#Alfonso Sorrentino
perfettamentechic · 1 year
10 maggio … ricordiamo …
10 maggio … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2022: María Duval, nome d’arte di María Mogilesky, attrice argentina. Vinse un concorso di lettura indetto dal Teatro Municipale. Successivamente, lasciò la sua città natale e si recò a Buenos Aires per partecipare a un concorso al fine di far parte del cast di Canción de cuna. Nel 1942 girò sei film. Inoltre, lavorò nel 1944 anche nel teatro. Alla fine del 1947 diventò una delle attrici più…
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yexuscomic · 3 months
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lamilanomagazine · 18 days
Cannes 77: Sorrentino in Concorso con Lanthimos, Coppola e Cronenberg
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Cannes 77: Sorrentino in Concorso con Lanthimos, Coppola e Cronenberg. Cannes 77 si terrà dal 14 al 25 maggio e vedrà come presidente di giuria Greta Gerwig, regista di "Barbie". Il presidente del Festival Iris Knobloch e il delegato generale Thierry Frémaux hanno annunciato il programma che presenta Paolo Sorrentino in Concorso con il suo "Parthenope" insieme a nomi importantissimi del cinema mondiale come Yorgos Lanthimos, David Cronenberg, Francis Ford Coppola, Paul Schrader. Camille Cottin sarà la madrina delle cerimonie di apertura e chiusura. George Miller a Coppola, il ritorno dei grandi maestri americani Il festival vede anche altri grandi ritorni come quello di George Miller con l’atteso spinofff di Mad Max: Fury Road, Furiosa con protagonista Ana Taylor-Joy, ma soprattutto Francis Ford Coppola con il tormentato e molto atteso Megalopolis in concorso e il regista greco Yorgos Lanthimos che rinnova il sodalizio con Emma Stone e Willem Dafoe nel nuovo progetto Kinds of Kindness. Parthenope di Paolo Sorrentino Girato tra Napoli e Capri con una cast internazionale formato da Dario Aita, Celeste Dalla Porta, Silvia Degrandi, Isabella Ferrari, Lorenzo Gleijeses, Biagio Izzo, Marlon Joubert, Peppe Lanzetta, Nello Mascia, Gary Oldman, Silvio Orlando, Luisa Ranieri, Daniele Rienzo, Stefania Sandrelli e Alfonso Santagata. La trama: La vita di Partenope, che si chiama come la sua città, ma non è né una sirena, né un mito. Dal 1950, quando nasce, fino a oggi. Dentro di lei, tutto il lunghissimo repertorio dell’esistenza: la spensieratezza e il suo svenimento, la bellezza classica e il suo cambiamento inesorabile, gli amori inutili e quelli impossibili, i flirt stantii e le vertigini dei colpi di fulmine, i baci nelle notti di Capri, i lampi di felicità e i dolori persistenti, i padri veri e quelli inventati, la fine delle cose, i nuovi inizi. Gli altri, vissuti, osservati, amati, uomini e donne, le loro derive malinconiche, gli occhi un po’ avviliti, le impazienze, la perdita della speranza di poter ridere ancora una volta per un uomo distinto che inciampa e cade in una via del centro. Sempre in compagnia dello scorrere del tempo, questo fidanzato fedelissimo. E di Napoli, che ammalia, incanta, urla, ride e poi sa farti male. Il programma: Film d'apertura Le Deuxième Acte (Second Act) di Quentin Dupieux In concorso Megalopolis di Francis Ford Coppola The Apprentice di Ali Abbasi Motel Destino di Karim Ainouz Bird di Andrea Arnold Emilia Perez di Jacques Audiard Anora di Sean Baker The Shrouds di David Cronenberg The Substance di Coralie Fargeat Grand Tour di Miguel Gomes Marcello Mio di Christophe Honore Caught by the Tides (Feng Liu Yi Dai) di Jia Zhang-Ke All We Imagine as Light di Payal Kapadia Kinds of Kindness di Yorgos Lanthimos L’Amour Ouf di Gilles Lellouche Wild Diamond di Agathe Riedinger Oh Canada di Paul Schrader Limonov: The Ballad di Kirill Serebrennikov Parthenope di Paolo Sorrentino The Girl With the Needle di Magnus von Horn Fuori concorso Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga di George Miller Horizon, an American Saga di Kevin Costner (serie) She’s Got No Name di Chan Peter Ho-Sun Rumours di Evan Johnson, Galen Johnson, Guy Maddin... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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Mamma coraggio uccisa, ergastolo anche in appello per mandante
