#Aitana Bonmati imagine
leahswife · 6 months
snuggles, cuddles and struggles
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summary: aitana is a touchy person. she particularly likes to touch you. you have a crush and don't know how to deal with it. neither do your teammates.
the first time it happened, it took you by surprise. it wasn't that much of a big deal really, you and your team were on the bus back to the hotel after a match and you were all pretty exhausted. but when aitana lays her head on your shoulder and starts to doze off, there's a little nervous flutter that settles in your chest.
you knew aitana was not afraid to show affection, often clinging herself to keira or Ingrid but that wasn't the same situation for you. you could be affectionate with those you were close to, but often withheld being too touchy in fear of making others uncomfortable. 
this particular situation, however, was even more stressful to you as it had to do with aitana. the crush you had on the brunette was now holding you hostage, making you conscious of your every move or breath to not risk waking her up. what if aitana got uncomfortable, what if your shoulder was too bony, what if you forgot to put on deodorant after the quick shower? 
you looked over and aitana was breathing peacefully, eyes closed and asleep. you took a deep breath and pushed your unpleasant thoughts away, however you did not move an inch the whole ride back.
slowly but surely, you got used to having aitana attach herself to you. not too long after the bus nap on your shoulder, the girl was right at your side whenever it got too cold, holding on to your arm and pressing her cheek onto your shoulder to try and keep herself warm. she would grab your hand any time you were walking ahead of her to catch up with you. but the worst part was the nights out.
one night the whole team decided to go out for a very much needed break and within no time, drinks were being passed around the table you were all on. 
after a little while, some were on the dance floor and others by the bar just chatting. you were sat by the table, laughing with claudia and patri as you watched ingrid scolding mapi for jumping too much when she's still recovering from her latest injury, when suddenly a body drops on your lap.
"phew! it's too hot in here!" aitana huffed as she wrapped one arm around your neck and the other fanned her hand towards her face to cool down a bit. she was sitting sideways on your lap, without seemingly any care in the world while you just looked stunned. 
your ears quickly caught notice of the giggles coming from patri and claudia's way. you sent them a glare and gulped down the rest of your drink so you could feel a little more confident. you already had a little buzz going on so you tentatively put one of your hands on aitana's thigh and the other on her hip. this must have seemed like an invitation considering that it made aitana wrap both arms around your neck and wiggle on your lap to get closer to you.
"i'm tired." she groaned. you let out a small laugh and tapped her thigh, "well, when you're running around a field for 90 minutes and then dance throughout the night, i think it's bound to make you tired." aitana frowned at you, "but i have a lot of stamina." 
"why don't you go home and show her some of that stamina, chica?" patri shouted across the table, laughter in her voice. your eyes shoot daggers at the mallorquina whereas aitana looked confused. "qué?" aitana shouts back, clearly clueless of patri's suggestion. "don't mind her." you rolled your eyes and with some alcohol induced confidence, you grabbed aitana's jaw to turn her head back to you.
she was the one to look surprised now, eyes flickering to your lips and back to your eyes in a second. once you realized the position you had put yourself in, you tried to brush it off by gently shaking her head and letting go of her jaw, "by now you should know some of our teammates aren't the brightest." you smirked as patri's "hey!" can be heard. but aitana continued looking at you, seemingly breathless as what seemed like realization came across her face.
aitana cleared her throat and stood up "i should go home." she said, grabbing her purse in an haste. "but you were drinki-" you're cut off as aitana quickly states that ingrid and mapi are leaving and will take her. you watched her leave with a confused look and slightly anxious you went too far.
after that night, aitana appeared to back off her touching completely. well, off of you. now she went to keira to warm herself up or laid her head on ona's shoulder when she was tired. speaking to you also appeared to be a hard effort on her part and every time she would walk past you in the changing room without even a glance, you would sink back down on your cubbie like a kicked puppy. 
lucy had noticed both of your changes in behaviour, aitana's withdrawal and your yearning looks from afar. well, that last one had always been there but now it was just sad to watch. she sat down next to you and put her arm around your shoulders, "what's up, kid?" she asked, concerned. "nothing, grandma, what's up with you?" you shifted your gaze from aitana to lucy, an amused smile slowly forming on your face. lucy's worried look rapidly changed into a gloomy one, "ha ha, you're so funny. did i ever tell you you could be a comedian?" she said, sarcasm rolling off of her tongue as she pushed your shoulder. you giggled, "yes, you have. is your memory declining that fast?". she mocked your phrase, "iS yOuR MemOrY dEcLin– shut up." you gave her an innocent smile and a quick hug, "oh forgive me please, great lucy bronze." she rolled her eyes but eventually caved and dropped the grumpy face, "you coming out with us tonight?" "umm, i don't know, i–"
"she is!" pina pointed at you both. her loud tone drew some attention from the other girls, including aitana, who looked at you probably for the first time that day but quickly drew her gaze away. you noticed this, which brought back that weird rejection feeling in your chest even if you had nothing to be rejected about. 
"hey." lucy brought your attention back to her, "i think it will be good for you to come with us, okay? have a little fun, distract a little and if you want to, you can annoy me all night." she looked at you with a charming grin, pretty persuasive really. that managed to crack a smile out of you and you nodded, "deal."
you intended on getting absolutely smashed tonight. if aitana didn't want to talk to you or even interact with you anymore it's because you must've done something, right? you went too far or said something that weirded her out and now your friendship was ruined. so you were going to drink it out and try to forget all about it. 
you were about to begin your night's mission when patri walked over to you at the bar, "hey! i need a favour!" she shouted over the loud music. you looked at her, and waved off the bartender, "what is it?" you asked. she pointed in the direction of the bathroom, "can you go check if i left my purse in the toilet? i've been trying to find it everywhere, i'm gonna go check on one of the other rooms now so can you do me this favour, pleeease?" she begged, trying her best to look desperate.
to be fair, you knew that she would insist even if you refused so it didn't take much convincing for you to nod and walk over to the bathroom. 
when you got in, however, you realized why patri had "assigned" you the bathroom to look for her "lost" purse.
aitana was standing by the sink when she realized you walked in. her eyes went wide for a second, probably startled to see you and proceeded to wipe her hands and make her way to the door.
"no." you stood by the door, blocking her way out. you don't know where this new-found confidence came from, maybe the adrenaline of being alone with aitana, or the pent up frustration and yearning that she caused over the last few weeks but you were glad it was here, and you were gonna ride it out for as long as you could. "why have you been ignoring me?" you asked, your eyes fixed on aitana's.
"i haven't been ignoring you." 
"you have."
"i haven–"
"aita, stop." she opened and immediately closed her mouth. "tell me please whatever i did wrong. i promise you that if i just knew, i'd take it back. I'd take back whatever i did a million times if it meant you got to talk to me again." you rambled on, no filter whatsoever.
"you did nothing wrong." she answered quietly. "then why did you ice me out? you don't talk to me, you barely look at me and you never touch me anymore. i don't understand what happened." you blurted out, distressed. she looked up at you with guilt plastered on her face.
you saw her struggle internally as she sighed, covered her face with her hands and walked around the bathroom before returning to stand in front of you. "that other night." she started, "i felt something." she looked away from you, "i mean. i had already felt something before, but that night, when you grabbed me, i– i dont know. i realized something."
what? that you didn't matter? that you were ugly? your mind started thinking of the worst scenarios but when she saw you the fear in your face, she immediately interjected, "it's nothing bad! i promise." she put her hand on your arm, the first time she'd touched you in a while. 
"i realized why i was clinging to you so much. i know that i am a touchy person but with you, it was just… different." you frowned in confusion but nodded at her to keep going, "i want to touch you all the goddamn time. not just at training or after a game, i mean i want to hold you and be held by you while we fall asleep. i want to hold your hand when we go for walks, i want you to hug me while i cook dinner or when we're watching scary movies, i just – i want you." she finished with a sigh, an agitated look on her face as she stared into your eyes.
you were speechless. aitana wanted you? the same way you wanted her? 
when she saw you kept being silent after a while, she continued,  "i'm sorry for distancing myself, but these feelings… they are new to me. i didn't know what to do with them, how to approach you, if i should tell you, i was scared you didn't feel the sa–"
"can i kiss you?" you interrupted.
"what?" she asked quietly, shock all over her face. 
you put your hands on the back of her neck, slightly tugging on her hair, so her head turns upwards to you. you lean closer, lips almost brushing hers, "i asked if i could –" you were cut off by aitana's lips pressing yours with urgency. she grabbed your waist, strong arms pulling you closer. you sighed in pleasure within the kiss, which prompted her to stick her tongue into your mouth. you tugged on her hair a little harder and pressed your tongue against hers. you pulled away to take a breath and grabbed her jaw, a cocky smirk forming on your face when her hooded eyes filled with lust, "this is what made you realize you wanted me?" she nodded, breathless. you pulled her in and gave her a hard kiss, teeth and tongues clashing together before you pulled away again.
"i am so glad patri made me come look for her lost purse."
"huh? lucy told me to come find her lost purse."
a/n: idk if some expressions are used correctly, english is not my first language so if u guys have anything point at, my asks are open :) also i didn't proof read sorry i finished this pretty late and im sleepy 🤪✌️
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kyra-cooneyx · 1 month
the sweetest feeling — a.bonmatí x reader
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summary: four times you and aitana say i love you and the one time you both really mean it
never written anything with this kind of format before so :/
the first time - six years old
you raced down the street, little legs running as fast as they could to reach aitana’s house. you knocked rapidly on the door, bursting in as soon as it opened. you could briefly hear your mami scolding you for being rude but you were more concerned with seeing aitana.
it never occurred to you that she’d probably still be asleep given that it was still early until you practically kicked open the door, diving onto aitana’s sleeping body.
“tana, wake up! i’m home!” you shouted loudly, alternating between jumping on the bed and shaking her wildly. “i have presents and food for you! wake up! desperta!”
aitana groaned, her arm stretching out from under the covers to swat at you. you giggled loudly, grabbing her hand and tugging at her.
her eyes opened and she flinched back upon seeing your face right next to hers. you giggled again.
“bon dia!” you chirped, smiling widely.
“bon dia,” aitana muttered, pushing you to the side and sitting up. “it is so early.”
“sorry,” your smile turned sheepish. “but i missed you soooo much i could not wait!”
the sound of your parents voices got louder and your eyes widened at the sight of your angry mami approaching. “muévete ahora!”
you shot out of the room before she could grab you and you could hear your mami apologising profusely for the intrusion as you waited patiently by the front door. there was an innocent smile plastered on your face as your mami dragged you out, promising that you could see aitana later that day.
so until that time came around, you ran around the garden with your siblings, stopping occasionally to ask if it was time to see aitana yet. and every time you were told no your little body deflated even more.
after what felt like forever to you, you finally got the answer you wanted and you were so excited that you didn’t question why your mami was bringing loads of bags filled with food.
but when you got to aitana’s house the first thing you noticed was the strange car parked outside. you frowned a little but thought nothing of it, knocking on the door and waiting patiently. when it opened you heard aitana’s laughter paired with someone else’s. and had you been listening you would’ve found out the reason why.
your little face scrunched up as you stood by the patio doors, staring at the strange girl who was kicking the football around with aitana. there was a gentle hand on your back and you toed the grass as your mami introduced you to ona.
of course you knew that aitana had friends from football, she was there a lot. but you never thought that she’d like any of them the same amount that she liked you.
your little arms were crossed over your chest as you gave the strange girl the dirtiest look you could muster.
aitana looked up then, her face brightening as she ran over to you. you kicked at the grass again, a weird feeling settling in your stomach.
“do you want to play with us?” ona asked, her head tilted a little.
you shook yours, taking a few steps back and dropping onto a patch of grass a few feet away from the mini football net. a soft sigh left your lips at how happy aitana looked with ona. and the excitement you had felt earlier was long gone.
it felt like time had slowed down again by the time ona’s mami had announced that it was time for them to go. you watched with sad eyes as aitana hugged ona tightly and even walked with them to their car.
when aitana returned, you were still sitting on the grass, picking at the flowers. she made her way over and sat next to you. “estás bien?”
“m’fine.” you muttered, tucking your knees under your chin.
aitana didn’t know why you were upset, she just knew that you were. and she didn’t really know what to do. so she racked her brain, thinking of what her mami and papi did if they were ever sad.
“um, te amo.” aitana whispered and you looked over at her, tears shining in your eyes.
“really?” you sniffled as aitana nodded. “yo también te amo.”
aitana held out her pinky and you quickly brought your hand up, linking yours with hers. “para siempre.”
the second time - eleven years old
the movie played quietly in the background, an array of sweet treats scattered on your bed as aitana carefully ran her fingers through your hair.
your eyes fluttered shut at the feeling, a content breath falling from your lips until it was ruined by a sharp tug.
“ow!” you whined, reaching up to hold your head. “too rough tana!”
“lo siento.” aitana leaned forward, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek. she gasped in mock offence and whacked your head after you made a show of wiping it off.
you giggled, head jerking back as aitana pulled at the braid she had just started. “ow!”
a comfortable silence fell over you both as aitana concentrated on finishing your hair. you winced every now and again, hissing dramatically whenever aitana accidentally tugged a little too hard.
“there!” she grinned triumphantly once she’d finished, reaching to grab the little mirror that was on the nightstand. “mirar.”
it took a few tries but you eventually got the mirror at a good enough angle that you could see the majority of the braid and you nodded in approval. “very good tana, can i do yours now?”
aitana nodded and the two of you switched places. you playfully tugged on her hair, laughing as she immediately whirled around to glare at you.
“you did it to me!” you reminded, giving her a pointed look.
“fue un accidente!”
“sure it was.”
you ran your fingers through aitana’s hair, separating the strands delicately as to not be on the receiving end of another her looks.
“what are you doing?” aitana asked after what felt to her like a very long silence. a little huff sounded behind her and she immediately reached up to feel what you were doing.
“something,” you said, slapping her hand away. “so be patient.”
“are you doing something bad?” aitana asked and you rolled your eyes.
there was a knock on the door and you pushed yourself up a little higher on your knees as your mami popped her head around the door. “mija, dinner is ready.”
“can we eat it up here?”
you stared your mami down, grinning in victory when she sighed and nodded. you quickly finished what you were doing to aitana’s hair, discarding everything onto the floor to leave a space on the bed.
your mami walked back into the room, placing both plates in front of you, warning you that if anything got spilled you’d be banished from bringing anything into your room ever again.
“okay mami.” you muttered, nodding your head a little.
the door closed and you were thankful that your mami hadn’t cooked anything that was easily spill able. you and aitana ate in silence and you ushered her down stairs after you’d finished, eager to carry on with your sleepover.
you giggled all the way back up the stairs, immediately heading towards your drawers to find the dvd that aitana had mentioned earlier that evening. you rooted through, eyebrows furrowing as your fingers brushed against something.
“no way!” you laughed, pulling it out and holding it up. “tana look.”
“i got this for you ages ago,” you explained walking towards her and dropping it into her hand. “remember that day i met ona? i never ended up giving it to you after my holiday.”
“because you were jealous.” aitana said teasingly.
“yes i was,” you nodded. “and i think it shows how much i love you. you’re my best friend tana.”
aitana smiled and you took the necklace from her, clipping it around her neck before heading back to the drawer. you fished around, pulling out an almost identical necklace and clasping it around your own neck. you dived back onto the bed and gently grasped aitana’s necklace.
