#Aircon Dirt
rangerhvac · 1 year
We buy many air conditioners for our homes because we want to experience the convenience that comes along, but are we willing to invest in AC maintenance? Many individuals purchase air conditioners but aren’t aware of how to properly take care of them.
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i had shower. i better
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syrupfog · 27 days
Luffy needs a place to crash over the summer because his straw hat crew are all going home or traveling abroad before the new semester starts in the fall. He puts it off to the last minute and ends up claiming a bed in an old half-double with a painted sign reading Polar Tang.
(Is half-double a local term lmao it’s when there’s a house that’s split down the middle into two full houses lmao) 
Fourteen people live here, between three bedrooms on the second floor and two in the attic. It’s absolutely a fire code problem but Luffy’s never been one to care.
(He’s not a fireman YET— not until he can pass the exam). 
Plus, rent is dirt cheap. 200/month and that includes house dinner once a week. 
He moves in with just the duffel bag of clothes, his sleeping bag and his backpack. The guy who’s number he picked up off a telephone pole is the one who answers the door. He’s tall and wide and apologizes for everything; the screen door that’s missing a screen, fireplace that doesn’t work and instead holds all their shoes, the state of the kitchen (dishes are stacked on every surface including the floor).
Luffy feels right at home. Not home like Zoro and Sanji’s place, which is clean and always smells of rubber from Zoro’s dumbbells. Home like with Ace and Sabo in a place that wouldn’t pass a health inspection. 
He grins as they continue on.
Bepo shows him through the bedrooms on the second floor (homemade bunk beds squeeze four to a room) and the tiniest bathroom with a window that looks directly into the neighbor’s shower (“he refuses to put up a curtain so we don’t either” says Bepo.) (“sorry”.)
Then up to the attic, with a sloped bedroom that three mattresses are squished in (two guys in funny hats are asleep on the floor between two mattresses), a second bathroom (“no one is allowed to use that toilet because Shachi’s credit card is wedged in it”), and another bedroom.
“You’ll be in here”, Bepo says, and Luffy can sense the sorry before he says it as he pushes the door open. 
It’s tiny. The ceiling slopes down so low there’s really only three walls. The tallest wall has shelves mounted on it completely covered in action figures.
There’s two mattresses — one bare, one covered in books. And surrounded by stacks of books. And papers. And empty coffee mugs. 
And a guy blearily blinking at the light they’re letting in from the hall. He’s buried between piles of books, his laptop perched on his knees.
“Your roommate!” Bepo squeaks. “Bye guys!” 
He closes the door and slips (noisily) down the stairs. 
“You look like a vampire,” Luffy says. The man looks like he’s never seen sunlight. 
“I’m on a dual pre-med pre-law track,” the man scowls. 
“Cool,” says Luffy.
He dumps his things on the bare mattress. “Robin says I’m a free spirit.” 
The man blinks at him. “Don’t open the window or the raccoon will get in. The aircon doesn’t work in the attic. If you break my Sora figures you will die in your sleep. I’m Trafalgar Law.”
“Hi Traffy! I’m Monkey D Luffy,” says Luffy. He holds out his hand and Law hunches back before awkwardly shaking it. 
Luffy flops back onto the mattress. It smells like frogs. “Hey Traffy,” he says after a moment. Law squints at him. “you seem like someone who would like urb— urban ex— someone who would like to break into buildings.” Luffy looks over at him with a grin. “Wanna explore the underground tunnels on campus?” 
Law scowls. He’s hunched at a 90 degree angle over his papers and books and coffee. He looks murderous. 
“…Yeah.” He says.
Luffy kicks his feet. “This will be a good summer,” he says. 
(He learns quickly that coffee is the only food allowed in their room because of The Ants and The Flies and The Possum). 
(He also learns to take the fall for Law whenever they get caught exploring since Law can’t have a record) 
(Luffy does this gladly) 
(They kiss in an abandoned hospital)
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fuwushiguro · 2 years
All This Fighting Got Me Tired
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Kazutora Hanemiya x f!reader
Genre: Smut Notes: just a lil somethin' somethin' for Snow's sucking off a CEO collab. Go check out everyone's work!! Warnings: 18+, enemies to lovers (i guess), hate sex!, co-worker relationship, fingering, oral (m receiving), head pushing!, vaginal sex, masochism/pain kink, scratching, hair pulling, rough sex, degradation, slight praise, slut shaming, sorta incel vibes idk, choking, creampie, lack of aftercare, smoking. Words: 3k
networks: @planetonet @tometpd
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“Please? Just for a few weeks?” Baji begged. He was prepared to drop to his knees and plead with his best friend if that’s what it took.
“I— no, dude. Even if your sister didn’t get on my last nerve, I’m not in charge of the hiring and firing!” Kazutora responded. He had hoped his lie would be convincing enough to get his friend off his case.
“Liar! You gave Chifuyu a job a few weeks ago.” Baji exclaimed. Kazutora’s eyes screwed shut as he realised what a fatal flaw he’d made. How could he possibly have forgotten that he hired their blonde, third musketeer? “Besides, my sister is a total sweetheart. I’ll never understand what you have against her.”
Only you and he know what you have against him. The reason why you irritate him to no end. He tried to kiss you at a party about a year ago. And you rejected him, hard. It’s not like it was because you were sweet and innocent either. No, Kazutora just wasn’t good enough.
But apparently one of the fucking Haitani brothers was.
“Forget it…” Kazutora mumbled, picking up his skateboard and putting his cap on backwards as he headed towards the exit of the bar he and his friend were in. “Does she even know anything about skating?”
“No, but you can teach her!” Baji beamed, his toothy grin showing off his odd fang. “Anyway… best way to learn is on the job.”
You’ve been working at the skate shop for two weeks now. Kazutora is counting down the days until you hand in your notice and fuck off to whatever school you’re going to. That’s why you’re here. You need a job to save up some cash for when you move away.
He can’t deny the fact that you’re a fast learner. On your first day you didn’t know anything about anything. Three days later you turned up with a head full of knowledge and no need for Kazutora to tell you the ins and outs of skating.
