#ikesen long fic
not-krys · 2 years
The Traveling Adventures of Mister Fox and Miss Mouse
Few days ago, I was playing a FMK style ask game with @lorei-writes. One of the choices was who I would take a six hour train journey with. And, after I had given the other two choices some thought, Mitsuhide got the train ride choice. After that, the image of traveling in the old American West with him sparked in my mind.
And I tried my best to steer myself away from thinking too much about that concept bc time and energy levels wouldn't allow to make something completely coherent and complex.
And yet here we are, still thinking about an Old West traveling story with Mitsuhide.
Might as well see where this thought leads us.
Warnings: raw, unedited writing. Haven't done a whole lot of research into the old American West so details are bound to be incorrect. Reader will be referred to with she/her pronouns and other feminine aligning terms (Miss, missy, etc).
My Masterlist!
No one has ever said that the life of a detective was ever a glamorous one, especially when a man needed to put food in his belly and a roof over his head. Mitsuhide Akechi was also no stranger to the odd job he didn't care for but needed the cash it provided.
This current job, well, it may have just taken an interesting detour.
Back east, a sleazy gentleman had come to him to find and return his runaway bride, an oil heiress whose family he managed to swindle her out of. He knew this type and, quite frankly, didn't want to take the job because of it, but with the threat of bankruptcy of his business over his head, he had no other choice.
Instead, he took the job of recovering this runaway heiress, finding her trail laughably easy to trace. A common trend of runaway brides had started when the government started offering handouts to whoever wanted to move out west to desert and mountain country, hoping to settle it more with American citizens. Women were especially needed as schoolteachers, so it was his first thought of where he could find his runaway heiress.
Luckily (or unluckily), his hunches were rarely wrong.
He soon found himself on a train bound westward, sitting a few booths down from a young woman with a deep purple bustle dress, her white collar high on her neck and her hat decorated with sprigs of lavender. She matched the description the sleazy gentleman had given him so perfectly, it almost tore his blackened heart that he had found the girl so quickly.
But, he didn't have the time or luxury of moral dilemmas when money was on the line.
He then saw the young woman being boxed in by two other gentlemen, likely either hired by the same sleazy gentleman that had hired him or opportunists seeing a woman alone and sought to take advantage of her. Either way, he wasn't about to have his quarry taken from under his nose, especially not by amateurs.
"Please," he heard her meek voice, trying to be brave in spite of her terror, "m-my husband will be back soon, so please leave."
A perfect opportunity, Mitsuhide thought, as he grabbed the untouched dinner from his table and walked towards them.
"I don't see no diamond ring there, missy," the scoundrel smirked, "you best not be lying to me about no husband-"
"Sorry I'm late, dear." Mitsuhide said, sliding the plate of food in front of her. "The cook was busy with all the orders, and I'm afraid the waiter said they just ran out of your favorite chardonnay."
The girl turned to him, her face still nervous, but glad that someone was helping her.
Her companions, however, were not as pleased.
"Who are you?"
"Why, I'm this wonderful woman's husband." He said cordially. "The meat hadn't been cooked to the way the lady liked it, so I went to get her a fresh one."
His voice dropped lower in the next beat.
"Now, may I ask what business you gentlemen have with my darling wife?"
His hand moved subtly to his belt, brushing back his white overcoat slightly to reveal the holster and pistol at his side. The holster, decorated with stitched bellflowers, gave a not so subtle hint of who he actually was.
The boys paled.
"J-just saying hello, sir."
"Y-yeah, just saying hi, sir. N-not looking for trouble or anything."
"Good," said Mitsuhide with a smirk, "I hope you enjoy the rest of the trip, gentlemen."
The boys moved away from the lady's booth, grumbling but knew when they had been beat. You sigh with relief.
"Thank you, for stepping in."
"No trouble at all, Miss Mouse." he tipped his hat. "They shouldn't be giving you any more problems."
"…'Miss Mouse?'"
"Sorry, just came to mind when I saw you trembling."
You turned your face away, cheeks turning a light pink.
"Is it really that obvious, how nervous I am?"
"A woman travelling alone rightfully has every reason to be fearful." He took the opportunity sit in the seat across from you, giving a small push to his plate of food towards you.
"But, that's your-"
"I lost my sense of taste years ago, Miss Mouse. Complex flavors that are in likely there are wasted on me."
"Still, you need to eat too, Mister…?"
He paused, weighing his options of using his real name or coming up with a fake one on the spot. You would likely figure it out once he seized the opportunity to take you back east regardless, but, luckily (or unluckily), you just giggled and finished your own sentence.
"Mr. Fox."
"Mr. Fox?"
"Yes, if you insist on calling me Miss Mouse, I feel you should be able to take your own medicine, correct?"
Mitsuhide chuckled.
"Very well. Miss Mouse, may I introduce myself as Mr. Fox, a westward-bound traveler seeking opportunity in the wide, wild world?"
You giggled again.
"You introduce yourself well, Mr. Fox. I'm an up and coming teacher moving to the West. The Oda company is hiring in California and with my grant, I'll be ready to start my new life soon!"
