#Almaty Region
solo-wing-alex · 3 months
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The Big Talgar Pass
Shymbulak Mountain Resort
Almaty, Kazakhstan
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travelella · 9 months
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Almaty Region, Kazakhstan
Ivan Oleynikov
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Another interesting thing about how Russian Empire/USSR operated is in names. Both for people and places.
Exhibit A: The apparent Russification of all names. Names that are Kazakh, but you need to write the official documents in Russian so they don't come out quite right. One of the already mentioned examples is with patronymics: Russian -ev and -eva and etc. added to Kazakh names. There is also the matter of pronunciation, the "special"* letters of Kazakh cyrillic being omitted which lead to butchered names.
Exhibit B: The names of towns and regions. They were all either named from Russian language, or had their names bent in a strange way. Example for the first one is Tselinograd(modern Astana) which means "Town of virgin lands"*. The second one is Alma-ata(current Almaty) which written in this way means "Apple grandfather" while the modern one just means...appley(?). There is no adjective for apple in English so bear with me. There also examples of this where the meaning doesn't change, and the spelling is strange for no apparent reason. Example: Kzyl-Orda(nowadays Qyzylorda) which omitted a vowel and added a dash just because.
Both examples are interesting in a way that they don't really seem significant, but deny an ability to control a small part of life for the natives. Think of it. It's the names you give your own children, the name of a place where you live, being not completely yours, looking not right.
Edit: I am sorry, I forget to mention that this applies to all empires. In general, when I talk about some phenomenas or culture things, I am aware that they are not exclusive to Kazakh and Kazakhstan's history, but this is what I know. The additions are welcome though!
*the development of virgin lands(Tselina) is a time in 50s and 60s of XX century when USSR decided that actually, the steppes of Northern Kazakhstan are actually very good for agriculture, the natives were just stupid. The soil there deteriorated by 15-20%. The immediate results were quite nice though.
the natives are just stupid part is meant to be ironic btw
Also a reminder! Ask me questions. I am more motivated by them.
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have-you-been-here · 2 months
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Almaty Region, Kazakhstan
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itstokkii · 2 months
aph kazakhstan hcs
kazakhstan!!! my starboy
- kazakhstan is the baby of the gang 👶 he looks like he's in his early 20s, a charming young man! he and his older sister uzbekistan were initially together under the uzbek khanate before breaking off and forming the kazakh khanate. to some extent, uzbekistan's still salty about it to this day...
- he may be the baby but he's the breadwinner of the family!! he has the highest gdp among all of central asia, and his other siblings are floored whenever they visit astana and almaty. he's a hustler!
- he tries to get his siblings to be cooperative and stop fighting all the time(specifically uzbekistan tajikistan and kyrgyzstan) through ~regional unity.~ the results? there certainly were some...
- kyrgyzstan and uzbekistan dote on him a lot while also being jealous of his massive economic gains lol
- kazakhstan is asexual. I see him immensely valuing his small group of friends and family, but I don't see him pursuing any relationships in an intimate manner. he may still have fleeting crushes from time to time, and so may be alloromantic to some extent.
- he gets along well with kyrgyzstan, his older brother, in terms of language! they both belong to the qipchak language family, and having both been nomadic for longer have restored a lot of nomadic tradition than the couch potato over there(uzbekistan).
- the qipchak languages have less persian influence than qarluk, so this means kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan(as well as karakalpakstan) don't have many issues speaking in their language towards turkey. they both know turkish fluently anyway.
- when they speak to tajikistan they revert to russian or have uzbekistan translate.
- he's also very close with uzbekistan, as mentioned before with them both being under the same roof once. kazakhs are quick to support uzbeks in times of need or celebration, like diyora keldiyorova's gold medal winning in judo(the first uzbek woman to win in judo)! kazakhstan admires how hard working, mannered and thoughtful she is towards the people she loves and cares about, and even towards strangers as well! he also loves her cooking, and in the meantime uzbeks admire how outspoken kazakhs are, and how quick they are to fight against injustice. uzbekistan wishes she could be as outspoken as her brothers too, to forcefully enact change instead of waiting in fear...
