#Alexis Cooke
sw33theartnick · 6 months
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gx has provided me with more idiots that love one another I love idiots and I love yugioh mwahahaha
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tvmusiclife · 2 months
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Team USA July 27th, 2024
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kinsagi · 2 months
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Anyway Ness GET HIM BACK!!!!
Jk ur so much better than him pls get therapy then make him get therapy then kiss
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gx-gameon · 3 months
Some reasons why the DM cast would not like the friends Jaden made during school:
Syrus: In the dub, it's clear that he doesn't have the best relationship with his brother Zane so he projects the perfect brother figure onto Jaden. The minute Jaden doesn't fit the ideal, he abandons Jaden at the toss of a hat. From trading his bed/eating his breakfast shrimp to the Dark World, Syrus was never as loyal as Joey. Only reason he got the Ra Yellow promotion duel was because of his brother and it's hinted that he was given his Obelisk Blue rank as a 'thank you' for helping against the Light of Ruin since he was at the final battle (even though all he did was hold Aster). Didn't truly improve until Season 4 and his deck upgrade came from his brother. Literally rode coattails to where he is at the end of the series.
Chazz: He was a jerk at the start, but mostly due to his brothers putting pressure on him. When Jaden tried to bond with him, he was mostly rebuffed and while he could see Duel Spirits, he never reciprocated Jaden's attempts to bond over it. Despite everything he went through with Jaden, he didn't hesitate to rejoin Obelisk Blue in a heartbeat come Season 4.
Bastion: Season 2 did this man no favors. He lost on purpose to join the Society of Light to get recognition and respect, which he never got anyway. He did give Jaden the wake up call he needed to get out of his Dark World funk to at least beat Yubel/get Jesse back.
Alexis: RIP her development in GX because her archetype didn't do well in the real life sales, because having a Ritual Expert would have been great. When Jaden returned, she tried to act like nothing happened and tried to force Jaden into activities, which only made him angry because he wanted to be left alone. She only moved into the Slifer Red Dorm because Crowler was trying to make her into a pop star with her brother in Season 2 so she can't be blamed too much for leaving.
Atticus: After getting his memories back, all Atticus did was become comic relief and tried to hook his sister up with guys. Never did he duel with his own original deck against the villains (Red Eyes deck is hinted to be the deck he was given as a Shadow Rider, not his original). He's one of the few that can beat Zane since he was part of the Obelisk Elite but never showed it. It's his fault that the Sacred Beasts woke up because he stole the keys for his plan to get Alexis to hook up with Chazz. Literally tried to force his sister into stardom against her will because he's an overly dramatic theater kid.
Zane: Zane is a one trick pony with a pretty powerful beat stick. His entire deck revolves around getting out Cyber End Dragon via Power Bond. Anyone in the pros can shut that down quick and instead of trying to improve he just kept with his old deck and fell into the underground, rejecting any help due to pride. Literally almost rage quit his final duel with Jaden because Jaden was trying to duel around a brick opening hand and had to think instead of having fun on the fly.
Aster: Multiple posts already on this for this blog, was manipulated because of tunnel vision concerning avenging his dad and didn't care who he hurt as long as he got his revenge.
Hassleberry: This boy literally has a dinosaur bone in his leg which gives him dino powers, got his spirit sent to space to save the world, and still will talk smack about Jaden behind his back and call his Duel Spirits 'imaginary friends' despite having met Neos.
Axel: He saw that Jaden's monsters were forced to attack Brron and how it wasn't truly Jaden's fault that his friends were sent to the stars, but still turned his back on the boy and told him that he was on his own. Despite his tough guy act, he ran when the Supreme King challenged him the first time. Redeemed himself by beating the Supreme King in Sesaon 3 and in Season 4 by helping Jaden though!
Jesse: Jesse is a all around sweet guy, he really is! The fact that he considered making himself a martyr to save the school was fulfilling his dream probably doesn't sit right with some of the DM crew because of how Jaden blamed himself for not being strong enough to save his friend.
