#Air Canada Pet Shipping Policy
newstfionline · 3 years
Saturday, January 22, 2022
US and Russia fail to resolve differences (Reuters) The top Russian and U.S. diplomats played down any prospect of resolving their differences over Ukraine at talks today, but Washington hoped they would reduce tensions over a Russian troop buildup that has stoked fears of a new conflict. Britain warned Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping that its allies would stand together to fight for democracy against dictatorships that it said were more emboldened than at any time since the Cold War.
Tsunami damage in Peru (AFP/Guardian) At least three people died in Tonga last Saturday after an unprecedented eruption from an underwater volcano darkened the sky with ash. The eruption was so powerful it was recorded around the world, and triggered a tsunami that flooded Pacific coastlines from Japan to the U.S. In Peru, freakish waves hit oil refineries operated by Spanish oil giant Repsol, creating what’s described as the worst ecological disaster to hit the South American country in recent history, and the government is demanding “immediate compensation.” Besides killing two people, Peru’s foreign minister said Saturday’s spill inflicted “serious harm to hundreds of fishermen’s families” and had “put in danger the flora and fauna” in two protected natural areas. On Monday, authorities cordoned off three beaches after another 6,000 barrels of oil were spilled during the offloading of a tanker at La Pampilla refinery, off the coast just north of the capital of Lima.
U.S. charges Belarus officials with aircraft piracy over diverted Ryanair flight (Reuters) Four Belarusian government officials have been charged in the United States with aircraft piracy for diverting a Ryanair flight last May to arrest a dissident Belarusian journalist who was on board, U.S. prosecutors said on Thursday. The charges announced by the U.S. Department of Justice escalate the global uproar over the May 23, 2021, forced landing in Minsk of the Ryanair flight and detention of the journalist Roman Protasevich and his Russian girlfriend. Belarus already has faced a wave of sanctions, including travel bans and asset freezes, from the United States, the European Union, Britain and Canada over the diverted flight, which U.S. authorities said was targeted by a false bomb threat.
Hong Kong hamster massacre: Residents resist ‘zero covid’ city’s pet project (Washington Post) When they came for the hamsters, it proved to be the last straw for long-suffering residents of Hong Kong. The city has endured, and largely complied with, extreme and often baffling pandemic rules. Schools and gyms are closed, and restaurants must shut at 6 p.m. Air travel with most major hubs has been severed. Playgrounds are sealed off with tape. But when the government announced a cull of 2,000 pet hamsters, a line was crossed. The rodents could carry the coronavirus, officials said, and transmit it to humans. Now, an underground operation is emerging to save abandoned hamsters, with foster carers taking them in and concealing them. Pet owners are in uproar at the government’s plan to kill the hamsters, which experts say is rooted in knee-jerk panic rather than science. The hamsters are casualties of Hong Kong’s “zero covid” policy, which many here see as a futile political quest.
Western Australia goes its own way (Reuters) Australia will remain a divided nation, with the vast mining state of Western Australia canceling plans to reopen its borders on February 5, citing health risks from a surge in the Omicron COVID variant in eastern states.
New Zealand ship arrives with water for parched Tonga (Reuters) A New Zealand navy ship carrying 250,000 litres of water arrived in Tonga on Friday, bringing life-saving supplies for the South Pacific archipelago six days after it was devastated by a volcanic eruption and tsunami that polluted its water sources. As help from abroad started arriving, an Australian aid flight was forced to return to base because of a positive COVID-19 case onboard, underlining the complexity of a contactless humanitarian mission to one of the few countries that has kept the coronavirus at bay. The salt water from the tsunami and the falling ash spoiled most sources of water on the islands and Tongans have been struggling to find clean water as they clear away the ash.
Israeli general turned lawmaker emerges as settler critic (AP) Retired general Yair Golan spent a significant part of his military career serving in the occupied West Bank, protecting Jewish settlements. Today, he is one of their most vocal critics. Golan, a former deputy military chief, is now a legislator with the dovish Meretz party, where he has repeatedly spoken out against settler violence against Palestinians. His comments, highlighted by his recent description of violent settlers as “subhuman,” have rattled Israel’s delicate governing coalition, and his opponents have labeled him a radical. He joins a cadre of former security personnel who, after not speaking up while in uniform and positions of influence, have in retirement sounded the alarm over Israel’s five-decade-long military rule of the Palestinians. “You can’t have a free and democratic state so long as we are controlling people who don’t want to be controlled by us,” Golan told The Associated Press in an interview at his office in the Knesset this week. “What kind of democracy are we building here long term?”
A Dam in Syria Was on a ‘No-Strike’ List. The U.S. Bombed It Anyway. (NYT) Near the height of the war against the Islamic State in Syria, a sudden riot of explosions rocked the country’s largest dam, a towering, 18-story structure on the Euphrates River that held back a 25-mile-long reservoir above a valley where hundreds of thousands of people lived. The Tabqa Dam was a strategic linchpin and the Islamic State controlled it. The explosions on March 26, 2017, knocked dam workers to the ground and everything went dark. The Islamic State, the Syrian government and Russia blamed the United States, but the dam was on the U.S. military’s “no-strike list” of protected civilian sites and the commander of the U.S. offensive at the time, then-Lt. Gen. Stephen J. Townsend, said allegations of U.S. involvement were based on “crazy reporting.”      In fact, members of a top secret U.S. Special Operations unit called Task Force 9 had struck the dam using some of the largest conventional bombs in the U.S. arsenal, including at least one BLU-109 bunker-buster bomb designed to destroy thick concrete structures. And they had done it despite a military report warning not to bomb the dam, because the damage could cause a flood that might kill tens of thousands of civilians. After the strikes, dam workers stumbled on an ominous piece of good fortune: Five floors deep in the dam’s control tower, an American BLU-109 bunker-buster lay on its side, scorched but intact—a dud. If it had exploded, experts say, the whole dam might have failed. If it had, “the number of casualties would have exceeded the number of Syrians who have died throughout the war,” a former dam director says.
Yemeni rebels say Saudi-led airstrike on prison killed 70 (AP) A Saudi-led airstrike targeting a prison run by Yemen’s Houthi rebels killed at least 70 detainees and wounded dozens Friday, a rebel minister said. The strike was part of a pounding aerial offensive that hours earlier took the Arab world’s poorest country off the internet. The intense campaign comes after the Iran-backed Houthis claimed a drone and missile attack that struck inside the capital of the United Arab Emirates earlier in the week. Taha al-Motawakel, health minister in the Houthi government which controls the country’s north, told The Associated Press in the capital, Sanaa, that 70 detainees were killed at the prison but that he expects the number to rise in the coming hours since many of the wounded were seriously hurt.
Mining truck explosion kills 17 and wounds dozens in Ghana (Washington Post) A motorcycle crashed into a truck carrying mining explosives in western Ghana, igniting a huge explosion that leveled dozens of buildings and killed 17 people. Video from the scene showed a crater in the earth and people rushing to collect survivors, who local officials say have filled the nearby hospital. At least 59 were reported injured. “The whole place, the whole community, is gone,” Isaac Dsamani, municipal chief executive of the rural area, told a news crew. Ghana, one of the continent’s top producers of gold, is home to several major excavation sites. The United States, Australia, South Africa and Canada, all run gold mines in the nation.
Nigeria can be deadly for Christians (Baptist Press) Watching Boko Haram behead her Christian father and leave her brother for dead in their Nigerian village has strengthened the faith of Manga, who practices Christianity in the deadliest nation for believers. “Once you are Christian in Nigeria, your life is always at stake. Especially in the northeastern part of Nigeria, most dominant, most populated are the Muslims. The Christians are the minorities.” Manga told Open Doors, which released soundbites and a transcript of the interview Wednesday (Jan. 19). Nearly a decade after her father’s death, Manga describes herself as a stronger Christian who practices her faith publicly amid increasing danger. “After the attack, the way I practice, the way I worshiped changed. It gives me the resilience to practice (faith) more, to worship all the more,” Manga said. “We prayed the more. We seek the face of God the more. And the Holy Spirit is always there to encourage us.” Nigeria was home to nearly 80 percent of the 5,898 Christians killed for their faith globally in 2021, accounting for 4,650 deaths at the hands of Boko Haram, the Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) and Fulani Militants, according to Open Doors’ research.
