#Alroy McKinney
As a "sim parent" (sim maker) we shouldn't have favorites - but we do. Post your favorite sim baby (the golden child) and least fave. Pass it on!
Thank you so much Solori, I hoped someone would send this to me, you are an angel <3 Phew, I think most people around here think of me and think Andy, and to pick him and not pick Adrian, would be unfair, cause by now I love them equally and they are both my golden child. I simply can't rank one higher than the other. I love them both for various reasons, and they are so integrated in me, that they are an extension of me, and I am of them. I absolutely don't know where I would be in life, if I didn't create these two idiots. I owe them a lot.
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(I find it very hard not to rant more about these two, alas it's past my bedtime, and I also feel bad for excluding my silver children, Raven, Sam & Willow) My least fave would be Roy (Alroy McKinney) I hate this man, so much that I don't even have a fancy answer pic for him, and I'll probably also kill him off in my story some day soon anyway, so I don't bother to make him one. He's not very nice, he's a terrible husband and an even worse father. Abusive, manipulative, controlling. Just an uncomfortable person demon.
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Did I mention he's Raven, Ronan and Eonan's father?
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I present to thee, The McKinney Brothers Father & mum. (Ronan, Eonan and Raven's parents) I'm trying to unwind from an intense and physically hard day, and of course I sat down with newprofilepic, and decided to do some more McKinney's, cause dang them demon genes! :3 I'm quite satisfied with these two, apart from the obvious AI mistakes, they are exactly how I would imagine them :)
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➖ Mature content, 18+ ➖ check the trigger tags each time ➖      
Chapter 22 - A spark of life.
Episode 4. Dalton: *He mumbled soft and sat up slowly, looking around a bit confused* where did they go? Alex: ...... uhhhh Wyatt: They had to go home *he smiled friendly as he quickly stepped forwards and reached a hand to Dalton* Let me help you up Dalton: *He hesitated a bit, then grabbed Wyatt's hand and dragged himself up* Thanks *his voice sounded tired and he looked just as tired as he sounded* Who.... who are you guys? Alex: Friends? *he smiled friendly* we were at the show, and on my way home I found you here in the alley, you were pretty far gone. I think your band members left? Is there anywhere you can sleep for the night or? Dalton: *He frowned soft and pressed a hand against his temple, trying his best to keep up with it all* Uhhhh wait... I don't... they left? Travis: Yeah, with the bus... Dalton: ....... fuck Alex: *He tried to smile as friendly and inviting as possible* Well I'm Alex, and this is Wyatt and Travis.. you can crash at my place, if you want, we were just about to get a cab out of here anyway... I have a guest room with private bath... Dalton: *He looked a bit suspicious at the 3 of them* Alex: .... food.. water... it's much safer than a cold alley... and it's only a very short cab ride away... Dalton: ...... how short? Alex: A couple of minutes.... Dalton: *He sighed soft and nodded* yeah... okay... Alex was it? Alex: Yeah *he smiled soft* Dalton: *He slowly reached a hand towards Alex* Dalton.
Raven: What happened back there? *He looked at Andy with a curious frown as they were back in their hideaway*
Andy: Nothing? *he shook his head lightly* it doesn't matter...
Raven: It looked like it mattered....
Andy: *He sighed deep* Maybe it did? But I can't concentrate on that right now. At the moment, what matters the most, is that you are safe and here *he smiled soft* anything else has to wait for another time.
Adrian: Where are you taking me? *he looked at Sam through narrowed suspicious eyes*
Sam: Does it matter, as long as we get the privacy you want?
Adrian: I have a feeling I'm about to regret this?
Sam: *He chuckled soft* Probably...
Adrian: *He sighed deep* Fine, whatever, as long as I get some privacy with you.... and no sisters to stick their heads in an interrupt *a low rumbling from inside him slowly escaped*
Sam: *He chuckled soft* No sisters where the portal will take us, I promise....
Adrian: *He nodded soft* Good, that's a start at least *he grunted soft*
Sam: Can you walk through the portal?
Adrian: What are the other options? *he snorted cynically*
Sam: Well... I could carry you *he smiled rather amused*
Adrian: *He glared soft* I'll walk, thank you...
Sam: *He chuckled warmly and offered a hand to Adrian* something to hold onto?
Adrian: *He hesitated for just a second, then grabbed Sam's hand, holding it tight, but didn't say a word*
Sam: *He tried his best to keep his excitement inside, then took a step forwards to the portal* Let's go!
Adrian: *On the other side of the portal, he looked around a bit, questioning where they had landed themselves*
Sam: We're in Romania *he said in a lowered, careful voice*
Adrian: ....... *he sighed soft* so the clinic.... why do I feel like this is an ambush, Sam? *he let go of Sam's hand and took a rather painful step backwards*
Sam: *He frowned soft at Adrian's missing hand in his* It's not... and it's not the clinic... yes, we are technically close, we are on the land that belongs to the clinic, but that land is pretty vast, and we wont run in to anyone, unless we want to. We're safe here, and no one will bother us... and I was thinking *he looked at the forest surrounding them* once dawn sets in, we could take a look at our surroundings... it's very peaceful and full of lush nature... I think you would like it here... *He sighed soft* Look I am not recruiting you or anything like that, but you have to take a look at it sooner or later, so I thought we might as well get it over with? *he smiled a bit apologizing* I'm sorry.... I should have asked you first...
Adrian: Yes... and the answer would have been no *he took a deep slow breath* but I also get why you did it... and since we're here... I guess... I will give it a shot.... for you *he sighed soft* but if I hate it, I'm leaving.
Sam: *He smiled soft* We're both leaving then, and you will never have to come back, I promise.
Adrian: *He looked a bit suspicious at Sam* no more surprises....
Sam: *He nodded soft* No more surprises.
Adrian: *He grunted soft from pain* Where do we go then? *he looked at the surrounding nature*
Sam: Well, you can't really see it from where we stand, but there's a hidden cabin just over here... can you make it by foot? It's about a minute or two by foot in your current tempo... just below this hill we stand on...
Adrian: Can I just lay down and roll?
Sam: *He chuckled warmly* Well... yeah... but the offer of getting carried also still stands *he smirked teasingly*
Adrian: *He rolled his eyes* I'll walk
Sam: *He hesitated a bit, wanting to offer his hand again, but wasn't sure he could handle a rejection again*
Adrian: *He hesitated a bit as well, then grabbed Sam's hand, squeezing it gently* You lead the way...
Sam: *He smiled soft and nodded* Straight ahead...
Adrian: *He nodded soft and slowly took a step, grunting soft from pain*
Sam: I hate this... seeing you in pain...*he sighed soft and squeezed Adrian's hand, gazing at him, his eyes full of love*
Adrian: *And in that moment, he could swear he felt his heart take an extra beat*
Alex: We're here *he smiled soft at Dalton sitting on the backseat of the cab* If you still wanna come in? Or I can take you to a hotel?
Dalton: I don't have any money on me....
Alex: I'll pay
Dalton: You don't have to *he frowned rather uncomfortable*
Alex:..... it wouldn't be an issue. And they would have a phone so you can call your band, maybe they could come pick you up?
Dalton: *He looked out the window, starring rather blank at the house next to the parked car, trying to decide if he trusted the stranger or not*
Alex: If you're uncomfortable with this, perhaps it's best I at least drop you off somewhere public, warm and safe?
Dalton: *The thought of spending a night god knows where wasn't appealing either, so as the by now impatient cab driver started drumming his fingers against the steering wheel, he made a quick decision* You have a spare room?
Alex: With it's own bathroom and a lock on the door, you don't have to spend time with me at all, and if you lock the door, I can't even bother you.... *he smiled as friendly as possible* it's just me and my cats
Dalton: You have cats?
Alex: Yes, you're not allergic, are you?
Dalton: No, I have a cat too... Banana
Alex: *His face lit up* Really? That's great!
Cab driver: Really great *he mumbled irritated*
Dalton: *He snorted soft, still somewhat drunk* Yeah, okay... I think we better get out
Alex: *He chuckled soft* Yes, that's probably a good idea, let me just pay...
Adrian: *As they walked through the door of the small cabin, he couldn't help but wrap his arms around Sam and kiss him passionately*
Sam: *He moaned soft and welcoming, quickly fumbling to turn on a small light so they wouldn't stumble in the dark* I love you *he whispered against Adrian's lips*
Adrian: I.... want you....
Sam: *He chuckled soft between kisses* I want you too.
