#Alanna sedai
thewheeloftimesource · 11 months
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amethystmoonart · 1 year
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Alanna Sedai
From Amazon's Wheel of Time series
Background based on the backgrounds for the Aes Sedai in the intro
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tempest-ghoulette · 7 months
Wot Incorrect Quotes (9/?)
Moiraine: I did?
Siuan: Kiss you and buy some more, you haven’t been eating anything today Moiraine.
Siuan: walks away
Moiraine: She’s gone Alanna.
Alanna, coming out of the closest with break stuffed in her mouth: Twankh uh!
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suckerforcate · 7 months
Lover to Lover
Chapter 2: Resolutions
Pairing: Liandrin Sedai x Reader, Alanna Sedai x Reader (platonic)
Word Count: about 2700
Warning: mention of character death, nsfw, jealousy sex, fingering
Summary: After you've gone through the Arches and slept a bit, you go and talk to Liandrin, though she doesn't seem to care very much.
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A/n: Second and last Chapter!! Hope you love it, I'd be happy about a repost or a comment, love you guys <3
It was dawn when you awoke again. Looking around you, you weren't sure where exactly you were for a moment. But when you saw Alanna, recent events came back into your mind. You were an Accepted now. And your father was dead. The two things made you feel miserable and proud at the same time, and you were not sure how to handle the conflicting emotions.
Alanna approached you and sat down on the edge of the bed. Her bed, you realised. She had given up her bed for you, and you immediately felt bad about it.
"I've got fresh clothes for you, and your new room is available. Your things have already been brought there." She handed you the clothes, embroidered with the colours of the Ajahs at the sleeves. She stood up and turned away, an indication for you to get changed. So you did, a little distracted by the ring on your finger for a moment. You had never been one for jewellery, your hand felt unusually heavy. After you were clothed you let your fingers run over the stitched colours on your wrists. It felt surreal. It felt like a dream, like you were still inside the Arch and any second now something horrible would happen. But it didn't.
Alanna showed you to your new room and left you alone. You felt lost, the room was at least three times as big as your old one. There were barely enough things in your possession to fill the room. It looked just like any other room, not like your room.
Your possessions had been little when you had come to the Tower and as a novice you weren't allowed to leave the tower without an allowance. Alanna had been generous, often allowing you to accompany her to Tar Valon. You had seen most of the city, but had little money to buy things.
One thing had a special place on your night stand. A small wooden figurine that you had liked on the market. You hadn't had any money to buy it, but apparently Liandrin had observed you and bought it for you, because one day later she had brought it to your room. You cherished it like the apple of your eye, even though you were aware that at that time she had still tried to get you on her side. It had been in your early days in the tower and you and Liandrin hadn't yet known each other very well. So it had been more manipulation than kindness.
As you looked at the little figurine, you remembered the third Arch and the feeling of Liandrin in your arms, dying. You shot up from the bed and practically ran out of your room. On your way to her room, you slowed a little and pulled yourself together again.
Gently you knocked on her door, but no one opened. You knocked once more, nothing. Slowly you opened the door and took a step inside. Your eyes scanned the room but didn't see her. Just as you wanted to turn around and leave, you saw her. She was on the little balcony that her room had. Not many rooms in the tower had a balcony, but of course the Liandrin Sedai had a room with a balcony.
Quietly you closed the door behind you and walked onto the balcony. You stopped and just stared at her back for a moment, relief washed over you. Of course, you had theoretically known that she was still alive, but her death had felt so real. It was hard to ignore that. Would she have been someone else, you would have fallen around her neck and held her tightly. But she was Liandrin, so you didn't so that and simply stepped closer.
Just as she did, you leaned on the railing next to her and stared ahead. Her eyes didn't even flicker over to you, but you could see she was a little surprised.
"What are you doing here?" She snapped and you looked at her. Her eyes were fixed on the horizon, her posture was perfect as always and conveyed confidence. You didn't say anything and simply held your hand up, the one with the ring on it. Now her eyes flickered down to your hand, and you thought you had seen a spark of pride in them. But it was gone as fast as it had appeared.
"I hope Alanna is proud of her little pet. She'll definitely be happy to have gained an Accepted to teach." Her words were filled with venom, and she spit them out like they could poison her as well. You pulled your hand back and looked at her appalled.
"Really? That's all you have to say?" You ask in disbelief and scoff. That woman had nerves, truly. She didn't answer.
