#Age-appropriate stories
angelkissedface · 4 years
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the last of the bad end au demon forms!! thanks for the patience, and im happy to finally wrap up making these designs so i stop thinking about it when im doing other things haha. // part 1 --- part 2
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Decided to send in an ask with my main account today
What do you think of the Linh x Wylie ship? I don’t ship it because it’s 😐 but I still have some friends who ship them. What are your opinions? Good or bad? Is it okay or is it creepy because of the age difference?
Anyways, I hope your doing good and that school isn’t too hard.
Oo fun main account things! Also I know you've sent other asks with this account that I haven't gotten to yet, I'm just trying to go through everything chronologically with a few exceptions. so I will get to them!
Edit: there’s some confusion and debate over Wylie’s age. He is definitely an adult, and my personal calculations put him at about 20 years old, so that’s what I use
(tw: discussion of adult x minor ships ahead)
that being said, I do not like Wylinh (Linh x Wylie) and actively encourage against shipping it. Linh is 16 and Wylie is around 20, and that age gap is inappropriate and uncomfortable at that age. A four year age gap is acceptable when they're older, but not when Linh is a minor and Wylie is an adult. The argument that "age doesn't matter for elves" holds no water because it does not change the maturity of either of them nor does it account for these books being marketed to children and existing in the real world.
Regardless of whether or not age matters for elves, Linh is four years younger than Wylie and that is a significant difference at that age. She is only halfway through school and Wylie is done. Wylie can get a job, can earn an income. As far as contributing to society, he is a fully functioning adult. He could buy a house and live on his own, start a family, etc. He is an adult.
Linh is not. She is young and enjoys being a teenager with teenage interests. She's still in school and while she is rather self-reliant, she stays with adults. She hangs out with her friends after school and teases her brother. Yes, those aren't inherently young things to do but the way she does them is like a teenager. She is a kid. She is 16. Any argument that she's mature for her age should be shut down immediately. Being more mature doesn't make her older and doesn't make it any more appropriate for her to be dating an adult. If we used that argument in real life, there'd be an immediate problem.
Hearing that a real life 16 year old is dating a 20 year old because "she's mature" is an immediate signal to everyone else that she is being taken advantage of and that that situation is unhealthy and unsafe. They are not equal in terms of maturity or experiences, they just aren't! It cannot be justified.
And it does matter even though it's fictional. Because it blurs the lines of what is and isn't okay. We should not promote a ship between a 16 year old and a 20 year old to anyone, but especially not children and young teenagers who are more impressionable. This isn't like stories having murder and violence and fighting, because those are so much clearer. We know not to murder people!
But relationships and maturity are so much more fickle and unreliable, and making a 16x20 year old ship seem sweet and caring and cute is misleading and dangerous. Because it might be fiction now, but making it normal in a series people admire and enjoy makes it easier to miss the signs in real life, and makes it harder to understand the clear lines. I do not mean to say that young people are dumb, but we are learning! and we are impressionable! and it is so important to protect people from harmful power dynamics and harmful relationships
because a 16x20 year old relationship in real life is not going to be like Wylinh. And if there is one somewhere like that in the world, it is grossly overshadowed by how dangerous and predatory other adult x minor relationships are, and those should not be encouraged or promoted in a positive light.
So to summarize, no I do not like Wylinh and there is no argument that will make it acceptable. It is, no matter how sweet or cute to the younger fans, not something that should be normalized.
If they are both adults, they've waited a handful of years, then I have no problem with the ship. But they aren't adults, and that is the problem. Adults should not be dating minors
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starthelostboys · 3 years
so sam is obviously a dog person, but i think that he also dislikes cats a LOT exclusively because when he was a kid lucy read him the black cat by edgar allan poe and he assumed all cats were fucked up and evil
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mejomonster · 2 years
Also bless Heartstopper for having 30 minute eps this is so helpful for my bad attention span
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stilluphere · 2 years
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Batman: the white knight. Otherwise known as Batman: what if batjokes broke up (slow-burn, angst, 50k+)
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antique-symbolism · 2 years
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this Edwardian etiquette writer would probably have something to say about my wardrobe tbh (x)
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no-psi-nan · 3 years
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@disgruntledtwig I know you, so you were my first case study exercise to figure out if I could do a customized fanfic scenario, so here it is lol.
You like sweet romantic chatty Saikechi so how about a date to a planetarium after hours? Saiki teleports them in and Akechi brings a bunch of little desserts and snacks for them to enjoy as they watch the stars and reminisce and chat.
Akechi compares them to a binary star system orbiting each other and appearing as one to the naked eye. Saiki uses his hypnosis and clairvoyance to project a real livestream of an actual binary star on the planetarium ceiling. It's all very romantic, so obviously they hold hands about it!