A bullet couldn't have hit his heart harder. She was giving him the usual excuse for why runaway brides run from bad marriages these days. His hunch was, unfortunately, becoming more and more correct.
"A teacher? That sounds exciting. All the way out here for a teaching job."
"Y-yes." You turned your face away, looking at the passing scenery. "The Oda company pays well. They're even giving me housing and everything."
"Sounds like you're all set for life, Miss Mouse."
"Yes, yes, I am." Your voice trails off, still paying more attention to the passing scenery.
Mitsuhide turns to look out the window as well, seeing the grassy greenery and pale blue skies passing at a leisurely speed.
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bearsace · 2 years
they always tell you that shingen/nobunaga/mitsuhide/whoever will bias-wreck you but nobody warns you about ieyasu
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krys-loves-otome · 2 years
Hello! >:3
For the Fanfic Writer 2022 Wrapped: 8, 11 & 22?
Fanfic Writer 2022 Wrapped
8) Did you find yourself repeating a word or phrase in your writing this year? if so, what was it?
Nothing more than I usually do. I know that I use pregnancy as a theme a lot because it's easy for me to write in a pinch and with Fictober coming out later than usual than previous years, it came up in at least 5 stories (published and not) for this year (6 if you count Second Glance's part 4, but that's been a story element of that since its beginning).
Back hugging and lap sitting seemed to be more prominent this year too.
-Mitsuhide got some lap sitting for his bday this year
-Licht got to back cuddle
-Jonah put his arm on the reader's back in the end to help hide that they had a few buttons undone in the back of their dress
-Leon had his daughter sitting in his lap as he told her a story
-SLBP's Kojuro also gets to hold reader some in an upcoming End of the Year WIP Wednesday 
-Pretty much implied and literal back hugging with the corset-tying headcanons,
Just a lot of back hugging and lap sitting this year.
11) What did you enjoy most about writing fic this year?
Found a writing challenge in 221Bs and just ran with it. Something about writing in a short capacity is really freeing rather than in longer forms. Just seeing what I can do when there is a limit is really fun and a learning experience.
And, though most of them were rushed, I did manage to get 5 Fictober fics out this year, something I haven't done since 2020, so that was a good feeling.
22) Were there any new fandoms or genres you explored this year?
Technically new-ish, but this year is when I started writing for IkePri. A bday fic for each of the Klein Twins and a lil something for Leon as well.  Got a start of a fic for Samurai Love Ballad Party, and started playing Obey Me where I created my MC Miri and did some writing with her. Otherwise I stayed in my usual realms of the ikemen series.
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eventinelysplayground · 6 months
50 Follower Event 🎉🎉
So I posted a bit ago about getting to 50 followers and thanking everyone and mentioned I would try thinking of something for it and I have. This is open to all my followers and anyone who comes across this post just send me a msg or an ask (they should be open).
Pinning for You
Submission Dates: March 24- April 12 2024
Details: This is about unrequited love and how one of the guys feels about that, not a new concept but this is what I kept coming back to. You get to chose two suitors for this the one MC is in love with and the one that is in love with her despite her being in love with another. You can also specify which suitors pov you would like it from or you can leave it up to me. Also if there is a certain event (ie engagement reaction, drunken confession, flirting gone to far) you'd like included you can ask for that as well and I will try my best to incorporate it or again leave it up to me. More than likely these will all be sfw at most a tiny bit of suggestive spice, if you don't want any possible spice let me know though as I said more than likely everything will be sfw. My personal deadline for finishing whatever asks/requests I get will be April 30, 2024 unless I get way more than expected and I need to extend it.
Ikevamp: Any suitor released in english with one exception. I have already written a few fics with Mitsuki and Theo as a couple with Leonardo being in love with her and it's my pet project so I won't be writing for that specific comboination. I will write it the other way around though.
Ikepri: Any suitor released in english. Only exception is a very specific one but it's how Rio would react to Emma and Silvio announcing she's pregnant because I wrote that already lol.
Ikesen: The original 11 guys, and please include a back up from either ikepri or ikevamp as I have not been playing Ikesen long so not sure how well I could do and if I'm not confident I can write it I'd like to have a backup for you.
Thank you again to everyone who has followed me and liked my works! I'm glad I can put something out there that people are enjoying 🙂. I can't wait to see what if any requests I get for this I am both excited and incredibly nervous!
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leonscape · 1 year
24 hour wip poll
@kissmetwicekissmedeadly honestly i have no idea what’s going on all of a sudden people were doing wip polls and now i have been tagged 😸
if you want to join, don’t be shy. we shall acknowledge our neglected wips together 🫶
Rules: make a 24-hr poll with the names of your WIPs and then for whichever wins, write one sentence for each vote it gets
(actually i think i’m just gonna finish the wip and then post it lol)
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sumeruin · 2 years
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♫♪: love hotline!!
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♫♪: in celebration of hitting 500 followers, and because valentine’s day is coming up, i’ve decided to host my first collab!! reminder that i am a minor and some of the other writers in this collab will also be minors.