Alex: *As he had locked them into the house, he smiled warmly at Dalton* This is obviously the kitchen, take whatever you need, nothing is off limit... if you follow me upstairs, I'll quickly show you to the guest room *he gestured gently in front of him*
Dalton: *He nodded soft, but was nervously tucking at his sleeve* Yeah...
Alex: *He nodded once and confirming, then led Dalton to the stairs and up to the second floor* The only room at ground floor is the kitchen... up here I have my living room, it's just through here, there's a big bathroom as well... Over there *he gestured at a door* is my bedroom and private bath... in here *he gently pushed a door open* is the guest room... It's not too fancy, but there's a comfortable bed to sleep in and a clean bathroom *he smiled soft* There's towels in the dresser at the foot end of the bed, the sheets are clean, and there's a laptop in case you want to contact someone... and most of all there's a key in the door, and it's the only one, I don't have a spare, so if you find the whole situation creepy, feel free to lock the door, I wont disturb you unless there's a fire or something like that *he smiled soft* I promise you are perfectly safe here, Dalton.... I'm not some old pervert, despite the hair and beard *he gestured at his gray hair* It's dyed *he sighed soft* although after the evening I have had, I guess I might as well just dye it back to it's usual dark brown*he chuckled soft*
Dalton: *He squinted his eyes questioning*
Alex: Don't worry about it, just a failed date...
Dalton: .......
Alex: ..... this... this isn't the date I am referring to, just to be clear...
Dalton: ..... I didn't think it was? *he pulled his shirt a bit awkward*
Alex: Yeah... sorry... I'm not used to people being uncomfortable in my company, I guess it makes me nervous?
Dalton: ...... I'm always uncomfortable
Alex: *He chuckled soft and warm* alright, I'll get out of your hair, I'll bring a tray up with something to drink and eat, and otherwise I'll get out of your way. I'll probably go hang in the living room for a while with a glass of red before bed.
Dalton: *He nodded soft, clearly not knowing how to respond to it*
Alex: right... I'll knock the door and just leave the food out here
Dalton: *He nodded soft* ..... thank you... Alex.
Alex: *He smiled soft* No problem, Dalton. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Raven: *His eyes turned blood red, as he allowed his claws to sink into his victims neck, observing his father beneath him, as if he was nothing but a prey and he himself nothing but a predator, devoid of any emotion* Are we done?
Andy: *He sat whimpering in a corner*
Bree: Bran!
Raven: I said, are we done? *he snarled at his father*
Roy: I thought you were just getting started?
Raven: I'm gonna fucking kill you!
Roy: In front of yerr mother?
Raven: I don't give a shit!
Roy: Nah, you never did care much aboyt anyone else but yeself, an that's why yerr always starting some sort of trouble, as a matter of fact, while yeh were gon, yeh mum and ah had this conversation, that life would 'ave been a lot easier, had yeh never been born...
Bree: ROY!
Roy: As a matter of fact, ah shed probably just of taken care of it mehself when I found out she was pregnant with yeh. We wanted a girl anyway, we alrady had two perfect boys!
Ronan: That's enough!
Roy: Oh come on, weh'ave all been thinking it at some point, Brandubh always gets in trouble, an then all the family has to throw everything in their hands to make it all better again, it's always been that way, one letdown after-
Raven: *A loud agonizing roar escaped him as he slashed his claws through his fathers chest and blood splattered everwhere*
Roy: *In a quick move he was on top of Raven, and now he was the one with his hand on his son's throat* I might as well just end the family disappointment here!
Ronan: DAD!!!!
Bree: ALROY!!!!!
Raven: *He looked at his dad with teary eyes* do me the fucking favor!
Andy: NO!!! *He threw himself on the floor next to them, somehow managing to shield Raven with most of his upper body* Fucking stop! *He whispered soft between his sobs* both of you!
Ronan: DAD!!! *He stood next to them, placing a hand on his dad's shoulder* One move from you....
Roy: what yerr going to do son? *he looked up at Ronan with a wide grin*
Ronan: *He looked at his dad with an authorial frown*
Eonan: Nothing I haven't already done *he said, as he suddenly stood behind his dad, and leaned over, pressing a finger against the back of his father's neck, and in an instant the man fell limp over Andy's back* I'll take him to Belphegor *he said in a firm voice as he looked at Ronan, knowing the only right thing was for Roy to face the head of the family*
Ronan: *He nodded confirming*
Eonan: *He looked at Bree, and forced a soft smile* I'm sorry
Bree: Not I, get him out of meh face! *she said with an angry frown*
Raven: *A loud hollow sobbing escaped him as Eonan disappeared with Roy, and the weight on top of him was suddenly only Andy's*
Bree: Oh mah sweethearrrt!
Ronan: Mom, I'm sorry, but not now, please.
Bree: *She frowned and was just about to protest, but instead turned around and headed into the kitchen*
Ronan: *He kneeled down next to the two boys on the floor, stroking his brother's hair* Raven *he spoke in a soft, loving voice* Those words he said are not true, I hope you know that? We all love you very much...
Raven: *He nodded soft, but the tears in his eyes spoke the truth, for in this moment, he couldn't believe any sweet words at all. I'm sorry *was all he managed to say, before he disappeared*
Andy: *He curled up in a sobbing ball on the floor as Raven was gone*
Ronan: Andy *he sighed soft as he stroke the blue haired boy's back* It's okay... he's home in his room... right now everything is just very overwhelming for him, we need to give him a bit of time. Usually when he's in that mood, the only ones that can get near him are Eonan and I, so try not to take it personal.
Andy: I'm not! I'm just scared he's going to disappear again!
Ronan: No *he spoke in a calm voice*
Andy: How can you be so sure?!
Ronan: If he was making a run for it, he would be gone already.
Andy: How do you know he's home? *he sat up, looking suspicious at Ronan as he tried to dry his eyes* You're not the tracker
Ronan: That doesn't mean I can't sense him and his feelings if he lets me. *He sighed soft* How about I bring you and mom home to our place, and then we wait for him to tell us when he has some space for us again?
Andy: *He sniffled his nose and nodded soft* I would like that, please...
Ronan: *He nodded soft and reached a hand to Andy* Let's go get mom then, Eonan can meet us back at home when he's done.
Alex: *As he was done in the kitchen, he carried the tray to Dalton's door, leaving it outside, before gently knocking the door, then he carried his own glass of red wine and his bowl of mixed cheesy nuts and grapes to the living room, and sat down in front of the tv, turning it on before sipping the wine, as he put his feet up*
Dalton: *He slowly opened the door and peeked out, noticing the tray right away. There were a plate with a sandwich, ham and cheese as far as he could see, two water bottles, a bag of chips, a coke, a chocolate bar, and an apple. He smiled soft and picked up the tray, carrying it into the room and placed it on the bed. He starred at it for a moment, then sat down and started devouring it, as if he hadn't eaten for days*
Raven: *He sat quiet on his bed as someone knocked the door to his room. He didn't answer, he already knew who was coming*
Ronan: May I come in?
Raven: You're going to anyway *he sighed soft*
Ronan: *He forced a soft smile and stepped in, closing the heavy wooden door behind himself* Aye... I think you need to see a friendly face *he slowly walked up to the big bed, and sat down on the edge of it* How are you holding up?
Raven: I'm done crying if that's what you want to hear? *he said with a tired blank look on his face* I'm just... done
Ronan: *He sighed soft and reached towards his little brother, stroking his hair gently*
Raven: Don't do that *he almost sighed in a trance-like voice*
Ronan: Don't do what?
Raven: You know exactly what you are doing *he said in an almost purring tone* how's Andy?
Ronan: In the kitchen with mom and Eonan, eating the world's largest bowl of ice cream *he chuckled soft as he continuously stroke Raven's hair*
Raven: *He moaned soft, feeling his body relax and get really heavy, buzzing tingling sensations spreading through it* Roe...
Ronan: Mh? *he knew exactly what he was doing to his little brother, and he knew he needed it, so he slowly pulled himself up in the bed, so they sat side by side, and wrapped an arm around Raven's shoulders, continuing to stroke his hair to soothe him*
Raven: *He moaned soft and leaned against his brother, burying his face in his armpit for a moment*..... you're... sweaty...
Ronan: Mh... I guess the thought of losing my little brother makes me break some sweat?
Raven: *He took a big sniff of Ronan's armpit before he turned his body a bit, wrapped his arms around Ronan and let himself slide down, face planting into Ronan's crotch*
Ronan: *He chuckled soft, and let his hand travel down Raven's back, stroking him firmly* Don't choke yourself down there...