"I came here to ask you if you'd like to teach me, now that I'm an Accepted. And all you can muster is jealousy, not even any sort of praise or kind word?" Her eyes widened a little, but she pulled herself together very quickly. She shifted and turned her body in your direction, now just supporting herself on the railing with one hand.
"Why would you want me to teach you? You clearly didn't want that before." She held her chin high, proudly. She nearly looked a little arrogant. Who were you joking, she usually did.
"Because you weren't allowed, Liandrin. I wasn't going to risk your position." You said confused.
What did she think your reasons were? Did she really think you hadn't wanted her as a mentor? She could be so daft. She looked a little surprised, never really having thought about this possibility.
"You are such an idiot. I always wanted you to teach me, and now you're allowed to. So will you?" You ask, nearly doubting if she'll say yes. Before you had talked to her, you had been sure she would say yes. You looked at her, waiting for an answer. She silently nodded and turned away.
"Yes, I'll teach you."
"Alright. Now, will you finally ask?" You kept your eyes on her, even as she had turned away. You sounded almost a little annoyed, no one would ever dare to talk to Liandrin like that. But you were close enough, at least you liked to think that. And she always let you.
"Ask what?" You scoffed at her. Was this a bad joke? She slowly turned her head to look at you again. She wasn't joking, you could see that. She was dead serious.
"You do know what I just did to become an Accepted, don't you? That I went through the Arches?" You raised your voice, getting angry. Why was she acting so icy? She usually didn't act like this with you. Not anymore at least.
"And? Did you see Alanna being disappointed in you? Whatever else could you be scared of? You're a picture prefect student, with a picture prefect life." You stepped back a little, mouth open. No words escaped you, as you just didn't find any fitting once. Why on earth couldn't she get over Alanna?
"I really don't get why you're acting like this Liandrin, but for your information. I saw my sister being raped and dying, just as I did when I was nine years old. I saw my father being buried, so I know that I'll never see him again. And I saw you dying in my arms, because I wasn't able to heal you." You felt tears rise in you, and you wanted to turn away and leave but Liandrin caught your arm. You violently tried to shake her off, but her grip was too tight.
"What did you just say?" She asked, dumbfounded.
"You heard me. And I actually came her to see that you're well, and alive. To reassure myself and maybe get a hug. I'm not sure how I could have been so stupid as to think you'd hug me. To think you'd ever feel the same for me. But all you've got for me is jealousy and venom. Is it so bad that you didn't get to teach me, that you didn't get to infiltrate me and manipulate me into being a red?" You spit the words out, voice raised even though it broke a little as your throat tightened from the tears. She stared at you, utterly confused. For the first time since you had known her, she wasn't in control of her facial expression.
Suddenly she swiftly pulled you closer and let go of your arm. But before you could turn away again she harshly grabbed your face and crashed her lips onto yours. It was an angry kiss and caught you completely off guard. A slight gasp escaped you, and you stumbled a little backwards, supporting yourself on the railing behind you. For a moment you thought you'd simply fall over it and down into your death, but Liandrin wrapped her arm around you and held you close. Every single thought simply left your mind, it was completely filled with Liandrin. With the way her lips felt on yours, the way her arm was wrapped around you.
Though the kiss was harsh, it was filled with passion. Liandrin's mouth opened and, like you were being controlled by her, yours immediately did the same. You felt yourself getting lost in the kiss, her tongue running over your lip and her arm steadily holding you close. As you both ran out of breath, the kiss was broken.
Breathing heavily you stared at her, utterly outraged. She still held you close, so your face was mere inches apart from hers. A condition that made it very hard to think straight. Literally.
"What in lights name was that, Liandrin?" You asked her and freed yourself from her grip. She let go, and you immediately stepped back, needing some space to get your mind back to work. She looked confused and opened her mouth to speak. Then she closed it again. Liandrin Sedai was speechless, rarely had you seen that. She found her voice again and spoke, softer than before.
"Did you not like it?" She carefully asked, completely missing the point of your question. If on purpose or not, you weren't sure. You rolled your eyes and chuckled.
"Yes, I liked it. But you-..." you searched for the right words and didn't miss the way the corners of her lips twitched upwards at your words. "... you seem to not care about me being an Accepted now, or what I saw in the Arches at all. And suddenly you kiss me, like there is no tomorrow." You throw your hands up, and tilt your head in question.
"Of course I care, don't be ridiculous." She huffed and looked away from you, eyes fixed on the horizon again. You nod mockingly.