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♫♪: rules!!
♫♪: this is purely a nsfw collab. i cannot stress this enough, all of the fics in this will be nsfw and contain smut.
♫♪: any dark content is ok!! this includes things like yandere and noncon <3
♫♪: open for any fandom and character, within reason. (no writing for any characters that look like children, like sayu, diona, qiqi, etc etc)
♫♪: no format or word length requirement, you can write whatever you want and make it as long as you want, just don’t push yourself :)
♫♪: character repeats and multiple entries are allowed, just try not to do the exact same thing as someone else
♫♪: the deadline for entries is february 20th, and the deadline for fics is march 1st, but this is very flexible and if you tell me that you won’t be able to make it i’ll definitely extend it for you :)
♫♪: if you’d like to join, just send me an ask that says what fandom, and what character/s you’re writing for off anon!!!
♫♪: please tag me in your writing once it’s posted!! i wanna make sure i see it so i can add it to this post <3
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♫♪: participants!!!
@sumeruin (host)
♫♪: fandom and character: genshin, zhongli <3
♫♪: fandom and character: genshin, itto <3
♫♪: fandom and character: genshin, xiao <3
♫♪: fandom and character: genshin, scaramouche <3
♫♪: fandom and character: genshin, tartaglia <3
♫♪: fandom and character: genshin, multiple characters <3
♫♪: fandom and character: genshin, ayato <3
@demonskiss (entry two)
♫♪: fandom and character: ikesen, mitsuhide akechi <3
♫♪: fandom and character: chainsaw man, power <3
♫♪: fandom and character: genshin, dottore <3
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the12thnightproject · 3 months
12 Lies and 3, 4, 6, 14, 15? :o
Hi Lorei!
Thank you for the ask! I can never talk too much about "Twelve Lies..."
3. Favorite Line of Narration... From Chapter 42, "In the Weeds" because it encapsulates one of the big lessons Katsuko had to learn for character growth...
Toshiie loved his wife, his family, the things he had built here in Ikuno. That was evident in everything he did. That didn’t mean he didn’t have regrets. Nor did it mean that he would ever get over his captain. Maybe we’re not meant to get over people. Maybe we’re meant to take with us the things we learned, the joyful memories, and use the pain to become kinder versions of ourselves.
4. Favorite Line of Dialogue...
This is from Chapter 4... and it represents the moment that Katsuko (who is still disguised as a young man at this point) begins to fall for Shingen, and the moment that Shingen begins to take an interest in training Katsu as strategist:
When I re-opened my eyes, Shingen was still silently regarding me. I wondered if he had ever – well, that was a ridiculous thought. He was the leader of the Takeda clan – he had to have killed many in battle. “Does it get easier?”
Yukimura shook his head and responded first. “No. Never has.” He cleared his throat a couple of times, and gulped down his tea.
But Shingen had a different answer. “Killing? Yes. You learn to put what must done in one part of your mind, separate from the you that lives through every day, walled away from your heart. You have to, or one day you’ll no longer be able to function. But it’s still within you.” He tapped his chest. “It’s still within you.”
I understood. I was going to have to live with this. I was going to have to learn how to live with it.
Shingen sighed, and raked his hair out of his eyes. “I won’t insult you by telling you this man was a criminal and probably has harmed or killed many others. You know that. You also now know what it’s like to kill and that will weigh upon you.”
It did. I appreciated the fact that he didn’t tell me to get over it, or offer a cliched platitude like, ‘war is hell, kid.’ He was treating me like the young man he thought me to be – and I needed to respond accordingly. “Yes, sir, it does.”
His eyebrows lifted at my return to formality. “I would have respected you less if it didn’t bother you.”
6. What makes this fic special/different from all my other fics?
It's my first completed longfic (and it is very long, at 150,000 words). I didn't realize I could write that much, or finish something this long. Also, Shingen is my favorite Ikesen Character, so I wrote something that I would want to read, and it makes me happy whenever I revisit a chapter and recall the feeling I had while I was writing it.
14: Is there anything you wanted readers to learn from reading this fic?
Not especially? I mean, I did want readers to appreciate Shingen, and see what I see in him, but more than that, I wanted people to enjoy it. Also, I wanted people to like my OC and enjoy her point of view. But initially, I just wanted to write something entertaining.
15. What did I learn from writing this fic?
I learned how to have fun writing again - I had the worst case of writer's block in my screenwriting, but while I was writing this, I also managed to write a spec pilot (and have written a couple more since then). I realized that it is possible to write a story without being completely certain what is going to happen next, and I was reminded that creating and editing are two different parts of my brain, which should be used at different times in the writing process.
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xxsycamore · 2 years
Body Worship | Massage + I see you're enjoying my gift + IkeSen Kanetsugu
I haven't seen any Kanetsugu content here on Tumblr, I wanted to know your take on him since his route is not yet out in the EN Version. Heard that Cybird's dropping his route in December in the JP Version.
