#Alex: I can see what's happening (Reggie: what?) A: And they don't have a clue...
innytoes · 1 year
luke/bobby + nesting (especially if they don’t realize what they’re doing lol)
It started with Bobby. One day, he came home, grinning like a maniac, throwing something at Luke’s head. Or maybe just the couch, but considering Luke was sprawled on it, the end result was the same. “Check out what I found at the thrift store!” he cackled.
It was a pillow with a cross stitch on it, which didn’t really seem like Bobby’s style, until you realised it said ‘come back with a warrant’ on it. Perfect for their shitty little ‘we’re going to be rock stars just you wait’ apartment.  Which right now mostly consisted of a couple of mattresses on the floor in the bedrooms, Luke’s old couch, a folding chair they stole from the studio, and a rickety kitchen table they hadn’t found chairs for  yet. And of course a bunch of music posters on the walls.
“Squishy,” Luke said happily, after he’d shown off the text to everyone. He put it under his head and snuggled in. “Good find, Bobbers.” Bobby smiled one of his rare, genuine smiles, and Alex started to wonder.
“Did you also find forks like I asked you to?” Alex asked, sighing when Bobby stared at him for a second before turning around and walking right back out the door. “Okay.”
Then the next day, they came home one day to find the softest, coziest fluffy blanket on the couch. “Oooh,” Reggie said, immediately flopping down and rubbing it against his cheek. “Soft.” Reggie wasn’t an Omega, but the guy did appreciate soft things as much as one. Alex had to admit, this kind of thing was absolutely perfect for nesting.
“Oh yeah, I saw that was on sale for like, five bucks,” Luke said casually when he came home from his shift at the diner. “It’ll be great for movie night, don’t you think?”
“If Reggie doesn’t become one with it before then,” Alex joked, and Reggie, not looking up from where he was rubbing his cheek against the blanket, flipped him off.
He tried to put his suspicions aside, especially because Luke didn’t seem particularly upset at a Beta hogging The Perfect Nesting Blanket. Then again, their pack had always been very touchy-feely, and didn’t care much about secondary genders.
But then it just kept happening. Bobby brought home a candle to ‘cover up the smell of farts and stale take out’ that just happened to go perfectly with Luke’s scent. Another pillow, even softer and fluffier and squishier than the last appeared on the couch. Then another blanket, a soft flannel thing with a guitar pattern on it. Some string lights were added to the living room. Even Reggie started to notice, and they played a game every time they came home at the same time to see who could find the new nesting thing first.
When Luke’s heat was about to start, Alex sat everyone down on the now extremely comfortable nest of a sofa. “Okay, so should Reggie and I just bounce for your heat?” he asked.
They’d of course talked this through before moving in together. It was the whole reason Luke and Alex were sharing the one bedroom and Bobby and Reggie the other. Two Omegas together, the Beta and Alpha together, less chance of weirdness.
Except things had been weird all week.
“Uh, what?” Luke asked, because that hadn’t been the plan. The plan had been for Luke and Alex to go to the studio for his heat, after he found a heat partner. They’d even made the loft all nice and cozy for it.
Except right now, the couch was looking way cozier than the nest they’d all built together in the loft.
“I love you both like family,” Alex told Luke and Bobby, who were curled up on the couch together, super close, even though Reggie had taken the chair and Alex was pacing in front of the milk crate they were using as a coffee table. “But I really don’t want to come home and see my family defiling the couch.”
“Hey, at least it’s covered in blankets,” Reggie pointed out happily, so yeah, they wouldn’t be actively defiling the couch so much as the nest on top of it.
“What are you guys talking about,” Luke said, turning to Bobby and realising how very close he was. He blushed, and his nostrils flared, and for a moment, it was like he was seeing Bobby for the very first time.
Bobby stared back at him, before tearing his gaze away and darting his eyes around the room. The candle. The string lights. The very, very obvious nest he and Luke were sitting in. “Shit.”
“Yeah, we’re just going to leave you two to it,” Reggie said happily. “We can swap Bobby and Alex’ beds when we get home.” He bounced up, looking at Alex. “Slumber party at the studio?”
Alex laughed. At least someone would be using the nest in the loft, even if it was completely platonically. “Yeah, let’s give these two space to talk.”
And from the way they were staring at each other, defile the couch.
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missjoolee · 2 years
More Than a Long Weekend
Making of Sunset Curve's Sophomore Album
(note from me, missjoolee. i have no clue how this happened. but it’s a spiral that ripped itself from my being that i’ve decided to spruce up just a touch [with some very good additions from my group chat 😘] and post. I don’t have the energy or time to fully flesh it all out for a full fic, but i decided i could at least write a scene to accompany the rest. hope you all enjoy!)
sunset curve released a stellar freshman album. they had a big tour and for their next one, the label wants to do a mini documentary of that process
Ray is the head videographer and producer of the film team.
Julie was originally just there as his assistant, but her knowledge of the music creation process had her making suggestions of what types of questions to ask, milestones to film, and Ray decided to take  a step back and have her "run the show" so to speak
which you can tell something changes because in the first week or so of one on one interviews, all the guys are kinda nervous, but then they suddenly are much more chill and smile more
Julie is constantly talking to the guys to keep them briefed on what the crew will be doing at any given time, explaining why whenever necessary, and the crew (and the rest of the band) slowly become aware of a blossoming something between her and the lead singer
cue the jim halpert looking directly into the camera moments from Reggie and Alex whenever luke goes off on a enthused tangent while speaking to julie. Cue the crew filming Julie's briefs with the band just so they don't miss any of the looks traded between the two
cue the crew and the band using their phones to sneak footage whenever they stumble upon a soft moment
Ray was surprised at first by all the extra down time footage that was getting recorded at first but then realizes whats happening. so instead of all that footage hitting the cutting room floor, it all gets put in a separate folder. suddenly, he's covertly pulling the guys in for private interviews. he's doing the same with the crew to talk about juke moments (if they want to) (Reggie jumps IMMEDIATELY onto dragging the smitten luke through the mud. telling stories of dumb things Luke has done because he was trying to impress julie)
and then he pulls luke and julie in separately to record a sort of "evaluation" of the documentary process (How was your experience with our crew? Julie took the reigns early on, how was it, working with her?)(julie's was more like the usual interview, talking on her experiences working with the different members of the band. a lot of questions were fishing for candid comments about luke)(and a lot of the more professional questions/answers do get used for SC's documentary)
then the album release is fast approaching. Julie is super proud of these boys. she knows the album is going to fly up the charts. but there is melancholy as after the release party, the documentary crew will move onto the next thing. She has all of the guy's numbers (having had to call all of them at some point to be like "where the hell are you? we are supposed to be doing this") and she's been texting Luke about a lot more non work related things recently.