Under-reported humanitarian crises (CARE) CARE International, a humanitarian agency, is out with a new report listing the ten “most under-reported humanitarian crises of 2021”; they included climate-driven food insecurity in Zambia, civil war and food scarcity in the Central African Republic, and poverty and violence in Guatemala. The crisis in Syria was relatively well-reported, but “still received less global online media coverage (230,000 articles) than the space flights of Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos (239,422 articles),” Laurie Lee, CEO of Care International UK, writes. The crisis in Zambia “was only covered in 512 reports,” compared with 91,979 for Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez getting back together.
32,361 miles (Worldcrunch) Teenage aviator Zara Rutherford spent 155 days flying around the world, completing a journey of more than 32,000 miles (52,080 kilometers) that took her through 31 countries and across five continents. After 71 takeoffs and landings she touched down at Kortrijk-Wevelgem airport in Flanders just after 1 pm local time Thursday, becoming the youngest woman to fly around the globe solo. After landing, the 19-year old aviator wrapped herself in British and Belgian flags and told reporters: “It’s just really crazy, I haven’t quite processed it.”
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lovemychinchilla · 4 years
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Can You Ship a Chinchilla in the Mail?
Shipping chinchillas in the mail (or any animal, for that matter) is controversial practise. But you may be left in a situation where you have no other choice. So, what's the truth behind the controversy?
Can you ship chinchillas through the mail? You can, although it's cruel to leave an animal in a stressful situation, unattended, for long periods of time. USPS, UPS and Fedex don't carry live chinchillas so they have to be flown as cargo on planes in special crates (not envelopes or parcels!). Many countries prohibit the import of animals or have hefty import fees instead.
For these reasons and more, you should consider purchasing from a local breeder or ideally a rescue center. The guide below explores how much it costs to ship a chinchilla, who can do it for you, and whether it's cruel or not.
Can You Ship a Chinchilla?
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If you live somewhere where chinchillas are uncommon pets, your only option may be to import one. So long as it's legal to import chinchillas to your country, it's possible to do so. This also means that it's possible for you to legally breed, package and ship chinchillas from countries like the United States and the United Kingdom. You can also ship a chinchilla cross country.
So, you can send a chinchilla to someone else by mail. But that doesn't mean putting the animal in an envelope, sealing it, and sending it off. Instead, the chinchilla has to be shipped in the right conditions to ensure that it survives transit. Let's find out how that's done.
Can You Send a Chinchilla in the Mail?
Shipping chinchillas is done with pet crates. These are like large kennels that the animal is kept in. To be shipped either nationally or internationally, the crate has to meet the specifications of the shipping company. These regulations typically relate to:
The size of the cage
The ventilation available to the animal inside
The use of bedding and the provision of food
If the crate doesn't meet these specifications, it won't be shipped. Shipping companies have brands that they recommend to that a shipper knows that the crate will be accepted before shipping it.
Can Chinchillas Be Shipped by USPS, UPS or Fedex?
As you may have guessed, the above means that you cannot ship chinchillas by regular mail. USPS, UPS and Fedex will not carry chinchillas. It's viewed as too much of a risk, as if the chinchilla dies, then the company would be blamed by the customer and may have to foot a bill.
Instead, chinchillas are sent as cargo on airplanes.
Do Chinchillas Die in Transit when Shipped?
If every care is taken when shipping a chinchilla, it should get to its destination safely. Pets sent as cargo on planes are kept in controlled conditions where they don't get too hot, or too cold. However, there are still things that can go wrong during shipping:
Your chinchilla can become stressed by being kept near other animals
Your chinchilla's crate may be handled roughly, either accidentally or though poor service
The chinchilla could have underlying health conditions that mean it won't handle the unusual circumstances
Your chinchilla could run out of food and water
Many breeders operate a policy whereby you don't pay if your chinchilla doesn't make it through transit. It's worth talking to the individual breeder or owner about their honest experiences before making any purchase.
Can You Ship a Chinchilla Internationally?
It is possible to ship chinchillas internationally. But your country may have laws against importing animals, or prohibitive fees on importing them. The U.S. also has several rules and regulations that must be adhered to when exporting, and this becomes your problem if you're importing from there.
One group that does ship chinchillas internationally is Chinchillas.com. They are based in Ohio, but can ship to countries around the world. They charge a $1600 fee (as of 16/03/2020) per shipment of 1-8 chinchillas. This is a prohibitive price, but it's not solely so they can make a profit. The fee goes towards:
The cost of air freight
The cost of the air way bill/AWB. This is a receipt issued by international airlines for goods.
The cost of the crate that the chinchilla/s are shipped in.
Paperwork from local vets, plus the cost of a checkup.
The cost of United States Department of Agriculture Veterinary Health Papers
United States Department of Agriculture Export Documentation Fee (except Canadian exports)
One Trip to USDA Office in Columbus, Ohio (except Canadian exports)
US Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Annual Permit Fee
US Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Export Inspection Fee
US Dept. of Fish and Wildlife CLAN Assessment Fee
US Dept. of Fish and Wildlife After-Hours Inspection Fee (if applicable)
US Department of Fish and Wildlife Declaration of Export Document Preparation and Filing
US Department of Commerce Export Document Preparation and Filing (if applicable)
Commercial Invoice Preparation
One Trip to Port of Export in Chicago, Illinois
On-site Insurance
As you can see, there are lots of fees and lots of paperwork involved. This means it's only infrequently worth going through all the hassle. It typically only makes sense if you don't have any breeders whatsoever in your country.
Shipping Internationally during Summer
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One thing to note is that breeders don't typically ship chinchillas over the summer months. That's because the conditions during transit and shipping wouldn't be favorable for chinchillas.
Chinchillas are from high up in the mountains, and prefer cold weather. That's why they have thick coats of fur. If you've ever owned a chinchilla, you'll know they aren't supposed to sit in direct sunlight or overexert themselves as they can overheat. This same issue applies to shipping.
Shipping a chinchilla during colder months is much safer. A chinchilla can survive temperatures of below freezing, so even in the unlikely event that the animal is left somewhere it shouldn't be for a long time, it should be safe. But even ten minutes of hot conditions can be too much for a chinchilla.
As such, many breeders ship only in the fall/autumn and winter months. Chinchillas.com, for example, ship between the months of October through May. Other sellers specify that they will only ship when they can guarantee that the temperature will stay between 32 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit, which rules out warmer seasons and harsh winters.
Legal and Regulatory Issues
Some countries and some U.S. states have made it illegal to import or export pets. In the U.S., Hawaii is the best example: you can't import anything, even much more common pets than chinchillas. The only exception is for scientific research, and even then any animals being imported are under strict control.
Most countries and most U.S. states don't have rules that are anywhere near as strict as that. But things you might encounter include:
Import fees
Mandatory vet visits
Lots of paperwork!
As such, you should check with the relevant authorities in your country to see whether it's legal to import chinchillas and what regulations may apply. Otherwise, your chinchilla may be confiscated when it gets to the country, or you may be faced with a large unexpected fee.
To find out whether you can legally import chinchillas to your country, talk to the Department of Agriculture or equivalent body. You can likely find information online, but it's better to be certain by doing the research yourself.
Cost of Shipping a Chinchilla
The cost of shipping a chinchilla is high. That's because of the crates you have to use to ship them. These crates are big and bulky, and add significantly to the weight of the overall shipment. So, whether your shipping company calculates cost using weight, size, or a combination of both, it's going to cost you.
The exact price depends on the carrier you're using. But it will likely cost you more than $1000.
Cost of Shipping Chinchillas Internationally
The cost of shipping internationally is more than shipping nationally. That's because there's so much more time and effort involved in doing so, and because chinchillas are exotic animals that take a long time to breed.
ChinchillaAngora.com, for example, have a $5000 minimum fee for shipping chinchillas out of Canada (where they're based). These costs must be paid in full before shipping.
This is one of the core reasons why you should consider buying or rescuing locally. The only instances that this might be worth it is if your country has no breeders, or if you need exceptional breeding stock for your own ranch.
Is Shipping Chinchillas Cruel?
This is a difficult question to answer because shipping chinchillas in the mail is a point of controversy among owners and breeders. But at the same time, some countries don't have breeders, or only have very few, meaning that there's no other way to have a chinchilla but to import one.