By the time I got to doing this request Kanetsugu's route has long been a fact, but that would only mean we're one step closer to receiving it in EN! Thank you for this request Mys, it's always a pleasure writing for you ❤ Recalling your style that I'm endlessly fascinated by, I tried to make this fic sound a little more beautiful among other things. I hope you like it!
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"And thank you, Kanetsugu's arms, for protecting me."
He takes a hold of her, guiding her into his lap. He stares at her sharply, wisteria-colored gaze piecing her like a cupid's arrow. She can keep falling inlove with him forever.
"Thank my lips next."
▍This is 90% tooth-rotting fluff and 10% smut 🥺❤❤ tags: Fluff & Smut; Massage; Body Worship; Blow Jobs; Cock Worship; Established Relationship
Written as a part of VISIONS OF TEMPTATION 2021 hosted by me here.
event masterlist
DAY 29 - Body Worship | Massage + “I see that you’re enjoying my gift.”
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Mai can imagine what's on the other side of the shoji door before even opening it. Balancing the tray on her hands, she slides it to the side enough to slip inside, and surely enough, like a still image Kanetsugu is exactly where she last left him, brush in hand and hard at work.
"Tea break!" She announces, bubbly but not loud enough to startle him as she sits down opposite him.
Kanetsugu finishes his stroke and greets her, his serious face adopting a softer expression just for her. His eyes look tired.
"I hope I'm not gonna drink my tea alone this time…" Mai half-pouts while pouring each of them a steaming hot cup. It's well into the night so refreshing teas are a no-no, much to her boyfriend's chagrin. The aroma lets Kanetsugu know right away, but he doesn't hesitate taking a nice long sip of liquid relax. He didn't realize how dry his mouth has gotten. The herbs are slowly working his roughed-up nerves relaxed, and it's all written across his face.
"Mhm, that’s better." Mai chuckles, lifting her own cup to her lips, a noticeably smaller sip than Kanetsugu's, because she has something to add. "Hello there, smile I missed."
Kanetsugu lets out a chuckle as well, slightly shaking his head. He didn't realize he was smiling, was that even a smile? No matter how small, Mai would always spot the difference in his expression. And here he thought he'd only indulge her for a cup of tea and get to finish his work afterwards…
"Don't sit so far. Come."
He pats the place next to him twice and Mai all but flies into his arms. It's a little closer than supposed but Kanetsugu doesn't mind. He's only puzzled why she isn't breaking one more barrier by linking their lips already.
"I saw you rubbing your neck when I came in. Do you need a massage?"
Fleeing his arms right away, Kanetsugu opens his mouth to say one thing, and ends up saying another.
"If you will."
Even when she is behind him where he can't see, Kanetsugu all but hears her smile as she places her hands on his nape. He reaches to fix the collar of his robe a little lower for her convenience and she works the newlyfound skin. Her thumbs rub into his tense muscles, pushing and pulling gently until the knots of stiffness are gone one by one. The soft sounds Kanetsugu makes sound like he's enjoying it, and Mai wants to spoil him more. Recently she can't help but worry about him overworking himself. While moving on massaging his shoulders as well - Kanetsugu doesn't mind - her eyes wander around their surroundings while in thought. They stop on the potpourri sachet that she'd given him in the morning. It would appear that he keeps it close even while working.
“I see that you’re enjoying my gift.”
"I do. Thank you once again."
Kanetsugu's voice comes out a bit strained, in the best way, due to Mai's ministrations. She smiles at the thought of him taking a sniff of it every now and then, breaking his working stoicism in exchange for a gulp of air laced with relaxing scents that remind him of her. Does he do it only when she's not around…?
Heart leaping happily, Mai places a kiss on Kanetsugu's exposed nape, sending goosebumps all over.
"Thank you, Kanetsugu's neck for carrying his clever head tirelessly all day."
Kanetsugu scoffs in absurdity but doesn't practically defy her.
"Thank you, Kanetsugu's shoulders for carrying the weight of the whole caste's workload."
"Someone's gotta do it." Kanetsugu says all too proudly, and if up to this moment it was him snorting at Mai, it's now her turn. Still, she doesn't want to ruin the moment. After his shoulders, left and right, she ducks on one of his sides to kiss his arm.
"And thank you, Kanetsugu's arms, for protecting me."
He takes a hold of her, guiding her into his lap. He stares at her sharply, wisteria-colored gaze piecing her like a cupid's arrow. She can keep falling inlove with him forever.
"Thank my lips next."
Her lips curl upwards in disbelief how adorable he could be sometimes. It's a shame he never takes pride in that of all things. She can tease him a little longer for that, or…
Not resisting him a second more, she gives him a kiss full of pent-up affection. No massages or caresses could translate her love better, and Kanetsugu feels it too. He answers back the wordless expression of love by kissing her twice as hard as she does him, grabbing the back of her head and swirling his tongue around hers, caressing it passionately.
They pull back and put their foreheads together.
"Kanetsugu, I want to worship your body."
The breath is caught in his lungs for a second upon that naked confession. God give him the patience to let her have his way with him.
