#Alfonso henriquez
suramed-health-center · 6 months
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👩‍⚕️👨‍⚕️ Happy Doctors Day! Today, we celebrate the incredible dedication and compassion of our doctors! Thank you Dr. Alfonso J. Henriquez for ensuring the optimal care of our young patients every day. 🌟 🌐 suramedhealthcenter.com
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roehenstart · 2 years
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Portuguese monarchs: The House of Burgundy (Afonso Henriques, Sancho I, Afonso II, Sancho II, Afonso III, Denis I, Afonso IV, Peter I and Ferdinand I).
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latristereina · 6 years
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Ferdinand the Catholic was accused publicly of descending from Jews on more than one ocassion. Pope Julius II (Giuliano della Rovere) even called him marrano disparagingly (which is a term used to refer to those Jews that converted to Christianity, but in fact “Judaized” in secret, false conversos). But it’s known that Julius often used such sobriquet to describe Spaniards; when he was still a cardinal, he called Alexander VI (Rodrigo Borgia) marrano and circumcised.
In Ferdinand’s case, however, there was some truth to it. Everything seems to point to the fact that he descended from conversos on his mother’s side, even if remotely.
Ferdinand’s mother, Juana Enríquez, was a Trastámara as well although unlike her husband, she belonged to cadet branch of the dynasty: the Enríquez. This famous and powerful Castilian clan was founded by Alonso Enríquez (Juana Enríquez’s grandfather). He was one of the bastard sons of Fadrique of Castile, the twin brother of Henry II of Castile. (Both were two of many bastard children of Alfonso XI of Castile and his mistress Leonor de Guzmán)
The identity of Alonso’s mother has never been revealed. Peter I of Castile’s (Fadrique of Castile’s half-brother) supporters claimed he was the fruit of adulterous relationship of Fadrique and Peter I’s wife Blanche of Bourbon, to justify Peter’s cruel actions and attitude towards her. But even though scholars did not reach consensus as far as the identity of Alonso’s mother is concerned, it seems he was indeed the son of a Jewish woman who converted to Christianity. There is an anecdote about how Alonso’s Jewish roots were an obstacle in obtaining the hand of rich Castilian noblewoman, Juana de Mendoza. Galíndez de Carvajal in his additions to “Generaciones y semblanzas”, by Fernán Pérez del Pulgar, relates the famous scene of how Alonso slapped his future bride in the face after she declined his proposal, saying: “Never! Never! Doña Juana de Mendoza will never marry the son of a Jewish woman!” (She eventually married him.)
There’s other evidence that Alonso Enríquez descended from conversos. An anonymous author in his plea to don Lope de Barrientos, bishop of Cuenca, in order to protest against looting and slaughter of Jews that happened in Toledo in 1449, described the lineages related to Jews and conversos, including Alonso: “Going further up, it is not necessary to recount the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the noble gentleman and of great authority, the admiral don Alonso Henriquez, who on one side descends from the king don Alonso (Alfonso XI of Castile) and the king don Henrique el Viejo (Henry II of Castile), and on other side comes from this (Jewish) lineage.”
The Portuguese chronicler Fernao Lopes was one of the first ones to put forward a theory that is generally accepted by modern historians, that the admiral was the son of a Jewish woman called Paloma. Doña Paloma was a concubine of Fadrique of Castile, who converted to Christianity, who was probably born in Guadalcanal (Seville), although other authors such as Diego Ortiz de Zúñiga affirm that she lived in Llerena (Badajoz). According to Dr. Mario Sabán, Paloma’s full name was Paloma Bat Guedalia and she was the daughter of Shelomo Ha Zaken Ben David, descendant of the exilarch Jews from Babylon.
The theory that Alonso Enríquez had Jewish ancestry was also known in Ferdinand the Catholic’s times. According to one anecdote, while Ferdinand was hunting a falcon flied away, pursuing a heron and eventually got lost in the woods. The king asked one of his companions, Martín de Rojas, about his falcon, to which he responded “Señor, it’s there going after our grandmother”, referring to the fact that the falcon had eventually decided to pursue a pigeon (paloma in Spanish means pigeon/dove).
Martín de Rojas like many other Castilian nobles of the era, was also suspected of descending from Paloma, whose lineage had been spread over Castile where “there’s almost no lord who would not descend from Doña Paloma”, like it was said in a contemporary romance.