The one thing that’s bothering him, other than a crushing rejection, is your attitude. You’re happy enough when you’re helping customers; but otherwise, you’re miserable and standing around with a bored pout.
Though he somewhat understands.
You wouldn’t bother going to university if you were happy enough working minimum wage jobs like this one. But still, he was nice enough to give you a shot at this job. He didn’t have to, but he did. Only as a favour to Baji. The least you can do is keep off your phone and pretend you want to be here.
“I could fire you for this shit, y’know?” he tells you, barely looking at you as he speaks. Not that you’re looking at him either, too busy texting your friends and making after work plans.
“Did you say something?” you speak, tearing your vision from your phone and smiling widely at your manager.
His face turns to a gorgeous shade of pink that you put down to the heat in the stuffy store. The aircon is on but it’s barely doing enough to cool you while you’re standing still; let alone Kazutora who is keeping active as he works hard to maintain the shop.
“I said, I can fire you.”
“W-Wait, what? Why? Did I do something?” you ask him, your words tumbling out of your mouth as you stand upright and focus on him.
“Your fucking phone! Are you stupid? You shouldn’t be on it at work.” he expresses. He shakes his head and starts to sweep the dirt that has collected on the ground from customers coming in and out all day.
“No. I’m not stupid, sorry. I didn’t think you’d mind while the place is so quiet.” you sigh, tucking your phone into your back pocket and folding your arms across your chest and cocking your hip.
You’re so fucking entitled.
“There’s always something you can be doing,” he tells you, looking around to see what mundane chores he can force you to do. “Make sure all of the displays are perfect. Tidy up the clothes, organise in order of size. Replace missing stock from the backroom. Alphabetise the CDs and records—”
“About that,” you stop him mid-sentence, “Why does a skate shop sell CDs and records?”
“Because it’s cool. It’s different. That’s why we have a coffee shop, too.” he answers, pointing his thumb in the direction of the small little coffee area and Chifuyu smiling as he fills the role of barista. “Speaking of which, you can get your boss a coffee.”
“I’m not your fucking secretary I’m not doing that, get your own coffee Kazutora.” you tell him sternly as you start to retreat into the backroom to begin one of the many jobs he’d told you to be getting on with.
“Strike two, baby. I’m sure you don’t wanna know what happens if you get a third and how disappointed Baji will be when you tell him all about it.” he snidely speaks. Your actions are halted and your hands ball into fists that you hold by your sides.
But, ever the professional, you smile at him and head towards Chifuyu.
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“Missed a spot.”
He points to the ground you’re mopping as best you can. You’ve always known he’s had a problem with you, but since you started working for him this is the most insufferable he’s been. Did using your phone really piss him off that much? Or is it just an excuse? Is he making your life more difficult to make up for the fact he’s missed so many parties, meals, and casual hang outs just because you were going to be there?
What’s his damage?
“Why do you hate me?” you ask him, bluntly, throwing the mop back into the bucket and standing with both hands on your hips. “And don’t say you don’t because we both know that you do.”
“Yeah, I do.”
“Okay, but why?” you press him for further information. You’re in the store working late. Everyone else has gone home but he insisted you stay back and make up for all of the time you wasted on your phone. He’s really got it in for you; and you’re desperate to know why.
“I— you’re annoying.” he weakly responds, not knowing what else to say since the truth will make him sound utterly pathetic. He supposes he is a little.
“I’m annoying… so you hate me? That’s extreme. What have I done to you that’s so annoying?” you keep pressuring him. You aren’t annoying and he fucking knows you aren’t. A little high strung, sure. Kinda bratty, definitely. Maybe even vain and you absolutely think you’re superior to most other people. But annoying? No.
“Stop talking, mop or you’re staying another hour.”
“That’s… illegal… I think. Just tell me and I’ll try to stop! I don’t want you to hate me, you’re my brother’s best friend.” you try and bargain with him. It is returned with gritted teeth and a displeased groan.
“Not everyone loves you, is that so hard to understand? I think you’re a bitch. That’s it. Do your fucking job and shut up.” he bites back and skulks towards the check out counter to lean against it and play on his own phone while he waits for you to hurry up and finish your job so that you can both go home.
“A bitch? That’s a pretty fucking loaded term. What did I do to warrant that?” you push him, joining him behind the counter and standing directly in front of him. He starts to walk away but you follow him, hot on his heels and determined to get an answer.
“Drop it.”
“No, tell me!” you snip back instantly. He keeps quiet and tries to walk away from you but you only end up doing a lap around the store and ending up back behind the counter. “Tell me or I’ll tell Keisuke you called me a bitch!”
“Because you fucked Rin Haitani!” he blurts out and you take a small step back. You look at the ground with furrowed brows and then back up to him as you try and recall such an incident taking place.
“… You mean Ran?” you ask.
“Whatever they’re one in the same.” he mutters back, resting both elbows on the counter and leaning back comfortably with a smirk on his face. “You fucked a Haitani.”
“I’ve never fucked either of them, but I gave Ran a blowjob at a party last year… nothing else happened. But even so, what business is that of yours and why do you care? That’s no reason to hate me or call me names!” you tell him. You’re right, and he knows it. His ego is bruised and he’s too petty of a person to let it go. Any normal person would have let it go, but not him.
“You rejected me to go hook up with that lanky fuck.” he states. He kisses his teeth and stands upright as he fishes around in his pockets for his cigarettes and a lighter.
“For fuck sake.” you laugh, turning away from him and giggling more out of annoyance than amusement. “Did you think for maybe a single second that I didn’t want to hook up with my brother’s best friend while he was there? Huh?”
“So you went and fucked someone else?!”
“Listen, fucker, who and what I do is nothing to do with you. God you’re a pathetic little asshole.” you state. He takes a drag of his cigarette and chuckles back.
You’re right.
But that doesn’t mean he’s going to concede.
“Excuse me?”
“Slut. You’re a fucking slut. You can act high and mighty, smart and above it all as much as you like but at the end of it all you’re just a fucking slut.” he goads you.
Your breathing is erratic and your lips are pulled into a harsh line as you try and keep it together. You decide to get in his face. Really make him uncomfortable while you take him down a notch.