Reading the 'Do whatever you want with me' in his eyes, Mai chuckles and undoes his obi.
"Starting there?"
Fingers burying into his silky white hairlocks, she gives his lips a little peck.
"Starting there."
That concludes tonight's paperwork managing. Kanetsugu finds out about all the gratitude little Mai has hidden in the depths of her heart, some of which he didn't foresee. Among the strong hips that maneuvers him atop his battle horse, and the thighs that make a surprisingly good lap-pillow, Kanetsugu is puzzled how she decides which ones to judge according to intimate situations and which not. There is one part of him, however, that raises no doubt.
"Thank you, Kanetsugu's cock, for pleasing me so well."
Kanetsugu rolls his eyes in a should-have-expected-it fashion, but is not displeased with what he heard. He has a hitch it's the last thing he'll hear from her in awhile and he already misses her sweet voice and playful words when her mouth wraps around his length.
"You're giving me ideas for later, Mai…"
Lashes fluttering at him in question that she already think the answer of, she withdraws until only the tip of his cock is in her mouth and rubs it flat against her tongue with the help of her hands until her mouth falls open along it.
"You're going to copy me?" She asks.
"No." Kanetsugu says in an even tone, "I'm going to worship you with my tongue alone."
Blushing at the mere thought of it, Mai forgets her own shamelessness in her acts. With wetness pooling on her underwear, she takes Kanetsugu's member in her mouth again, determined to please him for as long as she can before he turns the tables on her.
Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran  @thehappycat123 @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @theuwuisunreal @ravenarld @kyokirigiri-22 @kimmy-banana @devonares @animeworldsposts @randomanimatedhusbandoseeker @galaxyprison @trishtori @sadshaxk @starshards26 @pro-cat-stination @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou  @themysticalbeing @canaria-blackwell @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @fun-ghoul-neela @salty-fed-up-bitch  @coornn @cilokgoang​ @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 ​ @ikemenlover24 @violettduchess @mcofthemansion @tiny-wooden-robot @joy-the-reader @cilokgoang Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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mynameiskan · 6 months
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Long time no see you guys. After a long time not playing ikesen and slbp, I just miss the lords and ninjas so bad.
I created an OC, named Hoshino Hana [Hoshino in "Hoshino Ichika", Collar x Malice MC. Hana means "flower* and because it is easy to remember lol]. I don't want to replace Ikesen MC because I just love her so so much ❤
I want to write a series of short fics for my OC and some ikesen characters. Hopefully I can post one soon.
Oh, btw, is anyone here currently doing the 100-day drawing challenge like Pewdiepie? He is such an inspiration so I want to do the same in order to practice drawing.
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not-krys · 9 months
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It's that time again! Time to count up all the words and reflect upon the past year.
And, friends, let me just say I'm really super happy with this years numbers, probably the biggest numbers I've seen in a long time.
This year, I had a new years resolution to post at least 1 writing thing per month, no matter its finished state, thus putting out a lot of WIP Wednesdays this year.
But, along with doing all those WIP Wednesdays, I found I was finishing more writing things this year because of it and... it's kind of amazing to see the progress across this year.
For previous Writing Summaries: 2020 2021 2022
For this year's art summary, click here!
And, as always, my masterlist, to see all my fics in one place!
Now, without further ado, let's crunch some numbers!
Posted Works to tumblr/ao3: 10
-The Traveling Adventures of Mister Fox and Miss Mouse [IkeSen AU, Mitsuhide x fem!Reader]: 986
-Happy Birthday, Vincent [Ikemen Vampire, Vincent x Abby (OC), NSFW]: 856
-Family Picnic [Ikemen Vampire, Vincent x Abby (OC)]: 1,021
-No Time [Ikemen Prince, Rio x Clara (OC)]: 1,110
-Bittersweet [Obey Me, Lucifer x Miri (OC)]: 1,975
-The Traveling Adventures of Mister Fox and Miss Mouse Part 2 [Ikemen Sengoku, Mitsuhide x fem!Reader]: 2,487
-Birthday Carrots [Ikemen Prince, Nokto x Clara (OC)]: 221
-Reaching Out [Ikemen Vampire, Vincent x Abby (OC)]: 2599
-Kitchen Talks [Obey Me, Solomon & Miri (OC)]: 1,050
-First Kicks [Ikemen Vampire, Vincent x Abby (OC)]: 1,649
Total Word Count on Published Fanfics: 13,954
Published WIPs (That were written in 2023 or Updated in 2023): 19
-Starvation [IkeSeries OCs; Houki, Abby, Maddie, Clara, Ophelia]: 1,716