Exception to this cause would be Jim. He saw that something was going down at the academy and investigated. the minute he saw Jaden as the Supreme King? In the original Japanese he outright asks if Jaden was tricked into being a ruthless warlord. Only reason this man did not return in season 4 was because his Japanese voice actor retired. Chumley is in this camp too because he stayed a solid friend with Jaden after Season 1.
Okay I thought I was the Gx friend groups number 1 hater but I take my cap off and pass it to you. Way to eviscerate all of them.
Here’s the thing. The DM cast are big friendship people. They forgive people for things they probably shouldn’t as long as the offended party says it’s okay. But they are also loyal.
In Duelist kingdom Téa holds a bit of a grudge against Mai until they get to know each other. Joey and Tristian are very protective of their friends. Yugi is warm and welcoming to all but he won’t stand for anyone messing with his friends and loved ones. Atem is protective. He loves his friends dearly and will do anything to keep them from harms way. And Seto is a dragon, he hoards that which is precious to him and protects it viciously.
I don’t think they would tell Jaden they didn’t like his friends. Nor do I think these adults would hold grudges against children (Seto might but he’s Seto Kaiba he held a grudge to the afterlife) but they aren’t fans of all of Jaden’s friends
Syrus for all the reasons you stated, they just don’t like him. Syrus tries to force Jaden into a preferred older brother role instead of his best friend and equal. If Jaden fails that glorified image even a little bit Syrus loses all faith in him and interest in their friendship besides whining until Jaden full fills the role again. He’s a fair weather friend. I don’t think he’s a bad character or person but he needs to grow up. But because he is sheltered by both Zane and Jaden (from hiding behind him and Jaden’s hero complex) he doesn’t have to. Hopefully he matures after school.
But from a parents perspective this is not the person you want your kid relying on. He’s the friend who expects you to always be there for him but won’t be there for you in a hard time. Yugi’s good at reading people and from the stories Jaden tells them (which put all of his friends in a much better light) he and the Sam cast are not impressed. Téa and Joey especially don’t like the kid. Mai to. She felt with a lot of fake people in her life time. But how do you say that to a kid like Jaden who is so excited to have friends? Yugi is hopeful that Syrus will mature one day. After all his mom had similar worries when he became friends with Joey. But as time goes forward he’s proven wrong and Joey is a little offended by the comparison.
I haven’t seen season 4 so I can’t comment on it. I’m almost done with my rewatch of season 1 and Chazz grows a lot in that season. I can see the DM cast being wary of him in the beginning because Chazz does start off as a bit of a bully. But after the school duel and Chazz starts truly hanging out with the cast I think most of those fears are put to rest. With finding out about his family and he is fairly loyal to Jaden. It’s not Joey levels but he’s not suppose to be (he’s not the designated best friend though he does a better job then Syrus)
I think by the end of season 1 they like him. (They haven’t met any of these kids and only have Jaden and school reports to go off of) the kid did stand up for the whole school against his brothers using a completely different and “weak” deck. He’s impressed them, and he at least tried to help. He took down one shadow rider.
In season 2 they are probably worried about him with the cult running around but I don’t know how much Jaden has told them about said cult. Chazz is also a real winner in that season of I remember. He goes out and beats all the members of the cult and wins the Gx tournament while Jaden deals with the leader. That should be the job of the “best friend” but Syrus and Hasselberry were mostly cheerleaders. It sticks that most of it is off screen but at least he’s helping. The cult can’t gang up on Jaden if Chazz is mowing them down.
Season 3 is a mess for Chazz. He’s sideline like most of the cast and it doesn’t help that he is one of the nay sayers. I know it’s a spell and Jaden is being selfish and rushing ahead. But this is a rescue mission that you chose to go on. I need to rewatch this season because how did Chazz and the others get captured? How did they not fight back? I don’t remember them taking part in one duel in the dark world. Like they were just following, complaining, and dying. It sucks how much the writers sidelined the cast like I love the exchange students, it think they are better characters over all, but the way the og cast is handled is t the best.
In conclusion, I don’t think the DM cast disapproves of him, it’s just a complex relationship between him and Jaden. I have them becoming Chazz’s pseudo family by the end of the au. Him and Jaden started on a ruff foot but they got there eventually.