"An interesting way of showing it, for sure. Not asking in the first place and then mocking me and Alanna. What actually is your problem with Alanna?" She desperately tried to avoid eye contact with you, nearly like she was embarrassed by something. And at that moment it suddenly all made sense.
"My god, you're jealous." Now she looked at you, eyes filled with rage again. She stepped closer to you, as if to threaten you.
"I am not jealous." She hissed the words out between gritted teeth, but you just chuckled.
"Oh, yes you are. You thought I had chosen Alanna over you. You foolish idiot. I tried to protect your position, and while I like Alanna, I don't like her how you think I do." Liandrin's body visibly relaxed, and her eyes softened a bit, the rage having dissolved.
"I think I might have to make you jealous more often, if you then kiss me like that." You chuckle a little, teasing her. You knew you were treading dangerous paths, but with Liandrin most paths were dangerous.
She was still incredibly close, so close you could feel her breath on your lips. And mere seconds later also her lips. Because she had been so close her lips had met yours so suddenly that to hadn't had any time to take notice of it until you were already kissing back. She took a few steps forward, which resulted in you having to step back until your back hit a wall. Her lips remained on yours the whole time.
She reached down to the brim of your dress and shoved it up, her hand running over your naked leg up to your naked thigh. She didn't waist any time, nor did she even try to be gentle. She didn't hurt you, she never would, but she certainly didn't care for romance right now. You felt a shiver run down your spine as her cold hands touched your skin. In mere seconds her fingers had found your centre and roughly pushed your underwear aside. Two fingers immediately slipped inside making you gasp out loud. Desperately wanting to hold on to something your hand found its way onto her waist where you dug your nails into her clothes.
"Next time, behave and don't make me jealous again." She spoke, quietly but commanding. The tone in her voice just aroused you more. You managed a grin between gasps.
"But the result is so wonderful." You pressed out, and immediately she thrust deeper into you harshly, locking eyes with you. She wanted to show you who was in control, wanted to keep the upper hand. You'd work that out with her, but for now you were quite pleased with it.
Every time she thrust into you the palm of her hand inevitably rubbed over your clit, making you moan desperately. You could feel yourself getting closer and closer to climax, so you gently cupped her cheek and locked eyes with her. You wanted to see her beautiful eyes and wanted her to watch you, to see every little gasp and twitch that you produced. Her face was so close to yours, your noses nearly touched. She captured your bottom lip between her teeth and pulled your lips into another kiss. Your whole body shivered and as she buried her fingers deep inside you, hitting sensitive spots, you gasped into the kiss, mouth hanging open and your fingers dug themselves deeper into her clothes. You felt pleasure run through you and make you tense. She grinned, as she could feel you clench around her fingers.
That grin, that beautiful face was all you needed to come. Eyes locked with hers a loud moan rolled over your lips and your knees felt like they might give in and make you fall down. Liandrin thankfully held you up, so that you didn't. Your breaths came in short gasps and the grin didn't leave Liandrin's face, like it was glued on. You felt her slowly pull her fingers out and withdraw from under your skirt.
"Clean me, will you?" She held her fingers out to you, and you eagerly wrapped your lips around them. Holding eye contact with her, you let your tongue run over them until they were clean.
As you calmed your breathing down, the two of you remained just as close together. You let your eyes wander over her face, and suddenly you had the urge to pull her into a hug, as the pictures from the Arch found its way back into your mind. You tightly held onto her and hid your face in her hair. Hesitantly she reached around you and hugged you back.
"It looked so realistic, for a second I was convinced it was true." You whispered into her hair, so quietly she nearly hadn't heard it. Her hand slowly stroked your back. An unusually tender action for her.
"What do you mean?" Her voice was also unusually soft.
"In the Arch. You died, in my arms. And I could heal you, couldn't save you. And when I came out for a second I thought you were actually dead." Your throat tightened a bit, so you stopped talking before the tears could overwhelm you. Her embrace around you tightened a bit.
"No ghost made you gasp like that, little one." She spoke teasingly and yet there was an undeniable softness to her voice. She wanted to reassure you, comfort you. She just wasn't really sure how. Still, it made you chuckle, so it had worked.
"Good point."
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munroemagic · 8 months
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“Let the Hand of the Tower fall on you, Logain Ablar. And take back that which nature itself does not wish you to hold!”
