#Alex's 2018 Advent fics
Hugs from the Doctor Advent Calendar: Day one
Prompt: Holiday Decor
AN: I am so freaking slack on posting these Christmas things, omg, I haven’t posted Sadie’s writing challenge fic that I’ve finished, and I almost went to bed without posting this one! I honestly suck, geez. Anyway, it’s not mindnight yet, so I haven’t failed this yet. That’ll be another day. Enjoy the beginnings of the Christmas season you lot, I am mad for holidays, if you hadn’t already worked that out, so I certainly will.
Anyway, enjoy this fluffy cuteness!
(This series will be written with Ten in mind but I don’t think I put that much specific stuff in there so... I dunno, think of who you wish)
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(Y/N) Was humming a tune that sounded suspiciously familiar when the Doctor found her in the console room. A quick look at what she had been doing in there by herself had him quickly realizing it was ‘deck the halls’. She was sitting cross-legged on the floor and fiddling with something in the box in front of her. The Doctor stepped as close as he dare without alerting her to his presence. She was untangling Christmas lights and tinsel, sorting a few tree ornaments to the side as she organized everything. The Doctor frowned a little. He had been hoping she wouldn’t notice it was getting close to one of her holidays. But here she was with the decorations on the her time’s first of December. How had she been keeping such good track? He’d have to double check she didn’t have a calendar in her room…
“What are you doing?” The Doctor questioned suspiciously, making (Y/N) jump. She turned and sent him a quick glare over her shoulder before settling into a smile again.
“I found a box of Christmas decorations in one of your storage rooms a couple weeks ago. Figured it’s about time to get them out and make the console look a little festive” She suggested happily.
“No, absolutely not” The Doctor shook his head. (Y/N)’s smile faded a little.
“What, why not?”
“This is very delicate and high tech machinery, it doesn’t need tinsel and lights tying it up and getting in the way” The Doctor argued, stalking over to the console and pushing a lever down sharply. He moved towards the other side of the console and the lever moved back into it’s original position.
“Don’t know how much Sexy agrees with you” (Y/N) teased lightly. The Doctor glared at the item and moved back over to shove it down again.
“No decorations in the console room, no exceptions. You can decorate your own room”
(Y/N)’s smile fell completely and she dropped her head, looking sadly down at the tangled decorations in their dusty old box. The Doctor hesitated.
“Okay” (Y/N) muttered sadly, placing the tree ornaments carefully back in the box and picking it up from the floor. She was up and out of the room before the Doctor could think of another thing to say. He sighed, leaning back against the console. The Tardis hummed disapprovingly and the lever snapped upwards again.
“Alright, I’m sorry” The Doctor said reluctantly. The Tardis hummed more insistently, her consciousness nudging at the edge of his. “Well what am I supposed to do?” He sighed, leaving the console to slump down on the chair at the edge of the main platform. “What’ve I done?” The Tardis hummed a little softer this time and the Doctor suddenly remembered the decorations shoved in a corner of the secondary storage room that (Y/N) didn’t know about. He sat up a little straighter, smiling slightly at the console. “Good idea…”
(Y/N) sighed as she dropped herself on her bed, grabbing the closest pillow and picking at the threads. She had decorated her room for Christmas, like he’d suggested, but she couldn’t look at it the same way after he’d refused so harshly. So she packed it right back up and left the box where she’d found it, buried under old space relics in the back of the storage room. Maybe she should just forget about Christmas this year. After all, they were on a time machine. The Doctor probably never celebrated holidays, let alone silly human ones. What was she even thinking?
“(Y/N), could you come help me with something?” The Doctor called from down the hall. (Y/N) sighed, dropping the pillow back on her bed and getting to her feet.
“Coming” She called back, making her way down the hall and trying to work up a believable smile on the way.
“What did you- …need…” (Y/N) forgot about the idea of a smile when she entered the console room, completely astonished by what she was seeing. The column of the console was wrapped in tinsel and baubles hung from parts of it. The outer edge of the control panel was wrapped in tiny white lights, as were the coral struts around the room. The metal bars around the platform were wrapped in tinsel and there was a tiny Christmas tree sitting on the edge of the console. What she couldn’t see, however, was the Time Lord she had expected to see.
“Doctor?” She called eventually.
“Up he-ah!”
Before (Y/N) could look for the source of his voice he was suddenly on the ground in front of her. She shrieked in surprise at first before cursing quietly, helping him to his feet.
“Are you alright?” (Y/N) questioned worriedly, trying to find where he could’ve even fallen from.
“Yeah, I- I’m fine” The Doctor insisted, clearing his throat uncomfortably. “I’m good. Do you, um” He ran a hand through his hair, looking a little nervous as he glanced around the room himself. “Do you like it…?”
“Doctor, you did this…?” (Y/N) asked quietly, glancing around the room but betraying no emotion.
“Uh… yeah…?”
(Y/N) Looked at him for a moment, watching him rapidly get more nervous.
(Y/N) grinned suddenly, throwing her arms around him and very nearly knocking him over. The Doctor let out a little ‘oof’ sound, catching her and gingerly hugging her back. She laughed a little, looking around the room again over his shoulder.
“So you like it?”
“Oh, Doctor, I love it!” (Y/N) confirmed, pulling away to look at him again. “You did this all, and fell from the ceiling, for me?” She laughed. The Doctor cleared his throat a little, embarrassed when she brought up his fall again.
“Yeah. Yeah, I did. Sorry I didn’t have a proper Christmas tree” He frowned a little as he glanced at the miniature decoration on the console.
“That’s okay” (Y/N) laughed. “We could get one together. Oh, we could set it up in the library, and we could go shopping at those asteroid markets again and get each other presents! We could find some Christmas lights to go look at, and we should get a gingerbread house to decorate! Oh, I bet I could make one!” (Y/N) turned and ran off down the halls, continuing to shout out Christmas related ideas despite the fact that he wasn’t following. The Doctor blinked a moment before sighing.
“What’ve I done…”
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Hugs from the Doctor Advent Calendar: Day 6
Prompt: Fireplace
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“Doctor!” (Y/N) called out down the halls. The Doctor glanced over his shoulder to the doorway of the kitchen. After a nice long day they had planned to return to the library and lounge in front of the fireplace and their Christmas tree with some hot chocolate and Harry Potter books. He had been tasked to the hot chocolate while she dug around the library a bit to find their books. He thought she might ask for his help on it eventually, the library was almost as endless as everything else on the ship, but he had expected it to take a little longer. They’d just split up a minute ago.
“Yes?” He called back, trying to hunt down each of their favorite mugs. Frowning a little, he crouched down to stick his head inside one of the lower cupboards.
“The fireplace is gone!”
The Doctor went to stand up, forgetting his position and consequently hitting his head on the inside of the cupboard. He cried out, cursing as he stood properly and went to the doorway, sticking his head out into the hall.
“What?!” He called back, unsure he’d heard properly. (Y/N)’s head appeared from a doorway down the hall in the same way his had.
“I don’t know what to tell you, Doctor, but the fireplace is just gone! It’s not in it’s usual spot!” She clarified. The Doctor frowned again, glancing back inside the kitchen and thinking a moment.
“It could only be the Tardis, but I don’t’ see why she’d be hiding our fireplace or our mugs…”
“Our mugs are missing”
“Yeah, can’t find them anywhere”
The Doctor left his doorway to make his way over to (Y/N) and into the library only to find the fireplace was, in fact, gone. In the spot across from the doorway where the fireplace usually sat, the wall was empty. Their reading couch and tea table were gone too. Even their Christmas Tree.
“Well that’s just mean” The Doctor groaned. “What’s this about, Ol’ Girl? What did I do this time?” He turned back to (Y/N) and found his attention instead taken by the door behind her. The door the he certainly didn’t close. He tried it and found it locked, sighing. “Oh come on, what’re you doing?” The Tardis hummed in a way that sounded very much like she was laughing at them. The lights went out with an audible click and the two of them yelped in surprise.
“I’m still here”
“What’s going on?”
“I have no clue”
“Did we upset her?”
“Not that I know of. Where are you? Give me your hand”
“That would be a lot easier if I knew where yours was”
“Right here”
“Oh, hello”
There was another click and the lights turned back on in the distance. The two glanced at each other and shrugged a little, starting off in the direction of the amber light. It was a good bit of walking but they knew what they were looking for when the found it. There was all their elusive items gathered together. The fireplace was burning brightly and the tree lights sparkled merrily along with it. Their reading couch was facing the fireplace with pillows gathered at one end and a blanket thrown over the other. Beside the end with the pillows was their tea table, covered with a red and green tablecloth and holding their mugs filled with hot chocolate and marshmallows and a plate overflowing with all their favorite biscuits. The book (Y/N) had been after sat beside them.
From the fireplace hung two large red stockings, adorned with swirling circular patterns of gold. Gallifreyan script that read each of their names, one vastly more complex than the other. Stockings they had never hung, and a picture on each end that they had never taken nor framed. One was a picture of (Y/N) first official Tardis trip. The two of them were holding tight to the console and in the midst of laughing, the Doctor glancing at (Y/N) from the corner of his eye and her gaze fixed on the time rotor and filled with wonder. The second was from only days earlier, their backs silhouetted against the tree in it’s old place, their new star sparkling on the top.