- also she loves her lil bro's chocolate and candy!! bayan sulu my beloved...
- @ any kazakhs who see this...I KNOW there was a chocolate with lemon filling I just don't remember the brand name...PLEASE DM me if you know 😭😭
- uzbekistan also has the 2nd biggest gdp of central asia. the 2 hustle together to be the faces of central asia!
- whenever he tries taking her out to skate she clings onto him for dear life while screaming. he tries taking her on hikes too because "the mountain air is good for your health" but she INSISTS a lady shouldn't exert herself too much...once you become sedentary it's over for you ig 💀
- mongolia is closest to kazakhstan out of all the central asians! they're neighbors, and in bayan ulgii, there's a sizeable community of kazakhs that have lived there since fleeing the russian occupation. they've kept all their traditions intact, and kazakhstan pays them a visit from time to time! he's grateful to mongolia for letting them seek refuge and keep their culture intact after all these years.
- kazakhstan was a successor to the golden horde, and a lot of kazakhs can trace their ancestry to then! hence, mongolia is something like.. a grandpa...?
- mongolia takes the time to tease kazakhstan like "hey isn't it past your bedtime little man?" just to see kazakhstan go all red in the face. mongolia also checks on him from time to time to see if he's doing alright. it's kind of sweet tbh 🥺
- this one time in a horseback archery competition france came in FIRST??? while mongolia and kazakhstan came in 2nd and 3rd. they probably sobbed abt it and drank together 😭
- now all the central asians use some russian words when speaking, but kazakhstan does this the most. he's trying(successfully) to phase russian out when he could use a kazakh word in place of it.
- kazakhstan has kept the tradition of falcon taming and hunting! he handles falcons really well, and will sometimes be on the tv as he walks the audience through handling a falcon. kazakhstan also rides horses the best! there's a lot of mountainous regions an hour or two's drive away from almaty where you can ride horses and admire the freshwater streams and the vibrant green grass...what a dream..
- kyrgyzstan and kazakhstan were also one of the founding members of the turkic union! for the first few years it must have been hard to listen to turkey yap about turan...
- kazakhstan is also the coldest central asian country. the weather can hit as low -30 to -35 degrees! before washing machines, he'd hang his laundry outside and check on them the next morning to try and fit a stiff scarf through the doorway. when roads freeze over, he pulls out his skates and simply skates to work. he'd open his door in the morning after a snowy night only for the snow to have taken the shape of the door.
- uzbekistan may be the best cook as declared by her siblings, but kazakhstan is a close second and this is because of his beshbarmaq and baursak. it is such a banger and hits EVERY TIME. uzbekistan loves his cooking ❤️
- also makes a mean kazy! bro is NOT lazy with it. he doesn't buy from the store! not when he could make his own.
- he also makes qurut as well. qurut is like dried yogurt in the shape of a ball, and you suck on it because mm salty. thing is, uzbekistan's qurut is much harder and therefore takes a longer time to go through compared to kazakhstan's! his is softer and more creamy, less salty, and it gets my vote <3
- he loves playing hockey, skating, riding horses, hiking in his mountainous ranges...he's very active! he also likes going to concerts and raves, and coming home late lol
- his interest in space was kickstarted by uzbekistan, who took him to see ulughbek's observatory. then years later a major space operations hub was placed in baikonur during the ussr period, and since then he's developed his own space program and he loves keeping up to date with space related news! just say the word and he'll explain it to you!
- due to constantly being tormented by russia, and for a while having to bend to his needs(a long while...) he does have unhealthy coping mechanisms. he picked up drinking and smoking during the ussr and still does it, though his siblings are trying to get him to cut down on it.
- he, like all the central asians, absolutely DESPISES russia. he can just conceal his feelings better than his siblings when he makes economic deals. this was especially so in the early aughts to 2010s as he insisted it was "all for my economy's sake..."
- when he's working on something late at night, he likes going to CU to grab a bite to eat! korea's been to his CU a few times when he's showed her around and she noticed how there were some products that weren't in korea themselves! CU regularly sells binggrae vanilla flavored milk, though in korea it's not on the shelves at all!