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lookingforcactus · 1 year
Actually Alanna and her warders are hilarious
They literally went, "Fuck, Lan is acting SUPER sketchy, he just clearly lied to get the Amyrlin Seat's location, and also we just found the Shadow equivalent of the communist manifesto in his backback"
"Shit, what do we do?"
"Well obviously we need to provoke him and see how he reacts. We need to test him and see how sketchy he's going to act"
"How are we gonna do that??"
"Okay brilliant plan: we're gonna camp out for the night at a temple to the Foresaken to needle him. we're gonna pretend like it's super normal. then we're gonna set up a fake (illusion?) super loud/giggly sex tent, so he thinks we're all distracted, and lie in wait to see if he sneaks away"
And the even funnier part is that Lan made himself look more sketchy and more guilty with every single step in this process, including basically every single thing he says to them
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adri-atics · 3 months
Alanna. Alanna what the FUCK
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miladygeek · 1 year
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The Wheel Of Time (S2E7 - Daes Dae'Mar) [02/02]🛞🕰️✨
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Alanna Mosvani
Succubus AU
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wafflelovingbatgirl · 8 months
Maksim’s bond is masked most of the time… does Owein/book!Maksim die in battle?
Will Maksim die and it will take Alanna & Ihvon a while to notice he is missing?
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emylilas · 1 year
In preparation of next week episode that HAS to give me enough content to make the intro for The Flame of Tar Valon S2, I had to finally post that one...
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derangedbutfun · 1 year
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Ooooooh look at that sandwich
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suckerforcate · 7 months
Lover to Lover
Chapter 1: The Arches
Pairing: Liandrin Sedai x Reader , Alanna Sedai x Reader (platonic)
Word Count: about 3300
Warning: character death, rape, vomiting, choking, bleeding
Summary: You're a novice in the tower and are ready to go through the Arches. You face your biggest fears, past, present and future and have a talk with Liandrin afterwards. Chapter 2
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A/n: So, yet another Liandrin fanfic, I'm just absolutely in love with her!! Obviously, she isn't part of the Black Ajah here. Next, I'll probably write a Moiraine fanfic again, which is already in the making. Hope you like it <3
Alanna stepped forward and helped you take of your dress and your shoes. You stood in front of them in nothing more than your chemise. Before Alanna stepped away with your clothes she leaned a little closer.
"You can do this, don't doubt your ability." You smiled at her weakly and turned around to look at the Arches again. Your hands were trembling, and your heart was racing. There was no doubt about it: you were scared even before you had to face your greatest fears. This is going to be such a disaster, you thought.
"Whatever awaits you, you must face it with nothing but your wits. Not even the one power will be available to you inside the Arches." Sheriam Sedai softly spoke, and you looked at her over your shoulder. All three of them looked like they were just as scared as you, which didn't really lift your spirits.
You saw them close their eyes, concentrate and start to channel. Your eyes found their way back to the Arches.
"The way back will come but once." Sheriam Sedai said behind you and you saw their weaves flow around you and activate the Arches. The ornaments started to glow blue, and it looked like a blurry mirror had replaced the empty air of the first Arch.
You looked over at Alanna, who nodded reassuringly and slowly walked through the Arch. The first thing that you saw was darkness, presumably the ground that you had just fallen onto face first.
Slowly you stood up and knocked the dirt off your clothes. You weren't wearing the white chemise anymore. In its place was a dress in sage green with a white apron tied over it. You recognised the clothes immediately. You had worn them only once, when they had been freshly bought and never again after that day.
You started to panic, you had an idea what you would have to experience again. And you definitely didn't want to. You looked around you, immediately recognising the forest you were in. It was the forest just by the village you had grown up in. It wasn't particularly big but beautiful to walk through, with a little clearing to sit in the grass.
You and your sister had loved exploring the forest when you were little. Looking at all the different plants and flowers, learning what they could do, what they could heal. Observing the birds and animals.
"Faile! Where are you?" You started to scream for your sister, hopeful that it wasn't too late yet. That, with your knowledge, you could still save her. Like a maniac you started to run through the woods and screamed her name again and again. You couldn't find her and secretly thought that maybe you had been wrong about the day. About what was going to happen.
You weren't. Just as you wanted to leave the forest you heard a scream, high-pitched and most definitely from your sister. Your heartbeat increased immediately, and you turned to the direction of the sound. Another scream, and your name. You started running rather uncoordinated and nearly tripped over a stone.