Fu uccisa per avere denunciato gli orrori della pedofilia Matilde Sorrentino, la “mamma coraggio” di Torre Annunziata, in provincia di Napoli, assassinata nel 2004 su ordine del boss Francesco Tamarisco, come ha sancito la sentenza di primo grado.     Oggi, la Corte d’Assise d’appello di Napoli (presidente Alfonso Barbarano, giudice a latere Davide Di Stasio) ha confermato la condanna per…
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designclever · 1 year
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Tombini d’Italia. Dal progetto grafico al design del prodotto. 
Alfonso Morone. LetteraVentidue, Siracusa, 2022
Introduction by Giulio Iacchetti and Matteo Ragni.
Layout and graphic design by Marco Sorrentino 
Photographic research by Enzo Papa.
This publication aims at bridging an important shortcoming regarding one of the most popular, but also one of the most overlooked products in design studies, i.e. manhole covers. These artefacts constitute a unique case in industrial manufacturing, in that they constitute a timeless product, an untouched ‘sine die’, for they have never undergone any substantial innovation or functional evolution. All is expected from them is that they merely provide a cast iron cover so as to prevent the risk of slipping or damage when travelling on roads. On the other hand, they do present a certain degree of variation in terms of their embossed graphics and contour patterns. 
While their apparent timelessness enables manhole covers to symbolise some of the principles of the future ecological transition, as they are built to comply with a very long service life, they can also be recycled an unlimited number of times, thereby saving energy, and reducing the use of raw materials.
One of the fathers of modern design historiography, Sigfried Giedion, stated in his introduction to ‘Mechanization takes command: a contribution to anonymous history’   that “The sun is mirrored even in a coffee spoon”. Therefore, also the object of our focus will feature traces of great technological breakthroughs in urban areas.
  The earliest documented specimens of cast-iron manholes in London, the capital of the industrial revolution, were used to access domestic coal warehouses from the street during the early 19th century, whereas in recent years, fibre-optic cable networks have an indelible trace in our manholes, thus reflecting every technological development in urban infrastructure.  Besides the contour patterns and shapes, manholes carry stories of firms, service systems, not to mention specific historical periods, such as Fascism. Indeed,  cast covers embossed with the iconic Fasces have survived, unchanged, all the way to blend into the contemporary urban scene.
The text is divided into two parts.
The first part aims to explore the role of manhole covers as part of the dynamics of urban transformations in the wake of the industrial revolution. Moreover, from a communication design standpoint, they will be treated as part of one of the most widespread and enduring productions of graphic symbols on an urban scale.
The second part provides a graphic reproduction and photographic documentation of manholes and covers from each region in Italy. This work results from a research project that lasted about four years, based on a photographic documentation of about 500 pieces collected across all Italian regions.
Subsequently, there is a ‘numismatic’ catalogue of 248 pieces that have been painstakingly redesigned. This constitutes an unprecedented collection of graphic signs and trademarks, which have been classified under what can be identified as some of the most important graphic families.
Furthermore, the book features an in-depth iconographic overview, based on archive research primarily carried out at research centres such as the Museo Italiano della Ghisa (Italian Museum of Cast Iron) - Neri Foundation Archive and the Pirelli Foundation. Thanks to this work, some of the earliest steel company catalogues with examples of manholes, manhole covers and cast-iron grates as well as communication and advertising materials were collected.