“Historia crítica de la vida y reinado de Fernando II de Aragón”, Jaime Vicens Vives
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requested by @thepomegranatequeen​
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orbemnews · 4 years
Chilean Mine Rescue Fast Facts (CNN) —   Here’s a look at the 2010 rescue of 33 miners from a collapsed mine in the Atacama region of northern Chile. August 5, 2010 – A collapse of the main ramp into the San Jose mine leaves 33 miners trapped 2,300 feet underground. Emergency officials are unable to communicate with the trapped miners. August 6, 2010 – A statement from Chile’s National Emergency Office says 130 people are working to rescue the miners. August 7, 2010 – Rescuers face a setback when another cave in blocks the path they were using to reach the miners. Chilean President Sebastian Pinera travels to Copiapo, where the mine is located, to meet with officials. August 22, 2010 – The miners send up a note tied to a probe which was lowered by authorities earlier in the day. Written in red ink, it reads, “We are fine in the shelter, the 33 of us.” August 23, 2010 – A second probe reaches the miners. Rescuers are now capable of relaying communications and can send food and water to miners. Before this, the miners survive by sharing small amounts of tuna and mackerel that were in the shelter, along with water. August 24, 2010 – Experts from NASA and Chilean navy submarine experts are called to help address the psychological toll the isolation can take on the miners. August 26, 2010 – Miners send a video message to their families expressing thanks for the efforts underway to free them. August 27, 2010 – Miners are told for the first time of the lengthy process rescuers expect it will take to extract them from the mine. Officials announce that they are working on a “Plan B,” which could help speed up the rescue process. August 29, 2010 – Each of the trapped miners is given about 20 seconds to speak directly with family members for the first time since the accident. August 31, 2010 – Plan A drilling starts. September 3, 2010 – The Schramm T-130 drill, otherwise known as Plan B, arrives at the rescue scene. The drill is usually used for boring water holes. September 6, 2010 – Rescue officials temporarily stop the Plan B initial drill due to a damaged drill bit. September 9, 2010 – Miners record a new video to show their families a glimpse of what their routines are like. The three minute clip shows them in good spirits. September 14, 2010 – Elizabeth Segovia, wife of trapped miner Ariel Ticona, gives birth to a girl she names Esperanza, Spanish for hope. September 17, 2010 – The Plan B bore hole reaches the 33 miners. However, the hole is only 12 inches wide and will need to be widened on a second pass. September 22, 2010 – The Plan C drill starts drilling. September 25, 2010 – The rescue capsule expected to haul the miners back to the surface arrives at the mine. Named the Phoenix, it’s painted red, white and blue – the colors of the Chilean flag. September 28, 2010 – The Plan B drill passes the halfway point to the trapped miners. September 30, 2010 – Rescue crews successfully test the capsule. One test subject declares it “comfortable.” October 1, 2010 – Mining Minister Laurence Golborne announces that officials expect to reach the miners as early as mid October – sooner than previously expected. Crews could reach the miners between October 15 and October 30. Officials earlier prediction put the date as far away as November or Christmas. October 5, 2010 – Rescuers say they are within 160 meters of the trapped miners. October 6, 2010 – Two additional capsules and a winch, a device used for winding and tension adjustments, arrive at the mine site. October 7, 2010 – A source close to rescue operations says the Plan B drill is now less than 100 meters from the target. October 9, 2010 – The Plan B drill breaks through the roof of the mine. October 12, 2010 – During a press conference, Mining Minister Golborne announces that the rescue is expected to begin during “the last quarter” of the day. October 13, 2010 – The first miner rescued, Florencio Antonio Avalos Silva, 31, reaches the surface at about 12:11 