#Aleksandra Zarynova
c0rv · 3 years
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World renowned weightlifter Aleksandra Zaryanova spotted sporting a new outfit! Quite unique, isn't it?
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overwatchreader · 7 years
Sombra and Zarya's reaction/thoughts when the new,shy Overwatch recruit asks them out? Thank you!
Thank you for sending in this request!! I haven’t done Zarya yet, so I hope I do her justice ^^;
You could do this. You had signed up for Overwatch to defend the world from threats, you could ask out the woman that made your heart beat too fast for your chest to handle. You could ask her. You could ask her. The worst of it was that she said no, and if she did, well. You couldn’t say that you hadn’t tried. But silence was worse than rejection.
You breathed as you saw her heading towards you, walking alone. You closed your eyes for a moment to think of what you would say, and as she grew closer, you finally mustered up the courage to speak.
“Will you go out with me?”
Sombra stops to look at you, her eyes trained on your face and calculated. You didn’t know if she would say yes, but part of you hoped that she did. She kept her eyes on you and then let out a chuckle, the sound music to your ears. You could only hope it meant something good. “You want to go out with me? That’s cute,” she said, and you felt your hope falling fast as you rushed to stammer out an apology. You were trying to make your way around to finding an excuse to get away when she continued, “You know what else is cute? You.” You stopped your rambling and felt the heat rise in your face. Your expression must have gave you away more than anything, because Sombra’s lips quirked up in a smile. You had always hoped to have that smile turned on you. “I’ll think about it, (Y/N),” she said. She slipped something into your hand while you were still dumbstruck, before walking away, confident as ever. You looked down to see that it was her phone number. As you thought about the fact that you now had a chance, you realized that Sombra had said your name and you had never told her what it was. She had noticed you before.
Zarya is surprised, her expression lending to the emotion well in your opinion. But your stomach drops as you realize that she hasn’t responded, and you begin to get nervous as you stare up at her. “You want to go out with me?” she repeated, to make sure she heard correctly. You nodded, sheepish. She was intimidating but you would not back down. This was a woman you would lay down your life for. “I had no idea you liked me. It is sweet,” she smiled at you, hands on her hips. You couldn’t help marveling a bit at the strength you could practically see in her muscles. “But we have not talked before. I cannot accept when we hardly know each other,” she said. You felt your heart break a bit, the hope that had bubbled up in you dying down quickly. “Perhaps we should begin as friends.” That made your hopes shoot right back up again. “Friends?” you whispered, eyes wide. She brought a hand down to rest on your shoulder. “Yes. Maybe if we find we enjoy each other, we can one day go out.” She smiled at you. You were surprised to hear her so soft, when usually she was loud and boisterous. Maybe it was because she was alone. “Let us meet for training in the morning. Six o’clock sharp.” You nodded, agreeing readily, and then she walked off, leaving you to stare after her in amazement. And then remember that no one else trained with Zarya in the morning for a reason.
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It’s Part Four of my Overwatch Anniversary! And it’s Zarymei! And it’s also the first day of Pride Month so there’s a little easter egg in there too! I hope you all enjoy!
PREVIOUS WORK - https://archiveofourown.org/works/11028459
COMMISSION ME - [email protected]
BUY ME A COFFEE! -  https://ko-fi.com/A6851PYT
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riptiredgryff · 4 years
Hiya ! I was wondering if you could do a request for hanzo, Zarya and doomfist when they keep finding their s/o asleep all the time and really tired when not on missions in such but is the complete opposite being really energized when they’re are working and going on missions ?? If so thanks !!
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Doesn’t mind that you’re tired most of the time. It means you’re calm and docile and he appreciates those moments of quiet. It’s nice to have these times when he isn’t being pulled this way and that due to the nature of his job.
So you find that he’ll often relax with you, actually. He takes naps with you every now and then, and likes when you lie on his chest. Sometimes, if he isn’t feeling sleepy, he’ll just run his fingers over the skin of your shoulder and just lie there. Thinking. 
Your enthusiastic nature while on missions, though... Now that can get irritating. He doesn’t mind it normally, just make sure you don’t go over the top. He doesn’t want your energised self bouncing off the walls when he’s trying to get things done. 
Sometimes you’ll just be so hyper. You’ll be running, doing your thing, enjoying yourself. And then you just feel his hand grasping your collar and you’re hoisted in the air and he’s like “go and sit down”. 
“If I have to hold you down to make you cease, I will.” 
But he will let you get away with it sometimes. Usually when it’s just you and him, and nobody to see it unfold. So he’ll just pretend like he’s not seeing you and go about his job, but he will discreetly watch you with a tiny, tiny fond smile. You’re amusing.
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“You should put time aside to get rest,” he tells you. It worries him that you seem to spend so much time sleeping, but at the same time, he knows what that’s like. He tries to make sure you sleep at a reasonable time, even going so far as to suggest an actual sleep schedule.
But if he comes in to find you asleep, he always feels his heart twang. Just look at you. So sweet and tired. He’ll sigh and crouch down by your face, carefully sweeping your hair from your eyes (if it’s long enough), and press a tiny, chaste little kiss on your forehead. He’ll call you silly, but in a loving tone. And then he’ll carefully lift you up and carry you to bed. 
