#Alex Hogh Andersen x oc
Ravenblade - Part 1 // Ivar Lothbrok x OC
Summary: The sons of Ragnar are forming their great army to avenge their father. Soon Björn realizes he gets help from someone he doesn't know he can trust.
Warnings: Language
Pairing: Ivar x OC
A/N: First chapter of my Vikings story - I hope you like it. It's been a while since I started this story, and I got a few chapters ahead - but eventually, I will need to rewatch this fantastic show! Poor me ;)
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Ubbe and Björn stand at the Docs of Kattegat and see the vie boats coming towards them. The banner is unknown to Ubbe, but any reinforcements are welcome. As the boats dock, some men and women get out, looking ready to fight.
Ubbe walks up to them. "Welcome to Kattegat. I suppose you are here to join our great army?" he asks, but he receives no answer.
Only one of the men looks at him before he gets off the boat. He stands in front of Ubbe and Björn and looks at them both.
"Are you their leader?" Björn then asks with his arms crossed.
"No. The leader is not here," is all the latter says. "We are here to avenge Ragnar Lothbrok's death."
Ubbe and Björn exchange a look. "Where is your leader then?" asks Ubbe then. The strange man, however, only looks at him.
"Be that as it may," Björn then interjects, looking again at the banner under which they sail, and suddenly he realizes something.
"What does your banner mean? Which king or jarl are you sailing under?"
"This is the banner of the Ravenblade and we sail under neither a king nor a jarl."
No sooner has the man spoken the words than Björn turns and walks away. Ubbe looks at him in confusion.
"I am Ubbe, son of Ragnar. Turn to the servants of the great hall, and they will show you to your lodgings."
"I am Sven Eriksson. I thank you on behalf of the Ravenblade."
Björn walks through the crowd of Kattegat until he meets Hvitserk.
"Have you seen a young woman? Blonde, about this tall?" he asks his half-brother, hinting at the size.
"Are you serious? Half the women here look like that."
"She's about your age, and you'll never have seen her before."
"What's going on, Björn? Who are you looking for?" asks Hvitserk, confused.
Björn exhales in annoyance. Why does she always have to play games?
Without answering his brother, Björn walks towards the great hall. Hvitserk follows him, and Ubbe has now joined them.
Together they enter the great hall but no sooner have they taken a step inside than Björn falters. He stops and looks up at the throne. Hvitserk and Ubbe also stare at the person who has made himself comfortable on Lagertha's throne.
"Who is that?" asks Hvitserk, but again he is ignored by his brothers.
Behind them, the door is pushed open again, and Ivar and Sigurd enter the great hall.
"That's what I thought," Björn then says.
The young woman sitting on the throne, one leg draped over the armrest, looks up and at the five with amusement. Then she pops a nut into her mouth and chews it leisurely, grinning at the young men.
"What are you doing here?" asks Björn, and finally, she stands up.
She strolls towards Björn until she stands in front of him. She is wearing armor like the shieldmaidens wear and is also heavily armed. Her posture looks arrogant, considering she is almost two heads shorter than Björn.
"Are we not here to raise a great army and avenge your father?" she asks, looking into the eyes of Ragnar's sons.
She pauses briefly at the youngest. Something about his aura does something to her, but she cannot say what it is. The only thing Liv knows is that the gods still have something planned for them both. Ivar, meanwhile, looks at the stranger the same way. Her pretty blue eyes stare into his, and warmth rises in him. Then she looks back at Björn. A wicked grin is on her lips.
"Your friends arrived earlier. Why weren't you with them?"
"Oh, I've been here for days," she says nonchalantly and sits back down on the throne. "I need to know who I'm fighting with before I decide to do so," she says, looking at the brothers again.
Just as Ubbe is about to ask something, the big doors are pushed open, and Lagertha, followed by Astrid, enters the hall.
"What is the meaning of this?" she asks, looking at her son and his brothers standing before her throne. As the shieldmaiden makes her way forward, she sees someone sitting on her throne. The young woman stands up and opens her arms invitingly.
"Lagertha! It's been so long," she says, but her voice could hardly be more sarcastic. You can sense the young woman's disapproval of Lagertha, which only makes her more sympathetic in Ivar's eyes.
Lagertha stops in front of her and looks at her in surprise.
"Liv?" she asks, looking the young woman up and down. The latter only puts on another amused grin, but her eyes seem to fire lightning bolts. "What are you doing here?"
"Oh, nothing that should concern you. As far as I've heard, you're not joining the sons of Ragnar to avenge their father."
"And you are?"
"Yep. I just made up my mind." The young woman walks through the still confused and slightly astonished young men and towards the exit. "You can let me know when you are ready."
With these words, she turns dancingly and disappears out of the hall.
"Okay, can anyone here explain what just happened?" asks Hvitserk after a while. "Who is that?"
They look to Lagertha, but she sits down on her throne and doesn't seem to want to answer. So they look to Björn. The latter is visibly grinding his jaw angrily, his eyes still annoyed at the door where the blonde disappeared earlier.
"This is Liv," he says after what feels like an eternity. "My sister."
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A little later, Björn and his brothers are eating at a table.
"So let me get this straight…. You have a sister? But she is not our sister. She is the daughter of Lagertha and her ex-husband, whom she killed." Bjorn nods and takes a sip of his mead. "And now this Liv wants to help us avenge Ragnar?"
"Looks like it."
"But as far as I can see, it doesn't look like she's doing it out of compassion for you," Ivar says, and Björn looks at him.
"No. I don't think so, either. I am trying to figure out what Liv's ulterior motives are. Lagertha often told her stories about Ragnar when she was a child, and she admired him. Then when she left Hedeby, I only saw her a few times. But I heard enough stories, which makes it all the more suspicious. I don't know if we should take her and her people with us."
"What stories?" asks Ivar with interest. This Liv somehow fascinates him.
"Does the term Ravenblade mean anything to you?" asks Björn, and the brothers look at him.
"I've heard of them. They are said to be the most ruthless assassins you have ever seen," Sigurd now interjects. "They are said to get in almost anywhere unnoticed if they want to."
"The banner," now says Ubbe, who understands. "The banner on the boat. The man said it was the Ravenblade. Does that mean…?"
"They want to support us, and Liv is their leader."
"And why do you want to send them away? They would be an asset, wouldn't they?" now Ivar asks, his interest growing.
"You don't understand it, do you?" asks Björn. "We don't know what their motives are. One moment they are fighting by our side, and the next, they are holding a dagger to our throats. These guys have no honor or loyalty. They fight for the highest bidder."
"Then we'll just have to be the highest bidder," Ivar continues. "For my part, I think it's advantageous to have someone at your side who can get in anywhere unseen."
"I will try to find out what is behind this and will talk to Liv. Besides, it worries me that she's been here for days, and we haven't noticed."
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The next day, Ivar wanders through Kattegat before being automatically pulled in one direction by the metallic clang of swords. He pulls himself onto a tree stump in a small square and sits down. In front of him, he sees Liv training with a tall, handsome man. Her movements are elegant yet precise and, above all, deadly. Even though the man holds his own very well, she has the upper hand.
Fascinated, Ivar watches the two of them. There are a few things that immediately catch his eye. For one thing, her beautiful face, which always has an alert look and an ironic smile, and her well-built body.
But what catches his eye most at the moment is her sword. It is a medium-length blade, but what stands out is the hilt. It is black, and two raven heads adorn it. The upper part, however, looks like it is illustrated with black feathers.
"You should keep your arm higher when covering yourself," she says to her sparring partner. He only nods briefly before attacking her again.
Liv, however, manages to duck away from his attacks without much trouble. She stops, presses her shoe into the dirt, and then draws her dagger. She may not be the biggest, but she is all the more agile for it.
"Come on! One more time!" she demands. Again the man attacks her.
She now holds her dagger at the back of her sword and uses it as a spike. She lunges at him, and just before her dagger rams into his thigh, he can stop her and stop it. Liv smiles, and then let's go. Together with the strange man, they approach Ivar, taking a cup of water.
"Who do we have here?", Liv then asks with amusement, looking at Ivar. "Do you like the idea?" she then asks and takes a sip.
Ivar has his hands folded in his lap and looks smugly at the young woman. "When you're done with that one, you can try me," he says with a grin, and Liv raises an eyebrow.
She looks at the young Ragnar's son and then smiles. "If you say so," she says and again Ivar can hear her smugness in her tone.
She raises her sword and points it at him. Behind Ivar, his brothers now come out and look at the young shieldmaiden as they point their swords at their brother.
"What is going on here?" asks Ubbe immediately, but Ivar only rolls his eyes.
"Give me a sword," he demands.
Sven, on the other hand, looks at him curiously. Somehow he doesn't like the way the son of Ragnar looks at Liv. He has known for a long time that Sven has feelings for his leader, but somehow he can't bring himself to tell her. Whereby he sometimes wonders if the tough young woman is even capable of love. Then Liv looks at Sven and nods at him, who then walks up to Ivar and puts his sword in his hand.
"Ivar…", Ubbe tries again, but the dark-haired man has fixed Liv with his gaze.
"Shut up! I can do it," he says, cradling the weight of the sword in his hand.
Liv is still smiling and then attacks.
She and Ivar clash swords a few times and she prances around him. He is holding his own quite well, the blonde has to admit. Again and again the metal hits each other and they move as one. The surrounding observers are truly fascinated by how the two move in unison.
Then Ivar knocks the sword out of Liv's hand, which flies through the air in a high arc and then hits the ground. He holds his sword to her neck and grins at her triumphantly.
"Ha! You see! I won!" he says confidently, but the grin on Liv's face doesn't disappear.
"Are you sure?" she asks then. "Look down."
Ivar lowers his gaze to his lap, where he spots the blade Liv is holding directly at his soft parts.
"You'd be just as dead as me."
"That's not fair!" he protests then, but Liv just winks at him before backing away.
Sven retrieves his sword and Liv picks hers up from the floor.
"I thank you for this kind exercise," she says, bowing theatrically to the sons of Ragnar before she and Sven disappear.
Ivar stares after her with his mouth open. He has yet to see a woman like her. Her sarcastic manner and her cheekiness in battle are simply unbelievable. A grin now creeps onto his face too.
"I think I know what Björn means," Ubbe now says. "They don't play by the rules."
"So what?" asks Ivar of his big brother. "I think it's just what we need. She's just amazing."
"Has someone fallen in love little Ivar?", Sigurd teases Ivar, which earns him a deadly look from the latter.
"I would rather call it admiration for an equal opponent."
Next Part
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istorkyou · 11 months
A Thousand Battles (A Modern Ivar AU) New Chapter
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A modern!Ivar x F OC (Julietta Lothbrok)
Note - I think it’s been almost a year since I updated this fic. I’ve decided to post the rest of the fic, despite not being super happy with chapter 11. I wrote the rest of the chapters ages ago but got stuck on chapter 11 so I’ve decided to just Chuck it out here.
Sorry it’s taken me so long, hope those who enjoyed this story before will enjoy the end ❤️ thanks all. This chapter is un-beta’d so all mistakes are mine and I’m sure there will be lots!
Warnings - mentions of violence make against female and female against make, language, weapons, angst
Synopsis - Julietta wakes up with no memory of her life or her husband, Ivar. Will it ever return? Does she want it to?
Word Count - 3828 words
This is for @blackseapearl 400 follower trope challenge. I asked for Amnesia :)
Shout Outs - They know ❤️
This fic kicked (and is still kicking!) my ass, I’ve never had such a hard time with motivation as I have writing this long-ass bitch so I hope you enjoy it :)
It’s also LOOOOOOOONNNGGGGGGGG..... and I’m only the tiniest bit sorry about that!
Tag List - Let me know if you want on or off :)@smears-and-spots @punkrocknpearls​​ @youbloodymadgenius​​ @momowhoo​​ @zuxiezendler​​ @not-another-viking-fanfic-blog​ @ivar-s-my-brat-tamer​ @pieces-by-me​ @heavenly1927​​ @berryonasummerevening @synnersaint​​ @out-of-the-box-and-into-alchemy​ @petite-hime​​ @serasvictoria​​ @mimiiinspace​​ @itsmysticalmystery​​ @lonewolf471​​ @mylifeisactuallyamess​​ @draculasbride-blog​​ @love-all-things-writing​​ @southernbe​​ @redhead7799​​ @kaybee87​​ @ivarlover​​ @ivarhoegh​​ @idgafiamallthefandoms​​ @darkphoenix5037​​ @profoundtyrantharmony​​ @snarling-through-our-smiles​​ @crazyunsexycool​​ @xceafh​​ @noway4u @batmandallyboy​​ @complicatedbutrare @readsalot73​​​​ @meandmycherrytree
Chapter 11
The early days of Ivar and Liet.