“Even if I didn’t hook up with Ran, I never would have fucked you. Bet you don’t even know how your own dick works.” you comment. He looks at you with an amused smirk before dusting your face with the smoke from his cigarette.
“Babe,” he speaks, repeating the action of puffing smoke across your face before taking another drag. “You don’t know what you’re missing.”
“Nothing. I’m not missing a single God damn thing.”
“Yeah?” he raises a single eyebrow and keeps the same irritating grin on his face as he stares you down.
He stands closer to you. His honey eyes glare into yours as he slowly grabs a handful of your ass and brings your body closer to his. His thigh is between your legs and you gulp lightly at the sensation. You can feel his cock against your own thigh.
“Yeah?” he asks again. You watch him place his cigarette carefully into an ashtray on the top of the counter. Your gaze is stolen from him to observe the way the smoke dances and twirls up to the ceiling. But he lightly touches your chin, bringing you back to him and you can’t help but stare between his eyes and his lips.
And the next thing you know, you’re kissing.
His arms are around your back and yours are around his neck. He skilfully spins you around and holds each of your thighs with both hands, hoisting you up onto the counter without breaking the kiss for a single second. He unbuttons his shirt and you pull your tank top over your head, throwing it God knows where as you wait for him to kiss you again.
It’s all so heated and rushed. Your kissing is clumsy and the way you’re interacting with each other is worse but it’s just so stimulating.
He cups one of your breasts that is being covered by your bra before working his lips down your neck and kissing your collarbone. He nibbles it a little too roughly, but it makes you moan raucously.
His lips return to yours as he fiddles with the metal button on your high waisted jeans. It doesn’t take him too long. Soon enough you’re raising your body to help him pull them and your panties off your body. He kisses you, harder, as he plunges two fingers into your tight heat.
“Ah— fuck!” you pull away to moan. His lips curve against yours as he comes back for more. The stretch is momentarily unpleasant, but he immediately finds his rhythm and the pain subsides into pleasure.
“Little whore, bet you could’a taken three with no prep.” he muses against your kiss. You lick your lips and shake your head, begging eyes imploring him to believe that you aren’t a whore, and you definitely couldn’t take three. Even with prep. “Suckin’ me in. Fuck. You’re so wet…”
He curls his fingers inside of your wet walls and soon enough you’re clawing your acrylics down his back. There isn’t a single complaint from him, though. Only pleasurable moans with each painful scratch on his skin.
He’s good.
Really good.
Too fucking good.
You’re unfurling around him sooner than you had expected. You’re desperately searching for something to grab, anything to hold to stabilise yourself as you cum. Your fingers quickly card through Kazutora’s black and blonde hair and you tug it harshly from the roots. The pulling earns more sounds of pleasure from him, the two of you moaning into each other’s mouths as you try to kiss through your high.
You're blissed out; but he has no intention of letting you rest. You owe him. He pulls you down from the counter by your ankles and swaps your positions. He’s leaning against it again and picks his cigarette back up. The little tobacco stick balances between his lips as he unbuckles his belt and pulls down his trousers and underwear just enough to free his aching cock.
Your jaw almost drops when you see it. He’s hung. Seriously fucking hung and you’re not sure how you’re going to fit it all in your mouth. The tip is red and furious. But it’s also leaking like crazy, desperate for its release.
“Suck it.” he demands.
You nod, lowering onto your knees and holding his thighs to keep him steady. He watches as you take him in your mouth hands free, deep throating him until your gag reflex kicks in. His head drops back in ecstasy as you begin to suck him off. You run your tongue along the underside of his veiny length, and he can hardly believe what a pro you are without use of your hands.
“Fuck… you look so good when you shut the fuck up.” he moans, smoke pouring from his nostrils in shuddered breaths. “Maybe you just need cock more often.” he patronises you.
But you don’t care. You know how good you are at sucking cock, and he won’t last long if you have anything to say about it. You move your hands to his hips and dig your nails into his skin, looking him dead in the eyes as you do.
His mouth widens as he moans like a pornstar, utterly enamoured with you and your mouth and the way you were quick to accommodate his masochistic side.
“F-Fuck, babe, ‘m gonna cum.” he warns you. He puts his free hand on the back of your head and begins to push. A technique to make you blow him faster but also make sure you can’t pull away when he cums.
His salty taste floods your tongue. His tangy essence staining it as you swallow each drop. The way he orgasms is boisterous. So loud as he milks each and every drop into your welcoming mouth. His legs shake as he cums and you feel your chest swell with pride.
“C’mere,” he insists, pulling you up by your wrist and bending you over the counter. He slots his cock inside of you and hisses from oversensitivity. Each movement he makes drives him insane, he thinks he might cry.
But he doesn’t stop.
Instead, he humps his massive cock inside of your velvet walls, determined to make you his property in every sense of the word. You try to cover your mouth, knowing fine well you’re being much too loud. But he grabs your wrists with one hand and pins them into the small of your back.
“Gotta— gotta fucking cum in you.”
“Tora, Tora you’re gonna h-hurt yourself. Fuck…”
“Shut up. Shut up and take it.”
Your walls clamp around him and it’s the beginning of the end. The two of you cum together, your moans coinciding with one another and filling the skate shop with an erotic melody. He uses his free hand to choke you, pulling your back into his chest as he drives himself up against your cervix, drilling every last drop into you that he can.
“Good girl, good fuckin’ girl. Such a good slut f’me.” he praises. He pushes you back down aggressively onto the counter as pulls out of you. A little trickle of watery cum drizzles out of your hole as he tucks himself back into his jeans.
You feel disgusting as you soon realise you won’t be receiving any form of aftercare from him. However, you quickly find your panties and jeans and put them on before sitting on the counter again. You have no clue where your vest is, so you sit in silence in nothing more than jeans and a bra.
Kazutora looks to his side over his shoulder to see you pouting. His best act of kindness is holding his cigarette out to you, offering you the last of it. You stare at it for a moment. Your brother wouldn’t approve. Though you’re sure he wouldn’t approve of you fucking his best friend either.
You take it, inhaling a hearty drag as you decompress from what the fuck just happened.
You figure that if you get fucked like a whore, you may as well smoke like one too.
