#Alba B221
biomecharnotaurus · 4 months
Alba sketch wooh
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caffeineyum · 3 months
Muffins (Chapter 8)
@biomecharnotaurus wooo! Little nsfw at the bottom
Sitting across from Alba was Captain Vitha. The rest of the table was filled with other naval officers. Alba always felt uncomfortable in these situations. They played a different level of politics, and all she knew was the communication style she learned from Kurt. 
The group was talking about “graduation” for the Spartan IVs. They were planning out dropping in and the many obstacle that would be set. It was nothing new to Alba, but one thing she kept noticing bothered her. The intelligence officer who communicated back and forth with ONI couldn’t sit still. Normally Lt Ross was a calm woman. Even when parts of earth were under attack and the ship was taking on too many wounded, she stayed calm. Now the Lt was twitching like she had drank a whole pot of coffee. 
“It’s settled then,” the captain Vitha began, standing and pointing at a red marker on a holographic map. “We’ll drop them here,” 
Alba nodded agreeing with him. Then Lt Ross stood up from her chair. “I have a disturbing report to share,” Her voice wavered. 
“Go ahead,” the captain gave her permission.
“There’s been a report of Banished in Africa,” Ross stated as a bead of sweat rolled down her face. “We have seen nothing from the aerial view and it’s not confirmed, but a team of UNSC scientists reported have encountered brutes in Africa,” Ross ranted. “Sir,” Ross addressed captain Vitha. “Petty officer,” Ross addressed Alba looking directly into her eyes. “I recommend scrapping this graduation until we have more information,” Ross declared, her voice shook and her eyes darted around the room.
“What exactly did they see lieutenant?” Captain Vitha asked. 
“One scientist reported coming nearly face to face with a brute in the tunnels. He returned to their camp with a spiker wound to his arm,” Ross answered. Alba and the captain Vitha looked at each other. It was interesting story and the wound added some validity. 
“Ma’am how far is this research center from our site?” Alba asked.
“Far,” Ross paused. “I can’t tell you more than that,” 
“Lieutenant, we’ve already delayed this graduation by a month,” captain Vitha sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “How sure are you this is real?” 
“I-I I’m not sure,” she sighed. “I have no idea how the Banished would have even gotten on earth. But if they’re in Africa, we shouldn’t put new Spartans at risk,” 
“We’re two weeks away,” Alba started. “Can we wait a week and see if there are more reports? If we get more reports we terminate it or conduct graduation elsewhere,” Alba finished. The captain nodded at her.
“If not we proceed as usual. Finding another area will be difficult and time consuming. That class needs to get graduated ASAP. The UNSC needs more IVs and as you know there’s shortage of trainers,” captain Vitha declared. Alba took a breath, she didn’t entirely agree. She liked Ross’s logic more, but relying on the account of one scientist was not a reason to delay. Alba hated how unnerved Ross was, that made her think it ran deeper.
“Sir, let’s send a scouting team down to the area,” Alba suggested.
“Good idea. We don’t have the resources but I’ll call in a favor,” captain Vitha determined. 
“The tunnels,” Ross began. “Tell them to especially check there,” 
“Is there something you aren’t tell us?” Alba finally broke, it worried her to see Ross sweating. Ross stared at Alba.
“I’ve told you everything I can,” Ross stated standing up straight and standing her ground. 
“We’ll check the tunnels,” Captain Vitha declared, nodding to her. “If that’s all, everyone is dismissed,” 
Alba stood up and walked out of the room. She wondered if it would best to go groundside with the scouting team. Alba wasn’t about to let her trainees walk into an ambush. 
“How’d it go? They eat you alive?” Johnson asked standing by the door.
“No, but some scientist apparently saw a brute in the tunnels and got wounded at a research outpost” Alba sighed as the two walked down the hallway. “Although the place is supposed to be far from the graduation site,” She added. “Ross is nervous, Captain Vitha is sending a scouting team,” Alba finished explaining the situation.
“Well either the eggheads are startin’ to see things or we got a real big hairy ass alien monkey shaped problem,” Johnson determined. “We should tell ‘em,” he added. Alba nodded, thinking it would be good for the trainees to know. 
The Spartan gnawed on the inside of her mouth. She wanted to go down there, to see for herself and her trainees. 
“I want to go ground side and scout,” Alba confessed but her stomach churned. Jane popped in her head, now Alba had someone she had to worry about leaving behind. A wave of sadness hit her thinking about never seeing Jane again. 
“Heh the shrinks’ll flip their shit,” Johnson huffed. “But I don’t blame you,” he reached out and patted Alba on the arm. “Those are our dumbasses and we gotta make sure they survive training,” Avery chuckled. “You ask Capt’ Vitha? Maybe he can wrangle some shrinks for you,” 
“I’ll ask,” Alba finally decided. “Would you go if I can’t?” She asked Johnson, glancing down at him. 
“Course I would Alba, one of us gotta scope it out. Can’t have any alien bastards at graduation,” he grinned reassuringly. “Beside if they are down there, I’ll get to kick some alien ass,” 
“Thank you,” Alba smiled at him, she felt a new sense of relief. 
“Anytime! You and me, we’re a team,” Avery replied winking at Alba. She smiled back at him and lightly bumped their shoulders together. 
It was around lunch time and Jane’s shift was in full swing. As shift lead she was in charge of the day crew and together they were cooking up a storm. When they were hired it had been requested for them to make as much fresh food as possible. This put a high amount of strain on them every lunch and diner. But Jane didn’t mind, it kept her busy. Being the shift lead she coordinated line cooks and took over positions that were empty. That was to say she was the ultimate multitasker.
“Jane! Can you run food? I’ve got three new buckets ready!” One of her line cooks called. Normally one of them ran food, but thing were especially busy and with it being spaghetti and meatball day, the ships crew was especially hungry. 
“Yep. Just keep cooking, let me know what else you need,” Jane replied and took off with several metal containers full of food. She wandered out of the kitchen slowly, careful not to run into anything. Then set the contains down and began grabbing the empty or close to empty ones. In front of her, people reached out and served themselves food. The meatballs were nearly gone, they were a favorite and the nearly absence meatballs were causing a stir. 
“I got meatballs!” Jane cried with a smile and bolted over to the crowd. There were a couple cheers as Jane swapped the empty container. 
“You’re the best sweetheart!” An older officer called to her as she darted over to the other two containers. As she replaced the spaghetti, Jane felt someone staring and came face to face with a man. He had blue eyes, regulation short brown hair, a thin face and a smirk pulled at his lips. He wore a black tech suit with a jacket over top of it. The only reason Jane knew what the suit was from Alba who informed her. So this person was a Spartan. Stitched into his jacket was the name Senchina. Jane thought she recognized that name, she could have sworn she heard Alba talking about a trainee with that name. 
“What’s that from?” He questioned pointing at a bruise under Jane’s chin. “Midnight rendezvous for a scissor session with Alba get a bit rough? Did she rip off your shirt? That how you got her jacket?” He added an eyebrow raised. Jane rubbed her chin, she had forgotten there was a bruise there. Jane had gotten it this morning when she was leaning on her hand listening to Alba and slipped off it. Her chin slamming into the table, a rare moment of clumsiness for her. Alba had been worried about her, clearly relieved to see it was only a bruise. 
“No, no,” Jane laughed. “This is from a table,” she pointed to her chin. 
“Oh so there was a table involved,” he interjected raising his eyebrow with a smile.
“And Alba gave me the jacket after she saved me from the freezer,” Jane clarified. “But why are you asking? Do u have a lesbian fetish?” She joked back. 
Senchina served himself the spaghetti Jane had just replaced. “I’m just curious,” he half smiled half smirked at her. “I only have a fetish for ceramics,” Senchina told her as he turned away. Jane watched him walk off and sit with several others in tech suits. 
Well that was a weird exchange Jane chuckled to herself, as she grabbed the other container, this one was full of sauce. She found a nearly empty sauce container and scooped the remainder into the new container. Jane felt someone staring at her again and looked up to see two more people in tech suits with jackets. She recognized them from the gym. 
“Oh hi!” Jane greeted Petersen and Butler. Both of them stood stiff then looked at each other as Petersen reached to the sauce ladle.
“Hi,” Petersen grumbled.
“How’s the simulations?” Jane asked. “Alba said you’ve been doing better at following its orders,” Jane commented, she was genuinely interested. Immediately the posture between the two changed, they relaxed. 
“We got a high score today,” Petersen smiled, as he gave Butler a spoonful of sauce. 
“Petersen’s finally playing by its rules and our squad is kicking ass,” Butler added grinning at Petersen. The two then gave each other a first bump. 
“That’s great!” Jane smiled at them. 
“How’s your day?” Butler asked as the two slid down to get some more food. Jane followed looking for empty bins of food. 