Lev insists on an apartment first, keeping some distance and to set up a place he can still see her in. She assumed Ivar would be annoyed but he says it’s a good first step, she doesn’t know for certain but she guesses that The Lothbroks don’t want a stranger in their midst, she will have to be vetted before being allowed into their inner sanctum.
She stays in the apartment for a few months, building a life, in her “new city”, a routine with Ivar visiting. Lev turns up more often than she wants, an invasive reminder that it's all lies and any potential peace found with Ivar is bullshit.
Lev never gets ugly with her again, but her memory is long and she never forgets the violence he exhibited, quashing all feelings she ever had for him.
She was supposed to lead a double life, reporting to her family, faking the relationship with Ivar, in reality, it’s a triple life now, faking to Lev, faking to Ivar despite her feelings of real love for him and reporting back despite her feelings. God, what an absolute mess she’s made. Etta has no choice but to carry on as normal with Lev when she sees him, fucking him as if he’s her guy when her whole being is consumed by her feelings for Ivar.
The ripping of her soul, the lies, the deceit, the acting, almost sends her into an early grave, until Ivar asks her to move onto the estate.
Word comes from Ivar’s Father. The Lothbrok family have accepted her. Ragnar has dug into her past thoroughly.
Her Father knew this would happen and hired the right people to fabricate her former life, leaving as much of her true life as possible. Dead parents, teacher (at a different school, one where Olegs family had reach with, who he was able to pay off if asked about Julietta). The Lothbroks came back with nothing but a squeaky clean record of her. Nothing about her time spent with her father, nothing about her training or the other ‘missions’ she’d been sent on. Just a wholesome school teacher with friends and a tragic past.
She can see a respite, a pause of her turmoil if she is away from Lev, away from the pressure he is putting on her, the pressure her father is putting on her through Lev. She can breathe easily once she gets there. For a minute.
She knows any peace is temporary.
The day before she is due to move, Lev catches her outside her apartment as she is running errands.
She feels him behind her, an insistent grip on her arm.
“Keep walking, Love. Who knows if we are being followed. Walk to the market.”
Julietta has no choice but to do as he says.
In the market he catches her arm harshly and turns her toward a stand.
“Try on the sunglasses,” he instructs her harshly, so she does. She catches his eye in a mirror, he is standing close to her. “Tomorrow we will be separated, God knows for how long. You know what needs to be done, Etta?”
She nods and picks another pair of glasses up, slipping them on her face.
“I’ve watched you with him, in this very market,” Lev’s voice is saccharine sweet, she’s heard it before and the blood runs cold through her veins. The intrusion into the relationship she thought she’d developed in private was being watched. Of course it was. Stupid girl.
“I’ve seen him kiss you, I’ve seen the way you look at him, Etta.” Etta watches as his pupils constrict in the mirror as his grip tightens on her flesh, sure to leave marks she will have to explain away.
Etta starts to shake her head and pulls away carefully, smiling playfully as she starts to protest but his words stop her.
“My eyes don’t lie. I’ve seen you. Do you not remember my words? If you fall for him I will kill you both. You are mine,” his finger back on her arm, holding so hard she has to bite her lip to stop from yelping. “Mine,” he growls in her ear. “I hope for both your sakes you are a better actress than I give you credit for, Etta.”
Lev leans into her, his nose in her hair and he inhales deeply, eyes never leaving her face for a second. “I would hate to murder you, my love.”
Through the ice in her veins she knows what she must do. A calmness settles over her, knowing her only way out of this encounter is to placate the man she once loved.
She removes the sunglasses and her eyes catch his in the mirror. She leans back into Lev, her upper back pressing against his chest and she pushes her ass into his crotch. Her voice is thick with sweetness when she addresses him. “Baby, I’m the best actress you’ve ever met. You think I have feelings for him? I’m repulsed by him. Every time he touches me it makes me want to vomit. I would kill him and his whole fucking family in a heartbeat to be back with you, my love.”
She sees Lev’s eyes change from hatred to relief and she knows he is putty in her hands again.
“I’m doing this for the family. For you. Just as you told me to. It’s all for you, a means to an end, my love. I’m leaving tomorrow, who knows when I will next get to see you. There's an alley up to the left. Meet me there in two minutes. I need you one more time before I go.” She turns in her heels and heads for the alley.
As she turns left she claps her hand over her mouth, desperately trying to stifle to cry and tears in the minutes she has before he joins her. She takes in some steadying breathes and prepares herself to allow Lev to touch her, fuck her, to betray Ivar with the man that sold her out like she was nothing. A mere commodity.
As she watches Lev enter the alley her skin starts to crawl, but she pushes the feeling away.
She’s let her guard slip with Ivar, she needs to pull herself back again, with more success this time. She curses inwardly at not realising she is being watched the whole time, of course she is, she’s her family's most valuable asset.
She can’t be the reason Ivar dies. She will be the best actress ever. To save herself. To save Ivar.
Julietta is sure that Ivar feels the change in her, in the way she is with him over the next few weeks. Sometimes she can see her detachment break his heart and she wants nothing more than to open herself up again, allow him into her heart fully, but the memory of Lev’s words stops her.
Sometimes she feels herself allowing the feelings to creep back in. It’s easy when it’s just the two of them, living together, a normal life. Somedays, when she’s watching him move around their home, on the phone, smiling at her, she forgets what this all is. Fake. An assignment. Not for long, but long enough for it to crush her heart when she remembers.
Some days she is so angry. Furious at herself for letting her life come to this. Rage filled at her father for making her do this. Devastated at the circumstances that have led her life to this point. Angry that she is in love with a man completely out of her reach, despite being married to him. It’s on these days can hear herself say the most disgusting things, things about his wheelchair, his disability that make her so ashamed of herself she knows that when her time comes they will be the reason she will be dragged straight to the depths of Hell.
He shows her nothing but endless patience. She isn’t sure if that is because he is so in love with her or because she drops enough breadcrumbs of love and affection to keep him hopeful that she will return to the woman he met in Sardinia. Hope. It can hold people prisoner, and that’s what she feels she is doing to him. Keeping him shackled to a memory of the woman she wishes she could be with him, her old self.
Julietta can’t even bare to look at him when they have sex, can’t bare the way his eyes feel on her, like they are going to pull a confession out of her at any moment so she manipulates him again into being intimate in a way she can stomach, a way she can live with herself.
She manages to find an outlet in the form of a diary, written in code. She pours every thought, every feeling, every second of happiness into it so she doesn’t allow it to spill out into their actual lives. So she doesn’t compromise them. If she writes it down the weight of her feelings and the fear that accompany them is lifted slightly.
She’s allowed to the main house after the checks come back clean, before that she had barely any access to it at all which meant she didn’t have much to pass on to Lev when she saw him at the flat. Information is freely available to her now, access to staff, their gossiping, access to Ragnar’s study, although she is careful here until she is sure there are no cameras inside this space. There aren’t, probably so he doesn’t incriminate himself should the time ever come. It does mean she can access paperwork left around, listen in on conversations he has in there. She has yet to plant the listening devices given to her and try to access Ragnar's computer, making up excuses to Lev when pushed on the subject, only handing over as little as she can get away with.
She despises herself every time she does it, hearing the consequences of her actions spoken about by the Lothbroks, people killed, families ripped apart, collateral damage.
She tries to redress the balance of her disgusting deceit as often as she can. Julietta knows one of her strengths is the ability to read people as if they are telling her their secrets openly. Body language, the slightest flick of an eye, the quick exchange of notes between Ragnar's staff is stored in her head. Most of it is innocent, the occasional affair between staffers, a few people stealing from the kitchens, but any hint of something that could hurt any of the family she tells Ivar about, discreetly, so as not to give herself away, hints at things she’s noticed. Ivar is astute enough to read into it the droplets of information she gives him and neutralises the threat.
He can’t see I’m his biggest threat Julietta thinks sadly.
Over time Julietta becomes more involved with all the family members and she starts to enjoy their company, they treat her like one of their own, not knowing she is a snake in the nest. It’s hard enough betraying Ivar without the extra guilt so she stays detached, warm enough that she isn’t alienated but she keeps them at arm's length. For her own sanity.
After months of being on the estate with her love her brains tricks her into thinking she has some solace from her real life. She stops passing along as much information as she can get away with, only given intel she knows will have minimal impact on her husband and his family. She makes excuses to not have to meet up with Lev, passing along the information via a notebook hidden in her flat, deliberately ignoring Lev's outrage at her evasion, which is clear from the messages left in the hiding spot in her apartment.
She continues this way until a clear message is received. One of the Lothbrok security guards is found outside the estate with the letter E carved into his forehead; she knows she has to face her life outside the walls. For Lev to get so close to the estate, to risk the whole assignment to get her attention she knows she has no choice but to meet up with him.
The thought fills her with a paralysing fear, she can’t do this anymore. The double life has to stop and Julietta knows which of her two lives she wants.
Julietta goes to her apartment, calls Lev from the phone stashed in the space in the walls and arranges to meet him at the gym. She changes into her workout clothes and heads there with a racing heart. She went to the toilets at the back of the gym, where Lev has made sure that no security cameras reach.
He’s waiting for her and pins her to the wall before they mutter a world to each other. He pulls her shorts down roughly and his fingers are inside her before she knows what’s happening.
“Lev, no, we need to talk. Stop,” she tells him in Russian, grabbing his wrist to push him out of her, pulling up her shorts.
“Etta, what’s wrong? I’ve missed you. Do they know? Is that why I haven’t heard from you?” His mouth is all over her, her neck, her chest, making her skin crawl.
When he starts to kiss her mouth she twists her head away, and her head falls against the wall. It’s now or never.
“I'm not doing this anymore. I’m done. I'm going to be a proper wife to him. I love him, Lev. We are finished here.”
Lev's face pulls into a scowl before he bursts out laughing. “What? Don’t be ridiculous. You don’t love him. You are mine!” He grabs her face, bruising it with his fingers. “You can’t just stop, you will never be done!” His face is searching hers, trying to find a hint of a joke.
She smacks his hand away “Don't ever touch me again, Lev. I am done with all of you. I never wanted any of this. My father won’t kill me for falling in love. Ivar, he’s not like any of you, not with me, he's gentle and he loves me.” Etta’s chin is raised in defiance.
“I fucking love you!” Lev replies with desperation in his tone. “I’ve loved you for years. You can’t be in love with him, he’s the fucking enemy, Etta.”
“Is he?” she shouts at him. “I’m starting to think we are. Father is only doing this for territory, not for revenge or anything noble!”
“Etta, my love. You are smarter than this…” Lev’s tone is one she recognises. A calm, friendly tone which is uses at his most dangerous. “Think about this my love. Come to your senses and I won’t tell anyone what you’ve said today. I love you.”
“Oh Lev, you’ve always been about your career, Fucking the bosses daughter was a strategic move for you. I know you would never choose me over the family.”
“You think Ivar would?” Lev screams and punches the wall next to Etta’s head. “You stupid fucking bitch. You are fucking dead. What did I tell you before? Do you remember? If you fell in love with him I would kill you both.” His hand is back on her jaw, pressing her skull against the hard wall behind her. “Etta. Tell me he hasn’t tasted you.” Levs face screws into pure hatred.
“I remember. I don’t care. I only care about him.” Her breaths are shallow with fear now. She’s weighed up all her options in the small space they are in. She knows all of Lev's moves and if she’s quick enough she can get the better of him. Hopefully.
“My rule, Etta,” Lev says through gritted teeth. “Did you let him taste you?” His eyes flit to her mouth.“You treacherous fucking whore!” He grabs her around the throat and she reaches into the underside of her sports bra pulling out her mini switchblade, flicking it open expertly and pushes it into his groin.
“Femoral artery, Lev. You taught me that. Let go of me or I’ll do it. You’ll bleed out in a minute or so. I’m a good actress, remember? I’ll say you attacked me and I will be believed. Never dare to call me a whore again.” She pushes the tip of her knife into his skin.
He glances down and removes his hands from her throat. “Dead woman. You are fucking dead, Etta” He points in her face and slams the restroom door open so hard it closes again she locks it quickly, clapping her hand over her mouth, hyperventilating in fear. She spends a few minutes calming down and listening for any sign of him. Silence remains and she is sure she is safe enough to leave the gym.