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© 2022 fuwushiguro
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synthy-sizer · 8 months
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Heresy: Hello?
VitalsStation12B: Hi.
Heresy: Oh good, you're ok
Heresy: Do you have the station data?
VitalsStation12B: I opened the application but I've got to be honest
VitalsStation12B: I don't really understand what it all means or what you want to know
Heresy: Ah, right
Heresy: I'm getting ahead of myself
Heresy: If you open the vitals monitor again and double-click on any of the green dots they will show you more detailed information.
Heresy: Click on whichever one you like for now and tell me what the readout says.
You minimize the window and stare at the desktop once again. They said to look at the VITALS MONITOR again, right?
Open vitals monitor>
You click on the vitals monitor again and the page opens, once again displaying an array of dots along several wedges of a circular map. Only a few are GREEN.
Double-click green dot>
You randomly decide on station 151 and double-click it. A chart opens which has a long CHECKLIST on it. Above the checklist is a large signifier reading "OK".
Look at checklist>
There's a long list of items on the checklist. Most are marked with O but some are marked with X.
Terminal: O
Aircon: O
Lights: O
Ventilation: X
Injection: O
Siren: X
Lights: X
Some of the items listed are familiar to you. You know what air conditioning, lights and ventilation are. And the terminal sounds like the computer you're using. But it's hard to tell what the rest means. Sure, there's a siren on your wall, and there were lights in the tunnel, but what do they have to do with the euthanasia protocol? And what is code 108? Maybe HERESY has answers.
Talk to Heresy>
VitalsStation12B: What's code 108?
Heresy: Ah, so you managed to open up the details
Heresy: Code 108 is exactly what I'm looking for actually
Heresy: Please check any other green stations for that.
VitalsStation12B: Well that's all well and good but
VitalsStation12B: What does code 108 mean?
Heresy: Don't worry, I'll explain everything in time
Heresy: I just need the data first.
You can't say you aren't irked. But there's no real reason not to follow along. You spend your day searching through stations on the vitals monitor and pestering the stranger for answers. Soon enough you check the clock on the computer and realize how much time has passed. You should probably leave before your parents get suspicious. It would be a good idea to make sure HERESY doesn't think you're dead first, though.
Talk to Heresy>
VitalsStation12B: I've got to go home now
Heresy: Ah, yeah, you probably can't afford to rouse suspicion can you?
VitalsStation12B: How do you know so much about me?
VitalsStation12B: Where are you?Heresy: Hm…
Heresy: I wasn't really sure how to tell you, to be honest.
Heresy: What I'm about to tell you is probably going to be a real shock so…
Heresy: Are you ready to hear it?
You sit silently for a moment. You reflect upon everything that's happened to you over the last month. You found a mysterious door in the dirt that goes against everything about your community. You've lied and stolen in pursuit of the truth. And everything since you found the door the entire world feels wrong, like a facsimile of normalcy. The deeper you dive into the rabbit hole, the more wrong it feels. You're afraid of that, obviously, who wouldn't be? But at the same time you don't feel able to go back to the way things were. You need to learn the truth.
VitalsStation12B: Yes. I'm ready.
Heresy: Ok…
Heresy: I'm on Earth right now, what you call Otherside.
Heresy: Everything they've taught you about Luna is a lie.
Heresy: Humanity came from Earth, not Luna.
Heresy: It's safe here.
Heresy: They lied to you.
Heresy: And I'm going to try and help you fix it.
You're surprised by Heresy's words. You struggle to get a grasp of them. It feels like your head is spinning. Everything was a lie…? You might have spiraled entirely out of control, if not for a deeper part of yourself, a small voice telling you that you knew all along. That they're right. That you needed to hear the truth, to face it head on. Your mind may still be swirling, but you feel in control, for maybe the first time ever. You leave a short farewell and climb up the ladder and close the door. And then you walk home, with a new steadfast resolve. You're going to resolve every mystery before you and fix the mistakes. You know you will. You look back at the door one last time and then walk home.
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First Lines
*shakes my fist at you @blackberrywars but like lovingly* I have so many WIPs for so many fandoms it stopped being funny a long time ago. (you see now why it takes me so fucking long to write anything: I'm constantly jumping from thing to thing to thing like a frog on speed)
The first line of any wip longer than a paragraph.
The Witcher:
Later Aiden will look back and curse himself for his lack of concern but as it is it’s nearly a decade before he realizes that he hasn’t seen Kiyan in a while.
Like two strangers adrift on a subway platform after the bars close, Geralt and Eskel are waiting for a train.
You were always going to end up here.
Yennefer said working at the art museum will help Ciri develop “culture” although what pricing coloring books in the museum shop has to do with culture Geralt can’t even begin to guess.
There’s no aircon in the shop and the interior is dark and hot as hell, smelling of dirt and hay and vegetables slowly rotting in their crates.
Novigrad outpost is a sprawling neon jungle clinging gamely to a tiny ball of rock, lonely, in the deep reaches of space.
“That one’s yours” the officer says, pointing across the crowded visitation room to a lean figure in an orange jumpsuit perched precariously on one of the stools along the perspex phone bank.
Later, Eskel will wish he spent more time that morning to just look.
Stranger Things
It’s summer, one of those wide-open days, hazy with humidity which seems to creep by like molasses, delicious and slow.
The other side of the bed is empty. 
It starts as it always does, with the lighting.
It’s less gruesome, turning back, but only slightly.
Hob Gadling has lived for too long to be anything but comfortable in his own company.
SAS: Rogue Heroes
Eoin McGonnigal is a reasonable man.
The Terror
John dreams of seals.
Tagging @queerofthedagger @theowlseye @the-butch-of-blaviken @justleaf @camilleisback @pudentilla @softest-punk and everyone else who sees this because I'm a horrible person and I fundamentally Can Not remember who of my moots are writers/open to being tagged in things like this. (Also if you wanna let me know for the future please lmk on this post -- I feel like I should start a list...)
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ec-aircon-singapore · 4 months
Your Perfect Aircon Maintenance For The Year 2024
In Singapore's tropical climate, aircon maintenance is essential to the durability, energy efficiency, and peak performance of your cooling equipment. Here are some vital upkeep pointers:
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Continual Cleaning: To maintain enough circulation and avoid dust accumulation, which can lower performance and air quality, clean or replace air filters every one to two months.