Shipping is at least not the optimal way to transport a chinchilla from A to B. Ideally, you would go and pick up the chinchilla yourself, and transport it in a carrier. That way, you could check on it, tend to it and feed it. Even then it would be stressed by the journey, but this is far better than leaving the chinchilla unattended for long periods of time as it's shipped. It's an animal, not a thing, after all.
We would recommend exhausting every possible avenue before shipping a chinchilla nationally or internationally. That means:
Check that there are no reputable breeders local to you
Check that there are no rescues local to you
Check that there are no random people advertising chinchillas for sale near you (it's best not to encourage backyard breeding, but it's also bad to ship animals long distance, so this is a big decision to make)
Check if either the shipper or the recipient can pick up the chinchilla in person
Check if there isn't at least a breeder in the same country you can ship from, rather than internationally (this will save on paperwork, too)
However, we also recognize that people are going to do what they're going to do regardless of what others think, or that sometimes you have no choice. If either of those points apply to you, take as much care and precaution before you ship a chinchilla as possible.
Below, you can find our chinchilla quiz, new posts for further reading, and a signup for our Chinchilla Newsletter!
#chinchillas #chinchillafaqs
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handmadeonetsy · 4 years
For just $29.95 We used cotton quilting fabric in light blue, bright green, and yellow for the top. The backing coordinates well with a golden yellow fabric with vine pattern. The quilt top’s pattern is a play on the old-fashioned “Sunshine and Shadows." I chose light blues and bright greens in a variety of prints (including butterflies and daisies) to enhance the golden yellows. To make the fabrics the focal point, I machine quilted the entire piece. Doll quilt measures approximately 21 inches x 24 ½ inches. The quilt will wrap fully around a doll 15 inches and smaller, including American Girl’s Bitty Twin or Bitty Baby. As the batting is 80% cotton/20% polyester, the quilt is machine washable and dryable. It has not been pre-washed. Care instructions: machine wash cold on a gentle cycle; tumble dry low or air dry. Some shrinkage may occur. Handmade in our smoke-free and pet-free home. Ships free to the US. Please see below for shipping to Canada. We ship USPS Priority in the USA, and First Class to Canada. Please see our shop policies for further details: http://www.etsy.com/shop/HandiworkinGirls/policy Made in a smoke/pet free home. Thanks for looking, Handiworkin’ Girls *Bitty Twin not included.*
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oleandxrs-blog · 7 years
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captainlenfan · 5 years
Squeeze Shrilling Screaming Rubber Chicken Pet Dog Bite Toy Squeaker Chewing Toy
New Post has been published on http://catstuff.space/squeeze-shrilling-screaming-rubber-chicken-pet-dog-bite-toy-squeaker-chewing-toy/
Squeeze Shrilling Screaming Rubber Chicken Pet Dog Bite Toy Squeaker Chewing Toy
Store category Sign Up Now ! You may also like Squeeze Shrilling Screaming Rubber Chicken Pet Dog Bite Toy Squeaker Chewing Toy Product Description 100% brand new and high quality Material: rubber Color: yellow + red (as picture shows) Size: as picture shows (S: 17cm M: 32cm L: 42cm) We separate the goods sent is head and body, you can easily get them together A squeaky chew toy for your lovely pet to play This toy give out a sound when you press or squeeze it, which can absorb the pet’s attention Package included: 1 x screaming chicken (other accessories are not included)Note:Light shooting and different displays may cause the color of the item in the picture a little different from the real thing.The measurement allowed error is +/- 1-3 cm. Payment Delivery details Terms of sales About us Contact us Payment We Do Accept Paypal only. eCheque will be held until cleared.Great appreciate for prompt payment. Unpaid item will be filed without receiving payment in 7 days after listing ended. Delivery details All items are shipped via China Air Mail OR China ePacket Service within 48 Hours once payment’s fulfilled. (excluding weekend & holiday).We ship to Ebay’s confirmed address ONLY. Please make sure your address in ebay is matched with your shipping address before you pay.Estimated Arrival time : * United States/United Kingdom/Australia/Canada:14-21 working days (18-29 days). * Germany/France/Spain/Eastern Europe:18-25 working days (24-35 days). * Other countries:25-35 working days (35-49 days). Shipping time is only estimated and not guaranteed. If not get item after 40 days, please contact us for solving.Buyers are responsible for any customs duties if applicable. Terms of sales Please confirm that you have read and understood all of our policies before purchasing. By buying from us we consider you have understood and accepted all of our policies.1.If this item is defective upon receipt, customer has up to 7 days from date of receipt for exchanging a new one. 2.In an unlikely event that a return is request. All returns must include all original items undamaged, in re-saleable condition, all original packaging including all accessories. Shipping and handling fees are not refundable. Buyer is responsible for shipping costs for shipping products back.We care about you, our valued customers, and will always try to help you out. So if you have any problems, please spend no hesitation to contact us. PLEASE MAIL US FIRST BEFORE LEAVING ANY NEGATIVE/NEUTRAL FEEDBACK OR OPEN ANY CASE/DISPUTE ON EBAY/PAYPAL. Thanks in advance for your patience. We appreciate your positive eBay feedback About us Contact us
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iebsbusiness · 6 years
Global Sustainable Food Packaging Market Analysis and Future Growth Trends
The Food Packaging industry is on the verge of a revolution. As the world is moving towards sustainability, the novel bio-based and biodegradable packaging materials are expected to create a promisable future in the food packaging industry. In 2017, nearly 1.19 billion tonnes (60% of total production) of bioplastics produced was used for packaging products, about 50% of which was for packaging F&B products. Increasing pressure from climate change activists and consumers is forcing governments and companies alike, to come up with innovative packaging and recycling strategies for a sustainable future. The past few years have seen a multitude of F&B companies committing to sustainability goals and programs. The coming decade will see the realization of these goals and their impact on how products are consumed and how packaging waste is handled. Furthermore, the bioplastics industry is in the initial phase of growth. Although newly constructed plants are still less, the number seems to be increasing at a huge rate in the coming decades.
The key industry players include:
Amcor Limited (Australia)
Mondi plc (South Africa)
WestRock Company (U.S.)
BASF SE (Germany)
Sonoco Products Company (U.S.)
Bemis Company, Inc. (U.S.)
Huhtamaki OYJ (Finland)
Smurfit Kappa Group PLC (U.S.)
Sealed Air Corporation (U.S.)
Tetra Laval International S.A. (Switzerland)
Get Free Sample @ https://www.iebrain.com/reports/chemicals/global-sustainable-food-packaging-market/
Market Segmentation:
On the basis of Material Types:
Paper & Paperboard
On the basis of Layer:
On the basis of Process:
On the basis of Application:
Convenience Food
Dairy Products
Fruits & Vegetables
This study also provides key insights about market drivers, restraints, opportunities, challenges, burning issue, key industry trends including value chain, porter five forces, raw material analysis, pricing analysis, new technological innovations, upcoming trends and various organic and inorganic growth strategies adopted by the leading players.