When she steps outside she hears screams from her right and as she spins towards the noise she sees Lev driving straight at her before everything goes black.
Present day
Consciousness tugs at her as does Ivar’s voice, which is getting louder with every syllable. Julietta wakes on the floor of their closet, Ivar cradling her head. “Liet? Baby, thank god! Are you okay?”
Was it all a dream? A nightmare? She knows it isn’t.
Her whole life is back.
Julietta remembers everything and she starts to sob.
“Julietta, what is it? More memories?”
Gods knows she can’t let on that she remembers everything. Even in her vulnerable state she knows for certain she needs time to sort through everything. As much as she wants to pour the truth out to him she values breathing. She hasn’t taken all the risks she has for this man to have him kill her in their beautiful home.
She shifts so she is sitting up, pushing away the nausea and reaches for the pendant laying between them. “The necklace, I remember the first time I put it on you. Ivar, I need to lie down. My head,” she whines, clutching her temples. “My head is splitting.”
She manages to walk to the bed on her wobbly legs, with his help and climbs under the covers and curls up into a ball. The bed dips and she feels him behind her, pressing himself close to her, running his hand up over her arm.
“Do you need anything, love? I will call a doctor.”
“No don’t, I’m ok. I think it’s just going to feel like this when I get memories, they said that after the market. Can you get me some water?”
Ivar nods against her skin. “I will love, I’m going to set an appointment tomorrow to go back to the hospital for tests. Just to be sure.”
As she hears him start to leave she turns to him quickly, knowing she needs to address something. “Ivar? I really don’t have any memory of that man from the Gala.”
Ivar’s jaw ticks and he nods stiffly at her then leaves.
Her own lip curls in disgust when she thinks of Lev. He will be dealt with sooner or later.
She stare up at the ceiling before getting the strength to walk to the bathroom to take a look at herself in the mirror. She looks different now she remembers who she is. Harder, she doesn’t like it.
“Hello, Etta.” She says to her reflection.
She runs her eyes over her reflection, the scar on her cheek, pulling down her top to look at the scars over her arm. Her gaze travels back to her short hair and she sneers slightly then remembers Ivar’s reaction to it and smiles.
“You are not Etta anymore,” she says softly, pointing at herself in the mirror. “You are Liet, his Liet. Bury the old you, do you hear me?” Her reflection nods and she starts to formulate a way forward.
A path to happiness.
She doesn’t know how she manages to keep it together in the days and weeks after her life returns but she does. She compartmentalises her life as Etta until Ivar leaves every morning, as soon as the front door shuts she runs to the shower and tears pour from her. Grief for her parents, they way they were taken from her, the sheer scale of who she was before crushing her like a bug under a wheel.
Broken, bent, torn apart by the old her.
She prays to the Gods to make her Liet again, to remove everything she knows now but it’s just an act of futility. She has to find a way to live with the knowledge that she betrayed her Ivar, to continue to function as his wife with the terror that he and his family will find out about her.
The thought of fleeing crosses her mind, for him as much as for her. Gods know what Ragnar would do to Ivar if he finds out. If she leaves him, just disappears, she could protect him from that, but she knows she’s too selfish, and where would she go? Back to Lev?
Back to the man who did this to her?
“Liet, you have to talk to me. I feel you pulling away from me. I know something has changed. You are not… you are the same… you are turning into the you from before the accident and I need you to be happy again. Baby, please talk to me.”
Julietta can’t meet his eyes, but she forces herself to as she lies to his beautiful face. “I keep seeing flashes, I don’t like what I see, Ivar. Snippets of the way I was, and hate it. I was a totally different person, I didn’t know how to let myself be loved but I don't know why.” She knows why, but she needs to give him something. She used to be able to deceive at the blink of an eye, she’s lost that ability and part of her is grateful, but a bigger part of her wishes she could bullshit with ease to his face.
“Gods,” she thinks, “I should just fucking end it all now and spare him the pain of knowing who I really was.”
“Liet. I chose you then, and I will choose you in every lifetime I live. Always, baby. I’ve loved you since I laid eyes on you, I’ve loved you through the bad, the terrifying and the amazing. You don’t remember it all but I do, and it’s you. It’s always you. Always.
She exists. Weeks are passing slowly and she is slowly learning how to be Liet, pushing Etta away. It’s easing, the guilt. The fear of being found out is something she just pushes away with a stern talking to in the mirror. She’s determined to be who she wants to be, not who she was.
Chapter 12
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the-girl-in-the-box · 2 years
Not Today XLII
A/N: And we're finally back with another update! I posted on my last update to Can You Imagine? That I was going to try and get on a system of posting an update weekly, rotating which fic I'm updating, which means this will probably be updated about every three weeks going forward. So that said, I hope you all enjoy being back to this story, and I hope you'll stick around for the coming updates- I told you this wasn't abandoned XD Skål!
Summary: When Ivar takes the throne of Kattegat, Lagertha flees to Wessex along with Björn, Ubbe, Torvi, and the Bishop Heahmund. There, they seek the aid of King Alfred. This aid comes in the form of his sister, Aethelind, who agrees to travel to Kattegat and try to reason Ivar, who she spent some time with during their youth, when her grandfather King Ecbert hosted Ragnar Lothbrok in their castle. Now, she is the only hope for Lagertha and her supporters to retake Kattegat from Ivar the Boneless.
Asta felt like she was going to explode. Talking to Olaf had brought up all the grief she’d felt over the years, everything she felt she had locked away when she left Kattegat, and now it was threatening to burst out of her if one more thing happened to bring it out of her. That’s why she needed to talk to Ivar- if anyone would know how to stay sane in the face of everything they were facing… Well, it wasn’t him, but he could help her sort through things at the least. 
She let Hvitserk lead her back through the town quickly, indulging herself in the protective arm he’d wrapped around her shoulders. How would she be able to stand it if something were to happen to him, or to Ivar? She’d already lost so much… Truthfully, she wasn’t sure she would be able to handle it- and not like this, when she wasn’t sure she’d handled what had happened so far just yet. If she went through it in her mind- the father she hadn’t known, Heahmund, the father she had, Aethelred, her mother, Freydis, Lagertha, Bjorn… And those were only the deaths. What about Alfred, and Torvi and Ubbe who she hadn’t heard from in… who knew how long at this point? 
Her mind turned back to something her beloved Freydis had once said to her, after the death of the Bishop Heahmund. When she had confessed her heart had broken with news of his death, Freydis had told her that her heart would repair. But that had been before everything else she had lost. She wasn’t so sure anymore that was true. Very suddenly, she held out her hand and held it to Hvitserk’s chest. “Wait,” she said, and he looked down at her confusedly.
“Princess?” he questioned. “What is it?” 
“I think I need to be alone,” she confessed. “I need… I need to think. Please.”
“Of course,” Hvitserk replied. “Where will you be should we need you?” 
Asta swallowed, looking out over the mountains. “I’d say wandering, but that wouldn’t be of any help, would it?” she said with a quiet chuckle. “There’s a clearing not far from here, take the path out of Vestfold and follow it to the east. I’ll be there.”
Hvitserk nodded a little. “Be careful,” he warned her. “Keep your sword about you at all times, just in case.” 
“I will, thank you, Hvitserk,” she replied. “Will you let Ivar know?” She didn’t worry about clarifying, sure enough of him to believe that he would know what she was asking him to tell his brother. And happily, she saw she was right, as Hvitserk asked no questions. Instead, he kissed her on the head and wished her well before heading toward the palace. 
Now all alone, Asta started down the path she’d indicated to Hvitserk, keeping an eye out as he’d requested. Besides, as little as she trusted Oleg and his men, she didn’t want to take any risks.
In the days since Asta left Wessex, she had noticed something about the way she’d picked up Viking customs. She didn’t pray the way she once did, not anymore. She had grown up praying in church, on her knees in the pews, hands clasped together and head bowed. Now, she just… prayed. The rituals had all stayed behind in England, and in their wake was left comfort and familiarity, a relationship as opposed to religion. Freedom she hadn’t once known.
Unlike Kattegat, Kiev had been stifling. She had to hide so many things there, for fear of what Oleg may do if he learned, even having to resort to hiding away to say a prayer. It wasn’t because Oleg had something against Christians- on the contrary, the man claimed to be one himself- but rather because everything he believed about her would begin to unravel if he learned this one truth about her. Asta knew Oleg would never understand how a wanderer who came to Kattegat, and became the wife of Ivar the Boneless, had become a Christian in her time there in Kiev- and to not partake in the rituals of the Kievan Rus would simply make him question things even more. She knew if he continued to pull on that thread, it would inevitably lead him to the truth- that she was English, and nearly everything he knew about her was a lie. No, she couldn’t allow that.
Thus, she waited until she was well enough alone to pray, and even sought out a hidden place to do so. Somehow, she found that just stepping into that space released the restraints she felt she now lived her life in, and she let out a long breath as she felt the peace of it wash over her. “I don’t know what to do,” she confessed quietly, her voice nearly a whisper. “My life has changed… so much in the past years, Lord. My family are all but gone, my past buried so deeply inside me that I can hardly tell where the truth ends and this lie begins. Add to that how miserable I feel with each and every lie I tell, and I just… I’m so lost. Telling my story to King Olaf has brought it all back, every part of myself I’d silenced, and I know now that I cannot continue on this path I’ve set myself on. But what happens to Ivar and Hvitserk, if I reveal the truth? They’ve known me for years now, won’t Oleg know this? Know what they’ve done in helping me to conceal this? What will he do to them for covering the lie? I need You to show me what I am meant to do, to give me the strength to do it. I’m so afraid, Lord… of losing anything more than I already have.” She swallowed hard, letting out a shaky breath. “Help me overcome these fears. Bring me back to You. In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.” 
The sound of footsteps approaching interrupted Asta, and she turned back to see Hvitserk running down the path. “Asta, you need to come now,” he said, urgency lacing his voice. “They are going to kill King Olaf.”
Asta’s eyes widened as she processed the words, and she blinked a few times. “What are we doing?” she questioned. “What does Ivar want us to do?” 
Hvitserk shook his head. “Nothing,” he answered. “He wants us to attend the execution, but we will not interfere. He wants to keep Oleg’s trust still.” 
As little as Asta liked the idea of just letting this happen, she nodded. “Alright,” she replied. “Then we should go.”
They nearly ran back to town, to the docks where the execution was to take place, so they wouldn’t miss any of it, and by the time they wormed their way up to the front Asta could see that Olaf had already been tied down to a chair. Ivar, Oleg, and Igor were there as well, standing up at the front to watch the execution. Hvitserk moved to lean against a post nearby, while Asta came to stand beside Ivar, watching as two men stepped forward and began to pour oil all over… the wood piled around the chair? Oh. It was then that Olaf began to speak, and Asta’s eyes widened.
“There is someone beside me,” he said.
Oleg frowned. “There is no one beside you,” he said. “You are all alone.”
“No, there is someone beside me,” Olaf reiterated. “Although I cannot see Him, I know He is here.”
“How do you know, you old fool?” Oleg demanded.
“Because He speaks to me,” Olaf said. “I hear His voice.”
Asta swallowed as she realised what he meant, and a chill ran down her spine. Anticipation began to build in her. Listen.
Hvitserk glanced over at Asta, noticing the suddenly attentive gaze she had pinned on King Olaf. He hadn’t confessed to this earlier, but he’d heard the tale end of her prayer. He knew now what the woman was struggling with, so he asked, “And what does He say?”
Olaf answered, “He says, ‘He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. I am the resurrection and the life. I shall walk beside you. Always. Always.”
Asta was stunned. I shall walk beside you. She glanced over at Ivar, who she could tell understood the point of Olaf’s words, and had grown concerned. Why, she couldn’t say, but she knew what it meant to her. She had to do what was right, and the rest wasn’t up to her.
Still, she was distracted from trying to figure that out by Oleg’s interruption, as he instructed Igor, “Don’t listen to him, get on with it.” When he shoved the boy forward, a torch in hand, Asta felt anger boil up inside her. He was really going to make a child do this? He had the gall to order a man’s death, but not to go through with it on his own? To do it himself? She wasn’t sure her opinion of him could get any lower than this. Then, she noticed how anxious Igor clearly was, and her heart clenched.
“This isn’t right,” she murmured from beside Ivar. “He’s a child…”
“I know,” Ivar whispered in return. “But we cannot stop it. Not without raising suspicion.”