It’s almost funnier to say they forgot Bastion existed. He’s so fun in season 1 even though he’s a simp I love the energy he brings. But he’s the e first of the cast to get hard sidelined. I have to watch season 2 again. I always felt bad for the kid. Arthur and Solomon would have loved this kid. I’m going to play with his story a lot because he just wants to be acknowledged and seen as an equal to his friends and is constantly dismissed. Like he willingly joined the cult. He’s going to get a DM parental figure. One that probably doesn’t want the nerd following them but will grow to love their newly acquired duckling. I need to rewatch season 2 and think through the DM cast.
Is that why her development gets thrown in the garbage?? Her archetype didn’t sell well? No she’s the ritual expert. And you’re right that would have been super cool. She’s still not a good friend. She’s alright in season 1 and at least takes down one of the Shadow riders. In season two she has a mini arc as the ice queen and they do a nice job of if I remember correctly. But she’s also sidelined in season 3 and I’ve heard season 4 is not great for her. To focused on her crush on Jaden and his past and her idolized version that she can’t see the Jaden in front of her is in need of help.
I don’t think the DM cast hate her but I think she rubs them the wrong way in season 3 and 4.
Maybe I’ll extend post cannon because I can see Alexis with a mentor and learning how to navigate her own feelings becoming a real power house. Ritual decks are rare and I wish we saw them more. Atem has two ritual monsters he uses in Black Magician of Chaos and Black luster solider. I’m not saying Atem’s her mentor but she just needs a chance to grow and stand on her own. Post cannon is going to be forcing these characters to stand on their own two feet, letting them fail, and watching them build themselves back up again.
The og friend group relies on Haden way too much to solve their problems.
Atticus is a disappointment. He’s so fun and a goofball which is very different from his shadowrider persona. And I’m okay with that. It’s not his personality that upsets me. (Joey and Tristan have a can can dance when they beat an enemy and sing “can can we kicked it in the can can” like they would love Atticus and I love that goofball energy)
No where Atticus is a disappointment is that he never wins a duel on screen. He’s built up as this amazing duelist. He wins against the tomb keepers duel spirits to get his half of the shadow medallion. He’s part of the obelisk elite like Zane (I always wondered why their uniforms are different and now I know) yet he never wins an on screen duel.
I’m okay with him being a jokester and having fun with his kid sister and her friends, he’s behind his class by two years so he’s got to make new friends and Alexis and her crew welcome him. But I wish we say more of that.
Serenity join the DM cast in Battle City works this really well. She’s new to the group but already has connections because she’s Joey’s sister. She doesn’t know the rules and learns over time. Shes not the strongest but she’s helpful (saving Joey from the anchor) she doesn’t take center stage but we care about her.
But the difference between making her a side character/cheerleader and Atticus is Atticus is hyped up to be a good duelist. If they just showed him winning a duel or even talked about how he was win off screen I wouldn’t be as mad but the boys is a joke. He’s older than the rest of the cast and while he can be a goofy older brother he should also be a mentor or at least protective of the group. What was he even doing during the Gx tournament/Alexis’s cult time. I honestly forget. His kid sister spent a season looking for him and fighting to save him and the writers could let him return the favor. No Jaden has to save her.
(Like let him attempt. Maybe he can’t win in his own and Jaden has to take over or switch it and have Jaden start the duel but he’s not getting through and then Atticus steps in. It would be like Arem taking over for Kaiba bs Noah, where he takes Kaiba’s life points and deck and still pulls out a win. Do you know how good that would have made Atticus look if he took over Jaden’s duel using his deck and was able to beat Alexis. He’s a great duelist and to win using someone else deck is always seen as an impressive feat.)
I’m going to play with him to. I think most of the DM cast would love him. The Gx writers really just dropped the ball on their side characters.
Way to kick Zane when he’s down. Honestly sounds like something Kaiba would yell at him.
To be fair, if Zane is a one trick pony it’s also a fault with the school. They held him up as the best of the best and never forced him to change or adapt. The pro league is far more aggressive and he should have been prepared for that. If none of the students could beat him that’s one thing but a teacher should have pointed this flaw out. Maybe they did and he was to prideful or thought they were wrong because no one had ever stopped him before.