a.m. ET. Shift foreman Luis Alberto Urzua Iribarren, 54, is the 33rd and final miner to be rescued, approximately 22 1/2 hours after the rescue operation begins. July 25, 2011 – Representatives for the rescued miners announce that the official and authorized film rights to their story have been sold to producer Mike Medavoy. August 30, 2011 – Fourteen of the miners are awarded lifetime monthly pensions of 250,000 Chilean pesos (approximately $540), by Cecilia Morel, Chile’s first lady. The government chose which miners would receive the lifetime pensions based on health, age and the opinion of the group of survivors. August 1, 2013 – Chilean prosecutors announce they have closed the investigation into the mining disaster without filing any charges. August 4, 2013 – San Esteban Mining Company agrees to sell the now-closed San Jose mine to pay the miners and reimburse the Chilean government for the cost of rescue efforts, in addition to paying the company’s other debts. October 14, 2015 – The group of miners, who are in Rome promoting a new film about the mine disaster, “The 33,” pose for photos and present gifts to Pope Francis at the Vatican. November 13, 2015 – “The 33” premieres. Alex Vega Salazar, 31Ariel Ticona Yanez, 29Carlos Andres Bugueno Alfaro, 27Carlos Mamani Solis, 23Carlos Barrios Contreras, 27Claudio Acuna Cortes, 34Claudio David Yanez Lagos, 34Daniel Esteban Herrera Campos, 27Darios Antonio Segovia Rojas, 48Edison Fernando Pena Villaroel, 34Esteban Alfonso Rojas Carrizo, 44Florencio Antonio Avalos Silva, 31Franklin Lobos Ramirez, 53Jorge Hernan Galleguillos Orellana, 56Jose Henriquez Gonzalez, 54Jose Ojeda Vidal, 46Juan Carlos Aguilar Gaete, 49Juan Illanes Palma, 52Jimmy Sanchez Lagues, 18Luis Alberto Urzua Iribarren, 54Mario Nicolus Gomez Heredia, 63Mario Sepulveda Espinace, 40Omar Alejandro Reygada Rojas, 56Osman Isidro Araya Araya, 30Pablo Amadeos Rojas Villacorta, 45Pedro Cortez Contreras, 25Raul Enriquez Bustos Ibanez, 40Renan Anselmo Avalos Silva, 29Richard Reinald Villarroel Godoy, 27Samuel Dionisio Avalos Acuna, 43Victor Antonio Segovia Rojas, 48Victor Zamora Bugueno, 33Yonni Barrios Rojas, 50 Mining Minister Laurence Golborne described for CNN the rescue efforts, the three holes – called Plan A, Plan B and Plan C – being dug in an effort to open a passageway to safety for the men. Plan A and Plan B each required two holes to be drilled – a small hole first and then a wider one about 26 to 28 inches (65-70 centimeters) in diameter. Golborne said the second pass would progress more slowly than the first pass. Plan A involved using a drill placed directly above the shelter where the miners were holed up. Under Plan B, a hole was drilled at a roughly 80-degree angle into an area of the mine shaft that was used as a mechanical workshop. That distance, engineers estimated, was around 2,034 feet (620 meters). The drill used in Plan C needed to cut through some 1,969 feet (600 meters) of rock and earth. Plan A drill was a Raise Borer Strata 950, usually used for drilling ventilation shafts in mines. Plan B drill was a Schramm T-130, usually used for boring water holes. Plan C drill was a Rig 421 drill, usually used for drilling for oil. Photos: 2010 Chile mine rescue PHOTO: Luis Hidalgo/AP Relatives stand by as rescuers work to free 33 miners trapped inside the San Jose mine near Copiapo, Chile, on August 6, 2010. The mine collapsed a day earlier, and the miners ended up trapped 2,300 feet underground for more than two months. See how the rescue operation unfolded. Photos: 2010 Chile mine rescue PHOTO: Luis Hidalgo/AP Miner Daniel Espinoza waits outside the collapsed copper and gold mine to help in the rescue efforts on August 7. Photos: 2010 Chile mine rescue PHOTO: Luis Hidalgo/AP Miners carry an effigy of Saint Lorenzo, the patron saint of miners, before a Mass outside the collapsed mine on August 10. Photos: 2010 Chile mine rescue PHOTO: Hector Retamal/AP Chilean President Sebastian Pinera holds up a plastic bag containing a message from the miners on August 22. Translated from Spanish, it read: “We are OK in the refuge, the 33.” The miners were confirmed to be alive when rescue teams reached them via a tube that was sent down a small