-Love [IkeSeries and Obey Me OCs]: 2,449
-Grey [Ikemen Vampire; Shakespeare, Vincent x Abby (OC)]: 391
-No Time [Ikemen Prince, Ikemen Vampire; Rio x Clara, Arthur x Thea (OC)]: 1,012
-Nurture [Ikemen Revolution; Harr x Maddie (OC)]: 588
-Nurture [Ikemen Sengoku, Ikemen Vampire; Houki (OC) x Mitsunari, Ophelia (OC), Theo and Arthur, background Vincent x Abby (OC)]: 2,020
-Father [Ikemen Sengoku, Ikemen Vampire, Ikemen Prince, Obey Me; Houki (OC), Thea (OC) x Arthur x Theo, Vincent x Abby (OC), Clara (OC) & Mr. Akatsuki, Miri (OC) and Lucifer]: 2,375
-Flowers [Ikemen Vampire, Ikemen Revolution, Ikemen Prince; Abby (OC) & Vlad, Maddie (OC) & Loki, Clara (OC) & Silvio]: 1,227
-Introduction [Ikemen Sengoku, Ikemen Vampire, Ikemen Prince; Nobunaga & Houki (OC), Vincent & Abby (OC), Nokto & Clara (OC)]: 1,137
-Are You Challenging Me? [Ikemen Sengoku, Ikemen Vampire, Obey Me; Nobunaga & Houki (OC), Arthur & Isaac & Abby (OC), Lucifer & Miri (with minor appearances of other obey me characters]: 855
-Askbox Trick or Treat [Obey Me; Lucifer]: 254
-Askbox Trick or Treat [Ikemen Sengoku; Mitsuhide]: 157
-Askbox Trick or Treat [Ikemen Sengoku; Masamune]: 373
-Perfect Strangers [Ikemen Vampire; Comte]: 839
-Abandoned [Ikemen Prince, Obey Me; Clara (OC) & Rio, Leviathan & Miri (OC)]: 1,358
-Nobububu 2.0 [Ikemen Sengoku; Nobunaga]: 636
-Diavolo and Miri Snippet [Obey Me; Diavolo x Miri (OC)]: 389
-Unfinished Fictober 2023 Houki and Mitsunari [Ikemen Sengoku; Mitsunari x Houki (OC)]: 216
-Sugar and Spice and…? [Ikemen Vampire; Comte x Leonardo x Preg!Reader, NSFW]: 1,127
Total Word Count on Published WIPs (That were written or updated in 2023): 19,119
Unpublished WIPs (that were written in 2023): 1
-A Second Glance Part 5: 1,147
Total Word Count on Creative Works for 2023: 34,220
Essays/Commentary/Asks/Etc: 21
-Ikemen Series Tier List: 225
-Fanfic Writer Asks (Lorei): 371
-Three Characters, One Number Ask (Lorei): 722
-Fic Writer Asks (Lorei): 679
-Fanfic Writer Asks (Emojis, Lorei): 295
-Fanfic Writer Asks (Emojis, Mo): 248
-Let's Get Real Fanfic Writers (Lorei): 396
-Let's Get Real Fanfic Writers Asks (Scummy): 520
-Who Do You Ship Me With (Mo): 82
-Why Do You Follow Me? (Lorei): 512
-Character Opinion (Lorei): 317
-Fanfic Writer Emoji Asks (Mo): 468
-4th Anniversary Questionaire Ikevamp Edition: 1252
-OC Number Asks (Anng): 728
-Send a 💌 and I'll tell you something I love about you (Lorei): 78
-Writer's Truth or Dare (Scummy): 226
-Different Universe, Same Universe 2023 Ask (Julie): 154
-Napo Birthday Asks 1: 160
-What Ideas get completed and posted? (Scummy): 199
-Getting a comment on my old fic: 214
-Uncommon Questions for Your OCs (Houki and Clara, original and my reblog): 799
Total Word Count on Essays, Commentary, Asks, etc: 8645
Total Word Count for 2023: 42,865
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Thanks for all the good times this year and I hope we can bring this kind of energy into the new year too!
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writingwhimsey · 1 year
Tag List
I'm going to start a taglist. If you would like to be tagged in future fics, please either reblog this from the blog you would like to be tagged with or send me a message from the blog you want to be tagged under with the following information:
what you want to be tagged in (one shots, HC's, long fics, my collection events, my story events, if I'm participating in an event hosted by someone else, if you would prefer to be tagged in anything with 18+ nsfw content or not, or if there are any specific fics you would like to be tagged on)
which fandoms: ikesen or ikevamp
which characters you would prefer to be tagged about
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selenacosmic · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
Hey… so, this will be difficult. I won’t be able to put any link here because FOR SOME REASON I am still facing problems with the links. I use the app but when I click on the links for my fics, they redirect to the website, and I can’t search for some of my fics on my blog for some reason…. So yeah. Also, I am tagging @mllorei since she also send me one of these <3
I have a lot of head canons, I mostly have them… but I have some fics that I did it just for fun.
The first is full moon, an AU fic I made involving shingen as a werewolf, it was inspired by the Halloween event ikesen had a long time ago.
Next, this isn’t just one post but a whole longfic that I am still writing, romance in the office. An AU that happens in, well, an office. It also involves Shingen. (Which I haven’t been able to update the masterlist because of the link problem).
Another one that I like and it’s actually kind of old is ‘just sleep’ involving Mitsuhide. I always had the feeling that, if he ever wanted to, Mitsuhide could put anyone to sleep with just a soothing touch.