And Akechi wishes he could see the majesty of space up close but it would take so long to become an astronaut and he's not sure if he's cut out for it. Saiki tells him that they can go see the stars now, if he likes. And Akechi is in awe at the idea, and agrees, so Saiki wraps an arm around him and carefully holds him close, and teleports them into space to watch the stars twirl in their eternal dance.
There's also more Saikechi in my fanfic series for those not in the know XD
[Context of the ask]
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lottidots · 3 years
Greek philosophers: Achilles and Patroclus... were gay
Me: ...omg 🥺
Greek philosophers: Because women are inferior and don't deserve love
Me: Aand good feelings gone
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ziracona · 2 years
Dragon Age TV show where immediately after the end of the DAI season, first episode next season, Good Idea At the Time by Ok Go just starts playing and instead of picking up post DAI it’s a backstory episode for Fen’Harel not with any super explanation-specific agenda, really just like a character establishment episode, because I feel like that would slap. And also I would like to know.
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fagsex · 2 years
me and my sister are roughly three years apart and our brothers are about 8 years from me 5 years from her and then they have a 15 month or so age difference and it really shows how sibling relationships work in a spectrum. me and my sister shared a room and I had to do everything with her and it made me pissy at her but I still protected her when she got made fun of her speech impediment (that I was blamed for giving her ?) but we also still whaled on each other constantly bc we were close enough in age and shared a room. she played this game called Butt Bite. I dont say 'we' bc I was not an active participant and also not allowed to hurt my little sister as hard as she hurt me, obviously. but my parents recall that I'd make her ask for things I was nervous to ask for and on more than one occasion I'd hide her in a toy box or put a colander on her head and made her march like a soldier.
now with my brothers, they're just far enough from my sister that she cant do that kind of stuff with them like I did to her, but they want to whale on her, but given shes 14 and they're 9 and 8, she most certainly cannot fully reciprocate. their fave games with her are John Cena (you can guess how this goes) but also Minecraft. I never played minecraft, and given I am about adult and they are 9 and 8, I was always more a parental like figure with them, kind of like an uncle almost, whereas the three of them maintain siblinghood. now I do throw all of them into the couch as this is normal, and most of our games and jokes rely on chasing each other, even as they get older, and parodies of songs that are already parodies except this time they have 'butt' and 'fart' and 'ball' in it. most of the time they watch me play games and keep secret when I say bad words bc they know they wont get to watch me play anymore if they tell. when we are a quartet, the dynamic is such that we usually talk around in circles about nothing and everything, and I will do pushups with them all on my back at once. they're getting heavier.
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unfortunate-arrow · 3 years
Invitations to the Grays
For @endlessly-cursed’s holiday event, A Weekend with the Grays
To: Mr. Cillian C. Lynch
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In the end, he went with a simple and formal rejection of the invitation.
I regret to inform you that I am unable to attend your celebration.
To: Mr. Tadhg O. Lynch
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He’d been reluctant to attend at first. But his buds had convinced him, and everyone knew the four Gryffindor boys were inseparable.
To: Miss Niamh B. Kelly
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Deciding to attend hadn’t been a hard decision to make, even with the touch of skepticism that Niamh had always treated the English aristocracy with. But, Primrose had always been a good friend, especially considering that Niamh had been somewhat thrown into a dorm with girls who were a year older.
To: Miss Orla D. O’Rourke
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She had easily felt conflicted about the invitation. Neither her brother, Tiernan, nor her sister, Brianna would tell their father though. It was Brianna’s dreamy sighs of what it would be like to see show a grand place that had really made the decision. Orla would do anything to make her siblings smile, and if stories of a bright manor would make Brianna smile, then so be it.
To: Mr. Anthony J. Rosen
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He had been staring at the invitation for a week now. He didn’t know what he wanted to do. Hanukkah was approaching, and while it wasn’t a major holiday and he wasn’t technically Jewish, he couldn’t help but feel closer to his father. Conall was also a concern. He wasn’t going to go anywhere without his wolfhound. Would they even allow his dog to come with him?
To: Miss Catherine G. O’Sheeran
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She was just thankful that none of the listed dates had fallen during the week of a full moon. Kit might not have been known for being the most social, but there seemed to be something intriguing about this. Maybe, just maybe, they knew about her father. Probably not, but she couldn’t pass up the opportunity.
To: Mr. William J. Devlin
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The invitation had put a pit in his stomach. William knew how quickly gossip spread amongst those involved in the ton. He found it hard to believe that the Grays wouldn’t be aware of the rumor that Lord Paul Carlisle’s ward was actually his bastard. Yet, he had still had his arm twisted into attending.