Another important contribution to the cultural contextualisation of manhole covers is provided by a number of important photographers and photojournalists, such as Dora Maar, Lee Lockwood, Louis Stettner and Thurston Hopkins, who used this object to interpret contemporary modernity in metropolitan areas during the 20th century.   Additionally, the volume features quotations and references in architecture, film and art.
The introduction to the text is given by Giulio Iacchetti and Matteo Ragni, two of Italy’s most important designers, who were awarded the 2014 Compasso d’Oro for their work on a series of cast-iron manhole covers manufactured by the Italian company Montini.
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deadlinecom · 2 years
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'Empire of Light' Telluride Review: Olivia Colman Touches Movie Theaters with Incandescent Ode in Sam Mendes
‘Empire of Light’ Telluride Review: Olivia Colman Touches Movie Theaters with Incandescent Ode in Sam Mendes
Along with other directors of recent years such as Alfonso Cuarón Romewith Paulo Sorrentino Hand of God And with Kenneth Branagh Belfast, Sam Mendes sets out to explore his own memories of his developmental years, but unlike these films, he doesn’t put his younger self at the center of the story, instead makes He demonstrated his experience of watching movies in theaters. But make no mistake,…
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tifatait · 2 years
Sorrentino Alfonso - CONSULENZE DIVERSE, Avellino - Sorrentino Alfonso a Avellino - TEL: 082532... - IT105797953 | locale.infobel.it
Sorrentino Alfonso – CONSULENZE DIVERSE, Avellino – Sorrentino Alfonso a Avellino – TEL: 082532… – IT105797953 | locale.infobel.it
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paolopagnani · 2 years
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A piccoli passi il primo album dei White Circle Project prende forma. Ora è stata la volta di Nicoletta Rosellini con la sua voce unica a completare i primi tre brani del nostro debutto. Nei prossimi mesi, sperando che dopo la pandemia e la guerra non sia il turno dell’ asteroide o delle cavallette, registreremo altri brani nuovi di zecca ed anche una sorpresa dal mio vecchio repertorio. Seguiteci sempre e supportateci. I White Circle Project sono: Paolo Pagnani: Pianoforte Nicoletta Rosellini : Voce Alfonso Mocerino: Batteria e Percussioni Raffaele Sorrentino: Violoncello Roberto Giangrande: Basso @jalhia17 @alfonsomocerino @roberto_giangrande #whitecircleproject #gothicmusic #progressivepop #katebush #cocteautwins #petergabriel #paolopagnanimusic #nicolettarosellini https://www.instagram.com/p/CbtEUWOs2Za/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mattchase82 · 2 years
In the Provincial House of the Priests of the Mission, in Via dei Vergini 51 in Naples, a picture representing Jesus Crucified in paper glued on canvas, framed by a small wooden frame, is preserved, visible to the public. The extraordinary thing lies in the fact that in the lower part it bears the imprints of two hands engraved with fire. What is the origin of those footprints?
In Florence a young man had a dishonest relationship with a married woman. The young man's father a devout man was saddened by this and had repeatedly reproached his son, indeed he had prayed to the Lazarist Missionary Fathers of Florence to call him back to his Catholic duty, but to no avail. As so happens in this life a sudden illness struck the married mistress and in a few days time was in her tomb. The young man was on the verge of going mad with pain of depression and his father, taking advantage of a course of spiritual exercises that were held in the Casa dei Missionari in S. Jacopo Sopr'Arno, invited his son to participate and to turn his grief over to the Lord. He went there and was greeted with cordiality.