“watch!” you said excitedly, clipping them together with a slight squeal. “isn’t it so cool? we’re gonna be together forever!”
“yeah, very cool.” aitana hummed, nodding along as she tried her best to listen to try and ignore the fuzzy feeling growing in her stomach.
the third time - sixteen years old
aitana watched as you cheered, wishing desperately that it was her you were cheering for and not him. she couldn’t remember the last time you looked that happy to see her score a goal.
she tried not to be too upset about it. he was your first boyfriend and aitana knew how excited you were about the entire situation. even if it meant pretending that hearing you call him the love of your life didn’t rip away at her heart. deep down she knew that he wasn’t. at sixteen you were still young and naïve and had plenty of time to find the actual love of your life.
and aitana secretly hoped that you’d eventually realise that it might be her.
but then you turned to her with a grin that set aitana’s heart alight and for a moment she decided that seeing you happy was enough.
“wasn’t that such a good game tana?”
“yeah,” aitana nodded, smiling weakly. “good.”
your eyebrows furrowed for a second seeing your best friend upset but it was quickly when you a pair of arms wrapped around your waist and a pair of lips were on your cheek. you turned from aitana, facing your boyfriend and some of his teammates.
by the time you turned back around, aitana was nowhere to be seen. and you didn’t know why her lack of presence made you feel the way it did.
over the next few days, you noticed aitana distancing herself and could not figure out why. you attended her next game, assuming that she was upset about how much time you weren’t spending together. but when her eyes found you in the crowd, her face never changed. you frowned, your stomach dropping.
did aitana hate you?
you were gone before the first half whistle. and aitana pretended not to care when she finally noticed even though she really did. and she pretended even more when ona asked her about it later that night.
when you didn’t call her to congratulate her on the win the next day, aitana assumed that the friendship was over. so when you showed up on her doorstep a few days later, tears falling like a waterfall as you sobbed heavily, she really didn’t know what to think.
aitana quickly ushered you in and lead you into the living room. you dropped onto the sofa, melting into aitana as soon as she wrapped her arms around you.
“we broke up,” you whispered after calming down a little. “and i know that you hate me but i-i did not know where else to go.”
“i do not hate you,” aitana shook her head. “i could never hate you. i love you.”
you burst into tears again upon hearing those words, spending the next few hours wrapped up in aitana’s arms where you belonged.
the fourth time - twenty years old
you sighed softly as you entered your bedroom for what was going to be the last time for a while. it was nearly empty, everything packed up and most of it shipped to your new home.
all that was left was a few bits and pieces and a box full of aitana’s things that you’d stolen over the years. you glanced down at your watch.
aitana was still in training but you wanted to see her before you left. so you grabbed everything you needed to and headed back downstairs.
your mami sat at the kitchen table, tears in her eyes as she watched you.
“oh mami,” you shook your head, walking over and wrapping your arms around her. “there is no reason to cry, we knew this day was coming.”
“I know mija,” your mami sighed. “but you are finally leaving the nest! and you are not only going down the road, you are going to the other side of the world!”
you let out a breath, dropping into the seat next to her. “am I making a mistake?”
“no. you have been dreaming of leaving for as long as i can remember,” your mami placed her hand over yours, squeezing it tightly. “it’s the reason you never moved out remember? so you could save your money for this very moment.”
it was silent for a few minutes until you spoke up again. “i think i’m going to get some coffee while i wait for tana. i’ll see you later at the airport.”
you pressed a long kiss to your mami’s cheek before grabbing the boxes again and heading out to your car. you got coffee like you said but then you drove around aimlessly, suddenly questioning if you had indeed made the right decision.
time flew by and without realising, you’d eventually parked outside of aitana’s apartment building. her car was nowhere to be seen so you’d figured that training had ran late which happened every now and again.
there was a knock on your car window and you jumped out of your skin, whipping your head around to glare fiercely at whoever it was. aitana stood there, her laughter fading as she looked at you. you were confused until a tear hit your leg.
aitana rounded the car and got into the passenger side, reaching out to wipe away your tears.
“how are you here?” you asked before she could. “your car—“
“i got a new one last week,” aitana reminded and your eyes dropped to your legs. “what are you doing here anyway?”
“i came to give you these back.” you smiled softly, stretching to the backseat to retrieve the box. you placed it onto aitana’s lap.
“you could’ve brought them tomorrow.”
your eyebrows furrowed. “how? i leave tonight.”
silence fell over the two of you. “do you think i’m doing the right thing?”
aitana hummed in confusion. “qué?”
“moving to australia. do you think it’s a good idea?”
“all you have spoke about since we were children is how much you love australia. remember that presentation we did in school? yours lasted nearly ten minutes before you were forced to stop. and all you spoke about was australia and its history. i think the wrong decision is not going.”
you didn’t really understand why hearing aitana say you should go made your heart hurt. and you had no idea how much aitana’s heart was breaking telling you to go.
“i love you tana,” you said seriously. “i know we haven’t been too close lately but i do love you. and i’m going to miss you.”
aitana lunged forward and wrapped her arms around you. a wave of emotion washed over you and you buried your head into her shoulder.
“te amo mucho,” aitana whispered and you pretended not to hear the way her voice cracked. “te voy a extrañar.”
“come to the airport. please.”
aitana nodded and pressed a kiss to your head then she was gone before you could utter another word. you blinked back tears and took a few deep breaths before driving home.
aitana never showed up to the airport. half of you wasn’t really surprised but the other half of you was devastated. you slapped on a smile and pretended like your heart hadn’t been ripped out of your chest
the one time you both really meant it - twenty five years old
the stadium was buzzing as the clock ticked down, your fingers entwined and resting under your chin as the matches dying moments played out.
you sat with aitana’s family, her name sprawled proudly across your shoulders. she had no idea you were there.
originally you had told her that you were working which was true but you’d managed to get the day off and accepted the invite from aitana’s parents.
the full time whistle sounded and you cried freely, feeling nothing but pride and happiness. you watched as the spanish players celebrated, along with the spanish supporters in the crowd.
you watched on as aitana and ona got their gold medals, being one of the first people on the pitch when the all clear was given.
ona was the first one to spot you, pointing you out to aitana. she turned around only for you to practically knock her over with the force of your hug. you pulled away for a split second to yank ona into the hug as well.
“estoy tan orgullosa,” you whispered. “all i have done is cry!”
“what are you doing here?” aitana asked, still feeling a little shocked to see you. “you told me—“
“i didn’t lie,” you quickly cut in. “i was working but my boss gave me the day off so i wanted to surprise you. so…sorpresa!”
aitana pulled you into another hug and you melted into her arms, ona looking between the two of you with a knowing look.
“you are coming to the after party.” ona said and you nodded straight away.
“wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
despite your initial protests, you allowed ona to drag you into the dressing room and parade you around her teammates. of course you knew who they were—and they knew who you were—but it was your first time ever meeting any of them so when the after party rolled around, you nursed your drink nervously.
aitana was nowhere to be seen, ona was tucked away in the corner no doubt texting her girlfriend, and the only other person you’d really clicked with was mapi’s girlfiend ingrid but they were off dancing together.
there was a flash of dark hair and you perked up, assuming it was aitana. but instead pina and patri stood in front of you.
“want to dance?” patri asked and you waved her off.
“oh i don’t dance—“
“vamos! i am sure aitana won’t mind!” pina exclaimed, grabbing your hand and dragging you onto the dancefloor before you could ask why aitana would mind anyway.
it didn’t take long for the drinks to start taking effect and with every shot jenni brought over, the more relaxed you became. and before long you were singing along to the karol g song that was playing, arms thrown around misa as she swayed you back and forth.
you hadn’t realised that everyone else had been slowly disappearing until a new arm snaked around your waist and you stumbled back into ona, giggling wildly.
she lead you over to aitana, gently pushing you into her. “take care of her.”
“I’m not that drunk oni,” you rolled your eyes. “alexia and irene made me drink some water.”
ona kissed your cheek before saying her goodbyes, leaving you and aitana alone.
“vamos,” aitana smiled, tugging you along behind her. “you looked like you were having fun.”
“oh i was,” you nodded. “i really like your friends tana.”
“i think they really like you too.”
you hummed in content, not bothering to question where exactly it was aitana was taking you, just happily following along.
aitana pushed open the door to her hotel room, assuming that ona’s disappearance meant that she’d gone to see lucy, and shoved you inside, rolling her eyes at the sound of your whine.
you then flopped onto the nearest bed, laying on your stomach and watching aitana as she moved throughout the room.
“tana, can i tell you something?” you asked and she hummed, throwing something at you from her suitcase. “i really like you.”
aitana’s eyebrows furrowed as she turned to look at you. “i really like you too.”
“no,” you sighed. “like really like you. think i always have. didn’t realise until i left spain though.”
aitana shook her head and you frowned. “you are drunk.”
“i know what i’m saying!” you sat up, arms crossing over your chest. “and i’m saying that i love you more than a friend should!”
hearing you say that set something off in aitana and even though she’d been wanting you to say those words since she was twelve years old, she couldn’t quite believe that it was finally happening.
and as she rambled on about how you wouldn’t remember any of it when you woke up and that it was the alcohol talking, she hadn’t noticed you getting off the bed.
with gentle hands, you cupped her face and pulled her into you, pushing your lips against hers with a little more force than you’d intended.
nothing happened for a moment. and as you thought about pulling away, aitana’s hands were resting on your waist and she was kissing you back.
you were kissing aitana.
“i love you,” you whispered after hesitantly stopping. “always have. probably always will.”
“i have waited so long to hear you say that.” aitana whispered back.
“and i’ll say it again tomorrow to prove to you that i’m not just saying this for no reason.”
and you stuck to your word. you repeated it word for word to aitana the next day, laughing as she tackled you onto the bed and kissing you fiercely.
neither of you heard the door open. but you heard the gasp and the cry of finally before ona jumped on top of you both, crying out in spanish that lucia owed her something. you blinked rapidly as she ran out of the room, taking aitana’s outstretched hand to pull you up.
you laughed softly and kissed aitana quickly, following behind ona to find out just what she was talking about.
aitana caught up and wrapped her arms around your waist. “te amo.”
“te dije! pay up!” you heard ona exclaim as you both got closer to where the team were.
“should we mess with her?” aitana asked quietly and you giggled whilst nodding.
“what are friends for?”
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outsideratheart · 2 months
We Support Each Other (Aitana Bonmati x reader)
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A/N: This could be read as a stand alone but it is also a sequel to Sore Loser. Based off this request.
You could ask anyone that knows you and they would say they have never seen you more determined than they have during this last month. Each game you gave it your all and left the pitch knowing that you couldn’t physically do anymore. It was that attitude that got you where you currently are and that is standing in the tunnel about to walk out to a sold out Wembley stadium for the 2022 Euros final.
As always you are the last player in the line. It was superstition of yours and whilst your team mates loved to tease you about it, they didn’t mess with you today. No, today they let you be.
The first half wasn’t bad but it didn’t go as you had planned. Nothing seemed to work and the German players were beginning to get on your nerves. You knew it was their game plan and you welcomed the extra physicality. It did nothing but drive you to do the thing you failed to do in the first half and that was get the ball in the back of the net.
When Ella scored it gave you a boost of energy which was much needed. The score line being tipped in your favour didn’t last long because Germany equalised just over 15 minutes later. 
Injury time came up on the board and the 5 minutes passed without either teams taking the lead.
Then came extra time and the second half of extra time. Both teams were on their last legs and they knew that they needed to score soon because if it went to penalties then it was anybody’s game and all the work they had done would be almost meaningless.
During a Germany corner Mary punched it out and England were on the attack with the Germans hot on their tails. Keira ran down the middle of the pitch and it was as if the ball was stuck to her feet. There was no way she was losing that ball and when you began running along side of her there was no way you were going to mess up this opportunity.
Keira played you the most pin point accurate through ball and you know now was the time. This one shot could make history, it could change everything and when you shot the ball you knew it was going it. That didn’t stop time from standing still as you watched the ball sore through the air.
You don’t know what came over you but you take your shirt off and running towards Keira.
“Bloody Brilliant” you kiss her forehead.
“Y/N!!!” Keira jumps into your arms “You did it”
“We did it”
The rest of your team piles on top of you. When the goal celebrations are over you know that another goal isn’t going to come so your attention goes to running down the clock. You do the thing you hate when other teams do and you take the ball to the corner flag and do everything you can to keep the ball. The clock isn’t in your eye view but the final whistle is definitely heard.
England were Champions of Europe and you had done it at home. That final goal made you top goal scorer of the tournament and all your hard work was rewarded by winning player of the tournament. 
You had every right to celebrate yours and the ‘ achievement and whilst you are never one to go mad after winning a game, you do with this one. You celebrate with the entire team, players and staff alike but after an hour or so in the locker room you only want to be with one person and she is upstairs in the bar where all the friends and family were.
“Aita” You bury her head in the crook of her neck. 
The last couple of days had been stressful to say the least so when your body feels the safety that Aitana’s arms give you, it relaxes for the first time since you played Sweden.
“Amor meu” Aitana held you tightly knowing that in this moment you will be feeling very overwhelmed.
When you pull away you notice that she is crying and whenever your girlfriend cried, you cried. It didn’t matter if they are happy tears or sad tears.
Both of you stood there in the middle of the room crying without a care in the world. 
For the next hour the team stays at the bar in Wembley stadium but after that people start to leave and you are told it is time to go back to the hotel. You knew the tournament rules but technically it was over now so did the rules still apply? 
Aitana recognises that look. It was one she was well accustomed to and was often followed by mischief.
“Gaffa!” You shout maybe a little too loudly but you blamed the alcohol for the slight raise in volume. 
This term wasn’t something Aitana knew.
“It means boss, baby” you turn back towards your coach who was now coming towards you. 
“Wait!” You turn back to Aitana “not boss baby. It means boss and then I was calling you my baby because you are, you’re my baby” you kiss her once, twice, three times.
“Lo se” Aitana giggles. She liked drunk Y/N, she really liked her.
By the time you turn around again, Sarina is right next to you.
“Gaffa!!!” You place your arm around her shoulder.
“Yes, Y/N” Sarina gives Aitana a look as if wishing her luck with you in your intoxicated state.
Your girlfriend watches as you take a couple of seconds to compose yourself. She could have sworn she heard you giving yourself a little pep talk.
“Sarina, we have just won the euros” the Dutch woman shakes her head but then nods her head when she sees your expression change into one of confusion “We did win, look” you hold up your medal “I have been very good and well behaved”
“You snuck out of the team hotel and didn’t return for over two hours” Sarina recalls the night when she came to talk to you only to be told several different reasons why you weren’t with the team.
“That’s because of Aitana” Without realising you throw your own girlfriend under the bus.
“Right so Aitana here is a bad influence on you, I understand”
“She is not!” You say rather protectively “Aitana is the best thing to ever happen to me. I am a much better person because of her. You should have met me before we started dating, I was a handful”
Sarina knew that it was time to leave and whilst she was enjoying seeing you react this way, she also knew that you three were some of the many few left at the bar and that the rest of the team was already on the bus. She had to get to your point quickly.
“Y/N, I have already told Aitana that she is more than welcome to come to the hotel with us”
“You have?” You ask her “She did?” you ask Aitana who at this point could contain her laughter no more.