Maintenance of Outdoor Units: Maintain the outside unit tidy and clear of dirt, leaves, and branches. To allow for enough airflow, make sure there is at least two feet of space surrounding the unit.
Verify the refrigerant levels. A leak or other problems may be indicated by insufficient refrigerant. If necessary, have a qualified technician check and replenish the refrigerant levels.
Examine and Clean Coils: Dirt and debris buildup on evaporator and condenser coils over time can lower efficiency. Make an appointment for routine cleaning by a qualified technician.
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Examine and Clear the Condensate Drain: A clogged condensate drain can lower interior humidity levels and result in water damage. To avoid clogs, regularly check and clean the drain line.
Examine Fan Blades: Look for any damage or obstructions on the fan blades. Damaged or bent blades can reduce efficiency and airflow.
Plan Professional Maintenance: You should think about making an appointment with a licenced HVAC professional for yearly maintenance. They are able to provide comprehensive tune-ups and inspections and spot possible problems before they become serious.
Make Use of an Adjustable Thermostat: When the aircon is not needed, use a programmable thermostat to effectively control the temperature and save electricity.
Monitor Performance: Keep an eye out for any strange smells, sounds, or variations in the cooling system's functionality. Make quick work of any problems by getting in touch with a qualified specialist aircon system.
You can guarantee that your  runs effectively and dependably, offering comfort all year long, according to these maintenance recommendations.
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ayafaairconservice · 1 year
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Breathe Easy: The Benefits of Aircon Chemical Wash
In a hot and humid country like Singapore, air conditioning is not just a luxury, but a necessity. However, like any other machine, air conditioners require regular maintenance to function at their best. While aircon servicing and repair are commonly known, not many people are aware of the benefits of Aircon Chemical Wash. Here are a few points on why aircon chemical wash is essential:
Improved Air Quality
Air conditioners are not just for cooling down the room, but they also filter the air by removing dust, allergens, and other pollutants. Over time, these contaminants accumulate in the aircon unit & reduce its effectiveness. With aircon chemical wash, these pollutants are effectively removed, leading to cleaner and fresher air.
Energy Efficiency
Dirty aircon units have to work harder to cool down the room, leading to higher energy consumption and higher electricity bills. Aircon chemical wash removes the dirt and grime from the coils, fins, and other parts of the unit, improving its efficiency and reducing energy consumption.
Prolonged Lifespan
Regular aircon chemical wash not only improves the air quality and energy efficiency of the unit but also extends its lifespan. Dirty aircon units put more strain on the machine, leading to premature wear and tear. With proper maintenance by Aircon Servicing Singapore, aircon units can last for years, reducing the need for costly repairs and replacements.
Cost-Effective Solution
Aircon chemical wash is a cost-effective solution that provides numerous benefits for your aircon unit. It is an affordable and efficient way to maintain your air conditioner's performance and extend its lifespan. Additionally, it is more affordable than costly aircon repairs or replacements. Aircon chemical wash is an essential part of aircon maintenance that helps improve air quality, and energy efficiency and prolongs the unit's lifespan. In Singapore, where air conditioning is a necessity, it is crucial to maintain your aircon units regularly to ensure they function optimally. Contact your nearest Aircon repair Singapore to schedule a chemical wash for your air conditioner today
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lovromajers · 1 year
SHAM!!!!! if u could write a little paragraph titled 'shamcore' what would be in it 👀💖
to be honest, the shamcore of the past weeks has been unnecessarily stressing about exams and it being a 50/50 chance if I'm excellent or almost fail....but let me get the vibe let me check
i wrote so much i had to put it under a readmore :/
ive been listening to all i care about from Chicago for the past 2 hours, I've bought a potted coffea arabica plant and its in a coffee mug and sitting on my desk rn, i have been maladaptive daydreaming a lot lately, I've developed a new world (i cannot tell you about, cringe) ..... hm i think of stars but the like ✦ this one a lot like an unhealthy amount i sometimes plan on what i will have to think about a bit longer to understand (i recently spend a few minutes thinking about reflective surfaces and also i have been planning to think about fridges but i NEVER have the TIME ugh!!) i think about my house in Croatia that is cold and can be only heated by the aircon and I'm so exited because i have a double bed there i think about plants whose roots are visible because they are in glasses (because flies infect our neighbourhood and if i have plants in dirt they lay their eggs there ..) also i think about walks and walking and the cold and the sun and the wind and being shaped by everything around you...i think about pouring 30 hours into okami again and again I'm thinking about an overheated laptop running 4 illegally downloaded games i am always thinking about the endless ocean franchise and how i would design the perfect 3rd game I'm thinking about 40 nail polishes I'm thinking about stars again no wait I'm thinking about the deep ocean again also nihilism I've been thinking about the meaning of life a lot you know just in general.....those thoughts are also happening in my scheduled thinking time...you know I've recently found just thinking about stuff enjoyable, just figuring stuff out, it calms me a lot....I've begun hating a lot again but its all legitimate also I've been thinking about shapes not ✦ but simple dots and triangles and hearts and medieval fashion such as armour and dresses about indo european potterware about the simplicity of prehistoric life of humanity and our place in the world I've been hoping a lot lately but also not caring i think i sometimes still feel my brain developing and it makes me feel uneasy... i love comparing random items too (designated thinking time) I'm thinking about touching stone and dirt and smelling every flower i see i am very close to complimenting strangers but I'm still uneasy about that I've been deeply imprinted and now I feel paranoia constantly also all i want has been playing this entire time I'm supposed to be studying ethics rn i am so sorry but i truly believe this is what shamcore is in its core
in one picture? ✦ and yellow and blue and purple and ancient patterns and modern light and the ocean and the forests and rivers who are ancient and will never go away
wait theres also 10 fandoms on my mind all the time
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fgrobichiko · 2 years
Case 2022F - Gap in Employment
[Subject: an unusual hole discovered in Surrey]
"Begin recording. So this is it, I assume."
"Yes, definitely more regular and... angular than I typically expect a hole."
"And you can't see in it."