On the evening of the first day of exercises, while the other trainees went down to the refectory for dinner, our young man was missing in his place. Had he have fallen asleep? The manager thinks, and goes to his room, knocks, without receiving an answer; knocks again, nothing. He opens and finds the room full of smoke which immediately hits him. Thinking there had been a fire and begging for help. Several confreres rush in and, through the smoke that had partly dissipated through the door left open, they see the young man lying on the floor and without signs of life. Carrying him on the bed and giving the necessary care, they manage to bring him back to life. The director began searching the room for the cause of the supposed fire and with great amazement he comes across the kneeler burned in four parts, that is, where the knees and elbows rest, and sees in the picture of the Crucifix the imprints of fiery hands as if they were made of red-hot iron. He does not realize what has happened until the young man, having recovered, explains to him how shortly before dinner, while he was still in the room, his deceased lover appeared to him covered in fire and with a truly horrible hate-filled voiced threateningly accused the boy saying And because of you - that I am in hell! Be well on your guard. God wanted me to warn you; and so that you do not have to doubt the reality of my apparition, I leave you the mark. - Kneeling at the genuflexor and touching the picture, she leaves the imprints of fire that can now be seen. The young man was converted. Since the two families were so well known in Florence, the Superior, out of respect for their honor, tried to conceal this fact. Father Scaramelli, Superior of the House, kept the picture and the genuflexorium with him,
Thus it is narrated in the «Petit Pré spir. de la Congr. de la Mission (Paris 1880) ". A shorter narrative is found in the life of S. Alfonso de'Liguori written by Tannoia. The painting is kept in Naples; the prie-dieu was made to disappear. Father Mario Sorrentino conducted a critical study on the episode (Annali della Missione, 1962), arriving at this conclusion: "We think we can affirm the truth of the fact as it is commonly narrated".
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perfettamentechic · 2 years
10 maggio … ricordiamo …
10 maggio … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2021: Neil Connery, Neil Niren Connery, attore scozzese. Fratello di Sean Connery, era noto essenzialmente per il suo ruolo nel film OK Connery (1967). È apparso in diversi film. Era sposato con Eleanor, dalla quale ebbe due figlie. Morto per una breve malattia; sette mesi dopo il fratello maggiore. (n. 1938) 2017: Geoffrey Bayldon, Albert Geoffrey Bayldon, attore britannico. (n. 1924) 2015:…
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apocalypticmovierp · 2 years
‘Hand Of God’ Exclusive Featurette: Paolo Sorrentino Revisits Naples For His New Drama
Going home has been a common theme for filmmakers over the past few years. Alfonso Cuaron revisited his childhood in Mexico City with “Roma.” Kenneth Branagh has done the same with his appropriately titled Oscar contender “Belfast.” And now, Paolo Sorrentino has given his birthplace, Naples, Italy, the same treatment in “The Hand of God,” Italy’s submission for the International Film Oscar. Speak to Sorrentino, however, and it’s clear how difficult it was for him to tackle this subject matter.