The coach journey back the hotel was loud and rowdy but not for you and Aitana. The alcohol had began to wear off given you stopped drinking. The two of you sit there, barely talking as you hold hands looking out of the window. Your girlfriend knew you were coming down from the winner’s high.
As you enter the hotel you excuse yourself stating that you wanted some time with Aitana before rejoining the festivities. She finds that a little strange but doesn’t push you. The elevator ride up to your room is silent but once in your room Aitana notices what is happening.
“You deserve this Y/N. I’m here because I want to celebrate with you” 
You had already laid your self out on the bed. With no hesitation she curls up into your side.
“We have celebrated. You shouldn’t have to watch us celebrate when we beat you in order to get to the final” You had enjoyed celebrating with the team but it was also important to take your girlfriend’s feelings into consideration.
“Watching you win today will be one of the best days of my life. I am so so proud of you and I don’t want you to stop celebrating your achievements because of me. We were never going to win this tournament. The federation—“
You let out a dramatic sigh.
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me about what was going on” 
“I told you after the game. I am your girlfriend and some of the team are your closest friends, some even family. You wouldn’t have been able to be near Jorge and not say something”
You sat up rather quickly. Quick enough startle Aitana.
“You’re right, I would have said something. You should say something. From what you have told me, things are really bad at the minute and the way to make change is to stand up. If I come face to face with that man or any of his buddies then that is what I will be doing”
“We are going to say something but we are going to do it the right way” Aitana moved down the bed so she is closer to where you are standing.
“I will support you” you stand between her legs, cup her face with your hands and lean down to kiss her softly.
“I know you will” She returns the kiss with the same amount of softness “Right now I want to support you so let’s go celebrate you and your friends”
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catmiemy · 3 months
Not Work Day (Aitana Bonmatí x Reader)
Summary: Aitana and you spend a rare day off together.
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A/N: This is just a silly little story I thought of a while ago and finally wrote in hopes of getting into more of a writting mood again. So many ideas and so little ability to put them on 'paper' lately...
I hope you enjoy this one! :)
Dating a professional football player wasn’t always easy. Whenever you mentioned that to anyone they usually assumed you referred to your girlfriend having to travel a lot or the lack of days off together because of conflicting schedules, or the interest the nosey media and even nosier public had in your relationship.
And sure, all of these things could be tricky at times, but there was something else that was even harder to bear; seeing your girlfriend being worked to the ground with almost no time to recuperate properly. Before you started dating Aitana you had never thought much about it, now it haunted you during the days and disturbed your dreams.
Every new injury you heard about made your stomach drop, always wondering the same thing, what if next time it would be your girlfriend going down with some horrible injury? The guilt always followed close behind, with your berating yourself for being happy in any capacity that someone else got hurt.
More often than not it was a struggle to watch Aitana’s games. You had a tendency to clench every single muscle in your body until the final whistle was blown, and you could be sure that nothing bad had happened.
For a while you did your best to keep these concerns to yourself, not wanting to make Aitana worry about you unnecessarily. Convinced that if you just wanted it enough, you would get over this.
You should have known that your girlfriend would catch on; she was too perceptive not to notice it, too concerned about your well-being to miss it.
When she did you explained somewhat reluctantly what was bothering you; the last thing you wanted was for your girlfriend to feel guilty. This wasn’t her fault at all and she shouldn’t feel bad about playing the sport she loved.
Despite your best efforts to downplay it, the first thing you saw in Aitana’s eyes once you finished your explanation was guilt. Most likely because you were looking for that emotion specifically, but in that moment you couldn’t think rationally like this. You were about to apologize, try and take it back somehow, when she asked you one simple question.
“Is there anything we can do to make you feel better about it?”
Up until that point it had never occurred to you to think about possible ways to make the situation easier for yourself. Usually your thoughts had been centered around scolding yourself for being such a worrywart. It made you oddly emotional that Aitana took you this seriously and didn’t dismiss your concerns.
Neither of you found a satisfying answer to the question that night, but over time you came up with something that helped, a tradition that you called ‘not work days’. 
On one of these ‘not work days’ you were awoken by Aitana trying to get up. Without opening your eyes you reached out to grab her wrist and pull her back into bed. You were met by some resistance, forcing you to open your eyes and scowl at the brunette.
“Hey, you work or not work?” You asked, leaving no room for interpretation what the correct answer was.
Aitana rolled her eyes at you, but relented, snuggling back into you much to your delight. You wrapped your arms around her and buried your face in her shoulder.
“I’m never going to be free of that stupid phrase, am I?” She grumbled.
“Nope,” you agreed, “And now hush, it’s way too early to be up on a not work day.”
You felt some lingering tenseness in your girlfriend’s body, apparently she wasn’t fully ready yet to commit to resting some more. It was time to pull out your magic weapon; you began gently tracing small circles in the space between Aitana’s eyebrows. It worked like a charm. Within seconds the brunette fell back asleep and you let yourself drift off as well.
The next time you woke up it was on your own accord, like you hoped it would be. Usually when you managed to get your girlfriend back to sleep she didn’t wake up again until late in the morning. In your mind a clear indication that the Spaniard needed this extra rest.
You allowed yourself to linger in bed a little longer to hold Aitana in your arms and watch her sleep. It was rare for her to be still if she was awake, always moving around, busy with one thing after another.
Mostly the midfielder loved it and was happy with her life, but sometimes it became all too much. She had confided in you a while back that being with you had helped her to finally find a healthy balance in her life. That was without a doubt the biggest compliment anyone had ever given you.
After a few more minutes you placed a soft kiss on your girlfriend’s forehead, before carefully extracting yourself and moving to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Breakfast in bed was a staple of the not work days..
You hummed happily to yourself while you made an omelet, mixed a smoothie and cut up some cherry tomatoes. And of course you couldn’t forget about the coffee! When everything was ready you walked back to the bedroom, ready to wake up Aitana with some gentle cuddles.
However, your plan was thwarted. You opened the door and instantly spotted your girlfriend on her cell phone. This in itself wasn’t a problem, but the way she had crunched up her nose and her eyebrows were knitted together, revealed to you that she was most likely looking at something work related. She looked too stressed for this to be anything else.
“What are you doing?” You demanded, “This is a not work day!”
You expected the Catalan to smile at you apologetically, instead a huge grin appeared on her face and she turned her phone around. It took a moment until you realized why she had done that; your girlfriend was recording the entire interaction and apparently she thought this was hilarious.
“Haha, very funny,” you grumbled, “I really thought you were working already.”
“I know, you should have seen your face,” Aitana replied between laughter, “Oh wait, you can. Come over here, mi amor.” She patted the bed next to her, but you remained standing. You would have crossed your arms, but the breakfast tray was stopping you from doing so.
“Don’t be like that, mi amor. I’m only giving back what you’ve been handing out. Or do I have to remind you how often you’re sending me that stupid ‘You work or not work’ video? How you even added some cute animal pictures to the beginning of it, so I wouldn’t recognize right away what clip it is? You violated the sanctity of cute animal pictures!”
The midfielder sounded so scandalized by this that you couldn’t help but crack a smile. You shuffled over to the bed, leaning over to give your girlfriend a good morning kiss. Just like you hoped this successfully distracted her from the stupid video she had recorded because you had no interest in watching it. You were admittedly better at teasing than being teased.
“So what’s the plan for today?” Aitana asked, tucking into her breakfast. “This is so good by the way.”
“No plans, we just do whatever you want to do,” you responded, deliberately ignoring her praise. Dealing with compliments also wasn’t one of your strengths.
“Whatever I want?” The Catalan asked with a smirk.
You rolled your eyes. “Everything that’s within the rules of not work days,” you clarified.
“But coming up with ideas is work too,” your girlfriend complained.
“My poor baby! Okay, here are some ideas; we can bundle up on the couch and watch a movie, we can make cookies, we can take a walk in the rain…”
“Yes! Let’s take a walk in the rain,” Aitana interrupted, her choice surprising you. The midfielder wasn’t known for liking the rain, in fact she made no secret of how much she hated the rain.
“Really?” You double-checked.
Your girlfriend nodded, “Yeah, you made it sound so romantic a few days ago. Both of us under one umbrella, the rain pattering on it, huddling close together for warmth. Sounds like a movie scene.”
“Okay then, let’s do it.”
The two of you got ready, Aitana putting on much more clothes than you. Normally you would tease your girlfriend about it, but you didn’t want to risk her remembering the video she had taken earlier.
In the beginning the walk was actually romantic. The sound of the pitter patter on the umbrella was soothing, especially with how quiet and deserted the roads were. You breathed in deeply, savoring the smell of rain. Aitana was snuggling into your side and when you looked over she had a soft smile on her lips.
Before too long however, you noticed that your girlfriend clung a little too strongly to you and she was dragging her feet. This time when you glanced her way you were met by an unhappy expression, though it quickly morphed into a forced smile as soon as Aitana noticed your eyes on her.
You pulled her to a stop. “What is it, babe?”
“My feet are wet,” the Catalan whined.
Your eyes snapped to her feet. Your girlfriend was wearing her favorite and already pretty worn sneakers. It wasn’t really surprising that they weren’t able to withstand the rain anymore.
“Then let’s go back home,” you stated, already turning around and tugging Aitana’s hand to follow you.
“No, I don’t want to ruin this.”
You turned to face the midfielder again, cupping her cheek with your free hand.
“And I don’t want you to be miserable, or worse get sick. And anyway this is your not work day, so you should only do things you’re enjoying.”
Aitana nuzzled slightly into your palm, smiling up at you. “Okay, but I disagree, it’s our not work day.”
You walked back rapidly to your apartment and when you got there you sent the brunette to the bedroom with the instruction to change into something comfy and get rid of her wet socks.
“Don’t put on other ones though! I have something for you,” you added.
A few minutes later you met Aitana back at the couch, a cup of tea in one hand and the other one hidden behind your back. Your girlfriend craned her neck, trying to sneak a peek, but you didn’t allow it.
“Show meeeee,” the Catalan begged.
You followed the request, showing her the fluffy socks you had bought a while back. A huge smile spread across Aitana’s face as she saw them.
“They look so comfortable. Thank you! But how did you know I would need them?”
You shrugged your shoulders. “I didn’t. I just bought them randomly for a not work day. It’s pure luck that you got wet feet today.”
��Or maybe this was all part of an elaborate evil plan to get me to undress my feet in front of you,” Aitana joked.
“You got me there. That’s why I raved about walks in the rain and that’s why I suggested it this morning. I even sabotaged your shoes,” you explained with a serious face.
Your girlfriend giggled happily. “I guess in that case you’ve earned the right to put on the new socks and give me a foot rub afterwards,” she said, sticking her feet out towards you.
“How generous of you!” You exclaimed, quickly putting on the fluffy socks.
Then you went to sit down next to Aitana to give her the requested foot rub, but you stopped in your tracks when you saw the midfielder glaring at you.
“Everything okay?” You asked uncertainly.
“No!” The brunette cried out, making your heart beat faster; what had you done wrong? “I need you to change into comfortable clothes as well. This doesn’t look like a good outfit to relax in.”
You looked down yourself and only now realized that you were still wearing jeans. “Oh, I guess you’re right.”
Before you got a change to move away, Aitana caught your hand and pulled you in for a kiss. “Sorry for scaring you. I didn’t realize it would actually make you anxious,” she apologized. “And now go, I need my girlfriend to warm me up.”
You were happy to oblige, hurrying to the bedroom.
“And can you bring the laptop back with you? I’m in the mood for some online shopping,” Aitana shouted after you.
You were happy to do so since it signified that your girlfriend had fully gotten into the swing of the not work day. It was always the same; in the beginning she didn’t know what she wanted to do, but as time progressed the midfielder became more attuned to her own desires that she so often put on the back burner.
On your return you handed Aitana the laptop before plopping down by her feet, taking them in your lap for the promised foot rub. You hadn’t even started yet, when your girlfriend let out a surprise “Oh”, pulling her feet back and scooting closer to you instead.
“What are these?” She asked, showing you the screen with your last internet search. It had completely slipped your mind what you had been looking at the day before.
“Dresses,” you offered up dryly.
“Yeah, I can see that. Any special occasion?” Aitana probed.
“You know the answer to that. It’s not every day you get to accompany your girlfriend to an award show for the best football players in the world,” you replied nervously; although you didn’t know why you felt nervous about this.
“Aw, I really appreciate that!” Your girlfriend cooed, her eyes flickering over the screen, “Can I help pick?”
You nodded; that had always been the plan. Since this was the first time you were going along as Aitana’s partner you wanted to look your best, so another opinion was definitely needed.
“Some of them are pretty expensive,” the Catalan mentioned carefully.
Money had always been a touchy subject between the two of you. Aitana had a lot more of it than you did; still you didn’t feel comfortable with constantly letting her pay, insisting that you took turns. The brunette wasn’t too happy about that, but by now you had found some middle ground, usually going to less expensive places when it was your turn to pay.
“Nothing I can’t handle,” you dismissed Aitana’s concern, “And I want to look worthy of my girlfriend. You know she’s currently the best football player in the world?”
“You sound so proud of me.”
Atiana’s voice was oddly quit; it made you wonder if she doubted that you were proud of her. You thought back to the last few games and realized with a start that you couldn’t remember the last time you had actually said these words. This way worrying, especially considering your girlfriend had a hard time believing things unless she heard them over and over again.
“That’s because I am,” you responded firmly, vowing to do better.
“Even if it makes you anxious?” The brunette wondered.
You sighed, rubbing your face. “Let’s be honest, no matter what job you had, I would always be anxious about something. That’s the annoying thing about anxiety; it’ll always find something else to worry about.”
Aitana looked up at you hopefully, “So you don’t hate that I’m a footballer?”
“What? No, of course not! And I’m sorry if I made you feel like that,” you apologized.
“Well that’s good then,” your girlfriend announced, a smirk appearing on her face, “But hey, is working out issues even allowed on a not work day? Or did you just break your own rules?”
You rolled your eyes, “Of course it’s allowed and since they’re my rules, I can change them whenever I want.”
Aitana raised her eyebrows, fighting to keep her face neutral, “Oh really, is that how it works?”
“Yes,” you nodded sagely.
A devilish grin appeared on your girlfriend’s face, and too late you recognized your mistake.
“In that case I’m making my own rules as well and decide that I get to buy you this blue dress.” She pointed to the one that was your absolute favorite, but that was also firmly out of your price range.
“Aitana,” you groaned, “That’s not how it works!”
“Oh? If you can make up random rules, so can I,” the Catalan pointed out, daring you to disagree with her.
“That’s not the same at all. I don’t want you to spend money on my clothes,” you argued
“Why not? If you think about it, I’ll get to appreciate your dress much more than you. I can admire you in it all night long, and maybe I’ll even get to take if off of you. And this dress will look stunning on you; it will really bring out your eyes.”
“Fine”, you relented, making your girlfriend squeal happily. There was one more thing to say though, so you stopped Aitana’s over the top celebration with one hand. “But this means you can only get me something small for my birthday.
“Okay,” the midfielder agreed suspiciously quickly.
“And I mean that, Tana!” You doubled down.
Your girlfriend nodded, but seemed to be only half-listening, too busy adding the dress to your cart. You would just have to bring it up again when your birthday was closer because you wouldn’t be budging on that.