hole. The same hole was used to provide the miners with food, supplies and letters. Photos: 2010 Chile mine rescue PHOTO: MARTIN BERNETTI/AFP/Getty Images Drilling machines work in the rescue operation on August 24. Photos: 2010 Chile mine rescue PHOTO: ARIEL MARINKOVIC/AFP/Getty Images Marion Gallardo, the granddaughter of trapped miner Mario Gomez, writes a letter to her grandfather on August 25. Photos: 2010 Chile mine rescue PHOTO: HECTOR RETAMAL/AFP/Getty Images Relatives watch a video of the trapped miners on August 26. Chilean television aired footage of the miners, showing them in good spirits and explaining how their underground shelter was set up. Photos: 2010 Chile mine rescue PHOTO: ARIEL MARINKOVIC/AFP/Getty Images Minister Javier Soto dedicates one of the 33 Bibles that would be sent down to the miners on August 31. Photos: 2010 Chile mine rescue PHOTO: ARIEL MARINKOVIC/AFP/Getty Images On September 8, volunteers install heating and water purification systems at the La Esperanza tent city that sprang up outside the mine as news of the collapse spread. Esperanza means hope in English. Photos: 2010 Chile mine rescue PHOTO: ARIEL MARINKOVIC/AFP/Getty Images Margarita Segovia, the wife of miner Ariel Ticona, rests beside their newborn daughter Esperanza at a hospital in Copiapo on September 14. Photos: 2010 Chile mine rescue PHOTO: Luis Hidalgo/Reuters/Landov People celebrate the arrival of part of an oil rig on September 16. Soon, an escape route would be drilled for the trapped miners. Photos: 2010 Chile mine rescue PHOTO: Ivan Alvarado/Reuters/Landov On September 25, a worker tests a capsule that would be used as part of rescue operations. Photos: 2010 Chile mine rescue PHOTO: Nicolas Torres/LatinContent/Getty Images A rescue worker walks past a banner with pictures of the trapped miners on October 11. Photos: 2010 Chile mine rescue PHOTO: Nicolas Torres/LatinContent/Getty Images Media vehicles are parked on the outskirts of the mine on October 11. Photos: 2010 Chile mine rescue PHOTO: Natacha Pisarenko/AP Loreto Campbell, a relative of miner Jorge Galleguillos, reacts while watching his rescue on a TV screen at the camp outside the mine on October 13. Galleguillos was the 11th of 33 miners who were rescued. Photos: 2010 Chile mine rescue PHOTO: Hugo Infante/Reuters/Landov Miner Alex Vega hugs his wife after his rescue on October 13. All 33 miners were rescued. Source link Orbem News #Chilean #Facts #Fast #Rescue
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chentegraterol-blog · 4 years
El Museo El Palmar un legado en ruinas.
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Hace 30 años el Señor Alberto Henriquez (QEPD) a través de testamento dio en calidad de donación a la Universidad Nacional Experimental Francisco de Miranda el museo "El Palmar" a los fines de conservarlo como memoria viviente de la cultura y el arte del estado Falcon, museo que abriga y resguarda cientos de obras artísticas de Valores incalculables de connotados artistas venezolanos entre los cuales podemos destacar a Reverón, Cabré,, Cruz Diez, Soto, Rengifo, Centeno, Hung, Vogeny en las que se encuentra una nutrida representación de artistas Falconianos como Curiel, Nicacio, Colina, Peniche entre otros.
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Para el cumplimiento de dicha voluntad nombró como albaceas Testamentarios a dos ilustres Falconianos al Dr. Luis Alfonso Bueno y a la Profesora Olga Elena Hidalgo de Curiel.
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Hoy los corianos vemos con indignaciosccomo ese Patrimonio agoniza , esta en ruina, abandonado, y vemos como ese acto de desprendimiento del Sr. Alberto Henriquez, su legado ha sido asaltado por la dejadez y el abandono de la Autoridades Universitarias que son los encargado del mantenimiento, protección, seguridad y resguardo de todas esas Obras y de ese templo artístico y cultural de la ciudad de Coro como lo representa el Museo "El Palmar". Estamos frente a unas autoridades Universitarias que no se perturban, no se inmutan, que no se manifiestan, que no se preocupan y mucho menos se ocupan irrespetando la memoria y la buena fe del Sr. Alberto Henriquez al donarles dicho museo.