(Y/N) was the first to break their shocked silence, laughing joyfully. The Doctor couldn’t help but join in after just a moment.
“Love, you shouldn’t have!” (Y/N) shook her head, looking everything over once more before glancing at the Doctor. “I think we just got a Christmas present from your ship” She commented, giggling once she realized what she’d said. The Doctor laughed again.
“I do believe we have” He agreed. Realizing they had still been holding hands, he led her over to the couch and sat down with her, letting her lean on his shoulder when she picked up her drink and wrapped her hands around the mug. He pulled the blanket over their laps and picked up the book.
“From the beginning?”
“Best place to start”
“It was nearing midnight and the Prime Minister was sitting alone in his office, reading a long memo that was slipping through his brain without leaving the slightest trace of meaning behind...”
Don’t ask me why I used Harry Potter, I was talking about it earlier so I guess that’s why. If you were interested, the last line in this is the first line to Half-Blood Prince, because although I haven’t read past the second book (don’t judge me, I’m planning on it at some point) Half-Blood Prince was my favorite movie, and I look forward to the book.
I freaking misspelled ‘Harry Potter’ twice while writing this and I wrote it as both ‘Harry Popper’ and ‘Happy potter’ I freaking can’t
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Hugs From The Doctor Advent Calendar: Day 15
Prompt: Toy Soldier
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“Christmas lights!” (Y/N) cried as she ran into the console room that morning. “We need to go see Christmas lights! I had forgotten until now!” The Doctor laughed at her excitement as she joined him. “So can we?” She asked hopefully.
“Of course we can” The Doctor agreed, taking off right away. “I know a few places that have some of the best Christmas lights in the universe! Just you wait and see, you’ve never seen Christmas lights as good as these” The Tardis lurched suddenly and (Y/N) would have thought nothing of it if the Doctor hadn’t looked so surprised.
“What’s up?” She asked cautiously, peeking over his shoulder as he ran to check the monitor.
“We’re being pulled off course…”
“What?” (Y/N) blinked. “Is that even possible?”
“Apparently. Something’s locked on and is pulling us down” He ran around the console, flipping a few switches before returning to the monitor. “The planet we’re being pulled to is uninhabited, but we’re coming down to fast, we’re going to crash!”
“Wait what?!”
“Brace yourself!”
If the Doctor said it specifically, then it must be about to get really bad, so (Y/N) ran over to the railings and sat beside it, wrapping her arms around the most stable part. The Tardis shook once more and the lights flickered as she groaned and complained, and (Y/N) was suddenly very aware of the falling feeling. Then it stopped and she was thrown in the air, yanking painfully on her arms as she held on. There was a deafening crash and she hit the floor hard. Things went silent and the only sounds were their heavy breathing.
“(Y/N)?! You okay?!” The Doctor called out once he’d caught his breath, scrambling to his feet to rush over.
“I’m okay” She told him, sitting up shakily. The Doctor placed a hand on her shoulder, helping  her sit upright and making sure she was truly okay. Although not hurt at all, (Y/N) was shaken enough to appreciate the help. The Doctor pulled her in for a hug and she clung to him as she caught her breath and calmed down.
“Is she alright?” (Y/N) asked after a minute, looking over at the console. The Doctor looked (Y/N) over once more before going to check the console.
“I can’t see any permanent damage” He decided after not too long. “But it looks like I’ll have to spend some times on repairs, let her heal a bit”
“But why did we crash?” (Y/N) questioned, pulling herself carefully to her feet. “You saind someone pulled us down, why would someone do that?” The Doctor flicked a few switches and looked to the monitor, and froze.
“Doctor?” (Y/N) questioned with a frown. He didn’t answer and her frown deepened as she looked to the door. The Doctor didn’t seem to notice her until the door creaked open and his head whipped around, calling out just as she stepped out the door. (Y/N) cried out and the Doctor rushed towards the door, glancing around until he found exactly what he was looking for.
“It can’t be…”
“Hello Doctor”
“I’d say hello, but I’m a bit out of the loop” (Y/N) joined in. The man standing behind her laughed but the Doctor didn’t respond, watching carefully and trying to keep his expression neutral. This scared (Y/N) more than anything else because that meant that the Doctor was hiding something, and in this situation it probably meant that he was scared, which meant she was really in danger.
“Nobody gonna tell me what’s going on here?” (Y/N) asked, trying to hide her hesitance. Because really, no one was explaining anything, and the only thing she was able to gather so far was that she was apparently being held hostage.
“Yes, Doctor, are you going to explain?” The man grinned.
“(Y/N), remember when I told you about my people, and how they were all gone” The Doctor began slowly. (Y/N)’s eyes widened.
“Holy crap”
The man laughed again.
“He’s a Time Lord?!”
“You can call me Master” The man whispered in her ear, seeming to enjoy the situation immensely. (Y/N) frowned, but not wanting to give him exactly what he wanted, hid her discomfort.
“A bit egotistical I’d say” She responded.
“And ‘Doctor’ isn’t?”
(Y/N) had to hold back her laughter even as the Master let her go. She turned to find him frowning.
“Just… you’re a very odd human”
“I find most humans are”
The Master was quickly rendered speechless, staring at her. The Doctor was suddenly beside her, pulling her back behind him.
“What do you want?” He asked sharply.
“You aren’t happy to see me?” The Master pouted.
“My friend’s memory was wiped a week ago, she nearly lost her entire self, and just today my Tardis was pulled down and forced to crash. There’s one living person in the universe I’d be willing to believe was capable of both those things” The Doctor pointed out, making (Y/N) glance at the Master again, suddenly realizing that the situation was a lot more complicated than she’d thought.
“How else was I supposed to get your attention?”
“Maybe a phone call?”
“You never answer your phone…” (Y/N) pointed out quietly. The Doctor shot her a look and she fell silent again. The Master smirked.
“Come one Doctor, I know you’re pleased to see me” The Master tried to convince him. “You spend all that time on Earth, with the fragile little humans who can’t even understand the simplest structures of time, focussing on their trivial little matters, you didn’t even want to come back when we were at war, you keep choosing them over me, and for what?”
“Every time we meet each other you try to kill me or my friends”
“You’d be ignoring me otherwise! You know you would!”
“That’s what this is about?”
“We were at war, and you couldn’t wait for it to be over so you could run back to your stupid little humans, who could never understand!” The Master accused, the calm an joking demeanour gone from the interaction. “I was brought back to life to be thrown into the fight, and you weren’t even there!”
“I joined the war, I had no choice” The Doctor replied calmly, too calmly. He was fuming just beneath the surface and (Y/N) could tell. She took a small step back, watching the Time Lords as she suddenly realized how small she seemed beside them. She watched them both and seemed to realize how tired they both looked. A small memory tugged at the edge of her mind and she couldn’t chase it away.
‘One by one or two by two, young boys march to what they never knew, unknowing what they’re fighting for, toy soldiers sent to war’
The words left her mouth softly, but with the quiet of their surroundings she was heard by both men, who turned to her. She paused suddenly, looking away.
“Sorry, it’s- it was something I read in the Tardis library… Some poetry book from the future I… I just- couldn’t help thinking of it…” The Doctor turned back to the Master, smiling slightly.
“You say they can never understand, but that sounded like understanding to me” The Doctor contradicted. The Master glanced at him and back at (Y/N), who smiled hesitantly.
“So, you’re the last two Time Lords, right…?” (Y/N) tried to confirm, both nodding. “I mean, it’s make sense… you could come with us?” The Doctor’s eyes widened and he looked between her and the other Time Lord before approaching her.
“He erased your memories and tried to get rid of you” The Doctor pointed out in a harsh whisper.
“He missed you” (Y/N) tried to reason.
“That isn’t a big deal to you?” He continued like he hadn’t heard her.
“Of course it is, but I think it isn’t a big deal to him, and if we leave him he could do worse than that in the future. What he needs in a friend to teach him not to”
“And you’d have us what, singing campfire songs and playing trust excercises?”
“I’d have us at least try to help” (Y/N) corrected, frustration creeping into her tone. “Isn’t that what you do? Help people? Isn’t that what Doctors do?” The Doctor paused, sighing in frustration as he considered what she’d said.
Not two minutes later one human and two Time Lords were entering the Tardis and ready to take off for a new adventure… as soon as the Doctor managed to get her off the ground.
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Hugs from the Doctor Advent: Day 4
Prompt: Snowman
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“Okay” The Doctor began, already running circles back and forth around the console and the Tardis already knocking about. “I promised real snow, and while there may have been an itty bitty little set back, real snow you will get. So! This time, we’re going to an uninhabited planet. At least,” He stopped at the monitor a moment. “It will be assuming I get the year right. According to the Tardis’ records, which apparently she keeps, I’ve been to this exact planet a total of four times, only once by myself, why did you record that…?” He stopped at the monitor again, frowning at his machine before continuing. “Which means if I land in the right year, that one!” He flicked a lever suddenly and the ship lurched and groaned before the familiar landing sound echoed throughout the ship. “Then we should be completely alone” The Doctor grinned at last, rushing to the door as he pulled his coat on. “Come on then!”