The screams became louder and suddenly you saw her. She lay on the ground between leafs and wood, a hooded man bent over her. His hand was on her throat and Faile was gasping, she obviously couldn't breathe. Her dress was shoved up, and the man moved between her legs. Faile tried to kick him away, but the man held her down. You felt sick, like you had to throw up. Turning away, you tried to tell yourself it wasn't real. But it looked real, it felt real, it was real.
"Don't touch my sister." You shouted, and the man's head shot around, he stopped moving though his hand still strangled Faile. You approached him and tried to get him off of your sister, but he just shoved you away. You felt grown up, but that day in the forest you had just been nine years old. Small and easy to shove away for a grown man. You fell backwards into the mud, tears streaming over your face. A streak of blood flowed down your arm where you had cut yourself on a stone.
Your sister was turning pale, she didn't gasp as much anymore, and you knew what was happening. You had seen it before. Her whole body was trembling, though not for much longer. You screamed for her, for your mother, for your father, hoping they'd hear you. But no one came.
"The way back will come but once." Sheriam Sedai's voice faintly echoed through the woods and you shot around. A few feet behind you an Arch appeared. It was a little translucent and looked like it could disappear any second. The edges glowed blue just like they had in the tower, when the Aes Sedai had activated it. With a panicked look back at your dying sister you stumbled over wood and mud through the Arch and fell onto the stone ground, crying.
Not a second later you felt cold water fall on you. Looking up a little, you saw Leane Sedai through tears. A big stone jug in hand and looking down at you, she spoke.
"You are washed clean of your sins and the sins committed against you. You come to us pure in heart and soul." Leane stepped away, a sob escaped you, and you whispered your sisters name into the cold. She was dead, and dead she would stay. Forever.
Alanna was at your side and helped you stand up. Her eyes conveyed pure sadness and understanding, but her mouth spoke something else.
"You're brave, you have to go on. Through the next Arch." You stared at her, like you had forgotten there even were more Arches. Slowly you looked behind you and saw the other two. Could you really do this again? Tow more times?
"Was it real? Could I have changed something?" You whispered to her, voice still thin and quivering. She gently shook her head.
"No one knows." She let go of your arm and stepped back to her sisters again. You turned to face the second Arch as it started glowing just like the first had done and Sheriam spoke.
"The way back will come but once." The second Arch was ready, and you bravely stepped through it against all your instincts.
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For a moment all you saw was light and suddenly, like it hit you right in the face, you knew where you were. You were standing at your sisters grave. Although it was not closed and decorated with flowers like usually, it was open.
Carefully, hesitantly you took a look inside. There wad nothing but dirt. No corpse, that was good. Wasn't it? But why was it open then? You turned and looked around you, there was no one. No one on the whole graveyard. So you started walking in the direction of home. Of your parents, of presumed safety.
You left the graveyard and walked up the little hill that separated the graveyard from the village. It was just a little trail in the grass that people had used for decades. On top of the hill you had a good view of the village, it looked just like always. Just like the last time you had been there. Nothing seemed to have changed at all.
Last time you had sent a message home, your parents had told you everything was fine. Everyone was well. Your brother's apprenticeship with the baker was going well, and he liked the job. Your grandma hadn't gotten any sicker. The village was just like you had left it. Though that last message had been three months ago. A lot could happen in three months, you knew that.
You slowly started walking down the hill towards the village. Half way there you spotted someone. No, not just someone. Your grandmother. She was walking slowly, head down and heavily leaning on a walking stick. You wanted to shout, let her know you were there. But the words got stuck in your throat as you realised who followed her. Six people, one of them your little brother, carrying a wooden board. It was filled with flowers that were overlapping at the sides. Most of them were chrysanthemums, your dads favourite flowers. Between the flowers you could faintly make out the form of a person. It didn't take a lot of hard thinking to understand who that was.
A scream escaped you as you fell to your knees. At that your grandmother looked up and from behind your brother, your mother looked at you. As she saw you, she came running towards you, falling to her knees at your side. She pulled you into her arms rocking you gently as you cried. Her hand softly stroked your back, she didn't ask questions. She didn't ask how you had come here, why you had come, she simply held you.
A few minutes later, your grandma, the six carriers and the rest of the village that followed them walked by you. On shaky legs you stood up, your arm linked with your mother's. Together you followed them to the grave. Your brother and the other five men let the wooden board down and set it next to the grave. In mere seconds your arms were wrapped around your brother. He was crying, you were crying, and suddenly you felt nine again. Taking your big sister to her grave with your little brother by your side. He had been just two at the time, not really understanding anything.