She swallowed again as she heard Olaf trying to comfort Igor, even as the young Prince was preparing to end his life. “Don’t be afraid,” he said, though in Asta’s experience that rarely actually helped.
“I can’t,” Igor replied.
“Think of me as already dead,” Olaf advised. “Nothing more can hurt me. Not the thunder, nor the deep swell of the waves, nor yet, the tongues of fire.” 
Igor turned back to Ivar, as if silently asking whether or not he should go through with this, and while Ivar nodded to encourage him, Asta glanced over at Oleg. He was clearly quite unnerved by this, seeing that Igor preferred Ivar’s encouragement to his own, and that, at least, brought a small smirk to Asta’s lips as she turned to watch the execution again. Let him stew on that. Children rarely sought strength from the person who pushed them too far, anyway.
The boy knelt down in front of Olaf, lowering the torch toward the pyre built at the King’s feet. “I’m sorry,” he said.
“Don’t be,” Olaf replied. “My lands are in order, and I am ripe for Heaven.”
He offered Igor a reassuring smile, and Igor finally lit the pyre, before standing and beginning to back up. Ivar reached out and wrapped his arm around him to pull him back, protecting him from the flames that grew quickly to ensnare Olaf within them. To the surprise of most there, however, the man lifted his hands as if in prayer, and gave nothing even close to a cry of pain as he was consumed. Oleg shook his head and stalked off.
For once, his behavior left Asta unbothered as she watched Olaf’s life fade before her eyes. She hadn’t known him for very long, but she had quickly realized how wise he was, the depth of his knowledge, and the fact he had asked the question that had been the catalyst to her awakening was something she couldn’t simply overlook. It hadn’t taken very long at all, but King Olaf had become quite an influential figure in her life. But the Lord worked in mysterious ways, she knew, and all paths crossed for a reason. She found herself thanking God for Olaf’s life, and for the chance she got to meet him, swallowing as she blinked to clear the wetness from her eyes. The crowd began to disburse, and Ivar asked her if she was coming along with him, Hvitserk, and Igor, but she answered that she wanted to be left alone for a while. 
She stayed until there was nothing left to stay for, a lone figure on the dock. 
Eventually, Asta returned to the Great Hall, and she quickly became aware of Ivar at her side. “My love,” he whispered, disguising it with a kiss to the side of her head. “Are you alright? Hmm?”
She nodded slightly and leaned her head over against his. “Just tired,” she answered. “I don’t think I’ll stay for the feast tonight. I need to get some rest, think about some things.” 
Ivar frowned, not convinced at all that Asta really was ‘just tired’ as she said. But, he wasn’t about to force the truth out of her in front of this crowd, so instead of trying he simply nodded and kissed her head again. “I’ll come and join you soon,” he promised. “And I’ll bring you food and drink. Go rest.”
Asta smiled up at him lovingly, reaching up to cup his cheek. “Thank you,” she said. “You don’t know how much of a comfort you are to me.” She leaned up to kiss him softly, and rested her forehead against his, taking a deep breath as if she could draw some sort of strength from him. Ivar returned her kiss before pressing one of his own to her forehead, and releasing her. 
She wandered off to head to their room, stopping to press a kiss to the top of Igor’s head and telling him she was proud of him, and when she got in there, the sounds of the feast now distant, she felt a weight come off her shoulders. Running a hand through her hair, she went and flopped down on the bed. It was then that her door opened, and she looked up to see who had come in.
If there was anyone she had expected to see, it wasn’t Igor. Still, she smiled a little when she saw him, sitting up to greet him. “Igor,” she said. “Can I help you with something?”
“You did not seem like you were well when you left the feast,” he told her. “I wanted to come and see what was wrong.” 
Asta let out a touched sort of sound and smiled at him, reaching out to invite him to come and sit with her. “Oh, sweet boy,” she said affectionately. He did as she offered and settled in beside her, so that she started to run her fingers through his hair. “I’m more worried about you than you need to be about me. How are you after today?”
Igor swallowed and shifted uncomfortably. “I didn’t want to kill him,” he said. “I’m not even sure what he did wrong.”
This brought forth a sigh from Asta, who ended up laying back with Igor and holding him close still. “Nothing,” she said. “Your uncle wanted him dead because he feared the loyalty King Olaf could inspire in the remaining Vikings. This sort of thing isn’t exactly uncommon in war, but…” She paused and gave a soft sigh. “It wasn’t right, especially not the way it was done. Your uncle made the decision, and he should have seen it through himself- not passed it off to his young nephew. I can’t tell you how sorry I am he did that, and how much I wish he hadn’t.”
Igor shrugged a little as if he wasn’t all that bothered. “He said he wanted to teach me how to be strong,” he said. “So I had to be the one to do it.”
“Killing a man doesn’t make you strong, darling,” Asta told him. “Although you are strong for enduring what your uncle made you do today. But killing in itself isn’t what defines strength. In fact, your uncle showed a lack of it when he didn’t kill King Olaf himself.”
“He did?” Igor asked, looking up at her with wide eyes.
She hummed as she nodded. “He did,” she confirmed. “Never forget this, Igor. If you ever decide to execute a man, you must always be willing to carry it out yourself. If you aren’t so convinced it’s the right thing to do that you have the strength to do it, then it isn’t right. Do you understand?”
He nodded at her. “I think I do,” he confirmed. 
It was just then that the door opened again, and Ivar was coming in with a plate full of food, a cup balanced carefully on it and leaned up against his arm. He blinked a few times when he saw his wife and Igor laying together. “Did I miss the invitation?” he deadpanned.
“Yes,” Asta teased him in response. “I was just telling Igor how he couldn’t trust you anymore, and he could only trust me.”
Ivar raised a brow and asked Igor, “Is that true?” 
“No,” he replied. “She was teaching me about strength.”
“Ah,” Ivar said. “This makes more sense. I did not think she would betray me that way.”
Asta chuckled softly. “Mm, but he could be lying, you’ll never know,” she joked. 
Ivar smirked and brought her food and drink to her. “Then I suppose I will just have to trust you,” he answered, and once the food was sat on the small table beside the bed, leaned down to kiss her softly.
That was when Igor gave a fake gag and got up. “I’m going to go now,” he announced, causing Asta to fall into a fit of giggles. “Enjoy… that.” He shuddered and then walked out of the room.
“Should we have stopped him?” Asta asked, looking up at Ivar and trying not to laugh, especially when he shrugged.
“I wanted to see if you were doing better anyway,” he said. Her laughter died down instantly. “Mm, you are not. Hvitserk told me you had left the village to pray. You only leave for that when something is bothering you. What is it?”
Asta swallowed and looked away from him, sitting up slowly as she took in a deep breath. This wasn’t a conversation she had expected to have this way, but… she had asked for a path, hadn’t she? The time had simply come to take it. She looked back up at him, and said, “I think we need to talk.”
Taglist: @youbloodymadgenius, @katfett, @crashbyers, @heavenly1927, @pomegranates-and-blood, @lotr-got, @dekusdante
If you want to be added to the taglist, feel free to reach out either by commenting, reblogging, DMing me, or sending an ask, and I’ll be more than happy to add you!
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last updated on 09/21/2024
Bold stories or chapters are SMUT/NSFW
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Jake Hangman Seresin (Top Gun Maverick)
The girl behind the bar (Jake Hangman Seresin x plus-size reader)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4.1
Part 4.2
Part 5.1
Part 5.2
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
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Chibs Telford (Sons of Anarchy)
Chibs x plus-size reader (18+ throught, minors DNI!!)
A new job
Boys will be boys
Party at the clubhouse
Late night
Dress down
Car troubles
Part of the business
Better offer
A New Home
Maybe baby
Oh so horrible
Redwoody Productions
Wrong number
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Henry Cavill Masterlist
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Sebastian Stan
Sebastian x Anna (OFC) Series
The universe can be a bitch  Part 1  Part 2
What happens in New York…  Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5 Part 6  Part 7
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Morning kisses (Ben Hardy fluff)
You win an Oscar (Ben Hardy fluff)
Joe’s daughter (Joe Mazzello fluff)
BoRap Cast
Unexpectedly expecting (Ben Hardy x reader)
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6   Part 7   Part 8   Part 9   Part 10  Part 11   Part 12   Part 13   Part 14 (unfinished)
Prove it to me (Ben Hardy x plus-size reader)
My new favorite t-shirt (Ben Hardy x plus-size reader)
PRESSing matters (Ben Hardy x reader)
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6   Part 7   Part 8   Part 9   Part 10  Part 11
At the BAFTAs after party (main story)
- Gwil Part
- Joe Part
- Ben Part
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Alex Hogh Andersen
Temporary Roommate (Alex x Reader)
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11  Part 12  Part 13
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The gift (Hvitserk x OC x Magrethe)
My AO3 account
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Part 2
A/N: I’m going to post the parts on Thursday and Sundays at 8pm PST!
Pairing: Alex Hogh x OC
Warnings: Mentions of drugs/substance abuse, mention of violence, angst
Word count: 1,009
The walls are closing in, the walls are closing in. Save me, save me, save me from myself.
I open my eyes to look at my therapist whose eyes show nothing less than compassion. She knows me, everyone knows me. She just wants to leak every single secret out of me and once I’m dead or stop coming, which could be both in my case, she’ll leak everything and gain her money that she so desperately craves. Everyone wants their money from me because they think they deserve it. The paparazzi think so, random people on the street think so, and those who used to be close to me thought so. My life is just a swirling pool of shit. What else is new?
Bite me.
“Present,” I say, trying to hide once more. She doesn’t buy it as her right hand drums on the file resting on her leg and the pencil in her left sways back and forth to a rhythm I’m too sober to sense.
“When did you take your last dose?”
You mean the drugs you prescribed that are supposed to make me want to live my life but instead make me want to kill myself more and more? What kind of quack are you-
“Evna,” she says more sternly.
I know what she means and I’m not stupid, not that stupid, and a part of me wants to tell her the truth to save myself the guilt I’ll feel later but I’ll face her disappointed look and no doubt another threat to send me off to the psych ward if I keep this up.
I fiddle with the ends of my shirt instead. She sighs and it reminds me of my mother. She would do the same thing but at least she wouldn’t lecture me as my therapist is about to do. Or would she?
She scoots closer and I hear her drop my file on her desk that’s to her right. I don’t look up even when she’s close enough for me to smell her perfume.
“Evna, I won’t even begin to understand the pressures of living the life you have with the fame and the press and the show. I cannot because that’s not my life. My life is trying to keep patients like you alive to see your potential come true and I can’t keep doing that if you don’t keep taking the dose. If it’s not working, we can try a different one, but you need to talk to-”
Next thing I remember is being in Alex’s car with the window rolled up as the rain pours around us.
“Did you really have to punch her?”
“If you were there, you’d understand.”
My fingers dance along the fogged glass.
“If you’d let me, I would.”
“You’re never around enough for that.”
He almost force feeds me my medication. My jaw hurts from where he squeezed a bit too hard to get my jaw to open and stay open and I narrow my eyes at him as he puts the pill bottle back in the cabinet next to the dishes. He turns back and does his sweep of my apartment like a sniffer dog and I turn on the bar stool to watch him disappear into the guest room.
“I don’t have anything this time.”
“That’s what you said last time, and the time before that, and, and…”
He’s not wrong but I still hate it. This time I actually don’t have anything in my apartment because my parole officer came by last week for an inspection and I had to be clean. I was too stressed about passing the drug test to feel good about my accomplishment. It’s a step. Don’t forget that.
He comes back empty handed after checking my bedroom.
“Did you take a detour to my underwear drawer, Anderson?” I tease and he rolls his eyes.
“If I wanted to peek, I would just ask you to take your clothes off.”
“I’m not that easy,” I retort but he just smirks as he leans on the counter.
“That’s not what happened last night.”
“Fuck off.”
“You already did-Hey!”
I try to punch him in the arm, but he grabs my wrist and prevents me from doing so. I smile a little as he rounds the corner and tosses me over his shoulder. I shriek and try to kick and wiggle my way out of his grip, but he’s got a firm hold on me. He lays me down on the couch and I still try to playfully hit him, but he grabs my arms in his hand which prevent me from moving as his legs are over mine as well.
“You’re mean.”
“Well, I am a Viking and you’re my little archer.”
I scoff a little.
“Little archer? Mernin has saved Ivar’s ass so many times on the show! She should be ruler of Kattegat,” I protest.
“Calm down there, flame. No one’s arguing with you,” he says gently before releasing my arms.
