#Aito Takao
kiyomi-mizumi-1y · 2 years
A collection(?) of all my most recent drawings!
I haven't been posting them on here so hooray I have now created a list (Kazuki Redesign)
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(Swap AU, ft Kenzou, @nicosbrainrot's character)
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Worm Friends!
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Mandela AU Boni <3
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OC ref sheet for my friend :)
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Boni's redesigned ref sheet!
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Happy (late) birthday, Boni! <3 (ft many of her friends!)
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Yandere AU? Yandere AU.
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Next image contains gore, watch out <3
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Aaaaand last but not least, a dead revived lady!
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korissideblog · 2 years
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POV two bestys <3
(Inspo from this post <3)
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kamiart · 2 years
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Heck u (Pokémons ur KNHA kids)
Realised I never posted the first two, so <3 have the collection!!
Ito (Aito) - @korissideblog
Rini (Rin) - Moi~
Faeranian Riolu (Akihiko) - @akihiko-arakan / @captainbaeremy
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akihiko-arakan · 2 years
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Pro hero Aki? Pro hero Aki.
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Konekomaru has a little brotherly chat with Nekosuke :)
Konekomaru didn’t like to think of himself as an overly nervous person. Cautious? Occasionally, it was only logical. Easy to fluster? From time to time. But overly nervous…? He didn’t like the word, but it could possibly- maybe even probably- be used to describe him. Sometimes. 
‘Sometimes’ seemed to be now, as he moved his textbooks into his bag so he could set them aside for lunch. He thanked his brother, Nekosuke, for the sandwich as he took a bite. It was nice, having a quiet moment between them as Nekosuke prepared the food and Konekomaru studied, but both of them liked to talk over meals, and the silence was quickly broken after the first bite.
“S’ good.” Konekomaru said, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. 
“Don't talk with your mouth full.” Nekosuke responded, smiling. “You’d think I’d never taught you any manners.” Konekomaru gave his brother a playful shove over the table, trying not to laugh with his mouth still full of food. “Hm, manners aside, any drama from school? It’s been forever since you talked about you and your friends.” Nekosuke was always a fan of gossip, especially that from UA. 
“Hm, not really.” Konekomaru hummed- after swallowing his bite of food, that is. “I don't really get into all that.”
“Awe, you’re boring.” Nekosuke teased, rolling his eyes. the two sat in silence for a bit, Nekosuke noticing the quiet and knowing that Konekomaru had something to say, but letting him decide when to speak up.
"How do you talk to guys?" Konekomaru blurted out, clumsy and embarrassed as his cheeks tinted pink.
 “You’re kidding!” he laughed, Konekomaru immediately looked up at him with wide eyes, sandwich half in his mouth before he slammed it down.
“Quit!” he whined as Nekosuke laughed, swiping at him as Nekosuke batted him away. “It’s not funny Nekosuke!”
“It’s not! It’s not!” Nekosuke agreed, still trying to fight a laugh as he shielded himself from Konekomaru’s attacks. “It’s cute! My baby brother has a crush!”
Konekomaru sat back in a huff, crossing his arms in embarrassed frustration. “It’s just- oh hush!”
Nekosuke shook his head, finally done laughing as he wiped a fake tear from his eye. “Oh- oh just ignore me. I’m surprised is all.” he explained, settling down at last. “Don't let me discourage you, Konekomaru, tell me! Who are they?”
Konekomaru looked to the side, still blushing in embarrassment “It’s nobody you know.” Konekomaru said quickly, stopping Nekoskue from trying to guess. “Just… a guy I know from school.”
“That narrows it down like, 1 percent.” 
“Actually, given the fact that humans will likely meet only 80,000 people in their lifetime, it narrows it down to more like 0.625 percent-” Konekomaru mentioned, before getting A Look from his brother, and getting back on track. “Uh but… ok I… I don't know!” he said, shrugging aggressively. “I met them at the beginning of the year and… I guess I got feelings for them at some point.”
Nekosuke smiled at him, not teasingly this time, but genuinely happy. “That’s nice, what are they like?” It was a simple question, but Konekomaru immediately found issue in how he would explain them. 