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Tenemos que rescatar ese legado artístico y cultural que representa El Palmar y el legado de Alberto Henriquez. Por ello, apoyamos en primer lugar, la solicitud hecha por Luis Alfonso Bueno Loaiza y respaldada por la Profesora Olga Elena de Curiel a los fines de solicitar a las autoridades de la UNEFM de verificar y constatar el estado en las que se encuentran todas esas obras de artes que se encuentran embalados y guardadas en depósitos inadecuados. En segundo Lugar apoyar la propuesta hecha por el Señor Miguel Ángel Paz a quien tuve la oportunidad de a acompañar junto con William Robles a una reunión con Monseñor Mariano Parra con el propósito de acordar y conjuntamente con otros sectores sociales culturales y políticos hacer la solicitud a las autoridades universitarias decquecesas obras que están en el Seminario Diocesano sean trasladadas al Musro "Alberto Henriquez" y ubicado en el Paseo Talavera de Coro y estas sean mostradas y puedan ser admiradas por la colectividad Falconiana y el mundo.
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campaignsoftheworld · 5 years
Dairy Queen: Promising a spill-free experience at Blizzard Store
Since its launch, the Blizzard has claimed to be the creamiest ice cream. To prove it, Dairy Queen created a ritual in-store (Blizzard Store): serving Blizzards upside down promising a spill-free experience or the customer doesn´t pay! Three decades later, this marketing trick became predictable. Even though the Blizzard has introduced new flavors and mixes, the brand needed an original experience that reconnected with its core value: creaminess.
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Idea: If every Blizzard must be served upside down, then we were going to build a whole store upside down. We constructed a Dairy Queen stand completely upside down. The structure was built from the ceiling down (rather than from the ground up). We hired a professional acrobat who was suspended from the ceiling and posed as a Dairy Queen employee handing out Blizzards. We positioned the stand in one of the main local malls on a day with high foot-traffic. Credits: Chief Creative Officer - Pinky Mon General Creative Director - Chacho Cabrera Creative Directors - Werner Lemke & Kochi Restrepo Head of Art - Roberto Pérez Senior Graphic Designer - Franklin Lu Graphic Designers - Fernando Acosta & Sergio Faria Producers - Samuel Martínez & Alfonso Diaz Stunt - La tribu Performance Stunt coordinator - Walter "Cucharita" Gutierrez Film Director - Chicho Canto Director of Photography - Alvis Gonzalez Art Direction - Grace Solarte Photographer - Paul Castillero Make Up - Bessie Linares Production company: VFX Panama & Geometry Panama Construction company: Contexto Panama General Manager - Mónica Urrutia Account Director - Olga Epifanio Account Executive - Liriola Garcia Planner - Isabella Ortega Digital Director - María Emma Faria Franquicias Panameñas General Manager - Joshua Henriquez Dairy queen Brand Manager - María Arrieta Tags: Experiential, Panama, Food, Dairy Queen, Ogilvy, OOH Advertising, Best Outdoor Advertising Campaigns, Best OOH campaigns, Best Outdoor Ads, Blizzard Store Read the full article
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muublanco · 6 years
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Asi vamos hoy 23/06/2018 a las 6:00pm y doy Gracias a David Lopez, Milena Paparoni, Alejandro Grimaldi, Antonio Briceño, Monica Pileggi, Santos Uzcanga, Claudia Rios Lira, Rina Carvajal C, Francisco Llamozas, Nina Fuentes, Pedro Leal, Luciana Carvalho, Walleska Marquez, Juan Navarro, Luis Luis Pérez-Oramas, Rafael Rodriguez, Sabrina Torres Cabianca, Guillermo De Yavorsky, Oliver Krisch, Papo, Alejandra Herrera, Laura Teran, jacky Kamhaji, Aura Sosa, Ximena Fuentes, Antonio Casas, Adriana Barrios, Alicia Lopez, Emilio Jose Taborda, Adriana Meneses, CA, Alvaro Perez, Diego Dominguez, Isabela Villanueva, Valeria Cordero, Erasmo Colon, Gabriela Benaim, Edmundo D Marchena, Panchi Sanfuentes, Graciela Pantin, Andres Michelena, Carla Cote, Maria Gabriela Montoto, Gustavo Rivera, Juan Henriquez y Lisu Vega, Andres Manner, Ana María Vargas Pérez, Laura Teran, Jose Suarez, Walter Marquez Uzcategui, Erica Crespo, Charo Oquet, Oliver Wallis, Juan Carlos Alfonso, Faviana Mevi, Maria Maria Alejandra Morillo, Diego Chorio, hoy llegamos al objetivo de la primera etapa de esta campaña de recoleccion economica estoy en el tramite de pasar todos los recursos reacudados a la compañia que produce los marcapasos y seguire luchando para seguir sensibilizando a amigos y familiares para lo que todavia nos por recaudar para pagar los Medicos y la clinica, estoy mas que agradecido por su compromiso como personas de bien y no tuvieron duda en ayudarlo, doy bendiciones y muchas buenas energias para ustedes y sus familias estoy pensado en una recompensa para todos enviandoles una fotografia original de Muu Blanco II via mail para que cada quien segun sus posibilidades la copie y enmarque como simbolo de su aporte a mi querido padre, mas adelante les estare informando como sera esa recompensa en la que me comprometo con cada uno de ustedes! Muchisimas gracias de todo Corazon. #OneLove (en Venezuela)
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veonoticia · 7 years
¡Terror en el MP! Denuncian la destitución de 22 fiscales en el Zulia
El diario Versión Final reseñó este miércoles la destitución de 22 fiscales del Ministerio Público en la región zuliana.