In know the Cyber end deck is a good deck. It still sees play today and has a lot of legacy support. So I don’t think it’s that his deck is bad. I think he just needs to change up his strategy.
But in topic. Ever already discussed the DM cast feelings towards him. He’s talented and good to Jaden in season 1 but they can’t help him in season 2. One they have their own things going on and two they can’t reveal their connection to Jaden. In all honesty they probably don’t know about Zane’s underground dueling until Jaden does. By then it’s too late to get the kid out.
I’ve already talked a lot about asteroids and his relationship with the DM cast and how they feel about his actions so we will move forward.
I haven’t rewatched season 2 but I remember preferring Hasselberry to Syrus
They thing that drives me nuts though is that they both act like Jaden is crazy talking to spirits. Syrus has had multiple encounters with duel spirits since season 1 and Hasselberry has turned into a cartoon dinosaur and fought beside Neos. The man has no room to talk. We are all suppose to believe in your Dino DNA but you think Jaden talking to spirits is crazy.
Hasselberry is far more helpful than Syrus but it’s the Jaden is crazy talk that drives me nuts. Like he draws the same short straw as everyone else in season 3 and I want to do a deep dive on who got what negative emotion because some fit the character way more then others but we will talk about that later.
Over all I think the DM cast would like Hasselberry. If he’s away from Syrus. They get really toxic together trying to prove who is Jaden’s “true best friend” and he follows Syrus’s lead of putting Jaden on a pedestal and then getting upset with him when he falls off. (I wonder what their friendship could have been without Syrus?)
Okay I have to defend my boy here. Yes he sucks for abandoning Jaden. He’s also the “most experienced” when it comes to missions like this. I need to rewatch season three to figure out exactly where everything g went wrong. Yes Jaden is selfish and moving to fast but it’s also understandable where he is coming from. And everyone else invited themselves on the mission.
I saw someone say season three is meant to show Jaden what will happen if he keeps bringing his friends into dangerous situations and loses. Um I’m sorry. Jaden didn’t ask them to come. He does in season 1 ask for Syrus and others to come and support him but he doesn’t in season 3 he knows this is dangerous, stupid, and reckless, he knows he’s going to do whatever it takes and he tells them that up front. And then they get mad at him for doing exactly what he said he was going to do. And I can see the Duel Academy kids getting upset because they’ve spent 2 years with Jaden holding their hands but Jim and Axel? They did so well in the other dimension and Axel knows what this kind of mission intels, move fast. They have a short window of time to not only save Jesse but to move without Yubel knowing they are there. They have to keep moving.
Now in his defense. If my friend (and let’s be honest Jaden, Jim and Jesse are probably his first real friends) just accidentally murdered/was forced to murder our other friends I’d be upset to. And you have to blame someone even if that blame doesn’t go to the right person. Syrus was running (both his mouth and his legs) and he’s the weaker of the two. Jaden, in theory, can take care of himself. Should Axel and Jim slip the responsibility and in go after Syrus and one stay with Jaden yes. But they are teens and no one expected Jaden to spiral like that.
So here Axel is, his whole life has been a war zone. He finally has friends and they are dropping like flies but he’s still going strong. Until the supreme king is revealed to be Jaden. Jaden the silly sweet kid who welcomed him even after the way he acted. Who has always dueled with honor. Who he abandoned and lead to this monstrosity before him. And he just killed Jim. Him who only wanted to help him and is all around a great guy.
I don’t blame him for having a panic attack. He reached his limit and freaked out. He also over came that and still came back to help Jaden. Risking his life to do so.
After season 3 and 4 the DM cast love him. I don’t think he would ever run from a fight again. I think he’s started down the worst that could happened and over came it. He shows his loyalty (from what I understand) in season 4 and I believe is one of the few life long friends Jaden made at school.
My boy. I think the DM cast is more worried about him than anything. He does have a self sacrificing tendency. But then so does Jaden. I think that’s the thing that worries them the most about the two of them traveling together post cannon. They know Jaden won’t let Jesse get hurt. But what will Jesse do if Jaden gets hurt protecting him? And the opposition is true to Jesse won’t let Jaden get hurt and we’ve already seen the lengths Jaden will go to if Jesse gets hurt protecting him.