“Well, uh…” he started- probably not the best introduction. “He’s nice.” Konekomaru said, unhelpfully. “We’re in different classes, but he always makes time to hang out with me. He’s real fun to hang around, and there's always something new happening.” A much kinder description than many would give this person, but that's besides the point- he was trying to sell his brother on this guy, he should be allowed to use nicer language. “And… he’s got this confidence-” Konekomaru said, looking at his brother again. “It’s… it’s almost frightening how confident he is in himself. If he somehow thought the sky was green, you couldn’t talk him out of it in a million years.” Konekomaru said, only slightly exaggerating. “It’s… I guess it’s kinda admirable.” he chuckled, scratching the back of his neck. “Oh, and he’s smart! Maybe not the best grades, but he could talk circles around anyone. One time he was caught passing notes, and somehow convinced his teacher that it was a part of a training exercise! All about stealth and speed and whatnot- it was crazy to hear about.” Konekomaru said, realizing the fond look on his brother’s face and scrunching up his nose. “Why’re you looking at me like that?!”
“Cause it’s cute!” Nekosuke laughed, Konekomaru rolling his eyes and resting his crossed arms on the table, immediately burying his face into his arms so he didn’t have to suffer looks from his brother. “Oh, quit your moping.” Nekosuke teased, poking Konekomaru’s shoulder. “You obviously like him, Konekomaru, just ask them out!”
Koneko’s head shot up in shock, blinking as he looked at his brother. “I-I don't know if i can do that Nekosuke.” He stuttered, looking away in embarrassment. “What if he doesn’t like me?”
“What if he does?” Nekosuke countered, clearly more excited about this plan than Konekomaru was. “You’ll never know until you ask!”
Konekomaru still felt uncertain though, and rested his head against his arms again. So many things could go wrong with a plan like that- if it could even be called a plan. Just telling him. Just doing it. It was so simple, and yet felt so impossible at the same time. 
“Hey now- don’t do that.” Nekosuke said, patting Konekomaru’s shoulder. “You always do that, get all quiet and in your own head. That’s your problem, Konekomaru Yoshino, you’re in your head too much.” He said, making Konekomaru look up with a gentle push to his shoulder. “Head up, boy, you’re gonna do fine.” he said, as if this were the easiest thing in the world. “If he likes you, that’s great! That’s what you want! And if he doesn’t? That’s alright too! You can both still be friends afterwards.”
“What if he doesnt wanna be friends, though?” Konekomaru asked, nervously picking at his nails. “What if he thinks I'm weird for… feeling like this.”
“Well then, if he thinks you’re weird, then why would you ever wanna date him anyway?” Nekosuke countered, smiling his best ‘big brother giving a pep talk’ smile. “It’ll be fine Konekomaru… I mean, it worked out for me.” He chuckled, raising his left hand and showing off his engagement ring, a plain golden band that he treasured greatly. “Just dont worry about it- you can do it!” Konekomaru nodded, but clearly wasn’t as pumped for the plan as Nekosuke was, and that simply wouldn’t do. “C’mon! Say it!”
“Say what?”
“I’m Konekomaru Yoshino, and I can do it!” Nekosuke said, almost like a cheer. “Say it!”
“I’m Koneko-”
Nekosuke yawned loudly, as if bored by Konekomaru’s attempt. “Sorry- you almost put me to sleep there. Now say it like you mean it!”
“I’m Koneko-”
“I’m Konekomaru Yoshino!” he nearly shouted, much louder than the boy was used to speaking, feeling a bit of adrenaline run through his body. “And I can do it!”
“You sure can, Koneko!” Nekosuke cheered, his fits going up as he hyped up his little brother. “Now go get ‘em, Konekomaru!”
“SORRY I’M LATE!” Aito crashed through the door, sliding across the hardwood before kicking off his indoor shoes. “I was working out with my friend! Completely lost track of time!!” he exclaimed, tossing his bag down with reckless abandon before crash landing onto a beanbag chair, clearly out of breath. “I'm sure I reek like hell, let’s get this done so I can shower.” Aito said, immediately pulling out his phone- not exactly conducive for learning, but it gave Konekomaru time to put a few slices of pizza onto a plate and offer it to Aito.
