#Air Assault
nocternalrandomness · 2 years
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Bell UH-1B Huey of the 179th Aviation Company, photographed in Vietnam, 1965.
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defensenow · 2 months
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Remember the Battle of Midway: June 1942.
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Midway was a catastrophic defeat from which the Imperial Japanese Navy never fully recovered. Much of the credit goes to the codebreakers who revealed the Japanese plan to ambush U.S. forces in time for the Allies to plan a counter-ambush. The Japanese plan to split American forces also failed.
The U.S. then launched a major air assault on the Japanese carriers. The TBF Avenger torpedo bombers were intercepted by Japanese Zeroes and decimated, but the SBD Dauntless dive bombers attacking afterward got through. They arrived just as the Japanese planes were refueling and rearming on deck. Three of four Japanese carriers were destroyed, tilting the course of the war against Japan.
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chaiichait · 2 months
"He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, clearly disgusted, but when he stares down at me, there's greed in his eyes. 'Now kiss me as though I were Cardan.'"
The fact of the matter is he wanted a taste of something his brother had, or something he wanted but could not have. He is bitter about Cardan's ascension to King, something Balekin always wanted but now his bastard brother is the one that holds the title. Knowing that he had power over Jude, something Cardan obviously cherised, gave him a sick power trip over Cardan.
Also my imagination of him as a middle aged man trying to make out with a fresh-from-being-a-teenager is so gross.
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idle-soliloquy · 1 month
Prison AU (?)
TW: Attempted SA (not between Gale and John), violence.
About 4 hours ago, this idea hit me like a freight train. I think I might turn it into a full fic, but for now... here it comes.
After years of suffering abuse at the hands of his father, Gale finally snaps. He’s had enough, and for the first time, he decides to fight back. 
With little mercy—not that his father deserves any—he doles out the punches. His mother is there, watching, screaming at the top of her lungs and begging them both to cut it out, but it’s far too late. It’s vicious and heated, a rabid fight for survival. A fight to the death, as it turns out. 
The facts of the case are indisputable—after a push to the chest, James Cleven falls back and hits his head, cracking his skull on the tiled kitchen floor, dying instantly. 
Gale’s lawyer claims self-defence, leaning on the years of abuse as mitigating circumstances. The murder charge gets changed to voluntary manslaughter. Gale is sentenced to five years in prison, with the possibility of parole. 
Heading for the prison gates, Gale’s aware of his vulnerability. He’s young, has no prior history of violence, no connections inside the joint, or in the criminal world outside of it. He’s distinctly alone—there’s no one he can count on to stand by him when (not if) things get out of hand. Afraid, but ready to stand up for himself, he enters. 
He’s placed in a cell with a young man named Curt, who’s loud and brash, but ultimately friendly. It quickly becomes apparent that prison life has its own intricate set of rules. Observing the ebb and flow of inmates and their daily interactions, he notices a couple of prominent groups emerge from the more passive crowd, including a respected ‘gang’ of inmates that call themselves the 100th, with a man called Bucky at the helm. 
Gale’s wary of him.  According to his bunkmate, Bucky’s swell. But how can one be swell, if they murdered a man in cold blood in the middle of a train station? 
In the chow hall during breakfast, and out in the yard, Gale can feel Bucky’s eyes sliding across his back like a hot poker. It’s unnerving. Makes Gale’s teeth stand on edge. Bucky’s illicit presence is like a blazing cocoon of (un)wanted attention that settles around Gale’s shoulders, and stays there no matter his disgruntlement with its weight.  
As the days go by, Gale keeps his distance, but can’t deny that he’s horribly intrigued. Why won’t Bucky come to him, if he’s so bothered? Curt says it’s cause Bucky never forces anything. Gale should be the one to come to him. That’s just the way things are done around here. 
Gale’s too proud to bite the bullet and reach out. So, they keep circling each other, Bucky always somehow in Gale’s vicinity, and Gale standing on attention, his unreasonable heart hammering in his chest when he spots the other man out of the corner of his eye. 
A couple of weeks into his incarceration, the dreaded moment comes: Gale is set upon by one of the other prominent gangs in the prison hierarchy, one with a less pleasant reputation than Bucky’s lot. At first, he holds his own, but things are looking bleak. Roughed up and swaying, Gale’s strength is close to waning, when—
Three guards step out of the shadows, and break up the fight. Chaos ensues, but the attackers are quickly corralled, and the main offender is sent off kicking and screaming. 
A figure looms at the periphery. With one eye nearly swollen shut, Gale watches Bucky come closer, with Curt hot on his heels, and... lets himself be helped, lifted off the ground. He hates it, viscerally, but his body’s aching and there’s bile in the back of his throat. He’s acutely aware of what Bucky’s just saved him from. 
His jaw is so tense it’s clammed shut. He wants to thank him, but the only pathetic sound he’s able to force out is a wheezing cough. 
Bucky rubs his shoulder, helps him get the tremors under control. 
“You’re alright. It’s gonna be alright,” he says, tone soothing. His piercing gaze is gone, replaced with a swell of tenderness.  
After a trip to the infirmary, Gale gets back to his cell and crawls into his bunk. He can’t sleep, staring at the ceiling, mind in a perpetual whirl. 