“Hey Doctor” (Y/N) called out, her ever present smile fading a little into seriousness. “You know I was joking yesterday right? If you’re not up for it, we could always take a day out, do the fourth of December tomorrow, we are in a time machine you know?”
“I know” The Doctor nodded, smiling softly at his companion’s thoughtfulness. “But I am perfectly willing and eager for snow, so hurry up!” He darted back over to her and grabbed her hand, pulling her towards the doors before she could get another word in. She didn’t try, only laughing as she was pulled outside into the sudden cold. The door closed behind her and she stopped just before it, zipping her coat up for protection. Before she could even get into anything however, she stumbled back a step as something hit her in the stomach with a resounding thwack, glancing up and glaring at the grinning man with a second snowball already in his other hand.
“Oh, you asked for it spaceman”
The Doctor only laughed, throwing the snowball in his hand, but (Y/N) ducked under it just in time, using the moment to collect up two handfuls of soft, and freezing, snow and pressing it together in tie to throw it when she stood again. The Doctor tried to move to avoid it, but (Y/N) had seen that coming, and he moved right into the path of the projectile. He mock-gasped, and (Y/N) laughed, ducking behind the Tardis for enough cover to craft herself some more ammo. The two went on in this fashion, slowly building up their own forts as they went, until (Y/N) found herself cornered in her own safe spot and being pelted with her own ammunition,as the Doctor had used up all his own.
“Alright! Alright! I surrender!” (Y/N) cried finally. The Doctor laughed.
“So soon? I was just starting to have fun”
“Oh sure you were” (Y/N) scoffed. “But I came here to make a damn snowman, help me up” The Doctor obliged, dropping the last unused snowball to help her to her feet. He began to wander off to  make something of his old fort but (Y/N) wasn’t one to give up so easily. She picked up the last snowball, rushed up behind him and before he could do anything about it, jumped up and dropped the snow on his head. The Doctor cried out at the unexpected attack, shaking out his hair to rid himself of the offending snow. (Y/N) was still laughing to herself, and couldn’t help but notice the bits still stuck to his hair.
“Well that was just rude, don’t you know the terms of a snowball right surrender?” The Doctor scoffed, but was unable to hide his smile.
“Maybe you could demonstrate” (Y/N) quipped back.
“The nerve!” The Doctor faux-gasped. “And I was just about to help you make your snowman!”
“As if you won’t!”
Battle now won, (Y/N) turned her full attention to the idea of her snowman. The forts were pulled apart and rolled into the proper shape to serve as the lower two pieces of the body, and when it came time for the head, they had built themselves such a large snowman that (Y/N) hadn’t been able to get the head on top, and the Doctor had done so for her. (Y/N) sat herself down in the snow to admire their work, that now towered over her.
“Oh, it’s kind of scary from this angle” She commented. The Doctor frowned a little, sitting down next to her and looking upwards.
“It kind of is” He agreed, surprise in his tone. (Y/N) simply nodded, shifting a little closer and wrapping her arms around the Doctor. He was normally colder than she was, but in the surrounding temperature, with her gloved hands long since gone numb from the snow, he felt very much warmer.
“What’s this one for?” The Doctor joked, wrapping an arm around her in return.
“Warmth” Was all she said. The Doctor simply hummed, and they sat there together a little longer, content with their fun and the snowman that sat before them.
“We could go see some other planets with snow” The Doctor suggested. “Go snowboarding, or see the rainbow snow I found a couple decades back. Or we could go inside and make ourselves some hot chocolate…?”
“Ooh, no contest, hot chocolate first” (Y/N) nodded. “Then maybe you could show me some colored snow, that sounds interesting. We could make culturally diverse snowmen, like those blue people we met last week, they were nice”
“Alright then, hot chocolate, then blue snowmen, come on” The Doctor stood, pulling (Y/N) to her feet and back to the Tardis, the both of them chatting and discussing different types of snow and what else they could see and do before the ‘day’ was over.
“We could always do the fourth twice in a row?” (Y/N) suggested with a grin
“No, I don’t think we will”
“Alright then”
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Hugs From The Doctor Advent Calendar: Day 12
Prompt: Gingerbread
I don’t know why this actually took so long and it’s two days late smh but enjoy anyway
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I found one online omg
The Doctor was waiting in the console room a reasonable time from when (Y/N) had gone off to bed the night before. He had been expecting to show up any moment for an hour now. So eventually he’d gotten bored waiting in the console room and decided to go investigate where she could be. What he had not been expecting to find was the girl he was looking for in the kitchen, still in her pyjamas and with flour smeared across her cheek. The Doctor couldn’t help but laugh at the image and (Y/N) turned, pouting.
“You weren’t supposed to show up yet!” She complained. “I’m not finished” The Doctor caught a glimpse as she turned and smiled, making his way over. It seemed she was halfway through constructing a little gingerbread house with a pair of little people. The people were already decorated and the Doctor laughed again, carefully picking up the one wearing blue with little brown spikes of hair. (Y/N) blushed a little, holding up the one with (H/C) hair and one of her favorites outfits she’d found in the Tardis wardrobe.
The little house (Y/N) had been in the middle of constructing had a more blue tint to the gingerbread than brown, and as the Doctor admired the little people, she finished the assembly of the last wall and the roof and attached a little yellow candy on top for the light. She picked up the icing and drew out the little windows on all the sides. When she was finished with all the little details, the Doctor stood both the little people against the front of the little Tardis. The two of them stood back to admire it.
“It’s wonderful (Y/N), you did a very good job” The Doctor told her, wrapping an arm over her shoulder with a grin. The Tardis hummed around them in agreement, seeming very happy with her miniature self. (Y/N) smiled, blushing a little again.
“Thanks” She responded simply, smiling at her work.
“Now can I eat me?” The Doctor asked suddenly, making (Y/N) laughed.
“Sure Doctor, go ahead”
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Hugs From The Doctor Advent Calendar: Day 14
Prompt: A beautiful sight.
This one real short but I like it
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(like this but different and way prettier)
It had been a long day already, getting into their usual trouble trying to find a rare book the Doctor didn’t have and had been tracking down a while. He’d explained that he’d been searching on and off for a while and he was sure he’d found it this time. But things weren’t going their way, as happened a lot, and someone else was also after the same book. By the time they tracked down it’s hiding place, the book was gone. One of twenty-five known copies throughout the entire universe apparently. (Y/N) had felt bad for him, but he insisted it was fine, he’d get another chance at it someday.
So after their hectic, albeit exciting, day, the two of them decided on a peaceful diner for dinner. They picked a nice place to eat and afterwards the Doctor took her up to the mountains nearby. She questioned what they were doing, but he simply assured her she’d understand soon enough. They settled down beneath a large tree with dark purple bark and blue leaves that fell slowly, laying back In the surprisingly green grass. After around ten minutes of talking about everything and nothing, the Doctor got excited again and told her to sit up and pointed to where she should look on the horizon.
“What am I looking at?” She asked for maybe the third time.
“Just another second” The Doctor assured her, shifting every moment like he couldn’t control his excitement. (Y/N) kept glancing at him and he kept pointing her back to the horizon. They only waited for another minute or two before the setting sun hit the right spot and colors began spreading across the sky. (Y/N)’s eyes widened and she gasped in pure delight as colors ranging from the green of the grass to the purple and blue of the trees around and below them spread over the previously orange sky. It wasn’t the kind of sunset you’d see on Earth, for the colors spread to cover the whole sky as far as the eye could see. (Y/N) laughed a little as she settled with her back against the tree.
“You were right, Doctor. I think I know what I’m looking at” She joked. “It’s beautiful”
“Yeah” The Doctor agreed softly. But he wasn’t watching the colors in the sky, he was watching them in her eyes, wide in wonder. He watched her loose hair dance around her face in the light breeze and the way she scrunched her nose when a leaf fell on her head and she laughed as she brushed it off. The Doctor thought to himself a thought he’d had many times before in this moment. Sure the sights that the universe supplied them with could be lovely, but he had the most beautiful sight with him. She loved the colors and the lights and he loved her expression of awe every time he showed them to her.
They both had their most beautiful sight, and that was enough to make any bad day good.
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Hugs From The Doctor Advent Calendar: Day 11
Prompt: Comfort and Joy
This just kinda happened, sorry if it doesn’t make sense, I can’t be bothered double checking right now.
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“Are we going to keep doing Christmas, Doctor?” (Y/N) asked almost hesitantly the next morning. “I mean, considering what happened. If there’s someone out there who… you know… wants to…”
“You’ll be fine (Y/N)” The Doctor assured her seriously. “Like I said, I’m not planning on leaving you alone outside those doors anytime soon. No one will take you away from me on my watch” (Y/N) smiled. “Of course we’re going to keep doing Christmas!” The Doctor concluded, grabbing her hand and dashing to the console with her as she laughed. They took off, enjoying the ships lurching and shuddering as they flew off.