“Study snack?” he offered, Aito nodding and dropping his phone onto Konekomaru’s rug and grabbing the paper plate.
“Y’know, pizza has so much grease and carbs- not to mention salts and sugar-” Aito took a big bite, as if he weren't just talking about how terrible it was for him. “It’s kinda redundant really, working out just to get back ‘n eat pizza. You’re trying to ruin my progress, I know it.” Aito said, talking with his mouth full, no bite in his words as he enjoyed the free food. “Hm- as long as you don't also sabotage me for the test this week, I'll forgive you.” Aito continued, nonchalantly. He sat up on his elbows to peek over at the textbook in Konekomaru’s lap, her nose scrunching up in irritation at it. “I hate physics.”
“No you don’t.” Konekomaru said, smiling as Aito slumped back into the beanbag. 
“No I don’t.” she agreed, taking another bite of pizza. “I just hate all the formulas. And the fact that it’s math. Why are we learning math in a science class?” she huffed, chewing lazily as she looked up at him.
“Science is just math, but applied to the real world.”
“You just know everything, don't you?” Aito mumbled, but smiled back at him. “Chapter 8, right?”
“8.3, yeah.” Konekomaru agreed, letting Aito get up from the beanbag to sit next to him and actually look at the textbook. “All about falling objects.” 
Aito sucked his teeth at the idea, leaning back onto a pillow and taking the crust of the bread in his hand. “You’re gonna be a falling object if you don't grab me another slice.” Aito threatened, but again no bite to her words. Konekomaru knew for a fact that Aito would follow through with the threat if she saw fit, but also knew that she would only be playing, and for whatever reason that made his chest feel a bit tighter. He’s been thinking about his brother’s advice a lot this week, and did so especially while taking Aito’s plate and getting her another slice. Aito acted like this around most people, bossing them around and lazing about while they did most of the work… but it felt different when he did it with Konekomaru. Konekomaru acted differently than others did around Aito, doing what she asked, and occasionally playing along with her antics.
“1500 yen says you can’t make it in the trash.” Konekomaru challenged, pointing over to the bin next to his desk, across the room from where Aito now lay. 
“Psh, in my sleep!” Aito laughed, aiming the crust and shooting it at the can.
Aito was devastated as the odd shape of the crust failed to make it into the can, knocking against the rim and falling to the floor. She sat up in shock and looked at Konekomaru, before immediately getting to his feet. “That was rigged!” she accused. “You’re trynna make me look bad!” 
“I promise Aito, I’m not!” Konekomaru said, laughing as he also stood. “Just pay up and lets get back to studying!”
“Pay up?!” Aito barked, immediately putting up his fists like a boxer ready to fight. “I’m not paying you anything! This thing is rigged in your favor!”
“Just say you’re broke, Aito!” Konekomaru teased, putting up a block. “You don’t have to pay if you don't have the yen.”
“Broke?!” Aito gasped, as if genuinely insulted. Konekomaru lowered his hands a bit to apologize if he actually hurt her feelings, and was immediately swung at. Aito missed him purposefully, throwing a few more air blows before slowly moving his fist and touching it to Konekomaru’s cheek. “If I were going any faster, you would be KOed. Knock out! Asleep! Mimis!” Aito said, before falling back onto Konekomaru’s bed. “You’re lucky I like you so much, or else you’d be out.” 
Konekomaru laughed at Aito’s threats, getting a bit breathless as he held his stomach. Most of the time Konekomaru struggled to explain why he liked Aito, unable to put the simplicity and joyousness of their relationship into words. He was looking at Aito’s nose, scrunched up in laughter, when he felt that familiar warm feeling in his chest. Being friends with Aito was just easy for him, and that same ease that led them to friendship had also led him to feelings for her. It was hard for him to think about his feelings with Aito in the room- even considering them with him present felt like an admission Konekomaru wasn’t ready for. And yet, through the clouds of nervousness, he could hear his brother cheering him on. ‘I can do it.’ he thought to himself, realizing that his brother wouldn't accept that, and saying it again. “I can do it!’ because he could- he was Konekomaru Yoshino, and he could do-!
“What can you do, Ko?” Aito asked, leaning back with her head tilted to the side like a confused puppy. Konekomaru’s next words left him before he could even consider them.