He hears Curt roll out of his bed and tiptoe across the room. 
“You alright?” 
 The blooming bruise above Gale’s right eyelid pulses like a living thing. He looks at Curt, and nods with little conviction. 
“You know it was him, right?” Curt says. 
“What?” Gale swallows. “What do you mean, him?” 
Curt points to his battered face. “The guards. They came to save your ass cause Bucky called.” 
“You’re shitting me.” 
“Cross my heart, hope to die. It was him, alright. And when you were in the infirmary, one of the guys from the 100th was standing watch.” 
“Why?” asks Gale, breathless. 
“Cause Bucky’s told him to.” 
Gale shudders. Of course, Bucky’s got the guards at his beck and call. Gale’s done nothing so far but ignored the man, but he’s still dispatched them like it was nothing, like it didn’t cost him anything, which Gale knows cannot be true; here, every favour is a trade. In one way or another, Bucky’s paying for Gale’s protection. 
“You have to get yourself sorted out, man,” Curt whispers. “It’s gonna happen again, you know that. We can’t keep an eye on you 24 fucking 7, unless—” 
“What am I supposed to do?” 
“The only thing you can do. Get yourself under Bucky’s protection. It’s the safest place to be. No one in the 100th holds with rape, it’s pretty much the only rule we go by.”
“And what do I have to do in exchange for his protection?” Gale asks through gritted teeth, expecting the worst. 
Curt frowns. “I just told you we don’t hold with rape. Nothing. Be a part of the group, uphold the code. Protect others in turn.” 
It sounds too good to be true. 
Curt won’t stop talking, praise after praise pouring out of him. You’d think he is Bucky’s biggest fan, and maybe that’s exactly the case, and for a good reason too. Gale learns that Curt went through a similar ordeal, but since he’s been running with Bucky no one has dared to touch him. But the final straw turns ot to be the full story of how Bucky’s landed himself in prison: the man he’s murdered in cold blood raped and killed his teenage sister. Bucky chased him across the country, from Wisconsin to Wyoming, after the man was acquitted due to lack of evidence. 
“I’ll talk to Bucky first, let him know you’re coming,” Curt suggests, and Gale, swallowing down his pride, agrees. 
A strange thing happens the next day—Gale’s moved from his cell to a new one, with cleaner, sturdier walls, and a bed that doesn’t creak and wail with every shift of his body. He’s even got a proper pillow, all fluffed up, with a mint chocolate placed neatly in its centre. 
His new bunkmate is none other than Bucky himself. 
“Curt came in for a chat this morning. Said you wanted to see me,” Bucky says from the doorway. “I pulled a few strings and got you moved in here for now. Better keep an eye on you.”
Bridling, Gale turns away, but doesn’t mouth off. Doesn’t want to come off ungrateful.
“So—” Bucky says when Gale remains silent. “What do you wanna chat about? I am all yours.” With a wink, he sits on his bunk bed, arms crossed on his chest, head cocked to the side. 
The words barely crawl out of Gale’s mouth. “Let me join you. Protect me,” he says, “and I’ll stand by your side.” 
Bucky smiles, a wicked glint to his eyes. “What’s your name?” 
“You don't know it?” 
“A name is something willingly given.” 
Gale blinks, bewildered. “It’s Gale—” 
Bucky barks out a laugh, and shakes his head. “Gotta give you a new one, a proper prison name. A name like Gale’s gonna get your ass kicked even with my protection.” 
“How am I supposed to—” 
“Your name is Buck from now on.” 
“What?” Gale gapes at him, frozen to his spot by the tiny sink, nails biting into the heels of his palms. “You gave me your name?” 
“Gotta clean out these pretty ears of yours, Buck, or are you hard of hearing? It’s an entirely different word. I’m Bucky, you’re Buck. With a name like that, there’s gonna be no doubt who you belong to.” 
More to come (maybe) to ao3 near you… 
Thanks to @angelfruittree for being the best brainrotting partner, and @nicijones and @don-humes-tiny-shorts for their brilliant suggestions on what crimes Gale and John would be capable of. Kissing your brains!
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ghostwarriorrrr · 1 month
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dontforgetukraine · 1 month
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A pint of sweat, saves a gallon of blood.
Source: Defense of Ukraine, 95th Air Assault Brigade
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eiraeths · 7 months
debating drawing lil cod mini comics of random things i’ve seen the military boys in my town do
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defensenow · 2 months
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thisautistic · 7 months
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*in a singsongy voice*: i'm gonna go to hellllll
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gijoe-forever · 3 months
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ghostwarriorrrr · 2 months
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Comparison of Service Rifles of Chinese, South Korean, Japanese, And Taiwanese Soldiers
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foxodonnell · 6 months
Falco Lombardi 💙💫
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wuxian-vs-wangji · 17 days
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This... is actually Sky's entire memory of that night.
All he can remember is overwhelming pain (physical, emotional, and psychological), 3 people touching him, and Gun's laughter. No real specifics, and nothing of the 3 men.
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blmpff · 1 year
Possible CW/TW I Feel You Linger In The Air episode 8
29:55-30:22 Robert forces himself on Eeang Peung
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robotpussy · 10 months
hm i think i might be going to jail lol
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