444names · 2 years
german and tolkienesque forenames BUT excluding "c"
Adaglitz Adanton Adavana Adenzil Adorn Aguelda Aiarine Aiwenna Aldwalen Alinarand Alindith Aliner Alippauga Allastia Allma Almul Alothmo Altel Amard Ambarvina Ambor Amilkath Amiry Amlian Amlithorn Amrostom Anart Andrin Anelmog Anfalgan Angoldon Angolf Angwë Annak Annel Ansga Anákhâl Aralkar Arapher Aratarl Arauglu Ardamine Ardiorno Arfin Ariebola Ariel Arienar Arietel Arion Arith Aritë Armaldog Arnholo Arodelmil Arstefan Artir Arvindon Arómin Astarika Ataras Attam Atárin Audoreg Auganna Auhúr Auladri Badilke Bagondrin Bartrina Belarahad Beldan Beleth Belug Beoronne Bereil Bergilim Beried Berin Berry Berud Berundan Bervia Berwala Berwen Beryttarl Beteathin Bifurold Bolina Boredeór Boreg Borië Bornheid Borodrid Bravar Breidren Brian Briën Bëorn Bórenakil Dallumard Damin Demmar Dirid Dowfang Dowyn Duilipp Durannar Dwine Dáinorn Déomal Déoth Déowyn Egollendë Eingreth Eldilleth Elemmar Elendrór Elene Eletela Eleth Elfalmo Eliank Elinenn Elivrin Ellouel Ellromë Ellukarë Elmutz Elphoria Elrahta Elrosterd Elseb Elwig Elydilyë Endalk Erimlois Erion Ermana Ertar Essartrah Estin Estir Ewainas Ewalar Ewart Eären Eärndilyë Eärnheil Eärnhor Eärnor Eärwatald Faxendil Felagolwë Felherven Fimil Fimon Finenwë Fingund Finvard Flothil Formine Frand Frediamar Fregilby Freid Frerno Friebred Frinaláf Frius Fréagold Fréalip Fréawil Fuilmon Fundeldar Furth Fëanth Fírdarn Gaste Gebke Gelumel Gerethôr Geryah Gildana Gimor Glina Glippalda Golauke Golfwiele Gondor Gotto Greatar Gredhelas Gronivarl Gundróres Gusil Gusina Haerwin Halegil Halmon Halvene Halvir Hanelm Hannoro Hansgalia Hantob Harahard Haras Harbalten Harber Hariard Harisir Harob Haron Harst Harvegir Heidrinna Heiduglór Heilbêth Heinar Heldan Helebron Helemin Helemma Heliando Helix Hellast Hellrohak Helmir Helmung Heries Herod Hiedhri Hildur Hilina Hilior Himel Himuth Horiedy Horwinelm Hubelipp Huber Hunúmitë Huold Hyahado Hyavid Hyavin Hámon Idustine Imald Imbur Imend Imlothard Imrodreg Imrotten Inath Ingbomin Ingeor Inúvin Irkondur Isanthor Isheriel Ismar Isuin Jeriellan Jerimelyë Johannelf Johelen Joherost Jonan Julim Juppatta Jürgas Jürgon Karantof Katar Khannatto Klador Klasteph Kuringob Kílin Kúvala Ladûnas Lauglo Lemalgeor Lemna Liadûn Linuelma Lothomë Louid Louinzil Ludorioni Lumbor Léornhard Léoth Léowfar Magmulain Malmor Malvi Maláf Mangon Mannatinz Marah Maraph Margertar Marion Mastank Matar Mavan Melating Meleb Mendur Menivrion Mermton Meron Milgron Monuelas Moros Muthilke Míritë Mírië Míriën Nakata Neleng Nianas Nianon Niedilia Niedusto Nielmir Nielwë Nimbard Nimbasto Nimil Nimrolion Nivinglúk Nowmar Ohalias Olandeór Olfing Olineld Orider Orned Orona Othar Othôr Ottelwin Paldo Palfin Palia Palmut Palmute Paláf Patam Pathrine Paust Peryatin Pheiliel Pheindil Pritherd Radori Ragdumarn Randil Randriana Raphilzôn Rarfinde Reatáromë Rollephel Romair Ronakata Rondus Ronram Rumalin Ríannelmo Rúmena Rúthorn Sabiannen Sabin Sadûn Sakhôr Salfréa Selikt Shalwë Shnáin Shnáron Sieldor Silanas Silgravia Sortz Stariel Sterein Svedhein Syllain Sylvin Sylving Súrian Tamlausig Tannar Telen Telenen Telron Terio Terohta Therth Thornor Tiaman Timbard Tindian Tiust Tohelmut Tonas Tonwë Udwing Ugardt Ugung Uilhend Uiryona Uliangor Ulkhanne Ulriamir Undingbod Undir Uolis Urgon Valarlod Valby Valendor Valim Vangren Vanne Varondóm Videóreth Vidorin Vieston Vánaian Vánallas Waenna Werhaláf Wigisl Wildandur Windil Yvedhelen Yávin Zildith Zimuld Éowfan
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leo-n-ox-mutable · 6 years
Part 2
Virgo Warrior Name: Iron May(アイアン・メイ) Real Name: Andy Almull(アンディ・アルマル) Wish: I want a master Title: Serve and kill A girl in Maid dress. Called Mahou Shoujo. Born in an emerging country where gender equality is compatible, he was raised as a woman to avoid recruitment. Illegally sent to the battlefield(?), kept avoiding battles by taking in emotions and enemy prospects. Became a war criminal after escaping from the enemy and displaying obscene exhibition. Inherited a electrostatically charged steel broom that can fly into the sky. 
