do to shock him. 
Ghilley’s weakness is in genuine affection and physical touch. He’s used to this from Licht but when it comes from you, even after you’re together, he feels thrown off balance. He’s mostly thrown off because he doesn’t know how to respond to your gentle touches, your soft kisses, how good it makes him feel to hear that you love him with your entire heart. The fact you can continue going on and on without fail when it comes to listing the things you love about him and all the happy memories you have has Ghilley close to tears, knowing that he’d waited a long time to find someone like you. 
Ghilley eventually learns to fire back when your loving behavior pops up, able to say the most embarrassingly cutesy things it makes you flustered. It quickly turns into a competition to see who would give in first which eventually ends with the two of you tangled up in each other’s arms, giggling at the silliness of the situation and feeling like you’re both falling even more in love with the other. 
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A wise man!
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primroselegends · 4 years
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I made a Takumi banner for journaling posts on a personal blog, then liked the idea so much that I made a few others!
500x100 pixels; I’d appreciate a like/reblog if you use them! (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧
✖ do not delete my captions
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hey! could i get something where ghilley and sian accidentally scare their s/o? i don't mind the format, whatever works best ^^
I ended up going the headcanons, so I hope you don't mind!
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🕶 Ghilley's S/O had been going through a horror movie phase, but none of them were scary enough. So they went over to Ghilley, hoping that he would have some good stories about from some of the souls that he purified. He told them about the Gouger- a killer that gouged its victim's eyes. It struck when the victim was alone in the middle of the night. Legend has it that the monster could travel across worlds.
🕶 Although Ghilley's story wasn't super scary, it was decent enough to make his S/O shudder. But the story didn't cross their mind until one night where they got up for a midnight snack. They were craving some of Nine's cookies with a warm glass of milk.
🕶 All was well until they felt a pair of hands cover their eyes. This was it. They were going to have their eyes gouged. Best case scenario is that they'd go blind and worst case scenario is that they'd die. There was nothing they could do except scream and push the figure away.
🕶 The hands are immediately removed from their face and they are greeted by a startled Ghilley! He's takes a few steps back, shaken by his lover's strong reaction. The fear in their eyes remind him of all the fearful souls that he wrongly purified without any care. He can't look them in the face, mentally beating himself for causing them such distress.
🕶 Meanwhile, his S/O is relieved that it was just Ghilley (and not the Gouger). They laugh, but notice that Ghilley isn't laughing with them. That's strange, considering that Ghilley loves to mess around. They notice the frown on his face, but before they can ask, Ghilley immediately apologizes for scaring them. He only wanted to surprise them, not realizing that they would be startled.
🕶 His S/O assures him that it wasn't anything serious as they thought Ghilley was the Gouger. This causes the soul reaper to erupt into laughter. How could the Gouger have attacked them if Ghilley had purified it? The irrational fear was silly yet cute to him.
🕶 Now that he thought about it, his lover's reaction was priceless. Their shocked face and high-pitch scream was some of the best reactions he'd ever recieved from his misechvious endeavors-- and this time it wasn't even intentional! But the best part was that heavy weight on chest disappeared, knowing that his lover wasn't actually scared of him.
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🎤 Sian's S/O was on night-patrol duty. It wasn't any better that they were stationed at the warehouse, which was ten times creepier during the night. Although they wanted to partner with Sian, that stupid Nyang Lead Manager thought they would get distracted. Instead, they got paired with Mori.
🎤 Unfortunately, Mori had slipped into the darkness and conveniently "disappeared" for the night. That left Sian's S/O all alone in the dark. They thought about searching for Mori, but feared that they might get ambushed by a psychotic vengeful spirit instead. After deep thought, they decided to stay put.
🎤 Time passed and nothing was out of the ordinary. Sian's S/O was getting used to the eerie gusts of wind and erratic shadow movements from the tree branches outside. However, it all came to a worrisome halt as they heard a sudden slam. It was followed by a low, loud groan. From the corner of their eye, they saw a large shadow with jagged spikes on its head. Should they attack? Should they hide?
🎤 They opted for the former, assuming it was a vengeful spirit. Sian's S/O grabbed their weapon and pounced on the creature, shining a light to reveal its face. Underneath them is a bright-red Sian, clutching his head in his hands. He howls, "Hey, that hurt! What the hell was that for?"
🎤 His S/O jumps off of him, profusely apologizing for their sudden attack. They grab an ice pack from their supply kit, placing it on Sian's bruised head, as they bring him up to speed about their patrolling shift. Sian scowls when he finds out that Mori left his S/O, cursing that stupid cat manager for not listening to Sian.
🎤 Sian explains that he came to check on his S/O because he wanted to help out. Also, he had a feeling that Mori would ghost them because when Sian and Mori were assigned to watch Non-Non, Sian had to look the stupid pig while Mori disappeared. It's not like he was going to take advantage of the situation and spend some time with his S/O or anything......
🎤 Sian decides to stick around for the remainder of the patrolling shift. He constantly teases his S/O about their terrified shriek, who reminds him that they nearly beat him to pulp. Nevertheless, Sian is going to tease his S/O about this for the rest of eternity.
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yuelily · 4 years
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You know... it really does feel like this might be it.
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incorrectafterlife · 4 years
Ghilley: I need a skull and you can’t ask why.
Mori: As long as you don’t ask either.
Mori: [Pulls out four skulls from his jacket]
Ghilley: This one will do.
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faeinne · 4 years
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Sir, I pulled you over because your hotness is going past the speed limit.
When I first played the game and saw him being introduced I was instantly attracted 💕 Definitely was an addition to the list of long hair husbandos
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Found this artwork that I couldn't help but find super cute. She has his eyes and MC's hair color, and the boy has his hair color and (maybe) MC's eyes.
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friday1221 · 4 years
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When Jaime and Ell are on a mission.
This is a very important contribution to this fandom (I'm not sorry).
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