Another one is actually a series that has very few characters featuring called “siren’s song”. I am just going to say one thing, I love sirens.
Last but not least, my latest small fic, An idol and his makeup artist. The title is self explanatory.
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lorei-writes · 1 year
Heya Lorei!
For the reading meme questions, how about B2, B8, C10?
Hello there!
Thanks for dropping by >:3
B2. What’s the best time of day for reading fic? Why?
2AM, because everybody else is asleep and, for as long as you remain quiet, you can be as unhinged as you wish to.
With the added benefit of nobody poking you to see whether you'll respond, only to see that you will, in fact, not respond and to move to more drastic measures, like attempting to push you off the chair (to see that you will, truly, not respond & to franticly prevent you from falling).
B8. Is there a show or a book that you gave up on that you went back to later? Why did you come back to it?
I can't think of any show or a book, but I did just that with IkeSen and IkePri.
Sen I went back to over a year after first playing it, because a friend of mine was really into PC otome (Hakuoki in particular), and I've remembered Sen's existence. (And then I fell down the rabbit hole).
Pri, because @venulus recommended it, and I trusted her enough to give it another try. (And then I fell down the rabbit hole; I didn't necessarily dislike Pri at first, it just didn't capture my interest and I was sufficiently busy at the time).
C10. What book could you just never get into, no matter how hard you tried?
Nad Niemnem The Sorrows of Young Werter 365 Days (or, anything by Bianka Lipińska) Likely anything by Katarzyna Michalak 50 Shades of... anything Popular science books written with too much popular and too little science. Percy Jackson series The Hunger Games (sorta... My friend really loved it, so I've powered through the books for her. Luckily, they were rather short, so it wasn't really all that bad -- I just remained neutral... Can't say the same thing about what little Twilight I've made it through, as that was another friend's favourite at the time...)
Overall, I'd say I'm a bit of a reading goat.
Reader Asks
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eventinelysplayground · 3 months
An Evening Snack
I started this fic for @lorei-writes and @wordycheeseblob wish upon an aide event with the passion prompt but I stalled half way through and just finished it recently. It's also different from the others I did for the event and not exactly what I wanted but close enough. I'm still not as comfortable with Ikesen yet but I'm getting there so it was good practice. Kyubei and Chimaki 'talk' about Mitsuhide and Mai over a snack. Pure fluff WC approx 865.
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It was late at night and as always Kyubei was taking one last walk around the manor ensuring it was secure before retiring to his room for the day. As he completed the familiar routine he came to a pause at the entrance.
Is that-?
Is what what?
…No, it's nothing.
In truth Kyubei wasn't all that surprised to see the hairpin adorning Lady Mai's hair, in fact he had been praying he was right. Kyubei continued on his rounds, unaware he had started humming to himself until he reached his final stop at the gardens. In this spot too he found himself pausing and remembering the events of the day.
I was the one who delivered it to Lord Mitsuhide while he was imprisoned.
I asked if he needed anything before he left. He said there was only one thing he absolutely had to get…I believe it was his intent to give it to you upon your return to Azuchi.
“Even though I had just been in the dungeons my heart was uplifted as soon as I saw that hairpin, and knowing that was the most important thing to him at that moment…”
Kyubei let out a long breath and was about to head back into the manor when he heard rustling in a nearby bush.
“Chimaki, have you come to visit again already? I'm afraid I have to inform you that neither the Lord or future Lady of the manor are at home right now.”
Chimaki’s tail flicked at Kyubei’s words.
“Lady of the manor.”
Sighing, Kyubei sat down on the steps and looked up into the night sky.
“My lord has always been alone in the shadows, never concerned with the consequences of the way he's chosen to live his life but now…Now he has finally found someone.”
Chimaki moved slightly towards Kyubei and sat down, looking up at him with big eyes. He laughed knowing what that meant and began to rummage around in his pocket finally pulling out a hand towel that held some rice balls.
“Is this what you're looking for?”
Chimaki let out a small chatter and her tail swished elegantly around her.
“Hehe I thought so, guess I know you pretty well now.”
Kyubei tossed one of the rice balls to Chimaki and she began to eat.
“I like to think I know Lord Mitsuhide well too, I've served him a long time after all. He’s always been passionate about the things he does, giving everything of himself in the process. So much so he doesn't even usually bother to take care of himself beyond the bare minimum. Now there is finally something he truly wants for himself, that makes him happy and is a better use for all his passion.”
Kyubei bit into his own rice ball.
“At first I wondered, just what it was he was planning with her. Never expected that it would be this, though I doubt he expected it either.”
Kyubei let out a soft chuckle and turned his attention up to the stars again.
“I worried about him, his way of life was going to end up killing him one way or another. I don't think he will be in such a hurry to sacrifice himself anymore. Did you know Chimaki, he has already declared his intent to marry her to Lord Nobunaga and Lord Hideyoshi?”
Chimaki looked up from her rice ball and blinked at Kyubei.
