#Victor Owens RKZ
bowlerhatwearer · 1 year
A letter to you
Characters: Margaret Robinson, Victor Owens
Originally written: 15th February 2022
given that my stay for my physical therapy will be for three weeks and that the time for visits will be sparse, I would like to write these few lines to you,
I love you dear, I really do and trough my years the thought I had since the day I have met you, has turned even more solid. My life would have been without you only half, no, only a sixteenth enjoyable as it is with you on my side. Unlike my brothers I am neither a poet nor a journalist who can use grand words as they do, I am even unable to make them able to rhyme. Despite everything, my flaws and the sickness that has later befallen me, you have taken me the way I was, it brings tears to my eyes, knowing how lucky I was to have met such a wonderful person like you.
You know that the sins of my past still haunt me, the words I have said to my siblings that each day I wish to undo, but can’t, I can only ask for forgiveness, which at this point I can only do to two anymore. Yet despite the way I was and what I have told you, you have stayed on my side.
Dear, I know that the past haunts you as well, we have talked about it, I do not wish to bring this up to you know in these written words to make the scars bleed again. I am not in the position nor in the right to do this to you my dear.
I want to tell you that as much as you have been there for me, I want to be there for you. Whenever you feel sad or the urge to talk about the actions you have taken in the past, please know that I will listen to you. Despite you not showing it, I know you dear and I know that your actions from back then at least sometimes come back to you. However please know that even in the early morning to the deepest night, as long as fate allows me to, I will be there if you need me.
I love you dear, and that you have seen something in this old cranky cat you call your husband, is something that I will always be thankful for.
Yours truly
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bowlerhatwearer · 1 year
From the Estate of
Victor Owens
Characters: Victor Owens, Blaise Owens (mentioned), Lawrence Owens (mentioned)
Originally written: 16th February 2022
Dearest and honourable mayor of Mayberry,
dearest reputable city council of Mayberry,
as you may have noticed by now the defamatory article of my older brother, Blaise Owens, I, dear gentlemen would hereby speak out my sympathy for the shock and anger you must have been feeling for this smear campaign that the person, who, though it pains me deeply, I must call my brother, has brought upon your eyes and wonderful town, a city, if you allow me to remark, that is a noble example for a flawless working society.
My following words I assume will not bring you solace given how deep the pain that Blaise has inflicted must sit, however I ask you to please allow me to explain, so that you know, dearest gentleman, that I was in no position nor had I the knowledge that my brother would do such a thing. I can assure you that if there would have been even the smallest of hints, I would have tried to put an end of this mad project of his.
You might have heard that my weak and sickly younger brother Lawrence, writer for the renowned paper “Town-News”, has recently passed away due to a short but fatal sickness. Even if his death was foreseeable, it inflicted great psychological discomfort upon my older brother Blaise, who is unable to move on from this familiar calamity. There is no reason to paraphrase as well as deny it, my remaining brother, Blaise, has become mentally unstable due to the death of my and his younger brother.
In his grief and confusion, he sought to find someone to blame, find someone responsible for the sickness that has taken the life of our brother. You can see how illogical this sounds, which is further proof of the ill mind of Blaise. Unfortunately, the victim of his madness happened to be your great and famous city that he used as a target, by writing this disgraceful commentary.
Dearest gentleman, I once again would like to clarify, that MY, Victor Ownes, loyalty lies in this city, and I will not in this instance and no other be on the side of my remaining, clinically insane brother when it comes to the spreading of wrong and harmful misinformation that can cause economical, as well as personal damage on a person’s reputation.
I do hope that this isolated incident from my older brother won’t repeat itself. You have my promise that I will take all possible measures to ensure that he will not repeat the same or similar offence again in the future as well and I do hope that it did not damage our relations regarding the mining contracts of the company that I am employed to represent.
With that being said, and my alliance and loyalty to the city of Mayberry made clear, I wish you, dear gentleman pleasant days. I do hope that we meet again and have sympathetic conversations at the monthly dinner party at the “Diamond restaurant”.
Yours loyally and truly
Victor Owens
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bowlerhatwearer · 1 year
Always there, always watching
TW: Blood, TW: Torture, TW: Abduction
Characters: Margteth Robinson, The Launderer aka Albert Clear, Victor Owens.