but she doesn't know if that will keep up once she's not seeing them every week
Just prior to the release, the guys have a concert where they plan to debut one of their new songs. The crew is there because of this. the crowd is told that it's being recorded. Julie is hanging out side stage. Luke can see her getting into the music from his spot at the front of the stage.
Luke loves it when he can see the crowd singing along to one of his songs. It's even better when he can hear them almost drowning him out even with the mic. It's amazing when they are getting into a song so new, they've never heard it before but can really feel it. But as they debut their latest single, he discovers he was wholly unprepared for the emotions coursing through him after glancing to the side and seeing Julie belting the lyrics along with him. The only one in thousands. The lights doused her in pink, red, blue and yellow, gleaming off the luscious curls he's daydreamed about running his fingers through more than once. Her smile is so big he can't help but return it before looking back to the front.
Dread flashes through him, tingling along every nerve ending and taking up residence in his stomach. "It's almost over." His body goes on autopilot, stepping back from the mic and looking at his hands move along the frets for the change up between the chorus and the second verse, as he wrestles with his mind to focus on finishing the song. Luckily the muscle memory from all the rehearsals they've been doing in preparation allow his mind to wander a bit, but turning back to the crowd let's him push it to the back of his mind until the song comes to an end. He walks back to the drumkit riser where there are bottles of water sitting for him and takes a moment. He can hear Reggie talking to the crowd, giving him a small reprieve, but he's not concentrating on that as he re-hydrates and uses a small towel to wipe the sweat off his face. His brain is whirling because up until now, the thought of the documentary crew finishing up their work has always been something in distant future. But now, the album is done. The final milestones of the process are about to happen and then they will be saying goodbye to the documentary team that has been with them this past last year. He'll have to say goodbye to Julie, and he really really really doesn't want that.
Alex does a small drum beat, mostly with the kick drum, right next to Luke's ear to let him know he's noticed something is up but to knock it off and get out of his head to continue the show. That's right! He can figure this all out later. He still has time. All he can do right now is engage with the crowd and put on a killer show for them.
The rest of the set goes great. Luke is able to refocus having determined he'll figure out what to do about Julie later, his energy bouncing back up to 120%. He still finds his eyes glancing over to Julie often. Her smiles always widening when she notices, causing his to as well.
Once the final chords ring out, he's breathing hard, grinning from ear to ear as the crowd roars their approval. He pulls the guitar strap over his head and hands his guitar to one their roadies. They wave to the crowd, Reggie and him throwing the remaining picks from their mic stand supply to the fans. Alex comes from behind his kit to toss his drumsticks as well. Luke basks in the adrenaline, the sounds, before flinging his arms around his boy's shoulders and taking a bow together to the continued roar.
Patting them on the back once they are standing up again, they all turn and head offstage to where Julie is waiting with a giant grin on her face, pride lighting up ever feature. Luke doesn't even think, he just makes his way directly over to her. Her grin begins to drop slightly in confusion, not understanding the intense purpose of his stride. He stops in front of her, his brain just barely beginning to catch up with his actions but he's made it here and he's not about to let it talk him out of this. He reaches up and cups her cheek in his palm, hesitating. The confusion leaves her eyes and they begin to sparkle. It can't just be the reflection of the stage lights, can it? Her grin creeps back up and that's gotta be a good sign, so he takes the plunge dipping his head down to kiss her. She immediately pushes up into the kiss, standing on her toes. Her hands drift up his chest like live wires to help her keep balance. He'd thought nothing could beat the high of an amazing performance but this, this moment with Julie, is euphoric in comparison.
Neither of them remember that there is a whole crew of people recording. They both miss the glance between Reggie, Alex, and one of the cameras. The same glance they've missed every time they've gotten lost in conversation while the cameras were rolling. They don't hear the cheers from some of the crew, drowned out by the still roaring crowd, celebrating this turn of events after months of watching the two's feelings for one another grow.
It takes Alex's snapback hitting him in the back of the head for Luke to pull away, his eyes not straying once from hers. He watches as her eyes drift behind him and suddenly her face comes crashing to hide against his chest. Looking behind him, he sees the cameras, and behind them, Ray, and he can't help but feel a smidge embarrassed. Not enough to wipe the smile off his face or dampen the happiness coursing though him right now though. Glancing back down, Julie's curls are all he can see and this time he doesn't have to dream. He gently runs his fingers along them to try and get her to show her face again. She doesn't, but he can feel her smile pressed over his heart and that works for him too.
anyway. the documentary comes out and it does well. but then years later after they get engaged, all of her coworkers show up to the party with giant grins on their faces
and Ray interrupts the festivities to announce he has a surprise for the couple.
they are presented with a high quality documentary of the beginnings of their relationship. WITH interviews.
there are even milestones from personal cameras. not just from that beginning time, but from other moments throughout their relationship
they are in love. everyone knew it was happening. and they are super grateful getting to watch it happen all over again
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invisibleraven · 1 year
Ash was right, I have to request 9 (outside pov): sweet tarts please
Movie night at the Wilson mansion were always an event.