I rub them a little from where the bruises still linger from my last high. I sit up against the pillows in the corner and he reaches out to take my arm in his hand. Gently rolling up my sleeves, I try to take my arm away.
“It’s alright,” he speaks softly. “I told you a long time ago I wouldn’t judge you.”
I let my arm relax and he doesn’t move until I do. Seeing my bruises makes me turn away from him but I don’t cry because of them. I cry from his lips kissing each and every one of my mistakes that mark my flesh and even after when he holds me close because I love him even more.
I could never ask him to love me. Who could ever love someone who’s life is existing in the rolling highs and the darkest crashes as I barely struggle to get through each day? But he’s here, right here, right now, holding me. I fear that might not happen anymore.
TAGS: @unbetaedimagines @i-am-amora-the-enchantress
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~Bad Day - Alex Ficlet~
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Moodboard made by me. None of the photos are mine, only the editing. Lyric credit/inspo: This is why I need you, By Jesse Ruben.
A/N: So this took me way longer than it should have...cause I suck and ended up falling asleep last night while working on it...BUT this is for my ever so amazing and beautiful internet bestie, @jacksonroth. I hope this brightens your day, babe! Be it good or bad. Sorry if it’s not the best or what you were looking for, but this is my first attempt at writing Alex fluff...so tried lol but I do hope you enjoy it!
Disclaimer: I do not speak Danish, therefore if the translations of the phrases I used aren’t perfect or correct, I apologize. But I did my best to try and get them as close as possible. So please, no rude comments if I managed to get them wrong. I can only do so much with google…any ways, happy reading! ^-^
Translations: Min Elskede - My love or My beloved. Jeg elsker dig - I love you.
Word count: 1,227
----------------------------------- Another day of work had come and gone and it had been a less than stellar start to the week. Every little thing that seemed as though it could have gone wrong that day, went wrong in about a hundred different ways. Rose was exhausted and feeling discouraged...like she couldn’t do anything right at this point. She heaved a frustrated sigh as she dropped her keys to unlock the door, bending to snatch them up before shoving the key into the lock finally and turning it as she pushed the door open. Throwing her keys in the dish on the table beside the door as she allowed it to slam shut behind her.
She was in such a mood that she hadn’t even bothered to notice weather or not Alex was home yet as she headed for the kitchen, grabbing a glass and the bottle of wine off the counter as she made her way into the bedroom to change into something more comfortable before crawling into their bed and turning on Netflix.
Alex had heard the commotion from his studio and poked his out briefly, calling out to see if Rose was home, but he got no answer. He quickly wrapped up the project he had been working on before turning off the light and heading out to the kitchen, noting the missing bottle of wine along with Roses’ discarded bag and jacket on the table, he frowned lightly. It wasn’t like her to come home and not at least say something if she knew he was there.
“Rose?” He called out again as he rounded the corner into their living room, following the trail of her discarded shoes that lead towards the bedroom. It was as he neared the bedroom door that he finally head the sound of ‘That 70’s Show’ playing on the tv as he pushed the door open to find Rose buried beneath their comforter; glass of wine in hand.
“Babe?” Alex spoke up again, finally catching Rose’s attention as she looked over at him -- Alex instantly knowing by her expression that it had been a bad day. “Are you alright?” He added softly as he crossed the room to sit beside her on the edge of the bed.
Rose gave a half hearted shrug as she set her glass of wine down on the bedside table and curled up into the blankets. “I’m fine.” She lied. “Just had a bad day is all...” Alex arched a brow at her in response as he glanced from the wine to the tv, then back to Rose.
“You know that I can tell when you’re lying, right?” Alex chuckled softly as he scooted closer, reaching out a hand to tuck a few of Rose’s dark curls behind her ear. His thumb moving to stroke her cheek as he cupped it gently. “Now tell me, Min Elskede, what is wrong?”
Rose bit her lip and sighed as she sat up a little against the headboard, pushing her hair behind her ears as she rested her chin on top of her knees. Her brows pulled together tightly as she stared at the foot of their bed. “I don’t know...I just-- I’m tired of feeling like everything is constantly going wrong. Like nothing I do is every good enough for anyone, anymore…” She sighed.
Alex shifted the rest of the way onto the bed, wrapping his arm around Roses’ shoulder as he tucked her into his side; kissing the top of her head. “Baby, you know none of that is true.” He reassured her softly.
“It doesn’t always feel that way…” Rose said softly. Her voice muffled as she buried her face against Alex’s chest as she wrapped an across his waist, gripping his t-shirt gently and snuggled into him as he tightened his grip around her protectively.
“I know…” Alex replied. “But believe me when I tell you, that you’re an amazing person, Baby. You go above and beyond in so many ways. You’re smart, you’re beautiful, you’re so amazingly talented, Rose; and I know you don’t always see it. But you’re special, and you bring a tremendous amount of joy and love into the lives of so many people...mine especially.”
Rose sniffled lightly at his words as she brought her head away from his chest, looking up at him with tear brimmed eyes. “You shouldn’t doubt yourself so much, my love.” Alex added as he cupped her face gently, wiping away the silent tears that slipped down her cheeks as she stared at him. “You know that no matter what, no matter how you feel, that I’m here to pick you up. To help shoulder your burdens when you can’t, and to love you when you can’t love yourself.”
A soft smile tugged at Rose’s lips at his words. “What did I do to deserve someone as amazing as you to love me, Alex?” She said softly as he wiped another tear away as it rolled down her cheek, a smile tugging at his own lips and his Sapphire eyes filled with nothing but love and admiration for her.
“I could ask myself the same thing.” Alex replied before pressing his lips to hers gently in a passionate filled kiss that made her heart soar. All her worries seeming to fade, even if only slightly. It was enough knowing that he would always have her back, no matter what, for better or worse, good days or bad; Alex was her rock. The one thing in her life that kept her anchored, even in the worst of storms.
“Jeg elsker dig.” Alex said softly as he pulled away and pressed his forehead against Roses’ for a moment before he pulled her back against his chest and settled in bed beside her; cuddling and refusing to leave her side until he knew she would be alright. His fingers reaching down to lace with hers as he brought her left hand up to his lips and kissed her ring finger softly.
“I love you too, Alex.” Rose replied as she snuggled against his chest and closed her eyes, eventually drifting off into a peaceful sleep. Feeling safe, and loved, in the arms of her husband. Know that no matter what trials she may face in life, that he would always be there for her in the end.
~Cause you make the darkness less dark You make the edges less sharp You make the winter feel warmer You make my weakness less weak You make the bottom less deep You make the waiting feel shorter You make my crazy feel normal, every time You are the who, love is the what and this is the why~
Taglist: @jacksonroth
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sparklemichele · 6 years
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Alex Hogh Andersen X Mature WOC (WIP) Drabble
Ma I’m home!” Simone shouted as she walked in the house. “Alex is here for Michael!”
Cristina nearly choked on her salad she was stuffing into her face. Fuck! What was he doing here? Michael was supposed to meet him at the basketball court. Cristina started to panic at the thought of Alex seeing her in lounge clothes with her hair tied up in a scarf.  Cristina was in full panic mode as she jumped up from the table. She needed to hide. She could not believe her grown ass was contemplating hiding in her own house. Cristina quickly measured the distance from the kitchen to the stairs and wondered if she could make a quick dash. Just as she was about to sprint Simone walked into the kitchen with Alex following behind her. Cristina let out a small squeal when her eyes landed on Alex.
“Mom, you alright?” Simone asked looking at her mom who looked like a deer caught in headlights.
“Yeah, I’m good.” Cristina croaked out. Cristina cleared her throat as she yet again tried to control her composure in front of him.
“How are you Ms. Cristina?” Alex asked looking at her with a smirk on his handsome face as he saw the pure panic in her face and posture.
“I’m fine.” She snapped. Cristina cringe at the tone of her voice. It was uncalled for. She hated she was acting this way. It was not like her. “I’m fine…..you?” Her voice softens.
“I’m good.” His face lit up.
Jesus. Cristina nearly moaned out loud.
“Did you make lunch?” Simone asked as she opened the fridge ignoring the awkward exchange between her mom and her brother’s friend.
“Umm..not yet.” Cristina broke out of her trance and looked over at her daughter. “Have you two met before?” It just registered that Simone essentially let a total stranger follow her in the house.
“We just met a few minutes ago.” Simone answered as she grabbed a couple of containers of leftovers from last night out the fridge. “He pulled up as Veronica’s mom dropped me off. I figured he was cool since he was with Michael last night.”
“Alex, have a seat. I will get Michael.” Cristina needed to remove herself from his presence. Cristina did not wait for a response before dashing out the kitchen. She headed upstairs to Michael’s room. She found him in the bathroom pulling his hair up in his usual bun.
“Michael why didn’t you tell me you were having company.” Cristina tried to hide her frustration. Michael looked at his mom.
“I didn’t think it was a big deal. I always have friends over. You never had a problem before. What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. Just try to let me know when you will have company. I look hideous.”
Michael chuckled and hugged his mom.
“You look fine mom. Alex is cool people. He is not paying attention to how you are dressed.” Cristina knew her son was trying to make her feel better, but it was fruitless. Taking a quick look in his mirror Cristina grimaced at her appearance. She was mortified.
How would you ladies react if Alex showed up at your house announced? 
 @imgoldielikehawn @laketaj24 @titty-teetee @emmysrandomthoughts @readsalot73 @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol @oddsnendsfanfics @captstefanbrandt @doloreschanal @hs-love-notes
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my-emotional-self · 7 years
Desired Hearts Part 6 (Alex x OC / Bill x OC)
Pairings: Alex x OC / Bill x OC
Warnings: Smut, swearing, smut, swearing, more smut
Summary: After getting the job of your life, you move to Dublin to work on the set of Vikings.  You told yourself you were going to remain single after the emotional abuse your ex-boyfriend put your through.  But what happens when you meet not one, but two guys who wiggle their way into your life?  Will you let either one of them get close enough to you to change your mind about being single?
After shutting the door to your apartment Alex was on you like a predator; ready to ravish its prey. His lips claimed yours in such a rush of passion it made you dizzy as your tongue lazily massage him back.  He tasted of liquor and spearmint as his mouth drowned out your moans of pleasure.  
“You.  Are.  Wearing. Far.  Too.  Many. Clothes,” Alex breathed between kisses; your knees growing weaker with each breath he took.  You were breathless, your heart skipping in your chest as your body felt aflame.  
You flipped Alex around, pushing him up against the door.  “I could say the same for you too,” you replied before attaching your lips to his neck; your tongue darting out to lick his pulse point as you felt his cock twitch against your stomach.  Gripping the hem of his shirt you lifted it over his head.  Your mouth watered at his bare chest.  He was ripped; your mouth agape as you practically drooled at the sight of him.
Dropping to your knees you made quick due of unzipping his jeans and pulling them down to his feet. You glanced up at him through hazing eyes only to see his lust filled pupils staring back at you.  His hand wrapped in your hair as he groaned from your wince.  You pulled down his boxers, releasing his strained cock as it sprang free.  Your breathing quickened as you realized just how large he was; much larger than anyone you’ve been with in the past.  
Licking your lips you gripped his base.  Looking up through your long lashes, you watched Alex as you teased his tip; his head falling back with a thud on the door behind him.  Desire was soon overwhelming you as you felt a strong need to please him.  You teased his underside, feeling his vein along your tongue; his grasp in your hair tightening.  “Fuck Effie. Do that again,” Alex rasped out and you happily obliged.  You teased him a few more times before taking as much of him as you could; your hand helping out where your mouth couldn’t meet.  His cock filled your mouth to the brim as you began to bob your head; your tongue swirling his tip for that extra bit of tease.  Your hand came up to fondle his balls lightly; Alex shivering at your ministrations.  You took him deep into your mouth, humming around him and Alex yanked you backwards, off his dick.  “As amazing at that just felt, if your pretty little mouth would have stayed around my cock, I would have came.”
Alex kicked off his pants and boxers, leaving him fully nude in front of you as you got to your feet. His eyes were dark as he gazed upon you and you suddenly felt vulnerable even though you were fully clothed.  He pushed off the door, standing closer to you; his warmth radiating off his body as you felt your wetness pool in your panties. You whimpered from his glare; Alex smirking in delight.  