Over all the DM cast likes him (with Seto Kaiba being huffy about it, only because he’s scared he’s losing Jaden to his future boyfriend/husband. He’s got big over protective dad fears going on)
Jim and Chumley
No notes. They are great friends and very helpful in their seasons.
I already decided Chumley finds out in between season 1 and 2. He’s just a good guy and I wish we say more of him.
I wouldn’t put it past him to figure out Jaden’s identity on his own. But still need to rewatch their season and see how things play out.
As of right now.
The DM cast likes
Chumley (finds out post season 1)
Chazz (the drama with his family solidifies his placement in season one but he doesn’t find out until post season 4)
Jesse (finds out during season 3)
Jim (finds out post season 4/ maybe mid way season 3)
Axel (same as Jim)
Aster (ruff starts but he and Jaden end up close and he finds out post season 2)
DM cast are on the fence about
Bastion (I forgot him when I was first making this list and that is actually hilarious)
They got some ground to recover. The DM cast don’t openly dislike them. But they don’t know if they trust them with the Jaden.
This person is on thin ice with the DM cast
Syrus (is anyone suprised)
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milksnakessss · 4 months
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“I’m still here Kaiser”
“His loyalty to the emperor is unwavering”
This boy is locked for life
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aberooski · 4 months
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Whatever will you do...?
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baconbirdie · 28 days
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@gxweek Day 3: Dance
I have been warming up to the ship of Alexis X Jim after becoming obsessed with this fanfic that was essentially a rewrite of the series. And what better dance style is there than swing dancing!
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The GX Cast and:
Who They’re Kissing On New Year’s
Jaden/Judai: Jesse. As friends. (Right?)
Syrus/Sho: his pillow. or the wall. literally not looking at Jaden OR Alexis.
Chazz/Manjoume: he goes for Alexis but Ojama yellow pops up at the last second and he spends the next hour in the bathroom shoving soap into his mouth
Bastion/Daichi: I will allow the token straight man. Tanya.
Alexis/Asuka: No one. she ducks out of the way of Chazz and immediately slams into her brother, knocking him off balance. results of that are in Zane’s section.
Zane/Ryo: gives Sy a head kiss and gets sent to the floor by Atticus
Atticus/Fubuki: Tried for Zane, but body-slammed him after Alexis knocked him over.
Blair/Rei: Jokingly goes for Chazz (running for the bathroom), then Zane (on the floor after Atticus full body decked him), then Jaden (Jesse’s tongue is down his throat)
Crowler/Cronos: a mirror
Aster/Edo: Jaden’s Neos card. Right on the ass.
Hasselberry/Kenzan: too busy shoving dino nuggies into his mouth
Adrian/Amon: attempts it on Yubel and is found strung up in a tree the next morning
Axel/O’Brien: gives Jim a friendly kiss on the cheek
Jim: turns at the last second and is now apologizing to Axel profusely (they’re cool)
Jesse/Johan: Jaden. Not as friends. They’re gonna have a conversation about this later.
Yubel: do you want to live?
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nstyona · 3 months
i expect kainess to start making out by maximum chapter 270. thats MY blue lock theory
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shiranui7 · 2 months
I've just finished season 4...
Nightshroud's design is super cool
Axel's psychological torture when he faced Trueman was unexpected and horrible to watch. Poor guy😭
I shed a tear for Syrus and Zane's episode against the Psycho type guy. It took Zane 4 seasons to really appreciate his brother😓
They really did Aster dirty.
Blair acted like a real jerk during the party couple duels. She literally tried to destroy Alexis and Jaden's cracked friendship and dumped Hassleberry like trash.
Leave Sabrina alone come one guys!
Even though he played dirty and was forced to duel against Jaden for Sabrina, Sartorius deserved the win for the brilliant strategy alone imo.
How big is Jaden's side deck!? I wouldn't be surprised if Neos had a fusion with my toilet, too😅
Jaden preached Sartorius about using powers for good but he omitted the fact that he committed multiple genocides with said power😂
The duel against Dr. Crowler was one of the best in the entire series.