After Aitana successfully ordered the dress, she leaned back with a content sigh.
“I really love these not work days, you know?”
Your heart leapt happily at that concession.  “Me too, babe.”
Sometimes you wished you got more of them, but maybe not having them all the time made them extra special.
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pitchsidestories · 3 months
the favourite II Aitana Bonmatí x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 2349
a/n: hi everyone, this oneshot is a longer one, so get cozy. <3
The golden hour has just begun in the beautiful city of Barcelona, you were finally done with correcting your student’s paper, so you were able to continue reading the book on the sofa, which was the perfect way to clock off of work in your opinion.
The happy mood slightly shifted when you thought back to the phone call you had with your girlfriend earlier that day. Aitana told you she was injured and that she was coming back home this evening.
You felt guilty, because partly you were happy about the fact that your lover was about to return to you, this year has been a lot for her work wise, and you rarely got time to spend together as a couple, apart from you trying to be there in the stands at every home game or final. It didn’t surprise you that the midfielder’s body was exhausted from all of this.
On the other hand, Aitana loved playing football so much, so it would be hard to not see her doing what she was so passionate about. You realized reading at this point was impossible, there were too many thoughts running through your mind.
“Hola, mi amor.”, you greeted her warmly, as you heard her opening the front door.
“Hola.”, the football player replied in a cheerful tone which tried to hide the disappointment the brunette felt.
Immediately you jumped off the sofa to give her a much-needed hug. “How are you? I know you had to leave national team camp early.”
“It’s nothing too bad, don’t worry.”, Aitana reassured you with a weak smile on her lips.
“But I do worry a little.”, you admitted concerned while running a hand through your girlfriends open hair, something you knew she liked, because it had a soothing effect on her.
You caught her looking at the papers which were still laying on your kitchen table, so you added quickly:” Sorry, I’ll take those to my office.”
“No, it’s fine. Stay, you’re busy.”, the midfielder slowly shook her head.
“I’m actually done with going through them. My students wrote about their role models, and I spotted some familiar names quite a few times.”, you remembered, smiling fondly at the memory.
“Oh really? Like whose names?”, Aitana looked up curiously.
“Like Patri, Alexia, Salma, but you’ve been mentioned the most. Wait-”, you counted them off on your fingers. You proudly showed your girlfriend the texts which were about her.
“I didn’t know your students cared so much about football, specifically women’s football.”, the midfielder muttered amazed, while devouring the handwritten pages.
“I know, the view definitely changed in recent years… Remember when we were at school and no one seemed to care about women’s football?”, you asked, thinking back to the time when you and Aitana met for the first time. You were best friends in school, always stuck together. Until things changed in your teenage years.
Unhappily, your girlfriend put the papers back on the table: “They always said that we can’t play with the boys.”
“Or that we would never be as good as them.“, you added. “Which I was okay with because I always preferred books over balls, but I admired you for not listening to these voices.”
You had loved a good football match when you were younger, but you never had the same burning desire to play that Aitana possessed.
“That’s all I ever wanted to do, kick a ball around.”, Aitana shrugged and even though a lot had changed since your school days, you felt reminded of the younger Aitana. The quiet girl that defiantly fought for her right to play football.
You smiled softly: “I know, and it got you very far.”
“I never knew it would.”, Aitana replied, clearly lost in her own thoughts about her career.
“But it did.” You took a deep breath. The idea that had been floating around your head since you read the papers started to take form on the tip of your tongue. “Could you do me a favour?”
“Sure, which one?”, your girlfriend answered quickly.
“Maybe you could visit my class to talk a bit about your life as a football player? It would mean the world to them. You’re clearly one of their favorites.” You nodded in the direction of the pages piled on the table.
Aitana did not answer. She stared at you speechlessly until she found her voice a second later: “Your students want to see… me?”
She looked so surprised that you had to bite back a laugh. “Yes, they would love that.”
Aitana beamed: “Sure. Of course I’m coming.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
You leaned over for a quick kiss: “I really appreciate it.”
“It’s a pleasure.”
“But for now…”
Your girlfriend raised her eyebrows in expectancy: “Yes?”
“Cuddles?”, you asked innocently, ready to wrap your arms around her.
“Please.”, she smiled. You threw yourself against her body, tightly hugging her.
Laughing, Aitana let herself fall backwards against the armrest of the sofa so you could lay on top of her.
She started to run her fingers across your back: “This is nice.”
Your girlfriend paused for a moment, before adding with a smirk on her lips:” But not as comfortable as in our bed.”
“You’re right let’s go to our bedroom.”, you agreed as you helped her getting into a standing position.
“Coming.”, Aitana answered. With a soft sigh the midfielder landed on your double bed.
“This is so much better.”, she declared, eyes closed. The bedding felt pleasantly cool underneath her body while you laid down next to her.  
“Perfect.”, you mumbled. Grinning you continued:” Do you want me to read out to you a little?”
“Sure.”, the football player nodded, there was nothing in the world she found more soothing than listening to your voice.
“Okay.”, you happily obliged to it. After a couple of pages, you realized that your girlfriend was becoming sleepy. Quietly you put your book on the nightstand.
“Sleep well, Tana.”
“Night.”, Aitana whispered before inevitably sleep took it’s hold over her.
In the mornings you were always the first of you two to get up, as you needed to be ready for school. Much to your own surprise you realized that the midfielder was awake too:” Good morning.”
“Morning, amor.”, she replied, before placing a sweet kiss to your mouth.
“You know that you can still stay in bed, right?”, you muttered blushing. After all those years the brunette still had that effect on you.
“I know, but I couldn’t sleep anymore.”, Aitana admitted smiling sheepishly.
“I guess I’ll make two cups of coffees this morning.”, you remarked.
“Please.”, your girlfriend responded. When the dark-haired woman was holding the warm drink in her hand, she thanked you with another kiss.
“You’re welcome.”, you replied, enjoying one of the rare mornings you both had together.
You wished you could enjoy that moment for a little bit longer but looking at the clock on the wall you cursed under your breath:” Oh shit, I need to go!”
“Have fun. I’ll see you later.”, Aitana winked at you.
“Bye.”, you blew her a kiss, before making your way out of your home, ready for another day with your classes which were all dear to your heart.
The day arrived when Aitana was about to meet them for a lesson, you beamed excited at her:” Ready, love?”
“Ready.”, she nodded, your girlfriend was glad to have some distraction from her injury for at least the upcoming two hours. For a second you pressed her hand encouragingly, before leading her into the classroom.
“Good morning, everyone. Today we’ve a very special guest.”, you announced cheerfully.
A young girl with blonde hair called Imma sat in the front row and gasped audibly: “Oh my god, Aitana!“
She stared at the football player with widened eyes.
Your girlfriend smiled politely before introducing herself: “Hi, I’m Aitana Bonmatí. I’m a football player for FC Barcelona.“
“Can we ask her some questions?“, Jordi asked curiously. You knew that the lanky boy had vast interest in all kinds of football, no matter if the players were male or female.
You nodded, watching as his eyes sparkled in excitement: “Sure, that’s why she came.“
“Go ahead.“, Aitana prompted, trying to get the children to ask questions.
Imma raised her hand hesitantly: “From where do you know, Miss y/l/n?“
Your girlfriends gaze subconsciously drifted into your direction. You shared a smile for a split second.
With an eye-roll, Jordi complained: “That’s such a boring question, Imma!“
“I think that’s a very good question. We went to school together years ago.“, Aitana answered the question truthfully.
Jordi snorted: “Was she reading books back then too?“
You had to stop yourself from telling him, once again that reading was not only good for them but also a lot of fun. You tried to encourage your class to read every chance they got.
Before you could say anything, Aitana grinned: “Oh yes. She always loved books.“
“But I can play a bit too.“, you added innocently.
“Yeah. She’s pretty good.“, your girlfriend had to agree.
For once, Jordi was silent, looking from you to Aitana and back. A challenging smile appeared on his face: “We need to see that after class. But how did it feel to win the Ballon d’Or?“
“Amazing. It was a great honour but I couldn’t have done it without my team.“
“And you also won the Champions League!“, a red-haired girl interrupted with a big toothy grin.
“Yes, that was amazing too.“, the football player nodded.
Julias cheeks turned almost as red as her hair from exhilaration: “So cool!“
“I’m lucky to have such a great team around me.“, you heard Aitana say and you almost grimaced at how humble she was in front of your students.
Julia immediately followed with the next question, not allowing your girlfriend a break: “Do you have a favourite teammate? And is it Rolfö?“
Aitana laughed, surprised by the question: “I have a lot of favourite teammates. And Frido is one of them. She’s great, very sweet.“
“Like a team mum?“, Imma piped up.
“A bit, yes.“
“That’s cute.“, Imma commented happily.
“But we have a lot of people who can step up as team mums.“, the midfielder continued.
“Aitana, how’s your injury?”, Jordi changed the subject to a more serious one.
“It’s not too bad. They just wanted to be careful, so it doesn’t get worse.”, the midfielder waved it off in a reassuring way.
“Oh, good.”, he sighed relieved.
 “So now I’m here and can hang out with you guys.”, Aitana clapped enthusiastically her hands.
“Exactly.”, you smiled proudly at her.  
“Sorry, did you want to continue, amor?”, your girlfriend looked at you expectantly.
“No, I just wanted to say that the class is ending soon.”, you shook your head.
“Any more questions?”, the football player turned her attention to your students again.
“Can we play now?”, Jordi asked her innocently.
“Of course. Let’s go and play some football.”, Aitana agreed, her eyes mirroring the excitement of the little boy who was very thrilled to play with a Barcelona player.
On her way out, she couldn’t help but to tease you in front of the children:” Let’s see how good your teacher still is.”
“I’ll show you!”, you laughed.
“Prove it.”, the midfielder gave you a playful challenging look.
One of your students was handing you the football, so you did one of the football tricks you still knew before kicking it into the empty goal, making the boys and girls erupt into a loud cheer.
“See? She didn’t forget anything.”, Aitana said, her voice full of admiration.
“Wow.”, Jordi followed your moves with the football amazed.
“Not, bad, right?”, Aitana questioned him amused.
“Not as good as you are though.”, you whispered into her ear.
“Oh, if you got paid to play football all day, you’d also be good.”, she stated firmly.
“Yes, but I love my job, just look at their eyes.”, you replied, your girlfriend did what you asked her to do. The girls and boys faces lit up while playing football in front of one of their idols.
Afterwards she looked back at you in adoration: “I only must look in your eyes. You were made to work with children. They adore you.”
You weren’t even a big Taylor Swift fan, but your friends and the older students were and there was a line in one of her songs, which you quietly sung to her, before you looped the ball over the midfielder:” You know how to ball, I know Aristotle.”
“Excuse me?! What was that?!”, Aitana’s mouth fell wide open.
“I don’t know how I did it either!”, you confessed.
“That was impressive as hell!”, Jordi told you.
With sparkling eyes, Imma demanded: “Do it again!“
“Yes, do it again.“, Aitana smirked.
“Like this?“, you asked before trying to play the ball over the worlds best female footballer again. This time, you were less lucky and the ball came at the perfect height for Aitana to easily head it back to you.
“Oh no, it didn’t work.“ Julia sounded slightly disappointed.
You shrugged, trying to use the opportunity to teach your students a valuable lesson: “The good thing is, one can always try again.“
Aitana instead winked at them: “Don’t worry, I’ll teach her at home.“
Imma frowned in confusion: “At home? Do you two live together?“
“Are you stupid? She called her amor earlier!“, Jordi groaned.
The smaller girls eyes widened: “She did?“
Aitana smiled at you, subtly linking your pinkies together: “She’s my best friend but also my girlfriend.“
“Oh.“ Julia made a delighted sound.
Jordi rolled his eyes: “They love each other, it’s so obvious, girls.“
And then he was back to kicking the ball around. Julia and Imma quickly chased after him, trying to get the ball.
You and your girlfriend stood in comfortable silence, still holding hands and watching the children run around you.
In this moment you were hit with the realization that this was exactly all you ever wanted from life.
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pinkyqil · 4 months
Aitana Bonmatí jealousy?
Mine and Mine only // aitana bonmati x r
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Aitana was never the jealous type she was always calm and collected.
the ballor d'or winner never felt any type of envious emotion to anyone always being humbled and kind which people loved about her.
That was something you learnt through out your relationship. she would never get jealous until today.
A few of your friends had planned a yacht party and invited both you and aitana which you both agreed to go too considering it wouldn't be the first time you've both been invited out like this by family friends.
Aitana was wearing a two pices bathing suit that highlighted. her athletic body toned down abs. especially with the wind was blowing in her hair. making her look like some type of greece goddess.
You on the other hand wore a different type of swim suit that covered more than enough but left something to the imagination.
You separated from aitana just for a while catching up with some old friends that you hadn't seen in a while.
Where you meet an old guy friend you hadn't talk to in a while you had a conversation with him surrounding your other friends
he got all flirty and touchy with you which aitana saw from a distance.
She felt some type of way the moment she saw him grab you by your waist. and also the way your face light up at an unfunny joke the guy.
She hated whatever she was feeling you should only be laughing at her jokes and holding her arm like that.
She definitely didn't like it one bit and was feeling very jealous of what was unfolding in right before her eyes.
Once your conversations finished with the other's.
you immediately went to go join aitana who looked a little tensed and annoyed. you obviously noticed her small glancing whenever the guy would touch you slightly.
"Tana baby you okay". You asked her
"No". she admitted looking like a grumpy kitten who got its toy stolen
"What is it".
"I don't like the way that guy was all over you". she said
"Since when did the aitana bonmati get jealous". you asked her with a little smirk showing on your face.
"Well today and I don't like it your mine no one else". she said pulling you a little closer as you we're the tall one in the relationship that gave your relationship one of those dynamic.
"I'm all yours my love ain't going no where". You told
"Of course you are no one is taking you away from me". You said to her.
A/n: hope you like this and it reaches somewhat of your expectations, request are always opened so send them in and as always feedbacks are appreciated
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delfiore · 4 months
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pairing: aitana bonmatí x uswnt!reader
synopsis: aitana leaves for the international break and you become a mopey little shit.
word count: 1.1k
a/n: something short and sweet to get me back into the writing groove. the final inspired me this. and yk what this was nice, writing fluff ... is nice (sometimes).
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It was embarrassing, really, the way you moped.
Unapologetically, you pouted and rolled around on the couch, convulsing and whining the way a child would beg for more candy. You would be convulsing and whining standing up if you weren’t so hung over from all the alcohol and clubbing you had done the past two days (most of which was justified, most of it).
“Do you have to go?” You knew the answer to that. In your mind, you looked very convincing. You’d hoped Aitana would notice and take pity on you and spare you a glance amidst her running around the house to pack.
“Amor, I’ll be back in two weeks.” Then she switched to Catalan. “[Plus you’re going soon too anyway.]”
It was true that the USWNT camp would assemble tomorrow, but that was one more day you would have liked to spend with Aitana after all the chaos of the Champions League weekend. The whirlwind of Barcelona’s victory has left little time for you to be alone with her. As soon as the match was over, the celebrations began, and Carla and the media team deemed that most of it should be on record. You wanted to be with your girlfriend so badly, but with Aitana dutifully attending to Carla’s every PR need, you were left pouting and giving her sad puppy eyes long before this morning.
