legendofthe3divas · 10 months
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happy 2nd birthday to axel!! the cutest baby boy on the planet who never disappoints to make me smile as he’s toooo adorable ❤️
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reneestrapp · 1 year
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‘feel the soul’ | 2015, 2018, 2022
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edsonjnovaes · 1 year
COMO CULTIVAR O WASABI – REZENHANDO. 29 de jun. de 2020 Um hobby ou fonte de alimentos saudáveis, cultivar frutíferas, ervas medicinais e flores é um desafio e um documentário sobre Wasabi desvenda o quão é difícil seu cultivo, mesmo no Japão, país de origem, que não dá conta da demanda, onde muitos locais servem a raiz forte (Krein,Crem) ou o Nabo Japonês, ambos com corante e algumas…
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444names · 2 years
breton names from tes + french and german forenames
Achart Acolie Adelete Adis Adorenis Adyctoldan Adywyranne Aele Aersta Agner Agot Agrisa Aine Alandorvic Aldayndy Aldenre Alerry Alexan Alhurste Alker Alna Alon Alte Alvic Amaranie Ambuc Amel Amerle Amundra Ances Aner Anie Arandil Ardien Ardrenyne Ardyvarce Arend Aristoi Arrya Asce Ashard Asol Audiene Aulrine Auzouren Barle Bashto Basmirelle Bauvra Bavusteley Bedis Beleobel Belford Bell Belyn Benn Berdorena Beren Berrosia Bidie Binis Boue Brellaux Brunot Buchrenca Buck Buckin Bucksmient Bukardente Caellik Cala Calinet Cameric Cana Carisset Cart Cath Caus Cayn Celion Centon Cesse Cette Chadaine Chard Chaubelik Chayn Chele Chric Chrick Chue Cladaudric Cladienton Claer Claux Clort Coberd Coldoling Colle Condrin Conrin Coring Cort Corysande Couldard Crenjanne Cécia Célis Daig Dalaincell Dale Dann Dara Dascare Dason Davrien Davryste Delles Detram Dito Dord Dorguilin Douc Duna Dund Dundemm Dune Dunienna Dunlia Dusephiene Dutiand Ederd Edie Edradle Edréliec Elaree Elbe Eliston Emaumotte Esterya Estistrien Estyrrya Eugon Evanta Ever Falituse Famert Fandre Farlese Felarey Fellouc Fert Fertrant Fingélitte Flexisa Floix Fookstyra Forth Frellemps Fringfien Gaboisevos Gabyr Gabyth Gael Gageomick Garcot Gard Gasterick Gaud Gave Gaverste Gayne Genia Gené Georgyr Gerah Geremard Gerenart Gerhel Gerthimic Geyr Ging Glaf Glie Goitricton Gonrei Gornier Grein Greline Grelruntyr Gron Guile Gusa Guybellerd Gwevivon Gwilinz Gwin Gwyna Gwynaud Gwyre Gériet Hambetter Hante Haric Haud Haurioule Hawkstayna Haël Helisteen Heller Helleyn Hellia Herle Herthelyna Hielen Hilodcreen Hine Hines Homunis Houin Hulskyr Huric Hurry Huthiste Ilie Jane Janpillyn Jaque Javond Jeatiel Jeaude Jeaus Jehane Jerra Jesille Johastyr Jont Josara Josiusa Julina Jupe Juthene Jörgerne Kale Kasisse Kastoce Katrier Kera Kinis Knoamel Kyrard Labrint Lade Lancla Laulia Layeorbous Layna Lebeand Lelen Lexinena Liasce Lierosa Line Lona Lory Loux Lovirvorya Luck Lurolien Lyne Mada Madnarauck Maelliert Magry Main Malennette Malick Malt Malvelda Mandy Maneleonna Marberagre Marbine Marbriente Mard Mardyr Maris Marisc Maronstyr Mart Mastyr Mata Mathienn Mathoeth Maut Mavouzarde Maximel Medwyr Menr Mick Milip Mimon Mina Minièle Mithelle Mone Monsmin Mory Moryan Nice Niediel Niel Niele Nius Noellard Noitia Nolatier Nolle Nothel Nothen Nottephard Nues Nuran Olien Olleyola Omun Ornis Orvelleo Ouen Pababelley Palingel Parcrodys Parick Paux Perhot Persiense Perveles Phyvante Piert Poppertine Pyne Randairon Ranitie Rans Ravin Reaurry Relliam Renord Rert Rese Rhawkfon Ricou Rienne Rodhoult Rolair Rolorene Rone Rordemon Rosesa Rosse Ruquelle Rusque Ryolethe Régiel Sane Sephanyr Serilwine Shard Shhol Siena Sille Sles Solaving Sopper Sourstie Sous Stagot Stille Styr Styrie Styrilles Surelm Sybiany Syli Sylierth Synane Sysa Sévelis Sévelius Tene Thel Thianierya Thourard Thylise Thylvette Trieda Trien Trine Trusa Trya Tsichel Tyrre Uaze Uthsmi Uthstertri Utrissa Vaine Vald Vale Valle Vellel Verenne Verl Vettas Viela Viene Viens Villine Vine Voissimrof Vycharvie Vydauthe Wargaer Wine Woodcal Woor Yencine Yeon Ylbodanise Ylocelera Ylvele Ynann Ysan Ysarvette Yseene Ysyr Yugina Yurame Yvainelles Yvychene Zinakael Zult Zureliert Érèse
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dailyedwards · 4 years
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Precautionary self isolation can be fun❗
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rosecoloreddrag · 3 years
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Pezz and Alex on new year 🖤
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jadesie · 4 years
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Perrie and Alex via @spreadasmileuk on Instagram
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lucozadedits · 4 years
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alerrie packs
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please don't repost
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littlemixnws · 4 years
Perrie and Alex via Instagram Stories, 23rd May 2020
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perrievirus · 4 years
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that sunshine ☀️
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pinkbrandt · 4 years
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i want what they have 👉👈
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whois-camila · 5 years
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weaknesszpacks · 5 years
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perrie edwards+alex ox-chamberlain icons
ღ like or reblog ღ give credits on twitter: @sameoldlipa
eu vou morrer de amor!!!!!!