Carrie had enough plush sofas and seats to rival a movie theatre, a ton of snacks, including an honest to goodness popcorn machine, and enough pull within the industry thanks to her dad to get some movies before they came out.
But tonight everyone voted on Disney, and Carrie declared that they were definitely watching The Lion King, because it was her favourite.
"Mine too!" Reggie exclaimed as he helped her get down glasses.
Alex and Luke shared a knowing glance, because they both knew that Reggie's actual favourite Disney movie was Aladdin, and he had loudly stated as much several times over. But they also knew that Reggie had a massive, obvious crush on Carrie, and hey, they weren't about to say anything to screw things up for their bro. Especially not after he helped them and Willie figure their shit out and finally get together after months of flirting and nothing more.
"Loveseat is mine!" Julie declared. Then smirking, pulled Kayla down with her, snuggling into her girlfriend's side. Kayla usually didn't mind sitting with Julie, but she was confused until she saw Luke, Willie, and Alex take up the couch, leaving only the other loveseat for Reggie and Carrie.
Honestly they were all sick and tired of them dancing around one another, and if forcing them to share the small space was the push they needed so be it. Even if Reggie blushed and stammered, offering to sit on the floor, and Kayla had to suppress a giggle when Carrie rolled her eyes fondly and pulled Reggie to sit beside her.
"You think either of them are ever gonna make a move?" Kayla asked Julie quietly.
"God I hope so," was her muttered reply. "I am so sick of their pining."
"Aren't we all," hissed Luke from his spot between Alex and WIllie. "Otherwise I'm gonna lock them in a room together. Not let them out until they're smooching."
"Worked for us," Willie said with a shrug.
"I want no part of this as I fear Carrie's wrath," Alex stated.
"I'm with Alex," Julie said, but glanced over to where Reggie and Carrie were debating the aspect ratio in which to watch the movie and tossing popcorn at one another. "But I support your efforts."
"Can we start the movie already or do you two need a moment?" Kayla asked slyly, delighting in her friends matching blushes.
The movie played on, with all of them singing along, crying at the death scene, and all of them watching as Reggie and Carrie drifted closer and closer to each other on the couch.
"I can see what's happening," Kayla sing-songed, pointing at the love seat where Reggie did the fake yawn thing.
"And they don't have a clue," Julie continued, smiling as Carrie snuggled further into Reggie's embrace.
"They'll fall in love," Luke added.
"And here's the bottom line," Willie hummed.
"Our trio's down to two," Alx finished. "Even though there are four people in the band."
"Not the point," Julie stated. Then glanced to the other loveseat and frantically hit Kayla's arm.
"Ow babe, what?" Then gasped as she saw what was happening, muffling a squee, which made the guys look.
Because Reggie had finally made a move and was kissing Carrie. Or maybe she had pulled him in, given her grip on the lapels of his leather jacket versus his gentle grasps on her cheeks and the fingers tenderly running through her hair.
"Let's go," Alex whispered, gesturing for the door.
"But the movie," Luke whined.
"We have it on Disney+ at home, let's give them the room," Willie urged him up, the three of them waving at Julie and Kayla who were right behind them.
"Should we tell Carrie we're leaving?" Julie asked with a smirk.
Kayla looked back at where Carrie and Reggie were still kissing, practically on the verge of making out and shook her head. "Nah, let's leave them to it. See how long it takes them to notice we're gone."
They closed the door softly, and Julie had to laugh when over an hour later she got a thank you from Carrie and a screenshot of a text from Reggie to Luke asking when they had gone, and his own thank you.
"So what Disney movie should we use to get Flynn and Mila together?" Kayla asked.
"Cinderella for sure," Julie stated. "But we are never watching Lion King with Carrie and Reggie again."
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tangledstarlight · 3 years
Yayyy congrats on a year of writing jatp fics, Rosie! 💙💙
For the writing prompts, how about 13. Detective AU + 60. Poorly Timed Confession? 👀
Okay so i'm going for a sort of Nancy Drew/Scooby Doo/Just Like Heaven kind of vibe here so bare with me. It's 1995 and three members of sunset curve have been hospitalised after the worst case of food poisoning that the city has ever seen. Their situation is so bad, they've been put into medically induced comas(we are suspending belief real hard here okay) and no one knows if they'll ever really wake up.
Julie is 17 and just trying to finish high school when her school becomes abuzz with the news that 3 of their own are in hospital while the 4th hasn't been heard of. She was never close to any of the boys past the occasional nod and hello in the hallway or sometimes working in group projects. But none of them were close. Which is why it takes Julie by complete surprise when she's walking home one day, something making her take a different route through a back alley when she bumps into 3 familiar faces. There's a lot of screaming. Hands passing through bodies and Julie forming a cross with her fingers.
Naturally, because they don't always know how to take a hint, the boys follow her home. There's some light arguing which quickly turns into bantering and somehow they probably find out they can touch the instruments in the garage? Julie worries she'll have to explain to them that they're in the hospital, but they already know, and their calmness confuses her. But it's not that they're okay with their situation, its just that, they don't know what else to do and are dealing with it the only way they know how (music and bad jokes).
There's probably some like scenes at school where Julie tells them to leave her alone because she doesn't want people to think she's crazy. And then she gets home later that day and finds Luke alone in the garage (Alex and Reggie are visiting their families and trying to force themselves back into their bodies) and they have A Moment. It's kind of quite, and gentle and it's Julie talking about feeling lost because of her mum and it's Luke saying he's scared to got to the hospital incase his parents aren't there. And somehow they end up talking about their theories on why they're 'ghosts' and why Julie can see them. They come to a very simple conclusion that she must have to help them somehow.
Which is how Julie Molina turns into a mini detective! And with the help of her ghostly friends she starts hunting to clues and working out what exactly happened to the boys on that night. And I'm not saying it was Bobby but right now he's the only one i can think to blame whoops! ANYWAY they find out who poisoned them, there's like a whole arresting thing but. The boys don't go back into their bodies. But they also don't cross over.
