#Airport Hopper
gayofthefae · 1 month
The fact that Mike canonically didn't shut up about Will in front of the party when he was hiding. He only pretended relative to or in front of El. Because we know he doesn't perform alone with Will. And we know he's fine even in front of Jonathan, and even Argyle. And he vented about Will not picking up so much Dustin got fed up with it.
He only hid around El.
They would have hugged if she hadn't been there.
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will80sbyers · 10 months
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fruity-cleric · 2 years
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ah that fateful day
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katimanki · 1 year
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I got an iPad and I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing👍🏻
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How they should have hugged because what the fuck was that that wasn't even a hug:
Mike *pounces on Will and squeezes the living daylights out of him*
Will *hugs back at first but then stops*:M-Mike...my ribs. You're gonna break them
Mike *continues to hug him, even picks him up and spins him around*: Good
El, Argyle, and Jonathan:
Argyle: So are they dating?
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considermeadream12 · 2 years
The awkwardness of the airport scene is killing me, but it's so freaking funny how every single character goes into the scene with such high expectations and excitement and just ends up being disappointed lol.
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El is disappointed to see that Mike didn't express his love on the card, Will gets refused a hug, Mike is jealous that the painting doesn't seem to be for him, Argyle is disappointed about Mike's shirt just being a "shitty knock-off" and Jonathan is stressed about hearing from Nancy (or disappointed that Mike doesn't have any news from her).
The person being disappointed also continues to do the same with another member of the group, they form such a chain ahahaha.
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Referring to dad shirts as 'blouses' to introduce the general populace to the sheer fraility and performance aspect of gender roles
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mikeslawyer · 1 year
will, el, look at the picture; THIS is your man???????
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bugsbenefit · 2 years
i'm still hung up on how El and Mike didn't kiss in s4 anymore after the peck in the airport (which was also cut off by Mike shoving flowers in front of him and telling El to back up so she doesn't squish them). like. yes that is a Statement to make for any couple on a show... but that's also just genuinely insane for them, by Their standard
it completely subverts their relationship dynamic we've seen. had this been any other couple on the show it would still be a bad sign for them but it wouldn't stand out so much. but they made out on screen Twice in s3. on Two Separate Occasions. so this was clearly NORMAL for them. people Complained about them just kissing even the Audience did, it was kind of a running joke back then. but then come s4 and neither of them even try to initiate it anymore? not even before they get into their fight? does kissing just not do it for them anymore? why? (they're both ga-)
Mike got that Horribly uncomfortable kiss he didn't want at the end of s3 and went "okay, so that was enough of that forever now😁👍"? and El Also didn't bother anymore? she might have been mad about the "From Mike" thing but she still wanted to have a cute date but kissing clearly never came up regardless
they don't try to initiate anything. not even when reuniting in the desert, which would feel like the most Natural moment to kiss, from relief, closeness, being separate for a while, etc. but no. neither of them leans in. neither of them seems to have interest in kissing each other anymore
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pressing their foreheads together and hugging is enough. that's the closeness they want. kissing doesn't even seem to cross either of their minds there's not even a millisecond glance down to lips at any point
s4 was the final nail in the coffin for them. but the fact that the season already Started with the downgrade form making out as the opening of s3 to quick peck on the lips sometime in e2 that Mike stops and neither ever try to repeat... okay
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crush-like-that · 1 year
this whole airport scene has me screaming Will goes in for a proper hug because he's so fucking happy that Mike is in Lenora. Like, do you see that smile. And then Mike completely ruins it because like Man What Just I can't even (listen I know it's the internalized homophobia and I'm def going to fend for Mike here in a second) But then as El and Mike are talking, Will is completely thrown off by the fact that his sister has not only been lying to Mike, but lying to him by simply not telling him things. Completely thrown off, left out of the loop, what the hell, this is his sister and best friend and he was not at all ready for this. But then the painting. The damn painting, the thing that came from the very depths of his heart, his just disregards it. Says it's nothing. Crumples it up. Mans is jealous. Will is hurt.
But then, there's the part of me that loves Mike for the little shit he is. So I have to stand up for him, even if I'm the one berating him. We know that that he had tried to call Will alot, because of Dusting saying that he had tried calling and was whining because the line was busy. So he cares alot, cares enough to whine and complain constantly. Mike sees this as Will trying to put distance between the two, reason one why he's so fucking awkward with Will. Reason two, which is literally just me leaning into byler and is not at all based on fact. But Will has grown alot and that is so so obvious. Obvious to the girls at school. Obvious to the people around him. Obvious to Mike. That last day that the Byers were in Hawkins, Mike had realized something was a bit different, if not in the way he spoke to Will, but in the way he interacted with El. And now, seeing Will all grown up, looking nervous and hopeful and all those other good things, Mike doesn't know what to do with himself. Those few fleeting thoughts that pass through his head, the ones he refuses to acknowledge because they're wrong, catch him so off guard that he finds himself unable to act normally around Will.
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gayofthefae · 7 months
Thinking about El's behavior throughout the roller rink day and a memory was just sparked on a thought I had on my first watch because I reheard the hilariously sibling-y line [Do you come here a lot?] "Yeah" "No" "....Will does not."
But it reminded me of my thought upon first seeing that, looking back I can put into words what it was. She doesn't just seem like she's lying to Mike, she seems like she's trying to impress him. With the knowledge of the "From"s, it gives reason that she isn't just pretending like everything is normal, she's trying to keep him. She feels threatened, worried for her relationship and this is an attempt at that.
But more importantly, and I didn't track why the first time: The comment puts down Will. I'm not hating on her for this - again, I think it's funny - but the fact of the matter is it does. And it always felt weirdly competitive to me. I know context makes it more of an excuse but just that subtle nature of "I'm invited here and have friends Will isn't", even if it was prompted by his comment, felt that way. Because don't forget, she ignores Will too: "I want today to be about me and you". Maybe the reason for his exclusion isn't purely his knowledge of her social situation(, which he hasn't even commented on yet). And now, in retrospect, realizing that not only has Mike not been saying "love", but she "think[s] there is someone [Will] likes," it fits together.
She clearly didn't know when she wrote the letter but maybe she started to notice at the airport. Because she had all the information the audience came to have: Will has a crush; Mike can't tell El he loves her; Mike is acting weird around Will.
Who knows...maybe she put it together. Not confidently, but enough to tie her insecurity to Will. Maybe she's worried it's the reason, maybe she's worried if their relationship isn't sturdy he'll leave her for Will once he thinks of it, who knows, but even as tiny, hesitant inkling of a doubt, that can be enough for her to try and rebuild one on one and not with Will.
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will80sbyers · 10 months
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fruity-cleric · 2 years
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El <3
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I firmly believe El actually knows that the painting is for Mike. Like when she sent the letter mentioning it, she thought it was for a girl and probably teased Will about it trying to figure out who it was. But once he brought it to the airport, she had to question him on that and why else would he take it to meet Mike if it wasn't for him?
She probably doesn't interpret it as romantic and just thinks she was wrong originally.
But then next season, when Mike and El finally talk and break up, she's going to mention the painting completely unprompted and reveal she had nothing to do with it. Sending Mike into a very confused, paniced state.
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