“Wonderful!” Jane exclaimed genuinely. “Weirdest thing just happened though, I think one of your classmates told me he had a fetish for ceramics,” she added. Petersen and Butler looked at each other trying to contain laugher then burst out.
“Senchina?” Petersen asked between laughter. Jane nodded.
“Don’t take him seriously. He likes to mess with people,” Butler said in between laughs. 
“But!” Petersen lightly elbowed Butler. “Badovinac says he collects ceramic pumpkins,” Petersen and Butler looked at each other and burst into laughter again. Jane laughed with them, the idea of someone being into ceramic pumpkins was too much for her. 
“I’ll see you two later, happy Friday!” Jane smiled at them, she had finished checking the remaining food. “Good luck with the training! You can do it!” She called on her way to the kitchen and waving. 
“Good luck with the food! I guess?” Butler called back, trying to be supportive but clearly unsure. Jane gave a thumbs up and disappeared into the kitchen.
Alba and Jane had been spending more and more time with each other. If they could, they hit the gym together and Jane would always see Alba in the morning when she worked. Jane was still the muffin dealer and both of them enjoyed chatting in the morning.
On the days when neither of them worked they would watch movies, play card game or just talk. Tonight was Friday so it was their gym and movie night. But at the gym Alba had briefly mentioned she wanted to talk to Jane about something. 
“Everything ok?” Jane asked Alba as they sat on the couch together. Alba tuned towards her crossing her legs and putting the plushie tiger in her lap. 
“I’ll be going down ground side early for a scouting op,” Alba began, she had gotten the approval from Captain Vitha. He hadn’t exactly been happy about fighting the shrinks but he told her he’d get it done. The Spartan then told Jane about everything involving the report, none of it was classified. Afterwards Jane sat, thinking and pursed her lips together.
“I think it’s a good plan,” Jane determined. “Of course I’m the wrong person to ask,” she chuckled. “The whole thing is a little weird, I agree there’s probably something ONI isn’t tell you,” Jane sighed and looked at Alba. “But you can handle it,” Jane beamed, and it was obvious to Alba just how much confidence the contractor had in her. Alba shifted, the whole unknown of it made her nervous. “Do you feel ok going into potential combat?” Jane asked cutting straight to the point. 
“Yes but the unknown bothers me. We’re going in blind, straight into a snag,” Alba explained. She wasn’t sure how she actually felt about fighting again but she knew she could do it. Alba was extremely capable even considering the mental issues. Ultimately those were her trainees, she was doing this to keep them safe. 
“Possibly, or the report was bunk,” Jane suggested. Alba knew that was the alternative, she took a deep breath. Had she really told Jane just to run through everything again? Alba had been replaying everything in her head all day. If she just needed to go through the factors with someone again, Alba would have done that with Johnson. No there was another reason why she was telling Jane and it was related to the pit in her stomach. 
“Jane,” Alba‘s voice shook and she reached out for the other woman. Jane took her hand and moved closer to her. “I-I’m so glad I met you,” Alba began and Jane smiled at her. “I’ll be going ground side next week and if I don’t come back,” Alba paused trying to find the right words. She looked into Jane’s grey eyes and Alba found herself reaching to pull Jane towards herself. Jane wrapped her arms around Alba’s neck and let the Spartan pull her close. Jane gently set the tiger aside removing it from Alba’s lap and then took its place. 
Alba felt everything in her body buzz looking at Jane, heat rushed to her cheeks and a goofy smile forced itself onto her face. She had no idea what this feeling was but it was as intimidating as it was warm and pleasant. Jane meant so much to Alba and she had no idea how to express it. She desperately wanted to tell her that no one made her feel like this, but Alba had no idea if that meant anything. All she knew is that she had never cared for another person like this. 
Jane patiently waited and gently cupped Alba’s face. The touch amplified everything the Spartan felt and her now visage resembled a tomato. 
“I-I I care for you unlike anyone else,” Alba finally settled for. That was the best thing she could think of. Suddenly the idea of kissing Jane popped in Alba’s head. Alba had never kissed anyone before and as soon as the thought crossed her mind, she felt extremely nervous. It felt nearly as bad as pre-mission jitters. The porn Alba had watched also did not help, those people practically ate each other’s faces. Was that really what kisses were like? Then the scissoring thing. Oh god, Alba thought, I don’t understand any of this. 
“I feel the same way,” Jane smiled caressing Alba’s face. Alba felt her heart rate spike and she was sure that if she was in her armor the alarms for her vitals would be screaming. Jane took her fingers through Alba’s hair and now their faces were only inches apart. Alba pulled Jane further into her, gently pressing their bodies together. Jane leaned in a little more then hesitated. “Is this ok?” She asked in a whisper, Alba nodded. Jane’s grey eyes sparkled looking at Alba like she was the only person in the universe. Alba closed the gap between them and Jane kissed Alba. Sparks shot through Alba’s nervous system and she fully embraced Jane. She wanted to be as close as she could with Jane. Responding in kind Jane leaned into her and wrapped her legs around Alba’s waist. 
The two finally pulled away, looking into each other’s eyes. 
“Can we do that again?” Alba blurted out. 
“Of course, come here,” Jane mumbled before kissing Alba again. 
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helix-enterprises117 · 6 months
Halo Reloaded: Alba-B221
Linda marched, her boots making a steady, determined sound against the pristine floor. Beside her, the somewhat less imposing, but no less formidable, figure of Doctor Catherine Halsey kept pace. Halsey, the mastermind behind the Spartan-II program, was a woman whose name evoked a cocktail of awe, fear, and controversy within the UNSC's ranks. Since her reintegration into society, after a self-imposed exile due to ethical qualms over her own creations, she hadn't exactly been at the center of any new projects—until now.
As they strode into a briefing room that seemed too cold, too sterile even for military standards, Halsey finally broke the silence. "Linda, I assume you're curious why we're here."
Linda, with a physique and presence that somehow managed to make the room feel even smaller, merely nodded, her face an unreadable mask. "The thought had crossed my mind," she responded, her voice betraying nothing of the storm of instincts and newfound abilities that swirled within her.
Halsey, undeterred by Linda's stoicism, launched into an explanation as she brought up a series of images and files on a large, holographic display. "After the... debacle with the Spartan-III program and Ackerson's subsequent... indiscretions, Spartan Ops was formed. It's a second chance for those who've been through... unusual changes, like yourself."
Linda's stance stiffened subtly, the only sign of her growing interest—or concern. "And why am I involved in this?"
"You're not just involved, Linda. You're the key," Halsey turned, facing Linda with an intensity that belied her academic demeanor. "It's about guiding, mentoring. And there's someone specific in mind for you. Spartan Alba-B221."
The display flickered, and an image of a young, intimidatingly built Spartan appeared. Despite her youth, Alba-B221 exuded a raw, almost untamed power. Her eyes, with their slitted pupils, seemed to glow with an inner light, and her frame was more akin to a predatory animal than a human teenager.
Halsey continued, softer now, "Alba has endured much at the hands of those who sought to play god. She's been... altered. Gene-splicing with polar bear and Siberian tiger DNA has left her with abilities far beyond the ordinary, even for a Spartan."
Linda's heart clenched—not in fear, but in a surge of empathy for the young Spartan. "What do you need from me?"
"I need you to be her mentor, her guide. Alba is strong, yes, but inside, she's struggling. She's been molded to be a weapon, but she's also a young girl who's been thrust into a life she didn't choose."
Linda, absorbing the gravity of Halsey's words, felt a resolve settle within her. "I understand. I'll do it."
Alba, upon their first meeting, was a study in contrasts. Her towering frame and the faint, almost imperceptible snarl of her lips spoke of a creature ready for battle. Yet, her eyes darted around nervously, like those of a cornered animal, betraying her uncertainty and fear.
"Hey, Alba. I'm Linda. I've been where you are. I'm here to help," Linda said, extending a hand in greeting, a small, genuine smile playing on her lips.
Alba's reaction was hesitant; her eyes flickered to Linda's hand, then up to her face, searching. Finding no trace of pity or revulsion, just an open, honest offer of fellowship, Alba slowly extended her own hand, her grip cautious but firm.
"N-Nice to meet you, ma'am..." Alba managed, her voice barely above a whisper. "I don't... I don't really know how to... to be anything other than what they made me."
Linda smiled, a genuine, reassuring smile. "We'll figure it out together. You're not alone anymore."
Linda felt a weight she hadn't realized she was carrying begin to lift. Here was a chance not just for redemption, but for connection. In guiding Alba, Linda saw a path forward for both of them, a way to reconcile their pasts with a future that was theirs to define. This was more than a mission...
...it was a new beginning.