- this one time in 2022 the power shut off in uzbekistan kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan, and all the governments blamed each other lol. talk about the spiderman meme
- also in my opinion...kazakhstan has the best drip lol. both in terms of tradition and modern fits I see people wear in the streets of astana
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ilikeit-art · 2 years
Ice volcano
An ice volcano appears every winter in the Almaty region. The effect of the eruption is created by artesian water, which beats out of the ground. In the cold season, the water freezes and the height of the volcano reaches 14 meters.
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blueiscoool · 2 years
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A Giant Stone Statue (Balbal) Found in Kyrgyzstan
A balbal (stone statue) with a height of up to 3 meters was found during agricultural work in the Ak-Bulun village of Tyup district in the Issyk-Kul region of Kyrgyzstan.
Balbal, is the name given to the tombstone that was erected around the grave or some of the kurgan people for the memory of the person in ancient Turks.
Erkin Turbaev, 60, discovered the balbal on October 15 in the evening. When the plow suddenly broke on something, he was preparing to plant potatoes. Turbaev made the decision to dig it out and discovered a more than two-meter-long stone statue at a depth.
Many Balbals have been found in Kyrgyzstan before. Many stone warriors (balbals) of the nomadic Turks are found in Çolpan Ata and Karakol on the shores of Issyk Kul. It is estimated that the balbals were erected in the 6th century. These grave markers in Kyrgyzstan and throughout Central Asia were erected by nomadic Turkish tribes, and almost all of the balbals in Kyrgyzstan are distributed in the Chuy Valley.
The Balbals to the sculptures of the Central Asian Turks, usually in the form of a sword and figure, usually carved on a piece of stone, symbolizing the enemies that the warrior had killed, and the people believed to be his servants in the other world, planted around the tombs of the deceased warriors at the time of widespread preservation of the validity of the shamanic religion.
When the number of these stones is the right of the dead person; the power, the courage, the hero of the hero. The balbals, which is prevalent in the pre-Islamic period, left its place to gravestones after acceptance of Islamic religion. Balbal word is a word from the Old Turkic language and means Bal+Bal (honey + honey), ie hit, cigarette, lighter.
The stone balbals in Kyrgyzstan, which are located on the outskirts of the townships of Sai and Bulak villages, are exhibited in the Kara-Batkak museum.
Historian Zhanbolot Abdykerimov said that many historical monuments can be located on the territory of the rural municipality.
“There are historical kurgans (burials) that date back to the 3rd century BC between the settlements of Ak-Bulun and Frunze. There are such kurgans in Fergana and Almaty. There is historical evidence that the ancient city of Sarybulun [Chigu or Chiguchen – in Chinese sources, the “City of the Red Valley”] was in the eastern part of Issyk-Kul,” the historian noted.
According to Abdykerimov, that the statue has special marks: inscriptions on the head, a pendant in the neck area and a hand in the middle indicating belonging to some title. There are pictures on the back and a belt. A short sword similar to an akinak is drawn. Such weapons were actively used during the Saka period. It is difficult to determine without archaeologists to which period the balbal belongs, the historian noted.
Balbal, which was slightly damaged by tractor drivers during excavations, is 2 meters 70 centimeters long. It was stated that such stone sculptures had not been encountered before in the village.
By Leman Altuntaş.
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pwlanier · 1 year
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Gennady Gerasimovich Zubkov (1940-2021) - artist, student of Vladimir Sterligov.
Composition oil on canvas
In 1968, he graduated from the Faculty of Art and Graphics of the Leningrad Pedagogical Institute named after A.I. Herzen.
In 1963-1973 - study under the guidance of V. Sterligov is a student of K. Malevich (1904-1973) of the picturesque culture of the early twentieth century, the Russian avant-garde, the practice of Matyushin's extended viewing, acquaintance with Sterligov's bowl-dome system.
In 1995 - creation of an experimental art and research group "FORMA + COLOR". In 1998 - creation of the art association "APRIL 17".