Libra Warrior Name: Baron Suu(バロン・スー) Real Name: Aaron Smith(アーロン・スミス) Wish: I want sin(?) Title: Take a long way to kill/Take the space and kill(kill slowly?) The presiding judge of the Tatsumi Brothers. Judge of a former war trial. As a result of repeated repetition and even assassination for reconciliation in order to forgive the crimes of all war criminals, he had the pride as "judges" and "forgiveness", and became war criminal with court contempts.
Scorpio Warrior Name: Skull Pyon (スカル ピョン ) Real Name: Unknow Wish: I want a name Title: Kill at random A black costume fitted to the body made of emanel. Hides their face behind a mask. A legendary assassin, suspected of not even being real. Any information besides the Warrior Name is unknow.
Sagittarius Warrior Name: Uncle Sagittarius(ウンスリ・サジタリ) Real Name: Usuki Sashitari   (臼杵 指足(うすき さしたり)) Wish: I want an address(home?) Title: Aim and kill Kyudo family. Former militar industrial employee of Kozerun. Rigid to wrongdoing, disclosed confidential data, but at the same time opened the design information of military weapons. He is a war criminal with a sacrifice of confidential leakage that sacrificed 10 million people.
Capricorn Warrior Name: Go to Heaven(ゴー・トゥ・ヘヴン) Real Name: Gotou Valkyrie(Welcome Valkyrie)(?)(梧桐 ヴァルキリー(ごとう ヴァルキリー) Wish: I want health Title: Kill morbidly Disciple of the Warrior of Warrior(Dog, probably). When a fetus, was a victim of antipersonnel landmines with a civilian mother. Was treated with medical practice that was illegal and lacked ethics. Can’t walk in the ground due to fear carved in the unconscious, so moves in a wheelchair. Hates war and humanity due to suffering from human trafficking and kidnapping in various countries and uses powerful landmines made by himself(?) to remove thunder(?)
Aquarius Warrior Name: Muppet Bottle(マペット・ボトル) Real Name: Thomas B. Tholls(トーマス・B・トールズ) Wish: I want water Title: Kill the wet Longed to be a warrior. Was born in a non-combatant area(?), so extinguished his own arson himself. His home was destroyed and submerged to conceal his failure to extinguish the fire. After the war ended the crime was revealed by the victorious side’s verification. Power: Control liquids freely. Can even control human blood, but need to touch the victim.
Pisces Warrior Name: Doctor Finish(ドクター・フィニッシュ) Real Name: Nocturne Fuji(ノクターン 不二(ノクターン ふじ)) Wish: I want guinea pigs Title: Keep alive and kill A female doctor.  Disciple of the Warrior of Warrior(?). Edit: Warrior of the Dog
(Thanks again @rantaroamami for the corrections)
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writerofcreativity · 6 years
The Twelve Zodiac (Chapter 19)
Once everybody got a good rest, took showers, and are sitting at the table eating breakfasts that Misaki cooked but with her injuries, she received help from Toshiko, Niwatori, and Kanae.
"There are more warriors in the world, some decided to use their talents to do good deeds while others use their talents for their own benefits. The reason why all twelve of you are chosen to fight Celestial Beasts despite having different reasons." Duodecuple sat at the table with them as they eat.
"Why do we need to participate in a tournament to fight others? As far as I see it, there could be good people and together they can help kill off the beasts." Tsugiyoshi asked while grabbing a spoonful of cream cheese and placed it in his mouth.
Duodecuple made a file appeared in his hand and he placed it on the table, the papers from that file magically spread themselves and presented themselves to everyone. "These people are the twelve warriors you need to be concern. They are the western Zodiacs and are criminals fighting in the tournament." He said.
"Criminals? They don't looked like that, considering we have two criminals with us. Now the Tatsumi brothers are criminals at first glance." Ryoka spoke.
The two brothers did not know if they should be offended by that, so they did not say anything. "They don't look that tough, I can easily knocked them out of the park if I was fighting one of them." Takeyasu smirked, confident that he can take them out. "You idiot. If these people are chosen to be the twelve Zodiacs then they won't be going down that easily. Keep thinking like that and you'll lose your head." Nagayuki warned staring at each picture of his opponents, it doesn't matter if they are young or old, they should not be underestimated.
"Do we have some sort of information about them?" Usagi looked at Duodecuple.
"Well, there's not much about their abilities but there are information about their background." He said and begins talking about these twelve western warriors.
Meland Sherry, also known as Friend Sheep. A young woman who used to work in prison but abuses prisoners even those who had committed no serious crimes. Her way of killing is Count and Kill.
Luke Michel, also known as Look Me. A woman who kidnaps infants and strangely released them once they are not infants anymore. Her way of killing is Swear to Kill.
These two siblings, known as Double Mind. Strangely sharing the same Zodiac sign, assuming to born under the same months. The older brother is named M2222 and his younger sister is named W2222. These two are criminals for stealing a carrier and a submarine. Their way of killing is Kill without any Choice.
Caesar Caesar, known as Sir Kansa. A pacifist but became a war criminal. His way of killing is Kill Gentlemanly.
Dandy Lion. You can call him a mafia boss, considering he leads criminals and was an ex air force soldier. He was charged for overthrowing a government due to his methods. His way of killing is Kill Everything.
Andy Almull, known as Iron May. A young man who dressed as a maid to avoid going on battlefields, he displayed obscene actions that considered him a war criminal. His way of killing is Serve and Kill.