“But-but—” you groaned as another wave of the pounding headache hit you, and you lay back down on the cushions.
“You see, this is why you shouldn’t drink so much.” She said, standing in front of you for a second to check that you weren’t going to vomit everywhere on the new couch.
“I’m sleepy. Come cuddle, please.”
You watched her stuff another pair of pants into the suitcase that lay open in the middle of the living room. “I didn’t ask you to get up with me.” She didn’t look amused. Somehow, it spurred you on even more, to know that she was having none of your shit but still engaged.
“But I always notice when you’re not in bed with me,” you whined again. “Can’t sleep after that.”
Aitana shook her head, barely acknowledging your predicament, scanning her suitcase, then went back upstairs.
With Herculean willpower, you stood up and followed her up the stairs. You stopped at the door of your shared bedroom, watching her collect her things from the en-suite bathroom.
“It’s just, I’m gonna miss you,” you said pathetically, “a lot.”
You didn’t know why, but this particular stint between this upcoming international break and the last felt much longer than others. It might have had something to do with the many things that happened during it—the many trophies that, looking back, you thought the team must have been running on crack to have won all of them whilst keeping yourselves fit and sane. In the middle of all that, you had Aitana, and she had you. The spotlight wasn’t easy, but it was alright because you both had each other to return to at the end of the night.
Finally, your pout must have worked because Aitana set her toiletry bag down on the counter when she met your eyes in the mirror. “Oh, amor. Why are you acting like a child?”
You didn’t care that you were; you just wanted your girlfriend to hold you before duties take her away.
Resting your head on her shoulder, you let out a sigh of desperation when she put her arms around your waist.
“I’m gonna die here, all alone, all by myself, and you don’t even care.”
“You’re not going to die, Y/N,” Aitana scoffed, but she held you closer. “[I’m sorry we didn’t spend much time together after the match]. Winning is exhausting, sí?”
You blew a raspberry. “Can’t wait for this season to be over.”
“No, you don’t, because then it means we’re going to the Olympics.”
You groaned, and plopped yourself onto the bed. “I don’t like playing against you.”
Aitana giggled, the sound floating like music in your ears. “Why? Scared you’ll lose?”
“Excuse you!” You put your hands on your hips. “I’m calling it, you guys versus us in the final. Better start practicing those free kicks.” You grinned and pulled her close, bumping your nose against her stomach.
“We’ll see.” When she leaned down to kiss you, you were ready and puckered your lips, but Aitana had the audacity to evade you and pecked your forehead instead.
She grabbed your chin and finally bestowed on your lips the kiss that you had been yearning for.
It’s not ever easy to let down your defenses, but with Aitana it felt so easy to do so. You never thought you’d ever be this lucky, certainly not two years ago, when you first transferred to Barcelona and Aitana started consuming your every thought. From the moment you laid eyes upon that beautiful smile and her unstinting kindness, you knew you were gone.
The memory of your first meeting lingered in your mind as your girlfriend dragged her suitcase towards the front door.
“I’ll call you when I get to camp,” she said.
“You promise?”
“Yes, promise. Now come here.” Her hands found yours and tugged you forward as you grinned. How could you not smile when her face was so close to yours? “I love you.”
You cupped her face and kissed her softly. “T’estimo.”
“Don’t be too sad, okay? It will go by quickly.” At least she pitied you enough to reassure you.
As you watched her get into her Uber, you could only wish she was right.
Aitana kept her promise and FaceTimed you once she had settled at camp a few hours later. The conversation didn’t last long, as she had to go quickly after that.
“I’m sorry,” you remembered saying.
“For what, my love?”
“For being clingy,” you laughed and shrugged. “I don’t know . . .”
It was a surprise, then, after you had packed your things for your early flight back to the States that night, that she called you again before you went to bed.
“Babe, is everything alright?” You had feared the worst when she texted you.
Are you still awake? Can we talk?
Super cryptic.
“Yes, everything is good.” After a quick pause, she said, “I couldn’t sleep. I miss you.”
A large grin crept onto your lips. “Well well well, how the tables have turned.”
As you heard a groan on the other side of the phone, you laughed, and thanked your lucky star above that you had someone like Aitana to look forward to coming home to.
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reminiscingtonight · 5 months
baking kitchen mess (aitana bonmatí)
Recipe For Relaxing (Aitana Bonmatí x Reader)
A/N: Barca you're massive 💪
[WOSO Masterlist]
It’s been a long day.
First, your ever lovely girlfriend drank what was left of the coffee and left for an early training without even telling you.
Then your alarm clock seemingly forgot how to do its job, leaving you, still barely awake with no caffeine in sight, to scramble to make it to work on time.
The meeting you slipped into was already in motion, multiple eyes zeroing in on you as you tried to sneak in undetected. So with a healthy dose of tiredness and shame following you to your classroom, you really hoped that your rambunctious lot of third graders would magically surprise you with manners fit for royalty.
It really shouldn’t have irked you as much as it did when all twenty-five of them seemed to catch the wiggle-bug. Nobody was able to sit for more than a couple minutes without jumping or shouting what was on their minds.
By the time the clock signaled the end of the school day you were more than ready to rip out your hair. As politely as you could you wished all of your students goodbye, waving at their grinning faces as their parents herded them away.
Any hope you had at relaxing was dashed when you noticed the cars lining the street all the way up to your driveway.
Sighing, you drove a bit further away before parking on the curb, knowing better than to expect the girls to leave you a clear spot to park in your own driveway.
Mumbling under your breath you stepped over the shoes discarded carelessly by the door. Although you could hear laughter wafting from the living room, you took the side door to get a well needed beer from the fridge. As much as you loved Aitana and all twenty of her clubmates, you needed something to help rewind before even entertaining the idea of playing host.
The second your foot crosses the doorway leading into your kitchen however, you freeze. Your fingers tighten against the doorframe as you take in the sight in front of you.
Something was baking in the oven, but dirty bowls littered your counters, as did half-used ingredients. Flour covered almost every surface, even tracking throughout the ground. 
Clearly the girls had never heard of leaving things as they found it. 
You shut your eyes, jaw clenching so hard that you know your dentist will be giving you an earful when you see her next.
“Aitana Bonmatí Conca, what the hell did you do to my kitchen?!”
The chattering ceases instantly. 
Angrily turning around, you stomp into the living room to give the girls a piece of your mind.
You’re met with wide guilty eyes, the footballers looking scolded before you even started. 
“Hola bebé, you’re home early.” Aitana gives you a timid grin but you’re not amused.
Your nose flares angrily as you take another step forward. Everyone flinches when you shove a finger into Aitana’s chest. “Clean up my kitchen. Now.”
The air is silent as no one dares to move.
You quirk an eyebrow, tilting your head to make eye contact with the rest of the team. “Now! Pronto! Move your asses girls! I wanted it spotless yesterday!”
It’s like a hurricane storming when everyone scrambles up all at once. Quiet apologies are thrown your way as they pass by, everyone eager to escape your anger.
Aitana tries to sneak away with her teammates but your hand clamps down on her arm before she can even take a step.
“I love you?” she tries, deflating when she sees your unamused look.
“Aitana, babe, love of my life, I love you but you’re the bane of my existence. I’m exhausted and would love it if you could reign in the girls and not make messes for me to clean up.”
A look of determination crosses her face as Aitana nods quickly. “I will do a better job of cleaning up.”
“Thank you,” you sigh, relaxing a bit when Aitana timidly leans forward to give your forehead a soft kiss.
Your girlfriend takes it as a win when she wraps her arms around you and you instantly sink into her hold. The exhaustion from your day seemingly catches up to you as you sway dangerously, ready to go to bed despite it still being early. 
Sighing, you rub at your eyes before gently pushing Aitana off of you. “Thank you for putting up with me. ‘M sorry for yelling.”
“It’s okay, I’m sure you’ve had a long day. Is there anything I could do for you?”
Humming, you give her a kiss when she leans forward for one.
“Could you go get me a beer and tell the rest of the girls that they don’t have to hide in the kitchen from me?”
“I--” Aitana winces. “I think we’re out.”
When Ingrid pokes her head out of the kitchen a couple minutes later, selected by the bunch as the least likely to get her head bitten off by you, she’s met with the sight of you sitting on the couch, feet thrown up on the table as you mindlessly flip through the TV.
You hold up a stack of papers towards the Norwegian. 
“Got a new team bonding activity for you heathens.”
Aitana sighs when she catches sight of the rest of her teammates with each of their own personalized shopping lists at the store down the street. 
“She got you guys too?”
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barcaatthemoon · 3 months
idk if you write for aitana but if you do could you please do "you're so pretty when you first wake up"???
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is this love? || aitana bonmati
aitana stared at you as you slept peacefully in bed. her heart was nearly overwhelmed with love and admiration for you. she simply couldn't believe that you were hers sometimes. her friends and family had always told her stories of what it was like to love, and while she knew she loved them, she didn't understand it all until you came along.
"mmm, tana what time is it?" you asked groggily as you tried to turn away from the light. aitana had no idea wht time it was. she had woken up when it was still dark, and had only begun to watch you once the sunlight began to peek through the curtains.
"you're so pretty when you first wake up." aitana was obviously distracted and not listening to a word that you had said. "you're pretty all the time. i love looking at you in the morning sun though."
"tana, quiet and come here," you told her. aitana watched as you lifted a single arm into the air. she moved in behind you to spoon you. aitana was nowhere near tired, but she was perfectly content to hold you while you caught up on a couple more hours of sleep. you had worked hard, and there was nothing aitana wasn't willing to do for you if it meant you were comfortable and happy.
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leahswife · 6 months
the in-betweens
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summary: in which you and aitana go from normal best friends to best friends who kiss.
a/n: this is the before of "where do we stand". gotta post some aitana fluff after all the jenni filth. i'm sorry if this feels rushed but i just couldn't find any more ways to describe the goddamn act of kissing 😭
prequel, part one, part two, part three
"ven a bailar conmigo, porfaaa." aitana begged as she grabbed your hand. 
"no no no aita–" you tried to protest but the girl's strong arms pulled you up from your seat, in the direction of the dance floor. you looked back at where you were seated besides caro and marta, sending them a pleading look to save you. they sent you an apologetic look but knew even they couldn't reason with a buzzed energetic aitana. you groaned at being dragged, you weren't in the mood for drinks tonight and you pretty content sitting next to the calm couple.
you don't know where aitana managed to find so much energy to party after a long game. but she did. and insisted on trying to force some of it into your worn out body.
you danced for a while, aitana screaming along to the spanish songs playing. you were unable to keep your frown on, with a smile pulling at the corners of your lips as you saw how happy she was.
she finally calmed down and wrapped her arms around your neck which made you comfortable enough to wrap yours around her waist, pulling her closer. you felt like your heart could combust with how close she was. she was breathless and clearly still high on a buzz when she got closer to your ear to shout "quiero besarte!" you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, not quite understanding what she said, a mix of language barrier and loud music not allowing you to. she grabbed the back of your neck to pull you closer and shouted again, "i want to kiss you!" she smiled excitedly.
you felt like your eyes couldn't grow wider if you wanted to, shocked at what you just heard. "you want to kiss me?" you asked her, disbelief in your voice. she just nodded with a happy smile and kept on dancing like she just didn't drop those 'too drunken' news on your 'too sober' self.
you went along with her wishes for a while but the pressing of sweaty bodies against you was starting to make you uncomfortable and so you got closer to aitana to shout in her ear, "i'm tired, tana. i'm going!" she nodded, starting to get drained too and both of you went back to your friends' table to gather your stuff. she tripped a bit on her own feet and you quickly put your hand on her waist to steady her, "okay, i'm taking you home." you say as you grab her stuff for her, she just giggled and let you take the lead, "at least take me to dinner first."
once you got to her house, you search for her keys in her purse and open the door, planting your hand on her back to guide her inside.
"so much better." you let out as you relished in the warmth of aitana's apartment, compared to the night's relentless cold outside. you turned to aitana to see her shivering in her dress, holding tightly onto her jacket.
"aitanita, go change into your pajamas." you rubbed up and down her arms and she nodded, "you can use my pajamas too" she suggested quietly, sleepiness taking over her.
"oh that's okay, i can go ba–"
"i'd like for you to stay." she whispered, looking up at you. she was sobering up by now and you could see it in her eyes there was something she needed to let out. did she remember what she said earlier? about you two kissing? she could really just let it go and blame it on the alcohol but you knew aitana felt the need to carefully explain any behaviour that could come across as weird. so you nodded. you went to grab her pajamas and got ready in her bathroom while she got dressed in her bedroom.
when you walked in, aitana was sprawled in her bed, dead asleep. you looked at her for a moment, heart beating slightly faster at the thought that your best friend might like you back. anyway, that was something for you to obsess over later. you chuckled at her figure and tucked her in, pulling the warm covers over her. you grabbed a blanket and made yourself comfortable on her couch.
"why did you sleep on the couch?!" 
you groaned and reluctantly opened your eyes as a scolding aitana woke you up.
"you don't have a guest room." you mumbled sleepily.
"so you should've slept in my bed." she crossed her arms.
"hm. couldn't disturb your beauty sleep." you put one arm over your eyes to keep away the light.
"idiota." you heard aitana mutter under her breath as she continued to throw complaints in catalan at you.
"aita, aita, aita" you repeated in hopes of interrupting her, in which you were successful, resulting in aitana shutting her mouth but not without sending you a scowl.
"has anyone ever told you that you're extremely loud and talk way–" you're interrupted by her rolling her eyes and moving towards the kitchen, ignoring you, "-- way too fast!" you yelled after her.
soon after, you feel a body sit down next your lying one. you opened your eyes to see aitana offering you a plate with fruit and eggs and some orange juice. you sit up, a smile forming on your face. "you didn't have to."
"as i speak."
you looked at her, getting slightly anxious at what was about to come next. but you nodded and started diving into your plate.
"i said something last night." she started, hesitantly. you nodded again, focusing more on your plate rather than looking at her so she wouldn't feel so much on the spot.
"i didn't– i don't want to make you uncomfortable with what i said."
"did you mean it though?" you finally lift your gaze towards her. 
"i– i did mean it. but i don't know what that means for me. if that makes sense." aitana was looking at her hands, fidgeting with them. this was clearly a sensitive topic. you noticed her breathing starting to get irregular and you put your plate and glass on the coffee table so you could get closer to her.
"i just don't want to lose you and i'm sorry if i made things awkward or different–" she started rambling the same time her tears started flowing down her cheeks. you pulled her into a hug and held her tight, "hey, tana–" "i don't want you to look at me differently or avoid me–" she was trying to control her breathing at this point, so you grabbed her cheeks, "aitana. stop." you said firmly, trying to ground her. she finally regained control of her breath and looked at you with slightly red eyes. 
"aitana, i can assure you that you wanting to kiss me is not a problem. at all. i don't feel weird or uncomfortable or whatever. hell, i feel flattered that aitana bonmatí wants to kiss me." you winked at her, trying to lighten up the mood. she giggled and wiped her nose. you felt relieved when you saw the smile back in her face, "i know this is probably overwhelming for you right now and you have a lot to discover on your own. but i can't lie and say i don't want to kiss you either." 
she looked up at you, eyes wide at your confession. 