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biomecharnotaurus · 6 months
Alba the government funded cat (siberian tiger) (also polar bear) girl (grown ass woman)
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87 notes · View notes
biomecharnotaurus · 10 months
Look at my literally white woman
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biomecharnotaurus · 8 months
Rakshasa Alba yippie
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biomecharnotaurus · 9 months
Girlstupid Christmas
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biomecharnotaurus · 3 months
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Alba B221 reposting (very important)
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biomecharnotaurus · 6 months
I humbly request more Alba for inspiration 👉👈
I have this one half assed phone doodle of her as a child not having the best time with her not exactly fun augments side effects if it counts. :(
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caffeineyum · 7 months
Muffins (Chapter 1)
This is fan fiction featuring @biomecharnotaurus’s OC Alba B221 :)
I hope you like it and that I did her justice! More to come if you like it
Alba woke with a start, in a cold sweat and breathing hard. She sat up immediately and quickly got out of the UNSCs idea of a bed. The clock read 04:13am, it was around the same time every night. Alba grabbed her UNSC issued sweats and pulled them on. Slipped her feet into her boots, loosely tied them, then quickly exited her quarters. 
Silently she sped through the corridors of the UNSC carrier, careful to not break into a run but moving far faster than what would be considered “walking pace.” Alba took a right then a left, navigating the corridors as if it were second nature. Until she finally got to the cafeteria. Sitting in the center of it was a stand with snacks for grab and go. Alba walked up to it and froze. 
The muffins were gone. She looked again. No muffins. The Spartan let out a sigh and simply stood there staring. Her shoulders hunched over a wave of deep disappointment hit her. 
“Hi,” a voice called. Alba’s head snapped in the direction of the voice. Behind the counter stood a woman with blonde hair tied in a bun with grey eyes and a bright smile, she wore an apron covering UNSC issued clothing. Alba felt herself take a step backwards. The thought of talking to anyone right now was too much for her. “Wait! Would you like some fresh muffins? They’re about come out of oven.” The woman called. 
Alba stopped her retreat. 
“That’s what you were looking for right?” She questioned. Alba nodded, and a beep sounded from behind the woman. “There it is! One second!” She called and ran into the kitchen behind her. Alba blinked before cautious taking a seat across from the counter. 
The Spartan tapped her fingers against the table gently avoiding making any noise. Alba didn’t recognize the woman. Normally around this time there were two people working in the kitchen. A tall skinny man who looked like he survived on coffee alone and a shorter woman who avoid looking at Alba like she was Medusa. The carrier had docked with a station outside earth yesterday. Maybe this person was a part of a new crew? Alba had heard something about switching out the cooks. Most likely, that would also explain why she didn’t seem afraid. Either that or this woman hadn’t realized yet she was looking at a Spartan. But Alba doubted that, even in “normal” clothes it was easy to tell. The large frame and height gave it away, not to mention the scars decorating her skin. Alba had never been great with people. And being a Spartan never made connecting any easier so this woman’s kind demeanor towards her was puzzling. 
Footsteps sounded as the woman rounded the corner, Alba’s head jolted up at sound. 
“Brought you two of them,” she said with a smile and put a plate with two muffins down in front of Alba.
“Th-thank you,” Alba stuttered, looking from the steaming muffins to the woman. The Spartan was floored, how did she get so lucky to get two muffins?
“No problem. Let me know if you like them. They’re made with a new recipe I came up with,” she replied and took a seat on the table. Alba blinked at the woman in disbelief, she had always eaten the same muffins. She liked them, they were nothing special but they were her 4:00am comfort food. Regardless, she couldn’t deny that the new muffins smelled great, far better than anything that had come out of that kitchen in years. 
Then a patch on the woman’s apron caught her attention. It said “Bestle catering and baking.” Alba had never heard of them and she was unsure of what to do. But Alba was feeling the air growing heavy from her couple of seconds of staring. 
“Are you a new cook?” Alba half blurted half whispered carefully removing the wrapper off of the first muffin. 
“Yeah,” the woman answered. “Apparently the last crew of cooks gave half of ship the shits. So they hired us! Funny that they hired contractors because the food was so bad,” she laughed. 
Alba nodded, she remembered that day. Half of her trainees were running screaming trying to find a bathroom or anything else they could use. That was a bad bad day. That also explained a lot about this woman, although Alba still felt puzzled. Here she was sitting only a foot away and there wasn’t a hint of fear in her voice. As a contractor, this woman wasn’t even UNSC so Alba was likely the first Spartan she had ever seen. 
Alba took her first bite of the muffin. It was warm, moist, delicious and sweet, but not overly sweet like the old ones. She finished the first one determining that one: muffins are better warm and two: these were much better than the old ones. Alba then finished the other one quickly, unlike the ones before she could see herself eating a whole tray. 
“Those were great, thank you,” Alba smiled. 
The contractor’s grey eyes lit up, “Really? I’m so glad you liked them! I was hoping they’d be better than those premade ones!” 
Alba nodded to reassure her then began to stand up. 
“Oh my name’s Jane Smith,” she said introducing herself as she stood up to match Alba. “Come by for fresh muffins anytime,” she smiled offering her hand to share. 
“Alba B221,” she introduced herself. The Spartan then looked at Jane’s hand, suddenly her limbs all felt too big and stiff. Alba jutted out her hand and attempted to give Jane a gentle handshake. Which resulted in an awkward dead fish handshake on the Spartan’s side. Alba removed her hand and felt a bit of heat rush to her face. 
“Nice to meet you,” Jane simply looked up at the larger woman and gave her a warm smile. 
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caffeineyum · 3 months
Muffins (Chapter 4)
so the brainrot got to me, had finish this before I could focus on grad work. Little NSFW this time, here we goooo! @biomecharnotaurus
“The bastards are slow learners compared to last class,” Johnson complained as he and Alba made their way to the cafeteria. 
“They’ll get there,” Alba replied. 
“They better,” Johnson shook his head. “Or they’ll end up being an ass sorry bunch of Spartans,” He spat, as they walked into the cafeteria. 
“You know that won’t happen,” Alba reassured, handing the man a tray for his food. Johnson took it and the two made their way down the line grabbing the food they wanted. 
“They ain’t ready,” Johnson stated as they found a seat. The two stared at each other both unwavering gazes meeting. Both of them knew what that meant, the final training exercise before being official ‘Spartan IVs’. It was grueling topside training exercise on the glassed surface of Africa. 
“I’ve already pushed back the exercise once,” Alba sighed. “What else can we do?” She asked, Alba was confident in the ability of this class she had seen their potential. But Avery had a point, they were not exactly on track to face the last ‘test.’
Johnson chewed on his cigar before finally pulling it out of his mouth to take a bite of food. Alba knew he was trying to think of something. 
“Well we’ve got a month,” he said. “We have to tell them the truth,” Johnson light slammed his fist onto the table when he said truth. 
“Tell them how they’ll make a ‘sorry bunch of Spartans’,” Alba cracked a smile. 
“Exactly, and you gotta be the one to do it,” He  determined. 
“Deal,” Alba agreed, then suddenly a pair of hands reached to cover her eyes. At first she felt all her muscles tense, ready to defend herself. Then Alba recognized the slight callouses and a recent burn from a baking tray. Jane, Alba felt herself smile a little.
“Guess who?” Jane’s voice asked. 
“Jane,” Alba answered and Jane removed her hands. Jane took a seat a next to Alba. She was still wearing her apron, Alba figured this must have been a meal break of some sort. 
“Hi! Can I sit with you two? After I get my food?” Jane asked. Alba nodded.
“S-sure,” She replied then look over to Johnson who gave her a nod. 
“Ok I’ll be back!” Jane called as she went off the get her food. 
“That the muffin lady?” Johnson asked and Alba nodded confirming watching Jane get her food. “She’s pretty,” Johnson remarked, Alba nodded in agreement. Although Alba thought Jane was more like a sun, gracing anything around her with her light.  
“So ya like girls?” Johnson asked. Alba only stared at him blankly not understanding what he meant by that. “Are ya a carpet muncher?” Johnson tried again only to be met with another confused stared. “Scissor sister?” Alba raised an eyebrow. “Muff licker?” Alba’s forehead wrinkled and her lips pressed together, now she was even more perplexed. “Ya know are ya a Dyke?” Alba slowly shook her head no, the vocabulary lost on her. “Do you know what the ladies like Alba?” Johnson finally asked with a smirk. 
“I-I know Jane likes hugs,” Alba stuttered, attempting to answer, her face bright red. Only knowing that Avery was referencing something sexual. Alba had no experience in that category. She only knew that Jane’s hugs made her feel warm and special. 
Johnson let out a small belt of a laugh. 
“Well that’s just adorable,” Avery chuckled as Jane sat her tray down next to Alba’s.
“What were you two talking about?” Jane wondered.