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lamilanomagazine · 10 months
Paolo Sorrentino: svelata la trama del suo nuovo film su Partenope
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Paolo Sorrentino: svelata la trama del suo nuovo film su Partenope.  Il regista premio Oscar, giunto alla realizzazione del suo decimo film, inizierà le riprese a fine a giugno tra Napoli e Capri. L'opera, ancora senza titolo, è scritta e diretta da Paolo Sorrentino e prodotta da Lorenzo Mieli per The Apartment di Fremantle, Anthony Vaccarello per Saint Laurent, Sorrentino per Numero 10 e Ardavan Safaee per Pathé. La distribuzione italiana è ancora in fase di definizione. La trama: Il film Racconterà la vita di Partenope, che porta il nome della sua città, ma non è né sirena né mito. La sua lunga vita incarna tutto il repertorio dell’esistenza umana: la spensieratezza della giovinezza e la sua fine, la bellezza classica e il suo cambiamento inesorabile, gli amori inutili e impossibili, i flirt stantii e la passione vertiginosa, i baci notturni a Capri, i lampi di gioia e le sofferenze persistenti, padri reali e inventati, finali e nuovi inizi. Tutto questo è accompagnato dal passare del tempo, il più fedele dei fidanzati. In una Napoli che affascina e incanta, che grida e ride, e che sa come farti del male. Il cast: Il cast principale del nuovo film di Sorrentino comprende Luisa Ranieri, che ha interpretato la tormentata zia Patrizia in È stata la mano di Dio; Silvio Orlando, che ha interpretato il cardinale Voiello in “The Young Pope”; Stefania Sandrelli, che è stata la musa ispiratrice di Bernardo Bertolucci; Isabella Ferrari (“La grande bellezza”); Peppe Lanzetta (“Spettro”); Alfonso Santagata (Gomorra di Matteo Garrone); Lorenzo Gleijeses (“Baby”); Silvia Degrandi (“Doc”, “Petra”); e l'esordiente Celeste Dalla Porta. A due anni da E' stata la mano di Dio, il regista non si disunisce: Dal 2001, con Napoli e un film esordio potente come una bomba, L’uomo in più. E poi un’altra magnifica esplosione, ovvero Le conseguenze dell’amore, riconfermando l’eccezionale abilità di Paolo Sorrentino, dietro la macchina da presa. Lui, che si è fatto vessillo di una poetica che racconta di inferni, riuscendo a farceli respirare, attraversare, e concedendoci, sempre, di uscirne indenni. L’inadeguatezza, la struggente fatica dello stare al mondo, il fallimento, l’invalidante senso di abbandono che si cristallizza nella malinconia costantemente presente; tutto questo incarna il perfetto ritorno dell’uguale, che da Nietzsche, arriva dritto al non ti disunire sorrentiniano. La storia si ripete, e l’uomo diventa sempre ciò che realmente è, nonostante si affanni a voler trovare illusoriamente, altre realtà: “ma che cazz c vai a fa a stu Roma? Tanto torni sempre a te Schisa. Al fallimento”. E da quell’esortazione di Capuano, ci si ritrova nuovamente a Napoli, esattamente a vent’anni prima, con la battuta “a vit è na strunzat Aniè”. Sorrentino ha sempre accompagnato i suoi protagonisti maschili, presentandoceli accanto a figure femminili, che rappresentano una conditio sine qua non, una condizione necessaria, per l’esistenza degli stessi, vediamo Ramona, Maria Schisa, zia Patrizia, Sofia, Sofia Dubois in The young e New pope. Dopo 22 anni, si arriva a qualche giorno fa, con le prime indiscrezioni sul nuovo film. In tutto questo tempo, molti cinefili, e non solo, si sono sempre chiesti come sarebbe stata la PRIMA protagonista donna, di Paolo Sorrentino; Sarà bionda? Mora? Rossa? Fumatrice? Non fumatrice? Ironica? Non ci resta che attendere le prossime novità.  ... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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Sorrentino torna a Napoli per il suo film ciak a fine giugno
(ANSA) – ROMA, 23 GIU – Partiranno a fine giugno le riprese del nuovo film del regista premio Oscar© Paolo Sorrentino. Le riprese si svolgeranno tra Napoli e Capri. Nel cast, in ordine alfabetico, Celeste Dalla Porta, Silvia Degrandi, Isabella Ferrari, Lorenzo Gleijeses, Peppe Lanzetta, Silvio Orlando, Luisa Ranieri, Stefania Sandrelli e Alfonso Santagata. La vita di Partenope, che si chiama come…
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deadlinecom · 2 years
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viktorfredriksson · 4 years
Decenniets 50 bästa filmer – Del 2 (31-40)
Nedräkningen fortsätter!