So, for the first time in a long time, Julie goes back to a hospital and finds the room that the boys are in. She goes to Reggie first, and brushes her fingers across his forehead to push back his hair and WHOOSH he goes back into his body, then she does the same to Alex and the same happens. But she touches Luke, nothing happens, and the two of them sort of stare at each other, and Julie's touching his face and his hand and trying so hard and Luke is just, not moving, and the machines with his vitals seem to be going down and it's A Whole Moment of panic until Luke gently tells her "it's okay Julie. It's okay to let me go. Tell the boys goodbye for me, okay?" and Julie's shaking her head and gripping his hand tighter and nothing it's happening and sadly Luke says something like "I've always kind of loved you. I'm sorry we never got a chance." before fading away.
And Julie is crying, and still holding his hand and whispering "Stay, stay, stay, please stay, please i love you too please stay." and the machines are beeping and there's people rushing into the room but Julie can't let go of his hand and then. his fingers squeeze her hand back.
hope you like it!! and thank you for sending one!💜
send me two and i'll come up with a fic!
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fangirling-allday · 4 years
Superstar Series Part Two
Part One
Part Two point Five
Part Three
Tumblr media
Pairing- Julie and the Phantoms x reader
Warnings- Some swear words are used and mentions of homophobia, some angst
Word Count- 2399
Summary- Navigating life as a ghost is hard, the reader is having a hard time adjusting to it. With help of their friends they realize that they aren’t invisible, and that they helped others be seen as well.
A/N- I loved writing this and really enjoyed writing some backgrounds and memories for the band. I hope you enjoy this!! Once again I’m going to tag @meangirlsx @darlingsteveharrington and please go check out all the other work creator have been making on the @jatp-btr page
- - -
Being dead was weird. You had no clue how your family was or what even happened to them, you also didn't know what happened with Bobby. You hoped that he was able to pull through and live his life. However, you were glad you had Julie. She was amazing. She was super kind, super talented, and a great help. Being a ghost is difficult, you had difficulties adjusting to it. It's weird to go from being seen to being invisible.
Do you ever wonder, when you listen to the thunder
And your world just feels so small
Put yourself on the line and time after time
Keep feeling inside that they don't know you're alive
Are you out of mind or just invisible
You spent a lot of your free time in the city. You were amazed by all the differences from what was basically a couple of days from when you last saw it. You loved seeing the new buildings, the new technologies, even the new styles. However, you didn't like having people walk right through you, not even seeing you.
You know that it would be impossible for someone to see you as Julie did, but the fact that Julie could have you hope that you wouldn't be invisible.
It also didn't help that you couldn't help Julie out with being able to get back in her school. You couldn't set up lights or plan anything. You felt invisible.
But singing at the beach with the guys brought a smile to your face. Even though they couldn't see you, they could hear you and connect with you. The boys were always there to make you smile, and you'd be forever grateful for them.
One night after spending a couple of hours in the city, you poofed back to the studio in tears. That night just seemed to tip it all over the edge.
You had hoped the boys would be busy doing their own thing, but as soon as you materialized in the studio, the boys were standing in front of you, worry sketched across their faces.
"Hey, hey, hey. What happened?" Luke was quiet as he approached you. He rested his hands on your shoulders and slowly dragged them down and back up your arms, comforting you.
"It's nothing," you tried to brush them away just as you did your tears.
"No, it's obviously not nothing, you're crying." Reggie stepped a little closer, not wanting you to feel overwhelmed.
"It's alright you can tell us." Alex replaced Luke's right hand, resting his against your left shoulder.
"It's just, I just feel like I can't do anything. Like I'm invisible. I mean, I know we technically are, but it just doesn't feel right.” The tears were now falling down your face.
“Oh y/n, it’s alright.” Luke wrapped his arm around you and pulled you into a hug. You were crying into your hands.
Reggie’s hand rubbed up and down your back and Alex whispered reassurances in your ear.
When your sobs turned into quiet sniffles, Reggie cleared his throat and the boys all looked at him. He said someone you couldn’t quite understand, but the boys all started singing softly.
“But I won't let you fall, I'll see you, through them all, And I just wanna let you know, Oh, when the lights go down in the city, You'll be right there shining bright, You're a star and the sky's the limit, And I'll be right by your side, Oh, you know, you're not invisible to me, Oh, you know, you're not gonna be invisible.”
Those lyrics seemed familiar but you couldn’t quite put your finger on it.
You stepped back from Luke’s embrace and let out a quiet giggle. “What was that?”
“Oh, that was just part of a song I was working on before we, you know,” he made a dead gesture with his hand.
Reggie finished for him. “He never finished it, but he shared it with us one day and I thought you needed to hear it.”
“Thanks, guys, you’re the best!” You pulled them all back in an embrace.
You know these boys would help you be seen.
Do you ever think of, what you're standing at the brink of
Feel like giving up, but you just can't walk away
And night after night, always trying to decide
Are you gonna speak out or get lost in the crowd
Do you take a chance or stay invisible?
The next few days were rough, but the boys helped you through it. You had asked what inspired Luke to write the song and he mentioned a memory you’ve almost forgotten about.
It was the early 90s, and Alex had just come out to his parents. You knew that Alex was stressing before that, but now that his parents didn’t seem to accept him left him on edge. His parents now acted differently around him and your heart broke.
You and the boys were so supportive of Alex but you knew that it really hurt that his parents didn’t accept him. Many nights he was in the studio, with your arms wrapped around him trying your best to comfort him. Almost every night you both would fall asleep like that and wake up with a blanket over you-which you both assumed Luke did.
One night, however, was different than the rest. Alex never specified how his parents treated him before, but that night he let it all out.
“I can’t do it anymore. They act as if I’m invisible.” He cried into your chest. You both were laying on the couch like you’ve done for all those nights before.