"but if that's something you're not ready to explore, let's leave it at that and let it go."
and you did. let it go, that is. for a little while.
none of you spoke about it. you figured aitana should be the one to bring it up when she's prepared, so you went back to normal. as if nothing happened.
until it did.
you and almost the whole barça team were hanging out at mapi and ingrid's house for bonding night. you had played a few games and were now gathered around the living-room, watching a movie.
you were sitting at one of the ends of the couch, with aitana cuddling you by your side. you'd often whisper things to her to explain some scene from the movie or make some joke about what was happening. you'd do anything to see her smile and give you her absolutely lovable giggle.
at one point she nudged you to face her. "hm?" you asked, highly aware of how close your faces were. "i'm going to take a nap, wake me up when it's over." she whispered and you could feel her breath on your lips, which was far too intoxicating. you could simply nod and try to not look at her lips. 
she smiled as a thank you and flicked her eyes to your lips before gazing back up at you. you felt her inhale a short breath before looking down at your lips again and moving closer, pressing her own against the corner of your mouth. if your heart wasn't beating fast before, it definitely was now.
you started at each other, both understanding that that changed something.
she leaned her head on your shoulder again to try and take her nap but there was no way aitana was able to fall asleep now with the thundering in her chest.
the ride back to aitana's house was silent. there was unspoken tension between you two and you both knew it.
you got out of your car and walked her over to her door, not quite sure what to say and feeling like a teenager with a crush who's just dropped her date off at home and doesn't know what to do.
you huffed in frustration. the silence was killing you and you had to do something about it. you stepped closer to aitana and carefully cupped her cheeks, looking at her as if asking for permission. she didn't pull away so you leaned in, noses touching, you giving her another chance to back out if she wanted to.
she didn't. so you took your chance and softly pressed your lips against hers. 
you honestly didn't know how to describe it. it was tentative, gentle, delicate but - comfortable? like your lips were always meant to touch hers and knew exactly how to move against hers as if you've kissed a hundred times before. 
after what felt like ages to you but were actually seconds, aitana kisses you back. you keep kissing for a few more moments before you pull back, hands still cupping the catalan's cheeks and stare at her, breathless.
"i swear, aitana, if you still don't speak after that i–" you're cut off by her sweet little giggle before she presses multiple kisses on your lips. "you want to come in?" she asks, biting her lip to try and keep her grin from widening even further.
"damn, bonmatí. a girl gives you a finger and you want the whole arm." you shook your head in fake disapproval.
"callate." she grabbed your hand and pulled you in. 
the rest of the night was spent with you two letting your lips and tongues explore each other's mouths. it started off as shy and tender but as comfort and boldness started to settle in, your kisses got harder and provocative.
however, no matter how much your hands and lips delved into each other, no labels were defined. 
and they wouldn't be for the next months to come.
a routine started to settle in. you would show up at each other's houses for "best friend's night" and it always ended up with you locking lips. whether it was while aitana was cooking or when she beat you at a board game and you wanted to shut her up.
the same conversation also started to settle in between make out sessions. "just friends, right?" aitana would whisper breathlessly against your lips, and you would nod, agreeing with whatever she wanted so you could press your lips against hers again and again.
"i just," she would cut herself off to kiss you, "can't be," kiss, "in a relationship right now." kiss. you would agree because you would accept anything aitana would give you, no matter how small or little it could be.
you couldn't keep off of each other even at training, with you often pulling her inside closets so you could press her against the wall and muffle her giggles with your mouth. or when she would drag you into the changing room while others were at lunch to playfully bite your lips and leave you winded up.
but aitana was a busy person. she had family, friends and her career to focus on. but all she seemed to focus on now was you. and that was starting to worry her. she never had to make room for someone else in her life since starting her career, except for the casually meeting friends once in a while and visiting her family when she could. but to share everything with someone?
so she started to pull away, she wouldn't reach out to you during trainings, choosing to focus on getting there earlier for gym sessions and staying after to practice some more. this was her life, this was her focus. it had to be. so the "best friend's nights" started to disappear as well, aitana claiming she was too tired after trainings. and she was, she really was. as much as she trained, she didn't feel as fulfilled as before. the more she pulled away from you, the less accomplished she felt. but she also pulled these feelings away.
football was once her entire life. and it would be again.
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mapiforpresident · 4 months
Final req: Aitana x reader
team is celebrating the final win and either aitana or Reader gets drunk and confesses their feeling to the other?
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Aitana x reader
warnings: alcohol
You liked to party. Being surrounded by your best friends, Pina, Patri, and Cata, meant that right now you really, really liked to party. The private club where your team was celebrating had an open bar and good music, and you were taking full advantage of it.
Having scored the opening goal of the 3-0 win against Lyon, you were currently on cloud nine.
"I'm going to get another drink," you shouted to Pina, who you were currently dancing with. "You want another too?" you added.
"Sure, hurry back, these two clowns over here are getting out of hand," Pina replied as you both glanced toward Patri and Cata trying to do some sort of dance-off while both holding two beers. You were glad Alexia was in the corner with Olga ignoring the rest of you, or you were sure she would lecture the four of you, probably something related to good choices, logical thinking, and alcohol poisoning.
You stepped up to the bar and ordered. While you were waiting, you turned your head and saw Aitana walking towards you, and your breath immediately hitched in your throat. She looked absolutely stunning in her tight dress and medal gleaming around her neck in the club lights.
You had been hopelessly in love with the Ballon d'Or winner for over a year now. You had tried so many ways to get over your crush, but absolutely nothing was working. It had gotten so bad that you took private Catalan lessons just to impress her.
You knew Aitana didn't like you back because you didn't even think she liked girls. The only time she had ever mentioned a partner was a childhood boyfriend. She also didn't really interact with you unless it was in a group setting or at training. Your fellow English internationals were the only two that knew about your crush after they questioned you on why you were so adamant about learning Catalan even though you really only needed to know Spanish to get through training.
You grabbed your drinks and started to turn back towards the dance floor, trying to steady yourself both physically and mentally. The butterflies in your stomach fluttered wildly at the sight of Aitana approaching you. Just as you were about to head back to Pina, Aitana reached the bar and smiled at you, her eyes twinkling under the club lights.
"Hey," she greeted, her voice smooth and warm, sending a shiver down your spine. "Having fun tonight?"
You nodded, smiling brightly, trying to appear as calm as possible despite the rapid pounding of your heart. You really concentrated on not slurring or stuttering your words. "Yeah, it’s been amazing. It’s not every day we get to celebrate a win like this. Your goal was absolutely stunning."
Aitana’s smile widened, and she looked genuinely pleased. "Thank you. Your goal was also amazing."
Your cheeks flushed, and you could feel the heat rising. "Thanks, Tana."
She laughed softly, the sound like music to your ears.
Before you could respond, you noticed Pina waving you over from the dance floor, clearly eager for her drink. You turned back to Aitana, your mind racing for something else to say, something to keep her here a little longer.
"Hey, do you want to join us?" The words tumbled out of your mouth before you could stop them. "We’re having a little dance-off. It’s pretty hilarious."
Aitana looked over to where your friends were laughing and dancing wildly. She seemed to hesitate for a moment, then shrugged with a smile. "As much fun as that sounds, I promised Keira I would bring her a drink and start teaching her a couple of Catalan phrases."
You tried not to look too disappointed, but Aitana noticed the slight frown on your face after the words left her mouth. She didn't want to see you sad, so she turned towards the bar to order, which you took as your cue to leave. Pina saw you and reached out and grabbed her drink, taking a big gulp. "Finally! What took you so long?"
"Sorry, got caught up talking," you replied, glancing at Aitana, who was now grabbing her drinks from the bartender.
Pina raised an eyebrow at you but didn’t press further. Instead, she dragged you back onto the dance floor, and soon you were lost in the music and laughter once more.
As the night went on, the drinks continued to flow, and you found yourself getting increasingly tipsy. You tried to focus on having fun with your friends, but every time you looked at Aitana, your heart skipped a beat, and your thoughts became a jumbled mess.
Eventually, you found yourself sitting on a couch, feeling the effects of the alcohol more intensely. Aitana somehow ended up beside you, laughing at something Ingrid had said, and you couldn’t help but stare at her, the words you had been holding back for so long threatening to spill out.
Before you could stop yourself, you leaned closer to Aitana, your voice barely above a whisper. "Aitana, I need to tell you something."
She turned to you, her expression curious and slightly concerned. "What is it?"
Before you could say anything else, the trophy entered the room and the music was turned down so a couple people could make a speech.
"Group picture everyone, vamos vamos," you heard Alexia shout so all your teammates could hear her.
"What were you gonna say?" Aitana asked as she turned to you.
"It's nothing important, i'll tell you later."
It was a while later before people started heading back to the hotel to get a small amount of sleep. Luckily, it was literally across the street.
"Hey, y/n," Keira said, slightly stumbling towards you, gripping onto Laura's arm. "I made some room changes. Laura is going to spend the night with me in our room, so you are going to share with Aitana. I just talked to her and she said that it’s fine and that you can walk back together."
"What about Ona?" you replied, trying to think of an excuse. You were freaking out; you couldn't spend the night in the same room as Aitana. Your heart would beat out of your chest.
"Ona is definitely going back to Lucy's room by the looks of it," Keira replied as you caught sight of Lucy pinning Ona against the wall and making out with her neck in a dark corner.
"I'm trying to help you out here. She definitely likes you back."
"Shh, someone will hear you, and she does not like me back."
Keira just gave you a sly wink and nudged Laura, who gave you a thumbs-up before they both staggered off, leaving you standing there, heart racing, and stomach in knots. You looked over at Aitana, who was chatting with a few of your teammates near the door. She caught your eye and smiled, motioning for you to join them.
Taking a deep breath, you walked over, trying to calm your nerves. You could feel the alcohol buzzing through your veins, making you slightly unsteady. When you reached them, Aitana turned her attention fully to you.
"Ready to head back?" she asked, her voice soft and inviting.
You nodded, trying to keep your cool. "Yeah, let's go."
The walk across the street to the hotel was short, but it felt like an eternity. Your mind was racing with all the things you wanted to say but knew you shouldn't. Aitana walked beside you, her presence both comforting and overwhelming.
Once inside the hotel, you took the elevator up to the floor the team was staying on. When the doors opened, you stepped out and followed Aitana to her room. She unlocked the door and held it open for you.
"Make yourself at home. I have been sleeping on the bed by the bathroom, but we can switch if you would like," she said with a smile as you walked in.
"No, no, I'll take the bed by the window. I like that one better anyway."
You glanced around the room, trying to distract yourself from the fact that you were alone with Aitana. The room was cozy, with two beds neatly made and a small sitting area by the window. You sat down on Ona's bed, trying to steady your breathing.
Aitana disappeared into the bathroom for a moment, giving you a chance to collect yourself. When she returned, she had changed into more comfortable clothes – a pair of shorts and a loose t-shirt – and she looked even more beautiful than before. You felt your heart skip a beat. You don't think you had ever felt like this about someone in your life. Even when you were dating your ex, Georgia Stanway, you loved her, but never felt this strongly.
"So, what were you going to tell me earlier?" she asked, sitting down on the bed across from you.
You hesitated, the words caught in your throat. The alcohol had given you the courage to start this conversation, but now that you were here, you felt vulnerable and exposed. You took a deep breath, deciding that it was now or never.
"Aitana," you began, your voice shaky. "I've been wanting to tell you something for a while now. And maybe it's the alcohol talking, but I can't keep it to myself any longer."
She looked at you with concern and curiosity, urging you to continue.
"I have feelings for you," you blurted out, feeling your cheeks heat up. "I've had a crush on you for over a year, and I've tried so hard to get over it, but I can't. You're always on my mind, and I just... I needed you to know."
There was a long silence, and you could feel your heart pounding in your chest. Aitana's expression was unreadable, and you started to panic, thinking you had made a huge mistake.
But then she reached out and took your hand, her touch sending a jolt of electricity through you. "I had no idea," she said softly. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
You shrugged, feeling a lump in your throat. "I was scared. I didn't want to ruin our friendship or make things awkward. And I didn't think you liked girls, so I thought it was hopeless."
Aitana's eyes softened, and she gave your hand a gentle squeeze. "You're right, I haven't been very open about my personal life. But the truth is, I do like girls. And I've liked you for a while too. I just didn't know how to tell you."
Your eyes widened in surprise and relief. "Really?"
She nodded, a shy smile playing on her lips. "Really. I guess we both were too scared to say anything."
You let out a laugh, feeling a weight lift off your shoulders. "I can't believe it. This feels like a dream."
Aitana's smile grew, and she leaned in closer, her face inches from yours. "Well, it's not a dream. It's real."
Before you could say anything else, she closed the distance between you, pressing her lips to yours in a gentle, tentative kiss. The world seemed to melt away as you kissed her back, all the fear and uncertainty dissolving into a feeling of pure happiness.
When you finally pulled away, both of you were breathless, and Aitana's eyes were shining with emotion. "I'm glad you told me," she whispered. "I've been waiting for this moment for a long time."
"Me too."
That night, as you fell asleep with Aitana's smaller frame wrapped in your arms and her head on your chest, you had never felt more at peace. You drifted off to sleep, planning on taking her on a magical first date after the international break.
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httpswritings · 6 months
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Poison Paradise — Aitana Bonmatí x Reader
Warnings: none.
Word count: Around 1,1k
Summary: Enemies to lovers (?) after a match.
Aitana tried to forget about how nervous you made her, but deeply inside, she knew any effort would be in vain. 
Spanish camp had been a stressful environment way before Aitana could remember, and that was key to getting closer with you.
Playing for Real Madrid against Barça had always been hell, but something shifted the last time you had to.
Aitana came up to you with a shy smile as she bit her lower lip.
Her eyes were widening and showed a mixture of victory and compassion.
She enjoyed playing against your team, relishing every victory against the historic rival in men's team history.
But watching you console your teammates as the first captain of your team was crushing her heart. You had walked all over the pitch, shaking hands with the Barça players, including Aitana, to then shift your focus to your teammates. 
Some of them were on their knees, others were crying or walking off the pitch as they stormed out, and some others did not care at all.
At one moment, the stadium felt way bigger than before, as the crowd sounds seemed to penetrate your ears until you were only able to hear a high-pitched sound. 
If you had been more aware of your surroundings, you'd probably have experienced a panic attack, but you were numb, and after another defeat against Barcelona, no one could blame you for not feeling anything anymore.
That's what Aitana noticed. She saw you looking at her as she approached you. Her soft smile quickly disappeared after noticing your blank stare. 
“Let's go inside? Do you need anything?”
She only got more worried after not getting any response back, quickly holding your hand to guide you as you both walked off the pitch.
As the two of you headed to your changing room, she got nearer you, her lips dangerously close to yours.
You started to feel more alive as her eyes looked at you.
Aitana looked visibly concerned.
“Let me get you some water.”
You harshly stopped her from leaving your side—maybe too harsh, as she bumped into you.
Your eyes widened, and you quickly apologized, thinking she was going to get mad, but she stayed quiet, looking from your neck to your lips.
You instinctively licked yours.
Your mind tried to regain focus, but could you blame yourself for not being able to?
She brushed your arms softly, as a way of easing you, but your thoughts had turned into a mess of neediness for her body.
You rolled your eyes when your teammate Maite approached you.
Maite had been Aitana's friend for a while, as they both had met some years ago during national camp.
She was visibly affected by the loss, too, so Aitana shifted the closeness of your body to Maite's, leaving you in a state of jealousy.