40. Shutter Island (2010)
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Scorsese inledde decenniet med att filmatisera Dennis Lehanes roman Patient 67, en psykologisk dramathriller om två kriminalkommissarier som skickas till ett mentalsjukhus beläget på en ö för att utreda ett mysterium kring en försvunnen patient. Vid en första anblick är filmen är deckare, men ganska snabbt står det klart att platsen bär på fler hemligheter. Scorsese använder alla tillgängliga medel för att omsluta ön med hotfull stämning; musiken mullrar, vädret sviker och de fyrkantiga läkarna verkar dölja något. Vissa upplever filmen som antiklimaktisk, men jag håller inte med. 
39. Joker (2019)
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Joaquin Phoenix spelar den ikoniska Batman-skurken i en av årets mest omtalade filmer. Uspen? Kort och gott: Filmen placerar Batman i periferin, och Jokern skildras knappast som en traditionell superhjälteskurk. Om Nolans The Dark Knight-trilogi beskrevs som mörk och realistisk, är Joker synnerligen nattsvart. Vapenlagar, mental ohälsa och den amerikanska alt-right-rörelsen är högaktuella och laddade ämnen som inkorporeras i ett universum som vanligtvis spelar efter sina egna, fiktiva, regler och omständigheter. Innehållet och estetiken är i sig självt ingenting nytt – likheterna med Scorseses Taxi Driver och The King of Comedy har diskuterats flitigt – men att förflytta det till superhjältens arena är ett spännande grepp. Att Phoenix är sin generations kanske bästa skådespelare är också en fördel.  
38. Nocturnal Animals (2016)
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Från min recension:
Kulissen är bekant. Los Angeles – en värld där materialism förmodas göra dig lycklig. Men galleriägaren Susan (Amy Adams) är inte lycklig. Hon saknar passion för sitt jobb, ekonomin sinar, hon älskar inte sin »perfekta« man (Armie Hammer) och hon tycks lida av förtryckta skuldkänslor. Men så en dag dimper det ner ett utkast till en roman på hennes skrivbord. Nocturnal Animals, skriven av exmaken Edward som hon inte har haft kontakt med på nitton år. Boken är dessuom dedikerad till henne. Lika förvirrad som förundrad öppnar hon boken och börjar läsa. Därefter förgrenar sig berättelsen och utvecklas till en slags metafilm med fler frågor än svar. Men i slutändan är det kanske inget revolutionerande filmstycke; lite sydstatskrim, en skvätt neo-noir, toppat med några droppar Lynch, Haneke och Hitchcock. Men nog är det en härlig kompott. Även tematiskt rör filmen sig på klassiskt territorium; om klass, ytlighet, att frigöra sig från samhällets bojor – om att göra de rätta valen. Men även om Ford aldrig kommer bli den trendsättare han var inom modebranschen, kommer jag med spänning följa hans karriär som filmregissör.
37. Hereditary (2018)
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Decenniet har inte varit utan välgjorda, effektiva och intressanta skräckfilmer. Men väldigt få filmer lyckas med samtliga delar; filmer som The Conjuring, Sinister och Don’t Breathe är välgjorda och effektiva men är relativt enkla att skaka av sig så fort röken lagt sig; It Follows, The Babadook och The VVitch är tveklöst välgjorda och tankeväckande, men möjligtvis på bekostnad av genuin spänning. Med Hereditary lyckas Ari Aster skickligt att bevara balansen mellan effektiv nagelbitarskräck och förkrossande familjedrama om sorg, skuld,  psykisk ohälsa och determinism – mycket tack vare klanderfritt foto, välvald musik och en otrolig Toni Colette.
36. A Quiet Place (2018)
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En minst sagt imponerande regidebut av John Krasinski, som även spelar en av huvudrollerna i denna Spielbergska rysare. Den saknar förvisso de djupare bottnar som Hereditary vilar på, men är utförd med en beundransvärd mognad och självsäkerhet. En påfrestande nervig men empatisk monsterfilm om föräldraskap. Avsevärt bättre än populära och konceptuellt liknande Bird Box. Upplevs med fördel på stor skärm med bra ljud.