1987-1998 - membership in the Creative Union of Artists
1995 - "Form and Color" group
1996 - Art Association "April 17"
1998 - member of the Union of Artists of the Russian Federation.
The artist's works are in collections:
State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg;
State Museum of Fine Arts named after A.C. Pushkin, Moscow;
State Museum of the History of St. Petersburg;
Museum of Nonconformist Art, St. Petersburg;
Yaroslavl Art Museum;
Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Karelia, Petrozavodsk;
Tomsk Regional Art Museum;
Kemerovo Regional Museum of Fine Arts;
Novosibirsk State Art Gallery;
Arkhangelsk Art Museum;
Art Museum named after Jane Voorhees Zimmerley, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA;
Charlie's Check Point Museum, Berlin, Germany;
State Museum of Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after A. Kasteeva, Almaty;
Kirov Regional Art Museum named after V.M. and A.M. Vasnetsovs;
Perm State Art Gallery;
National Art Gallery, Yoshkar-Ola, Mari El;
State Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan;
Kolodzey Art Foundation, USA;
Art Foundation named after Diaghilev, St. Petersburg.
Art Hall
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moofey17 · 10 months
Dark Falz Solus
Ahead of Omen of the Planetbreaker, an easier, 8 player urgent quest version of the Dark Falz Solus fight, I thought it would be good to condense what I had learned from one of my favorite fights in the game and make some sort of informational guide on it as to what to expect, the combat flow, etc...
That being said, if you haven't run this yet and want to take this UQ blind, don't read this post or watch the video I've posted further down.
Sign of the Planetbreaker versus Omen of the Planetbreaker?
Sign of the Planetbreaker: Quest type: Major Target Suppression Mission Location: Central Retem, can be accessed anytime Boss level: 75 Required BP: 3750 No. of players: 4 Time limit: 15 minutes Additional fail conditions: Quest fails if the number of incapacitations reaches five. Sign of the Planetbreaker is the first Major Target Suppression Mission in 2NGS, designed to be an "Ultra hard difficulty" quest for 4 players against the Starless enemy Dark Falz Solus. Solus' hard-hitting attacks combined with tight phase 1 mechanics, a limit on the number of incapacitations the party can suffer and a short time limit means that players need to be properly geared and knowledgeable about the fight to be able to clear it.  The quest can be challenged anytime and can be found along the west edge of Central Retem, to the northeast of the ryuker device in Retem Alnothe. Notable weapon drops include the 10-star Flugelgard series, the 9* Tisah series and the 8* Neos Astraean series. Players can also find the Tisah Waffe Almati weapon camo here. Omen of the Planetbreaker: Quest type: Urgent Quest Location: Retem, can only be accessed when made available Boss level: 80 Required BP: 3649 Time limit: 60 minutes Additional fail conditions: None Omen of the Planetbreaker is an urgent quest that can occur in the Retem region. While still against Dark Falz Solus, the fight was designed to be easier than that in Sign of the Planetbreaker. Solus will not hit as hard as it does in Sign, and it's expected that the quest will have standard urgent quest clear or fail conditions for an 8 player quest. (30 or 60 minutes, no additional fail conditions) Drops are expected to be the same as it is with Sign, though likely will have a diminished drop rate for Tisah and Flugelgard weapons compared to Sign.
I recorded one of my runs for reference. This video is from a Ranger POV
Up to this point, Sign of the Planetbreaker has been the ultimate challenge and will continue to be so until the second Major Target Supression Mission launches, which is currently on the roadmap for the next major update in December. Those that are able to complete Sign are rewarded with a weekly task of 20 SG and daily Leah May tasks for 10 growthment. NGS Headline described Omen of the Planetbreaker as something of a stepping stone to prepare for Sign.
In many cases, a party consisting of one ranger is recommended as Blight Rounds gives a 20-25% damage bonus. With the level 80 cap making Sign of the Planetbreaker a bit easier, those who struggle with survivability can use a hunter or waker subclass to help. Additionally, buffs should consist of the following:
Food: 10 Crisp Meats for maximum damage output. If short on meat, combine other crisp foods from the same region to at least get the weak point damage bonus.