Aaron Smith, known as Baron Suu. A man who wants to forgive criminals despite all the actions they had caused, even the dire ones which resulted him being a criminal due to court contempt. His way of killing is Kill Slowly.
Skull Pyon. Not much is known about this person, not even their real name but is a skilled assassin. His way of killing is Kill at Random.
Usuki Sashitari, known as Umun Sajari. Former military employee, he had disclosed confidential data. He is a criminal due to the exposed information he held which killed ten million people. His way of killing is Aim and Kill.
Gotou Valkyrie, known as Go To Heaven. She had been treated very badly even as a fetus, she lost her mother, and a victim of human trafficking. She is a criminal due to the weapons she have in her possession and selling them. Her way of killing is Kill Morbidly.
Thomas B. Tholls, known as Muppet Bottle. He was charged of arson and burned down his home failing to extinguish his fire. His way of killing is Kill The Wet.
Nocturne Fuji, known as Doctor Finish. She was charged with murder and treating others like test subjects. Her way of killing is Keep Alive and Kill.
After finishing telling about the twelve western warriors, Duodecuple grabs a cup of water and drinks, considering he talked about twelve people. "The two siblings looked creepy as hell with those stares." Takeyasu spoke "true they are creepy, like those twins from that horror movie but I've seen creepier things." Nagayuki said wonders which sibling is the strongest, presumably the older brother.
Niwatori noticed Michio staring at the picture of Nocturne, it wasn't just judging how strong she is, it was something else. "Dokku-san, do you know that woman?" She asked "yeah I know her. I'm a bit surprised that she is a warrior in a team." He grinned.
"There's no doubt that we'll be against these criminals who had fought a lot of battles." Tsugiyoshi looked at Duodecuple "when will the tournament begin?" He asked.
"I wasn't expecting you to be eager for your match." Duodecuple spoke in amusement.
The teenager isn't eager at all. "The tournament will begin next month. It seems out of place to hold a tournament where all twelve of you will be fighting while the Celestial Beasts are still roaming around earth but there's nothing to be worried about. All of you will begin training and we will fight the Celestial Beasts until the day of the tournament." Duodecuple stood up from his seat.
"Can there be a substitute to take my place in the tournament?" Misaki asked making everyone looked at her.
"You're getting scared now? You're strong enough to knock anyone out." Usagi spoke.
Tsugiyoshi sighed "Sharyu nee-san, these people will be entering the tournament for a reason and I doubt that they want to sit down and chat about giving up fighting. You won't be killing anyone in this tournament, neither of us will. If you have the strength of killing an imposter that looked like me then you are strong enough to knock them out of the ring. It is simple as that." He said.
"Nezumi is right. You are representing one of the twelve Zodiacs, you are a strong warrior and I doubt you could find a substitute to take your place." Duodecuple smiled.
"Don't worry about killing, the only thing you can do is to beat your opponents until they black out which you are able to do if you refuse to kill. You can keep that in mind." Toshiko spoke which surprised everybody.
"Inonoshishi-san." Misaki said.
Toshiko can feel her leader staring at her "you have any complaints?" She asked as if asking for a fight "nope. I had thought you were a cold heartless woman who only cares about herself but that was wrong." He said. The Boar can feel her face turning red from embarrassment "I just wanted to be clear! If the tournament was a fight where only one can survive which I'll glad to do but this tournament we will be fighting as one. I won't forgive anyone who loses, I despise losing." She said wanting to smack him.
Duodecuple let out a chuckle "if you all don't want to lose against the Western Zodiac then I advise you all to train for the battle against them. They already have informations about all of you and I doubt they will be easy to defeat." He said.
"Ha! I'm ready to kick their asses!" Takeyasu said.
"Then you better train your ass off, ototo." Nagayuki laughed.
"I wonder if they want to be my friends." Usagi questioned.
"My claws are ready for them when the time comes." Kanae smiled.
"I hope that the young ones won't disappoint me." Sumihiko spoke.
"I'm looking forward with my fight against Nocturne." Michio grinned.
"I will be ready to take on their attacks." Yoshimi spoke.
"As long as nobody dies then I suppose it's alright, even though I hate to harm others." Misaki said with a small smile.
"I'll be ready!" Ryoka spoke with determination.
"If there are any warriors that use swords then I shall test their skills with mine." Eiji quietly said.
"I will fight bountifully." Toshiko said.
"The stars and the animals will clash. Who will be superior than the other?" Tsugiyoshi asked.
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kvetchlandia · 7 years
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Al Almuller     Woody Guthrie-This Machine Kills Fascists, New York City     1943
...Race hatred cannot stop us This one thing we know Your poll tax and Jim Crow And greed has got to go You’re bound to lose You fascists bound to lose.
--Woody Guthrie, “All You Fascists”  1944
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bettsplendens · 7 years
Alzu gets drunk. And chatty. No warnings for anything other than drunkenness and Alzu being slightly lewd. 
“Yer tasty.”
Almul was reasonably certain that they were, in fact, not tasty. Alzu’s approval was probably at least mostly due to the fact that he was drunk. Very drunk, evidently, and gnawing lightly on Almul’s helm. Which was confusing, and kind of hot and damp, but not really objectionable. Almost cute, actually, and-
Almul squeaked lightly as Alzu licked at their face, then sighed and leaned away slightly, staring up at their lap full of Lyca. Okay, definitely cute. But- maybe not good for public? Almul hadn’t seen Alzu drunk before, they weren’t certain if he was going to get loud or otherwise troublesome, so it was probably a good plan to leave. Good thing Alzu was already all gathered up- all that Almul had to do was wrap their arms more securely around him, supporting his butt (which was made difficult by that rapidly wagging tail) and holding his lithe frame close so he couldn’t fall off. Alzu was obliging enough, content to lean his head over Almul’s shoulder and nibble on various parts of his back, so all Almul had to do was start walking. The benefits of having paid for one’s alcohol in advance.