Fuente: Versión Final
Según destaca el mencionado diario, fuentes declararon que la decisión provino desde Caracas, y que se concretó este lunes en horas de la mañana, cuando el Fiscal Superior del estado, Fernando Silva, solicitó al grupo de funcionarios, quienes acudieran a su oficina para darles a la noticia, cuya orden llegó bajo la tutela del Fiscal General de la República,Tarek William Saab.
Señala el periódico que además de estos 22, están pendientes por destituir a otros 20 fiscales, a quienes aún no se le da la noticia porque están de reposo médico.
Se destaca además que algunos fiscales auxiliares asumieron los puestos de sus superiores, pero en el caso de la Fiscalía Novena, el despido masivo se llevó por delante a todos sus funcionarios.
Al parecer, los fiscales fueron destituidos porque no hicieron el concurso para optar por el cargo, o en su defecto, que no reúnen las credenciales para ejercerlo. Sin embargo, el mencionado diario señala que se rumora que los afectados fueron despedidos por “no ser marionetas del Gobierno y desacreditar la validez legal de la ANC”, según citan.
Lista de destituidos 1. Juan Darío Albornoz Rossa (Fiscal auxiliar 4) 2. Liduviz de Jesus Luzardo González (Fiscal provisorio 5) 3. Francis Victoria Villalobos de Aparicio (Fiscal provisorio 8) 4. Mariangelis Araque Díaz (Fiscal provisorio 8) 5. Eudomar Gregorio García Blanco (Fiscal provisorio 9) 6. Clodowaldo de la Cruz Barajas (Fiscal auxiliar 9) 7. Alexandra Fuenmayor Manstretta (Fiscal auxiliar 9) 8. Érika de los Ángeles Parra Álvarez (Fiscal provisorio 9) 9. Yannys Carolina Domínguez Padilla (Fiscal provisorio 11) 10. Robert José Martínez Godoy (Fiscal provisorio 16) 11. Carlos Daniel Henriquez Jiménez (Fiscal provisorio 23) 12. Carlos Alberto Gutiérrez Pérez (Fiscal provisorio 26) 13. Evalu María Boscán Aguilar (Fiscal auxiliar 26) 14. José Ángel Méndez Ramírez (Fiscal provisorio 28) 15. Freddy Alfonso Ochoa Peralta (Fiscal provisorio 37) 16. Douglas Enrique Valladarez Fernández (Fiscal provisorio 40) 17. Alexis Germán Perozo (Fiscal provisorio 45) 18. Julio César de Jesús Arrias Añez (Fiscal provisorio 44) 19. Américo Alejandro Rodríguez Quintero (Fiscal provisorio 35) 20. Alejandro Méndez (Fiscal provisorio 76) 21. Lucy Chiquinquirá Fernández Villalobos (Fiscal provisorio 75) 22. María Alejandra Moreno Carrillo (Fiscal auxiliar 40)
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suramed-health-center · 8 months
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⚕️Happy National Pediatrician Day! 🎉 We are grateful for Dr. Alfonso J. Henriquez's dedication to children and families. We also want to extend our gratitude to all SuraMed Health Center pediatricians for their unwavering care! 🙏
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𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐃𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐲 ⚕️On behalf of 𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐌𝐞𝐝 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐡 𝐂𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫, we give a big THANK YOU to Alfonso J. Henriquez, M.D., FAAP for going above and beyond to care for our young patients here at 𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐌𝐞𝐝 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐡 𝐂𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 | 𝐖𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐏𝐚𝐥𝐦 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡. 🌐 suramedhealthcenter.com
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