Region Mag: Feed the region mag in West Retem if it is not up. Nowadays it's not as important with the alliance mag and level 80 cap but if it's up, runs should go slightly smoother.
Alliance Mag: Ensure your alliance is maintaining at minimum a level 10 potency boost. Take all boosts available to you, but if you are unable to take all of them, take your potency boost first, then HP, then PP, then XP and Rare Drop.
As a reference, the required average DPS across the entire party that's required to clear Sign is around 3150 DPS. Some classes such as slayer will hit well past this mark, while others like rangers may struggle with it. As long as this averages out in this range a clear should be possible. While the level cap was still 75, the recommended potency per player was around 130%. With level 80, it's likely you can get away with less.
Phase 1
The first phase of the fight is mechanic heavy and your goal should be to clear it as fast as possible. What to do is relatively straightforward once you've seen it a couple of times. For reference, in Sign of the Planetbreaker, a party should get to phase 2 in a maximum of 6 and a half minutes (Before the clock reaches 8:30) in order to deal enough damage to clear.
When the quest starts, the party can optionally go around the back and start attacking the tail. Many groups skip this step as the attacks coming off of the tail provide an additional chance to counter. If you do leave it, Solus will periodically release a barrage of missiles at all players. Their landing points are noted with a mark on the floor. CAUTION: There is a glitch that occurs when the tail is broken as Solus is deploying the eggs out of his right arm. If this occurs and this action is interrupted, the eggs will not be deployed, and the quest must be restarted.
For parties that don't attack the tail at the start, they will typically stay on the hands until these eggs deploy.
A few seconds after the fight starts, Solus will deploy three eggs from his right arm. These eggs will plant themselves along a defined 3x3 grid around the floor (with Solus taking the middle ) and will periodically unleash an AOE attack in the shape of a square corresponding to this imaginary "grid." Every few seconds, the eggs will retract and may move one square over or stay in place and redeploy. For these, most parties stay together, following a ranger's Blight Rounds, destroying the eggs one by one. In some cases, a party may destroy the first egg together and then split up for the remaining two eggs. This is all while Solus unleashes its own array of attacks, which will be mentioned later.
Once all three eggs are destroyed,  Solus' right arm will open, exposing its weakpoint for a short period. The party must focus this point and deal as much damage as possible to break it before it closes. If it does close, the egg destroying process restarts, except with one egg instead of three. Once the right arm is broken, the process repeats itself for the left arm after a few seconds.
For runs that are on the lower end of the damage scale an issue comes up as they reach the point where the second arm breaks. For these kinds of runs it's important to have a watch over the break meter. What ends up happening quite a bit is that, as the arm is about to be destroyed, the party scores a break on Solus. This becomes a problem in two ways: One, the arm will not break during a break. Two, despite this, the arm can still close during a break. This means that the arm will end up closing during break, before it can actually break, even though enough damage has been done to break it, resulting in an annoying time loss as the party has to wait, destroy an additional egg, then watch as the arm breaks the instant it opens up. Is that enough break for you?
Once the left arm is broken, Solus will be stunned and his main weak point will be exposed. Once he has recovered, he will keep cycling through his attacks with his hands. At this time you should score your first break as well. The fight will progress from first phase when Solus' remaining HP reaches 50%.
Phase 1 attacks
Select players will be marked with a faint laser. A few seconds after this appears, Solus will grunt, the lasers will briefly turn pink and then fire for about two seconds.
Solus will make an orb appear around each player, requiring them to quickly dodge to avoid taking damage. Solus will let out a grunt before this occurs.
Solus will raise his hands above his head and slam them down into the floor, causing a shockwave that radiates outwards and covers the entire floor. This is one of Solus' more damaging attacks during this phase.
Solus will summon a pair of portals across from each other, then launch an attack through them, covering the side of the stage that's between them.
Solus will usually follow this attack up by bringing his arms back and push forward. This is something to take note of with certain counters to ensure that your attacks don't miss. Sometimes he will go into a shockwave attack instead.