Once outside the bar, Almul shifted Alzu up a bit higher, slinging him over one shoulder for easier carrying, and warbled in complaint when Alzu started to gnaw on their cape. Not that it hurt, they just didn’t like the tugging sensation very much, and they could do without drool inside the material. Or drool anywhere, but at least on the outside of them it was easy to clean off.
 Alzu gnawed lightly at various parts of Almul for most of the walk, chewing on their shoulder for the most part, and occasionally paused the chewing to aim a saucy grin at anyone who caught his attention. Also things like “hey, gorgeous, you’n’me’n that hot stuff next t’ ya” now and then, most of which was ignored. Someone did take the opportunity to smack Alzu’s rear as they walked by, but Almul recognized them as someone Alzu had played with before, so they just chirped in response. That wasn’t a threat- not with someone who knew that Alzu enjoyed that sort of thing. Which he clearly did, as his response to the smack was an even wider grin and a short bark.
 Almul didn’t stop for interactions, though, they wanted to get to someplace quiet. Just in case Alzu got feisty in one way or another. Because- what was Alzu going to do? Flirt with everyone more thoroughly and then seduce someone into bed? Alzu didn’t like when drunk people were being hit on, and Almul had some understanding of why, so… probably shouldn’t let Alzu hit on people further than comments. And, hm- drunk people lost their inhibitions, right? What if Alzu decided to start grinding on Almul? Because Almul wouldn’t really mind that, in fact it would probably be enjoyable, but it didn’t seem appropriate for anywhere in public.
Once they were in private, that changed. A quiet patch of woodland, out of easy earshot of everyone- this would work. Chirruping softly, Almul set Alzu down and sat down next to him, waiting to see what would happen- and was immediately pounced on again.
Yep, they’d expected this. All right, fine by them, might be interest-
No grinding? Also interesting, though a different kind. What was Alzu up to, then, if not-
Puzzled, Almul wriggled until they got comfortable on their back, chirping occasionally in gentle protest if Alzu stepped too hard on any particular spot. So… what was he up to?
 Alzu shifted around for a minute or two, trying to get comfortable, then flopped gently against Almul’s side and propped himself up enough to grin down at the other. “Yer cute. Real cute, know that? Lookit- cutie. Cutie li’l. Yeeeah- cute. Lemme nuzz’l.” he muttered, then attempted to nuzzle at Almul’s face. Since Almul had more empty space than face at the moment, it didn’t do much- he just ended up with part of his face inside Almul’s helm, which earned a pouty whine and a sulky expression. Which was rather hard for Almul to see until they pushed Alzu’s face away.
Almul murred softly, intrigued, but dismissed the comment. Alzu was drunk, after all, and drunk people said silly things. And they really had no complaints about their appearance, but they weren’t cute. You couldn’t be cute without a face. Also, they were made of metal and fire, so… not cute, no.
Then again, Alzu had called a dragon cute, so… his standards were different. All the same, Almul shook their helm slightly and chuckled, a visible signal of their dismissal. Nope.
 “Yeeeah. Cute cute. An’ yer a smart- learnin’ stuff all good. An’ a strong, yeah- an’ real brave. If I were you, I’d’a wann’ move t’ where there ain’t any humans ever. You? Yer walkin’ ‘roun’ wi’ all th’ humans. Real good, yeah- brave. A good’n.” Alzu purred, tail waving, and kneaded his hands firmly on Almul’s frame as he snuggled into the other’s shoulder. “Yeah… warm. Good’n. Good, good.”
Doing his level best to hug Almul despite them being on the floor, Alzu squirmed happily and pushed his face into Almul’s frame, gradually settling against them until he could get comfortable lying still. “How of’n’m I gonn’ have t’ say tha’? I wan’ y’ t’ hear.”
 Oh, well- they weren’t so sure about all that. The first couple of points, maybe, but- brave? No, that was silly. They kept having nightmares, for goodness’ sake, had still barely gotten over that happening often. Yeah, definitely drunk talk. It… felt nice, though, even if… a lot of it might not really be true. Heh.
Okay, they could… they could enjoy this, as much as they would get of it, right? No harm. Just… talk, that was all. Just… talk.
 Alzu must have noticed their disbelief, though, because he grumbled softly before bapping Almul lightly in the helm with one hand. “Hey. Yer a good’n. Brave’n good. Shoosh’n, you. Shoosh. You a good. An’ I got no- no words, bu’ you a good. Y’ hear’n? Yeah.”
Clumsily attempting to gather Almul’s entire frame into his arms, Alzu snuggled up close and purred, nuzzling into their throat as much as he could with such a long snout. “Good’n. You’s a good, Almul. Yah. Good’n. Lookit- I luv ya, hear? Yeah- luv ya. Sweet li’l. All cudd’l.”
 …what? Yeah, okay, Alzu was- was very drunk, and-
And still talking, not giving Almul any time to think, to dismiss anything-
 “Good’n warm, a li’l sweet’n. I gotcha. Good’n, luv ya. An’ I- lookit, ah’m drunk. So you- you ‘mind me, an’ then ‘ll tell y’ again, yeah?” Alzu murred, then opened his mouth and fit it lightly around Almul’s throat before slowly moving up to grip their helm. Shaking his head slowly back and forth, he rocked Almul’s helm in a gentle, affectionate, very drooly gesture, then finally let go and settled again. “Good ‘un.”