Table of Content:
1. Executive Summary
2. Market Trends
2.1. Drivers
2.1.1. Laws, Regulations and Government Policies
2.1.2. Initiatives Towards Sustainable Packaging
2.1.3. Growing Innovations in New Technologies
2.2. Restraints
2.2.1. Poor Infrastructure Facilities for Recycling
2.2.2. High Cost of Recycling
2.3. Opportunities
2.3.1. New Emerging Technologies
2.3.2. Growing Investments in Emerging Economies
2.3.3. Packaging Optimization and Reduction in Food Wastage
2.4. Challenges
2.4.1. High Production Cost of Bio-Plastics
2.4.2. Fluctuation in Raw Material Prices and Availability
2.5. Burning Issue
2.5.1. The ban on Single-Use Plastics
2.5.2. Ban on Scrap Material Imports in China
3. Industry Trends
3.1. Overview of Food Packaging Industry
3.2. Value Chain Analysis
3.3. Raw Material or Feedstock Analysis, By Material
3.3.1. Paper & Paperboard
3.3.2. Plastic
3.3.3. Metal
3.3.4. Glass
3.3.5. Others (wood, textile, Mushroom, etc)
3.4. Porter Five Forces Model
3.5. Key Technology Overview
3.5.1. Innovation in Plastics
3.5.2. Trending Technology
3.6. Regulations/Laws Impact Overview
4. Sustainable Food Packaging Market, By Materials
4.1. Paper & Paperboard
4.1.1. By Grade Types Solid Bleach Sulphate (SBS) Coated Unbleached Kraft (CUK) Recycled (Coated and Uncoated) Others
4.1.2. By Packaging Types Corrugated Box Boxboard Rigid Boxes Folded Boxes Trays Flexible Paper Packaging Paper Bags Shipping Sacks Sachets/Pouches Kraft
4.2. Plastic
4.2.1. By Material Types Recycled Plastic PET HDPE LDPE/LLDPE PP PS Others Bio-Degradable Plastic PBAT PBS PLA PHA Starch Blends Others Bio-Based Plastic PET PA PEF Ecogen HF PE PA PP Others
4.2.2. By Packaging Types Bottles & Cans Bags & Pouches Films & Sheets Others
4.3. Metal
4.3.1. By Material Types Steel Aluminium Tin Others
4.3.2. By Packaging Types Cans Barrels & Drums Caps & Closures Aerosols Others
4.4. Glass
4.4.1. By Material Types Sand Soda Ash Limestone
4.4.2. By Packaging Types Jars Bottles Others
5. Sustainable Food Packaging Market, By Process
5.1. Recycled and Reusable
5.2. Degradable
6. Sustainable Food Packaging Market, By Function
6.1. Active Packaging
6.1.1. Barrier
6.1.2. Modified Atmospheric Packaging (MAP)
6.1.3. Antimicrobial Packaging
6.2. Molded Packaging
6.2.1. Thick Wall Pulp
6.2.2. Transfer Molded Pulp
6.2.3. Thick Wall Pulp
6.2.4. Processed Pulp
6.3. Alternate Fibre Packaging
6.3.1. Bamboo Fibre
6.3.2. Mushroom Packaging
6.3.3. Others
6.4. Others
7. Sustainable Food Packaging Market, By Application
7.1. Bakery
7.2. Confectionery
7.3. Beverages
7.4. Convenience foods
7.5. Dairy products
7.6. Fruits & vegetables
7.7. Sauces, dressings and condiments
7.8. Others (whole grain food, pulses, and oil)
8. Sustainable Food Packaging Market, By Region
8.1. North America
8.1.1. U.S.
8.1.2. Canada
8.2. Latin America
8.2.1. Mexico
8.2.2. Brazil
8.2.3. Argentina
8.2.4. Rest of Latin America
8.3. Middle East & Africa (MENA)
8.3.1. GCC
8.3.2. South Africa
8.3.3. Rest of MENA
8.4. Asia-Pacific
8.4.1. China
8.4.2. India
8.4.3. ASEAN
8.4.4. South Korea
8.4.5. Japan
8.4.6. Australia & New Zealand
8.4.7. Rest of Asia-Pacific
8.5. Europe
8.5.1. Germany
8.5.2. Italy
8.5.3. France
8.5.4. Spain
8.5.5. U.K.
8.5.6. Russia
8.5.7. Turkey
8.5.8. Rest of Europe
9. Competitive Landscape
9.1. Market Share
9.2. Competitive Scenario
9.3. Growth Strategies, By Key Players
9.4. Regional Market Share, By Company
10. Company Profiles
10.1. BASF
10.2. International Paper
10.3. Mondi
10.4. Smurfit Kappa Group
10.5. Stora Enso Oyj
10.6. Biopac
10.7. Clearwater Paper
10.8. Georgia-Pacific
10.9. Holmen
10.10. Hood Packaging
10.11. Kruger
10.12. MeadWestvaco
10.13. NatureWorks
10.14. Novamont
10.15. OJI Holding
10.16. Rocktenn
10.17. The Mayr-Melnhof Group
10.18. DowDupont
10.19. AmcorBemis Inc.
10.20. Sonoco Products Company
10.21. Sealed Air Corporation
10.22. Huhtamaki OYJ
10.23. Tetrapak
View Full Report @ https://www.iebrain.com/reports/chemicals/global-sustainable-food-packaging-market/
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We are a globally recognized research and analytics solutions provider with a team of experienced professionals from diverse technical domains. Our services, ranging from technology ideation to commercialization, are tailored to help our clients transform their business model by providing them holistic solutions around Intellectual Property, Technology, and Business Intelligence. Our clients include R&D groups, attorneys, and inventors from large law firms and Fortune 500 companies.
Phone: +1 347 480 2054
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Say goodbye to NAFTA — and hello to USMCA.
The US, Canada, and Mexico officially signed a new trilateral trade deal on Friday at the G20 summit in Buenos Aires. It’s known as the USMCA, or the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement. (At least in the United States.)
While on the campaign trail, President Donald Trump had promised to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which he called the “worst trade deal ever.” After more than a year of talks between the three countries, he’s finally made good on that promise.
Trump, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau celebrated the new deal on Friday, and Trump referred to it as a “groundbreaking agreement” during his brief remarks.
Trump also tweeted about the pact, calling it “one of the most important, and largest, Trade Deals in U.S. and World History.”
Just signed one of the most important, and largest, Trade Deals in U.S. and World History. The United States, Mexico and Canada worked so well together in crafting this great document. The terrible NAFTA will soon be gone. The USMCA will be fantastic for all!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 30, 2018
Though it has a new name, the USMCA isn’t quite a “brand new deal,” as Trump has described it. It’s basically NAFTA 2.0: an updated version of the nearly 25-year-old trade agreement, with major changes for automakers, new labor and environmental standards, intellectual property protections, and some digital trade provisions.
Even if the changes don’t quite match Trump’s bloviating, experts say the changes are significant. “It’s a substantially different agreement than NAFTA,” Richard Miles, director of the US-Mexico Futures Initiative at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, told me in October.
Friday’s relatively low-key signing ceremony was the easy part. Now begins the arduous process of getting the deal approved by lawmakers in all three countries.
Congress won’t consider the agreement until 2019, when Democrats become the majority in the House — and they may be reluctant to ratify the deal and give the president an easy win. And since the approval process will take some time, most of the new USMCA provisions won’t go into effect until 2020.
In the meantime, lawmakers in Canada, Mexico, and the US are still debating whether these revisions to NAFTA are wins or losses — and whether this new trade agreement is an improvement on what came before.
Here’s everything you need to know about USMCA, the trilateral trade agreement formerly known as NAFTA, and what it may mean for the future.
The USMCA is similar to NAFTA, but with some hefty tweaks. Here are the major changes:
Country of origin rules
Under the new deal, cars or trucks must have 75 percent of their components manufactured in Mexico, the US, or Canada to qualify for zero tariffs. This is a substantial increase from 62.5 percent in the original NAFTA.
The goal is to boost auto parts manufacturing in North America by forcing car companies to use parts made here versus cheaper parts from Asia. This will probably increase the cost of cars and trucks, and it might make it harder for Mexico to make or sell certain smaller cars here in the US.
Labor provisions
The most striking difference about this new deal involves protections for workers in all three countries.
The agreement calls for 40 to 45 percent of automobile components to be made by workers who earn at least $16 an hour by 2023. This provision specifically targets Mexico and is meant to bring wages there up to US and Canadian standards.
That’s good for Mexican workers, but that’s not the only motivation behind it. The Trump administration hopes that if Mexico no longer pays its workers a lot less than the US and Canada do, companies will no longer have a reason to move their factories there (and out of the US), thus keeping manufacturing jobs in the US and Canada.
In addition, Mexico has agreed to pass laws giving workers the right to real union representation, to extend labor protections to migrants workers (who are often from Central America), and to protect women from discrimination.
And unlike NAFTA, the new deal allows each country to sanction the others for labor violations that impact trade. It’s a complex, multi-step process modeled after similar protections in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a multinational trade deal that Trump pulled the United States out of after taking office.
These are much-needed reforms, and they address a lot of concerns that US labor unions have long had about NAFTA.
But the labor provisions also offer certain complications — particularly how to enforce the $16-an-hour wage rule. “That appears to be a bit of a nightmare in terms of administration and red tape,” says Duncan Wood, the director of the Mexico Institute at the Wilson Center.
That’s because it’s not quite clear how countries are going to keep track of how much companies in Mexico are paying their workers, or how Mexican companies will determine that everyone is making $16 an hour.
US farmers get more access to the Canadian dairy market
This has been a pet issue for Trump and is thus considered a win for the US — and probably Canadian consumers.
Canada uses what’s called a supply management system for dairy (and eggs and poultry), which closely regulates how much of each product can be produced and places strict tariffs and quotas on those items when they’re shipped into the country.