35. Still Life (2013)
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En film som träffade helt rätt när jag såg den på bio men som jag inte har återvänt till sedan dess. Så här skrev jag efter biobesöket:
En sorgligt förbisedd indiepärla där Eddie Marsan med hjälp av subtilt minspel och kroppsspråk lyckas skapa en djupt fascinerande karaktär, som är både tragisk och rörande, men samtidigt charmig och högst sympatisk. Allt på en och samma gång. Filmen använder sig av samma sorts bitterljuva ton och raffinerade bildspråk som Lost in Translation, spetsad med en nypa brittisk putslustighet. I botten mörk, stundtals fnissig och alltid med hoppet inom räckhåll.
34. The Great Beauty (La grande bellezza, 2013)
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Paolo Sorrentinos italienska Oscarsvinnare handlar om 65-åriga Jep Gambardella, intellektuell före detta författare, som i ett slags existentialistiskt uppvaknande reflekterar kring tomheten i sin dekadenta livsstil och sitt gångna liv. Det är en film om sökandet efter skönhet och mening på en plats, samtida Rom, fylld till bredden av ytlig skönhet. Vacker tragik, eller kanske tvärtom.
33. Beasts of No Nation (2015)
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Fortfarande en bortglömd pärla. Har skrivit om den tidigare:
Denna eminenta Netflixproduktion om ett ospecificerat västafrikanskt land i inbördeskrig har tyvärr hamnat lite i skymundan. Störst uppmärksamhet fick den i samband med OscarsSoWhite-debatten då varken Idris Elba eller Abraham Attah nominerades. Helt legitim kritik i min mening, då framför allt fjortonåriga Attah är sensationellt bra i rollen som Agu, pojken som bevittnar sin bror och fars död och blir barnsoldat. Filmen, som för tankarna till The Thin Red Line, fast med en mer personlig prägel, skrevs och regisserades av Cary Fukunaga – regissören av den första säsongen av True Detective. Klass rakt igenom.
32. Roma (2018)
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Alfonso Cuarón gör inga hafsverk. På fjorton år har mexikanen regisserat endast tre långfilmer: dystopiska Children of Men (2006), sci-fi-episka Gravity (2013) och senast vardagsrealistiska, svartvita Roma (2018) – samtliga imponerande hantverk och produktioner. Med Roma fortsätter Cuarón att testa gränser samtidigt som den minutiösa noggrannheten med detaljer består. Berättelsen, om den simpla vardagen för en medelklassfamilj i Mexiko City under 70-talet (delvis baserat på regissörens eget liv), förs framåt lika mycket av sitt bildspråk som av sin dialog och sina händelser. Det är en djupt mänsklig och personlig film om riktiga människor, men också en film om ett rigoröst klassamhälle. Cuaróns innovativa och stilsäkra kameraarbete (rörelse, juxtaposition, ljussättning) formar och auktoriserar dessa perspektiv. På så vis är det en film som ställer stora krav på fokus hos tittaren – en hastig blick på mobilen och bilderna förblir blott färglösa bilder.    
31. Looper (2012)
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Tidsresefilmer är något av en personlig favorit(sub)genre. Få koncept, sällan ens pusseldeckaren, är lika interaktiva till sin natur. Eftersom de dessutom är paradoxala till sin natur – tidsresor är trots allt fortfarande något för framtiden – är de extra svåra att skaka av sig. Rian Johnsons (som även har regisserat Star Wars: The Last Jedi, några av de bästa avsnitten av Breaking Bad och aktuella pusseldeckaren(!) Knives Out) actionfyllda Looper tar priset som decenniets tidsresefilm. Det finns filmer i genren med mer hjärna (t.ex. Primer) eller mer hjärta (t.ex. Back to the Future), men det ena utesluter ofta det andra. Looper är inte utan logiska luckor, men är inte heller för smart för sitt eget bästa. Det är en oerhört underhållande och engagerande åktur man kan återvända till hur många gånger som helst. 
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