Almul’s hands skittered uncertainly across Alzu’s back, then they wrapped their arms around him and hugged, tight, staring up at-
Okay, so he was drunk, but he sounded sincere. Looked it, too. Ears up, eyes wide, tail waving, not giving any sign that he was lying or- or anything.
Alzu meant that. All of it.
What… what were they supposed to do with that?
Almul had… absolutely no idea. Less than no idea. So they just… didn’t do anything, not really, other than staring at Alzu. For… probably two minutes, at least, during which time he got comfy and started to doze off.
Eventually, Almul raised one hand and stroked down Alzu’s head, then curled fully into him and snuggled into his throat. Chirping quiet sounds, they stroked his back and sides, as much as they could reach, trying to figure out the odd fluttering in their chest that was not coming from any part of them, then…
They couldn’t speak. Never had been able to, as far as they knew. But… they could try some other things.
They didn’t know exactly where Alzu’s heart was, but they put their hand firmly over what was probably about the right spot, squeezing gently at the thick fur there, and crooned the most affectionate sound they could manage with a throat made of metal shards.
I think I love you too.
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bettsplendens · 7 years
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Looks like a small party in a high fantasy
*Almul silently points to Alzu, then pauses, shrugs, and gestures in their own direction*
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bettsplendens · 7 years
Alzu and Almul inspect a corpse, Almul takes out some frustration on said corpse. Warning: messy. Descriptions of a corpse being messily taken apart and inspected. Also- it’s not technically cannibalism because they aren’t the same species, but Alzu is an opportunistic carnivore faced with a body made of meat. His response is unsurprising. 
“What- you wanna know why that works?”
Alzu kicked lightly at the corpse of someone who had formerly been a rather nasty rapist, turning the body over to look down at the severely burned face. “Yeah, actually- not a bad question. See- clearly dead, but you only burned ‘is face. Got all choke-y, though. Bet he couldn’t breathe, but- yeah, might as well, let’s figure ‘er out. Gonn’ make a mess o’ the guy anyway, may as well learn.”
Hefting the corpse, Alzu tossed it over one shoulder and set off, tail wagging slightly as he watched Almul following. Almul got an energy boost from being near something that was dying, so they were now trotting happily, almost seeming to whistle as thin lines of smoke wafted up from their frame. If Alzu were to open Almul’s chest, their life-flame would be visible and burning bright.
Once they were well away from the road, Alzu dropped the corpse and pulled a large hunting knife from its spot alongside his pack, crouching to inspect it. “A’ight- let’s see if I can open this wi’out makin’ a mess.”
 Almul sat down nearby and rested both hands on the ground, watching intently as fragile human hide parted under the knife, and didn’t bother trying to hide their satisfaction at the noise it made. Ugh- smooth skin. They had nothing against humans, really, but the squishy things still had such an awful texture. And, after so long feeling that inside them, unable to see properly or focus on anything else, there was something viscerally satisfying about watching-
Wait, now… it didn’t have to just be watching. Rumbling softly, Almul reached out with one hand and slowly dragged it down the man’s leg, watching the cloth part, then repeated the motion- this time tearing through skin. And he was right- it was satisfying. So very, very satisfying. Enough that he repeated the motion, then again- with both hands this time, clawtips sharp as possible, ripping pale skin to shreds. Then further through skin, into and through muscle, shredding in further until the still blood started to cake their hands-
 “Woah, hey- Almul, you wanna mess ‘im up, I got no complaints, bu’ you might be gettin’ kinda- hey now, easy, shh. Catharsis is all well an’ good, jus’ no good makin’ yerself more upset while ya do it. Easy- shift t’ th’ other leg now, gonn’ get blood all up in yer hands. Yeah? There we go.” Alzu purred, pausing in his careful parting of the skin and muscle to watch Almul for a moment. “Tha’s better.”
He had to crack the ribcage rather carefully to get to the lungs intact, but it worked, though he had to pull a few large chunks of rib out. And, of course, pop them into his mouth to chew on. “Now-“ *crunch* “-what we have here arrrre- lookit, tha’s a heart, you know ‘bout them. Now, these’re lungs. You also know ‘bout them, yeah? We got heart here- pushes blood ‘round. Lungs, they get air in ‘em. People really need air in ‘em or they die, you figured tha’ out. This, here- diaphragm. Real strong hunk o’ muscle. This- pretty sure it pulls down an’ helps open th’ lungs. Ain’t no good for eatin’, not bad fer jus’ chewin’ on. Anyway- lungs. They got air in ‘em. All th’  way up- that’s th’ windpipe. Gonn’ cut that through, an’-“
A few deft cuts and nicks with his claws, and he lifted the lungs out of the human’s chest, splaying them grotesquely across the relatively intact stomach. The hunting knife, next- slicing down the windpipe, then into and across one of the lungs. When he spread them open, thick burns were revealed all down the windpipe and into the lungs, scorching them almost beyond recognition. “Well. There’s yer problem.”
Pausing to point out the issue, Alzu aimed a tongue-lolling grin at Almul, prodding at a particularly bad spot. “Lookit this mess, Almul- that ain’t good! Okay, look- I dunno how lungs really work, but I doubt they can do it when they’re all burnt up. Tha’s why ‘e’s dead. You gotta have lungs t’ be a workin’ human, an’ they gotta work, an’ you made ‘is lungs not work. Nasty. But- mmph-“
Clearly he had to see what those tasted like. And they fit in his mouth in two nice bites.
“-like a lotta nasty things, tasty.”