The US got Canada to open up its dairy market, starting with a six-month phase-in of access that goes up to nearly 4 percent — an amount just slightly above that which was negotiated in the TPP.
Canada also agreed to eliminate Class 7 milk, which made it cheaper to buy certain high-protein milk products from domestic producers in Canada; US farmers complained that it blocked their ability to export their products to Canada.
Wood said that while the US can claim this as a win, it’s really a victory for a small number of US farmers. “Is it a huge market? No, it’s not,” he says of Canada’s dairy market. “Is it going to make a life-changing difference to the United States balance of trade? Absolutely not. But it will make a difference to some farmers in places like Wisconsin.”
But US dairy farmers won at the expense of Canadian farmers — at least, that’s starting to be the view in Canada. Sarah Goldfeder, a principal at the Earnscliffe Strategy Group and a fellow at the Canadian Global Affairs Institute, said in October that though the Canadian dairy industry can likely absorb these changes, farmers and farmer associations are realizing they basically got screwed over.
“What was compromised all comes in agriculture — it’s grain, it’s dairy, it’s eggs, it’s poultry,” Goldfeder told me. “So I think that the agricultural sector in Canada is beginning to rumble.”
Elements of the dairy provisions changed in the final version of the USMCA, but according to Politico Pro Canada reporter Alexander Panetta, the changes are relatively minor — and not substantial enough to satisfy Canadian dairy farmers. They’re pushing back vocally against the USMCA, calling it a “dark day” in the history of dairy farming.
Intellectual property protections and digital trade provisions
This is seen as a win for the United States. The new agreement extends the terms of copyright from 50 years beyond the life of the author to 70 years beyond the life of the author. It also offers increased protections for a certain type of drug from eight years to 10 years — which basically extends the period that a drug can be protected from generic competition.
There’s also the fact that NAFTA was negotiated more than two decades ago, so it didn’t really deal with the internet. The USMCA aims to fix that by adding new provisions for the digital economy. These provisions include things like no duties on products purchased electronically, such as music or e-books, and protections for internet companies so they’re not liable for content their users produce.
Some experts told me these digital trade provisions fall short of what’s needed for a modernized NAFTA, but it’s a start.
Canada preserves the special trade dispute mechanism
One of Canada’s red lines was the preservation of NAFTA’s Chapter 19, which set up an independent mechanism to resolve special trade disputes between the countries (rather than trying to fight it out in domestic courts). Canada saw Chapter 19 as a way to defend against protectionist trade policies by the US, and it prevailed in this goal.
Investors can’t sue governments
In the original NAFTA, a provision known as Chapter 11 gave investors the ability to sue governments over changes to policies that they claim would harm future profits. It’s been eliminated for the US and Canada and has been restricted in Mexico except for a few sectors, including energy.
This might mean that investors, particularly in Mexico, are less protected than they were under the original NAFTA, but it’s also being applauded for eliminating a mechanism that companies used to challenge government health and environmental regulations.
Section 232 tariffs are still in place
In some ways, Section 232 tariffs have dictated the NAFTA debate more than the actual terms of the agreement. Section 232 is basically a trade loophole that Trump has used to impose steel and aluminum tariffs on Canada, Mexico, and the European Union.
As Zeeshan Aleem wrote for Vox June 2018, Section 232 “basically says that the US can block the import of materials critical for national security in order to ensure that the country has reliable supplies in the event of a war.” He continues:
But this isn’t really about national security — that just happens to be the legal argument the administration is using to establish that it has the legal authority to do this. If this were just about national security — that is, making sure we have reliable access to steel in the event of a major war — the fact that we get much of our steel from close allies should satisfy that requirement.
In reality, Trump is trying to boost the domestic US steel industry.
Both Canada and Mexico wanted protections from these tariffs — and Canada, in particular, finds these tariffs insulting, since it is a close defense partner of the US.
But the USMCA doesn’t exempt them from those tariffs. Canada and Mexico did get the US to make a side agreement that largely protects them from possible auto tariffs under 232, but the steel and aluminum tariffs remain in place.
During the signing ceremony on Friday, Trudeau made his frustration known, telling the US president that this new deal was “all the more reason we need to keep working to remove the steel and aluminum tariffs between our countries.”
The Trump administration, however, doesn’t seem to be in any rush: US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer told reporters that while negotiations continue, the steel and aluminum tariffs remain in place.
The sunset clause
This new agreement puts in a 16-year “sunset” clause — meaning the terms of the agreement expire, or “sunset,” after a set period of time.
The deal is also subject to a review every six years, at which point the US, Mexico, and Canada can decide to extend USMCA. It’s a compromise from the five-year sunset clause that the Trump administration originally proposed.
These are some of the agreement’s highlights, but there are plenty more tweaks. Most of the provisions won’t go into effect until 2020, so it will be a while until American (or Canadian or Mexican) consumers and workers experience the effects of the new NAFTA.
It’s likely that American consumers will eventually pay a bit more for cars as a result of the deal, and while the administration’s goal is to keep manufacturing jobs in the US, it’s too early to predict what the consequences on the workforce will be.
If you’re an American dairy farmer, you’re probably celebrating, though — American agriculture seems to benefit under the new deal. Canadian farmers aren’t thrilled, but Canadian consumers could benefit as well, on dairy, and on things such as online shopping and wine.
Finally, the new labor provisions mean that Mexican workers stand to benefit, with greater workplace protections and possibly higher wages.
Trump, Trudeau, and Peña Nieto signed the agreement, but it now needs to be ratified by all three governments. Mexico is the most dependent on NAFTA — or USMCA — among the three countries, so it has the most to lose, said Miles. Incoming leftist president Andrés Manuel López Obrador had already said he won’t renegotiate the deal, and his backing will likely ease the agreement through Mexico’s legislature.
Canada’s concessions to the US on agriculture have roiled politicians in the aftermath of the agreement — and there’s also some pushback on Canada’s inability to resolve steel and aluminum tariffs and all the issues around Section 232. That might not necessarily stop it from getting through the Canadian Parliament, but it may become a campaign issue during federal elections next year.
“There’s a lot of fodder here for an upcoming election year, but I also think there’s no way it wasn’t going to be an election issue. Whatever deal [Trudeau] got, he was going to get hit by somebody,” said Goldfeder.
And then there’s the United States. Congress won’t consider the USMCA until 2019 — when the Democrats reclaim control of the House of Representatives. Both Democrats and Republicans supported a trilateral agreement that included Mexico and Canada, but Democrats have begun agitating against the agreement, with the primary gripe being that it doesn’t do enough to protect American workers and that the improved labor provisions lack teeth.
“Based on the details made available, this agreement fails to provide the credible enforcement mechanisms that ensure labor protections are more than just words on a page,” Rep. Bobby Scott (D-VA), the current ranking Democrat on the Education and Workforce Committee, said in a statement Friday. “As a result, this agreement does not live up to the promises made to American workers.”
Other prominent Democrats have expressed concerns, including on the Senate side; Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) came out against the new trade pact in a speech Thursday.
It might be an early sign the Democrats won’t give Trump an easy win.
But Democrats don’t have a simple way to make modifications to the USMCA. The US renegotiated NAFTA under the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), a law which empowers the president to negotiate trade deals and allows Congress to “fast-track” the agreement with an up-or-down vote. This doesn’t leave room for the House or Senate to make changes or introduce amendments.
If Democrats do demand major tweaks, they’d likely have to pressure the administration to reach some sort of side agreement on labor or environmental rules.
None of this is likely to be sorted out soon. The US International Trade Commission will study the pact and issue a report on the effects of the USMCA on the economy, including its impact on different sectors and US consumers. That report is due 105 days after the official signing, so probably sometime in March. It’s likely Congress will wait to even consider the USMCA until that analysis is done.
In the meantime, the Democrats will probably use their leverage to get concessions out of the Trump administration on labor or environmental protections — or possibly even try to help lobby for the removal of steel and aluminum tariffs on Canada and Mexico.
It’s good to keep in mind that though Democrats may fight the USMCA, they likely will want to avoid the economic consequences of totally torpedoing the deal. Tearing up the trade pact altogether would be bad for workers and businesses in the US, Mexico, and Canada, many of whom could be stuck in limbo.
The bottom line: Bipartisan support is within reach, though it might take a bit more deal-making before Trump and the Democrats reach a consensus.