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444names · 2 years
american forenames + early noldorin names
Adlexina Ailin Albaldo Aldrin Alerrie Alesta Alfin Almine Alros Alvalley Amuil Andarly Andsa Anlie Annelin Anuertina Aprisa Ardona Arvint Asselingin Aurth Balduidgar Balyn Banie Barmais Beaney Beckirgin Bells Belor Bendy Benez Berbalber Berella Berey Berie Berna Berothil Berta Betchricky Bethriell Bilas Bilrondawn Blaulah Blois Bobbilitne Borona Bothy Brace Bravins Breannis Brellisa Brenetting Brician Brictonyn Brini Brithlerth Briviand Bromwegie Bronichane Bronnicky Broth Brubyron Bruta Canna Caraidney Carcen Careg Carester Cargel Carith Carld Carshang Carsher Cashew Catoin Cattile Ceccar Ceckim Celchawn Chadin Chaellog Chandia Chanie Charend Chelen Chridella Chrie Christion Chrog Claith Clauderi Cleglis Clifence Clionie Cobbor Coleenne Coline Coralian Cornnie Cothrina Couistald Crahirah Crain Crand Crisseff Curene Curie Cynes Dalorna Debris Derna Destilline Dinda Dinesta Dithomera Donnelucyn Doraudetsy Dorgill Dorna Dorris Dorta Dwald Dwigh Dírna Eance Eandy Eattephie Ebrand Ebreg Edgari Edhia Edhil Eleglis Elexis Elins Elivonie Ellia Elmie Elupeg Enrord Ereneth Ermabeulil Erolk Erthin Eulirist Eultoy Everin Evicto Evior Faights Fatchro Faudy Fedred Fellon Flond Floricky Florney Folan Fracy Freannicha Frencar Gaindon Gelan Gellada Gelly Genne Geony Gerna Gilkorgel Gingina Glari Gleale Gleanna Glogbald Glois Glómuilleg Glómundi Gnonny Goris Gorna Gorry Groxan Guela Gwednard Gwend Hadalvio Hadith Haely Handebor Handian Hannett Harvicia Heaver Heladea Heladen Heliris Heren Hernn Hindalvin Hopeaglod Hoplagle Horog Huadway Huricheor Húrindarl Idhil Ilexandace Iscol Ivalvice Ivany Ivrice Jachristie Jaild Jaithû Jamoled Jarshatia Jarvisa Javer Javicelvad Javrinanda Jeady Jeanya Jeatchenne Jeath Jerenne Jessee Jesuz Jillenny Jimon Joandreada Joang Joanuelina Joany Jodiance Joeleonne Joelme Jortheling Joscon Jossie Joyancina Juarve Judrik Julisope Karcill Karricis Karry Kateregoft Kateves Kather Kathurta Katrichann Kattinia Keiglina Keillina Kelenne Kellynt Keloc Keveri Kimorlagor Kirie Krica Krichark Krine Krylly Kyland Lafrene Lanie Larogbarl Laulenna Leecky Leent Lenryl Lhuis Liamold Lilettio Lionjaitte Listaldie Listie Llynth Loomeley Loranie Loray Lorgin Mabenny Maber Maberris Mabessais Magenalron Mages Maggy Magorndy Maili Maney Maniand Manicann Mannie Manny Marew Marguell Marinda Marld Marma Maroby Marose Marris Marry Marryn Marvene Maurth Mawnallyn Melia Melly Merreenn Minia Miroxansta Misarce Mithada Mithara Mithir Monaula Monna Mooly Morgof Morie Morna Mornnyanin Mornst Morom Mothan Mougle Naristatra Natina Natte Niony Nithil Noreavicia Normarcust Ogrod Olingrenne Palle Pamill Pamilydel Pathy Pathûn Patrine Paudia Paudine Paught Pauglen Paurus Peadin Pearly Peavia Peduis Quele Rafan Raniferwis Renthy Rettes Riande Robbobby Robendy Rodraquell Rodreen Rodres Rodrickir Rondarda Ronny Rootterma Rosela Royce Rumbectone Rutarrandy Sadin Saightne Salia Sarran Saylmiste Seavrold Semirand Semithy Shanne Shelindys Sheren Sheris Shessie Shlorry Shuis Sidhertas Singne Smirinith Sonjacell Sophell Soplaudia Strufina Styronie Sustan Suzablores Suzangled Talba Taleg Teanne Telard Tepharols Tephie Terrya Terryle Thangoth Thelexand Thiamie Thing Thinice Thory Thrisof Tinathû Tinee Tomel Trithuglia Tumbera Tungra Turthlung Túrine Uchawen Ufene Ufindorick Uidele Ungars Ungri Valtond Vaula Vennion Verren Vette Vindeb Vionie Walexie Wanna Waran Waynd Wenth Wilivonie Wiscolla Wranne Yollsey
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leighsroyalty · 5 years
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June 5th - Ibiza, Spain
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rosecoloreddrag · 3 years
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Cuties 💕
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