“Oh nothing, just how much Alba likes you. She told me you make some excellent muffins,” Johnson gave Jane a smile. 
“Really?” Jane asked looking up at Alba. The Spartan was bright red now. Thinking about how in the world two women would have sex and now realizing that people probably had sex for more than its “intended purpose”. It all made sense now… What she overheard from ODSTs… people really did have sex for more than reproduction. Damn. 
“Well I’m glad she likes me and the muffins!” Jane smiled and gave Alba a side hug. Somehow Alba’s face got redder as Alba returned the side hug. The Spartan started to sweat. Would something like ‘that’ be nice? How would it feel? Jane was involved in all these questions. All of it made Alba want to pull her shirt up over her face and pretend the world didn’t exist. The Spartan felt her shoulders tense as she subconsciously tried to make herself as small as possible.  
Suddenly Alba felt a little kick from under the table. Alba snapped back to reality, making eye contact with Johnson. He had definitely kicked her and he was saying something. 
“Hey Alba, Jane just asked you said about her.” Johnson filled her in. 
“I-I said you like hugs,” Alba mumbled, still flustered. “And I think you’re amazing,” Alba found herself smiling at Jane. It was a weird smile, one that her body seemed to be doing unconsciously. The two women made eye contact. 
“Thank you!” Jane smiled back. “I think you’re absolutely wonderful and very sweet,” Jane’s grey eyes sparkled like stars and for a second Alba had to remind herself that she wasn’t looking at an angel. 
“Thanks,” Alba smiled wider, that was the best compliment she had ever received.
“Alba’s a badass. She’s got more covie kills than everyone on this boat combined and she’s the best damn instructor in the whole UNSC,” Johnson boasted.
“Oh I didn’t know I was in the presence of a UNSC warrior queen,” Jane responded. “Your majesty,” she joked faking a bow. Alba chuckled, thinking about how far ‘warrior Queen’ was from who she really was; a failed Spartan program experiment with a crazy ability to kill. But it felt nice to be seen in a different light. 
“And she never gets cold. I’ve seen this woman prance around in below zero like it’s a flowery meadow!” Johnson added. Alba tilted her head at him, why did he mention that?
“Well she really warm whenever I hug her,” Jane nodded. “It’s nice because this ship is so cold,” the smaller woman added. 
“I-If you’re cold,” Alba stuttered. “I have an extra jacket, I could… give you,” she offered. Alba didn’t really use her jackets, all but the UNSC issues hoodie that she wore only because it felt nice. Anything else was too heavy and she didn’t need it. Her augmentations kept her warmer than most jackets could. 
“Alba-“ Jane started before she was interrupted. 
“JANE! We need you back here now!” Someone yelled from behind the counter. 
“Shit,” Jane cursed as she stood up, it was the first time Alba had heard her curse. “I’ll see you tomorrow Alba!” Jane gave Alba a quick hug then grabbed her tray and bolted off in the direction of the kitchen. “Nice meeting you!” Jane called to Johnson. 
“Damn things were just starting to get good,” Johnson sighed. 
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caffeineyum · 3 months
Muffins (Chapter 3)
@biomecharnotaurus I had a burst of inspiration! More Alba for ya!
Jane had just finished a long shift full of little annoyances. Despite feeling tired she wanted to blow off some steam and exercise. With a sigh her grabbed her bag and pulled off her apron. Then left from behind the counter. 
The cafeteria was just starting to fill in. Jane glanced at the clock, 16:59. Just about dinner time, no wonder. She normally wasn’t here so late and it was interesting to her how many more people there were compared to lunch. 
Jane exited and began her walk to the gym. The days events floated through her head. Alba crossed her mind and the hug they had shared. Jane hoped she was feeling better. She also wondered if the Spartan had ever been hugged. Alba had a very emotional reaction, crying into Jane’s shirt. Jane had simply held her and reassured her that it was ok. That didn’t seem like a normal reaction to her.
Of course though, who was she to judge? Jane had never seen war, the closest was gangs in her neighborhood. But they were easy to avoid. Keep your head down, be respectful and they didn’t bother you. It seemed to her that during the war there was no avoiding it. She had simply been lucky to live somewhere that was only indirectly touched by the war. 
Jane smiled though, she was sure that she would get to see Alba tomorrow. It was also hard for Jane to believe how anyone could be afraid of Alba. Despite her size, the scars and muscles, at most Jane only saw a shaken but kind veteran. She also really enjoyed chatting with Alba. Sure it could be awkward but Jane found it kind of endearing. Plus who didn’t have their moments of awkwardness? It’s a very human thing after all. 
Jane’s thoughts halted as she realized she had taken a wrong turn somewhere. The hallways were unfamiliar. Shit. Jane looked around and sighed. A group of rather large people in black suits rounded the corner. Jane bounded up to them. 
“Excuse me, can you point me towards the gym?” Jane asked with a smile. The group stopped walking. They looked at each other then back to Jane. 
“Just around that corner to the right,” a man with a shaved head said to her. 
“Thank you!” Jane called as she took off. She quickly found the gym and entered. This one was different than the one she normally went to, but she didn’t care. More variety is always a good thing!
Jane skipped over to deadlift platform, placed her bag down and began to change her shoes. Normally she would have changed into something else, but her work clothes were good enough. 
Jane then wandered over and grabbed a bar. The thing felt heavier than normal, Jane chalked it up just being tired. She then began her work and started adding plates to the bar. The first plate she pulled off the holder she nearly dropped. Again it felt heavier than usual, probably just from pulling nearly 14 hour shift. 
As she did her workout, Jane began to notice a couple people looking at her. She didn’t think much of it, after all it was only one plate plus a 25, about 185lbs. Light weight for her and for most people she had seen here. She was feeling weak so it only normal to go down that low. 
After her last set Jane sat down for moment to breathe and noticed two men approaching her. 
“Hey sweetheart, you’re pretty strong,” one of them began. Jane simply blinked at the weight then looked back at the guy.
“Thank you,” Jane said scratching the back of her head, confused by the compliment. 
“Yeah, what’s someone like you doing here?” Asked the other person. ‘Someone like me?’ Jane wondered. Then Jane saw a familiar form approaching her, blue eyes, brown silver hair with a large frame. Jane shot up immediately.
“Alba!” Jane practically launched herself at Alba and hugged her with a smile. Alba caught Jane and hugged her back, the hint of a smile peaking out from her lips. “Hi!” Jane said looking up at her. A slight red tone covered Alba’s face.
“Hi Jane,” Alba replied.
Behind the two women and unbeknownst to Jane, the two men tensed up tighter than bundle of steel cable. Not only was Jane facing away from them, she was too focused on Alba who actually seemed ok. It made her happy to see Alba better than she normally saw her. 
“I’m sorry ma’am we didn’t realize she was with you,” one of the men sputtered out quickly and the two snapped to attention.
“It’s alright, dismissed,” Alba spoke and the two stiffly and swiftly walked away. 
“Alba,” Jane poked Alba, “you can let me go now,” 
Jane watched as Alba’s face lit up redder. “S-sorry,” she stuttered. The whole time Alba had been holding onto Jane and hadn’t realized it. Jane hadn’t minded at all, the Spartan gave good hugs. Jane could feel the ropes of strong muscle encircling her protectively. But she knew that Alba could get a little lost in her head. 
“It’s so good to see you! How are you since this morning?” Jane asked beaming. 
“Better,” Alba replied trying to shake the heat in her face. “Working helps,” 
“Good!” Jane smiled. 
“What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be asleep?” Alba questioned, steadying the barbell with her foot as it rolled forward. 
“Just working out, had to stay an extra 4 hours today,” Jane replied. “And I wanted to get some energy out,” she added. “Also what did those two mean by ‘someone like me,’ being here?” 
“This is the Spartan gym,” Alba explained, then glanced down at what Jane was deadlifting. Her eyes widened a bit. 
“Oh…,” Jane nodded, but still not completely understanding. “Does that matter?”
“Well everything here is built for Spartans, and that seems a bit heavy for your… size?” Alba pointed at the bar. 
“What 185?” Jane asked.
“315,” Alba corrected her. Jane laughed, realizing now why it felt heavy. Then look a look at the plates, yep, if she had actually read the numbers then she would have known. 
“Oops,” Jane said, then leaned forward. “Can I lift with you?” Jane asked. Alba blinked a couple times. “Show me what a Spartan work out looks like!” She added. 
“S-sure,” Alba stuttered.
“Great!” Jane sprang up and started towards unloading her bar. Alba stopped her with a hand on her shoulder. 
“I-I,” she began. “I would prefer that if you came here, you come with me and not alone. Is that ok?” Alba asked obviously nervous about something. 
“Of course! Why would I say no to hanging out with you more?” Jane smiled and paused. “But  why?” Jane asked simply curious.