To: Mr. Maxwell E. Pembroke
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He had had no interest in attending anything of this size. That was way too many people would want to know things about him. But, he had still ended up responding yes. Max still wasn’t quite how he ended up responding yes though.
To: Miss Minerva A. Kennedy
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Her curiosity had gotten the better of her. It would be the perfect setting for a story and if there was one thing that she couldn’t pass up, it was finding something new to write about. Minerva couldn’t help but be excited (and dragging her twin places is quite fun too).
To: Mr. Grant F. Kennedy
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He hadn’t much of choice. When Minerva set her mind on something, there was rarely any stopping her. Grant didn’t mind much, though. It would be an enjoyable time and he wouldn’t need to mind anyone… except maybe his twin.
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a-earthssprout · 3 years
repost, don’t reblog. BOLD for what applies. Italicize for what sometimes applies / verse dependent
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Sweet | Sour | Umami | Dry | Tangy | Bitter | Spicy | Citrus
Sunny | Cloudy | Rainy | Snowy | Cold | Mild | Hot | Dry | Humid
Velvet | Silk | Gloss | Smooth | Fur | Burlap | Rough | Fuzz | Slime / Goo | Grainy | Squishy | Bumpy | Bristles | Yarn | Cotton | Soft | Firm | Grooved | Matte | Spongy | Felt
Romance | Comedy | Psychological | Thriller | Horror | Adventure | Action | Fantasy | Sci-fi | Educational | Nonfiction | Fiction | Historical | Drama | Supernatural | Mystery | Slice of Life | Ecchi | Tragedy | Adult
Exercising | Drawing | Painting | Paper Crafts | Swimming | Surfing | Skydiving | Paragliding | Scuba Diving | Writing | Photography | Blogging | Filming | TV & Movies | Animation | Coding | Mechanics | Engineering | Wood Burning | Sky/Star Gazing | Dance | Martial Arts | Music (Singing / Playing an Instrument) | Song writing | Gardening | Landscaping | Studies | Card Playing | Reading | Snowboarding | Skiing | Board Games | Video Games | Blacksmithing | Sculpting | Makeup Art / Nail Art | Sewing | Hiking | Camping | Fishing | Sailing | Cosplay | Rock Climbing | Gymnastics | Sports | Hunting | Taxidermy | Acting
tagged by: I stole this from the wonderful @shapeshiftcd, who is amazing beyond all words !  tagging:
tagging: @comunidadx / @badboysupr / @weasleyandweasley / @timberfell / @victoryclaimed / @kusatta / @khenobi / @seaprofound​ / @lunartricked / @madrabbiit​ / @upbeatpianist​ / @madeimpact​ / @highseaskxng​ / @isolatedfeline​ & whoever else would like to do this ! 
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aalt-ctrl-del · 3 years
The real reason people be bashin’ Turning Red and hatin’, is only ‘cause them rakes be so salty they didn’t have something like Turning Red when they were Turning REd
and it fukin shows
#haha#turning red#the only thing I really connect with is keeping traditions and heritage your fam might otherwise not vibe with#because that is the issue i hate with most these coming of age stories#coming of age stories where the protag turns into an actual animal symbolizes the ideas of christian religion invading and erasing heritage#while inserting its own#like a cuckoo#and the way to solve the problem of the heritage being a part of the child coming to age#has always been in animation stories such as disney mass produced bullshit#is to conceal/ erase/ or outright remove it#so the coming of age is to accept this not normal thing is a burden - ie turning into an actual fucking animal#then say you can only be one or the other but never both#then its shown as some sort of right to adult as giving up the thing - an animal spirit - to be a part of the family and accepted#and its a metaphor for abandoning traditions and heritage for something more appropriate/ only so the protag can stay with the family#and abandon their history and heritage#and it romanticizes an immediate and easy fix#but life is never about easy of immediate fixes#life takes time and it takes patience and learning#it takes love and acceptane#why does it lionize the idea of protag giving up the things that are unique and special - ie turning into a fucking animal -#but it wont romanticize the reality that is living?#no wonder millennials are where we are right now#we swore we would never be our parents#then a lot of us grew up to be our parents#and we abandoned our inner panda along the way
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reachingrachnius · 3 years
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Got another book for my baby (when age appropriate)
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banhchao · 3 years
every 18+ wattpad story is mc is a college student. age gap w/professor or mafia member. the dude is usually Italian but can also branch out to Spanish or Portuguese. he curses in said languages during sex. he’s tall w/broading shoulders, she’s tiny. he’s always taken, either married or engaged but he just CANNOT resist her.
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Now that Laments of a Sellout Author is done I can finally apologize to the people who thought this was going to be Bingqiu!
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