"Yes, that too."
"Pretty fucked up if you ask me."
"So it was like this when you got here? Hasn't grown or anything?"
"Yeah, I first noticed it because that's where the aircon usually sits. I'd typically smoke behind it. I don't know, the things you have to do these days."
"Indeed. And you're the only one who's seen it?"
"As far as I'm aware. Can't say if anyone came by before me."
"Yes. Must remember to get the CCTV."
"Good luck. Cams haven't worked for years."
"What did you say your job was?"
"I just do maintenance."
"And they have you here permanently, do they?"
"Saves writing a new bill every time I guess."
"And how long have you been working with [REDACTED]?"
[the conversation continues for several minutes, outlying the witness' employment history]
"Did you hear that?"
"Hold on, let me just-"
"Oh blimey, it's bigger."
"Yes, I think so. Did you do anything?"
"I just flicked me cig-"
"Into it???"
"Yeah, I guess I-"
"Get back to the street. I'm calling in an evac team. This just- what was that?"
[There is the sound of something scuffling in the dirt. Grit is displaced and there is a sound like a small flame. The witness is heard shouting.]
"AH, little bastard-"
"What? What did it do? Did it get you?"
"Fuck, right in the eye, can't believe the state of-"
[Recording ends. The witness, [REDACTED] was apparently hit with the flaming end of his cigarette, thrown from inside the hole with some force. The witness was taken into custody where he unfortunately was found, turned entirely to ash, several hours later. The anomalous hole [REDACTED, see notes 1.1c and on]. The site has been purchased and fortified by Foundation assets.]
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aircon-express · 8 days
Professional Aircon Cleaning in Singapore by Aircon Express
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Ensure optimal performance and longevity for your air conditioning units with professional aircon cleaning Singapore services by Aircon Express. Our expert technicians meticulously clean and sanitize your AC system, removing dirt, dust, and bacteria to improve indoor air quality. With our comprehensive cleaning process, you can enjoy cooler, cleaner air while prolonging the lifespan of your AC units. Don't compromise on your comfort and health. Trust Aircon Express for reliable and efficient aircon cleaning Singapore. Contact us today to schedule your cleaning appointment and experience the difference!
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uniqueaircon · 11 days
Comprehensive AC Service in Delhi by Unique Aircon
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Welcome to Unique Aircon, your one-stop destination for top-notch AC services in Delhi. We take pride in offering a wide range of air conditioning services designed to keep your home and office cool, comfortable, and energy-efficient. Whether you need routine maintenance, repairs, or a deep clean, our team of experienced professionals is here to deliver the best experience possible.
Why Choose Unique Aircon?
Unique Aircon stands out as a premier AC service provider in Delhi for several reasons. Our dedication to excellence and customer-centric approach sets us apart from the competition. Here are the key reasons to choose Unique Aircon for all your air conditioning needs:
1. Expertise and Experience
● Skilled Technicians: Our team comprises highly trained and experienced technicians who are proficient in handling all types of AC systems. Whether it’s a routine maintenance check, a complex repair, or an installation, our experts ensure the job is done right the first time.
● Industry Knowledge: With years of experience in the AC service industry, we stay updated with the latest technologies and best practices, ensuring your AC unit receives top-notch care.
2. Comprehensive Service Range
● Full Spectrum of Services: From anti-rust deep cleaning to complex repairs and installations, we offer a comprehensive range of services tailored to meet your specific needs. Our services include deep cleaning, maintenance, repairs, check-ups, gas leak fixing, and more.
● Specialized Care: We handle all types of AC units, including split, cassette, and ductable systems, ensuring each type receives the specialized care it requires.
3. Customer-Centric Approach
● Tailored Solutions: We understand that every customer’s needs are unique. Our services are customized to address the specific requirements of your AC system, ensuring optimal performance and longevity.
● Customer Satisfaction: Our top priority is your satisfaction. We work closely with our clients, offering transparent communication and reliable solutions to ensure you are completely satisfied with our services.
4. Authorized Service Center
● Mitsubishi Heavy Industries: We are the authorized mega service center for Mitsubishi Heavy Industries for Delhi & NCR. This authorization signifies our commitment to quality and adherence to stringent service standards.
● Trusted by Leading Brands: We provide services to leading electronics retail chains like Electronics Paradise and Mahajan Electronics, as well as large institutions, banks, builders, and corporates. This trust from major brands and institutions underscores our reliability and expertise.
5. Quality and Reliability
● Top-Notch Materials and Tools: We use only the best tools and materials for all our services, ensuring high-quality and durable results.
● Attention to Detail: Our meticulous approach to every job ensures that no detail is overlooked, providing thorough and effective service every time.
6. Competitive Pricing
● Affordable Rates: We offer competitive pricing on all our services without compromising on quality. Our transparent pricing ensures you receive excellent value for your investment.
● No Hidden Costs: We believe in honest and transparent dealings. There are no hidden costs or surprises; what you see is what you get.
7. Convenience and Accessibility
● Easy Booking: Booking our services is simple and convenient. You can contact us via phone or visit our website to schedule an appointment.
● Prompt Service: We value your time and strive to provide prompt and efficient service, minimizing any disruption to your daily routine.
Here’s a closer look at what we offer:
Our Range of AC Services in Delhi
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1. Anti-rust Deep Clean AC Service
Dust, dirt, and rust can significantly impact the efficiency and lifespan of your AC unit. Our anti-rust deep clean service is designed to remove all traces of rust, dust, and other contaminants from your system. This service not only improves the cooling efficiency but also extends the life of your AC unit.
2. Deep Clean AC Service
Regular cleaning is crucial for maintaining optimal performance and air quality. Our deep clean AC service targets every part of your AC unit, including filters, coils, and fins, to ensure that your system is free from dirt and debris. We offer deep cleaning for various types of AC units, including split, cassette, and ductable ACs.
3. Maintenance & Repair
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Routine maintenance is essential to keep your AC running smoothly and efficiently. Our comprehensive maintenance and repair services include:
● AC Check-up: A thorough inspection of all components to detect and fix any issues early on.
● Gas Leak Fixing and Refill: Identifying and repairing gas leaks, followed by a refrigerant refill to restore optimal cooling.