Raven: *He mumbled something against Ronan's crotch*
Ronan: I have no idea what you just said?
Raven: *A soft chuckle escaped him, before he reached up, grabbed Ronan's shirt and strongly dragged him into bed, then moved around a bit, till they laid face to face* I said, can we just cuddle tonight? As much as you are making me majorly horny, and I appreciate you knowing exactly what I need and what buttons to push, I honestly right now, more than anything else, just need to feel safe.
Ronan: *He nodded soft and smiled, as he reached out stroking Raven's cheek* Whatever you need.
Raven: *He nodded soft and fumbled around, trying to take his clothes off*
Ronan: I thought you just said no sex?
Raven: I didn't say NO sex *he chuckled soft* I simply asked if we could cuddle instead, cause right now it seems more important to me, to be intimate that way.. besides, you know I sleep naked.... and I feel closer to you if.... we're both naked *he smirked soft*
Ronan: *He couldn't help but laugh, then slowly started unbuttoning his shirt* Aye.. I can take a hint.
Raven: *His smirk grew bigger, and for the first time in as long as Ronan could remember, he finally saw a spark of life in his brothers eyes again*
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➖ Mature content, 18+ ➖ check the trigger tags each time ➖      
Chapter 32 - December days & December ways.
Episode 5. *Hours went by, more alcohol and food went in, people were slowly starting to roam around the living room. Some still one the floor, others on the couch lost in different conversations, switching seats here and there, mixing and mingling.* Raven: *He suddenly looked a bit out of place, a frown on his forehead as he suddenly stood up and took a few steps towards the door, before he turned around to look at Adrian from across the room* Adrian: *He spotted the sudden change in the man, a look he had never seen on his face before* Andy: Hey, where’re ya going? *He looked at Raven with a wide smile* Raven: I'm sorry... I gotta swing by the castle, McKinney business... Andy: You mean the big castle? Raven: Yeah *his frown only grew deeper* Andy: *He stood up slow* Will your dad be there? Raven: *He sighed deep and heavy* Adrian: *Suddenly recalled Andy complaining about the father, and his relationship with Raven. Seeing Raven looking already tense and defeated, made him stand up fast* I'll go with you! Raven: *He looked at Adrian more than surprised* Andy: *He chuckled hoarsely* Wait what?!
Adrian: I'll go with you *he repeated as he started walking towards Raven, stopping only about a meter from him* I don't think you should be going alone, specially after having had alcohol.
Raven: The alcohol is the only thing that will keep me away from fighting him.
Adrian: *He frowned lightly* Still.
Andy: So you're willing to walk into a castle full of demons for Raven? *he smiled wide and amused as he joined them*
Adrian: *He looked at Andy with a more than serious look on his face* You're all 3 welcome to stay and take whatever you need. *He smiled at the others apologizing*
Raven: You don't have to-
Adrian: *He quickly turned back towards Raven, grabbing his arm, speaking more firmly this time* I'm going with you.
Andy: *He chuckled lightly, amused by the fact that Adrian was bossing Raven around*
Malou: Actually, I think I'll head home too, I'm getting a bit tired, I feel like the alcohol is wearing of
Adrian: I don't want you to be driving now *he looked at her with a soft frown* call a cab! The cold might hit you and you could get pretty hammered again, and they are still promising snow. If you fall, you might freeze to death out there before someone finds you!
Malou: *She nodded lightly* Yeah, okay *she frowned lightly by the thought*
Andy: I can drive!
Adrian and Raven: NO!
Andy: *He chuckled amused*
Dalton: I'll call a cab, Andy do you wanna come with us or?
Andy: So you're heading home too now? Everyone's leaving? *he looked at them all with puppy eyes* But the night is still young!
Malou: Yeah I'm sorry, I don't feel too well in my stomach right now, but you're welcome to come with Dalton, I'll probably just head to bed soon *she lightly pressed a hand against her stomach*
Andy: *He knew all too well it probably meant she had stomach cramps and was uncomfortable with the company by now, and just wanted to escape so she could get to lay down on her stomach or go to the toilet* Do you want me to keep you company? You know I don't mind... *he spoke softly*
Malou: *She nodded quick and looked away shyly*
Dalton: Yeah can I have a cab for *they could hear him speak further away*... how long will it take? ..... Okay... thank you very much, we will wait by the road. *He smiled at the others as he hung up* They will be here in maximum 5 minutes... I'll quickly help clea-
Adrian: There's no need *he smiled warmly* I'll take care of it later, just blow out the candles before you leave, please.
Dalton: *He nodded confirming* I'll take care of that.
Adrian: Thank you *he smiled soft at Andy* I'll see you soon *he leaned in, planting a gentle kiss on Andy's lips*
Andy: Mhh *he moaned soft, then looked at Raven as their kiss parted few seconds later* You fucking make sure he gets sent home safely in case anything goes down or you have to stay or whatever other crazy shit will happen over there! *he glared lightly*
Raven: I promise *he nodded soft, then grabbed Adrian, holding him tight against him, then they were gone*
Dalton: *Already busy blowing candles out*
Andy: Right *he smiled apologizing at Malou* I'll just throw some food in the bowls just in case *he sighed soft*
Malou: *She nodded lightly, well knowing Andy was worried now, and quickly went to pick up at least ash trays and stuff that wasn't good for the cats to get into*
Raven: *He landed in the hallway of the McKinney castle, sighing soft as he let go of Adrian* You really didn't have to...
Adrian: I'm well aware, Raven. *He slowly stepped a bit away so he was at a comfortable distance*
Bree: Mah wee boy! *she exclaimed as she spotted them from down a hallway*
Raven: Right...there's no time to prepare you for any of this, so try to hang on, and whatever happens, stick to me okay, or you might get lost or join a cult or some shit *he forced a soft chuckle, then two firm arms wrapped around him, the long haired woman squealing as she hugged him tight* Et's soh nice seeing yeh 'ome!
Raven: Mum! *he chuckled lightly* I brough a guest!
Bree: Oh! *She quickly backed away from Raven, planting a couple kisses on his cheeks, then turned around, facing Adrian, studying him for a moment* ah see yeh did! And a handsome one of that! *she smiled big and bright* well tell me yeh name lad! *she held a greeting hand towards Adrian*
Adrian: Adrian *he said in a neutral tone and grabbed her hand, shaking it firmly*
Bree: *She shook it back, then let go with a satisfied smile* Strong lad, confident shake, ah like 'im!
Raven: *He chuckled lightly* He's the Sigma, so please make sure he stays out of harms way!
Bree: Ohhhhh *she studied Adrian closer* he's the one!
Adrian: *He lifted an eyebrow slightly, observing her back. She was nothing like Raven, neither in looks nor personality. She was loud and bubbly and a tad too friendly for Adrian's taste! She looked mostly like Ronan, although her personality was far larger than any of the McKinney brothers, as far as he could judge*
Raven: *He chuckled amused, being able to read Adrian pretty well, he could easily see he was already getting overwhelmed* mum, it will just be a short visit this time... where is he?
Bree: Nonsense! Let's go grab some grub in the kitchen! Yeh came just in time for supper!
Raven: Mum! We already ate! *he sighed soft*
Bree: Oh shush yeh brat! At least have a drink with yerr mum beforrre yeh fly off again!
Adrian: A beer sounds nice *he politely offered*
Bree: HAH! There yeh go! *she quickly wrapped an arm around Adrian's shoulders* Ah'll show yeh the way!
*A few minutes later they were sitting by a table in a corner of the dining hall, with each their pint of beer*
Raven: Mum.... honestly, you had to pick the biggest mugs you could find?
Bree: *She winked at Adrian* He looks like a man who can hold his liquor!
Raven: He can, but that's not the point.. the point is we aren't staying very long. As a matter of fact, I can't wait to hear what he's up to now, and why he called me here?
Bree: Ah wouldn't know luv, ah haven't seen ‘im all day.
Raven: Typical.
Roy: What's typical is yeh showing up, then going straight for the beer before yeh find me. May ah always remind yeh duty comes first?! *his voice suddenly rumbled over the table*
Adrian: *He slowly looked up, worrying what may greet him above them, then starred blank into a face that looked almost exactly like Eonan. Just a lot less friendly that is!*
Roy: *He didn't as much as breathe in the direction of Adrian, as his large torso turned more towards Raven*
Raven: *He sighed deep* here we go.