But on missions, when you’re all excited? He enjoys watching you be so awake and alive. If you being this excited isn’t going to affect the mission, you’re welcome to do whatever. You move quickly and you’re all over the place, but he’s used to seeing those quick movements from his brother, so he’s particularly talented at keeping an eye on you.
However, Hanzo isn’t a loud guy. He’s used to stealthy missions, and so, when you go with him, he expects you to try and keep a cap on your excitement. If you’re being a little too over-excited, he’ll quietly pull you to his side and press a finger to your lips.
You do well on a mission and he gives you this fond little smile and, “you may sleep on the way home, my love. And I’ll join you this time.”
Because curling up by Hanzo’s side is so nice.
Okay but the two of you just drinking coffee and trying not to fall asleep because you both know you’re needed for a mission debriefing but a debrief isn’t enough to qualify for making you excited.
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Zarya {Aleksandra Zarynova}
She’s not the type to sleep in or feel tired throughout the day, so she doesn’t quite understand why you feel the way you do.
At first she attempts to force a sleep schedule on you, making you wake in the morning and try to deal with the day without snoozing. But it soon becomes apparent that this isn’t going to work. So she starts letting you sleep.
If she comes in to find you sleeping somewhere you really shouldn’t, she will carry to bed. And make sure you’re tucked in. 
And in missions, she appreciates that you’re more aware of your surroundings. She likes that you’re more energetic, because you make a really good teammate with it. She’s the laid-back part of the team, while you can push forward and serve as a distraction if you really need to, and she’ll always be there to give you support. 
She makes sure that you have enough rest before missions, even suggesting when would be a good time to have a power nap to fully fuel you up for the mission. Coffee, or any of your favourite drinks will also be available for you to wake up to. 
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you-or-your-memory · 7 years
slow burn/enemies to lovers/ fake date: Aleksandra Zarynova, Amelie LaCroix, Jesse McCree
Slow Burn: Jesse “Huckleberry” McCree
Enemies to Lovers: Aleksandra Zaryanova
Fake Date: Amelie LaCroix 
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trai-all · 8 years
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Overwatch is so diverse compared to other games 
Ethnicity: 10 white characters 10 non white characters 3 characters who aren’t human Gender: 10 women 10 men 1 male gorilla 2 I’ve no idea how they identify Sexuality: 1 Lesbian identified as such (no clue on others) Disabilities: 1 PTSD 1 man who has lost majority of body 2 (or more) who have lost eyes 2 (or more) with prosthetic limbs 3 (or more) scarring 1 (or more) with skin permanently discolored 1 is a little person *using (or more) because Reaper & Genji are mostly hidden from sight and may have undisclosed issues Ages: 8 characters over 35 1 of those is 48, 5 of those are 55+ Various ethnicities: 1. Ana: Ana Amari, Egyptian woman, professional soldier, sniper, medic, age 60, lost eye, support 2. D.Va: Hana Song, Korean woman, professional gamer turned soldier, age 19, tank 3. Genji, Shimada Genji, Japanese man, most of body is prosthetic, age 32, offense 4. Hanzo, Shimada Hanzo, Japanese man, age 38, defense 5. Lucio: Lúcio Correi dos Santos, Brazilian DJ & freedom fighter age 26 6. Pharah: Fareeha Amari, Egyptian woman, professional soldier, age 32, offense 7. Mei: Dr Mei-Ling, Zhou, Chinese woman, age 31, defense 8. Reaper: Gabriel Reyes, USA (LA, CA), Latino, age 56 9. Sombra, name unknown, hacker, age 30, Latina (Mexican), offense 10. Symmetra: Satya Vaswani, Indian woman, age 28, architect, support Presents as white: 1. Junkrat: Jamison Fawkes, Australian man, age 25, right leg is prosthetic, defense 2. Cassidy, Jesse Cassidy, American man (Santa Fe, NM), left arm is prosthetic, age 37, offense 3. Mercy: Dr Angela Ziegler, field medic & first responder & inventor, Swiss woman, age 37, support 4. Reinhardt: German man, age 61, prosthetic eye, tank 5. Roadhog: Mako Rutledge, Australian, age 48, severely disfigured face, tank 6. Soldier 76, Jack Morrison, American man (Rural Indiana), facial scarring, age 55, offense 7. Torbjörn: Toebjörn Limdholm, Swedish man, little person, age 57, defense 8. Tracer, Lena Oxton, British woman, lesbian, offense 9. Widowmaker: Amélie Lacroix, French woman (she’s basically the Winter Soldier or Black Widow but hasn’t broken programming yet), age 33, skin is blue from side effect of programming, defense 10. Zarya: Aleksandra Zarynova, age 28, world champion bodybuilder & weightlifter, Russian (Krasnoyarsk, Russia), facial scarring, tank Other: 1. Bastion: Robot, PTSD, mute, defense 2. Winston: intelligent male gorilla, scientist from the Moon 3. Zenyatta: robot, Nepal
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c0rv · 5 years
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im 2 lazy to finish all her armor and whatnot but yeah
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I love Aleksandra Zarynova!
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