You felt for your grandmother, taking her only son to the grave. That's not how it was supposed to. But, her son had taken a child to her grave as well. Maybe that curse just ran in your family. Maybe that would happen to all of you one day. She stood bravely, didn't cry, didn't complain. She simply embraced you and told you everything would be alright.
"We missed you, little bird." She whispered into the hug and more tears found its way down your cheeks. You freed yourself from the hug and turned to your father's corpse. Just as you wanted to kneel down, say a farewell you heard something.
"The way back will come but once." It was faint, like a whisper in the wind. And yet you understood. You had to leave. And you would never see your father again. You blew him a teary kiss and whispered a goodbye, before walking towards the glowing Arch. You heard your brother asking where you were going, why you were leaving again. You didn't dare turn around, or you would have stayed.
Stumbling though the Arch, you came to an abrupt halt as you saw Alanna. She noticed the tears on your face and her features softened, smiling sadly before she washed you clean with water, just like Leane Sedai had after the first Arch.
"You are washed clean of your sins and the sins committed against you. You come to us pure in heart and soul." She spoke and checked you for injuries but found none. Stepping back she put down the jug and stood back in line with Leane and Sheriam.
"My father-... He..." you croaked out, desperately wanting to tell someone. Desperately wanting to hear that it wasn't real, that he was still alive. But you remembered Alanna's words. No one knows.
Alanna gently shook her head to silence you and, just like her sisters, turned to the last Arch. The middle one. You wiped away your tears and turned to the Arch as well. Taking in a deep breath you tried to straighten yourself up. I didn't quiet work.
"The way back will come but once."
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This time you walked through the Arch slowly, tired of the pain, tired of seeing your loved ones die around you. Again light hit you, and you blinked a few times to see your surroundings. A little surprised you realised that you were sat on a horse. You looked down, and saw that you weren't in clothes of a novice anymore. Your sleeves were embroidered with the colours of the different Ajahs. You were an Accepted.
A look around told you that you were on some sort of mission. You could see Alanna and her warders, Maksim and Ihvon. Next to her on a horse was Moiraine followed quietly by Lan. A few Reds and a yellow sister also accompanied you. The Reds of course didn't have any warders. One Red in particular caught your eye. It was Liandrin. She looked ahead proudly, picture perfect posture and didn't talk a word with anyone.
You wanted to ride a little faster and catch up with her but at that moment you heard an awful sound somewhere between the trees. It sounded very close and yet you couldn't see anything. Everyone's heads snapped around and stared into the direction of the sound. The sound was easily recognisable as Trollocs. Panic rose in you, you had only ever heard of them, and that had been enough for you. You had no desire to actually meet them.
The sounds got louder and there was most definitely something coming towards you. All the Aes Sedai got ready to channel, and their warders pulled out their weapons. You faintly heard Alanna say something and a second later Maksim was at your side.
"I don't need your protection. You're Alanna's warder. Not mine." You snap at him, you hadn't meant to sound so mean. But you were scared and probably did need his protection, though you didn't want to admit that. Her looked at you and grinned, he looked right through you. In all the time that Alanna had taught you, Maksim and Ihvon had spent a lot of time with you as well and you had become close.
"Sorry, maybe I do." You mumbled a little sheepish and he laughed. Before he could say something a Trolloc roared through the woods and shortly after that you also saw it. It was a horrible sight. It was huge and had tusks like a boar, just three times that big. It was partly covered in fur, which looked like it was covered in blood in some parts. You practically felt your pulse and heartbeat quicken. Behind the first Trolloc you could see many more that all ran towards you. The earth seemed to tremble under their steps. Your horse instinctively took a step back, but you didn't complain.
Everyone around you had started to channel and use their power to protect the group. Lan and Ihvon had jumped off their horses and stood in front of you with their swords in hand, ready to fight. You closed your eyes and concentrated on your weaves, everyone else was fighting, why not you? As you opened them again and expected to see weaves around you, you were momentarily dumbfounded when you couldn't see any weaves of your own.
You tried again, nothing. Why the hell couldn't you channel? You looked around again, everyone else was doing it. You straightened up and concentrated very hard, but not even a single spark appeared. You looked at Maksim, who raised an eyebrow in confusion.