 Almul had mostly been ignoring Alzu’s work in favor of clawing up the corpse’s other leg, stripping long ribbons of skin free and hissing in satisfaction with every long stroke, but they stopped to look the organ over before Alzu, once again, ate their anatomy lesson. Chirping quietly, they shook their head and flicked both hands, peeling loose the bits of gore, and leaned over to look down at the exposed organs. Humans were complicated. What did all this do, again? They only knew about the bits that could make someone dead if you damaged them right. So, making the noise that they’d established with Alzu as meaning “please explain”, they indicated something that was in the “this will eventually kill someone but not right away” section, wanting to know what some of those things did.
 “Wha? Ah- let’s see. Okay. That, there, tha’s a liver. Real tasty, lotsa meaty flavor. Not certain wha’ it does, bu’ I know people who drink a lot got real messed-up ones, an’ there’s some diseases that’ll do it. Makes people ge’ yellow eyes, an’ they get real sick when they got messed-up livers, so I think it does somethin’ like blood-cleanin’? Now- this, in here, dunno. Uh- tha’ thing? Tha’s a kidney. Lookit- you follow th’ string down, goes t’ the bladder. Tha’s where piss stays. I figure kidneys’re wha’ make it. Dunno why, sorry, y’d need a doctor. Uh- you punch someone in their back, o’r th’ kidneys, they start screamin’. Don’ taste good, either. Now- I am gonn’ eat this liver.”
Alzu then proceeded to eat the liver, tail wagging vigorously, before just driving both hands into the corpse’s innards and ripping. Standard contract deal- make a horrific mess of someone’s innards, hang them up as a warning, write whatever they did on something nearby.
In this case, a cliff.
 Almul sat back and watched, fascinated as always by the way flesh tore under proper force, and kneaded their claws in the leaf litter to clean the worst of the blood away. As Alzu continued to work, they edged over and grabbed the pack, pulling out a length of rope, and fastened it around the corpse’s ankles. The knot was not neat, they were still learning how all that worked, but it held well enough, and they had the end of the rope in their hands as Alzu stood up.
 “Yeah- there we go, yer learnin’ how ta make knots.” Alzu declared, tail waving a bit harder, and hoisted the corpse in both hands so that the end of the rope could be tossed over the branch. A quick pull and another knot later, and the corpse was suspended from the tree by both ankles and one arm- thoroughly undignified, plus it showed off all the damage. Alzu padded over to the cliff nearby for just long enough to paint “RAPIST” in messy letters across it, using the blood all over his hands, then shook himself and scooped the pack up as he padded away. “Startin’ ta leak gut contents everywhere. C’mon- let’s get a river.”
 Churring in agreement, Almul followed Alzu and snagged a cloth from the pack to clean their hands off, quiet and satisfied. Okay. That… that had felt nice.
Maybe they could do this with the next target. It wasn’t as if the average rapist deserved any respect, after all- might as well use them for something helpful.
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bettsplendens · 7 years
Almul has a nightmare, Alzu tries to help. 
Warning for a nightmare involving something that, though technically non-sexual, is probably best termed ‘rape’. 
Strong hands forcing buckles apart despite their feeble efforts to struggle free, bare human skin somehow not parting under their claws, muffled skreels for help going unheard as the pool of Alzu’s blood started to soak into their back and stain their cloak-
Clasps clamping down painfully tight, fixing their plating around unpleasantly shifting limbs and damp, wet skin, their last few scraps of mobility vanishing as a being far stronger than them forced them to move-
Oh-so-familiar despair and helplessness sinking in again as their vision started to fade out, as the sounds around them dimmed, as their voice gave out, as their entire frame was pressed around the body of the being who was controlling them, forcing them to move, their entire world fading to nothing but the sensation of someone inside them-
Alzu was dead, and the being who had killed them had caught Almul, wasn’t hurt by their claws, wasn’t burned by their flame, was stronger than them and had them prisoner and they couldn’t get away, and Almul’s last coherent act was a silent scream of panic as their claws tried to clench on nothing and failed-
 “Almul, hey- hey, wake up-“
 Suddenly, the clammy heat inside them and the sticky, hot puddle against their back vanished, replaced by coolness against their back and a familiar, soft, comfortable warmth sprawled across their front. Correction: sprawled across them, wrapped around them, and licking their helm.
And somebody was screaming.
Oh. Their voice was back.
Bewildered, Almul trailed off and stared up at the blackness, claws flexing on whatever they were hooked int- ah, no, that felt like thick fur and skin, and this was Alzu, alive and warm and now bleeding but only thanks to them-
And the seemingly invincible human was gone. Just Alzu- hugging them and licking gently at their helm.
What… what had just-
 “Ah, fuck- ah’m sorry, Almul. Figured you’d be sleepin’ f’ awhile, ran off t’ get some supplies- an’ then I come back an’ yer screamin’ yer li’l helm off. Shh-shh, ‘s okay- ‘s jus’ me. I gotcha. Ain’t hurtin’ ya. Ain’t no one here, shush, I gotcha. Now, ah… take yer claws outta my shoulders?” Alzu asked softly, letting his head rest gently on Almul’s shoulder, and loosened his grip on them slightly. “Ain’t no good tryin’ t’ let y’ sleep alone, huh? Easy, sh-“
 Almul’s vision flickered back into existence, and they chirped out a quick apology as they removed their claws from Alzu’s hide, leaning up to see if he was- no, no, he wasn’t bleeding much, his fur had gotten in the way, he was probably-
He was alive, Alzu was alive, Almul was free, no one was hurting either of them-
Almul made a soft, rattling, sobbing noise, shaking all over, and buried their face in Alzu’s shoulder. Pressing up against him, they rocked slowly, whining, arms tight around Alzu’s frame, clinging with everything that they had to the one who kept them safe-
Safe from people, safe from the weather, from their own mind.