● PCB Checking & Replacement: Ensuring that the electrical components of your AC system are functioning correctly.
● Cooling Coil Replacement: Replacing damaged or malfunctioning cooling coils to restore efficient cooling performance.
● Condensing Coil Replacement: Replacing faulty condensing coils to ensure optimal heat exchange and efficient cooling.
● Compressor Replacement: Replacing failing compressors to restore proper cooling function.
Benefits of Choosing Unique Aircon for Your AC Services
● . Our team consists of highly skilled and experienced technicians who are trained to handle all types of AC issues.
● Quality Service: We use only the best tools and materials to ensure that every job is completed to the highest standard.
● Customer Satisfaction: Our top priority is customer satisfaction. We work closely with our clients to understand their needs and provide tailored solutions.
● Competitive Pricing: We offer competitive pricing on all our services without compromising on quality.
Book Your AC Service Today!
Don’t let the summer heat get the best of you. Ensure your AC system is in top-notch condition with Unique Aircon. For reliable and efficient AC service in Delhi, contact us today to schedule an appointment. Visit our website at www.uniqueairconofficial.com for more information.
Contact Information
For inquiries and bookings, please call us at +91 9999598725. Let Unique Aircon keep you cool and comfortable this summer!
By integrating the specified keywords and offering detailed information about our services, this blog content aims to attract potential customers searching for AC services in Delhi, ensuring they choose Unique Aircon for all their air conditioning needs.
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letscoolairconsg · 11 days
Aircon Chemical Wash
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Aircon chemical wash is a deep cleaning process that involves using specialized chemicals to remove stubborn dirt, grime, and mold from the internal parts of an air conditioning system. This process is necessary when regular maintenance is not enough to keep the system running efficiently.
During an aircon chemical wash, a professional technician will dismantle the air conditioning unit and apply chemical solutions to clean the coils, filters, and other components. This process helps to improve the system's airflow, cooling capacity, and overall performance.
When it comes to aircon chemical wash, Letscool Aircon Company is the best choice. Their team of experienced technicians is well-trained in using the latest techniques and equipment to provide a thorough cleaning of your air conditioning system.
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mthhomerepair · 13 days
Air Conditioning Maintenance Service in Dubai
Introduction: Air condition maintenance service Dubai
In the sweltering heat of Dubai, air conditioning isn’t always just a luxurious—it is a necessity for comfort and well-being. Air condition maintenance service Dubai. However, to make certain your AC system operates correctly and reliably, normal protection is important. Professional air conditioning protection services play a vital function in retaining your cooling device in pinnacle condition, providing you with uninterrupted comfort at some stage in the 12 months. In this newsletter, we will explore the importance of aircon protection provider in Dubai and the important thing blessings it gives.
The Importance of Air Conditioning Maintenance:
Dubai’s severe temperatures placed giant strain on air con systems, leading to put on and tear over time. Regular preservation facilitates save you breakdowns, extends the lifespan of your AC unit, and guarantees highest quality performance when you want it maximum. By addressing minor troubles earlier than they increase, preservation carrier saves you time, money, and soreness in the end.
Benefits of Regular Maintenance: Air condition maintenance service Dubai
Improved Energy Efficiency: A properly-maintained AC device operates greater effectively, reducing power intake and decreasing utility payments. Regular cleansing and tuneusahelp optimize overall performance, making sure your AC operates at top performance.
Enhanced Indoor Air Quality: Clean filters and coils are vital for retaining healthful indoor air pleasant. Routine protection eliminates dirt, dirt, and allergens from the gadget, preventing them from circulating all through your house or workplace. Air condition maintenance service Dubai
Preventive Maintenance: Scheduled protection permits technicians to perceive and address capacity issues earlier than they result in high priced repairs. By changing worn components and lubricating transferring additives, preservation service enables prevent breakdowns and prolongs the lifespan of your AC unit.
Consistent Comfort: With regular upkeep, you could expect your AC machine to supply constant cooling overall performance year-round. Whether it is the scorching summer time months or milder winters, a well-maintained AC gadget guarantees comfort and remedy from the heat.
Five. Warranty Compliance: Many AC producers require regular maintenance to keep warranties valid. By adhering to manufacturer pointers, you may avoid voiding your guarantee and ensure coverage for any surprising repairs.
Choosing the Right Maintenance Service: Air condition maintenance service Dubai
When deciding on an air conditioning upkeep provider in Dubai, remember the subsequent elements:
Experience and Expertise: Choose a enterprise with a proven song file in AC renovation and a crew of certified technicians talented in servicing various AC manufacturers and fashions.
Comprehensive Services: Look for a upkeep carrier that offers a complete range of offerings, including cleansing, inspection, track-ups, and upkeep, to cope with all of your AC maintenance wishes.
Prompt Response: Opt for a carrier provider that gives prompt scheduling and bendy appointment instances to house your busy time table. Air condition maintenance service Dubai
Transparent Pricing: Ensure the employer presents obvious pricing without a hidden costs, permitting you to price range for upkeep prices efficiently. Air condition maintenance service Dubai
Customer Satisfaction: Read evaluations and testimonials from previous customers to gauge the fine of provider provided by the maintenance organisation.
Air Conditioning Maintenance Service Dubai: Your Trusted Partner in AC Care
At Air Conditioning Maintenance Service Dubai, we apprehend the significance of a well-maintained AC gadget to your comfort and comfort. With years of experience in the enterprise, our group of skilled technicians is committed to presenting reliable and efficient upkeep offerings tailored for your needs. Whether you require recurring protection, emergency repairs, or gadget enhancements, we’ve the know-how and sources to hold your AC system going for walks smoothly. Air condition maintenance service Dubai
Contact Us: Air condition maintenance service Dubai
Address: Al Sufouh – Al Sufouh 2 – Dubai – United Arab Emirates
Phone: +971567142997
Conclusion: Air condition maintenance service Dubai
Don’t wait until your AC device breaks all the way down to are looking for renovation services. Trust Air Conditioning Maintenance Service Dubai to preserve your cooling device in most reliable situation, ensuring you stay cool and snug in Dubai’s difficult climate. With our expert preservation offerings and commitment to purchaser satisfaction, you may revel in peace of mind knowing your AC device is in succesful hands. Schedule your upkeep appointment today and breathe clean knowing your AC is nicely cared for.