Trump promised to renegotiate NAFTA — and he did. But it’s not exactly the brand new deal he says it is, since the core of NAFTA remains intact. The new deal will also likely do little to address Trump’s big pet peeve about trade deficits.
“They have fixed some of the problems with NAFTA, they have brought it up to date, they have expanded the scope of the agreement, but they have in no way fixed what seemed to be the fundamental problems of NAFTA by President Trump, or the kinds of thing he identified during his election campaign in 2016,” Wood said.
NAFTA was negotiated more than 25 years ago, and elements of it were definitely outdated for the simple fact that technology has transformed in those years. USMCA has introduced digital trade protections and other updates, but it may not have gone far enough.
It’s “marginally more modern,” Goldfeder said. “It does deal with digital industries, it has some of the foundations of a 21st-century agreement, but it will need to be addressed six years from now.”
Many of the more forward-looking agreements, such as those on digital trade protections, were borrowed from the TPP — basically a retread of negotiations already completed. And the main success of USMCA revolved around, well, automobiles.
“It’s amazing that in 2018, cars are the main driver of a NAFTA rewrite, but here we are,” Marc Busch, an international trade law expert at Georgetown University, quipped to Vox after the deal was reached.
It’s also worth considering how NAFTA got renegotiated in the first place: by a president who threatened to rip up the agreement, and then used tariffs as an ongoing threat to wrestle Canada and Mexico to the negotiating table.
“Tariffs bring people to the table, and if you play hardball, then you get a deal,” Miles said. “I think now [Trump] feels validated that that’s what’s happened here.”
Original Source -> USMCA, the new trade deal between the US, Canada, and Mexico, explained
via The Conservative Brief
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mikemortgage · 6 years
‘You are cut off, in a lot of ways’: Could apathy be the end for Canadian lighthouse keepers?
On a splotch of land on the outermost edges of the B.C. coast, a lighthouse keeper is at a computer in the early morning hours, checking on his Air Miles balance while keeping tabs on the fog bank lurking just beyond the window.
Some fogs are fleeting, wispy events, rolling in and out on the ocean breeze. But others linger, gathering in intensity, blotting out landmarks and other navigational aids boaters and small aircraft often rely upon. It is the fog that sticks around that you need to “worry about,” said the lighthouse keeper, who spoke on condition of anonymity, suggesting we use the pseudonym “Greg.”
Speaking publicly about the increasingly desperate plight of B.C. lighthouse keepers, Greg said, could provoke retribution from Canadian Coast Guard supervisory staff in Victoria, or from some far-away bureaucrat in Ottawa with an axe to grind, a budget to meet and a hate-on for a position the federal government has, episodically, been trying to kill off through automation for almost 50 years.
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“Everybody is doing a gritty, cold job out here,” he said. “On some days, we think it is glorious. But it isn’t a job for someone who wants to stick their head in a screen all day and whine about needing a cappuccino.”
Greg is in his 60s. He doesn’t mind cold or grit, and he especially enjoys puttering around in the garden beside the lighthouse. But he is part of a greying generation of keepers, a cohort that is swiftly passing into retirement and suspicious that, once they are gone, no one is going to be left or, worse, even interested in replacing them on a job that its detractors say was long ago rendered obsolete.
B.C. currently has 27 staffed lighthouses, stretching from the southern tip of Vancouver Island to the Alaskan frontier. Most are home to two keepers, and all have been buffeted in recent years by a labour crunch.
Another lighthouse keeper, also speaking on condition of anonymity, suggested the B.C. contingent is short-staffed by at least 16 full-time lighthouse keepers. (There are also 23 staffed lighthouses in Newfoundland and Labrador, and one in New Brunswick).
It is a West Coast crisis in person power the Coast Guard has been looking to address by hiring new recruits, albeit via a ham-handed employment drive that has produced some interest, but no new lighthouse keepers.
On the surface, there is an old school romanticism attached to being on a rock, surrounded by the sea, beaming a light into the darkness and showing some poor souls the way home.
It is why lighthouse keepers — unlike, say, plumbers, estate lawyers or middle managers of middling firms in middling Canadian towns — have inspired a library’s worth of lighthouse-themed books: including The Light Between Oceans, To the Lighthouse and The Lightkeeper’s Wife, to name but a few.
But in a (relatively) new age of digital interconnectedness, where smartphones serve as a tether and friends are never more than a few clicks away, it isn’t all that romantic to imagine life on an island without Wi-Fi, or even reliable cellphone service.
Lighthouse keepers with MacGyver qualities are free to try to jerry-rig an internet connection, while the somewhat less handy would likely have to helicopter in a technician, at their own expense, to access Netflix.
More alarming: lighthouse keepers don’t actually turn on the lights. Instead, they issue marine weather reports, perform maintenance on outbuildings, scrub slimy lighthouse steps and keep steely watch for emergencies — and they do happen, occasionally — so they can offer/call for help.
It might not be the soundest rational for keeping a profession alive, but the lighthouse keepers, long afraid that automation or an unfavourable political climate would be the death of them, aren’t dead yet.
Still, they can’t help but wonder that the executioner of their livelihood will be apathy, not automation or strapped federal budgets. Put simply: What if nobody wants to do the job?
Former lighthouse keeper Jake Etzkorn and his son. Etzkorn, whose parents were lighthouse keepers, recently left the job finding it increasingly difficult to envision a bright future on the lights for himself and his young family.
Jake Etzkorn is an ex-lighthouse keeper and, at 36, a millennial belonging to that much-maligned tribe that has been scapegoated for everything from getting Chicago Cubs hitting coach Chili Davis fired to killing the sanctity of the Monday-to-Friday, nine-to-five work week.
Working regular hours never appealed to Etzkorn. As a teenager looking to hang out with his friends, he would pack his tent, sleeping bag, a dry change of clothes and food for three days and hike into Bamfield, some 40 kilometres away from his home on Vancouver Island’s west coast.
Etzkorn didn’t consider this to be an unusual aspect of teenage social life. It was his normal, as normal as when his mother and father would warn him and his younger sister, Justine, to be on the lookout for bears and wolves while they were playing on the beach near the Carmanah Point lighthouse station, a middle-of-nowhere federal outpost where his parents worked as lighthouse keepers.
“Looking back, I had a pretty interesting childhood,” he said. “Of course, I had nothing else to compare it to.”
Etzkorn would tell his wife, Yvonne, stories of his life on the lights. When they started talking about having children they agreed it sounded like the life for them. Etzkorn had the necessary skills to be a lighthouse keeper: he is handy, dependable, knows his way around boats, isn’t troubled by isolation and hated the idea of being tied to a desk.
So, like his parents and his younger sister, he joined the Coast Guard as a lighthouse keeper, a position he reluctantly quit last spring after five years to work in the private sector as a maintenance technician.
“I really loved the lifestyle on the lights,” he said. “It was probably one of the best jobs I could ever imagine. It didn’t involve spending time away from the family or working nine to five, which wasn’t my idea of a good job. It was hard to leave it, but…”
But, unlike his childhood, lighthouse keepers with children — the Etzkorns have two — are practically excluded from living on any station more than a kilometre offshore, thus limiting their options. (The policy shift regarding transporting children to remote locations came in response to a fatal Coast Guard helicopter crash in the Arctic in 2013 that claimed three lives, but didn’t involve any children.)
The kid factor, Etzkorn said, coupled with an attractive job offer elsewhere — he was making $42,000 as a lighthouse keeper and walked into a $55,000 a year gig — were his chief reasons for leaving.
The main way to travel to lighthouses in B.C. is either by boat or helicopter. Here a chopper lands at Entrance Island.
He had additional concerns, including the federal government’s new pay system, Phoenix, and imagines others would, too. The colossal mess of a federal employee pay system can be acutely felt by anyone on a lighthouse station where sorting out missed paycheques, over-deposits and maxed-out credit cards with non-existent cellphone service triggers unnecessary stress headaches.
“They are really not making it easy for people to work out there,” Etzkorn said. “You are cut off in a lot of ways.”
There are other impediments to the job. Perhaps chief among them involves actually locating the posting for a job, which does not appear among the positions listed on the Canadian Coast Guard’s public “job opportunities” page, but does appear on the Fisheries and Oceans Canada site (the Coast Guard is a “special operating agency” within the department).