Alexis's speech at the end was beautiful.
I still disliked the fact that Jaden didn't go to the graduation party or even left a note to say farewell to his friends. I understand the reason but it's still rude.
Why didn't they make Jim come to the academy alongside Axel and Jesse to say goodbye? I missed him.
Adrian is dead but no one gives a shit😂
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sw33theartnick · 6 months
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a different flavor of my usual shitposts, this tier lists I found on Pinterest were far too good to resist
most of these characters I did based off how relevant they are in the plot + most of these characters are my favorites (yes, im a dr crowler fan)
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monkayemporor · 1 year
I want to try smut again 🤡
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thebreakfastgenie · 2 months
#i mean have you seen young billy joel I'd have insane sex with him too#damn it I'd probably fuck that old man if we're being honest @crime-scene-psychic
I'm a lesbian so I'm not really qualified to discuss this but there some pictures of him in his youth where I'm like "ok I'm gay but I'm pretty sure he's hot." that man has insane rizz as the kids say. he met his wife of 9 years at a restaurant and got her number and then immediately called her from the parking lot to ask for a ride home and it WORKED.
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gx-gameon · 4 months
Since it never got brought back up again and should have, but the coliseum Tanya has the students build. After Jaden wins he claims it as property of the Slifer Red Dorm since it is now his by right of conquest.
I love this.
One question does Jaden lose it any time he loses? Like when he lost to aster in season 2 does he lose it until he wins it back?
We will think about that later. For now.
Jaden and friends absolutely would schedule their own mini tournaments in there. These kids sneak out every other day and are all obsessed with dueling. And the school tries to make them fill out formal ‘please duel me’ request forms (like I get it. You don’t want kids challenging each other night and day but also you are here to play card games)
No they are having non school sanctioned fight nights.
Crowler kind hates it because it’s slicer red property the moment it is obelisk blue property he’s on board (it will not be obelisk property till Jaden and crew graduate. After the season 2 fiasco with the down situation they all try to keep it in house. I’m not saying Jaden wins every tournament. I’m saying someone from their little crew does and keeps it Slifer red territory)
Their 1st year it’s all out war. Anyone can join in.
Season 2 after the cult has been defeated and they can have fun again they get a little more creative with theme nights (mainly to stop Jaden and Chazz from dominating everyone)
1st year night (they all root for Hasselberry as he dukes it out with his class mates)
2nd year night (Jaden Chazz Alexis and Bastion are having it out)
3rd year night
Some times is just specific dorms (again giving other kids the chance to duel)
Sometimes is specific card types. (Fusion decks only. Beast monster only. Things like that challenging people to create new decks and try out new strategies)
They have a whole list by the end of the year. These started out as under ground matches, they didn’t want the staff to know and shut them down. Crowler knows but he can’t get all the students in trouble he just wants to get some of them. But then they start doing theme nights. And, well, they are challenging the students to push themselves in new ways….
The teachers start showing up and ducking it out with the kids. It’s not every time but it’s enough to keep it fun.
There’s also the added an appeal that if you can beat the current holder you now own the colosseum.
Jaden actually is really good at running the colosseum. They have a colosseum night once a week. He and his friends come up with the themes and spread the word. It’s all in good fun and he grew up watching his family organize tournaments, he kind knows what he needs to do.
The colosseum gets passed around the friend group and who ever currently owns it gets to pick the theme night for that week.
But the time year two is over they have a ton of plans for their 3rd year. They text and plan all summer.
It’s one of the first things Jaden tells Jesse about. Jim as well once they start hanging out. They’re pumped to join in.
But the bio bands, and kids passing out, and viper, and the monster world, and the dark world. So much happens
When Jaden comes back he’s different. He’s not organizing fun duels anymore and no one else feel right doing it as it is his colosseum (most of the time) the transfer kids leave shortly after they all get back, they never got to participate in a tournament in the colosseum.
Season 4 Alexis tries to get Jaden back into running the tournaments and having fun but he’s going through it and handling darkness and doesn’t have the time. There is no colosseum matches their 3rd year.