“I-I would worry about you,” Alba admitted then pulled off the plates from one side of the bar.
“Ok, I’ll only workout here with you!” Jane committed, but she still didn’t entirely understand Alba’s worry. The smaller woman then unloaded the other side of the barbell, nearly dropping the plates when she pulled them off. Alba made it look so easy. 
The Spartan then put the bar back with one hand like it was a stick. 
“Alrighty let’s go!” Jane declared, grabbing Alba’s hand. Alba’s mouth twitched into a wavering smile. 
“Ok,” Alba agreed.  
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caffeineyum · 3 months
Muffins (Chapter 6)
@biomecharnotaurus heyyyoo minimal Jane in this one but we get more info on how Alba handles trainees
Alba stumbled into the training center, Johnson had her trainees running laps and doing morning physical training.
“You look like shit girl,” Johnson commented looking Alba up and down. “Did that battle with the freezer take you out?” Johnson demanded, Alba had messaged him about the situation.
“Folded the door in half,” Alba smirked. “Slept terribly,” she explained.
“Well damn,” Johnson retuned her smirk. “Hope you’ve got that foldin’ energy still, we gotta whip these recruits into shape!”
“Energy for days,” Alba muttered, before taking a step forward. She took a deep breath before bellowing “Trainees form up!” At the command the group of twelve made their standard formation in front of her.
“Listen up, your DI has something important to say!” Johnson commanded pacing next to Alba. “It’s News about your graduation, which I’m so sure you all are so excited about!” Johnson barked. Alba took a little breath, they had also talked about this before. She was about to verbally hand them their asses. The twelve men and women focused their attention on Alba. “You all have been the worst class of Spartans I have ever trained.” She started, Alba didn’t enjoy this. “Because of your poor performance I pushed back the final test and now we only have a month before we go topside. If you continue on your current trajectory, this class will make the sorriest group of IVs ever. I’ve see your potential you all have it. Now step it up!” Alba commanded. “Do you understand me?” She growled.
“Yes Ma’am!” They replied, however one of her trainees failed to respond. He was chewing on his lip. This man was Petersen, often the first to challenge Alba and main leader of the class. Johnson noticed immediately and marched over to Petersen.
“Do you have a problem trainee? You heard the lady, step it up!” Johnson half questioned half yelled. Petersen grimaced at Johnson then glared up at Alba. Petersen’s friend Butler stood next to him and he looked tenser than a bunch of steel cable. Butler shot Petersen a look almost praying for him to keep his mouth shut. “Permission to speak freely sir,” Petersen requested through gritted teeth.
“Alright speak up, what’s on your sorry ass mind that you won’t agree to step up your training,” Johnson granted. Petersen’s eyes focused on Alba.
“How do you expect us to step it up when our DI is fucking the contractors at 0430 in the damn morning? You want us to step it up? Be a decent leader!” Petersen spat glaring into Alba’s eyes. Alba tilted her head to side confused then she realized it had been Petersen and Butler who had seen her with Jane in the morning. Alba almost laughed, instead a small chuckle escaped her lips at the absurdity.
“That was not what was going on,” Alba started. “And if you have a problem with my leadership, it better be a concrete example not something from my personal life,” Alba challenged Petersen. “What is your problem with how I lead?” She pushed further.
Petersen opened up his mouth to begin his protest “We’ve been working our asses off, how are we failing? And you,” Petersen stepped forward pointing at Alba. “How are we supposed to follow someone we can barely relate to? Spartan-III, whatever, you’re like a damn robot!” He shouted at her. Alba was stunned she had no idea what to say to him. Out of all the criticisms, ‘not relatable’ was not something she had ever gotten. “You’re failing because you’re incapable of listening to orders! You especially, can’t follow for shit,” Johnson stepped in, staring down Petersen. “You really think the UNSC wants a group of Spartans who can’t follow a simple order? Several million wasted on a group of enhanced thugs!” Johnson barked. “Because the orders even in the simulations are d-“ Petersen began.
“Does anyone else have a problem with me?” Alba asked, stepping between Johnson and Petersen. Alba and Petersen stared at each other, Petersen’s eye burned with fury. The group of Spartans behind them looked at each before staying silent. Realizing he was defeated Petersen turned away from Alba and marched back to the formation. “Alright let’s go! CQC and drills!” Alba commanded. She and Johnson assigned everyone a group and instead of putting Petersen with Legge, Alba took Petersen. She normally put them together because the two had such opposite fighting styles. Legge was a very calm individual and it carried over to her fighting style, Petersen, well… fought with the grace of rabid dog. Legge went to a group of three with Butler and Badovinac. So far Badovinac was their best trainee at CQC, so Johnson wanted to see what he could do against two of the top of the class. Everyone else got partners. They stared with basic drills of attacking and blocking. Petersen didn’t pull any of his punches and if Alba had missed any of the blocks, it would have left a significant mark. Most of these drills were lead by the partners until Johnson or Alba called for the start of sparring. Many of the trainees talked to each trying to help each other with technique. Alba was the first to speak between her and Petersen. “I appreciate your creativity in the stimulations,” she began as she threw an elbow at Petersen who blocked it. “But the scoring algorithm does not. Your skills will serve you well in the field but for the sake of the class, you need to follow orders.” Alba finished as Petersen threw a full force elbow strike at Alba’s head, she blocked it. “Oh yeah? Then fix the damn thing to give us points, ma’am,” Petersen spat.
“I wish I could. But this is a skill you need to learn. Learn it or watch the class you lead fail,” Alba retorted as they switched to kicking drills and she aimed a roundhouse kick directly at Petersen’s thigh. He blocked it with a low block.
“Yes Ma’am,” He agreed as he put his full body weight into a roundhouse kick. Alba using equal force, blocked it knocking Petersen off balance.
Alba had finished her work for the day and was on her way to gym. It had been one hell of day and she was excited to see Jane again. She hoped Jane’s day had gone much smoother after being trapped in the freezer. Alba rounded the corner and entered into the gym. She took a bench and pulled out her datapad sending Jane a message that she was at the gym.
‘Be there in 5!’ Jane responded. Suddenly Alba overheard someone saying her name. “She’s practically mechanical, there’s no social skills or human anywhere in Alba. Yet she gets that girl? What the hell? I’m twice as personable as she is!” It was Petersen’s voice and thanks to her augmentations she heard every word.
“I know she’s a bit stiff but she could have beaten the shit out of you and she decided not too. Plus she acknowledged your capabilities, if this all your mad about, your acting like a toddler.” That was definitely Butler’s voice. Alba turned her head and saw both Petersen and Butler talking at the water fountain. Petersen’s arms were crossed and Butler simply leaned against the wall. It always took a long time for IVs to get used to having Spartan hearing and being around others with it. This was a prime example. Alba shook her head and walked over to the water fountain. When the two saw her walking over they snapped to attention. “Ma’am!” Butler acknowledged her.
“At ease,” Alba spoke then looked at Petersen. “You’re right, I have no idea why she likes me.” Alba let out a small chuckle and Petersen’s face drained of color. “Next time use your temper for something useful,” Alba commanded setting a hand on Petersen’s shoulder. Petersen’s face was entirely white and his mouth hung open.
“Y-yes ma’am,” he sputtered as Alba heard a set of soft footsteps behind her. Jane suddenly then half hug half attempted to tackled Alba. Alba caught her and hugged her back, removing her hand off Petersen’s shoulder to catch Jane with both hands. “Hi!” Jane smiled at Alba then looked over at Petersen and Butler. “Who are your friends?” Jane asked looking up at Alba, Jane’s arms wrapped around Alba’s waist. Alba had one arm wrapped around Jane’s waist and another around her shoulders. “These are two of my trainees, Petersen and Butler,” Alba introduced them. “Nice to meet you!” Jane gave them both a wide smile. “Alba talks a lot about all of you guys,” she added. “Nice to meet you too,” Butler said for both of them. “Anyways we need to grab dinner,” Butler added and dragged Petersen away by his hand. “What was that about?” Jane asked, looking up at the Spartan with curious star like eyes.
“I’ll tell you later,” Alba determined half smiling.
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caffeineyum · 3 months
Muffins (Chapter 5)
@biomecharnotaurus little NSFW up top. Also I’m not sure how I feel about this one, but Alba gets nice things :)
Alba laid on her bed contemplating life. After lunch Johnson had tried to explain what he was asking. It sort of made sense and eventually he gave her a list of things to look up. Now Alba was even more confused and there was lots and lots of porn. She didn’t understand any of it and Alba thought most of it was very very weird. What the hell was the point of scissoring? Johnson had told her that he wasn’t the most knowledgeable on gay women but still, it was all so strange. Alba had never thought of doing anything like that with anyone. It was only recently that she had discovered she liked hugs. And now this?! 