Originally written: 9th June 2022
It was a beautiful afternoon in the town of Mayberry, the sun was shining with not a single cloud shielding its rays, birds were chirping happily in the trees that had been planted on the sidewalk to make it feel more alive and people smiled as they usually did. The young girl with her school bag was walking home as cheerful as her surroundings, sure, school was not always easy, especially the lessons of Mrs.Brunswick but that could not dim her day, she was wondering if father was already at home, but given his job, probably not, so it would be her and mother again, with father returning when she was fast asleep. Maybe on Sunday then, they had breakfast and dinner as the whole family.
Continuing her way on the sidewalk, she noticed a white van having been parked partly on the pavement, occupying at least half of it vertically, but for her size there was no problem, she wouldn’t have to-
Her thoughts were interrupted, as she suddenly heard shouting, but not one that sounded angrily, but rather, desperate coming from the residential building next to her, all the other people who walked on the street, hastened their speed, men who looked down on the ground as they walked near the building, women who pulled their children to make them walk faster.
As if from one moment to another, the girl could no longer hear the sounds surrounding her, not the birds chirping, the cars driving on the street or the people walking and talking, only the voice of the woman.
“No! Please, I-I have children!”
The voice grew clearer and when the girl opened her eyes again, she saw a cat, similar to her, with two men in plain white coats who carried her by having hooked in her arms. One of the two men let out a grunt, before his mouth started to move.
“You should have thought about that, before staining yourself!”
The other let out a cough before speaking.
“Your husband has informed us that your children will be taken care of.”
Frantically the woman tried to free herself, however their grip was tight around her, that was, until she was able to bury her hands into the doorframe, using her claws to get a grip.
“I will NOT be sent to the Laundry!”
“Ma’am be reasonable, Mayberry’s Laundry for tainted Woman is the right place-“
Taking another pull, she did not let go of the wooden frame, annoying the man that was pulling.
“-for sinners like you!”
The girls fur bristled when she heard the name of the institution spoken out, father had told her about the place, woman and girls who misbehaved ended up there, only leaving after many years of “readjustment”, some even never returned from this place according to father. He always told her to behave and to do as other expected her to be, for her own safety he would say, so that she would never end up in this place.
And now she was witnessing how this woman, she never saw in the past, would be brought there, who at this point was screaming distraught as the two men continued to pull on her and her clothing, not caring that the fabric stretched or slightly began to tear because of their violence.
“You can’t do this to me, I am an exemplary ci-“
“No, you were Madame, you were, now will you just-“
The quick and sudden opening of the white vehicles door made all of them look into the direction of the car.
First one black shoe tapped carefully on the black pavement, before the second followed suit, with a slight hop the owner of the two stood on the pavement, giving silently, a quick glance to his surroundings.
When the girl was already disturbed when she saw the two man with their white coats, the appearance of this one, made her body heat vanish.
She knew who this man was.
With his orange fur, brighter than any chimney fire she had ever seen, the black suit with its red tie that never showed a sign of wear but most prominently his eyes, that were just like hers, but darker.
“The Launderer”
The one not only father talked about, but who all girls in the school she attended knew, who they were thought rimes so that they would always remember. That they wouldn’t forget to never ever get on his bad side. The one who would always know, no matter what, if they did something bad and if they overstepped this line, he would come and get them to the Laundry.
And here he stood, only a few steps away from her, walking towards the door, with an unemotional expression on his face as he approached towards the three in the doorframe.
“S-Sir, there really is no need for your involvement.”
The other one was rolling his eyes, probably thinking what a suck-up his colleague was.
“There really is, she won’t move an inch, no matter what. Should we sedate her?”
The young girl just watched, she couldn’t do anything else, it felt like as if her feet were frozen or rooted into the ground, all she could do was watch, as the Launderer shook his head to say no, instead he was pulling something out of the pocket of his jacket.
Pinchers, that given the dots and specs of rust, appeared to have been already in use for some time. Some of them looked more red and darker than the others.
He pressed the tool together, one, two times before handing it to the men who asked if they should sedate the woman, he looked down on the pinchers for a while, before giving a nod.
“Oh, of course Sir.”
“No! No please! No I-“
But the woman was ignored by all of them that were around her, as the man held her tight, and the other of the two began to take one of her fingers into the pincher, starting to pull, ignoring how the metal cut into her flesh as she screamed in pain.
“It never would have come to this if you would have just-“
With one pull the finger was removed from the wood.
“-submitted to your duties!”
Tears ran down her face and so was slowly blood from her hand, but he didn’t bother and continued, neither his colleague who looked away, or the Launderer, who observed what was happening.