“I like you so much too, Aito!” he blurted out, ignoring the incorrect grammar- because if he thought for even a second, he would talk himself out of this. “I-I like hanging out with you and- and you're a really good friend and- and if you would ever be interested in being more than friends then- uh- i would be…” Konekomaru paused as he looked at Aito, wide eyed and frozen, as if a picture had been taken of him without his knowledge. He couldn’t even tell if Aito was happy about all this- and slowly his nerves returned, eating him alive as he whispered out the end of his confession. “Uh… I would be interested in that…” 
The silence was deafening.
And yet short.
“Dammit Ko!” Aito barked, grabbing the pillow behind him and throwing it at Konekomaru. His heart sank in his chest as Aito stood up, expecting him to leave and never come back. His heartbeat quickened as Aito grabbed his arms- he knew the boy had a history of violence, but never in his life did he think Aito would ever- “I was gonna ask you out in like- two days!!!” Aito yelled, shaking Konekomaru before immediately stepping away, tail wagging in irritation. “Oh I had the whole thing planned- you were gonna fuckin’ love it- I was gonna be the most romantic guy in the whole world- do you even see me right now!?” he asked, pointing at his clothes. “Sweat drenched tank top, fuckin’ pizza on my breath- these aren’t even my good basketball shorts-” Aito continued to ramble about how imperfect the scene was, pacing and complaining nonstop till Konekomaru realized-
“Wait-” he paused, Aito also stopping as he looked over at Konekomaru. “y-you were gonna ask me out?”
“Of course I was!” Aito barked, as if it were obvious. “You’re Konekomaru Yoshino- of course I was gonna ask you out!” he said, immediately getting back to his pacing. “I was gonna have flowers and be all dressed up- God dammit dude-” and again he was rambling, giving Konekomaru a moment to sit on his bed and consider this all.
“Wait- so you like me back?”
“Uh- yeah, pretty fuckin’ obvioulsy” Aito said, no longer pacing. “Have for a while now, I just didn't have a plan till recently.” 
“S-so… are we dating?” Konekomaru asked, lips quirking into a smile as he saw Aito blush at the question. So, he wasn’t the only nervous one.
“Well we can’t be dating till we go on a date, so no. not yet.” Aito said, as Konekomaru realized she was using her sour attitude to hide her excitement. 
“Do you wanna g-”
“Shut up!” Aito nearly yelled, waving her hands frantically. “No! Shut up! I’m gonna be the one to ask you out! Me!” Aito said, putting her foot down as Konekomaru laughed, both trying not to vibrate in their excitement. 
“Well- well then go ahead and do it!” Konekomaru said, smiling widely as his voice raised in volume.
“Well now I dunno- you ruined my plan, so maybe you don't deser-”
The two burst out in laughter at each other's dramatic displays, joy bubbling out of them like shaken cans of soda as Aito crossed the room before sitting next to Konekomaru, closer than he would casually. “Konekomaru Yoshino.”
“Would you like to go out with m-”
“Quit!” Aito giggled, leaning back and laughing as both boys held onto each other. “Don’t interrupt!” 
“Sorry! Sorry!” Konekomaru laughed, hands holding Aito’s arms, not sorry for even a second. 
“Konekomaru Yoshino.”
“Would you like to go on a date with me?”
Konekomaru immediately threw his arms around her, crushing her in a hug as Aito returned it just as quickly. “Of course!” he laughed, nearly falling off the bed as Aito pulled him close in excitement. 
“Yes! Yes yes yes!” Aito yelled, always loud with his emotions as he let go of Konekomaru and did a quick victory lap. “Oh- you’re not gonna regret this Ko- I’m gonna take you out to- shit- I should keep it a secret-” Aito giggled, covering his mouth with his hand as he seemed to process it all. “I’m gonna take Konekomaru Yoshino on a date.” he said, as if he were announcing that he had just found a priceless jewel on the sidewalk this morning. “I’m gonna take Konekomaru Yoshino on a date!” He ran back to Konekomaru, landing on one knee as he looked up at him. “Ok- friday. 6? That works?” he asked, tail wagging and ears flapping in joy. 