“Alex they’ll come around, if not you have us.” Luke tried. He, Reggie, and Bobby sat around the couch, taking up the chairs and the coffee table.
“But they shouldn’t have to come around, they should treat me the same because I haven’t changed. I’m still there, but they act as if they can’t see me anymore.”
“Shhh... it’s okay, I got you.” You whispered into his ear while rubbing his back. After moments of silence, you spoke up again. “I won't let you fall, I'll see you, through them all, And I just wanna let you know you’re not invisible to me. You’re not gonna be invisible.”
You all stayed quiet. A while after, Bobby went to bed. Reggie followed soon after. And no matter how hard Luke tried to fight it, he fell asleep as well, leaving only you and Alex up.
“Hey, thanks y/n, I really appreciate you. You’re-you’re like my very own superstar.” Alex lifted his head slightly to speak.
“Anytime. You ready for bed?”
And you fell asleep again, with each other’s warmth surround you.
“You used what I said that night as lyrics?” You were both confused and honored.
“Of course. Those words really helped Alex out, and you know he still felt invisible so I wanted to try and make him feel even better. I just wished I would’ve finished it.” Luke spoke, twirling around and throwing his hands around in slight disappointment.
“Hey, I’m sure we could try and finish it if you’d like.”
“Yeah, it would be just like old times.” He smiles and you felt one creeping up your face.
But I won't let you fall
I'll see you, through them all
And I just wanna let you know
Oh, when the lights go down in the city
You'll be right there shining bright
You're a star and the sky's the limit
And I'll be right by your side
Oh, you know, you're not invisible to me
Oh, you know, you're not gonna be invisible
After having that conversation with Luke, you spent a lot of time-of course when you weren’t working on Julie and the Phantoms, the new band that Julie created with the guys-thinking about the past and all the memories you had with the boys.
You know that the boys called you their superstar all the time, but you never really put much thought into it back then. But now, all you could think about was how you all helped each other.
The band had just started to gain fans, most of them being girls.
Luke got most of the attention, with Reggie not that far behind. Alex got more attention than he would probably like, and the girls didn’t seem to know he was gay. But Bobby seemed to be overlooked. Sure he still got attention, but it wasn’t as much as the others. You knew that it was hitting him hard, but he didn’t want to bother anyone so he kept it all inside.
One practice he seemed to finally let some frustration out.
“God Bobby, what’s crawled up your ass and died?” Luke exclaimed. He was frustrated. Bobby has been making them all restart any song that they messed up at, even if it was the smallest mistake.
“Nothing man. I’m just trying to make us good. Mistakes won’t get us into the Orpheum.”
Before Luke could say any more, Alex spoke. “Okay, what’s really going on?”
“Nothing man, let’s just continue practice.”
Reggie stayed silent, you knew fighting made him uneasy so you got up from the couch you were sitting at and rested your hand on his shoulder. When he turned to face you, you gave him a small smile to which he returned.
Looking back at the other boys, you finally spoke up. “Bobby, we know something’s eating you alive, and we know that you won’t be able to finish practice so why don’t you tell us what’s on your mind? We could help. And don’t be saying any bullshit excuses, just tell us the truth.” You knew that he wouldn’t listen if you didn’t put a little harsh truth behind your words.
He sighed and ran his hand over his face. He set his guitar on the stand and sat down in a chair. “It’s just- look I'm not trying to be petty or conceited or whatever, but, no one seemed to notice or care about me when we’re performing. Look I’m happy for all of you, I really am, but I feel invisible in my own band.” He looked to the ground. “It just seems as if no one appreciates me.”
Your face softened at his words, and Luke’s anger seemed to disappear.
You took a few steps towards Bobby, however, he quickly got up when he noticed your advances.
“Hey, look I know it’s stupid so let’s just continue practice.”
You stopped walking towards him when you heard a voice. “Hey, it’s not stupid. It’s completely understandable, you work so hard and feel as if you aren’t recognized.” It surprised you that Reggie spoke up. He moved past you and stopped in front of Bobby. He placed both his hands on his shoulders. “It’s only the star man, I’m sure you’ll be picking up the chicks in no time.”
That caused you all to burst out laughing.
When the laughter quieted down you spoke up. “Hey, you aren’t invisible to me.”
“Thanks, y/n.” He rolled his eyes. “What would I ever do without my superstar?”
“I don’t know, probably die.” That caused you all to burst into laughs again.
You hated that Bobby stole all the songs Luke worked so hard on. But you knew that he was going through something difficult so you wouldn’t be the one to judge.
Gotta look far, I'll be where you are
I wish you could see what I see
So don't ask why just look inside
Baby it's all you need
And I don't understand why you won't (you won't)
Take my hand and go
'Cause you're so beautiful
And every time that
Once Julie found out about what happened at the Hollywood Ghost Club, she was hurt, but she eventually came around knowing that it was the only thing that would save you all.
Getting a gig at the Orpheum this time around was a little easier being ghosts and all, but it was just as stressful, probably even more. When you finally got it, you all erupted in cheers, and happiness filled through you.
This is what you wanted, but a little part of you was upset that you would be leaving Julie. Julie had become a part of your little family with the boys and you weren’t quite ready to let her go.
You sat on her bed, trying to help her pick out an outfit to wear for the gig.
“Ooo, that’s really pretty!” You exclaimed when she pulled out a purple dress.
“Yeah, and maybe I would pair it with a jacket.” She pulled out a couple of her jackets.
You sighed. Julie looked over at you and noticed your down face.
“Hey, what’s wrong?”
“Oh nothing, I’m just kinda bummed that we’re going to leave you.”
Her eyes filled with tears. “Oh don’t be talking like that, you’re going to make me cry! But hey, I really need to thank you for all that you’ve done.”
You looked at her confused. You didn’t do anything for her, in fact, she has done the best things for you. She let you be seen by all when you played with her and she was going to help you cross over.
“Don’t give me that look, you and the boys helped me so much with my mom and music. I feel as if I’m not invisible anymore. I couldn’t have done all this without you.”