“I’ve gotten the Tardis to land on a Christmas eve, but the where and when of the day is set to random” The Doctor explained. They landed with a thump and one last groan of the engines the moment he’d finished speaking.
“Well let’s go find out” (Y/N) suggested, this time being the one to take him hand and drag him to the doors. She suddenly hesitated, double checking from the corner of her eye that the Doctor was still there before pushing the doors open. He smiled a little, squeezing her hand in comfort as he followed her out. The streets they walked out into looked pretty empty, but (Y/N) expected nothing less, considering the day. What surprised her however, was the quick realization the the next street over wasn’t nearly was quiet.
The Doctor and (Y/N shared a glanced and grinned, hurrying down the ajoining road to join the crowd of cheering people. Everyone looked mostly human, but a few had some obvious differences. Color tinted skin, pointed ears, small horns and the purple eyes of the woman (Y/N) bumped into, blinking at her as she apologised politely. The woman simply smiled and gave a nod of understanding.
“So I’m guessing far future?” (Y/N) whispered to the Doctor, glancing up as a few cars flew by over their heads, some parked above the buildings to watch what was going on from a different angle.
“I think so, yes” The Doctor nodded, his attention still taken by what was going on before the crowd. (Y/N) followed his gaze back to the front and spotted what everyone seemed to be looking at. There was a star, like one from the top a a Christmas tree, but it was hovering in the air on it’s own. It looked a bit dull but everyone around her seemed excited. Snow drifted to the ground to join the piles covering the street but no children played in it. They were all too occupied watching the object too. (Y/N) could feel the anticipation buzzing in the air and knew that she must be missing something.
“Welcome one and all!” A voice called over the crowd, drawing (Y/N)’s attention to the space below the star, where a man stood on an elevated platform. His sharp suit had a coat and scarf thrown over the top and he was grinning as brightly as everyone else. “Many years ago, when our ancestors found this planet and began migrating from our own, we were all surprised to see two other species doing so at the same time. The previously uninhabited planet was filled faster than any of us had expected, and tension was building between colonies. By December, a coming war didn’t seem unlikely. Even then, the humans, being the stubborn species that they are,” The man laughed a little as he said that, causing laughter throughout the crowd. The Doctor snorted a little and (Y/N) rolled her eyes with a smile, elbowing him playfully.
“The humans weren’t too keen on missing one of their oldest holidays in history. So when Christmas came around, they gathered their still limited resources and made themselves a tree the night before the day was to arrive. The star, crafted by the youngest of the colony, was made from the seemingly useless minerals found in the nearby mountains, as were the ornaments crafted by adults and children alike. But as night came, and the moonlight fell over the colony, the sight it created was enough to gather all the colonies together without any thought of war or politics or their struggle in adapting. And the three founding colonies found themselves enraptured by the sight that brought them no feeling other than joy.
Today we celebrate not only a third of our history’s tradition, but our beginning history here, and the joy and hope that saved us from the darkness” The man smiled and glanced over his shoulder where the two suns were dipping below the horizon. “Are you ready?” He called out. He was answered with cheers. “Here it comes! Ten! NIne!” The crowd chanted out the countdown and (Y/N) felt like she was back on Earth on a different Eve. The Doctor gave her a little nudge as he joined in, urging her to as well.
“Six! Five! Four! Three!”
(Y/N) directed her gaze back to the star in the air, the same direction everyone else was looking.
“Two! One!”
The crowd errupted in cheers but (Y/N) had lost focus of them, her grin falling as she gasped at the sight. The moonlight shone down on them as the suns disappeared and the star lit up brightly, but following that star the strings of lights hangings over store windows lit up one by one, all the way down, spreading like water being pored on a plat surface. Immediately following the strings of lights, the snow beneath their feet even began to glow, and as (Y/N) looked up from it the still-falling flakes began to shine too.]
While (Y/N) had noticed no children playing before, they certainly were now, it seemed every man, woman, child and everything in between had all had the same idea and were suddenly spreading out all the way down the glowing street. People gathered snow together to build snowmen and make snow angels while others chased each other up and down, throwing snowballs. A group of giggling children rushed past and (Y/N) stepped closer to the Doctor to give them room. A few couples stood still close to the star, smiling up at it and admiring the scenery. (Y/N) laughed joyously and the Doctor looked over at her with a grin.
“This is amazing! Did you know this was happening?” She questioned.
“I actually did not” The Doctor admitted, laughing a little as well. “But we have to give our ship some credit, this is a brilliant trip”
“You’re telling me” (Y/N) giggled, looking upwards to watch the snow fall. The Doctor pulled her a little closer, following her gaze.
Nearby, there was a person who didn’t play in the snow or watch it fall or admire the lights. Instead he watched the couple look up, shifting a little closer together. He watched and he scowled and he planned.
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Hugs From the Doctor Advent Calendar: day 8
Prompt: music
There is just too much goin on here now omg what have I done oh well
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The Doctor was not happy. Certainly not. He was trapped within a confusing whirlwind of emotions; anger for who might’ve done this, sadness that (Y/N) suddenly couldn’t remember him, desperation for something to fix this and more that he couldn’t put a name to. But none of them were anywhere near happy.
(Y/N) was clearly distressed, but waking up with no memory could do that, the Doctor supposed. He quickly re-introduced himself to her, and with both his hearts breaking, reminded her of her own name. He decided that the first course of action was to return to the Tardis. (Y/N) nodded slowly when he suggested this, and he had to pause, reminding himself to explain that it was his ship. But as he took her hand, watching her reaction, and began to lead her out, she stopped suddenly.
“We didn’t get to see the little shop” She protested suddenly, making the Doctor turn to her.
“What did you say?”
“I said… the um, there’s a little shop…? We didn’t get to look yet. I don’t know what makes me think of it just-”
“Because we said we would” The Doctor realized. “When we first got here, we said we’d make sure we got to go look at the little shop later…”
“Does that mean…?”
“It means you remember some things, at least on a subconscious level. Which means there will be a way to get your memories back” He explained quickly, a spark of hope growing between them. (Y/N) glanced down after a moment of quiet, blinking slightly at their connected hands. The Doctor followed her gaze and released her hand, clearing his throat.
“I’m sorry but I don’t think we have time for the little shop” He told her, frowning after he’d spoken. “Oh, that’s something I never wanted to say. Anyway, come on then. Let’s see what we can do about you” He continued towards the front door and (Y/N) glanced sadly back at the shop before following. They rounded the building just after exiting the front door and found the Tardis parked down the side. The Doctor unlocked the door and stepped inside, glancing back as she entered after him. He watched as she made her way up the ramp and settled on the jump seat, raising an eyebrow at his surprised expression.
“What?” She asked, her confusion now mirroring his.
“You didn’t- you’re not surprised?”
“By what?”
The Doctor gaped at her, glancing around the room and back at her.
“It’s- it’s bigger on the inside…?”
(Y/N) frowned, glancing around as he had just done.
“Yes, it is”
“And you’re not surprised by that?”
“I assumed it was supposed to be”
The Doctor gaped a little longer before shaking his head, pulling himself back together as he headed over to the console.
“Let’s just see what we can do” He sighed, speaking to himself more than her. He worked around the monitor a moment, letting the Tardis scan her. The ship hummed in worry as the results appeared on screen and the Doctor did his very best to show no expression at what he was reading.
“This actually looks like it’s going to take a while” The Doctor explained to (Y/N). “Why don’t you go find your room, or the library and find something to do. I’m sure the Tardis will lead you to whereever you decide you want to go” (Y/N) nodded as she stood.
“Okay, but you’re going to tell me when you find out what’s going on, right? Having no memories past the last half hour is really disconcerting. The Doctor nodded with a reassuring smile and (Y/N) smiled in return, starting off down the hall, talking softly to the ship as she went. The Doctor’s smile was genuine in that moment at his companion’s love for his ship, even without remembering her. That little detail was what made his smile fall and he returned his focus to the readings on the screen, sighing sadly.
The meaning behind the circular script was clear. (Y/N) memories were not only blocked off, they were pushed far back in her mind, leaving her memory from before the moment it happened entirely inaccessible to her. But the memories were not only contained, but being pressed together smaller and smaller, and if something wasn’t done soon enough, her entire life would be compressed until it was simply gone, and he would never be able to get it back to her. The Doctor let out a shaky breath, typing out a scenario into the computer, letting the Tardis work out odds and probabilities and possibilities.
Two hours later the Doctor had exhausted all of his ideas and had none left. Everything him and the Tardis could think of would either speed up the process, leave irreversible damage on her mind, or kill her. He ran a hand through his hair before suddenly realizing that he hadn’t seem (Y/N) in a while. Considering the situation, it was probably best he checked on her. But when he set off down the halls he was expecting to find her exploring her room or randoms halls of the Tardis like she sometimes did. What he was not expecting to find was that she had re-discovered the ballroom. For a ship with only two inhabitants, the ballroom was a very generous size, and it made (Y/N) look tiny. There was music playing throughout and (Y/N) was right out in the middle of the room dancing.