Alba rolled over trying to sleep, finally decided that her confusion was ok for now. Until the same thought that had bothered her started to get to her again. How did Jane play into any of this? Alba’s eyes flew open. So far all she knew is that she liked Jane and she got the “warm and fuzzies,” as Johnson had called it when Jane hugged her. Avery had asked Alba ‘do you wanna kiss her?’ Alba thought that might be nice but that was extent of what she wanted. The rest was so damn new that Alba had no idea what to think. 
Regardless Alba knew she really liked Jane and that whatever this was she wanted it to continue. Jane was so wonderful and the woman made her feel human for the first time in her life. Alba determined that was the way to think about it. Nothing else was productive, she had no answers for the rest of it. 
The Spartan flopped over onto her back with a sigh and closed her eyes again. Regardless she needed sleep and Alba dared not to look at the clock. She already slept terribly and she anticipated feeling much worse than usual tomorrow because of this. 
Alba wondered what needed Jane’s attention during lunch and she hoped her shift had gone well. The Spartan had messaged her earlier, asking her if she was ok, the response was a ‘Thanks for asking!!! I’m all good Alba, they just needed more hands 😊😊😘’
Jane worked tomorrow morning, or should Alba say this morning. So she’s get to see her soon. Alba planned on taking the jacket with her and the two had some time at the gym planned later in the day. Alba hoped she would take the jacket. Even if the Spartan didn’t experience trouble with the cold she knew it was unpleasant and Alba wanted Jane to be comfortable. 
Finally the Spartan felt herself start to drift off and Alba let herself fall into a deep sleep….
Just as suddenly Alba jolted up awake, panting and dripping in sweat. The same nightmares, death everywhere, with Alba being helpless. She glanced over at the clock 4:07, Alba genuinely smiled through her panic. Muffin time. 
She got out of bed, pulled on her sweats and put the jacket on top of it. It had her name and stitched onto the chest with a zipper that went from bottom to top. Alba started her journey, hastily walking, still shaking. On nights like these she often had a harder time calming down. The less she slept the worse it was. 
Alba rounded the corner and ended up in the cafeteria. The Spartan looked around, no one was there and nothing smelled like muffins. 
“Jane?” Alba called out. No response, Alba walked over the counter, no Jane. This was weird, Alba stepped behind the counter now shaking even more. Where was she? 
Alba then heard something that sounded like a muffle scream. Immediately her heart rate shot up and she followed the noise into the kitchen. It was coming from a large metal door. Alba tried the handle, it was stuck. Was Jane stuck in here? Alba tried the handle again only for it snap off. 
Immediately her adrenaline kicked into overdrive, her breathing sped up and Alba felt her own heartbeat. Without any hesitation the Spartan stuck her hands in between the door and the frame. Then using the claws she had from her augmentations, dug them into the door and pulled. At first it didn’t budge, but then the whole thing gave way with a screeching cry. A wave of cold hit her as the door came loose. Alba retracted her claws and dropped the door. 
“A-alba?” Jane asked teeth chattering, standing in the doorframe. She was very pale and instantly the Spartan leaped over to her. 
“What happened? Are you alright?” Alba frantically questioned as she pulled off both of her jackets. Alba pulled them over the smaller woman then picked up Jane. She was cool to the touch.
“Frrr-eezer door got stuck on me,” Jane answer and wrapped her arms around Alba pulling herself close to the Spartan. “I’mmm ok, jjju-sst cold,”
“Hold on, let’s get you to the medics,” Alba started on her way out of the cafeteria. She was panicking, hypothermia was nothing Alba knew anything about and that only made her more nervous. 
“No itt’ss ok,” Jane spoke. “I jussst need to warm up, and if we don’t close that freezerr we’ll lose 25% of the ship’s food. Just get me a datapad, I can send a message to get someone to fixx ittt,” Jane pleaded. Alba looked down at Jane and their eyes met. 
“Ok,” Alba sighed. “Where is it?” 
“There,” Jane pointed next to the oven. Sure enough there it was. Alba walked over and bent over so Jane could grab it. Jane shakily grabbed the datapad and began typing. Alba turned on heels carefully so as not disturb Jane and started walking out of the kitchen. Alba wasn’t entirely sure where to go but medical still seemed like the best option. She passed the counter as Jane continued using the datapad. Alba continued on her trajectory towards the exit. 
“Where are we going?” Jane asked, her teeth had stopped chattering, but she was shivering. 
“Medical,” Alba answered. “I’m worried about how cold you are,” Alba’s voice wavered briefly, she was very worried. Jane reached up and touched Alba’s face, Alba stopped dead and jolted looking down at Jane. Her hand was cool. Alba wanted to reach up and cover Jane’s hand with her own to warm her red fingers.
“I promise I don’t need medical.” Jane smiled, looking Alba directly in the eyes. “I just need to warm up, plus you’re really warm so you’ve helped a lot,” Jane added. Alba stared down at her still concerned. “It’s not the first time I’ve been locked in a freezer Alba. I’m ok, really, just cold,” Jane chuckled and withdrew her hand from Alba’s face. 
“Ok,” Alba finally sighed realized that she had been holding her breath. “But I’m getting you a blanket,” she bargained. 
“Alright,” Jane laughed and rested her head against Alba’s chest. Alba continued with Jane in her arms making her way to her quarters. “Thank you,” Jane sighed, relaxing into Alba. 
“Of course,” Alba responded, as she rounded a corner. Walking directly towards her were two of her trainees. At first they froze then stared at the sight in front of them. Alba paid them no mind and simply walked past them. Taking another turn to her quarters. Alba opened the door and walked over to closet. She never used the blankets only the top sheet. Otherwise it far too hot for her to sleep. 
Alba opened the thing with her foot and using her teeth grabbed the blanket. She didn’t want to put Jane down, the smaller woman was still shivering. 
“I could have grabbed that,” Jane laughed as the blanket unfolded and flopped onto her face. Still laughing Jane reached up and grabbed the blanket wrapping it around herself. 
“But you were relaxing and you’re still cold,” Alba said genuinely. 
“It’s alright,” Jane began gently. “I’m not going to die,” 
“I-I know,” Alba stuttered turning a little red. Maybe her concern was a little overblown. Alba looked down at Jane her color was coming back. “You look better,” Alba observed. “Are you warming up?” Alba asked.
Jane nodded. “You make a good heater,” She smiled. 
“Thank you,” Alba felt a little heat rush to her face. “D-do you want to go back to the cafeteria?” Alba stuttered, looking down at Jane. She was buried under the much too large Spartan sized blanket as she looked up at Alba. Jane’s grey eye shone, as she smiled up at Alba. 
“You’re incredible,” Jane breathed. Alba’s face forced itself into a smile, and another wave of heat rushed to her face. The two women gazed at each other simply enjoying the other presence. Jane leaned closer to Alba pulling herself into the Spartan. 
DING! The datapad interrupted them. Jane pulled the thing from under the blankets and sighed checking it.
“Yeah we need to go back, the mechanics are there already,” Jane determined. 
“Ok,” Alba spoke and headed towards the door. Jane once again relaxed onto Alba as they walked. Alba walked out of her quarters and took one of the turns toward the cafeteria. 
“You got locked in a freezer before?” Alba finally asked thinking about it. Jane laughed.
“Yeah, those doors are terrible.” Jane chuckled. “They have the same one down on earth.” She added.
“How did you get out before?” Alba wondered, as they took another turn. 
“I forced my way out with a couple piece of metal shelving,” Jane explained. “Tried that here, didn’t work,” she frowned. “But again! Thank you! I wouldn’t have been able to get out without you,” Jane paused. “And thank you for the clothes and blankets,” She added.
“Always,” Alba nodded as they reached the cafeteria. 
Standing by the counter was a group of several people. Alba could hear vehement cursing coming from behind the counter. The rest of the morning was a bit of blur to Alba. Several angry mechanics questioned her about the importance of not folding a door in half to get someone out. And Jane had to do a lot of talking to superiors. During the majority of the morning, Alba didn’t let go of Jane. The smaller woman didn’t stop shivering until at least an hour and a half after the incident, which was when Alba finally put her down. No one questioned Alba but she noticed the many looks she got from people. 
Finally at around 6:00 the two of them got a break as the mechanics replaced the door and left. There was a little break room behind the kitchen and Alba finally sat down with Jane. She was still wrapped in the Spartan blanket and hadn’t unwrapped herself once. 
“Are you still cold?” Alba asked, wondering about the blanket. 
“Sort of,” Jane admitted curling into a small ball on the couch the two were sitting on. “It kind of feels like the freezer got to my bones,” Jane joked. 