Tears filled your eyes. “Oh Jules, you made me not so invisible anymore either. And I can’t help but thank you.”
She pulled you into an embrace. “God I’m going to miss you.” She whispered into your shoulder. “It’s not going to be the same without you here.”
“I’m going to miss you so much.”
This would be for sure a memory you would keep with you forever. Whenever you would think you were invisible, you would remember all the times you helped others not feel like that and those who do the same for you.
Oh, when the lights go down in the city
You'll be right there shining bright
You're a star and the sky's the limit
And I'll be right by your side
Oh, you know, you're not invisible to me
Oh, you know, you're not gonna be invisible
- - -
Tag list(let me know if you want to be added!!!)
@shellbeerocks @meangirlsx @walkingonshunshine @discoverablefeelings @marinettepotterandplagg
@captaintightpants58 @lukeys-giggle @itz-jas @spooky-season-bitch @aunicornmademedoit @badwolf00593 @fandomfairyuniverse @i-should-be-writing-my-own-fic @dxestars
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join-the-joywrite · 4 years
Take my hand (take my whole life too)
"We played the Oprheum!"
The bouncing hug only lasted a second or two. While the boys regained a significant amount of lost strength, Julie's was slowly dwindling. She was, after all, only human and was out of home way later than usual. Her own internal clock seemed to be screaming at her to at least sit down.
Instead, she went down with the boys as her foot caught on a cable and she stumbled to the floor.
Alex made for a soft landing, one for which her apology was littered with giggles. Alex didn't mind. The slight pain was welcome in comparison to Caleb's jolts. Not to mention, he'd wanted to hug Julie ever since she cried during her not-so-private performance of her mother's song weeks ago. So he lay on the floor and squished Julie tight, only bringing forth more giggles.
"Hey, my turn!" Reggie yelled, rolling over and dropping himself half on Julie, fully on Alex.
"Oof," Luke commented, "that looks like it hurt."
"It did," Alex wheezed, adjusting himself to get used to the additional weight.
As one, all three of them held out an arm to Luke, who didn't hesitate to scoot closer and join the cuddle pile. Head on Alex's shoulder, he was right in front of Julie. He gave her a smile that, had she been standing, would've probably made her lose her balance. She gave him one back.
"I like this," Reggie murmured contentedly, closing his eyes.
"Yeah," Julie agreed, relishing in the fact that she could finally hug her boys, "me too."
They stayed like that for a moment before Alex sat up with great difficulty, sending them all tumbling. "You're all very heavy," he stated by way of explaining.
Julie chuckled and moved to stand up. Luke and Reggie grabbed one of her arms each.
"Stay," both whined. Reggie continued with a grin. "I promise I can be a soft pillow for you."
"I'd love to, honestly, but Carlos is waiting for me. He wanted to talk to me and. . ."
"Fine," Reggie huffed, "but just know that I'm feeling incredibly hurt right now."
Julie ruffled his hair, grinning when he closed his eyes and smiled under her touch. "There's always tomorrow."
Still, all three of them pouted when Julie stood up and righted her clothes.
"I'll see you guys in the morning," she said before walking to the doors. She paused just before closing it. "Thank you, guys."
Alex gave her a wave. Luke smiled at her with a dopey expression. Reggie continued to pout.
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Julie bounded up the pathway, gait as giddy as her smile. Carlos was waiting for her in the living room.
"Hey," she said, joining him on the couch.
"Whatcha got there?" she asked, nodding to the paper Carlos' hands were clamped around. "Another French dip recipe?"
Carlos shook his head. "You know what this is."
"I . . . really don't."
"Your band! They're--!" Carlos stopped and glanced around looking for their father. He leaned across the vouch and whispered to Julie with wide eyes, "ghosts."
Julie forced a laugh. "What? No, don't be silly, there's no such thing as ghosts."
Carlos lifted his eyebrows. "Okay, then explain this."
Julie picked up the little black and blue page Carlos tossed to the middle of the couch, recognising it as a CD insert. For Sunset Curve. Julie's own eyebrows lifted slightly, but she continued to pretend like she hadn't a clue what was happening. Then she turned it over and knew the jig was up. Staring up at her was all four members of Sunset Curve. Trevor, or Bobby, sure looked different when he was younger.
"They're just lookalikes--"
"I'd believe you if they were here and we could touch them."
The idea of being able to hold and hug her bandmates brought a warm smile back to Julie's face. She quickly wiped it off and shook her head. "Where'd you even find this?"
"In the box with the French dip recipe."
Carlos suddenly looked around wildly. Julie looked around too.
"What? What happened? What are we looking for?"
"Are they here?"
"What? No, they're in the garage--"
"Aha!" Carlos grinned and folded his arms. "You're a terrible liar, Jules."
"Wh-- I am not!"
"You are, though."
Julie jumped slightly and moved away from Reggie. Carlos noticed and immediately turned his gaze where Julie looked. "Are they here now? Tell them I say hello!"
Julie rolled her eyes. "They can hear you, dork -- and it's just Reggie."
"Tell him that I say hello."
"Reggie says hello," Julie said, heaving a resigned sigh. "What are you doing here? I told you I'd see you in the morning."
"I knew it," Carlos whispered to himself as he watched his sister talk to thin air. She looked, in all honesty, a bit insane, but at least he knew he was right about the ghosts. "So how does the ghost thing even work? How come I can't see him now, but we can all see them when you play?"
Julie whipped her head from Reggie to Carlos. "It -- I'll explain it all tomorrow, okay? It's been a long day. Reggie, go back to the studio. Carlos, to bed. It's late."
"All right," Carlos grumbled, sliding off the couch. He paused at the stairs and glanced back to see Julie scolding nothing. He hoped he'd get to officially met the guys. Julie made them seem fun.
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"All right, little man, what do you wanna hear?"
Julie repeated the question to Carlos, letting him know that it was Reggie who asked.