Solus will wind up in one direction then sweep through with one hand through 270 degrees. This will also cause Solus to rotate 90 degrees from the direction he started the attack in.
Solus will sweep a hand over a corner of the stage. This is similar to his larger sweep attack but without a wind-up and does not cause him to rotate.
Solus will sometimes thrust or slam down with one hand, dealing damage in the general vicinity. An alternate version of this attack has him slamming his hand down twice.
Phase 1 DPS Check
At 50% HP, Solus will summon a set of "stairs" on each side of him with an egg on top of each. Shortly after, red misama will start to slowly rise from the floor. This miasma will cause a large amount of damage over time for anyone that gets caught in it. When both eggs are destroyed, the miasma will disappear, Solus will be stunned and the weakpoint on his head will be exposed. Anyone stuck in the miasma and is still alive at this point will be incapacitated If enough damage is done, it will cause a physical down that exposes the weakpoint on his body. When he recovers, the fight will progress to phase 2.
Phase 2
Solus will gain a wand and change his attack patterns. In this phase, the fight becomes less about mechanics and more about dealing as much damage as possible at opportunities that he or his wand are exposed. Solus will spend large amounts of time in this phase in places where he can not be reached so it's important to take advantage of every opening he gives you.
Attacks should focus the weakpoint on his wand first. When enough damage is done to the wand, it will break and cause Solus to be stunned. At this point, you can continue attacking the wand or move to his body.
Parties that deal less damage will find that they get their second break near the end of this phase, while those that deal more will likely get their second break in the final moments of this fight. Once Solus' remaining HP is at around 10%, the fight will progress to the final phase, at which point you should have around 3 minutes left if you hope to clear.
Phase 2 attacks:
Solus will teleport to the opposite side of the stage and start summoning three walls that slowly materialize. These walls cannot be dodged through and will close-to one-shot anyone that gets hit by them. Everyone must find the holes in each wall to safely move through them. After the third wall, solus will attack by either thrusting or swinging his wand, leaving him open for attack.
Some people tend to have trouble locating the holes in the wall while the wall is forming. Keep an eye out for a change in the block pattern, as gaps that have a sort of outline around them will be where your holes are.
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Solus will toss his wand towards the stage, which will appear standing on its end and launch an AOE attack that radiates outwards from the wand. It will teleport and repeat this attack twice. The wand is open to attacks during this time.
Solus will appear on one end and launch an attack with his wand that covers roughly two thirds of the stage.
Solus will launch a ground attack along the perimeter of the stage. After this attack, his wand will teleport to the center of the stage and send out a destructive shockwave that radiates outwards and covers the entire stage. After, Solus will attack by thrusting or swinging his wand, leaving him open for a short period.
Solus will launch small square-shaped attacks in a striped pattern while launching a series of large cubes covering the entire stage. He will then repeat the striped attack on the parts of the stage that were not targeted the first time.
Solus will teleport to one side, and swing across the stage with his wand. This attack coves about two-thirds of the stage. The direction of attack will be marked but will always be from his left to right.
Solus will plant several pillars in the stage, then fire a barrage of small cubes while moving 360 degrees clockwise or counter-clockwise around the stage, requiring players to move to keep him behind the pillar. He will then launch a destructive laser attack, then attack by thrusting or swinging his wand, leaving him open.
Solus will hover over the stage and slam his wand into the ground. He will do this 2-3 times, slamming twice the last time.
Solus will attack with a combination of large square-shaped attacks along a 2x3 grid while firing projectiles.
Final Phase
When Solus' HP reaches 10%, he will back away from the stage and plant 9 eggs, covering the entire stage with their AOE attacks. These act in the same way as phase 1 but will not periodically move around. While the party is busy destroying the eggs, he will attack with his wand blast/swing, striped square/block attack and large ground/projectile attacks. Dodge the attacks as they come in and continue focusing the eggs until they are all destroyed.
