#Ailduin Magpie
jt2zemax · 4 years
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(Part 2 of 2)
For REAL this time, after months of build-up, the reveal of the NEW Pie's Pizzeria... AND the 350th Jasper Pie comic!!
So a bit of a backstory for this - a few months ago, I originally commissioned MLP-TrailGrazer for just a kitchen background, and.... he got experimental, bless him XD. So yee, new Pie's Pizzeria!
If you like what you see here, please consider supporting me on Patreon where donating a certain amount could earn you a cameo or guest role in a comic or video, or even a spot in a monthly Skype Patreon call!
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I find the fact that I did not know that Lightning Bliss was actually playing LoE that night to be very funny. The fact I did not even say hello despite being nearby (I was on the gazebo just behind the screenshot) was even more funny (The location I was at is the second picture)
I got the first shot via */cc true/false*.
Lighting, if you see this, hi, and hello to all that was also there: Solar Flare; Gray Matter; Ailduin Magpie; and Goldblaze Phoenix: also (if I was) sorry for intruding on your game-play.
The date of this encounter was 11/4/2017.
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jt2zemax · 5 years
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Featuring cameos by patrons: Talonhero and NightMistEclipse
Eeeeeyup, now Casper exists for real.... sometimes, the universe has too much time on their hands. Also, I wanted to get ALL my close friends in the store... but only so many would fit T3T
Jasper's ACTUAL Thoughts: Gulp! This is it, the second-to-final episode, and the final brawl between the Mane 6/all of Equestria vs. the Mean 3! How does it fare? ....Not too shabby, actually :P. You can really tell the stakes are high this time around - the major protectors of Equestria -aside from our girls and Spike- are out of commission, ponies are so scared they've isolated themselves and are basically plunging Equestria into the Dark Ages with the Wendigo swarm (REALLY nice callback to the Hearth's Warming story), and Twilight's completely lost her confidence again (I should be annoyed because we've seen this happened before, but it kinda makes sense now since Discord's little bombshell last time). I think I only have a FEW little complaints - Winter Lotus' (I think that's her name) attitude in PonyVille bugs the hell out of me (Not just insulting the Pegasi, but passing off the Wendigoes when they're LITERALLY SWARMING RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU... you are the equivalent of that idiot from Power Rangers who said there's "No such thing as monsters"), Tirek's dad from the comics being mentioned instead of Scorpan (Seriously, where even is he right now? Did he just... die off-screen... oh dang, kinda sounds like Tirek got to him first), and the ponies that make it through to the Unicorns and Pegasi... who were they again? I mean with Sandbar I can buy since we already know who he is and I can believe that Apple Bloom wanting to be with her family, but why not Scootaloo or Sweetie Belle -We could CLEARLY SEE THEM WITH THEIR RESPECTIVE PONIES!?!? I dunno, just a personal tick since we've got like an ENDLESS AMOUNT of already established characters! Other than that, though... really loved the rest of it! Literally every creature in the land coming together to aid the Mane 6 (Including the Kirin, Shadow Tempest (She looks good in show-style), the buffaloes, and the Flim Flam Brothers!! ...Glad the show acknowledged that they're not exactly evil) ...guess that School of Friendship wasn't pointless after all ^^;. The Young Six being treated as ambassadors for their respective species, that slick Pinky and the Brain reference (Yeah, don't think I didn't see that!!), and of course... Chaos Pinkie ^^ -I couldn't not love that. As for the villain's punishment? ...to be honest, I can't think of a better one - Tartarus isn't as secure as it used to be, reforming them is clearly out the window since they're too stubborn to embrace friendship... so yeah, I think a stone prison seems about right (And yes, I know, Cozy Glow is a child.... buuut, she kinda nearly destroyed ALL the magic in Equestria and willingly turned her back on her people without a second thought... why give her special treatment? :P). Also, really appreciated the little "Best Night Ever" callback where they meet up for donuts. I can't think of a better way to celebrate... except maybe with pizza :P. But of course, they still have one last problem to deal with before their time is up - the final episode! Stay tuned this weekend for the final chapter of G4... but NOT the final chapter for our Pizza Pone ;). *Also, personal note, I don't know why, but I love that Tirek's the practical one of the Mean 3, it really balances out between the power-hungry Chrysalis and the... annoyingness of Cozy Glow.