Despite the pain and them continuing to loosen finger by finger from the wood they had clawed themselves into the woman refused to move, only, when three fingers where left that were not injured by the pincher, where they able to remove her.
One of them was mumbling something about finally being done, as they dragged her to the car.
“I will be good, I will be good!”
Screaming and kicking in all directions she tried her best in an attempt to free herself from her captors grip, but it was all to no avail.
“Please I, I will never sin again, I promise, please, I don’t want to lose my children!”
They didn’t respond, instead one of them opened with their free door the backdoor of the plain white van.
Tears were rolling down her face, looking into the faces of the two that held her, for a sign of compassion or understanding, but there was none to be found.
“I beg you, don’t-“
With one swing they threw her into the van, screaming could be heard, that soon died down as they closed the door and locked it with the key, that the girl assumed belonged to the vehicle.
Finished and satisfied with their work the two men, without even noticing the young girl they stepped into the white vehicle, waiting for their superior.
The Launderer meanwhile, stared for a while into the emptiness of the doorframe, before slowly his head moved, like the seconds hand of a clock, until the eyes of the girl, met his.
Has he always known that she was there?
Despite her whole body and mind telling her to run away, not to look back and to tell no one about what she saw, she couldn’t as the Launderer approached her.
Even when his hand placed itself on her head, scruffling trough her hair.
“If it isn’t little Miss Rivers-”
His voice was, unassuming, for someone with such an intimidating appearance, it was quiet, too quiet in the young girl’s opinion who stared at the orange cat, who bend his knee to look at her on eye level.
“Now, you shouldn’t have seen such a thing my dear, but I guess some things are just meant to be, but you are a good girl, not like, the one you just saw us take away, aren’t you Miss Rivers?”
She nodded, probably faster than she should have, she was a good girl, always doing what she was ordered to do, not questioning anything as she was thought.
“I know you are, you are such a good girl, always listening to father and mother, knowing what is right-
A slight grin appeared on his face, one, that looked, out of place as the thoughts told her, the ones that were not scared of the situation and were trembling in fear.
“-obeying the cities rules and status.”
He stood up now, she didn’t want to be around this man anymore, all she wanted to do was to run, to leave, to be home and hide in her bed until she could forget the encounter, but she couldn’t, her legs didn’t allow it. His eyes opened, the red iris looking down at her.
The eyes looked like blood as if they have consumed the souls of at least a hundred souls who begged for freedom they never would see.
„Now remember before you go.“
Placing one hand on her shoulder he pressed against it slightly.
“Do good and be aware-“
The stare the Launderer gave her felt like what she believed being struck by a thunderbolt must feel like. As if her whole body was cramping in pain, yet there was none.
“- for my eyes are everywhere-
His very same eyes were staring at her, deep down, as if directly into her own soul, looking if she really was without any sin, giving again an unnatural grin as the Launderer spoke one last word to her.
She woke up, without a yell or scream, just her red eyes snapping open and her upper body suddenly raising.
Margaret could feel how her heart was racing and she breathed in and out sharply, looking around she saw how her second husband was blinking with his eyes, his sleep must have been disturbed by her abrupt awakening deep in the night.
“Mar- Margaret is everything alright?”
She looked at the lynx who gave her a worried glance, a part of her wanted to tell him about what she had dreamed, what she had remembered, but she didn’t want to bother her husband with such, ghosts of the past, at least, not now…
“No dear, everything is fine, really.”
Despite her reassuring smile, her husband, Victor looked at her puzzled and again, concerned for a while, before he placed his head back on the pillow, in a matter of seconds he was fast asleep again.
Margaret however was not, her red eyes wide open, looking at the ceiling as words were echoing through her mind.
Always watching.
Always there.
The Launderer.
Is everywhere.
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
21. 22 and 23
21. Which OC is a lightweight? Which OC carries them home?
Awww Anon, you already know the answer to that one, don't you? :-.)
Nikolai Akdow is one of the lightest lightweights that exists, or as Rey (@pan-fried-autism) has worded it, there are even feathers that are heavier compared to the light weight that Nikolai is.
Seriously, drinking half of a bottle, of the lightest-light beer that exists in the world, is enough to knock him out.
Grem did carry him back then to their room on the cruise ship, but I believe that at least once his sister Kathrina , has carried Nikolai home as well.
22. Which OC likes to read to their partner? Which OC prefers being read to?
Also Nikolai, he loves reading to Grem if he found an interesting article.