“I-I can-,” Alba started, she opened her arms and Jane immediately took the invitation. Jane crawled on Alba’s lap, gently wrapped her arms around her neck and rested her head on Alba’s upper chest. Alba felt herself go bright red and was grateful Jane couldn’t see her face. Alba carefully pulled the blanket tighter around Jane and wrapped her arms around Jane embracing her fully. 
“Do u still want to go to the gym tonight?” Alba half blurted out.
“Of course,” Jane smiled. Alba unconsciously let out a Chuff. It was something that happened to her when she was happy. Her augmentations and DNA mixing with Siberian tiger were responsible. Jane stirred and Alba got redder than she thought possible. “What was that?” Jane asked looking up at Alba.
“Uuhh, I-I do that when I’m happy,” Alba explained. “It’s like the sounds big cats make,”
“Cool, I’m glad you’re happy,” Jane reached up and touched Alba’s face again. “I’m happy too,”
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caffeineyum · 3 months
Muffins (Chapter 7)
@biomecharnotaurus ey my guy! More for ya. The creative juices be a flowin’
Alba and Jane were working out using the bench press. Jane was amazed at Alba’s strength, her warm up was a nearly 500lbs bench press. To deal with the difference in strength, Alba had loaded another bar and simply switched them out in between sets. Jane’s warm up was around 110lbs. It was amazing to watch how Alba could easily move 100lbs+ like it was nothing. Jane could also see why Alba was a good instructor. She was patient, regardless of Jane being much weaker and newer to any of this. 
Today Alba was trying for a top set of 715lbs for reps and Jane was trying for a one rep max. Jane was excited, all of it was really fun for her and she especially enjoyed seeing Alba in her element. 
“Light weight!” Jane cheered as Alba sat up from her set of 615lbs. Alba smiled with a slight pink tint to her face. 
“Light weight,” Alba confirmed as she stood up and swapped out the bar. “150?” Alba asked looking from the bar and to Jane. 
“Sure! Let’s do it,” Jane smiled at her, looking around for the right plate. She then walked over to the rack of plates and grabbed one.
“That’s a 50,” Alba said gently, grabbing the plate with one hand from Jane and putting it back. 
“I really need to read the plates better,” Jane chuckled. “They just look so much like normal plates but everything is much heavier,” 
Alba nodded. “I snapped a bar in half at the other gym,” she admitted. 
“How much weight did you have on it?” Jane wondered, as she helped Alba load up her bar.
“900ish,” Alba shrugged. 
“Wow,” Jane breathed. “That’s awesome,” she added, as she set up for her rep. 
“T-thanks,” Alba stuttered, looking down at her from the spotter position. Jane tried not the laugh, everyone always looked weird practically stepping over you. And seeing Alba standing above her being slightly flustered was pretty entertaining. “Ready?” 
“Yeah, let’s do this,” Jane replied. She gripped the bar then unracked it. 
“Deep breath,” Alba instructed. Jane did as she said, steadied herself then lowered the weight and slowly pressed it back up. It was a bit of grinder for her, but she got the rep. “Yay!” Jane cheered sitting up and high fiving Alba. 
“Good job,” Alba said with a small smile and swapped out the bars. 
“Gonna go for 715?” Jane asked, Alba nodded and Jane helped Alba load the bar. This time she double checked the plates. 
“Need a spot?” Jane asked. Alba shook her head no, as she sat down on the bench. 
“I’ll say help if I need it,” Alba told her. 
“Ok! You got it!” Jane smiled giving her a thumbs up. Alba’s mouth crept into a smile and she nodded to Jane, before laying down on the bench. The Spartan easily unracked it and began her reps. It didn’t matter how many times Jane lifted with Alba she was totally in awe of Alba. 
Jane counted her reps, 4… 5…. Alba looked like she was starting to feel the weight. 6… 7… 8… 9… she was talking larger breaths now. 10… Alba was shaking a little now. 11… that was a rough rep. Alba took a deep breath then shakily lowered the bar to her chest. She then pushed, the bar slowly climbing until it reached a halt. Jane sat there a little stunned. Alba gritted her teeth trying to push it further. It wouldn’t budge. 
“Help,” she grunted. Jane sprung up and in a moment of panic, slung on leg over Alba’s hips. Instead of taking the obvious spotting position behind the bench. Jane pushed the bar up, it moved easily with just a little help from her. Suddenly, Jane felt her right foot slip out from under her and immediately she was laying directly on top of Alba, face first in her boobs. Not even a second later Jane heard the Spartan reracked the weight. All things considered and the embarrassment she just went through, this was kind of comfortable. 
Jane pushed herself off of Alba, her face glowing a light shade of red.
“Are you ok?” Alba asked, steadying Jane with a hand on the small of her back as Alba sat up. The Spartan did a quick once over, looking Jane up and down. 
“Yeah… god I’m sorry.” Jane sighed embarrassed, she felt terrible. “I slipped,” Jane nervously laughed and climbed off of Alba almost tripping on her way up. 
“It’s alright. I’m glad you’re ok,” Alba said completely unfazed, as she looked around the bench for what Jane had slipped on. She eventually pointed down at the floor “mechanical lubricant,” Alba paused for Jane to look over. Sure enough there was a patch of something with a footprint or ‘slide print’ in it. “Probably left over from someone retightening the bench,” Alba explained, looking up at Jane. “One second,” Alba added standing up and walking off. Seconds later she came back with a rag meant to use to clean the equipment and put it over the patch. 
“Is that enough?” Jane asked.
“For now, I’ll message someone later,” Alba responded. The two stood in silence for a bit staring at the patch.
“I really messed that up bad, I know how to spot but I just panicked I-,” Jane broke the silence, the Alba interrupted her. 
“I’m just glad everything turned out alright,” Alba slightly moved her hand forward. Jane immediately reached for her hand and took it. Alba’s fingers gently curled around Jane’s. 
“Are you ok?” Jane asked. Alba tilted her head to the side. Jane had picked up that was what Alba did when she was confused. “That was kind of small rep count for you,” Jane pointed out. Alba froze, her jaw tensing and her cheeks red. 
“I-I slept worse than usual,” She admitted. Jane assumed that it was the nightmares getting to her again. 
“Can I show you some of the stuff that helps me sleep?” Jane asked now clutching Alba’s hand with both of hers. “Oh! Plus we could watch a movie! I mean it’s a Friday!” She added. Alba’s lip twitched slightly.
“Sure,” Alba agreed and Jane smiled at her. Jane also felt overjoyed that Alba trusted her to try to help her. “Your max first though,” 
“Deal!” Jane beamed and started pulling plates off the bar. The damn 100lbs plates were heavy and Jane slowly waddled over to the plate holder. Jane took a moment during her small walk to think about what happened. It was almost like something out of terrible romcom. That was two times now in one day that Alba had saved her. If anything Jane thought it was kind of hilarious but she by no means wanted it to happen again. At least not the saving her part, Jane didn’t mind the rest of it.
She finally put away the plate then Alba switched the bars. “170!” Jane declared, as she spun around to face Alba. 
“Are you sure?” Alba looked at the bar then to Jane. The smaller woman smiled, she knew she was stronger than she looked. Today all things considered Jane felt good. 
Alba loaded the bar as Jane sat down and took a deep breath. If she hit this it would be the heaviest bench she’d ever done. 
Jane then laid back and set up her hands and back. She gripped the bar then unracked the weight. Jane shook slightly under the weight, she clenched her jaw.
“Deep breath, focus on your core and back,” Alba instructed. Jane took a deep breath, tensed her core, locked her shoulders down and lowered the weight. She touched it to her chest then using everything she had pushed up. The bar slowly moved up until it reached about halfway where the bar shot up to lock out. Alba grabbed the bar and reracked it. 
“Yes!” Jane cried sitting up and spinning to face Alba. 
“Good job!” Alba beamed and Jane smiled back at her.
Alba sat on a couch in Jane’s quarters. She had no idea that a contractor’s room could be this nice. Before the two had went off and showered separately so Alba sat on the couch with all the grace of wet dog. Jane was currently getting something from her wardrobe and a surprise. She had told Alba to not look. So Alba was staring at the wall, in particular at the decorations. Jane had decorated her quarters with pictures and string lights. Alba thought it was pretty.
Jane finally walked around the corner into Alba’s view. Since the shower Jane had been wearing the jacket Alba gave her. It was way too big for her and the bottom on it came down to Jane’s mid thigh. The sleeves were also too long but Jane just pushed them up when she needed her hands. Alba thought it was really cute on her. 
Jane held a mess of fluffy blankets and then tossed it on to the couch. “Tada!” Jane smiled as a tub of ice cream bounced out of the pile. Alba snatched it out of the air, it was a gallon tub of cookies and cream. “Surprise!” Jane said sitting down across from Alba. The Spartan stared at the tub. She loved ice cream and hadn’t eaten any in at least a year. 