If you like what you see here, please consider supporting me on Patreon where donating a certain amount could earn you a cameo or guest role in a comic or video, or even a spot in a monthly Skype Patreon call! 
Screenshot on Jasper's Laptop: https://derpibooru.org/2134486
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jt2zemax · 6 years
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Commissioned by Lightning Bliss
In response to this previous comic, Blissy wanted to see a follow-up where she gets to nag @drwolf001 for a change! See, Bliss has been trying to bug Doc to get a cell phone, but he won't budge -and unfortunately for Bliss, he usually manages to get the last word in.
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jt2zemax · 6 years
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Featuring cameos by patrons: SteelOceans, TheAnonymousBronyGuy, and PereMarquette1225
It's finally here! The one major goal Jasper hoped to achieve since the start of season 8... getting to teach ze creatures about the Anatomy of a Pizza!! How will they take it? Read and find out... stay tuned tomorrow afternoon for an aftermath comic -and finally the end of THIS story arc!
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jt2zemax · 7 years
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...I couldn't afford to buy @midnightbluerose93 a birthday present this year, so I settled for the next best thing - making her a comic. I hope she likes it ^^;
Tanya, honey, I know I always say this, but I love you! I firmly believe that your birth was a blessing, and I know I'm not the only one who was glad that you were born. Seeing your artwork and hearing your voice always makes me smile ^^. I know one day we'll meet in person again; but until then, I'm just happy for all the days I get to message you and hear your voice. I love you so much, Babe, forever and always!! <3 <3 <3
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jt2zemax · 7 years
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Jasper's actual thoughts: Ah, 2017... it's been a ROLLER-COASTER of a year! Might as well get the elephant in the room out of the way - we've had a LOAD of crappy times! Corrupt/idiotic politics, Net Neutrality on the ropes, the loss of great talents (Adam West, June Foray, Harvey Atkin, John Hurt, and that's just the tip of the iceberg), and The Emoji Movie.... and that's just for starters.
BUT, there have also been a lot of good moments too. For me personally, these include - celebrating 5 years with the woman I love - @midnightbluerose93, becoming the co-audio editor for the TF2 Analysis Anarchy series (Again, I REALLY wanna thank @drwolf001 and @joshscorcher for taking me in, and TakaraPOV and Lightning Bliss for vouching for me), BronyCon 2017 where I got to meet friends like Midnight Sonata and @amymethvenart in person and take part in my very first panel, the prank call videos where I got to collab with friends and co-workers and bring forth the hilarity, and starting up my DeviantART comic series'!
I also wanna thank my good friends for making this year great - @dawillstanator , @midnightbluerose93 , @toonkriticy2k , Isaacs-Collar, Midnight Sonata, @eliyora , @acharky , Lightning Bliss, @ask-keyframe , @ask-goldenfox , @animechristy , Golden Feather, @aeon-of-dreams , Greymatter603, @keychi-fim , @dragonofsteam , @amymethvenart , and etc.
So, what'll 2018 bring? ....We gonna have to find out! :)
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jt2zemax · 7 years
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Much like last year's pic https://dajoestanator.deviantart.com/art/Thanksgiving-at-Jasper-s-647489105 Jasper decided to invite a whole.... LOT of friends over for Thanksgiving... but THIS year, he made sure to include TWO adult tables.... and one kiddie table :P
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jt2zemax · 7 years
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What started out as a semi-hostile discussion with Ailduin Magpie about which was the best Transformers series, turned into ANOTHER cartoony mess... only in the life of a Jasper  #PrimeIsTheBestBtw 
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