"I can't channel." You stated, as if that wasn't obvious even to him. He just wanted to answer as your head shot a little further to the side, and you looked past him. It was Liandrin who had caught your eye, she had just been in the middle of channelling as a dagger hit her right in the stomach. A dagger full of Trolloc poison. She gasped and fell of her horse backwards. In mere seconds you had jumped off your horse and ran to her. Maksim was shouting something but you ignored him.
You fell to your knees at her side and stared at her bleeding wound. You didn't know what to do so you just pulled the dagger out, hoping that the poison would maybe not become too much then. She groaned as the dagger once again moved through her flesh.
"I know, it hurts. Someone'll help you, I'm sure. Hold on, Lia." You felt hot tears run down your cheek and your hands were covered in blood, the blood that kept soaking Liandrin's clothes as it left the wound.
"I've never learned how to... I can't help you." You desperately sobbed, while Liandrin tried to speak. No words came out, she was choking on her own blood that seemed to make its way up her trachea. Maksim stood behind you, you could feel it. He kneeled at your side and put a hand on your shoulder. You violently shook it off.
"Help me, get Alanna or the yellow sister. Please, Maksim." You stared at him, completely panicked, but he just shook his head. The battle was still going on, though you didn't notice any of it. It felt like the world had stopped around you. The only thing you saw and heard was Liandrin, her blood, her choking.
"You stupid Reds, if you had warders this wouldn't have happened." You snapped at her, though your heart wasn't behind it. The words came out rather wobbly and full of tears. You could practically see Liandrin slip away in your arms, by now not just her clothes were covered in blood but yours as well.
"Maksim, do something. Please, I know you don't like her but..." you sobbed but Maksim just gently held your arm. He knew it was too late for Liandrin, and deep down you knew it as well. You just didn't want it to be true. Someone interrupted you and you looked up confused.
"The way back will come but once." Sheriam Sedai's voice rang out. You slowly looked ahead and again saw the glowing Arch. You looked down at the dying Liandrin and, leaning down, you gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead. As you stood up Maksim's eyes followed you, but he didn't say anything. You felt sick as you fell through the Arch and immediately threw up on the stone ground. Luckily the water that hit you washed the vomit away.
"You are washed clean of your sins and the sins committed against you." Sheriam Sedai spoke and stepped back. Alanna helped you stand up again and looked you up and down, a shocked expression on her face. You looked down as well. Your chemise was completely covered in blood, as were your hands and arms.
"It's not my blood." You croaked out and nearly didn't recognise your own voice. Relief washed over her face. Though you weren't relieved at all. You felt like someone had pulled all your organs out and had left you completely empty.
Sheriam stepped forward and Leane stood by her side. You had the faint idea that Alanna was probably supposed to step away from you and stand at Sheriam's side as well, but she didn't move one millimetre. And you were thankful for it.
Sheriam smiled, for you there was nothing to smile about. You had just seen three of the most important people in your life die. And it had felt as real as this moment right now. Still you tried to look a little more confident, straightening up and wiping some tears away.
"You come to us pure in heart and soul. You are (Y/n) (L/n), Accepted of the White Tower." Sheriam Sedai spoke and reached out to you, holding a great serpent ring in her hand. It was still empty, without any sort of indication to an Ajah as you yet had to choose one.
"You may wear the ring on the third finger of your left hand, and only there." She spoke, and your trembling hand took the ring from her and put it on. You looked at it, it seemed to small, so banal compared to what you had just been through.
"Thank you, Sheriam Sedai and Leane Sedai." You spoke quietly. And looked over to Alanna. All you wanted right now was to leave. Thankfully she understood.
"Come on, let's get you cleaned up." She softly spoke, got your dress and shoes and led you to her own room. Soon you would get a bigger room as well, all the Accepted had bigger rooms. But right now you still had the small room of a novice, which meant no bath. And Alanna understood that you weren't in the mood for a public bath. Luckily she had her own bath.
For you, everything just happened in a daze, and suddenly you felt yourself being covered by clean and soft linen and your head hit a pillow.
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state-of-being · 1 year
Alanna: Why do you need to see the Amrylin?
Lan: ...
Lan: We found the dragon reborn
Me: Oh. Right. That minor side plot.
1K notes · View notes
moghedien · 1 year
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she is physically unable to obey even the most gentle instruction from an Aes Sedai and instead chooses the freak route every single time
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I love how everyone is using the term "fishwives"
After watching episode 7. Using the term to describe our two favorite ladies.
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