“I swear it's true, of course at the time he was using it as cover to keep his other deeds undiscovered or so he said anyways but as I said I know Lord Mitsuhide well.”
Kyubei gave Chimaki a cheeky smile and she seemed to smile back at him.
“His passion and kindness always come through in the end, you just need to know what to look for. I suspect Lady Mai has figured that out as well by now.”
The smile left Kyubeis face replaced by a worried frown.
“She is perfect for him, and the only one who is capable of saving Lord Mitsuhide from himself. I hate that she has to carry such a heavy burden alone…”
Kyubei sat silent for a moment then tossed his barely touched rice ball to Chimaki.
“He's so close, she's right there and all he needs to do is not let go of her.”
Kyubei sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. He closed his eyes and sat in silence for a long moment as Chimaki watched him curiously. Finally he let out another sigh before standing.
“She's survived him this long. All I need to do is have faith, right Chimaki?”
Chimaki stood stretching her front legs and letting out a small raspy bark.
“Exactly, it will all work out.”
Kyubei gave a small nod to Chimaki before he walked away. Chimaki watched and waited until Kyubei was gone and then she laughed while shaking her head.
Of course it will all work out silly man!
A sadly sweet smile flashed across Chimaki's face brought on by something she left unspoken.
We kitsune take care of our own after all, even if this one does happen to be human.
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gossamer-sky · 2 years
Hey ikemen fam!
I just wanted to give a little summary of what’s been happening with me and this blog. I’m sure it’s obvious by now, but I’ve definitely taken a step back in the past year. With work and dealing with loss in my personal life, it just became too much for me to continue working on writing and abc requests. I think I just started putting so much pressure on myself that fandom/fic writing morphed from something that was a stress outlet to the stressor itself.
Right now I’m not as involved in the ikemen fandom as I was, I’m sure you’ve all seen the new content/fandoms on my blog and I’m beyond pleased that so many of you have stuck around!! This is not to say that I’m leaving the ikemen fandom at all, rather that I don’t know how much content I will be producing going forward. At the moment there are still requests in my inbox, and I don’t know if/when I will be getting around to those; I won’t be deleting them, just in case the mood to write for ikemen ever strikes again.
I generally hate giving updates, because as soon as I say I’m working on something it seems like real life always blows up completely and ruins my plans, however
I have been planning a follow up sequel to Ellipsism forever; even when I originally published it (all the way back in Jan 2021!) I had a vague idea of where I wanted to take the characters overall. It’s something I’ve kept in the back of my brain for about a year and a half, but I knew that if I did end up writing a sequel it would be a big undertaking (absolutely a multi-chap fic) and I wanted to make sure that I did my original fic/the characters of Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide justice. I think I’ve finally landed on a solid premise that will take the characters where I want them to go, and although there is no date when this will be out, know that I am working on the first chapters currently. I’d love to complete this as a final swan song, sort of my own love letter to ikesen and the Misuhide/Hideyoshi pairing.
To end this long post, I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone for sticking around. The amount of beautiful comments I’ve received on my work still fills my heart with joy even years later; to those who have recently commented on AO3 or reblogged here on tumblr, an extra blessing to you bc I’m pretty sure that’s what has re-inspired me to pick up the pen again. Much love 💗
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krys-loves-otome · 2 years
Krys! Hello!
🎀give yourself a compliment about your own writing
🌿how does creating make you feel?
💘Is there any posted fic you want to rework/re-edit/re-write?
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
Let's Get Real Fanfic Writer Asks
🎀give yourself a compliment about your own writing
You're working you way up to be more consistent in posting, good for you.
I made it my New Years Resolution this year to post at least one writing thing and one art thing a month. It can be something incomplete like a WIP Wednesday or a sketch, so long as something posts at least once a month. If I've got more juice in me to do more, then I'll do some more writing and art things.
🌿how does creating make you feel?
Peaceful and excited, if that make sense.
9 times out of 10, most of my creative pursuits happen on my off days. I can just stay home and see where my keyboard or my pen takes me. 
💘Is there any posted fic you want to rework/re-edit/re-write? 
I kinda wanna go back and rework my first IkeSen fic. The beginning doesn't really have much to do with the rest of the fic. Looking at it again, it feels like I started with one idea and ended up in a different one once Masa and Reader started talking and getting frisky. If I could go back and do it again, I'd like to fix that beginning portion to match more with the rest of the fic, if that makes sense.
(Not linking it as it is a smut fic. Have fun looking at my masterlist for it)
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
I like most kinds of comments I get, but my favorite thus far are the 'glad to see you back' I get whenever I update 'Second Glance' on ao3. Understandable that the last two chapters took me about a year for each of the latest chapters (3 and 4 both), but there's something heartwarming about peeps coming and welcoming me back, that they're glad to see this story again.
Another special shoutout to readers that find my older stuff and feel the need to say either they are surprised by its age (for something I wrote in like, 2016, which, grated, wasn't that long ago, given how long I've been writing overall), and another that was on one of the ones I wrote as a teenager and all it had was the 🗿 emoji. It made me laugh and feel my age a bit.
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