“That works!” Konekomaru laughed, unsure if he actually had anything planned for then, but sure that he could- and definitely would- cancel anything to go on this date. “Dress code?”
“Dress nice!” Aito said, jumping back on her two feet and running to grab her bag. “I gotta wear something good- polish my boots and-” she looked back at Konekomaru with the biggest smile he’s ever seen on her. “I’m gonna make this perfect, Ko! You’re gonna love it!” he giggled, slipping on his shoes and almost running out the door, before pausing in the doorway. He stared, wide eyed and excited, at Konekomaru, still sitting on his bed. Aito quickly crossed the room and walked up to him, leaning down and giving him a peck on the forehead, before immediately running out the door. “gottagobuti’llseeyouFriday- Bye Ko!” he yelled, trying to get his full statement out before sprinting out of the room. 
Written by the fabulous @korissideblog my beloved <3
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imminent-soup · 3 years
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Drew some of kabane’s friends <3 dunno why they’re all in different styles lmaoo
@zer0-10 @korissideblog @murasaki-naga @tai-watanabe-class-1x @cosmic-goof @you-may-call-me-meme
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sans-x-aito · 2 years
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kori-dearest · 3 years
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boo hoo 2021 art
og template <3
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tzawa-1y · 3 years
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they're goofing off but unfortunately this was for the second worst meme i've ever made on this blog, happy sunday
@nicosbrainrot @korissideblog sorry (also i can't actually animate text, which is to say im too lazy to care)
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smol-hibiscus · 3 years
Aito 😈😈😈 (the name of her quirk is charming glance, idk if you need that but there you go <3)
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Medusa esk lad
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compoundhero · 3 years
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long ears (and antenna) squad!!! that’s aito, tamashi, jimin, and carlos (@korissideblog, @tamashi-yoken, @art-is-drawing, and @pokeracer93) for @mousierat, @zedthebuggy, @exhaustedhomo, and anon!
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tamashi-yoken · 3 years
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Dungeons and Dragons! That’s right!
That’s it, I’m going to DM an in-universe game of Dungeons and Dragons based on the bnha oc comeback! Anyone interested feel free to message me through tumblr and, if we have enough players, we’ll make a discord server for it!
This is the first time I’m tackling this kind of project so feel free to ask me anything, be it through message or asks, I’m 100% open! Also it’s totally ok if you’re new to D&D, we’ll totally help you out and teach you how to play and have fun! (@onibony said they’ll help anyone if needed!)
@korissideblog @onibony @jetsam-kisa and @you-may-call-me-meme’s ocs present in the art!
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korissideblog · 2 years
Uh oh ficlet hehe <3
Aito sat at a table in a coffee place.
It wasn’t hard finding her target, her tia had taught her well, and he had enough information to find him easily enough. He was a shorter stature, with a bright blue streak in his hair that Aito immediately recognized from the picture she had of him as a child.
Jackson Jones was not a difficult man to find.
He wore a tag with JJ written on it, but what really let Aito know it was him, was the moles. Him and Akihiko had the same moles.
She had made sure Jackson wasn’t the one who served her, as she would need Akihiko to translate for her over the phone, but she watched him as Akihiko spoke. His eyebrows scrunched slightly in recognition, but he didn’t even pause what he was doing to think about it. He’s found him.
He wasn’t sure why he needed to find him. Just to prove that he could, probably. He snuck a picture of the man working, and saved it to a folder in her phone so she wouldn’t lose it. Akihiko hadn’t given him permission to interact, so he stood, collected his things, and walked out of the store with little comment, her tia on the phone talking about the beach. He would really enjoy some relaxing after all the work it took to find Jackson. He thought about sending the picture to Aki.
Instead he let his tia hang up.
And then he deleted the picture.
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zer0-10 · 3 years
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When people see Jiro appear, they probably thought he's gonna speak science v philosophy. But in the end he simply sat there and listened to Aito talk the whole way while occasionally chiming in. Tbh he just enjoy listening to him talk.
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akihiko-arakan · 2 years
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gay people be so scary
a fun little angry gay collab with @korissideblog
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no1-horror-hero · 3 years
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tfw when you find your twin in another class
(referencing this post)
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