The job as advertised, once you find it, is for assistant lightkeepers, with a salary range between $38,979 and $52,304. By comparison, the Seafarers’ International Union of Canada, representing Canadian sailors working on commercial ships, is currently hiring high school graduates at a starting wage of $60,000-plus to work “on modern ships with Wi-Fi.”
The Coast Guard wants candidates who are willing to work shifts “in a 24/7 environment,” live in “isolated or semi-isolated crown-owned accommodations,” and to travel by “helicopter and/or boat.” Preference will be given to “veterans and Canadian citizens in that order.”
There is no mention anywhere of time off, whether spouses, children and/or pets are permitted, or if there is internet — which there isn’t. It is a puzzling posting for any employer hoping to attract the best and the brightest, said Jennifer Deal, a senior research scientist at the Centre for Creative Leadership in San Diego, Calif.
Deal has interviewed scores of millennials. Despite the many things they are accused of ruining or not doing, she said one thing they do is research any potential jobs, just as anyone else would.
A person of any age, with access to Google, is likely to unearth stories about lighthouse de-staffing, the push for automation that last ran aground in Canada around 2009, which would be a red flag for would-be applicants looking to plan long term. (Canada had 264 staffed lighthouses in 1970, a number that has been whittled down to 51).
Sunset at Trial Island, B.C.: The pay and the work hours for lighthouse keepers aren’t great but the lifestyle is unlike any other.
Deal had a good laugh when reviewing the job posting.
“They don’t even describe the concept of the job, so I don’t even know what this job looks like,” she said. “What is the time off? It says — 24/7 — does that mean I am working weekends? I am just expected to be present and the lights are automatic, or am I expected to turn the light on and off?”
Crown accommodations are provided, but Deal points out the ad doesn’t say whether that includes more than a cot, side table and night light, or whether that’s in a portable or a bungalow with room for four.
Michelle Imbeau, a communications adviser for the Canadian Coast Guard, provided some clarity in an email.
Lightkeepers work eight-hour days, seven days a week. In stations with two employees, there are two shifts — morning and night. They must provide local marine weather observations every three hours, between the hours of 3:40 a.m. and 9:40 p.m. Internet is not provided. Cellphone service is not guaranteed. Pets and partners are allowed and accommodation is free — although lightkeepers must provide their own furniture.
She said there have been 70 applicants for the job, representing a mix of young people looking for a start and older people looking for a second career.
“The core responsibility of lightkeepers is to ensure a functioning lightstation for the safety of marine vessel traffic,” Imbeau said, before signing off. “The Coast Guard has no plans to de-staff lightstations.”
Meanwhile, on a splotch of land, on the outermost edge of the B.C. coast, the fog has pulled back and dark clouds are gathering on the distant horizon. After a run of good weather, grittier days loom, a reality that doesn’t trouble Greg.
“I grew up in a very isolated, rural spot,” he said. “I knew I was going to love this life.”
The deadline to apply is Dec. 31.
• Email: [email protected] | Twitter: oconnorwrites
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lovemychinchilla · 4 years
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Can You Ship a Chinchilla in the Mail?
Shipping chinchillas in the mail (or any animal, for that matter) is controversial practise. But you may be left in a situation where you have no other choice. So, what's the truth behind the controversy?
Can you ship chinchillas through the mail? You can, although it's cruel to leave an animal in a stressful situation, unattended, for long periods of time. USPS, UPS and Fedex don't carry live chinchillas so they have to be flown as cargo on planes in special crates (not envelopes or parcels!). Many countries prohibit the import of animals or have hefty import fees instead.
For these reasons and more, you should consider purchasing from a local breeder or ideally a rescue center. The guide below explores how much it costs to ship a chinchilla, who can do it for you, and whether it's cruel or not.
Can You Ship a Chinchilla?
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If you live somewhere where chinchillas are uncommon pets, your only option may be to import one. So long as it's legal to import chinchillas to your country, it's possible to do so. This also means that it's possible for you to legally breed, package and ship chinchillas from countries like the United States and the United Kingdom. You can also ship a chinchilla cross country.
So, you can send a chinchilla to someone else by mail. But that doesn't mean putting the animal in an envelope, sealing it, and sending it off. Instead, the chinchilla has to be shipped in the right conditions to ensure that it survives transit. Let's find out how that's done.
Can You Send a Chinchilla in the Mail?
Shipping chinchillas is done with pet crates. These are like large kennels that the animal is kept in. To be shipped either nationally or internationally, the crate has to meet the specifications of the shipping company. These regulations typically relate to:
The size of the cage
The ventilation available to the animal inside
The use of bedding and the provision of food
If the crate doesn't meet these specifications, it won't be shipped. Shipping companies have brands that they recommend to that a shipper knows that the crate will be accepted before shipping it.
Can Chinchillas Be Shipped by USPS, UPS or Fedex?
As you may have guessed, the above means that you cannot ship chinchillas by regular mail. USPS, UPS and Fedex will not carry chinchillas. It's viewed as too much of a risk, as if the chinchilla dies, then the company would be blamed by the customer and may have to foot a bill.
Instead, chinchillas are sent as cargo on airplanes.
Do Chinchillas Die in Transit when Shipped?
If every care is taken when shipping a chinchilla, it should get to its destination safely. Pets sent as cargo on planes are kept in controlled conditions where they don't get too hot, or too cold. However, there are still things that can go wrong during shipping:
Your chinchilla can become stressed by being kept near other animals
Your chinchilla's crate may be handled roughly, either accidentally or though poor service
The chinchilla could have underlying health conditions that mean it won't handle the unusual circumstances
Your chinchilla could run out of food and water
Many breeders operate a policy whereby you don't pay if your chinchilla doesn't make it through transit. It's worth talking to the individual breeder or owner about their honest experiences before making any purchase.
Can You Ship a Chinchilla Internationally?
It is possible to ship chinchillas internationally. But your country may have laws against importing animals, or prohibitive fees on importing them. The U.S. also has several rules and regulations that must be adhered to when exporting, and this becomes your problem if you're importing from there.
One group that does ship chinchillas internationally is Chinchillas.com. They are based in Ohio, but can ship to countries around the world. They charge a $1600 fee (as of 16/03/2020) per shipment of 1-8 chinchillas. This is a prohibitive price, but it's not solely so they can make a profit. The fee goes towards:
The cost of air freight
The cost of the air way bill/AWB. This is a receipt issued by international airlines for goods.
The cost of the crate that the chinchilla/s are shipped in.
Paperwork from local vets, plus the cost of a checkup.
The cost of United States Department of Agriculture Veterinary Health Papers
United States Department of Agriculture Export Documentation Fee (except Canadian exports)
One Trip to USDA Office in Columbus, Ohio (except Canadian exports)
US Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Annual Permit Fee
US Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Export Inspection Fee
US Dept. of Fish and Wildlife CLAN Assessment Fee
US Dept. of Fish and Wildlife After-Hours Inspection Fee (if applicable)
US Department of Fish and Wildlife Declaration of Export Document Preparation and Filing
US Department of Commerce Export Document Preparation and Filing (if applicable)
Commercial Invoice Preparation
One Trip to Port of Export in Chicago, Illinois
On-site Insurance
As you can see, there are lots of fees and lots of paperwork involved. This means it's only infrequently worth going through all the hassle. It typically only makes sense if you don't have any breeders whatsoever in your country.
Shipping Internationally during Summer
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One thing to note is that breeders don't typically ship chinchillas over the summer months. That's because the conditions during transit and shipping wouldn't be favorable for chinchillas.
Chinchillas are from high up in the mountains, and prefer cold weather. That's why they have thick coats of fur. If you've ever owned a chinchilla, you'll know they aren't supposed to sit in direct sunlight or overexert themselves as they can overheat. This same issue applies to shipping.
Shipping a chinchilla during colder months is much safer. A chinchilla can survive temperatures of below freezing, so even in the unlikely event that the animal is left somewhere it shouldn't be for a long time, it should be safe. But even ten minutes of hot conditions can be too much for a chinchilla.
As such, many breeders ship only in the fall/autumn and winter months. Chinchillas.com, for example, ship between the months of October through May. Other sellers specify that they will only ship when they can guarantee that the temperature will stay between 32 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit, which rules out warmer seasons and harsh winters.
Legal and Regulatory Issues
Some countries and some U.S. states have made it illegal to import or export pets. In the U.S., Hawaii is the best example: you can't import anything, even much more common pets than chinchillas. The only exception is for scientific research, and even then any animals being imported are under strict control.