Victor liked reading something to his wife, but he also loves it when Margaret reads something to him, always commenting that she has a lovely and wonderful voice.
Keratin loves reading to Cosmo (@zombiedeers OC), and likes to do so, of course, only if he wants to, but she too, likes it to hear Cosmo reading something to her, who she would say has a pleasant voice.
Page also, really likes if he can read something to his husbands.
23.Which OC dog ears pages? Which OC thinks that’s an ABOMINATION?
Age thinks doing this to books is horrible, saying that there are other ways to ensure knowing what page is important or which one was the last you read.
Meanwhile you have Job Fahim who does this all the time because he says it's more efficient to put an dog ear into the book than to take time in searching for a bookmark.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
What is your OC’s favorite art movement?
Fed Geeman is very fond of Art Deco but also Viennese Modernism and Vienna Secession
Meanwhile Victor Owens is very fond of the Art Nouveau, Jugenstil and Impressionism
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
What does Victor and Joanna do in the AU?
Greetings Anon ^^
I believe, Joanna would use her blood magic, for nefarious purposes so instead of helping people with it, she would cause harm.
Victor would own a mining company, who are harvesting the blood stones/gems and selling them, mostly to organizations that are weaponizing the stones.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
I have been thinking about two things lately related to my Roadkillerz OCs/Characters.
Leonid would, after his trip of self-discovery and returning, join the Medics as an ambulance driver (I am still unsure whether full or part-time)
Victor and Lawrence are twin brothers, with Victor bring the one who was born first, which makes him the "older brother" (being a few seconds or a minute born earlier).
I am still unsure about those concepts, but, I do have to admit that I like them, I still have to think about it.
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
How does your OCs do new years eve?
Greetings Anon ^^
Blaise, who is not fond of fireworks, would stay indoors and celebrate there with their friends and later also their remaining family were they serve their guests finger food and cocktails while watching with them TV or playing board games.
Victor and his wife celebrate in their home, inviting friends and having a new years party.
Joanna celebrates with his co-workers, including Obdulio with them listening to the radio and what songs they are playing.
Seren enjoys to celebrate alone, sitting in his office and thinking about the past.
Weregeld Schein spends new years eve with Blitz (@northerngrail), Aeolus and Page.
Rex Imperium would celebrate a grand and lavish party with many guests at one the most luxurious hotel that is in his ownership.
Manatena stays with the children she is taking care of, making sure they are alright and also celebrating a bit with them, while also making sure they don't stay up too late.
Katharina celebrates with Nikolai, Grem (@pan-fried-autism), her co-worker and her friends.
Janus sings at an new years eve gala were the money that is donated, goes to different charities.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
🔺 What was Lawrence's last words?
5/10 in Blaise case
7/10 in Joanna's case
3/10 in Victor's case.
All three of them, have, different memories from what were the last words they remember Lawrence has said.
Blaise believes, Lawrence's last words were "It's good that it comes to an end."
Joanna remembers Lawrence saying "Don't cry for me, it's better this way."
For Victor, in his memory the last words of Lawrence, were directed to him.
"It's alright, you will understand."
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
What kind of pets does Kathrina has in the pet au?
Greetings Anon
I could imagine Kathrina has/owns the neutral characters who live outside of Mayberry, so for example Marsha and Myers, and perhaps later also Margaret and Victor, to name a few examples.
She of course takes care of her pets as well, and wants them to be happy and comfortable.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Greetings Anon ^^
32. Which OCs believe in ghosts?
The OCs who believe in ghosts would be:
Blaise Owens
June Owens
Connor Owens
Joanna Owens
Ruby Mortis
Victor Owens (later)
Manatena Bercoal
Franz Weißschloss
Nikolai Akdow
Kathrina Akdow
Leonid Akdow
Vasily Akdow
Aviso Grand
Job Fahim
Charly Doe
Thomas Lieberg
Quiet a few of them, as you can see believe in Ghost's, either way because they just believe in them, had encountered ghosts or because know that ghost's exist because of their magical/supernatural connection.
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Greetings Rey ^^
10.Which oc is the biggest romantic?
Hmm, I have to admit I can't say a single character, it would be a close tie between, Weregeld Schein, Vasily Akdow and Victor Owens, all three of them love their partners so, so much and they love showing their affection to them.