The Doctor smiled a little, slightly surprised at the choice of song but happy about it nonetheless. A while back (Y/N) had been fiddling with her phone too close to the console and the next thing they knew every room in the Tardis was blasting ‘Timber’. The Doctor had jumped out of his skin, understandably, at how suddenly loud it was, but (Y/N) just laughed and was suddenly pulling him to his feet and demanding they dance together.
There was a small gasp echoes around the room and the Tardis reluctantly turned the music off. The Doctor shook himself out of his thoughts to see (Y/N) had stopped dancing and was now standing mostly still, shuffling uncomfortably in her place.
“How long have you been there?” She asked hesitantly.
“Not very long, how long have you been here?”
“Not very long” She shrugged.
“Why this song?” The Doctor asked, feeling the need to.
“I don’t know… I don’t even know why I remembered the song. But I found this place and decided I wanted to dance, the fun kind of dancing, not the boring kind. I asked the Tardis to put some music on, and I knew I wanted this song” She shrugged again. The Doctor nodded, clearing his throat before he spoke again.
“We danced to this” He informed her suddenly. She blinked.
“In here?”
“Ah, no. In the console room. Just where we were when the music… doesn’t matter” He waved a hand, dismissing it. “Just… go back to what you were doing, I’ll leave you be” He went to leave.
“Doctor” She called, stopping him. He glanced back and she bit her lip a little looking up at the ceiling. She looked hopeful as she raised her hands and clapped twice. The music resumed, starting from the start and (Y/N) grinned.
“Dance with me” She suggested, looking proud of herself.
“(Y/N) I don’t really have time, I need to-”
“You need to dance!” She interrupted, running at him and grabbing his arm the second he was in reach, pulling back out with her. She starting jumping around and dancing circles around him, not seeming to plan a single move ahead of time, just going in the direction she was headed and trying not to trip over her own two feet. The Doctor smiled at the thought, his resolve fading as he slowly began to join in. (Y/N) laughed, loud and joyous and the Doctor joined in, forgetting for a moment that anything was even wrong.
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Hugs From The Doctor Advent Calendar: Day 10
This actually ain’t the prompt from the list, but today’s was ‘Do you see what I see’ and I had to google it to get it, cos I haven’t actually heard that before so I picked one from another list and used ‘Church’ instead.
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The Doctor threw them both outside the doors and (Y/N) was taking a breath do yell at him when her words died in her throat and her breath was suddenly gone. They had landed in the back corner of a large church. Wooden pews filled the floors up to the front stage, the sunlight through the stained glass throwing colors across the darkened wood. Beautiful and intricate pictures of scenes from the bible. A birth, a death, hope, loss, faith and mistrust. Each picture showed something different from the last and even knowing there was more to look at in this room, (Y/N) couldn’t look away from the pictures crafted from colors and hi-lighted with the sun.
(Y/N) didn’t register her hand leaving the Doctor’s and was just barely aware of her feet taking her into the middle of the room. The Doctor followed her from a distance, watching hopefully.
Behind each picture and their meaning lay a different picture only she could see. An instant flash of an image with the same meaning. An alien child saw the surface of their world for the first time, and they thanked her. Flames and ash and people running and children crying. The stacked odds tumbling down with that special glint of an idea in the Doctor’s eyes. Old friends left behind with no other choice. The Doctor’s eyes again, this time saddened and looking to her, unsure. A mother with no one to turn to, sizing them up distrstfully.
With every image that flashed before her eyes, (Y/N) knew they had really happened. These were the things that she had seen. Things that were beautiful and terrible and everything she could have hoped for and everything she wished she’d never seen. The best and the worst of what the universe had to offer. (Y/N) hadn’t realized she had started crying until the Doctor was in front of her, asking if she wanted to leave.
“No it’s fine, it’s just-” She hiccuped a breath and shook her head a little. “It’s just a lot” She laughed a bit. The Doctor tried to hide his smile, considering she was still crying, but didn’t quite succeed.
“So you remember everything?”
“I- maybe” She frowned. “It’s all very mixed up and confusing but I don’t know, nothing feels missing like it did before. I remember the last time we were here”
“Tell me about it” The Doctor pressed.
“You were there”
“I know”
(Y/N) shook her head with a faint smile.
“We met here. I was having a hard time came hereto sit in the back, but you were sitting in the front, and you looked lonely. You were lost, I could tell, and I thought it couldn’t hurt to at least try to talk to you. I was lost too” She smiled a little. “It was probably the best decision I’d ever made. I think I found myself with you” (Y/N) stopped suddenly, glancing down. Perhaps she’d said a bit much… “Sorry”
“That’s alright, I think you found me too” The Doctor assured her, making her look up again. She grinned suddenly.
“You know what else, I remember a certain conversation about who you like, Doctor”
The Doctor paused, gaping at her slightly.
“I- well… No you see… see… Ah! See! I remember a certain ‘I kinda like you too’” He pointed out, smirking. (Y/N) would’ve told him off for his mimicking of her voice, which totally wasn’t that high-pitched, if she hadn’t felt so mortified at what she’d blurted out without her memories, and apparently without her common sense. The Doctor laughed and (Y/N) couldn’t help joining in. The two of them fell quiet after a moment and the Doctor looked (Y/N) over like he hadn’t seen her in so long, pulling her in for a tight hug.
“You’re right, got a few of these to catch up on” (Y/N) nodded, trying to keep the smile out of and the seriousness in her tone. The Doctor laughed again.
“Feeling better then?”
“We’ve been missing Christmas, I think we’ve had enough of this detour”
“But” The Doctor started, pulling away.
“Oh don’t start with ‘but’” (Y/N) sighed unhappily.
“We still don’t know what happened to your memories in the first place”
“Oh” (Y/N) frowned a little, thinking. “A man” The Doctor’s eyes widened.
“A man? What man? What does that mean?”
“I dunno, but I went inside to stay warm, and the next thing I know this guy is leading me through a door. He said he was a friend of yours…”
“Did you mention me to him?” The Doctor pressed, thinking best he could.
“No, he was talking about you the moment he showed up”
“So he’d have to know who you are” The Doctor concluded, brow furrowing. “Do you remember anything about him? Did he give you a name?”
“I don’t know Doctor, he didn’t tell me who he was. All he said was that he was your friend. He told me I was in the way and takes something out of his pocket, next thing I knew I was waking up on the floor of the kitchen with no idea who I was”
The Doctor sighed, shaking off his train of thought as he finally noticed she fear creeping onto her expression.
“It’s alright now, (Y/N). Your memories should be alright now, and I’m here. You’re safe with me and I will never leave you alone” He assured. (Y/N) nodded, pulling him into another hug and they stayed like that for a while, catching up.
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Hugs From the Doctor Advent Calendar: Day 13
Prompt: Frost
this was meant to be posted two days ago and I wrote it yesterday but at least it’s here today...?
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Now that Christmas day was really drawing ever closer, (Y/N) was starting to become a little worried about what she could get the Doctor as a gift. Sure, they’d been shopping quite a bit since December started, more times in the last twelve days than in the entire time she’d been on the Tardis so far probably, but she still hadn’t found anything good enough. She could go ahead and just buy him loads of little gifts, it wasn’t like she could ever be short on cash when she had the Doctor and his sonic and lots of currency was automated in some way. But it wouldn’t be the same, she decided. She needed to get him something really special.
And maybe… it couldn’t hurt to get him another little thing or two, she also decided, spotting a lovely hand-made tie she thought would go perfectly with one of those suits he always wore. Paying the vendor of the small table and saying goodbye, she sent another glance towards the Tardis at the end of the little street. The Doctor had seemed to think something was wrong with her and landed on the closest planet right quick so he could stop and check her out. (Y/N) quickly noticed that it was in this planet’s summer months and they were right in the middle of a little market and told him she’d pass the time looking around.
As she had, she’d noticed that a few of the tables held mechanical pieces and tools, most of which she didn’t recognize in the slightest. That was mostly what the Doctor seemed to use. So she wandered back over and let herself in, the Tardis humming softly in greeting. (Y/N) responded a quick greeting in her mind, knowing she’d hear it.
“Hey, Doctor?” She called out, glancing around the room.
“Down here” He called back. (Y/N) rounded the console and found he’d removed a bit of the grating and wedged himself somehow in and underneath the console, his jacket discarded on the ground beside him.
“I saw some tools and stuff outside, you don’t need any parts do you? I could see if I could find something?” She suggested. The Doctor sighed, worming him way out and looking up at her, he looked a little downtrodden but (Y/N) was fighting not to laugh at his hair, half sticking up and half flattened, or the grease marks down his face and his white shirt.
“No thank you, (Y/N). It’s nothing like that. Looks like the Tardis is a little frostbitten, that’s all” He explained. (Y/N) blinked a few times.
“What does that even mean? She gonna be okay?”