When the last egg is destroyed, Solus will become stunned and lay at the edge of his stage with his head weakpoint exposed. He will not get up from this state but will sometimes unleash a last-gasp shockwave attack that can deal massive damage to the party. When enough damage is done to the head, it will cause a permanent physical down. He will continue to attack with his shockwave but it will involve a longer startup, allowing you to anticipate it further in advance. Continue attacking until Solus is defeated. If the party's damage is on the high end, the second break will happen around this time, or might not even happen at all.
If you had just beat Solus in Sign of the Planetbreaker, congratulations! As of writing this guide, you've completed the hardest challenge in the game so far.
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General Tips:
Don't give up! Sign of the Planetbreaker is very difficult but not hard to figure out. Keep running Omen of the Planetbreaker when it comes up and, if/when you feel like it, go into Sign alone and practice.
Solus' attacks are many and hard-hitting, but their visual and audio cues are very apparent and not hard to read.
Be comfortable with dodging! Running from lasers and other attacks results in precious loss of DPS and time. Even at level 80, the consequences of even a couple of party members evading attacks instead of using their counterattacks can be costly and result in the quest failing due to time.
Be supportive of your party! There are many parts of this fight that require cooperation and coordination. If someone is struggling with a part of the fight, help them out. Exchange advice with your fellow party members and be encouraging as you make it further and further with each run.
Make sure you're geared! Your weapon should have a level 6 potential, and all your gear should be enhanced to +70 with six relevant potency (and potency floor for non-Verschmelz builds) augments on each. (ex. Stat IV, Gigas Stat IV, A relevant Soul IV, a Domina etc...)
Know your class! There's no clearing Sign if you're not playing it properly and efficiently. Know the best PAs for the situation and your strongest counters. (As a ranger main I'm obligated to remind anyone reading this that spamming rifle normals is not an efficient or proper way to play Ranger or any other class)
I highly doubt that I've covered exactly everything in this, but I hope at least it provides some benefit to those getting into Solus for the first time.
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usafphantom2 · 11 months
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Kazakhstan Air Force auctions 117 Soviet-era combat aircraft
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 10/28/2023 - 17:13 in Military
According to the announcement released on Kazakhstan's electronic platform for the sale of state assets, the initial price of the entire collection exceeds US$ 2 million.
The state entity responsible for the sale of this aeronautical equipment is "Kazarnaulyexport" (Kazspecexport). According to announcements released on the state's electronic goods sales platform, the start of negotiations was on October 26.
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The 117 aircraft put up for sale were previously employed by military units located in various regions of Kazakhstan, including Almaty, Abay, Karaganda and Shymkent. These consist mainly of MiG-31 supersonic interceptor fighters, MiG-27 bombers, MiG-29 fighters and Su-24 frontline bombers, which were manufactured during the 1970s and 1980s.
The reports indicate that "the objects evaluated are in unusable condition ?? due to obsolescence; its modernization is not economically viable". As stated in the document, "the objects must be settled by disposal in the territory of the holder of the balance". It is observed that "taking into account the technical state and the uniqueness of the objects evaluated, it is impossible to use them for other purposes, including as a source of spare parts". Consequently, according to the requirements of the auction, the sale of these older aircraft depends on their disposal on the premises of the military units of the Air Defense Forces of the Kazakh Armed Forces.
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Kazakhstan is gradually eliminating its obsolete inventory of Soviet-made fighter planes in favor of modern alternatives. Notably, Kazakh military pilots are now using Russian Su-30SM multifunctional fighters, capable of operating under various weather conditions and at any time of the day, while performing air strikes against ground targets.
Tags: Military AviationKazakhstanMiG-29MiG-31
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has work published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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Cavok Brazil - Digital Tchê Web Creation
Brazilian Air Force
Cavok Brazil - Digital Tchê Web Creation
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Kaindy Lake in Almaty Region, Kazakhstan
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solo-wing-alex · 6 months
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Kolsay Lakes National Park
Tian Shan Mountains, Kazakhstan
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beyondthemegapixel · 1 year
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Kaindy Lake in Almaty Region, Kazakhstan
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changedsongbird · 2 years
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Kaindy Lake, an idyllic turquoise mountain lake in Almaty region, Kazakhstan
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eruverse · 2 years
There are around 600k Uzbeks in Kazakhstan. Not its biggest minority (that would be Russian), but one of the largest. Wondering now if there would be a personification of these Kazakhstani Uzbeks, and if there is, which region would this personification be attached to (since basically there are Uzbeks everywhere in the country)? And now I’m wondering if.. Turkistan region?