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kalidasdeziner · 16 days
Beat the Heat: Essential Aircon Maintenance Tips for a cooler Singapore Summer
As the sweltering Singaporean summer approaches, ensuring your air conditioning system is in top-notch condition becomes paramount. Neglecting aircon maintenance can lead to a slew of common problems like reduced cooling efficiency, water leakage, foul odours, and annoying noises. 
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Fear not! With the right maintenance regimen, you can keep your aircon running smoothly throughout the hottest months. Let's delve into some essential maintenance tips to keep your cool this summer.
Understanding Common Aircon Problems:
Before we talk about how to take care of your aircon, it's important to understand the common issues it can have. From not cooling well to leaks and strange smells, aircons can face various problems. By learning about these issues, you can better deal with them and keep your aircon running smoothly.
Reduced Cooling Efficiency: When your aircon starts blowing warm air instead of the refreshing cool breeze you crave, several factors could be to blame. From a malfunctioning compressor to insufficient refrigerant levels or even something as simple as clogged air filters, a myriad of issues can lead to reduced cooling efficiency.
Water Leakage: Nothing dampens the spirits quite like water leakage from your aircon unit. This pesky problem is often caused by clogged drain pipes, a malfunctioning condensate pump, or poor installation practices.
Foul Odours: If your aircon is emitting foul odours reminiscent of a neglected gym locker, mould or bacterial growth within the unit could be the culprit. The humid climate in Singapore creates the perfect breeding ground for these unwelcome guests.
Noise Issues: Strange noises emanating from your aircon unit can range from annoying buzzing to alarming grinding sounds. These auditory disturbances may indicate anything from worn-out components to loose parts or debris obstructing vital machinery.
Compressor Problems: The compressor serves as the heart of your aircon system, and any issues with this vital component can have dire consequences. From erratic cooling to frequent cycling or complete system failure, compressor problems are not to be taken lightly.
Aircon Error Codes: Modern aircon units are equipped with sophisticated diagnostic systems that display error codes when something goes awry. Understanding these codes can provide valuable insights into the health of your aircon system.
AC Thermistor Problems: The thermistor plays a crucial role in regulating the temperature within your aircon unit. When this component malfunctions, you may experience erratic cooling, overheating, or other temperature-related issues.
Wide Range of Services:
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There are comprehensive suite of services designed to address every facet of aircon maintenance and repair:
Aircon General Service: A regular servicing session involves a meticulous inspection, cleaning, and lubrication of key components to ensure optimal performance and longevity.
Aircon Chemical Wash: For stubborn dirt, grime, and mould buildup, a chemical wash offers a deep-cleaning solution that targets the evaporator coils, condenser coils, and other internal components.
Aircon Chemical Overhaul: In cases of severe contamination or mould infestation, a chemical overhaul provides a thorough cleaning and disinfection process, along with the replacement of worn-out parts.
Aircon Steam Cleaning: Harnessing the power of high-temperature steam, this cleaning method effectively eliminates stubborn dirt, grease, and bacteria, resulting in improved air quality and performance.
Aircon Repair: Diagnose and repair a wide range of aircon issues, including compressor failures, refrigerant leaks, electrical faults, and component replacements.
Aircon Gas Top-Up: Low refrigerant levels can compromise cooling efficiency and lead to system damage. Gas top-up services offer to replenish refrigerant levels and restore optimal performance.
Proactive Maintenance Tips:
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In addition to the invaluable benefits of professional servicing, taking proactive maintenance measures can make all the difference in optimising your aircon's performance, safeguarding against common problems, and ensuring an extended lifespan for your unit. By incorporating these simple yet effective practices into your routine, including aircon maintenance Singapore, you can enjoy uninterrupted comfort and peace of mind throughout Singapore's sweltering summer months and beyond.
Regular Filter Cleaning and Replacement: Dirty or clogged air filters hinder airflow and diminish cooling efficiency. Make it a habit to clean or replace your aircon filters every month to ensure peak performance and indoor air quality.
Clear Surroundings: Keep the area around your outdoor unit free from debris, vegetation, and obstructions to facilitate proper airflow and heat dissipation, thereby preventing overheating and system strain.
Monitor for Unusual Signs: Stay vigilant for any unusual sounds, smells, or performance issues with your aircon unit. Addressing these warning signs promptly can prevent minor issues from escalating into major repairs or system failures.
Schedule Annual Inspections: Regular inspections by technicians can identify potential issues early on, allowing for timely repairs and maintenance to prevent breakdowns and ensure uninterrupted comfort.
With Singapore's scorching summers, a well-maintained air conditioning system is a necessity rather than a luxury. EC aircon's comprehensive range of services, coupled with proactive maintenance measures, ensures your aircon remains your oasis of cool comfort. Don't let common aircon problems dampen your summer spirits—stay ahead of the curve with regular maintenance from EC aircon.
Remember, a little aircon maintenance goes a long way in keeping your aircon running smoothly, so you can beat the heat and enjoy a cool, comfortable summer in Singapore. Keep your cool all summer long by scheduling your next aircon servicing appointment with EC aircon today! For inquiries, feel free to call us at +65 8143 5055. Don't let the heat get the best of you – trust EC Aircon to keep your aircon running smoothly and your comfort guaranteed."
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fastaircond · 2 months
Commercial Aircon Servicing in KL                                                                                            
Maintaining optimal indoor temperatures is crucial for businesses to thrive in the bustling metropolis of Kuala Lumpur (KL), where the heat and humidity can be relentless. Commercial aircon servicing systems are pivotal in ensuring comfort for employees and customers. These units are complex and sophisticated, designed to cool large spaces efficiently. Many commercial air conditioning systems come with warranties that require regular servicing to remain valid. Professional maintenance ensures compliance with warranty terms, protecting your investment and providing peace of mind. During maintenance, air filters, coils, and other components are cleaned to remove dust, dirt, and debris that can hinder performance. Lubricating moving parts and tightening electrical connections are also necessary to keep the system in good working condition.
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