Before you knew what was happening, Alex lifted you over his shoulder as you squealed in surprise. “Alex what are you doing!” you gasped in surprise but you knew full and well what he was doing.  He marched with you over his shoulder, into your bedroom where he placed you on the bed.  Alex grabbed your shirt, lifting it over your head.  You lay back on the bed; Alex’s eyes narrowing as a smirk plays flirtingly on his lips.  His hands grip your hips, sliding you down the bed so your feet dangle over the edge. You feel your face begin to burn as he quickly unzips your pants; sliding them and your panties down your legs. Now you were fully naked in front of him and you began to feel nervous.  You cover yourself up with your hands and he frowns at you.  
He gently grabs your hands, pulling them away from your body.  “Don’t cover yourself up Effie, you are beautiful.”  His words echo in your mind and you begin to calm your rapid breathing.  You nod to him, letting him know you understand.  
Alex smirks at you, bending down to place his lips on yours in a chaste kiss before moving down your chin and to your neck.  You hum in approval at the feeling as be begins to trail fiery kisses across your chest and down the valley of your breasts.  One of his hands cup your breast as his mouth teases your right nipple. Your breath hitches in your throat at the feeling as his mouth wraps entirely around your nipple; suckling as you shiver in delight.  As his lips trailed south of your body your clit began to throb; waiting for his touch.
Alex removed himself from you as you felt a rush of cold spread across your bare body.  You whimpered from his loss of heat but you almost combusted as you watched him get on his knees in front of you.  He threw your legs over his shoulders, getting himself situated.  He spread your lips and you felt his breath right on your core; your head landing on the bed.  You felt his fingers spread your wetness around as you fisted your fingers in the sheets.  
His tongue lapped at your juices before twirling around your nub; your legs trembling over his shoulders. “More Alex,” you begged breathlessly. You heard him chuckle before his mouth enclosed around your mound.  Your back arched off the bed as he began to hum, his tongue twirling around your clit. The intense pleasure had you feeling light-headed as your body began to shake.  Alex removed his mouth from you just as he inserted a finger into your core. Your muscles tightened at the intrusion before relaxing fully into his touch.  His long finger was hitting your sweet spot in just the right way, making you want him even more.  He teased you core along with your clit, flicking his tongue against it.  You were withering in pleasure but it soon faded as Alex retracted his finger and his mouth from you.  Glancing up at him you narrowed your eyes causing him to chuckle.
“Do you have any condoms?” he asked lightly.  Your body relaxed into the bed once you realized he wanted to be safe.  Most guys wouldn’t care about that, they would just want to fuck a woman instead of figuring out the details.  You nodded your head towards your nightstand; Alex opening the drawer and taking out the foil packet.  
You got yourself comfortable on the bed; your head lying on the pillows as Alex crawled his gloriously toned body over yours.  His hypnotizing eyes found yours; your breath hitching in your throat as he bent his head down, kissing you with ferocity.  Your legs opened for him as his tongue invaded your mouth.  
Alex pulled away, a smirk on his face.  You reached down, gripping his cock in your hand, teasing your folds as you lined him up. Chewing on your lip, you gave him a quick nod, letting him know you were ready and he slowly pushed inside of you. The way his hard cock slid inside of you was pure unadulterated pleasure; his length filling you up. “Alex,” you moaned out as he became fully sheathed inside of you.  His head bent down, connecting with yours as his breath fanned your face.  
Alex began to move his hips ever so slowly, teasing you with all he had, and he had a lot to tease you with. His pace was torturously slow; your breathing accelerating as you just needed to find your release.  Planting your feet on the bed you began to thrust upwards, meeting his hips which finally gave him the hint to move faster. He growled into your neck; his biceps bulging from the weight of holding himself up.  “You’re so tight Effie,” Alex cooed into your neck.  “I don’t know how much longer I’m going to last.”  You both chuckled innocently at his last remark.  
“Its…its not just you. I’m so close,” you whispered between panted breaths as you felt your high begin to climb.   Alex grinned, taking his right hand and placing it between your bodies.  His fingers connected with your throbbing clit and you moaned in pleasure; your inner walls starting to clench.  You felt your arousal dripping out of you; the wet noise of your juices were the only sound except for the deep breathing of you and Alex.  You were so close to your release as Alex’s cock began to hit you in just the right way.  Your breathing became ragged as you climbed higher towards your peak.  With one more rub of his fingers you came crashing towards your orgasm.  “YESYESYES ALEX!” you cried in ecstasy as your release rippled throughout your body. Alex stilled his hips as you felt his cock pulsating inside of you; your walls milking him.  
Alex collapsed onto you; your arms wrapping around him.  Your hands gently scratched up and down his back in a soothing way. It was surreal how great the sex was with Alex.  You had never felt so turned on, so wanted before.  He pulled out of you and you winced at feeling so empty.  After taking off the condom and throwing it in the trash bin, he crawled back into bed as the two of you soon fell asleep next to one another.  
Tag List: @kanupps06 @potterhead1265 @miss-cap21 @pumbibaby @the-real-kellymonster @princess-evans-addict @mustbenot @remember-that-one-blog @projectxhappiness @libbitinasdeath @sophiealiice @jjlevin @badassbaker @supernatural-girl97 @hells-helvig @lol-haha-joke @crushed-pink-petals @gleamed @skarswhat @kenzieam @lupy22 @isnotashtonstan @samwinchxtr
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‘ We have always been meant to burn together ivar ‘
They were always gonna grow up
Even if it meant in blood and fire
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Hell is a women scorned
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‘ He is your son ivar ‘
𝐇𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐭
‘ he’s a monster ‘
𝐊𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞
‘ no ivar you’re the monster ‘
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' Why do you treat her that way...She’s all we have
left , you should cherish her '
Episode 1
Episode 2
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voxmortuus · 3 years
Hard Talk...
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Imagine kneeling in front of Ivar, cock in hand licking the length and someone barges in.
"I didn't say stop pet. Suck my cock like the good Goddess you are." He tells you.
You say nothing and take him into your mouth while he stares down who came in wondering what he's thinking. His hand on your head forcing you take more of him. Like a good girl you take all of him into your mouth his eyes on the person who came in. The man couldn't find words to speak he watches. Ivar grunts a bit as you pick up speed, making him cum in your mouth. He tells you not to move as his cock stays in your had.
"Good girl." he makes you smile.
The man clears his throat. "We umm, we need to talk about the raid."
"Well talk." He looks at you. "Again."
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redskull199987 · 3 years
You don't seem afraid of me
Ivar the Boneless x genderneutral!reader Part II
Word count: 0.9k
Warnings: none, just fluff and Strong language
Summary:On the run from your destroyed village, you make the acquaintance of an unusual Viking...
Part 1
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I lay in bed while slowly drifting off to sleep, as I heard how the door opened and someone stepped inside.
I was to lazy to get up, so I remained in position. I heard how a crutch was thrown away and clothes were pulled off.
A few seconds later, I felt how Ivar crawled under the blanket with me.
He reached out for me and put his hand on my waist. His cool touch on my skin made my breath stutter.
"I missed you", he whispered in my ear ear. His lips fainted over my neck.
"I-I-", I stutterd while turning around to face him.
His piercing blue eyes observed my every move, until he finally placed his hands on my cheek. I closed my eyes and leaned into his touch.
"It's okay", he said. Ivar gave me a small smile which I returned before he pulled me into his chest.
I put my arms around his waist and I hid my face in bis chest.
"How are you feeling?", Ivar asked, stroking through my hair.
"I fine", I said truthfully.
He only nodded before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath in.
"Are you okay?", I asked, looking up to him.
He chuckled and kissed my forehead.
"Of course I am", he smiled.
"You seem so stressed", I whispered alongeside.
Ivar sighed:"I am King, my life is not easy"
I nodded before laying back down.
"You should sleep now", He said and pulled up the covers.
"Ivar?", I mumbled.
"Can I do one last thing?"
He didn't answer, but waited for me to proceed. I looked up at him and in the heat of the moment, I leaned in and pressed my lips onto his.
I felt that Ivar was taken aback at first, but he quickly responded, putting his hand on my cheek for support.
The kiss quickly got heated and I felt how Ivar pulled me on top of him.
We quickly separated, before I started to kiss down Ivars neck, owning a little groan from him as I moved further down to his collar bone.
He cocked an eybrow at me:"It's gonna be an interesting night"
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A few months ago, I had joined the People of Kattegat. They had welcomed me like an old friend who had returned from their journeys.
I thought that I had lost everything on the day that my family died, but actually it gave me the chance to find my everything. My new home, family and love.
Things were a little bit complicated with Ivar, due to his Anger issues and aggressive manors, which I learned showed up very often and easily.
It didn't take much for him to explode. If he wasn't with me, he was always at worry. What if something could happen? Odin  spare the pour souls who dared to take a look at me. I swear, I loved him, but he could be a pain in the ass sometimes.
"Hey Y/N, I didn't see you in a while"
It was the voice of Hvitserk, that pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked up and smiled at the sight of Ivars older brother.
"Hvitserk", I smiled and quickly hugged him.
"How are you doing?", I asked.
"I should be asking that", he grinned and pointed at my neck, which was covered in hickeys and bruises.
I quickly pulled up my collar and smiled:"Is it that obvious?"
Hvitserk let out a loud laugh:"Please, everyone in Kattegat knows that you're off limits, but still Ivar acts like you'd be walking a round, ready to fuck anyone who is willing to"
I joined in his laughter, while we continued to chat on our way back to the great hall.
"It was nice to see you again, Y/N", Hvitserk said finally.
"I agree, we should do something sometime, maybe we could trian together?", I suggested.
Hvitserk smiled and agreed, before giving me a quick hug and leaving again.
I smiled to myself and walked I to the great hall, where Ivar was already waiting.
I smiled at him:"Hello Ivar"
"My Y/N, where have you been?", he asked and patted the stool next to him.
I kissed his cheek, before I said down next to him.
"I was only out in town, when I met Hvitserk. We didn't see each other in a while, so we talked a bit"
I saw how Ivars jaw clenched at my words, so I quickly grabbed his hands:"Ivar, listen to me. We were only talking, there is nothing going on. I love you and only you"
He slowly calmed down and looked back up at me.
"Promise me, that you will always love me and stay by my side", Ivar said and slowly stroke my cheek.
I sighed at his touch:"I promise"
Ivar breathed in relieved, before he connected our lips in a sweet and tender kiss.
We broke apart and I curiously looked Ivar in the eyes.
"What is it, my love?" he asked.
"Promise me something too", I said.
He ought for me to continue, so I grabbed his hand:"Please, promise me that you will always believe in us, and that you will not see the truth in any rumors, but in me. Promise me that you will always know that I love you"
Ivar smiled at me:"I might break a bone, but I can never break a promise"
I only chuckled and kissed his cheek, but Ivar had other plans. He grabbed my hips and pulled me onto his lap.
"Ivar!", I screeched.
"What is it, my love?", he chuckled while kissing my Collarbones.
I stroked through his hair, smiling:"Nothing, I just love you"
He looked up at me:"You are the only one who was never afraid of me"
"And never will be"
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queenquinzel715 · 3 years
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Take a look at my Ivar The Boneless fanfictions.
I also have other characters, and working on more. If you have any requests please message me.
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the-girl-in-the-box · 2 years
Not Today XLI
A/N: Hello again! It's been a while, but I'm finally back with a new chapter! My laptop almost went out this week which set me back on finishing this, not to mention travelling as well. However, I am finally ready to present this hot off the press! We're about to begin the final arc of this story, and I'm so excited to press on! I hope you are as well, and I hope you enjoy this chapter! Skål!
Summary: When Ivar takes the throne of Kattegat, Lagertha flees to Wessex along with Björn, Ubbe, Torvi, and the Bishop Heahmund. There, they seek the aid of King Alfred. This aid comes in the form of his sister, Aethelind, who agrees to travel to Kattegat and try to reason Ivar, who she spent some time with during their youth, when her grandfather King Ecbert hosted Ragnar Lothbrok in their castle. Now, she is the only hope for Lagertha and her supporters to retake Kattegat from Ivar the Boneless.
Quite frankly, the amount of celebration in the halls of Vestfold felt inappropriate to Asta. The Rus were thrilled with their victory, and understandably so, but with all the death that had bought that victory, including that of Björn Ironside, she found it to be in very poor taste. Ivar, who was sitting beside her, seemed… not necessarily like he was in agreement with her, like he felt the same way, but he seemed more underwhelmed than anything else. But Oleg was far from reflecting either of their moods, enthusiastic and excited about their prospects, the odds of them going on to be successful in their future campaigns.
Through the scattered conversation, Oleg called out a toast. “Here’s to victory, my friends!” he announced, and a round of cheers went up. The lack of a shouted Skål! being sent up unsettled Asta, only serving to remind her of the fact that these people were not their friends, whatever Oleg claimed.