And that should be the end
But people heal and maybe sometime during the next school year, Jaden and friends go back to visit Hassleberry (maybe he’s playing the school duel and they are supporting him) after everything is done and they are celebrating Jaden leads them down a familiar path. It’s Colosseum time.
They are all there
Hasselberry (it’s his 3rd year)
Mindy (I need to round out these numbers)
Jazmine (I need to round out these numbers)
And their surprise duelist making it an even number, Crowler.
It’s all out war. They make a lottery bracket and go back to back one match at a time (they could do multiple at a time but this is about having fun and enjoying each others company. They want to watch their friends duel)
It’s the first colosseum match for Blair, Jesse, Axel, and Jim. They had all wanted to do one last year but…. They have a blast.
In the. End Jaden pulls Hasselberry aside and tell him the colosseum is now his, wether he win it or not the crew all decided to give it to Hasselberry officially. He’s pumped, they giving him all the plans they had for last year and Jaden shows him the admin things (how to contact the students ‘without staff knowing’ crowler is pretending not to listen (he half wanted to win the colosseum with the intention to make the colosseum nights school sanctioned but then they wouldn’t be as fun)
Hasselberry runs the ring for the rest of his senior year and hands it off to Blair when he graduates leading to it not being won by combat but handed down from 3rd year to second year at the end of the school year.
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mylittlenookcorner · 2 months
The more I watch House of the Dragon, the more I want a Mortal Follies adaptation starring Olivia Cooke as Maelys Mitchelmore & Emma D’arcy as Lady Georgiana.
Like… Lady Georgiana is so Rhaenyra but in 19th century England with a pistol. Imagine. The yearning. The banter. The flirtation! Omg!
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aberooski · 2 months
Assigning Final Fantasy summons to GX characters because why not?
With specifications on which version of the summons I've assigned them, only some genuine explanations of my thought process, and I will take no criticisms 😌
In my mind how this works is that the summons function like they do in 13 at least at least to a certain point. Like how they obtain their summon at some point throughout whatever story is being told here, or maybe some of them have obtained them already, and they're summoned via crystals in the heat of battle when needed. So in my mind as I'm picturing all of this, I'm picturing the 13 summoning technique to an extent.
Alright, let's get into it!
Jaden - Anima (FFX)
If you know the Anima lore you know this is actually so big brain
Yubel -> Anima
Syrus - Valefor (FFX)
I like the idea of Sy and Zane having a similar type of summon (Zane gets Bahamut, spoilers) with them both being creatures that fly, a dragon and a big bird. But Sy's is weaker in power and has a gentler spirit, but that spirit is strong. Very thematically accurate for them.
He could also have Doomtrain to sync up with his deck archetype I think that would be funny
But he gets Valefor because I have a lot of sentimental value towards her and she's one of my favorite summons and he's my favorite and I said so 😌
Chazz - Ixion (FFX)
My favorite lightning summon
Thunder boy and his lightning horsie ⚡
I would honestly just love to see it
Alexis - Shiva (FFX version cuz she's my fav summon period)
Decks are being taken into account and she plays an ice deck in the manga and while she's in the society of light in season 2 🧊
I don't have a crazy in depth explanation for this I just feel it in my soul. I've always said she would be a Shiva girl like me even without her and Atty both having an ice elemental association betwixt all the GX media.
Giving my favorite girl my favorite summon
Atticus - Diablos (FFVIII)
Nightshroud -> Darkness -> Diablos.
Another big brain choice actually
He could've also had Shiva pretty easily tbh and I considered that, but ultimately went with Diablos for the Darkness representation.
I mean come in, the guy is basically possessed by the main evil entity of the show and Diablos is essentially the devil.
Bastion - Leviathan (FFVIII)
His ace monster is Water Dragon, come on now. 💧🐉
Hassleberry - Titan (FFXV)
Titan is a big strong man as is our boy
Also he's Earth element and if Hassleberry had an element he would be Earth I feel it in my non-dinosaur bones.