Roy: Am ah emberrrassing yeh son?! Perrrrhaps yeh should take care of our matter firrrst then, beforrre yeh settle down for fun!
Bree: Oh rrrrelax Rrroy! We 'ave a guest!
Roy: *He placed his palms on the table and leaned over them, so Adrian could no longer see their faces* Ah told yeh, woman! STAY OUT OF THE WAY! *his voice thundered* Orrr else
Raven: Or else what?! *he stood up fast, his voice sharp and full of something dark Adrian had never heard in it before*
Roy: Ah warn yeh Brandubh! Sit down or
Raven: Or what?!?!! *his voice by now was ice cold, and so was the wind that suddenly seemed to chill the room. And it was just like that Adrian noticed the lively dining hall had fallen completely silent*
Roy: *He reached out, grabbing Raven by the throat, picking him up and slammed him down on the table, instantly stabbing a large sword through Raven's chest, gritting his teeth as he bent over his son*
Raven: *He moaned loudly and coughed something black up into his mouth* So yeh would kill yerr own son?! *he spoke this time in a hoarse tone with a thick Irish accent Adrian had never heard from Raven before*
Adrian: *He stood up so sudden that he knocked over his chair and reached an arm over Raven, planting his palm firmly on the table, as he looked up at Roy with a deep frown, now standing between them, somewhat shielding Raven* I think that's enough!
Roy: *He glared firmly at Adrian* Yeh know boy, I could tear yeh to pieces with a snap of my fingers*
Adrian: *A low growl rumbled through the whole castle*
Roy: *Something changed in his eyes, he looked almost surprised, as he slowly stood back up tall, and slowly stepped backwards a few steps, looking at Adrian in disbelief, then he quickly grabbed the sword, firmly pulling it back out of the table, and Raven in a swift move, stuck it back in his belt and left the room*
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➖ Mature content, 18+ ➖ check the trigger tags each time ➖   Featuring characters by @sillypotcookie​​​​
Chapter 10 - Sharp tongue and teeth.
Episode 1.   (Short recap:) Peter: *He reacted fast as he heard a loud knocking on the bedroom door, immediately hoping it could be Raven. But on his way over the floor, nearly stumbling over a box of candles, he realized it probably wouldn't be him just yet, cause why was he using the door then? Highly unusual of Raven to use a door! He quickly yanked the door open, frowning soft as he noticed Bree outside, then forced a jolly smile* Bree! Bree: *She smiled warmly* Peterrrr Peter: *He sighed soft as he became anxious* Is he Bree: He's awake, and alrrrrright under the circumstances. Ah came to talk to yeh for a moment. *She peeked over his shoulder, smiling soft at Ben, laying on the bed* Alone, my dear, ah apologize... it will onleh take a shorrrt moment. Peter: *He turned around, nodding soft at Ben* I'll be just outside the door, I wont go anywhere. Ben: *He nodded soft and sniffled his nose* Promise? Peter: *He nodded eagerly and forced another jolly smile* Of course pancake! Ben: *He chuckled soft between his tears* Stupnut! Pete: *He sighed soft as he closed the door behind him and looked at Bree* Bree: *She reached out and slapped Pete's back head a little, cleaning up her accent, to make sure Pete would understand* Peter Franco! Yerrr family! And family means forever! Family also means don't forget the ones who save yerrr arse!!! *She frowned soft* We all have understanding and respect for *she nodded towards the door, meaning Ben* But while my son is healing, you best say hi to him once in a while, he saved yerr life after all! Pete: Erhm.... Bree: Noh!!! Yerr let me finish firrst! That boy went through hell teh find ya! Literally! He nearly lost his life, giving you yerrs back! Pete: But..... Bree: *She frowned even deeper* Pete: *Swallowed hard* Bree: He spoke! He spoke in his demon form! A thing that is actually impossible. My son did the impossible, to bring yeh home! No one believed it could be done. But here we are. So beforrre yeh get all caught up in the little one in there, and forget all about him, please remember my son and the fact that he has been the first demon teh speak human language, in his demon form. I am not saying yerr aren't allowed to reunite with another dearrr person. But to push me son aside for *she nodded at the door again* is a very painful fact teh wake up to! Pete: *He frowned deep* Your husband told me to stay away, before he brought Ben here. Bree:................... *she looked as if she was just about to explode* THAT WEASEL!!!! Pete: *He snorted soft* Bree: *She quickly linked her arm with Pete's* Well 'ow about we go grab Benjamin, get some food, and all go greet Bran then? I'm sure he's worried about yeh both *she winked at Pete and squeezed him tighter against himself* Ah hear wedding bells! Pete: *Started sweating* Ehm! Bree: Oh rrrelaxxxx, yeh can marry them both! (Recap over) Pete: *He looked more nervous than anything* Bree: *She laughed loud and warmly* Let's see we make it to our wee Bran before we starrt the wedding bells!
Raven: *He laid quiet on the bed, starring at a small candle next to it, trying to avoid eye contact with his dad. The air in the room was thick. Uncomfortable. It was not a secret that Roy was displeased with his sons doings. And the fact that his brothers and a larger portion of the McKinney clan had followed him to hell, breaking several important rules. He sighed soft, hoping his mom would return soon, break the silence* Bree: ROY! May I speak a worrrd with yeh out here? Roy: *He frowned deep, but stood up, walking out into the hallway* Bree: Go on luv *her voice was mild and encouraging* Peter: *He quickly stepped into the room, trying to avoid Roy's grumpy eyes. He walked carefully over the floor and jumped into bed* LICORICE!!!! Raven: *He startled as he turned around, looking straight at Pete's smiling face, laying only few cm next to him* Peter: *He smiled even brighter, true happiness radiating from his whole face* Raven: *His eyes filled with tears, then he rolled to his side and pressed his face against Pete's neck as all the pain and sadness he had been holding back, in order to keep going, came washing over him. Loud devastating sobbing escaping him as he wrapped his arms around his mate* Peter: Licorice? *He frowned soft, wrapping his arms around Raven. But this time he knew no jolly comments could save the day. Raven looked tired and pale, almost gray. He had carried both himself and Benjamin, for many weeks. He had to get it out. So Pete did what he thought would help the most. He dug his fingers into Raven's long hair, and started caressing it, hoping it would somehow soothe him* Ben: *He went to the bathroom connected to the medieval looking bedroom, washed his face, then dried it. Then went back to bed, grabbed a bottle of water from the small fridge Ronan had provided them with, and grabbed a bag of chocolates too, jumping back up on the bed. He drank a bit of the water, then nommed a couple of chocolates, feeling sorta buzzing yet empty in his head. He had cried for hours, since he had gotten reunited with Peter. In between the crying, he had managed to catch Pete a bit up on things, but not a lot. Mainly just answering stupid questions. He suddenly realized he promised Adrian to call, and picked up his phone, quickly dialing his numbder as he shoved another chocolate in his mouth.* Adrian: Mmh? *he sounded tired as he picked up at the 3rd ring* Ben: Oh! Did I wake you? *he mumbled with his mouth full of chocolate* is it late there? I can call tomorrow?! Adrian: *He groaned soft* Ben... it's okay, but I can barely understand what you are saying... are you okay? Ben: *He looked lost for a few seconds, then he realized his mouth was full and quickly swallowed* No! I'm okay *he chuckled soft* I had my mouth full of chocolate! Adrian: *He chuckled soft and sat up, lighting a cig* that makes me happy to hear *he took a drag of the cig, trying his best to keep his happy tears inside* How are you? Ben: I'm kinda mooshy.... but okay... *he sighed soft* it's so nice to have him back! It kinda feels like he was just on a vacation now? *he scratched his hair while he thought about his own words* I mean, he's exactly the same Pete, just... maybe a bit tired, but I guess we all are? *He quickly shoved another chocolate in his mouth crunching it* How are you? Is Andy with you? Adrian: I'm okay... tired... and no, Andy is not here. I saw him yesterday. But I needed some space for myself today. Digest some stuff. Ben: .......... *he sat up more straight, getting a serious tone and expression* Is something wrong? Adrian: No. Not wrong per say. Just some changes in my life *he sighed soft and took another drag* It's nothing for you to worry about, and I really prefer to figure it out before we talk about it... if that's okay for you? Ben: ....... are you sure you are okay? Adrian: ........... yeah..... no.... *he frowned deep* no, I'm not okay. Ben: ..... *he swallowed the chocolate* Should I.... should I come home? Adrian: No, sweetheart. Sam is here. Technically Akin too. *He sighed soft* I want you to spend some time with Pe- Ben: Akin is there? Did something happen to you? Did you get hurt? *his voice instantly grew worried* Adrian: Ben, no. I'm okay... it's some wolf business. It's fine, Sam is here for some.... sleepover *he really didn't want to worry Ben, and technically it wasn't a lie* And Akin came by to talk with Sam.... *which technically wasn't a lie either* I went to bed... they are talking outside. Some stuff happened yesterday, I'm okay... but at the same time not.... I mean I am okay *he sighed deep* it's just a mouthful and I need to figure what to do about it... it's nothing to worry about. Really, I mean it. It's nothing that can harm me in any way... lets say it's a sort of a job opportunity or a career path.... I just don't know what to pick... that's all. It's a mouthful and I guess it's just overwhelming, that's all. Ben: *He sighed soft and frowned, worried about Adrian, worried he should be back in Hidden Springs with him instead* If you need me, I can come home. Adrian: I need you. But I also need you to be with your friend, for now. You need this, Ben. I need you to come home and be okay again... do you understand? Ben: *He nodded soft, he knew he had to heal from the loss of Pete now that he was back. He sighed deep* Okay... but if it gets worse, just call me okay? Adrian: I will *he smiled soft* I love you. Ben: I love you too.... but... Adrian: But what? Ben: *He sighed soft* ........ what about Andy? Could he.... *he frowned deep, feeling a sting of jealousy in his stomach* Adrian: I'm fine, Ben... it's fine. Sam and Akin is here as I said.... I really just want some sleep. I promise. *He sighed soft* As long as you are okay, that's what matters most to me. Hang out with Peter, get some healing done, and come home when you feel ready. That's all I really need. Ben: *He nodded soft* Okay. Adrian: Thank you. Ben: *He sighed soft* Sweet dreams when you lay down. Adrian: Sweet dreams to you too, Ben, when the time comes. Take care, okay? Ben: I will *he nodded soft* Adrian: I love you. Ben: I love you too. Adrian: *He smiled soft* Give me a call soon again. Ben: I will.