Most countries and most U.S. states don't have rules that are anywhere near as strict as that. But things you might encounter include:
Import fees
Mandatory vet visits
Lots of paperwork!
As such, you should check with the relevant authorities in your country to see whether it's legal to import chinchillas and what regulations may apply. Otherwise, your chinchilla may be confiscated when it gets to the country, or you may be faced with a large unexpected fee.
To find out whether you can legally import chinchillas to your country, talk to the Department of Agriculture or equivalent body. You can likely find information online, but it's better to be certain by doing the research yourself.
Cost of Shipping a Chinchilla
The cost of shipping a chinchilla is high. That's because of the crates you have to use to ship them. These crates are big and bulky, and add significantly to the weight of the overall shipment. So, whether your shipping company calculates cost using weight, size, or a combination of both, it's going to cost you.
The exact price depends on the carrier you're using. But it will likely cost you more than $1000.
Cost of Shipping Chinchillas Internationally
The cost of shipping internationally is more than shipping nationally. That's because there's so much more time and effort involved in doing so, and because chinchillas are exotic animals that take a long time to breed.
ChinchillaAngora.com, for example, have a $5000 minimum fee for shipping chinchillas out of Canada (where they're based). These costs must be paid in full before shipping.
This is one of the core reasons why you should consider buying or rescuing locally. The only instances that this might be worth it is if your country has no breeders, or if you need exceptional breeding stock for your own ranch.
Is Shipping Chinchillas Cruel?
This is a difficult question to answer because shipping chinchillas in the mail is a point of controversy among owners and breeders. But at the same time, some countries don't have breeders, or only have very few, meaning that there's no other way to have a chinchilla but to import one.
Shipping is at least not the optimal way to transport a chinchilla from A to B. Ideally, you would go and pick up the chinchilla yourself, and transport it in a carrier. That way, you could check on it, tend to it and feed it. Even then it would be stressed by the journey, but this is far better than leaving the chinchilla unattended for long periods of time as it's shipped. It's an animal, not a thing, after all.
We would recommend exhausting every possible avenue before shipping a chinchilla nationally or internationally. That means:
Check that there are no reputable breeders local to you
Check that there are no rescues local to you
Check that there are no random people advertising chinchillas for sale near you (it's best not to encourage backyard breeding, but it's also bad to ship animals long distance, so this is a big decision to make)
Check if either the shipper or the recipient can pick up the chinchilla in person
Check if there isn't at least a breeder in the same country you can ship from, rather than internationally (this will save on paperwork, too)
However, we also recognize that people are going to do what they're going to do regardless of what others think, or that sometimes you have no choice. If either of those points apply to you, take as much care and precaution before you ship a chinchilla as possible.
Below, you can find our chinchilla quiz, new posts for further reading, and a signup for our Chinchilla Newsletter!
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captainlenfan · 5 years
Squeeze Shrilling Screaming Rubber Chicken Pet Dog Bite Toy Squeaker Chewing Toy
New Post has been published on http://catstuff.space/squeeze-shrilling-screaming-rubber-chicken-pet-dog-bite-toy-squeaker-chewing-toy/
Squeeze Shrilling Screaming Rubber Chicken Pet Dog Bite Toy Squeaker Chewing Toy
Store category Sign Up Now ! You may also like Squeeze Shrilling Screaming Rubber Chicken Pet Dog Bite Toy Squeaker Chewing Toy Product Description 100% brand new and high quality Material: rubber Color: yellow + red (as picture shows) Size: as picture shows (S: 17cm M: 32cm L: 42cm) We separate the goods sent is head and body, you can easily get them together A squeaky chew toy for your lovely pet to play This toy give out a sound when you press or squeeze it, which can absorb the pet’s attention Package included: 1 x screaming chicken (other accessories are not included)Note:Light shooting and different displays may cause the color of the item in the picture a little different from the real thing.The measurement allowed error is +/- 1-3 cm. Payment Delivery details Terms of sales About us Contact us Payment We Do Accept Paypal only. eCheque will be held until cleared.Great appreciate for prompt payment. Unpaid item will be filed without receiving payment in 7 days after listing ended. Delivery details All items are shipped via China Air Mail OR China ePacket Service within 48 Hours once payment’s fulfilled. (excluding weekend & holiday).We ship to Ebay’s confirmed address ONLY. Please make sure your address in ebay is matched with your shipping address before you pay.Estimated Arrival time : * United States/United Kingdom/Australia/Canada:14-21 working days (18-29 days). * Germany/France/Spain/Eastern Europe:18-25 working days (24-35 days). * Other countries:25-35 working days (35-49 days). Shipping time is only estimated and not guaranteed. If not get item after 40 days, please contact us for solving.Buyers are responsible for any customs duties if applicable. Terms of sales Please confirm that you have read and understood all of our policies before purchasing. By buying from us we consider you have understood and accepted all of our policies.1.If this item is defective upon receipt, customer has up to 7 days from date of receipt for exchanging a new one. 2.In an unlikely event that a return is request. All returns must include all original items undamaged, in re-saleable condition, all original packaging including all accessories. Shipping and handling fees are not refundable. Buyer is responsible for shipping costs for shipping products back.We care about you, our valued customers, and will always try to help you out. So if you have any problems, please spend no hesitation to contact us. PLEASE MAIL US FIRST BEFORE LEAVING ANY NEGATIVE/NEUTRAL FEEDBACK OR OPEN ANY CASE/DISPUTE ON EBAY/PAYPAL. Thanks in advance for your patience. We appreciate your positive eBay feedback About us Contact us
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captainlenfan · 5 years
Squeeze Shrilling Screaming Rubber Chicken Pet Dog Bite Toy Squeaker Chewing Toy
New Post has been published on http://catstuff.space/squeeze-shrilling-screaming-rubber-chicken-pet-dog-bite-toy-squeaker-chewing-toy/
Squeeze Shrilling Screaming Rubber Chicken Pet Dog Bite Toy Squeaker Chewing Toy
Store category Sign Up Now ! You may also like Squeeze Shrilling Screaming Rubber Chicken Pet Dog Bite Toy Squeaker Chewing Toy Product Description 100% brand new and high quality Material: rubber Color: yellow + red (as picture shows) Size: as picture shows (S: 17cm M: 32cm L: 42cm) We separate the goods sent is head and body, you can easily get them together A squeaky chew toy for your lovely pet to play This toy give out a sound when you press or squeeze it, which can absorb the pet’s attention Package included: 1 x screaming chicken (other accessories are not included)Note:Light shooting and different displays may cause the color of the item in the picture a little different from the real thing.The measurement allowed error is +/- 1-3 cm. Payment Delivery details Terms of sales About us Contact us Payment We Do Accept Paypal only. eCheque will be held until cleared.Great appreciate for prompt payment. Unpaid item will be filed without receiving payment in 7 days after listing ended. Delivery details All items are shipped via China Air Mail OR China ePacket Service within 48 Hours once payment’s fulfilled. (excluding weekend & holiday).We ship to Ebay’s confirmed address ONLY. Please make sure your address in ebay is matched with your shipping address before you pay.Estimated Arrival time : * United States/United Kingdom/Australia/Canada:14-21 working days (18-29 days). * Germany/France/Spain/Eastern Europe:18-25 working days (24-35 days). * Other countries:25-35 working days (35-49 days). Shipping time is only estimated and not guaranteed. If not get item after 40 days, please contact us for solving.Buyers are responsible for any customs duties if applicable. Terms of sales Please confirm that you have read and understood all of our policies before purchasing. By buying from us we consider you have understood and accepted all of our policies.1.If this item is defective upon receipt, customer has up to 7 days from date of receipt for exchanging a new one. 2.In an unlikely event that a return is request. All returns must include all original items undamaged, in re-saleable condition, all original packaging including all accessories. Shipping and handling fees are not refundable. Buyer is responsible for shipping costs for shipping products back.We care about you, our valued customers, and will always try to help you out. So if you have any problems, please spend no hesitation to contact us. PLEASE MAIL US FIRST BEFORE LEAVING ANY NEGATIVE/NEUTRAL FEEDBACK OR OPEN ANY CASE/DISPUTE ON EBAY/PAYPAL. Thanks in advance for your patience. We appreciate your positive eBay feedback About us Contact us
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