You weren't a jealous person; you didn't like Aitana, and you couldn't start having feelings for your biggest rival.
Surprisingly, Aitana had managed to get Maite head to your changing room.
She felt awful for brushing her friend off, but she needed to have a moment with you.
“Are you leaving now?”
You nodded.
She was running out of time.
Everything happened so fast.
The game, the aftermath, but somehow whenever she looked into your eyes, she felt time stopping, you being the only source of life.
Her hand rested on your waist.
“I'm proud of you.”
You rolled your eyes. 
Not at her words, but at the thought of the match you had just played.
“I appreciate it, but I don't feel like talking about this.”
She nodded and pulled you into a warm hug.
Her embrace made you almost cry, until you tilted your head, finding her neck.
It was an innocent move, the best way you found to stop the tears falling down, but as your nose softly brushed the skin of her neck, you noticed how she shivered and hissed in a low volume, even though you were able to hear it.
You separated a little bit from her, trying to figure out if she was feeling the same way as you.
You took as a confirmation the way she looked around, just in case someone was approaching.
It was not safe to do anything there, so Aitana grabbed your hand and pulled you into her team's changing room.
You froze at first, not wanting to enter the place where the players had been celebrating the victory, but you gave in and let her guide you through it.
The players looked curiously at you, not understanding why you were there or the quickness of Aitana to pull you into the bathroom.
“It's an emergency,” she informed her teammates, causing the opposite of what she had in mind, as they approached you both, who were already into a bathroom facility.
“Yes, she's fine. Don't worry.” 
You had to stop laughing as you shook your head, not being able to believe all the mess Aitana had done just to have some privacy with you.
She looked at you and slightly tilted her head to the left as a way of asking for permission, and you nodded.
With her hand placed on your left cheek, Aitana pressed her lips against yours.
Adrenaline rushed throughout your body.
You knew this was wrong; everything about this was awfully wrong.
But you couldn't get enough of the poison paradise Aitana's lips were. 
How could something so forbidden taste so good?
Her lips guided you through the kiss.
It started roughly, slowing down as you kissed.
Her knee pressed against your core as she was quick enough to cover your mouth.
You could hear the other players talking in the bathroom.
“Tell me you have some time left before you have to go. You don't know how much I've thought about this,” Aitana whispered.
You had to leave in about ten minutes, and you hadn't even showered.
“I can't...” 
She sighed.
“I've wanted this for a long time, too.”
Aitana looked up and smiled when she saw you smiling, warming her heart knowing the day you've been having.
She placed her head on your chest, “This is so wrong... Like so wrong.”
You laughed.
“I think we both know. But I really want— need to kiss you.”
Aitana looked at you as she licked her lips, and you laughed again, making her roll her eyes.
“Do I need to ask you?”
Aitana nodded, enjoying your desperation to feel her lips.
“Can you kiss me, Aitana?”
She softly grabbed your head, bringing it closer to hers but tilting it to the right, so she could reach your ear.
“As you wish, beautiful.” 
And with that, she linked her lips to yours, both of you tasting the bittersweet taste of rivalry.
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repulsiveliquidation · 8 months
Hope, Coffee, and Poetry.
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cw : smut, angst, mentions of cheating. 18+ DNI.
a/n I hope this lives up to your expectations. I cried when I wrote the last line, I have no idea why. Enjoy. realized I forgot to include the Frida Kahlo quote I used!
“You deserve a lover who takes away the lies and brings you hope, coffee, and poetry.”
“Bebita, please!”
“Don’t want to hear it, Alexia,” you tell her, storming out of the restaurant with her trailing behind.
“Baby, wait!”
You turn around quickly, anger seething behind your eyes. She cowers a little, taking a step back from you just as you both stepped out of the restaurant.
“Don’t you dare try to justify what you’ve been doing behind my back, Alexia. I’ve been so stupid to think that you wouldn’t break my heart like that when you promised me you wouldn’t ever do that. You know the pain and turmoil my father did to my mother and you SWORE to me you would never cheat on me and you fucking did!”
“Amor, I’m sorry. I tried to tell you but-”
“But what, Alexia? ‘Oh sorry I couldn’t join you for dinner babe, I’ve got my mistress to fuck at 8 pm tonight, and I can’t reschedule?!’”
You step up to her, most of the girls now joining you two outside. María, Ingrid, Lucy, and Frido look extremely upset with Alexia while Ona, Jana, Pina, and Aitana are by your side rubbing your back and arms.
“You ruined us, Alexia. Don’t ever forget that.”
You wipe your tears off your face, give the girls a curt nod, and walk off towards your car. Opening the door, you hear María yelling her head off at Alexia, fluently cursing at her in Spanish. Alexia has her head hung low when you drive past, sobbing into her hands.
“How could you do something like that to her, Alexia? She was the best thing that ever happened to you and you throw her away for some gold digger you picked up at a bar?!” María lays into her after Alexia desperately tries to explain herself.
“She is not a gold digger!” Alexia yells suddenly, looking straight at María with red eyes and an angry look.
“Did you just defend her? The whore you’ve been sleeping with behind your fucking wife's back?”
Alexia looks at her best friend in shock. The words just came out of her mouth, she wasn’t thinking.
“I didn’t mean-”
“Your wife has been there for you when you were THIS close to giving up football. When your ACL tore, she almost gave her career up to be there for you full-time. When your father died, she was the first one you called; she was as heartbroken as you were, he was the best father figure she had. The two of you were thick as thieves, inseparable since you were children. You knew the kind of shit her father put her and her mother through with him sleeping around and you go and do the one thing she hoped the person she loved wouldn’t do to her!”
Alexia was sobbing hard, shoulders shaking hard with her cries. No one comforted her, somehow that hurt her more than the truths María was yelling at her.
“I am so fucking disappointed in you, I can’t even LOOK at you right now!” María yelled one last time, shoving Ingrid’s hand off her shoulder and walking back into the restaurant.
Ingrid nods at the other girls to go back inside and finish their lunch, wanting a minute with the captain. She pulls Alexia into a tight hug, letting her cry into her neck. She’s shaking, mumbling a million apologies to no one. Ingrid shushes her, cradling her face in her hands.
“What you did was unacceptable. María said some hurtful things but she was not wrong. You’ve made the bed, now you have to lie in it. The girls are going to need some time to forgive you but I think you need to make amends with your wife first.”
Alexia nods her head, thanking Ingrid before rushing off to her car. Her hands shake as she starts the car, thoughts running through her head a million miles an hour. She wonders how she could have been so stupid, so desperate for love that she went out to find it when it was right in front of her the whole time.
You were perfect, the woman of her dreams. When her father died, you ran over to her house barefoot when she called to tell you. You ran into her house and pulled her into your arms, cradling her sobbing form as you tried to be strong for her. He was the father you never had, your own cheated on your mother so often she resented men for a long time and you swore you would never be with someone who was the same way.
When you met Alexia at 4 years old, there was an instant connection. The two of you were attached at the hip, one never seen without the other. Barcelona promoted both of you to the first team at the same time. Having just started dating and having the opportunity to go to work every day with your best friend was a dream come true.
Day by day, the two of you made things work. You two functioned like a well-oiled machine, a connection that ran so deep, that you were sure in other lifetimes you were lovers. The night of her 24th birthday, you surprised her with two tickets to the men’s team game that weekend and a little black velvet box. She immediately knew what it was and you argued, with her groaning about being the one who needed to propose cause she ‘wore the pants in the house’. You glared at her, to which she apologized, said yes, put on the ring, and made love to you all night.
The next morning, after yet another passionate round of steamy morning sex, she pulled out a matching velvet box.
“Here, bebita,” she whispered, handing you the box as you settled into her side. You gasped and opened it carefully, a beautiful diamond ring shimmered in your palm.
“My turn,” she grinned, “Will you make me the happiest woman in the world and marry me?”
“Yes, yes, yes!”
Alexia walks into the house in search of you, hoping you’ve come home and she could catch you before you inevitably leave.
What she doesn’t expect is for you to have company over.
You pull away from Aitana’s arms, looking back towards the door to see Alexia standing there. She’s breathing hard, tears streaks on her cheeks.
You stand, a confused Aitana remains seated on the dark couch both you and Alexia picked out when you first moved in.
“Uh, I’ll just leave-”
“No, stay.”
You walk up to Alexia, arms crossed across your chest. Her shoulders sag and her head hangs low once again.
“Can we talk…please?” she looks up at you, eyes filling with tears. Your heart begs to comfort her but you know better not to. You know you’d give in to her, her tears have always been your greatest weakness.
“I messed up, amor. I know that now, but please, we can fix this. I’ve broken it off with her, we can go for couples counseling, I’ll work harder to communicate, I’ll do anything!”
“Alexia, I love you. I think I always will. But I don’t deserve to be someone’s second choice. I deserve someone who can come to me and tell me they’re not happy. Instead, you found someone else to do that for you. You found someone else to do my job for me. I’m sorry Alexia, but we’re done.”
You step closer to her, kissing the corner of her lips. She’s shaking her head, lips begging for you to stop.
“Sign those papers I gave you, I’d like them as soon as you can please.”   
“No, please! Give me a chance, bebé please!”
“I already did, Alexia. I will not do it again.”
You walk into the bedroom and grab the duffel bag you had packed, storming out to where Aitana stood dumbfounded in the living room before taking her hand and leaving the house.
Alexia feels her heart break into pieces. You did already give her a chance at redemption, how could she forget? She thinks back to that day when you were both 21, away at both your international camps.
“Bebé, hi! I’ve missed you!”
Alexia scrambled to answer her phone, pulling the covers over her naked body. She glances over at the clock and notes that it’s time for your regular phone call. You notice her disheveled hair and wonder what she’s been up to, your head cocked to the side with a curious look on your face. You shake your head and focus back on her, feeling your heart ache to be with her.
“I-I’ve missed you too, Amor! What-what are you doing?”
“I’m done with training for the day, silly. Are you already in bed, was Spanish training that hard?” you tease, grinning at her.
“Sí, it went on for hours today!” she says with a nervous laugh when suddenly there was a ruffle in the sheets. Alexia looks at the moving duvet in the corner of her eye, and you see a foot sticking out of the edge of the screen that’s not Alexia’s. She looks back at you and notices, immediately covering it up.
“Are you kidding me?” you say, voice raised in anger.
“Amor, let me explain!”
“There’s nothing to explain Alexia, we’re done! How could you?!”
“Bebita please, this was a mistake!”
It took a year of counseling for the two of you to mend the trust that was broken. Fast forward 2 years and you were walking down the aisle to marry her on the happiest day of your lives. She had kept her promise and the two of you couldn’t have been closer.
Until she broke that promise again.
Aitana was beautiful. She loved you in a way so different from Alexia. In the days after the divorce and the court hearings, Aitana was by your side the entire time. She was gentle and she was kind. She knew you were guarding your heart with an impenetrable fortress, but she tried every day, little by little to gain access to the sweet, caring, loving, unapologetic girl she had quietly been pining over since her days at the academy.
Aitana was the textbook definition of sunshine. She always had a big smile on her face, never letting anything get her down. She was like a pocket rocket, able to pull laughs out of you no one else ever did. She made you feel safe, secure, and loved.
Court proceedings were taking a while and in that time, you two managed to build a new life together. You had known each other a long time and turning that friendship into the most excitingly new love was easier than you thought it would be. You moved in with her, drove to training together, cooked together, and made love every way you could. She was easy to love, but a passionate lover that would move mountains for you. A part of you still loved Alexia, you knew you always would but you felt your heart grow to make space for the new best thing in your life.
“Please Aitana, fuck…”
“You like my mouth on you, princesa?”
“Yes, so fucking much…please!”
Aitana pushes your legs back, lips attached to your core as she eats you out hungrily. She groans into your pussy, eyes boring deep into yours that are filled with tears. Your hands pull on her hair, your head thumping back onto the couch you’re fucking on.
She sits up between your legs, two of her fingers pushed deep into your pussy. She kisses up your calf, free hand caressing your ass.
“Getting close, bebita?” she asks in the most innocent voice, a little smirk across her face.
You look up at her, hands holding your legs back like the good girl you’re being for her. She grins, leaning over to crash her lips to yours. You kiss back ferociously, her fingers pushing in a third that makes your eyes go back into your head.
“Aitana!” you cry out, the tips of her fingers roughly pressed up against your sweet spot. She kissed down the expanse of your neck, lips latched onto your breast when she suddenly bit down and your orgasm hit you like a freight train. You shuddered and squirmed, body convulsing hard as her fingers and palm worked you through an orgasm so hard you saw white and passed out for a second.
“You are not what you seem, baby,” you tell her panting, kissing her slowly as she cradles you in the bath after fucking you into the couch twice more.
“For you, mi amor, I’ll be anything you want.”
Alexia stood outside the courthouse with a soft smile on her face. You walked out behind her, the final hearing of your divorce was now over. You both parted on good terms, leaving nothing but good memories behind. Aitana remained by your side and you spoke to Alexia, knowing that there was nothing but love for each other that would never change.
“She makes you happy. I’m so glad she can give you what I couldn’t,” Alexia started, her expression a little sad and longing.
You lean in and kiss the corner of her lips again, lingering just a few seconds longer than you should.
“I will always love you, Ale. Never, ever forget that.”
“I won’t bebita, you’re very special to me.”
“I’ll see you on Monday at training?”
“Sí,” she waves you two off, smiling wide before saying one last thing but it’s not directed at you.
“Tana?” she calls, Aitana turns around and looks at her captain.
“Sí, capi?”
"Cuida de ella por mí, ¿quieres? Es una buena".
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Hi guys!
This is a request that you can find here, thank you again dear anon for your idea :)
I hope it would be as you want it to be. Enjoy!
TW : Light injury
When Aitana found herself on the ground after contact during training and her face twisted with pain, you rushed to her side. Your girlfriend isn’t the type to be down, she is even rarely on the ground thanks to her ability to avoid physical contact and tackle. But her small size makes her very often fly when it happens.
Luckily, it’s not very serious but it forces her to be in the stands for the first time in a long time. Usually she is on the field with you, playing in her usual place while you are in defense.
Today, you share the defense with Ona, Lucy and Jana. Mapi being still hurt, she’s in the bleachers with your girlfriend for today. As the number of injuries grows, there are also Alexia and Bruna to keep them company. This is an important match that is played since you are facing Real Madrid. You don’t play at home, but that didn’t stop your injured ones from following you to the capital, their support remaining important.
During the presentation of the teams, you look the presence of Aitana in the audience and relax slightly when you manage to see her, in great discussion with Alexia. But you exchange a smile before you shake hands with your opponents and rivals.
You wouldn’t say that you are one of the best players in the world, but you know your job and with Ona playing alongside you, you quickly managed to find a good understanding. You don’t have to raise your head to know where she is on the field, sending her several times a game a ball allowing her to overflow to the side, as she likes to do.
"Man, that was a good one" cannot help but point out Aitana out loud.
You just pass the ball at Ona, which runs at full speed towards the goal. Unfortunately, Caro doesn’t put it in. But still.
"Don't look so surprised" Mapi laughs at her, her eyes glued on Ingrid.
The game continues and if you don’t offer the assist to Salma, you continue to make a good match. You are even close to scoring a goal from the head during a corner, Misa Rodriguez turning away your missile only from the fingertips.