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2, 5, 11, 15, 16, 18 aaand 31 for the story teller asks.
Gotta stop here before i send all of them xD
Oh man! :D Thank you so much! I'm very excited to answer these! :D 2. Describe your story in three words or less Chaotic.... but loving. Not that the story is written chaotically, cause I don't think it is, but I think from an outsiders perspective, specially considering I sorta started sharing the story publicly almost 300 chapters in, I'm sure it at times can seem rather chaotic? Or maybe I'm the chaotic one? 5. How do you choose your characters’ names? Hm... it's many different ways really. For the most part I recall a name I really like for whatever reason, or see a name somewhere in the passing, like a tv show or an online article? Sometimes I use Google, let's say I want a very "bohemian" type of name... I'd Google that, cause I know shit nothing about that. And for the McKinney's I Google a fair bit. They all have Irish/Scottish names (well 99% of them do) and since I'm not Irish/Scottish, and I don't want everyone to end up with the most mainstream names, well, Google is my friend. Also specifically for the McKinney's, their names are chosen because of their meaning. Raven's birth name is Brandubh, which essentially can be translated to little black raven. Ronan, his brother, means seal, and he is actually a key that can seal the doors of hell. Eonan is knight... he was a knight of hell. Aedan (Andy and Raven's son) is born of fire, Andy has a power to control/create fire, that not many knows about. The McKinney brother's fathers name is Alroy, which means red haired (cause he simply has red hair, *snort*) And I could keep going. But I'm sure I would bore everyone to death. Anyway, point is, all McKinney's have a name that has something to do with either their powers or their appearance. 11. Why have you decided to tell this story? are there any messages or meanings within it? First it never meant to be a story for anyone but myself. It started as an RP. But when the RP ended, I had all these characters with elaborate personalities, living and breathing inside me. It felt empty to just drop them there. So I continued writing the story for myself. It was never meant at first to continue for years, I actually continued with the thought that I'd maybe write 5-10 chapters or so, and simply writing an ending of the story. Yeah, that was at least 275+ chapters ago. The story fast became a way for me to live a life I had to at the same time face I could never live out in real life. So I suppose my decision to keep writing, was a way for me to pull through a lot of things, I'm not sure I otherwise would have been able to pull through. There are a lot of "hidden" messages and meanings in the story, but I wont sit here and spoil them all, it's up to the readers (now that the story is actually being posted... here <- to interpret it for themselves.) However, I'm always up for answering questions about it. What I can give you is the message of loving people for who they are, not what you want them to be. To love yourself, even if you aren't the version of you you wanted to be, you can still be a pretty rad person. A message that we can overcome much more than we believe, as long as we keep fighting. And last but not least, a message of never giving up, and following your dreams. And to never give up on love. But above all, the message is simply love. I chose to write a story that heavily weighs on love, simply for the fact that I more than ever, believe what we need most on this planet, is love. And lots more of it. A lot of our issues could be solved by simply loving each other more, and loving the planet we live on, before there's nothing left to love. It sounds cliche maybe, but it's my opinion, and you don't have to agree. 15. What have been the highlights of creating your story? Definitely getting to know everyone, watching their characters unfold and grow. It has kept me to my writing. Back in school, my Danish teacher told me to never give up on writing, cause in her words, I'm good at it. She told me to 'always write, whether I would be bubbly happy or breakingly sad, write
write write'. For many years after I finished school, I barely wrote at all, so I was insanely rusty when I picked writing back up. My story helped me with that, and I found my way back to writing. Another highlight is definitely all the hard times my story has gotten me through. Doesn't mean I am smooth sailing my way through life, but it keeps me from drowning completely, and that's something. I still need to make some major life changes, but till that's possible, I'm holding onto my story, and it keeps me above water. 16. What about the process do you enjoy? *Snort* I think if people has followed this blog more than a month, it's already clear I enjoy creating characters, and as a result post some of the most lengthy bio's on Tumblr. But I enjoy just as much to see the scenes unfold in front of me as I write, feeling the emotions of the characters, often so intensely that it affects my own mood. There's just something in it, that makes me feel like I'm a part of the story, like I'm literally in there. And that's enjoyable to escape into for a time. 18. Choose a song that reminds you of your story A? A song? Like in one? ONE song for a circa 300 chapters story??? How??? How do I cram such an elaborate and still growing story into ONE song??????? Ghost-boi.... pls.... I'll have to get back to you on that *goes into full on panic mode searching through albums in my head* 31. Drop some random trivia about your story Pffft.... First chapter that actually made it into the story (cause there were a couple loose ones before that, that never made it) was actually written under different names, as I was considering sharing it online, but didn't want to annoy my previous RP partner, so I changed everyone's names. Andy was Alexander. Congo was Connor. Evan was Ethan. And there you also have the original poly relationship, that ended up in so much more. Well.... at the very beginning of the story, Evan and Congo still wasn't dating, but it didn't take many chapters. Adrian was originally made as an attempt to create something different, look-wise. To get out of my comfort zone and play with new features. While making him, I sat there looking at his face thinking 'this is me'. I simply connected not only with his looks, but also the character I started seeing growing in front of me, so writing his bio was probably one of the easiest ever to write, and he was very easy to adapt as a main character in my story. He just swept his way in there like a cool breeze on a way too hot summers day and the main cast was like... keh... cool... So he actually sorta became the main focal point of the part of my story I am sharing on my story blog, where Andy is the main focal point of the main story. Akin, the Alpha wolf, was originally supposed to never be a fully developed character. He was "just" a doctor that popped by here and there, but the two readers of my story back then, liked him a lot, and started expressing seeing potential in him. So I started developing him. As I expressed how he looked (he was originally extremely tall and a bit like a rugby player) they strongly disagreed and told me he was definitely slender and with semi-long dreads XD And that made Akin look more or less like he does today <- About that song though... if I have to choose just one song for such a BIG story, I'd have to simply choose a love song. But not a sugary sweet one. A haunting, emotional, longing, breathtaking, yet deep, passionate and warm song. I'd go with <- Witch is also a song from the movie Romeo + Juliet, by amazing Baz Luhrman. So basically a story about teenage suicide. In that aspect it doesn't fit at all. But it was the first song that came to my mind.... Sooooo.... I'll quietly leave this as well, on the way out <- (which is probably a much better fit anyway, both regarding lyrics and music video) 
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Rónán (Pronounced Roe-nan) McKinney. *Main character
Voice claim: (Chris O’Dowd) https://youtu.be/LX18xuO8LJM?t=37s
Partner(s): Engaged to Odette Lupei. Parents: Cathriona Breannna ‘Bree’ McKinney and Alroy ‘Roy’ McKinney. Kids: None.     Siblings: Eonan and Raven. Age: Not specified, at least a couple thousand years. But he translates into mid 40′s. Birthday: 15th of January. Height: 190cm Body type: Slim, but with some muscle.     Eye color: Light gray with a bit of green around the iris. Classification: (Immortal) Demon. Known powers: Possession, shape shifting, the ability to kill lesser beings by simply stare into their eyes, the ability to seal other demons in hell, so they are unable to break free for a longer time period. Mind control, levitation, Intangibility (ability to pass through physical matter) Teleportation, Life-Force Generation (power to generate pure life energy and use it in combat), Hell-Fire manipulation (The power to manipulate the demonic flames of hell), Soul Mutilation (The ability to inflict a massive and irreparable amount of damage to the soul of a victim) Astral Trapping (The ability to restrain/trap astral beings.) Dark Arts (The power to utilize Dark Magic) Cloaking Shield Construction (The power to create shields and shield-like objects that hide targets.) Psychometric Telepathy (The ability to open a psychic link with anyone related to the object you are touching.) Empathic Masochism (The ability to harm or inflict pain on others by inflicting damage upon one’s own body.) Telepathy (The power to mentally receive and/or transmit information.) Illusion Awareness (The power to be aware if one’s surroundings are false.) Nether Manipulation (The power to generate, conjure, and manipulate Nether, the essence that flows through the realms of the Living and the Dead).