“She’ll be fine” The Doctor assured her, standing. “Just needs a bit of time to defrost, too many snow planets at once, probably”
“Oh” (Y/N) frowned, now feeling very much guilty. She knew the Tardis almost constantly needed a little maintenance here and there, so she hadn’t been too worried before, but now that she knew what was causing the issue…
“Hey, it’s not your fault” The Doctor spoke up, seeming to know the direction she’d been thinking in. “Things like this happen, and if she’d been so against the snow, she wouldn’t’ve let us land in it all those times. She just needs a little sun and she’ll be ready to go” (Y/N) nodded a little, but still glanced at the console uncertainly.
“Really (Y/N)” The Doctor assured her. “It’s like… like when you want to play in the snow, and yur hands get really cold. You’re still having fun and you don’t want to leave yet, but you’ll have to spend a little time warming up a bit afterwards” (Y/N) seemed to understand a bit better then, nodding again as she ran her hands over the console.
“So how long ‘til she’s all warmed up?” (Y/N) asked, fiddling with controls and glancing at the monitor like she knew what she was doing. The Doctor grinned, following her to the screen.
“Shouldn’t be too long, half an hour?”
“Alright then” (Y/N) nodded. “Well, first thing, you really need to change your shirt” Thee Doctor looked down and blinked in surprise at the state of himself, to which (Y/N) laughed. “Well you do that, and I’m gonna have a bit more of a look around, by then she should be ready, right?”
“Very good, (Y/N)” The Doctor agreed, snatching up his jacket and wandering off down the halls. “Good plan, wonderful plan, I’ll do that” He continued, talking to himself more than anything as he wandered off. (Y/N) laughed a little, glancing at the console again. There was still the issue of a gift…
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Hug From The Doctor Advent Calendar: Day 9
Prompt: gift
so this happened
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The Doctor had a great time with his distraction, he really did, but now he knew he needed to get back to work. But almost as soon as he and (Y/N) reached the console room he was momentarily distracted by a flash of silver from the corner of his eye. He glanced over to find (Y/N) holding the charm of her necklace in one hand and frowning a little at it. The Doctor smiled a little ruefully, wondering what she might think of it.
“Do you like it?” He asked as casually as he could manage, watching the console as he fiddled instead of meeting her gaze when she looked up.
“Yeah, I do”
The Doctor gave a small nod, not looking up until she walked over and had stood beside him a moment.
“Where did I get it?” She asked carefully.
“Well..” He thought a moment, wondering if he should say it was him or answer with what he had been hoping she would think. But before he could decide, he had been distracted once again. He caught sight of the small pendant and suddenly realized that it held more writing than he had given it. (Y/N) caught him looking and carefully removed the chain from her neck, handing it to him so he could get a closer look at the writing.
Engraved in the space that had once simply read ‘believe’ was now the words ‘I believe in the Doctor’. He stared at it for a long minute.
“Did… did I get that for myself?” (Y/N) asked carefully.
“You must have” The Doctor breathed in realization. “I- I got you the charm, I got you a ‘believe’ charm, but I hadn’t expected you to- to”
“Seems like we’re really close, eh?” (Y/N) pressed a little further.
“Yeah, we kind of are, I suppose” The Doctor mused, taking the silver chain and stepped up behind her to lower it over her head, carefully reconnecting it at the back of her neck. (Y/N) touched the charm at her chest gently.
“Are we dating?”
The Doctor stumbled abruptly and (Y/N) turned with worry in her eyes as he righted himself, clearing his throat and rubbing the back of his neck as he rounded the console to remove himself from sight.
“Uh, no we- you didn’t- I don’t… think so…” He answered awkwardly. (Y/N) smiled like she had just worked something out.
“Doctor do you like me?”
“’Course I like you! We’re friends aren’t we?”
“No I mean…” (Y/N) bit her lip and laughed lightly, acting more like she’d found out he liked a mutual friend of theirs instead of her. “Like, like me” The Doctor turned away, trying to hide the flush of heat he felt in his face. He’d been hoping if this ever came out that they’d be in the opposite positions. (Y/N) gasped delightedly. “You do! You love me!” She laughed fully now and the Doctor sighed, crouching down to pull a panel off the side of the console, playing with the wires in the hopes that he could run some more scenarios. (Y/N) fell silent, moving to perch herself on the jump seat behind him. She let him work silently for a moment before speaking up again.
“Well I can’t speak for my full set of memories but I kinda… like you too” She admitted. The Doctor jumped in surprise, his head hitting the edge of the console and the two of them cried out in sync. (Y/N) threw herself forward to inspect his head and the Doctor crawled backwards, repeating ‘ow’ under his breath and holding a hand to his head, poutily trying to fix his flattened hair.
“Careful there, Doc! Haven’t seen you do that without the sound system going bezerk!” (Y/N) joked lightly, brushing his hair aside to look at the sore spot on his head. The Doctor grabbed her wrists suddenly, moving her hands away and staring with wide eyes.
“What did you just say?!”
(Y/N) frowned.
“I said-” She stopped suddenly, seeming to realize what she said. “Oh my god… Doctor, I think I’ve remembered something!”
“I think so too!”
“You always hit your head when the sound system goes off!”
“Oi! No I don’t!”
“It’s happened about three times!”
“You can tell the memories aren’t all there, the third time was when we crashed”
With that said, the Doctor jumped up and had the Tardis take off immediately, shaking (Y/N) back off her feet the minute she tried to get up.
“What’re you doing?” She called out, after another try deciding to just hold onto the railings behind her best she could.
“Tracking down a nice little place for you to remember, as it seems you’ve been doing so on your own” He summarized quickly. The Tardis landed with a final thump and the Doctor rushed over to pull (Y/N) to her feet. “Did I ever mention, you are brilliant!” He cheered, laughing, both hands on her shoulders.
“Yeah, you have” She responded, watching him with wide eyes. He laughed again, pulling her closer and nearly crushing her in a hug.
“(Y/N) I don’t know how, but you’re achieving the impossible” He explained happily. He pulled away, watching her a moment. “Your memories aren’t just coming back, (Y/N), I scanned you already, it’s not possible. But your memories are, in essence, you. You’re bringing your memories back by sheer willpower and you aren’t even aware you’re doing it! Oh, I couldn’t ask for a better Christmas gift! Come on!” He took her hand and yanked her towards the door, ignoring her cry of surprise as he dragged her along and threw them both outside the doors.
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Hugs From the Doctor Advent Calendar: Day 5
Prompt: Believe
Hey look! I got the second one done! This one is at a way more ideal time and I’m gonna try to be better but for now, I just sat here and did this whole thing, so I’m gonna go shower and do all those other things humans need to do. Like I said I just sat and wrote it all and posted it, so I haven’t even read through it or glanced over it once, please excuse any all the typos.
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“Okay, you said you would explain once I got you here, why the North Pole?” The Doctor asked, curious and just a little bit miffed. “We spent all of yesterday in the snow, surely it can’t be about that”
“Oh I will love the snow until the end of time, but that’s not why” (Y/N) confirmed
“Then why?” The Doctor complained, stuffing his hands deep in his pockets with a little scowl.
“We’re going to hunt down Santa Claus” (Y/N) declared with a grin, only glancing back over her should a moment before continuing on through the snow and ice. The Doctor paused to blink in surprise. The was not the answer he had been expecting from his adult companion. Certainly one who likes to keep reminding him that she’s not a child and can take care of herself.
“You’re serious?”
“’Course I am” (Y/N) responded immediately, stopping and turning to him once she’d realized he wasn’t following anymore. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Because… Santa isn’t real” The Doctor pointed out, almost hesitantly. Did she still believe since she was a child? Was he destroying some life-long perception for her? Surely she didn’t still think that?
“Of course he is” (Y/N) waved him off. “Otherwise who’s been giving me presents all this time? I thought so too, but I was living on my own for a few years before I met you, and I still always got presents from Santa. My parents never knew what I was gonna get each year, it’s great!” She went to start off again but the Doctor still looked doubtful. “He still gives you presents as long as you believe in him”
“(Y/N), I’m really sorry, but he’s not real, not actually” The Doctor tried to explain. (Y/N)’s grin fell a little.
“Of course he is” She laughed a little, but seemed unsure now. “He- He has to be, I got presents from him every year. I always have. But surely you- you of all people would… would know…” Her smile fell further and she stared off into the snow a moment, thinking.
“I”m sorry (Y/N), I didn’t think you-”
“I’m gonna go call mum” (Y/N) cut him off, walking past him back in the direction towards the Tardis. The Doctor watched her go, pulling her phone from her coat pocket, and sighed. He hadn’t wanted to ruin her fun, or ruin a tradition for her, but he hadn’t expected someone her age to still believe in something told to human children. He watched her disappear inside the Tardis doors, holding the phone to her ear, and sighed again before starting off himself. He should know by now to leave some things be when it comes to (Y/N) and Christmas.
When he reached the doors he waited a moment longer to let her have some time to herself on the phone, but when he heard her muffled voice rise a little he stepped inside to find her speaking unhappily into her cellphone. She was standing on the other side of the console with her back to him and the door didn’t creak as it usually did, which he mentally thanked the Tardis for, so she didn’t seem to notice him presence.