Quivering, Almul tried to curl into a ball with Alzu, chattering softly as he obliged them and curled with them. Pushing into Alzu as much as they could, they tried to rock into his frame, doing their absolute best to just melt into him and into the ground.
 “Yeah, there we go- shh. Ah, Hell- you’d be cryin’ now if ya could, wouldn’ ya? Poor thing- heard ya screamin’ all th’ way back on th’ road, an’ you got plenty t’ be screamin’ about. A’ight… tha’s it. No lettin’ you sleep alone. M’kay- you keep clingin’, y’ rattle-cry all y’ want, I am gonn’ sit up an’ try out- look, I got polishin’ stuff. Lemme get you all shined up- gonn’ make ya look pretty. Lemme know if any o’ this ain’t comfy.”
Alzu didn’t try to get loose of Almul’s grip, but he did wiggle until he had the top half of himself free and could reach his bag. “A’ight. I got good scrubby sand, a new scrubbin’ cloth, an’ some oil. Talked t’ the local armorer, asked ‘er ‘bout magical armor, an’ she says this ain’t gonn’ mess wi’ anything. Didn’ tell ‘er what kind of magical, don’ worry. I figure- we get you all shiny, you prob’ly feel nice.”
Crooning softly, he started on a spot on Almul’s shoulder, rubbing firmly with a cloth coated in the sand and oil. It easily cleared away the assorted dirt, and, after a bit more work, it removed the thin outer layer of dingy plating. Alzu had figured out at that point that Almul apparently shed- as their outer plating began to tarnish, it would eventually be easy enough to scrub loose, but the thickness of their plating never decreased. Presumably they grew more somehow. That also explained why their lighter scars faded away, why only the scars that went entirely through plating stayed over time. Interesting, and helpful. Besides- as Alzu scrubbed away the ready-to-shed bits, there was a soft sheen revealed underneath, and it looked nice. Hopefully he could get Almul cleaned up enough to see that nice shine everywhere.
 Soothed more than slightly by the pleasant scrubbing, Almul gradually stilled, their shuddering easing away. Chirruping quietly, they pushed their face into Alzu’s shoulder again, hugging close, and began to knead softly at what they could reach of his back. Okay, maybe this could… could they apologize? They’d dug their claws into Alzu, hurt him, and, oh- he was so good to them, he didn’t deserve that, he deserved good things. And that- that was much nicer to think about than what had just been happening, so they were just going to lay here, rub at Alzu’s back, and try to decide what else to do.
By the time Alzu had finished scrubbing both their forearms, they had a plan. Chirping quietly, they wriggled until they got free of him, then immediately climbed up onto his back and straddled his hips, just above his tail. A tail which immediately started to wag much harder, especially as Alzu placed both hands between his shoulder blades.
 Azu instinctively pushed up into the weight, propping himself up on his elbows to look over his shoulder, then relaxed a bit and just aimed a lazy grin up at Almul. “Hey- get yer rusty ass back down here, I gotta finish cleanin’ you. Can’t reach ya if yer up ther- ooh. Ooh. Ah, m’kay, thiiis is not quite what I intended to- nnh, nope, not complainin’. Yeah, that is nice.”
Slumping down against the ground, Alzu laid his head down and just relaxed, eyes fluttering shut as the heels of Almul’s hands pressed against the areas just below his shoulder blades. “Ah, yeah… mmh. Li’l bit in? Yyyyeah. ‘S too bad you ain’t gotta dick, otherwise y’ could fuck me an’ do that at th’ same time, an’ you know how much people like it when I do that t’ ‘em. We gotta get y’ a fake cock, strap ‘er onta ya, an’ then we have some fun. Ooh- y’ wann’ try?”
 Much calmer now, Almul massaged gently up and down Alzu’s back, everywhere they could easily reach except the bleeding spots. They thought about the suggestion for a moment, then shrugged and nodded, definitely intrigued. What- that was something that could be done? They wouldn’t feel it, of course, but it would probably be fun. Good noises from Alzu, probably.
And definitely a much more pleasant thing to consider than some other thoughts that wanted out.
Hm. Come to think of it, Alzu distracting them with touch, attention, and talk of sex was very in-character.
They’d have to let him continue polishing them once they were done rubbing his back. But first- this. See if he kept making pleasant noises. Maybe see if this was the sort of contact that led to people becoming aroused. Then again- Alzu might not be a good measure for what got people turned on. A lot of things got Alzu turned on.
Though, apparently, not this. Maybe because his crotch was pressed against the ground? Or maybe just the wrong sort of attention. Almul could try to ask later, but, for now, rubbing.
And not thinking about before.
Not right now.
Maybe eventually, but not right now.
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bettsplendens · 7 years
Slightly over a thousand words of Alzu waking up with a boner and using it as a teaching opportunity for a living suit of armor. No warnings, there’s just a werewolf jerking off for an audience of one. A knot is present but is not put to proper use due to lack of somewhere to put it. 
I don’t know, it’s past midnight and I thought this might be cute. 
“Nnh- hm, eh, Almul. ‘Lo. ‘s up?”
Alzu panted a lazy grin up at the suit of armor sitting on his legs, head lolling to the side, then blinked and glanced down at his crotch. “Ah. ‘s me. I’m up.” He cackled, tail wagging absently as he got a look at his own crotch, and glanced up at Almul after a moment. “Eh- oh, right. Ya ain’t got tha’, wouldn’- yeah, m’kay, y’ wann’ see?”