About: ~ Charismatic, balanced, calm, clear-headed, respectful,  genuine, romantic, kind,  highly intelligent, logical, objective, friendly, reflective, practical, contemplative, fair, loyal, honest, flexible, modest, patient, understanding, sociable, selfless, tolerant, protective, courageous, disciplined, gentle, independent, helpful, passionate, perceptive, caring, responsible, discreet, rational, devoted and organized. ~ His name means seal or 'the’ seal.   ~ Sexuality Pansexual. ~ Has red/orange hair and beard (natural ginger). ~ Has tattoos on most parts of his body. ~ Has a piercing and stretch in right ear. ~ Irish, with Scottish roots. ~ Has a bit of an Irish accent, that sometimes becomes rather thick. ~ Is a translator of dead languages. ~ Is born into a large, ancient and very powerful demon clan, named McKinney clan. ~ Is very skilled at sword fighting/fencing. ~ Tend to disappear for years with his brothers. ~ Has a pretty shady past, but here we talk way in the past. ~ Has a sort of authority over his brothers, although he always let them do whatever they want. But if he finally stands up and says something, his word will count. He’s the oldest after all. And the one to take over the McKinney clan after their father. ~ Smells like Myrrh, Wormwood or Thyme. ~ Is very heavy into Alchemy. ~ Is probably the nicest of the 3 brothers. ~ Very family-oriented. ~ Would love to settle down and have a bunch of kids. ~ Loves reading poetry. ~ Dislikes hail. ~ Is a mean cook.  ~ Very romantic. ~ Can play the harp, very well. ~ Loves his brothers, Odette, his family home, Ireland, Scotland, his family, classical music, Indie/folk music, Jazz, theater, Irish Whiskey, Irish and Scottish food, Scottish highlands, rain, thunder, snow, cooking, reading, Autumn, horses, horseback riding, nature, long baths, whiskey, curry, cinnamon, red wine, chocolate, traveling, long strolls in nature, quietness, candle light, the smell of old books, cherries and sunrise. ~ His style is casual. ~ Seems quiet at times, but that’s only because he prefers to listen rather than talk.
Ronan’s tag Ronan’s house/home Ronan’s moodboard Handwriting/ask answer pic:
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One Gif to describe him:
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One song to describe him: Jesse Ruben - This Is Why I Need You Personal play list: 1. Agnes Obel - The Curse (Berlin Live Session) 2. Leon Bridges - Smooth Sailin' (Live) 3. Femke - I'm Still Here 4. Gary Clark Jr. - Nextdoor Neighbor Blues | Mahogany Session 5. The Crane Wines - The Moon Will Sing 6. Etta James - A Sunday Kind Of Love 7. The Oh Hellos - Hello My Old Heart 8. Keaton Henson - You Don't Know How Lucky You Are 9. Alice Phoebe Lou - Nostalgia | Mahogany Session 10. Ben L'Oncle Soul - I’ve Got You Under My Skin 11. Iron & Wine - Sinder & Smoke 12. Iron & Wine - Call It Dreaming 13. Lisa Ekdahl - I Know You Love Me (Official Video) ft. Ibrahim Maalouf 14. Ren - Jenny's Tale 15..The Spring - Colors of Consciousness 16. Arborea - Pale Horse Phantasm 17. Raury - Devil's Whisper 18. Gregory Alan Isakov - Time Will Tell 19. Doris Day - Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps 20. WILDES - Bare Bonus: Andy Williams - Can't Take My Eyes Off You Extra: Gregory Alan Isakov - If I Go, I'm Goin
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Alroy ‘Roy’ McKinney *Supporting character.
Voice Claim:(Gerard Butler as Stoick) https://youtu.be/JubX9ybyjHs?t=25 (Right click on links and open in new tab)
Partner(s): Cathriona Breannna McKinney (Pictured here)   Parents: Niamh McKinney (mom born Niamh, no surname) Conlaoch Belphegor Oisin McKinney (dad) Kids: Ronan McKinney, Eonan McKinney and Brandubh McKinney. Age: Ancient. Height: 195cm Body type: Big cuddly bear. Eye color: Gray/Auburn. Classification: (Immortal) Demon Known powers: Possession, Invisibility, Invisibility Awareness (The power to detect invisibility) Healing, Unhealing, Teleportation (The ability to move instantaneously from one location to another without physically occupying the space in between) Shapeshifting (The power to transform and reshape the form of one’s body.) Cloaking Shield Construction (The power to create shields and shield-like objects that hide targets.) Torment Inducement (the power to inflict torment and suffering upon others) Mental Manipulation (The power to manipulate thoughts, mindsets, and upper brain functions of others.) Pain Inducement (The ability to inflict agonizing pain by varying means.) Empathic Masochism (The ability to harm or inflict pain on others by inflicting damage upon one’s own body.) Psychic Navigation (The power to track people/objects with one’s mind and/or create mental maps of an area) Visual Linking (The power to link one’s vision to others.) Accelerated Perception (The power to perceive everything at accelerated rate.) Enhanced Senses (The power to possess extremely accurate senses.) Illusion Awareness (The power to be aware if one’s surroundings are false.) Telepathy (The power to mentally receive and/or transmit information.) Soul Removal (The power to remove souls from oneself and others) Necromancy (The power to utilize magic involving the dead, life-force and/or souls.)  Tracking Evasion (The power to hide from followers and pursuers and avoid total detection/discovery.) Will Breaking (The power to shatter the will of others.) Corruption Inducement (The power to erode a person’s morality to the point of being evil.)
About: Leader, Stubborn, Resourceful, Determined, Authoritarian, Strong, Serious, Alert, Old-Fashioned, Responsible, Organized, Decisive, Principled, Intuitive, Confident, Intelligent, Strong-willed, Stoic, Admirable, Family-Oriented, Calm, Proud, Loyal, Rustic, Stern, Courageous, Firm, Generous, Honest, Private, Logical, Observant, Perceptive, Rational, Protective and Respectful . ~ Sexuality Straight. But doesn’t completely deny anything gay. ~ Is a very high regarded form of demonic Knight. Or a Knight of hell, so to speak. ~ Always wears a special pointy ring on his finger to show he’s one of the first generations of McKinney males. Only he, his younger brother, and their father has one. ~ Irish ~ His name means ‘ Red haired’. ~ Talks with a thick accent. ~ Is the head of the McKinney clan, only outranked by his father. ~ Smells of Leather, Pine and Cedar wood. ~ Into Alchemy and very good at it. ~ Has a rocky relationship with Brandubh/Raven, cause he tends to bend rules of their clan. ~ Has a couple of huge scars from where a demonic creature once hit him, while trying to kill his wife. Roy killed the beast and saved the maiden. ~ Can play flute and harmonica very well. ~ Is very into blond virgins. Don’t care if they are male or female. ~ Hates honey. ~ Is very warm-hearted although mostly he comes of as stern authority. ~ Gets very irritated with people who doesn’t follow rules. ~ Is a bit of a loner. ~ Is a wonderful cook. ~ Is actually quite handy with a needle and threat. ~ Very skilled at sword fighting and swinging a battle ax or battle hammer. ~ Loves his huge family/clan deeply and would do anything for them, his wife, nature and spends as much time in it as possible, horses, deer, owls, falcons, food, honor, rules, integrity, traditions, when people obeys him or the McKinney clan rules, mead, sea, battles and duty. ~ Does not understand peanutbutter? Why is it so sticky???? ~ Style: Pirate King? *Snort*
One gif to describe him:
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Cathriona Breannna ‘Bree’ McKinney *Supporting character.