“Is this for me?” Alba questioned looking over at Jane as she cradled the tub. 
“Yeah! I thought we could share it while watching something. Probably not the best for your sleep but we’ve got sometime before bed so I think it’s ok.” Jane explained and pulled two spoons out of the jacket. “Thought it would be a good present because you saved me from becoming human ice cream,” Jane added, leaning toward Alba.
“Ok,” Alba agreed. “Thank you,” Alba smiled, she wanted to hug Jane but something stopped her. The Spartan had no idea if that was acceptable. In a couple seconds Alba worked up the courage to ask. 
“Here, quit staring at it and have some,” Jane grinned handing Alba a spoon. 
“C-can I… hug you?” Alba whispered as she took the spoon, feeling very unsure of herself. Jane leapt forward and wrapped her arms around Alba’s neck.
“You don’t have to ask me,” Jane told her. Alba wrapped her arms around Jane pulling her close and relaxed. 
“You’re so nice to me,” Alba muttered, her face buried in Jane’s shoulder.   
“Why wouldn’t I be? You deserve it,” Jane unwrapped her arms from Alba and looked up at her. Alba smiled at her and heat rushed to her face. She felt so happy and tears threatened to escape her eyes. 
“Oh!! I have someone to introduce you to!” Jane suddenly said then turned away from Alba. When she turned around she was holding a tiger plushies the size of her torso. “This is O’Malley,” Jane gave the stuffed tiger a hug. Then Jane offered the tiger to Alba. “He helps me sleep,” Jane smiled at Alba. The Spartan set the ice cream on the arm of couch and took the tiger. Alba and the plushie looked into each other’s eyes. It was so soft and very cute, Alba loved its little smile and whiskers. Alba booped its nose then set it on her lap. 
“If you like him, you can borrow him,” Jane offered. “Whenever I wake up from a bad dream, he’s there to chase away the nightmares and snuggle!” Jane grinned as she picked up O’Malley and made it look like it was attacking something before she tuned the plushie toward Alba. Jane then used its arms to give Alba a hug with O’Malley. 
“I don’t want to take him from you,” Alba stated, as she wrapped an arm around O’Malley. The plushie was oddly comforting. 
“As long as you eventually bring him back it’s ok. I also have his sister Dolly,” Jane gestured to her bed, where another tiger sat but with different colors than O’Malley. Alba looked down at the plushie and wondered if it would actually help her nightmares. Ultimately she would feel bad borrowing O’Malley, especially because Alba had killed more than a few mattress in her sleep with her claws. 
“Is it alright if I just borrow him while I’m here with you?” Alba asked, looking from the plushie to Jane. 
“Sure!” Jane nodded then grabbed a large blanket from the mess of fluff. She then put it over Alba’s lap. “I also love these, they’re just so nice,” Jane explained. Alba took her free hand over it. The blanket was the softest fluffiest thing she had ever touched. It was so nice, much better than UNSC issued blanket. In a weird way she felt safe, covered in all this fluffy stuff. How had she not discovered this before?
“This… this is nice,” Alba admitted with a slight smile and her body let out a chuff. 
“Right? I thought you’d like it,” Jane smiled at her. In that moment Alba could have been convinced Jane was an angel. 
The rest of the night was wonderful. The two sat together under the same blanket sharing the gallon of cookies and cream ice cream with Jane leaning against Alba.
Jane had asked Alba to pick the movie. She picked a random comedy about three friends that drank too much in Las Vegas. Alba enjoyed it and the two laughed together while Jane pointed out little things about earth. While Jane was from Earth, Alba had only been to the glassed part of Africa. When the movie ended it was late and Alba found herself feeling sad about leaving. The Spartan gently wrapped her arms around Jane as the credits rolled. Jane let Alba pull her into her lap and embraced her back. Alba didn’t want to leave but she dared not voice that thought. 
“Do you want to do this again on Fridays?” Jane asked looking up at Alba. 
“I’d like that,” Alba mumbled. That night Alba had no nightmares, she slept the best she had in years.
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caffeineyum · 6 months
Muffins (Chapter 2)
Here we go!!! @biomecharnotaurus
It had been about two weeks since Jane and Alba had initially met. Since then Alba had shown up every night around 4am for muffins. On the nights that Jane didn’t work, she left Alba a muffin or two wrapped up. And when she did work, which was most nights. Jane had a couple muffins ready for Alba and she’d come sit with the Spartan. Alba liked the company, despite struggling with what made for good conversation. 
At one point Alba had asked Jane what her favorite weapon was only to get the response of “a whisk.” When Alba asked what that was Jane ran off laughing only to return with the whisk. Needless to say that took a bit to explain that it was only a melee weapon against eggs.
Tonight Alba was far from mentally stable. She was sweating and shaking as she half ran on her way to mess hall. Only seconds ago she had woken up with her heart beating out of her chest and heaving in oxygen. Sounds of plasma weapons echoed in her mind, crescendoed by screams. 
The Spartan rounded the finally corner into cafeteria. 
“Hey Alba!” Jane called from behind the counter, as the Spartan sat down at the table closest to the counter.  
“Hello Jane,” Alba responded, she willed her voice to sound calm but it shook slightly. She took a deep breathe and gripped the table to remind herself where she was. It helped a bit, the screaming in her head quieted as she focused on her surroundings and took another breath.
Jane’s footsteps sounded from around the corner. At the sound, Alba let go of the table and her head snapped the of the sound direction. 
Jane had not one, not two but three muffins for Alba today. Alba blinked to clear her vision, unsure if she was hallucinating from lack of sleep. There were definitely three muffins on the plate. 
“Three?” Alba blurted out in surprise. 
“Yep,” Jane confirmed, putting the plate down next to her and taking a seat next to her. “Thought you could use them today,” Jane added with a smile. 
“Thank you,” Alba replied and started taking off the wrapper on the first one. Jane took her normal seat atop the table with her legs crossed.
“Are you alright? You look worse… than usual.” Jane asked gently, tilting her head to the side. 
“I-I don’t sleep well,” Alba admitted, that was really all she could think to say. Nightmares were a constant, the shrinks had called it PTSD. It was one of the reasons Alba had been removed from the field. 
“Is that why you’re always here around the same time?” Jane asked. Alba simply nodded, silently munching on her muffins. 
“Oh, I’m sorry. That has to be really hard,” Jane said, Alba took another bite out of the muffin. The Spartan had never really thought about it as “hard” it was just something her body did. Sure it was awful but now it was normal to her. Alba half shrugged in response, finishing muffin number one.
“It got me here,” Alba finally said, breaking the silence. “I like it here,” Alba mumbled, “the muffins are good,” she added. Jane beamed at the muffin comment. 
“Your job seems like it would be pretty fun!” Jane smiled at Alba, propping her chin up on her hand. “And the ship is nice, plus the people here are as well,” She added.
“It’s calm, here,” Alba determined, she liked the atmosphere here. Because the ship was a hospital and training ship it was rare for them to see any real threats. As for the people, she wasn’t too sure what she thought. Most kept their distance. Although her trainees were different, she felt a bit of a soft spot for them. And Johnson wasn’t too bad either, while sometimes annoying he was a grounding presence for Alba. Now this muffin angel Alba had met, she was starting to really like. But she wondered, why… why was she being so nice? Alba looked at Jane and into her grey star like eyes. There had to be a reason. Everyone else treated her like an outsider and yet this woman treated her normally. 
“Alba,” Jane started gently. “You’re doing it again,” Alba blinked at her, then she realized what Jane was trying to tell her. Alba had been staring at her. Jane had noticed Alba’s tendency to stare within the first couple days of them chatting. “What are you thinking about?” Jane asked. 
“Um… why are you so nice to me?” Alba asked, looking away from Jane and back to the muffins.
“What are you talking about?” Jane questioned. Did Jane not realize how Spartans were treated normally?
“Most people… keep their distance,” Alba paused. “They’re afraid,” she finished. Jane blinked a couple times processing what was said to her. 
“Well you’re nothing but human to me,” Jane smiled. 
“Why-y?” Alba stammered, she was grateful for Jane but it still didn’t make any sense to her. 
“I try not to judge people by how they look because under all that we’re all still human,” Jane paused. “My mother taught me that,” 
Alba felt a rush of emotions and heat to her face as her eyes watered a bit. The Spartan wasn’t quite sure what was happening to her but she felt happy. This was a kindness she had never felt before. 
Before she knew it, Jane wrapped her arms around Alba in a hug. Alba froze at first unsure how to process it or what to do before gently hugging Jane back. Her vision blurred slightly as Alba rested her head on Jane’s shoulder. 
“Thank you,” Alba whispered to her. The Spartans much larger frame hunched over into Jane’s smaller one.
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