Nikolai and my other OCs like to show their love as well, but, most of them aren't as experienced in romance as the three mentioned above :-)
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
I don't suppose "Cat" was the inspiration to make the Owens family cats?
Greetings Anon ^^
Perhaps it was more subconscious, given that I really like cats.
If I remember correctly, when I created the design for Blaise, which was when the HTF ask-blogs happened, I, just thought about a cat, and only later did I decide to make them a manul / palla's cat because of the grumpy expression they can have, which is funny given that Blaise is a kind and caring person.
Later, when thinking about Victor, I thought it would be interesting if he was an Lynx, which is why his design is based off them.
And then, well I thought about the whole family being cats, with Blaise and Joanna being palla's cats, and Victor and Lawrence being lynxes. If I remember correctly, Lewis was a lynx/wildcat, while Eliza was a palla's cat / manul.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
June is worried that somethings wrong with her?
Greetings Anon ^^
At first yes, because, seeing suddenly something, that could be a ghost, troubles her, because, it could also be other things, for example, June would worry about loosing her mind.
So I can imagine, that, at first she does not want to talk about it, and tries, to ignore her powers, but, when she sees more, and more ghosts, but also, her ancestors, encouraging her to be open about it, she would reveal it, first to her brother, then Victor and other people.
Of course, I can imagine that, just to be, really sure, she would go to the Medics, however, even they are convinced after running some tests, that June can really see ghosts.
It takes some time for her, to get accustomed to it, but when she does, she feels comfortable, and no longer afraid, to approach the ghosts she can see.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
In the adoption AU quintet. How would Blaise, Victor, Joanna and Timothy get along with their cottontail nephews? (Theo, Grover and Elvin)
Greetings Anon ^^
I assume you mean Lawrence instead of Timothy, right?
Oh I think Blaise, Joanna and Lawrence get along with their nephews very well.
Lawrence adores them so much, he is always happy to see them, given that he is often away or occupied holding speeches or rallies. I could imagine Grover (@pinky-the-polar-bear OC) being a bit annoyed because sometimes the tall lynx acts as if they are still children.
He would of course apologies, but, Lawrence has to admit they have grown up so fast and that they will always to some part, be his little nephews.
Joanna I can think has, of course a good relationship with all of her nephews, but the closest she has is with Elvin, given that they both are working for the Medics.
She really appreciates his work and help and I can see her often bringing Elvin a small present when they meet each other.
With Blaise I think it is similar to Lawrence, with the exception of course that they see their nephews more often, and that the old war journalist does not treat them like children anymore, but of course understands were their brother is coming from.
If time allows it, they like to have conversations with their nephews, asking Theo, Grover and Elvin how they are doing and how it's going. I like to think Blaise quit smoking, after Theo was born because Blaise was worried being a health risk to his nephews.
Now Victor, the three know they have an uncle by that name, Sam and his siblings have mentioned him more than once, and I believe they also told them that their uncle Victor, has decided to live by himself some time ago, because of a fight.
They are all surprised, nephews and of course uncles and aunt as well when suddenly, at a family gathering, there is a knock at the door and Victor Owens is in front of them.
I believe there would be a tense situation at first between Victor and his siblings, but, I like to think the ice is broken, when Theo starts to ask him questions over questions, which leaves Victor at first puzzled, but he decides to answer them anyways.
He grows fond of his nephews, who he now had met for the first time, and I think they are one important part, that Victor overcomes himself and talks with his siblings, about the past.
So I think, later they all get along very well with their nephews in the Adoption AU Quintet.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Does Victor ever meet Erwin?
Greetings Anon ^^
I like to think that they meet each other.
On one of his rare visits to Mayberry, given that Victor turned his back on the city later in his life, he would visit the cemetery, were he first would look for the grave of his younger brother (Blaise had at this point relocated Lawrence urn here) and then for the grave of Erwin Robinson, asking the local gravedigger if he knew were the grave was.
(Victor does not recognize him)
He wishes, he would have met him, Victor would begin, talking to the gravestone, stuttering how, he believes Lawrence and Erwin...he thinks they would have been good friends, they both tried themselves on poetry after all.
And that's when Victor starts to shake and cry, saying how much he regrets it, not only for how unkind he was in the past, but also for having supported this city and its policies, but he understands, he would say, if this sounds hollow now, and comes too late...
I, honestly don't know how Erwin would react to Victors presence, and seeing him like that, all I know is, that he would be present, standing behind him as Victor has his one-sided dialog.
Yours sincerely
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