Voice Claim:(Bronagh Gallagher) https://youtu.be/R8k6siLmtA4?t=27s Singing voice: (Bronagh Gallagher) https://youtu.be/11FmCcUCS5A?t=47s (Right click on links and open in new tab)
Partner(s): Alroy ‘Roy’ McKinney (pictured here) Parents: Diseased. Kids: Ronan McKinney, Eonan McKinney and Brandubh McKinney. Age: At least 4000+ years. Height: 178cm Body type: Average, big boobs, juicy butt. Eye color: Light gray/green tones. Classification: (Immortal) Demon Known powers: Possession, Healing, Empathic Healing (The power to heal others’ emotional wounds and/or burdens.) Sleep Inducement (The power to make someone sleep by touch) Multipresence (The ability to be in more than one place at once.) Truth Inducement (The ability to force a person to tell the truth.) Astral Projection (The power to separate one’s spirit from one’s body.) Astral Trapping (The ability to restrain/trap astral beings.) Psychic Shield (The power to be highly resistant to psychic attacks.) Curse Inducement (The ability to place a curse on anyone or anything.) Telepathy (The power to mentally receive and/or transmit information.) Sensing (the ability to determine the location and status of other beings by concentrating on them)
About: Warm, Loving, Kind, Friendly, Caring, Sociable, Compassionate, Positive, Gentle, Honest, Sentimental, Helpful, Persuasive,  Cooperative, Romantic, Selfless, Patient, Respectful, Sensitive, Forgiving, Tolerant, Earthy, Contemplative, Appreciative, Understanding, Open-Minded, Family-Oriented, Considerate, Nurturing, Charismatic, High-Spirited, Maternal,  Adaptable, Balanced, Cheerful, Curious, Practical, Fair, Intelligent, Protective and Passionate. ~ Sexuality Straight. ~ Irish ~ Speaks with a sometimes thick accent, but for the most she tones it down. ~ Always wears a medallion her husband gave her as an engagement gift. ~ Always tried her best to help everyone around her. ~ Has a hard time accepting no for an answer when she wants to serve food. ~ Is very motherly towards everyone she meets. ~ Smells of warm Bergamot and whatever is cooking in the kitchen. ~ Is very into poetry. ~ Very skilled cook. ~ Even more skilled at baking. ~ Dislikes rudeness. ~ Talks a a lot. ~ Insists people call her Bree. ~ Is very close to her youngest son, Brandubh/Raven, whom she tends to pamper a lot, even if he kinda dislikes her being so sticky. He’s still very much her baby boy. ~ Enjoys walks in the rain. ~ Very skilled with a sword and bow/arrow. ~ Sometimes has a bit of a bar-maiden attitude. ~ Loves her kids, husband, her huge family/clan, animals. helping, supporting, dancing, nature, cooking/baking, Irish traditions, family gatherings, parties, protecting the ones she love, poetry, reading, picking flowers, making everyone feel welcome, cleaning, mead and slow roasted meat. ~ Can swear like a sailor. ~ Do not for one second think she wont kick your ass if you deserve it! ~ Style: Bar maiden?
One gif to describe her:
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Eònan (Pronounced Yoe-nan) McKinney. *Main character
Voice Claim: (Rhys Ifans) https://youtu.be/x1qEqwm3cQw?t=15s
Partner(s): Congo Shaw (Engaged) Parents: Cathriona Breannna ‘Bree’ McKinney and Alroy ‘Roy’ McKinney. Kids: None he knows of.  Siblings: Ronan & Raven Age: Not specified/Ancient/But translates into mid 40′s? Birthday: April 6th. Height: 198cm Body type: Pretty buff, but with a slim waist.     Eye color: Brown with Auburn and gray tones. Classification: (Immortal) Demon. Known powers: Possession, mind control, shape shifting, teleportation, telekinesis, electrokinesis, Mana manipulation, resurrection, healing, chaos manipulation (user can control all the chaotic forces in the universe, allowing them to manipulate probability or manipulate and even shatter reality. They are able to change, mutate, destroy or otherwise manipulate any matter, space/time, living beings, organizations or minds and spirits as well as containing it, so it doesn’t spread or spreads only on desired way.) Cloaking Shield Construction (The power to create shields and shield-like objects that hide targets.) Dark Arts (the power to utilize Dark Magic) Truth Inducement (The ability to force a person to tell the truth.) Necromancy (The power to utilize magic involving the dead, life-force and/or souls.) Telepathy (The power to mentally receive and/or transmit information.) Torment Inducement (the power to inflict torment and suffering upon others)
About: ~ Calm, fair, logical, objective, principled, respectful, considerate, stoic, tolerant, confidential, neutral, quiet, pensive, reserved, can be a bit stern, balanced, kind, practical, charismatic, intelligent, clear-headed, contemplative, loyal, honest, caring, flexible, modest, patient, romantic, selfless, tolerant, courageous, disciplined, protective, gentle, helpful, understanding, neat, independent and passionate. ~ Even if he’s a rather big guy, he isn’t intimidating at all.   ~ Sexuality Pansexual. ~ Has half long Auburn hair.   ~ Has tattoos on most parts of his body. ~ Irish, but respects the Scottish roots of his family. ~ Doesn’t talk much, but when he does, it’s with a thick Irish accent. ~ Always wear a medallion around his neck, which looks like something from times long forgotten. ~ Is very skilled at sword fighting/fencing. ~ Used to be a rider (knight) of hell. ~ His name is Gaelic and means ‘fear’. ~ Tend to disappear for years with his brothers. ~ Has a pretty shady past, but here we talk way in the past. ~ Was a world renowned surgeon. ~ Kinda sometimes smells like burning coals? Guess that’s a hell thing? Else he smells like Patchouli or Sandalwood. ~ Loves kids, and would like to have a little girl of his own one day. ~ Used to play the sax. ~ Heavily into Alchemy. ~ Very good cook. ~ Brews his own red and white wine. ~ Spends a lot of time in nature. ~ Loves to use old Irish words, as he feels they sometimes describe things better, but as a result, he can be a bit hard to understand, although he’s always ready with a translation, if needed.   ~ Dislikes stepping in sticky bubblegum on a sunny day! ~ Loves old dusty books, his brothers,Congo, solitude, homemade food, sunset, nature, hiking, wine, grilled meat, fireflies, sailing, chess, Ireland, Scotland, Irish/Scottish nature, drinking mead. horseback riding, cooking, baking, cleaning, long bubble baths, an evening by the fireplace, romance, spoiling his partner, reading, helping, baby animals and kids. ~ Dislikes Gossip. ~ Dresses casually, mostly with a half open see-through shirt and dark jeans. ~ Is rarely seen around, but he’s one of those people that will always be there, if/when you need him. Eonan’s tag Eonan’s house/home Eonan’s moodboard Handwriting/ask answer pic:
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One song to describe him: Lord Huron - Meet Me in the Woods Personal play list: 1. The Heavy Horses - Hell Awaits 2. Melanie - Brand New Key 3. Lars H.U.G. & Lisa Ekdahl - Backwards 4. The Dead South - Honey You 5. Nahko And Medicine For The People - Budding Trees 6. The Lennon Sisters - Que Sera Sera 7. Tom Waits - God's Away On Business 8. The Devil Makes Three - Old Number 7 9. The Chordettes - Mr. Sandman 10. Fleet Foxes - White Winter Hymnal 11. Sammy Davis Jr - I Gotta Be Me 12. The Heavy Horses - Anyone Can Tell 13. Betty Everett - The Shoop Shoop Song 14. Patsy Cline - Crazy 15. The Platters - Only You
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‘The elders’
Conlaoch Belphegor Oisin McKinney *Minor character.