Carlos thought for a moment. "I like the song you were singing before you got back into the music program."
"Oh, that's not our song, that -- that--"
"No, it's okay," Luke said, "I'm sure we can work something out."
"I -- okay."
Carlos sat down on the couch, almost bouncing with excitement as Julie took a seat behind the piano. The melody she played wasn't loud and energetic like their usual songs. It was quiet and gentle. Even when the band kicked in, they were much softer than usual. Julie hummed along where the words should be so that Carlos could easily speak to the boys.
"Wait!" Carlos said, jumping off the couch, cutting Luke off. "I'm gonna guess based on what Julie says about you."
"You talk about us?" Luke asked with a teasing grin.
Julie hit a particularly furious note. "Shut up."
"Luke, Reggie and Alex," Carlos said, pointing to the correct band member as he went.
"Nice, little man!"
"This is so cool," Carlos whispered, eyes widening when Reggie paused playing and knelt down for Carlos to stick his hand through Reggie's arm. "Woah."
The band noticed that they were very intangible to Carlos.
Luke was only slightly disappointed when Carlos chose to focus his attention on Alex next.
"I like your hoodie."
"Thanks," Alex said, beaming. "Here, you wanna try?"
"Nah, I don't play music . . . okay, maybe a little."
Julie laughed softly as she watched Alex stand and then point where Carlos should hit. To keep them from disappearing, she continued the piano. Luke kept up with his guitar, grinning at her all the while. Their little musical conversation didn't go unnoticed by Reggie and Alex, who shared a knowing glance before Carlos grabbed Alex's attention.
"Have you ever accidentally stabbed your drums through with the sticks?"
"No, and please do not do that. We have no idea what it costs to repair dead instruments."
Carlos handed the drumsticks back to Alex and hopped off the chair. He stood in front of Luke, who knelt down as Reggie had done.
"So. You're the one my sister has a crush on."
"Carlos!" Jullie yelled, standing up and slamming down about five wrong keys.
"It was nice meeting you," Carlos yelled as he fled the garage.
With her face burning, Julie chased him down.
Alex and Reggie did their best not to laugh. They really did. But the shell-shocked look on Luke's face was hilarious. Even the withering glare Luke sent them didn't help quieten their laughter.
Up in the house, Ray Molina thought he was about to witness a wrestling match. "Julie! What are you doing?"
Julie, who suddenly realised there was no way to explain why she was attacking Carlos without either sounding like a lunatic or exposing the phantoms to her father, slowly slid down to the ground.
Carlos sat up on the couch. "Julie has a crush on Luke! Julie has a crush on Luke! Julie has a--"
"Oh, that is it!"
Perplexed, Ray watched Julie spring back on the couch with a war cry, followed by a pained, "How could you say that in front of him?!"
"Who's Luke?"
Carlos, seemingly determined to ruin Julie's life, broke out from her seeking arms and grinned at Ray. "The beanie boy in her little boyband--"
"Julie," Ray said, a playful warning edge creeping into his voice as he folded his arms, "is there something you want to talk about?"
"No! Not at all! Excuse me, I have to go, um, rehearse!"
"Rehearse?" Ray exchanged an amused grin with Carlos. "What for?"
"Uh, future gigs? You know, since we played the Orpheum, we might get like a ton of calls and -- oh, like this, see?" As Julie held up her phone, both Ray and Carlos saw Flynn's name, but both decided to give Julie a small reprieve. In the meantime, Carlos could fill Ray in about this little crush business.
"You are not going to believe what just happened," Julie said, taking the stairs two at a time. "I took Carlos down to the garage to meet the guys, you know, 'cause he figured them out and he wanted to meet them, but then he told Luke I have a crush on him and I ended up chasing Carlos back to the house 'cause I didn't want to stay in the garage with Luke -- and Alex and Reggie -- and then my dad caught us fighting on the couch and then Carlos told my dad that I have a crush on Luke and my life is over!"
Flynn took a moment to respond. "Well . . . it's not like he's wrong, is he?"
"Flynn!" The wail that Julie threw into her pillow as she face planted her bed was equal parts betrayed and mortified. "How am I supposed to show my face at practice now? Can I come and bury my head in the sand at your place?"
Flynn laughed over the phone. "Grow up, Jules. You turned Nick down for this air cutie. Nick. You made your choice, now live with it."
"Flynn," Julie growled.
"Okay, okay. Look, you have to talk about it at some point. There's no way you can have that kind of fire on stage without some mutual attraction, and that's just Luke and Reggie. Then there's Luke and you. Jules, that's not even a fire anymore. There is something serious between you two and even though I still think it's a bad idea because he's, you know, air, I still think you need to talk about it before the wrong thing blows up."
"I know," Julie sighed. "I can handle Luke -- I think. It's my dad I'm worried about. How do I explain it all without him wanting to take me to a shrink?"
"Don't tell him anything. Show him. Maybe with a little less flair than you did with me. Play him something soft. Like . . . wasn't your mom in a couple of bands when she was our age? Maybe he'd know one of her songs. Maybe if you guys played something of hers, he'll have enough of his head around him to know it's all real, but enough of it will be in the clouds that it'll be easy to explain."
Julie stared at her phone, at the contact photo she had of Flynn. "You are a genius."
"I know. So, I was just calling to ask how you're holding up, but I'm going to assume everything is fine and the guys didn't cross over?"
"Yeah, no, it was really weird. Caleb's curse just sort of . . . broke, I guess, after I hugged them."
"Wait, hold up. You hugged them? What was that like, arms hanging in the air and hoping you were touching?"
Julie sighed a happy sigh. "We have a lot to talk about."
"I'll be there for dinner, no excuses -- and I expect your dad to know what's going on by then."
Julie rolled over and muffled a groan of despair into her pillow.
"Rough day?"
"It's only ten," Julie whined, lifting her head to give Alex her sad eyes.