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Turkistan is a region (there’s also Turkistan city that’s the capital city of this region), previously named South Kazakhstan. Very close to Uzbekistan including the capital Tashkent. Majority of Uzbeks in the country live in this region.
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The region also formerly housed Shymkent, the third largest city in Kazakhstan which now stands as a city with equal status to a region alongside Astana and Almaty. Shymkent understandably has a large Uzbek population as well (around 17% of the population). Shymkent was once part of Kokand Khanate, an Uzbek state that was a breakaway of Bukharan Khanate.
Does that mean Kaz and Uz have two kids, Turkistan and Shymkent? Maybe!! One of them looks like this btw:
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Edit: how powerful it is for Kaz and Uz to have a kid that’s basically named ‘the land of Turks’ lmao
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tripcapture00 · 1 day
Discover Two Cultures: Almaty to Baku Backpacking Journey
Embarking on a backpacking journey from Almaty, Kazakhstan, to Baku, Azerbaijan, is an exhilarating way to explore the rich cultures and diverse landscapes of Central Asia. This journey offers a unique blend of modernity and tradition, making it a perfect adventure for those seeking to discover the essence of two captivating cities. Here’s a guide to help you navigate this incredible journey.
Itinerary Overview
Day 1: Arrival in Almaty
Begin your adventure in Almaty, where the stunning backdrop of the Tian Shan mountains greets you. Spend the day exploring the city’s vibrant atmosphere. Visit the iconic Zenkov Cathedral, take a leisurely stroll in Panfilov Park, and explore the lively Green Bazaar for local delicacies. In the evening, enjoy a meal at a traditional Kazakh restaurant to experience the local cuisine.
Day 2: Day Trip to Charyn Canyon
Take a day trip to Charyn Canyon, one of Kazakhstan’s natural wonders. Hike through the canyon to witness its stunning rock formations and vibrant colors. Capture breathtaking photos and enjoy a picnic surrounded by the serene beauty of the landscape. Return to Almaty in the evening and prepare for your journey to Baku.
Day 3: Travel from Almaty to Baku
Fly from Almaty to Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. Once you arrive, settle into your accommodation and head out to explore the Old City (Icherisheher), a UNESCO World Heritage site. Visit the Maiden Tower and the Palace of the Shirvanshahs to immerse yourself in Baku’s rich history.
Day 4: Exploring Modern Baku
Spend the day exploring the modern side of Baku. Visit the Heydar Aliyev Center, an architectural marvel, and take a stroll along the Caspian Sea Boulevard. Don’t miss the Flame Towers and the vibrant atmosphere of Fountain Square. In the evening, enjoy the local cuisine at a rooftop restaurant with stunning views of the city.
Day 5: Gobustan National Park
Take a day trip to Gobustan National Park, home to ancient rock carvings and mud volcanoes. Explore the archaeological site and learn about the history of the region. Return to Baku and spend your last evening soaking in the vibrant nightlife and culture.
Day 6: Cultural Exchange and Departure
On your final day, engage in a cultural exchange by visiting local markets and handicraft shops. Try your hand at cooking traditional Azerbaijani dishes in a cooking class. As you prepare for your departure, reflect on the incredible experiences and the rich tapestry of cultures you’ve encountered on this journey.
The backpacking journey from Almaty to Baku is an incredible opportunity to discover the unique cultures of Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. From the stunning landscapes of Charyn Canyon to the modern architecture of Baku, each stop offers unforgettable experiences and memories. Pack your bags and get ready to embark on this enriching adventure, where the beauty of two distinct cultures awaits!
More Info About this Blog- Then Go Almaty Tour Package
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