Voice Claim:(Cillian Murphy) https://youtu.be/ykJJ2nHIX4A?t=4 (Right click on links and open in new tab)
Partner(s): Niamh McKinney (Pictured here)   Parents: None. Kids: Alroy McKinney and Dubhlainn McKinney. And technically hundreds more, there’s just too many to mention or keep track of. Age: Ancient. Has literally existed since the dawn of time.   Height: 198cm Body type: Slim but with muscle tone. Eye color: Gray/Auburn. Classification: (Immortal) Demon Known powers: Possession, Invisibility, Invisibility Awareness (The power to detect invisibility) Healing, Unhealing, Teleportation (The ability to move instantaneously from one location to another without physically occupying the space in between) Omnifarious (The power to shapeshift without limit) Singularity (The ability to resist being mimicked, copied or replicated.) Golden Rule (The ability to be fated to a life filled with riches.) Epiphany Inducement (The power to induce epiphanies) Cloaking Shield Construction (The power to create shields and shield-like objects that hide targets.) Telekinesis ( The power to manipulate objects/matter with their mind.) Hell-Fire Manipulation ( The power to manipulate the demonic flames of Hell) Torment Inducement (the power to inflict torment and suffering upon others) Inspiration Manipulation (The power to manipulate the inspiration) Knowledge Projection (The ability to project knowledge onto another.) Mental Manipulation (The power to manipulate thoughts, mindsets, and upper brain functions of others.) Pain Inducement (The ability to inflict agonizing pain by varying means.) Empathic Masochism (The ability to harm or inflict pain on others by inflicting damage upon one’s own body.)  Reanimation (The ability to reanimate dead beings, possibly restoring their consciousness.) Intangibility (The ability to pass through physical matter.) Mysticism (Power to use Mysticism, a pure form of magic. ) Negative Energy Manifestation (The power to create living manifestations of negative forces.) Paralysis Inducement (The power to render organisms immobile.) Psychic Navigation (The power to track people/objects with one’s mind and/or create mental maps of an area) Visual Linking (The power to link one’s vision to others.) Accelerated Perception (The power to perceive everything at accelerated rate.) Enhanced Senses (The power to possess extremely accurate senses.) Illusion Awareness (The power to be aware if one’s surroundings are false.) Telepathy (The power to mentally receive and/or transmit information.) Soul Removal (The power to remove souls from oneself and others) Necromancy (The power to utilize magic involving the dead, life-force and/or souls.) Tracking Evasion (The power to hide from followers and pursuers and avoid total detection/discovery.) Will Breaking (The power to shatter the will of others.) Apathy (The power to suppress/negate emotions in oneself or possess none at all.) Enhanced Crafting (The ability to craft weapons, armor, items, artifacts, statues, etc. flawlessly.) Resurrection (The power to bring the deceased back to life.) Omni Corruption Inducement ( The power to induce corruption in anything/everything.) Meta Fear Inducement (The power to induce absolute horror in absolutely anyone.)
About: Leader, Resourceful, Determined, Authoritarian, Organized, Strong, Serious, Alert, Old-Fashioned, Responsible, Decisive, Principled, Intuitive, Confident, Intelligent, Strong-willed, Stoic, Admirable, Family-Oriented, Calm, Proud, Loyal, Stern, Disciplined, Courageous, Firm, Honest, Private, Logical, Observant, Perceptive, Rational, Protective and Respectful . ~ Sexuality He doesn’t see himself as someone having a specific sexuality. ~ Irish ~ His name means ‘highest chief’. ~ Talks with a medium accent when he speaks to people outside his family/clan. Else he speaks mainly just Irish. ~ Is the leader of the McKinney clan, and essentially the one all the pure Irish McKinney’s hail from. ~ Was a Prince of hell before he walked the earth. ~ Always wears a special pointy ring on his finger to show he’s one of the first generations of McKinney males. THE FIRST, in his case. Only he, and his two first born sons have one. ~ Smells of old leather bound books. ~ Master in Alchemy. ~ ~ Has a couple of huge scars from his past in hell. ~ Can play piano, harp, violin, cello, clarinet, oboe, and pipe organ. All at high level. ~ Puts his clan/family above all. Especially his sons and his grand kids Ronan, Eonan, Raven and Cathal. ~ Strongly dislikes anyone interrupting him when he’s in his study room. ~ Is very warm-hearted although mostly he comes of as stern authority. ~ Prefers solitude. ~ But loves hanging out with his family at family gatherings. ~ Is a flawless cook. ~ An expert with a swords. ~ Doesn’t talk much, unless he has to. ~ Loves his wife, his kids, grand kids, horses, dogs. nature and spends as much time in it as possible. Wine, Mead, his wife’s cooking, sundown/sunrise, Ireland, reading, anything minty - the stronger the better, the smell of freshly washed sheets and towels, nature, thunder, quiet time, tea, chocolate/chili cake, moss, swamps, swimming. Loganberries, blackberries, soft wool, the smell of wet sheep, carrots and pineapple. ~ Has long silky hair. Do NOT touch it. I know it’s tempting, but didn’t you read he’s a Prince of hell? And how about all of those powers he has? Yeah,  just don’t. ~ Style: Medieval. ~ Dislikes gossip. ~ Always has his head stuck in ancient books.
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Niamh McKinney *Minor Character
Voice Claim:(Maria Doyle Kennedy) https://youtu.be/XmBNDr_TSIA?t=14s Singing voice: (Maria Doyle Kennedy) https://youtu.be/NOev8c2eCi0?t=38s (Right click on links and open in new tab)
Partner(s): Conlaoch Belphegor Oisin McKinney (pictured here) Parents: Diseased. Kids: Alroy McKinney and Dubhlainn McKinney. Age: Ancient. Height: 176cm Body type: Slim, big boobs. Eye color: Light gray/blue Classification: (Immortal) Demon Known powers: Possession, Sleep Inducement (The power to make someone sleep by touch) Illusion Manipulation (The power to manipulate illusions) Telepathy (The power to mentally receive and/or transmit information.) Sensing (the ability to determine the location and status of other beings by concentrating on them) Empathy (The power to fully interpret and replicate the emotions, moods, and temperaments of others.) Healing, Empathic Healing (The power to heal others’ emotional wounds and/or burdens.) Energy Absorption (The power to absorb various forms of energy and utilize it in some way.) Intangibility (The ability to pass through physical matter.) Intangibility Extension (The power to extend one’s intangibility with others.) Mental Inducement (The ability to temporarily push the target’s mind/brain into a desired state) Weakness Inducement (the ability to create weak points in one’s target.) Wound Inducement (The power to inflict both physical and mental wounds.) Structure Weakening (The power to weaken the structures of different objects.) Dream Manipulation (The power to manipulate dreams and shape a victims dreams. Also daydreams.)
About: Warm, Kind, Friendly, Caring, Compassionate, Reliable, Gentle, Honest, Disciplined, Elegant, Sentimental, Helpful, Patient, Respectful, Tolerant, Contemplative, Appreciative, Punctual, Family-Oriented, Considerate, Adaptable, Balanced, Fair, Intelligent, Protective, Intuitive, Charming, Courageous, Decisive, Idealistic, Loyal, Creative, Selfless, Neat, Organized and Confidential. ~ Sexuality Straight. ~ Irish ~ Speaks with a sometimes thick accent, but for the most she tones it down. ~ Always wears a medallion her husband gave her as an engagement gift. ~ Does her very best to be there for any family member who may need her. ~ Is a very good listener. ~ Is just as sweet as she looks. But don’t cross her. ~ Smells of soothing Chamomile and Rosehip. ~ Is very skilled at fencing. ~ Is very into poetry. ~ Gives great massages. ~ Is very into herb-ology. ~ Her warm voice is the only thing that can soothe her husband if he’s angry. ~ Makes delicious bubble baths for people when they need to unwind. ~ Drinks a lot of red wine but loves a good beer. ~ Is very good at comforting people when they are sad. ~ Loves her husband, kids, grand kids, clan, huge family gatherings, kids, gardening and can make anything grow. She loves nature and spends most of her time outdoors. All animals, wine, beer, cooking, knitting, sewing, tea, romantic moments with her husband, flowers, candle light, reading, fresh water, lemon pie, the smell of leather, holding hands, warm socks, collecting seashells, the smell of pine cones, dusk, home grown veggies and herbs. ~ Her favorite grandchild is Raven. Although she always says she does not favor anyone above another. ~ Style: Medieval. ~ Dislikes over boiled potatoes. ~ Is he best cook in the clan.
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