Ivar’s dissatisfaction was proven not a moment later, as he shook his head just slightly and reminded Oleg, “The battle of Norway is not over yet. They have only retreated, and probably back to their fortress at Kattegat.”
Oleg was not dissuaded by this. “But probably without their talisman,” he countered. “Their hero. Their leader.” He stood from his seat in the throne at the head of the room and walked to Ivar, upon whose shoulder he laid his hand. “They say you killed him yourself.”
You certainly didn’t, Asta thought, glaring up at Oleg. She barely stopped herself from speaking the words.
“Mmm,” Ivar hummed. “I cannot be completely sure that Björn was dead.”
Oleg opened his mouth to argue, but Hvitserk cut him off before he could. “It’s not possible to kill Björn,” he said. Oleg went and sat in front of him, prompting him to elaborate. Hvitserk did so. “I saw him, getting carried off the battlefield with my own eyes.”
Asta could easily see that this had concerned Oleg, and a part of her wanted to enjoy that concern from him. She knew Björn was dead, had seen him fade from her sight, but if Oleg was uneasy, she’d be happy for him to believe Björn Ironside yet lived. He was looking for any sort of comfort in his uncertainty, and so even asked Hvitserk, “But you cannot say that he was still alive?”
“Uh… no,” Hvitserk replied with a slight shake of his head. “No, I cannot.”
Oleg nodded a little at that, and Ivar gave an irritated little huff, not wanting to focus on this any longer. “So,” he interrupted. “When do we leave for Kattegat?”
“As soon as we have repaired our ships,” Oleg answered, standing and starting to walk away. “This business must be finished. I confess, we lost more warriors in the battle than I had intended.” He sat on the throne once again. “You Vikings fight hard.”
Before Oleg could continue this train of thought, the doors to the Great Hall were opened, quite loudly, and two men were brought in who Asta didn’t recognize. Both were in chains, though one was dragged forward while the other was able to walk. Whoever they were, both Ivar and Hvitserk were stunned to see them, though the latter seemed quite a bit worried, too. 
“Who are these prisoners?” Oleg demanded of the guards who had brought them in. They didn’t get a chance to answer, as Hvitserk stood and approached them.
“This is King Olaf, once the ruler here,” Hvitserk announced, referring to the older, balder of the two. To Asta, he seemed the sort of old man one might find would be rather wise. She had a distinctly good feeling about him. “And this,” Hvitserk began, continuing to the other, “is King Harald, King of all Norway!”
Harald Finehair. Asta’s eyes narrowed and she stood, walking over to join Hvitserk as Oleg asked if this were all true. He seemed thrilled, but not her. She found herself glaring, angry and grieving again at the memory of a close friend who had died because this man wanted to raid her home. This was the man she held responsible for the death of the bishop, Heahmund.
King Harald was panting as he listened to Oleg, and in an exhausted, worn down answer, he said, “Yes. Alas to say. You cast your net… and when you hauled it in, you found that you have caught both the King and the Joker.” 
She could tell he thought himself clever, and bit out, “Or perhaps the Joker and a fool.”
Hvitserk gave something of a bitter chuckle, and then said, “King Olaf’s jokes were never… never my taste.”
King Olaf seemed quite hurt by this, his face falling. “Oh, I thought we got along famously, Hvitserk, son of Ragnar,” he replied.
Ivar stood and walked over to the group, and Asta glanced over at him as he came to stand beside her. “Well, do you remember me?” he asked. “I too am Ragnar’s son.” He lifted his cup to his lips and drank some from it.
“Oh, I know who you are,” said King Olaf. His voice turned mocking as he announced, “Ivar… the Boneless,” which earned a disparaging chuckle from the famed warrior. “From the sewers of York to the Silk Roads, your… your name is legendary. And you… his prophet.” His eyes turned to Asta, and she offered him no more than a bitter smile, before Oleg was cutting in.
“The question is… what to do with you both,” he said. “In what ways can you possibly… be useful to me?” He crouched down to get more level with King Harald.
Harald looked at him with a hardened gaze, and answered, “I have no intention of being useful to you. I won’t bargain for my life. For a Viking, that would be demeaning. To us, death is bliss… and I rush to bleed.”
“And what about you?” Oleg asked Olaf.
“Oh, I, uh… I’m not in a rush,” he said.
Oleg pressed his lips together, almost seeming to smile, before he waved a hand and they were taken away. “What interesting prisoners,” he commented, but Ivar noticed Asta’s disinterest, the way she still glared after Harald’s path. 
“Asta?” he prompted. “What’s the matter with you, huh? This is good.”
“It is,” she agreed. “Perhaps we can take King Harald’s head to Kattegat. He should be there when we take it back.”
She didn’t speak another word before brushing past everyone and almost storming out of the Hall into the cold air, and Hvitserk swallowed. He followed her.
“Princess?” he questioned, walking along in her wake as she continued angrily on. He decided to try again. “Princess, what is it?”
Asta suddenly turned on her heel, whipping around to face him. “I despise him,” she hissed. “King Harald attacked my home, and my family. He tried to kill my brothers, he would have killed my mother, and my friends.” She paused to swallow. “He did kill my friend.”
Hvitserk frowned and tilted his head, confused. “Who?” he asked.
“Heahmund?” Hvitserk asked. “The Bishop?”
“Yes,” she answered. “If you must know, he helped train me, and then Harald Finehair attacked Wessex, and Heahmund died. I can’t say who took his life on the battlefield, but I know Harald is the one he went to battle against. I consider all the blood spilt that day to be on his hands.”
Hvitserk chuckled in such a way she couldn’t tell if it was sad or bitter. “If that is so, then anyone who attacks anyone has those warriors’ blood on their hands. Hmm?”
Asta nodded affirmingly. “For that reason, I have blood on my own hands,” she said. “We attacked Vestfold, and the blood of every warrior who died that day is on my hands, too. As is the blood of the man I killed to protect mine and Ivar’s identities. I hate it, but I realized in Kattegat that I wouldn’t return to Wessex with clean hands.”
Hvitserk sighed and stepped toward her. “I’m sorry that happened, Princess,” he said, resting a hand on her shoulder. She offered him a sad smile.
“I think that’s the first time I haven’t hated that title since Björn Ironside laid siege to Kattegat,” she told him. “Thank you, Hvitserk.”
“Don’t thank me yet,” he chuckled. “I think I have an idea that might help you.”
“Is that so?” she questioned curiously. He gave a small hum and nodded.
“Come with me,” he instructed. “But be quiet and careful. We can’t be caught.”
Asta nodded slightly and began to follow him, wondering what he might have in store. He eventually led her down to the part of town where the prisons were erected, and had her pause, watching until they saw Ivar and Oleg leave. Then, when it was clear, he waved a hand for her to go inside. Though she did give an unsure frown, she went on as instructed.
Hvitserk did not follow her there, but rather waited outside to be sure no one tried to interrupt her while she was inside. A guard met her there, and while he initially seemed loath to allow her to pass, a few moments staring her down, being stared down by her in return, convinced him to do so. She stepped into a small, dark room, and there she found the Kings Harald and Olaf themselves, tied up and chained down so they couldn’t escape. Her gaze hardened exponentially at the sight of the former.
Harald looked up when the door opened, and at the sight of her walking in, he leaned his head back and chuckled darkly. “Ivar’s ‘Prophet’,” he said, drawing out the words. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”
“There is no pleasure in this,” Asta said. He lifted his head once more to look her in the eye.
“You are English,” he noted. “I thought so when we spoke in my Hall, but I could not be sure until I heard you again. So tell me… what is an English woman doing so far from home?” Something about the way he asked that question sent a shiver down her spine.
“Ask yourself, Finehair,” she nearly snarled. “Or have you already forgotten how you attacked Wessex, and stirred the King to call out his warriors, so that my friend and confidant was killed. I knew when I left that I would never see him again, but it’s you I blame for it.”
Harald tilted his head and leaned it back a bit, regarding her with a curious gaze. “The Princess,” he realized. “Björn Ironside spoke of you when he came to York. He told me about your mission to see Ivar. They couldn’t find you after we took Kattegat.”
“Then Björn didn’t trust you with the truth,” she mused. “He knew I was leaving with Ivar, so did Hvitserk. I suppose I should feel good about the fact he decided to protect me as opposed to telling you everything.”
“And you betrayed him,” Harald chuckled. “He led me to believe Ivar had killed you, before he disappeared, and the topic became one that wasn’t discussed in Kattegat. No one speaks of Ivar’s rule anymore. How does it feel to know you were a part of his-?” 
Asta suddenly knelt down to get in his face. “You watch your mouth,” she hissed. “I don’t know what plans Oleg has for you, but I assure you, they won’t interfere with my own desires.”
“He has decided I am going to live,” Harald practically gloated. “Ivar says he’d have made a different call.”
“As would I,” Asta agreed. “Perhaps I still will.”
Harald chuckled. “I told Ivar he didn’t have the power here,” he said. “Do you?”
“I have it,” she growled. “Oleg may have decided to spare you, but I have not. You should pray that Ivar will change my mind.”
“And who should he pray to?” a voice interrupted. Asta turned to see it was Olaf asking, and she gave a wry smile. 
“His gods, of course. I’m curious if they would choose to spare him.”
“Then you are still a Christian,” Harald almost huffed. “How does Ivar of all people tolerate that?”
“The same way Ragnar Lothbrok tolerated my father, I suspect,” she replied shortly. “That, or perhaps it is the fact I am Ivar’s wife that makes the difference.”
“His wife?” Olaf repeated. “I thought he was married to a… another woman?”
“Freydís,” Asta supplied, her eyes falling. “He was. She did not survive the siege on Kattegat, and I regret it every day.” 
Harald chuckled a little. “So tell me, how did a Christian woman leave Wessex and become the wife of a Heathen king?” he questioned. She rolled her eyes.
“Perhaps I’ll tell you one day, if you survive this,” she said. “For now, I will let you wonder. But know this-” She paused to crouch down in front of him. “-if you speak a word of what I have said here, of my being here at all, I will come to you in the night and cut your throat open. I’ve done it before. I fought at the Siege of Kattegat, defended Ivar with my own life, and sacrificed the lives of others for his. If you think I would flinch at spilling your blood, you fool yourself. The only reason I don’t do so now, in recompense for the life of my friend, is so Oleg has no reason to distrust me. Do I make myself clear?”
“As ice,” Harald replied with a chuckle. His amusement further angered her, and she stood with a huff.
“I’m going now,” she said. “I look forward to seeing you rot.” With that, she turned away, and started for the door.
But, it was then that Olaf spoke up again, and the sound of his voice made her pause. “There is pain in you, child,” he said. “So much pain… and it shows itself in your anger.”
“What do you know of my pain?” Asta hissed, turning her head back just slightly over her shoulder- not really looking at him, but directing her voice in his direction.
“Oh, I know nothing of your pain, not unless you tell me,” Olaf conceded without hesitation. “So why don’t you tell me? I am going to die after all. Who could I tell?”
“I won’t air my dirty laundry out in front of him, I don’t think. He isn’t going to die, not so far as Oleg is concerned. I don’t want a reason to have to kill him,” she countered.
“Not even if he had to face the full of what he had done to you? Or if it meant he would have to live with knowing that?” Olaf pointed out. She began to consider.
What was, truly, the worst that could happen? When Olaf died, Harald would be the only one in that room who heard what she confessed, and it would be his word against hers, Ivar’s, and Hvitserk’s, as she knew they would never give her away. But what good was it to tell Olaf anyway? To get another opinion? To talk it out and understand it better for herself? She wasn’t sure, and yet her mouth opened anyway, and she spoke. 
“My family are dead,” she said. “My mother, my father, the father whose blood runs through my veins, my brother, even some of those friends I consider just as close as brothers and sisters. Björn Ironside is dead. Lagertha is dead. I haven’t heard about Ubbe or Torvi since I left Wessex so long ago. Heahmund, the warrior bishop? Dead. I don’t know if my brother Alfred still lives, because he doesn’t know where I am to reach me. And Freydís, the woman I have loved more than any in this world, is dead. So shall we do a little head count of who I do still have? I have Hvitserk, who is now as much a brother to me as any brother I have ever known, and I have Ivar, who has been the cause of much of this pain, and yet who I still will never sacrifice. I don’t count anyone else in this place to be someone I truly have, because I know one day I will leave it behind. But Hvitserk and Ivar? Lord, I could never. So there it is, and still, you do not know my pain; you haven’t been the one to bear it.”