“Alright then, you did that, but what about what I got the last few years at my place? You live too far away” You were saying. “Well someone did! No, mum, I did not forget I bought something for myself and labeled it ‘from Santa’ every year” There was a pause and (Y/N) took a breath. “Yes I know I didn’t believe it through high school but what other explanation was there when it kept happening? Alright. Okay. Yeah, sorry, I’ll uh, talk to you later. Yeah I’ll be home sometime over the holidays. I’m somewhere up north, not too far, don’t worry. Okay, bye” (Y/N) hung up her phone and stared at it a moment longer. She sniffed and tucked it back in her pocket, taking a breath to compose herself before she turned back around.
(Y/N) paused at the sight of the Doctor standing there, seeming embarrassed.
“Hey” The Doctor greeted quietly.
“Hey” (Y/N) responded, crossing her arms and trying to seem fine. “So you were right, of course you were, you always are”
“(Y/N), look, I’m sor-”
“My socks are a bit wet, walking through the snow, so I’m just gonna go to my room and I’m gonna, uhm, change. Maybe wear something a bit lighter and we can, I dunno, go… a place. Just, excuse me”
(Y/N) exited the room without another word and the Doctor sighed, leaning forward against the console with his head down.
“I just keep doing this don’t I?” He muttered to himself more than his ship. “Last time it was an easy enough fix, decorate the console room, that’s what she wanted. But what am I supposed to do now, make someone real?” The Tardis hummed almost knowingly and the Doctor looked up.
It didn’t take him very long. Well, not as long as he’d feared. A little bit of stalking that (Y/N) wouldn’t be too happy about, but he supposed it had been the easiest was to go about it. Just a few minutes to pick everything up. A lot longer than he’d expected on the wrapping to make it worthy in his opinion, but still only a few minutes a trip to drop everything off. Then last but far from least, he found his way to (Y/N)’s darkened room in the Tardis and place a small box on her bedside table so she’d see it when she woke up.
It was, in fact, the first thing she laid eyes on, for it was something she had never seen before sitting in her room. (Y/N) blinked a few times, frowning at it before sitting up slowly and picking it up. There was no tag on the tiny golden gift box, which only serves to pique her curiousity. She nearly untied the ribbon and let it fall to her lap before opening the box. She gasped, a hand covering her mouth as stared at the single item inside.
Resting securely on a small white cushion was a simple silver pendant on the end of a silver chain. In the middle of the round pendant was a single word, engraved in a simple and neat script.
(Y/N) enter the console room almost hesitantly, a vast contrast to her usual entrances. The Doctor glanced up and smiled.
“Sleep well?”
“Yeah… About yesterday…”
“No that’s alright, I understand” He ushered her over and she approached, if a little confused. He quickly enveloped her in a hug and she made a sound of surprise when he lifted her clear off her feet, but laughed and returned the embrace. “Besides, I had a day off, you had a day off, we’re even now” He placed her back on her feet ans smiled slightly at her giggle when she was stood on her own again. “I was just thinking of a slow day if you didn’t have any other plans? Maybe go get some chips or something later”
“Sounds good” (Y/N) agreed, self-consciousness brushed off. The Doctor nodded and flipped a few switches.
“Did you want to go out for breakfast? I know a nice little place on one of Earth’s first colonies. Any foreign food will still be foreign to them too, and it’s all human food, so we don’t have to worry about what happened last time”
“Oh good, let’s go then” (Y/N) nodded. The Doctor noticed her reach up and place her hand over her collar bone, noticed the ever-so-slight indentation through her shirt, and smiled, hopefully unnoticed.
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(Your necklace ^ )
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Hugs from the Doctor Advent Calendar: Day 7
Prompt: Memories
Enjoy... ;)
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This certainly wasn’t supposed to happen. A lot of things that happened on their travels weren’t supposed to happen, but this was worse than any that had happened to (Y/N) before. Not during their Christmas. She had been loving all their Christmas themed adventures, and he was slowly beginning to admit that he loved them too. This was not what he wanted to come of it all. They’d gone skiing. Well, at least tried to. They found a nice beginners slope full of humanoid people, and taught themselves. It was working out quite fun. Until the Doctor decided to go back to the Tardis and swap his coat for something a little more practical, said he’d meet her at the top. But when he got there (Y/N) was nowhere to be seen.
Some near-desperate searching and a little asking around later, he was told someone had seen a girl her description inside the warm lounge the housed the restaurant and the little shop they had both promised themselves they’d check out later. The Doctor was a little frustrated at himself for not thinking of that earlier. She was human, he reminded himself. If she was waiting for him it would make sense that she would wait inside to warm up a bit. Love of the snow doesn’t make it any less cold. But as he ventured inside and spotted her over the back of the room, she glanced at when the door opened, but looking over him and continued glancing around the room. He frowned, venturing over to where she was sat on one of the plush chairs.
“(Y/N)?” He questioned, a little thrown when she frowned at him.
“Sorry I… I don’t really know how to say this” She began slowly, speaking a little strange. She hadn’t spoken like that to him, or even around him, since they’d first met. Not the excited explorative way she always did now. “Do you know who I am?” The Doctor took a step back, blinking in surprise.
“Do I- What?” He stammered, trying to understand, but his mind had gone blank at her words. She gave a small shrug, seeming unsure herself. “Yeah, I- I do” He answered.
“Oh good, well if you wouldn’t mind reminding me, who are you?”
“And uh, while you’re at it, who am I?” She smiled slightly trying to make a joke of it, but the Doctor could see a hint of fear in her eyes, and genuine confusion.
“You… don’t remember who we are?” The Doctor questioned, trying hard to understand.
“I’m sorry” She responded quickly, upset now. “I don’t know what might have happened. I woke up in one of the back rooms and someone walked in when I was trying to figure out where I was, told me I wasn’t supposed to be there and left me out here. I- are we at a ski resort? It’s snowing outside and I don’t…”
“How much do you… remember? From before that?” The Doctor asked carefully, sitting down opposite her. There was a pause, she looked him over int he way she did when they first met, taking him in and he could see her making up her mind to trust him all over again. The realization broke his hearts.
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Hugs from the Doctor Advent Calendar: Day 3
Prompt: You better watch out
Goddammit, this was the one I got stuck on. This is the third time I am posting this late at night, which sucks. But it’s still on the right day. I think this one is a lot longer but you’ll see why.
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“Real snow this time?”
“Yes, I promise”
(Y/N) Zipped up her jacket and pulled her hat down over her ears, grinning up at the Doctor.
“Ready” She announced happily.
“Alright, well the Tardis locked onto the nearest mass of snow, so they would put us…” The Doctor trailed off as he opened the door and (Y/N) frowned, giving him a little push to move him out the way a bit so she could see. “In London” The Doctor laughed, stepping out of the doorway to let (Y/N) follow. She laughed along with him as she secured the Tardis door shut.
“Where else?” She agreed, shuffling about as the snow crunched beneath her boots. “While we’re here, we may as well go shopping?” (Y/N) suggested hopefully. The Doctor sighed, but reluctantly nodded and she dragged him eagerly along.
“Have you got any money?” The Doctor asked, glancing around.
“Uh.. Maybe, depends what year it is, do we know?” (Y/N) was too preoccupied with digging through her pockets that she didn’t even notice the Doctor stopping in place, simply pausing to continue looking.
“2006, Christmas Eve” He stated.
“Oh, that’s why it’s so crowded then” (Y/N) Hummed. “I should have something from around then, if I could just- Doctor?!” The Doctor shushed her quickly, pulling her along down the nearest alleyway.
“Doctor, what’s going on” (Y/N) whispered, suddenly incredibly confused.
“I think I’ve just crossed my own timeline…” He answered quietly, looking almost dazed. (Y/N)’s eyes widened.
“Are you already out there somewhere?”
“Not me, no, I’m back at the flat having a little nap I think” The Doctor corrected, peeking cautiously around the corner.
“Oh my god”
“What?” The Doctor turned back to her.
“Is she- is she out there?” (Y/N) asked slowly. “Christmas 2006, you told me about that, is Rose out there right now?” The Doctor didn’t answer, didn’t look like he was paying much attention right now, lost in thought. (Y/N) made a split second decision and rounded the corner and back out into the crowd before the Doctor knew what was happening. The Doctor called for her, but was too late to stop her. (Y/N) had barely taken three steps from the alley when she ran directly into someone. Both of them stumbled and (Y/N)’s eyes widened again at the familiar face she found herself in front of. A very familiar pace she’d seen many photos of before.
“Oh sorry, you right?” Rose Tyler apologized, looking over the other girl.
“Yeah, I’m fine, thanks” (Y/N) nodded. Rose frowned a little.
“You sure?” She asked again, her voice quieter this time. “You know you can tell me if there’s anything wrong, I’d believe you” (Y/N) laughed a little, seeing why the Doctor had liked her so much.
“I’m fine, I promise, fantastic”
Rose hesitated a little at the word, but smiled and nodded.
“Alright then, well, happy Christmas”
“Yes, you too, Merry Christmas” (Y/N) responded. Rose nodded once more and continued on her way, passing her.