Sadly there are no dinosaur summons I'm sorry bby 😞
Chumley - Choco/Mog (FFVII)
I'll be so for real I had such a hard time figuring out Chumley like from the summons I had left to choose from cuz I added Blair and Chumley to the list last, I couldn't find one I thought fit super great
But as I was going over the summons lists again I pictured these guys appearing alongside Chum and I just smiled. It just made me smile and so does he.
Sometimes it's just that simple.
But I did also consider Fenrir as an option as well.
Blair - Siren (FFVIII)
Siren specializes in status ailments (silence specifically) and you could argue her love deck reolves around a status ailment, namely Maiden In Love causing male monsters to fall in love with her, which actually is sort of a thing in some FFs through the Lamia enemy but shhhh
8's Siren can also heal status ailments so that gives Blair more abilities available to her to support the party
Valefor would've been another choice for her I just feel the vibe there but I want Sy to have her so 😌
Garuda could be another decent potential choice for her as more of a combative summon than a support summon, I feel that vibe too.
But I dunno I was just drawn to Siren for her so there you go.
Zane - Bahamut (FFVII Remake or FFXIII/XIII-2)
Bahamut is typically among the most powerful of all the summons if not the most powerful depending on the game.
I'm wrestling between 7R and 13, 7R has almost some cybernetic action going on that gives me Cyber End energy while maintaining the classic dragon design, and 13 has Chaos Bahamut in 13-2 so he could have Bahamut then it could morph into Chaos Bahamut once he enters the Edgelord Supreme era to facilitate the shift from Cyber End to Cyber Dark if you follow my brain's logic
Aster - Phoenix (FFXVI)
......I-I mean..... Phoenix... Aster.... Aster Phoenix..... 😅
I literally could not resist 🤭
I would also except Odin for him though I think that would be cool too that's a vibe
Jesse - Carbuncle (FFVI)
Ruby Carbuncle ✋
Axel - Ifrit (FFX)
The perfected classic design imo
Badass fire boy 🔥
Like dude imagine Axel with Ifrit by his side
Jim - Syldra (FFV)
Syldra was Faris's pet and best friend since childhood who became a summon later in the game after sacrificing herself. Very reminiscent of Shirley being Jim's best friend/pet/protector since they were both young.
The implications of of the idea of Shirley sacrificing herself for Jim and becoming the summon makes me upset tho so we can just delete any timeline where that happens 😁
Crowler - Alexander (FFVIII or FFXIII)
Alexander is typically a machine or like a straight building or structure of some kind and Crowler plays Ancient Gears so 🏰
8 is a very good classic Alexander, just a great summon, and 13's I have a lot of sentimental value for but also him being a guy that turns into a defensive wall in Gestalt mode and with the way Crowler will put himself between harm and the kids at times.... thematically accurate Alexander?
Crowler wouldn't be beating the Dad allegations any time soon with that version on his side
7 Rebirth's Alexander is a close 3rd choice I think too I really like that design
With Alexander I was trying to think about practicality cuz they're all so massive and occasionally story relevant so he's not always a readily available summon so I sadly ruled out 9 and Type-0 as much as I really wanted him to have either of those too
Really wrestling with the specifics of this one
Sheppard - Ramuh (FFIX)
Wise old man
Sheppard is kinda dumb tho and makes some questionable decisions but he means well he's got the spirit
Banner - Chaos (FFXII)
In the lore, Chaos died and and was reborn several times.
Banner died and was reborn when he transferred himself into a new body, then he died, then still stuck around as a ghost.
Debated switching Phoenix from Aster to Banner and finding another one for Aster but clearly I did not lol
Also considered Phantom from 6 because it's just a ghost and uh.... Ghost Banner. But Chaos is cooler.
Adrian - Zalera (FFXII)
I was gonna give him Odin because of the insta kill move and how he had Exodia which is an automatic win but then I was looking at the summons list and was looking through the 12 Espers and listen.
Zalera is an Esper of death who clutches a woman in his arms and uses her wails to inflict death.
This really reminds me of Echo clutched in Exodia's hand screaming as she's being murdered by Adrian in the interest of obtaining Exodia.
Plus we had no 12 representation I chose Banner's after this and as 12 is my second favorite ff behind 10/10-2 that is criminal.
Welcome to my mind. 😌
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