“It’s no wonder you are so angry,” Olaf said. “Your life is… changed, in ways you never could have imagined it would. But you have strong faith, to still walk this path. Faith in what?” 
Asta finally looked at him, turning her body so that she was facing him fully once more. “In God,” she replied. The words almost shook her to her core, as if waking some long quieted part of her being. For so long now she had pretended to be Viking, to follow their gods, that to confess this to someone aloud… she almost feared the consequences. 
Olaf smiled at her. “Then you must trust Him,” he said. “You have not suffered for no reason, Princess. For He knows the plans He has for you.”
She felt stunned, blinking a few times as she registered Olaf’s words, and then she began to back away just slightly. “I should go,” she said. “I need to be alone.”
Asta gave Olaf no further opportunity to reply, nor did she say a word to Harald, before she was almost rushing out of the room, where she found Hvitserk still waiting for her. “Princess?” he greeted. “Are you alright?”
“I don’t know,” she answered honestly. “I need to think on some things.”
Hvitserk nodded slowly, though he had to walk quickly if he wanted to keep up with her. “What things?” he asked her. She stopped suddenly to look up at him, and the anxiety he saw reflected in her eyes gave him pause. He didn’t know the last time he had seen her look like this, which shook him up quite a bit. “Princess?” he prompted again.
“I don’t think I can keep the lies up for any longer,” she confessed.
Hvitserk swallowed hard. “We need to see Ivar,” he replied, letting out a long, slow breath. He waited on her to give a little nod, anything to confirm she was alright with that, and then wrapped an arm around her to support her as he started to walk them back to his brother. He would know what to do. When did he not?
Taglist: @youbloodymadgenius, @katfett, @sylki-simp, @heavenly1927, @pomegranates-and-blood, @kingniazx, @dekusdante
If you want to be added to the taglist, feel free to reach out either by commenting, reblogging, DMing me, or sending an ask, and I’ll be more than happy to add you!
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Part 1
A/N: I’m hoping to come up with a schedule for updates at least one a week but I’ll have to see what happens! If you want to be tagged, shoot me a message!
Pairing: Alex Hogh x OC
Word count: 866
Warnings: Mentions of drugs, angst
“The lights are too loud,” I mumble to anyone who will listen, but no one responds.
I barely open my eyes and already the aftereffects are threatening to swallow me whole. I hiss against the greeting light of morning and instead have a faint yellow screen in my vision as I shut my eyes. Blindly reaching out beside me, expecting to hear a grunt or a groan of protest, is just silence and the lingering warmth of a body on the sheets. Why did I expect anything different? But that’s not the question I should be asking. The real question is why do I keep allowing myself to do this? It swirls around in around in my brain as the sights from last night come flooding back into conscious memory and no longer as dreams.
I turn and face plant back into the pillow to try to chase them away but my stupidity, ignorance, whatever word I’m using for it today, shows me just how lost I was last night and how easily it was to hide it away. The crushing fear, anger, denial, hopelessness… How foolish am I, yet no one knows. If mother was here……would she lecture me or seek put what’s best for me? I’ll never know, and it doesn’t matter. I fear that it’s too late for me now. I’m due any day.
The memories dance before my eyes clearly but I don’t remember living them. How I danced, swayed to the beat I felt shaking in my bones and for a moment, I lost sight of everything else in the world. I was in that raw state of pure bliss as I forgot about reality as the colors spinned around and around in a blurred-out carousel around me. Euphoria. I know I crashed hard as the next thing I see is being in his arms, shaking so violently he could have dropped me to the ground, where I belong. But he remained strong in his grip around my form as I continued to tremble against the warm night air as my heart beat too fast and pounded in my ears and I feared for a brief second that I was dying. I couldn’t die, not yet, not yet.
A hand lays against my bare back and my muscles clench. He’s still here. I groan in response and even that is painful for my lungs to muster. My breaths start to come out in wheezes and his hand leaves the expanse of my skin as I feel his weight get off of my bed. The floorboard creaks from where he kneels on it and from his breath on the side of my face, he’s beside me.
“Can you sit up? You need water.”
Thinking of moving is painful. Weight lay in my bones and rocks are all along my back. I whimper out in protest. His footsteps sound from behind me and then to my other side and the drums in my head hot harder for a few moments as the drapes are closed once more and the yellow screen behind my eyes is gone. The bed creaks as he gets on it again and his hands slide under my chest and I feel the weight of him on my back. I could stay like this-
He lifts me back and up into his arms and the pain shoots through every nerve in a way that reminds me of why I need to be smarter. I shudder in his arms as he envelops me and for a second, the feeling I’ve been chasing for so long settles back into my heart, lifting the weight, before he lifts me up again. The cold air against my skin cuts like knives but it is soon over as the aroma of vanilla fills my nostrils, sending my tight muscles into relaxation. Hot water envelops our forms as the dark screen stays present behind my eyelids. The beat of his heart isn’t so painful to hear anymore.
I ease open my eyes and blink groggily at him as my withdrawn brain tries to catch up to what’s going on. His face is blurred for a few seconds before my eyes sharpen and I’m fully able to take in his beauty again in the soft candlelight. But he’s not looking at me despite his hands gently stroking my side and chopped red hair at my shoulders. He’s disappointed with me and I don’t like being able not to see him. I try to move a little up to get his attention, but I slip slightly in his arms as the weight in my muscles are still there. He pulls me back up and reaches for something beside us on the rim of the tub. He shows me the glass of water and I carefully sip it until it’s gone.
“I’m trying,” I whisper. “I swear I am.”
“I know,” he whispers back as he finally looks at me.
His eyes are too blue but my heart beats steadily as I look at him. He’s the high I keep chasing, the one I’ll never capture in my veins.  I love you, I love you, I love you.
TAGS: @unbetaedimagines @i-am-amora-the-enchantress @writingbyjade
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xceafh · 4 years
I am looking for some new Ivar/Alex writings/fanfics. So If you guys have any recommendations I‘d be very happy if you could send them in! Thank you so much guys! 💕
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my-emotional-self · 7 years
Desired Hearts (Alex x OC/Bill x OC)
Pairings: Alex x OC / Bill x OC
Warnings: none
Summary: After getting the job of your life, you move to Dublin to work on the set of Vikings.  You told yourself you were going to remain single after the emotional abuse your ex-boyfriend put your through.  But what happens when you meet not one, but two guys who wiggle their way into your life?  Will you let either one of them get close enough to you to change your mind about being single?
A/N: FYI, this is going to be a slow burn!!!
It was another typical day in New York City as you sat in the bedroom in which you grew up.  The sun was shining high in the sky, illuminating the bedroom but instead of the beautiful singsongs of birds, there was nothing but car honks.  “Ugh, I have to get out of here,” you groaned, your leg bouncing up and down nervously as you waited for Sharon, the Human Resources Manager from Vikings to appear on your screen.  
More insistent car honking finally made you get up from your chair and shut the window.  As you slammed it shut your skype call with Sharon showed up on your laptop.  Moving quickly you sat down on the chair, smoothing down your hair before answering with a smile.  
“Hello Sharon,” you sang in professional manner, a bright smile plastered on your face.  
“Hi there Effie.  Are you ready for the interview?” she asked. You had emailed Sharon back and forth a few times, but this was the first time you heard her voice or saw her. She middle aged, probably around 40-45 with short blonde hair and bright blue eyes.  
“As cliché as it sounds, I was born ready,” you replied with a chuckle.  Hey, it was the truth.  You had only been back in New York City all of two weeks after your last job and you already needed out.  The city life wasn’t for you, not after traveling to the destinations you had for your previous two jobs.  
Sharon smiled, looking down at your resume she had in front of her.  “You have a very impressive resume Effie.  Very impressive indeed.  Why don’t you tell me a little about yourself and how you got to where you are now?”
You took a deep breath, never liking having to talk about yourself but you knew it was needed in these situations.  “Ok, I ahh, I was born and raised all my life here in New York City.  Ever since I was young I found a passion for doing hair and makeup, always practicing all my dolls,” you let out a chuckle just thinking about those memories.  “I went to Empire Beauty School and got an internship job on The Walking Dead.  I work down in Georgia with them for two seasons before applying to Game of Thrones.  I got the job with that show and moved to Belfast Ireland where I’ve worked for the last three years up until Season 7.  Now they are taking a bit more of a hiatus between seasons and I didn’t want to go that long without work so…here I am!”  You gave a nervous chuckle at the end, hoping your description wasn’t too bad.  
“Well that is just wonderful dear.  And since you have lived in Ireland the past few years you already know your way around I’m guessing?”
You quickly nodded your head before replying.  “Yes, and even though I was in Northern Ireland, I still made plenty of trips down to Dublin and am very well acquainted with that part of the country also.”
Sharon nodded, continuing to read through your resume before locking eyes with you.  Her smile growing wide as the corners of her eyes crinkled. “Well then I think that is all I need. I will be in touch.   Thank you Effie,” Sharon declared.  
“Yes thank you so much Sharon.  I look forward to hearing from you.”
With that, the skype call ended as you blew out a breath of air.  “That wasn’t so bad,” you chimed to yourself as your hands pulled your long brown hair into a topknot.  Getting up from your chair grabbed a bottle of water from the kitchen and headed back to your room, not wanting to deal with your mother.  
Your home life was rather unsatisfying growing up.  Coming from a broken home would do that to you.  Your parents divorced when you were 15, but in your opinion, they should have divorced many years before that.  Hearing their constant yelling and screaming is was truly dove you into practicing hair and makeup.  It was a whole other realm for you to escape to.  You were an only child also which made your childhood in the cities rather boring.  Both your parents were lawyers and they were always on the go or studying for cases. And when they were home, well, let’s just say they weren’t paying too much attention to you.
The next morning you were scrolling through your email as you happened upon one from Sharon.  You sat upright with a jolt, opening the email.
It is with my greatest pleasure to let you know we would be honored to have you work with us here on the set of Vikings.  I have included all the travel arrangements in the file for you.  It is your responsibility to find an apartment to live in but the company will pay the first two months’ rent until you get settled.  We look forward to seeing you in two weeks!
You read the email multiple times, squealing in delight.  This was without a doubt, your absolute dream job!  Ever since Vikings first aired you had been hooked from the start. Floki was without a doubt your favorite. You had yet to see the second half of season 4 but now you had a long flight ahead of you to catch up on it.  
The next few days you spent packing and researching apartments in Dublin.  From where they filmed it was only about a 45 minute drive to Dublin and even though you hated city life, Dublin was not bad at all compared to NYC.  Dublin was more laid back compared to the chaos here.  Even though you didn’t have to report on set for another two weeks, you wanted out of here as soon as possible.  
Luckily you found an apartment in a rather desirable building for a great price.  All it took was a quick phone interview and you apartment was all ready to move into whenever you wanted; it even came furnished which you were grateful for.  
Your bags were packed and the rest of the stuff was being shipped over, curtesy of your mother. “Alright mom I’m leaving,” you remarked, hauling your large suite case behind you as you put on your flats. Lillian, your mother hugged you from behind; her strong perfume invading your nostrils and you wanted to choke on the smell.  
“Effie dear, won’t you please reconsider?”  Her voice sounded pleading but you knew better.  She was rather manipulative and you were done playing her games.  She wanted you to stay here because she was lonely but you weren’t going to fall for that trap.  
You let out a dejected sigh, giving her a weak smile.  “I can’t mom. You know this is what I want to do. I have to follow my dreams.”  She started crying and you had to give it to her, being able to cry on demand.  ‘She should have been an actress’ you thought to yourself.  She latched onto you as she swayed you back and forth in her arms. “Ok mom I have to go or else I’m going to miss my flight.”
She pulled away, her face sullen.  “That won’t be so bad.”  You rolled your eyes at her before giving her a kiss on her cheek.  
“I’ll text you when I land. Bye mom.”
Making it out the doors, you hailed a taxi.  You took one more breath of the NYC air, cringing at the polluted smell as you smiled; never having to look back again.
Tag List: @lol-haha-joke @2toastersbang @crushed-pink-petals @gleamed @skarswhat @kenzieam @lupy22 @kanupps06 @potterhead1265 @miss-cap21 @pumbibaby @the-real-kellymonster @princess-evans-addict @mustbenot @remember-that-one-blog @projectxhappiness @libbitinasdeath @sophiealiice @badassbaker @supernatural-girl97 @jjlevin       
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