Alex smiled. "You'll be fine -- I mean with your dad thing. With Luke on the other hand. . ."
Julie faux sobbed into her pillow, eliciting a soft chuckle from Alex, who sat down on her bed. He reached out for her shoulder then quickly drew back. Ever since Julie left the garage last night, it had been on his mind -- on all their minds -- that the hug was a one-time thing. He didn't want to confirm their fears if they were right.
"Hey, it's okay, Jules."
Julie let out a strangled wail that took Alex a few seconds of clamping his mouth shut to avoid laughing at the poor girl.
"I'm serious. You know, Luke, he . . . he's not great with feelings. He talks with music, with songs, with lyrics. He says the most important things when he looks at you on stage or at a rehearsal or when you're writing music together. He's just scared. I mean, we all are, but him most."
Julie sat up, hugging her wail-pillow to her chest. "You sound like you're speaking from experience."
Alex shrugged. "All I'm saying is, give him a chance -- and give Carlos a break. Honestly, he might have just done you a favour."
"I cannot believe you're taking Carlos' side."
"I'm not! I'm not, I'm just -- things are already complicated. How much worse can they get?"
Julie sighed. "I don't know. . ."
"Well, it's not like Luke does either. He's locked himself in the bathroom and Reg and I think he's been crying in the bathtub this whole time. We'd phase through the door but Luke can actually hit us if he wants to so. . ."
"Oh, and you think I can't?" Julie teased.
The two shared an amused grin, but beneath it, both were thinking the same thing. What if she couldn't?
"All right, I'll tall to him. But you and Reggie have to leave."
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Julie ventured into the empty garage. She looked around for Reggie and Alex, unsure if she was relieved or not when she didn't find them. Up in the loft, they watched Julie disappear as she headed further in towards the bathroom door.
She knocked gently. "Luke?"
"Come on, I know you're in there. Alex says you've locked yourself in and won't come out."
"I'm not Luke."
"Okay, but I need to talk to Luke so can you pass on the message for me?"
"I'll let him know."
Julie smiled, finding Luke's behaviour somewhat amusing. She leaned against the door. "I'm sorry about Carlos, he . . . he just really enjoys embarrassing me in front of people. I guess he figured since you guys can't really speak to other people, you'll have to talk to me and we'll all have to confront whatever he said so that's why he picked you to tease and --" Julie broke off with a sigh.
The bathroom stayed silent.
"And I'm sorry for running out after him. I was just . . . I was afraid of what you'd say."
When Luke spoke again, though his voice was much softer, it was also much clearer. As if he were closer to the door. "Why? Was he . . . telling the truth? Did you say something?"
Julie fidgeted with the sleeves on her yellow jersey. "No, but I'm not exactly the most subtle person and if you haven't noticed, I suck at lying."
Luke laughed softly. "Oh, we noticed. Everyone knows you're a horrible liar."
"Thanks," Julie said with a grin, "I mean, I really just came here to affirm what a bad liar I am."
"Ooh, sarcastic too."
"Shut up."
"Well?" Luke said after a moment of silence. "Was he?"
Julie leaned against the door and sighed. "What does it matter? It's not like anything would come of it."
"It does matter, Jules. It -- it matters because -- well, I mean, you matter. To me."
"I know," Julie said softly, turning so that her back was against the door. "It sucks, doesn't it?"
"Not all of it sucks," Luke murmured from the other side of the door. "We could find a way. You've already done so much that no other lifer ever has, as far as anyone knows. Why stop there?"
Julie laughed. "Your ambition is very inspiring, Luke, but everything has a limit."
"So find that limit, then. You'll never know how high it is if you stop now."
Julie felt something brush her hand and glanced down to see Luke's arm phasing through the door. She wanted to reach for his hand but she was afraid she'd just pass through him. So she made a joke instead.
"You do realise that a floating arm is way more unsettling than anything else ghosts have ever done, right?"
"How's a floating head?" Luke asked, pulling his hand back and leaning forward. He gave Julie a grin. "That's always scary, right?"
"Stop it, that's weird."
Neither noticed that Julie had managed to make physical contact with Luke until after she'd shoved him back into the bathroom.
"If I come out there, are you going to poke me in the eyes again?"
"First of all, I didn't," Julie said, appreciating that Luke wasn't reacting with the panicked excitement she felt. "Second of all, I'll try not to."
"Okay, but if you do, I'm really going back into the bathtub."
Julie twisted her fingers and wrung her wrists and bounced nervously as she waited for Luke to step through the door.
"Can we try that again?" Luke asked, holding out both hands to her.
The scene felt vaguely familiar to Julie, and everything came crashing down when her hands passed through Luke's once and then twice.
"You're nervous," Luke said softly, "there's no need to be. You didn't think last time. You weren't nervous."
"I can't. I don't know what it is--"
"Yes, you do. You know it's not us doing anything. You're the one with all the magic, Jules."
Nervous but now confident, Julie tried once again. She thought she'd be able to walk on water whe she felt Luke's hands close around her own. The smile he gave her was the usual dopey look she always noticed him wearing around her.
"See? It's all you."
Julie squeezed his hands, almost like she was afraid she wouldn't be able to hold on much longer. "I like this," she murmured.
"Hey, Jules?"
Luke watched her eyes widen the tiniest bit as she gave him a questioning look. "Uh, do you -- about what Carlos said . . . We will talk about that, right?"
"Yes. I promise. Just . . . later?"
"Okay." Just the promise was enough for Luke. Besides, he could hold her, now. He could hold her hand, brush her hair out of her face, hug her. He could even flick her nose or tug her curls to annoy her, nudge her around when she didn't laugh at his jokes. And if -- he hoped she did -- but if she didn't feel the same way he did, then being able to be her best friend and just high five her now and then would still be enough. She wasn't just out of reach anymore.
Ayeeeee this just be sitting in my notes??? I found it like this??? All it needed was a title??? Speaking of, I might change that title and steal it for a sad fic oop
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