You can’t hide your disappointment, returning to your bottom line where Lucy gives you an encouraging pat on the back. After a smile of thanks, you shift your attention back to the game. You manage to avoid a goal just after halftime, throwing your body on the goal line when Olga Carmona takes back a ball that Cata had managed to prevent from entering with her fists.
"She is amazing" whispers Aitana.
This time Alexia leans in the direction of your girlfriend, looking at her with a smile but slightly frowned.
"Of course she is. She’s your girlfriend, have you ever seen her play?"
"Yes of course I have! But… I don’t know. She is…"
Aitana frowns in turn, watching Cata then Ona congratulate you or thank you for your intervention. When the ball is back in play, Aitana doesn’t follow it but looks at you this time. The way you never take your eyes off the ball, while not letting go of the other team’s star forward. The ease with which you find Ona, Salma or Ingrid on your side when you have to sway the ball higher on the field.
And let’s not even talk about the gliding tackles that are definitely your cute sin and your trademark.
While the team leads 4-1 in the 89th minute, Aitana feels silly. Obviously, she knows that you are a good player, she sees you evolve daily in training and on the field. But she may not have realized how strong you are, not having the opportunity to watch you play on the international stage, your home country not having a strong enough team for that.
"Come on, let’s go find our girls" Mapi happily exclaims at the end of the game.
She jumps on Alexia’s back to go down the steps faster, leaving Aitana to take her crutches. The brunette follows them, still not leaving your eyes. You are greeting the players from the other team and you are in the middle of a conversation with Olga when Aitana joins you.
"Disappointed I didn’t score, but I can’t undo the way you stop my shot" is saying Olga when Aitana comes up to you.
"I was at the right time in the right place" you smile humbly shrugging.
"No, she’s right, you were amazing" smiles Aitana, sliding her two arms around your waist to put a kiss on your cheek.
Not having seen her arrive since you were standing from your back, you are surprised by her proximity but also by her effusion. Usually, Aitana isn’t the kind of person who likes to perform. You’re not bothered by that, but you obviously respect your girlfriend’s preferences. Her comfort is what comes first.
"Thank you" you answer by placing your hand behind her back, pleasantly surprised by her mark of affection.
You talk a few more minutes with Olga, without Aitana taking care to let you go. She even puts her chin on your shoulder when Atheana joins you in your discussion. Ona, Lucy and Alexia join you after a little while and all this little people are particularly happy. Even the Madrid players who just lost their match.
"I’ll get myself something to drink" you discreetly slip into Aitana’s ear after a little while.
"I’m coming with you"
You don’t comment when she clings to your arm during the journey, preferring to greet the players or staff members you haven’t yet met since the end of the game.
When you are stopped by the Real Madrid coach, Aitana stays by your side.
"So Y/N, still not decided to join the capital?" he teases you while you shake your head with amusement.
"No still not, sorry"
Aitana says nothing but you feel her sticking even more against you, leaving strictly no milimeter between you two.
"Did you get any proposals from Real Madrid?"
The question she asks you while you drink your water is made with a sulky and almost worried face. You smile at her before you answer.
'They tried their luck while I was talking to Barcelona about extending my contract. I guess this is a more or less discreet way of informing me that they are still interested I guess"
You gently shrug your shoulders before putting the gourd back in the cooler, smiling in front of Aitana’s face.
"What is it?"
But the brunette’s eyebrows frown a little more, until she gets closer to you to stick against you again.
"You can’t leave. You have to stay with me. And the team"
"What’s happening to you, Tana?" you laugh softly as you tighten her against you.
You never seen your girlfriend so clingy and touchy, at least with people around.
"Nada" she groans in your jersey.
You train her with you when you go to shower, rolling your eyes when she asks in a grumpy tone why it’s not you who has the trophy of the best player of the game.
"Maybe because Mariona scored two of the four goals? But if you ask me Ona deserved it too. Three assists is not nothing."
"Well you should have had it. It’s not fair."
You smile again and drop a quick kiss on her cheek while getting rid of your shorts and your jersey, leaving you in underwear and sport bra.
"Okay, grumpy lady. I’m gonna go wash up and then we’re gonna go back to the hotel, so you can groan after everything you want just the two of us, what do you say about that?"
"Alright" groans your girlfriend again, unable to hide her smile.
You smile too, putting your hands on her knees to kiss her tenderly.
"And by the way, I’m not going anywhere. I’m happy here with you."
Happy New Year people 🎆🎇
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pinkyqil · 5 months
aitana bonmati “are you drunk?” champions league final celebration <33
Drunk in love // aitana bonmati
The moment the refe blowed the final wist.you guys won aitana scoring the winning goal everyone running on to the pitch to congratulate one an other.
After doing rounds of greeting family members signing stuff for fans and celebrating one final time all together the moment being unbelievable.
One of the girls had suggested to go too a night club which everyone agreed to for this spectacular of time.
In all honesty you didn't plan to drink that much only dancing your heart out.so one drink turned into getting another to another one until you found yourself so drunk that you and ona just started laughing and jumping for no reason.
The rest of the girls obviously came joining in on the fun. Not thinking that you both we're very drunk it was all an enjoyable moment for everyone.
That was until you hadn't seen you girlfriend after coming off the pitch.you knew she was somewhere at the club after spotting her with kiera a few moments ago.
Deciding to take it into your hands to look for your girlfriend and asking this pretty lady who looked like your short stronge muscled headed girlfriend of your.
"Excuse me have you seen a short woman named aitana close to this height". you slurred on yourself trying to stand stil.
"Love are you drunk". This random lady who looked like your Tina asked you.
"Who are you calling love I only came to ask if you knew a short princess called tina". you told her again but this time falling over and trying to get up.
"Oh tana I think she's definitely drunk so is this one over here they must have had too much to drink". Lucy told her trying to help ona up.
"Okay lady let's go and I'll help you look for your tiny princess she told you". Helping you get up and leading you outside before dialing a taxis to come get you both.
Arriving at the hotel aitana had managed to carry an heavy sleeping you on her back.laying you down on her hotel bed even though couples weren't allowed to room together she had no choice.
After what seemed like eternity you'd finally woke up very confused at why you were at a different room or why weren't you at the club with the other's.
Until it hit you that you went with a total stranger that you didn't know. Immediately jumping out of there bed trying to figure out what happened.
"Amour what's happening". Aitana said when she saw you on the floor
"Oh it just you tina".you said with sigh of relief
The rest of the day was spent eating cuddling and wachting a flim trying to get you sober up.
A/n: hope you enjoy the fic and it meet your standards I'm still taking requests and feel free to send in a player prompt and location.
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alexiabae · 1 year
PUPPY; aitana bonmatí x fem!reader x ona batlle
Warnings: fluff.
Note: English is not my first language.
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not my gif.
Aitana's jaw clenched immediately when she noticed who was laying on the ground. She ran quickly to her, pushing the rival away.
"¿Te has hecho daño?" Aitana asks, worry present in her voice. She knelt down, watching the pained expression on her face.
"My knee." Y/N mumbled, hissing when she tried to stand up, letting out a pain squeal.
Aitana grabs her hand and squeezes it, looking briefly at the player who did this. Her eyes transform daggers. And like what she wants to do to that player, someone else pushed her, exclaiming bad words. A tiny smile painted on Aitana's lips.
"They are coming." Alexia's voice broke her visual from the pair and Lucy separating her teammate from the rival.
Aitana saw how the medics came quickly, Alexia making room for them and looking to her friend laying there while sharing the worry that Aitana felt for Y/N.
"Ona, enough!" Lucy's thick accent was heard next to them, taking away the young defender.
Ona scowled when Lucy pushed her to another part and when her gaze saw the girl laying, her eyes softened.
"Is she okay?" Ona asked the medics, crouching down. Her hands move to take away Y/N's hands from her face, wiping her cheek when saw it dirty.
"She will, but she needs to be sub." One of them said, turning to the bench and doing a gesture with their hands.
"I'm going to kill her." Aitana growled.
"You are staying away from her." Alexia state firm, walking to where Irene and Keira are discussing with the referee.
Frido crouched down and moved some lock of hair away from her face, whispering reassuring things. Y/N whispered something too, something that neither Aitana or Ona could hear, seeing only how the Swedish nodded.
With a promise from the pair, Y/N was subbed off. Ona patted Aitana's back, talking with a look what they are gonna do.
But the plan came quickly to an end when Frido came towards them and threatened them with a surprisingly serious tone.
When the whistle indicated the final, Ona and Aitana ran in, not caring at that moment about anything more than Y/N.
The freckled girl saw her girlfriend sitting on her cubby apparently with nothing serious, she sat down on her lap and hid her face on her neck, depositing a kiss there.
"I can play the next game. They took me away for precautions." Y/N explained, hugging Ona.
Aitana walked towards them and stood in front, a hand on her hip. "You are forbidden to move today." She indicated, making her laugh and the brunette frown. "I'm saying it seriously."
Y/N snorted. "Believe me, I know." Aitana rolled her eyes and leaned down to kiss her forehead.
Ona, who is more permissive in that way, sometimes she ally with Y/N to lure her other girlfriend, that gave in after a while. So she knew later that day, she needs to intervene in the future discussion between Y/N and Aitana. But she missed so much that she didn't care.
"You two!" Once again, Alexia interrupted the atmosphere without knowing it. Ona moves out quickly, sitting to Y/N's left side. The midfielder walked in. "Do you think I don't notice your behaviour? And disappear when the match ends?" She stood up in front of them, crossing her arms with an authority face, but softening her features when saw Y/N. "Are you okay?" She asks softly.
Y/N nodding with a smile.
"We are worried." Ona said, shrugging while grabbing a bottle of water.
Alexia fixed her gaze towards her, raising an eyebrow to her answer. Her firmness is coming back to her face.
"Yeah... frequently it's been that way." The captain hummed.
Before Ona could answer, the chatter between Keira and Patri interrupted the interrogation.
"Whoa. Who is the guilt?" Patri teases when saw her captain position, walking next to her.
Y/N hides a smirk, watching the interaction.
"My choice is Anita." Keira joked too, throwing her right arm around Aitana's shoulder.
The mentioned rolled her eyes, while the other laughed.
"Well, mine is Y/N." Patri said. She notices lately the pair glued to her. The player raised her eyebrows, surprised while pointing to herself. "Yes, you. These two need to resolve their crush on you." The Balear smugly said, oblivious to the real situation.
Aitana blushed profusely while Ona spit the water she was drinking. Y/N patted her back a few times.
"Cállate." Ona muttered, throwing at her a knowing look. Lately Patri got to Ona to confess her love to Y/N, not knowing that she already did it.
Patri giggled and after checking on Y/N, she went to her cubby. Y/N and Keira engaged in a conversation, giving the opportunity to Alexia to bring with herself Aitana and Ona to another part of the changing room.
"Well?" Alexia asked after a few seconds, raising an eyebrow and crossing her arms, the captain armband showing up.
The pair gave a look to each other, speaking with her eyes. Alexia sighed when neither of them said a word. "I don't know what is going on with you two following Y/N. It's okay if you two have a crush on her, but please, stop ac-,"
"Y/N is our girlfriend." Aitana said in a small voice, copying her captain and crossing her arms, her eyes looking at the floor.
Ona tried to hold a laugh when saw the older one open and close her mouth a few times, clearly not expecting this new information.
"Uhh?" Alexia hummed, very confused.
"We are in a relationship with her." Ona explained carefully, pointing with a finger herself and Aitana. "Weird?" She asks, calmly.
Alexia scratched the back of her head, nervous. "No... I don't listen to that frequently... that's all." She stammer.
"Then, do you understand why we worry about her, right?" Aitana said, raising her eyes to her friend.
The older snort. "Aitana, you are like a chihuahua with your teammates. You double it with her, also with Ona I still don't see it..." she joked, seeing the offending expression from the brunette and Ona laughing hard.
Ona's laugh called the attention from the others. Alexia chuckles discreetly while Aitana starts to protest. Y/N raised from her spot carefully and with the help of Keira and both of them walked towards them, Patri following behind.
"What is it?" Y/N stood next to Alexia, seeing Ona leaning on Aitana who was very offended and blushing, not caring about Ona at that moment.
"Alexia c-called your girlf-friend chihuahua!" Ona explained between laughs.
A lot of exclamations were heard. Some surprise noise escaped from Y/N's mouth, taking her with the guard off. Patri slapped her shoulder, a big smirk taking occupying her face.
"Your girlfriend?" Keira murmured next to her, copying Patri's smirk.
Y/N cover with a hand on her face, embarrassed.
"You two together? Shit Y/N, you mess up the bet." Patri said, remembering the bet some of them have on the three pairs.
Y/N frowned, putting down her hand and looking at Patri confused. This one received a nudge from the captain.
Ona stopped laughing, cleaning her cheeks from the crying. "What bet?" She said, frowning. Aitana stopped protesting too.
Patri looked like a puppy at that moment. Her gaze alternate between Alexia and Keira, avoiding the three involved one.
Alexia sighed deeply, thinking that of course, Patri is the one who could talk too much. Even if she isn't involved in the bet, she is aware about it.
"The one...," Patri started, undecided and swallowing. "We make a bet about who Y/N will start dating between you two..." she said in a small voice, guilty.
Y/N rolls her eyes. Of course her teammates would make a bet about them. She isn't mad with them.
"Are you three mad?" Keira asked, nervous.
Y/N shakes her head, making Patri and Keira sigh relieved.
"What about us?" Aitana scowled, indignant.
"Well, the main one we are scared of was Y/N. We can deal with you two." Patri said, an innocent smile painting on her lips.
"We can be scary too." Ona says trying to be intimidating.
Keira snort. "What?" Aitana said, starting to feel angry.
"Don't get mad, but you two are like two angry puppies. Y/N rarely gets angry and when it happens, everyone runs." Keira said, shrugging while smiling.
"She has a point..." Ona mumbled only at Aitana, coming to her head the times her girlfriend got angry with them.
The midfielder rolled her eyes, but remained quiet, agreeing silently with Ona. Y/N walked towards Aitana and wrapped her arms around her neck, the Catalan immediately wrapped hers around Y/N's waist protectively.
"You two look hot." Patri smirked, crossing her arms.
"I know..." Aitana said proudly, kissing Y/N's cheek.
"I want a kiss too." Ona complained, not caring about the other two who still don't know anything.
Before the pair could make a comment, Y/N unwrap an arm and wrap it on Ona's, smashing her lips on hers.
"WHAT!?" Keira exclaimed more loud than she pretended, muffling the squeal surprise Patri let out.
Y/N smiled on Ona's mouth, pecking it a few times. The young Catalan let out an enamoured sigh. When she turned to look at her friend, she saw how Patri and Keira had the same expression, making her laugh.
"Who won then?" Ona asked smugly.
"That's why they are always together..." Patri muttered to herself and looked at Alexia.
"Excuse me? I'm more interested in why you call me a chihuahua." Aitana said after a while, making them look at her silently. But soon they exploded into a loud laugh. Alexia rolled her eyes with a smile.
"I love you chihuahua." Y/N muttered on her lips to remove the piss from her face and was replaced by a small smile.
"Don't start to call me like that, please." She begged in a whisper, ignoring the laugh and tease from Keira and Patri.
"We will think about that." Y/N said, giving her a chaste kiss.
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