“Excuse me” (Y/N) called out again, turning to her. Rose turned back.
“Just, uh… It’s Christmas, y’know” (Y/N) gestured around at the heavily decorated street. “Only happens once, Christmas Eve, 2006. So, uh, make the most of it. I’m sure everything will turn out great”
Rose nodded, seeming a bit confused but also slightly distracted as she glanced at something over (Y/N)’s shoulder.
“Hey, I was wondering where you’d got to” Mickey ran up suddenly. “Who’s this?”
“Oh, hey, just… someone I just met…” She brushed off, still distracted. (Y/N) frowned and glaced over her shoulder. She didn’t see anything out of place, bright lights and vendors selling as much as they could before Christmas was over, a holiday band dressed as Santas.
“I’m Mickey”
(Y/N) turned back and gave Mickey a smile, trying to resist saying ‘I know’ instead responding with her own name, shaking his hand in greeting. (Y/N) looked back again, turning around and standing beside Rose as she watched them. They weren’t playing, but they were walking slowly towards them.
“Do you guys think they look a bit… off?” (Y/N) frowned. Rose nodded right away. One of them raised their instrument and suddenly the entire band of fake Santas were opening fire all the way down the street, some of them quite literally. The three darted off one direction, hiding behind the stalls and making their way down, trying to stay under cover.
“We’ve got to get back to the Doctor” Rose whispered to Mickey, but (Y/N) still heard and took that as her cue to leave.
“Alright, sorry, gotta go” She declared, going to run off when Rose grabbed her arm.
“It’s not safe around here, I know someone who can… might be able to help. You can come with us”
“I know someone too, Rose” (Y/N) told her, making the other girl’s eyes widen. “And I think he’s gonna be a bit upset at me, and I might have messed something up in the timeline, and we should really go now”
“You…” Rose let go of her arm. “You know the Doctor…?”
“I know him in the future, and his past is your present. I have to get back to him so we can leave, I shouldn’t have spoken to you in the first place”
“No, that’s… that’s okay. You should go” Rose agreed.
“It was a pleasure to meet you, really”
“You too” Rose agreed. “Take care of him”
“Same to you” (Y/N) nodded. With that, she ran back down the line of abandoned stalls to the other end. The Santas were distracted, focussing on Rose and probably not even knowing (Y/N)’s connection to her Doctor, so she managed to get across the street from there without them noticing. The Doctor caught her as she darted back inside the alleyway.
“Doctor, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have, but I wanted to see her, and I talked to her, and then the whole- I’m sorry, we should go, I’ve probably messed it all u-”
“(Y/N), hey, it’s okay” The Doctor assured her. “It’s okay, the timeline is still intact, nothing happened. For all I know this is originally what happened” (Y/N) nodded. The Doctor looked past her at the suddenly empty street, as if trying to get another glimpse, but Rose had already left.
“Doctor….” (Y/N) called hesitantly, drawing his attention back. She gave him a sad smile. “Let’s go back to the Tardis. We don’t have to see the snow today, we can stay in and watch a film, alright?” The Doctor nodded slowly.
“Yeah, okay”
He took (Y/N)’s hand and double checked that the coast was clear before leading the way back to the Tardis. He piloted them away and back into the vortex slowly and silently. (Y/N) sighed, walking over to him as he finished, taking a small step back from the console. The usual console room lights seemed dimmed more than usual, as if she was sad too. But the Christmas lights shone as brightly as ever. The Doctor glanced down at (Y/N) and tried a sad smile, which she returned. She held out her arms to him and he quickly accepted her offer, hugging her tightly. (Y/N) sighed a little.
“She’s alright Doctor” (Y/N) assured him. “You know she’s safe, and with her family, and I’m never gonna leave you, okay?” The Doctor nodded a little, but she knew he still felt a little doubtful about that last part. “C’mon” (Y/N) told the Doctor, pulling away. “We’ll go find some cozy pyjamas, make some hot chocolate and hunt down the cinema room, kay? You can pick the movie” The Doctor smiled, and it looked a little happier than the last.
“Okay” He agreed.
“But don’t think this gets you out of Christmas activities tomorrow”
“Wouldn’t dream of it” The Doctor laughed a little.
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Hugs From The Doctor Advent Calendar: Day 17
Prompt: warm and cozy
and it also happens to be crap, there’s that too...
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The Doctor’s repairs were finally finished by the evening of the third day, but (Y/N) actually suspected that he might’ve dragged it out a little more to prolong proper travelling with the Master. Or maybe to pointedly show how much damage he had caused. Either way, the day was almost over when he told them they were in frying condition. The Master had skulked around by himself mostly, even though (Y/N) knew he had enjoyed making the cards with him, and he just refused to admit it. So she had spent her time exploring the rooms she’d yet to see and reading in the library and watching movies in the cinema room.
The Doctor had walked in on (Y/N) getting fed up with the Master’s constant pouting and scowling and trying to convince him to sit down and watch a movie with her. The Master was trying to refuse but the Tardis had locked him in with her so he couldn’t walk off. The doors locked again after the Doctor had entered, much to the Master’s dismay. But the Doctor got quite a show out of (Y/N) scolding him and eventually they were both forced to sit down with her as she got a movie started.
“Shut up, the movie’s starting” (Y/N) hushed them both. The Doctor rolled his eyes and sighed when the Disney opening played across the screen but (Y/N) merely shushed him.
“You have watched this movie four dozen times since I’ve known you” The Doctor pointed out.
“No I haven’t!”
“Forty-six to be exact”
The Master sighed and (Y/N) glared at him.
“But you haven’t seen it and you have to!”
Both men glanced at each other and sighed one last time before begrudgingly falling quiet and watching the screen. It took all of two minutes for the Master to become enchanted by the film the same way (Y/N) had, but the Doctor, who’d seen it too many times already in his opinion, only got into it at the dramatic bits that demanded audience attention. About half an hour into the movie (Y/N) pulled a blanket out of nowhere and spread it across her lap. It was promptly stolen away by the Master and she glared, pulling out another one. She at least had that one for all of five minutes before the Doctor started pulling it over for himself. (Y/N) glared at him too, pulling out a third and snuggling up again. She stuck her tongue out at both of them and they both shushed her, turning their attention back to the screen. (Y/N) rolled her eyes, but at least they were watching.
Just as the movie finished, the Doctor declared that he had a better movie and changed it over right quick, leaving no time for either of the other two to protest. (Y/N) didn’t want to, smiling a little and settling back in with her head on the Doctor’s shoulder. Her eyelids began to grow heavier as she tried to pay attention to the movie and next thing she knew she was waking up with her head on the Doctor’s shoulder and her feet up on the Master’s lap and both of them had dozed off. There was no movie playing anymore but there was a soothing array of colors flowing across the screen and a soft lullaby tune playing. She smiled and let herself fall back asleep.
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Hugs From The Doctor Advent Calendar: Day 16
Prompt: Season’s Greeting
I literally posted the last tow days on here in the last hour but this is today’s so I’m finally caught up! I might end up posting tomorrow’s one in a bit or on the day after because of the protest (I have two and a half hours until the start of it) but we’ll see
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The Doctor had ended up working on the Tardis repairs longer than any of them were expecting, shooting glares at the Master every now and then. (Y/N) had gone to bed and woken up to find the Doctor still working. So, naturally, she decided to wander off around the Tardis to find something to fix the problem of her boredom. She found herself in the library simply because it was one of her favorite rooms, sitting at the table with craft supplies scattered around and humming as she worked.
“What are you doing?” The Master asked, a half-frown half-scowl set on his face, as it usually was, as he wandered over. (Y/N) tried to be unphased, and smiled effortlessly at him.
“Making Christmas cards!” She cheered happily. The Master raised an eyebrow and she held up her latest masterpiece. “Do you like it?”
“It’s very… glittery” was all he said. (Y/N) pulled a face at him, placing it down.
“That’s cos there’s glitter on it” She pointed out, beginning another one. “Join me” She suggested.
“Sorry I’d rather be doing… anything else”
“No you wouldn’t”
“No, really” The Master repeated in a warning tone. (Y/N) narrowed her eyes at him and pushed out the chair beside her with her foot, staring him down until he sighed and sat down. Her grin returned full force as she supplied him with an empty card and explained how all the tools she had worked and showed him how she used them before leaving him to it, working on her own.
When the Doctor suddenly realized that he didn’t know where the Master or (Y/N) were, he felt a spark of panic, and rushed off immediately to track them both down. Finding them together was what he was afraid of, but he hadn’t been expecting to find them together… crafting… (Y/N) was singing some Christmas songs as she worked happily and the Master was working more hesitantly, jut getting the hang of the tools before him. He glanced at her every now and then, frowning a little as he heard her sing the tunes he had never heard before.
The Doctor paused, finding himself not wanting to interrupt. He watched for a bit before quietly returning to the console room and pulling up a security camera view of the two just in case. But every now and then he stopped to watch them a moment longer and did the Master just smile when (Y/N) wasn’t looking? Maybe she had been right about this after all…
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