 Almul had already been tugging on Alzu’s waistband with a clawtip, and they responded to the question by nodding and pulling a bit harder. Clearly, something was going on, and they wanted to know what. There was, what- okay, right, people had things in their pants, but- this was something a bit more than usual, wasn’t it?
 “Yeah- a’ight. ‘ere- okay. So- I tol’ ya ‘bout masturbatin’, yeah? M’kay- that iiis-“
Alzu wriggled around until he was comfortable on his back again, now with Almul sitting between his legs, and worked his shorts down off of his hips until Almul could see properly. “Yeah. Tha’ is wha’ we call an erection. Mos’ people jus’ say ‘boner’, though, slang term’n’all. So- ‘ere. Real careful, ya got sharp bits, bu’ touch.”
Almul tilted their head to the side, slowly reaching out with one hand, and pressed the side of their finger against the tip of Alzu’s shaft- trying to touch without bringing any sharp bits too close. They didn’t like the texture, though, and withdrew with an unhappy squawk of metal on metal. Too smooth, no thank you- too much like the sort of skin they didn’t like.
 “Ah, eh- yeah, ‘s all- ain’t got fur there. Sorry. Bu’, tha’ aside- ya wanna demonstration? Yeah?” Alzu rumbled, tail thumping happily, and slowly wrapped a hand around his cock. He’d explained sex to Almul earlier, as much as possible without overwhelming them, but- nothing better than a practical demonstration. “M’kay. So- sometimes this ‘appens. People wi’ bits jus’ wake up wi’ their bits goin’. Sometimes it’s cos’a sexy dreams, sometimes cos’a nothin’. Me, t’day, nothin’. Jus’woke up like this. Sit back- ya watch.”
Hey, he didn’t have anything to do right now, he could indulge. Especially since it would be educational for his very curious friend.
Tail waving softly, Alzu grinned up at Almul, offering a good look at his body language, then ran a fingertip softly over the six narrow slits at the very tip of his cock. “Now… these’re only on th’ Lyca. Lookit- drip slick stuff, see? ‘Cos it ain’t any fun I’ everythin’s dry, y’gotta have slippery, so. ‘s usually th’ females o’ whatever species tha’ got the slippery, bu’ Lyca, ‘s both. So- rub m’self real soft an’ gentle ‘till th’ drippin’ gets down further, rub th’ slick ‘round a bit. Then, mmr- then th’ fun happens.”
Alzu stroked lightly at his own length for a minute or two, enough time to demonstrate that the dripping from the slits increased greatly as his arousal built, then quickly slid a hand around himself to spread the lube before squeezing around his shaft.
 Intrigued, Almul settled a bit to watch, listening intently as Alzu’s breathing sped up. It almost sounded like distress, but Alzu had his tongue lolling and the rest of his face relaxed, so he clearly wasn’t upset or in pain. Excited, then. Which fit, from what they’d been told about how this sort of thing worked. But- the fluid was interesting. Not a good texture, but- good to look at. Shiny. Shame it was more like skin than Almul liked, or they would have been much more interested in touching.
As Alzu’s breathing sped further, Almul leaned in further to watch until they were just about looking down at him, watching his hands and the shiny fluid between his fingers. Interesting sight, very interesting sounds- quiet moans, whines, noises they’d never heard from Alzu before.
 Alzu didn’t bother to take his time once he saw that Almul was fully intrigued. He rocked his hips nice and slowly, thrust up into his hand, paused to rub around the tip of his cock now and then, and that was it. As his arousal built, he added in the occasional squeeze around his knot, tilting his head to look up at his companion. “Yeah- th’ knot’s made t’ lock in, so- only does its thing if th’ dick thinks there’s somethin’ ‘round all o’ it tha’s worth knottin’ in. Gotta –hhah- fool ‘im.”
Hindpaws twitching lightly, Alzu aimed a happy grin up at his observer, shamelessly showing himself off.
When he came, it was with a soft, panting whine, tail thumping furiously on the ground, and he tightened one hand firmly around his knot.
He was awake now, and it was a very nice awakening.
 Almul chirped quietly in interest and reached, rubbing a fingertip through the silvery fluid spattered lightly up Alzu’s stomach, then lifted that hand to taste. Interesting. And- the sounds, also interesting. Really, this whole thing was very interesting, and they rather wanted to see what happened when two people got up to this sort of thing. It wasn’t as if Almul could get involved. Nor did they want to, urgh.  fluids everywhere and fur-less bits, but maybe they could watch? Did people do that sometimes?
 Alzu propped himself up on his elbows for long enough to lick his own stomach clean, “Yeah- c’mere. Now ‘s f’ warm.” Alzu declared, reaching up to pull Almul down for snuggles, then grinned and glanced down at himself. “Lookit. Usually- th’ whole thing goes back all soft, like here, bu’ I got a knot an’ that part stays all hard f’ awhile. Tha’ expands, see? Wants t’ be locked inside. So- gotta sit f’ a li’l while, be comfy, ‘cos pants ain’t gonna fit real good yet.”
 Okay. Almul allowed themselves to be pulled down to cuddle alongside Alzu, happy to share the warmth of their life-flame, and slowly reached to touch again- this time on the knot. Now that they were prepared, it wasn’t actually as bad as they had thought at first. Strange, slick, but hard underneath and not quite the texture of skin. Not that they were going to get grabby, these parts were delicate and Almul was not made for delicate. So they settled in, flopped on top of Alzu, and relaxed, resigning themselves to a bit more rest before Alzu wanted to get up and eat something.
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